HER Home Magazine - Spring 2012

A DIVISION OF DESIGN BASICS, LLC BUILDING & REMODELING INSIGHTS Inspired Design Design Reveals Desires Flowering First Impressions A Home That’s Truly “You” They Get It! Woman-Centric Builders www. HerHome.com


Her Home Magazine from Design Basics Home Plans. Spring 2012 issue. Education & Ideas For Remodeling Or Building A New Home.

Transcript of HER Home Magazine - Spring 2012

Page 1: HER Home Magazine - Spring 2012



Inspired Design Design Reveals Desires

FloweringFirst Impressions

A Home That’s

Truly “You”

They Get It!Woman-Centric Builders


Page 2: HER Home Magazine - Spring 2012


FOR HOME BUILDERS—Builders Toolbox has powerful home design and marketing tools. Sent monthly.

See the latest innovations in home design and our newest plans.Use insights gleaned from these e-mails to make wise, informed decisions.

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FOR EVERYONE—e-News with the best in home design plus articles from Her Home Magazine. Sent monthly.

FOR HOME BUYERS—Her Home Thought of the Day is generated from feed-back we’ve received on issues buyers WISH they had known or considered. Sent 3 times per week.

A “must read” book, BANG! Getting Your Message Heard In A Noisy World by authors Thaler, Koval and Marshall, suggests there are 4 things which help predict the likelihood that your message will be a big bang, and get people buzzing about you.

1] Is it elegantly simple? Is what makes your homes and you as a builder di� erent and better easy to understand? How can it be communicated more compellingly and memorably?

2] Is it in the right universe? Does your elegantly simple mes-sage truly matter to your audience? The Simpson Strong-Tie® company’s Well-Connected Home™ simple message of build-ing a stronger/safer home connected with me as I lived through a tornado when in my teens.

3] Is it polarizing? The authors point out that a “big bang” isn’t neutral—it forces you to have a point of view. Design Basics

Woman-Centric Matters!® program for creating homes based on women’s preferences isn’t neutral—and the market has responded enthusiastically.

4] Will it catch � re? Will your big bang get people talking? Will it capture the media’s attention? A few years ago Design Basics sponsored a Showcase of Homes event to celebrate design, advanced building systems and products. Local and national media attention was extensive and the word-of-mouth was tremendous.

As a home builder, is your message unique, simple and memorable? Does it matter to the prospective buyers you are reaching? Does it force people to have a point of view (and side with you)? And is it compelling enough to get them, as well as the media, talking about you? If not, call us at Design Basics!

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July Special:

Woman-Centric homebuilder Gordon Cudd of Gordon T. Cudd Construction in Lynchburg, Virginia was featured in the May 2011 Central Virginia Home Magazine. The following excerpt is from that feature.“(Women) can recognize what works well and what does not work well in our homes…A woman is often perceptive enough to understand what makes an entire household run e� ciently and har-

moniously. She intuitively knows what is necessary to create a com-fortable home not only for herself but for family and friends. Woman-Centric Matters makes the whole process of building a home or adding a room so much simpler.” <<<click here to read the entire article>>>


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Page 3: HER Home Magazine - Spring 2012



photo courtesy of Amarr

photo courtesy of Schulte Storage








Design Reveals Desires 3






A Home That’s Truly “You”

Flowering First Impressions

Her Home Thought of the Day

Never Before Published

They Get It 16

Game Changer219 8


Page 4: HER Home Magazine - Spring 2012


o…Her Home talked with severalsavvy home builders who have embraced a woman-centric approach in their construction companies. See “They Get It!”beginning on page 16.

Women’s preferences matter! It starts with a keen understanding of today’s buyers, how they live in their homes, and keeping abreast of new and stylish products for thehome. It’s the embodiment of Her Home’s mission: helping women make wise, informeddecisions regarding their homes. And it’s the genesis for “Design Reveals Desires” whichstarts on page 3.

To the statistics quoted above I say, “We, too, have to “get it” to be able to “design it”. Our research, and particularly your feedback and suggestions, inspires us to createfresh, new house plans incorporating innovative design concepts destined to becometomorrow’s trends.

At Design Basics, our job isn’t done when we publish our designs. Our job is to help youcome up with the home design that’s right for you. That’s why we introduced LivabilitySearchSM on DesignBasics.com, where many of our home plans can be searched accordingto what’s most important to you—entertaining, de-stressing, flexible living and storage +organization. From our portfolio of thousands, you are presented with plans that meetYOUR criteria, saving you valuable TIME. We, too, get it! Turn to page 13, “GameChanger2” for more information.

You wouldn’t think about proceeding with your dream home without a set of plans. Yet,sometimes that’s how we approach landscaping projects. In “Flowering First Impressions”(page 19) you’ll see first year results of a three-year landscaping plan.

We enjoy providing you thought leadership in Her Home Magazine. Livability SearchSM

takes the online process to the NEXT level. But please know, we’re still only a phone callaway. A home office…pet space…craft room…flexible space…a drop zone when youcome in from the garage… what are the critical elements that would make your home per-fect? We can take you through this process of identification, simplify the steps and helpsave you time. Someone once said that nothing great happens alone and that’s why wewill partner with you to identify, develop and fine tune the home plan of your dreams.Whether it’s a custom home or plan alterations on one of our many home plans, we’rehere to help you through the entire “not as painful as you think” process.

Myles Sherman

Patrick Carmichael

Janie Murnane

Paul Foresman

Greg Dodge


Janie Murnane

Annette Guy

Shawn DohertyCris Zandt

Carl Cuozzo

Tricia Baker

Paul ForesmanJanie Murnane


PUBL I SHED BY :Design Basics LLC

11112 John Galt Blvd., Omaha, NE 68137www.DesignBasics.com | [email protected]

phone: (800) 947-7526

Text and Design ©2012 by Design Basics LLC

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior

written permission of the publisher.














COVER PHOTO BY : Raymond Andreski

Why are some Home Builders flourishing inthe worst housing crisis we’ve seen in years???

. . . because they get it!

Women make 83% of all consumer pur-chases. (Business Week)

Women are the sole or primary decision-makers in 91% of new home purchases.(International Builders Show)

Women are the world’s largest economy.(Tom Peters—author and business guru)

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evenyourclosets…everythinginyourhomewasdesigned.Her Home talked with several industry leaders about design’s role indelightinghomeowners.


