HiHM! HER FAIR! CASTORIAI · 8 THE FARMERS—STATE FAIR! Advertisers who expect to do the best...

8 THE FARMERS—STATE FAIR! Advertisers who expect to do the best business during Fair Week with the people from out of the city should make it known through THE ST. PAUL GLOBE. It goes out to the suburban towns; it goes all through Minnesota and the Dakotas. It's the big Democratic Family Journal of the Northwest. You cannot reach its subscrib- ers through any other paper. Advertise this week if you expect a big business Fair Week. And YOIfTL HAVE TO HUBBY I A big crowd is coming. In Labor's I Field. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Uni- versalist Church met yesterday after- noon with Mrs. Willis, of Laurel avenu-?. Arrangements were made by the mem- bers to serve meals next week on the state fair grounds. Dinner and supper will be served every day in a large tent. On the committee are Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Van Home, Mrs. Upham, Mrs. Wil- lis and Miss Schimmel. * * The Woman's Home Missionary So- ciety of the First M. E. Church belt! a business meeting yesterday at the j home of Mrs. Hawthorne on Iglehart I street. The programme for the coming I year's work was mapped out. Mrs. C. D. Hayes is chairman of the programme committee. ** The engagement is announced of Miss Ida M. Herzog, formerly of Minneapolis, and Frank C. Rogers, of this city. The wedding will take place in October. » ** Emile Onet will give a musicale the lat- : ter part of September, at which Miss ; Millie Pottgeiser will sing. This will be j Miss Pottgeisers last appearance in con- cert in this city before her departure I for Europe. She will sail late in the j fall. *** Miss Florence Holbert, of Summit aye- nue, will entertain a number of St. Paul j young people next week at hei summer j home at Osceola. » ** Miss Berta Nabersberg entertained In- ! formally yesterday afternoon at her hume on the Dodd road in honor of Miss Shirley Morgan, who leaves Sunday : night for Cincinnati, where she will | spend the winter studying music. Miss , Nabersberg was assisted by Miss EUza- beth Robinson, Miss Rose Nabesberg c.mi Miss Ella Nabersberg. A party of fif- teen was entertained. * * Miss Rich, of Hastings, is the guest of Miss May Clark, of the Clarendon. * •• Mrs. G. W. Burk entertained informally yesterday afternoon from 3 to 5 at h-sr , home on West Minnehaha street in hon- |or of Miss Elizabeth Doran, of Red- lands, Cal. There were nearly two hundred in at- tendance at the meating of the Carpen- ters' union last niKht, when G. Cunning- ham, N. Cledberg, Jacob Peters, J. L. Gordon and T. O. Dnwnoe wore initiated, and ten applications for membership were received. The report of Business Agent J. B. Morrison was received and ap- proved. The proposed amendemont to the by-laws granting the recording secre- tary one dollar for each meeting, v/aa iaid ! over until next meeting. Tho usual al- lowance was granted fourteen men called off the Orphan asylum. The following were appointed marshals for the Labor day parade: Andrew Llnstrom, chief marshal; assistant marshals, C. McCor- mick, J. Hartman, Fian:: I'vborg, X A. Coleman, James McCovany. J. L. Hushes, John Kempel, Andrew W. H<-ni'< r. L. Novingrton, Gu? Carlson, and \V. Bald- win. Tho marshals were instructed to call for working cards from every r>ne taking- part in the parade. The following wore appointed banner carriers for Labor day: B. Sturm, T. J. Cavenagh and Nels Johnson. A communication from the Building Trades cou:; !1 was placed on fiie. Gus Elmijuist was appointed dele- j o the Buiiding Trades council in i place of D. O'ConnelL Frank O. Pe!en- I pon, 10(M S lby avenue, was reported j.iok | and received tho usual sick benefit. Busi- ; r.ess Agent J. B. Morrison was instructed to enforce tho workintr card on all wood- ' workers on jobs at which members of the ' Carpenters' union arc employed. A depu- I t;. ti'in from the Grocery Clerks' was in I attendance, and asked the members to \ call for the working card when making . purchases, which was approved by the members present. The delegates to the ! Trades and Labor assembly asked mem- '' bors of the Carpenters' union to attend ' services at the opera linu^e in a body | Monday, Sept. 2. to which the members | agreed. The names of fourteen members of the union called off St. Thomas' sem- inary on account of a scab plumber be- ing employed, was accepted and referred to the executive board. A copy of Gov. Lind's Labor day proclamation was re- ceived and filed. A letter was received from the Brotherhood of Carpenters' snd Joiners' regretting that they had to dis- approve of the. death claim on the death I of Mrs. Emma Anderson. Receipts $170.90; I disbursements $31.65. Retail Salesmen"* Association. There was a well attended meeting of the above union last night, when there were nineteen new members initiated and nine applications for membership were received. The association decided to turn out in full force on Labor day and se- ; lected the uniform they would wear. They appointed A. F. Develor marshal for the parade. Receipts $37.00; disburse- ments $3.00. Plumbers. The Plumbers' union held a meeting last niKht devoted tu_junion business. Th* uion will turn out in a body in uniform at the parade on Labor day, and have ap- pointed Henry Stlmer marshal. Receipts J53.00; disbursements $45. Main 5t0re.............7t1i and Broadway Uptown Store Library Bnlldini; 34T% Lbs Best $gfl ,0© H Granulatad Sugar •••*•• \u25a0 With purchases of other goods amounting to $10.00 or over. 13 lUb LATED SUGAR dIiUU With purchases of other goods amounting to $2 or over. Fresh car Michigan Crawford Free- stone Peaches for preserving, in bushel baskets i1.50 to |1 75 %-bushel baskets jl GO Freestone reaches, K?.^!... 90c Cling Peaches, &! fbu? hol 85c Preserving Pears, £* lfbushel 80c California Pea.s, gf? $|,50 Pf eservi n PI urns 25 bush°is fancy Minne- I IBJGI 111 lI lUIIIO, sola. at Cl Oh \u25a0\u25a0» per bushel, from $liUU Up Erg Plums, Sf^ 1 90c German Prams, StSJat 1 90c Feich Plums, ££?*? 90c Crawford Peachy cry fancy Michigan UluniUlU I CaUIIjO, Freestone, per OG«i basket, 250 and JOG Tokay Grapes, &* sflc Bib. baskets Delaware Minnetonka Grapes 35c Crabapples, Sr^r.: . 60c Cooking Apples, & 25c Butter, day undia. r 90c l;Va\ rd^t^^^^ vtfed.-. sl-10 Creamery Butter,- the best butter made, per lb ....25c pcr C[b am strone New York Cheese. per in •••• 12XCn S.^ar-cured' Bacon by ' the" "strip! "per 2*° Salt "Eels,' per "li." \u25a0.".;".\u25a0.,;:::;: - ™£ New fat Mackerel, each \u25a0*"-\u25a0 *?- New fat Mackerel, per kit Jl 15 flip BliflfPltf Prnparu Pc\ I lib fillLJl Uff ObllUul! iliUbui J lit). The Northwest's Greatest Grocery Stores TtU & Broadway. 7tl» & at. Peter SOCIAL LIFE IN ST. PAUL The women of the Ninth Presbyterian church gave a lawn social last evening on tl-e church grounds. * ** Mrs. C. F. Lovering, of Holly avenue, gave a picnic luncheon yesterday at White Bear in honor of Mrs. Harry Wil- son and Miss Hayden, of Chicago. -* * The marriage of Miss Celestine Raver- ty, and Peter Mc-.Arthur took place yes- terday morning at St. Mary's rectory Rev. Father Gibbons read the service. Miss Cigrie Roskand and J. Neff were the attendants. Mr. and Mrs. McArihur have gone East on a wedding trip * * Columbia lodge, Degree of Honor, will give a reception next Tuesday evening at Central ball in honor of Miss Jess'e Shuman, chief of honor, who will leave soon for New York. The executive committee of the St Paul and Minneapolis Primary unions met yesterday at the home of Mrs J. H. Randall, on Summit avenue to wa? Sf r f e t> pro?ramme for the. annual ties Ramsey and Hennepih coun- a .Tp l? BtX tut * WIH be held Oct- 6 and 6 at Park Congregational church, Macku- bin street and Laurel avenue. The Dro- gramme committee is" GMA.