Heritage Management Manual · CV , . . ASR 206.000 ASR 205.900 ASR205.820 Om C! ===-_ 50m Map No:...

-. .- -- . Alice Springs - Darwin Railway Project ALICE SPRINGS SECTION· ASR DIXON CREEK SECTION - DCR 1F'-- : eoeHANAN.tlIGHWAY SECTION - BHR KATHERINE SECTION - KR ADELAIDE RIVER SECTION - ARR Heritage Management Manual Prepared by: ADrail Design & Construction Joint Venture Brown & Root Construction Pty Ltd ABN 84 094 542 533 Barclay Mowlem Construction Ltd ABN 36 009 830 460 John Holland Pty Ltd ABN 11 004 282 268 Macmahon Contractors Pty Ltd ABN 37 007·611 485 July 2002 Doc No. 05·1000-0116 Rev 0

Transcript of Heritage Management Manual · CV , . . ASR 206.000 ASR 205.900 ASR205.820 Om C! ===-_ 50m Map No:...

Page 1: Heritage Management Manual · CV , . . ASR 206.000 ASR 205.900 ASR205.820 Om C! ===-_ 50m Map No: Site No: Chainage: 02·1110·2024 HSASR4509 ASR206.000 jUraii . Restricted Area Railway


• •

.- -- .

Alice Springs - Darwin Railway Project






Heritage Management Manual

Prepared by:

ADrail Design & Construction Joint Venture

Brown & Root Construction Pty Ltd ABN 84 094 542 533 Barclay Mowlem Construction Ltd ABN 36 009 830 460 John Holland Pty Ltd ABN 11 004 282 268 Macmahon Contractors Pty Ltd ABN 37 007·611 485

July 2002

Doc No. 05·1000-0116 Rev 0

Page 2: Heritage Management Manual · CV , . . ASR 206.000 ASR 205.900 ASR205.820 Om C! ===-_ 50m Map No: Site No: Chainage: 02·1110·2024 HSASR4509 ASR206.000 jUraii . Restricted Area Railway


Document title ALL SECTIONS - Alice Springs to Darwin - ASR to ARR Heritage Constraints

Document no. ~05~-~10~0~0~-~0~1~16~ __________________________________________________ __

First issue date ~17.:....:J.::ul",y..:2:.:0.:::02~ ____________________________________________________ __

This sheet records the issue and revisions of the document. If only a few revisions are made, only the new or revised pages are issued. For convenience, the nature of the revision is briefly noted under "Remarks", but these remarks are not part of the document

Revision Date revised

0 12/07/02



Document Status Record 18107/2002

Chapter/sectionlpage revised, plus any remarks

ADrait approved for construcion issue

.. .

. _.- -- -"- .

Originator Checked Approved




.. _. -- - . -" .... " ..



Page 3: Heritage Management Manual · CV , . . ASR 206.000 ASR 205.900 ASR205.820 Om C! ===-_ 50m Map No: Site No: Chainage: 02·1110·2024 HSASR4509 ASR206.000 jUraii . Restricted Area Railway




Heritage Legislation . 2

Subject Land 2

General Conditions for Heritage Areas 3

Fencing Restrictions for the Railway Corridor 3

Summary Details of Heritage Constraints 4






Glossary 57

Page 4: Heritage Management Manual · CV , . . ASR 206.000 ASR 205.900 ASR205.820 Om C! ===-_ 50m Map No: Site No: Chainage: 02·1110·2024 HSASR4509 ASR206.000 jUraii . Restricted Area Railway


This manual identifies all heritage places for which· Construction Constraints apply.

Construction Constraints apply to heritage places that are situated either partially or wholly

within the Railway Corridor generally defined as being 50 metres to either side of the

centreline, (100 metres in width).

These. places are of significance to the Northem Territory and may not be disturbed in

anyway by construction works or any other ancillary works associated with the Alice

Springs to Darwin Railway.

Constraint plans identifying heritage places according to chainage and general conditions

to ensure the preservation of these places are specified in this section.

It is important to note only heritage places, or that part thereof located within the

100m Railway Corridor are fenced and display identification plates.


Heritage places specified below are protected under the Northern Territory of Australia

Heritage Conservation Act 1991.

Under the Act it is an offence to alter, disturb or remove an object from these places without the

consent of the Minister.

..._._.. __ ._~.nal!i.~Vol.ble<lchil1gJ~e.Act lQr .~Ilindivldl!alal].t HI,()00.9LirnprisQnment 10c12 ..... .

months. Penalties for a body corporate are $ 200,000

Conditions to ensure that no breach of the Heritage Conservation Act occurs during works

associated with the construction of the railway are provided below.


Specifications for the Heritage Sites described below apply to the entire Railway Corridor from

Alice Springs to Darwin being Chainage ASR 0.000 to ARR 103.360

Note that no heritage clearances have been provided for the portion of/he Construction

Corridor 150 metres to the east and 150 metres to the west of the Railway Corridor.

01-1000-0116 RovO July 2002



Page 5: Heritage Management Manual · CV , . . ASR 206.000 ASR 205.900 ASR205.820 Om C! ===-_ 50m Map No: Site No: Chainage: 02·1110·2024 HSASR4509 ASR206.000 jUraii . Restricted Area Railway



The following activities are prohibited within the fenced boundaries of heritage places. These

conditions relate to restricted areas and boundaries identified and fenced within the Railway

Corridor and that portion of the Construction Corridor beyond the 100 metre Railway Corridor.

Failure to comply with these conditions may result in a breach of the Heritage Conservation Act.

1. No earthworks"of any kind are permitted within these areas .

. 2. No earth moving machinery of any kind may enter these areas.

3. No heavy vehicles or light vehicles such as four-wheel drives (4WD) may enter these


4. No unauthorised personnel shall enter any part of that area.

5. No personnel shall disturb, alter or interfere with any part of that area.

6. No personnel shall remove any object from that area.

General conditions described above apply to heritage places at the following locations.


Fencing is to follow the existing heritage perimeter as shown in the Heritage

Constraint maps where the restricted area extends beyond the Railway Corridor


If the restricted area extends to the boundary of the Railway Corridor then

fencing at the edge of the Railway Corridor is permissible.

01- 1000 - 0116 Rev 0 July 2002


Page 6: Heritage Management Manual · CV , . . ASR 206.000 ASR 205.900 ASR205.820 Om C! ===-_ 50m Map No: Site No: Chainage: 02·1110·2024 HSASR4509 ASR206.000 jUraii . Restricted Area Railway



Note that this is only a summary guide. See also relevant chainage section of this document

Chainage Locality •

ASR 18.600·20.200

ASR 205.820·206.150

ASR 208.600·209.100

ASR 282.700·283.300

ASR 372.350 . 372.470

ASR 373.750·374.050

ASR 379.450·379.540'

DCR 3.950 ·4.150

DCR 4.400·4.700

DCR 23.200 ·23.370'

DCR 30.000 . 30.200

DCR 49.440 ·49780'

DCR 86.870 ·86.950'

DCR 105.5 Warrego Quarry

DCR 120.370 ·120.550'

DCR 178.800 ·179.200

DCR 392.800 . 392.900

BHR 27.700·27.800

BHR 272.465 . 272.625'

BHR 274.660·274.874'

KR 20.110·20.290'

KR 21.650·22.050'

01·1000·0116 Rev a July 2002

Heritage place


Heritage Constraint Plan


46'O;;;L tk.... rvi, Iv £,c,yz: ,,).

