High-curvature domains of the ER are important for the...

1 High-curvature domains of the ER are important for the organization 1 of ER exit sites in Saccharomyces cerevisiae 2 3 Michiyo Okamoto 1+ , Kazuo Kurokawa 1+* , Kumi Matsuura-Tokita 1+ , Chieko Saito 1 , 4 Ryogo Hirata 1 , and Akihiko Nakano 1,2 5 6 1 Molecular Membrane Biology Laboratory, RIKEN Advanced Science Institute, Wako, 7 Saitama 351-0198, Japan 8 2 Department of Biological Sciences, Graduate School of Science, The University of 9 Tokyo, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan 10 11 +These authors contributed equally to this work. 12 *Corresponding author 13 Email: [email protected] 14 15 Running title: Localization of ER exit sites on the ER 16 Keywords: ERES, COPII, ER membrane curvature 17 Word count: 5667 18 19 Abbreviations used in this paper: COPII, coat protein complex II; ER, endoplasmic 20 reticulum; ERES, ER exit site; ERGIC, ER-to-Golgi intermediate compartment; GEF, 21 guanine nucleotide exchange factor 22 © 2012. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd. Journal of Cell Science Accepted manuscript JCS online publication date 30 March 2012

Transcript of High-curvature domains of the ER are important for the...

Page 1: High-curvature domains of the ER are important for the ...jcs.biologists.org/content/joces/early/2012/03/29/jcs.100065.full.pdf · 4 Michiyo Okamoto1+, Kazuo Kurokawa1+*, Kumi ...


High-curvature domains of the ER are important for the organization1

of ER exit sites in Saccharomyces cerevisiae2


Michiyo Okamoto1+, Kazuo Kurokawa1+*, Kumi Matsuura-Tokita1+, Chieko Saito1,4

Ryogo Hirata1, and Akihiko Nakano1,25

61Molecular Membrane Biology Laboratory, RIKEN Advanced Science Institute, Wako,7

Saitama 351-0198, Japan82Department of Biological Sciences, Graduate School of Science, The University of9

Tokyo, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan10


+These authors contributed equally to this work.12

*Corresponding author13

Email: [email protected]


Running title: Localization of ER exit sites on the ER16

Keywords: ERES, COPII, ER membrane curvature17

Word count: 566718

19Abbreviations used in this paper: COPII, coat protein complex II; ER, endoplasmic20

reticulum; ERES, ER exit site; ERGIC, ER-to-Golgi intermediate compartment; GEF,21

guanine nucleotide exchange factor22

© 2012. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd.Jo


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JCS online publication date 30 March 2012

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Protein export from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to the Golgi apparatus2

occurs at specialized regions known as the ER exit sites (ERES). In Saccharomyces3

cerevisiae, ERES show numerous scattered puncta throughout the ER. We examined4

ERES localization within the peripheral ER, finding that ERES localize on high-5

curvature ER domains where curvature-stabilizing protein Rtn1 is present. Δrtn1 Δrtn26

Δyop1 cells have fewer high-curvature ER domains, but ERES accumulate at the7

remaining high-curvature ER domains on the edge of expanded ER sheets. We propose8

that membrane curvature is a key geometric feature for the regulation of ERES9

localization. We also investigated a spatial relationship between ERES and Golgi10

cisternae. Golgi cisternae in S. cerevisiae are unstacked, dispersed, and moving in the11

cytoplasm with cis-cisternae positioned adjacent to ERES, whereas trans-cisternae are12

not. Morphological changes in the ER of Δrtn1 Δrtn2 Δyop1 cells resulted in aberrant13

Golgi structures, including cis-and trans-markers, and exhibited reduced motion at14

ERES between expanded ER sheets and the plasma membrane.15


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The secretory pathway conveys a large number and wide variety of proteins as2

cargo to their final destinations, such as the extracellular space and the plasma3

membrane. The ER is the starting organelle of the pathway, and the Golgi apparatus acts4

as its pivotal sorting station. Recent studies on the budding yeast Saccharomyces5

cerevisiae have revealed that the Golgi apparatus is very dynamic in its structure, and6

the compartments of the Golgi change from cis-cisternae to trans-cisternae over time7

(Losev et al., 2006; Matsuura-Tokita et al., 2006). Though these observations provide8

strong support for the cisternal maturation model, they also raise new questions as to9

how new Golgi are generated and the cargo molecules transported into cis-Golgi (Emr10

et al., 2009; Glick and Nakano, 2009; Nakano and Luini, 2010).11

ER-to-Golgi transport is mediated by coat protein complex II (COPII) vesicles.12

Components responsible for COPII vesicle formation are well conserved between yeast13

and mammals (Kuge et al., 1994; Swaroop et al., 1994; Paccaud et al., 1996; Tang et al.,14

1999; Tang et al., 2000; Weissman et al., 2001; Bhattacharyya and Glick, 2007) and15

include COPII coat protein subunits Sec23, Sec24, Sec13, and Sec31, a small GTPase16

Sar1, and its specific guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) Sec12 (Nakano et al.,17

1988; Nakano and Muramatsu, 1989; Barlowe and Schekman, 1993; Barlowe et al.,18

1994). When activated by Sec12, Sar1-GTP initiates COPII vesicle formation on the ER19

by sequentially recruiting Sec23/24 heterodimers and Sec13/31 heterodimers (Lee et al.,20

2004). Cell-free experiments using synthetic liposomes, proteoliposomes, and a planar21

lipid bilayer have shown that Sec23/24, Sec13/31, and Sar1-GTP are sufficient for22

formation of the COPII vesicle, but multiple rounds of the Sar1 GDP/GTP cycle23

stimulated by Sec12 are pivotal for efficient cargo selection (Matsuoka et al., 1998).24

