Herbology Review 1 en 2

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    Chapter 1: Introduction Page 2 Chapter 2a: Basic equipment Page 3 Chapter 2b: Caring for plants Page 4 Chapter 2c: Classifying plants Page 6 Chapter 3a: Magical plants Page 8 Chapter 3b: Non-magical plants Page 18 Chapter 3c: Dangerous plants Page 22 Chapter 3d : Plants in literature Page 27 Chapter 3e: Nocturnal plants Page 29 Chapter 4 : Relation to other subjects Page 31 Chapter 5: Wand woods Page 33 Chapter 6: Challenges Page 38 Biography Page 39

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    Chapter 1 : Introduction What is Herbology ? Herbology is the study and the use of non-magical and magical plants. Those plants can be used for medicinal, protective or educational purposes. A Herbologist is any wizard or witch who understands the properties and the nature of a plant and thus can take care of this plant. Why is Herbology so important? Herbology is important, because plants are used for different purposes. For example, they are used for potions and cooking. For those purposes its important to know about Herbology, so you know what you put in your potion or food. If there wasnt any Herbology you could do something poisonous in your potion and you couldnt seek plants for their properties. Its also very handy to know Herbology for dueling. The wood of which a wand is made, also is a object of study in Herbology. When you know of what kind of wood a wand is made, you can figure out which impact a spell has in a duel. What is going to be discussed in this book? In chapter two the basic equipment of a Herbologist will be discussed, followed by how to take care of plants and classification of plants. In chapter three all sorts of plants will be discussed, grouped in five categories: magical plants, non-magical plants, dangerous plants, plants in literature and nocturnal plants. In chapter four there will be made a connection to other subjects given at Hogwarts. I hope this will help the reader understand the unity of magic. In chapter five there will be spoken of wandwoods and the Celtic Tree Calender and in the last chapter, chapter six, there will be spoken of the challenges Herbology faces at this very moment. I hope you will enjoy reading this book and that it will be useful to you.

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    Chapter 2A:Basic equipment Basic equipment for your own protection For your own protection its better to have dragon-hide gloves, earmuffs and a wand. Dragon-hide gloves can be used when you have to pick up something thats poisonous or sharp. You dont want o get stung by something. Earmuffs can be used when a plant makes a loud or annoying noise. You protect your ears, so you dont pass out or get deaf. The last thing thats very handy when doing Herbology is a wand. This can for example be used for first aid. Its also recommend to wear closed-toe shoes, an apron and sometimes a mask.

    Dragon-hide gloves Earmuffs Wand Basic equipment for caring for a plant To care for a plant, you need to have dragon dung, mooncalf dung and centaur tears. Dragon dung is retrieved from a fire-breathing dragon. It can be used as fertilizer for soil or as compost to make more organic fertilizer. Dragon dung is scentless and thus not bothering for you or other plants. Mooncalf dung is also use as fertilizer. Its preferred for caring for more sensitive plants. Mooncalf dung isnt as strong as dragon dung and thus needs a vitamin rich soil to begin with. Centaur tears are the favorite drink of most plants. Its forbidden to take centaur tears from a centaur without content. Centaur tears are more vitamin rich then normal water. They can revive plants until moments of death. But centaur tears are not good to all plants, because some plants find them toxic.

    Dragon dung Mooncalf dung Centaur tears

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    Chapter 2B:Caring for plants The first thing you need to understand about plants, is that every plant is an individual met individual needs. When you care for a plant, its important to know enough of this plant. The things you certainly need to know before you start caring for a plant are the following:

    How to plant the seeds. How the roots grow. How many sunlight a plant needs. How many water the plant needs. The soil the plant requires. How to report a plant and what

    changes once youve done that. The habitat of the plant. The lifespan. Pruning

    How to plant the seeds Its important to know how to plant the seeds, because if you do this wrong, the plant may not grow correctly. Its important to know how deep the seeds must be planted and how wide from each other. How the roods grow Its important to know how the roots grow, because this can affect the amount of water it needs (the water sometimes needs to reach to roots). It also can affect the space a plant needs and when it needs to be repotted to get enough room to grow. How many sunlight and water the plant needs Its important to know this things if you want a plant to grow. When a plant cant get enough or get too much of one of those things, it wont grow as it should or it wont grow at all. In the worst case, the plant will die. The soil the plant requires Every plant requires a certain type of soil. Some plants require soil with more vitamins and some plants are more sensitive and require mooncalf dung. How to repot a plant an what changes once youve done that Repotting is a very special moment in the life of a plant. It gets a bigger pot and can gain confidence. After the plant is repotted, the need for sunlight, water and soil may change and its important to be aware of that!

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    The habitat of a plant A lot of plants have a natural habitat, but they can adapt to another habitat. This isnt always good, its one of the challenges of Herbology. Habitats revolve around the amount of sunlight and water, the temperature and the climate.

    The lifespan The lifespan of a plant depends on the plant. Its mostly between three and five thousand years. Threes have the longest lifespan. Pruning Fruits and flowering plants should be pruned in their dormant season (usually the winter). You should never prune an evergreen tree. If youre going to prune, sharp tools will be easier. They will make an easy cut and let the plant heal faster. It is important to keep the tools clean, so you dont spread diseases from plant to plant. Pruning is simple; use your hands to check for dead leaves, flowers or limbs. Remove those with your pruning shears or hand shears. Branches should be cut where they join stems. When you finish pruning, give your plant some more fertilizer and place it out of direct sunlight until it starts to heal. Then place the plant back to its original location, as it will be most comfortable there.

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    Chapter 2C:Classifying plants All plants can be classified. There are several parts that are important for classification of plants:

    The amount of sun the plant requires Color of the flowers Color of the foliage Type Height Special features

    I will discuss all those parts in the following chapter. Amount of sun

    Moonlight: The plant requires light to be reflected. Shade: The plant doesnt like too much sun. Partial sun: The plant should be in sunlight during the morning. Full sun: The plant should be in sunlight during the afternoon.