HSASR45041Ch YVt'II" 60vc 2. AAPASite

HS ASR 4509fVJ+ TCfs(Mt i:tk::LI 02 ·1110·2024 6e,1' -"

HSASR4510M+ 1CjJ'ihlt Od:'1 02·1110·2025 6Ap2

HS ASR 45170,0 bo""c- b> 1M I AAPA Site

HSASR4521 n,yo'" LJ( 2. AAPASite

HS ASR 4522 D\yOY1 uk 3 AAPA Site

HS ASR 4523J)h'OlldX t1.s,. 02·1110·2016

HS DCR 5006 to" "'~ 1.\ 1,,061 I 02 ·1120 . 2000 ",/5 )2.

HS DCR 5007 e,OVllA.C~ Wei \ 02 ·1120·2005

HS DCR 5000 G ,\f)'1II 0: AI~ 02 ·1120·2001

HS DCR 5001b\lfl.d Well I 02·1120·2002

HS DCR 500nJllv bell~ ~If-{'V' 02·1120·2003 O~I v

HS DCR 5003 ('Jo' 1 [,$.}1 b:J.;c 02 . 1120 . 2004

HS DCR 5011 ~W"olO 02·1120·2010 6. -0'<iYV'j 'l.

HS DCR 5016v,\"''''';/0 D"vVlI 02·1120·2011

HS DCR 5018Sh)i"l I2.M~ j- 02·1120·2017

HS DCR 5019 AAPASite

HS BHR 5503tH o\Je"V,{;lllLf J 02 ·1130·2026

HS BHR 5510 i'Y't;" b ~III()O J 02 . 1130 . 2006

HS BHR 5513 I'\~GI "~JiA 1100 2. 02·1130·2007

HSKR6007~~qht 0(3 02.1210.2012

HS KR 6008/,t·\PlfL{" Gt tt 02·1210·2013


Page 7: Heritage Management Manual · CV , . . ASR 206.000 ASR 205.900 ASR205.820 Om C! ===-_ 50m Map No: Site No: Chainage: 02·1110·2024 HSASR4509 ASR206.000 jUraii . Restricted Area Railway

KR 40.420 - 40.520'

KR 40.660 - 40.730'

KR 128.890 -129.010"

KR 130.020 -130.480'

KR 130.720 -130.870'

KR 131.270-131.414*

KR 147.820 - 147.860'

KR 148.770 -148.845'

KR 156.045 -156.078'

KR 162.200 - 163.000'

KR 169,800 -170.200'

KR 179.900 -180.000'

KR 183.510 -183.610'

KR 187.660 -187.770'

ARR 1.960 - 2.650'

ARR 7.935 -8.055'

ARR 20.460 - 20.660'

ARR 21.360 - 21.570'


HS KR 6085&cll~ t:.l\]e.(/ '5 02-1210-2014

HS KR 6020&dl7!;1 ((VC4 2- 02-1210-2015

HS KR 6088 (Alle.v, -"'WL'- . 02 -1210 - 2032 'ih:,;COhL.. {Qcl;-.Jci

HSKR6051DV'{{I)V\tl':U 11J~f 02-1210-2033

HS KR 6052 .be" ,V'('{Iti.. .v iW"-Lj 02 - 1210 - 2036 (.s...~(""vVOl v e,t-c..:

HSKR6053tv{1\J"dLL C!NS 02-1210-2037

HS KR 6060 Y~;;'yvS~.L( ,,~tJtmt52~ 1210 - 2021

HS KR 6061 [12 YYtI k Rt[~" C<!\l12 -1210 - 2022

HS KR 60621'lv",'\o';' \.\-w..r.l 02 -1210 - 2023

. HS KR 6065 b,(!."(X, c..J,( TEMP RESTRICTION

HS KR 6067 \\w:l\D.'-1 S}cl',)

HS KR 6077 S,'le.- t


02,1210 - 2040

HS KR 6078 Sib L 02-1210-2041

. HS KR 6080 G oocll\\1A.\. v( WiPLj 02 - 1210 - 2042 , 'ZJ\c.:\~

HS ARR 6502 AoI<!cu-.d..<L'i:.; ve.v 02 -1310 - 2027 to 2031

HSARR652110WU: 2[r All: 02-1310-2020 "" "'"I'

HS ARR 6507 S"'-' "is'

HS ARR 6508 <;;"" "I.

02 -1310 - 2018


• Only heritage sites or that part thereof located within the Railway Corridor (100m) are fenced and display identification plates. .

01- 1000 - 0116 Rev a July 2002


Page 8: Heritage Management Manual · CV , . . ASR 206.000 ASR 205.900 ASR205.820 Om C! ===-_ 50m Map No: Site No: Chainage: 02·1110·2024 HSASR4509 ASR206.000 jUraii . Restricted Area Railway



ASR 0.000 - 380.037


~~---- ... -.---.---~- .~

01 - 1000 - 0116 Rev 0 July 2002


Page 9: Heritage Management Manual · CV , . . ASR 206.000 ASR 205.900 ASR205.820 Om C! ===-_ 50m Map No: Site No: Chainage: 02·1110·2024 HSASR4509 ASR206.000 jUraii . Restricted Area Railway



Chainage ASR 205.820·206.150 HS ASR 4509 ( Refer to Map 02 . 1110 • 2024 )

All works and associated activities must take place within a 80 metre wide corridor determined

as being 50 metres east of the centreline and 30 metres west of the centreline.

Chain age ASR 208.600· 209.100 HS ASR 4510 ( Refer to Map 02 ·1110·2025 )

All works and associated aCTIvities must take place within a 35 metre wide corridor determined

as being 15 metres east of the centreline and 20 metres west of the centreline.

Chain age ASR 379.450· 379.540 HSASR4523 (Referto Map 02 ·1110·2016 )

All works and associated activities must take place within a 75 metre wide corridor determined

as being 25 metres east of the centreline and 50 metres west of the centreline.


The following chainages for Aboriginal Sacred Site restrictions are specific conditions of

------. ·····-··~---·AAPAeertificate C200o-J-050andprotectedundertheNT Aboriginal Sacred Sites Act 1989 ..

These restricted areas also contain heritage sites protected under the NT Heritage

ConseNation Act 1991 and should be fenced in accordance with AAPA restrictions of

certificate C2000 I 050.

