www.viviabiotech.com RESULTS Background: We have overcome the limitations of 40 years of ex vivo testing with our novel Native Environment Precision Medicine approach. The aim of this study is to determine the ability of Vivia’s novel test to predict the complete remission (CR) rates after induction chemotherapy with cytarabine (Ara-C) and idarubicin (Ida) in 1st line AML. Material and Methods: Bone marrow samples from adult patients diagnosed with de novo AML in Spanish centers from the PETHEMA group were included. Whole marrow samples maintaining their Native Environment were incubated for 48h in well plates containing Ara-C, Ida, or their combination. Pharmacological responses are calculated using pharmacodynamic population Hill-based dose-effect models and drugs surface interaction analysis. Induction response was assessed according to the Cheson criteria (2003). Overall survival analysis was followed using Kapplan-Meier chart. Patients attaining a CR/CRi were classified as responders and the remaining as resistant. Results: 377 patient samples were used to fit the dose response (DR) curves for Ara-C alone, Ida alone, and their interaction. For clinical correlation we used 142 patients with median 56 years. The strongest clinical predictors were the Area Under the Curve (AUC) of the DR of Ara-C, and the AUC of IDA. Additional prediction capabilities were associated to the difference in cell viability before and after incubation. No significance could be found for the drugs interaction parameter. Results are summarized in figure 7 in a table illustrating the correlation between clinical outcome (columns) and the test predictions (lines). From a diagnostic criteria (columns), clinically resistant patients (1st column) are not well predicted with a Sensitivity of 50%, while clinically sensitive patients (2nd column) are very well predicted with a Specificity of 95%. From a Precision Medicine criteria (Lines), patients predicted resistant (1st line) and well predicted with 80.7% positive predictive value, similar to patients predicted sensitive (2nd line) well predicted with 81.9% Negative Predictive Value. Very significant difference (P<0.0002) was observed in the overall survival analysis between the group of patients predicted as responders from those predicted as non responders (figure 8 ). ABSTRACT Plate setup. Eight different concentrations of each drug or drug combination is run for the used treatment protocols. The max concentration used is listed. Special Thanks to the Patients and Hospitals for Providing the Samples (listed alphabetically) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Complejo Hospitalario de Jaén, JAEN Complejo Hospitario Xeral Cíes de Vigo, VIGO Hospital Carlos Haya, MÁLAGA Hospital Clínico San Carlos, MADRID Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, BARCELONA Hospital de Madrid Norte Sanchinarro, MADRID Hospital Doce de Octubre, MADRID Hospital General Universitario de Alicante, ALICANTE Hospital Infanta Sofía, MADRID Hospital Moncloa, MADRID Hospital Povisa, PONTEVEDRA Hospital Quirón, MADRID Hospital Ramón y Cajal, MADRID Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias, OVIEDO Hospital Universitario de Canarias, TENERIFE Hospital Universitario de Gran Canaria Doctor Negrín, GRAN CANARIA Hospital Universitario General de Castellón, CASTELLÓN Hospital Universitario Gregorio Marañón, MADRID Hospital Universitari i Politecnic La Fe, VALENCIA Hospital Universitario Infanta Leonor, MADRID Hospital Universitario Lucus Augusti, LUGO Hospital Universitario Príncipe de Asturias, MADRID Hospital Universitario Reina Sofía, CÓRDOBA Hospital Universitario Virgen Macarena, SEVILLA This novel test is able to predict the clinical response to Ida+Ara-C induction with 80-81%, significantly higher than the current clinical response rate of 66.7%. The test did not properly identify 21/142 that were clinically resistant and the test predicted as sensitive. This mismatched subgroup mimics the problems from molecular markers where a resistant clone present in a minority of leukemic cells cannot be detected yet drives the patient response. However, this group mismatch does not prevent a good correlation with the test predicted outcomes. Good predictive capabilities were identified for dose-effect area under the curve variables. No statistical significance with the clinical outcome was found for the interaction index from the drugs combination analysis. Very significant separation was found in the overall survival analysis between the two branches of responsive and resistant cases according to the test results. HIGH CORRELATION BETWEEN CLINICAL RESPONSES TO 1 ST LINE AML PATIENTS TREATED WITH CYTARABINE AND IDARUBICIN AND THEIR PHARMACOLOGICAL PROFILES IN PATIENT SAMPLES MEASURED BY EXVITECH Pau Montesinos Fernández 15 ,Joaquín Martínez López 17 ,David Martínez 15 ,Josefina Serrano 25 ,Pascual Fernández Abellán 6 ,Raimundo García Boyero 7 ,Gabriela Rodríguez 8 ,Pilar Herrera Puente 3 ,Mª Belen Vidriales 5 ,Mº Angeles Fernández 28 ,Jose Antonio Pérez Simón 26 ,Esperanza Lavilla Rubira 10 ,Santiago Jiménez Bravo de Laguna 20 ,Ataulfo Gonzalez Fernández 18 ,Carmen Burgaleta Alonso de Ozalla 2 ,Mar Tormo Diaz 4 ,Adriana Simiele 12 ,Susana Vives Polo 16 ,Guiomar Bautista Carrascosa 23 ,Arancha Alonso Alonso 24 ,Concepción Bethancourt Mateos 13 ,Juan Antonio López 1 ,Begoña Navas Elorza 11 ,Juan Miguel Bergua Burgués 14 ,Mercedes Colorado Araujo 22 ,Jose Angel Hernández Rivas 9 ,Bernando J. González González 19 ,Pilar martinez-Sanchez 17 ,Juan Antonio Vera Goñi 27 ,Marta Gaspar 32 ,Julián Gorrochategui 32 ,Jose Luis Rojas 32 ,Pilar Hernandez 32 ,Alicia Robles 32 ,Ignacio Ortega 31 ,Jesús Villoria 29 ,Federico Moscardó 15 ,Jaime Pérez de Oteyza 21 ,Iñaki Troconiz 30 ,Miguel Sanz 15 ,Joan Ballesteros 32 1 Complejo Hospitalario de Jaén, 2 Hospital Universitario Príncipe de Asturias, 3 Hospital Universitario Ramon y Cajal, 4 Hospital Clínico de Valencia, 5 Hospital Clinico Universitario de Salamanca, 6 Hospital General Universitario de Alicante, 7 Hospital General Universitario de Castellón, 8 Hospital General universitario Gregorio Marañón, 9 Hospital Infanta Leonor, 10 Hospital Lucus Augusti, 11 Hospital Moncloa, 12 Hospital Povisa, 13 Hospital Regional Universitario de Málaga Carlos Haya, 14 Hospital San Pedro de Alcantara, 15 Hospital Universitari i Politècnic La Fe de Valencia, 16 Hospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol, 17 Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre, 18 Hospital Universitario Clínico San Carlos, 19 Hospital Universitario de Canarias, 20 Hospital Universitario de Gran Canaria Doctor Negrín, 21 Hospital Universitario Madrid Norte Sanchinarro, 22 Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla, 23 Hospital Universitario Puerta de Hierro, 24 Hospital Universitario Quirón Madrid, 25 Hospital Universitario Reina Sofía, 26 Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío, 27 Hospital Universitario Virgen Macarena, 28 Hospital Xeral Cies, 29 Medicxact, Madrid, 30 Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, 31 Universidad del País Vasco, Bilbao, 32 Vivia Biotech 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 A B DMSO 0.47% DMSO 0.47% C D E F G H CYTARABINE IDARUBICIN FLUDARABINE 150μM 1.5μM 127.5μM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 A B DMSO 0.47% DMSO 0.47% C D E F G H CLOFARABINE MITOXANTRONE 10μM 74.8μM 30μM ETOPOSIDE DAUNORUBICIN 3μM 225μM AMSACRINE 49.5μM METHODS Robotic Sample Preparation Automated FCM Based Screening BeckmanCoulter Cyan Flow Cytometer Proprietary Analysis Software Activity Base Bioinformatics Results + Clinical Info ExviTech © Platform Screening Setup and Workflow 6-THIOGUANINE 100μM 15μM Data Analysis: performed using the population approach using NONMEM 7.2.: population PD Hill-based modelling of the ex vivo response vs concentration data in monotherapy (fig.2), 95% confidence interval of estimated parameters determined by bootstrapping over 1000 simulations. Surface interaction modelling and simulations to estimate the interaction parameter (α) as well as the corresponding confidence interval. α parameter is a measurement of synergism (>0), additivity (0) or antagonism (<0). Greco et al.1995. Pharmacol Rev June 1995 47:331-385 Grants supporting this work: Programa PRIMER Castilla y Leon (04/09/AS/0028), ADE Medicina Personalizada 2007 (04/06/SA/0009),Programa Reindustrialización 2011 MITYC (REI-040000-2011-777), Programa Torres Quevedo, MICINN Programa Inncorpora, MICINN Figure 3 B SURV_IDX (%) [IDARUBICIN] (μM) A SURV_IDX (%) [CYTARABINE] (μM) Individual Dose Response Curves Dose-responses from 377 patient samples to Cytarabine (A) and Idarubicin (B). The Survival Index (y-axis) ranges from 100% to 0 displaying the selective AML cell depletion. Median response shown in red. For CYT 40% patient samples have resistant cells left alive at 48 h. IDA eliminates all cells within this timeframe. Figure 6 Logistic additive model of ex vivo CYT-IDA vs Clinical Outcome ROC Curve A generalized binary logistic additive model was used to explore nonparametric relationships between either the fitted pharmacologic parameters and processed response values and the dichotomized clinical response (resistant patient [PR or PD after induction] vs. sensitive patient [CR or CRi after induction] ). Both linear dependence and nonlinear dependence structures were evaluated for available PD parameters (cytarabine E 0 , EC 50 , I max and sigmoidicity, idarubicin E 0 , EC 50 and sigmoidicity, and the interaction parameter (α)) as well as integrated terms given by the calculation of the area under the curve (AUC) for both cytarabine and Idarubicin and the volume under the surface (VUS) from the interaction analysis from the combination. All linear terms were non-significant. Results using individual parameters were improved by the AUCs of the modelled effect-concentration curves of both, Idarubicin and, particularly, Cytarabine which showed good predictive properties. In a lower magnitude, VUS values also showed significant predictive ability. No significance though was observed for the interaction parameter. The variation of the cell viability in control wells before and after incubation provided additional predictive ability: the probability of response is higher for those patients for whom cell viability does not change or changes by a small amount (cell viability decreased by 40% or lower) during incubation. Using a criterion based on equalling the predictive values (PV+ and PV-) to set the cut point which defines positive and negative test results is a reasonable approach to prioritize specificity over sensitivity in an objective and reproducible fashion. B A Empirical probability distributions of the marker in resistant vs. sensitive patients Correlation results summary Key clinical indicators: overall prediction 81.7% & NPV 81.9% B EC50 Whole bone marrow EC50 Whole bone marrow A Whole sample vs. Isolated Leukocytes: A. Correlation pairs showing differences among EC50 values from the same samples tested either as isolated leukocytes or whole sample. Error bars show the CI’s of the estimated parameter. B. Dose-response curves for IDA and Cyta for the selected samples in both conditions, showing similar results form Cytarabine but very different for Idarubicin. Figure 8 Overall survival analysis. The survivor functions (Kaplan- Meier) of the overall survival (OS) of patients classified as responsive or resistant using the optimal cut point over the GAM-derived marker were clearly different. The OS was much shorter in patients classified as resistant than in patients classified as responsive. This difference was highly significant (p=0.0002) Figure 7 Figure 4 Interaction index Distribution of the interaction index calculated for the samples in the study. The central tendency was towards an additive or weak synergistic behavior although clear synergy occurred in many cases. Individual drug typical and relative standard error values. Inter-patient variability (IPV) expressed as CV(%); ne, not estimated Figure 5 Pharmacological Population Parameters Figure 1 Figure 2 CONCLUSIONS





