High Notes #3 - 10th March 2014

Vol. 50 Issue #3 10th March 2014 COLLEGE EXPO 2014


Marist College North Shore newsletter

Transcript of High Notes #3 - 10th March 2014

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Vol. 50 Issue #3 10th March 2014


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SAVE THE DATE...Paul Dillon, Director of Drug & Alcohol Research and Training Australia (DARTA),

will present on the topic of -‘Drugs, Alcohol and Young People’

Tuesday 8th April, 7pmMacKillop Library & Resource Centre

Marist College North Shore


Dear Parents, Students and Friends,

Reflection from our founder Saint Marcellin:

“Were the whole world against me, I would not give up, provided that I knew that God wished the undertaking and my Superiors approved of it…. I shall work especially to acquire the virtue of gentleness and, to win those with whom I come in contact more easily to God, I shall treat every-

one with great kindness.”

My first Expo was a very positive experience. The purpose of the day is to show the College to prospective parents. The students who acted as tour guides and the teachers did this well. I was very pleased with the parents who supported the day in either the barbeque, the café or on a stall and each did a wonderful job of providing hospitality to our visitors. It is great to see the Marist North Shore community gather to support the College.

I’d like to congratulate Daniel Bowers (7 Kelly)who was placed third in the Year 7 division of the Catholic Schools’ Public Speaking Competition. This is an outstanding achievement in a very strong competition.

I was looking through the Mission Australia’s Youth Survey Results for 2013 this week. The report delivers some interesting insights from almost 15,000 young Australians aged 15 to 19, with a particular focus on young people’s concerns about finding employment and achieving their career aspirations.

Young people from an Australia wide perspective are concerned that they will not be able to pursue a career in their preferred industry in the area in which they live. According to Mission Australia, this is the second year in a row in which young people have ranked the economy and financial matters as the number one issue of national importance.

The report indicates that the top three issues of personal concern for young people continue to be coping with stress, school or study problems and body image. The Internet is the number one source of information for young people with 1 in 5 young people spending at least 20 hours a week on social networking sites. This same number of young people indicated they were either extremely or very concerned about family conflict.

We have an important mission at Marist North Shore in the work of educating young people. We are setting them up for life with the skills and abilities to forge their future in a world that requires them to be robust, resilient and resourceful. At Marist North Shore we are working to produce independent men, men of faith and men who will make a difference. As I continue my first term at this College, I see real evidence of the success of this mission.

Tony DuncanHeadmaster

Our Year 12 boys representing the College superbly at Expo

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With the recent roll out of computers to Year 7 I feel it is appropriate to share some ideas and strategies for the effective use of computers and technology in education. The key point here is education. Education that is going to improve knowledge, build deeper understanding, and assisting in developing an education that provides self discipline.

It is important that computers and other devices are seen by staff, parents and students to be learning tools before they are entertainment tools. I feel parents today are mindful that the education children will experience is one that it is and will be very different from theirs. I concur with a recent prediction that our children may be more understanding of their roles as parents with technology as they have a deeper connection of being in tune with being brought up on technological devices.

Technology is very much ingrained in most of our lives. Educating with technology will provide opportunities. However, technology can be a major distraction. It can be used for good andbad, thus it is critical that both the schools and parents work in partnership to ensure that our children are being monitored and are learning healthy practices in their working with technology. The real danger of technology is its ability to destroy a person’s understanding of the value of positive human relationships. Therefore, it becomes clear that we must have firm plans and strategies in developing clear rules and boundaries for our children that must be formulated from their first introduction with technology.

Strategies for parents can be found on the College website under Our College > Technology and Education tab. Furthermore, the following information is a valuable source in working with your children and computers that has been recently issued to all Year 7 parents:

The first step in ensuring the effective, safe and productive use with computers is communication with your son. Marist North Shore encourages all parents to take an active interest in how their sons’ computers are being used. They must be seen as an educational tool. Be aware of the programs your son has on his computer and also what is downloaded to their computers.