Y'Y\. t 1t0p; / IH t o:/(~ 6{,{ P 2

j)i YOY> CA<

AAPA Restricted Chainages AAPA Condition Heritage site No . Heritage Site name


ASR 18.600 • 20.200

ASR 282.700 - 283.300

ASR 372.350 - 372.470

ASR 373.750·374.050

01-1000 - 0116 Rev 0 July 2002







HS ASR4504 Ten Mile Bore 2

HSASR 4517 Osbourne Dam 1

HS ASR 4521 Dixon Creek 2 ,

HSASR4522 Dixon Creek 3

Page 10: Heritage Management Manual · CV , . . ASR 206.000 ASR 205.900 ASR205.820 Om C! ===-_ 50m Map No: Site No: Chainage: 02·1110·2024 HSASR4509 ASR206.000 jUraii . Restricted Area Railway


Restricted Area

Railway centreline

Railway corridor

Railway peg

01- 1000· 0116 Rev 0 July 2002

o •


, (J)

~ , Q)

E : 0 , C") ,

<b , , , . .


ASR 206.150

ASR 206.100

ASR2~6.000 30L cp •


, , , , .

CV . . ,

ASR 206.000

ASR 205.900


Om C! ===-_ 50m

Map No: Site No: Chainage:

02·1110·2024 HSASR4509 ASR206.000


Page 11: Heritage Management Manual · CV , . . ASR 206.000 ASR 205.900 ASR205.820 Om C! ===-_ 50m Map No: Site No: Chainage: 02·1110·2024 HSASR4509 ASR206.000 jUraii . Restricted Area Railway

Restricted Area

Railway centreline

Railway corridor

Railway peg

01-1000-0116 RevO July 2002

o •


Om !

Map No: Site No: Chainage:

10 rail


. 02·1110·2025 HSASR4510 ASR 208.800

Page 12: Heritage Management Manual · CV , . . ASR 206.000 ASR 205.900 ASR205.820 Om C! ===-_ 50m Map No: Site No: Chainage: 02·1110·2024 HSASR4509 ASR206.000 jUraii . Restricted Area Railway



Dixon Creek .

Restricted Area

Railway centreline

Railway corridor

Railway peg


I : I

ASR 379.540 ~

: I : I

ASR 379.515 <!:> I

ASR 379,500 ~ : , I , ,

ASR 379.450 :

o •


25 metres

, : , : ,

." '"'\ 'I H...Iral

Om CI ====== ____ 50m

Map No: Site No: Chainage:

02·1110·2016 HSASR4523 ASR379.500

lOraii 01 -1000 - 0116 Rev 0 July 2002

Diy OjA C Yt",f( A,fcfclct S CO +le-v'

Page 13: Heritage Management Manual · CV , . . ASR 206.000 ASR 205.900 ASR205.820 Om C! ===-_ 50m Map No: Site No: Chainage: 02·1110·2024 HSASR4509 ASR206.000 jUraii . Restricted Area Railway



) OCR 0.000 • 451.538


-------------------- - ---'--.-----_.- .. _-'----_ .. -""-----'-_. --------------.-,--_._- .. ---"'-- _ ... _- . __ ._------ ---- - --------------' ------ - ----- - ---. _.-- ,-------...

01· 1000·0116 Rev 0 July 2002


Page 14: Heritage Management Manual · CV , . . ASR 206.000 ASR 205.900 ASR205.820 Om C! ===-_ 50m Map No: Site No: Chainage: 02·1110·2024 HSASR4509 ASR206.000 jUraii . Restricted Area Railway



Chain age OCR 3.950·4.150 HS OCR 5006 (ReferloMap02·1120·2000) lSQ\,W1 c.y ItcX: i I fu-k'-joct

All works and associated activities must take place within a 100 metre wide corridor determined as ::, c c, l+c", Z

being 50 metres east of the centreline 50 metres west of the centreline.

Chainage OCR 4.400·4.700 HS OCR 5007 (ReferloMap02·1120·2005)

All works and associated activities must take place within a 100 metre wide corridor determined as

being 50 metres east of the centreline 50 metres west of the centreline.

Chainage OCR 23.200· 23.370 HS OCR 5000 (Refer 10 Map 02 ·1120·2001 ) Giltyvt U K/5

All works and associated activities must take place within a 80 metre wide corridor determined as

being 30 metres east of the centreline 50 metres west of the centreline.

Chainage OCR 30.000· 30.200 HS OCR 5001 (ReferloMap02·1120·2002) Gdbevt (AKfl I

All works and associated activities must take place within a 100 metre wide corridor determined as

being 50 metres east of the centreline 50 metres west of the centreline.

Chainage OCR 49.440·49.780 HS OCR 5002 ( Refer 10 Map 02 ·1120 • 2003 ) Lr\ rtlL & d I'IA bv v J h C¥.. I

All works and associated activities must take place within a 70 metre wide corridor determined as

being 20 metres east of the centreline and 50 metres west of the centreline.

Chain age OCR 86.870·86.950 HS OCR 5003 ( Refer 10 Map 02 ·1120·2004 )

All works and associated activities must take place within an 85 metre wide corridor determined as

being 50 metres east of the centreline and 35 metres west of the centreline.

01 -1000 - 0116 Rev 0 July 2002


Page 15: Heritage Management Manual · CV , . . ASR 206.000 ASR 205.900 ASR205.820 Om C! ===-_ 50m Map No: Site No: Chainage: 02·1110·2024 HSASR4509 ASR206.000 jUraii . Restricted Area Railway


Chainage OCR 105.500 Warrego Quarry . HS OCR 5011 (Refer to Map 02 -1120 - 2010) WOf v~y dJJorVI

All works and associated activities within the Warrego Road Quarry must not infringe upon that place

located on the western boundary of the Warrego Quarry lease.

Chainage OCR 120.370 -120.550 HS OCR 5016 (RefertoMap02-1120-2011)

All works and associated activities must take place within a 90 metre wide corridor determined as

being 50 metres east of the centreline and 40 metres west of the centreline.

Chainage OCR 178.800 -179.200 HS OCR 5018 (RefertoMap02-1120-2017)

All works and associated activities must take place within a 100 metre wide corridor determined as

being 50 metres east of the centreline and 50 metres west of the centreline.


The following chainages for Aboriginal Sacred Site restrictions are specific conditions of

AAPA Certificate C2000 I 050 and protected under the NT Aboriginal Sacred Sites Act 1989.

These restricted areas also contain heritage sites protected under the NT Heritage

. 'Conservation-Act--t991'and'should'be'fehceain· accordance· with AAPA'restfiCiionsof

certificate C2000 I 050.

AAPA Restricted


DCR 392.800 - 392.900

01-1000-0116 RevO July 2002




Heritage site Heritage Site name


HS DCR 5019 Turpentine 1


Page 16: Heritage Management Manual · CV , . . ASR 206.000 ASR 205.900 ASR205.820 Om C! ===-_ 50m Map No: Site No: Chainage: 02·1110·2024 HSASR4509 ASR206.000 jUraii . Restricted Area Railway




\ . . ,

OCR .500

, . \ :

~ , , \ :

® , ,

OCR· .. · .. 'JV


\ : , I

. Restricted Area

Railway centreline

Railway corridor

Construction corridor

Railway peg

01-1000 - 0116 RevO July 2002

_ .. - .. _ .. - ..

o • 14

\ , , ,

, , , , , \ \ , , \




Om c:r~~=' =. ===-__ 100m

Map No: Site No: Chainage:

02-1120-2005 HS OCR 5007 OCR 4.500

Page 17: Heritage Management Manual · CV , . . ASR 206.000 ASR 205.900 ASR205.820 Om C! ===-_ 50m Map No: Site No: Chainage: 02·1110·2024 HSASR4509 ASR206.000 jUraii . Restricted Area Railway


N '


Gilbert Creek

Restricted Area

. Railway centreline

Railway corridor

Railway peg

01 - 1000 - 0116 Rev 0 July 2002

'. OCR 23.370 , , 30 metres ... • 4-



I . . I

OCR 23.300 0 .l .•... ·········-


I : \ , , : \

, 30 metres I ...