Another key component of COPII vesicle formation is a peripheral membrane protein,25

Sec16, which directly interacts with Sec23, Sec24, and Sec31 (Espenshade et al., 1995;26

Gimeno et al., 1996; Shaywitz et al., 1997). Sec16 facilitates the recruitment of COPII27

coat proteins on liposomes and stabilizes the coat to prevent premature disassembly28

(Supek et al., 2002). Thus, Sec16 is considered to function as a scaffold for assembling29

COPII coats (Supek et al., 2002; Connerly et al., 2005).30

Previous studies have shown that COPII vesicles are formed at the specialized31


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sites within the ER, termed the ER exit sites (ERES) or the transitional ER. ERES are1

the sites where cargo and COPII coat proteins are concentrated, and are2

morphologically distinct from the surrounding ER (Palade, 1975; Orci et al., 1991;3

Bannykh et al., 1996). Although COPII vesicle formation has been characterized in4

detail, the structure and organization of ERES remain to be elucidated. In mammalian5

cells, COPII components are concentrated in hundreds of punctate structures along the6

ER, enriched at the juxtanuclear region where stacked Golgi exists (Orci et al., 1991;7

Bannykh et al., 1996; Stephens, 2003). Punctate ERES structures are found adjacent to8

the ER-to-Golgi intermediate compartment (ERGIC). Localization of Sec23/24,9

Sec13/31, and Sec16 is limited at ERES, whereas Sar1 is localized throughout the ER10

with some accumulation at ERES (Watson et al., 2006). Sec12 is localized uniformly11

within the entire ER (Weissman et al., 2001). For budding yeast species, the Golgi12

cisternae of Pichia pastoris form a stacked structure, whereas those of S. cerevisiae are13

unstacked and dispersed in the cytoplasm (Orci et al., 1991; Bannykh et al., 1996;14

Rossanese et al., 1999; Bevis et al., 2002; Stephens, 2003). P. pastoris has a small15

number of ERES (two to six per cell), each juxtaposed to the stacked Golgi (Rossanese16

et al., 1999; Bevis et al., 2002). Sec12 and Sar1 accumulate at ERES with COPII coats17

and Sec16 (Soderholm et al., 2004). The structural properties of S. cerevisiae ERES18

were unclear until recently. Live cell imaging demonstrated that S. cerevisiae also has19

organized ERES that consist of numerous punctate structures marked by COPII coat20

proteins (Castillon et al., 2009; Levi et al., 2010; Shindiapina and Barlowe, 2010). Sar121

and Sec12 are reported to localize throughout the ER (Nishikawa and Nakano, 1991;22

Rossanese et al., 1999). The structural differences between the ERES of P. pastoris and23

S. cerevisiae might be reflected in the discrepant features of their Golgi cisternae.24

In mammalian cells and plant cells, punctate ERES localize on the surface of25

cortical ER tubules (Hammond and Glick, 2000; Yang et al., 2005). The ERES of26

budding yeast are found on the nuclear envelope and the peripheral ER (Bevis et al.,27

2002; Shindiapina and Barlowe, 2010), but their precise distribution on the ER28

membrane has not been revealed. Because the ER has an elaborate shape consisting of a29

network of membrane-enclosed tubules and sheets, the distribution of ERES might30

depend on the ER morphology. Although little is known about how the ER structures31


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are generated and maintained, recent studies identified two protein families intimately1

involved in shaping the ER. Reticulons (Rtns) and DP1/Yop1 are curvature-stabilizing2

proteins that localize in the ER tubules and at the edge of ER sheets (De Craene et al.,3

2006; Voeltz et al., 2006; Shibata et al., 2010). Over-expression of Rtns generates4

longer unbranched tubules and fewer sheets, whereas depletion of Rtns results in the5

proliferation of sheet regions at the expense of tubules (Voeltz et al., 2006; Anderson6

and Hetzer, 2008). Atlastin family of proteins, including S. cerevisiae Sey1, have also7

been implicated in organization of tubular network of the ER (Farhan and Hauri, 2009;8

Hu et al., 2009).9

We conducted high-resolution live imaging of ERES in S. cerevisiae for the10

seamless understanding of the ER-to-Golgi system. In the present study we report that11

S. cerevisiae ERES consist of COPII coat proteins and Sec16 and are preferentially12

distributed on high-curvature domains of the ER membrane: ER tubules and the edge of13

ER sheets. Morphological changes of the ER affected the distribution of ERES, but14

ERES still localized on the high-curvature regions of the ER. Correlation analysis15

revealed that cis-Golgi cisternae, but not trans-Golgi cisternae, were juxtaposed to16

ERES. Remarkably, ectopic localization of ERES resulted in the organization of some17

aberrant Golgi cisternae, which were also formed in the vicinity of ERES, but where cis18

and trans cisternal markers acted together. These findings provide new information19

about the relationship between the ERES localization and ER morphology and the20

organization of the ER-to-Golgi system.21


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Organization of ERES in S. cerevisiae2

ERES is the ER membrane subdomain where COPII vesicles are assembled3

(Orci et al., 1991; Bannykh et al., 1996; Stephens, 2003; Connerly et al., 2005; Watson4

et al., 2006). Recently, Shindiapina and Barlowe (2010) reported that S. cerevisiae5