    Color of the flowers

    Green Blue Purple Pink Red Orange Yellow White Black

    Color of the foliage Vivid green Blue/green Chartreuse/gold Grey/silver Purple/deep red


    Annual: The plant lives a year. Biennial: The plant lives two years. Perennial: The plant lives longer than two years. Bulb: This plant stores itself during the wintertime. Fruit: This plant contains seeds at the centre and produces fruits. Herb: This plant has parts that are used for medicine, flavoring, food or perfume. Houseplant: This plant grows indoors. Rose: This is a prickly bush. Shrub: Plant that resembles a tree, but is smaller. Tree: Woody plant with one stem and trunk.

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    Water plant: Any plant that has a least a centimeter of water surrounding it at all times.

    Vine: A woody plant that climbs along objects. Vegetable: A plant that doesnt contain seeds at its centre, but is edible.


    Under 0.3 meters. 0.3 0.9 meters. 0.9 2.4 meters. 2.4 6.1 meters. Higher than 6.1 meters.

    Special features

    Spring flower: blooms in spring season. Fall flower: blooms in fall season. Summer flower: blooms in summer season. Winter flower: blooms in winter season. Reflowering: blooms multiple times in a year. Fall foliage: foliage changes color during the fall. Constant interest: plant remains the same all year. Low maintenance: easy to take care of. Attracts birds, bugs or other animals. Fragant: Plant has a strong smell. Solution: Consistency of dirt. Drought tolerant: Can survive long periods without water.

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    Chapter 3A: Magical plants Gillyweed How to take care of Gillyweed Gillyweed is native to the Mediterranean Sea. It grows to height of five to seven centimeters and it needs soil with a PH range of 7.9 to 8.4. This is moderately alkaline. Gillyweed needs a lot of water, but requires little sunlight. It hasnt got a limit of sunlight it can take in, so you can put in the sunlight. As long as Gillyweed gets the water it needs, it will be okay. Gillyweed is a slimly plant with a grey-green color. Gillywood is a tree which grows in water. Its believed to be in relation to Gillyweed due to the patterns in its leaves. Properties of Gillyweed - Consumption of Gillyweed by humans will result in temporary growth of gills between toes and fingers. The effect lasts about an hour in fresh water and up to three hours in salt water. - When you consume Gillyweed, it gives a refreshed, nourishing feeling and this makes gillywater a popular drink. Gillywater 1. Begin with pure water or juice. 2. You will need a cucumber. You need to peel it and cut it in long, thin stripes. Use the longest stripe to tie the rest together. 3. Pour the liquid you chose at step one in a glass and add the cucumber. They longer you let it sit, the stronger the cucumber taste will be. 4. Right before drinking, add the Gillyweed to the glass. If you want to, you can add ice cubes too. 5. Gillyflower may be added if you like a little spice in your drink. 6. Enjoy!

    Gillyweed Gillywater

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    Valerian How to take care of Valerian Valerian is native to Europe and some of Asia. It has migrated to North America. Muggles are aware of its existence, but unaware of its powers. Valerian may grow to 1.52 meters and it forms bunches of attractive white flowers. At least seven hours of sun is required to keep this plant healthy. The division and seeding of Valerian are effective to start growing a new Valerianplant. The seed should be planted in soil with a PH level of 4.5 to 5.0. This is very strongly acid. It should be planted about 0.3 centimeter down. Valerian must be harvested in the fall or spring. You should be aware that cats are attracted to this herb. You should do something to hold them back. Properties of Valerian - The roots and sprigs of valerian are most commonly used. - It possesses sedative powers and so the sprigs are used in sleeping potions like the draught of the living death. - The root can be used against anxiety and is therefore used in calming potions, like the forgetfulness potion. - The strong smell of Valerian sprigs are used as perfume. - The root of Valerian is often worn by grooms at weddings to avoid the envy of elves.

    Valerian flowers and sprigs Valerian roots

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    Knotgrass How to take care of Knotgrass Knotgrass is native in European forests and in Hogwarts forbidden forest. Its growing from 5 centimeters to 4 meters tall. It has an irregular grow pattern. Knotgrass grows wherever there is a PH level of 6.1 to 7.3. This is a slightly acid or neutral PH level. Knotgrass needs plenty of water and how more sunlight it gets, the faster it will grow. Knotgrass flowers in the summer with the color varying between whites, pinks and greens. When the flowers are done blooming, the stem must be cut below the flowering. Properties of Knotgrass - It is symbolic for tying to people together and therefore its used at weddings. - Its used in polyjuice potions that help turn one persons body into one of another. - Knotgrass halts the grow of animals. - Its used in knotgrass meat a drink commonly used at weddings. - Knotgrass is used in some love potions. - By healers its used to heal urinary channel infections and by fertility issues.

    Knotgrass Knotgrass

    Polyjuice potion Love potion

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    Dittany How to take care of Dittany Naturally it only grows in the mountains of Crete in Greece, but its often made in greenhouses. Dittany grows twenty to thirty centimeters in height and requires warmth and sunlight. In Latin its name is Origanum Dictamnus. Dittany grows in soil with an average PH level of 6.6 to 7.3. To grow Dittany, one must own a greenhouse. You must keep the temperature in the greenhouse at an even temperature of 13 degrees Celsius. Seeds should be lightly covered by soil and then sprinkled lightly with water. You must wait until the soil feels dry to water the Dittany again. When you want to use Dittany, you should first water it down. The color becomes brown. Properties of Dittany - Dittany is essential for healers, potioneers, Herbologists and parents - Dittany has a romantic quality and this is why muggles collect it for significant others. - Dittany aids corporal pains of all kinds and can prevent permanent scars. - It is used in several love potions and as a wand core. - Its also used in the Wiggenweld potion. This is a healing potion with the power to wake some up from a magically-induced sleep.

