HigherStudyAbroad™ Bangladesh Chapterjermany

25/09/2013 HigherStudyAbroad™ Bangladesh Chapter https://www.facebook.com/groups/HigherStudyAbroad/doc/230014310393591/ 1/7 Create a Doc See All See All See All Recent Changes Rashidul Hasan Updated about 5 months ago Rashidul Hasan Updated about 5 months ago Rashidul Hasan Updated about 5 months ago সাির আহেমদ শাওন Updated about 5 months ago Higher StudyAbroad Updated over a year ago Adnan Sadeque Updated over a year ago Add to Movies Get Smart Have you watched this? Yes · No Stuart Little Have you watched this? Yes · No Add to Books Kiss the Girls Have you read this? Yes · No By Jamal Uddin Adnan, Ahm Mustafa Khan and 6 others in HigherStudyAbroad™ Bangladesh Chapter (Files) · > STEP 2 > University and Country Selection > Germany > জাম ািনেত উিশার জেন এাই করার ধাপসম https://www.DAAD.de/en/index.html . Originally written by Jamal Uddin Adnan . বাংলােদেশর অেনক েডেরই থােক উিশার জেন জাম ািনেত যাওয়ার। ছাাবায় আমােরা িছেলা িক অেনক কনিফউশন আর হফ কােনা গাইডলাইন না থাকায় অেনক বাধার স খীন হেয়িছ। আমার মত যােত কােরা এই কনিফউশনেলা না হয় আর মাাস -িপএইচিড এইসব হেলা এিলট ণীর জেনএই ভেয় কউ যােত যাগতা, ইা থাকা সেও চা করা থেক িবরত না থােক তার জেন আিম এই লখাটা িদলাম। . যাগতাঃ আিমও মেন করতাম 3.00 এর উপর না থাকেল ভােলা কাথাও হাইয়ার ািড করা একটা িদবা। যার কারেণ ছাাবায় আর পাশ করার পের দড় বছর কােনা চাই কিরিন। পের একজন িসিনয়র আর ২-৩জন ের কথায় সাহস কের করলাম। আজপয অেনক বাচেমট আর জ িনয়রএর সােথ কথা বেল দখলাম, যােদর িসিজ 3.00 এর িনেচ তােদর ৯০%-ই মেন কের উিশা করার চা কের লাভ নাই। আমার িসিজ 2.86 + 1-1 এর Math-এ ২বার লগ, কপালেজাের য ভািস েত পড়ার স েযাগ পাইিছ তা খ ব একটা খারাপ ভািস না। তেব যাই হাক, বল ইাশি না থাকেল কউ ম েখ ত েল খাওয়াই িদেবনা-এইটা মেন রাখাও ভােলা। তাই িসিজ খারাপ হেলও িনেজেক িরফাইন কের িনেল ইনশাআাহ ভােলা িকছ কপােল লখা হেবই। একটা হতাশার বাপার দখলাম, আমােদর কনিফেড লেভল ভািস েত িগেয় শ েনর কাছাকািছ নেম যায় (আমার কথা বলেতিছ, অনেদর িক হয় তা বলেত পািরনা, করেল সাররা ঝািড় িদেতা আর বলেতা - গাধা, এইটাও ব ঝনা!!!) - আমােদর ১০০% বাালী েডের মেধই অেনক যাগতা আর অপার সাবনা আেছ। .কাস সাচ পড়ার জন িবিভ কাস খাঁজার জেন সরাসির http://www.daad.de/deutschland/studienangebote/international- programmes/07535.en.html িলে িগেয় লেভল, িফ অফ ািড, এ এ সাবেজ এই পারািমটারেলা ক কের িদেল িনেচ সব জ বে এেভইেলবল াােমর সংখা দয়া থাকেব। হল দ বে শৗ াামস-িক করেল সব সােের নাম িল সহ দখােব। Another way for the "Course Search": http://www.tu9.de/graduate/master.php [TU9 is the network of the leading Institutes of Technology in Germany and were very successful in the German government’s Excellence Initiative. RWTH Aachen, TU München and Universität Karlsruhe (TH) (now Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) were awarded the status of “excellence universities”. ] . কাস বাছাইঃ জাম ািনেতই ধ না, বাইেরর কােনা দেশ পড়েত যাওয়ার আেগ অবশই দেখ নয়া লােগ যসব িবষয় সেলা হেলা- a) সাবেজঃ উপেরর িল থেক াাম সাচ িদেল অেনক াামই হয়ত আসেব, িক সব াামইেতা আর আমােদর পড়ার জেন উপয না। যমন- আিম যখন াাম সাচ করিছলাম তখন ি এ িমিডয়া টকেনালিজ নােম একটা সাবেজও আসিছেলা, িদেশ চাকিরর কথা িচা কির অথবা আেরা উতর পড়ার কথাই িচা কিরনা কন আমার কােছ মেন হেয়িছেলা এইটা আমার পড়া উিচত হেবনা। b) ভাষাঃ অেনক সাবেজ আেছ জাম ান ভাষায়, অেনেকরই হয়েতা জাম ান ভাষার কাস করা থাকেত পাের, তেব আমার পরামশ জাম ান ভাষার সাবেজেলা আমােদর জন কনই হেব। কারণ চােরর লকচার ব ঝেত হেব িভনেদিশ ভাষায়, আবার পরীার খাতায় ঝােতও হেব সই ভাষায়। মােন ডাবল পিরম। উপেরর িলে সাচ কের য কােনা াাম পজ-এ ঢ কেলই Course Language দয়া থােক।আিম িলটা িদলাম তােত সব ইংেরজী ভাষার কাস । কােরা যিদ ইা হয় জাম ান ভাষায় পড়ার তাহেল http://www.daad.de/deutschland/studienangebote/alle-studiengaenge/06539.en.html এই িলে গেল জাম ান, ইংেরজী সব মাধেমর সাবেজ একসােথ পাওয়া যােব। c) Admission semester, etc.: এই বাপারটা কােনা কােনা দয়া থােক Winter Semester only অথবা Summer semester only বা Both semester দয়া থােক। এটা অবশই খয়াল করেত হেব। Beginning of program, Program duration এেলাও িলে দয়া থােক। আর Application deadline-তা অবশই দখা উিচত। Description of Content - এই িজিনসটা হাা দেখ নয়া ভােলা, িভসার ে ইারিভউেত এটা অবশই কােজ লাগেব (যিদ বাালী ইারিভউয়ার থােক তাহেলেতা এটা জানেতই হেব।) সােথ সােথ এর িনেচ Course Description (Read More)-এইটা পড়েত হেব, অতপে কত িডেটর কাস তা জানার জেন। d) Cost, Fees, and Funding: এইটা হেলা পেজর সবেচেয় প দখার িবষয়। উশন িফ, এনেরালেম িফ অেনক ভািস েত লােগনা, কাথাও আবার লােগ িত সিমার ৫০০-৭০০ ইউেরার মত। তেব িকছ সাবেজ, যমন- এেরােস, লােগ ২ বছের ২০০০০ ইউেরা+ ভাট। Cost of Living ৮০০ইউেরা দয়া থাকেলও জাম ািনেত পড়েছন এরকম িসিনয়ররা বেলেছন ৫০০ ইউেরা অেনক যেথ। িমউিনেখর মত বড় শহরেলােত খরচ একট বিশ, তেব ৫০০র বিশ না। খরেচর একটা ববেদ জানলাম িমউিনেখর এক িসিনয়েরর কাছ থেক- খাওয়া ৬০+ হলথ ই ের ৮০+বাসা ভাড়া ৩০০+ িবিবধ ৩০ জাগেব ােপােট শেনর খরচ কই? এখােনই হেলা উশন িফ-র মজা। উশন িফ অেনক ভািস েত নয়া হয় েড ইউিনয়েনর জেন, এরা আবার বাস-ােমর অথিরর সােথ চ ি কের রােখ। েডেদর একটা কাড দয়া হয়, এটা সােথ িনেয় চলেল ােপােট শন খরচ নাই। আবার কািেন িডাউে খাওয়াও যােব এই কাড দিখেয়। িকছ ভািস আবার কােনা উশন িফ না িনেয়ই এই স িবধােলা দয়। এখােন আবার ফািং িনেয়ও তথ দয়া থােক, যমন ইান শীপ অপরচ িন, লারিশপ ইতািদ। GROUPS PAGES APPS Mahsin Ul Islam Riaydh Edit Profile FAVORITES MORE News Feed Messages 8 Events Photos Browse 2 GDG Dhaka (Previou… CSE/EEE JOBS at Bangladesh BUET CSE/EEE Higher Studies 5 HigherStudyAbroad… IIT BD GRE Math Subject Test Stu… 2 CSE Family (dcc) CSE-10TH BaTcH DCC....... 5 .NET Developers - B… 4 HigherStudyAbro… 2 (SAUME)STUDENT A… Web Designing and Devolo… Create Group... 20+ Pages Feed 20+ Like Pages Create Ad 20+ App Center 20+ Games Feed Edit Doc