Parents need to build a sense of trust and responsibility within their sons in developing an understanding of the importance of their laptop computers; however parental control through monitoring, communicating, and educating is critical. The following are guidelines that we strongly encourage parents to use to assist with effectively monitoring the use of the laptop computers:a) Be aware of the College’s Student Acceptable Use Agreement Form.b) Formulate a contract/agreement/ timetable in regards to when the computer will be used by your son.c) Learn about computers and ask your sons to show or teach you things they have learnt.d) Have a definite time when the computer must be turned off.e) The computers must be used in an open area of the house and not be taken into bedrooms where monitoring is unable to occur.f) Use the parental login to discuss with your son the various programs/downloads on the laptop.g) Do not allow your son to spend more than two hours in an afternoon on a computer. Relationships with family and friends are more important than computers.h) Carefully monitor the use of Facebook and other social networking sites on any computer. Ensure that private settings are correct and be aware who they are engaging with online.i) Make use of the information on the College website regarding cybersafety/ technology/social networking.j) Ensure that both you and your son understand laws relating to copyright, privacy, software piracy, hacking and obscenity. Despite the educational and social benefits of the internet, there are risks associated with its use. Children and adolescents accessing the internet may be confronted with material that is disturbing or inappropriate. Although there are technological measures that can be adopted to minimise the risks, other strategies include educating children as early as possible about the benefits and dangers of using the internet. It is essential to instruct children in the use the internet in a safe and responsible manner.

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For further information regarding ideas and strategies the following government website is useful: www.cybersmart.gov.au


A number of students recently have received detentions due to their continual lateness to school. Students may be issued a detention if they are late to school on three occasions a term without a reason.

Punctuality is a discipline and is about being planned and organised. It is of vital importance that our boys learn to be efficient with their organisation and planning in order to build positive life skills.

With the school being located in the inner city, students must ensure that they take elements like traffic into consideration when traveling to ensure that they arrive to school before 8.35am.

David ForresterDeputy Headmaster


As I type this article for High Notes, I am reflecting on the very simple, yet very powerful liturgy that was held for Ash Wednesday, marking the start of the season of Lent.

Produced from the burning of palms from the previous years’ Palm Sunday, the blessed ashes are placed on our foreheads in the shape of a cross to remind us of our own mortality as human beings and that we are all sinners. The two statements said at the time of receiving the ashes remind us of this: ‘Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return’ and ‘Turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel’

Acknowledging that we are all sinners, the latter statement relates well to teenagers by allowing them to examine their conscience and by encouraging everyone to live a life that is faithful to Gospel values. During Lent, we are called to act on three dimensions of penance – prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.

The prayer life of the College is very strong. We pray at every occasion when we gather together, and we provide many opportunities to voluntarily pray as a community. Last week, I was moved by Ethan Grenot’s (Salta House Captain) reflection on Penance when he led midday prayer. Ethan used the Confiteor as his reflection. We usually pray the Confiteor during the Penitential Act in the Mass.

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I confess to almighty God and to you, my brothers and sisters,

that I have greatly sinned, in my thoughts and in my words,

in what I have done and in what I have failed to do,

through my fault,through my most grievous fault;

therefore I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, all the Angels and Saints,

and you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord, our God.

In many respects, the liturgy held for Ash Wednesday was a chance to say ‘Yes, I have sinned. Sometimes it has been through my words and actions, sometimes it was a thought that I had, and perhaps, sometimes I decided to not help someone who was in need.’ Towards the end, the Confiteor has several invocations, and if you look closely, you can draw some similarities between it and how we end every prayer at Marist:

Blessed Mary ever-VirginMary our Good Mother, Pray for usAll the Angels and SaintsSt. Marcellin Champagnat, Pray for usAnd you my brothers and sistersLet us always remember to pray for one another

Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are obligatory days of fasting and abstinence for Catholics aged 18-59. By fasting, it means that you should only have one large meal that day, with a provision for two smaller meals, but not equalling that of a large meal. In addition to fasting, Fridays during Lent are obligatory days of abstinence, which means no meat is to be eaten by Catholics over the age of 14. We are observing this at the College by not selling meat at the canteen on Fridays during Lent. Students may also choose to ‘give up’ something else for the entire season of Lent that is significant to them.