DESIGN reveals

DesiresDesiresFrom the

myriad choices available,

the specific selections you make

when you are remodeling or

building a new home reveal a lot about you,

your values and desires. p


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by Paul Foresman

Page 6: HER Home Magazine - Spring 2012


VickieLents,MarketingDirectorwithAmarr®Garage Doors, reports a profound shift in garagedoorsalesbasedonpeople’sdesirethattheirgaragedoor not look like everyone else’s. According toLents,Carriage-stylegaragedoorsnowaccountfor35%ofthegaragedoorssold.Withallthedifferentprofiles,glassoptionsandhardwarechoices,Amarroffers over 300 different garage doors to choosefrom,cateringtopeople’sdesireforindividuality.

Lentssaid“Womenleadtheprocessofselectingagaragedoorstyle.It’sallaboutcomplimentingthehome’sexteriorandreflectingthehomeowner’sstyle.Tosome,garagedoorchoiceisafashionstatement.”Aestheticstakecenterstagewhenitcomestothecompany’s rich, authentic wood garage doors.Practicaldesignissuesarebalancedwithaestheticsin the company’s more competitively priced steeldoors.Lentscontinued,“Traditionally,menweretheprimarydecisionmakerswhenitcametofunctionalissues, such as low maintenance and reliability.Butwith increased interest inenvironmental andsafety issues,womenhavebecomemoreactive inthefunctionaldecision-making.”Functionaldesignis also evident in the company’s insulated steel

garagedoors,particularlywhenthereislivingspaceabove the garage, for maintaining comfortabletemperatures and reducing noise. That insulationbetweentheinteriorandexteriorsteelskinsofthegaragedooralsoreducesthelikelihoodofdentsordings from balls or bike handles hitting the door.Safetywasalsoatopdesigncriterion,whichiswhyAmarr’s garage doors are both pinch and tamper-resistant.Andthecompany’sproductsareallmadeinAmerica,avaluemanyofusholddear.

Lents added, “The right garage doors can givetheownerasenseofprideofownership.Afterall,morethan50%ofpeopleentertheirhomethroughtheir garage.The right garagedoor canprovide awarm, welcoming element that brings a sense ofsatisfaction.” Apparently, that’s important to lotsofpeople,particularlyprospectivehomebuyers. Ina survey conducted by Stratamark Research, realestateagentsnationwidesaid


For more information on Garage Doors visit Amarr.com





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replacinggaragedoorsonahomecan increasetheaskingpricebyfourpercent.Nowthat’sworthconsideration!






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With showrooms around the country, FergusonBath, Kitchen & Lighting Gallery is a nationalleader in products for the kitchen and bath.Heather Thomas is the Lighting Manager at theFerguson Gallery in Charleston, South Carolina.Inher experience,womenare themajor decisionmakersfortheseproducts,too.

“A woman’s powder bath is seen by everyone,”saidThomas,continuing,“soselectingthelightinginthepowderbathtypicallytakesalotoftimeandeffort because it makes a statement. Decorativefixturesarepopular,withtraditionalbuyerstendingtowards hanging fixtures while wall sconces arefavoredamongbuyerswithmoremoderntastes.”

When it comes to master bathrooms, lightingdesignmustbeintegratedintotheoveralldesignofthebathroom.AccordingtoThomas,theprimaryconsiderationsare:

•Task lighting—fixtures designed to be seensuch as sconces and bath brackets, providinggeneral illumination to the room andspecificallyfullfaceilluminationwhenlookingintothemirror.

•Recessed ceiling lighting—which tends tovisually “go away” and is not subject to thechanging fixture design trends and styles.Today’s less visible; smaller-diameter recessedcansareincreasinglypopular.

• Decorative accent and flair lights—usedfortheirvisualeffect,callingattentiontocertainfeaturesandamenitiesinthebathroom.

Additionally, Thomas cautions, “You mayhave planned amazing tile work and beautifulcountertops but may not have thought muchabout the light switches.” It will be immediatelyevidentifthesecontrolswerecarefullyselectedormerely anafterthought.Beyond thedesignof thecontrols themselves, Thomas pointed out suchcontrols “allowyou topersonalize theappearanceandlightingpresentation,fromoccupancysensorswhichturnonthelightsasyouenterthebathroomto digital dimmers which bring the lights up anddowngradually,ratherthantheabruptonoroff.”

Lighting design must consider the color temperature of the lamps (bulbs) to be used ascolors appear differently. Thomas explained,“Incandescent bulbs produce relatively warmshades approximately2700-degreeKelvin, a colortemperature preferred by younger women. Morematureladiesmaypreferthewhiterlightofbulbsinthe3000–3500-degreeKelvinrange.”

Then there’s a lamp’s color rendering index (CRI),ascaleof1to100whichbasicallyreferstohowwellwe see anobject. Incandescent lightinghasaCRIof100,whileCFLandLEDlightingCRIindexestypicallyfallinthe80to90range,meaningsomelossofcolorvibrancy.



For more information on Lighting visit Ferguson.com

“Therightlightfixturesandthe rightlightlevelscansettheperfectmood.”



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“Women initiate 80 – 90% of residentialflooring purchases,” according to Elise Demboski,Vice President of Creative Services for Mohawk®


Mohawk’s hardwood flooring runs the gamutfrom reclaimed to hand-scraped. Appearanceand functional design were both addressed in thedevelopment of ArmorMaxTM, which makes theirpre-finishedwoodflooringfivetimesmoreresistanttoscratchesascomparedwithfinishinghardwoodfloors on-site. Pre-finished wood flooring is alsohealthier, with minimal, if any, off-gassing fromchemicals used to stain/seal/coat the new woodfloors. And with Uniclic® Technology, Mohawkalso designed a solution to homeowners’ desirefor minimal visual gaps between boards and ahealthier,gluelessinstallationwhichcanbewalkedonimmediatelyafterinstallation.

When referring to design, form refers to theaesthetic quality of a product’s design—the lookandfeel.Demboskisuggests“Beyondlookandcolor,carpetchoicereallyshouldbeginwithresearchingthe fiber type to make the best decision for yourparticular situation.Allcarpeting isnot the same


Functionreferstowhataproductisdesignedtodo,howwellitperformsanditsreliability.DemboskiexplainedthatMohawkresearchidentifiedstainedcarpetmakesawomanfeelstressed.She’sfrequentlyremindedaboutthatspotthatwon’tcomeouteverytime she walks by (even if it’s been covered up).Themorepublicthestain,themoreembarrassingitcanbe.Knowingthat,Mohawk’sdesignerscreatedSmartStrand®,anewtypeofcarpetfiberwiththestain and soil resistance built into the fiber, thatcleansupwithwater.