    Dittany Dittany

    Dittany essence

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    Rat Root How to take care of Rat Root Rat Root is also called Acorus Calamus. It also goes by sea sledge, flag root, myrtle grass, sweet myrtle, sweet rush, gladdon and beewort. Rat Root is perennial and it grows to a height of about one meter. This plant should not be taken in high doses or over long periods of time. Rat Root is a water plant and grows in most soils. Its necessary to water the plant every two or three days and sunlight is a huge must. Rat Root grows best in shallow water, marshes, by the edge of a river or in ponds. Seeds are ripe in July or August and they should be planted quickly after you obtain them. Rat Root flowers between May and July. Properties of Rat Root - Rat Root has and bitter taste and can be used as substitute for ginger, cinnamon or nutmeg. - Rat Root is abortifacient. (It can cause abortion) - Rat Root is anodyne. (It relieves pain) - Rat Root is anthelmintic. (They expel parasitic worms) - Rat Root is aphrodisiac. (It is used in love potions) - Rat Root is carminative. (It prevents formation of gas) - Rat Root counters the side effects of hallucinogens. - Rat Root is diuretic. (It makes you pee) - Rat Root is Hallucinogen. - Rat Root is laxative. - Rat Root is otalgic. (It cures ear aches) - Rat Root is sedative. - Rat Root is used in floor coverings, because of the sweet smell. - Rat Root helps cure tooth aches, burns and eye diseases. - In powered form, Rat Root can clear a cough and relieve pain on ones voice. - Rat Root is used to help people in the recovery after a stroke. - Rat Root strengthens the mind and stomach and this has led to use in digestive potions. - It is also used as a mild tonic that can calm people.

    Rat Root Flower of Rat Root

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    Bouncing Bulb

    How to care for a Bouncing Bulb A Bouncing Bulb can jump around when not under control. In Latin its called Resilio

    Bulbus. Its a purple, bulb shaped plant with several green leaves on the top. This plant needs a

    neutral PH level and a relatively bright area. Centaur Tears are the best for watering.

    Young Bouncing Bulbs are easy to handle, but if they come free they often try to hit you in the face. Bouncing Bulbs can grow to the size of a doorways Therefore its important to recognize

    signs of aggression. When threatened Bouncing Bulbs jump towards anyone they see as an attacker. Smaller bulbs can be subdued with a knockback charm. Larger bulbs require fire. This causes withering of the bulb.

    Properties of the Bouncing Bulb - The Bouncing Bulb is used in the Pompion potion which makes the face of the drinker into a pumpkin.

    Bouncing Bulb Pompion potion

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    How to care for Gurdyroot Gurdyroot resembles green onions in appearance , but the scent and taste arent that nice.

    Gurdyroot is able to grow in a diverse range of environments. It needs soil that has enough nutritious. Sunlight and water in adequate amounts will keep the Grudyroot alive for several months as long as the soil is nutritious. Gurdyroot can grow up to fifteen centimeters. In order to grow Gurdyroot you need to have a pot seven and a half time the bulb. Gurdyroot is difficult to grow, because of the many insects that attack the plant. The smell is offensive to them; they break through the stem of the plant. You can do a protective spell around your plant to avoid this.

    Properties of Gurdyroot - Gurdyroot Infusion, a drink made of Gurdyroot, has a red-purple color and has an awful taste. - Gurdyroot wards of Gulping Plimpies.


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    How to care for Wormwood Wormwood is associated with sorrow and bitterness. It can grow between one and two meters and its common throughout Europe. It has wood-like roots and leaves between 5 and 20 centimeters. Wormwood prefers salt water.

    Properties of Wormwood - Wormwood is an ingredient in the Draught of the Living Death. - Wormwood in potions can help with digestive problems. - It induces sweating. - It stimulates the imagination. - It increases hunger. - It settles the stomach. - Its counter-irritant. (It reduces pain) - Leaves and flowers may be placed on the skin for decreasing pain of wounds such as insect bites. - In potions Wormwood is used to treat fevers, gall blader and love disease.

    Wormwood Wormwood

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    Shrivelfig grows best in Abyssinia in Ethiopia. The whole plant is purple and they grow on trees or shrubs up to ten meters. The roots of Shrivelfigs can survive wintery weather and seasonal droughts.

    In the autumn the shrivelfig disposes its leaves. The plant also has fruits, which can be harvested by skinning the plant. These fruits are high in fibre, manganese and magnesium. Calcium Iron and Vitamin K. also are present and this makes the plant very nutritional. Shrivelfigs are used for healing children, because they have laxative and depurative properties and they can reduce inflammation. They also clear mucus that has been building up.

    Other uses for Shrivelfigs are the following: The liquid may be used to soften the skin. The liquid may be used in wart removing potion. Shrivelfigs can be used in jam. Shrivelfigs can be used in shrinking potions.


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    Raskovnik is native to Slavic countries, but can be found all over the world. It is difficult to find though, because it grows in locations that are hard to reach and most humans arent capable of

    recognizing the herb. A good way to find Raskovnik, is putting chains on your own leg. If it falls off, youll find Raskovnik.

    Raskovnik is a herb that grows several centimeters long and it has the shape of a four-leaf clover. Rakovnik will grow more comfortable, the more water and sun it gets. It needs sandy to loamy soil in order to grow. Raskovnik has a special feature; it is able to unlock every door and chest. It is also capable of uncovering lost treasures; it is thought of as a ingredient in the philosophers stone.

    Properties of Raskovnik: Raskovnik is used in Felix Felics. The leaves of Raskovnik are diuretic and can bring down a large fever. Rakovnik is anti-inlfmmatory. Raskovnik is purifying. Raskovnik is capable of keeping things cool. Raskovnik is capable of waking persons that are in a deep sleep, even if theyre on the

    hedge of death. It is safe to use Raskovnik on children.


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    Chapter 3B: Non-magical plants Why should you use non-magical plants? Non-magical plants can have the same properties or scents like magical plants. They are safer to use in potions, because they wont cause explosions, major heat changes or mishaps which occur

    during brewing. You should always look at the properties, the effect of the scent and the interaction with magic.

    Non-magical plants that are often used by potioneers and Herbologists

    Lily Plant

    English Rose







    Vanilla Coco Orchid

    Salvia Akabia Shilajit

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    Lily plant

    How do you care for a Lily plant Lily plants are recognized from their flowers with three petals and three sepals. They come in several colors like blue, orange, pink, purple, white and yellow. The shape of the flowers may differ from plant to plant. They can be bowl, funnel, recurved, star and trumpet. Also the plant itself may point upwards, downwards or to the side. Not all lilies can produces flowers, but if they do produces flowers, the leaves are vital. Those leaves come in as many varieties in shape and size as the flowers.

