Here Are 10 Contestants in Court of Honor...

SUNDAY MOENING, FEBRUARY 12, 1933 SAN ANTONIO EXPRESS D 13 KYLE ' ' Ira Hlldebrand Jr. of Austin, wani a Guest in tbo M. G. Mlchaolis homo for ' T Mr""niid <! MT3. Mnrvln J. Hunt of Nor- mangce visited this week with their •unclS nnd aunt, Mr. and Mrs. G. A H D n r? - and Mrs. T. N. Dyson of Sn'n An- tonlo visited Mr. and Mi's. J. E. Solo- m Mrs S 'Klcth Wallace of Dalsetta nr- riv/Jrt -prldav for a several days visit with Mrs.H. c. Wallace and other Kyle rC Mrs VC J. J. Hart and little daughter, Marilyn, Mr. nnd Mrs. R. C. Pal'KS and little daughter, 1 Marjorie. visited Sunday with Mr. Parks' parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Parks of Temple W A Word and family spent the week-end with Mrs. Word's parents, Mr and Mrs. C. M. Gossctt of Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Waller Smith visited Sunday with her father, J. E. Taylor, Mrs. S/J. Donaldson of Austin was the Sunday guest of her aunt and sis- ter, Mesdames Rosn Whtscnant and M. Sunday guests of the M. G. Mlchnclis family wore Mr. nnd Mrs. T, H. Strin- ger. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jim Llncioman of T Mr! > and Mrs. Walter Whitaker of Aus- tin spent the week-end with his par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Whitaker. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bnrshausen of Sablnal were week-end guests of her brother, David Wicgand, and other rel- a *Mrf' nnd Mrs. Lee Williams spent Sunday with ther parents, Mr. and Mrs Claud Scott, of San Marcos. Mr and M rs . Herman Schlemmer of College Station were week-end guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. i. C. C M Decker mid ~fftinlly visited Suii~ dav' with Mr. Decker's fathor-in-law, William Springnll. of Lytle. „_*,.,„ Sunday guests of Mrs. Lottie Vnughau were Miss Macy Branyon nnd Jesse Vnushnn of Lullns. Mr. and Mrs, W. C Dunham. Bo Weaver, Mr. and Mrs. Jack vaushan of Austin. The entire Party. Including Mrs. Vaughnn. spent sunaay bl-thdav "su'ndav with a splendid din- ner to which she invited Mines Mavis Kaupt. Julia Frances Wallace HBKSI IH^^h^occa^ *& « h ^. !y La'Moyn Cl e b Good 1 wln nnd little £« Mrs r8 M«,£o« s o£; M Mrs' d Clara Blum was in San Antonio to "nrnrt the week-end with Mr. nnd Mrs J F. Bromley. All of them visited L M? d ant U Mrs y Byron Smith spent the w M c r k-end Ini-San Antonio with their daughter, Mrs. Charles M. Taylor, ancl f<1 Mls y Lucme ABplcby of Eddy Is here for ft visit to her sister. Mrs. Edwin Miller and family. BRENHAM Mr and Mrs. Henry Fischer cele- brated their sliver wedding anniversary Sunday nt their home at Gay HU In y n isj n isff sss^n^iScn"^ 'iSe-of ^Sa^VSlS^n- «£ ccnent barbecue dinner which was Here Are 10 Contestants in Court of Honor Competition MISS SARA ETjIYEX Gnlvcston »AVIDGE, airss VIRGINIA JOKDAX, San Antonio. Mr. ana Mrs. Arthur Mcnklng and daughter. Miss Mnry Louise Mcnkins. Save returned to their home In Sm 1th ; - vlllc after a visit to Mrs. MenkiiiK s parents. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Dlctz and 0t r Tovan S Mlrfton^nd daughter, M"S Mary Stone Maraton. were guests of Mr and Mrs. Heber Stone at the Stone home In Brenhsm the past week. Prof, and Mrs. J. L. Neu and chil- i dren, Miss Lucille Neu. Lorenj and Ernest Neu, who were giiests of Mrs. : N™ 9 s mother. Mrs. C. E. Dannhalm in > Brcnhnm, have returned to their home In Austin. , ,. r -o Mrs Robert Strieker and Mrs. W. R. Jahnke have returned from a visit to Gay Hill, where they were guests at the home ° : Mr ' nnd Mrs ' Robe " Wln " kclmann^ ^^ ^^ Sonncnbcrg and children of Temple were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dobcrt In Erenham 1 Thc^Brcnha'm Mendelssohn Club of which Mrs. Kate E. McAdam is director elected officers for the ensuing year as follows: W. H. Carson, president; Mrs. M. A. Vogelsang. Miss Viola Brocsche nnd Miss Lucille Buehrcr. vice president: Mrs. L._Hausman ; sec- MISS DOROTHY J, HliTj, Austin. MISS TJAMBRECHT, Scs-uin. ian; Miss ra e . Rev. Terry Wilson, parliamentarian. MISSIOX Mrs. Henderson Woods and her daughter. Mrs. H. H. Hollnn. have bceu here some time, looking after business connected with their dairy farm south- west of town. ' „, ,. T E Bowlln was here from Hnrlln- gen on business Tuesday. Mrs Fred Landry. Mrs. Clola Mur- dock and Mrs. Wool.ston were in Fharr TU R C onand°^sT i brin.lng his family hero from Snn AnRc-lo. They will maltc their home on the Henderson Woods estate homestead, Ncciy Johnson returned this week from his Colorado visit. He make his homo with his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Flanagan, on Taylor Boulevard, Mrs. J. E. Scale is hero from her homo in Wyoming for several weeks visit at the homo of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Jobson. O V Bridges Is covering the district this week in the interest of politics. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Blackburn have been visiting in Alexandria, La., the Pt Mr*anS' Mrs. Ray Goodwin and their son. Dickey, spent the week-end in San A M°s" 10 Char!(,s Burwell. nee Pauline Jobson, Of Corpus Chrlstl, Is here for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Jobson. Miss Eugenia Epprlght entertained with a post-nuptial bridal shower for Mrs Chester Crow, nee Miss Elizabeth of McAllen was i '^fB^Mrcturned the first of^hc week from College Staten where ohc soent the week-end with hcl piotn or I Theodore Jr. and Charles Melden Mr and Mrs. Albert McndlovltK and son Sidney, "pent Sunday with hei PI K C r nt "aid i M?"-T. M. McK.en cntcr- tnuVc'cl with a dinner on Monday cvc- rang. several of their friends cnJoylnE •the occasion with them. Mr. and Ms. R. P. Conwny and their daughter. Miss Marialicc Mrs. Florence M. Hayes. Mrs, HE Moore «nd her son, Elwood. Miss Grace Kcpford and Mrs, T. S. Moore were among the guests. j Hclscl and son, Norris. are In -he Upper Valley from their Grand Rap- Ids Mich., home, looklne ?"« t h .°' r Tiroocrty Thev report the old-tlmo 10- ?af folk ti, fl Albert and Wade Stewarts i,i »h/.ir aisrer'i Miss Clare and Miss Dorothy, as living In Missouri, where P divine service.'T at Trinity Church in Pharr Sl Mrs Ry nan S ome Walker, who has been quite 111 at her homo hero. Is t.omc- Wl M?, b< W Cr E Agee and Bedford May ..penTtnV weekend at Fort Bl"SK°ld. visiting Lieut, Col. and Mrs, R. C. Rod- K °Mrs nn ForKan 0 ki n - was In McAllen on bl k"n n cly 9S AnSeraon y 0 f McA.len was trans- acttaB business here and on Sharyland P °r?dwa°r 0 d n ^wen&Tme'rTft Sunday for ton. _ tonic"were here for pleasure and busl- nC M^s la5 loc V |p n erte'r y and daughter. M ? Herman Wurzbaeh were visitors here la Mr S and'Mr 3 . August Schott Sr MjJ Mr and Mrs. Willie Schott of Dcvino were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Paul r . son. Stanton and family, from Houston f °Mr !h anS C MrB. P. Jungman came home ' froin' Austta last Wednesday for rest an Ml™ e Thelm n a- wil-son, student at the «!tato University came homo to «cc her pwcnts .Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Wilson b0 Mr OC a 1 nd n 'Mrs': ! 'Tr,eodore Cameron »e- comcanlcd Misses Dwyco Cameron. Fay Hanseur Elizabeth Benrd, Mnry Lois iarnes and Thelmc Wilson to San An- tonio Sunday evening where the young ladies boarded the train for Austin to resume their studies in the State tTnl- V< Mrs" E. J. Conevey wns hostess to the Elite Bridge Club last Wednesday even ins. At the conclusion of the games a salad course with chocolate was serv- ed to the members and guests. Mr-. Earl Starnes entertained the Ladles' Bridge Club on Thursday aft- ernoon. The trophies wero awarded to Mrs. O. B. Taylor and Mrs, J. G. Barry for high score nnd guest prltse, Mrs. MaVV.n Beal was hostess in her lovclv home to the ladles of the Wom- an's "Missionary Society on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Nuell Woolls led the Mission program, refreshments were served at the conclusion of the mcct- ln Mrs. Walter Stout and Mrs. Flovd •Griffin ot San Antonio spent the week with their parents. Mr. and Mrs, Louis Decker. RUNGE. Mrs. E. D. Parnell was hostess to the members of the Thursday Bridge Club and a few additional guests Thursday afternoon at her home. High club score was Sold by Mrs. T, R. Deborah and high guest by Miss Mar- garet Tipton while Mrs, E. L. Wood was lucky in cutting. Tho "hostess served delicious refreshments to the following: Mosdnmes La Rue Lyons, Frank Davenport. Alfred Brioger, Gil- bert Zov.-arka. Ellis Slstrunk, Carl Pullin. T. R. Deborah, E, L. Wood, Walter Lokey, A. G. Suitor, Clyde Neal, D. E. Moore, John Mosel and Misses Lorraine Sullivan, Margaret Tipton and Ada Grace The Parent-Teacher Association held a business and social meeting at the school auditorium Monday afternoon. Following the short business session a well arranged Founder's Day pro- gram was rendered. The candle light- ing ceremony under tho leadership of Mrs. Paul Koenlg was very pretty and impressive. A large number of members and gueste were present to enjoy this most interesting .meeting. The Progressive Bible class and the Men's Bible class of the Methodist Church were most pleasantly enter- tained last Friday night at the homo of Mrs. C. J. Tipton and daughter, Miss Margaret. The rooms were very attractively decorated with bright spring flowers. Seven table* enjoyed a delightful series of progressive 42, Mr. nnd Mrs. Alfred Brlcgcr nnd daughter. Marlon, spent the week-end, in New Braunfcls visiting Mr. and Mrs, Henry Goctz, Mr. nnd Mrs. G. F. Campbell nnd bnbv of San Antonio were guests of Mr 'nnd Mrs. Gilbert Zownrfcn Sunday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ellis Slstrunk had as their guests Sunday Mrs. Gus Wolf and daughter. Miss Xlmenn. and Miss Pearl Secrest of San Antonio. LLANO Mrs E. H. Quails of Nixon is the quest of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Strlb- Ul Miss Jane Cudo of Marble Falls has been visiting her sister, Miss Josephine Cl Mr,' and Mrs. Alfred Matthews visited relatives In Belton Sunday. Mrs Bob Cheney of Tyler has been visiting her mother, Mrs. W. J, Moore. Miss B P.uth Hclnnts was a, recent visitor in Marble Falls, The Woman's Missionary Society of the Methodise Church has installed now officers for the year, as follows. Mis. Mllos Buttery, president; Mrs. M.. C. Wllkes, vice president: Mrs. W. W. Wat- kins, corresponding secretary: Mrs. W. J Saur.ders, recording secretary: Mrs. H C Roth, conference treasurer; Mrs. wilburn Oatman. local treasurer; Mrs. Etta B. Harris, agent Missionary Voice; Mrs H L. vest, superintendent of PUD- llcity; Mrs. George M. Wntfcins. super- intendent of social service: Mrs. J. P. Buttcrv superintendent of supplies. Mrs. Frank Telch, superintendent o* local work: Mrs. J. E. Loyctt, superin- tendent of study. AKANSAS ~PASS. An Interesting mooting of the Wom- an's Club was held on last Thursday afternoon with the president. Mrs. C. E Farley, presiding. After a short business procedure the meeting was turned over to Mrs. C. J. Jordan. lead- er for the day, who presented the following program: Biography of Abra- ham Lincoln by Mrs. A. D. Oliver, vocal solo by Mrs. J. M. Folder; "Thom- as Edison and His' Contribution to Science." Mrs. W. W. Porter; "The Origin of Valentine's Day, Mrs. C. J. Jordan. The hostesses for the, day, Mrs. R. G. Spoor and Mrs: R. L. Mer- cer, served a salad plate to 17 mem- b °Mr. and Mrs. Arlln Ycager wore at home to a few- of. their friends on Wednesday evening at their residence on South Commercial Street. Tho time was most pleasantly spent with br dgo ancl dancing till a late hour. Dainty refreshments were served to the fol- lowing guests. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Dlxon, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Perkins. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Alspaugh and the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Arlln Mrsf'Toropklns and Mrs. Gregory of Corpus Chrlstl and Mrs. R. L. Mercer were guests of Mrs. J. Hendrlx and Mrs. J. R. Barry for luncheon lost Friday. Miss Joyce Crumley was hostess *o the Elite Club Saturday evening en- tertaining with a welncr roast ncd dance on Ransom Island. The young folks enjoyed a merry time till tnc "wee sma" hours. Club member., and guests included the following: Misses Stnpplo Bice. Mnry Beth Mills, Mary G er G Hams, Buck Yeager, Albert Marsh, Rex C«rtln. Lloyd Dean, Dick Craven, Richard Clendenlns, Dan Jnrvls. DICK Crer.shnw, Rowdcn Conk and Spruce The Altar Society of tho Catholic Church held the regular nnnunl mcct- ! ing in the church on Monday after- I noon with Rev. C. A. Hagemann pre- I siding. After tho devotional and res- I ulnr business routine were given the i election of officers was hold resulting as follows: President, Mrs. O. F. Ncw- bury; vice president. Mrs. Ward; secre- tary. Mrs. James Sussel. and treas- urer. Miss Edith Mercer. Very Rev. Msgr. John c. Dubourgol of Laredo, who was pastor of the local church for several years, was n guest at tho moot- ing. ASHERTON". Mr. nnd Mrs. P. J. Schaver of San Antonio spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Hopkins last week. , Mrs. E. Kyle returned home last week after spending a week in San, Antonio with Mrs. Mae McFarlnnd. Mrs. Louis Ealzen was honor guest at a pretty party lost Thursday aft- ernoon, when Mrs. J. G. Sullivan en- tertained at bridge. At the conclusion of a series of games. Mrs. Balzcn was presented with a lovely guest prize, Mrs. C. W. Barker, high score prize, and Mrs. R. S. Conly. the cut prlKR. A de- licious saiad course was served, at which time the guests were entertained by little Misses Kathryn and Annette Bridgcrs, who played and sang two numbers on the ukuleles. Those en- Joying this lovely party were Mes- dames Louis Bal'/en of Laredo, honor guest; B. F. Bell, E. M. Ford, J, T. Payne, C. H. Rlsby, A. English, E. A. Engcl, R. W. Taylor. J, B. Key, C, W. Barker, R. s. - Conly. E. Aldrldge. De- shay Bridges, J. A, Cool: and the host- ess. Mrs. J. G. Sullivan. Mrs. C. W. Barker entertained the Tuesday Contract Bridge Club .ot Big Wells Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. George Dutt nt Big Wells. Tho guests were Mesdames George Dutt, Vctnon Standefur, Hays, W. Cnlvert, Lane Oliver, George Arm- strong and Glenn. Zimmerman, Mrs. A. Engel and Mrs. E. A. Engel and daughter spent Saturday with Mr. nnd Mrs. Erwln Engcl In. Crystal City. Mrs. C. H. Rlslcy nnd Miss Esther Rls- ley Visited Mrs. Glenn Mount In Crystal City Saturday. MISS AN.MI5 MAE McXA3EG13, MISS JEAX UAPOrORT, Antonio. .-~>>' ,-;>/^" ; --. 3&&#' " &% MISS IjAURA J.OW BKYAX, SANDERSON. Jesse and Wesley Lochauson wero tho hosts to tho Presbyterian Auxiliary pioneers Friday night. A full attend- ance was present and after a short business session the fun of tr.e evening began.' First some lively singing; then contests In making Valentines and spcarlap a heart with Cupid's darts. Mrs. J. S. KollogK visited Mrs. Robert RatHff in Alpine Monday. The Methodist Missionary Society met Tuesday afternoon at the parsonage with the following present: Mesdames- A. M. Hicks, Bustin Canon, J. L. Os- Rood, P. S. Garrison, J. B. Halsoll. A. P. Utterback. P. M. Vinson, H. A. John- son, T. A. Cramer, J. M. Johnson, B. M. Stradley, J. W. Savage, Clyde Mor- ris, M. B. Lntlmore, James House, C, H, White, W, D. O'Bryant, E. McSparren, H. C. Goldwirc. Mrs. Musscy. Miss Eva Billings and Revorend Stradley. During this time Mrs. Stradley was presented with a birthday, shower. Mrs. Ike Billings of Langtry visited Mrs. J. L. Osgood this week. Mrs. Frank Brown of Alpine visited Mrs. Osgood this week. Mrs. Charles Gregory visited Mrs. Jef- fries in Del Rio this week. •• _ , Mrs. M. E. Sholy from ranch home visited Mrs. Whistler Tuesday. . PLEASANTON MISS VIVIAN" MIUjSAJP, Su.n Antonio. MISS EMILY DEAN, Joui-danton. over the week-end her sister. Miss Gladys Ware of Somerset. Mr* nnd Mrs. Joe Williams attended the style show at the Plaza Hotel In San Antonio Monday night. Miss Ora Dcttlngham of Hound Rock. Tex., was the guest Sunday in the Mrs Earl Williams. -Mrs. R. L; La Flower, Mrs, J. Claude Wilson and Mrs' R. M. Grain were guests .Thurs- day afternoon nt the Woman's Club meeting In Jourdanton wltli Mrs. Tom garrison and Mrs. L. C. Gibson, host- essM. LA CHANGE. ATlns Emma Hrnclr of Moulton spent Monday with her slater, Mrs. E. W. Fl D"° 1C nnd Mrs . j. G. Gucnther and daughter, Miss Marion, were visitors In a Mlss n Almn Luodcrs of San I-iarcos was with her mother, Mrs. A. Lueders, for the past week-end, Mr and Mrs. John Studemann of Eagle Lake visited with Mrs. Anna Prc- Sm the first part of the week. Mrs, Henry Francke returned from Boaumont last Sunday, accompanied by Mr and Mrs. Carl Otto of Houston. Martin Schlclcr and family and Wil- liam schlcler nnd family of Houston wero here last Sunday nnd assisted In the celebration of Mrs. G. M. Schleler's natal day anniversary. \tiss Pauline Goldammer enter- iVLAS^ * . i-m-l™ v*»lrlr*n ss tained with a five-table bridge party Red and white flowers also adorned the reception rooms. After the guests nod played Jlvo games, ice cream and rivi and white cake wns served. The Shower gifts wero presented in n Inrge heart-shaped basket, -decorated with th Mrf Linnlfpape delightfully enter- talnod the members of the "young mar- ried ladles' club" with a bridge party last Thursday afternoon.. The color motif of red and white was carried out. After flvo games of contract bridge liad been played, .the hostess served a delicious, salnd course. High score was won by Mrs. E. R. Huettel and low score by Mrs. Fred Pnpe Jr. ROUND ROCK. Mr and 'Mrs. L. «M. Kennard of TTcarne wero week-end. visitors in the "omo of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Sowell. T-he Loyal Workers of the Methodist Mrs. Lee Ricks, Miss Roy Qulllian.j *},..,-* m et on Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. J. Claude Wilson, Mrs. A, A. i y* . ,-. B Gregg. Those present were Smith and Mrs. J. K. Williams attended a bridge party and shower Saturday in San Antonio honoring Mrs. Charles Latham, given by Mrs. W. L. Boone I nnd Mrs. Chnrles Jordan. •• I Mr, and Mrs. Phillip Hopkins were | host and hostess to the Coterie Bridge j Olub Wednesday night. High score was D B. Gregg. Those pn— Mcsdnmes C. E. Munson, Charles Pre- witt O. L. .Brady. D. Barren. H. N. Baser Alten, McNcese and C; O. Brltt; Misses ss Campbell, Mary Denson, Irene Necse, Slgne Quick and Allene ^The'W. M. W. meeting was hold with Mrs. L. P. Parker and Miss .Altd Park- . ^^ _._._.„.. awarded to Mrs. Williams; second to ; or O f. Merrilltown, Attending this : wor« I Mrs. Ricks; low, Mrs. Wilson and cut [ Mosdamcs Harve Killcen. J. H. Keenoii, W i l l i a m s " t h e week-end with their pan " "Miss Mabel' Palmers is spending the ' and Mrs. C. O. Brltt. week in Round Rock tho guest of 1 Ora Dlttlngham. Mrs. Seal Mar'' tho guest of I erni days last week. . . I Mrs, Lee Ricks had •• -bcr guest Miss Ella Cummings Is spending the week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ducket near Marble Falls. Miss Jlmsey Duncan has returned from Austin, where she was the guest cf Miss Ruth Reed for several days. Mrs Lila, Taylor of Bertram spent week-end visiting her parents, Mr. the and Guthrlc, 'E, Guthrie, Misses Mann Jo Clara Laforge and Helen Schnabe'l visited Mrs. Ed MKXwell in Austin, Monday. Mrs J W. Dickens spent several days visiting her daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Smith ' n ] ^ r Cr ar fd I1 Mrs John Shcrrlciaii scent Suud'ny aV-guests of Mr, and Mrs. C. C. Mr- 0 and Mrs. William Cnshen of Flor- ence 'were week-end guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Vornon Greer. - Mr and Mrs. Frnnk Humphrey nnd Mr and Mrs. John Croslln from Aus- tin were guests of Mrs. L. S. Chamber- lain Sunday. TAFT Mr. and Mrs. William Bartosh and daughter, Miss Adele, of Granger were week-end guests of Mr, and .Mrs. E. I. C Mr Cn and Mrs. Edward Thlolcn spent Tuesday in Corpus Chrlstl visiting Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Porter. 1 1.0 Mr Franklin Flato on Feb. 11 In Corpus Christ! at the First Presbyterian C1 M| r 4> 11 'Mattle Bnllcy of Kingsville en- joyed the week-end here with her par- ent Mr and Mrs. Henry T. Bailey. Rev J. P. Carrier, his son. James, nnd Miss Hester Carrier of Becvllle were guests last week of Mr. ana Mrs. J °Mrf n s!