High, Clif - ALTA Report Vol. 23 - 0 - Part Zero (2008.08.18) (Eng) (PDF) [ALTA509PARTZERO]

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Transcript of High, Clif - ALTA Report Vol. 23 - 0 - Part Zero (2008.08.18) (Eng) (PDF) [ALTA509PARTZERO]

  • 7/31/2019 High, Clif - ALTA Report Vol. 23 - 0 - Part Zero (2008.08.18) (Eng) (PDF) [ALTA509PARTZERO]


    This report in the ALTA 509 series is from the last of the ALTA 209 reads, athe first 9.44 million reads for this series.

    Introduction to the 509 ALTA report series - Carry Overs

    For the past 5/five years our work has yielded a single aspect/attribute set whiappeared within more entities, more often than any other, single context grouThese aspect/attributes provided the individual words which we took as thedescriptive label for the year in question. A few of the labels for past, current,and future years are provided such that they may provide a quick encapsulatioof the emotional tone of the year. Please note these labels are chosen from theaggregate of all the languages being gathered, and the summation values, andare not necessarily Anglo centric, though they are being expressed here in


    2006 - Pivotal

    2007 - Emergence

    2008 - Manifestation

    2009 - Transformation

    Note that the 'tone' of the year naming changes in 2008, as this is the last of thyears of 'externally focused' names which is to say that 2009 marks the first oseries of year descriptors which will be focused on the 'internal humancondition' as it relates to the 'external world'. So in the years prior to 2009, wehad [external forces] dominating as linguistic descriptors, where as from 2009onward the descriptors favor [duality] in that the labels will be describing notonly the manifesting circumstances within external reality, but also the [internconditions] for both [individual humans] and [omnihumanity]. To totallybelabor the point, in 2009 not only will the on-the-ground manifestations such

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    as [weather/climate] and [earth changes] be [transformative], but they will alsinduce [transformation] within [humans] as [individuals], and within[omnihumanity]. The [transformations] within [omnihumanity] will also be atmultiple levels, not only in [social relationships], but also in such seeminglydiverse areas as [religions], and [economics], and [core social structures].Further ripples of the changes within the [transformation] meme are pointing

    such things as the [beginning of the death of celebrity (as a cultural imperativof the western hegemony)], as well as the [loss of road dominance]. This last ipointing toward a new paradigm within much of the western world where the[preeminence of individuality] currently most obviously displayed as 6000/sithousand pound SUVs are used to move single individuals. The data sets wehave been gathering for several years have been frequently pointing to theemergence of what we have labeled as SOC's, or 'self organizing collectives'.The concept of [banding together], and the [reconfiguration of villages] willbegin to dominate the [social restructuring] meme which will very *rapidly*over take the western or anglo-american empire countries in the first 2/twomonths of 2009. The very rapid shift of [social consciousness] will occur as adirect result of the circumstances manifesting in the last quarter of 2008. Whilthere are interlinked areas to the current political shifts within the USofA, ourprocessing has long pointed toward a developing trend which is larger than thpolitical process, and is even larger than the current social/personal addiction[money/currency] as THE way of [placing value] on [everything in life].

    ALTA reports of several years ago began to paint a picture of our current yearas the [year of manifestation] in which core components of life such as the[dollar, usofa] would be [removed] as a practical consideration for future yearThis is to say that our work for these last several years has pointed toward 20as the year in which the [manifestations] of circumstance/events would set theplanetary populace up for the [process of transformation] which *begins* in2009. Please note that our longer term values from the last several runs havemaintained aspect/attribute growth supporting the idea that [life as we know itwill be [altered forever] by the events of 2008, and it will be several yearsthereafter, beginning in very early 2009, in which humans will [process throutheir personal and collective transformation].