    Another part of a Lily plant is the stem. The stem is usually green, but can also be red or purple. It can grow from 30 centimeters to 3 meters. The stems are thick and sturdy, though size and weight of the Lily flower can cause the stem to bend over.

    In order to plant a Lily, you will have to have a bulb. This bulb should be planted 0.6 centimeters into the ground in nutritious soil. The plant must have 5 to 6 hours full sunlight a day and regular water will do fine. You dont have to need centaur tears! Lilies interact well with magic; you can stimulate the bulb to grow.

    Properties of Lilies - They attract birds. - They are poisonous for cats and knaezels. - They have a high source of fibers when dried. - They can help regulate the heart beat. - It is used in helping conditions relating to the heart. - It can be used by angina. - Flowers are used for the treatment of burns. - Flowers are used to prevent scar tissue from forming. - The roots can be made into an ointment to apply to burned areas. Lily - Spider bites can be treated - Herbal remedies can be made from the Lily flower to support people who had a stroke. - The scent of Lilies is used by muggles for aromatherapy by depression, because the scent induces feelings of happiness and security. - In the form of tea, Lily plants are used for coughs and fevers, stomach disorders, wounds, sores and washing swollen and bruised areas.

    Lily Tea

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    English Rose

    How to care for a English Rose The English Rose grows only to full sunlight. Its

    classified as a shrub and can grow (in length) from 30 centimeters to 6 meters. Width is important to consider when planting it; The plant can grow (in width) from 60 centimeters to 1.20 meters. The rose flower may be blue, English Rose green, orange, pink, red or white. Make sure to plant the bulb in a soil with a PH range of 5.5 to 7.0. In the Wizarding world dragon dung should be use as fertilizer, this helps the plant to interact with magic later. Dragon-hide gloves ought to be worn to protect yourself from rose thorns. Rose plants need lots of water, but you must be careful not to drown them. Let the water sink before adding more. On hot seasons, you must soak the roots twice a week. When watering, add lots of water occasionally so the deeper roots are reached. Make also sure that the water can drain.

    Properties of the English Rose - It helps cure eye diseases. - It helps by burns. - It helps against influenza. - It stimulates digestive and therefore helps with stomach problems. - It helps against diarrhea. - It helps against chronic finger sores. - Its used for skin lotions. - Its astringent. (it helps thicken the blood) - It helps against sore throats. - It treats dog bites. - It stops nosebleeds. - It eases muscular pain. - Its antispasmodic. (it helps against spasms) - It eases anxiety. - It is used in love potions. - It can decrease kidney stones. - Its a menstrual regulator.

    - Its used for cleansing. - Its anti-inflammatory. - Its a source of vitamin C. - Its diuretic and laxative. - Potions with dried petals treat headaches. - It eases a cough. - It may be used to treat dry skin. - Rose water and witch hazel make a potion to help clear op acne. - Adding rose oil to a bad helps ease grieve. - Rose tea helps to relieve stress. - It prevents scurby. - It eases colds. - It eases fevers. - Rose water decreases swelling. - Scent in some potions may induce sleep. - Can help regulate blood thickness. - Rose oil is antiviral and antibacterial. - Rose oil and rose water are antiseptic.

    Rose oil

  • Dandelions

    Dandelions (or Taraxacum Magianale) are a perennial herb, found in most temperature climates in the whole world. Its stem can be from 1 to 12 centimeters above the ground. The leaves can grow from 5 to 25 centimeters. Those leaves resemble the teeth of a lion. The yellow flower that the dandelion has, can reach between 2 and 5 centimeters. They open in the morning and close in the evening. When the plant gets older, the flower turns in a head of seeds.

    Dandelions brings nutrients to the top of the soil and it adds nitrogens and minerals. Muggles use the plant to hold loose soil together.

    Properties of dandelions: Consumed for high vitamin and mineral content. Used for their flavor in salads, soups, wines and teas. Dandelions can threat inflammation of tonsils. Dandelions can threat upset stomachs. Dandelions can threat boils. Dandelions can threat diarrhea. Dandelions can threat flatulence. The leaves of dandelions are diuretic. The leaves of dandelions stimulate appetite. Dandelions lower blood-sugar levels and therefore people with blood thinning medications,

    diabetes, pregnant or nursing woman cannot consume it. The leaves and stem of dandelions contain latex and this can cause allergic reactions.


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    Chapter 3C: Dangerous Plants Mandrake

    How to care for Mandrake Mandrake is common in European countries. Its shaped like a carrot with wrinkled roots. Above the ground it grows from between five to forty centimeters. It resembles tobacco plants. To report a Mandrake, use earmuffs and dragon-hide gloves. Use medium to heavy soil. The amount of water should be equal to th of the plants weight.

    Properties of Mandrake - It uses hallucinations. - It puts people in dreamlike states. - It is used in sleeping potions, love potions and in the potion to revive a petrified person.

    Dangers of Mandrake The Mandrake can cause death with his screams. This is a defend mechanism, to prevent extinction. As soon as the Mandrake has caused death of one begin, it stops screaming. The expectation is that it will be dropped and can re-root itself in the ground.

    During Medieval area people would dig around the Mandrake, until there was enough room to tie a rope around the roots of the Mandrake. They would tie a dog to this rope. The master will walk away and the dog will follow, pulling the Mandrake out. The Mandrake would scream, killing the dog and then it would stop screaming.

    Now there is a more humane way to uproot fully grown Mandrake, without killing some being. You have to wear earmuffs and as soon as the Mandrake is out, you have to cover it in aquatandisu potion. The plant will trash a few seconds and will cease all movements. At this time the plant is ready for harvesting and will not scream.

    First Aid If a person slips in a coma after contact with a Mandrake, wash the spot of contact immediately and send for a trained healer. There is no reversal of death by an Mandrakes scream.