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    By Jamal Uddin Adnan, Ahm Mustafa Khan and 6 others in HigherStudyAbroad Bangladesh Chapter


    > STEP 2 > University and Country Selection > Germany >



    Originally written by Jamal Uddin Adnan


    - ,




    , 3.00 %-

    2.86 + 1-1 Math- ,

    , -

    , ( ,

    , - , !!!) -




    programmes/07535.en.html , ,


    Another way for the "Course Search":


    [TU9 is the network of the leading Institutes of Technology in Germany and were very successful in

    the German governments Excellence Initiative.

    RWTH Aachen, TU Mnchen and Universitt Karlsruhe (TH) (now Karlsruhe Institute of

    Technology) were awarded the status of excellence universities. ]


    , -



    - ,


    , ,


    - Course Language

    http://www.daad.de/deutschland/studienangebote/alle-studiengaenge/06539.en.html ,

    c) Admission semester, etc.:

    Winter Semester only Summer semester only Both semester

    Beginning of program, Program duration

    Application deadline- Description of Content - ,

    ( )

    Course Description (Read More)- ,

    d) Cost, Fees, and Funding:

    , ,

    - , - , + Cost of


    , -

    + + +

    ? -

    , - ,

    , ,


    PA GES

    A PPS

    Mahsin Ul Islam


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    e) Required Entry Qualification Profile:

    Ielts, Toefl , ,

    , Ielts, Toefl

    , Gre-

    Ielts, Toefl, Gre ,


    , -

    , -,


    ...... , ?

    - ! ??!!

    f) ,

    Relevant additional information , ( ), ,

    - Only a little chance of

    parttime jobs. ---


    Contact Submit Application to

    Contact ,

    ( ) ( ) Ielts ,

    , ... ,


    ( , - ,

    ) , ,

    , - ,

    - DHL ,




    Rosetta Stone German Language Course

    , ,




    ( -

    , ,


    !!!) -



    - ,



    [U will get only 3 months VISA and there is a regulation that after getting it u have to send ur block

    money to ur German bank account so that u can extend ur VISA when u will reach Germany. After

    extension of ur VISA some states do not mind if u send the money back to ur home, but some states

    have rule like u can only withdraw a limited amount of money for example: 650-750 Euro per month. So

    do ur math sharply!!: For more clarification, Read the 4th point of the 2nd page in the following link

    pdf: http://goo.gl/JwfWE]

    ( Registration Card, Admit Card of S.S.C & H.S.C), (




    , ,

    !!! - -


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    , ,


    , -







    (http://sonarbangladesh.com/blog/mokarram76/20015 ,

    http://sonarbangladesh.com/blog/mokarram76/3989 ,

    http://sonarbangladesh.com/blog/mokarram76/2006 )


    Like Follow Post Report May 1 at 5:37pm

    Tasmia Tina, Salman B Hosain and 179 others like this.

    Heedless Sabuj great share. Thanks

    October 16, 2011 at 6:05am via mobile Like

    Tahsina Ferdous joss josssssssss

    October 19, 2011 at 2:39pm Like


    October 19, 2011 at 4:30pm Like 2


    October 19, 2011 at 4:33pm Like 1

    Mostafa Kamal of course share korben.......information f low &

    share amader grouper ekta prodhan uddessho.

    October 19, 2011 at 4:40pm Like


    October 19, 2011 at 4:40pm Like 1

    Mostafa Kamal apni pura group information ta share kore dite

    paren.....by highlighting the your aims of share....i mean you w nat to

    share the info about German Univ. Admission process..! group e join

    kore shobai ei infor pashapasi aro onek solution pbae asha kori.

    October 19, 2011 at 4:44pm Like 2

    Kamruzzaman Rubel thnx fr such an aw esome post bro........