    While always maintaining awareness that our work has an in-built bias towarconcentrating the extremes of language, we nonetheless determinedly plowahead with our assertion that the concept of [transformation] will be *the* kefor advanced understanding of 2009 and beyond. Think of [transformation] asbeing applied to [everything all at once] and you begin to get the idea. The[pace] of both [life] and [change] will seemingly accelerate as 2008 begins to[plunge] into 2009. Our work uses a lunar calendar based year, and so is mucmore focused on such archetypical way-points as the equinox and solsticerepetitions twice annually. Thus within our modelspace the concepts affecting

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    2009 are actually showing up near the December solstice, rather than in Januaper se. As our work is based on set theory and complexity studies , it has afuzzy edge. This is further reinforced by our use ofprolog as our form ofimplementing the set analysis via predicate calculus. The fuzzy set edge showwithin the scatter graphs of modelspace as the first of the aspect/attributes starto glom onto the various previously existing sub sets from the many entities. Ithis sense, our modelspace replicates how universe seems to manifest events itime, both as cumulative growth of memes, as well as sudden bursts ofassociated memes seeming to appear out of nowhere, or conversely stated,appearing clustered and very abruptly within current time. This view of timewithin modelspace has provided for some seemingly prescient interpretationsthe past. We think that another such very distinct, separate moment of 'maximchange' is pending for this Fall, and we currently have it appearing within ourmodelspace as beginning on October 7th, between 7 and 7:12 am UTC(universal time coordinates). We have chosen to represent the 'point' in time awhich the change manifests as "7:10" for a variety of reasons.

    Meta Data - Coming Forward, Cursed Tribes, Spinning It

    The largest single instance of 'release language' within the current trend line oa general building tension language period *had* been shown to occur on oraround July 8th in the ALTA 209 series. This episode of [release language] hwithin the processing of the newest immediacy values, moved forward to July3rd. This language set shows a nearly 24/twenty four hour instance of 'releaselanguage', and then a return to the general trend line of 'building emotionaltensions' which continues out through October 6th, whereupon it shiftsprecipitously over to an uninterrupted 'release language' trend which the datashows continues unabated for the following 4/four months. Note that thissection above will be sent out via email as it will occur prior to the posting ofthis Part Zero of the ALTA 509 series.

    Our data sets have jumped considerably relative to the now July 3rd releasestep. The accretion patterns have placed the most data behind the followingaspect/attribute sets:[packing house/meat processing], [fumigation], [postoffice/mailings/communications], [legal matters/legal status], [healthresources], [social security], [temperatures (sub set [frozen])], and[fish/fisheries/food sources from oceans]. In all of these areas the summationsand the temporal clues are pointing toward the expression of 'release (ofemotions) language' around these central themes. As the anticipated date forthis release language step has come forward to such an immediate timeframe,will not be possible to examine the detail level supporting aspect/attribute setsfor further clues as to the 'what' and the 'why' of the release language

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    expressions. So we are left with the headlines version of the core componentsthe release language.

    Note that this upcoming 'release language day' of July 3rd through the end ofJuly 4th is a very tiny example of what portends for the planetary populacebeginning in October. The effect this Fall is hundreds of times more insummation values, and is centered around the terrible triumvirate of [military][economics], and [climate/terra stability].

    Also note that the period of July 5th through the 21st is indicated to beextremely [central] or [pivotal] for the Republicans and the Mccain campaignfor dictator of the USofABilderberger. It is within this period that the data froALTA 209 had suggested that 'health issues' may surface for Mccain such thathe [campaign] itself would be affected. These 'health issues' are also indicate

    to [return/reappear] with a vengeance in mid November and onward.

    There is mounting 'chatter' within the conscious stream ofconversations/blogging going to the effect that in 'late summer' or 'early fall' tIsraeli's, with USofABilderberger assistance, will attack Iran with an aerialbombing campaign. Let us reiterate a point which we have been finding in theALTA series for over a year now...that is that the [israeli

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    This is shown to *not* be implemented due to the [political chaos] and the[trials] for [un american activities/treason] which will develop. Further, the[winter climate] is indicated to be [severe] in many parts of the USofA andnorthern Europe, and many [thousands] are indicated to [die] as a direct resultof the [unobtainable nature] of [energy]. Again, a direct consequence of the[israeli mistake] and the last straw, according to modelspace, which [induces]the [pogrom] in the USofA against the [israeli officialdom/peoples]. This[pogrom] is indicated to be such a powerful emotional wave of [hatred] and[revenge seeking] that even the [elite] in places like [hollywood] will [recant]and [renounce] former [israeli support].

    This [mistake] by the [military] is indicated to [change the world].