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    Devils Snare

    How to care for Devils Snare It comes naturally from Scotland. It will grow in dark an damp areas, like caves. Recognizable features include swaying tendrils and the vivid green despite the lack of light. There is no seed of Devils Snare. It should be collected through intelligent. To safely grow Devils Snare after

    collection, surround the area with light so it will not spread beyond where you want it to reach. Devils Snare may not be planted or used around muggles, because they cannot defend themselves.

    Properties of Devils Snare - Devils Snare is used to guard objects, assassinate enemies or as a distraction.

    Dangers of Devils Snare It attacks when ones back is turned, asleep or already in gasp. The more you struggle against its

    strangulation, the quicker it kills you. When a victim relaxes, the plant assumes youre death and drops you. To escape from Devils Snare you have to remember that the plant hates light and

    heat. Incendio and Lumos may be used.

    First Aid In an emergency situation, tread the person for strangulation and suffocation. Rennervate, a reviving spell, may be useful. Apnei may also be useful, if the victim is choking on its own tongue.

    Devils Snare

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    How to take care of Bubotuber Bubotuber originally comes from Scotland. It looks like a giant black snail. When squeezed, it releases gas-scented yellow pus. To grow Burbotuber, one must plant a bulb in dark, nutritious soil. It requires very little sunlight and can stand very cold weather. Dragon dung is recommend as fertilizer; it needs a lot of it.

    Properties of Bubotuber - If the yellow pus is made in liquid, it treats acne. - If the yellow pus is touched before its made in liquid, it will burn the skin.

    Bubotuber liquid To make liquid from the yellow pus, use dittany in liquid form or gillywater. The pus is able to lose scent over time.

    First aid If you come in contact with the yellow pus, cleanse the wound for five minutes under cold water and then apply dittany. It is recommend to also take a potion for the pain.

    Bubotuber Bubotuber pus

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    How to care for Aconite Aconite is also known as monkshood or wolfsbane. In the muggle society its named the queen of potions, leopards bane, womens bane, blue rocket and devils helmet. The name Aconite comes

    from the Greek akonitos, which means without struggle. It refers to the toxic of the aconite leaves. In the Middle Ages they wear often used to kill animals. The potion was applied to the tip of the arrows.

    Aconite can be found in the wild: in forest and mountain ranges of moderate temperature. You should always wear dragon-hide gloves if youre looking for Aconite. If the root is exposed, it can do harm to wild animals. When growing Aconite, one must use a nutritious soil. Aconite lives in shady areas.

    Properties of Aconite - Its a poisonous sedative. - Its powerful in small doses. - It can be used to slow heart rate. - It can treat prickly pain in the skin.

    Dangers of Aconite When you have an open wound and it got in contact with Aconite, immediately treat it with the potion antropine. Then head to St. Murgos as only certified healers will be able to fully handle

    your care. Death occurs almost instantaneously with large doses: within two to six hours. Symptoms include diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, burning in abdomen, mouth and face and numbness in mound and face. As death nears, numbness spreads out to the rest of your body. Sweating, dizziness, headaches, confusion and troubles with breathing may also occur.


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    Venomous Tentacula

    Venomous Tentacula enjoys acidic soil; how lower the pH-level, the better the plant will thrive. The leaves of the Venomous Tentacula can be deep green or dark purple.

    The seeds of the Venomous Tentacula are a C non-tradeable substance. They are dark brown with white speckles. They always make rattling noises and this is why the plant is also called restless reedy.

    Uses for the venomous tentacula: The juice acts as a poison. The victim will feel like their insides are burning. The side

    effect is the human skin turning purple; there is no reversal for this. First aid would be to let the victim swallow a pain-numbing potion.

    Dark potions use the venomous tentacula, because of the torturous effect. Venomous tentacula can dissolve acid and therefore it is used to lower the pH level of

    alkaline soil. The spell for testing the pH level of soil is Acidious Revealious. Dangers of Venomous Tentacula The venomous tentacula enjoys grabbing unsuspecting victims from behind and strangle them. In order to stun the plant and let go of the victim, you can use diffindo. Venomous Tentacula

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    Chapter 3D: Plants in literature In muggle literature magical plants are known as mythical plants. The definition of a myth in the Wizarding world is a story which allows truths to be expressed in intelligible form. The Ministry of Magic monitors closely what Wizarding literature is released on magical creatures. However, there isnt that strict control on magical plants. Because of this, several magical plants can be found in muggle literature. Fern flower The Fern flower is native to Slavic countries. The flower is yellow, but for the eve of the summer solstice it turns red. The power this plant brings to the finder is luck, wealth and the ability to speak in the tongue of animals. Those magical properties are, however, considered very dark. It can lead to an uncontrollable greed that can drive the finder mad. It also can have unexpected consequences as it will fulfill your wishes in a way you cannot control.

    Fern flower Lotus tree The Lotus tree is found throughout the southern parts of Europe. Lotus trees have yellow to green flowers that bloom in the spring. They also have large round fruits which are white on the outside and light green on the inside. Eating this fruits will cause a person to feel very full. According to Homers Odyssey, if you eat those fruits you may forget your friends, family and

    home. The consumer of the plant is also overwhelmed by drowsiness.

    Lotus tree

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    Moly Moly is a green plant with white flowers that bloom in the late spring and early summer. The roots are black and strong. Moly is used to ward off the power of magic and is therefore found in antidotes. It can also be useful in cases of delusions, amnesia and other hallucinations, as the plant counters the effects. The plant has no negative effect on muggles.


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    Chapter 3E: Nocturnal plants Nocturnal plants are plants that are active during the night. Night gladiolus This plant is also called the sword lily. It is a bulb that grows up to 2.5 meters in height. It has golden foliage and flowers of all colors. A property of the plant is that it attracts birds. The plant is used in potions to cure constipation and dysentery; it will also help with congestion problems. Pregnant woman may be treated with the night gladiolus. Night gladiolus Night-flowering catchfly This plant is active in winter during more than two years. It is known to take over grain fields. It grows about 75 centimeters tall and it attracts moths in the night because of its scent. The Night-flowering catchfly is therefore often used for its scent. However, it can also be used to treat problems with kidneys, degustation and stiffness of muscles. The leaves may be used in potions that promote lactation and the flowers may be used to heal burns.