Almsgiving is particularly relevant during our 2014 year of Service. Almsgiving is the practice of donating money or goods to the poor and performing other acts of charity. The Catechism of the Catholic Church lists almsgiving as ‘a witness to fraternal charity’ and ‘a work of justice pleasing to God. (CCC no. 2462). It should be entered into without a desire for accolades or rewards. Jesus refers to this in Matthew’s Gospel:

“Take care not to perform righteous deeds in order that people may see them; otherwise, you will have no recompense from your heavenly Father. When you give alms, do not blow a trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets to win the praise of others. Amen, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right is doing, so that your almsgiving may be secret. And your

Father who sees in secret will repay you.” (Mt 6:1-6, 16-18)

Two ways in which students can partake in almsgiving at Marist College North Shore is via our Marist Solidarity appeal and by donating to Caritas Australia’s Project Compassion. These charities were highlighted during our Ash Wednesday liturgy and students were given an indication on the vast works that can be achieved through even the smallest of donations.

May we be inspired by the words of Pope Francis in his 2014 Lenten Message: “May the Holy Spirit, through whom we are ‘as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing everything’ (2 Cor 6:10), sustain us in our resolutions and increase our concern and responsibility for human destitution, so that we can become merciful and act with mercy.”

Finally, during this season of Lent, I would encourage all students to examine their conscience. To honestly ask themselves this question: ‘Have I been faithful to the teachings of Gospel and do I need to say sorry to God for some of those times where I have failed to love him and failed to love each other?’

The Church gives us all a powerful way to say sorry to God for our mistakes and to strengthen our relationship with Him through the Sacrament of Penance. This is also known as Reconciliation. Fr Andrew will be available at various times throughout Lent for Reconciliation in the Faith Formation Room. Please encourage your son to avail himself of this opportunity to seek sacramental forgiveness during Lent as we prepare ourselves to partake in the events of Holy Week.

Anthony MunroDirector of Faith Formation

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The Chanel House Mass was a fantastic start to what is sure to be an eventful year for the House. Our first communal gathering as Chanel House for 2014 demonstrated the passion and dedication of all the boys in the House.

It was hugely enriching to see everyone so deeply

impassioned in their faith and commitment to the Chanel family, with an inspiring homily by Fr. Bullen who is now firmly part of the Marist community.

The Chanel spirit was alive through all, with everyone fully involved, from the vocal group to the boys who spoke. The Mass would not have been possible without the effort and dedication of Mr Munro, Ms McGrath and all the Chanel tutors.

The positive response of those who volunteered to assist through reading, serving, organisation and singing was greatly appreciated and revealed the sense of pride the boys hold for Chanel House. We thank Pat Bezzi, Sam How, Ben Davy, Brad Falconer, James Miller, Josef Milenkiewicz, Harry Berton, Roupen Minassian, James Parker, Jammelow Santerva, Dean Ussher, Jerome Jackson, Daniel Farnham, Mark McKay, Sian Ramirez Johnston, Lachlan Gordon, Haigh Minassian and Sam De Swardt for their contribution to the Mass.

Samuel How 11 Chanel

The Kelly House Mass was held on Tuesday 25th February this year. The House Mass saw the entire Kelly House get together as a family with students, teachers and parents. The Kelly House Captain, Jack Garay, set out four main goals for Kelly students for the year: To enhance the Kelly spirit, broaden

relationships throughout the school and wider community, broaden our comfort zone and finally to win the House Cup.

This House Mass had a profound affect to all who took part and allowed the Kelly House to acknowledge and welcome our new Year 7 students and new students to the Kelly family.

At the end of our Mass, our Headmaster Mr. Duncan spoke to us about his plans for our school and what he expects from each of us. In his speech, he talked about doing our best, respecting our school uniform - stressing that we must endeavor to keep our top buttons up, and that he wishes our school to provide quality Catholic education.

After the Mass, we got together as a family to discuss the year ahead and enjoy a nice supper together.

Patrick Harvey9 Kelly

Lachlan Veitch and Jordan Pereira (9 Chanel) attend the Chanel House Mass

Juan Rasines Mazo (9 Kelly) reads the Responsorial Psalm

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FAITH FORMATIONOn the Monday 24th March, members of the Moore House attended the annual Moore House Mass in celebration of Br. Walter Moore and everything he stood for. Within the Moore House, we take great pride in the fact that our House is named after the first Headmaster of the College, Br. Walter Moore,

who laid the foundation for our school through his values of hard work, determination, initiative and innovation. The Moore House tries to replicate these values shown by our College founder.

After a successful Mass, a presentation was shown recognising the Moore House tutor groups, Year 7 camp and our achievements in the school Swimming Carnival (in which we came first!).

To conclude the night, a delicious supper was held in the La Valla Hall under the organisation and catering of the Moore House parents, to whom we say thank you!