    Shift happens?!? A recent article on changes in earth's core being more rapid

    than previously considered to be possible. This conclusion that the changes arfaster than considered possible arises from the erroneous understanding of thenature of the inner planet. No theory has yet to be able to explain how moltenmetal, which on the surface of the planet *cannot* either hold, nor generate amagnetic field, is somehow excused from this basic metallurgic conditionwhich confined to the core of the planet. On the other hand, plasma, which isform of collected/concentrated energy does generate very powerful magneticfields. And is capable of exceedingly fast changes of state, without regard to isize. In other words, the quantum level phenomena which compose plasma areffective no matter what the size of the plasma involved. So a plasma core botwould generate fantastically large magnetic fields, *and* would be capable,perhaps even expected, to be able to change very rapidly indeed.

    SpaceGoatFarts - Poor Bastards

    Within the immediacy value set accruing to the SpaceGoatFarts entity, andfocused on the [summer (period between the June solstice and the Septemberequinox)] we have an aspect/attribute set of [decision] rising to dominancewithin the [contact] meme/context sub set. The [contact] meme has, in pastALTA reports, been seemingly linked to reality through the [ufophenomena/appearances]. The appearance of growth within the [contact] mesub set has been seemingly prescient about immediate future [ufomanifestations], or alternatively, growth in the [contact] meme sub set haspreceded major announcements or publications relating to the [contact] meme

    Yet again we have had a very large spike in accretion of new values around th[contact] meme sub set. This new growth in accruing aspect/attribute sets isheaded by [decision]. The [decision] aspect/attribute set is indicated by the

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    movement of the SpaceGoatFarts entity within modelspace to begin to manifeinto reality from about mid July onward over [summer], gradually percolatingup higher with each new [element] or [component] of the many[releases/leaks/revealing] which will be [visible] within the global mediastreaThe [secrets revealed] meta data layer is already very near vertical within theSpaceGoatFarts entity and continues at this pace over the next few years (as

    indicated by the last of the long term data sets from ALTA 209 run).

    The latest immediacy data processing has indicated that yet moremanifestations of [ufo appearances] will take place over [summer], and furthethat there will [entirely new] forms of [behavior] of the [phenomena]. The idecoming across is that many [manifestations] will be [driving/forcing] a[decision] to be made. There can be no discussion of *any* sub set of theSpaceGoatFarts entity without acknowledging the intense cross links over to tvarious [officialdom] sub sets in the other entities. Of course this is a naturaleffect of how we defined the SpaceGoatFarts entity in the beginning, which isto say as a 'repository for all things [officially denied] and/or [unknown]'.Soooo, it may be a bit miss leading, but we need to note that the [decision]aspect/attribute set within the [contact] sub set, due to the very heavy crosslinks over to ThePowersThatBe entity, *may* be pointing to a [decision] fro[the powers that be] which is [forced upon] them by the [new behavior] of the[ufo phenomena]. We have specific references for many locations, and thesedominated by [italy], [the usofa] and [australia]. These sub sets are within the[decision] aspect/attribute set and may be referencing not the [ufo phenomenabut rather some other [key component] within the [decision].

    Within the [decision] aspect/attribute supporting sub sets are descriptors for a[traveling episode] which will involve [2/two people/men]. These [2/twotravelers] will be [reaching the destination], but only after some rather nastytimes which will include both [water] and [fire] as [hazards]. Further the [2/tpeople] are described as being [terran/earth] originating. These [2/two travelewill be on a [journey] relative to the [decision], and will be of the [sufferedclass], which probably eliminates any of [the powers that be] or their [minionThe [suffered class] is a descriptor set including [suffering], [poverty],[hardship], and [deprivation] as the primary aspect/attributes. The [suffered

    class] usually is equated to the [common person], or [general member of thepopulace], rather than [lower class] or [outcast], though each of these sets willbe found deriving support from the [suffered class] as a descriptor set. Clear amud? In other words every [outcast] is a member of the [suffered class], but nall members of the [suffered class] are [outcasts]. The [travelers] sub set hasfurther support from aspect/attributes which go to the idea that at some elemeof [martial skills] will be involved within the [pair of travelers]. Further the[sharpness] of the [mind] of 1/one [traveler] is described as being [equal to] th[sharpness] of the [martial/sword skills] of the other.

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    These [2/two travelers] will be increasingly [visible] within the globalmediastream over the rest of 2008. The summations around the [visibility] levof this sub set points to an increasing [presence] of the [2/two travelers] as theyear matures, and further that the [fame] and associated [energies (of)wealth/well being] for the [traveling pair] will [increase] along with the[visibility].