Sec13-GFP and Sec23-GFP localize to small punctate spots, which were long-lived and6

exhibited restricted motion within the ER, representing ERES in this organism. We7

confirmed that the COPII coat proteins (Sec13, Sec31, and Sec24) co-localized with8

each other and with Sec16, another well established ERES marker. GFP- or mRFP-9

fused COPII coat proteins Sec24, Sec13, and Sec31, and Sec16-GFP all yielded10

punctate patterns of fluorescence. Simultaneous observations of two of these proteins11

indicated their precise co-localization, indicating that COPII coat proteins and Sec1612

accumulate at ERES in S. cerevisiae (Fig. 1A). Sec16 is a peripheral membrane protein13

predicted to be a scaffold for COPII assembly at ERES (Supek et al., 2002; Connerly et14

al., 2005). Consistently, Sec16-GFP puncta appear to be unaffected by the sec12-415

mutation, which induced a couple of coalescence of COPII coat puncta upon shift to the16

restrictive temperature (Fig. 1B). These results suggest that accumulation of the COPII17

coats at ERES depends on Sar1 GTPase activation, but that of Sec16 does not.18

Next, we examined whether Sec12 also accumulate at ERES. Confocal imaging19

near the center of the cell indicated that fluorescent signals of mRFP-Sec12 were20

observed throughout the ER, and scattered patterns of ERES fluorescence were adjacent21

to the Sec12 signals (Fig. 2A, upper panels). Confocal images of the cell periphery22

revealed that Sec13 puncta were positioned around Sec12, but there was little overlap23

between the two (Fig. 2A, lower panels). To confirm this result, two-dimensional24

confocal sections of mRFP-Sec12 and Sec13-GFP fluorescence were reconstructed into25

three-dimensional images, which are shown in Fig.2B. Sec13 puncta were localized on26

the edge of ER membrane labeled by mRFP-Sec12. These results indicate that Sec1227

does not accumulate at S. cerevisiae ERES.28


ERES localize on high-curvature domains of the peripheral ER network30

The appearance of mRFP-Sec12 fluorescence was similar to that of the ER31


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sheet structure. We explored whether the localization of ERES correlates with the shape1

of the ER. The ER consists of a network of branching tubules and flat sheets. The2

morphology of the peripheral ER was visualized by GFP targeting to the ER lumen3

(GFP-HDEL). The peripheral ER consisted of both the tubules (Fig. 3A, arrowhead)4

and fenestrated sheets (Fig. 2A, B and 3A, arrows). Rtns and DP1/Yop1 are curvature-5

stabilizing proteins and partition to high-curvature regions of the ER, ER tubules, and6

the edge of ER sheets (De Craene et al., 2006; Voeltz et al., 2006; Shibata et al., 2010).7

Rtn1-GFP signals were found on the tubules and at the rim of the fenestrated sheets8

(Fig. 3B, lower panels). Sec12 was predominantly enriched in the ER sheets because9

Rtn1-GFP fluorescent signals circumscribed those of mRFP-Sec12 (Fig. 3B, lower10

panels). Dual-color observations of Sec13-GFP and Rtn1-mRFP revealed that ERES11

puncta marked by Sec13-GFP always localized at the high-curvature ER domain labeled12

by Rtn1-mRFP fluorescence (Fig. 3C, lower panels). The ERES of budding yeast are13

also found on the nuclear envelope which has much less curvature than the peripheral14

ER (Bevis et al., 2002; Shindiapina and Barlowe, 2010). Dual color observation of15

mRFP-Sec12 and Rtn1-GFP showed that high-curvature domains of ER membrane16

labeled by Rtn1-GFP distributed not only at the cell periphery but also on the nuclear17

envelope (Fig.3B, upper panels). We also found that these punctate signals of Rtn1-GFP18

on the nuclear envelope localized at the bases of the ER tubules and central cisternal ER19

(Fig.3B, upper panels, arrowhead) (West et al., 2011). Furthermore, Sec13 colocalized20

with Rtn1 on the nuclear envelope (Fig.3C, lower panels). These results indicate that the21

ERES are preferentially distributed on the high-curvature domains of the ER: ER22

tubules and the edge of ER sheets. We also examined ERES localization in relation to23

the surface geometry of the ER membrane. Dual-color confocal images of Sec13-GFP24

and mRFP-Sec12 were reconstructed into three-dimensional data and visualized by the25

isosurface mode of Volocity software (Fig.3D). Their quantitative analysis showed that26

ERES preferentially faced the saddle-shape surfaces of the high-curvature ER27

membrane, saddle shape meaning convex (positive curvature) toward the edge and28

concave (negative curvature) along the edge (Fig. 3 E) (Zimmerberg and Kozlov, 2005).29

Collectively, our results suggest that the distribution of ERES is governed by the30

geometric features of the ER.31


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Disruption of the peripheral ER network changes ERES distribution2

The restricted localization of ERES on the high-curvature domains of the ER3

prompted us to examine whether morphological changes of the ER influence the4

distribution of ERES. We examined ERES distribution in Δrtn1 Δrtn2 Δyop1 cells and5

