Here is the Assigned problem that we will be modeling in ...Draw 2 circles concentric to each other....

Here is the Assigned problem that we will be modeling in Nastran-4D. We first will create the individual components in SolidWorks, then import the completed parts into Nastran, where we will be able to measure the velocity of the collar when the arm AB is at 90-deg.

Transcript of Here is the Assigned problem that we will be modeling in ...Draw 2 circles concentric to each other....

Here is the Assigned problem that we will be modeling in Nastran-4D. We first will create the individual components in SolidWorks, then import the completed parts into Nastran, where we will be able to measure the velocity of the collar when the arm AB is at 90-deg.

STEP 1: Setting up SolidWorks to begin drawing the parts represented in the problem. Choose Part document and click on OK.

STEP 2: Under Document Properties, choose the Units that the drawing will be drawn in. In this case it will be in Standard IPS (Inch, Pound, Second) units.

STEP 3: Choose the front plane to begin the drawing in.

STEP 4: Begin drawing the Arm AB. Draw the circle for the handle. Diameter is 1.00 inches.

Extrude the handle out 5.00 inches.

Next, draw a circle on the end of the extruded handle that is 0.50 inches in diameter.

Extrude this portion of the arm out 5.00 inches.

The part should look something like this. We now will work on drawing the extension portion of the arm.

Create a sketch plane that is offset approximately 0.5 inches from the end of the handle.

Now on this plane, draw the rectangle for the extension part of the arm. Dimensions should be 1.00 inches high, by 5.00 inches wide.

Extrude the rectangle to the depth of 0.25 inches. Next we will be drawing the dimple where the rod BC will reside in.

Zoom in on the end of the extension arm. Draw a circle on the surface

Extrude Cut the portion out of the arm. This recessed portion will be used to mate the rod BC with the arm AB.

It should look something like this when completed.

This is the final part for the arm AB. Save and continue on with the other 3 parts. We are now going to draw the slider rod DE. This will have a fixed base and a long shaft that collar C will slide along.

First draw the rectangle for the base of the rod DE. Dimensions should be 3.00 x3.00 inches.

Extrude the base plate to a depth of 0.50 inches.

With the base plate drawn, draw a circle on the surface of the base plate. This is for the shaft DE. Diameter is 1.00 inches.

Extrude the shaft out to 30.00 inches. This will allow the collar to slide back and forth on the shaft. Rod DE is now complete. Save and continue on the remaining 2 parts.

Draw 2 circles concentric to each other. The first will be 1.00 inches, and the second will be 2.00 inches.

Extrude the part out 3.00 inches. This will be the body of collar C.

Now create a sketch plane on the top surface of the collar.

Draw a small circle 0.25 inches in diameter on this plane. Place the circle so that is resides at the center of the body.

Extrude Cut the dimple out like it was done with arm AB. The finished part should look something like this. Save part and begin drawing the final part.

Open up a new sketch drawing and on the front plane, draw a small circle 0.25 inches in diameter.

Extrude the rod out 24.50 inches to represent rod BC.

At each end fillet the rod end with a radius of 0.125 inches.

When completed, the rod BC should look something like this. Save drawing.

We can assemble the 4 parts in SolidWorks, and the finished product would look like this. As you can see the parts directly represent those of the problem drawing. But in this procedure we are going to import each drawing into Nastran-4D individually. Here is a SolidWorks assembly of all 4 parts. We need to convert the drawing from SolidWorks Part Documents to STEP Documents that can be imported into Nastran-4D.

When saving in SolidWorks, do a “save as” and save each part file as a STEP AP214 (*.step) file. NASTRAN-4D : We are now ready to open Nastran-4D. It can be found under START, All Programs, and MSC.visualNastran Desktop. Nastran will open up with the following page. Close the demo popup and the open up the saved Step files containing the 4 parts from solidworks.

Each part will appear at the origin of the Nastran Work page.

Using the little grab icon 2 icons below the Help bar, move each part away from the origin.

Initially set the units to the following settings: Distance (in), Mass (lbm), Time (sec), Rotation (rad), Force (lbf), Velocity (mph), Rot. Vel (rpm).

Double Click on the slider rod DE. In the Property settings, set all position and orientation to zero (0). Then set the x position to 4 inches. This will offset the slider rod to the desired position as indicated in the problem diagram.

Next, set the arm AB to the following X,Y,Z coordinate settings: X = 0, Y = 16 in, and Z = -5. All orientations will be at zero (0) radians.

Click on the front face surface of the collar C. Use the coordinate setting (it is the very last option in the toolbar) and set to the following setting: X = 0, Y = 0, and Z = 3.

Then create another coordinate property for the end of slider bar DE. Set the position and orientation to X & Y =0, Z = 30, and RX, RY, & RZ = 0.

Select both coordinate planes (Collar and Slider bar), and then choose the constraints option. A pull-down option window will appear. Choose parallel joint which will limit the collar’s movement to travel only in the Z direction, & only on the same axis as slider DE.

Here shows the collar C now in line with the slider bar DE. Use the grab icon to move the collar onto the slider bar.

Now create a coordinate plane for both ends of the rod BC. Ensure that the coordinate plane is set to be perpendicular to the axis of the rod.

Fix arm AB. This will ensure that the arm AB stays in position as we constraint (attach) the other components together. Remember to remove the fixed constraint after assembly, or the simulation will fail.

Now constraint the ends of the rod BC to both the collar C, and the arm AB. Use Spherical Joint constraint to attach the rod to the other two parts.

Once all 4 parts are constrained and connected, we want to add a motor force onto the arm AB, so that it rotates counter clock wise, causing the collar C to slide back and fourth along slider bar DE. Rotate the assembly so that the back of the arm AB is shown. Click on the back surface of the handle on arm AB, and create a coordinate plane as shown.

Next click on the constraint option and choose Revolute Motor. A property box will appear. Choose the motor tab and click on Angular Velocity. Then choose an value of -10 rad/sec. The negative sign will cause the motor to rotate CCW at a speed of 10 revolutions per second.

The assembly is essentially complete. We only have to change the colors to better see how each part operates, and then set up the Meter option to monitor and record the different force values that we need to verify the problem answer.

To change the color and make a part transparent, double click on the part you wish to modify. Under Appearance, choose which color to use (in this case we choose red for the arm AB), and if you want the body to be transparent (see thru), click on the check widow.

Do the same for the other parts. I choose orange for the rod BC. Here I kept the rod solid.

I choose blue-transparent for the collar C, and a darker gray for the slider rod DE.

The assembly is now ready to be simulated.

To set the meters that we will need to record the data while the assembly is simulated, First click on the part you want to monitor (In this case the collar C), then: Insert – (Scroll down to) Meter – Velocity. A monitor window will now appear below the assembly. You can choose as many monitors you want to use. I choose 2 velocity and one position to show data.

Double click on one of the meter windows. Choose Discrete, and then Digital so that a numerical value will be provided. Do the same for the other 2 meters. Choose whichever style (Graph, Bar Chard, or Digital) you want to show.

Here is the finished product. I have run the simulation and recorded approximately 5 seconds of data. Clicking on the frame arrows next to the blue slider at the bottom of the screen, I choose the frame where the arm AB is positioned at 90 degrees (straight down)

and record the velocity of collar C. Here, with the arm approximately vertical, we are given a velocity reading of 7.72 in/sec in the Z direction. Checking the solutions of the problem we see that we calculated a velocity for collar C to be 7.84 in/sec in the k (Z) direction. The Nastran model accurately represents and verifies the solutions data for Problem 15-256.

End of step procedures for simulating problem 15-256.