&HHiHmmiiMhMimN£ .^npnimminmmmi!^ |TRYONEWEDNESDIY ... · SEVENTH AND SIBLEY. Joreph Argay DrugS...

THE PAINT PAUL DAILY GLOBE: THURSDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 20, |p<)i i &HHiHmmiiMhMimN£ smHHnHHiimminimMK ismmmmmmmmmmg . .^npnimminmmmi!^ :aimmmmmmnmmmK «mm!mm?mim?mm?!r f; i TIT ONE SHUT. g | TBY ONE KOHGIY. | | TRY ONE TUESBIY. | |TRYONEWEDNESDIY| TRY ONE THURSDAY. 1 | TRY ONE FRIBfiY. '% inTKuSffr^ Hiuuiwtmuuiuiuiuuurc. -: .-: lUUUUUUUUUUiUUiUUI^ TRY TH? SLORP^S POPULfIP WfINTS flMn ftp rnwufw^^ I Mill. li.lf'OMr.TF.lt- *«k tlie boyulio »ell« tUt> j»ht>*-i* n:<! 1:c will fell you morf about < Imitation llsau nil Ui« affidavits flat ren be iu:b.Ulied. Ju»itryil Hid you will be it-HUMM vua.l Ui« * lobe leads all. ..^Sgjj^v , IgTR AD £^W|r.^gOUN |C»L!^ tl M- V jKTS BY MAIL. |] Vn t Ac'p. rre < ml n wo:deach inser- iSrn. Koihii.g loss ibau 15 ceiUs. Adver- vents ficni 01 t town sent nnydayby tijl 10 the Globe, accomunuied by reniit- ifice «t bLoyc u:te. will be invariably iv- Uileo iLe luilowiiis morniugi WANTS CAN BE LEFT /t the Follr-n-fnsr I-ocatlons for Insertion in Daily and Sunday Clone, at the Same Kate* as harged by the Main Office: ARLINGTON 51 ILLS. I.E. Marelius Drugstore ( 01{. BEDFORD AND DECATUK. r.Jurgeson Grocery Store PAVKE AY. AND ELEAMET ST. i.. G. A. gchmnncher Drug Store i : i I'AYNE AVENUE. /.Kcnnanu Grocery Stor tOK. BUHK AND iIINNEIiAHA. II.UiO> 1 BLIFF. leverW«tby Drugstore t7ii EASTTHIitD STREET. 3. C. Vacderßie.lce CrfMm & Confectionery 515 EAST bEVENTU ST. HA.II LINE. 1 rialiiiePbarmncy. Drugstore 710 fcNELLING AVENUE. LOWER TOWN. Ullani K. Collier Drug Store SEVENTH AND SIBLEY. Joreph Argay DrugS re CORN EH GROVE AND JACKSON STS. >!.D. Merrill News Stana 44-J. BROADWAY. REHHIAM park. L. Woolsey ..Drugstore ST. AN'iliONYAND PRIOR AYS. BT. AKIIMRVHILL. W. A. Frost &Co Drugstore fcELIiY AND WESTERN AYS. Etraigbt Bros Drugstore IiONLO AND GIvOTTOSTS. A. A. Campbell ..... Drugstore 'J&i RONDO STREET. C. A. Lyons Drugstore CKIVEKSITY AND DALE STS. >.T. Guernsey Drugstore 71 DALE STREET. E.McCmdden Confectioner 4DCRICE STREET. ITMON PARK. C.A. Moncbow Cigars and Tobacco INlVthblTY AND PRIOR AYS. IFPKR TOWN. I.H. Reeves Drugstore KOORE BLOCK, SEVEN CORMXRB. C.T. Heller Coionnade Drugstore I'E'l EX and TJBKTB P. J. Witte Drugstore SCOMARKJIT, CORNER FIFTH. W. I:. Lowe Drugstore LOBEBT AND TWELFTH STREETS. 1. T. lncott «tCo Drugstore COR. RICE AND IGLEHART. IIESTSKVENTII MHUKT. J>. G. A. EcbußMCtiet Drugstore aS9 \\ I:>L sBVEKTB t>T. J J.Kuller DrugSlo C( -U. JA3IES AN!) WEST SKVENTH. VIST SIDK. £clip.ic Dtv.i; hltore b. HOUEli'l AND FAiRFIELD AY. (..l.Duuu Cigar and News Stand «2S S. BOBBRT bTKEKT. Geoige Marti Drugstore fc. WABASUA A2CD i AIRFIELD AY. O.Leme b Barber Shop S£i7E. FAIUFIELDAV. tccid StreetPrescription Dm; 5t0re...... COBKXfi MATE AM) CO.NCOKD." 4.T. Ha11..... Drugstore CQfiKttt 5. V^UAisUA AM> ISAUEL, a.ixoitxi'em i:.vi s. WARN I \<J— The kaadeßme pbotojcrapba ot the people eou'serued in tn* cele- brated Giug murder case, now being sold, ars fnllf protected by eopyriajbt All persone copying them will be prosecuted. Strong «4 to . Minneapolis. MTiAiuns offi:ki:i». Moles. AGENTS wanted to canvass the counties in wMcn they live: under our new plau they can earn frmu $;r> to $15> per month; write lor particulars. Only thoso who are wUltnc to make n house to house canvass in the country and towns are wanted. Ladies cuu do the work as well as men. From $."> to 31"i per day easily made. No capital re- ouired. Address by mail only, D4. care of the Globe. AGKNTS In every stateon salary and com- mission. Agents making ?:.':"> !dj» weekly. Eureka Chemical & Mfg. i <>. LaCroaae, Wis. AUI ms— Wanted, ngenttt for Hankers' Life Association,^. Paul.Minn. : strongest home company furnishing guaranteed pro- lection at lowest coot; profitable position open in st Paul und throughout Minnesota, Write for aeency. BOOK.K«il£l*J£Kyoung man of •zperience: jobbing btiMueaa; refer- ences. Answer M -"-'. Giooe. Mi".N AM> WOMEN TO WORK AT \u25a0"I home. 1 pay $•< to Slii pet week for making cruyon portraits; new patented method: any one who can read or write can do the work at borne in spare time, day or evening, bend your address. I Bend work atobce. 11. A. Gripp, Uermau Artist, Ty- rone. I'd. UJ Cauvasaen for ex-Secretary It. VV. Thoinpaon'a booK, "Personal Recollections of Sixteen Presidents." written la his e'ghty-tifth rear: clear, forcible, nt- tractive. >old by "subscription ouly. North Siar Specialty Company, Ageuts, p. o. Box 44a, Mianeapolis. \"\7*« tIUAKAWTKK you competent in »V eight weeks at Twin City Barber School; catalogue mailed free; tools donated. HO Hennepin, IlinneapoUs. f-'cinalcJ AGENTS wanted to canvass the counties I\- in which they live; under our new plan they can etuu from $?,"> to Jl5O per month; write for particulars. Only those who are willing to make a house to house canvass in the country and towns are wauted. Ladies can do the work ns well as men. From S"> to fl"> per day easily made. No capital re- quired. Address by inaii only, D 4, care of Globe. —Wanted, a competent cook, at r>lo y^ Iglehartst. Hoi'SKWiiKK- Good girl wanted tor general housework, 100 Western ay. Hot'sKWOKK— Girl for general house- work. Applyat 53!) laurel ay. jVTURSE (Jlltl, Wanted, competent li nurse girl. Mi Goodrteb ay. FOB SALE. BKITOKE Ul YING your Christmas tree call and see the display at .No. 'SSH and 240 East Seventh St. corner VVacouta: a.OiX) trees to s>elect from : open evenings to iO p.m. Wilson and Anderson. CAN' A BIKDB— Special sale of canary / birds for this week only; singers from 31.50 up. at Atchibou"3, 391 Washington, near t>ixtu. CIHKISTMA& TItKEs For sale, two ' carloads Christmas trees of all sizes, at the Grand Ceulral market. Entrance on Third, Fourth and St. Peter sts. CHRISTMAS TREES- For sale, Christ- - mas trees for churches and families, on Eighth si., between Wacouta and Sioley. CHKINOIAS TREES for sale; buy your Christmas trees at the coru.r of Seventh and St. Peter sts., city market. HOUSEHOLD GOOI>S-Forsale. at pri- vate sale, household Roods at -'SO Hice st.; one piano must be so!d this week. JEWELRY— Solid gold watche3 and dia- ' mond ri::s.;s for sale at one-third their : value. Standard Loau Company, Schutte j Building, 1.">4 East Seventh, near .luckson St. \ XMAS TREKS FOR SAL.X— sizes at al! prices at Kamaley's, corner Sixth end St. Peter sts. SPECIAL SALK of second-hand stoves : and carpets at Ryan Furniture and fix- change Corn y. 14:.' and 144 seventh st. STliKKOl'l'lt'ON" and maeic lantern out- fits for illustrating lectures, exhibitions and street advertising; complete uutills at about half manufacturer's price 1,5 plain and colored slides iv lots to suit; new and second-hand outfits bought, sold and ex- changed. Richards &Birch, 200 Nicoliet ay., Minu< apolis, Minn. PERSONALS. AKK Y«»l IN TKOIBI,K; Cousult Madame Ina Walker, "life reader." for faithfui reading of your par.t. present and future; she will guide you in all affairs of life by a power higher than human: corre- spondence confidential: ladies. 50 cents; gentlemen, $1. 5U5 Wabasha st., opDosite capital. ALWAVB HKI.IABI.K- Madame ieits- worth: prices reduced 51 cents; thirty years' experience. 13 Eighth st. VJ I«. LOIISK NEITMANN-Masque- x»l rade and theatrical costumes, masks, wigs, beards and grease paint. sti East Sev- enth St. Miss EASTMAN-ilassnge and alcohol baths: open daily ana evenings. 