The Mass and supper was a huge success due to each Moore House member’s commitment to making the event one to remember. A very special thankyou to the Moore House Mums Ms Sue Yates, Mrs Julie Burton, Mrs Marny Coyle and Mrs Cathy Kinsella who help set and organise the supper.

Luke Kinsella11 Moore

The Salta House Mass on Monday 24th February, was a great opportunity for the parents of the new Year 7 students to experience the family spirit of the Salta House, and for the other students and their parents to reinforce that connection.

Salta House Captain, Ethan Grenot’s talk on the history and traditions of our House and the service of Br. Peter Salta provided an example for us all to strive for in our membership of the House.

This was followed by a visual presentation created by Alexander Bernes (10 Salta) which encased many aspects of our house including service, sport and academics.

The supper provided afterwards was a great opportunity for the parents of the students to meet each other and the staff members, with the food and drink also well received by the boys.

Stuart WilliamsSalta Service & Mission Captain

Salta House students watching the House presenation

Salta House in full voice!

Moore House Captain Benjamin Johnston leading the procession

Moore Service & Mission Captain Dominique

Ratcliffe offer Prayers of the Faithful

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SOLIDARITYevolved into a product resulting from a strongly influential media in our contemporary society. Whilst some may argue ‘good service’ is raising your smartphone 6 inches in the air till those five bars fill up, service effectively holds more depth and array to it’s definition. Mahatma Gandhi stated, “The best way to find yourself, is to lose yourself in the service of others.” Gandhi praises that service is more than getting enough bars on your phone or even helping someone out, but finding yourself in the work you bestow towards others.

Solidarity is a prime example where the college provides a way to exemplify this message of service. This week two other members of Marist Solidarity in Year 11 and myself engaged in the opportunity to work at Matthew Talbot - one of the largest men’s hostels in the Southern Hemisphere. Undoubtedly feelings of uneasiness and nerves overwhelm you before you start working, never knowing what to expect until you are thrown into the lion’s den.

Although in retrospect these emotions are only held by the inexperienced and ignorant, the majority of people you encounter within the hostel are respectful and decisively well mannered individuals. Serving coffees to the various faces offering ear-to-ear grins and grateful enthusiasm, much contradicting most people’s views on homeless people. The only stutter of profanity occurs when your mate quotes, “I support the Manly Sea Eagles”, although this is to be expected in any situation.

Gandhi’s quote, alike most quotes I read are hard to relate to until you are able to witness yourself within the protagonist of the quote - when you give yourself to serve others you learn about your strengths and weaknesses, you learn the way you react to a situation and you learn about yourself through the people you work with. The act of solidarity through your service of others means more than helping them out, but helping and finding yourself.I would strongly encourage the further involvement of other students of the College, who would also like to endeavour in more aspects of College life or support the efforts worked towards with Marist Solidarity.

Luke Gallen11 Moore


It has been a busy first six weeks for Marist Solidarity, with over 130 boys from Years 9 to 12 signing up to become involved. Pope John Paul II described the concept of Solidarity in 1987 as:

“...not a vague feeling of compassion, or shallow distress at the misfortunes of so

many people, both near and far. On the contrary, it is a firm and

preserving determination to commit oneself to the common good: that is to say to the good of all,

because we are all really responsible for all.”

Marist Solidarity gives students the opportunity to commit themselves to others through a number of ways. Students participate in a range of social outreach activities, from working with the homeless to tutoring refugees to visiting the elderly, as well as participating in fundraising and environmental care activities.

Students are involved in education programs that focus on a variety of social issues - this could be through the Catholic Education Office, events run by other organisations or the Marist Solidarity term meeting in which a keynote speaker addresses an issue.

From this education it is hoped that students will advocate and provide a voice in our community for those who are marginalized and voiceless by talking to friends and family and through other strategies. One such strategy is that this year students will be invited to write about an issue of their choice or reflections on their experience of been involved in Solidarity, please take the time to read Luke Gallen’s (11 Moore) reflection on his first experience of volunteering at Matthew Talbot. Stephen VersteeghSolidarity Coordinator


Highlighted this year within our college is the theme of “Service”. It has been heavily laid down by the senior leadership team as a major part of life within Marist. Defining what service really is, has been corrupted and


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This year the English faculty will be encouraging students from Years 7 to 9 to actively and energetically participate in the Premier’s Reading Challenge. It began on 3rd March and will conclude on 22nd August.