OCR 23.200 <p

_ .. - .. _-.- ..

o •

. .

Map No: Site No: Chainage:

02-1120-2001 HS OCR 5000 OCR 23.300

·····0 J~ . rail


i 50m;


Page 18: Heritage Management Manual · CV , . . ASR 206.000 ASR 205.900 ASR205.820 Om C! ===-_ 50m Map No: Site No: Chainage: 02·1110·2024 HSASR4509 ASR206.000 jUraii . Restricted Area Railway

N ,


OCR 30.200

OCR 30.100

OCR 30.000

Restricted Area

Railway centreline

Railway corridor

Construction corridor

Railway peg·

01-1000 - 0116 Rev 0 July 2002

, , , ~ , , , :

® .... ~---~ 50 metres , : , : , . . ® , , , I

_ .. - .. _ .. _ ..

-------o •


Om I .~

Map No: Site No: Chainage:


, I , I I ,

, I \ , , ,

- ... - ... , I ,


02·1120·2002 HS OCR 5001 30.100

, , , , \


Page 19: Heritage Management Manual · CV , . . ASR 206.000 ASR 205.900 ASR205.820 Om C! ===-_ 50m Map No: Site No: Chainage: 02·1110·2024 HSASR4509 ASR206.000 jUraii . Restricted Area Railway

+ OCR 49.780

OCR 49.700

OCR 49.600

OCR 49.500

OCR 49.440

OCR 49.400

Restricted Area

Railway centreline

Railway corridor

: t


@ t , ,

$ , , , . . , o ,


, ® ,

: 50 n\etres

Construction corridor - - - - - - -

Railway peg

01· 1000·0116 Rev 0 July 2002

• 17


Om c:=:= SOm

Map No: 02·1120·2003 ~ , . i

Site No: HS OCR 5002 I Chainage: OCR 49.600 !


iUraii , 1 1

Page 20: Heritage Management Manual · CV , . . ASR 206.000 ASR 205.900 ASR205.820 Om C! ===-_ 50m Map No: Site No: Chainage: 02·1110·2024 HSASR4509 ASR206.000 jUraii . Restricted Area Railway


+ I : I



: OCR B7.00Q ________ _ ........ -... ~ .. -...... -.. -. .... -..... · .... v

_____ -- .. -... -----r "··si;;;;;Plant ~ south;;;soundal"/ of Tennant

Restricted Area

Railway centreline

Railway corridor

Railway peg

01-1000 - 0116 Rev 0 July 2002

: I . . . I

lr~c\<. to Stuart \-lignwa'1

......... ...... . .. ······:::::::;:::::::::::::··~·~DcR86·.95o

o •





I 35 metres :

+ +0 OCR 86.900 , I : I OCRB6.B70

I . . I


Om CI=======-___ 50m

Map No: Site No: Chainage:

02·1120·2004 HS DCR5003 DCR86.900

Page 21: Heritage Management Manual · CV , . . ASR 206.000 ASR 205.900 ASR205.820 Om C! ===-_ 50m Map No: Site No: Chainage: 02·1110·2024 HSASR4509 ASR206.000 jUraii . Restricted Area Railway



. , 1

)/; ./ ..' I

: 1 :

1 : 1 :

1 : 1



.. .. ___ . __ . ___ .~ ___ .~ __ c____· .. __ ..... . . -I : 1 . .

1 . . 1

/ .... /~ ... ·······LEASE PEG 22929 / ,.' .....

Restricted Area



Boundary lease peg

01·1000 - 0116 Rev 0 July 2002

o •


Om CI =======-___ 50m

Map No: Site No:

02·1120·2010 HS DCR5011

Chainage: Warrego Quarry

Page 22: Heritage Management Manual · CV , . . ASR 206.000 ASR 205.900 ASR205.820 Om C! ===-_ 50m Map No: Site No: Chainage: 02·1110·2024 HSASR4509 ASR206.000 jUraii . Restricted Area Railway


Restricted Area

Railway centreline

Railway corridor

Railway peg

01 - 1000 - 0116 Rev 0 July 2002

40 metres


, ; oCR 120.550

, , I

® OCR 120.500 , I , , , , , I


, I

l~_---: OCR 120.370 , 40 metres

o •


Om Cl ====== ____ 50m

Map No: Site No: Chainage:

02·1120·2011 HS OCR 5016 OCR 120.440


Page 23: Heritage Management Manual · CV , . . ASR 206.000 ASR 205.900 ASR205.820 Om C! ===-_ 50m Map No: Site No: Chainage: 02·1110·2024 HSASR4509 ASR206.000 jUraii . Restricted Area Railway

Restricted Area

Railway centreline

Railway corridor

Railway peg

01-1000-0116 RevO July 2002

''''0 . j" rail


+ ---~

- .. _ .. _" .. _ ..

o •


, , , <;>OCR 179.1

, , , , . @OCR1 . ,

: , , : , .

$OCR178. , g ... , .. 3 : S!? , @ en ,

: m OCR178

Om CI == __ 50m

02·1120"2017 HS OCR 5018 OCR 179.000

Map No: Site No: Chainage:

10 rail

Page 24: Heritage Management Manual · CV , . . ASR 206.000 ASR 205.900 ASR205.820 Om C! ===-_ 50m Map No: Site No: Chainage: 02·1110·2024 HSASR4509 ASR206.000 jUraii . Restricted Area Railway



BHR 0.000·277.100


._._----_. _ ... _------_.-

01- 1000 - 0116 Rev 0 July 2002



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Chain age BHR 27.700 - 27.780 HS BHR 5503 ( Refer to Map 02 -1130 - 2026 )

All works and associated activities must take place within a 95 metre wide corridor determined as

being 50 metres east of the centreline and 45 metres west of the centreline.

Chain age BHR 272.46.5 - 272.625 HS BHR 5510 (Refer to Map 02 -1130 - t006 )

All works and associated activities must take place within a 75 metre ·wide corridor determined as

being 50 metres north east of the centreline and 25 metres south west of the centreline.

Chainage BHR 274.660 - 274.874 HS BHR 5513 (Referto Map 02 -1130 - 2007 )

All works and associated activities must take place within a 77 metre wide corridor determined as

being 50 metres north east of the centreline and 27 metres south west of the centreline.