Nowthat’sinnovative (functional)design!

Demboski said “Most carpeting has a stainresistanttreatmentappliedtopicallybutprofessionalcarpetcleaningremovesthetopically-appliedstainresistant treatments. SmartStrand was designedto be healthier, eliminating the need for carpetcleaning chemicals.” She went on to mention“SmartStrandfiberisalsoenvironmentallyfriendly,asitis37%corn,andmakespeoplefeelgoodaboutchoosingagreenproduct.”Peoplecanalsofeelgoodabout selectingMohawk’sSmartCushionTMcarpetpad,becauseaportionofthesalesofSmartCushionisdonatedtotheSusanG.KomenfortheCure®.

For more information on Flooring visit MohawkFlooring.com






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Watch The Amandas on the Style Network;you’ll soon discover Amanda LaBlanc has somegreat ideas forstorageandorganization.OwnerofTheAmandasofOrganizedAffairs(NewOrleans,Birmingham and online), LaBlanc’s spatial andinteriordesigntalentsareinhighdemand.

Her Home caught up with Amanda to addresscloset storage. Amanda was quick to point outher clientele, mostly women who have taken onmore and more responsibilities, equate improvedorganizationwithfewerworriesandmoretime.

Amanda feels many people underestimate thevalue of aesthetic design when tackling closetstorage and organization projects. “Functionalaspectsofstorageareessential,”sheexplains,“butinmyexperience anattractive closet inspires theownertokeepitorganized.Ignorehowitlooksandpeoplewon’tlovethatspace,theywon’tbehappyandtheywon’tbothertokeepitorganized.”


“Adjustability is key for future uses. Our livesare not ‘fixed’, so why have fixed shelving thatmay not work six months down the road?” Adealer forSchulteStorageproducts,LaBlanc feelscloset organization should start with Schulte’sFreedomRail system, which allows for easy re-configuration of hanging and shelving, adjustablein one-inch height increments. A complete line

of accessory items such as bins and baskets aredesigned for FreedomRail as well. LaBlanc said,“Adjustable closet systemsmeanone closet for aslongasyouliveinthehome,nottearingoutandreplacingfixedshelvingasyourneedschange.”

Inherbusiness,LaBlanchaslearnedthataskingquestions of her clients only gets her so far indesigningclosetsolutions.“Closetsneedtoreflectthe buyer’s personality, habits and needs, some ofwhich is best discovered through observation.”LaBlancspendstimewithherclientsintheirhomesnotjustmeasuringtheclosetspace,buttoseehowthey live.Beyondtheobvious, that’sonewayshediscoversdeepdesiresanddesignstheperfectclosetsystem.LaBlancalsoencouragesthemtobeopen-minded. “People often believe they have to workwith what’s there—the storage solution inheritedfrom the previous owner or whatever the builderputinthehome.Notso!”

LaBlanc concludes,“Organization is notaboutyourhome.It’saboutyourlife,less stress and more time with lovedones.”

Design adds meaning and value to our lives.The aesthetic aspects are usually obvious. Thefunctional elements, though perhaps less visible,maybeevenmoreimportant.Ultimately,productselectionisuptoyou,whichiswhywesay…

designrevealsdesires!For more information on Storage and Organization visit TheAmandas.com and SchulteStorage.com








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photo courtesy of Schulte Storagephoto courtesy of Schulte Storage

Page 10: HER Home Magazine - Spring 2012

Appreciating the fact that women homeowners make most of the decisions when it comes to remodeling or building a new home, embracing women’s needs and wants as well as taking the entire process from stressful to delightful are major steps in the right direction. But all women aren’t the same!

You may recall our research identifying four primary female homebuyer personalities: Margo (modern, edgy, “My Home is unique”); Elise (traditional, family-oriented, “My home is my haven”); Claire (discerning, quality-oriented, “My home makes a statement”); and Maggie (casual, fun loving, “My home is carefree”). You can discover your new home personality by taking the 3-minute Finally About Me® online quiz at designbasics.com/famquiz.asp.

On the following pages, see how Design Basics tailored one home plan to match preferences of each of the four personas. In addition, learn how the product designers interviewed in “Design Reveals Desires” (page 3) overlay their woman-centric approach to design with an appreciation for distinct personality preferences to create remarkable products.



Interesting tile flooring and lighting set the stage for this wonderful bathroom. Photo courtesy of Mohawk Flooring

Home That’s Truly

how designers are catering to your personality in what they design.

by Paul Foresman

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50031-54X the Draper1412 main level sq. ft. | 321 upper level sq. ft.

1733 total sq. ft.

The most individualistic of the four personas, Margo is also the most contemporary in her styling, finishes and selections. Evidence the streamlined stone and stucco front elevation and specialty windows. In keeping with her modern bent, the galley kitchen will likely feature glass, metal and concrete surfaces—and probably not show traditional wood cabinetry. Notice that the pantry is not visible nor accessed directly from the kitchen. Five sets of triple transom windows further give this home it’s unique personality.

A lifelong learner and avid reader dictates a personal reading space, shown in the owner’s bedroom. In the bathroom, a simple large shower and private toilet area are secondary to back-to-back vanities, bathed in natural light. There’s the walk-in closet with direct connection to the laundry area, making hanging clothes directly out of the dryer a snap. Finally, a second-floor flex area makes the perfect guest bedroom or private home office.

Bath lighting. “Margo’s lighting choices will be driven by the bathroom design. Likely to choose square recessed cans, sleek sconces or unique pendants and LED lighting because it’s still relatively new and different. She’ll want accent lighting at vanities.” –Heather Thomas

Garage Doors. “Modern and sleek, Amarr’s Vista doors showcase a variety of translucent glass panels within a rugged aluminum frame for contemporary styling. Minimalist flush steel doors are also popular with Margo buyers.” –Vickie Lents

Closet Storage. “Our Margo clients prefer ‘organized-in’ in that they like things tucked away. Visually, she’s looking for sleek and minimalistic--nothing frilly.” –Amanda LaBlanc

Flooring. “Margo looks for individuality in her flooring. She may opt for ceramic tile, especially if transitioning from an adjoining stained/etched concrete floor.” –Elise Demboski

above: Translucent glass garage door courtesy of Amarr.

right: Contemporary bathroom lighting courtesy of Ferguson Bath, Kitchen and Lighting Gallery.