Students are to read twenty books in total. They can be fiction or non-fiction. Students can include the novels and picture books that they study in class as well as their wide reading texts. Fifteen books need to come from the published list and five others are personal choice texts. The choices are great and varied. We are asking that you as parents and carers also encourage your boys to engage in this worthwhile challenge. Reading opens the mind, improves comprehension, builds knowledge and expands our vocabulary. We dream, travel and explore when we read.

For more information the students can find useful information at: www.premiersreadingchallenge.nsw.edu.au Lets aim for the stars and get all of our boys reading!

Janette DurandHead of English


Following the success of the inaugural Study in the USA event in 2013, Ascham in partnership with EducationUSA would like to invite Marist North Shore students to the ‘Study in the USA’ evening on Monday 24 March from 5.30pm-7.30pm in the Packer Theatre at Ascham. The format of the evening is as follows:5.30pm: Introduction by U.S. Consul General, Mr. Hugo Llorens5.35pm: Why study in the USA? (presented by Mr. David McGuire, U.S. Consulate General)5:45pm: The value of a liberal arts college education (presented by Ms. Leila Moray, Bard College)6.00pm: All about the ACT test, a great alternative to the SAT (presented by Ms. Imogen Craney, ACT Education Solutions)6.10pm: Sport & Scholarships (presented by Ms. Genevieve Bordogna, Slippery Rock University)6.30pm: Meet alumni from representative universities7.30pm: Evening finish The evening will start in the Packer Theatre at Ascham. At 6.10pm, students and parents are free to attend the remaining sport presentation or can proceed to the foyer so that they can speak with a range of US universities (alumni will represent the universities) and ask questions at their leisure. We are very excited to have such a wide range of American universities present at the fair. They are: Boston University, SCAD, Tufts University, Slippery Rock University, Wesleyan University, Vassar College, Duke University, Princeton University, Harvard University, Bard College, Indiana University, Barnard College, Michigan State University, Yale University, NYU, Georgetown, Syracuse University, St. Joseph’s University, Brown University, Rice University, Georgia Gwinnett College, Hofstra University, Northern Arizona University, Study Minnesota, SUNY Cortland, University of Iowa, University of St Thomas and ACT Education Solutions. This information evening is specifically for students in Years 10 to 12 who demonstrate a genuine interest in American tertiary education. If you are interested, please see Miss McGovern at school for booking details by Friday 14th March. 10

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George Condon (10 Salta) has taken out the Junior Section of the Fairfax Media’s Clique Competiton with his study ‘Narrabeen Sunrise’.George is a member of Clique which is an association for amateur photographers, whose work can be published in the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age newspapers and online.

George’s challenge in this competition was to produce a photo where water was a key element in the frame, evoking an emotional reaction and also avoid being heavy handed with the use of filters.

It took George an hour and a half of shooting that day before capturing the award winning shot that emotes such tranquility and light.

The College is very proud of George and congratulate him on his success!


On Friday 28th February, Year 10 Geography visited Jamberoo Action Park, about an hour and a half south of Sydney, as part of their assessment.

Although the rides and other attractions were a bonus for the 60 boys, the main focus of the day was the changing land use from the bustling urban suburbs of Sydney’s CBD to the vast dairy farms near Jamberoo, as well as the effective land and water management of the park and plans for its future expansion.

A special thanks goes to Mr. Jones, Mr. Versteegh, Mr. Taylor and Mr. Alvaro for their contributions and help throughout the day.

Jack Rogers10 Chanel


Once again Expo was a great success for the school. The P&F would like to sincerely thank all of the tireless volunteers who gave us their time and those who donated so many wonderful items for the Cake Stall.

A special thank you also to those who have donated goods and services:

Calabrisello Family – Coffee StationsLangereis Family - BaconHarris Farm Butcher, Willoughby

Headmaster Tony Duncan has drawn the winners of the Raffle and they will be contacted directly by the P&F. Winner’s names will be announced in the next newsletter.