4:ij Wr.basha. Roini 15. US. AMI'K AUSTIN, clairvoyant; card readings 25 cents. No. 1G West Ex- change st., near Wabasha. Mil. ST. JOHN'S, Clairvoyant and magnetic healer; readings, :o and 50 cents. VSO West Fourth st. 11 KS. DR. F. AKDON. 34 East Sev- ifX enth. Room 304—Massage, vapor and electric baths; 1) to 9 p. m., including Sun- days. RS, M. A. (TUSSEY) BAKKALOO— 021 Wabasha St.—Magnetic and .nassage treatment for paralytic, rheum atism and nervous diseasei: also ba'.hi j a.m. to i v.m \T KS. KATE HOSKINS, No. 149 L West itA Sixtli St. Psychometric reader and trance medium. TIIJC GREATEST CLAIRVOYANT of the a^te, the young Madame l!onaaiue, is in this city, and can be consulted on all affairs of life: her predictions never fail; she makes a success where others fail; cor- rect advice on business, matrimonial and all family affairs: brings the separated together; causes hapr>y marriage with the one you love; future plainly revealed; lovers united; troubles healed; those in trouble should not fail to call and be convinced on the above statements: business strictly confidential; letters containing stamp promptly answered: hours 9to 0. Address or call r>»;:j Jackson st., between Eleventh and Twelfth. O*|C EAST SEVENTH ST-.Excert /v»JU massage. Magnetic and alcohol baths. Anna of Chicago. REAIJ ESTATE FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. AUCTION— four-story brick and stone block, 2(1 and 28 Chicago ay.; tliis prop- erty wili k>e sold Dec. 22, by order of the pro- bate court, on the premises. J. 11. Morong, administrator. j"H Robert St. Siil>iirl>an. Foil BALK—Thirty acres cheap, Mituit— Bpoil« Htockyards. Aetna K. Barlow, New Brighton. Minn. COARD OFFERS^). BOARD— Bright suuny rooms, siesuu heat and board. 101 Sumniit ay., opposite Sixtli st. BOA KU- Utopia. 4W St. Feter St.— bteani- heaied rooms with board. BOAHI>— rieasHiit frontroom with alcove, aiso rtiinny side room; exceileni board; near Selby cable; best references. 135 Niua avenue. MTI'ATIOKN WAI%TI-:ii. Itlalc. BAUKU-A good baker on rookies and bread, also candy, is looking for a job. Address M.. M' 2 Pleasant ay. C^ANVASSKK wains a position; am a J hustler and good talker; will work on commission. V. J. X., r»45 Brewater ay. CIOOK— Situation wanted by a colored man * who is a lirst-class cook and walur. B. Randolph, Hotel De Mink. Fourth and St. Peter sta. DUIVKR wants work driving a delivery wacon, or wt:uid like worK around some sinre; very useful around a place, and in need of work. Address Driver. 456 East Sixth st. fcwpiir MINKuV— I'lonf-ant rootaa. with -L board: rentrttlly loctilerl for business people. I'j-i College u,i., comer SixtU. C* NGINKEK—Wanted, situation as engi- -L-rf near. Kreman or anything else; good reference given. Address O If, Globe. LLK'ThiCIAS Wanted, by practical electrician at experience, a permanent position: am also lirst-class engineer. O 12, JamioH —Wanted, position as Janitor; competent to take care building, private offices or tornianed rooms. Addiess 2M I'm- vtrsitv ay. O FriCK WOKK- Situation wanted by young man of U) at office work, or any- thing whicn is offered hla>; am a good peu- man. Address ,i64 lfosabel si., oily. rwnriCK WOK X—Sober, well-educated " young man. pleasing appearance, ex- perieneea in office work ai.d general mer- chandise, wants work at S-5 per month; would wait on table. Address Kelly, 105 East Fifth st. PO IMIKIt— Work wanted by an A No. 1 polisher on iron, steel, brass, nickel or any kind of metal: understands lacqnerituc brouz'.ng and oxidizing, plating, etc.; high traces ooobject; references. F. J. Lemaitre, 344 Broadway. PHARMACIST, registered, desires posi- tion; experienced and strictly temperate; highest references. Pharmacist, 321 Chest- nut st. PKIVI'KK —Practical all-round printer of long experience wants situation. Ad- dress Printer. 11 East Third St.. St. Paul. BALKs>IAN —Experienced city salesman wants something to sell on salary or com- mission. Address I) 15, Globe. OALESMAN—\Vante«l, position as travel- O in•_; salesman, "on commission.'' by a man with many years' business experience: gents' furnishing goods, a pants line or out- ing shirts preferred. Salesman, Slillwater, Minn.. 510 West Olive st. fP. AMSTfcSS— tiood teamstor wants a job A driving: can handle two or four horses. 3*5 Strjrker ay. Ur.YTciIMAN— Reliable man wants po- sition as night watchman; best of ref- erence furnished 415 East Seventh st. "117" AT<:HMAX—Reliable man wants posi- VV tiou as uight watchman; best of refer- ence furnished. 415 East Seventh su WORK FOX BOAKD-Awilling younar VV man would like to hear from a chari- table family where he could wore tor his board aud attend school. Please address X M.. 643 Endicott Building. WOR.v FOR BOAKD— a place to work for board and attend school. Address J. A. G., 384 Rosabel St.. city. females. CO.UI'A.> ION—Wanted, a position as companion to an invalid or elderly lady. Call 7os Olive. DISHWASHKK— A girl wnnts place in nntel or boarding house for dishwashing or chamber work. Call at once, 875 Albe- marle St., corner Milford. up stairs. DRESSMAKER— Ail experienced dress- maker wants sewing t>y the day in fami- lies. Call or address 215 Rondo st. DRKSSMAKEK wants sewing in families or at home. Address 558 L'Orient. HOUSEWORK— Two girls would like po- sition to go to Montana for housework or hotel work. Apply 6;"2 East Sixth. HOISKWOBK- A girl wants a position to do general housework; is strong; can understand but not speak Engl.sh. Ad dress 7-'H C.'aae st. HOI'SEWOKK— A girl with a one-year- oid baby wishes a place in or out of the city; will work for small wages For partic- ulars. 137 East Ninth st. II (M7MCKEKPBB-A competent lady de- ll sires a position as housekeeper or nurse. Call 70S Olive. HOI'SKKKKHKR A young Scandi- navian woman with a one-year-old child would like a position as housekeeper. Call at 523 Bradley. [IOLSKKJKKFJEK—Widow to Keephouie 11 in country; no objections to one or two small children. Address S 4d, Globe, Minne- apolis. LALNDRKSS A first-class laundress would like rough-dry washing to do at home; clothes called for and delivered, and good work guaranteed. Address Laundress, 4."6 Fast Sixth sL NIIKSE— An experienced nurse would like a situstiou; has had experience in all kiuds of nursing. Address U2 Hondo. OROANIST- Wanted—A lady desires a position as organist; references. Ad- dress I J ?. Globe. OFk'IVH. WORK— A young lady with two years' experience in office work desires a position; can operate a typewriter. Ad- dress i X', Globe. uTESOGKAPHttt- Competent steuog O rapher and typewriter wants work; can do assistant bookkeeping: will wortc for rea- sonable salary, ti) Germania Life Building, corner Fourth and Minnesota sts.; Bri>O(ißAPHKl{-A position by young lady stenographer; has had experience; will work cheap; best references. Address L. M., Ml Agate st. STKXOCJKAPHKR— Young lady of col- lese education wishes position as ste- nographer and typewrltist; will work for moderate salary. B. C, Globe. TVTASHINt;— Wanted, washing to do by VV the day or take home. Address or call 19'JT Edirerton St.. rear door. VI r ASII INO— Wanted, wasning; to take home by a first-class laundress; will work very cheap. Cail or address M. \V., 6*4 Mississippi st. WASHING- Woman goes out washing, ironing and housecleaning. Inquire at 2;i4 West Sixth sL; at kitchen. WASHING wanted to