    October 19, 2011 at 8:14pm Like 1

    Saleh Tusher https://w w w .facebook.com/groups/BSAAG/

    October 19, 2011 at 8:18pm Like 2

    Tahsina Ferdous Saleh Tusher.. Bhaia...Summer sessioner dead

    line ki choley gesay?:(

    October 19, 2011 at 10:54pm Like

    Saleh Tusher ya

    October 19, 2011 at 11:34pm Like

    Tahsina Ferdous tar maney amak maytey apply kortey hobey..

    October 19, 2011 at 11:36pm Like 1

    Rashidul Hasan Tahsina Ferdous: Not May. Some univ. has deadline

    by March for Non-Eu candidates. So look carefully!

    October 19, 2011 at 11:44pm Like

    Tahsina Ferdous Lennon Russel..Summer Semister shuru kobey


    October 19, 2011 at 11:45pm Like 1

    Saleh Tusher january theke usually application suru hoy.. apni age

    age apply koiren..

    October 19, 2011 at 11:45pm Like 3

    Tahsina Ferdous Ami inshallah Januarytei apply korbo..

    October 19, 2011 at 11:46pm Like

    Rashidul Hasan Tahsina Ferdous: Summer sem. starts from

    March[application deadline generally SEP/OCT], Winter sem starts

    from OCT[app. deadline generally MAR/APR] for Non-EU.

    October 19, 2011 at 11:48pm Like 2

    Tahsina Ferdous Lennon Russel..ok Bhaia...Tar maney ami Winter

    dhortey parbo Inshallah

    October 19, 2011 at 11:50pm Like 2

    Fakrul Islam Could u please give me your cell number @ Admin vhi

    November 3, 2011 at 8:41am via mobile Like 1

    Asraful Forhad Chowdhury Fund er bapar ta clear na ? plz fund

    er bapar ta ektu clear koran ?

    November 3, 2011 at 11:44am Like 2

    Hafiz Ahmed Germany te scholarship niye jaoata tough. Kintu apni

    oikhane jaoar por valo score tulte parle internal onek scholarship ase,

    oigulite apply korte parben. Asarao, RAship to asei. Shob i oikhane jaoar

    por. Part time job er kotha to sobai janen. Oitao ekta funding source.

    Asaro, apni internship korte paren. tateo valo fund ase. Industrial

    Internship hole to onek paoa jay. 1-1.5 hajar euro porjonto pete paren.

    Asraful Forhad Chow dhury,

  • 25/09/2013 HigherStudyAbroad Bangladesh Chapter

    https://www.facebook.com/groups/HigherStudyAbroad/doc/230014310393591/ 4/7

    November 3, 2011 at 2:06pm Like 4

    Asraful Forhad Chowdhury Hafiz Ahmed thx for the info, so i think

    student from economic low er middle class of BD can effort this ?

    YES/NO ??/

    November 3, 2011 at 2:17pm Like 1

    Hafiz Ahmed Yes, u can think.

    November 3, 2011 at 2:34pm Like 2

    Asraful Forhad Chowdhury Hafiz Ahmed thx a lot

    November 3, 2011 at 2:35pm Like 1

    Shahidul Haque Palash f irst 3 month ar living cost ar arrange kora

    jaoa valo and kub jodi icha thake thahola ai 3 month ar modha at least

    akta part time job manage kora faltha parban. so think positive.@joya

    November 3, 2011 at 4:16pm Like 1

    Heedless Sabuj its very helpful. . .thx

    November 3, 2011 at 4:47pm via mobile Like

    Saleh Tusher Joyful Joya kon department e? 350-400 euro hoile

    enough studentder jonno.. department er name bolle job er obostha

    bolte partam..

    November 3, 2011 at 8:49pm Like

    Ruk Rukhsana germanyte job jogar kora kotota easy macdonalds

    chra amar jana nai.living expense khub high

    November 3, 2011 at 9:25pm via mobile Like

    Saleh Tusher Ruk Rukhsana living expense besi hoile to prob nai

    job thakle.. ar aikhane sobai job korei poralekha kore.. mcdonalds e to

    job korar dorkar dekhi na, campus e job pabe.. research assistant or

    company te student job paoa jay

    November 3, 2011 at 9:28pm Like 1

    Saleh Tusher Ruk Rukhsana apu ***** (apu likhte bhule giyechilam,

    dont mind)

    November 3, 2011 at 9:34pm Like 1

    Siam Mosharraf Hossain Eastern Bank, please stop spamming. In

    your next post related to EBL advertising, you w ill be banned from

    the group. Happy banking somew here else!

