Highland Archaeology Services Ltd · 7 Duke Street Cromarty Ross-shire IV11 8YH Tel / Fax: 01381...

7 Duke Street Cromarty Ross-shire IV11 8YH Tel / Fax: 01381 600491 Mobile: 07834 693378 Email: [email protected] Web: www.hi-arch.co.uk Registered in Scotland no. 262144 Registered Office: 10 Knockbreck Street, Tain, Ross-shire IV19 1BJ VAT No. GB 838 7358 80 Independently Accredited for Health and Safety, Environment and Quality Control by Achilles Highland Archaeology Services Ltd Bringing the Past and Future Together Allt Iarairidh Glen Moriston Archaeological Survey

Transcript of Highland Archaeology Services Ltd · 7 Duke Street Cromarty Ross-shire IV11 8YH Tel / Fax: 01381...

Page 1: Highland Archaeology Services Ltd · 7 Duke Street Cromarty Ross-shire IV11 8YH Tel / Fax: 01381 600491 Mobile: 07834 693378 Email: info@hi-arch.co.uk Web:

7 Duke Street Cromarty Ross-shire IV11 8YH Tel / Fax: 01381 600491 Mobile: 07834 693378 Email: [email protected] Web: www.hi-arch.co.uk

Registered in Scotland no. 262144 Registered Office: 10 Knockbreck Street, Tain, Ross-shire IV19 1BJ VAT No. GB 838 7358 80

Independently Accredited for Health and Safety, Environment and Quality Control by Achilles

Highland Archaeology Services Ltd Bringing the Past and Future Together

Allt Iarairidh

Glen Moriston

Archaeological Survey

Page 2: Highland Archaeology Services Ltd · 7 Duke Street Cromarty Ross-shire IV11 8YH Tel / Fax: 01381 600491 Mobile: 07834 693378 Email: info@hi-arch.co.uk Web:

Allt Iarairidh, Glen Moriston: Archaeological Survey April 2012


Archaeological Survey

Allt Iarairidh Glen Moriston

Report No. HAS120502

Site Code HAS-AIR12

Client Green Highland Renewables Ltd

Planning Ref N/A

NGR NH 3533 1581

Date/ revision 09/05/2012

Author John Wood

Summary An archaeological walk-over survey was undertaken in advance of construction of a hydro-electric scheme at Allt Iarairidh in Glen Moriston. No features of archaeological or cultural heritage significance are likely to be affected by this development.

Page 3: Highland Archaeology Services Ltd · 7 Duke Street Cromarty Ross-shire IV11 8YH Tel / Fax: 01381 600491 Mobile: 07834 693378 Email: info@hi-arch.co.uk Web:

Allt Iarairidh, Glen Moriston: Archaeological Survey April 2012


Contents  Aims and objectives ....................................................................................................................................................... 3 Location ......................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Archaeology and policy background ............................................................................................................................. 5 Method ........................................................................................................................................................................... 7 

1.  Desk Based Assessment ................................................................................................................................... 7 2.  Walk-over survey ............................................................................................................................................. 7 

Results ........................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Conclusion and Recommendations ................................................................................................................................ 8 Table of Photographs ................................................................................................................................................... 12 

Illustrations Cover: Allt Iarairidh Figure 1 Survey location ............................................................................................................................................... 4 Figure 2 Recorded Archaeology ................................................................................................................................... 5 Figure 3 Extract from Ordnance Survey 1st Edition 6 inch to 1 mile (1:10560) map, surveyed 1871 ......................... 6 Figure 4 Survey area ..................................................................................................................................................... 7 Figure 5 Photo locations (camera points) ................................................................................................................... 11  Plate 1 Dyke shown on 1st Edition OS map attached enclosure (HHER MHG22974); view from NW ...................... 9 Plate 2 Stone dyke (HHER MHG44527), from W ....................................................................................................... 9 Plate 3 Entrance at SW corner of enclosure (HHER MHG22974), from SW ........................................................... 10 Plate 4 Forestry ploughing upstream of proposed intake site ..................................................................................... 10 Plate 5 Evidence of forestry ploughing was extensive within planted areas. ............................................................. 11 

Acknowledgements Background mapping has been reproduced by permission of the Ordnance Survey under Licence 100043217. Historic maps are courtesy of the National Library of Scotland. A plan showing the proposed pipeline route has been kindly supplied by the client.