take home, or will KO out vrathing or scrubbing. fe!4 Kd- ra-und et. WASHING wanted to do at home. Call at 22G Hondo st. WASIIIX* wanted to do at home. Mrs. Keßerer. TJT Charles st. AiTßKSS—Wanted, work waitinedin- nerg or evening parties, by uood col- ored woman. Address or call ISO Kast Sev- entli 5.4 1,4i-M A.mn F«»si3Ji>. CAKIi CASK LOST—III Maunheitner's; 85 will be paid for its return to Mrs. J. U. Lawler, 122 Virginia ay. VIACEJNTOSH 1,0.iT-0u Rice St., be- ifl tween bridee and street car barn, one ladies' inaek.iuio?ta.one plush alburn. Finder please return to C. F. Adams Company, 323 at. Peter st. and receive liberal reward. TJOCKETBOOK LOST in Sehunemim & L Evans 1 store; Dlease return to Airs. Harm in Schuneman and Evans' jewelry de- partmeut. I TMBKKIiI'A-Between my residence and U uuio:i dfipot.lasicveiiniK. a silk umbreila, with horn handle, silver lip and band. Lib- errtl reward will be paid finder if returned to facoiye \V. Freeman, with «;. Cot^ian & < <>. OYK WORTCS. ASK tnrou(?h the Ulobe's Ouarantced Wants, aud it will be given. An ad ou ihis page will briim resuiir, or your money will be returned 10 you. LKAVK your ••Want"' with the nearest (JlobH anent. See list ou this page. KAIILKKT A MINTBI, Minuesota Steam Dye Worhs. "44 East Seveiuh. ItOVEU* AVfIJi» BO AKD— Wauted. a boarding I'liico hi pri- vate family; young maot upper towu at WAAIBIOa. 3wi <ilob»* FOIC SALE. DIAMONDS AM> WATCHKB at American Mortgage Loan Company, Room 7. First National Bank, corner Fourth and Jackson sts. You can buy these things for about your own price from now until Christmas. The \v-itches that we offer aro about as good uk new. all regulated and pui in order, and we offer them for just the amount loaned. \u2666\u25a0 \u25a0 -:" We will sell you a Vj carat diamond collar button, tho stone- is white aud perfect, mounting 14-k. originally cont $20; sell forss. A small-size lady's gold watch, IS-k, case- beautifully enameled,warranted a good time- piece; eostSW, sell for BtX. Gent's trold watch, 14-k case, Louis XIV. style, handsomely engraved, nickel move- ment, set jewels, ruby palate, chronometer balance, quick train, fine timepiece; cost 5100. sell for $35. A pair of diamond ea'drops, white and brilliant, weigh Us-k, cost 5140, will sell for $30; will make them over into screws for S'i'.'.ro. Cost 865. will seli for beautiful lady's gold watch. 14-K, Louis XIV".case, rirst-class Elgin movement with set jewels; warranted No. 1 timepiece. Gent's nlled vest chain, long plain links, warranted i* of chain 14-k gold; will wear 2 i years: looks as good as new: cost $10, will seli for £3.f.0. Cost £ 12. will sell for $15, an old antique Euglifth set of emeralds,brooch and earrings, mounting is-k pold. Cost DT.sell for »14.a combination necklace. Eouratrand clasps and slides; can be used for necklace, bract'let or double lady's vest chain ; weighs $VA in old gold, IS-k line Cost »:iJO; will soil for fSS&; a brilliant dia- mond, first water gem.weighß-:^ earaU. blue white, without a Haw. perfectly round, nicely proportioned; it is set up now ma gentleman** rinz; it can be mounted in any manner you wish. We hare a number of handsome, filled case watches, with Aniericnu movements, as good as new; first cia*s timepieces that will sell for one-quarter their value. We have quite a number at Indies'gold watches of every style, and first-class gen- tlemen's solid gold watches, 14 and le-k, with the finest nickeled adjusted, modern movements, open and hunting ease*, that we will sell for one-third what they can be bought anywhere else. Cost |laU for $65—A No. 1 Columbia bicy- cle, all perfect, only beeu used ihis summer; come aud ace it if you are going to buy a bike. Cost $125 for 13B— A Beatty organ, all in first-class order, genuine ivory kera, looks a3 good as new, at Hoom 7, first National Bank lU'iing, coriiPi- Fourth and .lacksou sts ISSTRI'CTIOJIS. kkIfIOZZAKA'S' DAIVCIMO AGAO- i»I emy, CO CenLral Htirk. East—Pupils can enter class at any time; private instruc- tion. ST. AGAIIIA'S ACADKMT OF MU.SIC and Art. 26 East Exchange St., St. Paul- Piano, violin, guitar, banjo and mandolin taught Lessons given in drawing aud paiut- iug. Call or send for prospectus. t1.V4>4'141. FOR BALK CHEAP- Stock in. the llnb- erts Manufacturing Company. Apply to the Capital City Ornameutal Iron, Wire and Brass Works. 163 Eighth st. I/I O.NKV LOAXisl) on life insurance pol- i»l icies. or bought. L. I. Vau Norman. 41."-2 Guaranty Loan Building, Minneapolis. *fti'"S(f TO $500 short-time loans procured *s>kJ\J on personal property. Ohio Invest- ment Company. Seventh floor Globe Build- i'i»;. - msixixs (ii.ixcEs. Fiftek>-i;ai.lox milk routk six cows, one horse, wagon, harness Address M L' 4, Globe. j FOR HK^'l. flousr». : v. fi. WIXCHEf,.!., ~ The IS. iit;tl .ifiit. Miikt-s a Speeialiy ul* KcntiuK ! l'ropertj-. SOO Manhnttaii Uulldins. ! J. U. Mi.|»ur<l, OI ICii^t 4th St. | KNTS ItOUSIC\ STORE*. OFFICES, :IX acts as o.wners' agent, collect* renU; steam-heated ap'artoeuu for $\u25a0£), $-:\ $Su and ga : reduced rental. llou<tes. HOUSE- For rein, for the balance of the winter, furnished house, 410 Laurel ay. ; cheap to responsible person. HOIiSK- For rent, furnished house, com- plete; nine rooms; very desirable; all modern conveniences: ens range, bath, fur- nace, etc. Call 220 North Victoria st. TAYI.OK'S HEXI INO AOENCk GLOBE BL'ILDINO —WE KKNT HOUSES. STORES. OFFICES. TAKE CHARGE OF RENTED I'ROPEUTY AND MAKE COLLECTIONS. ttoom*. A— HOTEL HKUSSWICa. for gentle- men only; fifty mortsra \u25a0team-hea.ted rooms by day, week or month. KI>AK ST.7ti.i7—Nicely furnished front V./ alcove room for rent, opposite Central Dark. ROOMS— Lady liYiac in Minneapolis will rent nicely furnished rooms to quiet parties: transients accommodated. Address M. C, Daily Globe, Minneapolis. 1k fl ||j »_X. i \ s^S^ '\—f % C __&_ I 5 *l^l _W \u25a0 lr FTI S3E B ufi" Made a Well THE GREAT 2Oth Day. FRENCH REMEDY sothDay. <i£l (\()(\ SK<'KKS half interest loiik- «^±^V_/V/V/ established business; monop- oly; nets that amount monthly: eilt-eds:e be- curity given for mouey; investigate month\ before purchasing; sickness cause Belling. M 21. Globe. VTAVa'EDT© Bl \. ATHE-Wanted, one second-hand, back- Lj gear. 6crew-cutting. foot-power lathe; No. 5 Barnes preferred; must be cheap. Ad- "oress Uox 7^o. St. Cloud. WANTED— To buy confectionery a:id cigar store, with living rooms con- nected, in good location; must be reason- able, with moderate rent. Address M l' 3, Globe. HORSKSAHII> CARRIAGES. HOKSK.N. aOHMBMI to 100 head con- stantly on hand, consisting of heavy drnft horses, farm mares, general purpoie horses and drivers. Private sales daily. Auc- tions held every Tuesday and ssaiurdav at 1 d. m. Minnesota Horse Auction and Com- mission StaDles, 116 Fifth st. south, Minne- apolis. Winslow & Zimmerman. Proprietors. TYPEWRITERS. D EJHINGTON TYFKWKITKKH Al- -IV ways the standard of comparison, al- ways the beat and always have the latest im- arovements. Typewriter paper and cuppliei ol all kinds. Machines for rent. Wyckoff Seamans &Benedict- Ut Eait Fourth at AUCTION SAI.KS. \ UCTION—The four-story brick and stone t\. block, 26 and 28 Chicago ay.; this prop- erty will be sold Dec. 'SX by order of the pro- bpte court, on the premises. J. H. Morong, administrator, ill's Robert st. TO EXCIIAXOE. \TKW goods for sec'Q-nHiid.liyan Furniture 1™ ntul Exchange Co.. 14. 