01- 1000 - 0116 Rev 0 July 2002


Page 26: Heritage Management Manual · CV , . . ASR 206.000 ASR 205.900 ASR205.820 Om C! ===-_ 50m Map No: Site No: Chainage: 02·1110·2024 HSASR4509 ASR206.000 jUraii . Restricted Area Railway



1---------------- ---------- -- ------ -- ---- --- - ---- - ---- -- --

Restricted Area

Railway centreline

Railway corridor

Railway peg

01 - 1000 - 0116 Rev 0 July 2002

( ,

o •


45 metres



I BHR 27.780

o BHR27.700 I

. (t) BHR 27.600

Map No: 02-1130-2026 HS BHR 5503 BHR27.700

Site No: Chainage:



Page 27: Heritage Management Manual · CV , . . ASR 206.000 ASR 205.900 ASR205.820 Om C! ===-_ 50m Map No: Site No: Chainage: 02·1110·2024 HSASR4509 ASR206.000 jUraii . Restricted Area Railway

~ ~ .......... ~ ~.... -

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" . .......... ......... . '" ..... .


Restricted Area

Railway centreline

Railway corridor

Railway peg

01- 1000 - 0116 RevO July 2002


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Map No: 02·1130·2006

Site No: HS BHR 5510

Chainage: BHR 272.500



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Om 25m


Page 28: Heritage Management Manual · CV , . . ASR 206.000 ASR 205.900 ASR205.820 Om C! ===-_ 50m Map No: Site No: Chainage: 02·1110·2024 HSASR4509 ASR206.000 jUraii . Restricted Area Railway

10 rail

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Restricted Area

Railway centreline

Railway corridor

Railway peg

01- 1000 - 0116 Rev 0 July 2002


_ .. _' .. - .. _ ..

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Map No: 02-1130-2007

Site No: HS BHR 5513

Chainage: BHR 272.800

s ...... _.

Ornel ===-__ 50rn


Page 29: Heritage Management Manual · CV , . . ASR 206.000 ASR 205.900 ASR205.820 Om C! ===-_ 50m Map No: Site No: Chainage: 02·1110·2024 HSASR4509 ASR206.000 jUraii . Restricted Area Railway



KR 0.000· 203.284


--------------,.- - --,--, .. -"_ ............. __ ..... -- ---.-~----------~.--.---.------- .'.' . -" .- - -----------------------_ •... -- - -- ---------------------

01 - 1000 - 0116 Rev 0 July 2002


Page 30: Heritage Management Manual · CV , . . ASR 206.000 ASR 205.900 ASR205.820 Om C! ===-_ 50m Map No: Site No: Chainage: 02·1110·2024 HSASR4509 ASR206.000 jUraii . Restricted Area Railway

lOrail KATHERINE SECTION KR 0.000 - KR 203.284

Chain age KR 2Q.110· 20.290 HS KR 6007 (Refer to Map 02 ·1210·2012 )

All works and associated activities must take place within a 70 metre wide corridor determined as being 50

metres north east of the centreline and 20 metres south west of the centreline.

Chain age KR 21.650·22.050 HS KR 6008 ( Refer to Map 02 ·1210·2013 )

All works and associated activities must take place within a 60 metre wide corridor determined as being 50

metres north east of the centreline and 10 metres south west of the centreline.

Chainage KR 40.420·40.520 HS KR 6085 ( Refer to Map 02 ·1210·2014 )

All works and associated activities must take place within a 75 metre wide corridor determined as being 50

metres north east of the centreline and 25 metres south west of the centreline.

Chainage KR 40.660 ·40.730 HS KR 6020 ( Refer to Map 02 ·1210 • 2015 )

All works and associated activities must take place within a 85 metre wide corridor determined as being 50

metres north east of the centreline and 35 metres south west of the centreline.

Chainage KR 128.890 ·129.010 HS KR 6088 ( Refer to Map 02· 1210 • 2032 ) etA \ leG, ( th ~h'\ G -~~-------- ---------- --~-- -\2o',\wovi -l.!:M,,,,,~,,,\k;--

All works and associated activities must take place within a 65 metre wide corridor determined as being 50

metres north east of the centreline and 15 metres south west of the centreline with no disturbance to the

original NAR formation.

Chainage KR 130.020 ·130.480 HSKR6051 (RefertoMap02·1210·2033)

All works and associated activities through the Burrundie Township Area must take place in accordance with

Heritage Constraint maps:

Chain age KR 130.020· 130.140 HS KR 6051

Chainage KR 130.240· 130.480 HS KR 6051

01-1000-0116 RevO July 2002


( Refer to Map 02 ·1210 • 2034 ) _

( Refer to Map 02 ·1210·2035 )

Page 31: Heritage Management Manual · CV , . . ASR 206.000 ASR 205.900 ASR205.820 Om C! ===-_ 50m Map No: Site No: Chainage: 02·1110·2024 HSASR4509 ASR206.000 jUraii . Restricted Area Railway


Chain age KR 130.720 ·130.870 HS KR 6052

All works and associated activities must take place within a 70 metre wide corridor determined as being 20

metres north east of the centreline and 50 metres south west of the centreline.

Chainage KR 131.270 -131.414 HS KR 6053 ( Referto Map 02 • 1210 • 2037 )

All works and associated activities must take place within the railway corridor as defined in the relevant

constraint plan with no disturbance to the above ground and below ground explosive magazines. Heritage

.f II information signs are to be removed and salvaged by ADrail.

Chainage KR 147.820 -147.860 HS KR 6060 (Refer to Map 02 -1210-2021) 'low-. uk -tv '" Vv< \/'J '" Li '" bv1 VV\CIA t s

All works and associated activities must take place within a 20 metre wide corridor determined as being 10 \

. metres north of the centreline and 10 metres south of the centreline through the original NAR cutting.

Chain age KR 148.770 -148.845 HS KR 6061 ( Refer to Map 02 -1210 -2022 ) 112 vy!'"", -i-e.tl cu. . . Lo~

All works and associated activities must take place within a 62 metre wide corridor determined as being 12 ~ metres north of the centreline and 50 metres south of the centreline.

Chainage KR 156.045 -156.078 HS KR 6062 ( Refer to Map 02 • 1210 • 2023 ) lQv. vdo I " iltD.cJ. { C\.(Iw:J,-\ s \ ell ~

All works and associated activities must take place within a 58 metre wide corridor determined as being 8 --~. ---.. _-- -- ------ ------------'------ "-"------, .-_.- .. _ .. _, .... --- --------------- --- ----- - - - -- - - -- -. . ..... _. . ... -- . . - ... . -

metres north of the centreline and 50 metres south of the centreline.

Chain age KR 162.200 -163.000 HS KR 6065 TEMPORARY RESTRICTION

1C No works through the area known as Brocks Creek Declared Heritage Area. Any activity should be

subject to consultation with the Project Archaeologist.

Chainage KR 169.800 -170.200 HS KR 6067 TEMPORARY RESTRICTION

No works through the area known as Howley Railway Siding and Reservoir. Any activity should be

subject to consultation with the Project Archaeologist.