Δsey1 Δyop1 cells (Voeltz et al., 2006; Hu et al., 2009). Both mutants exhibit normal6

proliferation and secretory properties, but they are defective in the formation of ER7

tubules and accumulate longer peripheral ER sheets (Voeltz et al., 2006). Confocal8

imaging of mRFP-Sec12 or HDEL-GFP at the cell periphery of these mutants clearly9

showed that they have continuous unfenestrated peripheral ER sheets lacking a tubular10

network (Fig. 4A). The number of ERES in these mutant cells was almost the same as11

the number in wild-type cells (Fig. 4B). Dual-color observations of Sec13p-GFP and12

mRFP-Sec12 at the cell periphery showed that ERES in these mutant cells clustered, in13

contrast to the scattered pattern in wild-type cells (Fig. 2A); however, they still14

associated with the remaining edge of the enlarged ER sheets and avoided the flat15

surface of these sheets (Fig. 4A). These data indicate that ERES distribution is affected16

by morphological changes in the ER, and that ERES localization is restricted to the17

high-curvature domains of the ER.18


cis-Golgi cisternae are in the vicinity of ERES20

According to the cisternal maturation model of Golgi, ERES are birth places21

for new Golgi cisternae (Glick and Malhotra, 1998). Consistent with this idea, ERES in22

cells with stacked Golgi cisternae have been shown to be positioned adjacent to the cis-23

side of the Golgi apparatus, implying that ERES are the origin of the Golgi (Rossanese24

et al., 1999; Kondylis and Rabouille, 2003; Yang et al., 2005). Golgi cisternae are not25

stacked in S. cerevisiae. The cisternae are scattered throughout the cytoplasm while they26

mature. Thus in this organism, the positional relationship between the Golgi and ERES27

has been less obvious (Rossanese et al., 1999). However, we thought that cis-Golgi28

could still localize in closer vicinity to ERES than trans-Golgi in S. cerevisiae. We29

observed ERES, cis-Golgi, and trans-Golgi proteins by dual-color fluorescence confocal30

microscopy (Fig. 5). The cis-Golgi markers Sed5 and Rer1 sometimes almost31


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overlapped with Sec13. Overlapping Sec7 and Sec13 signals were rarely observed. To1

quantify the extent of spatial proximity, we calculated Pearson’s correlation coefficients2

between two fluorescent signals of each combination of proteins in a single confocal3

plane, confirming that cis-cisternae are more closely associated with ERES than trans-4

cisternae (Fig. 5). This finding demonstrates that S. cerevisiae also exhibits a spatial5

relationship between ERES and cis-Golgi as described in other cells with stacked Golgi6



Disruption of the peripheral ER network alters the dynamics of Golgi cisternae9

Golgi and ERES show different dynamics in S. cerevisiae. Golgi cisternae10

are mobile, mature progressively, and dissipate within minutes (Losev et al., 2006;11

Matsuura-Tokita et al., 2006), whereas ERES are reported immobile and stable12

(Shindiapina and Barlowe, 2010). In addition, ERES outnumber Golgi cisternae13

(Rossanese et al., 1999). We were interested in how these compartments maintain their14

spatial proximity and conducted dual-color time-lapse imaging of ERES and cis-Golgi.15

In wild-type cells, cis-Golgi labeled with mRFP-Sed5 frequently localized in the16

vicinity of ERES without being retained at the ERES (Fig. 6A, upper panels). This17

result suggested that new cis-Golgi cisternae are generated at ERES de novo or pre-18

existing cis-Golgi approaches dynamically to ERES.19

Next, we examined whether morphological alteration of the ER affects the20

dynamic features of S. cerevisiae Golgi. In Δrtn1 Δrtn2 Δyop1 cells, we found that some21

cis-Golgi remained near the aligned ERES for a much longer time (Fig. 6A,C). In wild-22

type cells, the peripheral ER and the plasma membrane are closely apposed in a way23

that ribosomes are excluded from the plasma membrane face of the peripheral ER (West24

et al., 2011). In Δrtn1 Δrtn2 Δyop1 cells, some interstices were found between the25

expanded peripheral ER and plasma membrane, where ERES were ectopically located26

on the plasma membrane side of the interstices (Fig. 6B, arrowhead). Dual-color time-27

lapse images showed that cis-Golgi localized on the plasma membrane side of the ER28

were constantly positioned in the vicinity of ERES, whereas cis-Golgi on the29

cytoplasmic side of the ER were not (Fig. 6C). Remarkably, the spatial relationship30

between cis- and trans-Golgi cisternae also changed. We found some cis- and trans-31


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Golgi cisternae exhibited reduced motion and were localized adjacent to each other with1

some overlap, which were seldom observed in wild-type cells (Fig. 6D) (Losev et al.,2

2006; Matsuura-Tokita et al., 2006). These findings suggest that the ectopic localization3

of ERES caused by the morphological change in the ER influenced the dynamic4

behavior of the Golgi apparatus.5

Because the co-localization of cis- and trans-cisternae might indicate6

structural changes, we decided to examine the morphology of the Golgi apparatus in7

Δrtn1 Δrtn2 Δyop1 cells and Δsey1 Δyop1 cells using electron microscopy. As shown by8

fluorescence microscopy, the ER membrane formed longer continuous structures in9

these mutant cells (Fig. 7B,C). Strikingly, aberrant membrane structures (rings or10

concentric circles) were often found in the interstice between the ER and the plasma11

membrane (Fig. 7B-E). This structure also stained by the PATAg method that detects12

polysaccharides, indicating that this structure derive from the Golgi apparatus (Fig. 7F13

and G). To specify whether this structure is the Golgi cisternae stably associated with14

ERES in fluorescence microscopy, we examined immuno-gold staining for cis- and15

trans- Golgi marker proteins, Sed5 and Sec7 (Fig. 7H). The staining pattern indicated16

that these membrane structures have a high oligosaccharide content and contain both17

Sec7 (10-nm gold particles, white arrow) and Sed5 (6-nm gold particles, black arrow).18

These results indicate that ring or concentric-circular membranous structures are19

deformed Golgi apparatus including cis- and trans-cisternae.20


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In this study, we demonstrated that organized S. cerevisiae ERES structures2

marked by COPII coat proteins co-localize with Sec16 but not Sec12. A recent study3

documented that sec12-4 and sec16-2 mutations alter the localization of GFP-tagged4