1 and \u K. 7th st. OTATE OF MINNESOTA. COUNTY OP O Ramsey— S3. Probate Court. In the niat'er of the estate of Paul I,a- motte, deceased. l.t.'tters of administration on the estnte of Paul Lnmotte. deceased, late of the County of Hamsey. and State of Minnesota, beiuK granted to John B. Trudeau. It is ordered. That six months be. and the same is hereby allowed from end nfter the date of this order, in which all persons having claims or demands against the said deceased fire required to file the same in the Probate Court of said comity, for examina- tion and allowance, or be forever barred. It is further ordered. That the first Mon- day in July. A. D. 18!>o, at 10 o'clock a. m., at a General Term of said Probate Court, to be held nt the court house in the Cltv of St. Paul in said county, be. and the same hereby is appointed iis the time and place when and where the said Probate Court will examine and adjust said claims and de- mands. Produces the Above Eesnlts in 30 Days. It acts powerfully and quickly. Cures when all others fail. Young men will regain their lost strength and old men will recover their youthiul vigor by using VITALIS. It quickly and surely restores Lost Vitality, Lost Power, Failing Memory, etc., and is a positive cure for Nervousness, Wasting Dis- eases, and all effects of indiscretion. Wards off Insanity and Consumption. Insist on having VITALIS, no other. Can be car- ried in vest pocket. By mail, $1.00 per package, or six for $5.00, with a Positive Written Guarantee to Cure or Refund the MoTtey in. every box. Circular free. Address |(]AT,XJMET REMEDY 00.,<Jhr«i<mT" For Sale \>y l.allirop ftlussct- <it. Fourth and abaslia. And it is further ordered. That notice of such hearing be given to all creditors ami persons interested in snid estate, by forth- with publishing this order once in each week for three successive weeks, in the St. Pnul Daily Olore. a daily newspaper printed and pttMished in snid county Dated at St. Paul, this 12tn day of De- cember, lrt<*4. Uy the Court: JOHN B. OLIVIER. L'- ••] Judge of Probatt. FitRDBRH'K NKI.SON. Attorney for Administrator, 350 Cedar Street, St. Pnul. Ulan. SING SWEET bO.NtiS. Contents or Three Ports of The World's Sweetest Sonjj*. Read the following menu of music, and then come to the Globe counting room with 10 cents, or send it by mail, ,a.ml you can secure any one of the parts and sing any one of the son^s: I'AKT FIVE. Vocal— "A Little Talk With Jesus" ....Fischer "Come Closer. Soul, to Mo"' O'Kane "Comln' Thro' the Kye"....Seoteh Sonar "Dublin^iay" Barker "Hark, I Hear the Angels Calling" Geibel "Holy Mother, Guide His Footsteps" From "Maritana" "in Haupy Moments" Wallace "Italiau" Giardini "Jesus to Thee i Come" Gould "Lullaby" Kmmett "Let Me Dream Auam" Sullivan "Only to See Her lace Again". Stewart "010 Nickerdetnus" Lucas "Hock'd in the Cradle of the t>eep" Knight "The Heart Bow'd Down" Balfe "The Lost Chord" Sullivan "The Pirates' Chorus" Balfe "The Sword of Bunker Hill" Covert "The Lord's Prayer" Marshall "Turn Back Pharaoh's Army" "Jubilee Songs" Instrumental— "Lehigh Polka" Dresner "Lily of The Valley" (Mazourka).Smith '•Patience Lancers" D'Albert "11 Racio" (Waltz) Lauuer PART SIX. Vocal— DR. FELLER, ISO EastSeventhst, St. Pa uf Mi it Speedily cures all private, nervous, chronic and blood and Hkin lliaMBM uf both «eie-, without the use of mercury or hindrance from business. ,\O('HHI!,^OP,iV. Pn- raie dii>«ii>oa, and all old, iiiisorin; citse^ where the blood has become poisoned, cauh- inii ulcers, blotches, sore ihrom ana inoiuii. psins in ihe bead und bones, and all Ammi of the k!(lu<<yM and bladder aro cured for iife. Men of all r?"s who aro sulferingfrom tho result of youthful indiscretion or ex- cesses of mature years, produninn nervou*- ness, indigestion, conmipation, logs ot in^ni- ory, etc., are thoroughly' and permanently cured. \u25a0 . l)r. Feller, who rms had many yearn of ex- perience in this «t ecinlty. is h ifrruiuate froi:i one of the '.>;«diuit niedirai colleges of the eoonuy. 11 h»« m'vir tm:nl In ("iirinmtnv c«nis Hint he has underiakon. Cnsebauii Correspondence sucredly ContUhjiilial. Cal <>r wriiefur liHtof nnß.-*ti«.;in. .Medicine »><*bt by mail mid express evory where fw# from >i< mmkp* mump, "Bonnie Charlie" Dunn "Down at the Cross" Sweenev "Eyes That Watch lor Me" Geibel ••Fonret All Thy Sorrow" Miliard "Uo Down, Moses" "I Dreamt That i Dwelt in Marble Halls" JBalfe "In the Gloaming"— Annie Fortescue Harrison "Larboard Watch" Williams "My Am Coimtrie" Scotch Souk "Nancy Lee" Adams "The Maid of the Mill" Adams •The Bridge" Lindsay "Where Are the Old Folks".. .Sweeney " Wilcott" Marshall Instrumental— "Heather Bells" Langa "Secret Love Gavotte" ltesch "The Rivulet," Favarirer "The Turkish KeveilU" Xi ug PAUT SEVEN. Vocal— "Shells of Ocean" Cherrry "Sun of My Soul". Monk "Take Me Home" Uavnioml "Come, Are Ye Slt:epin£, Matfi;ie".Root "Come, and Kiss Me Says the Birdie" Mlllard "Flee as a Bird" Dana "In the Stariieht" Glover "Babbidere" Marshall "Wheu we hear the Music KineiiiK" Maishall "Playmates". Dacre "Ys'll Soon Be(iangine Awa".Srjjitliers "He Kissed Me and I Knew 'Twas Wron«" Robyn "The Open Door" Abbey "Hear Our Prayer" Kyder "1 Conio to Thee" Beck "Why do Summer Roses Fade"..Barker Instrumental "The Pearly Dewdrop" Birbeck "Carnavais Botschafter Waltz"..Strauss •'Boccaccio March" .. Franz yon Suppo "Don Juan" Czerhey rill I The DAILI *W GLOBE is the I organ of the TU masses, but 01 : JP no party, class \u25a0 BIU op clique. It is looked up- on by % the CIAAnLIA masses as a rSOOiO S friend and I UUpSU 0 counselor, be- J sides a steady news-give^ 4KM SPELLBOUND \u25a0f^^r^^MJ^XXvL Listening to the Instrumental flusic in mt^pw^Ui I he World s Sweetest Songs" I 'I U V l* ™"^™K^PB3KE3I I Jx?4 £E7 HE BB Pi Both Vocal and Instrumental. It is designed, not for professional musicians, societies or church choirs, but is pre-eminently adapted to increase the pleasure of the home-circle and render home tenfold more at- tractive to the young and doubly enjoyable for the older mem- bers of the family than it otherwise would be. WHY PAY A BIG RENT ? Is not that what you do when you go to a big [store and pay 50 cents for only one song in- stead of taking advantage of the "GLOBES great distribu- tion of "The World's Sweetest Songs" at a cost U> you of less than Half a Cent Each ? Why this immense difference; do you ask? The rent of a big store is enormous, and printing music in very small edi- tions is costly, to say nothing of a force of stylish clerks that must be in waiting to serve one single piece of music, neatly wrapped and tied with a silk cord. While we pay no rent, print this series in enormous editions, and distribute it by the thousands daily. Think of It! Patti's Favorites, 20 Lovely Songs, Excellent Paper, Handsomely Printed, Ele- gantly Bound, Worth, at Sheet Music Prices, About $10.00. THE FULL SET, TWENTY PARTS, NOW READY. loSis A ILLUMINATED EMBELLISHED &»§\u25a0 PORTRAITS OF with \u25a0 STAR MUSICIANS. Out-of-town purchasers will save time and postage by sending for the whole series at once. We will then be abte to place this prize complete in your hands in ample time for the holidays. Do not miss getting this work, because it is easily worth 50 times our price. NO COUPONS. 10 cents in silver (not stamps) secures each part, Address Art Department, Daily Gioba. Back numbers supplied at same rate, postage paid.