*6. Susss and Children of San Antonio wero guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Free? M. Hunt. Mrs. Hunt also enjoyed a visit from her sister, Mrs. L. W. H Mrl Winiam° r /dams of San Antonio was a recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. W M?'W 7 °J5 < !'Hoicomc and Miss Thelmn. Alston of Estcs were united In mar- riage Wednesday evening. Rev. C. C. Hurst of Aransas Pass performing the M Mrs 10I Al Smith entertained 30 of the high school set with a delightful sur- nrlsp party in honor of her son. Al or. Game?.' dancing nnd music made the time- f v Mrs. Smith, assisted by her daughter. Hazel Ray. served a delicious refreshment course bcfore'thc evenlnss pleasures were over. Mlsss Jean M-J- Som and Jennie Fay Smith had charge of the samcs. Those who cnjoyod this happy gathering were Misses Joan Nu- ?om Jennie Fay Smith, Clara Plcton, Lo™' Close, Mae Mills. Jewel Owens Isabel Jackson, Romalie Kelly, Jlmmie Brundrctt, Edmonla Casterline. Elaine n ., rrv verna Brundrett, Hazel Rae Smith, Mary Antry'and Bernard Fox, Cecil Smith. Jerry Ploton, Francis Srilth Bill Gray. Curtis Edmison. Ed- ward Barnard, Jim Jackson. Autrey Smith Harry Mills. Lylo Dledrich. Wil- lie -Rabbins and Al Smith Jr., tne BOERNE. Mrs Simon Schneider was hostess to the members of the. Study Bridge Club lost Friday afternoon at the homo of Wri W G Davis. Mrs. Ludwlg Phil- lip took high prize, while Mrs. Albert Johnson?"the hosiess and" Miss Hilda Hathaway. Mr. and streamers adorned with a shower of tiny red -hearts. The personnel includ- ed: Mesdames Henry Quota. I. E. Mc- Eeod,' Meyer >Bandclman, I. F. Gns- scrt, A. G. Hermann, .C. R. Pelton. J. A. Motley, H. S. Frady, Charles Hal- stead, H. H. Brown Jr..^EcH, May, Du- rcll Miller, C, C. Welhausen, E. H. Marck, Gordon Burr. Robert Albrccht, A. O. Frobcso, O. E. Scruggs. I. J. Alex- ander, A. Santleben, Fred Baker. C. A. Rcnfro. George P. 1 Bnrron. E. R. El- kins, J. G. Hill, Leslie Poth. Henry Olsen, W- P. Carroll, L. D. "Buffmgton and Misses Margaret Renfro/and Jessie Lee Mobley. A notable event of Thursday wns the bridge party given by Mrs. A. O. Frobeso Thursday .afternoon ' to com- pliment the Thursday Bridge Club members. The .home throughout re- flected -a; springtime atmosphere- with quantities "of narcissus and primroses, carrylne out the xcd and white color scheme. Mrs. H, S. Frady won -high score trophy among the members and Mrs. J:'A. Mobley won. •• guest high score trophy. A very tempting luncheon was served on. daintily appointed trays fea- turing the 1 Valentine motif.;: The per- sonnel included;. Mcsdames' E. R. El- kins, Walter Rlttner, Eck .May, Henry Olsen, H. S. Frady, Charles Rowland, Fred Baker, C. A. Rcnfro, I. E. Mc- Lood, Henry Quota, A. G.. Haraiann. C. R. Pelton, Durell Miller. J. A. Mob- loy and Miss Margaret Renfro. One of the prettily appointed parties of the week was given by Miss Fannie Lou Lindbcrg Monday afternoon. to the members of the Monday Bridge Club, at her home on May Street. Cut flow- ers and fern in lovely vnscs and bowls were arranged In the room,: where the guests assembled for an afternoon over bridge games. Mrs. I. J. Alexander was successful winner of high score tro- ,phy. A delicious salad and sweet course was served" to the following: Mesdames, Peck Korton, I. F. Gassert, C. C. Walhausen, DcWltt Poth. Perry Wendtland. I. J. Alexander. Leslie Poth and Miss Margaret Renlro. The Valentine motif was cleverly fea- tured 'throughout the home of Mrs. O R Davis Tuesday afternoon when slie entertained with a pretty bridge party-given to honor the Tuesday club. A profusion of seasonal flowers. In- cluding Narcissus and potted plants, cave a pleasing background to three tables of players. -Mrs. 'I. F. Gassert was awarded the club -, trophy and Mrs. Henry Olsen guest trophy. A dainty refreshment course was served on trays, further cmphnsizlag the chosen motif. Those present were Mes- dames I. F, Gassert. Durell Miller. C. fresbmcnts wore served to .Me«dame» Alex Mlttoudorf, Max Henke, Robert Arbelger, Walter Knoche, Alfred Schmidt, Hy Lochte. Walter Kolmeler and Miss Mlfias Joseph. Mrs. Fred Hanncmann and MUs Paul* Sagcblcl were: hostesses, to s, miscella- neous shower given in honor of .Mr. and Mrs: Martin Sagebiel at the horn* of Mrs. Hailnemaxm Tuesday night. The Kaffee Kraenzchcn met at th» home of Mrs. Henry Hlrsch on Thurs- day afternoon.. ., . ,-• -...'. Mr. and tlrs. Max Otto and Mr. and Mrs. Laurence -"Kurtendale of Llano were guests at the. home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Kolmeler on Tuesday. NMrs. L. K. Tatator and Mrs. Victor Keldel entertained the Women's Aux- iliary of the Medical Association of the Kcrr-Bandcra-Glllesplc District with a luncheon at the home of Mrs. Victor Keldel on Friday. A four-course lunch- eon was served in the dining room tastefully decorated with ourple stocks and violets. Present for-the luncheon and the business meeting which fol- lowed wore: Mesdames H. H- Gallagin, T8. R. Knapp, C. L. McClcllan, J. E, McDonald. E. E. Palmer, .W. V. Spen- cer, H. Y. Swayze, Lazy, and S. c. Thompson of Kcrrvllle. C. C. Jones of Comfort and Mrs. Herbert Plelffer. Mrs. B. H. Rlley, Miss -Blanche Baker and Mrs. Adolf Stlelcr of Comfort were guests. Mrs. Otto Kolmeler was in San An- tonio last week, the guest 'of Dr. and 'Mrs, E. R. Lochte. Mrs. Louis Maler and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Enderlc and chil- dren visited Rev. and Mrs. Leo J. Ber- norden in Llano Sunday. Mr. and.Mrs. Louis Beyer arc In San Antonio this week, the geusts' of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beyer and Mr. and Mrs. Clemence Beyer. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Neffendorf and children visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur. Conrads at Karnes City Saturday. NEW BRAtJNFELS An enjoyable afternoon.of bridge was made possible on Wednesday when Mrs. J. R. Fuchs entertained the members of the Wedensday Bridge Club and a few added substitutes. The hostess awarded the first prize to Mrs. Emll Fischer and the second to Miss Sophie Schuenemarm. Enjoying the occasion were the' following: Mesdames Ernst Eiband. Emll Fischer. Sam Frieze, Max Grucnc. Irma Gulurt, Emll Helncn, Richard Pfeuffer, O. R. Sands, C. V. Windwchen, George Eiband, Rochctte R. Pciton, A. G. Herman, c - c - Wcl- , co^th "and" Miss" Sophie" Schuonemann. hauscn._ O. E. Scruggs.,1. J..Alexander. j^ Ecl>na P r cu ;f,, P entertained the . members of the Thursday Bridge Luncheon Club and a few substitutes on Thursday. The totaling of scores resulted In awarding the first prize to Mrs. John Langston, the second to Mrs. J. A. Mobley, J. G. Hill, Henry Quota, Delane Schwab and Henry Olsen. ALPINE. .A very delightful affair of the week . -..,_• tv ._ v, r idce nnrtv clvca Tuesday I Peter Faust and the guest prize to Mrs. afSrn1?on "bV" Mrs. Frank Clark and i Tuggle Pfeuffer. The following play- a ,%. * T rt Rnv Lnsstter An! ers were present: Mesdames Annie Lee ,^ of mistletoe and other I Holz, Peter Faust. Ernst Elkcl, Bon. .f^rtiSchrdMoratcd the ro- Code, W. W. Searcey, Henry Bcrtclc. SiSftSU J «,iti- nr thr. Loiter home A Eugene Branshnw, John Langston. ^?lcloV5i^dcoSsewS"ervcd after Harry Wagenfuehr. Edwin Voelcker. ?h" gamef Gu«to prSent* Deluded ] g u f c %^ urrer ' Nellle Woody and A. i™,«^ /N rnrt t , ^^ Mesdames Wednesday _wer=_ the following mem- mann and Ruth Rice. The first prlise Thornton, Arch Allen, Wells Mclntyre. Adalla Bowman, R. A. McMurry. C. D. Wood, Drury Wood, Milton Gilmcr, Misses Alice Cowan, Stathe Elliott, Dor- othy Llgon and Clcmmia Blllmssley. Mrs. H. G. Watson -won high score among Alpine players, with. Mrs. Earl Young high' for Marathan guests. To both the hostess presented an attrac- tive piece of pottery. The hospitable home of Mr. and- Mrs. F. E. Glllett was the meeting place for the Episcopalians of Alpine Sat- urday evening. The occasion was the monthly dinner which they arc having for their members while the mission here is without a minister. The- eve- ning was an en-Joyable one, amusing games and stunts forming the main entertainment. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Pete Crawford. Mr. and, Mrs Emmett Strawn. Mr. and Mrs, H. j G. Wntson, Mr. and Mrs. Graves Bogel. Miss Ethel Boatrlght. Miss Nelle Boat- right, Mrs. M. P. Shaplclgh. Worth Frazer and the host and hostess. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Gillctt. The Study Club met this week at the attractive home of Mrs. R. F. Davis. Mrs. John Gentry being Joint hostess with Mrs. Davis. The business of the -afternoon was handled with dispatch by the president. Mrs. W. B. Hancock. The club plans to hold an art exhibit soon, the pictures nil the work of artists of the Sixth District. The club voted, to -contribute $5 to the P.-T. A. toward purchasing food for school lunches. The club is spon- was won by Mrs. Charles Bender and the second by Mrs. Walter Hsrtmann. The following Friday Contract Bridge Club members were entertained on Fri- day nt tho home of Mrs. A. J. Hlnman: Mesdames E. G. Blelstein, R. S. Burke, M. C. Hagler. John Langston, Jade Kaufman, Homer Frieze, Guy Atkinson. The score prize was won by Mrs. Guy Atkinson. /- Messes, and Mesdames Robert Staples. W. Curry, R. S. Porter, J. M. Francis, Dr. H. E. Karbach, Mesdames Bob Her- lag and C. Westbrook enjoyed cards at the home of Dr. and Mrs. E. G. Blel- stein on Friday evening, the occasion, of the meeting of the Eight o'clock; Bridge Club. Dr. Karbach was award- ed the gents' prize, while Mrs. Bob Hering was awarded the ladies' prize. Members of the Wednesday Contract Bridge Club- and a few extra Invited guests enjoyed cards on Wednesday with Mrs. Robert Staples netms as hostess. The score prize of* the after- noon wns awarded the Mrs. R. B. VlcJc- ers and the guest prize to Mrs. Leslie Costley. The personnel Included: Mcs- dames Bailey Jones, Carl Ohm, M. C. Hagler. R. B. Vickers, Marcus Wald- schmldt, Julius Schleyor. Harvey Rich- ards. R. S. Porter. A. J. Hlnman. H. C. McKenna. I>. Wood, Norman Gcrlich. George ElRcl Schmidt. Henry Foy. J. M. Francis, W. B. Curry. Rennlc Wright, Leslie Costley, Bob Hcrlng and Dan The Wednesday Bridge Club mem- bers met at the home of Mrs. Lonnis soring nn exhibit of nil the projects | Dietert on Wednesday afternoon. The put forward by Miss Nottc Shultz, i hostess awarded the first prize to Mrs. county demonstration ngent. This ex- | Norman Henne and the second to Mrs. hibit will be of general Interest and I Roland Bosc. Enjoying the occasion. will be held at the Kokcrnot Lodge were: Mcsdames James Hlnman, Bob March 10. After nn Intermission, Mrs. Govicr. Walter Schmidt, Roland Bose, Graves Bogcl introduced tho