01-1000-0116 Rev 0 July 2002


Page 32: Heritage Management Manual · CV , . . ASR 206.000 ASR 205.900 ASR205.820 Om C! ===-_ 50m Map No: Site No: Chainage: 02·1110·2024 HSASR4509 ASR206.000 jUraii . Restricted Area Railway


Chainage KR 179.900 -180.000 HS KR 6077 (Refer to Map 02 -1210 - 2040 )

All works and associated activities must take place within an 85 metre wide corridor determined as being 50

metres north of the centreline and 35 metres south of the centreline.

Chainage KR 183.510 -183.610 HS KR 6078 (Referto Map 02 -1210 - 2041 )

All works and associated activities must take place within an 85 metre wide corridor determined as being 50

metres north of the centreline and 35 metres south of the centreline.

ChainageKR 187.660-187.770 HSKR6080 (Referto Map 02-1210-2042 ) Good'l\'" !b{WD>. . S~,j" "'"'I 'tvc..p.

All works and associated activities must take place within an 75 metre wide corridor determined as ll"eiIJ25

metres north and 50 metres south of the centreline.


The following chainages for Aboriginal Sacred Site restrictions are specific conditions of AAPA , Certificate C2000 I 050 and protected under the NT Aboriginal Sacred Sites Act 1989.

These restricted areas also contain heritage sites protected under the NT Heritage Conservation Act 1991

-----aiiasnould lie fenced in accoraance wim MPA restrictions of certificate C2000 I 050.

AAPA Sacred Site

5369 - 0023

01-1000- 0116 RevO July 2002

AAPA Condition



Heritage site No. Heritage Site name

HSASR 6016 Leight Creek 8

Page 33: Heritage Management Manual · CV , . . ASR 206.000 ASR 205.900 ASR205.820 Om C! ===-_ 50m Map No: Site No: Chainage: 02·1110·2024 HSASR4509 ASR206.000 jUraii . Restricted Area Railway

'. , '. ,

Restricted Area

Railway centreline

Railway corridor

Railway peg

01 - 1000 - 0116 Rev 0 July 2002

'. , '. ,

'. , '. ,


'. ,

o •






, '. ,

'. , '.

'. -, ..


Om CI =======-___ 50m

Map No: Site No: Chainage:

02·1210·2012 HS KR6007 KR 20.200


Page 34: Heritage Management Manual · CV , . . ASR 206.000 ASR 205.900 ASR205.820 Om C! ===-_ 50m Map No: Site No: Chainage: 02·1110·2024 HSASR4509 ASR206.000 jUraii . Restricted Area Railway

.. , .. .. ,

Restricted Area

Railway centreline

Railway corridor

Construction corridor

Railway peg

01-1000-0116 RevO July 2002

•• ..

.. ••

-- ----.-

@ •






\ ..

Om CI == __ SOm

Map No: Site No: Chainage:

02·1210·2013 HS KR600S KR21.S00


Page 35: Heritage Management Manual · CV , . . ASR 206.000 ASR 205.900 ASR205.820 Om C! ===-_ 50m Map No: Site No: Chainage: 02·1110·2024 HSASR4509 ASR206.000 jUraii . Restricted Area Railway


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Map No: 02·1210·2014

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" ..... ........ ..... "

25m Restricted Area

Railway centreline

Railway corridor

Railway peg

Site No: HS KR 6085

Chainage: KR 40.500 lurail

01-1000-0116 RevO July 2002

o • 33

Page 36: Heritage Management Manual · CV , . . ASR 206.000 ASR 205.900 ASR205.820 Om C! ===-_ 50m Map No: Site No: Chainage: 02·1110·2024 HSASR4509 ASR206.000 jUraii . Restricted Area Railway



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Restricted Area

Railway centreline

Railway corridor

Railway peg

iIIi'L.4ilIT-)liiit'llliiWI IO-'~';;"'-'''';'-'''';':;;'.;_f_.

Map No:

01- 1000 - 0116 Rev 0 July 2002

o • Site No:



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i 02-1210-2015

! HS KRi6020

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.............. .. ..... . ., .....


Om 25m


Page 37: Heritage Management Manual · CV , . . ASR 206.000 ASR 205.900 ASR205.820 Om C! ===-_ 50m Map No: Site No: Chainage: 02·1110·2024 HSASR4509 ASR206.000 jUraii . Restricted Area Railway

Restricted Area

Railway centreline

Railway corridor

Railway peg

01 - 1000 - 0116 Rev 0 July 2002

[0 rail



( , .. , .. , .. , ..

, .. , .. .. , .. ,

•• , McKinlay River Bend Railwav

o •


Om IC::=C::=C::=:=J____ 50m

Map No: Site No: Chainage:

02·1210·2032 HS KR6088 KR 129.000


Page 38: Heritage Management Manual · CV , . . ASR 206.000 ASR 205.900 ASR205.820 Om C! ===-_ 50m Map No: Site No: Chainage: 02·1110·2024 HSASR4509 ASR206.000 jUraii . Restricted Area Railway

.l , ~I/:,'

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, fer to Map 02-1210-2034/


,.;/ "IS so-~--.-" .. ,.-,--.- .. ,-- .......... _. _ •... , .. _.,.- . ,- ...... -. , ... ~."


Restricted Area

Railway centreline

Railway corridor

Railway peg

01- 1000 - 0116 Rev 0 July 2002

o •


-"\""\ H.Jraii



Refer to Map 02-1210-2035

• •

'. ,

Omel =======-__ _ 50m

Map No: Site No: Chainage:

02-1210-2033 HS KR6051 KR 130.000


Page 39: Heritage Management Manual · CV , . . ASR 206.000 ASR 205.900 ASR205.820 Om C! ===-_ 50m Map No: Site No: Chainage: 02·1110·2024 HSASR4509 ASR206.000 jUraii . Restricted Area Railway

Restricted Area

Railway centreline

Railway corridor

,Railway peg

01 - 1000 - 0116 Rev a July 2002

o •


Om I SOm

Map No: Site No: Chainage:

02·1210·2034 HS KR6051 KR 130.100

) iDraii

Page 40: Heritage Management Manual · CV , . . ASR 206.000 ASR 205.900 ASR205.820 Om C! ===-_ 50m Map No: Site No: Chainage: 02·1110·2024 HSASR4509 ASR206.000 jUraii . Restricted Area Railway

Restricted Area

Railway centreline

Railway corridor

Railway peg

01-1000-0116 RevO July 2002

o •

. 38

• • .

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Om C! ====== _____ SOm

Map No: Site No: Chainage:

02·1210·2035 HS KR 6051 KR 130.300

10 rail

Page 41: Heritage Management Manual · CV , . . ASR 206.000 ASR 205.900 ASR205.820 Om C! ===-_ 50m Map No: Site No: Chainage: 02·1110·2024 HSASR4509 ASR206.000 jUraii . Restricted Area Railway

Restricted Area

Railway centreline

Railway corridor

Railway peg

01 - 1000 - 0116 Rev 0 July 2002

_.0_- .. _ .. _ ..