    It is not possible to discern just what role the [travelers] play in the [contactdecision] meme as it evolves, but their presence is noted as a very cleartemporal marker that the [decision process] is well underway. As apparently,will be the [new behavior] of the [ufo phenomena]. This [new behavior] sub sis supported by aspect/attribute sets for [dragon] and [snake], and [tiger]. Theare alternatively mapped over to their [constellation] counterparts and we hav[Draco],[ Hydra (the water snake) ], and the Chinese constellation of the [WhiTiger], known in western astronomic/astrologic traditions to include Taurus,and Orion constellations. Please note that the Reticuli group of stars arerepresented within these constellations at several levels, and also featureprominently as the 'point of origin' of the 'gray aliens' also known in past agesas [archons], and from which word the 'archons' of the Nag Hamadi codex isderived.

    As with many of our other sub sets, there are several meta data layersinfluencing the accretion patterns for this sub set. These include the [secretsrevealed] meta data layer, and the [revolution] meta data layer. Also of note isthe now common theme of [flood] as a supporting aspect/attribute set. Whilenot a meta data layer in that it does not dominate the primary sets viasummation values in all entities, the [flood] meme is becoming very wellrepresented, and perhaps needs to be considered as a transitory influence ofmajor strength. We not only find [flood] in support in the Terra entity and thepopulace entities, but also here within the SpaceGoatFarts entity at many leveincluding as a supporting aspect/attribute set for the [decision] sub set. Withinthe [decision] sub set, the [flood] aspect/attribute set appears in a primarysupporting role for the [decision] as a whole, as well as within the [2/twotravelers] sub set, and within that, is also found deeper within the supportinglayers for the [dangers/hardships] that the [2/two travelers] will encounter and

    survive over the course of [summer] and the rest of 2008.

    At the beginning of the appearance of the [2/two travelers/poor bastards] in[summer], the data suggests that they are just then beginning the [decrease] in[fortunes/circumstances] which will [propel] them on their [journey], and aswith cycles everywhere, gradually return them to their [centers] after[challenges] and [hardships]. The geographic references at the beginning of thappearance of the [2/two travelers] are dominated by [Kauai, Hawaii], andproceed from there [widershins/counter clockwise] around the planet. The dat

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    sets indicate that the [beginning of the journey] is [forced/compelled] by an[internal need] to [tell the truth] at the [halls of power]. This [internal need] or[compulsion] is [driven/created] by [manifesting circumstances], and both the

    [compulsion], and the [manifesting circumstances] (of the [new behavior of thufo phenomena]) are supported at the primary level by [danger] as dominantaspect/attribute set. There are some temporal links indicating that the initial[new behavior] actually occurred in March of this year, but at such a low leveof [visibility] that we have not yet seen the reports hit the global mediastream.These may begin surfacing in mid July such that the aware observer will be ato form the connections.

    There are [even number] associations which accrue to the [2/two travelers] suset as July fades into August. At that point the [even numbers] will be[manifesting/emerging] into the global media stream. The [even number] meis important based on the emotional tension summations which are found in tlast of the longer term values from the ALTA 209 series.

    The accretions of aspect/attributes sets in the supporting sub set of the[decision] aspect beginning in August include more [danger] references, andthese are very broad and are described as being affective of the [population] aa whole. These include descriptor sets for bespoke [fear] as a rising anddominating (at this level of the sub sets) aspect set. The [fear] sub set issupported by descriptors for [cry (of) alarm/fear/danger], and [fear basedwetting (of one'self/involuntary urination)]. Please note that we *always* takeaspects which go to [body parts] or [bodily processes] very seriously as theseare very deep and powerful archetypes linguistically. Deeper within the [fear]supporting sets are descriptors going to the idea of [citizenry/populace] whichwill be so [fear shocked] as to [carry arms] in [twilight/evening], and to[huddle] in [protected/armed groups] at [night]. Also note that this is thelanguage predicted to arise within the global media stream as reports of[responses/reactions] to the [new behavior] of the [ufo phenomena]. Furtherthere are distinct [dusty], and [dessert] descriptor sets with supporting sets

    suggestive of [dry places] of [vast areas] such as may be found in the Australiand North American [south west]. These places are indicated to [rise] in[visibility] relative to the [new behavior] which is to be [so disturbing] toThePowersThatBe that they will be [forced] into a [decision] relative to [ufo'sover this year and into the very critical days of 2009 running up through midSummer next year.