COPII coat proteins (Castillon et al., 2009; Shindiapina and Barlowe, 2010), indicating5

that Sar1-GTP and Sec16 have roles in the maintenance of ERES. Here, we show that,6

in the sec12-4 mutant at a restrictive temperature, COPII coats are clustered into a large7

structure, but Sec16-GFP remains, exhibiting punctate structures. These large clusters of8

COPII coats labeled by Sec13-mRFP puncta still contain Sec16-GFP (Sup Fig1). These9

results suggest that Sec16 acts early in the Sar1 GTPase cycle and is a primary10

determinant of ERES formation in S. cerevisiae (Supek et al., 2002; Connerly et al.,11

2005; Watson et al., 2006; Bhattacharyya and Glick, 2007; Ivan et al., 2008; Hughes et12

al., 2009). On the other hand, we found that Sec12 is prominently distributed in the ER13

sheets and does not accumulate at ERES. In P. pastoris, Sec12 localizes at ERES, but S.14

cerevisiae-P. pastoris chimeric Sec12 is distributed throughout the ER and does not15

perturb the localization of ERES and Golgi components (Soderholm et al., 2004).16

Therefore, the accumulation of Sec12 at ERES is not required for ERES formation.17

Previous observations indicated that ERES localize on the surface of ER18

tubules in mammalian cells and plant cells (Hammond and Glick, 2000; Yang et al.,19

2005). As expected, the preferential partition of ERES into the high-curvature domains20

of ER became more apparent in cells lacking Rtns and Yop1 or Sey1 and Yop1. We21

found that ERES were clustered at the remaining high-curvature domains at the edge of22

the continuous unfenestrated ER sheets even in these mutants. Therefore, these results23

suggest that high-curvature domains of the ER membrane are required for the24

localization of ERES.25

ERES were first identified morphologically as vesiculating ER regions devoid26

of bound ribosomes (Palade, 1975). Thus, the question becomes whether high-curvature27

domains of the ER represent the functional ER domains. Recent confocal fluorescence28

microscopic analysis showed that the components of the translocation complex are29

enriched in the ER sheets relative to the ER tubules, which indicates that sheets may30

have more bound ribosomes per surface area than tubules (Shibata et al., 2010). Voeltz31


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and colleagues directly measured the ribosome density of the ER domains in S.1

cerevisiae, finding that the cytoplasmic side of the peripheral ER sheets has a high2

ribosome density, but the plasma membrane side rarely has ribosomes (West et al.,3

2011), indicating that the edge of the peripheral ER sheets is a boundary between4

domains with high and low ribosome density. Voeltz and colleagues also reported that5

ER tubules are low ribosome density domains (West et al., 2011). Therefore, our6

findings validate that the distribution of ERES at the high-curvature domains, the edge7

of sheets and tubules, is closely related to the functional compartmentalization of the8


In vitro experiments will be required to determine the mechanism of ERES10

formation restricted at the high-curvature domains of the ER surface, whether different11

membrane curvature affects the efficiency of COPII assembly. However, the structural12

information for ERES components might provide a clue about this mechanism. The13

structure of the Sar1/Sec23/24/cargo pre-budding complex is a concave surface14

associated with its membrane-orientated face (Bi et al., 2002). Balch and colleagues15

suggested that Sec23-24 first forms an oligomer, coalescing as minimal tetramer16

clusters of the Sar1/Sec23/24/cargo pre-budding complex to define a site for Sec13-3117

recruitment (Stagg et al., 2008). Thus, the concave surface of these tetramer clusters18

might recognize the high-curvature domains of the ER. It should be noted, however,19

that vesicle budding requires not only positive curvature but also negative curvature to20

be constricted at the neck. Our observations may have some interesting implications21

here, because ERES appear to prefer saddle-like structures which contain both positive22

and negative curvatures. In mammalian cells, COPII vesicles found different ER23

cisternae were closely juxtaposed and protrude into a central region containing a24

collection of vesicles and tubular elements comprising vesicular tubular clusters,25

suggesting that the bases of these ER tubules surrounding the vesicular tubular clusters26

might have negative curvatures (Bannykh et al., 1996). Recently, ERES labeled by27

Sec16A has been reported to localize to concave cup-shaped structures of the ER28

membrane which have negative curvatures (Budnik and Stephens, 2009; Hughes et al.,29

2009). These structures might have both positive and negative curvatures as well,30

because most of ERES in mammalian cells also localize on the surface of ER tubules.31


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Saddle-like ER membrane may be rich in a variety of lipid components including cone-1

shaped and reverse-cone-shaped lipids. Dual-color imaging and correlation analysis2

indicated that cis-Golgi cisternae are not randomly dispersed, but present in the vicinity3

of ERES, whereas no such correlation was found for trans-cisternae. Recent work4

showed that the enlarged S. cerevisiae ERES are formed as the result of slowed ER5

export and often seen in close proximity to cis-Golgi cisternae (Levi et al., 2010).6

Therefore, our findings and previous report provide support for ERES as originating the7


An unexpected result of our work was the association of cis- and trans-Golgi9

cisternae after morphological alteration of the ER. In mammalian cells, Golgi stack10

formations involve GRASP family proteins, which localize to cis- and medial-trans11

cisternae (Seemann et al., 2000; Xiang and Wang, 2010). Biochemical studies have12

shown that GRASP65 forms stable homodimers, and homodimers residing on adjacent13

Golgi membranes form oligomers. These trans-oligomers are capable of holding the14

cisternal membranes together in stacks (Wang et al., 2003; Wang et al., 2005). S.15

cerevisiae has Grh1, a homolog of GRASP, but lacks Golgi stacks in wild-type cells and16