Our next event is the Trivia Night on Saturday 21st June. More information will be announced closer to the date but please place this in the diary. We are also putting out the call for donations so if you have anything for the silent auction, or big ticket items for the live auction, then please email Claire Manning at [email protected]

Claire ManningP&F Secretary

“Narrabeen Sunrise” - George’s submission into the competition (SMH, 28 Feb)

George Condon (10 Salta)


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CAREERS @ Marist


Macquarie UniversityBusiness & EconomicsWednesday 14 MayLawWednesday 21 May

UTS, City campusSaturday 30 August9am - 4pm

University of SydneySaturday 30 August9am - 4pm

Notre Dame UniversitySaturday 30 August9am - 3pm

ACU, North Sydney CampusSaturday 6 September 8:30am – 2:30pm

UNSWSaturday 6 September 9am – 4pm

UTS, Kuring-gai campusSaturday 6 September 11am - 1pm

ACU, Strathfield CampusSaturday 13 September 8:30am – 4:00pm

UWS, all campusesWollongong UniversityNewcastle University TBA



The Undergraduate Medical Admissions test [UMAT }is designed to assess general attributes and abilities gained through prior experience and learning; specifically, the acquisition of skills in critical thinking and problem solving, understanding people and abstract non-verbal reasoning. These abilities are considered important to the study, and later practice, of professions in the health sciences. UMAT is an aptitude test; it is not a personality or IQ test. The test is not curriculum-based and presupposes no particular subjects at secondary level. UMAT does not require any knowledge or skills in mathematics or sciences, or in any other area of the curriculum. UMAT is a reuirement for all school levers who wish to apply to the following course in NSW.

The University of Newcastle/ Joint Medical ProgramUniversity of New England The University of New South Wales Medicine, OptometryUniversity of Western Sydney Medicine

The test is held on 30th July and students must pre-register by June 6th. Further information can be found at umat.acer.edu.au


UTS Open Day is the largest information event for those of you thinking about uni. Primarily for students looking to undertake undergraduate study, the event is an informative and interactive day. As the name implies, the campus will be open to everyone keen to come along - attend one of close to 100 info sessions run on the day, covering courses, services and entry options; take part in a campus tour and check out our on-campus facilities; or simply wander around campus and soak up the free music and live demonstrations. Sign up to ShortcUTS for updates on this event or follow us on: facebook.com/UTSFutureStudents

LinkedIn key trend for 2014: Technology skills are highly valued. Not a big surprise - Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths skills are highly sought after in employees across these industries.


YFU STUDENT EXCHANGE SMALLER EARTH AUSTRALIAINFO SESSION Gap year, summer & winterTues 25th March, 6.30pm seasons, internships andRegister: www.yfu.com.au/quest/ volunteering.connect/information-sessions/ To apply: www.smallerearth.com/au

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If you are not a Student Member of Engineers Australia, FREE MEMBERSHIP is available on the day - still register online to secure your attendance at the event.

• 20+ Exhibitors• Free Forum: Resume and Interview Skills• Meet Employers• Career & Professional Development Advice• Recruitment Opportunities• Engineering Industry Insight• Updates on Engineering Projects• Knowledge on Engineering Capability• Networking Opportunities• Leadership Information

20+ companies from a range of industry sectors will exhibit providing information engineering industry insight in areas including employment, education and career opportunities, career path resources, engineering capability and engineering leadership. See below.




CPA CAREER EXPOTues 18th March, 5.30pmSofitel Wentworth61-101 Phillip Street, Sydneywww.cpaaustralia.com.au/become-a-cpa/free-student-network/career-expo

UNSW: SCIENCE INFO SESSIONWed 26th March, 6.30pmUNSW Kensington Campusscience.unsw.edu.au/events/infonight

NOTRE DAME PARENT INFO NIGHTTuesday 24th JuneBroadway CampusRegister: www.nd.edu.au/events/sydney/info

A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A NOTRE DAME NURSING STUDENTWed 2nd JulyDarlinghurst CampusRegister: www.nd.edu.au/events/sydney/aditl

NOTRE DAME NURSING INFORMATION EVENINGTues 30th September, 6pmDarlinghurst CampusRegister: www.nd.edu.au/events/sydney/nursing-info


UTS: SCIENCE WORK EXPERIENCE (YEAR 10 & 11)During UTS teaching semester UTS Science has a work expeirence program providing students insight into teaching & research as well as an introduction into tertiary science.www.uts.edu.au/future-students/science/about-science/science-outreach-uts/work-experience-years-10-and-11-students

USYD: MUSEUM WORK EXPERIENCE PROGRAMThe Publics Program works in the fields of research, administration, events & collection management. More info: sydney.edu.au/museums/visit-us/get-involved.shtml

CSIROWork experience placements are available for high school students around Australia interested in Science in Years10, 11 and 12. Applications open Sat 1st March and close Mon 31st. www.csiro.au/org/Work-Experience-Overview


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Each year the NSW Ministry of Health offers the vaccines recommended by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) for adolescents as part of the school–based vaccination program.

