High School Bukit Mertajam


Transcript of High School Bukit Mertajam

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Food is a substance that can be consumed in the form of solid and liquid. Food made in various shapes, texture, appearance, taste, color and smell different. Food is also a combination of different flavors of bitter, salty , sweet , spicy and sour . The texture of the food stands softness, smoothness, hardness, crispiness and freshness of a food . There savoury foods and sugary foods . Food is a basic need of every human being or primary . Its function is to meet the physical, physiological , psychological and social . The quantity and quality of food affects the health of individuals . Examples of dietary intake that does not have a balanced diet that is less hazardous to the health and quality of food intake in large quantities can cause obesity and obesity. Foods that affect the need for food is geographical, religious, cultural and social . The selection of food is influenced by age, gender , daily activities , work, body size, climate and health.

Nutrition is a word derived from the Latin word which means to eat a nutritious food . Nutrition means learning about food, variety of food , its contents and the role or function of the human body . Nutrition knowledge is very important in making a choice , what is available and what can be accepted by the body. Food choices , good and appropriate to ensure the health of the body. The right foods means a balanced diet that contains all of the nutrients needed by the human body .

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1. Weight Control

A diet that is full of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains can help you lose, maintain or control your weight. Replace high-fat and high-calorie foods with nutrient rich items. The fiber in fruits, vegetables and whole grains will keep you fuller for longer while proteins will provide you with cellular support.

2. Blood Sugar Control

Sugary foods cause spikes in your blood sugar. If you consume too many sugary foods like white breads and concentrated fruit juices, over time you can develop Type 2 diabetes. Complex carbohydrates, like those in oatmeal, can help reduce and regulate blood sugar.

3. Heart Health

High-fat foods cause high cholesterol and a buildup of plaque in your arteries. It’s a known fact that this can lead to stroke, heart attack or heart disease. Eat healthy fats, like those found in nuts and avocados, to get the fat you need without the plaque buildup.

4. Deceased Cancer Risk

Fruits and vegetables are full of antioxidants that help neutralize the damaging cells known as free radicals. Free radicals are highly unstable and can lead to

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cancerous cells. Antioxidants create a stable cell environment.

5. More Benefits

Greatly reduce your risk of heart and coronary artery disease.

You can decrease bone loss and reduce your overall risk of developing kidney stones.

Most fruits and vegetables are naturally low in fat and calories. Plus, they have no cholesterol.

Potassium rich diets can help to maintain healthy blood pressures.

Dietary fiber has been found to help reduce blood cholesterol levels and might actually lower your risk for heart disease. Fiber is also important to maintaining proper bowel functions. Fiber-rich vegetables can help you feel fuller for longer and consume less calories in a meal.

Folic acids, or folates, are an important part of helping the body form red blood cells. This is particularly good for women who are or may become pregnant. They will need folic acid during pregnancy so supplements and foods with folates are needed.

Vitamin A found in nutritious foods keeps your eyes and skin healthy while also protecting from infections.

Vitamin C is needed for healthy skin as well, aiding to heal cuts and keep teeth and gums healthy. It is also a part of iron absorption in the blood.

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It also prevent obesity. Obesity means obesity that is due to the excess fat. Obesity poses a variety of health problems such as heart disease , and high blood pressure . Besides emotionally stressed, obese people cannot enjoy their life fully because of limited mobility . To overcome this problem , they need to eat a balanced diet , which is the mean daily diet that contains all the classes with the correct quantity of food in sufficient amounts.

The problem of obesity is actually caused by an unhealthy lifestyle such as not taking care of diet. Consuming foods high in fat and too sweet can lead to obesity. Fried foods can also contribute to the accumulation of fat in the body. Therefore, we should eat more vegetables , fruits and other sources of protein such as fish . Reduced fuel consumption and diversify food by steaming, baking or stewing .

In addition , laziness and dislike of exercise is also a cause of obesity. When we pamper the body by not doing any exercise movement , will continue to accumulate fat in our body. Therefore, we must exercise at least 3 times a week for 30 minutes. Some of the recommended exercises are brisk walk , swim , or play badminton .