subject Lea Kronkoslty. Al Lclssncr. Alex Wag- far the afternoon. "Tennyson in Lin- enfugcr and Norman Henne. colnshirc. London, Isle of Wright." The K. K. K. Bridge Club mcmbe ngs eading from poems by Tennyson. Of Norama Conrlng and Mrs. Terry Adams. special Interest was the paper by Players pre_s_entwerc^ Mesdames Jrens espocli-- ... _ . Mrs. Knox Reid, who was a guest of the club. Her subject was "Forring- ford, Isle of Wright," Invited guests were Mrs. Mueller of Dallas, Mrs. Patty Wilson of Canon and Mrs. Knox Reid. Members present were Mesdamcs Graves Bogel, P. V. Cortwrlght, J. L. Eason, J. W. Gilmer, W. B. Hancock, W. H. Moorman, H. W. Morelock, Jones Pen- nlngton. John Perkins, R. J. Ratliff, A. M. Sampley. Normnn. Spencer. W. Van Sickle, C. D. Wood. J. E. Wright. Mrs. Warren Chastaln wns hostess to El PTOBTCSSO Club on Friday after- noon. The president, Mrs. Bernal Slight, presided. Over a very Interest- Ing business session Mesdames Jeff Wade and Kenneth Gallant very In- terestingly presented the lives and works of Corot and Millet. The well known pictures. "The Thatched Cot- tage," Vhe Gleaners." "The Sower" and others wera described. The host- ess then, served a delicious salad and sweet course to the following mem- bers: Mesdames Walter Wlnkler. Ken- neth Gallant. Roy Lnsslter. H. H. Manghnm, Jeff Wade. D, M. Bennett, o- of <?JITI Ar- A. E. Owens. Yarborough. H. E. Welk- iwr nnrt Mrs ! er. L. D. Whittle. A. C. Johnson. Bcrnal Mr. nnu mi". ". '---i,-- ri Mr<! er. L. D. Whittle. A. c. jonnson. ucrnai wIll^^^^fS^^jjA^nni *' ~ " '•'"* a Mr. and Mrs. John Von Gollad -were Sunday son and daughter, Mr. WilTk?'and"jo : sepn 1< Johns were hostesses tn the Undies' Auxiliary of the St. £w ssa^t^^iM^ Interesting talk wns given by Miss Jen- Se Johns.' in which she gave a report of the council she attended In San An- tonio two weeks ago. Following the meeting a social' hour was enjoyed. There were 26 members present. Mrs. Georgo Frnzler of Houston Is visiting with Mr. nnd Mrs. J. P. Fra- ^Thc nnnunl luncheon of thc^Boerne 'their ! cHsus ' adorned" tho table. Mrs. Ed LIllll 1.1.-K1U* " _._ . _ _^_j „„ +nap^TV1nct.^r ftTlH Mrs. Clsy Holland entertained hcr Contract Club Mondny afternoon. Her guests were Mesdnmcs John Gillctt, Anja Wilson. Wells Mclntyre. W. H. Terry. Shirley Scales, Zeb - Decie, Cni- vin St. Glair. Winners of high table scores were Mrs. Mclntyre and Mrs. Decie. Pleasantly Informal was the gather- Ing of. young matrons on Thursday afternoon when Mrs. Jnck Cross en- tertained two tables' of cuests at con- tract, honoring Mrs. Earl McElroy. Other guests wero Mrs. Laurence Hord. Mrs. Rush Moody. Mrs. Calvin St. Clalr. Mrs. Zeb Doclc. Mrs, Bcrnal Slight, Mrs. Dorothy Scnnnell. Mrs. Wells Mclntyre entertained two tables of contract bridge Monday nft- ernoon, honoring. Mrs. Vernon Mcln- sts- or tneir cissus anoruuu "AU ••""; "^ oricl tyre. Those present were Mesdames . Mrs. J. GUS | Elonsb^ge^actc^as^asMiastcr^ and | ^ ^#*™*,,\^. Martin.. John GiN Graham, gu-ests .nnd Mrs. Josephine ?h C rwee£ena'.as guests at Hotel tert won high Tnft Hotel, guest of : Nutt. Mrs. Mrs. E. Richard. Lear, presented a number of younger music pupils In a fairy folk recital. Monday evening at the Greon Avonue Ward School. Fol- lowing is a caat of characters of the recital- Gween, a little girl. Marlon Crltcs;'David, her brother, EOna Beard; a fairy. Joyce Roberts: Mrs.-Peter. Ma- rian Tutt; Thumbellne. Mary Eunice Roberts; Jack the Giant .Killer, Jack Tutt- Mary, Quite Contrary, Jane Corey Carroll-. Boy Blue 1 , Jane Nelson; Robin - - 'BirbW Tutt: Little ^Bo-Peep, HofetoS^pft^boVsFericrTMaxRlch- ter, Adolph Dietert, A. 6. Rlchter^ Ar- thur Leesch, Edgar Schwarz, Willie VOAKUM. A gracious hospitality on Frldny afternoon's social calendar wns the elaborate .bridge luncheon given by Mrs Walter Bittner, at her attractive home on Coke Street, complimenting a personnel of thirty-two guests. Beau- •Rhythmunv band presented- two num- •bers .Jimmle ffbone, director of the band, and Miss Peggy Nelson, .accom- panist. The band is composed - ot-the following members: Marion Critcs.Sdc- na Beard, Joyce Roberts, Marian Tutt, Mary Eunice Roberts, Jack. Tutt, Jane Corev Carroll, Jane Nelson; Dorothy Dycus. Mary Jnno Schmidt and Mar T shall Boykln..:, ' : HOCKPOBX - .. Mrs. Poarsall a week-end guest Miss Elsie Eastorwood of Corpus Christt. Miss Grace Knox Is the guest of .Mrs. Edwin Plato In'Corpus Christ!. Miss Knox Is enjoying ahowers, teas and dances given, her by her many friends In honor of her approaching., marriage gathered about tables, for the games of bridged A smart color theme of black and. red"- was carried out, emphasizing the cveripopular Valentine motif. The dining table was exquisite with its lace cover over green satin, with an artistic centerpiece of beautiful' red carnations. Mrs, J. G. Hill was."awarded a-lovely imported yellow luncheon sot- for high COLCMBUS. . Mr. «nd Mrs. S. J. Bui-tscholl and sons of Flatonla. have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Burt. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stafford are In Snn Antonio with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stafford Jr. . Mrs. S. K. Seymour Jr. Is In Houston with Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Seymour Sr. , Mr. and Mrs. M. Walton of Yoalcum have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Mr. and Mrs. J.' H. Wooten had with them for a short visit last week their son. James Wooten of Austin. Mr. and.Mrs. L. 1 Cookenboo and son of Houston spent the week-end here with .Mrs. S. ,H. HIghtowcr. Mrs..-B, H. Rabel entertained with bridge Monday 1 afternoon. ' Tho Thursday .Club met with Mrs. A. Chapman this week. FREDERICKSBURG 1 Honoring Mrs. Lee Rcifel, Miss Emily Keldel entertained the N. U. T. Club at Bridge Friday evening. Miss Faye Keldel made Elgh'score and Mrs. Lee Relfel second high. Later in. the ove- Ing Mrs. Lee Relfol was requested to sign a special delivery slip, after which a package was delivered her, containing gifts from all the members of the club. In tfte dining'room 1 . _whcro the table was decorated with a wedding cake, a two-course luncheon was served to. the - ••' Mesdames Rod Sandhcrr. Ki-nrn- Mrs Eck May received cut tro- following:. Mesdames Rod Sandhcrr. nhv which was a pair of-lovely Ma- .John Mark Durham, Kermit Strieglcr. So&.^lSrcSeV Mrs. I, F, Gassert LeLRelfel^nd^MJsses^Tmie Margaret eJra pill . . . won low score trophy, a hand-painted serving tray. A delicious two-course luncheon was served .on trays, -laid with covers featuring Valentine motif, which were centered with black cande- labras holding red tapere. tied with red and Faye Keidel n.nd Elise Wcbcr. The Octagon- Bridge Club met nt the "home of Mrs. Felix Heep Friday after- noon. High score prize wns won by Mrs. Robert Arbclger and second high prize by Mrs, Alfred Schmidt. Rc- Guessow Kohlenberg. Terry Adams, Henry Drucbcrt, Misses Norma Conrlng. Vera Oclkers, Mayme Warnecke and Elsie Meyer. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. H. .Wagenfuehr during the past weefc were the following university friends of Miss Esther May Wagenfuehr: Missec Julia White, Margaret Jefferson, Messrs. Paul Madison. Hugo Allen, Dan Wll- Willlams. Mrs. Harry Heldemeyer- spent several days of this week In San Antonio, guest of Mr. and Mrs.- Louis Eose. HARWOOD. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dexter of Aus- tin spent the week-end with, tnelr mother. Mrs. Rachel Dexter. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Beaty returned from a two weeks' visit to Corpus Chrlstl. guests or Mr. and Mrs. Perry Beaty. Miss Josephine Shannon, spent last week at Startown with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Shannon. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Retherford of Luling spent a few days last week witn. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde McDonald. Mr. nnd Mrs. Claude Jones of Flu- toni.i visited Mr. nnd Mrs. J.-P.'Beaty Sunday. Miss Marguerite Moore of Kingsbury snent the week-end with her .parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Moore. THOMASTON Mr. nnd Mrs. Jack Van Floogenhuy* of Columbus, Ohio, and Mrs. W. F. Harris of Cuero. have been guests .ot . Mrs. J. R. Wright. ; Mrs. H. J. Donnelly has returned i from Gollad where she -visited Mrs. John McCnmpbell. . - i Mrs. Farwell and Mrs. Ethel Tounn ! of Palaclos. were week-end guests of i Miss Eleanor Wildman. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas D. Murphrca or San Antonio, have been guests of • Mrs. Charles Murphrco. : Mr. and Mrs. James H. Prtdgen Jr. of Cucro. were Sunday guests of Mrs. Charles Oakcs. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. McMnnus spent a few days In MartlndBle visiting Mrs. Chsrlcs Martlndnle.. ,' Mr and Mrs. Sydney Dcdcar have beon .guests of Mrs. Adolph Prclss lit V'rsf William Dcdcar has been n guest of her daughter, Mrs. Ferdinand Gls- ler, In Cucro. Mrs. Earnest LnmU has been -s._rccent guest of her daughter, Mrs. Boy Grieve* In Victoria. DIL.LEY. Misses Mary Louise Martha Jonc*. visited their grandmother, Mrs. Ealnna. In Cause last week-end. - * Mrs T. G. Cavendcr Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. E. Golden. In. Gal- °Mr. and Mrs. S. Claunch of Brackott- vllle spent last week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Wood. Mrs. W, H. Essary and little daugh- ter of Pcnrsall visited her. sister, Mrs. James Dunham, Saturday. Mrs. Roy G. Rnder is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Ted Scarborough, la Laredo. Mr; and Mrs. Sanders White of Tjval- de were guests last week-end of Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Reagan. Mr. and Mrs, Fred West visited th; latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spence, in San Antonol, last week-end. FLATONIA." Miss Myrtle ' visiting Mis* Madeline Kunz In Houston for a few weeks' stay. . Miss Minnie Brandt returned to Orange Grove Saturday after spend- ing some time with her aunt,-. Mrs. Robert Agricola. She was. accompa- nied home by Mrs. Agricola. who spent a few dnys there. • • • . Mrs. E. C. Floyd nnd children and Mr and Mrs. E. E. Stoner and children of Laredo have "been visiting- Mrs. H Mre "wilt^HoIt was a -visitor with her aunt. Mrs. G. C. Simmons, this W Mrs: F. X, Brunncr entertained with bridge Thursday, afternoon.