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50033-54X the Crosby1462 total sq. ft.

An established traditionalist, Elise favors simplicity and practicality with an eye towards value. Outside, it’s clapboard siding with stone accents, detailed, shuttered windows and twin dormers breaking up the expanse of roof. The entry foyer presents long, uninterrupted views out the back and positions a traditional fireplace in the corner. Elises looking for a formal dining room will likely utilize the flex room accordingly, but one recent caller talked about finishing the covered porch as her future formal dining.

With a door to the bathroom, the flex area is a natural secondary suite. But with access from the rear foyer garage entry, that full bath is equally well-suited for washing the dog. Lockers help keep everything in its place and the drop zone eliminates clutter from accumulating on the kitchen island. An avid fan of natural light, windows adorn two sides of the owner’s bedroom as well as the owner’s bathroom. There’s even a window in the walk-in closet, making it easier to discern navy blue from black!

Bath lighting. “Elise will go for functionality—easy cleaning of fixtures as well as easy bulb replacement or extra-long life bulbs which rarely need replacement.” –Heather Thomas

Garage Doors. “Traditional raised-panel garage doors, perhaps with pretty glass inserts, or the new value-priced Carriage-style doors are fine with Elise.” –Vickie Lents

Closet Storage. “Elise is a fun person to organize, respectful of professional advice. She wants to be educated. An easy person to organize and someone likely to follow through with the organization.” –Amanda LaBlanc

Flooring. “Elise will love SmartStrand carpet, particularly Elises with pets as it has a extensive pet warranty, which many carpets do not.” –Elise Demboski

above: Easy care SmartStrand carpet, courtesy of Mohawk Flooring.

right: Traditional bathroom lighting bars courtesy of Ferguson Bath, Kitchen and Lighting Gallery.

optional rear foyer

suite 2 option with door to bathroom

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50034-54X the Presley1436 main level sq. ft. | 329 upper level sq. ft.

1765 total sq. ft.

Bath lighting. “Claire will have done her research, is up on the latest in lighting technologies and is probably looking for a statement lighting piece for the bath, such as a chandelier over the tub. She’ll take great pride in ‘green’ lighting options and be sure to point them out to others.” –Heather Thomas

Garage Doors. “Knowing the garage door is the single largest architectural element of the front of her home, Claire will likely start her search from among the steel or solid wood carriage doors with designer patterns and add glass inserts as well as decorative hardware for a truly distinctive door.” –Vickie Lents

Closet Storage. “Touring Claire’s home? Expect to hear ’Come look at my closet!’ From beautiful lighting to automatic pull-down rods, Claire’s closet is a showcase for innovation in function and aesthetics. With Claire it’s more than asking her what she wants—it’s observing how she lives in her home!” –Amanda LaBlanc

Flooring. “Claire-type buyers are favoring hand-scraped wood flooring and porcelain tile that looks like natural stone.” –Elise Demboski

“Wow!” That’s a word Claire will hear a lot living in the Presley. The front façade, with its repeating gables and artful use of stone and stucco, is truly elegant. Everything, from the eye-catching garage door to the arched and columned entry, is just right. Entry views take in the see-through fireplace and prominent great room with detailed ceiling and showy windows. To the left, stately columns define the sunny, spacious dining area. Often a person who enjoys hosting gatherings in her home, Claire will appreciate the chef-inspired kitchen.

Twin covered rear porches extend entertaining options outdoors. The owner’s suite presents a tall, boxed ceiling and lovely window grouping in the bedroom. The bathroom is also something special, with a corner tub at one end and oversized spa-shower at the other end—both enjoying natural light. Upstairs, a second bedroom or flex space is served by a full bath, and possible uses for the deep unfinished storage area are limited only by your imagination!

left: Hardwood flooring, courtesy of Mohawk Flooring.

right: Elegant wall sconce lighting courtesy of Ferguson Bath, Kitchen and Lighting Gallery.

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50032-54X the Crocket1470 total sq. ft.

Bath lighting. “Maggie has concern for green products, energy efficiency and long lasting lamps. She will be familiar with the new kinds of lighting (CFL and LED). Recessed lighting is popular because there’s no fixtures to be kept clean.” –Heather Thomas

Garage Doors. “Busy and green conscious, Maggie will select low-maintenance, insulated steel doors and would love to find a door profile that’s a little different than what everyone else has, and perhaps a bit whimsical as well.” –Vickie Lents

Closet Storage. “Schulte’s Freedom Rail is ideal for Maggie with its adjustability and flexibility. Expect to see fun accessories and storage containers, and know easy access to everything is important. Maggie is also open to exciting colors within her closet.” –Amanda LaBlanc

Flooring. “Easy to clean and durable, Maggies will appreciate laminate flooring choices with the appearance of hardwoods or ceramic tile.” –Elise Demboski

The Crocket’s eye-catching wood trusses in the gables and thick-columned front porch combine to give this home its curb appeal. Designed for Maggie, the home is casual and comfortable, while being flexible for her changing interests and needs. An island table in the kitchen becomes the home’s activity center—transitioning from baking prep to eating area to game table. This home presents a sunny patio as well as twin covered porches for spending time outside with friends.

The easy-living owner’s suite includes a doorless walk-in shower, so there’s no door to clean. The closet offers tremendous storage and a Maggie-inspired travel center for suitcase storage and packing, keeping you from having to pack the suitcase on your bed. Maggies crave a hobby or craft space in the home with plentiful storage where projects-in-progress can be left undisturbed, and you’ll find just such a space in the home’s oversized laundry area.

left: Maggie’s casual bathroom courtesy of Ferguson Bath, Kitchen and Lighting Gallery.

right: Art Deco glass panels in a Maggie garage door courtesy of Amarr.