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    This SpaceGoatFarts entity sub set of [decision] is of importance, not only forits entertainment value, but also as a temporal marker for other, concurrentevents over Summer and Fall. The SpaceGoatFarts entity is suggesting, bothdirectly and by cross links to the TPTB entity, and the Populace/USofA entityand the GlobalPop entity, that the [process of decision] about the [ufophenomena new behavior] will directly impact more mundane [decisions]relating to [global collapse (of dollar based economies)] and [decisions aboutwar(s)]. Further, the [decision process] is indicated to somehow be affecting t[lack of preventative measures] which will [precipitate] or [proximately causea seemingly [endless series of disasters] which will appear as 'events' within tpending multiple year release language period beginning on October 7th andextending out beyond 2011. These last are including direct references within tSpaceGoatFarts entity for [house (of) economics/livelihood], and [fortunes]with [fortunes] being specifically referencing the [mega wealth] of the[elite/TPTB] and their [minions] more than the [populace]. We note that the[great loss of money] which comes this Fall and beyond is first affecting the[populace], and it is only later that the [process] is shown to [sour] around the[elite/TPTB]. Further the [housing] and [community stability] of large groupsthe [planetary populace] are indicated to be negatively affected by the [decisiprocess] around the [ufo phenomena new behavior]. It appears that theaccretion patterns are pointing toward a [management screwup/disaster] as th[decision process] at the level of ThePowersThatBe causes or participates in[locking up/seizure] of many parts of the [global governance process]. It is thi

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    [lock up/stalemate/seizure/rigidity] which is a proximate cause for later[outbursts of contention/violence/aggression] in 2010 as the [radicalization] othe [planetary populace] proceeds from Summer of 2009 through to Summer2010.

    Populace/USofA - Collateral Damage, Decadal Movement

    Within the popular culture (while noting how much of 'cultural directions' aremanipulated by media) is the concept of 'collateral damage' which is definedthose 'nearby or only-casually-related observers who end up as victims'. Ourimmediacy data processing is suggesting that a collateral damage situation isdeveloping within the collective psyche of the USofA populace as the [dollar]

    goes to its very timely end over 2008, and into early 2009. The first complexsocial descriptor set to rise to the level of collateral damage of the dollar deatstruggles is the [growth uber alles] social model of [collective success]. Thiswill directly impact the [american dream] expression at the [personalperspective] level as the [populace] has to [absorb] the many, and seemingly[repeated/repetitious] types of [shocks] to their various [social life supportsystems]. The [repetition of social theme expression] is indicated in theprocessing of the last of the ALTA 209 data which points to many of the'themes of the Summer of 2008' being echoed in more [extreme] fashion in th[transformative] Summer of 2009. These same longer term value sets suggestthat the [social transformation] of Summer of 2009 will be completely[inflamed] into [bloody revolution] in the Summer of 2010. The cross linksfrom the Populace/USofA entity over to the grander super set of the GlobalPoentity suggest that AmRev2 (American Revolution part Deux) will be *merelour personal expression of the prevailing global theme of [insurrection (againofficialdom/TPTB/MilitaryAlienCorporateComplex]. The state of the [globalpopulace] which includes the smaller sub set of the [populace/usofa] will betotally involved in the [insurrections] beginning in Summer in 2010. Howeverthe Populace/USofA entity is pointing to the conjunction of [press], and[populace/usofa], and [contact] in the Summer of 2008 which forms the stagefrom which the [planetary populace movement] springs into [insurrection ofepic proportions] in 2010. Again we note that the cross links over to theSpaceGoatFarts entity point to the [decision journey] as having direct impactson the state of the [planetary populace movement] of late 2009 which is theresult of the [transformation] meta data layer affecting the [self organizingcollectives] over late 2008, and through Summer of 2009.