Transcript of &HHiHmmiiMhMimN£ .^npnimminmmmi!^ |TRYONEWEDNESDIY ... · SEVENTH AND SIBLEY. Joreph Argay DrugS...

Page 1: &HHiHmmiiMhMimN£ .^npnimminmmmi!^ |TRYONEWEDNESDIY ... · SEVENTH AND SIBLEY. Joreph Argay DrugS re CORN EH GROVE AND JACKSON STS. >!.D. Merrill News Stana 44-J. BROADWAY. REHHIAMpark.


&HHiHmmiiMhMimN£ smHHnHHiimminimMK ismmmmmmmmmmg . .^npnimminmmmi!^ :aimmmmmmnmmmK «mm!mm?mim?mm?!rf; i TIT ONE SHUT. g | TBY ONE KOHGIY. | | TRY ONE TUESBIY. | |TRYONEWEDNESDIY| TRY ONE THURSDAY. 1 | TRY ONE FRIBfiY. '% inTKuSffr^

Hiuuiwtmuuiuiuiuuurc. -: .-: lUUUUUUUUUUiUUiUUI^TRY TH? SLORP^S POPULfIP WfINTS flMn ftp rnwufw^^

I Mill.li.lf'OMr.TF.lt-

*«k tlie boyulio »ell« tUt> j»ht>*-i*

n:<! 1:c will fell you morf about< Imitation llsau nil Ui« affidavitsflat ren be iu:b.Ulied. Ju»itryil

Hid you willbe it-HUMMvua.l Ui«

* lobe leads all.

..^Sgjj^v ,IgTR AD£^W|r.^gOUN |C»L!^


j» |] Vn t Ac'p. rre < ml n wo:deach inser-iSrn. Koihii.g loss ibau 15 ceiUs. Adver-

vents ficni 01 t town sent nnydaybytijl10 the Globe, accomunuied by reniit-

ifice «t bLoyc u:te. will be invariably iv-Uileo iLe luilowiiis morniugi

WANTS CAN BE LEFT/t the Follr-n-fnsr I-ocatlons forInsertion in Daily and Sunday

Clone, at the Same Kate* as

harged by the Main Office:

ARLINGTON 51 ILLS.I.E. Marelius Drugstore


r.Jurgeson Grocery StorePAVKE AY. AND ELEAMET ST.

i.. G. A. gchmnncher Drug Storei : i I'AYNE AVENUE.

/.Kcnnanu Grocery StortOK. BUHK AND iIINNEIiAHA.

II.UiO>1 BLIFF.leverW«tby Drugstore


3. C. Vacderßie.lce CrfMm & Confectionery


HA.IILINE.1 rialiiiePbarmncy. Drugstore


LOWER TOWN.Ullani K. Collier Drug Store



>!.D. Merrill News Stana44-J. BROADWAY.


L. Woolsey ..Drugstore


BT. AKIIMRVHILL.W. A. Frost &Co Drugstore


Etraigbt Bros DrugstoreIiONLO AND GIvOTTOSTS.

A. A. Campbell ..... Drugstore


C. A. Lyons Drugstore

CKIVEKSITY AND DALE STS.>.T. Guernsey Drugstore


E.McCmdden Confectioner4DCRICE STREET.

ITMON PARK.C.A. Moncbow Cigars and Tobacco


IFPKR TOWN.I.H. Reeves Drugstore

KOORE BLOCK, SEVEN CORMXRB.C.T. Heller Coionnade Drugstore




1. T. lncott «tCo DrugstoreCOR. RICE AND IGLEHART.

IIESTSKVENTII MHUKT.J>. G. A. EcbußMCtiet Drugstore

aS9 \\ I:>L sBVEKTB t>T.

J • J.Kuller DrugSloC( -U. JA3IES AN!) WEST SKVENTH.

VIST SIDK.£clip.ic Dtv.i; hltoreb. HOUEli'l AND FAiRFIELD AY.

(..l.Duuu Cigar and News Stand«2S S. BOBBRT bTKEKT.

Geoige Marti Drugstorefc. WABASUA A2CD iAIRFIELDAY.

O.Leme b Barber ShopS£i7E. FAIUFIELDAV.

tccid StreetPrescription Dm; 5t0re......COBKXfi MATE AM) CO.NCOKD."

4.T. Ha11..... Drugstore

CQfiKttt 5. V^UAisUA AM> ISAUEL,

a.ixoitxi'em i:.vis.

WARN I \<J— The kaadeßme pbotojcrapbaot the people eou'serued in tn*cele-

brated Giug murder case, now being sold, arsfnllf protected by eopyriajbt Allpersonecopying them will be prosecuted. Strong «4to . Minneapolis.

MTiAiuns offi:ki:i».


AGENTS wanted to canvass the countiesin wMcn they live: under our new plau

they can earn frmu $;r> to $15> per month;write lor particulars. Only thoso who arewUltnc to make n house to house canvass inthe country and towns are wanted. Ladiescuu do the work as well as men. From $."> to31"i per day easily made. No capital re-ouired. Address by mail only, D4. care ofthe Globe.

AGKNTS In every stateon salary and com-mission. Agents making ?:.':"> !dj» weekly.

Eureka Chemical & Mfg. i <>. LaCroaae, Wis.

AUIms— Wanted, ngenttt for Hankers'LifeAssociation,^. Paul.Minn. : strongest

home company furnishing guaranteed pro-lection at lowest coot; profitable positionopen in st Paul und throughout Minnesota,Write for aeency.

BOOK.K«il£l*J£K— young man of•zperience: jobbing btiMueaa; refer-

ences. Answer M -"-'. Giooe.

Mi".N AM> WOMEN TO WORK AT\u25a0"I home. 1 pay $•< to Slii pet week formaking cruyon portraits; new patentedmethod: any one who can read or writecando the work at borne in spare time, day orevening, bend your address. I Bend workatobce. 11. A. Gripp, Uermau Artist, Ty-rone. I'd.

UJ —Cauvasaen for ex-SecretaryIt. VV. Thoinpaon'a booK, "Personal

Recollections of Sixteen Presidents." writtenla his e'ghty-tifth rear: clear, forcible, nt-tractive. >old by "subscription ouly. NorthSiar Specialty Company, Ageuts, p. o. Box44a, Mianeapolis.

\"\7*« tIUAKAWTKK you competent in»V eight weeks at Twin City Barber

School; catalogue mailed free; tools donated.HO Hennepin, IlinneapoUs.


AGENTS wanted to canvass the countiesI\- in which they live; under our new planthey can etuu from $?,"> to Jl5O per month;write for particulars. Only those who arewillingto make a house to house canvass inthe country and towns are wauted. Ladiescan do the work ns well as men. From S"> tofl"> per day easily made. No capital re-quired. Address by inaii only, D4, care ofGlobe.

—Wanted, a competent cook, at r>loy^ Iglehartst.

Hoi'SKWiiKK-Good girl wanted torgeneral housework, 100 Western ay.

Hot'sKWOKK— Girl for general house-work. Applyat 53!) laurel ay.

jVTURSE (Jlltl, — Wanted, competentli nurse girl. MiGoodrteb ay.


BKITOKE Ul YING your Christmas treecall and see the display at .No. 'SSH and

240 East Seventh St. corner VVacouta: a.OiX)trees to s>elect from : open evenings to iO p.m.Wilson and Anderson.

CAN'A BIKDB—Special sale ofcanary/ birds for this week only; singers from

31.50 up. at Atchibou"3, 391 Washington, neart>ixtu.

CIHKISTMA& TItKEs — For sale, two

' carloads Christmas trees of all sizes, atthe Grand Ceulral market. Entrance onThird, Fourth and St. Peter sts.

CHRISTMAS TREES- For sale, Christ-- mas trees for churches and families, onEighth si., between Wacouta and Sioley.

CHKINOIAS TREES for sale; buy yourChristmas trees at the coru.r of Seventh

and St. Peter sts., city market.

HOUSEHOLD GOOI>S-Forsale. at pri-vate sale, household Roods at -'SO Hice

st.; one piano must be so!d this week.

JEWELRY— Solid gold watche3 and dia- 'mond ri::s.;s for sale at one-third their :value. Standard Loau Company, Schutte jBuilding, 1.">4 East Seventh, near .luckson St. \

XMAS TREKS FOR SAL.X— sizesat al! prices at Kamaley's, corner Sixth

end St. Peter sts.