Om C! =======-___ SOm

Map No: Site No: Chainage:

02·1210·2036 HS KR 6052 KR 130.800

Page 42: Heritage Management Manual · CV , . . ASR 206.000 ASR 205.900 ASR205.820 Om C! ===-_ 50m Map No: Site No: Chainage: 02·1110·2024 HSASR4509 ASR206.000 jUraii . Restricted Area Railway




Above Ground Explosives Magazine

Underground Explosives Magazines

The Burrundie Explosives Magazines are not located within the AARC Railway Corridor. These structures have been excised from the Railway Corridor. All construction works are prohibited within these excised areas and corridor fencing shall follow the excised boundaries. Heritage information signs are to be removed by Ad rai I.

.. ..

Restricted Area

Railway centreline

Railway corridor

Railway peg

Om CI =======-___ 80m

01-1000-0116 Rev 0 July 2002

o •


Map No: Site No: Chainage:

02·1210·2037 HS KR 6053 KR 131.300

Page 43: Heritage Management Manual · CV , . . ASR 206.000 ASR 205.900 ASR205.820 Om C! ===-_ 50m Map No: Site No: Chainage: 02·1110·2024 HSASR4509 ASR206.000 jUraii . Restricted Area Railway

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10 rail

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Red brick abutments

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- - - - - - - - -0 - - - ---- - - - -V'- - - - - - - -, - 'v' - - - --- ____ -v . _ _ _ _ _ _

NAR Cutting

Restricted Area

Railway centreline

Railway corridor

Railway peg 05 -1000 - 0114 Rev 0 July 2002

IIIi'lR'm""-""·~ ~~;~..,;;,;~~

_ .. _ .. _ .. _ ..

o • '41

Map No: 02·1210·2021 Om 25m

Site No: HS KR 6060

Chainage: KR 147.850 - !urail

Page 44: Heritage Management Manual · CV , . . ASR 206.000 ASR 205.900 ASR205.820 Om C! ===-_ 50m Map No: Site No: Chainage: 02·1110·2024 HSASR4509 ASR206.000 jUraii . Restricted Area Railway


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N Concrete foundations

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Restricted Area

Railway centreline

Railway corridor

Railway peg

05 - 1000 - 0114 Rev 0 July 2002

·i'~:\;i>· ""i'-'H1J'" • -----g ~:!li!~ ..... '<'~~_

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Map No: 02·1210·2022 Om I 25m

Site No: HS KR 6061 IUraii Chainage: KR 148.800

I 42

Page 45: Heritage Management Manual · CV , . . ASR 206.000 ASR 205.900 ASR205.820 Om C! ===-_ 50m Map No: Site No: Chainage: 02·1110·2024 HSASR4509 ASR206.000 jUraii . Restricted Area Railway

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Fenceline Wooden poles ----_ .. _-------_ .. _-_ .. _ .. _-_ .. _---_ ..


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Restricted Area

Railway centreline

Railway corridor

Railway peg

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o • 05 - 1000 - 0114 Rev 0 July 2002

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r Ban Ban Springs Stn 115 metres

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Map No: 02·1210·2023

Site No: HS KR 6062

Chainage: KR 156.050 I


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Stuart Highway



10 rail

Page 46: Heritage Management Manual · CV , . . ASR 206.000 ASR 205.900 ASR205.820 Om C! ===-_ 50m Map No: Site No: Chainage: 02·1110·2024 HSASR4509 ASR206.000 jUraii . Restricted Area Railway

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Restricted Area

Railway centreline

Railway corridor

Railway peg

05 - 1000 - 0114 Rev 0 July 2002

"~~~~1~'" ~~,,;;,;,,,-~;~

o • I 44

• 30rnlHS


Map No: 02·1210·2040 Om I 25m

Site No: HS KR6077 lOraii

Chainage: KR 180.000

Page 47: Heritage Management Manual · CV , . . ASR 206.000 ASR 205.900 ASR205.820 Om C! ===-_ 50m Map No: Site No: Chainage: 02·1110·2024 HSASR4509 ASR206.000 jUraii . Restricted Area Railway

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Restricted Area

Railway centreline

Railway corridor

Railway peg

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Map No: 02·1210·2041

Site No: HS KR 6078

Chainage: KR 183.500


I & • 30rnlHs

Om 20m


05-1000-0114 RevO 45

July 2002

Page 48: Heritage Management Manual · CV , . . ASR 206.000 ASR 205.900 ASR205.820 Om C! ===-_ 50m Map No: Site No: Chainage: 02·1110·2024 HSASR4509 ASR206.000 jUraii . Restricted Area Railway

Ij") ! o ~


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Restricted Area

Railway centreline

Railway corridor

Railway peg

05-1000-0114 RevO July 2002




- ~.:- .. _ .. _ ..

o • 46

..... ~ co ~

0:: ':C

Map No:

Site No:


HS KR6080

Chainage: KR 187.700

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Page 49: Heritage Management Manual · CV , . . ASR 206.000 ASR 205.900 ASR205.820 Om C! ===-_ 50m Map No: Site No: Chainage: 02·1110·2024 HSASR4509 ASR206.000 jUraii . Restricted Area Railway



ARR 0.000 - 103.000


05 - 1000 - 0114 Rev 0 July 2002


Page 50: Heritage Management Manual · CV , . . ASR 206.000 ASR 205.900 ASR205.820 Om C! ===-_ 50m Map No: Site No: Chainage: 02·1110·2024 HSASR4509 ASR206.000 jUraii . Restricted Area Railway



Chainage ARR 1.960· 2.650 HS ARR 6502 ( Refer to Map 02 ·1310 ·2027 )

All works and associated activities through the Adelaide River Railway Precinct must take place in

accordance with Constraint maps:

Chain age ARR 1.960· 2.060 HS ARR 6502 ( Refer to Map 02 ·1310 ·2028 )

Chainage ARR 2.150· 2.250 HS ARR 6502 ( Refer to Map 02 • 1310 • 2029 )

Chain age ARR 2.250· 2.420 HS ARR 6502 ( Refer to Map 02 ·1310 ·2030 )

Chain age ARR 2.618· 2.631 HSARR6502 (RefertoMap02·1310·2031)

NOTE: Remnant NAR track and embankment and the Old Adelaide River Bridge are Declared Heritage

Places and legally protected features. These features may not be disturbed in any unnecessary/way

during construction. All construction activities of any kind, and all vehicles are to be confined to the area

between remnant NAR track, embankment and bridge and the existing Stuart Highway.

¥< Fencing of the ~ailway Corridor through the Adelaide River Precinct may require alteration to

the heritage permit.

Chain age ARR 7.935· 8.055 HS ARR 6521 (Refer to Map 02 ·1310·2020 ) lJ vlJJ.I .21~l-'" 1\( 1= -~----- - ....... ------.. . . . ............ -. ... . ..... .. .... .. . ··C" ""'1' ':, -,-Ii-

All works and associated activities must take place within a 75 metre wide corridor determined as being 50

metres east of the centreline and 25 metres west of the centreline.

Chainage ARR 20.460·20.660 HS ARR 6507 (Refer to Map 02 ·1310·2018 )

All works and associated activities must take place within a 68 metre wide corridor determined as being 50

metres east of the centreline and 18 metres west of the centreline.

Chainage ARR 21.360·21.570 HS ARR 6508 (Referto Map 02 ·1310·2019 )

All works and associated activities must take place within an 80 metre wide corridor determined as being 50

metres east of the centreline and 30 metres west of the centreline.

