Henry VIII Homelearning · 2020. 9. 14. · The theme for this term is ‘Henry VIII and his six...

Year 4 Autumn Term Home Learning Every Wednesday, you will receive the following homework: One 30 minute piece maths homework A set of spellings to learn. These spellings need to be practised in your Spelling Journal, for at least 30 minutes a week A grammar quiz to be completed on the computer Homework is due the following Tuesday morning. The theme for this term is ‘Henry VIII and his six wives’, which links to our topic learning. At the start of each term, you will get a new set of home learning tasks. These tasks are completely optional, but they give you ideas and opportunities to explore an aspect of our curriculum beyond what we can cover in class. It is also a great opportunity to get your family involved in your learning. Henry VIII Below are a selection of optional tasks and projects which you can complete at home on your own or with your family that relate to our Tudors topic. We will be celebrating any of the tasks you complete in our Year 4 assembly and we will be displaying them in an area of the academy. You can bring them in at anytime before. How many can you complete? Curiosity Corner a) Create a diary for Anne Boleyn or Catherine Howard for the night before they were executed. b) Create an image of Henry VIII using collage or paint. c) Make a fact file about Henry VIII’s children. d) Research the ‘Mary Rose’ and create a presentation, poster or leaflet about it. e) Research how they excavated the ‘Mary Rose’ and have protected what is left. f) Write a job description for one of the job roles on board the ‘Mary Rose’. g) Program a game in Scratch linked to Henry VIII. h) Follow a Tudor recipe and review it. h) Create a Tudor portrait of your family. i) Write a persuasive piece about why people should visit Hampton Court Palace. j) Make a set of Top Trumps for Henry VIII and his family for you and your friends to play. k) Write a poem about Henry VIII’s wives. l) Listen to ‘Greensleeves’ and draw a picture showing what it makes you think about. m) Make a model of Henry VIII or one of his wives. n) Read a book about the Tudors and write a book review about it. o) Create a timeline of events that happened during the Tudor period. p) Draw, paint or collage an image of one of Henry’s palaces.

Transcript of Henry VIII Homelearning · 2020. 9. 14. · The theme for this term is ‘Henry VIII and his six...

Page 1: Henry VIII Homelearning · 2020. 9. 14. · The theme for this term is ‘Henry VIII and his six wives’, which links to our topic learning. At the start of each term, you will get

Year 4 Autumn Term

Home Learning

Every Wednesday, you will receive the following homework: • One 30 minute piece maths

homework • A set of spellings to learn. These

spellings need to be practised in your Spelling Journal, for at least 30 minutes a week

• A grammar quiz to be completed on the computer

Homework is due the following Tuesday morning.

The theme for this term is ‘Henry VIII and his six wives’, which links to our topic learning.

At the start of each term, you will get a new set of home learning tasks. These tasks are completely optional, but they give you ideas and opportunities to explore an aspect of our curriculum beyond what we can cover in class. It is also a great opportunity to get your family involved in your learning.

Henry VIII

Below are a selection of optional tasks and projects which you can complete at home on your own or with your family that relate to our Tudors topic. We will be celebrating any of the tasks you complete in our Year 4 assembly and we will be

displaying them in an area of the academy. You can bring them in at anytime before. How many can you complete?

Curiosity Corner

a) Create a diary for Anne Boleyn or Catherine Howard for the night before they were executed. b) Create an image of Henry VIII using collage or paint. c) Make a fact file about Henry VIII’s children. d) Research the ‘Mary Rose’ and create a presentation, poster or leaflet about it. e) Research how they excavated the ‘Mary Rose’ and have protected what is left. f) Write a job description for one of the job roles on board the ‘Mary Rose’. g) Program a game in Scratch linked to Henry VIII. h) Follow a Tudor recipe and review it.

h) Create a Tudor portrait of your family. i) Write a persuasive piece about why people should visit Hampton Court Palace. j) Make a set of Top Trumps for Henry VIII and his family for you and your friends to play. k) Write a poem about Henry VIII’s wives. l) Listen to ‘Greensleeves’ and draw a picture showing what it makes you think about. m) Make a model of Henry VIII or one of his wives. n) Read a book about the Tudors and write a book review about it. o) Create a timeline of events that happened during the Tudor period. p) Draw, paint or collage an image of one of Henry’s palaces.