Δgrh1cells (Levi et al., 2010). However, in Δrtn1 Δrtn2 Δyop1 cells, deformed Golgi17

structures including cis- and trans-cisternae were generated in the space between the18

plasma membrane and the expanded ER sheets. These cisternae remain in the vicinity of19

ERES and show reduced motion. Therefore, early and late Golgi cisternae may exhibit20

associated structures by repressing their motion at ERES because they mature21

progressively. Important questions remain, including whether the dynamics of Golgi22

cisternae determine their own structures, which will require further high-resolution23



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Materials and methods1


Yeast strains and culture conditions3

The S. cerevisiae strains and plasmids used in this study are listed in Table I. Cells4

were grown in MCD medium [0.67% yeast nitrogen base without amino acids (Difco5

Laboratories Inc.), 0.5% casamino acids (Difco Laboratories Inc.), and 2% glucose]6

with appropriate supplements. For live imaging, cells were grown at 23°C to the early7

logarithmic phase.8


GFP and mRFP constructs10

Strains expressing fluorescent protein-tagged Sec13, Sec16, Sec23 or Sec31 were11

constructed as described in the yeast GFP database at the University of California, San12

Francisco (Huh et al., 2003). GFP-Sed5 and mRFP-Sec12 were expressed under the13

control of the TDH3 promoter on the low-copy plasmid pRS316 or pRS314 (Sato et al.,14

2001). Sec7-mRFP and Sec7-3HA were expressed similarly except that the ADH115

promoter was used instead of the TDH3 promoter.16


Fluorescence microscopy18

Throughout this study, we used the super-resolution confocal live imaging19

microscope (SCLIM), which we developed by combining a high-speed and high-signal-20

to noise-ratio spinning-disk confocal scanner (Yokogawa Electric, Japan), cooled image21

intensifies (Hamamatsu Photonics, Japan), and high sensitive HARP cameras (NHK and22

Hitachi Kokusai Electric, Japan) or EM-CCD cameras (Hamamatsu Photonics, Japan)23

(Matsuura-Tokita et al., 2006). High space resolution was achieved by oversampling24

and deconvolution (Nakano and Luini, 2010). Three dimensional images were25

reconstructed and deconvoluted by the parameters optimized for the spinning-disk26

confocal scanner using Volocity software (Perkin Elmer, MA). Temperature-sensitive27

mutants were observed using a thermocontrol stage (Tokai Hit, Japan) at either a28

permissive or restrictive temperature. Pearson’s correlation coefficients were calculated29

for two fluorescent signals to estimate spatial proximity using Volocity software (Perkin30

Elmer, MA).31


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Electron microscopy3

Cells were rapidly frozen in a high-pressure freezer (HPM010, Bal-Tec Inc.,4

Germany) and transferred to 2% OsO4 in anhydrous acetone pre-cooled in liquid5

nitrogen. Samples were kept at –80°C for 7 days, –20°C for 2 h, 4°C for 2 h, then at6

room temperature for 2 h. After a wash with anhydrous acetone, the samples were7

embedded in Spurr’s resin (Nisshin EM, Japan). Ultrathin sections were cut, stained8

with uranyl acetate and lead citrate, and observed under a transmission electron9

microscope (JEM1200EX, JEOL, Japan). For oligosaccharide staining, two sections10

were collected independently, one on a copper grid for conventional structural11

observation and the other on a gold grid for oligosaccharide staining by periodic acid-12

thiocarbohydrazide-silver protein (PATAg) (Thiery and Bader, 1967).13

For immunoelectron microscopy, samples were fixed as described above and14

transferred to 0.01% OsO4 in anhydrous acetone. The samples were kept at –80°C for 715

days, –20°C for 2 h, and 4°C for 2 h. After washing with anhydrous ethanol, the16

samples were embedded in LR-white resin. Polymerization was carried out at –20°C17

using a UV polymerizer (TUV-200, Dosaka-EM, Japan). Ultrathin sections were cut,18

immunolabeled, and stained with uranyl acetate. For immunodetection, rabbit anti-GFP19

polyclonal antibody (1:50; Invitrogen, CA) and 6-nm gold goat anti-rabbit conjugate20

(1:50 dilution; Jackson ImmunoResearch, CA) were used as primary and secondary21

antibodies to detect GFP-Sed5, and mouse anti-HA monoclonal antibody 12CA5 (1:25,22

16 µg/ml, Roche, Switzerland) and 10-nm gold goat anti-mouse conjugate (1:5023

dilution; Zymed, CA) were used as primary and secondary antibodies to detect Sec7-24




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This work was supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Specially Promoted Research from the2

Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan and by the3

funds from the Bioarchitect, the Extreme Photonics, and the Cellular Systems Biology4

Projects of RIKEN. We thank T. A. Rapoport and Y. Shibata of Harvard University for5

the yeast reticulon mutant strains and G. K. Voeltz of the University of Colorado at6

Boulder for exchange of information prior to publication. We also thank A. Hirata of7

the University of Tokyo for EM technical suggestions and Y. Suda, K. Fukaya, Y.8

Sugisawa, R. Kiuchi, and Y. Zenke of the Nakano Laboratory for assistance and helpful9



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Figure legends1


Figure 1. Localization of COPII coat proteins and Sec16 in wild-type and sec12-43

cells. (A) Dual-color images of wild-type cells expressing Sec24-GFP and Sec13-mRFP,4

Sec24-GFP and Sec16-mRFP, and Sec16-GFP and Sec13-mRFP. GFP and mRFP co-5

localized on numerous puncta, outlining the nuclear envelope and the peripheral ER. (B)6