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Consumer feedback expressing the difficulty of visualizing a built home when looking at simple black and white floorplan artwork prompted Design Basics to introduce Livability At A Glance®, highlighting the four “lenses” women reported using when evaluating the home’s suitability for her and her household. Areas primarily for entertaining were shaded yellow, de-stressing areas blue, flexible living spaces green and storage areas were highlighted in orange. Home buyers responded almost immediately, with enthusiastic comments such as “Now this I can understand!” Livability At A Glance helped buyers see themselves living in the home, creating an emotional connection with the plan.




changerAcross & Down:1] A whole-brained approach to

searching for home plans



The Livability At A Glance enhanced floorplan presentation makes it easier to understand how the home lives as well as identify important amenities which might otherwise be over-looked, such as storage in the laundry and powder bath.

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Now when searching home plans on DesignBasics.com, you can also search by those four Livability At A Glance lenses. Since we all have different priorities when it comes to how we want to live in our dream home, Livability SearchSM allows you to select the relative importance of each of those lenses. Searching by how the home lives is much more right-brained and intuitive than old-fashioned plan searches!

To date, Design Basics has reviewed more than 1,000 of its website plans for their Livability attributes, and that number is constantly growing. Instantly recognize which plans have been reviewed by the presence of a Livability At A Glance Report shown along with the plan artwork.

LivabilityAtAGlancehighlights thefour“lenses”womenreportedusingwhenevaluatingthehome’ssuitability.

That was 2005. Livability At A Glance represented a major advancement in understandinghowthehomelives.

Now, Livability At A Glance has evolved to become abetterwaytosearchhomeplans. Most online home plan searches are very linear and left-brained (logical) providing search criteria such as square footage and type of home to rule out home plans. Everybody did it the same way. Useful, but such search filters stop short of actually helping you identify home designs you would be interested in.

Livability At A Glance Report

The Saffron plan is fairly average in terms of entertaining and flexible living attri-butes when compared with other 1-story homes between 1700 and 1900 square feet in size. But the home compares very favorably in terms of de-stressing and stor-age/organization amenities. Why? SelectDe-stressingAmenities• 2 Master bath bathing options• Powder bath for entertaining• Master suite layout maximizes master

bedroom privacy• Sink and natural light in laundry room• 32”-wide interior doors• Rear foyer transition from garage with

drop zone and seat SelectStorageAmenities• Front and back coat closets• Deep closet in bedroom 3• Generous kitchen pantry• Storage in the laundry room• Deep 3-car garage offers storage

potential• Uninterrupted storage in kitchen island

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So, feel like you’ve outgrown your present home and want lots of storage in your new home? Rather than poring over hundreds of home plans and trying to identify designs with superb storage amenities, select the rightmost preference on the Storing lens.

Example. Let’s assume you are looking for a 3-bedroom, one-story home between 1700 and 1900 square feet. 112 matching plans come up on Design Basics website. Of those, 6 earned the top ratings for storage, and those 6 plans are presented first for your review. What a time-saver! (Note: because there are many plans on the website yet to be reviewed, all plans matching your other search criteria show up later in the search results.)

And there’s more! You’ll also see the home’s Livability IndexSM, a composite rating of the home’s entertaining, de-stressing, flexible living and storing amenities. The higher the number, the better the plan scored.

The only way to answer that question is to compare it with other, similar plans. If you’ve searched plans using the Livability Lenses, below the home’s Livability Index appears the range of Livability Index ratings for all of the plans matching your search criteria, a handy guide to comparing the plans. As you can see in this example, the Livability Index Ratings Range was from 21 to 43, so yes, an Index of 40 shows this home compares favorably with its peers.

Searchingbyhowthehomelivesismuchmore right-brained&intuitivethanold-fashionedplansearches!

LivabilityAtAGlance.Searchinghomeplans hasneverbeensointuitive,soeasyandsomuchfun!

Livability Index Rating [40] for this planRange of Livability Index Ratings for plans matching your search criteria [21-43]

Is a “40” Livability Index rating good?

Page 18: HER Home Magazine - Spring 2012


“I’ll never build another home that’s not woman-centric, period!!!!

We went from your typical, cement-headed home-builder with houses “For Sale,” to producing distinct, remarkable, Women-Centric homes that are Sold! In fact, our business has quadrupled in just a few short years, in the midst of a ‘depression’.”

Home builder and Realtor Hugh Fisher quadrupled sales by appreciating what women want in their homes! Surprised? A headline in his local newspaper read

“Woman-Centric Homes All The Rage.”Introduced in January 2008, Fisher’s woman-centric approach has had a profound

effect on housing in Warwick, Rhode Island.





Sturbridge Home BuildersColdwell Banker/ Stone AllianceWarwick, [email protected]

pictured: Fisher even adopted a woman-centric approach with his company’s marketing, adding events at his model home such as a Room Makeover seminar in conjunction with Pottery Barn and a Breast Cancer Walk through their neighborhood which raised more than $8,000 for the Susan G Komen Race For The Cure®.

THEYget it!

Rooftight ConstructionFall River, Nova Scotiawww.Rooftight.ca

According to Scott Smith, “Understanding how personality preferences help shape home design decisions has allowed us to quickly identify important things and avoid wasting our clients’ time with things that they are not interested in. It’s tremendous customer service and our clients really love it.”

At the Nova Scotia Home Builders Association recent Peak Awards, Rooftight Construction took home the coveted Builder of the Year award and three marketing awards. Smith said, “I believe that our wins were directly attributable to focusing on what women want in their homes.”

pictured: Rooftight’s Drop Zone, located in the rear foyer coming in from the garage is great for keeping your kitchen clutter free, with a recharging area, storage for keys and other amenities. “All Rooftight clients want a drop zone!” - Michelle Reid

Rooftight Construction at the Peak Awards. From left: Manager Scott Smith; Design Director Michelle Reid; Salesman Chris Wride; Project Manager Jim Cossar

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www.HerHome.com 17

You may recognize Fargo, North Dakota builder Tyrone Leslie from the three Extreme Makeover Home Edition homes they’ve built for the hit ABC television show. His customers, particularly women, appreciate the numerous ways Heritage Homes “gives back” to the community.

In adopting a woman-centric approach, his company, Heritage Homes, has experienced significant growth each of the last three years. According to Leslie, “Embracing women’s preferences in the home has truly helped us do a better job understanding our buyers and understanding their needs. We’re actually able to anticipate our buyers’ needs before they do, suggest amenities they’re delighted with and create the home to work the way the family works. The reaction we get from our buyers is truly amazing!”

pictured: Buyers with a flair for the contemporary favor this Heritage Homes kitchen with glass front cabinets, sleek range hood, full backsplash and dramatic slab island with flush eating bar.