Background: We have overcome the limitations of 40 years of ex vivo testing

with our novel Native Environment Precision Medicine approach. The aim of

this study is to determine the ability of Vivia’s novel test to predict the complete

remission (CR) rates after induction chemotherapy with cytarabine (Ara-C) and

idarubicin (Ida) in 1st line AML.

Material and Methods: Bone marrow samples from adult patients diagnosed

with de novo AML in Spanish centers from the PETHEMA group were included.

Whole marrow samples maintaining their Native Environment were incubated

for 48h in well plates containing Ara-C, Ida, or their combination.

Pharmacological responses are calculated using pharmacodynamic population

Hill-based dose-effect models and drugs surface interaction analysis. Induction

response was assessed according to the Cheson criteria (2003). Overall

survival analysis was followed using Kapplan-Meier chart. Patients attaining a

CR/CRi were classified as responders and the remaining as resistant.

Results: 377 patient samples were used to fit the dose response (DR) curves

for Ara-C alone, Ida alone, and their interaction. For clinical correlation we used

142 patients with median 56 years. The strongest clinical predictors were the

Area Under the Curve (AUC) of the DR of Ara-C, and the AUC of IDA.

Additional prediction capabilities were associated to the difference in cell

viability before and after incubation. No significance could be found for the

drugs interaction parameter. Results are summarized in figure 7 in a table

illustrating the correlation between clinical outcome (columns) and the test

predictions (lines). From a diagnostic criteria (columns), clinically resistant

patients (1st column) are not well predicted with a Sensitivity of 50%, while

clinically sensitive patients (2nd column) are very well predicted with a

Specificity of 95%. From a Precision Medicine criteria (Lines), patients

predicted resistant (1st line) and well predicted with 80.7% positive predictive

value, similar to patients predicted sensitive (2nd line) well predicted with

81.9% Negative Predictive Value. Very significant difference (P<0.0002) was

observed in the overall survival analysis between the group of patients

predicted as responders from those predicted as non responders (figure 8 ).