The sec12-4 cells expressing Sec24-GFP, Sec13-GFP or Sec16-GFP were observed at a7

permissive temperature (23°C), and after incubation for 30-60 min at a restrictive8

temperature (37°C). Fluorescence of COPII coat proteins, Sec24 and Sec13 was9

dispersed in the cytoplasm, and a few large structures were seen. Sec16-GFP puncta did10

not change at 37°C. The sec12-4 cells expressing GFP-Rer1 were used as a control to11

check the inhibition of transport. Scale bars = 5 µm in (A and B).12


Figure 2. Sec12 does not accumulate at S. cerevisiae ERES Dual-color confocal14

images of wild-type cells marked with Sec13-GFP and mRFP-Sec12. (A) Confocal15

images near the center (upper panels) or at the periphery (lower panels) . Arrows in the16

lower panels indicate fenestration of the peripheral ER marked with mRFP-Sec12. (B)17

Three dimensional images were reconstructed and deconvolved by the parameters18

optimized for the spinning-disk confocal scanner. Magnified images of a boxed area19

observed from an arrow direction showed that mRFP-Sec12 did not overlap with ERES20

labeled by Sec13-GFP. Scale bars = 2.5 µm in (A and B).21


Figure 3. ERES distribution at the high-curvature domains of the peripheral ER.23

(A) Confocal images of wild-type cells expressing HDEL-GFP near the center of the24

cell (left panel) or at the periphery of the cell (middle panel). Three dimensional image25

of peripheral region is shown in the right panel. The peripheral ER network consisted of26

fenestrated sheet (arrow) and tubule (arrowhead) structures. (B) Dual-color confocal27

images near the center (upper panels) or at the periphery (lower panels) of wild-type28


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cells marked with Rtn1-GFP and mRFP-Sec12. These images were deconvolved by the1

parameters optimized for the spinning-disk confocal scanner. Arrowhead indicates that2

Rtn1-GFP puncta localized at the base of the ER tubules and central cisternal ER3

protruded from the nuclear envelope (upper panels). Rtn1-GFP signals encircled those4

of mRFP-Sec12 (lower panels). (C) Dual-color confocal images near the center (upper5

panels) or at the periphery (lower panels) of wild type cells expressing Sec13-GFP and6

Rtn1-mRFP. These images were deconvolved by the parameters optimized for the7

spinning-disk confocal scanner. The punctate signals of Sec13-GFP were localized at the8

Rtn1-mRFP dots in the nuclear envelope (upper panels) and at the edge of the peripheral ER9

sheets and on the peripheral ER tubules which were labeled by Rtn1-mRFP (lower10

panels). (D) Dual-color three dimensional isosurface images of Sec13-GFP and mRFP-11

Sec12 show ERES localization on the surface of the peripheral ER sheets. Arrows12

indicate ERES localized on the saddle-shaped surface of the sheet edge. The arrowhead13

indicates ERES localized on the expanded surface of the sheet edge. (E) Relative14

percentage of ERES localization for each surface. Scale bars = 2.5 µm in (A-D).15


Figure 4. ERES distribution is affected by the loss of high-curvature domains of17

the ER. (A) Dual-color confocal images of the periphery Δrtn1 Δrtn2 Δyop1 cells18

expressing Sec13-GFP and mRFP-Sec12 and Δsey1 Δyop1 cells expressing HDEL-GFP19

and Sec13-mCherry. Sec13-GFP and Sec13-mCherry signals clustered along the edge of20

expanded ER sheets. (B) The average numbers of ERES in wild-type, Δrtn1 Δrtn221

Δyop1, and Δsey1 Δyop1 cells. Scale bar = 2.5 µm in (A and B).22


Figure 5. cis-Golgi proteins are located in the proximity of ERES. Wild-type cells24

were marked with Sec13-GFP and cis-Golgi marker mRFP-Sed5, Sec13-mRFP and cis-25

Golgi marker GFP-Rer1, and Sec13-GFP and trans-Golgi marker Sec7-mRFP. Pearson’s26

correlation coefficients between the green and red fluorescent signals were calculated.27

Scale bar = 2.5 µm.28


Figure 6. Morphological changes in the ER affect Golgi cisternae dynamics. (A)30

Time-lapse observation of wild-type and Δrtn1 Δrtn2 Δyop1 cells expressing Sec13-31


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GFP and mRFP-Sed5. Images were obtained by focusing on the periphery of the cell.1

(B) Dual-color confocal images of the center of Δrtn1 Δrtn2 Δyop1 cells expressing2

Sec13-GFP and mRFP-Sec12. The arrowhead indicates ERES localized between the3

plasma membrane and peripheral ER sheets. (C) Comparison of the dynamics of cis-4

Golgi cisternae localizing on the cytoplasmic (Cvt) or plasma membrane (PM) side of5

ERES in Δrtn1 Δrtn2 Δyop1 cells. Time-lapse images of Sec13-GFP and mRFP-Sed56

are shown. (D) Time-lapse observation of wild-type and Δrtn1 Δrtn2 Δyop1 cells7

expressing GFP-Sed5 and Sec7-mRFP. Images were obtained by focusing on the8

periphery of the cell. Scale bars = 2.5 µm in (A-D).9


Figure 7. Morphological changes in the ER affect Golgi structures. (A-C)11

Ultrastructures of wild-type (A), ∆rtn1 ∆rtn2 ∆yop1 (B), and ∆sey1 ∆yop1 (C) cells as12

visualized by electron microscopy. (D, E) Magnified images of boxed areas in (B) and13