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    As the [planetary insurrection] erupts into [visibility] and into [activeadventuring] in the Summer of 2009, it will be the expression of the[revolutionary phase] of the [planetary populace movement]. Our longer termvalue sets as well as the immediacy values from ALTA 509 both bring alongimpact and duration summations for a [half/lesser portion] of a [generation] o[turmoil] as the [revolution] meta data layer continues to influence the dailywrithing of omnihumanity. In our work a [half generation] is equal to a[decade]. The longer term data suggests that our FuturePop entity which hasbeen forming over these last few years, and which is forecast to be 'effective'2018 will rise from the [decade long struggle] facing the [planetary populacemovement]. The [active] phase of the [struggle] seemingly erupts concurrentwith the [second american revolution]. The indicators are for a very[rough/extreme] form of [struggle] with a [10/ten year] time frame with theresult being the [realization] of the FuturePop by mid year 2018. The [strugglis defined in a very complex descriptor set with aspect/attribute sets for both[internal revolutions] as well as [external conflict]. The sheer size of the[revolution/insurrection] meme forming within the GlobalPop andPopulace/USofA entities is staggering, and is being interpreted as both[planetary] in scope, and [omnihumanity affecting]. The very few individualsnot affected by the [temporal social crises] roiling [omnihumanity] will bemerely 'happy instances of personal karma expressing itself amidst globalchaos'. Hmmmm.... more power to them. It would seem the rest of us havebarely 2/two years to 'get strong' in order to 'go long' and live through this

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    [riotous (not in the good way) decade].

    The [planetary populace movement] as a context is both complicated andcomplex linguistically. Not being easily distilled at over 80/eighty thousanddescriptors and growing, this sub set is focused on a very deep level of

    [personal human manifestation] which fuels the larger, more dramatic social[transformations] such as the [death of religion] meme, the [revolution] memethe [contact] meme among others. The emotional fuel drive the separationswithin our modelspace which are to become the new entity FuturePop.

    Oh, and then, lest we forget, the Terra entity has plenty of cross links over toour developing temporal and social stew just to add a bit of [heat] to the pot.

    The immediacy data accruing to the [economic] sub set are continuing tosupport the idea of a [bankruptcy] of some gigantic size over Summer. This

    [bankruptcy] is even being felt commonly, no doubt the impact of sensitizatiovia Enron, and WorldCom, et al. This sensitization of pending [bankruptcy] iswhat is propelling the rumors around various companies as the reporters andother propagandists [feel around] for a [candidate] as the [logical expression]what they are 'feeling' in the 'air'. The [bankruptcy] is showing has being soemotionally impacting as to temporarily [blot out/over shadow] other, moreshort lived, emotional events in the 'news'. The [bankruptcy] is also indicatedbe a very good temporal marker for the next step down toward the [staggeringwhich affects the [populace] as a result of the [horrific loss of money]. This lais an aspect/attribute set seen in the last several ALTA reports and pending fo

    late Summer, or early Fall of 2008.

    As if the [loss of money/currency] is not enough pressure for social change, tPopulace/USofA entity is pointing toward the [military] being [drawn into] a[hopeless situation] or [trap] over Summer. This [hopeless situation] isdescribed at the primary level as [efforts to achieve (will) gain nothing]. This[gaining nothing after efforts] is further supported by aspect/attribute sets for[bad forecast/foretells bad tidings], as well as [bad returns (on investment)].This [military hopeless situation] further adds to the [loss of money] and to th[degradation of popular support (for officialdom)]. This sub set is also part of

    the supporting structures for the larger sets going to the idea of an [emotionallspoilt election] in which a key, and [visible] in global mediastream linguisticresonates as "just get it over with", or our descriptor of [calls for early electio(cause everyone already knows how it is going to turn out/be spoilt)]. Much othese linguistics appear in modelspace for mid to late September, following th[summer of discontent (around the changes *within/in* the political process)]

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  • 7/31/2019 High, Clif - ALTA Report Vol. 23 - 0 - Part Zero (2008.08.18) (Eng) (PDF) [ALTA509PARTZERO]


    Terra - Pending Intrusions, Dem Floods

    A linguistic theme which has frequently been a precursor to earthquakes isshowing within the immediacy value set as of this last week's processing. Thiaspect/attribute set has been labeled by its primary descriptors as [destructionthe past]. This shows up with supporting sets for [old buildings], and [shakystructures], as well as [infrastructure] and other aspect/attribute sets for [thosethings which can fall/crumble/be destroyed]. This set was huge just prior to thSumatran earthquake/tsunami in which we were able to (then) locate the phraof [300/three hundreds of thousands dead], as well as [knocked back to aprevious age]. While the [destruction of the past] aspect/attribute set does *nohave such dire language within it at this point, it does seem to forecast apending [earthquake] of some serious [destructive] potential.