SPECIAL SALK of second-hand stoves :and carpets at Ryan Furniture and fix-

change Corn y. 14:.' and 144 seventh st.

STliKKOl'l'lt'ON" and maeic lantern out-fits for illustrating lectures, exhibitions

and street advertising; complete uutills atabout half manufacturer's price 1,5 plainand colored slides iv lots to suit; new andsecond-hand outfits bought, sold and ex-changed. Richards &Birch, 200 Nicoliet ay.,Minu< apolis, Minn.


AKK Y«»l IN TKOIBI,K; CousultMadame Ina Walker, "life reader." for

faithfui reading of your par.t. present andfuture; she will guide you in all affairs oflife by a power higher than human: corre-spondence confidential: ladies. 50 cents;gentlemen, $1. 5U5 Wabasha st., opDositecapital.

ALWAVB HKI.IABI.K-Madame ieits-worth: prices reduced 51 cents; thirty

years' experience. 13 Eighth st.

VJ I«. LOIISK NEITMANN-Masque-x»l rade and theatrical costumes, masks,wigs, beards and grease paint. sti East Sev-enth St.

Miss EASTMAN-ilassnge and alcoholbaths: open daily ana evenings. 4:ij

Wr.basha. Roini 15.

US. AMI'K AUSTIN, clairvoyant;card readings 25 cents. No. 1G West Ex-

change st., near Wabasha.

Mil. ST. JOHN'S, Clairvoyant andmagnetic healer; readings, :o and 50

cents. VSO West Fourth st.

11 KS. DR. F. AKDON. 34 East Sev-ifX enth. Room 304—Massage, vapor andelectric baths; 1) to 9 p. m., including Sun-days.

RS, M. A. (TUSSEY) BAKKALOO—021 Wabasha St.—Magnetic and .nassage

treatment for paralytic, rheum atism andnervous diseasei: also ba'.hi j a.m. to i v.m

\T KS. KATE HOSKINS, No. 149 L WestitA Sixtli St. —Psychometric reader andtrance medium.

TIIJC GREATEST CLAIRVOYANT ofthe a^te, the young Madame l!onaaiue, is

in this city, and can be consulted on allaffairs of life: her predictions never fail;she makes a success where others fail; cor-rect advice on business, matrimonial and allfamily affairs: brings the separated together;causes hapr>y marriage with the one youlove; future plainlyrevealed; lovers united;troubles healed; those in trouble should notfail to call and be convinced on the abovestatements: business strictly confidential;letters containing stamp promptly answered:hours 9to 0. Address or call r>»;:j Jackson st.,between Eleventh and Twelfth.

O*|C EAST SEVENTH ST-.Excert/v»JU massage. Magnetic and alcoholbaths. Anna of Chicago.



AUCTION— four-story brick and stoneblock, 2(1 and 28 Chicago ay.; tliis prop-

erty wilik>e sold Dec. 22, by order of the pro-bate court, on the premises. J. 11. Morong,administrator. j"H Robert St.


Foil BALK—Thirty acres cheap, Mituit—Bpoil« Htockyards. Aetna K. Barlow,

New Brighton. Minn.


BOARD—Bright suuny rooms, siesuu heatand board. 101 Sumniit ay., oppositeSixtli st.

BOAKU- Utopia. 4W St. Feter St.— bteani-heaied rooms with board.

BOAHI>—rieasHiit frontroom with alcove,aiso rtiinny side room; exceileni board;

near Selby cable; best references. 135 Niuaavenue.



BAUKU-A good baker on rookies andbread, also candy, is looking for a job.

Address M.. M'2Pleasant ay.

C^ANVASSKK wains a position; am aJ hustler and good talker; will work on

commission. V. J. X., r»45 Brewater ay.

CIOOK— Situation wanted by a colored man* who is a lirst-class cook and walur. B.

Randolph, Hotel De Mink. Fourth and St.Peter sta.

DUIVKR wants work driving a deliverywacon, or wt:uid like worK around

some sinre; very useful around a place, andin need of work. Address Driver. 456 EastSixth st.

fcwpiir MINKuV—I'lonf-ant rootaa. with-L board: rentrttlly loctilerl for businesspeople. I'j-i College u,i., comer SixtU.

C* NGINKEK—Wanted, situation as engi--L-rf near. Kreman or anything else; goodreference given. Address O If, Globe.

LLK'ThiCIAS — Wanted, by practicalelectrician at experience, a permanent

position: am also lirst-class engineer. O 12,

JamioH —Wanted, position as Janitor;competent to take care building, private

offices or tornianed rooms. Addiess 2M I'm-vtrsitv ay.

O FriCK WOKK- Situation wanted byyoung man of U) at office work, or any-

thing whicn is offered hla>; am a good peu-man. Address ,i64 lfosabel si., oily.

rwnriCK WOK X—Sober, well-educated" young man. pleasing appearance, ex-perieneea in office work ai.d general mer-chandise, wants work at S-5 per month;would wait on table. Address Kelly, 105East Fifth st.

PO IMIKIt—Work wanted by an A No. 1polisher on iron, steel, brass, nickel or

any kind of metal: understands lacqneritucbrouz'.ng and oxidizing, plating, etc.; hightraces ooobject; references. F. J. Lemaitre,344 Broadway.

PHARMACIST, registered, desires posi-tion;experienced and strictly temperate;

highest references. Pharmacist, 321 Chest-nut st.

PKIVI'KK—Practical all-round printer oflong experience wants situation. Ad-

dress Printer. 11 East Third St.. St. Paul.

BALKs>IAN—Experienced city salesmanwants something to sell on salary or com-

mission. Address I) 15, Globe.OALESMAN—\Vante«l, position as travel-O in•_; salesman, "on commission.'' by aman with many years' business experience:gents' furnishing goods, a pants line or out-ing shirts preferred. Salesman, Slillwater,Minn.. 510 West Olive st.

fP. AMSTfcSS— tiood teamstor wants a jobA driving: can handle two or four horses.

3*5 Strjrker ay.

Ur.YTciIMAN—Reliable man wants po-sition as night watchman; best of ref-

erence furnished 415 East Seventh st.

"117" AT<:HMAX—Reliable man wants posi-VV tiou as uight watchman; best of refer-

ence furnished. 415 East Seventh su

WORK FOX BOAKD-AwillingyounarVV man would like to hear from a chari-

table family where he could wore tor hisboard aud attend school. Please addressX M.. 643 Endicott Building.

WOR.v FOR BOAKD— a placeto work forboard and attend school.

Address J. A. G., 384 Rosabel St.. city.


CO.UI'A.> ION—Wanted, a position ascompanion to an invalid or elderly lady.

Call 7os Olive.

DISHWASHKK—A girl wnnts place innntel or boarding house for dishwashing

or chamber work. Call at once, 875 Albe-marle St., corner Milford. up stairs.

DRESSMAKER— Ail experienced dress-maker wants sewing t>y the day in fami-

lies. Call or address 215 Rondo st.

DRKSSMAKEK wants sewing in familiesor at home. Address 558 L'Orient.

HOUSEWORK— Two girls would like po-sition to go to Montana for housework

or hotel work. Apply6;"2 East Sixth.

HOISKWOBK-A girl wants a positionto do general housework; is strong;

can understand but not speak Engl.sh. Address 7-'H C.'aae st.

HOI'SEWOKK— A girl with a one-year-oid baby wishes a place in or out of the

city; will work for small wages For partic-ulars. 137 East Ninth st.

II (M7MCKEKPBB-A competent lady de-ll sires a position as housekeeper or nurse.Call 70S Olive.

HOI'SKKKKHKR — A young Scandi-navian woman with a one-year-old

child would like a position as housekeeper.Call at 523 Bradley.

[IOLSKKJKKFJEK—Widow to Keephouie11 in country; no objections to one or two

small children. Address S 4d, Globe, Minne-apolis.

LALNDRKSS — A first-class laundresswould like rough-dry washing to do at

home; clothes called for and delivered, andgood work guaranteed. Address Laundress,4."6 Fast Sixth sL

NIIKSE—An experienced nurse wouldlike a situstiou; has had experience in

all kiuds of nursing. Address U2 Hondo.

OROANIST- Wanted—A lady desires aposition as organist; references. Ad-

dress IJ ?. Globe.

OFk'IVH. WORK— A young lady with twoyears' experience in office work desires

a position; can operate a typewriter. Ad-dress i X', Globe.

uTESOGKAPHttt- Competent steuogO rapher and typewriter wants work; cando assistant bookkeeping: will wortc for rea-sonable salary, ti) Germania Life Building,corner Fourth and Minnesota sts.;

Bri>O(ißAPHKl{-A position by younglady stenographer; has had experience;

will work cheap; best references. AddressL. M., Ml Agate st.