- Hunt. I"*'1"*' MrS- C" HOyt ' MrS- M~te^ ato r% and a PPliai*ces' committee: Mrs T. S. Tompkins, chairman; Mrs C J. Hunt, Miss L. Quimby, Miss Al E Rogers, Mrs. Northrup, Mrs. A. J. Elkins Press-Mrs. J. E. Hobart, chairman! Mrs. G. W. Purple, M-s. S. M. Houser. Mrs H. C. Drake, Mrs. F. Moore, Mrs. •r. C. Allison. Music Committee—Miss Grace Longfel- low, chairman; Mrs. S. P. Hough, Mrs. c. A. .. ingrate, Mrs. Graves, Miss Waufle. Mrs. H. C. Morse Ivanhoe chapter, O. E. S.. will give a card party tomorrow evening at their hall, Laurel avenue and Mackubin street. , Rev. C. D. Andrews and family, of West Fourth street, will return today from Wisconsin, where they have spent the past three wjeks. Mrs. Emile On*-t, of Summit avenue will return today from Toronto. iurs. George Shieie, of Fisher, Minn is the guost of Mrs. A. L. Bolton, of Grand avenue. Rev. John Sinclair, Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Culloch and Miss Flora McCulloch, who have been touring Scotland, are expected home from Europe the. middle of Septem- ber. Mrs. J. Q. Hall, who has been the guest of itfrs. Horace E. Lamb, of Laurel avenue, will return today to Los Cal. Miss Josie Lamb and Miss May White, of Laurel avenue, have gone to Litchfield, where they will be the guests of Miss Grace Proctor for a few days. Miss Kingsbury, who has been the guest of Mrs. C. A. Linsley, of th Aber- deen for the past month, has returned to Hartford, Conn. Miss Cecil White, of the Aberdeen, left last evening for Chariton. Miss Proctor will return from New York this week. Mrs. Granville Worrell, of Ashland ave- and Mrs. Sellers, of Philadelphia. The Misses Bjgelow, of College avenue are in the East. Mrs. 1. B. Lynch, of Ashland avenue, is entertaining Mrs. Kennedy and Miss Gantz, of St. Louis. Mr. and Mrs. J. Rothschild, of Summit avenue, are entertaining Miss Mac Delle- field, of Chicago. Mrs. Fred C. Chase, of the Bucking- ham, has returned from Princeton. Darwin Clark, of Iglehart street, will leave this week for California. \u0084 Miss Annie Ceska, of Virginia avenue, is in Chicago. \rV . " President James J. Hill and family and party, in which were President H. P. Upham, of the First National bank, and family, returned from a yachting trip on the lakes in Mr. Hill's private yacht The party had been gone about ten days and enjoyed a;; very delightful 1 outing. Miss Helen M. Eustace,.clerk in the of- fice of the v board of education, has re- turned to work after a vacation of three -'eeks •' ~-- " ' \u25a0\u25a0 Formally Yesterday. h Trip to the Fields. ii Hi HM! AUGUST H. KITTMAX'S BODY WAS DIRKED BY THAT OR SOME- I THING ELSE \u25a0 / :. ;-— . : W: HE HAD BEEN RADIOGRAPHED Bat the Physic-Inn* Who Did It Say Death Could Not Have Re- sulted From That - Operation. Was August H. Kitman burned to death by the use of the X-rays That is a question that certain physicians in this city are asked to answer. It seems that Kittman, whose home was at 827 Van Buren street, and who died yesterday at the city hospital, was In- jured last December in a street car acci- dent and a mustard plaster was used on his chest. This did not seem to relieve his suffering and it was decided that Kittman be Pont to the city hospital. It was early in May when he first entered the hospital and he was discharged as cured July IJ, but was returned July 17. He was discharged again a month later, since it could not be seen that he v/as suffering from anything serious. Yesterday Dr. Cannon issued a leath certificate ar.d set forth the cause of death to be due from "exhaustion due to a burn." This naturally ltd to the in- quiry as to how he was burred. His wite and daug-hter state.l that last April Kitt- m?.n was examined by Drs. Paxton and Odendahl with an X-ray machine and that he received a burn from the appli- cation of the machine. This Dr. Paxton does not deny, but he qualifies the state- ment by saying thit the bum couid not possibly have resulted seriously. Kittman ir.tended to sue the street railway company for damages and it is claimed by Dr. Odendahl that he request- ed an examination to be made witn the X-ray machine. Kittman was about sixty years of age. He leaves a wife a.id several children. LATEST THINGS BY PAOTN. The Globe's Paris fashion letter next Sunday will contain the latest things by Paquin, the famous Parisian designer. It will be illustrated by Felix Tourney. If you are interested in the smartest ideas in dress do not miss next Sunday's Globe. WOMEN'S CLUBS' PROGRAMMES. They Will Be Made a Feature of the State Fair. The following programme has been pre- pared by the Federation of Womon'3 Ciufcs to be given next week at the fed- eration's headquarters on the state fair grounds: Monday—Labor day. The literary pro- gramme of the morning will consider the work of Mothers' clubs, and will also consider "Delinquent Fathers," and their relation to the family. Tuesday—Art in its varied applications to home and schaol. Wednesday—Patriotic day. Features; Instilling patriotism into the youthful mind; to make bettor citizens, etc. Thursday—Education, as applied to child life between the agea of five and seven; in charge of one of the best teach- ers m the state. Friday—Town, village and country im- provement work. Saturday—On this day will be considered the interests of the public libraries, trav- eling libraries, books, etc. The best meth- ods for starting libraries will be shown, and valuable information disseminated. In adition to the above general pro- grammes, the headquarters committee proposes setting aside one hour each ait- ernoon, during which the clubs will be given five to ten minutes each to air their "fad." FIRE BOARD CONTRACTS. Forage for the Horses Was Ordered The board of fire Commissioners met late yesterday a'ternoon and awarded contracts for hay and oats for the en- suing year. Jamescn & Hevener were awarded the contract for 4,000 bushels of oats at 25/4 cents per bushel, and Tier- ney & Sheffer were" awarded the contract for 100 tons of hay at $830 per ten. Chief Cook mane his semi-monthly rts- port, wh::h was accepted. The report of the secretary showed a balance on. hand last month of $83,326.66. Bills al- lowed during month, $920.40; pay roll, $14,- - on hand, $63,356.54. TO PROTECT THE CHICKENS. Executive Agent Buetner Will Take Executive Agent Eeutner, of the state game and fish commission, will take a .trip Thursday or Friday to the south- western part of th,? state. Thftie is good hunting in that portion of the state, and as the earns wardens have a great deal of territory to cover, Mr. Beutner fears that there will be many attt-mpts made to evade the law which requires non- resident hunttrs to pay a license. He will assist the wardens in their work. STATE FAIR NOTES. There are already fifteen counties en- tered in the county exhibit competition. The first consignment of live stock to arrive, a car of Herefords from Indiana reached the grounds yesterday morning' and the show of this particular breed' and of Galloways, promises to be particu- larly fine. * Heretofore it has been the custom of the state fair management to offer har- ness racing on but four days of the six Monday and Saturday have had no place on the race track programme. This year the management have decided to offer a track programme for every day of the week. Supt. White, of the dairy exhibit at the state fair, is preparing for the largest showing the state has ever had. There will be more exhibits from Minnesota than ever before, and Wisconsin and the two Dakotas are preparing for special exhibits in all dairy products •• Farmers - throughout the state are manifesting much interest in the sale of registered Hereford stock to .be . held under the auspices of the American Hereford Breeder's association, at the state fair. In addition to the - exhibit that will be made by the members of this association twelve head of registered stock is offered for sale. These animals will be sold at auction without reserve to the highest bidder. -':-: :• -•:•\u25a0- \u25a0 - Last year at Kansas City the stock of- fered at a corresponding sale in connec- tion with the National Hereford show, brought an average. of $31? per head. \u25a0"/.' ' ''." " ' m '\u25a0 '; \u25a0 "..: ".I LABOR NOTES. _ The only regular meeting to be held to- night is the Lathers' union. \u25a0••-\u25a0\u25a0•-r.. \u25a0• Letter carriers may affiliate - with the American Federation of Labor. - -• The street car employes of Washington, D. C, ; have organized, 'and have - secured the recognition of thoir employers, -r-d.- Five : new " unions, with a membership of 359, were added to the International Brotherhood of Stationary Firemen last month. . -• —»-" -\u0084„-..