    Night-flowering catchfly

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    Moonflower The moonflower is a white flower. It is cacti with a short life span; it dies with each cycle of the moon. The flower is highly toxic and used in many potions. The flower petals, leaves and oil can cause violence, visual hallucinations, amnesia, hypothermia, tachycardia, aversion to light, dilated pupils and even death. The Ministry of Magic declared the Moonflower illegal for selling and trading. The counterpart of the moonflower is the Angels trumpet. This plant is white or light purple; it is the same plant as the moonflower, but has a longer lifespan.


    Evening Primrose The Evening Primrose is classified as a magical plant, because of its observance of the life around it. If the primrose realizes its being watch, it will not open out. It reveals itself only when

    its dark and when its surrounded by trusted companions. The primrose can grow from 12.7 centimeters to 0.9 meters. The flowers are yellow, pink or white. Evening Primrose is popular in the wild, because it is drought resistant.

    Many potions use the fragrant smell of the plant, while garden use it to attract birds. The Evening Primrose has little magical use. Parts of plants are used in salads and tea.

    Evening Primrose

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    Chapter 4: Relation to other subjects Care of magical cratures Herbs are the bottom of the food chain and therefore Herbology is essential for the survival of magical creatures. Another connection is made by the scent of certain plants. Some plants attract species and others will ward species of. Divination Tea leaves are the most obvious overlap between divination and Herbology. Interesting is that non-magical leaves do work as well as magical leaves. There are also certain kinds of divination that involve plants:

    Alphitomancy uses barley. The barley should be fresh and its color should be bright yellow. This method is mostly used to find out who in a group is guilty or wrong.

    Anthomancy uses flower with at least eight petal to discover information about the future. Petals from the flower are dropped and the seer can read signs.

    Botonomancy involves the burning of plants. Transfiguration Transfiguration of plants is difficult. In the Christian church a transfiguration event is celebration, because it is thought that bread and wine were Jesus body and blood. They believe that the essence of the bread is replaced with the presence of Jesus. When a plant is transfigured, it will stop growing, but once untransfigured, it will continue again. Defense against the dark arts Dark magic often uses plants to make others ill. An example of this is hungry grass. Unsuspecting victims wander into the field and become mad with hunger. He or she will lose all sense of direction. The only way to survive this curse it to cause yourself so much physical pain that you are distracted from hunger long enough to get out of the field. The second way to use Herbology in dark magic is by placing dangerous plants in locations for protection or assassination. Charms There are charms that may be placed upon plants. An example of this are the singing herbs.

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    Purposes for plants in potions There are different purposes for plants in potions. I will name three:

    1. Plants can add scents to perfumes. 2. Plants can add freshness to a potion. 3. All plants have natural qualities. These can be used in potion making.

    Dreamless sleep potion The dreamless sleep potion is used to induce a dreamless sleep in the drinker. It has the following ingredients: Moonstone and starpuffs. Moonstone causes sleepiness and starpuffs have a hypnotic quality because of the sparkling leaves. It gives the user the inability to think, which is vital to a dreamless sleep. Draught of the living death The draugt of the living death is a powerful sleeping potion. This potion has two plants in it. This are wormwood and asphodel. To use

    wormwood, you need to make an infusion of wormwood which can be done by drawing it from the wormwood plant. The root of the asphodel needs to be in powered form. Forgetfulness potion This potion causes a degree of memory loss by the user. It contains mistletoe berries, valerian sprigs and Lethe river water. Mistletoe berries cause hallucinations, which help to distract the user of the potion. Valerian sprigs have a calming effect, which allows the mind to put to sleep. Lethe river water causes the actual memory loss.

    Ingredients commonly used in potion making

    Wormwood Asphodel Mistletoe berries Valerian sprigs Wolfsbane/Monkshood/Aconite Leaping toadstool Knotgrass Peppermind Poppy heads Shrivefigs

    Rose torns Rose oil Fluxweed Loveage Motherwort Nettle Nux Mysterica Silveweed Snakeweed

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    Chapter 5: Wand woods A wand is made from one wood and one core. Some wands do have two cores, but no more. The most common cores are unicorn hair, dragonheart string and phoenix feather. It is also possible to blend wood together to make other wood, but this way the wand will have a handle of one type of wood and a body of another. The handle represents the heart of the witch or wizard and the wand itself represents their appearance. Another aspect of wands are its flexibility: whippy, swishy, flexible, springy, sturdy, inflexible, rigid and unyielding. Celtic Tree Calender For wand woods there is a Celtic Tree Calender. This calendar is based upon the thirteen full moons in a year and the Ancient Celtic Ogham alphabet: 24 december 20 january Birch 21 january 17 february Rowan 18 february 17 march Ash 18 march 14 april Alder 15 april 12 may Willow 13 may 9 june Hawthorn 10 june 7 july Oak 8 july 4 august Holly 5 august -1 september Hazel 2 september 29 september Vines 30 septembe 27 october Ivy 28 october 24 november Reeds 25 november 22 december Elder If you look closely, you can see that the 23th of december isnt claimed by any tree. Its the traditional day of the year based on early European traditions. Wand woods

    Birch trees are found in the northern hemisphere in moderate climates. They are small to medium-sized trees who lose their leaves in autumn. The bark is white and papery. The flowers are 3 to 6 millimeter and can be white, yellow and brown. Birch trees grow in acidic soil. They are the species that first colonize a damaged ecosystem. A wand made of birch is useful in healing and can produce a strong patronus.

    Rowan trees are found in moderate climates in the northern hemisphere and in the mountains of China and the Himalayas. The trees are 10 to 20 meters tall. Flowers have five petals and the fruit is a berry. The berry is 4 to 8 millimeter and orange or red. Rowan trees grow in acidic soil. The magical variation of this tree is the Wiggentree. A wand made of Rowan wood is reliable and protective and most useful for charms and Birch tree transfiguration. The ideal owner is clear headed and pure of heart.

