HI, HELLO or Assalamu Alaikum Which One You Are Going to Say From Next Time

 http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=446429172247  Our most beloved Brothers and Sis ters in Islam, It's really very sad to say that, t oday most of we LOVE to greet each-other with Hi, Hello or Slamalaikum (modern version of salam) in spite of Islamic greetings. Why this is so? 1. Didn't Muhammad {Sallallahu Alayhy Wa Sallam} teach us the best way of greeting each- other? 2. Or do we feel embarrassing to greet in His {Sallallahu Alayhy Wa Sallam} shown way considering His teachings old fashioned and our new invention s modern and s mart? We are Muslim, so we need to act like a Muslim. We ask all of you to not to forget your Own Identity...

Transcript of HI, HELLO or Assalamu Alaikum Which One You Are Going to Say From Next Time

5/9/2018 HI, HELLO or Assalamu Alaikum Which One You Are Going to Say From Next Time - slidepdf.com

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Our most beloved Brothers and Sisters in Islam, It's really very sad to say that, today most of 

we LOVE to greet each-other with Hi, Hello or Slamalaikum (modern version of salam) inspite of Islamic greetings. Why this is so?

1. Didn't Muhammad {Sallallahu Alayhy Wa Sallam} teach us the best way of greeting each-other?

2. Or do we feel embarrassing to greet in His {Sallallahu Alayhy Wa Sallam} shown way

considering His teachings old fashioned and our new inventions modern and smart?

We are Muslim, so we need to act like a Muslim. We ask all of you to not to forget your OwnIdentity...

5/9/2018 HI, HELLO or Assalamu Alaikum Which One You Are Going to Say From Next Time - slidepdf.com

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"When you are greeted with a greeting, greet in return with what is better than it, or (atleast) return it equally. Certainly, Allah is Ever a Careful Account Taker of all things."

[al-Quran, Surah: 4, Ayah: 86]

Jazakallah Khairan for being with us,

Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu.

5/9/2018 HI, HELLO or Assalamu Alaikum Which One You Are Going to Say From Next Time - slidepdf.com

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