- , "The Grocery Clerks' by-law committee met last night and finished their labors, so that they will be able. to report at the next regular meeting of the union. _^. ...,"'" ~—"':''"' : For Baby's Sake, as well ;as her own, the mother should use MALT-NUTRINE. ; the helpful' food drink, to promote appetite, restore health, build body and brain. Made by Anheuser- !Busch Brewing: Ass'n, St. Louis, U. S. A. For sale •by all druggists. \u25a0 . rv n »- oi OOP 4 ;B b Eg*. S3.SO •hoe» com- ; M £ fggaL pared with other* fi 1 B&\mukcf is 85.00.< i - §\u25a0 BK> We are the-largest < BjvC WBk\ makers and retailors ; ;\u25a0" ' 2 \u25a0fS£o; men's $3.60 shoes < \u25a0 « »_ B2(«j*in the world. - WeJßa r E m- mate and sell more ¥9 _ ffi 9 $S.»O shoes than any M a \u25a0\u25a0" }• B \u25a0 other two manufac- °V \u25a0 I turer' the V. S. Ho P> sSigSIZ The maenitnde^i i BgSgS* of our business, a per-%K % M m ' feot system of nmnufac-^^ m ft E Wffj > turir.g, and our method of^ >s ft R^T^e'line nlr«ct to the wearer *3k •. £ jßß^fat one profit through our 61 *\ % 3S •\u25a0rjPrrtall stores Inthe large cities, \\ » « mßsc enables us to produce a higher «\ " V i^^Jßrade shoo for $3.00 than can be had lA i* MKf The Reason more W. L. Donglaa \\ JKAJS3.6O shoes are sold than any other- _^T| \u25a0 ETJ* inx\Q-is .. becanso., n?hcy .r-: i^^gS^ x& i ftiit. 1* 1 "Why do yon pay $6.00 forJ» i TR*Ai.\^k sboeß when you can^ 1 t'Ctt 'llJ^^'^wllicll are U^M Ia $5 SHOE M \ FOR $3.50. ; 'k St. Paul Store \ff \428 Wabasha St.^ "*. - corner ,^^ . Strech_^^ lira win JULIA ST. PETER DIES FROM BURNS CAUSED BY A GASO- LINE EXPLOSION FILLED TANK CARELESSLY Left the Flame Burning and the Oil Was Ignited With Results in .' Effect Sui- cidal. Julia St. Peter died at the city hos- pital at 3:20 yesterday afternoon from burns received while filling a gasoline stove with oil in the forenoon. Miss St. Peter was employed as a do- mestic by Mrs. Agnes Stockman, who operates a conrectionery and news store at Third street and Smith avenue. WJwn filling the stove tank with oil the oil was ignited from the stove, which was lighted. 'jLne can from which she was pouring the oil exploded and In an In- stant she was enveloped in flames. .She immediately ;:dashed through'- the. front door to the street and ran up the street, the wind serving to increase I the |- fury -of the flames. \u25a0. After running near- I ly a block she was noticed by P. J. Loef- felholz-- v a harness maker, : who ran out' \u25a0with blankets and threw them about b«r. extinguishing^ the flames. - •-.=;.- .'. ;'., The \patrol ; wagon , was called, 5 and;. she' was removed to the city, hospital, where it .w.-s found that her clothes'\u25a0\u25a0;.'*,£•* ai- most completely ']. burned from her body and that?'-the. upper extremities were so badly rned that but a:; r few small patches of skin remained. Dr. Chris-.. tenaon,:, who attended her, held out :no hope of her recovery, and "informed her relatives that she could not live through the day. ' v;( - :'- . Her aunt, who lives at Tenth and Wa- couta streets, telegraphed her parents, who live at Somerset, Wis., telling the.n of the accident, and her "mother arrived ! just a few minutes before the girl died. The body was taken to Schroedc-r's un- dertaking rooms. . Coroner : Nelson de- cided that an inquest was unnecessary. FUSS .OVER A* PAY CHECK. | Edward Page Gets a Ninety-Day Sentence at Co mo. ". ;:. Edward Page, a substitute fireman at engine house No. 12, who quit work sev- eral days ago, and who did not want to wait until the end of the month for his pay, went to the drug store of H. J. Mc- Call, at Ninth and Broadway, and secur- ed his money, which amounted to $23.40 He then waited until pay day, and on the morning ofv that day went to the pay- master and called for his check, which he previously assigned to McCall. \u25a0.-. Page appeared in police court yester- day, and was given the option of paying a fine of $100 or serving a ninety-day sen- tence at the workhouse. , He accepted the latter. " ,_, \u25a0\u25a0 Yesterday afternoon at the meeting of the fire board McCall appeared and ask- ed the department to reimburse him for the amount paid. He claims that Secre- tary Owens, of the flre board, gave Page an order stating that the money would be paid to him when due. This Mr. Owens acknowledged, but the board de- cided not to have anything to do with the matter, saying that it was between Mr. Owens and the secretary. McCall is determined on requiring the board to pay him the amount. Patrick Ilealey, a man of sixty years, •who lives at 635 Linden street, was pain- fully injured yesterday by falling down the stairway to the bath rooms in the German American Bank builwg. Dr Richardson was called to attenu him and had him removed to the city hospital, where he is resting easily. Fell Down the Stairs. Have you seen the fall Gordon Hat for women? Epl^BW^ B%iPfoj'*B From the Icemnn. Makes Kings ii Party. THE ST. PAUL GLOBE, WEDNESDAY AUGUST 29, 1900. CLAPP AND MACARTNEY SLED. WAS JACOBSON A SUICIDE? COW FELL IN THE LAKE. Snys She Deserted Him. Old Man's Reason Gone. CnrtonnlHt Suck for Pay. .Indse I-'laml ran Recover*). HER 15 \u25a0 1 CAPITAL CITY WIRE AND BRASS WORKS TAKEN INTO COURT SUE CLAPP AND MACARTNEY Washington County Commissioners Bring Action to Recover the Bristol Moneys, Long In Dispute. Samuel Sewall has filed an application before Judge Otis asking why the books and accounts of the Capital City Orna- mental Iron, Wire and Brass works should not be placed In the hands of a receiver. It is alleged that Attorney W. H. Gard- ner, of the company, at one time prom- ised to turn over the books and accounts and later refused. tion for 911.750. Complaint and summons were served by the sheriff yesterday afternoon on Moses E. Clapp, Newel H. Clapp and A. E. Macartney, comprising the legal firm of Clapp & Macartney, in an action com- menced by the Washington ccunty com- missioners in the district court at Still- water, to recover $11,750. As will be remembered, an action was brought some time ago to recover back taxes from the estate of Sophia M. Bris. tol. Clapp & Macartney acted as attor- neys. A judgment was awarded for $41,- --635. The lawyers collected this, bat In turning over the money kept $18,000. The county commissioners are of the opinion that this is too much for the services rendered, and hence they seek to recover. Washing-ton County Brings an Ac- 'Modern Woodmen Dispute a Policy of Insurance. Testimony for the defense was taken yesterday in tho rait of Anne Jacobsop against the Modern "Woodmen of America. The suit is pending in Dunn county, WU Ivor Jacobson, plaintiff's husband, died In St. Paul two years ago. Mrs. Jacob- son brought tho suit as benefclary, elair?.- ing right and title to thu insurance cer. tiHcate of $.5,00 C. At the time of Mr. Jacobson's death a sir.nll bottle of poif-on was found in his room at the hotel where he was stopping. Coroner Nelson, however, at the tinra made a post mortem examination £iid his affidavit now Is to the effect that he dis- covered no poison. But Her Owner Could Not Collect Justice of ihe Feace Heft* h.a3 just passed upon a peculiar case in which, action was brought to recover from the Crystal Lake and other ice companies for the loss of a cow. Isaac Mintz, the plaintiff, Is the owner of n dairy farm near L.ake Phnlen. Last winter one of his cows disappeared and ho subsequently di=covere<l the cjiimal in the lake, it hav- ing fallen through a hole in the lake, pre- sumably made by one of the ice com- panies. Judgment was for the defendants fce- cause it could not be determined which hole the cow fell In. Sues to Get Title. In the case of Frederick N. Dickinson vs. John Burton Ashton, Edward P. San- born and Susie D. Sanborn, his wife, and all others claiming the right to the prop- erty of which he claims he is the owner in fee simple, the plaintiff asks that the defendants set up their claims and that they be adjudged without foundation. The property in question Includes lets three and four in block fourteen, of Ash- ton & Sherburne's addition to St. Paul. Judge Otis issued an order yesterday in which he made Supt. Joseph King of the police alarm system a party to mandamus proceedings instituted by Supt. Joseph McAuley. Comptroller McCardy has held up Mc- Auley's check for June because Supt. King is suing for salary since his removal by the police commission. McAuley be- gan mandamus proceedings and the bur- den of proof now devolves upon King, who will be expected to show cause why he should be entitled to the salary. The case will be heard Saturday. A suit for divorce hag been begun by James Craig, of Merriam Park, against Mary Elizabeth Craig on the grounds of desertion without cause on March 23, 18.9 The age of Mr. Craig Is forty-six and that of his wife forty-seven. They lived together for about eleven years and up to the time of desertion there was no trouble between them, according to the plaintiff. The summons has lnwn served on Mrs. Craig at Fon dv Lac, Wis. Even Nelssen, a man seventy-eight years old, was examined yesterday in the probate court and committed to the in- sane asylum at Rochester. The man is an old time resident of St. Paul, residing at 120 Case street. He is afflicted with senile dementia, caused by age. . George W. Rehse, artist, has begun suit in Justice Baker's court against Osman Temple. Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, for $50. which he alleges is the value of a cartocn he drew by the order of the chief potentate. The cartoon meant fourteen hours .straight work. It included ab^ut fifty figures and a number of goats and foxes. Judge Charles E. Flandrau, while sit- ting on his porch reading, fell into a doze and fell from his chair to the porch. It was thought that he had been seized with a stroke of apoplexy. Dr. Burnside Foster was summoned, and found that he was suffering slightly AMUSEMENTS. METRSP ITJIB I L.S.SZiTt. .-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.. - .. SEATS NOW ON SALE FOR QUO VADIS ALL FAIR WEEK. 2ffi LABOR DAY Bft Prices— 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.00. nanr l ' JACOB LITTS T 8 ang IN OLD KENTUCKY The Little Matinee Today at 2:30. Folks Go Thursday Night, reading of \u25a0.1, , , reports from Corbett-Mc- V Wild Over Coy contest. This Show Friday Evening, dancing \u25a0/\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0"* onowvi contest, open to all comers. Next ruthews &Bulger. STAR THEATER Opens Sunday Eve., Sept. 2 The Bljf Extravaganza BLACK CROOK JR. - 35-PEOPLE-35 Prices—ioc, 20c, 30c. \u25a0 - Front Rows, "50V /Next attraction—Watson's Oriental Burlosquars. | THE CENTAUR COMPftWY, TT MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK CITY. SAPOLIO from the shock incurred by the heat and the fall. Last night he was as well as usual. VITAL STATISTICS. Via "The MllwankecV New Train. You can leave Minneapolis 10:50 p. m. and St. Pa 1 1 11:25 p. m. (every night), and arrive Milwaukee 10:45 a. m.. and Chicago 1:00 p. m. Fine sleepers and coaches through to Chicago. deaths MULCARE—In St. Paul, Minn., Tues- day, Aug. 28, 1900, at 11:30 a. m., at the residence of her son, P. H. Muleare, 106 East Acker street, Mary, widow of the late pioneer, Michael Muleare. Fu- neral from the residence, 106 Acker street, at 8:30, and from St. Patrick's church at 9, Thursday morning. A BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION MME. A. RUPPERT'S WORLD RE- NOWNED FACE BLEACH AL- MOST WITHOUT COST NO MATTER HOW BLEMISHED THE SKIN, FACE BLEACH WILL MAKE IT PERFECT Madame A. Ruppert Bays: •'Mr Face Bleach is not a new, untried renWy, but has been used by the best people for year«, and for dissolving and removing forever pimples, freckles, moth"* "-,. patches, blackheads, eczema, tan, sunburn, •allowness, roughness or redness of the •kin, and for brightening and beautifying the complexion it bag no equal. It Is absolutely harmless to the most delicate skin. The marvellous improvement after a few applications is most apparent, for the skin becomes as nature intended it should be, smooth, clear and white, free from x every impurity and blemish. It cannot fail, forits action is such that it draws the Impurities out of the skin, and does not cover them up, and is invisible during use. This is the only thorough and permanent way. During this month, I will offer to all a trial bottle of my world renowned Face Bleach, sufficient to show that it is all that I claim for it, and any reader of this can •end me 25 cents in stamps or silver, and " I. will send the trial bottle, securely . packed In plain wrapper, sealed, all charges prepaid. _\u25a0 My book' How to be Beautiful' will bo mailed free to all who will write for it." ITADAriE A. RUPPERT, 6 East 14th Street, New York rime. Ruppert's Gray Hair Restorative . actually restores gray hair to its natural color. Can be used on any shado of hair, , and is not a dye, and does not disco'or the \u25a0kin nor rub off. Perfectly harmless and always givps satisfaction. Mtne. Ruppert's Depilatory removes superfluous hair in five minute*, without pain; will not injure the mo3t delicate \u25a0kin. rime. Ruppert's Egyptian Balm for soft- ening and healing the face and hands. rime. Ruppert's Hair Tonic positively removes dandruff, all scalp diseases, stops falling hair, and in many cases restores hair. . Mme. Ruppert's Alrrond Oil Complexion Soap, made of pure almond oil and wax Delightful for the complexion and war- s ranted not to chap the most delicti to skin All of the above toilet preparations are always kept in stock and can be hud from _ our local agent. .. . Mannheimer Bros. CASTORIAI for Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF In Use For Over 30 Years. SSmml ti *^£^ I J*r ? 5&-^' Chicago and Return $11.50. . - This low rate— to all travelers— made on account of National Encampment, Grand Army of the Republic, and is only One Fare for the Round Trip. Tickets will be on sale August 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29, with return limit to September 1 (extension can be secured to September 30), and will be honored on the . . Burlington Limited, the finest train in the world, leaving St. Paul daily at 8:05 p. m., or on the Scenic Express, leaving St. Paul at 8:15 a. m. (except Sunday), afford- ing a daylight ride down the beautiful Mississippi. Ticket office, 400 Robert St. (Hotel Ryan). Telephone Main 36, "THOUGHTLESS FOLKS HAVE THE HARDEST WORK, BUT QUICK WITTED PEOPLE USE "" MARRIAGE LICEN Oscar Carlson, Juliet Laulo. Peter McArthur, Celestlne Raverty. William H. Mahar, Estella M. Skok. BIRTHS. Mrs. C. M. Hamrin, Hewitt, boy. Mrs. G. W. Murdock, 2359 Long ay., boy. Mrs. 11. C, William, 263U Territorial Road, girl. Mrs. H. Richardson, 515 St. Peter, girl. Mrs. A. Vacca, 121 Upper Levee, girl. Mrs. P. Valent, 633 South Exchange, boy. Mrs. C. Freeberg. 259 Carroll, boy. Mrs. A. McCarthy, 312 Smith ay., boy. Mrs. Ernest Heuer, TJ'j Bradley, boy. Mrs. G. B. Patterson, cor. Warwick and Jefferson, girl. Mrs. H. Timme, 483 Aurora, sir!. Mrs. A. A. Schapi.l, 104 Bast Third, boy. Mrs. C. Krahmcr, Hlghwood, boy. Mrs. R. A. Mason, 65J6 Jackson st., boy. DEATHS. A. Pillmann, 60 yrs., 827 Van Burcn st. Frank J. Tuttle, 62 yrs., St. Joseph's. D. Lynch, 37 yrs., city hospital. Annie Hesek, zs yrs., 854 West Seventh. P. V. bv.y.i. 42 yrs., 659 Portland. P. i'eterson, 19 yrs., St. Joseph's hospital. Edith I. Olson, 16 mos., 663 Westminster. Mrs. I. Mueller, 39 jrrs., St. Luke's. John Pord, 36 yrs., Lexington park. WSSEOa COUNTY FAIR! At Waseca, Minn.. September 13 9 14, 15. ATTRACTIONS WANTED. Address James M. Hanley, Secretary, SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. ST. JOSEPH'S ACADEMY FOR GIRLS, Cor. Nelson and Western Aye., St. Paul, nim. Conducted by tho Sisters of St. Joseph, uni;r tit direction of Most Reverend Archbishop lrolani Fcr catalogue apply to Tho Dirertrssi VILLA MARIA. I BOARDING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. i \ Frontcnao, Minn. ] NAZARETH. BOARDING SCHOOL FOR LITTLE BOYS. < Lake City, Minn. \ \ Both Conducted by URSULINE NUNS. i Ji THE | N. W. LIFE ASS'N Of Minneapolis* This Is a Home Institution. A Minnesota Company. j| We Pay Our Claims Promptly an 1 to/all. Over C 00,000.00 to ;i]i3i;iin;. DR. J. P. TORCH, JAWS QU! {<, President. rr:m->- WALL.CAnPBEL'.. C. a. FORCJ. Vice President, Ssze*.i- f 322-324 Henno&n Ay, —. „—.— i j AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHER!. If you tiss for paper platsa or films UnlverJil reveioper «nd also th« Ureen tiyp, I'ixiJt Bath rr.ado only by w m:*bmmmmm n S Slxta Ud>:. Picture makine win bo plain aailla- a.-.i \u25a0/ .. vxt will bo comm»nd«d. For sal* i.i «vor/ .1/ d the United SUtoi. BUYTHECENUIi SYRUP OF ... MAITOTFACTURED BY .. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. VA'SOTK THE NAMK.