In 2014 the following vaccines will be offered:• Varicella (Chickenpox) vaccine - 1 dose for all Year 7 students who have not previously received Varicella vaccine or had chickenpox disease.• Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis (Whooping cough) vaccine - 1 booster dose. This dose was previously recommended at 15 years of age. Your child will only be offered this vaccine in Year 7.• HPV vaccine (Human Papillomavirus) - a 3 dose course. The vaccine will be offered to Year 7 male and female students and Year 9 male students as a 3-dose course over the school year. Students who commence HPV vaccination in Year 7 at school but do not complete the course will be offered catch-up doses at school in Year 8.

Parent Information Kits have been sent home to parents/guardians. To consent to the vaccination of their child, parents/guardians are advised to read all the information provided, complete the Consent Form and return it to their child’s school on the day of vaccinaton. Please ensure the child eats breakfast on the day of the school vaccination clinic.

Parent/guardians who wish to withdraw their consent for any reason may do so in writing to the School Principal. The Procedure for withdrawal of consent is on the NSW Ministry of Health website at www.health.nsw.gov.au/immunisation

To improve vaccination completion, students will be opportunistically offered any missed doses throughout the year where possible.Please note that for HPV vaccine only, parents/guardians must record their Medicare Number (all 10 digits and the 11th number beside the child’s name) on the Consent Form, as this is required to record the student’s information on the National HPV Register.

A Record of Vaccination will be provided to each student vaccinated at the clinic. Parents/guardians should ensure that this record is kept for future reference and should not assume that their child has been vaccinated if they do not receive this Record of Vaccination.


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Marist College North Shore Basketball has never looked so good. In the 2013-2014 season, three of the teams, A and B Grade as well as Under14s, made it to the MCC grand final and the Under 15s Basketball reaching the semi final. This was a great achievement in itself as it resulted in the school winning the aggregate trophy for MCC Basketball, which has been dominated by Marcellin College Randwick for many years.

The team that prevailed in the grand final was the Under 14s and this was a marvellous achievement on their part. It was truly an outstanding season for this team and one for the record books. They played some amazing Basketball against some quite challenging teams and always played to win even when they were behind score wise in a number of matches.

The shooting of this team was a strong point and was the “wow” factor that allowed this team to take the trophy at the end of the season. Some interesting games made this also an exciting season. A draw against Ashfield set the scene for the grand final early in the season as North Shore faced them in the final exhilarating grand final match and won 27-22.

All in all a wonderful result and the players of Under 14s have every reason to be proud for they gave their best and the season resulted in some great statistics.These are: • Undefeated for the whole season having not been beaten, although we drew one game early with Ashfield• Securing the minor premiership with 14 points at the end of competition with Ashfield trailing on 11 points• Highest points difference with 189 points to Ashfield’s 144 points• Most importantly, winning the grand final by 5 points.

A truly incredible and satisfying season for the Under 14s Basketball at Marist College North Shore and the future of this sport for this school is looking bright.

Zachary PediciniU/14 Basketball Coach


The Marist North Shore Basketball program has developed over the past few years which has now placed Marist North Shore as a fierce competitor within the MCC. It was our attitude and dedication to training that was evident this year as three out of the four basketball teams competed in the MCC grand final. This season saw the A Grade team reach the Grand Final, a feat that hasn’t been achieved in over five years. After finishing the general season on top of the table and suffering only one loss, the A Grade team, coached by Mr Versteegh, were confident and prepared going into the finals.

From the semi-final battle against Marist College Kogarah, the A Grade emerged victorious with a 39-34 win, which saw them pitted against Marcellin College Randwick in the final. After a week of hard work and training, the team felt optimistic to play but found themselves on pause due to weather postponing all MCC sports finals. Unaffected by this distraction and with an added week of training up their sleeve A Grade faced an extremely tough forty minutes which went down to the wire with Marcellin Randwick clinching the title 35-32.

