Hex And Shameless


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Transcript of Hex And Shameless

Page 1: Hex And Shameless

Sophie Hodgkinson

Comparing Hex and Shameless

I am comparing the use of mise-en-scene in Hex and Shameless. In the first shot in Hex the only thing we can see is a close up of a girl closing her eyes also this is a shallow focus this tells us that we are going to be focusing on her throughout this scene and we also know that’s it is going to be very calm scene. In comparison to this Shameless opening shot is an aerial shot of council houses and flats this suggest something totally different to hex, that it is going to be a hectic scene due to the place it is set. Also in the same shot we see very different colouring in Hex we see very dark colours witch suggest it is set in the olden day but on the other hand Shameless has very bright colours witch tells us it is more modern.I have picked out from both extracts the first close up of a man. In Hex we see a man face shoeing no emotion also he is dressed in black with a black top hat on this tells us he is rich and very important. But in Shameless we see a man in scruffy clothes with long greasy hair, this suggest that he is a lower class people with not a lot of money. Also in that shot which is different is the lighting, in shameless it is quite bright which tells us it is in the day but on the other hand hex is dark, so this tells us it is set at night. The next scenes I have picked out are close ups of a street. In Hex we see a very dark scene with the only light been candles, but on shameless we see a very bright scene and the light coming from the time of day but we also can see lamp post which gives light at night.In conclusion to this essay I believe that the effect to hex is that it is set in the old ends day and also that the scene isn’t going to be pleasant by the colouring as bright represents happy and dark represents sad. Also I have come to a conclusion that shameless is the total opposite to Hex as it is more modern also most of the scenes are bright and also have more up to date clothing on.