Transcript of HiHM! HER FAIR! CASTORIAI · 8 THE FARMERS—STATE FAIR! Advertisers who expect to do the best...

Page 1: HiHM! HER FAIR! CASTORIAI · 8 THE FARMERS—STATE FAIR! Advertisers who expect to do the best business during Fair Week with the people from out of the city should make itknown through


THE FARMERS—STATE FAIR!Advertisers who expect to do the bestbusiness during Fair Week with the peoplefrom out of the city should make it knownthrough


It goes out to the suburban towns; it goesall through Minnesota and the Dakotas. It'sthe big Democratic Family Journal of theNorthwest. You cannot reach its subscrib-ers through any other paper. Advertisethis week if you expect a big businessFair Week. And

YOIfTL HAVE TO HUBBY IA big crowd is coming.

In Labor'sI Field. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Uni-

versalist Church met yesterday after-noon with Mrs. Willis, of Laurel avenu-?.Arrangements were made by the mem-bers to serve meals next week on thestate fair grounds. Dinner and supperwill be served every day in a large tent.On the committee are Mrs. Williams,Mrs. Van Home, Mrs. Upham, Mrs. Wil-lis and Miss Schimmel.

• * *The Woman's Home Missionary So-ciety of the First M. E. Church belt!a business meeting yesterday at the

j home of Mrs. Hawthorne on IglehartI street. The programme for the comingI year's work was mapped out. Mrs. C.D. Hayes is chairman of the programmecommittee.

• * *The engagement is announced of MissIda M. Herzog, formerly of Minneapolis,and Frank C. Rogers, of this city. Thewedding will take place in October.» * *Emile Onet will give a musicale the lat-

: ter part of September, at which Miss; Millie Pottgeiser will sing. This will bej Miss Pottgeisers last appearance in con-cert in this city before her departure

I for Europe. She will sail late in thej fall.

* * *Miss Florence Holbert, of Summit aye-• nue, will entertain a number of St. Paulj young people next week at hei summerj home at Osceola.

» * *Miss Berta Nabersberg entertained In-! formally yesterday afternoon at her

hume on the Dodd road in honor of MissShirley Morgan, who leaves Sunday

: night for Cincinnati, where she will| spend the winter studying music. Miss, Nabersberg was assisted by Miss EUza-beth Robinson, Miss Rose Nabesberg c.miMiss Ella Nabersberg. A party of fif-teen was entertained.

* • *Miss Rich, of Hastings, is the guest ofMiss May Clark, of the Clarendon.

* • •Mrs. G. W. Burk entertained informally

yesterday afternoon from 3 to 5 at h-sr, home on West Minnehaha street in hon-|or of Miss Elizabeth Doran, of Red-

lands, Cal.

There were nearly two hundred in at-tendance at the meating of the Carpen-ters' union last niKht, when G. Cunning-ham, N. Cledberg, Jacob Peters, J. L.Gordon and T. O. Dnwnoe wore initiated,and ten applications for membership werereceived. The report of Business AgentJ. B. Morrison was received and ap-proved. The proposed amendemont to theby-laws granting the recording secre-tary one dollar for each meeting, v/aa iaid !over until next meeting. Tho usual al-lowance was granted fourteen men calledoff the Orphan asylum. The followingwere appointed marshals for the Laborday parade: Andrew Llnstrom, chiefmarshal; assistant marshals, C. McCor-mick, J. Hartman, Fian:: I'vborg, X A.Coleman, James McCovany. J. L. Hushes,John Kempel, Andrew W. H<-ni'< r. L.Novingrton, Gu? Carlson, and \V. Bald-win. Tho marshals were instructed tocall for working cards from every r>netaking- part in the parade. The followingwore appointed banner carriers for Laborday: B. Sturm, T. J. Cavenagh and NelsJohnson. A communication from theBuilding Trades cou:; !1 was placed onfiie. Gus Elmijuist was appointed dele- j

o the Buiiding Trades council in iplace of D. O'ConnelL Frank O. Pe!en- Ipon, 10(M S lby avenue, was reported j.iok |and received tho usual sick benefit. Busi- ;r.ess Agent J. B. Morrison was instructedto enforce tho workintr card on all wood- 'workers on jobs at which members of the 'Carpenters' union arc employed. A depu- It;. ti'in from the Grocery Clerks' was in Iattendance, and asked the members to \call for the working card when making .purchases, which was approved by themembers present. The delegates to the !Trades and Labor assembly asked mem- ''bors of the Carpenters' union to attend 'services at the opera linu^e in a body |Monday, Sept. 2. to which the members |agreed. The names of fourteen membersof the union called off St. Thomas' sem-inary on account of a scab plumber be-ing employed, was accepted and referredto the executive board. A copy of Gov.Lind's Labor day proclamation was re-ceived and filed. A letter was receivedfrom the Brotherhood of Carpenters' sndJoiners' regretting that they had to dis-approve of the. death claim on the death Iof Mrs. Emma Anderson. Receipts $170.90; Idisbursements $31.65.

Retail Salesmen"* Association.There was a well attended meeting of

the above union last night, when therewere nineteen new members initiated andnine applications for membership werereceived. The association decided to turnout in full force on Labor day and se- ;lected the uniform they would wear.They appointed A. F. Develor marshalfor the parade. Receipts $37.00; disburse-ments $3.00.

Plumbers.The Plumbers' union held a meetinglast niKht devoted tu_junion business. Th*

uion will turn out in a body in uniform atthe parade on Labor day, and have ap-pointed Henry Stlmer marshal. ReceiptsJ53.00; disbursements $45.

Main 5t0re.............7t1i and BroadwayUptown Store Library Bnlldini;

34T% Lbs Best $gfl ,0©H Granulatad

Sugar •••*•• \u25a0

With purchases of other goodsamounting to $10.00 or over.

13 lUb LATED SUGAR dIiUUWith purchases of other goods amountingto $2 or over.

Fresh car Michigan Crawford Free-stone Peaches for preserving, inbushel baskets i1.50 to |1 75

%-bushel baskets jlGO

Freestone reaches, K?.^!... 90cCling Peaches, &!fbu?hol 85cPreserving Pears, £*lfbushel 80cCalifornia Pea.s, gf? $|,50Pf eservi n PI urns 25 bush°is fancy Minne-I IBJGI 111 lI lUIIIO, sola. at Cl Oh \u25a0\u25a0»

per bushel, from $liUU UpErg Plums, Sf^1 90cGerman Prams, StSJat 1 90cFeich Plums, ££?*? 90cCrawford Peachy cry fancy MichiganUluniUlU I CaUIIjO, Freestone, per OG«i

basket, 250 and JOGTokay Grapes, &* sflcBib. baskets Delaware MinnetonkaGrapes 35c

Crabapples, Sr^r.: . 60cCooking Apples, & 25cButter, dayundia.r 90cl;Va\rd^t^^^ v̂tfed.-. sl-10

Creamery Butter,- the best buttermade, per lb ....25cpcr C[bam strone New York Cheese.per in •••• 12XCnS.^ar-cured' Bacon by ' the" "strip! "per 2*°

Salt "Eels,' per "li."\u25a0.".;".\u25a0.,;:::;: - ™£New fat Mackerel, each \u25a0*"-\u25a0 *?-New fat Mackerel, per kit Jl 15

flip BliflfPltf Prnparu Pc\Ilib fillLJlUff ObllUul! iliUbui J lit).The Northwest's Greatest Grocery StoresTtU & Broadway. 7tl» & at. Peter


The women of the Ninth Presbyterianchurch gave a lawn social last evening ontl-e church grounds.

* * *Mrs. C. F. Lovering, of Holly avenue,gave a picnic luncheon yesterday atWhite Bear in honor of Mrs. Harry Wil-son and Miss Hayden, of Chicago.

-* • *The marriage of Miss Celestine Raver-ty, and Peter Mc-.Arthur took place yes-terday morning at St. Mary's rectoryRev. Father Gibbons read the service.Miss Cigrie Roskand and J. Neff werethe attendants. Mr. and Mrs. McArihurhave gone East on a wedding trip• * *Columbia lodge, Degree of Honor, willgive a reception next Tuesday eveningat Central ball in honor of Miss Jess'eShuman, chief of honor, who will leavesoon for New York.

The executive committee of the StPaul and Minneapolis Primary unionsmet yesterday at the home of MrsJ. H. Randall, on Summit avenue towa? Sf r


t>pro?ramme for the. annual

tiesRamsey and Hennepih coun-

a .Tp l?BtXtut* WIH be held Oct- 6 and 6at Park Congregational church, Macku-bin street and Laurel avenue. The Dro-gramme committee is"GMA.- Hunt.