    December 12, 2011 at 2:08pm Like 13

    Eastern Bank its ok

    December 12, 2011 at 2:10pm Like

    Siam Mosharraf Hossain cool, w e w ill strictly monitor if it is really

    OK or not.

    December 12, 2011 at 2:12pm Like 1

    Ruk Rukhsana SALEH TUSHAR bohu bosor edeshe thaeke

    dekhessi student job gulo ki. ami student na kintu ovvigotai onek kisu

    jani.campuse job paioa eto sohoj na valo german na janle. its bit

    differtent than usa

    December 12, 2011 at 2:12pm Like

    Saleh Tusher argue kore lubh nai, apni jeta janen na seta niye...

    germany te international program e asa student ra german kichui jane

    prothom 1-2 years e.. but tara uni te student job kore jasse.. ......... ar

    kichu likhlam na. hat e somoy kom

    December 12, 2011 at 2:55pm Like 2

    Ruk Rukhsana ok great to know the info....thanks

    December 12, 2011 at 3:01pm Like

    Saiful Roney Tanvir Siddiqee

    December 12, 2011 at 3:10pm Like 1

    Abu Rayhan Rasel GERMANY ta MS krta chaila konta better

    hoba..IELTS/TOEFL? Saleh Tusher vai

    December 12, 2011 at 4:05pm Like

    Jamal Uddin Adnan Eastern Bank: India theke asha classmateder

    kase shunlam tara baper prochur tk thakleo bank loan nei, karon tader

    jonno 1st 5 bochor kono shud ni, r porer 5 bochor 2-3%. r apnader

    off ice-a ami r amar ek friend bank loan-er bepare kotha bolte gesilam,

    okhankar mohagyani off icerra amaderk shamne boshai rekhe pasher

    colleague-er shathe eid-er natok nie kotha bolai busy thake.

    nijer exp. r ashpasher oneker exp. theke boltesi, EBL-e student f ile jara

    korse, tader protteker tk transfer korte besh jhamela hoise. Commercial

    bank die ami korsi, onnera jara korse tarao bolse, tk transfer korte matro

    1din lage. tobe tk endorse korar shomoi tarao tafaling korsilo.

    December 12, 2011 at 4:29pm Like 6

    Saleh Tusher Rayhan Rasel it's up to u. German universities accept


    December 12, 2011 at 4:44pm Like 1


    HOLEO TRY KORA IMPOSSIBLE NA ? @ Jamal Uddin Adnan

    December 12, 2011 at 5:23pm Like

    Rashidul Hasan RA/TA[in German, Hilfsw issenschaftler]



    ! strongly based ,



    sound ,

    !? ,

    December 12, 2011 at 9:29pm Like 3

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    Rashidul Hasan 7908 euro= [


    December 12, 2011 at 10:32pm Like 2

    Tanvir Siddiqee Thank you Saiful Roney

    December 12, 2011 at 11:30pm Like

    Anisul Islam Choudhory Aus a ALA/IPRS and USA te TA/RA

    mange kora means sure/confirm funding before going to the foreign

    university. Germany-r khetre ki airokom kono fund manage kora possible,

    prior going to Germany? How ? When?

    December 13, 2011 at 2:38am Like 1

    Saleh Tusher 99% impossible for MS Anisul Islam Choudhory

    December 13, 2011 at 2:40am Like 2

    Anisul Islam Choudhory Is this by DAAD or have some more

    scopes. Plz help by being more explanatory.

    December 13, 2011 at 2:51am Like

    Saleh Tusher u can apply for daad scholarship.. u w ill f ind a doc

    here in this group regarding this. or search by urself using follow ing

    link http://w w w .daad.de/stipendien/en/index.en.html?land=191 ..read

    previous comments to know something about RA/TA.

    December 13, 2011 at 3:00am Like 1

    Rashidul Hasan Anisul Islam Choudhory: RA/TA[in German,

    Hilfsw issenschaftler] ,

    Procedure Email to the Professors!