(C). Ring or concentric circle structures were often found between the ER and the14

plasma membrane. (F, G) Higher magnification of concentric circle structures in ∆rtn115

∆rtn2 ∆yop1 cells. One of two serial sections was stained with uranium (F), and the16

other was stained for carbohydrate using the PATAg technique (G). Some small black17

dots on and around the ring structure are PATA-negative stains. Oligosaccharide-18

positive signals were detected. (H) Immuno-gold labeling of the thin-section electron19

microscope images of the concentric circle structure aggregates in Δrtn1 Δrtn2 Δyop120

cells harboring GFP-SED5/SEC7-3HA plasmid. Anti-GFP and anti-HA antibodies were21

used to attach the gold. The anti-GFP antibody was conjugated with 6-nm colloidal gold22

particles and the anti-HA antibody with 10-nm gold particles. Both GFP-Sed5 (black23

arrowhead) and Sec7-3HA (white arrowhead) were detected in the concentric circle24

membrane structure.25

Supplementary figure 126The sec12-4 cells expressing Sec16-GFP and Sec13-mRFP were observed at a27permissive temperature (23°C), and after incubation for 30-60 min at a restrictive28temperature (37°C). Fluorescence of COPII coat proteins, Sec13 was dispersed in the29cytoplasm, and a few large structures were seen. These coalescent structures of Sec1330colocalized with Sec16-GFP puncta which did not change at 37°C.31



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A Sec24-GFP Sec13-mRFP Merged

Sec24-GFP Sec16-mRFP Merged

Sec16-GFP Sec13-mRFP Merged



sec12-4Sec24-GFP Sec13-GFP Sec16-GFP Rer1-GFP

Fig. 1


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mRFPGFP Merged

Fig. 2



GFP MergedmRFP





3D reconstruction


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Rtn1-GFP MergedmRFP-Sec12






3D reconstruction2D

Sec13-GFP Rtn1-mRFP



Sec13-GFP+mRFP-Sec12DMagnified images






expanded saddle-shaped

Sheet 0






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Sec13-GFP mRFP-Sec12 Merged


Sec13-mCherry HDEL-GFP Merged

















of E




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Fig. 5

Pearson's correlation

Sec13-GFP+ Sec7-mRFP

Sec13-GFP+ mRFP-Sed5

Sec13-mRFP+ GFP-Rer1

0.115 ± 0.076 (n=93)0.412 ± 0.107 (n=91) 0.253 ± 0.079 (n=90)


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0 8 16 24 4832 40 56 (s) WTSec13-GFP+mRFP-Sed5





Sec13-GFP mRFP-Sec12 Merged

0 8 16 24 4832 40 56 (s)

0 5 10 15 20 25 403530 45 50 55 60 (s)

0 5 10 15 20 25 403530 45 50 55 60 (s)







0 8 16 24 4832 40 56 (s)

0 8 16 24 4832 40 56 (s)



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200 nm



100 nm


500 nm 500 nm

200 nm500 nm


Fig. 7


200 nm




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Table I

Strains used in this study

Strain Genotype Source

YPH499 MATa ura3-52 lys2-801ade2-101trp1-∆63_his3-∆200


Sikorski and Hieter,


BY4741 MATa his3∆1 leu2∆0 met15∆0 ura3∆0 Invitrogen

SMY80 MATa sec12-4 ade2 trp1 ura3 leu2 his3 lys2 Laboratory strain

NDY257 BY4741 rtn1::kanMX4 rtn2::kanMX4 yop1::kanMX Voeltz et al., 2006

YMO127 BY4741 sey1::kanMX6 yop1::kanMX6 This study

KMY101-31R YPH499 SEC13-GFP::His3MX6 SEC31-


This study

KMY102-31R YPH499 SEC16-GFP::His3MX6 SEC31-mRFP::TRP1 This study

KMY103-13R YPH499 SEC24-GFP::His3MX6 SEC13-mRFP::TRP1 This study

KMY104 YPH499 RTN1-GFP::His3MX6 This study

KMY105 YPH499 SEC13-mRFP::TRP1 This study

KMY101-RtR YPH499 SEC13-GFP::TRP1_RTN1-mRFP::TRP1 This study

KMY111 SMY80 SEC13-GFP::TRP1 This study

KMY112 SMY80 SEC16-GFP::TRP1 This study

KMY113 SMY80 SEC31-GFP::TRP1 This study

KMY114 SMY80 SEC24-GFP::TRP1 This study

KMY115 NDY257 SEC13-GFP::TRP1 This study

YMO129 YMO127 SEC13-mCherry::natNT2 This study



This study

Plasmids used in this study

Plasmid Description Source



Matsuura-Tokita et

al., 2006

GFP-RER1 pRS316-PTDH3-GFP-RER1 Matsuura-Tokita et

al., 2006

GFP-SED5 pRS316-PTDH3-GFP-SED5 This study



This study

mRFP-SED5 pRS316-PTDH3-mRFP-SED5 Matsuura-Tokita et

al., 2006


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SAR1-GFP pRS316-PADH1-SAR1-GFP This study



pMO13 YCp50 (CEN URA3)-PTDH3-GFP-HDEL Okamoto et al.,


pFA6a-GFP(S65T)-TRP1 for C-terminal GFP-tagging, TRP1 Longtine et al.,




for C-terminal GFP-tagging, His3MX6 Longtine et al.,


pFA6a-mRFP-TRP1 for C-terminal mRFP-tagging, TRP1 This study

pFA6a-mCherry-natNT2 for C-terminal mCherry-tagging, natNT2 This study


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Figure S1



Sec13-mRFP Sec16-GFP Mergedsec12-4


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