I"*'1"*' MrS- C" HOyt' MrS-

M~te^ ato r% and aPPliai*ces' committee:Mrs T. S. Tompkins, chairman; Mrs CJ. Hunt, Miss L. Quimby, Miss Al ERogers, Mrs. Northrup, Mrs. A. J. ElkinsPress-Mrs. J. E. Hobart, chairman!Mrs. G. W. Purple, M-s. S. M. Houser.Mrs H. C. Drake, Mrs. F. Moore, Mrs.•r. C. Allison.Music Committee—Miss Grace Longfel-low, chairman; Mrs. S. P. Hough, Mrs.c. A. .. ingrate, Mrs. Graves, MissWaufle. Mrs. H. C. MorseIvanhoe chapter, O. E. S.. will give a

card party tomorrow evening at theirhall, Laurel avenue and Mackubinstreet. ,

Rev. C. D. Andrews and family, ofWest Fourth street, will return todayfrom Wisconsin, where they have spentthe past three wjeks.

Mrs. Emile On*-t, of Summit avenuewill return today from Toronto.

iurs. George Shieie, of Fisher, Minnis the guost of Mrs. A. L. Bolton, ofGrand avenue.

Rev. John Sinclair, Mr. and Mrs. Mc-Culloch and Miss Flora McCulloch, whohave been touring Scotland, are expectedhome from Europe the. middle of Septem-ber.

Mrs. J. Q. Hall, who has been theguest of itfrs. Horace E. Lamb, of Laurelavenue, willreturn today to LosCal.

Miss Josie Lamb and Miss May White,of Laurel avenue, have gone to Litchfield,where they will be the guests of MissGrace Proctor for a few days.

Miss Kingsbury, who has been theguest of Mrs. C. A. Linsley, of th • Aber-deen for the past month, has returnedto Hartford, Conn.

Miss Cecil White, of the Aberdeen,left last evening for Chariton.

Miss Proctor will return from NewYork this week.

Mrs. Granville Worrell, of Ashland ave-and Mrs. Sellers, of Philadelphia.

The Misses Bjgelow, of College avenueare in the East.

Mrs. 1. B. Lynch, of Ashland avenue,is entertaining Mrs. Kennedy and MissGantz, of St. Louis.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Rothschild, of Summitavenue, are entertaining Miss Mac Delle-field, of Chicago.

Mrs. Fred C. Chase, of the Bucking-ham, has returned from Princeton.

Darwin Clark, of Iglehart street, willleave this week for California.

\u0084 Miss Annie Ceska, of Virginia avenue,is in Chicago. \rV. "

President James J. Hill and family andparty, in which were President H. P.Upham, of the First National bank, andfamily, returned from a yachting tripon the lakes in Mr. Hill's private yachtThe party had been gone about ten daysand enjoyed a;; very delightful 1

outing.Miss Helen M. Eustace,.clerk in the of-

fice of the v board of education, has re-turned to work after a vacation of three-'eeks •' ~-- " ' \u25a0\u25a0

Formally Yesterday.

h Trip to the Fields.



\u25a0 / :. ;-— . : W:HE HAD BEEN RADIOGRAPHED

Bat the Physic-Inn* Who Did It Say

Death Could Not Have Re-

sulted From That-Operation.

Was August H. Kitman burned to

death by the use of the X-rays That is

a question that certain physicians in thiscity are asked to answer.

It seems that Kittman, whose home wasat 827 Van Buren street, and who diedyesterday at the city hospital, was In-jured last December in a street car acci-dent and a mustard plaster was used onhis chest. This did not seem to relievehis suffering and it was decided thatKittman be Pont to the city hospital. Itwas early in May when he first enteredthe hospital and he was discharged ascured July IJ, but was returned July 17.He was discharged again a month later,

since it could not be seen that he v/assuffering from anything serious.

Yesterday Dr. Cannon issued a leathcertificate ar.d set forth the cause ofdeath to be due from "exhaustion due toa burn." This naturally ltd to the in-quiry as to how he was burred. His witeand daug-hter state.l that last April Kitt-m?.n was examined by Drs. Paxton andOdendahl with an X-ray machine andthat he received a burn from the appli-cation of the machine. This Dr. Paxtondoes not deny, but he qualifies the state-ment by saying thit the bum couid notpossibly have resulted seriously.

Kittman ir.tended to sue the streetrailway company for damages and it isclaimed by Dr. Odendahl that he request-ed an examination to be made witn theX-ray machine.

Kittman was about sixty years of age.He leaves a wife a.id several children.


The Globe's Paris fashion letternext Sunday will contain the latestthings by Paquin, the famous Parisiandesigner. It will be illustrated by FelixTourney. If you are interested in thesmartest ideas in dress do not miss nextSunday's Globe.

WOMEN'S CLUBS' PROGRAMMES.They Will Be Made a Feature of the

State Fair.The following programme has been pre-

pared by the Federation of Womon'3Ciufcs to be given next week at the fed-eration's headquarters on the state fairgrounds:

Monday—Labor day. The literary pro-gramme of the morning will consider thework of Mothers' clubs, and will alsoconsider "Delinquent Fathers," and theirrelation to the family.

Tuesday—Art in its varied applicationsto home and schaol.

Wednesday—Patriotic day. Features;Instilling patriotism into the youthfulmind; to make bettor citizens, etc.

Thursday—Education, as applied tochild life between the agea of five andseven; in charge of one of the best teach-ers m the state.

Friday—Town, village and country im-provement work.

Saturday—On this day will be consideredthe interests of the public libraries, trav-eling libraries, books, etc. The best meth-ods for starting libraries will be shown,and valuable information disseminated.

In adition to the above general pro-grammes, the headquarters committeeproposes setting aside one hour each ait-ernoon, during which the clubs will begiven five to ten minutes each to air their"fad."

FIRE BOARD CONTRACTS.Forage for the Horses Was Ordered

The board of fire Commissioners metlate yesterday a'ternoon and awardedcontracts for hay and oats for the en-suing year. Jamescn & Hevener wereawarded the contract for 4,000 bushels ofoats at 25/4 cents per bushel, and Tier-ney & Sheffer were" awarded the contractfor 100 tons of hay at $830 per ten.

Chief Cook mane his semi-monthly rts-port, wh::h was accepted. The reportof the secretary showed a balance on.hand last month of $83,326.66. Bills al-lowed during month, $920.40; pay roll, $14,-- on hand, $63,356.54.

TO PROTECT THE CHICKENS.Executive Agent Buetner Will Take

Executive Agent Eeutner, of the stategame and fish commission, will take a

.trip Thursday or Friday to the south-western part of th,? state. Thftie is goodhunting in that portion of the state, andas the earns wardens have a great dealof territory to cover, Mr. Beutner fearsthat there will be many attt-mpts madeto evade the law which requires non-resident hunttrs to pay a license.

He will assist the wardens in theirwork.

STATE FAIR NOTES.There are already fifteen counties en-

tered in the county exhibit competition.

The first consignment of live stock toarrive, a car of Herefords from Indianareached the grounds yesterday morning'and the show of this particular breed'and of Galloways, promises to be particu-larly fine.

* • •Heretofore it has been the custom ofthe state fair management to offer har-ness racing on but four days of the sixMonday and Saturday have had no place

on the race track programme. This yearthe management have decided to offer atrack programme for every day of theweek. • • •Supt. White, of the dairy exhibit atthe state fair, is preparing for the largestshowing the state has ever had. Therewill be more exhibits from Minnesotathan ever before, and Wisconsin and thetwo Dakotas are preparing for specialexhibits in all dairy products• • •

Farmers - throughout the state aremanifesting much interest in the saleof registered Hereford stock to .be . heldunder the auspices of the AmericanHereford Breeder's association, at thestate fair. In addition to the -exhibitthat will be made by the members ofthis association twelve head of registeredstock is offered for sale. These animalswill be sold at auction without reserveto the highest bidder. -':-: :• -•:•\u25a0- \u25a0

- Last year at Kansas City the stock of-fered at a corresponding sale in connec-tion with the National Hereford show,brought an average. of $31? per head.

\u25a0"/.' ' ''." " ' m —'\u25a0 '; \u25a0 "..:".I LABOR NOTES.