In addition, the increase in fast food restaurants and the sale of food in packages or cans also be a cause of obesity . Fast food restaurants are very popular populous country,

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especially those who are working as they need not bother to cook food after a hard work . Although this food is appetizing ,people should be aware that the consumption of these foods should be reduced because the food is not nutritious and contains salt , sugar , and high fat.

In conclusion , the problem of obesity must be addressed to avoid the bad things that arise as a result. Obesity caused by poor diet and lack of exercise can be avoided if we change food intake, cooking , and exercising more. Removing body fat is not an easy thing to do. This requires patience and determination.


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Eat your meals regularly. Some people who are trying to lose weight practice the diet habit of skipping meals. This is actually not a good idea. By skipping your meals, you can be hungrier and eat more for your next meal. Not having regular meal times can also decrease a person’s metabolism.

Eat a variety of foods. To have a good meal means having the right balance of nutrient rich foods. No single food can provide all the nutrients that the body needs, so it is important to have a combination of different food types in each meal. Some of the essential foods that you have to heat are grain products, fruits, vegetables, meat, dairy products and fish. You can ask the help of a nutritionist to help you with the correct portions to eat based on your weight and height.

Reduce, do not eliminate. Changing habits does not necessarily mean totally eliminating foods like chocolates and junk food. You do not have to deprive yourself of your comfort foods, you just have to reduce your intake gradually until you see that you do not need to eat it as much as before.

Eat slowly. One good idea to lessen your food intake is to eat slowly. Not only will you be enjoying the flavor of your food, you will also lessen your food intake. It takes approximately 20 minutes before your brain tells you that you are already full. By eating slowly, you won’t be stuffing your stomach and over eating and you will still feel full.

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Do not eat late at night. Eating late at night before sleeping will not allow you to burn the calories that you took in. You can eat more during the daytime as you do activities that will help you eliminate the fat. If you are hungry after dinner, you should just have a small snack and remember not to sleep as soon as you finish eating.

Avoid emotional eating. In some cases, our emotions can get in the way and this influences our eating habits. Some people start bingeing, especially if they have negative emotions. To avoid this, you must know how to deal with your feelings so that you do not transfer the negative energy to binge eating.


It is a necessity for every individual in planning a balanced diet with calorie list of foods that we eat everyday. For example, adult women need 1600-2000 calories per day while adult males, which requires up to 2000-2500 calories a day.

Calorie requirements are also dependent on other factors such as gender, age, body size, type of employment, climate and health. Below are listed calories in our daily diet.

Food Routine

1 . White rice ( one half cup ) = 260 calories

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2 . Nasi lemak bersambal ( plate ) = 400 calories

3 . Fried rice breeding ( plate ) = 635 calories

4 . Berayam briyani ( plate ) = 880 calories

5 . Rice empty oil ( plate ) = 445 calories

6 . Plain chicken rice ( plate ) = 300 calories

7 . Plain fried noodles ( plate ) = 660 calories

8 . Noodle soup ( bowl ) = 380 calories

9 . Fried mee hoon ( plate ) = 550 calories

10. White bread ( 2 slices ) = 156 calories

13 . Pau Chicken ( each) = 203 calories

14. Plain corn flakes ( cup ) = 160kalori

Side Dishes

1 . Indian mackerel fish curry gravy ( a ) = 85 calories

2 . Spanish mackerel fried chilli ( slice ) = 142 calories

3 . Indian mackerel fish fry ( a ) = 140 calories

4 . Fish senangin tangy gravy ( slice ) = 210 calories

5 . Beef curry gravy ( 2 matchboxes ) = 130 calories

6 . Chicken curry gravy ( slice ) = 250 calories

7 . Fried chicken ( slice ) = 255 calories

8 . Tandoori chicken ( slice ) = 220 calories

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9 . Sambal prawns ( half a cup) = 70 calories