Aims and objectives To minimise any possible delay or cost to the development by anticipating archaeological

requirements as far as possible, timetabling and integrating archaeological recording work with the project, and dealing with any issues arising quickly and efficiently.

To determine as far as possible the character, extent, condition, date and significance of any

archaeologically significant remains; and to recommend mitigation where appropriate so that they can be preserved where possible and recorded where necessary in line with national and local policies and standards.

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Allt Iarairidh, Glen Moriston: Archaeological Survey April 2012


Figure 1 Survey location

Location The proposed hydro-electric scheme runs from an intake at about NH 3420 1649 at approximately 273m above sea level alongside the Allt Iarairidh down to about NH 3533 1581 at approximately 125m above sea level.

Page 5: Highland Archaeology Services Ltd · 7 Duke Street Cromarty Ross-shire IV11 8YH Tel / Fax: 01381 600491 Mobile: 07834 693378 Email: info@hi-arch.co.uk Web:

Allt Iarairidh, Glen Moriston: Archaeological Survey April 2012


Introduction A walk-over survey was undertaken by John Wood of Highland Archaeology Services Ltd to identify and record the nature and extent of archaeological features that might be affected by the construction of a hydro-electric scheme at Allt Iarairidh in Glen Moriston, Highland. It was carried out according to a Project design agreed in advance by all parties which set out the work to be done, its objectives, method, and proposed outcomes. The programme was designed to be in line with Scottish Government and Highland Council current planning policies and advice.

Figure 2 Recorded Archaeology Black line indicates proposed pipeline route

Archaeology and policy background The Electricity Act 19891, as amended by the Utilities Act 20002, requires Electricity companies to preserve ‘amenity’ including the cultural heritage, and to mitigate impacts of new infrastructure works. The wider policy framework includes the Highland Council’s Structure Plan3, and Scottish Government’s

1 http://www.opsi.gov.uk/ACTS/acts1989/ukpga_19890029_en_1 2 http://www.opsi.gov.uk/acts/acts2000/en/ukpgaen_20000027_en_1 3 http://www.highland.gov.uk/yourenvironment/planning/developmentplans/structureplan/thehighlandstructureplan.htm

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Allt Iarairidh, Glen Moriston: Archaeological Survey April 2012


Scottish Planning Policy (SPP), issued in February 2010, which consolidates and supersedes the previous SPP and NPPG series. The fundamental principles underpinning all the above legislation and policies are set out in Passed to the Future: Historic Scotland’s Policy for the Sustainable Management of the Historic Environment (2002)4 and the Burra Charter (Australia ICOMOS 1999).5 The Codes of Conduct and Approved Practice and Standards of the Institute for Archaeologists6 are applicable to this work.

Figure 3 Extract from Ordnance Survey 1st Edition 6 inch to 1 mile (1:10560) map, surveyed 1871 Inverness Mainland Sheet LIII. Courtesy of National Library of Scotland. Proposed pipeline , National Grid etc. superimposed. Not reproduced to scale. Archaeological fieldwork was requested in this case because there was considered to be potential for finds or features of interest to be discovered during site works. Glen Moriston has only been the subject of very limited archaeological survey work, and sites in the area have generally been recorded either by the Ordnance Survey in the course of map making over the last 250 years or through desk-based research. The archaeological potential of the pipeline route was therefore assessed by walkover survey. The First Edition Ordnance Survey Six Inch (1:10560) maps of 1871 show the landscape in this area to be mixed woodland giving way to open moorland (Figure 3). The present commercial forestry represents a 20th c. change. 4 www.historic-scotland.gov.uk/pasttofuture.pdf 5 http://www.icomos.org/australia/burra.html 6 http://www.archaeologists.net/

Page 7: Highland Archaeology Services Ltd · 7 Duke Street Cromarty Ross-shire IV11 8YH Tel / Fax: 01381 600491 Mobile: 07834 693378 Email: info@hi-arch.co.uk Web:

Allt Iarairidh, Glen Moriston: Archaeological Survey April 2012


Only one archaeological site is recorded on the Highland Council’s Historic Environment Record (HHER) in the area - an enclosure formed by low stone dykes, probably of post-medieval date (MHG22974). Another short length of wall has been noted on the opposite bank of the Allt Iarairidh (MHG44527, apparently part of MHG22974)). These were recorded from the 1st edition OS 1:10560 map (Inverness-shire 1874, sheet LIII; see Figure 4 above) and on the modern OS mapping (Figures 2, 3). More lengths of wall from the same source are recorded to the east (MHG22975), but this site is well away from the proposed scheme. The first edition map also shows further connected dykes extending NW.

