Her last dance


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Transcript of Her last dance

Page 1: Her last dance

Her Last Dance

By: Mara Spector

We quietly glide across the floor to our spots.

The curtains slide open.

The bright lights hit our make-up caked faces.

The audience falls silent,

Our feet assume first position

Just when the audience begins to feel restless,

The music begins to hum through the speakers.

We dance like it is our last time.

And for one of us, it is.

She commands center stage,

And we fall back into the shadows.

She inhales

Points her foot and gracefully pulls it around

She prepares


Page 2: Her last dance

And commences her series of fouette turns

She points her toe

Straightens up


Firmly plants one foot

The other delicately hangs in the air.

Pulls up her foot




And lands in fourth position

And suddenly,

And suddenly,

And suddenly,

The audience cheers.

We pull away from the shadows,

And join Amanda to complete her last dance.

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