High School PBS: PBS Meetings & Data Jon Franco Century HS,Hillsboro SD Chris Borgmeier Portland...

High School PBS: PBS Meetings & Data Jon Franco Century HS,Hillsboro SD Chris Borgmeier Portland State University www.web.pdx.edu/~cborgmei
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Transcript of High School PBS: PBS Meetings & Data Jon Franco Century HS,Hillsboro SD Chris Borgmeier Portland...

High School PBS:PBS Meetings & DataJon FrancoCentury HS,Hillsboro SD

Chris BorgmeierPortland State Universitywww.web.pdx.edu/~cborgmei

SW-PBSUniversal System

Team Leadership Common language Clear, Shared Expectations Regular acknowledgement of desired

behavior Consistent responses to problem behavior Data based decision making

Century HS POWER Team Meeting

Keys to an Effective Meeting

POWER Team Meeting agenda

Sharing data during the meeting How is data shared? What data is shared?

Sharing data with the entire staff How data is shared with entire staff? How often?











Making Explicit ConnectionsPBS & School Improvement Plan Goals

What data is important?

Discipline referralsTardy

Suspension/Expulsion Attendance Rates LRE data Graduation Rates Academic data

What data are you using now?

How often do you examine the data?

Have you used data to guide decision making?

How is data a part of your regular PBS teaming process?

What are barriers to using data for your team?

We have not asked for data Do not know what to ask for Don’t know who to ask/where to get data

Poor data systems Inconsistent data entry Data is not easily accessible Data is not accessible in a usable format


Effective Data Systems

Ease of data entry Ease of data retrieval Ease of understanding the data for

decision makingGraphic representationData presented to highlight most important

characteristics of the data

SWIS for Discipline Referral Data

www.swis.org $250/year/school

# of Schools Using SWIS by LevelApril 2009

Pre-K 9

Elementary 3,152

Middle 896

High 359

K-8/12 859

Century HS -- Majors OnlyBut what does

this really mean?

SWIS summary 07-08 (Majors Only)2,732 schools; 1,385,191 students; 1,244,026 ODRs

Grade Range Number of Schools

Mean Enrollment per school

Mean ODRs per 100 per school day

K-6 1,762 444 .34 (sd=.45)

(1 /300 / day)

6-9 482 653 .92 (sd=1.41)

(1/ 100 / day)

9-12 176 914 1.05 (sd=.1.56)

(1/105 / day)

K-(8-12) 312 401 1.00 (sd=1.85)

(1/ 100 / day

Oregon HS Averages

2005-06 – 13 HS = 0.75/100/Day

2006-07 – 14 HS = 0.78/100/Day

2007-08 -- 19 HS = 0.60/100/Day

Century HS -- Majors Only

1500 students

15 x 0.6 = 9 referrals/Day

(OR ave)

Century HS -- Major & Minor

Century HS -- Majors Only

Oregon High School DataODR by Problem Behavior

Century HS -- Majors Only

Century HS -- Majors Only

Century HS -- Mining the Data Problem Behavior at Noon

Century HS -- Mining the Data Referrals at Noon x Grade Level

Century HS -- Majors Only

What data is important?

Discipline referralsTardy

Suspension/Expulsion Attendance Rates LRE data Graduation Rates Academic data

What does this data mean?

ODR’s 33 %

Suspensions 22 %

HS Drop Outs 35 %

Students moved to 43 % out of school placement

Expulsions 17 %

What does this data mean?

ODR’s 33 %

Suspensions 22 %

HS Drop Outs 38 %

Students moved to 14 % out of school placement

Expulsions 45 %

Oregon HS DataSWIS

Oregon ODR/100/Day – Majors


Oregon High School DataAll Enrolled Students x Ethnicity & Students w/ Referrals x Ethnicity

Oregon High School DataAll Enrolled Students x Ethnicity & Referrals x Ethnicity