Figure 4 Survey area


1. Desk Based Assessment Before visiting the site, relevant archaeological / historical records, maps and aerial photographs were checked for recorded sites and background information. The results are summarised above.

2. Walk-over survey

A standard walkover survey was undertaken on 26 April 2012, which included checking and plotting the previously recorded walls and identifying any associated features. The weather was wet initially but this cleared later to grey cloud. The survey was carried out in line with Highland Council Standards for

Page 8: Highland Archaeology Services Ltd · 7 Duke Street Cromarty Ross-shire IV11 8YH Tel / Fax: 01381 600491 Mobile: 07834 693378 Email: info@hi-arch.co.uk Web:

Allt Iarairidh, Glen Moriston: Archaeological Survey April 2012


Archaeological Work, particularly Section 37, and the Project Design agreed previously8. The proposed penstock route was walked and inspected for signs of archaeological or other cultural heritage features, including potential for buried evidence. A minimum 50m corridor was checked along the penstock line as well as the turbine house site and a section of river bank approximately 185m long above the proposed intake (see Figure 4).

Results The only recorded feature (Highland Council Historic Environment Record (HHER) MHG22974) within the vicinity of the proposed pipeline was visited and found to comprise an enclosure formed by stone dykes as described. These were more substantial than expected. The enclosure is shown on the 1st edition OS 1:10560 map (Figure 3) attached to an east-west dyke running alongside the river and part of this can still be seen (Plate 1). There are possible indications of footings of a former cottage attached to this which has been eroded by the river. The features probably relate to 19th c. estate control of fisheries along the river – they are highly unlikely to be earlier in date. The wall on the opposite side of the river (Plate 2: HHER MHG44527) could be easily seen but the river was in spate and could not be crossed. Neither feature is likely to be affected by the proposed pipeline, whose route lies about 47m SW of the nearest visible edge at its closest point. Much of the proposed line lay in mature forest plantation but despite extensive evidence of forestry ploughing, especially around the proposed intake area(see Plates 4 and 5) this was for the most part reasonably accessible. In some more open areas, deep or dense vegetation made close inspection difficult but as far as could be established, no archaeology was present, and follow-up work is unlikely to be worthwhile in this case.

Conclusion and Recommendations There appear to be no features likely to be affected by the proposed scheme. The stone enclosure mentioned above should be well away from the pipeline route; it is clearly visible on the ground and marking-out should not be necessary provided care is taken during construction in this area. As a precaution, we recommend that vehicles and machinery be kept to the west of the existing forestry track in this area. No further archaeological fieldwork is recommended.

7 Available at http://www.highland.gov.uk/yourenvironment/conservation/archaeology/developmentguidance.htm 8 Wood J 2012 Proposed Archaeological Survey: Allt Iarairidh, Glen Moriston: Project Design Highland Archaeology Services Report No. HAS120401, Cromarty

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Allt Iarairidh, Glen Moriston: Archaeological Survey April 2012


Plate 1 Dyke shown on 1st Edition OS map attached enclosure (HHER MHG22974); view from NW

Plate 2 Stone dyke (HHER MHG44527), from W

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Allt Iarairidh, Glen Moriston: Archaeological Survey April 2012


Plate 3 Entrance at SW corner of enclosure (HHER MHG22974), from SW

Plate 4 Forestry ploughing upstream of proposed intake site

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Allt Iarairidh, Glen Moriston: Archaeological Survey April 2012


Plate 5 Evidence of forestry ploughing was extensive within planted areas.