ABSTRACT Plate setup. Eight different concentrations of each drug or drug combination is run for the used treatment protocols. The max concentration used is listed.

Special Thanks to the Patients and Hospitals for Providing the

Samples (listed alphabetically)


Complejo Hospitalario de Jaén, JAEN

Complejo Hospitario Xeral Cíes de Vigo, VIGO

Hospital Carlos Haya, MÁLAGA

Hospital Clínico San Carlos, MADRID

Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau,


Hospital de Madrid Norte Sanchinarro, MADRID

Hospital Doce de Octubre, MADRID

Hospital General Universitario de Alicante,


Hospital Infanta Sofía, MADRID

Hospital Moncloa, MADRID

Hospital Povisa, PONTEVEDRA

Hospital Quirón, MADRID

Hospital Ramón y Cajal, MADRID

Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias, OVIEDO

Hospital Universitario de Canarias, TENERIFE

Hospital Universitario de Gran Canaria Doctor Negrín, GRAN


Hospital Universitario General de Castellón, CASTELLÓN

Hospital Universitario Gregorio Marañón, MADRID

Hospital Universitari i Politecnic La Fe, VALENCIA

Hospital Universitario Infanta Leonor, MADRID

Hospital Universitario Lucus Augusti, LUGO

Hospital Universitario Príncipe de Asturias, MADRID

Hospital Universitario Reina Sofía, CÓRDOBA

Hospital Universitario Virgen Macarena, SEVILLA

• This novel test is able to predict the clinical response to Ida+Ara-C induction with 80-81%, significantly higher than the current clinical

response rate of 66.7%. The test did not properly identify 21/142 that were clinically resistant and the test predicted as sensitive. This

mismatched subgroup mimics the problems from molecular markers where a resistant clone present in a minority of leukemic cells

cannot be detected yet drives the patient response. However, this group mismatch does not prevent a good correlation with the test

predicted outcomes.

• Good predictive capabilities were identified for dose-effect area under the curve variables.

• No statistical significance with the clinical outcome was found for the interaction index from the drugs combination analysis.

• Very significant separation was found in the overall survival analysis between the two branches of responsive and resistant cases

according to the test results.


Pau Montesinos Fernández15,Joaquín Martínez López17,David Martínez15,Josefina Serrano25,Pascual Fernández Abellán6,Raimundo García Boyero7,Gabriela Rodríguez8,Pilar Herrera Puente3,Mª Belen

Vidriales5,Mº Angeles Fernández28,Jose Antonio Pérez Simón26,Esperanza Lavilla Rubira10,Santiago Jiménez Bravo de Laguna20,Ataulfo Gonzalez Fernández18,Carmen Burgaleta Alonso de Ozalla2,Mar Tormo

Diaz4,Adriana Simiele12,Susana Vives Polo16,Guiomar Bautista Carrascosa23,Arancha Alonso Alonso24,Concepción Bethancourt Mateos13,Juan Antonio López1,Begoña Navas Elorza11,Juan Miguel Bergua

Burgués14,Mercedes Colorado Araujo22,Jose Angel Hernández Rivas9,Bernando J. González González19,Pilar martinez-Sanchez17,Juan Antonio Vera Goñi27,Marta Gaspar32,Julián Gorrochategui32,Jose Luis

Rojas32,Pilar Hernandez32,Alicia Robles32,Ignacio Ortega31,Jesús Villoria29,Federico Moscardó15,Jaime Pérez de Oteyza21,Iñaki Troconiz30,Miguel Sanz 15,Joan Ballesteros32

1Complejo Hospitalario de Jaén,2Hospital Universitario Príncipe de Asturias,3Hospital Universitario Ramon y Cajal,4Hospital Clínico de Valencia,5Hospital Clinico Universitario de Salamanca,6Hospital General Universitario de

Alicante,7Hospital General Universitario de Castellón,8Hospital General universitario Gregorio Marañón,9Hospital Infanta Leonor,10Hospital Lucus Augusti,11Hospital Moncloa,12Hospital Povisa,13Hospital Regional Universitario de

Málaga Carlos Haya,14Hospital San Pedro de Alcantara,15Hospital Universitari i Politècnic La Fe de Valencia,16Hospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol,17Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre,18Hospital Universitario Clínico San

Carlos,19Hospital Universitario de Canarias,20Hospital Universitario de Gran Canaria Doctor Negrín,21Hospital Universitario Madrid Norte Sanchinarro,22Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla,23Hospital Universitario Puerta de