Transcript of Here Are 10 Contestants in Court of Honor...

Page 1: Here Are 10 Contestants in Court of Honor… · Mrs Robert Strieker and Mrs . W R Jahnke have returned from


KYLE' ' Ira Hlldebrand Jr. of Austin, wani a

Guest in tbo M. G. Mlchaolis homo for

'T Mr""niid<!MT3. Mnrvln J. Hunt of Nor-mangce visited this week with their•unclS nnd aunt, Mr. and Mrs. G. AHDnr?-and Mrs. T. N. Dyson of Sn'n An-tonlo visited Mr. and Mi's. J. E. Solo-mMrsS'Klcth Wallace of Dalsetta nr-riv/Jrt -prldav for a several days visitwith Mrs.H. c. Wallace and other KylerCMrsVCJ. J. Hart and little daughter,Marilyn, Mr. nnd Mrs. R. C. Pal'KSand little daughter,1 Marjorie. visitedSunday with Mr. Parks' parents. Mr.and Mrs. C. B. Parks of Temple

W A Word and family spent theweek-end with Mrs. Word's parents,Mr and Mrs. C. M. Gossctt of Taylor.

Mr. and Mrs. Waller Smith visitedSunday with her father, J. E. Taylor,

Mrs. S/J. Donaldson of Austin wasthe Sunday guest of her aunt and sis-ter, Mesdames Rosn Whtscnant and M.

Sunday guests of the M. G. Mlchnclisfamily wore Mr. nnd Mrs. T, H. Strin-ger. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jim Llncioman of

TMr!> and Mrs. Walter Whitaker of Aus-tin spent the week-end with his par-ents. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Whitaker.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bnrshausen ofSablnal were week-end guests of herbrother, David Wicgand, and other rel-a*Mrf' nnd Mrs. Lee Williams spentSunday with ther parents, Mr. andMrs Claud Scott, of San Marcos.

Mr and Mrs. Herman Schlemmer ofCollege Station were week-end guestsof his parents, Mr. and Mrs. i. C.

C M Decker mid ~fftinlly visited Suii~dav' with Mr. Decker's fathor-in-law,William Springnll. of Lytle. „_*,.,„

Sunday guests of Mrs. Lottie Vnughauwere Miss Macy Branyon nnd JesseVnushnn of Lullns. Mr. and Mrs, W. CDunham. Bo Weaver, Mr. and Mrs. Jackvaushan of Austin. The entire Party.Including Mrs. Vaughnn. spent sunaay

bl-thdav "su'ndav with a splendid din-ner to which she invited Mines MavisKaupt. Julia Frances Wallace HBKSI

IH^^h^occa^ *& «h^.!yLa'MoynClebGood1wln nnd little

£« Mrsr8M«,£o«so£;MMrs'dClara Blum was in San Antonioto "nrnrt the week-end with Mr. nndMrs J F. Bromley. All of them visitedLM?dantUMrsyByron Smith spent thewMcrk-end Ini-San Antonio with theirdaughter, Mrs. Charles M. Taylor, anclf<1MlsyLucme ABplcby of Eddy Is herefor ft visit to her sister. Mrs. EdwinMiller and family.

BRENHAMMr and Mrs. Henry Fischer cele-

brated their sliver wedding anniversarySunday nt their home at Gay HU Inynisjnisff sss^n^iScn"^'iSe-of ^Sa^VSlS^n- «£ccnent barbecue dinner which was

Here Are 10 Contestants in Court of Honor Competition



Mr. ana Mrs. Arthur Mcnklng anddaughter. Miss Mnry Louise Mcnkins.Save returned to their home In Sm 1th;-vlllc after a visit to Mrs. MenkiiiK sparents. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Dlctz and0tS£ rTovanS Mlrfton^nd daughter,M"S Mary Stone Maraton. were guestsof Mr and Mrs. Heber Stone at theStone home In Brenhsm the past week.

Prof, and Mrs. J. L. Neu and chil- idren, Miss Lucille Neu. Lorenj andErnest Neu, who were giiests of Mrs. :N™9s mother. Mrs. C. E. Dannhalm in >Brcnhnm, have returned to their homeIn Austin. , „ ,.r -o

Mrs Robert Strieker and Mrs. W. R.Jahnke have returned from a visit toGay Hill, where they were guests atthe home °: Mr' nnd Mrs' Robe" Wln"kclmann^ ^^ ^^ Sonncnbcrg andchildren of Temple were guests of Mr.and Mrs. Frank Dobcrt In Erenham1 Thc^Brcnha'm Mendelssohn Club ofwhich Mrs. Kate E. McAdam is directorelected officers for the ensuing yearas follows: W. H. Carson, president;Mrs. M. A. Vogelsang. Miss ViolaBrocsche nnd Miss Lucille Buehrcr.vice president: Mrs. L._Hausman; sec-



ian; Miss ra e .Rev. Terry Wilson, parliamentarian.

MISSIOXMrs. Henderson Woods and her

daughter. Mrs. H. H. Hollnn. have bceuhere some time, looking after businessconnected with their dairy farm south-west of town. ' „, ,.

T E Bowlln was here from Hnrlln-gen on business Tuesday.

Mrs Fred Landry. Mrs. Clola Mur-dock and Mrs. Wool.ston were in FharrTURConand°^sTibrin.lng his familyhero from Snn AnRc-lo. They will maltctheir home on the Henderson Woodsestate homestead,

Ncciy Johnson returned this weekfrom his Colorado visit. He make hishomo with his grandparents. Mr. andMrs. Flanagan, on Taylor Boulevard,

Mrs. J. E. Scale is hero from herhomo in Wyoming for several weeksvisit at the homo of her parents, Mr.and Mrs. J. V. Jobson.

O V Bridges Is covering the districtthis week in the interest of politics.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Blackburn havebeen visiting in Alexandria, La., thePtMr*anS' Mrs. Ray Goodwin and theirson. Dickey, spent the week-end in SanAM°s"10Char!(,s Burwell. nee PaulineJobson, Of Corpus Chrlstl, Is here fora visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Jobson.

Miss Eugenia Epprlght entertainedwith a post-nuptial bridal shower forMrs Chester Crow, nee Miss Elizabeth

of McAllen was i

' ^ f B ^ M r c t u r n e d the firstof^hc week from College Staten whereohc soent the week-end with hcl piotnor I Theodore Jr. and Charles Melden

Mr and Mrs. Albert McndlovltK andson Sidney, "pent Sunday with heiPIKCrnt"aidiM?"-T. M. McK.en cntcr-tnuVc'cl with a dinner on Monday cvc-rang. several of their friends cnJoylnE•the occasion with them. Mr. and M s .R. P. Conwny and their daughter. MissMarialicc Mrs. Florence M. Hayes. Mrs,HE Moore «nd her son, Elwood. MissGrace Kcpford and Mrs, T. S. Moorewere among the guests.j Hclscl and son, Norris. are In -he

Upper Valley from their Grand Rap-Ids Mich., home, looklne ?"« th.°'rTiroocrty Thev report the old-tlmo 10-?af folk ti,fl Albert and Wade Stewartsi,i »h/.ir aisrer'i Miss Clare and Miss

Dorothy, as living In Missouri, whereP divine

service.' T at Trinity Church in PharrSlMrsRynanSome Walker, who has beenquite 111 at her homo hero. Is t.omc-WlM?,b<WCrE Agee and Bedford May..penTtnV weekend at Fort Bl"SK°ld.visiting Lieut, Col. and Mrs, R. C. Rod-K°MrsnnForKan0kin- was In McAllen onblk"nncly9SAnSeraony

0f McA.len was trans-acttaB business here and on Sharyland

P°r?dwa°r0dn ^wen&Tme'rTft Sunday for

ton. _

tonic "were here for pleasure and busl-nCM^sla5locV|pnerte'ryand daughter. M?Herman Wurzbaeh were visitors herelaMrSand'Mr3. August Schott Sr MjJMr and Mrs. Willie Schott of Dcvinowere visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Paul

r .son. Stanton and family, from Houstonf°Mr!hanSCMrB. P. Jungman came home

' froin' Austta last Wednesday for restanMl™eThelmna- wil-son, student at the«!tato University came homo to «cc herpwcnts . M r . and Mrs. Isaac Wilsonb0MrOCa1ndn'Mrs':!'Tr,eodore Cameron »e-comcanlcd Misses Dwyco Cameron. FayHanseur Elizabeth Benrd, Mnry Loisiarnes and Thelmc Wilson to San An-tonio Sunday evening where the youngladies boarded the train for Austin to

resume their studies in the State tTnl-V<Mrs" E. J. Conevey wns hostess tothe Elite Bridge Club last Wednesdayeven ins. At the conclusion of the gamesa salad course with chocolate was serv-ed to the members and guests.

Mr-. Earl Starnes entertained theLadles' Bridge Club on Thursday aft-ernoon. The trophies wero awarded toMrs. O. B. Taylor and Mrs, J. G. Barryfor high score nnd guest prltse,

Mrs. MaVV.n Beal was hostess in herlovclv home to the ladles of the Wom-an's "Missionary Society on Thursdayafternoon. Mrs. Nuell Woolls led theMission program, refreshments wereserved at the conclusion of the mcct-lnMrs. Walter Stout and Mrs. Flovd

•Griff in ot San Antonio spent the weekwith their parents. Mr. and Mrs, LouisDecker.

RUNGE.Mrs. E. D. Parnell was hostess to

the members of the Thursday BridgeClub and a few additional guestsThursday afternoon at her home. Highclub score was Sold by Mrs. T, R.Deborah and high guest by Miss Mar-garet Tipton while Mrs, E. L. Woodwas lucky in cutting. Tho "hostessserved delicious refreshments to thefollowing: Mosdnmes La Rue Lyons,Frank Davenport. Alfred Brioger, Gil-bert Zov.-arka. Ellis Slstrunk, CarlPullin. T. R. Deborah, E, L. Wood,Walter Lokey, A. G. Suitor, Clyde Neal,D. E. Moore, John Mosel and MissesLorraine Sullivan, Margaret Tiptonand Ada Grace

The Parent-Teacher Association helda business and social meeting at theschool auditorium Monday afternoon.Following the short business sessiona well arranged Founder's Day pro-gram was rendered. The candle light-ing ceremony under tho leadershipof Mrs. Paul Koenlg was very prettyand impressive. A large number ofmembers and gueste were present toenjoy this most interesting .meeting.

The Progressive Bible class and theMen's Bible class of the MethodistChurch were most pleasantly enter-tained last Friday night at the homoof Mrs. C. J. Tipton and daughter,Miss Margaret. The rooms were veryattractively decorated with brightspring flowers. Seven table* enjoyeda delightful series of progressive 42,

Mr. nnd Mrs. Alfred Brlcgcr nnddaughter. Marlon, spent the week-end,in New Braunfcls visiting Mr. andMrs, Henry Goctz,

Mr. nnd Mrs. G. F. Campbell nndbnbv of San Antonio were guests ofMr 'nnd Mrs. Gilbert Zownrfcn Sunday.

Mr. nnd Mrs. Ellis Slstrunk had astheir guests Sunday Mrs. Gus Wolf anddaughter. Miss Xlmenn. and Miss PearlSecrest of San Antonio.

LLANOMrs E. H. Quails of Nixon is the

quest of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Strlb-UlMiss Jane Cudo of Marble Falls hasbeen visiting her sister, Miss JosephineClMr,' and Mrs. Alfred Matthews visitedrelatives In Belton Sunday.

Mrs Bob Cheney of Tyler has beenvisiting her mother, Mrs. W. J, Moore.

Miss B P.uth Hclnnts was a, recentvisitor in Marble Falls, •

The Woman's Missionary Society ofthe Methodise Church has installed nowofficers for the year, as follows. Mis.Mllos Buttery, president; Mrs. M.. C.Wllkes, vice president: Mrs. W. W. Wat-kins, corresponding secretary: Mrs. W.J Saur.ders, recording secretary: Mrs.H C Roth, conference treasurer; Mrs.wilburn Oatman. local treasurer; Mrs.Etta B. Harris, agent Missionary Voice;Mrs H L. vest, superintendent of PUD-llcity; Mrs. George M. Wntfcins. super-intendent of social service: Mrs. J. P.Buttcrv superintendent of supplies.Mrs. Frank Telch, superintendent o*local work: Mrs. J. E. Loyctt, superin-tendent of study.

