Helprace self-service

GREAT SELF-SERVICE is not only a search bar and a FAQ portal... it’s so much more! Helprace, noun [help∙reɪs] A competition in which participants strive to provide the best customer service. Helprace

Transcript of Helprace self-service

GREAT SELF-SERVICEis not only a search bar and a FAQ portal...

it’s so much more!

Helprace, noun [help∙reɪs]A competition in which participants strive to provide the bestcustomer service. Helprace

Customers increasingly prefer to solve issues themselves, and modern internet-savvy customers demand a

new wave of customer service.What is Self-Service?


Why Self-Service?


of customers perfer self-service

over traditional phone or email support

yet only half of them find the answer

to what they needed help with



FAQIt’s human nature to want to find things out for yourself, and self-service is certainly a way to fill that void. However, studies have shown that self-service is only a viable option if done correctly.

FAQ sites are an example of early self-service. Many forward-thinking companies adopted FAQ sites in the 90’s.

the 1990s

The Early Days


the 2000s

As users got more internet-savvy, they began expecting greater control of the support process.

A searchable knowledge base was the answer: it allowed users to search first, ask questions later.

Although an improvement, there was still a a chance that customers could be left without a solution to their question.

Knowledge Base

A Database Comes Along...


Nowadays, users demand more.

A modern support portal must provide an engaging customer service experienceto the user. A search function needs to look for answers as the user inputs the query.

Users are expecting to express their feelings in addition to allowing them to ask a question that wasn’t answered.


The Helprace Way


Search Suggestionsliterature widely distributed and easily accessible in the support portal

Feedback Community with Instant Answers

as you search

Related Contentas you type


Helprace allows your community members to

RATEcontent up and down. See what is talked about most.

Vote On Itenable weighed voting options and give each customer a unique voice


RANKall types of content. Even non-registered members can quiclkly draw their

attention to what’s relevant.

Sort It Outset default sorting characteristics or let users sort content themselves


BUILDa database of answers to

benefit everyone. Content can be replied to, voted on and indexed in searches.

Knowledge Basecompany docs getting lost? publish them all from your admin panel


Updates, New Articles, Questions... are all located in the body of the support portal. Control what you want your users to see.

Spaces are in a drop down box at the top left of your portal.

Alternatively, anyone can always contact you.

Let your users know who’s on the other side!

An Epic Support Portal an engaging brand experience your customers will love



Accross All Devicesyour Helprace portal is accessible across multiple mobile devices

in the end,

your customers see a company that caresGet valuable feedback from those who matter most: your customers.Helprace features an engaging 4-channel feedback dock.




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