Hierro,24Hospital Universitario Quirón Madrid,25Hospital Universitario Reina Sofía,26Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío,27Hospital Universitario Virgen Macarena,28Hospital Xeral Cies,29Medicxact, Madrid,30Universidad de

Navarra, Pamplona,31Universidad del País Vasco, Bilbao,32Vivia Biotech

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12




SO 0




SO 0















1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12




SO 0




SO 0




















Robotic Sample Preparation

Automated FCM Based Screening

BeckmanCoulter Cyan Flow Cytometer

Proprietary Analysis Software

Activity Base

Bioinformatics Results + Clinical


ExviTech© Platform

Screening Setup and Workflow




Data Analysis: performed using the population approach using NONMEM 7.2.: • population PD Hill-based modelling of the ex vivo response vs concentration

data in monotherapy (fig.2), 95% confidence interval of estimated parameters determined by bootstrapping over 1000 simulations.

• Surface interaction modelling and simulations to estimate the interaction parameter (α) as well as the corresponding confidence interval. α parameter is a measurement of synergism (>0), additivity (0) or antagonism (<0). Greco et al.1995. Pharmacol Rev June 1995 47:331-385

Grants supporting this work: Programa PRIMER Castilla y Leon (04/09/AS/0028), ADE Medicina Personalizada 2007 (04/06/SA/0009),Programa Reindustrialización 2011 MITYC (REI-040000-2011-777), Programa Torres Quevedo, MICINN Programa Inncorpora, MICINN

Figure 3















Individual Dose Response Curves

Dose-responses from 377 patient samples to Cytarabine (A) and Idarubicin (B). The Survival Index (y-axis) ranges from

100% to 0 displaying the selective AML cell depletion. Median response shown in red. For CYT 40% patient samples have

resistant cells left alive at 48 h. IDA eliminates all cells within this timeframe.

Figure 6 Logistic additive model of ex vivo CYT-IDA vs Clinical Outcome ROC Curve

• A generalized binary logistic additive model was used to explore nonparametric relationships between

either the fitted pharmacologic parameters and processed response values and the dichotomized clinical

response (resistant patient [PR or PD after induction] vs. sensitive patient [CR or CRi after induction] ).

• Both linear dependence and nonlinear dependence structures were evaluated for available PD

parameters (cytarabine E0, EC50, Imax and sigmoidicity, idarubicin E0, EC50 and sigmoidicity, and the

interaction parameter (α)) as well as integrated terms given by the calculation of the area under the

curve (AUC) for both cytarabine and Idarubicin and the volume under the surface (VUS) from the

interaction analysis from the combination.

• All linear terms were non-significant. Results using individual parameters were improved by the AUCs of

the modelled effect-concentration curves of both, Idarubicin and, particularly, Cytarabine which showed

good predictive properties. In a lower magnitude, VUS values also showed significant predictive ability.

No significance though was observed for the interaction parameter.

• The variation of the cell viability in control wells before and after incubation provided additional predictive

ability: the probability of response is higher for those patients for whom cell viability does not change or

changes by a small amount (cell viability decreased by 40% or lower) during incubation.

• Using a criterion based on equalling the predictive values (PV+ and PV-) to set the cut point which

defines positive and negative test results is a reasonable approach to prioritize specificity over sensitivity

in an objective and reproducible fashion.

B A Empirical probability distributions of the marker in resistant vs. sensitive patients

Correlation results summary

Key clinical indicators: overall prediction 81.7% & NPV 81.9%


EC50 Whole bone marrow EC50 Whole bone marrow


Whole sample vs. Isolated Leukocytes: A. Correlation pairs showing differences among EC50 values from the same samples tested either as isolated leukocytes or whole sample. Error bars show the CI’s of the estimated parameter. B. Dose-response curves for IDA and Cyta for the selected samples in both conditions, showing similar results form Cytarabine but very different for Idarubicin.

Figure 8 Overall survival analysis.

The survivor functions (Kaplan-

Meier) of the overall survival

(OS) of patients classified as

responsive or resistant using

the optimal cut point over the

GAM-derived marker were

clearly different. The OS was

much shorter in patients

classified as resistant than in

patients classified as


This difference was highly

significant (p=0.0002)

Figure 7

Figure 4 Interaction index

Distribution of the interaction index calculated for the samples in the

study. The central tendency was towards an additive or weak synergistic

behavior although clear synergy occurred in many cases.

Individual drug typical and relative standard

error values. Inter-patient variability (IPV)

expressed as CV(%); ne, not estimated

Figure 5 Pharmacological Population Parameters

Figure 1

Figure 2