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Cambridge HomesCarrollton, TXCambridgeHomes.biz

Heritage HomesFargo, North DakotaHeritageFargo.com

Fine Line HomesHarrisburg, Lewisburg, Hazelton, State College, PA and Sayre, NYFineLineHomes.com

Fine Line Homes has built thousands of homes throughout Pennsylvania and Southern New York. With women making the majority of the home buying decisions, Fine Line Homes, in conjunction with Design Basics, re-designed almost its entire portfolio of more than 50 home plans to incorporate women’s most-wanted amenities. Pictured is a new option for 2012, a coffee bar which according to Mark Bittner will be right at home in some of the owner’s suite bedrooms or sitting areas just off the owner’s bedroom.

Fine Line also embarked in 2011 on the Customer Experience Ribbon, an effort to focus their entire team on ways they can elevate customer experiences. With goals ranging from improved jobsite cleanliness to regular, scheduled customer contact throughout the entire process, Fine Line understands delivering remarkable value in new homes starts with a quality home building experience.

The husband and wife team of Karen Stuckey and Kent Richards describe their Dallas-area home building business as “a love story,” as they share a love for each other and a love for home building and design. Their passion is evident in the homes they build.

One of their recent customers shared, “As a single woman, I’ve always spent much of my free time in my bedroom. Of the eleven homes I’ve lived in, this one is my favorite! Once I’ve brushed my teeth, I never have to leave my bed again until morning, since everything is within reach!”

right: In that customer’s home, pictured here, the “storing” and “de-stressing” lenses influenced the design of this serene owner’s retreat, incorporating convenient and attractive storage with a custom headboard, nightstand and bookcase built-in.

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Homeway HomesDeer Creek, IllinoisHomewayHomes.com

PATCO Construction Inc.Sanford, Mainewww.PatcoResidential.com

Built in their factory near Peoria, Illinois, Homeway Homes takes pride in the consistent high quality modular construction can offer. They’ve further set themselves apart by integrating woman-centric home design, features and products. Every year 1,000’s of area residents tour a woman-centric home inside the Peoria Civic Center at the Spring Home Show!

“Here’s a picture of our Pet Center in the rear foyer of our Victoria model. It includes wall hooks for the leash, doggy coat, and collars. It also has a dual pull out wastebasket cabinet that can be used to store different dog and/or cat food. This has been tremendously popular as prospects walk through our model.” - Ted Schieler

Design Basics, parent company of Her Home, works with builders to appreciate women’s preferences in the home, through a program called Woman-Centric Matters!® For more

information, visit DesignBasics.com and look for the logo on the home page.

“After being exposed to women-centric design back in 2008, I came back to my partner and declared that this concept was probably the most exciting idea I had seen in homebuilding in the last 25 years. I have been selling homes to women for years but the process of sitting down with women and designing the home from her perspective was news…. and dead on. The method of explaining women centric design during the sales presentation - in a way that she could easily envision how these features would make her life easier - was also dead on.”

The Sanford, Maine home builder also has strong words for his peers: “Builders who ignore the importance of product design and how it gets marketed to the primary decision maker—women—are dinosaurs and should join the other extinct species in this challenging homebuilding environment.”

right: A popular product is Patco’s craft center/gift wrapping station that folds up and out of the way when not in use.


y Be



Lakeside Cabinets and WoodworkingNowthen, MNwww.tbinc.net

Troy Bednarz is not a home builder. His company, Lakeside Cabinets and Woodworking, serves the Minneapolis metro. Taking a woman-centric approach to his business has not only delighted customers—builders and buyers alike—but also improved Lakeside’s operations.

“We have helped our female clients realize visions of being more organized by solving common household issues. In turn we have met “her” organizational standards from within, which has resulted in streamlining every aspect of our business,” according to Bednarz.

left: Lakeside’s “Locker System,” when you come in from the garage, is designed to store coats, gloves, shoes and other outdoor necessities. Lockers often incorporate baskets, cubby holes, hooks, closed storage and bench seating, which is great for removing shoes and boots.

Page 21: HER Home Magazine - Spring 2012

www.HerHome.com 17

You may recognize Fargo, North Dakota builder Tyrone Leslie from the three Extreme Makeover Home Edition homes they’ve built for the hit ABC television show. His customers, particularly women, appreciate the numerous ways Heritage Homes “gives back” to the community.

In adopting a woman-centric approach, his company, Heritage Homes, has experienced significant growth each of the last three years. According to Leslie, “Embracing women’s preferences in the home has truly helped us do a better job understanding our buyers and understanding their needs. We’re actually able to anticipate our buyers’ needs before they do, suggest amenities they’re delighted with and create the home to work the way the family works. The reaction we get from our buyers is truly amazing!”

pictured: Buyers with a flair for the contemporary favor this Heritage Homes kitchen with glass front cabinets, sleek range hood, full backsplash and dramatic slab island with flush eating bar.



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Cambridge HomesCarrollton, TXCambridgeHomes.biz

Heritage HomesFargo, North DakotaHeritageFargo.com

Fine Line HomesHarrisburg, Lewisburg, Hazelton, State College, PA and Sayre, NYFineLineHomes.com

Fine Line Homes has built thousands of homes throughout Pennsylvania and Southern New York. With women making the majority of the home buying decisions, Fine Line Homes, in conjunction with Design Basics, re-designed almost its entire portfolio of more than 50 home plans to incorporate women’s most-wanted amenities. Pictured is a new option for 2012, a coffee bar which according to Mark Bittner will be right at home in some of the owner’s suite bedrooms or sitting areas just off the owner’s bedroom.

Fine Line also embarked in 2011 on the Customer Experience Ribbon, an effort to focus their entire team on ways they can elevate customer experiences. With goals ranging from improved jobsite cleanliness to regular, scheduled customer contact throughout the entire process, Fine Line understands delivering remarkable value in new homes starts with a quality home building experience.

The husband and wife team of Karen Stuckey and Kent Richards describe their Dallas-area home building business as “a love story,” as they share a love for each other and a love for home building and design. Their passion is evident in the homes they build.

One of their recent customers shared, “As a single woman, I’ve always spent much of my free time in my bedroom. Of the eleven homes I’ve lived in, this one is my favorite! Once I’ve brushed my teeth, I never have to leave my bed again until morning, since everything is within reach!”

right: In that customer’s home, pictured here, the “storing” and “de-stressing” lenses influenced the design of this serene owner’s retreat, incorporating convenient and attractive storage with a custom headboard, nightstand and bookcase built-in.