Figure 5 Photo locations (camera points)

Page 12: Highland Archaeology Services Ltd · 7 Duke Street Cromarty Ross-shire IV11 8YH Tel / Fax: 01381 600491 Mobile: 07834 693378 Email: info@hi-arch.co.uk Web:

Allt Iarairidh, Glen Moriston: Archaeological Survey April 2012


Table of Photographs All photographs were taken by John Wood on 26 April 2012 No. Location Direction (facing) Subject

DSC_0006 CP1 W Allt Iarairidh (upstream)

DSC_0007 CP2 N Panorama - vegetation regeneration in open areas

DSC_0008 CP2 NNW Panorama - vegetation regeneration in open areas

DSC_0009 CP2 NW Panorama - vegetation regeneration in open areas

DSC_0010 CP2 WNW Panorama - vegetation regeneration in open areas

DSC_0011 CP2 W Panorama - vegetation regeneration in open areas DSC_0012 CP2 WSW Panorama - vegetation regeneration in open areas

DSC_0013 CP2 SW Panorama - vegetation regeneration in open areas

DSC_0014 CP2 S Panorama - vegetation regeneration in open areas

DSC_0015 CP2 SE Panorama - vegetation regeneration in open areas

DSC_0016 CP2 E Panorama - vegetation regeneration in open areas

DSC_0017 CP2 NE Panorama - vegetation regeneration in open areas

DSC_0018 CP2 N Panorama - vegetation regeneration in open areas

DSC_0019 CP3 N Enclosure (HHER MHG22974)

DSC_0020 CP3 NNW Enclosure (HHER MHG22974)

DSC_0021 CP3 NW Enclosure (HHER MHG22974)

DSC_0022 CP4 WNW Enclosure (HHER MHG22974)

DSC_0023 CP4 NW Enclosure (HHER MHG22974)

DSC_0024 CP4 N Enclosure (HHER MHG22974)

DSC_0025 CP4 NNE Enclosure (HHER MHG22974)

DSC_0026 CP5 ESE Enclosure (HHER MHG22974)

DSC_0027 CP5 SE Enclosure (HHER MHG22974)

DSC_0028 CP5 SSE Enclosure (HHER MHG22974)

DSC_0029 CP5 S Enclosure (HHER MHG22974)

DSC_0030 CP5 SSW Enclosure (HHER MHG22974)

DSC_0031 CP5 SW Enclosure (HHER MHG22974)

DSC_0032 CP5 WSW Panorama

DSC_0033 CP5 W Panorama

DSC_0034 CP5 NW Panorama

DSC_0035 CP5 NNW Panorama

DSC_0036 CP5 N Panorama

DSC_0037 CP5 NNE Dyke across river

DSC_0038 CP5 NE Dyke across river

DSC_0039 CP5 ENE Panorama

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Allt Iarairidh, Glen Moriston: Archaeological Survey April 2012


No. Location Direction (facing) Subject

DSC_0040 CP5 E Panorama

DSC_0041 CP5 ESE Panorama

DSC_0042 CP5 SE Panorama

DSC_0043 CP6 ENE Enclosure entrance

DSC_0044 CP7 ENE Forestry ploughing

DSC_0045 CP7 E Forestry ploughing

DSC_0046 CP7 SE Panorama

DSC_0047 CP7 S Panorama

DSC_0048 CP7 W Panorama

DSC_0049 CP8 NW Panorama - stone dyke

DSC_0050 CP8 NNW Panorama - stone dyke

DSC_0051 CP8 N Panorama

DSC_0052 CP8 NNE Panorama

DSC_0053 CP8 NE Panorama

DSC_0054 CP8 ENE Panorama

DSC_0055 CP8 E Panorama - stone dyke

DSC_0056 CP8 E Panorama - stone dyke

DSC_0057 CP8 ESE Panorama

DSC_0058 CP8 ESE Panorama

DSC_0059 CP8 SE Panorama

DSC_0060 CP8 SSE Panorama

DSC_0061 CP8 S Panorama

DSC_0062 CP8 S Panorama

DSC_0063 CP8 SSW Panorama

DSC_0064 CP8 SW Panorama

DSC_0065 CP8 WSW Panorama

DSC_0066 CP8 W Panorama

DSC_0067 CP8 WNW Panorama

DSC_0068 CP9 E Proposed intake site