    At this point in the processing, both the last of the ALTA 209 longer term datsets, as well as the first of the immediacy values for ALTA 509 are indicatingthat the [earthquake] is still 'pending', rather than 'imminent'. Further theinternal cross linking within the Terra entity have the aspect/attribute setspointing toward a [volcano] association with the [earthquake], either[proximate] in a temporal fashion, or by [location]. We note that since the Terentity is focused on the whole of the planet, the [location] information may beentirely without meaning to humans as *all* volcanoes are related as are allearthquakes.

    Within the [destruction of the past] sub set, which is still gaining values, therea sub set indicating that the [great quake (8+ R.scale)] will be [deep] at an[exceptional level], and yet *still* has [destructive power] for [surfacestructures]. There are also indications of [severe affects (on/to) waters] and th[flows]. This area is cross linked back over to our now very tiresome [flood]aspect/attribute set where we find supporting sets for [alterations (of) flows],and [tidal currents/shoreline shapes change], as well as further links back to[benthic topography shifts]. This area of [sub sea floor] descriptors is alsoextensively cross linked over to the [ocean sickness/illness/radical change]which is itself a sub set of the [global coastal event] sub set forecast for 2009.

    The [earthquake] sub set, with [north america] as a dominant geographicreference {ed note: beware of location descriptors as these are usuallymisleading on several levels, especially within the Terra entity}, continues togain supporting aspect/attribute sets with a focus of between December 10ththrough December 12th. This is not so say that 'the big one' strikes in NorthAmerica in December, rather this [destructive earthquake] is merely shown as[single instance] in a [multiple series] of [volcano] linked/caused [shocks]. Alnote that [destructive] is a descriptor set with a wide shading of meaning. ANwe need to always remind that our processing tends to concentrate and focus

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  • 7/31/2019 High, Clif - ALTA Report Vol. 23 - 0 - Part Zero (2008.08.18) (Eng) (PDF) [ALTA509PARTZERO]


    upon the extremes of the language shifts, and thus undoubtedly misses muchthe nuance and subtle modifiers which would theoretically provide a moreaccurate description. Nonetheless, the data has been growing for over a yearrelative to a [pre winter solstice earthquake event] on the North Americancontinent. With the recent, and still continuing [floods/inundations] of [swarmof earthquakes] affecting the whole of the western coastal regions of North

    America, and even reaching in-land to Nevada, the probability of some levelsignificant, and destructive earthquake has certainly risen much higher in thegeneral consciousness of the populace, and thus is continuing to show up in thlanguage shifts which we mine for forecasts.

    The Terra entity continues to grow its sub sets under the influence of the[restrictions on movements], and [encounters with scarcity] meta data layers.The newly accruing sub sets are providing support for several areas in whichTerra will intrude on human affairs such that [encounters with scarcity], and tinterconnected [restrictions on movements] will be much more of a prevailingtheme of life. These are showing for late in Summer and extending through threst of this year and 2009. There are *no* signs in the accretion patterns of thdata to suggest that such effects of the meta data layers will end in 2009, andrather the supposition is that they will continue to grow through 2010.

    As noted in passing above, our ever-present [flood] meme continues to grow.We have accretion patterns suggesting an [under oceans] situation will providadditional reasons for the [north western] regions of Europe (including HollanBelgium, and the Flemish lands] to have concern about [flooding]. Further theare indications of more [flooding] pending for the Scandinavian countries,though this is apparently to be [climate/weather] driven, and to be seeminglydriven by [north sea] rather than [atlantic] storms. Again, this is a [fall]impacting data stream, with larger effects to be felt in December and January.Though sporadic, the [flooding] is indicated to cause [wood] problems, relativto [harvest] and [procurement], as well as to cause problems with the [strippinof land]. This last seemingly is pointing toward the loss of [top soil], and alsocontains sub sets going to the idea of [greenhouses/growing houses] which wibe [taken out of service] due to [weather/storm flooding].

    Markets - Bulging DataWe do not usually provide much on the Markets entity in Part Zero as the datprocessing is dominated by the longer term values left over from the previousdata gathering run, and thus the data sets are skewed toward older, and perhapsuperceded data. This is again true of the Markets entity, though we need tonote that this entity may occupy much of Part One as several very large databulges are forming now in the early processing of the next immediacy sets, aswell as the very first of the shorter term values. These data bulges are focused

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  • 7/31/2019 High, Clif - ALTA Report Vol. 23 - 0 - Part Zero (2008.08.18) (Eng) (PDF) [ALTA509PARTZERO]


    on [bankruptcy], and the [loss of currency/money] memes previously cited. Athese will be interpreted over this next week, and we are dealing withimmediacy values, we will send out email notifications of any [imminent] shiin linguistics which are discovered lurking in our growing data bulges.