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Homeway HomesDeer Creek, IllinoisHomewayHomes.com

PATCO Construction Inc.Sanford, Mainewww.PatcoResidential.com

Built in their factory near Peoria, Illinois, Homeway Homes takes pride in the consistent high quality modular construction can offer. They’ve further set themselves apart by integrating woman-centric home design, features and products. Every year 1,000’s of area residents tour a woman-centric home inside the Peoria Civic Center at the Spring Home Show!

“Here’s a picture of our Pet Center in the rear foyer of our Victoria model. It includes wall hooks for the leash, doggy coat, and collars. It also has a dual pull out wastebasket cabinet that can be used to store different dog and/or cat food. This has been tremendously popular as prospects walk through our model.” - Ted Schieler

Design Basics, parent company of Her Home, works with builders to appreciate women’s preferences in the home, through a program called Woman-Centric Matters!® For more

information, visit DesignBasics.com and look for the logo on the home page.

“After being exposed to women-centric design back in 2008, I came back to my partner and declared that this concept was probably the most exciting idea I had seen in homebuilding in the last 25 years. I have been selling homes to women for years but the process of sitting down with women and designing the home from her perspective was news…. and dead on. The method of explaining women centric design during the sales presentation - in a way that she could easily envision how these features would make her life easier - was also dead on.”

The Sanford, Maine home builder also has strong words for his peers: “Builders who ignore the importance of product design and how it gets marketed to the primary decision maker—women—are dinosaurs and should join the other extinct species in this challenging homebuilding environment.”

right: A popular product is Patco’s craft center/gift wrapping station that folds up and out of the way when not in use.


y Be



Lakeside Cabinets and WoodworkingNowthen, MNwww.tbinc.net

Troy Bednarz is not a home builder. His company, Lakeside Cabinets and Woodworking, serves the Minneapolis metro. Taking a woman-centric approach to his business has not only delighted customers—builders and buyers alike—but also improved Lakeside’s operations.

“We have helped our female clients realize visions of being more organized by solving common household issues. In turn we have met “her” organizational standards from within, which has resulted in streamlining every aspect of our business,” according to Bednarz.

left: Lakeside’s “Locker System,” when you come in from the garage, is designed to store coats, gloves, shoes and other outdoor necessities. Lockers often incorporate baskets, cubby holes, hooks, closed storage and bench seating, which is great for removing shoes and boots.

Page 23: HER Home Magazine - Spring 2012

www.HerHome.com 19

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and definitely factors into determining market value of a home. Well-designed landscaping adds curb appeal, years of visual enjoyment and when the time comes; it contributes significantly to a buyer’s first impression of the home, influencing the home’s desirability and perceived value. It also speaks to the home’s owners—the care shown in landscaping suggests a similar degree of care for the home, inside and out. Her Home worked with an Omaha, Nebraska couple and a professional landscaper to add beauty and value to their home in a landscape revamp. The objective was to identify a long term plan for low-maintenance changes—reducing time spent on yard work.



FL WERINGby Janie Murnane

Anchored by boulders, Korean Spice Viburnum and a Bird’s Nest Blue Spruce, the front plant-ing bed was extended, helping to help hide a rock wall which previ-ous owners had painted white.

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In the fun and frenzy of spring planting and landscaping, it’s easy to overlook the need for planning – a well thought out assessment of what you have, your goal(s) and a plan to bridge the two. Be realistic from the get go during the planning stages, particularly concerning your available resources of time and investment. Due to the magnitude of changes, the homeowners we worked with actually developed a 3-year plan: front yard (year 1); back yard (year 2); and side yards and water feature in front (year 3).

It’s always a good idea to consult with a professional to locate any problem areas the space may have, such as drainage or soil composition. Other things to consider are sun exposure, slope, moisture requirements and maintenance issues. Once identified, a plan can be implemented to solve whatever issues arise. Our homeowners were surprised to discover three small Juniper trees in their back yard had been infested by Bagworms, and needed to be treated immediately. Later in the Spring they will be assessed to determine if they would likely need to be removed when addressing the rear yard in year 2 of their plan.

According to most landscape designers, garden design is essentially the process of defining and refining your plant choices,

placement and color combinations. The plantings spring from the ground to give you the textures, shapes and color (not to mention fragrances) that make your vision a reality. Part of the fun of landscaping is creating an ever-changing display of color throughout the blooming season, from early spring to late fall. Designing a garden builds on the principles of balance, contrast, texture and color. In do-it-yourself projects, research is essential to determine what plants and shrubs work best in your setting and hardiness zone. Be inspired by the vast opportunity to learn!

As seen in the “before” photo above, hedge bushes, though trimmed back annually, had grown to 9 feet high and became overly woody at the base and overgrown at the top. Some plantings just needed to be replaced as they weren’t appropriate for the western sun exposure. Groundcover, which looked really nice for about 2 years, had flourished and become invasive of other landscaping. Basically, this area in front of the house had become a maintenance nightmare and plant performance was declining. The solution? After talking with the landscaping pros, the decision was to remove all of it, roto-till the ground and start over.

Transplanted Colorado natives, our

homeowners had a preference for natural rock, and several large boulders weighing as much as 800 pounds were brought in and strategically placed. The rocks themselves offer a décor that adds texture and interest and never needs to be watered or tended to in any way! Ornamental Prairie grasses were planted, along with smaller, compact Taunton Yews and Dark Horse Weigela. A white retaining wall remains from when the home was built, but visually it’s not the look the current homeowners wanted. Too costly to replace, the landscape designer suggested extending the bed a bit further in front to allow for plantings to obstruct the wall. As it matures, the new perennial Korean Spice Viburnum bushes will hide that wall. Facing west, mulch was chosen over rock around the plantings in the front yard beds because heat from the afternoon sun reflecting off rock would likely cause problems. Also the homeowner felt that mulch provides organic matter that feeds and nourishes the soil – high organic content in soils is key.

The key steps in landscape design are to create flow, continuity and balance allowing the eye to move from one area of interest to another. Creating a focal point is essential. This could be a bird bath, tree, or sculpture. The Columnar White Pines (another

BEFORETall hedge bushes (far left edge of photo) had become woody and unsightly so they were removed. Also taken out were the crimson Barberry which had become too large, meaning bigger thorns which is treacherous when pruning, as well as Yews which had spread to over 4 feet wide.