    December 13, 2011 at 3:34am Like

    Anisul Islam Choudhory If I search by DAAD link (provided by

    Lennon Vhai), the only MS program available for me in TU Mnchen

    are Communication Eng. and Comm Electronics. But if I see through the

    off icial w ebsite of TU Mnchen, It has Dept. named ELECTRICAL


    December 13, 2011 at 3:57am Like

    Anisul Islam Choudhory sorry for incomplete post.......Plz also

    comment about Comm Eng. in TU Mnchen. Prospect in Germany,

    Availability of jobs etc

    December 13, 2011 at 3:58am Like

    Rashidul Hasan U are an International student and thus w ill get the

    chance to admit urself in the International Programs. Prospect and

    Job depends on ur performance.

    December 13, 2011 at 3:59am Like

    Ahm Mustafa Khan bro ata ami amr dept ar page a share korte

    chicilam, akane hoye gelo, pore daki remove korar option nai, parle

    apni remove kore nen . . plz.

    February 22, 2012 at 7:13pm Like

    Orpa Rony If u follow my WALL-POSTs, u can f ind related

    necessary information & details......

    February 22, 2012 at 9:29pm via mobile Like

    Syeda Sabrina Fahim Bin Abdur Rahman

    March 1, 2012 at 5:23pm Like

    Riyad Imrul ,

    April 19, 2012 at 6:55pm Like 1

    Mishkat Immaculate Aslam Uddin

    April 26, 2012 at 5:18pm Like

    Pritam Mitra vaia ame scholarship nia jata chai.but koto cgpa lagba

    bujtha parchina.ame cgpa 3.45.r amr interest RWTH Aacheen

    university.amk aktu bolta paren ai cgpa dia okhana scholarship pabo?

    May 21, 2012 at 12:19am Like 1

    Tahmid Munat @Md. Rashidul Hasan vaia ... 7908 euro ki 3 month

    kore 12 month e 7908 x 3 goon dekhate hobe? ar 4 year e toto goon

    ?naki pura course e (3-4 years) for bachelors - total 7908 dekhate hoy.

    ar ducation free hole ki hobe?

    May 24, 2012 at 10:04pm Like

    Zakaria Tanvir Razib bhaiya ami Shahjalal University te BBA

    porci(4th year).amader last semester exam ses houyar pray 8-12

    months lege jay f inal result published hote,so ami ki last semester ar

    result chara germany kuno varsityte apply korte parbo???

    May 24, 2012 at 11:03pm Like

    Rashidul Hasan Tahmid Munat: 7908/year. For more details:

    w w w .bsaag.com

    Zakaria Tanvir Razib: Diff icult. But u can contact w ith the univ. if they

    allow .

    May 24, 2012 at 11:51pm Like

    Farhat Redwan Saleh Tusher Bhai, March 2013 semester dhorte

    hole amake SEP/OCT 2012 er moddhe apply korte hobe u mean that

    rite bro?

    May 26, 2012 at 9:12pm Like

    Saleh Tusher onek uni er 2 ta step ache.. 1 st step onek somoy july

    te sesh hoye jay, then ora bole second step er jonno apply korte...

    usually october porjonto deadline... but university er site theke jene nile

    bhalo.. prottek ta uni er nijjosso deadline..

    May 26, 2012 at 9:15pm Like

    Farhat Redwan Saleh Tusher Bhai, Closing date for applications:

    Until November 30th of the previous year for the 3 and 4 semester

    courses starting w ith the summer semester and until May 31st for the 4

    semester course starting w ith the w inter semester. >>> Its bit confusing

    to me. Can u explain it bro? Hope u dont mind...

    May 26, 2012 at 9:22pm Like

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    Shehrin Saleh Rosetta Stone German Language Course

    ? ?

    May 30, 2012 at 3:06pm Like

    Babla Mohajan onek gulo new information pailam

    May 31, 2012 at 11:42pm Like

    Newaz Mohammed Shakil enrollment fee ta ki application fee naki?

    apply korar somoy ki ota pay korte hbe?

    June 1, 2012 at 1:16am Like

    Ahsan Ahmed Romel vaia germany te jara porte gese tara

    sobsamay lbole j anguage akta boro problem...german na janle job

    pao impossible...ai bishoy ta niye kisu akta bolle helpful hotam

    June 1, 2012 at 11:24am Like 1

    Md. Nadim MEng and Msc ei dutate te job er bepare germany konta

    help kore?

    June 9, 2012 at 10:14am Like

    Khalid Shams aw esome.. CGPA niya amio tension e silam..