STKXOCJKAPHKR— Young lady of col-lese education wishes position as ste-

nographer and typewrltist; will work formoderate salary. B. C, Globe.TVTASHINt;—Wanted, washing to do byVV the day or take home. Address or call

19'JT Edirerton St.. rear door.VIr ASII INO— Wanted, wasning; to takeV» home by a first-class laundress; will

work very cheap. Cail or address M. \V., 6*4Mississippi st.

WASHING- Woman goes out washing,ironing and housecleaning. Inquire

at 2;i4 West Sixth sL; at kitchen.

WASHING wanted to take home, or willKO out vrathing or scrubbing. fe!4 Kd-

ra-und et.

WASHING wanted to do at home. Callat 22G Hondo st.

WASIIIX*wanted to do at home. Mrs.Keßerer. TJT Charles st.

AiTßKSS—Wanted, work waitinedin-nerg or evening parties, by uood col-

ored woman. Address or call ISO Kast Sev-entli 5.4

1,4i-M A.mn F«»si3Ji>.

CAKIi CASK LOST—III Maunheitner's;85 will be paid for its return to Mrs. J.

U. Lawler, 122 Virginia ay.

VIACEJNTOSH 1,0.iT-0u Rice St., be-ifl tween bridee and street car barn, oneladies' inaek.iuio?ta.one plush alburn. Finderplease return to C. F. Adams Company, 323at. Peter st. and receive liberal reward.

TJOCKETBOOK LOST in Sehunemim &L Evans 1 store; Dlease return to Airs.Harm in Schuneman and Evans' jewelry de-partmeut.

ITMBKKIiI'A-Between my residence andU uuio:i dfipot.lasicveiiniK. a silk umbreila,with horn handle, silver lipand band. Lib-errtl reward will be paid finder if returned tofacoiye \V. Freeman, with «;. Cot^ian & < <>.


ASK tnrou(?h the Ulobe's OuarantcedWants, aud it will be given. An ad ou

ihis page willbriim resuiir, or your moneywill be returned 10 you.

LKAVKyour ••Want"' with the nearest(JlobH anent. See list ou this page.

KAIILKKT A MINTBI, — MinuesotaSteam Dye Worhs. "44 East Seveiuh.


BOAKD—Wauted. a boarding I'liico hi pri-vate family; young maot upper towu

at WAAIBIOa. 3wi <ilob»*


DIAMONDS AM> WATCHKB atAmerican Mortgage Loan Company,

Room 7. First National Bank, corner Fourthand Jackson sts.

You can buy these things for about yourown price from now until Christmas. The\v-itches that we offer aro about as good uknew. all regulated and pui in order, and weoffer them for justthe amount loaned. \u2666\u25a0 \u25a0 -:"

We will sell you a Vjcarat diamond collarbutton, tho stone- is white aud perfect,mounting 14-k. originally cont $20; sell forss.

A small-size lady's gold watch, IS-k, case-beautifully enameled,warranted a good time-piece; eostSW, sell for BtX.

Gent's trold watch, 14-k case, Louis XIV.style, handsomely engraved, nickel move-ment, set jewels, ruby palate, chronometerbalance, quick train, fine timepiece; cost5100. sell for$35.

A pair of diamond ea'drops, white andbrilliant, weigh Us-k, cost 5140, will sell for$30; will make them over into screws forS'i'.'.ro.

Cost 865. will seli for beautiful lady'sgold watch. 14-K, Louis XIV".case, rirst-classElgin movement with set jewels; warrantedNo. 1 timepiece.

Gent's nlled vest chain, long plain links,warranted i* of chain 14-k gold; will wear2 i years: looks as good as new: cost $10, willseli for £3.f.0.

Cost £ 12. will sell for $15, an old antiqueEuglifth set of emeralds,brooch and earrings,mounting is-k pold.

Cost DT.sell for »14.a combination necklace.Eouratrand clasps and slides; can be usedfor necklace, bract'let or double lady's vestchain ; weighs $VA in old gold, IS-k line

Cost »:iJO; will soil for fSS&; a brilliant dia-mond, first water gem.weighß-:^ earaU. bluewhite, without a Haw. perfectly round,nicely proportioned; it is set up now magentleman** rinz; itcan be mounted in anymanner you wish.

We hare a number of handsome, filledcase watches, with Aniericnu movements, asgood as new; first cia*s timepieces that willsell for one-quarter their value.

We have quite a number at Indies'goldwatches of every style, and first-class gen-tlemen's solid gold watches, 14 and le-k,with the finest nickeled adjusted, modernmovements, open and hunting ease*, thatwe will sell for one-third what they can bebought anywhere else.

Cost |laU for $65—A No. 1 Columbia bicy-cle, all perfect, only beeu used ihis summer;come aud ace it if you are going to buy abike.

Cost $125 for 13B—A Beatty organ, all infirst-class order, genuine ivory kera, looks a3good as new, at Hoom 7, first National Bank

lU'iing,coriiPi- Fourth and .lacksou sts


i»I emy, CO CenLral Htirk. East—Pupilscan enter class at any time; private instruc-tion.

ST. AGAIIIA'SACADKMT OF MU.SICand Art. 26 East Exchange St., St. Paul-

Piano, violin, guitar, banjo and mandolintaught Lessons given in drawing aud paiut-iug. Call or send for prospectus.


FOR BALK CHEAP- Stock in. the llnb-erts Manufacturing Company. Apply

to the Capital City Ornameutal Iron, Wireand Brass Works. 163 Eighth st.

I/IO.NKV LOAXisl) on life insurance pol-i»l icies. or bought. L. I. Vau Norman.41."-2 Guaranty Loan Building, Minneapolis.

*fti'"S(fTO $500 short-time loans procured*s>kJ\J on personal property. Ohio Invest-ment Company. Seventh floor Globe Build-i'i»;. -

msixixs (ii.ixcEs.

Fiftek>-i;ai.lox milk routksix cows, one horse, wagon, harness

Address M L'4, Globe.

j FOR HK^'l.

flousr». :

v. fi. WIXCHEf,.!., ~The IS. iit;tl .ifiit.

Miikt-s a Speeialiy ul* KcntiuK! l'ropertj-.

SOO Manhnttaii Uulldins.! J. U. Mi.|»ur<l, OI ICii^t 4th St.| KNTS ItOUSIC\ STORE*. OFFICES,:IX acts as o.wners' agent, collect* renU;steam-heated ap'artoeuu for $\u25a0£), $-:\ $Su andga : reduced rental.


HOUSE- For rein, for the balance of thewinter, furnished house, 410 Laurel ay. ;

cheap to responsible person.

HOIiSK- For rent, furnished house, com-plete; nine rooms; very desirable; all

modern conveniences: ens range, bath, fur-nace, etc. Call 220 North Victoria st.



A—HOTEL HKUSSWICa. for gentle-• men only; fifty mortsra \u25a0team-hea.tedrooms by day, week or month.KI>AK ST.7ti.i7—Nicely furnished front

V./ alcove room for rent, opposite CentralDark.

ROOMS— Lady liYiac in Minneapolis willrent nicely furnished rooms to quiet

parties: transients accommodated. AddressM. C, Daily Globe, Minneapolis.

1k fl ||j »_X. i \ s^S^'\—f % C __&_ I 5 *l^l_W \u25a0 lr FTI S3E B

ufi" Made a Well



<i£l (\()(\ SK<'KKS half interest loiik-«^±^V_/V/V/ established business; monop-oly; nets that amount monthly: eilt-eds:e be-curity given for mouey; investigate month\before purchasing; sickness cause Belling.M 21. Globe.

VTAVa'EDT© Bl \.ATHE-Wanted, one second-hand, back-Lj gear. 6crew-cutting. foot-power lathe;

No. 5 Barnes preferred; must be cheap. Ad-"oress Uox 7^o. St. Cloud.

WANTED—To buy confectionery a:idcigar store, with living rooms con-

nected, in good location; must be reason-able, with moderate rent. Address M l'3,Globe.


HOKSK.N. aOHMBMI to 100 head con-stantly on hand, consisting of heavydrnft horses, farm mares, general purpoiehorses and drivers. Private sales daily. Auc-tions held every Tuesday and ssaiurdav at 1d. m. Minnesota Horse Auction and Com-mission StaDles, 116 Fifth st. south, Minne-apolis. Winslow & Zimmerman. Proprietors.

TYPEWRITERS.D EJHINGTON TYFKWKITKKH— Al--IV ways the standard of comparison, al-ways the beat and always have the latest im-arovements. Typewriter paper and cupplieiol all kinds. Machines for rent. WyckoffSeamans &Benedict- Ut Eait Fourth at


\ UCTION—The four-story brick and stonet\. block, 26 and 28 Chicago ay.; this prop-

erty will be sold Dec. 'SX by order of the pro-bpte court, on the premises. J. H. Morong,administrator, ill's Robert st.