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reminder of Colorado) and concrete statue of cherubs are eye-catchers, and one of the boulders was pre-drilled for turning it into a future water feature.

In the design decisions, first consider the location, shape and color preference of your flower bed(s). There are some classic pairings that follow the color palette of complementary or contrasting colors. Some combination favorites are, red and purple; red, orange and lime; purple and yellow; or yellow, orange and red. There is also the monochromatic approach, a single color garden which can be just as dramatic. It’s all about choices!

Rotating color was accomplished with shrubs, flowering perennials and bulbs. Annuals, while vibrant, represented more upkeep than the homeowners desired. Daylilies and sedum added to the color palette, while chocolate-colored mulch provided contrast. Importantly, the lawn irrigation system was modified according to the new plantings, requiring some re-zoning and a few new sprinkler heads to ensure optimum watering. Drought tolerant perennials were selected for the most part lending to the low maintenance approach and water conservation. Plants that require a lot of water will be a big challenge if you are trying to reduce the amount of care your landscaping needs. The solution for this west facing home was to avoid water guzzlers in the front and add grasses, boulders and

fewer perennials.

With back yard goals of creating functional entertaining spaces, plans for year 2 include adding outdoor lighting, removing overgrown grasses and some of the bushes, replacing and expanding the deck with a low-maintenance decking product and the addition of a fire pit. Year 3 sees mature lilacs being replaced with miniature lilacs and paring back the herb garden (rosemary, sage, cilantro, parsley and mint) to a more manageable size. Replacing some of the plantings with ornamental grasses will likely be another solution that ties all the beds together. It may also be the year the front yard water feature is added.

In summary, whether you chose to build a new home, buy an existing home or update the home you are in, it’s important when considering the landscaping that you take preemptive action by identifying important changes or additions that add value to your landscape design and home. Choose plants that compliment your site…prepare the soil appropriately… plant conscientiously… define your landscape goals (hardscape and softscape) . . . and you’ll find that your landscape takes less to maintain than your lawn. Just remember that low maintenance does not equate to no maintenance. For best results water, fertilize, weed and mulch when needed.

left: Sprawling, out of control ground cover was replaced with Ajuga surrounded by wood mulch. Ideal for narrow spaces, a trio of Fine Line Buckthorns (seen along the siding) replaced the overgrown hedge bushes. Around the corner, spiral junipers flank one of the front windows.

right: Right of the entry, Day Lilies and Prairie Grass help establish this bed which also presents rock and the owner’s cherubs.

landscaping by: Colorburst Landscaping & Design, LLCwww.colorburstlandscape.net

Page 26: HER Home Magazine - Spring 2012


Helping buyers make wise, informed decisions regarding their homes and the products that go

into those homes.


A Hidden Treasure

gotta go...Gotta Go...GOTTA GO

Window seats can be one of life’s simple pleasures. If you love daylight (and who doesn’t?) and enjoy reading, a padded window seat just might be your favorite spot in the house to get away from life’s stresses. Some people find window seats to be inspirational, whether for meditation or ideation. (That even holds true for pets, who seem to always perch on a window seat!)

The addition of a flip-top lid to your padded window seat turns this amenity into something truly marvelous! It could be book storage, a needlepoint project, or your writing supplies—whatever you most enjoy while being bathed in sunlight can be immediately available, stored out-of-the-way and left undisturbed when you take advantage of that potential storage space.

Sign up at www.HerHome.com to receive Her Home Thought of the Day via e-mail . It’s FREE!

If you’ve ever had young children in your home, you know that sometimes they wait too long when playing outside before running in to use the bathroom. You may not have thought about it before, but how convenient is your public bathroom to outdoor activities, whether it’s the kids, your gardening or when you’re entertaining outside?

Increasingly popular are bathrooms located just off the entry from the garage (see the Crosby plan on page 10) or access to the rear yard (see the Reeves plan on page 23). Hard surface flooring means not having to worry about mud on the carpet en route to the bathroom. And designs such as the Reeves which also offer a bathing option are wonderful, whether it’s washing your pet or cleaning up after cleaning out the garage.

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the Blanchett | plan 42078-54X1513 main level sq. ft. | 822 upper level sq. ft. 2335 total sq. ft.

the Reeves | plan 42085-54X1848 main level sq. ft. | 854 upper level sq. ft. 2702 total sq. ft.









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the Kuebler | plan 31007-54X679 main level sq. ft. | 781 upper level sq. ft. 1460 total sq. ft.

the Kirsten | plan 29373-54X1373 total sq. ft.

Page 29: HER Home Magazine - Spring 2012

the Murnane Manor | plan 42156-54X2307 total sq. ft.

the Aston Place | plan 42157-54X2310 total sq. ft.





Two different design teams were given the challenge of designing a 60-foot wide, 2300 finished square foot, one-story home to feature a stone and stucco elevation and master bedroom suite to the right. Despite the similarities and the obvious 3 bedroom vs. 1 bedroom + flex room layout, let’s look at five of the more subtle, but very significant, differences.

Secondary bathroom: In 42156 it is designed to present as a guest/powder bath with pocket door closed. 42157 is shown as a compart-mented bath with 2 sinks separate from the toilet and tub.

Kitchen island: It’s a double island and double sinks in plan 42156 vs. a single island with round eating bar shown in 42157.Rear Foyer: In 42156 it’s a multi-purpose area, plan 42157 presents a straightforward design.Master bath: 42156 presents split vanities with storage alongside, 42157 has a single vanitiy with dual sinks.Outdoor living: 42156 has a front courtyard plus covered rear porch accessed from the eating area and master bedroom. 42157 presents a larger rear covered porch with cathedral ceiling and outdoor kitchen.

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With our collaborative approach, you work directly with one of our designers, so you’re not on your own when it comes to figuring out how to best modify a plan from our library to meet your specific needs. Knowing your goals, we’ll even suggest new opportunities and amenities you may not have considered, but would really enjoy in your new home!

HYBRID Home Plans are different.

Typically, with home plan alterations,

you tell the designer what you want changed.


Exclusively from Design Basics…Where Great Design Matters!

Tailored specifically for you Fast turnaround Very reasonable prices


Janie Murnane - President, Design Basics LLC