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    Ash trees are a subtropical evergreen species. Species of Ash can be found in Europe, Asia Minor and North Africa. They can grow up to 40 meters. The leaves are made up of feathery leaflet and its seeds are helicopters. Ash trees prefer deep, moist, fertile soils on northern and eastern sides of hills. Wands made of ash wood are useful in transfiguration and divination. Its ideal owner is stubborn and courageous.

    Alder trees are found in northern moderate climates and in South America. They are mostly found on river banks with roots in the water. This tree has rood, reddish cones that hang from the trees. The bark is ashy-gray. Alder trees grow well in nitrate-poor soil and can grow Ash tree about 12 to 24 meters tall. As wand, Alder is not commonly used. They are useful in non-verbal spell work and only for advanced wizards and witches. Its ideal owner is helpful and considerate.

    Willow trees are found in cold to moderate climates of the northern hemisphere. They prefer still, settled water and grow the best in areas with lots of rain. Their bark is watery, soft, pliable and though. The leaves are green on the upper side and whitish on the bottom. The flowers are produced in early spring. The tree can grow to 12 meters tall. Willow as a wand is useful for charms and healing. Its ideal owner is someone with great potential.

    Hawthorn trees are found in the moderate northern climates of Europe, Asia and North America. They can grow between 5 and 15 meters and produce small red berries. The thorns on the branches grow up to 12 centimeters in length. When the flowers open, they have Willow tree five with petals and on the back of each flower there are five green sepals. Hawthorn trees prefer moist, alkaline soil in full sun or partial shade. They produce flowers twice a year and have a very long life span. Wands made with hawthorn wood are useful for healing and curses. Its ideal owner is a person who is complex and intriguing.

    Oak trees are native to the northern hemisphere and grow in tropical and cool to moderate climates of Asia and America. Their leaves have sharp, pointed lobes. The fruit is called an acorn. Oak trees grow to 30 meters tall and are known as the king of the forest. They prefer full sun. Wands made of oak wood are strong and reliable and useful for defense against the dark arts and transfiguration, but its sturdiness means it will take longer to learn new spells. Holly Its ideal owner is courageous and strong.

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    Holly is found as trees, evergreens and climbers in the tropics to moderate climates. They grow up to 25 meters tall. The flower has four greenish white petals. Its berries are red to brown or black and are grouped with ten. Holly prefers slightly acidic soil that is moist and well-drained. They grow best in full sun to light shade. Wands made of Holly are useful for defense against the dark arts, but will reduce power in hexes. Its ideal owner has a tendency to anger.

    Hazel trees are found in temperate northern climates. They have simple round leaves and flowers are produced in early spring. It produces hazelnuts which can be harvested in late summer. Hazel trees prefer slightly acidic to neutral soil that is well-drained. Wands made of Hazel are useful for charms, transfiguration and divination. The wand can also dtect underground water. They will die when the owner passes, because of their loyalty. Its ideal owner is sensitive. Hazel tree

    Vines are plants that climb stems. They can found growing in moderate climates and need full sun and well-drained soil. The leaves are 5 to 20 centimeters long and the fruit is a berry which grows about 6 millimeter in diameter and is a dark purplish black. Vine wands ware flexible. They are attracted to personalities with hidden depths.

    Ivy is a woody evergreen found climbing or ground-creeping. It grows in western, central Asia east to Japan and Taiwan. On the ground they can be under 20 centimeter in height, but climbing they can reach 30 meters. Flowers are usually greenish-yellow with five tiny Ivy petals. Berries are greenish-black, dark purple or yellow. Ivy prefers partial to full sun and well-drained soil. Ivy is a reminder of the cycle of life, death and rebirth.

    Reeds are tall, grass-like plants found in wet areas from the tropics to moderate climates. They grow up to 2 to 4 meters. Their leaves are growing up to 50 centimeters and the flowers are produced in late summer and are deep purple spikes from 20 to 50 centimeters long. Reeds need full to partial sun and prefer wet soils. Reeds will usually choose Ravenclaws, as they seek intelligence and wisdom. Elder tree

    Elder trees are found throughout the northern and southern hemispheres in moderate to subtropical climates. The small flowers are white or cream colored in the spring and are followed by clusters of small black, blue-black or red berries. Elder trees need nitrogen rich soil and light. Wands made of elder wood can be damaged easily, but recovers quickly. When it backfires, it will kill to owner.

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    Arcacia is a member of the Rosewood family. It is found in Africa and some of Asia. It is good for defensive spellwork as well as creativity.

    Apple wood has positive powers, but is rarely used as a wand wood. Holders of apple wands are known for longevity and life strength. Mothers are known for receiving those wands, because the wood is associated with high ideals and a nurturing nature.

    Aspen is found in Europe and North America. Its great for dueling and often associated with wand work.

    Blackthorn is found in Europe and Western Asia. Its a bush and not a tree. These wands are suited for healing and cursing.

    Cherry is found in temperate climates. They are powerful, Apple tree but also need logical, clear thinking. Healers and anyone well connected to the earth are well suited to have a cherry wand. Its also suited for divination.

    Ebony is found in Indonesia, Central and West Africa. It is known for being an antidote to many poisons and is used by many healers and potioneers. Witches and wizards who value self-sacrifice and love are suited for this wand.

    Elm is found in tropical forests and temperate climates. Its known for connecting to its owner intuition of danger. Calm and dignified wizards and witches are best matched for this wand.

    Fig grows in dry, sunny areas. This tree bears fruits before it bears leaves. Fig wands are great for healing and transfiguration and often found in hands of Ministry of Magic workers. Elm tree

    Fir is found in the mountains and Bowtruckles may live in those trees. Fir wands choose witches and wizards who have a strong sense of purpose, who are decisive, open en honest about their own beliefs and intentions.

    Mahogany is found in South America and Africa. It has the unique quality to strengthen the wizards bond to blood relatives. The wand chooses witches and wizards with a capability to developing strong maturity and intelligence. Healers, writers and philosophers are often paired with this wood.

