Herbs Lindsay Brown, Kerstin Brueck, Daron Flory.

Herbs Lindsay Brown, Kerstin Brueck, Daron Flory

Transcript of Herbs Lindsay Brown, Kerstin Brueck, Daron Flory.


Lindsay Brown, Kerstin Brueck, Daron Flory

What is an herb? Herb- 1. A ______________ annual,

biennial or perennial that does not develop persistent woody tissue but dies down at the end of a growing season.

2. A plant or plant part valued for its medicinal, savory or aromatic qualities.

Some stats…

13,000 plants are used medicinally 550 are commercially available in the U.S. The FDA approves 279 as _______ or

food ingredients

Some facts In 1996, ___% of American adults

reported using herbs. 3.24 billion dollars were spent on herbs According to a survey, 34% of people had

used at least one “unconventional therapy”

Some facts 10% had seen an herbal practitioner 45% were seeking alternative tx for

anxiety, and 35% for depression

Are herbs safe?

There is a current lack of ______________ in the U.S. regarding herbs.

-Many people think that just because a product is labeled “natural” or “organic,” that it is completely safe-this is not true.

Cont…-Our bodies do not distinguish between

organic & ______________ drugs- tries to metabolize both the same

-In telephone survey about depression in ’99, majority believed herbs were safer than prescription drugs

Vazquez, R.(2001). Professional Psych: Research and Practice. V. 32 p.329

FDA regulation

1962-FDA issued strict guidelines on safety and efficacy testing requirements for ______________.

1972-FDA began a comprehensive review of all OTC products.

Modern herb industry (after 1965) held the FDA in great suspicion and avoided interaction with them-resulting in herbal products being taken out of OTC med’s


Since herbs are out of the new drug and OTC business, the botanical industry has no choice but to offer their products as ______________

Bad relations between FDA and Herb companies led to the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA)-


-clearly says what a dietary supplement is and what it is not.

-not ______________.-Unsafe if it presents risk due to regular use-The claims on the label must be truthful and

not misleading.

DSHEA cont.

“This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to treat, cure, or ______________ any disease.”

Herbs have to be labeled as “dietary supplement” and must be scientifically researched

Herb has to be manufactured under current good manufacturing practices (GMP’s)

Bottom line…

DSHEA basically assured the American consumers when it comes to using herbal supplements

Use of Ginkgo, St. John’s wort, kava-kava and valerian for mood, emotions, and mental states has increased dramatically

Ex.-Sale of Ginkgo increased by 66.8%, sale of St. John’s wort by 189.7% from 1997-1998.

St. Johns Wort One of the most popular herbal remedies

in Europe and the U.S. Sale of SJW totaled 6 billion in ’98, rose

2800% in one year alone. It comes from the Hypericum Perforatum

plant, which is cut and gathered at the start of the ______________.

Vazquez, R.(2001). Professional Psych: Research and Practice. V. 32 p.329

Effects of SJW Depression

The most widely publicized alternative treatment for depression.

OCD Significant decrease on scores on the Yale-Brown

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Scale, which is similar to that found in clinical trials of standard prescription anti-depressants.

Vazquez, R.(2001). Professional Psych: Research and Practice. V. 32 p.329

Problems with SJW Side effects

Nausea, heartburn, loose bowels, jitteriness, ______________, fatigue, Phototoxic rash, and fatigue.

______________ has a positive correlation with increased side effects.

Vazquez, R.(2001). Professional Psych: Research and Practice. V. 32 p.329

Kava-kava Originated in South Pacific Islands It is an extract from the ______________ Plant Consists of compounds related to anaesthetic,

sedating, anticonvulsive, muscle-relaxant, and sleep properties

Brown R.; Gerbarg, P(2000). American Psychiatric Press Review of Psychiatry, v.19

Kava-kava treatment uses

Fear Anxiety-related disorders Tension Stress Mild depression

Kava-kava compared

favorable to Benzodiazepines


Brown R.; Gerbarg, P(2000). American Psychiatric Press Review of Psychiatry, v.19

Plus and minuses Positives

______________, learning, memory enhancement Short-term memory processing

Negatives Side Effects

Liver damage, gastrointestinal disturbances, allergic skin reactions, movement disorders, attention deficits

Most side effects are dose-response

Brown R.; Gerbarg, P(2000). American Psychiatric Press Review of Psychiatry, v.19


Component in Fish oils______________ fatty acid

Prevalent consumption in fish eating countriesE.g., Japan, Taiwan, China

Rees, A.; Austin, M.; Parker, G.(2004). School of Psychiatry, U of South Wales

Physiological Effects

Helps with:AsthmaCystic FibrosisRheumatoid arthritis

Reduced morning ____________, reduced number of swollen joints, and joint pain.

Ruxton, C.; Reed, S.; Simpson, M.; Millington, K.(2004). The British Dietetic Association. V. 17 p.449

Psychological Effects

Helps increase fluidity in neuronal membranes and help regulate neurotransmittersDepressionBipolar DisorderDementia

Ruxton, C.; Reed, S.; Simpson, M.; Millington, K.(2004). The British Dietetic Association. V. 17 p.449

Sam-e (S-adenosyl-methionine)

A nutrient or dietary supplement Used by more than a million people in

Europe for certain treatments Boosts levels of neurotransmitters

Related to Omega-3’s function

Brown R.; Gerbarg, P(2000). American Psychiatric Press Review of Psychiatry, v.19



Osteoarthritis Age-related memory impariment

Brown R.; Gerbarg, P(2000). American Psychiatric Press Review of Psychiatry, v.19

Side effects

Appears to have among the fewest side effects of herbal remedies

The main side effectA state of _________ in patients who had

bipolar disorder Appears to work well with other


Brown R.; Gerbarg, P(2000). American Psychiatric Press Review of Psychiatry, v.19

Ginkgo Bilboa

From the tree family of Ginkgoacae Used for 5000 years Increases cerebral blood flow

Mattes; Pawlik (2004). Human Pharmocology;

Increases in the brain

Memory Concentration ______________

Helps with some cognitive disorders

E.g., Alzheimer’s disease

Mattes; Pawlik (2004). Human Pharmocology;


Herbs are an alternative to prescription medicines

They have similar qualities/effects as meds, but results will more than likely vary individually

Remember: A lot of one thing is always a bad thing