_The only regular meeting to be held to-night is the Lathers' union. •\u25a0••-\u25a0\u25a0•-r.. \u25a0•

Letter carriers may affiliate- with theAmerican Federation of Labor. - -•

The street car employes of Washington,D. C, ; have organized, 'and have -securedthe recognition of thoir employers, -r-d.-

Five : new " unions, with a membershipof 359, were added to the InternationalBrotherhood of Stationary Firemen lastmonth. . -• —»-" -\u0084„-..- ,"The Grocery Clerks' by-law committeemet last night and finished their labors,so that they will be able. to report at thenext regular meeting of the union.— _^....,"'" ~—"':''"'

: For Baby's Sake,as well ;as her own, the mother shoulduse MALT-NUTRINE. ; the helpful'fooddrink, to promote appetite, restore health,build body and brain. Made by Anheuser-!Busch Brewing: Ass'n, St. Louis, U. S. A.For sale •by all druggists. \u25a0 .

rv n »- oi OOP 4 ;Bb Eg*. S3.SO •hoe» com- ; M£ fggaL pared with other* fi1 B&\mukcf is 85.00.< i -§\u25a0 BK> We are the-largest < BjvC• WBk\ makers and retailors ; ;\u25a0" '2 \u25a0fS£o; men's $3.60 shoes < \u25a0 «

»_ B2(«j*in the world. - WeJßa rE m- mate and sell more ¥9

_ffi 9 $S.»O shoes than any M a

\u25a0\u25a0" }• B \u25a0 other two manufac- °V\u25a0 I turer' the V. S. Ho

P> sSigSIZ The maenitnde^i iBgSgS* of our business, a per-%K %

r» M m ' feot system of nmnufac-^^ mft E Wffj> turir.g,and ourmethod of^ >sft R^T^e'line nlr«ct to the wearer *3k •.£ jßß^fat one profit through our 61 *\%

3S •\u25a0rjPrrtall stores Inthe large cities, \\ »« mßsc enables us to produce a higher «\

"V i^^Jßrade shoo for $3.00 than can be had lA

i* MKfThe Reason more W. L. Donglaa \\JKAJS3.6O shoes are sold than any other- _^T|

\u25a0 ETJ* inx\Q-is .. becanso., n?hcy .r-: i^^gS^ x&

i ftiit.1*1 "Why doyon pay $6.00 forJ»i TR*Ai.\^k sboeß when you can^

1 t'Ctt'llJ^^'^wllicllare U^M

Ia $5 SHOE M\ FOR $3.50. ;

'k St. Paul Store \ff\428 Wabasha St.^"*. - corner • ,^^. Strech_^^




Left the Flame Burning and the OilWas Ignited With Results

in .' Effect Sui-cidal.

Julia St. Peter died at the city hos-pital at 3:20 yesterday afternoon fromburns received while filling a gasolinestove with oil in the forenoon.

Miss St. Peter was employed as a do-mestic by Mrs. Agnes Stockman, whooperates a conrectionery and news storeat Third street and Smith avenue. WJwnfilling the stove tank with oil the oilwas ignited from the stove, which waslighted. 'jLne can from which she waspouring the oil exploded and In an In-stant she was enveloped in flames..She immediately ;:dashed through'- the.

front door to the street and ran up thestreet, the wind serving to increase I the

|- fury-of the flames. \u25a0. After running near-I ly a block she was noticed by P. J. Loef-felholz--v a harness maker, : who ran out'\u25a0with blankets and threw them about b«r.extinguishing^ the flames. - •-.=;.- .'.;'., The \patrol ; wagon , was called, 5 and;. she'was removed to the city,hospital, whereit .w.-s found that her clothes'\u25a0\u25a0;.'*,£•* ai-most completely '].burned from her bodyand that?'-the. upper extremities were sobadly rned that but a:; r few small •patches of skin remained. Dr. Chris-..tenaon,:, who attended her, held out :nohope of her recovery, and "informed herrelatives that she could not live throughthe day. ' v;( - :'- .

Her aunt, who lives at Tenth and Wa-couta streets, telegraphed her parents,who live at Somerset, Wis., telling the.nof the accident, and her "mother arrived !just a few minutes before the girl died.

The body was taken to Schroedc-r's un-dertaking rooms. . Coroner : Nelson de-cided that an inquest was unnecessary.

FUSS .OVER A* PAY CHECK. |Edward Page Gets a Ninety-Day

Sentence at Como. ".;:. Edward Page, a substitute fireman atengine house No. 12, who quit work sev-eral days ago, and who did not want towait until the end of the month for hispay, went to the drug store of H. J. Mc-Call, at Ninth and Broadway, and secur-ed his money, which amounted to $23.40He then waited until pay day, and on themorning ofvthat day went to the pay-master and called for his check, which hepreviously assigned to •McCall. • • \u25a0.-.

Page appeared in police court yester-day, and was given the option of payinga fine of $100 or serving a ninety-day sen-tence at the workhouse. , He accepted thelatter. " ,_, \u25a0\u25a0

Yesterday afternoon at the meeting ofthe fire board McCall appeared and ask-ed the department to reimburse him forthe amount paid. He claims that Secre-tary Owens, of the flre board, gave Pagean order stating that the money wouldbe paid to him when due. This Mr.Owens acknowledged, but the board de-cided not to have anything to do withthe matter, saying that it was betweenMr. Owens and the secretary. McCall isdetermined on requiring the board to payhim the amount.

Patrick Ilealey, a man of sixty years,•who lives at 635 Linden street, was pain-fully injured yesterday by falling downthe stairway to the bath rooms in theGerman American Bank builwg. DrRichardson was called to attenu him andhad him removed to the city hospital,where he is resting easily.

Fell Down the Stairs.

Have you seen the fall Gordon Hat forwomen?

Epl^BW^ B%iPfoj'*B

From the Icemnn.

Makes Kings ii Party.





Snys She Deserted Him.

Old Man's Reason Gone.

CnrtonnlHt Suck for Pay.

.Indse I-'laml ran Recover*).




Washington County CommissionersBring Action to Recover the

Bristol Moneys, LongIn Dispute.

Samuel Sewall has filed an applicationbefore Judge Otis asking why the booksand accounts of the Capital City Orna-mental Iron, Wire and Brass worksshould not be placed In the hands of areceiver.

It is alleged that Attorney W. H. Gard-ner, of the company, at one time prom-ised to turn over the books and accountsand later refused.

tion for 911.750.Complaint and summons were served by

the sheriff yesterday afternoon on MosesE. Clapp, Newel H. Clapp and A. E.Macartney, comprising the legal firm ofClapp & Macartney, in an action com-menced by the Washington ccunty com-missioners in the district court at Still-water, to recover $11,750.

As will be remembered, an action wasbrought some time ago to recover backtaxes from the estate of Sophia M. Bris.tol. Clapp & Macartney acted as attor-neys. A judgment was awarded for $41,---635. The lawyers collected this, bat Inturning over the money kept $18,000.

The county commissioners are of theopinion that this is too much for theservices rendered, and hence they seekto recover.

Washing-ton County Brings an Ac-

'Modern Woodmen Dispute a Policy

of Insurance.Testimony for the defense was taken

yesterday in tho rait of Anne Jacobsopagainst the Modern "Woodmen of America.The suit is pending in Dunn county, WUIvor Jacobson, plaintiff's husband, diedIn St. Paul two years ago. Mrs. Jacob-son brought tho suit as benefclary, elair?.-ing right and title to thu insurance cer.tiHcate of $.5,00C.

At the time of Mr. Jacobson's death asir.nll bottle of poif-on was found in hisroom at the hotel where he was stopping.

Coroner Nelson, however, at the tinramade a post mortem examination £iid hisaffidavit now Is to the effect that he dis-covered no poison.

But Her Owner Could Not Collect

Justice of ihe Feace Heft* h.a3 justpassed upon a peculiar case in which,action was brought to recover from theCrystal Lake and other ice companiesfor the loss of a cow. Isaac Mintz, theplaintiff, Is the owner of n dairy farmnear L.ake Phnlen. Last winter one of hiscows disappeared and ho subsequentlydi=covere<l the cjiimal in the lake, it hav-ing fallen through a hole in the lake, pre-sumably made by one of the ice com-panies.

Judgment was for the defendants fce-cause it could not be determined whichhole the cow fell In.

Sues to Get Title.In the case of Frederick N. Dickinson

vs. John Burton Ashton, Edward P. San-born and Susie D. Sanborn, his wife, andall others claiming the right to the prop-erty of which he claims he is the ownerin fee simple, the plaintiff asks that thedefendants set up their claims and thatthey be adjudged without foundation.

The property in question Includes letsthree and four in block fourteen, of Ash-ton & Sherburne's addition to St. Paul.

Judge Otis issued an order yesterday inwhich he made Supt. Joseph King of thepolice alarm system a party to mandamusproceedings instituted by Supt. JosephMcAuley.