    Conclusion: ALTA 509 - Part Zero - Giants Redux

    Our data sets continue to point to the [growth] of the [food suppliesworries/problems]. The [visibility] summations of the supportingaspect/attribute sets suggest that areas of [food preservation], including[canning], and [drying] will be rising to discussions in the global mediastreamSome of these will be [health issues] focused, while others will be relative tothe [encounters with scarcity] seemingly affecting [food preservation supplies

    The last of the ALTA 509 data had been showing a tendency to concentrate inlexical sets controlled by the major meta data layers including [encounters witscarcity] and its opposite-side-of-the-coin cousin of [restrictions on movemenThese continue to exert a dominating influence on the newly processedimmediacy values, and may have actually increased their range of effects in tPopulace/USofA entity, and *certainly* have done so in the Markets entity. Awe have noted, this year is the 'year of manifestation', and these twinned metadata layers, along with [revolution] will be [manifesting] all over and backagain. The accretion patterns suggest that these twinned meta data layers *wilbe a very key component of life here on earth going forward at least as far as2024 which is the very far edge of granularity for our longer term values.

    Further the accretion patterns suggest that [manifestation] of these twin[restriction] based influences on life will come as rather an [emotional shock]for a great many people on the planet. This has been discussed briefly withinthe [loss/death of the growth uber alles] social model. We note that thosehumans under the sway of the [growth uber alles forever] mind set will not[willingly surrender] to the newly [manifesting reality] of this year and beyonOur data suggests that the [mental conditioning] around the [growth upward aforever] perspective which has been so prevalent in corporate media for nearl2/two generations will cause much [suffering] and additional [hardship] as weall come to grips with the [nova terra] which is forming beneath our feet.

    Returning to a previous theme of the largest organisms on the planet beingusually miss identified by humans:

    Giants of the natural world

    Most people, if asked to name the largest organism on earth, come upwith examples such as elephants, blue whales or giant trees, such asRedwoods. In fact, the largest living organism on this planet may

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  • 7/31/2019 High, Clif - ALTA Report Vol. 23 - 0 - Part Zero (2008.08.18) (Eng) (PDF) [ALTA509PARTZERO]


    well be a fungus!

    In America, a single individual fungus, similar to the Honey Fungusalready mentioned, was found to cover a staggering 2,200 acres ofland. (This is 45 times bigger than the Woodland Education Centre inOffwell, for those of you who have visited the Centre before.)


    we note that extremely large things can be living/changing/growing beneath ofeet with most humans totally ignorant of these giants. The same is apparentlytrue with both social, and temporal change at extremely large levels. Our datasets continue to point to global problems with cognitive dissonance as many,extensively sold, [corporate paradigms] come into [conflict] with[developing/manifesting reality] under this meme of very large [multiplegeneration affecting] trends manifesting. This [cognitive dissonance] will bevery large driver for the [decade of extreme violence] forecast to [erupt] in

    2010. Perhaps, just perhaps, the aware observer can mitigate some of theunderlying mental shattering and subsequent emotional release (in the form oviolent active denial) in those around them. The cynic would likely argue thereverse, citing needs must as the devil drives. In the end, individual andcollective destiny are clearly part of the patterns of this universe of continuoucreation, and the *only* element of it all which humans *may* control is theiindividual attitude about the manifesting reality under their feet, and in fronttheir eyes. Given this, the adages urging participation in life rather than passivacceptance are probably the correct path to be taken. In that vein, as themongolians would have it, you either ride out to accept your destiny, or are

    overrun in the stampede of fate.

    Stated yet another way, the yogic traditions going back to Naropa (6000/sixthousand years bce) note that 'fate or destiny are merely opposite attitudes abthe slap you just received across the face'. Further they noted that 'reality iswhat remains when you stop believing in either (attitude)'. We will all begetting to know reality very intimately over these next few years of face slapsProbably a good time to get used to it. Get strong to go long. Rough decade(s)ahead.


    Part Zero associated speculator slices will be posted by late on Sunday (thougnote they will be dominated by older data sets). Part One is expected to beposted by late on Saturday, July 12.

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