AKANSAS ~PASS.An Interesting mooting of the Wom-

an's Club was held on last Thursdayafternoon with the president. Mrs. C.E Farley, presiding. After a shortbusiness procedure the meeting wasturned over to Mrs. C. J. Jordan. lead-er for the day, who presented thefollowing program: Biography of Abra-ham Lincoln by Mrs. A. D. Oliver,vocal solo by Mrs. J. M. Folder; "Thom-as Edison and His' Contribution toScience." Mrs. W. W. Porter; "TheOrigin of Valentine's Day, Mrs. C. J.Jordan. The hostesses for the, day,Mrs. R. G. Spoor and Mrs: R. L. Mer-cer, served a salad plate to 17 mem-b°Mr. and Mrs. Arlln Ycager wore athome to a few- of. their friends onWednesday evening at their residenceon South Commercial Street. Tho timewas most pleasantly spent with br dgoancl dancing till a late hour. Daintyrefreshments were served to the fol-lowing guests. Mr. and Mrs. S. E.Dlxon, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Perkins.Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Alspaugh and thehost and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Arlln

Mrsf'Toropklns and Mrs. Gregory ofCorpus Chrlstl and Mrs. R. L. Mercerwere guests of Mrs. J. Hendrlx and

Mrs. J. R. Barry for luncheon lostFriday.

Miss Joyce Crumley was hostess *othe Elite Club Saturday evening en-tertaining with a welncr roast ncddance on Ransom Island. The youngfolks enjoyed a merry time till tnc"wee sma" hours. Club member., andguests included the following: MissesStnpplo Bice. Mnry Beth Mills, MaryG erGHams, Buck Yeager, Albert Marsh,Rex C«rtln. Lloyd Dean, Dick Craven,Richard Clendenlns, Dan Jnrvls. DICKCrer.shnw, Rowdcn Conk and Spruce

The Altar Society of tho CatholicChurch held the regular nnnunl mcct-

! ing in the church on Monday after-I noon with Rev. C. A. Hagemann pre-I siding. After tho devotional and res-I ulnr business routine were given thei election of officers was hold resultingas follows: President, Mrs. O. F. Ncw-bury; vice president. Mrs. Ward; secre-tary. Mrs. James Sussel. and treas-urer. Miss Edith Mercer. Very Rev.Msgr. John c. Dubourgol of Laredo,who was pastor of the local church forseveral years, was n guest at tho moot-ing.

ASHERTON".Mr. nnd Mrs. P. J. Schaver of San

Antonio spent several days with Mr.and Mrs. L. N. Hopkins last week., Mrs. E. Kyle returned home last

week after spending a week in San,Antonio with Mrs. Mae McFarlnnd.

Mrs. Louis Ealzen was honor guestat a pretty party lost Thursday aft-ernoon, when Mrs. J. G. Sullivan en-tertained at bridge. At the conclusionof a series of games. Mrs. Balzcn waspresented with a lovely guest prize, Mrs.C. W. Barker, high score prize, andMrs. R. S. Conly. the cut prlKR. A de-licious saiad course was served, atwhich time the guests were entertainedby little Misses Kathryn and AnnetteBridgcrs, who played and sang twonumbers on the ukuleles. Those en-Joying this lovely party were Mes-dames Louis Bal'/en of Laredo, honorguest; B. F. Bell, E. M. Ford, J, T.Payne, C. H. Rlsby, A. English, E. A.Engcl, R. W. Taylor. J, B. Key, C, W.Barker, R. s. - Conly. E. Aldrldge. De-shay Bridges, J. A, Cool: and the host-ess. Mrs. J. G. Sullivan.

Mrs. C. W. Barker entertained theTuesday Contract Bridge Club .otBig Wells Thursday afternoon at thehome of Mrs. George Dutt nt BigWells. Tho guests were MesdamesGeorge Dutt, Vctnon Standefur, Hays,W. Cnlvert, Lane Oliver, George Arm-strong and Glenn. Zimmerman,

Mrs. A. Engel and Mrs. E. A. Engeland daughter spent Saturday with Mr.nnd Mrs. Erwln Engcl In. Crystal City.

Mrs. C. H. Rlslcy nnd Miss Esther Rls-ley Visited Mrs. Glenn Mount In CrystalCity Saturday.




,-;>/̂ "; --.3&&#' "



SANDERSON.Jesse and Wesley Lochauson wero tho

hosts to tho Presbyterian Auxiliarypioneers Friday night. A full attend-ance was present and after a shortbusiness session the fun of tr.e eveningbegan.' First some lively singing; thencontests In making Valentines andspcarlap a heart with Cupid's darts.

Mrs. J. S. KollogK visited Mrs. RobertRatHff in Alpine Monday.

The Methodist Missionary Society metTuesday afternoon at the parsonagewith the following present: Mesdames-A. M. Hicks, Bustin Canon, J. L. Os-Rood, P. S. Garrison, J. B. Halsoll. A.P. Utterback. P. M. Vinson, H. A. John-son, T. A. Cramer, J. M. Johnson, B.M. Stradley, J. W. Savage, Clyde Mor-ris, M. B. Lntlmore, James House, C, H,White, W, D. O'Bryant, E. McSparren,H. C. Goldwirc. Mrs. Musscy. Miss EvaBillings and Revorend Stradley.

During this time Mrs. Stradley waspresented with a birthday, shower.

Mrs. Ike Billings of Langtry visitedMrs. J. L. Osgood this week.

Mrs. Frank Brown of Alpine visitedMrs. Osgood this week.

Mrs. Charles Gregory visited Mrs. Jef-fries in Del Rio this week. •• _ ,

Mrs. M. E. Sholy from ranch homevisited Mrs. Whistler Tuesday. .



MISS EMILY DEAN,Joui-danton.

over the week-end her sister. MissGladys Ware of Somerset.

Mr* nnd Mrs. Joe Williams attendedthe style show at the Plaza Hotel InSan Antonio Monday night.

Miss Ora Dcttlngham of Hound Rock.Tex., was the guest Sunday in the

Mrs Earl Williams. -Mrs. R. L; LaFlower, Mrs, J. Claude Wilson andMrs' R. M. Grain were guests .Thurs-day afternoon nt the Woman's Clubmeeting In Jourdanton wltli Mrs. Tomgarrison and Mrs. L. C. Gibson, host-essM.

LA CHANGE.ATlns Emma Hrnclr of Moulton spent

Monday with her slater, Mrs. E. W.FlD"°1Cnnd Mrs. j. G. Gucnther anddaughter, Miss Marion, were visitors In

aMlssnAlmn Luodcrs of San I-iarcoswas with her mother, Mrs. A. Lueders,for the past week-end,

Mr and Mrs. John Studemann ofEagle Lake visited with Mrs. Anna Prc-Sm the first part of the week.

Mrs, Henry Francke returned fromBoaumont last Sunday, accompanied byMr and Mrs. Carl Otto of Houston.

Martin Schlclcr and family and Wil-liam schlcler nnd family of Houstonwero here last Sunday nnd assisted Inthe celebration of Mrs. G. M. Schleler'snatal day anniversary.

\tiss Pauline Goldammer enter-iVLAS^ * . i - m - l ™ v*»lrlr*n wert.tfss

tained with a five-table bridge party

Red and white flowers also adornedthe reception rooms. After the guestsnod played Jlvo games, ice cream andrivi and white cake wns served. TheShower gifts wero presented in n Inrgeheart-shaped basket, -decorated withthMrf Linnlfpape delightfully enter-talnod the members of the "young mar-ried ladles' club" with a bridge partylast Thursday afternoon.. The colormotif of red and white was carried out.After flvo games of contract bridgeliad been played, .the hostess served adelicious, salnd course. High score waswon by Mrs. E. R. Huettel and lowscore by Mrs. Fred Pnpe Jr.

ROUND ROCK.Mr and 'Mrs. L. «M. Kennard of

TTcarne wero week-end. visitors in the"omo of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Sowell.

T-he Loyal Workers of the MethodistMrs. Lee Ricks, Miss Roy Qulllian.j *},..,-* met on Tuesday afternoon with

Mrs. J. Claude Wilson, Mrs. A, A. i y* . ,-. B Gregg. Those present wereSmith and Mrs. J. K. Williams attendeda bridge party and shower Saturdayin San Antonio honoring Mrs. CharlesLatham, given by Mrs. W. L. Boone

I nnd Mrs. Chnrles Jordan. ••I Mr, and Mrs. Phillip Hopkins were| host and hostess to the Coterie Bridgej Olub Wednesday night. High score was

D B. Gregg. Those pn—Mcsdnmes C. E. Munson, Charles Pre-witt O. L. .Brady. D. Barren. H. N.Baser Alten, McNcese and C; O. Brltt;Misses B«ss Campbell, Mary Denson,Irene Necse, Slgne Quick and Allene

^The'W. M. W. meeting was hold withMrs. L. P. Parker and Miss .Altd Park-. ^^ _ . _ . _ . „ . .

awarded to Mrs. Williams; second to ; or Of . Merrilltown, Attending this :wor«I Mrs. Ricks; low, Mrs. Wilson and cut [ Mosdamcs Harve Killcen. J. H. Keenoii,

W i l l i a m s " t h e week-end with their p a n" "Miss Mabel' Palmers is spending the ' and Mrs. C. O. Brltt.week in Round Rock tho guest of 1Ora Dlttlngham.

Mrs. Seal Mar''tho guest of

I erni days last week. . .I Mrs, Lee Ricks had •• -bcr guest Miss Ella Cummings Is spending the

week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ducketnear Marble Falls.

Miss Jlmsey Duncan has returnedfrom Austin, where she was the guest cfMiss Ruth Reed for several days.

Mrs Lila, Taylor of Bertram spentweek-end visiting her parents, Mr.


Guthrlc,'E, Guthrie, Misses Mann JoClara Laforge and Helen

Schnabe'l visited Mrs. Ed MKXwell inAustin, Monday.

Mrs J W. Dickens spent several daysvisiting her daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Smith


arfdI1Mrs John Shcrrlciaii scent

Suud'ny aV-guests of Mr, and Mrs. C. C.

Mr-0 and Mrs. William Cnshen of Flor-ence 'were week-end guests of Mr. nndMrs. Vornon Greer. -• Mr and Mrs. Frnnk Humphrey nndMr and Mrs. John Croslln from Aus-tin were guests of Mrs. L. S. Chamber-lain Sunday.

TAFTMr. and Mrs. William Bartosh and

daughter, Miss Adele, of Granger wereweek-end guests of Mr, and .Mrs. E. I.

CMrCnand Mrs. Edward Thlolcn spentTuesday in Corpus Chrlstl visiting Mr.and Mrs. Robert N. Porter.1

1.0 Mr Franklin Flato on Feb. 11 InCorpus Christ! at the First PresbyterianC1M|r4>11'Mattle Bnllcy of Kingsville en-joyed the week-end here with her par-ent Mr and Mrs. Henry T. Bailey.

Rev J. P. Carrier, his son. James,nnd Miss Hester Carrier of Becvlllewere guests last week of Mr. ana Mrs.J°Mrfns!*6. Susss and Children of SanAntonio wero guests of Mr. nnd Mrs.Free? M. Hunt. Mrs. Hunt also enjoyeda visit from her sister, Mrs. L. W.HMrl Winiam°r/dams of San Antoniowas a recent guest of Mr. and Mrs.WM?'W7°J5<!'Hoicomc and Miss Thelmn.Alston of Estcs were united In mar-riage Wednesday evening. Rev. C. C.Hurst of Aransas Pass performing theMMrs10IAl Smith entertained 30 of thehigh school set with a delightful sur-nrlsp party in honor of her son. Al or.Game?.' dancing nnd music made thetime- f v Mrs. Smith, assisted by herdaughter. Hazel Ray. served a deliciousrefreshment course bcfore'thc evenlnsspleasures were over. Mlsss Jean M-J-Som and Jennie Fay Smith had chargeof the samcs. Those who cnjoyod thishappy gathering were Misses Joan Nu-?om Jennie Fay Smith, Clara Plcton,Lo™' Close, Mae Mills. Jewel OwensIsabel Jackson, Romalie Kelly, JlmmieBrundrctt, Edmonla Casterline. Elainen.,rrv verna Brundrett, Hazel RaeSmith, Mary Antry'and Bernard Fox,Cecil Smith. Jerry Ploton, FrancisSrilth Bill Gray. Curtis Edmison. Ed-ward Barnard, Jim Jackson. AutreySmith Harry Mills. Lylo Dledrich. Wil-lie -Rabbins and Al Smith Jr., tne

BOERNE.Mrs Simon Schneider was hostess to

the members of the. Study Bridge Clublost Friday afternoon at the homo ofWri W G Davis. Mrs. Ludwlg Phil-lip took high prize, while Mrs. Albert

Johnson?"the hosiess and" Miss HildaHathaway.