Comptroller McCardy has held up Mc-Auley's check for June because Supt.King is suing for salary since his removalby the police commission. McAuley be-gan mandamus proceedings and the bur-den of proof now devolves upon King, whowill be expected to show cause why heshould be entitled to the salary. The casewill be heard Saturday.

A suit for divorce hag been begun byJames Craig, of Merriam Park, againstMary Elizabeth Craig on the grounds ofdesertion without cause on March 23, 18.9The age of Mr. Craig Is forty-six andthat of his wife forty-seven. They livedtogether for about eleven years and upto the time of desertion there was notrouble between them, according to theplaintiff.

The summons has lnwn served on Mrs.Craig at Fon dv Lac, Wis.

Even Nelssen, a man seventy-eightyears old, was examined yesterday in theprobate court and committed to the in-sane asylum at Rochester. The man isan old time resident of St. Paul, residingat 120 Case street. He is afflicted withsenile dementia, caused by age. .

George W. Rehse, artist, has begun suitin Justice Baker's court against OsmanTemple. Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, for$50. which he alleges is the value of acartocn he drew by the order of the chiefpotentate. The cartoon meant fourteenhours .straight work. It included ab^utfifty figures and a number of goats andfoxes.

Judge Charles E. Flandrau, while sit-ting on his porch reading, fell into a dozeand fell from his chair to the porch. Itwas thought that he had been seizedwith a stroke of apoplexy.

Dr. Burnside Foster was summoned,and found that he was suffering slightly


METRSP ITJIB I L.S.SZiTt..-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.. - ..



2ffiLABOR DAY BftPrices— 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.00.


T8 ang IN OLD KENTUCKYThe Little Matinee Today at 2:30.

Folks Go Thursday Night, reading of\u25a0.1, , , reports from Corbett-Mc-

V Wild Over Coy contest.

This Show Friday Evening, dancing\u25a0/\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0"* onowvi contest, open to all comers.Next ruthews &Bulger.

STAR THEATEROpens Sunday Eve., Sept. 2

The Bljf Extravaganza

BLACKCROOK JR.- 35-PEOPLE-35Prices—ioc, 20c, 30c.

\u25a0 - Front Rows, "50V/Next attraction—Watson's Oriental Burlosquars. |


SAPOLIOfrom the shock incurred by the heat andthe fall. Last night he was as well asusual.


Via "The MllwankecV New Train.You can leave Minneapolis 10:50 p. m.

and St. Pa 1 1 11:25 p. m. (every night),and arrive Milwaukee 10:45 a. m.. andChicago 1:00 p. m. Fine sleepers andcoaches through to Chicago.

deathsMULCARE—In St. Paul, Minn., Tues-

day, Aug. 28, 1900, at 11:30 a. m., at theresidence of her son, P. H. Muleare,106 East Acker street, Mary, widow ofthe late pioneer, Michael Muleare. Fu-neral from the residence, 106 Ackerstreet, at 8:30, and from St. Patrick'schurch at 9, Thursday morning.





Madame A. Ruppert Bays:•'Mr Face Bleach is not a new, untriedrenWy, but has been used by the bestpeople for year«, and for dissolving and

removing forever pimples, freckles, moth"*"-,. patches, blackheads, eczema, tan, sunburn,

•allowness, roughness or redness of the•kin, and for brightening and beautifyingthe complexion it bag no equal.

It Is absolutely harmless to the mostdelicate skin.

The marvellous improvement after afew applications is most apparent, for theskin becomes as nature intended itshouldbe, smooth, clear and white, free fromx every impurity and blemish. It cannotfail, forits action is such that it draws theImpurities out of the skin, and does notcover them up, and is invisible during use.This is the only thorough and permanentway.

During this month, Iwill offer to all atrial bottle of my world renowned FaceBleach, sufficient to show that it is all thatIclaim forit, and any reader of this can•end me 25 cents in stamps or silver, and "

I. will send the trial bottle, securely. packed Inplain wrapper, sealed, all chargesprepaid.

_\u25a0 My book'How to be Beautiful' will bomailed free to all who will write for it."ITADAriE A. RUPPERT,

6 East 14th Street, New Yorkrime. Ruppert's Gray Hair Restorative. actually restores gray hair to its naturalcolor. Can be used on any shado of hair,

, and is not a dye, and does not disco'or the\u25a0kin nor rub off. Perfectly harmless andalways givps satisfaction.

Mtne. Ruppert's Depilatory removessuperfluous hair in five minute*, withoutpain; will not injure the mo3t delicate\u25a0kin.rime. Ruppert's Egyptian Balm for soft-ening and healing the face and hands.rime. Ruppert's Hair Tonic positively

removes dandruff, all scalp diseases, stopsfalling hair, and in many cases restoreshair.. Mme. Ruppert's Alrrond Oil ComplexionSoap, made of pure almond oil and waxDelightful for the complexion and war-

s ranted not to chap the most delicti to skinAll of the above toilet preparations arealways kept in stock and can be hud from_ our local agent. .. .

Mannheimer Bros.

CASTORIAIfor Infants and Children.

The Kind You Have Always BoughtBEARS THE SIGNATURE OF

In Use For Over 30 Years.

SSmmlti *^£^ I J*r ? • 5&-^'

Chicago and Return $11.50.. - This low rate— to all travelers— made on account

• of National Encampment, Grand Army of the Republic,and is only One Fare for the Round Trip.Tickets will be on sale August 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29,with return limit to September 1 (extension can besecured to September 30), and will be honored on the

. . Burlington Limited, the finest train in the world, leavingSt. Paul daily at 8:05 p. m., or on the Scenic Express,leaving St. Paul at 8:15 a. m. (except Sunday), afford-ing a daylight ride down the beautiful Mississippi.

Ticket office, 400 Robert St. (Hotel Ryan). Telephone Main 36,



""MARRIAGE LICENOscar Carlson, Juliet Laulo.Peter McArthur, Celestlne Raverty.William H. Mahar, Estella M. Skok.

BIRTHS.Mrs. C. M. Hamrin, Hewitt, boy.Mrs. G. W. Murdock, 2359 Long ay., boy.Mrs. 11. C, William, 263U Territorial Road,

girl.Mrs. H. Richardson, 515 St. Peter, girl.Mrs. A. Vacca, 121 Upper Levee, girl.Mrs. P. Valent, 633 South Exchange, boy.Mrs. C. Freeberg. 259 Carroll, boy.Mrs. A. McCarthy, 312 Smith ay., boy.Mrs. Ernest Heuer, TJ'j Bradley, boy.Mrs. G. B. Patterson, cor. Warwick and

Jefferson, girl.Mrs. H. Timme, 483 Aurora, sir!.Mrs. A. A. Schapi.l, 104 Bast Third, boy.Mrs. C. Krahmcr, Hlghwood, boy.Mrs. R. A. Mason, 65J6 Jackson st., boy.

DEATHS.A. Pillmann, 60 yrs., 827 Van Burcn st.Frank J. Tuttle, 62 yrs., St. Joseph's.D. Lynch, 37 yrs., city hospital.Annie Hesek, zs yrs., 854 West Seventh.P. V. bv.y.i. 42 yrs., 659 Portland.P. i'eterson, 19 yrs., St. Joseph's hospital.Edith I. Olson, 16 mos., 663 Westminster.Mrs. I. Mueller, 39 jrrs., St. Luke's.John Pord, 36 yrs., Lexington park.

WSSEOa COUNTY FAIR!At Waseca, Minn..

September 139 14, 15.ATTRACTIONS WANTED.

Address James M. Hanley, Secretary,



Cor. Nelson and Western Aye., St. Paul, nim.Conducted by tho Sisters of St. Joseph, uni;r titdirection of Most Reverend Archbishop lrolaniFcr catalogue apply to Tho Dirertrssi


\ Frontcnao, Minn. ]


Lake City, Minn. \\ Both Conducted by URSULINE NUNS. i


| N. W. LIFE ASS'NOf Minneapolis*

This Is a Home Institution.A Minnesota Company.

j| We Pay Our Claims Promptly an 1 to/all.Over C00,000.00 to ;i]i3i;iin;.

DR. J. P. TORCH, JAWS QU! {<,President. rr:m->-

WALL.CAnPBEL'.. C. a. FORCJ.Vice President, Ssze*.i- f

322-324 Henno&n Ay,

—. „—.— i j

AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHER!.If you tiss for paper platsa or films UnlverJilreveioper «nd also th« Ureen tiyp, I'ixiJtBath rr.ado only by

w m:*bmmmmm n S Slxta Ud>:.Picture makine win bo plain aailla- a.-.i \u25a0/ .. vxt

will bo comm»nd«d. For sal* i.i «vor/ .1/ dthe United SUtoi.