Stephen VersteeghA Grade Basketball Coach


Thomas Schramko (12 Chanel) has taken out the Mosman Daily Junior Sports Star of the Year, sponsored by Rebel Sport. This award recognises Tom as the best Sports Star on the Lower North Shore of Sydney.

We have showcased Tom’s incredible twelve months in High Notes which have

highlighted his wins as Australian Schoolboy Champion in Single Skull and U/19 NSW Quad Skull Champion. Tom also represented Australia at the World Junior Rowing Championships in Lithuania.

We congratulate Tom on this recognition and continue to wish him well in his pursuits!

Tom with his award (Mosman Daily 6 Mar)


Page 18: High Notes #3 - 10th March 2014

VOLUNTEER ROSTERS LOOKING AHEAD10 Mar: Solidarity - Night Patrol (Kelly)12>21 Mar: Year 12 Assessment Week13 Mar: MCC Tennis MCC Golf14 Mar: Solidarity - Surry Hills (Salta)17>21 Mar: Year 9 Camp20 Mar: MCC Swimming Carnival24 Mar: Solidarity - Night Patrol (Moore)28 Mar: Solidarity - Surry Hills (Chanel) CDSA Debating - Round 131 Mar: PUPIL FREE DAY (Staff Day)1 Apr: Year 7 & 9 Vaccinations (HPV & Year 8 Catch Up)3 Apr: MCC Cross Country4 Apri: CDSA Debating - Round 27 Apr: Solidarity - Night Patrol (Salta)8 Apr: Paul Dillion (DARTA) - Parent Presenation MacKillop Library9 Apr: Year 10 Reflection Day11 Apr: COLLEGE ATHLETICS CARNIVAL LAST DAY OF TERM 1 Solidarity - Surry Hills (Kelly)28 Apr: TERM 2 COMMENCES30 Apr: Year 12 Parent/Teacher Interviews 5.30pm - 8.00pm1 May: Summer Sport Photos2 May: Year 12 Marist Youth Forum (Mittagong) CSDA Debating - Round 35 May: Solidarity - Night Patrol (Kelly)7 May: Mother’s Day Assembly, 10.00am8 May: Metropolitan Chess Competition CSDA Debating - Round 4 Solidarity - Surry Hills (Salta)

CANTEEN10 Mar: Linda Fung, Debbie Jenkins, Liz McGuire, Izabel Silva-Lindsey, Veronica Valderas11 Mar: Deborah Brown, Jacqueline Moran, Maria Pagano, Colin Wilson12 Mar: Sam Adderton, Erica Keri, Soula Lekopoulos, Robyn Mathôt-Gwozdecky, Dimi Mills13 Mar: Lizzy Chant, Leanne O’Grady, Jenny Winter14 Mar: Karen Ferguson, Suzanne Fraser, Sandra Garratt, Lisa James, Kim Walker17 Mar: Lisa Brink, Julie Moriaty, Janelle Jones, Maureen Knox, Jackie Pickton, Lee Sternberg, Penny Davis18 Mar: Pip Byrne, Lyndal Jenney, Theodora Manos, Andrea Morgan, Chris Saunders19 Mar: Leanne Bishop, Ann Catanzariti, Margie Morgan, Katharine Watts20 Mar: Julie Gaidzkar, Maureen McKee, Sandra Robinson, Anton Singh, Kasumi Tucker21 Mar: Dominica Edwards, Melanie Lindquist, Susan Mayall, Joanna Milenkiewicz, Michelle Mulligan, Jennifer Vahldieck

UNIFORM SHOP12 Mar: Anne Haron, Anna Ng, Angie Ong, Sira Tchaprazian, Elizabeth Hipwell19 Mar: Megan Sturrock, Cheree Fulwood, Natalie Chanelian, Lizzy Chant


Living with Spice presents

“I am a Girl”An inspirational feature length documentary on what it means to be a girl in the 21st century.

Wednesday 26 March 2014Ron Dyer Centre

St. Mary’s North Sydney Parish42 Ridge Street, North Sydney

6.30pm - Champagne and Canapes7.00pm - “I am a Girl” Screening

Meet Australian Film Producer and Director of ‘I am a Girl’, Rebecca Barry

RSVP and payment onlinewww.trybooking.com/EJXL

by Monday 24th March, 2014Adult/Student: $25.00