TO EXCIIAXOE.\TKW goods for sec'Q-nHiid.liyan Furniture1™ ntul Exchange Co.. 14.1 and \u K. 7th st.

OTATE OF MINNESOTA. COUNTY OPO Ramsey— S3. Probate Court.In the niat'er of the estate of Paul I,a-

motte, deceased.l.t.'tters of administration on the estnte

of Paul Lnmotte. deceased, late of theCounty of Hamsey. and State of Minnesota,beiuK granted to John B. Trudeau.

It is ordered. That six months be. and thesame is hereby allowed from end nfterthe date of this order, in which all personshaving claims or demands against the saiddeceased fire required to file the same in theProbate Court of said comity, for examina-tion and allowance, or be forever barred.

It is further ordered. That the first Mon-day in July. A. D. 18!>o, at 10 o'clock a. m.,at a General Term of said Probate Court, tobe held nt the court house in the Cltv ofSt. Paul in said county, be. and the samehereby is appointed iis the time and placewhen and where the said Probate Courtwill examine and adjust said claims and de-mands.

Produces the Above Eesnlts in 30 Days. Itacts powerfully and quickly. Cures whenall others fail. Young men willregain theirlost strength and old men will recover theiryouthiul vigor by using VITALIS. Itquickly and surely restores Lost Vitality,Lost Power, Failing Memory, etc., and is apositive cure forNervousness, Wasting Dis-eases, and all effects ofindiscretion. WardsoffInsanity and Consumption. Insist onhaving VITALIS, no other. Can be car-ried in vest pocket. By mail, $1.00 perpackage, or six for $5.00, with a PositiveWritten Guarantee to Cure or Refund theMoTtey in. every box. Circular free. Address

|(]AT,XJMET REMEDY 00.,<Jhr«i<mT"For Sale \>y l.allirop ftlussct-

<it.Fourth and abaslia.

And it is further ordered. That noticeof such hearing be given to all creditors amipersons interested in snid estate, by forth-with publishing this order once in eachweek for three successive weeks, in the St.Pnul Daily Olore. a daily newspaperprinted and pttMished in snid county

Dated at St. Paul, this 12tn day of De-cember, lrt<*4.

Uy the Court: JOHN B. OLIVIER.L'- ••] Judge of Probatt.

FitRDBRH'K NKI.SON.Attorney for Administrator, 350 Cedar Street,

St. Pnul. Ulan.


Contents or Three Ports of TheWorld's Sweetest Sonjj*.

Read the following menu of music,and then come to the Globe countingroom with 10 cents, or send it by mail,,a.ml you can secure any one of the partsand sing any one of the son^s:


"ALittle Talk With Jesus" ....Fischer"Come Closer. Soul, to Mo"' O'Kane"Comln' Thro' the Kye"....Seoteh Sonar"Dublin^iay" Barker"Hark, I Hear the Angels

Calling" Geibel"Holy Mother, Guide His

Footsteps" From "Maritana""in Haupy Moments" Wallace"Italiau" Giardini"Jesus to Thee i Come" Gould"Lullaby" Kmmett"Let Me Dream Auam" Sullivan"Only to See Her lace Again". Stewart"010 Nickerdetnus" Lucas"Hock'd in the Cradle of the

t>eep" Knight"The Heart Bow'd Down" Balfe"The Lost Chord" Sullivan"The Pirates' Chorus" Balfe"The Sword of Bunker Hill" Covert"The Lord's Prayer" Marshall"Turn Back Pharaoh's

Army" "Jubilee Songs"Instrumental—

"Lehigh Polka" Dresner"Lilyof The Valley" (Mazourka).Smith'•Patience Lancers" D'Albert"11 Racio" (Waltz) Lauuer



DR. FELLER,ISO EastSeventhst, St. Pa uf Miit

Speedily cures all private, nervous, chronicand blood and Hkin lliaMBM uf both «eie-,without the use of mercury or hindrancefrom business. ,\O('HHI!,^OP,iV. Pn-raie dii>«ii>oa, and all old, iiiisorin; citse^where the blood has become poisoned, cauh-inii ulcers, blotches, sore ihrom ana inoiuii.psins in ihe bead und bones, and all Ammiof the k!(lu<<yM and bladder aro cured foriife. Men ofall r?"s who aro sulferingfromtho result of youthful indiscretion or ex-cesses of mature years, produninn nervou*-ness, indigestion, conmipation, logs ot in^ni-ory, etc., are thoroughly' and permanentlycured. \u25a0 .

l)r. Feller, who rms had many yearn of ex-perience in this «t ecinlty. is hifrruiuate froi:ione of the '.>;«diuit niedirai colleges oftheeoonuy. 11 • h»« m'vir tm:nl In ("iirinmtnvc«nis Hint he has underiakon. CnsebauiiCorrespondence sucredly ContUhjiilial. Cal<>r wriiefur liHtof nnß.-*ti«.;in. .Medicine »><*btby mail mid express evory where fw# from>i< mmkp* mump,

"Bonnie Charlie" Dunn"Down at the Cross" Sweenev"Eyes That Watch lor Me" Geibel••Fonret AllThy Sorrow" Miliard"Uo Down, Moses""I Dreamt That i Dwelt in

Marble Halls" JBalfe"In the Gloaming"—

Annie Fortescue Harrison"Larboard Watch" Williams"My Am Coimtrie" Scotch Souk"Nancy Lee" Adams"The Maid of the Mill" Adams•The Bridge" Lindsay

"Where Are the Old Folks".. .Sweeney"Wilcott" Marshall

Instrumental—"Heather Bells" Langa"Secret Love Gavotte" ltesch"The Rivulet," Favarirer"The Turkish KeveilU" Xi ug


"Shells of Ocean" Cherrry"Sun of My Soul". Monk"Take Me Home" Uavnioml"Come, Are Ye Slt:epin£, Matfi;ie".Root"Come, and Kiss Me Says the

Birdie" Mlllard"Flee as a Bird" Dana"In the Stariieht" Glover"Babbidere" Marshall"Wheu we hear the Music

KineiiiK" Maishall"Playmates". Dacre"Ys'll Soon Be(iangine Awa".Srjjitliers"He Kissed Me and IKnew

'Twas Wron«" Robyn"The Open Door" Abbey"Hear Our Prayer" Kyder"1 Conio to Thee" Beck"Why do Summer Roses Fade"..Barker

Instrumental —"The Pearly Dewdrop" Birbeck"Carnavais Botschafter Waltz"..Strauss•'Boccaccio March" .. Franz yon Suppo"Don Juan" Czerhey

rillI The DAILI*W GLOBE is theI organ of the

TU masses, but 01: JP no party, class

\u25a0 BIU op clique. Itis looked up-on by

%theCIAAnLIA masses as arSOOiO S friend andI UUpSU 0 counselor, be-

Jsides a steadynews-give^

4KM SPELLBOUND\u25a0f^^r^^MJ^XXvL Listening to the Instrumental flusic in

mt^pw^Ui I he World sSweetest Songs"

I 'I U V l*

™"^™K^PB3KE3I I Jx?4 £E7 HE BB Pi

Both Vocal andInstrumental.

It is designed, not for professional musicians, societies orchurch choirs, but is pre-eminently adapted to increase thepleasure of the home-circle and render home tenfold more at-tractive to the young and doubly enjoyable for the older mem-bers of the family than it otherwise would be.

WHY PAY A BIG RENT ? Is not that what you do whenyou go to a big[store and pay 50 cents for only one song in-stead of taking advantage of the "GLOBES great distribu-tion of "The World's Sweetest Songs" at a cost U> you of lessthan

Half a Cent Each ?Why this immense difference; do you ask? The rent ofa

big store is enormous, and printing music in very small edi-tions is costly, to say nothing of a force of stylish clerks thatmust be in waiting to serve one single piece of music, neatlywrapped and tied with a silk cord. While we pay no rent,print this series in enormous editions, and distribute it by thethousands daily.

Think of It! Patti's Favorites,20 Lovely Songs, Excellent Paper, Handsomely Printed, Ele-gantly Bound, Worth, at Sheet Music Prices, About $10.00.



Out-of-town purchasers will save time and postage bysending for the whole series at once. We will then be abteto place this prize complete in your hands in ample time forthe holidays.

Do not miss getting this work, because it is easily worth 50times our price. NO COUPONS. 10 cents in silver (notstamps) secures each part, Address

Art Department, Daily Gioba.Back numbers supplied at same rate, postage paid.