10. Sambal squid (half a cup ) = 55 calories

11 . Fried eggs ( each) = 110 calories

12 . Fried Tofu (piece ) = 110 calories

13 . Canned baked beans ( 2 tbsp) = 40 calories


1.Kasui berkelapa scars (piece ) = 160 calories

2 . Layer cake (piece ) = 130 calories

3 . Bingka tubers (piece ) = 220 calories

4 . Cekodok Banana ( medium piece ) = 180 calories

5 . Fried spring rolls ( a ) = 130 calories

6 . Fresh spring rolls ( a ) = 95 calories

7 . Fried Bananas (piece ) = 170 calories

8 . Plain cake without cream ( slice ) = 87 calories

9 . Curry ( each) = 130 calories

10. Sardine sandwich (piece ) = 70 calories

11 . Bean soup ( bowl ) = 100 calories

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Fast Food

1 . Chicken thighs ( a ) = 130 calories

2 . Chicken Nugget ( a ) = 60 calories

3 . Mashed potatoes ( a small tub ) = 90 calories

4 . Crushed Cauliflower Vegetable ( one tub) = 75 calories

5 . Cheeseburger ( a ) = 425 calories

6 . French fries ( a small pouch ) = 405 calories

7 . Satay chicken ( part in concert ) = 35 calories

8 . Cheesy Pizza ( slice ) = 240 calories


1 . Watermelon ( slice ) = 20 calories

2 . Papaya ( slice ) = 45 calories

3 . Bananas ( 2 pcs) = 76 calories

4 . Durian ( 5 cloves) = 64 calories

5 . Oranges ( each) = 42 calories

6 . Guava ( each) = 110 calories

7 . Pineapple ( slice ) = 59 calories

8 . Apple ( each) = 63 calories

9 . MANILA ( each) = 44 calories

10. Mango ( each) = 103 calories

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1 . 1 carbonated drink cans 285g = 120 cals

2 . Drink 250g box = 105 cals

3 . Full cream milk powder 1 tablespoon = 33 cals

4 . Nonfat milk powder 1 tablespoon = 25 cals

5 . Popsicle 2 scope = 390 cals

6 . Sweetened condensed milk 1 tablespoon = 71 cals

7 . Low-fat yogurt 1 cup = 90 cals

8 . Butter 2 teaspoons = 75 cals


Starvation is the most extreme form of malnutrition. Prolonged starvation causes organ damage and is the last stage before death from a lack of food. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, more than 25,000 people die of starvation every day. As a result, 947 million people in the developing world are undernourished. Hunger and starvation are a grim reality for countless families in the Caribbean and Latin America.

Food For The Poor serves the Caribbean and Latin American populations who are battling hunger daily. The people in the areas in which we serve lack the social safety nets that the

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United States has established for the poor. Governmental aid programs such as soup kitchens, food stamps, job programs, and homeless shelters don’t exist in Haiti, Guatemala, Honduras, nor most of the Caribbean and Latin American countries. The only assistance impoverished people may receive is the help that our generous donors can provide. Without the infrastructural resources for opportunity, these destitute communities are starving to death.

The reality is that people who live in many developing countries cannot grow enough food or earn enough money to buy food; there is nowhere to turn for help. About 80 percent of people in Haiti live on less than $2 a day. With food prices rising from floods and crop damage from the 2007 hurricane season, the U.N. Food and Agriculture Agency has declared a state of emergency in Haiti.

Guatemala, with the fourth-highest rate of chronic malnutrition in the world faces a serious challenge to reduce chronic undernutrition, currently at 49.3% among children under 5, according to the World Food Programme.

In Jamaica, many of the residents are still trying to revive their crops from the devastation of hurricane seasons past. Food can be hard to grow because of soil conditions and many children do not get enough to eat each day because their families lack the financial resources to purchase adequate food.

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Food For The Poor operates and supports feeding programs that feed millions of people regularly. To accomplish this, we partner with churches, schools, hospitals, missionaries and charitable organizations such as the Salvation Army, Caritas, the American-Nicaraguan Foundation, the Knights of Malta and others. Food For The Poor provided approximately 65 million pounds of food to countless malnourished children and their families in 2008.

Food For The Poor feeds millions of destitute children and their families in Haiti. Through our expansive network of island-wide distribution hubs, Food For The Poor supports thousands of partners in feeding the poorest of the poor. These organizations are located throughout the country and are served by warehouses and distribution facilities in both Port-au-Prince and Cap-Haitien.

