Helping Hands Powerpoint created by Tonee P.

2011 Relay for Life Allegan County East

Transcript of Helping Hands Powerpoint created by Tonee P.

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2011Relay for LifeAllegan County East

Because of your helpinghands

Photo Albumby ACS User

He will fill the world withart

and celebrate his youth

They will.

grow old together.

She will...

go to her prom.

He will dream.

And have them come true.

They will experience love without limits

She will kiss her daughter

on her wedding day.

They will

see more rainbows

He will find comfort.

in all the world has to offer.

This Dad will be there

to see his son graduate.

This mom will be there

to cheer him through the big game.

Because of your helping hands

She will watch her daughter grow.

There will be more Birthdays.

Because of your helpingHands.

there will be a victory!

When we come together..

Allegan County East createsA WONDERFUL WORLD