Mr. and

streamers adorned with a shower oftiny red -hearts. The personnel includ-ed: Mesdames Henry Quota. I. E. Mc-Eeod,' Meyer >Bandclman, I. F. Gns-scrt, A. G. Hermann, .C. R. Pelton.J. A. Motley, H. S. Frady, Charles Hal-stead, H. H. Brown Jr..^EcH, May, Du-rcll Miller, C, C. Welhausen, E. H.Marck, Gordon Burr. Robert Albrccht,A. O. Frobcso, O. E. Scruggs. I. J. Alex-ander, A. Santleben, Fred Baker. C. A.Rcnfro. • George P.1 Bnrron. E. R. El-kins, J. G. Hill, Leslie Poth. HenryOlsen, W- P. Carroll, L. D. "Buffmgtonand Misses Margaret Renfro/and JessieLee Mobley.• A notable event of Thursday wnsthe bridge party given by Mrs. A. O.Frobeso Thursday .afternoon ' to com-pliment the Thursday Bridge Clubmembers. The .home throughout re-flected - a ; springtime atmosphere- withquantities "of narcissus and primroses,carrylne out the xcd and white colorscheme. Mrs. H, S. Frady won -highscore trophy among the members andMrs. J:'A. Mobley won. •• guest high scoretrophy. A very tempting luncheon wasserved on. daintily appointed trays fea-turing the1 Valentine motif.;: The per-sonnel included;. Mcsdames' E. R. El-kins, Walter Rlttner, Eck .May, HenryOlsen, H. S. Frady, Charles Rowland,Fred Baker, C. A. Rcnfro, I. E. Mc-Lood, Henry Quota, A. G.. Haraiann.C. R. Pelton, Durell Miller. J. A. Mob-loy and Miss Margaret Renfro.

One of the prettily appointed partiesof the week was given by Miss FannieLou Lindbcrg Monday afternoon. to themembers of the Monday Bridge Club,at her home on May Street. Cut flow-ers and fern in lovely vnscs and bowlswere arranged In the room,: where theguests assembled for an afternoon overbridge games. Mrs. I. J. Alexander wassuccessful winner of high score tro-,phy. A delicious salad and sweetcourse was served" to the following:Mesdames, Peck Korton, I. F. Gassert,C. C. Walhausen, DcWltt Poth. PerryWendtland. I. J. Alexander. Leslie Pothand Miss Margaret Renlro.

The Valentine motif was cleverly fea-tured 'throughout the home of Mrs.O R Davis Tuesday afternoon whenslie entertained with a pretty bridgeparty-given to honor the Tuesday club.A profusion of seasonal flowers. In-cluding Narcissus and potted plants,cave a pleasing background to threetables of players. -Mrs. 'I. F. Gassertwas awarded the club -, trophy andMrs. Henry Olsen guest trophy. Adainty refreshment course was servedon trays, further cmphnsizlag thechosen motif. Those present were Mes-dames I. F, Gassert. Durell Miller. C.

fresbmcnts wore served to .Me«dame»Alex Mlttoudorf, Max Henke, RobertArbelger, Walter Knoche, AlfredSchmidt, Hy Lochte. Walter Kolmelerand Miss Mlfias Joseph.

Mrs. Fred Hanncmann and MUs Paul*Sagcblcl were: hostesses, to s, miscella-neous shower • given in honor of .Mr.and Mrs: Martin Sagebiel at the horn*of Mrs. Hailnemaxm Tuesday night.

The Kaffee Kraenzchcn met at th»home of Mrs. Henry Hlrsch on Thurs-day afternoon.. ., . ,-• - . . . ' .

Mr. and tlrs. Max Otto and Mr. andMrs. Laurence -"Kurtendale of Llanowere guests at the. home of Mr. andMrs. Otto Kolmeler on Tuesday.

NMrs. L. K. Tatator and Mrs. VictorKeldel entertained the Women's Aux-iliary of the Medical Association of theKcrr-Bandcra-Glllesplc District with aluncheon at the home of Mrs. VictorKeldel on Friday. A four-course lunch-eon was served in the dining roomtastefully decorated with ourple stocksand violets. Present for-the luncheonand the business meeting which fol-lowed wore: Mesdames H. H- Gallagin,T8. R. Knapp, C. L. McClcllan, J. E,McDonald. E. E. Palmer, .W. V. Spen-cer, H. Y. Swayze, Lazy, and S. c.Thompson of Kcrrvllle. C. C. Jones ofComfort and Mrs. Herbert Plelffer. Mrs.B. H. Rlley, Miss -Blanche Baker andMrs. Adolf Stlelcr of Comfort wereguests.

Mrs. Otto Kolmeler was in San An-tonio last week, the guest 'of Dr. and'Mrs, E. R. Lochte. Mrs. Louis Maler andother friends.

Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Enderlc and chil-dren visited Rev. and Mrs. Leo J. Ber-norden in Llano Sunday.

Mr. and.Mrs. Louis Beyer arc In SanAntonio this week, the geusts' of Mr.and Mrs. Harry Beyer and Mr. and Mrs.Clemence Beyer.

Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Neffendorf andchildren visited at the home of Mr.and Mrs. Arthur. Conrads at KarnesCity Saturday.

NEW BRAtJNFELSAn enjoyable afternoon.of bridge was

made possible on Wednesday when Mrs.J. R. Fuchs entertained the membersof the Wedensday Bridge Club and afew added substitutes. The hostessawarded the first prize to Mrs. EmllFischer and the second to Miss SophieSchuenemarm. Enjoying the occasionwere the' following: Mesdames ErnstEiband. Emll Fischer. Sam Frieze, MaxGrucnc. Irma Gulurt, Emll Helncn,Richard Pfeuffer, O. R. Sands, C. V.Windwchen, George Eiband, Rochctte

R. Pciton, A. G. Herman, c- c- Wcl- , co^th "and" Miss" Sophie" Schuonemann.hauscn._ O. E. Scruggs.,1. J..Alexander. j^ Ecl>na Prcu;f,,P entertained the.

members of the Thursday BridgeLuncheon Club and a few substituteson Thursday. The totaling of scoresresulted In awarding the first prize toMrs. John Langston, the second to Mrs.

J. A. Mobley, J. G. Hill, Henry Quota,Delane Schwab and Henry Olsen.

ALPINE..A very delightful affair of the week .

-..,_• tv._ v,ridce nnrtv clvca Tuesday I Peter Faust and the guest prize to Mrs.afSrn1?on "bV" Mrs. Frank Clark and i Tuggle Pfeuffer. The following play-a ,%. *Trt Rnv Lnsstter An! ers were present: Mesdames Annie Lee

,^ of mistletoe and other I Holz, Peter Faust. Ernst Elkcl, Bon..f^rtiSchrdMoratcd the ro- Code, W. W. Searcey, Henry Bcrtclc.

SiSftSUJ «,iti- nr thr. Loiter home A Eugene Branshnw, John Langston.^?lcloV5i^dcoSsewS"ervcd after Harry Wagenfuehr. Edwin Voelcker.?h" gamef Gu«to prSent* Deluded ] gufc%^urrer' Nellle Woody and A.

i™,«^ /N rnrt t , ^̂

Mesdames Wednesday _wer=_ the following mem-

mann and Ruth Rice. The first prliseThornton, Arch Allen, Wells Mclntyre.Adalla Bowman, R. A. McMurry. C.D. Wood, Drury Wood, Milton Gilmcr,Misses Alice Cowan, Stathe Elliott, Dor-othy Llgon and Clcmmia Blllmssley.Mrs. H. G. Watson -won high scoreamong Alpine players, with. Mrs. EarlYoung high' for Marathan guests. Toboth the hostess presented an attrac-tive piece of pottery.

The hospitable home of Mr. and- Mrs.F. E. Glllett was the meeting placefor the Episcopalians of Alpine Sat-urday evening. The occasion was themonthly dinner which they arc havingfor their members while the missionhere is without a minister. The- eve-ning was an en-Joyable one, amusinggames and stunts forming the mainentertainment. Those present wereMr. and Mrs. Pete Crawford. Mr. and,Mrs Emmett Strawn. Mr. and Mrs, H. jG. Wntson, Mr. and Mrs. Graves Bogel.Miss Ethel Boatrlght. Miss Nelle Boat-right, Mrs. M. P. Shaplclgh. WorthFrazer and the host and hostess. Mr.and Mrs. F. E. Gillctt.

The Study Club met this week atthe attractive home of Mrs. R. F.Davis. Mrs. John Gentry being Jointhostess with Mrs. Davis. The businessof the -afternoon was handled withdispatch by the president. Mrs. W. B.Hancock. The club plans to hold anart exhibit soon, the pictures nil thework of artists of the Sixth District.The club voted, to -contribute $5 tothe P.-T. A. toward purchasing foodfor school lunches. The club is spon-

was won by Mrs. Charles Bender andthe second by Mrs. Walter Hsrtmann.

The following Friday Contract BridgeClub members were entertained on Fri-day nt tho home of Mrs. A. J. Hlnman:Mesdames E. G. Blelstein, R. S. Burke,M. C. Hagler. John Langston, JadeKaufman, Homer Frieze, Guy Atkinson.The score prize was won by Mrs. GuyAtkinson. • /-

Messes, and Mesdames Robert Staples.W. Curry, R. S. Porter, J. M. Francis,Dr. H. E. Karbach, Mesdames Bob Her-lag and C. Westbrook enjoyed cards atthe home of Dr. and Mrs. E. G. Blel-stein on Friday evening, the occasion,of the meeting of the Eight o'clock;Bridge Club. Dr. Karbach was award-ed the gents' prize, while Mrs. BobHering was awarded the ladies' prize.

Members of the Wednesday ContractBridge Club- and a few extra Invitedguests enjoyed cards on Wednesdaywith Mrs. Robert Staples netms ashostess. The score prize of* the after-noon wns awarded the Mrs. R. B. VlcJc-ers and the guest prize to Mrs. LeslieCostley. The personnel Included: Mcs-dames Bailey Jones, Carl Ohm, M. C.Hagler. R. B. Vickers, Marcus Wald-schmldt, Julius Schleyor. Harvey Rich-ards. R. S. Porter. A. J. Hlnman. H. C.McKenna. I>. Wood, Norman Gcrlich.George ElRcl Schmidt. Henry Foy. J.M. Francis, W. B. Curry. Rennlc Wright,Leslie Costley, Bob Hcrlng and Dan

The Wednesday Bridge Club mem-bers met at the home of Mrs. Lonnis

soring nn exhibit of nil the projects | Dietert on Wednesday afternoon. Theput forward by Miss Nottc Shultz, i hostess awarded the first prize to Mrs.county demonstration ngent. This ex- | Norman Henne and the second to Mrs.hibit will be of general Interest and I Roland Bosc. Enjoying the occasion.will be held at the Kokcrnot Lodge were: Mcsdames James Hlnman, BobMarch 10. After nn Intermission, Mrs. Govicr. Walter Schmidt, Roland Bose,Graves Bogcl introduced tho subject Lea Kronkoslty. Al Lclssncr. Alex Wag-far the afternoon. "Tennyson in Lin- enfugcr and Norman Henne.colnshirc. London, Isle of Wright." The K. K. K. Bridge Club mcmbe

n g seading from poems by Tennyson. Of Norama Conrlng and Mrs. Terry Adams.special Interest was the paper by Players pre_s_entwerc^ Mesdames Jrensespocli-- . . . _ .