    June 9, 2012 at 11:55am Like 1

    Illuminate Anik many many tnx..............

    June 9, 2012 at 12:51pm Like

    Moin Ever ......

    June 9, 2012 at 1:25pm Like

    Habibur Rahman Md. Rashidul Hasan vhai, can i know how much a

    company or uni pay usually at the time of intern(M.Sc.) and in the time

    of studying PhD per month? specially students of TUM,RWTH,TUD etc.

    are all students of those uni get TA/RA in these uni? thanks in

    advance.anyone can answ er these qus. if they know abt it.(consider it

    specially for CS and EEE students).

    June 9, 2012 at 2:38pm Like 1

    Rizvan Shartho many many thnx for the post

    July 29, 2012 at 8:35pm Like

    Sirazul Haque Zakir Md. Rashidul Hasan bhai,TA/RA jonno ki alada

    Email korte hoi professor ke,naki admission hole tarpor apply korte hoi

    university te,please akto clear korben

    July 30, 2012 at 1:00am Like 1

    Tanjila Tabassum Priva vaia , r akta question bole j 90 days kaj

    korte dey per year ?? tahole living expense kivabe manage korbe ??

    August 25, 2012 at 2:40am Like 1

    Higher StudyAbroad Tanjila Tabassum Priva:

    http://bsaagw eb.de/student-job-ra-ta-hiw i/

    August 25, 2012 at 7:17am Like

    Sheikh Tareq Ahmed Pavel vaiya undergraduate e jaoya process

    ta ki bolben...

    September 2, 2012 at 4:28pm Like

    Mahbubul Islam Boby amar graduation complete hobe 2014 ar

    march april ar dike...2014 ar June ar session a admit hote kokhon

    apply kora lagbe....r je sob university gula GRE IELTS chai na sei dular

    link dile valo hoto ....

    September 3, 2012 at 4:48pm Like 1

    Saikat Das @Writter::

    ? funding ?

    ( ) for

    march/april -2013

    September 4, 2012 at 10:24am Like

    Taufiqual Islam 8 lakh taka ta nijar security r jonna .....M.sc r 2 year

    por othoba course running obosthai taka ta puro tula fala ji..... ata city

    to city vary koraa......

    September 4, 2012 at 11:19pm Like

    Moin Ever Bank Account

    September 5, 2012 at 10:24pm Like

    Taufiqual Islam nirdharito Banka 1ta block accunt korta hoba. ata

    offer letter r embassy face r date paw ar por korlai hoy......

    September 5, 2012 at 11:56pm Like

    RaYan FaHad useful information..i have completed my bba last

    month..so ami ki akhn funding ar jonno search korbo naki jekhane

    possible sekhaney application kora suru korbo plz janaben........

    December 18, 2012 at 8:32pm Like

    Sazeeb Ahmed Germanyte BBA korte chai. kon university bhalo

    hobe? tution fees kemon hobe? english language a chai.

    March 11 at 2:02pm Like

    AK Azad Rashidul Hasan or Admin DU

    jan. Honor's Honor;s result approximately CGPA

    2.80 IELTS score 5.5 History subject

    masters university

    March 22 at 3:36am Like

    AK Azad ,

    MBSTU ICT Honor's CGPA 3.08

    now . IELTS admin

    May 1 at 2:37pm Like 1

    AK Azad admin kotha bole na kan ?

    May 1 at 5:32pm Like

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    Rashidul Hasan @all:

    Guidelines are there in the doc. U need to follow it. If u have any specif ic

    questions then w e w ill try to ans. Kindly go through he doc. and search the

    requirements in the univ. w ebsite.

    May 1 at 5:35pm Like

    apply , yet not complete

    my honor's

    May 1 at 6:58pm Like

    Sujit Abdullah vai blocked account a j almost 8 lakh taka lage ata ki

    nijer bap kei dite hobe naki onno keo dilei hobe ? r visa houar por ki

    ata tule fela jabe ? naki germany jaoar 3 month por visa extend kora

    porjonto ata german bank account a rakhte hobe ? pls give ans.....I am


    May 3 at 1:43am Like 1

    Ridwan Al Mahmud vai funding or RA er beparta kirokom, eita rektu

    clear hoile valo hoito. nevertheless it w as helpful

    August 21 at 10:57pm Like

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