    Maple is found in North America. It gives the owner a sense of home wherever they go and is great for travelers. Any witch or wizard looking for direction will be paired Olive tree with this wand.

    Olive trees grow in subtropical climate. It is known to be resistant to fire. They are often found in hands of persons who strongly connect with God. It is known to help witches and wizards overcome personal blindness.

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    Rosewood is found in Brazil and East India. It usually chooses a witch with a balanced heart and mind. It is well suited for divination.

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    Chapter 6: Challenges The Gardening Effect Herbologists played an important role in the muggle- and wizardsociety for a very long time. Herbology was a well respected subject, but this has changed due to the Gardening Effect. The understanding of material existence has completely changed over the last years. There are many muggles that claim that nothing exists, except the material world. In other words: You can only study what you can see. In developing this vision, the world became a toy.

    Wizards caught on to this vision too. They didnt deny the existence of the invisible realities, but

    they found their own way incorporate this view. They decided that everything which could be part of the natural world was muggle and thus not good enough to study.

    This is wrong. The natural world is part of the reality, although its not all of it. Plants (muggle

    and magical) are a significant and complex part of everything. This is why Herbology is an important field in the magical study.

    The gardening effect had much negative consequences. The first one is the funding. Because of the gardening effect, the wizard population is hesitant about funding Herbology. Potioneers have helped the Herbologists, by sharing the funding money, but only if Herbology could contribute to the potions. Another negative consequence of the gardening effect is that Herbology loses a number of excellent candidates for the field to more respectable fields. This is because of family pressure and because working in other fields gives you more salary. Public ridicule is expected as well: when something goes wrong, Herbology gets the blame.

    Alien Species Alien Species are also called non-indigenous, introduced, exotic or invasive species. A definition would be a type of plant or animal living outside its natural habitat, ecosystem or geological range. The many effects of alien species can be a great challenge for the ecosystem and for Herbologists.

    Alien Species tend to need more resources and this drains the ecosystem, The biggest problem is water; when alien plants need to much water, the ground can become too dry for other plants to survive. Also, sometimes water drainage will affect how much fresh water humans living nearby get. Alien species can also destroy land which is normally farmland, by drying out the soil. It also increases the change of flood and fire, which further damages the habitat. It is possible for alien species to cause mass extinction of plants and animals. Invasive and native plants.

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    Bibliography Chapter 1: Introduction http://www.aruhndara.com/index.php/herbology http://herbology.multifacetedmama.com/ Chapter 2a : Basic equipment http://www.trendhunter.com/trends/crystals-idyll http://forum.girlscene.nl/forum/fashion/oorwarmers.-hot-or-not-6566.25.html http://www.captainhook.be/harry-potter-dumbledore-s-wand-toverstaf http://www.wormbestrijding.nl/schaap_faq.html http://www.watmaakt.suzette.nu/aardappeltoefjes/ http://www.hnu.nu/gelderland/nijmegen/2012/10/27/man-aangehouden-met-buisjes-ghb/ Chapter 2b: Caring for plants http://www.makkelijkemoestuin.nl/planten-verzorgen http://www.thomasrozendaal.nl/zaadjes.html http://www.ozcoasts.gov.au/conceptual_mods/processes/habprov.jsp http://www.marinasgarden.com/category/pruning/ Chapter 2c: Classifying plants http://cupegraf.com/293914-sun.html http://nl.forwallpaper.com/wallpaper/leaves-70774.html http://www.stadslevenamsterdam.nl/2015/05/13/amsterdam-als-digitale-meetlat-voor-europa-column-marietje-schaake/ http://demooistetuinen.nl/blog/meer-vogels-in-je-tuin-deze-planten-helpen/

    Chapter 3a: Magical plants http://pixgood.com/gillyweed-label.html http://blog.touringplans.com/2014/06/21/ss-surprises-diagon-alley/ http://blog.watershed.net/2012/01/06/chlorella-with-valerian-anti-anxiety-herb/ http://www.herbalextractsplus.com/valerian.html http://www.naturespot.org.uk/species/equal-leaved-knotgrass http://harrypotter.wikia.com/wiki/Knotgrass http://www.fanpop.com/clubs/potions/images/22377498/title/polyjuice-photo http://www.mrwallpaper.com/love-potion-wallpaper/ http://medievalcookery.com/dictionary/index.html?d http://m.inmagine.com/image-ptg01410210-Burning-Bush%20False-Dittany%20White-Dittany-or-Gas-Plant-(Dictamnus-albus).html http://www.uniqueminiatures.co.uk/page4.php https://scontent-b-ams.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/1555521_619595551441609_570843447_n.jpg?oh=dd4a1c36616771aa98e832a03c6738d6&oe=54ECE1C4 http://www.hogwartsishere.com/library/book/1819/read/?chapter=38

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    http://www.wunderground.com/wximage/richteas/23 http://www.herbwisdom.com/herb-evening-primrose.html Chapter 4: Relation to other subjects http://www.intuitiveeyes.com/mists-of-the-dark-moon/herbology-and-potions-101.html https://www.pinterest.com/pin/513621532475184309/ http://www.polyvore.com/draught_living_death_wizard_potion/thing?id=55654738 http://www.pinterest.com/pin/106467978664679417/ Chapter 5 : Wand woods http://birchtreecenter.org/about https://www.willisorchards.com/product/white-ash-tree#.VYvHo0a9EQE https://exlevel.com/PlantsLibrary/ http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/galleries/christmas/ http://treecouncil.ie/project/hazel/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Variegated-ivy.jpg http://www.nhm.ac.uk/nature-online/british-natural-history/urban-tree-survey/identify-trees/tree-factsheets/c-to-e/elder/index.html http://www.dreamstime.com/photos-images/apple-tree.html http://battlefordsdailynews.com/protect-your-elm-trees/ http://www.treeseeds.com/olive-tree-seeds Chapter 6 : Challenges http://sociology.tamu.edu/html/funding.html http://www.solv.org/why-we-care/invasive-plants

    Herbology reviews Year 1: http://www.docdroid.net/k87m/herbology-review.pdf.html