Mrs. Knox Reid, who was a guest ofthe club. Her subject was "Forring-ford, Isle of Wright," Invited guestswere Mrs. Mueller of Dallas, Mrs. PattyWilson of Canon and Mrs. Knox Reid.Members present were Mesdamcs GravesBogel, P. V. Cortwrlght, J. L. Eason,J. W. Gilmer, W. B. Hancock, W. H.Moorman, H. W. Morelock, Jones Pen-nlngton. John Perkins, R. J. Ratliff,A. M. Sampley. Normnn. Spencer. W.Van Sickle, C. D. Wood. J. E. Wright.

Mrs. Warren Chastaln wns hostessto El PTOBTCSSO Club on Friday after-noon. The president, Mrs. BernalSlight, presided. Over a very Interest-Ing business session Mesdames JeffWade and Kenneth Gallant very In-terestingly presented the lives andworks of Corot and Millet. The wellknown pictures. "The Thatched Cot-tage," Vhe Gleaners." "The Sower"and others wera described. The host-ess then, served a delicious salad andsweet course to the following mem-bers: Mesdames Walter Wlnkler. Ken-neth Gallant. Roy Lnsslter. H. H.Manghnm, Jeff Wade. D, M. Bennett,

o- of <?JITI Ar- A. E. Owens. Yarborough. H. E. Welk-iwr nnrt Mrs ! er. L. D. Whittle. A. C. Johnson. BcrnalMr. nnu mi". ". '---i,-- ri Mr<! er. L. D. Whittle. A. c. jonnson. ucrnai

wIll^^^^fS^^jjA^nni *' ~ " '•'"* a

Mr. and Mrs. John VonGollad -were Sundayson and daughter, Mr.

WilTk?'and"jo:sepn1<Johns were hostessestn the Undies' Auxiliary of the St.

£w ssa^t^^iM^Interesting talk wns given by Miss Jen-Se Johns.' in which she gave a reportof the council she attended In San An-tonio two weeks ago. Following themeeting a social' hour was enjoyed.There were 26 members present.

Mrs. Georgo Frnzler of Houston Isvisiting with Mr. nnd Mrs. J. P. Fra-^Thc nnnunl luncheon of thc^Boerne

'their ! cHsus ' adorned" tho table. Mrs. EdLIllll 1.1.-K1U* " _ . _ . _ _^_j „„ +nap^TV1nct.^r ftTlH

Mrs. Clsy Holland entertained hcrContract Club Mondny afternoon. Herguests were Mesdnmcs John Gillctt,Anja Wilson. Wells Mclntyre. W. H.Terry. Shirley Scales, Zeb - Decie, Cni-vin St. Glair. Winners of high tablescores were Mrs. Mclntyre and Mrs.Decie.

Pleasantly Informal was the gather-Ing of. young matrons on Thursdayafternoon when Mrs. Jnck Cross en-tertained two tables' of cuests at con-tract, honoring Mrs. Earl McElroy.Other guests wero Mrs. Laurence Hord.Mrs. Rush Moody. Mrs. Calvin St.Clalr. Mrs. Zeb Doclc. Mrs, BcrnalSlight, Mrs. Dorothy Scnnnell.

Mrs. Wells Mclntyre entertained twotables of contract bridge Monday nft-ernoon, honoring. Mrs. Vernon Mcln-

sts- or tneir cissus anoruuu "AU ••""; "̂ oricl tyre. Those present were Mesdames. Mrs. J. GUS | Elonsb^ge^actc^as^asMiastcr^ and | ̂ ̂ #*™*,,\^. Martin.. John GiN

Graham, gu-ests .nnd Mrs. Josephine

?hCrwee£ena'.as guests at Hotel tert won high

Tnft Hotel, guest of :Nutt.


Mrs. E. Richard. Lear, presented anumber of younger music pupils Ina fairy folk recital. Monday eveningat the Greon Avonue Ward School. Fol-lowing is a caat of characters of therecital- Gween, a little girl. MarlonCrltcs;'David, her brother, EOna Beard;a fairy. Joyce Roberts: Mrs.-Peter. Ma-rian Tutt; Thumbellne. Mary EuniceRoberts; Jack the Giant .Killer, JackTutt- Mary, Quite Contrary, Jane CoreyCarroll-. Boy Blue1, Jane Nelson; Robin- - 'BirbW Tutt: Little ^Bo-Peep,

HofetoS^pft^boVsFericrTMaxRlch-ter, Adolph Dietert, A. 6. Rlchter^ Ar-thur Leesch, Edgar Schwarz, Willie

VOAKUM.A gracious hospitality on Frldny

afternoon's social calendar wns theelaborate .bridge luncheon given byMrs Walter Bittner, at her attractivehome on Coke Street, complimenting apersonnel of thirty-two guests. Beau-

•Rhythmunv band presented- two num-•bers .Jimmle ffbone, director of theband, and Miss Peggy Nelson, .accom-panist. The band is composed - ot-thefollowing members: Marion Critcs.Sdc-na Beard, Joyce Roberts, Marian Tutt,Mary Eunice Roberts, Jack. Tutt, JaneCorev Carroll, Jane Nelson; DorothyDycus. Mary Jnno Schmidt and MarTshall Boykln..:, ' :

HOCKPOBX -. . Mrs. Poarsall a week-end guestMiss Elsie Eastorwood of Corpus Christt.

Miss Grace Knox Is the guest of .Mrs.Edwin Plato In'Corpus Christ!. MissKnox Is enjoying ahowers, teas anddances given, her by her many friendsIn honor of her approaching., marriage

gathered about tables, for the games ofbridged A smart color theme of blackand. red"- was carried out, emphasizingthe cveripopular Valentine motif. Thedining table was exquisite with its lacecover over green satin, with an artisticcenterpiece of beautiful' red carnations.Mrs, J. G. Hill was."awarded a-lovelyimported yellow luncheon sot- for high

COLCMBUS.. Mr. «nd Mrs. S. J. Bui-tscholl andsons of Flatonla. have been guests ofMr. and Mrs. J. C. Burt.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stafford are InSnn Antonio with Mr. and Mrs. JoeStafford Jr. .

Mrs. S. K. Seymour Jr. Is In Houstonwith Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Seymour Sr., Mr. and Mrs. M. Walton of Yoalcumhave been guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. G.

Mr. and Mrs. J.' H. Wooten had withthem for a short visit last week theirson. James Wooten of Austin.

Mr. and.Mrs. L.1 Cookenboo and sonof Houston spent the week-end herewith .Mrs. S. ,H. HIghtowcr.• Mrs..-B, H. Rabel entertained withbridge Monday1 afternoon. '

Tho Thursday .Club met with Mrs. A.Chapman this week.

FREDERICKSBURG1 Honoring Mrs. Lee Rcifel, Miss EmilyKeldel entertained the N. U. T. Clubat Bridge Friday evening. Miss FayeKeldel made Elgh'score and Mrs. LeeRelfel second high. Later in. the ove-Ing Mrs. Lee Relfol was requested tosign a special delivery slip, after whicha package was delivered her, containinggifts from all the members of the club.In tfte dining'room1. _whcro the tablewas decorated with a wedding cake, atwo-course luncheon was served to. the- ••' Mesdames Rod Sandhcrr.Ki-nrn- Mrs Eck May received cut tro- following:. Mesdames Rod Sandhcrr.

nhv which was a pair of-lovely Ma- .John Mark Durham, Kermit Strieglcr.So&.^lSrcSeV Mrs. I, F, Gassert LeLRelfel^nd^MJsses^Tmie MargareteJra pill . . .won low score trophy, a hand-paintedserving tray. A delicious two-courseluncheon was served .on trays, -laidwith covers featuring Valentine motif,which were centered with black cande-labras holding red tapere. tied with red

and Faye Keidel n.nd Elise Wcbcr.The Octagon- Bridge Club met nt the

"home of Mrs. Felix Heep Friday after-noon. High score prize wns won byMrs. Robert Arbclger and second highprize by Mrs, Alfred • Schmidt. Rc-

Guessow Kohlenberg. Terry Adams,Henry Drucbcrt, Misses Norma Conrlng.Vera Oclkers, Mayme Warnecke andElsie Meyer.

Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.B. H. .Wagenfuehr during the past weefcwere the following university friends ofMiss Esther May Wagenfuehr: MissecJulia White, Margaret Jefferson, Messrs.Paul Madison. Hugo Allen, Dan Wll-Willlams.

Mrs. Harry Heldemeyer- spent severaldays of this week In San Antonio, guestof Mr. and Mrs.- Louis Eose.

HARWOOD.Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dexter of Aus-

tin spent the week-end with, tnelrmother. Mrs. Rachel Dexter.

Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Beaty returnedfrom a two weeks' visit to CorpusChrlstl. guests or Mr. and Mrs. PerryBeaty.

Miss Josephine Shannon, spent lastweek at Startown with Mr. and Mrs.Leslie Shannon.

Mr. and Mrs. Bob Retherford ofLuling spent a few days last week witn.Mr. and Mrs. Clyde McDonald.

Mr. nnd Mrs. Claude Jones of Flu-toni.i visited Mr. nnd Mrs. J.-P.'BeatySunday.

Miss Marguerite Moore of Kingsburysnent the week-end with her .parents.Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Moore.

THOMASTONMr. nnd Mrs. Jack Van Floogenhuy*

of Columbus, Ohio, and Mrs. W. F.Harris of Cuero. have been guests .ot .Mrs. J. R. Wright. ;

Mrs. H. J. Donnelly has returned ifrom Gollad where she -visited Mrs.John McCnmpbell. . - i

Mrs. Farwell and Mrs. Ethel Tounn !of Palaclos. were week-end guests of iMiss Eleanor Wildman.

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas D. Murphrca •or San Antonio, have been guests of •Mrs. Charles Murphrco. :

Mr. and Mrs. James H. Prtdgen Jr. •of Cucro. were Sunday guests of Mrs.Charles Oakcs.

Mr. and Mrs. D. R. McMnnus spenta few days In MartlndBle visiting Mrs.Chsrlcs Martlndnle.. ,'

Mr and Mrs. Sydney Dcdcar havebeon .guests of Mrs. Adolph Prclss lit

V'rsf William Dcdcar has been n guestof her daughter, Mrs. Ferdinand Gls-ler, In Cucro.

Mrs. Earnest LnmU has been -s._rccentguest of her daughter, Mrs. Boy Grieve*In Victoria.

DIL.LEY.Misses Mary Louise Martha Jonc*.

visited their grandmother, Mrs. Ealnna.In Cause last week-end. - *

Mrs T. G. Cavendcr Is visiting herdaughter, Mrs. J. E. Golden. In. Gal-

°Mr. and Mrs. S. Claunch of Brackott-vllle spent last week-end with theirparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Wood.

Mrs. W, H. Essary and little daugh-ter of Pcnrsall visited her. sister, Mrs.James Dunham, Saturday.

Mrs. Roy G. Rnder is visiting herdaughter, Mrs. Ted Scarborough, laLaredo.

Mr; and Mrs. Sanders White of Tjval-de were guests last week-end of Mr.and Mrs. Emmett Reagan.

Mr. and Mrs, Fred West visited th;latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. FredSpence, in San Antonol, last week-end.

FLATONIA."Miss Myrtle ' visiting Mis*

Madeline Kunz In Houston for a fewweeks' stay. .

Miss Minnie Brandt returned toOrange Grove Saturday after spend-ing some time with her aunt,-. Mrs.Robert Agricola. She was. accompa-nied home by Mrs. Agricola. who spenta few dnys there. • • • .

Mrs. E. C. Floyd nnd children andMr and Mrs. E. E. Stoner and childrenof Laredo have "been visiting- Mrs.HMre "wilt^HoIt was a -visitor withher aunt. Mrs. G. C. Simmons, thisWMrs: F. X, Brunncr entertained withbridge Thursday, afternoon.