05-1000-0114 RevO July 2002


Page 51: Heritage Management Manual · CV , . . ASR 206.000 ASR 205.900 ASR205.820 Om C! ===-_ 50m Map No: Site No: Chainage: 02·1110·2024 HSASR4509 ASR206.000 jUraii . Restricted Area Railway




Railway centreline

Railway peg

05-1000-0114 RevO July 2002


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Refer Map 02-1310-2030

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Map No: 02·1310·2027

Site No: HS ARR 6502

Chainage: ARR1.900·2.S00


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Refer Map 02-1310-2028

Om . 100m

to rail

Page 52: Heritage Management Manual · CV , . . ASR 206.000 ASR 205.900 ASR205.820 Om C! ===-_ 50m Map No: Site No: Chainage: 02·1110·2024 HSASR4509 ASR206.000 jUraii . Restricted Area Railway



Restricted Area

Railway centreline

Railway peg

05 -1000 - 0114 Rev 0 July 2002

(!) •

_ 50 --


Om CI =====-__ _ 30m

Map No: Site No: Chainage:

02·1310·2028 HSARR 6502 ARR2.000

Page 53: Heritage Management Manual · CV , . . ASR 206.000 ASR 205.900 ASR205.820 Om C! ===-_ 50m Map No: Site No: Chainage: 02·1110·2024 HSASR4509 ASR206.000 jUraii . Restricted Area Railway

Restricted Area

Railway centreline

Railway peg

05-1000-0114 RevO July 2002

_ .. - .. _.-_ .. o •





Siding platform


Map No: Site No: Chainage:


02-1310-2029 HSARR6502 ARR2.200


Page 54: Heritage Management Manual · CV , . . ASR 206.000 ASR 205.900 ASR205.820 Om C! ===-_ 50m Map No: Site No: Chainage: 02·1110·2024 HSASR4509 ASR206.000 jUraii . Restricted Area Railway

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Restricted Area

Railway centreline

Railway peg

05-1000-0114 RevO July 2002 ,

t:::; Concrete slabs

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Map No: 02.1310.2030 Om I 30m

HSARR 6502 Site No: luran

Chainage: ARR 2.300


Page 55: Heritage Management Manual · CV , . . ASR 206.000 ASR 205.900 ASR205.820 Om C! ===-_ 50m Map No: Site No: Chainage: 02·1110·2024 HSASR4509 ASR206.000 jUraii . Restricted Area Railway

PAWA Installation

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Restricted Area

Railway centreline

Railway peg

05 -1000 - 0114 Rev 0 July 2002



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Om CI ===::1 __ 20m

Map No: Site No: Chainage:

02-1310-2031 HSARR 6502 ARR2.600



Page 56: Heritage Management Manual · CV , . . ASR 206.000 ASR 205.900 ASR205.820 Om C! ===-_ 50m Map No: Site No: Chainage: 02·1110·2024 HSASR4509 ASR206.000 jUraii . Restricted Area Railway

Restricted Area

Railway centreline

Railway corridor

Railway peg

05-1000-0114 RevO July 2002


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ARR 8.055

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54 .

Map No: Site No: Chainage:

02·1310·2020 HSARR 6521 ARR 8.000

Page 57: Heritage Management Manual · CV , . . ASR 206.000 ASR 205.900 ASR205.820 Om C! ===-_ 50m Map No: Site No: Chainage: 02·1110·2024 HSASR4509 ASR206.000 jUraii . Restricted Area Railway

I ~-----: 'ARR 20.660


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~-: ARR 20.480 ...--\ ....--






Restricted Area

Railway centreline

Railway corridor

Railway peg

Ornel =======-___ 50m

05-1000-0114 RevO July 2002

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Map No: Site No: Chainage:

02·1310·2018 HSARR 6507 ARR20.500

10 rail

Page 58: Heritage Management Manual · CV , . . ASR 206.000 ASR 205.900 ASR205.820 Om C! ===-_ 50m Map No: Site No: Chainage: 02·1110·2024 HSASR4509 ASR206.000 jUraii . Restricted Area Railway

Restricted Area

Railway centreline

Railway corridor

Railway peg

05-1000-0114 RevO July 2002 (

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: , : ARR21.570


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Om CI ====== ____ 50m

Map No: Site No: Chainage:

02·1310·2019 HSARR 6508 ARR21.500

10 rail

Page 59: Heritage Management Manual · CV , . . ASR 206.000 ASR 205.900 ASR205.820 Om C! ===-_ 50m Map No: Site No: Chainage: 02·1110·2024 HSASR4509 ASR206.000 jUraii . Restricted Area Railway



CONSTRUCTION CORRIDOR The corridor of land extending 200m either side of the railway centre-line.

CENTRELINE means the railway centreline determined by the chainage pegs and as marked on the maps in the


DECLARED HERITAGE PLACE are places that are considered to possess special significance to the Northern

Territory. The criteria for assessing whether a place possesses special significance provides for cultural heritage and

natural heritage values.

HERITAGE PLACE includes Declared Heritage Places, historic sites and prescribed archaeological places and


HERITAGE CONSERVATION ACTa legislation to provide a system for the identification, assessment, recording,

conservation and protection of places and objects of prehistoric, protohistoric, historic, aesthetic or scientific value.

Two types of heritage places within the Northern Territory are protected under the provisions of the Act. These are

Declared Heritage Places and prescribed archaeological places and objects

HISTORIC SITES are localities that were a focus of European or Chinese activity. Historic sites may contain

structural remains, concentrations of metal, glass and ceramic artefacts. For the purposes of the Alice Springs to

Darwin Railway, only sites that date to the end of the Second World War are considered to be historic sites.

PRESCRIBED ARCHAEOLOGICAL PLACE (Archaeological Place) are places or sites containing painting or rock

carvings, prehistoric or proto-historic occupation places,. human remains or burial artefacts (not being cemeteries as

defined by the Cemeteries Act).

05 - 1000 - 0114 Rev 0 July 2002


Page 60: Heritage Management Manual · CV , . . ASR 206.000 ASR 205.900 ASR205.820 Om C! ===-_ 50m Map No: Site No: Chainage: 02·1110·2024 HSASR4509 ASR206.000 jUraii . Restricted Area Railway


RAILWAY CORRIDOR refers to that part of the Construction Corridor of variable width, but typically extending to

50m either side of the centre-line, to which land title has been granted and within which the railway embankment and

permanent railway operations infrastructure are to be located.

UNAUTHORISED PERSONNEL. Any person except the Project Archaeologist, Environmental Manager or Officer or

their consented representative, a representative of the Heritage Conservation Branch, Northern Territory Department

of Lands Planning and Environments, Aboriginal Custodians, a representative of the Aboriginal Areas Protection

Authority or the Central and Northern Land Councils.

UNRESTRICTED CORRIDOR. Those parts of the Construction Corridor within which there are various sacred sites

restrictions or Aboriginal Custodian notification requirements affecting the locations of borrow pits, access roads and

temporary construction camps.

05-1000-0114 RovO July 2002