The struggles of destitute families continue, they desperately need our ongoing support and prayers. No person should ever die from a hunger-related death.

Hunger is a condition in which the occurrence of severe food insufficiency , or hunger is to cause death . It was the worst situation of malnutrition . Almost all the world's continents have experienced tough time against famine in human history . The famine in Bengal in 1770 , for example, has claimed nearly one million lives . In some countries ,

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especially in the area Saharan Africa , famine continues to be a serious case to date.

The causes of famine occurrence

Several factors can influence the occurrence of famine, for example, crop failures, population imbalances and government policy . This will be followed by malnutrition , indefinite hunger , disease and increased mortality .

1 . Reliance on one type of plant

The very first factor to influence the case of starvation is high dependency on one type of plant . For example , in 1845 the Irish Famine caused by a high dependence on the potato as a primary food source . When the potatoes can not be produced by many due to the attack potato, then a lot of people who do not get food . This continues until the case serious , and eventually starve to death.

2 . Uncertain climate

Climate change may also lead to starvation . For example , in mid-2011 , the absence of the rainy season has resulted in the worst drought in East Africa in 60 years . Severe drought has caused crop failure sufficient to accommodate the number of people that has resulted in nearly 60 , 000 people have died due to starvation.

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3 . The population imbalance

The population imbalance can also cause starvation . For example in India , population is 100 million (1700 ) to 300 million (1920 ) has resulted in the production of food be disproportionate to the population. Furthermore the production of food in India also rely heavily on water from the monsoon season , causing any climate change impact is very terrible .

4 . Farming systems that are less technologically advanced

Most countries with cases of chronic hunger is a state of chaos and poverty. Political interference and the indifference of government to provide basic amenities , including in agriculture , the residents are not getting adequate food supply . For example, the Japanese population in Vietnam during the Second World War led to famine Vietnam in 1945 with the death of 2 million cases have been reported , ie thinking for about 10 % of the total population at that time.

Step To Prevent Hunger

1 . Improved Irrigation System

Most of the countries affected by famine , showing the high dependence on water resources . Therefore, a good irrigation system is important in determining the success of

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agricultural crops . This also is to overcome hunger in the long run .

2 . Using the Best Seeds

The country has a problem crop diseases need to get the best seed crop with a high rate of disease resistance . Genetic engineering has produced seeds proven to fight resistance to plant diseases . Therefore , it is necessary for the people to get the latest and seeds to ensure the production of high quality crops with adequate care.

3 . use of Fertilizers

Fertilizer can also affect the amount of agricultural produce to ensure the adequacy of food supplies to the population. Therefore, proper use of fertilizers and high quality can help people produce crops in larger quantities sufficient to meet the needs of the population .

4 . Diversifying sources of food

In addition, food sources should be diversified . This means that a country must have a lot of food, thereby reducing the high dependence on specific crops . The diversity of food resources also enable more people to get food supplies , especially during the critical season , such as droughts and floods.

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In short, Islam ban on eating pork and drinking alcohol. Buddhism and Hinduism promote pure vegetarian diet or a lacto vegetarian. Pure vegetarian diet contains protein foods from plant sources such as soy beans and the result of substituting meat protein source.

1 ) Islam

For the banned Muslim eat pork and drink alcohol . Eating kosher food and very clean , very important for every

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Muslim . Not only lawful means , meat from animals are consumed, but also includes the whole process of food preparation , such as the use of clean utensils in terms of Islam and the Islamic method of slaughtering process .

Category Eating Halal edible

All kinds of fruit clean

All kinds of vegetables are clean

All marine life is non-toxic

 Animals slaughtered in the name of God

Illegal food categories

 Animals that die of themselves

Animals that die in accident

Animals were killed

Plants that are poisonous and dirty

The fruits are poisonous and dirty

Animals that eat forbidden category

Animals that hunt with claws ( monkey , eagle )

Animals that hunt with their teeth . ( Tiger , lion )

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Animals that live in two realms - water and land - (Tortoise , Crocodile ) .

Pet of the soles of his feet exploded - (pig)

Animals that cannot be peeled skin ( pig )

Poisonous animals ( snakes , lizards )

Animals that do not bleed ( Cockroach )

Forbidden to you ( for food) are carrion ( meat ) , and blood ( flowing out ) , and pork ( including everything ) , and the animals are slaughtered for other than Allah , and the choking, and the dead beaten, and killed by a fall from a high place , and dead , and the dead eaten by wild animals, unless ye are able to slaughter it ( alive) , and who sacrificed to idols , and ( prohibited are ) you contemplate the fate of the vote - shaft arrows . That is abomination . But if any is forced by hunger ( eating forbidden things ) with no inclination to sin ( such can eat it ), then surely Allah is Forgiving , Merciful.

2 . Buddha

Buddhism vehemently forbade his followers to eat meat , seafood, birds and life - life. According to Buddhism all living beings have the right to live in this world and no man can kill or injure an other life to satisfy his needs . According to Buddhist teachings when a man kills an animal , he will be born again as an animal.

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One of the important teachings of Buddhism is born over and over again ( Re - Incarnation ) . Buddhist teachings say that the people who make certain types of offenses likely to be born again into this world as animals, so when a man eating the flesh of animals is the same as a man he eat meat because the animal may be born again ( Re - Incarnation ) a man .

If we examine the way of life of the animals properly , we can know that most of the animals live in groups such as the human family and respect for relationships among animals . Animals we kill for food may be the father , mother , brother, sister or family member of an animal to another, when we kill one of the animals from the animal it would offend the other members of the group . When we kill an adult animal , the children will be orphaned animals and may die of starvation.

Due to the above reasons and because of many other reasons, Buddhism forbids Muslims to eat meat.

Plants that grow underground such as ginger , onion , garlic and so forbidden to be eaten by the followers of Buddhism. The plants are only to be eaten by humans who eat meat so that the meat they eat can digest quickly . Another important aspect is that such plants will damage our digestive systems and damages the nerves and the human gut .

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Buddhism only recommend followers to eat leafy vegetables , fruiting vegetables , and fruits are clean and pure.

3) The Hindu

Most people think and believe that cows are not eaten by Hindus and Indians as a cow is considered one of their God . However , it is actually the wrong impression .

As we understand most of the Indians do not eat beef . The Indians here do not mean only Hindus but all Indians , including Muslims , Buddhists, Sikhs , Zen , Jainism and so on . In general people in India rarely eat beef from time immemorial .

In fact, the relationship between the Indian population with cattle very closely until they celebrate the festival of cows, the so-called " Mattu Ponggal " . " Ponggal " is a day of celebration in which the farmers in India to thank the earth , water, wind and sun for their help with farming and the next day they celebrate as " Mattu Ponggal " where they bathe their cattle , decorating their cattle and food, sweets and so on to the cows that have worked with them in the paddy fields .

In addition, when a child is born into this world only two types of milk can be drunk by the baby of mother's milk and cow's milk, not only infants but also children and adults'm also taking milk by the cow, revered as the mother of India.

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Rice and prick grow that we eat today produced by machinery and machine but in the old days the man himself working in the rice fields and farms, people are assisted by a cow in farm work. In the old days every family in the village would save some cows for milking, to work on farms, fields and also to the make of the vehicle.


The more we eat healthy, the less natural it feels to reach for a piece of cookie or a bag of chips when we get hungry. It is then not a matter of depriving ourselves or forcing ourselves, but simply a conscious recognition of respecting what feels the best for our body in the long-term run.

When we eat healthy, we physically feel good. We mentally have more energy to do the things that matter. When we are both globally conscious and personally healthy in our eating choices, we are contributing to the welfare of the planet. Our decision to practice healthy eating habits has so many consequences in so many ways.

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Now that you have all the information you need on eating healthy, the most important action step you can do is to maintain this lifestyle choice as much as possible. Post intents when you need motivation from others. Keep a diary of your food choices on your blog or journal. Talk to other people when you are feeling tempted to indulge in unhealthy desserts.

Eating healthy, after all, is not about losing your ability to enjoy indulgences. It is a matter of gaining so many things that will affect you for the rest of your life: a longer life, the ability to enjoy natural foods, a wholesome sense of self-esteem and the joy of respecting your body for all that it does for you.