Help me!!! Ugghh Nugghhgg. Introduction You just woke up in a hospital weeks after you were shot in...

By: Kristi Hospital is History Help me!!! Ugghh Nugghhg g

Transcript of Help me!!! Ugghh Nugghhgg. Introduction You just woke up in a hospital weeks after you were shot in...

Page 1: Help me!!! Ugghh Nugghhgg. Introduction You just woke up in a hospital weeks after you were shot in an attack. There are many dead flowers lying around.

By: Kristi

Hospital is History

Help me!!!

Ugghh Nugghhgg

Page 2: Help me!!! Ugghh Nugghhgg. Introduction You just woke up in a hospital weeks after you were shot in an attack. There are many dead flowers lying around.

Introduction• You just woke up in a hospital weeks after you were shot in an attack. There

are many dead flowers lying around your room. So you get up to go search for people with your body still aching in pain from the bullet hole in your body that may or may not still be bleeding. When you look around your room there is no one around, no family, no friends, not even the doctors or nurses. You are now starting to get a little nervous. You listen for any sounds that may be wondering the building but you can barely hear anything but the sound of you fearful heart beating faster than ever before. You wander of your options and think of what to do.

• Call out for people

• Quietly look around for anyone

Page 3: Help me!!! Ugghh Nugghhgg. Introduction You just woke up in a hospital weeks after you were shot in an attack. There are many dead flowers lying around.

Call out for People

• So you say that you chose to call out for people. Now think was that really the smartest idea? Well right after you called out, a zombie came wobbling into your room. You tense up in fear just trying to scream for help, knowing that no one will be likely to hear your cries for help. Although you are still in a dilemma you have to find a way to protect yourself or just let go of life.

• Let the zombie drink your blood

• Find some way to kill the zombie

Page 4: Help me!!! Ugghh Nugghhgg. Introduction You just woke up in a hospital weeks after you were shot in an attack. There are many dead flowers lying around.

Let the Zombie Drink Your Blood

• So you really are ready to give on life so soon. Well ok then, you got what you wanted. The zombie came after you and had you for its dinner. Now you are dead and no longer able to search for a way to live life.

• The End

Page 5: Help me!!! Ugghh Nugghhgg. Introduction You just woke up in a hospital weeks after you were shot in an attack. There are many dead flowers lying around.

Find Some Way to Kill the Zombie

• You quickly scan the room looking for some kind of weapon to protect you against this horrifying creature. After looking around, you notice a plant in a hard metal vase just lying right next to your bed. You slowly reach for it, trying not to alarm the deadly creature. Now that you have got some kind of protection to defend yourself with, you face these choices.

• Throw the vase at the zombie• Repeatedly hit the zombie with the vase

Page 6: Help me!!! Ugghh Nugghhgg. Introduction You just woke up in a hospital weeks after you were shot in an attack. There are many dead flowers lying around.

Throw the Vase at the Zombie

• Oh no you just threw the vase at the zombie, now you are faced with no protection again. But is it too late to protect yourself against this terrible death. Although you just knocked the zombie off of its feet, it has gotten back up and even closer to you than you have expected. Now you may be more frightened then ever but you still have some choices to make on which is the best way for you to die.

• Try and kill yourself before the zombie kills you • Just let the zombie kill you

Page 7: Help me!!! Ugghh Nugghhgg. Introduction You just woke up in a hospital weeks after you were shot in an attack. There are many dead flowers lying around.

Just Let the Zombie Kill You

• You give up on life and let the zombie kill you. Well it turns out you got what you had wanted. This blood thirsty animal came up to you and ate you before you even had a chance to consider your other options.

• The End

Page 8: Help me!!! Ugghh Nugghhgg. Introduction You just woke up in a hospital weeks after you were shot in an attack. There are many dead flowers lying around.

Try and Kill Yourself Before the Zombie Kills You

• You search the room once more and find your old gun lying under the bed. You’re in luck because when you pick up the gun there is only one bullet left in the gun. You are ready to pull the trigger, but then soon realize that you have other options.

• Kill yourself• Kill the zombie

Page 9: Help me!!! Ugghh Nugghhgg. Introduction You just woke up in a hospital weeks after you were shot in an attack. There are many dead flowers lying around.

Kill Yourself

• You have still chosen to stick with your plan of death. Although this isn’t at all how you expected to die it will be better than turning into a man eating zombie. You’re about to pull the trigger knowing that this could be the best option for you. So you did it. You just died from a bullet to you head. Now the zombie cannot eat you and you are safe from turning into a man eating monster.

• The End

Page 10: Help me!!! Ugghh Nugghhgg. Introduction You just woke up in a hospital weeks after you were shot in an attack. There are many dead flowers lying around.

Kill the Zombie

• Living for the survival, glad that you still want to live and see what has happened outside of this ugly room. Well pick the gun up and pull it up with your hand that is shaking in the fear of everything that you have just experienced. You shoot the zombie with all of your might and are glad to see that you have just survived a close call to death. But suddenly you have just realized something that does not help you in any way of survival. The bullet made a loud noise that could cause other zombies to rush into the hospital looking for a tasty treat that will give them their feast of the day.

• Go rush out of the room in search of assistance• Stay put hoping that no one comes

Page 11: Help me!!! Ugghh Nugghhgg. Introduction You just woke up in a hospital weeks after you were shot in an attack. There are many dead flowers lying around.

Stay Put Hoping that No One Comes

• Well you’re out of luck a bunch of stinky zombies have just entered your room and killed you before you had the chance to protect yourself. Now that you are one of them you have no brain to tell you right from wrong.

• The End

Page 12: Help me!!! Ugghh Nugghhgg. Introduction You just woke up in a hospital weeks after you were shot in an attack. There are many dead flowers lying around.

Go Rush Out of the Room in Search of Assistance

• Well you rushed out of the room and looked for any person to help you that hasn’t already turned into one of those disgusting blood thirsty monsters. You look left to right, right to left, up and down, and down and up. But nobody seemed to be showing up anywhere. You fearless attitude starts to disappear and now you left with the scare of any zombie popping out of any direction. Well you finally have found your way out of the hospital and to a safe spot where you decide to stay for your own protection. You have stayed in this stop for years now and have not seen a zombie since that drastic day. Now that you are safe you will not need my assistance for survival anymore. Good luck!

• The End

Page 13: Help me!!! Ugghh Nugghhgg. Introduction You just woke up in a hospital weeks after you were shot in an attack. There are many dead flowers lying around.

Repeatedly Hit the Zombie With the Vase

• You have chosen to kill the zombie quietly not making enough noise to attract others of their kind. The zombie has died and you have new problems to face. You may still be terrified of what you just did, but you know that you have to move on from this bloody problem.

• Leave the room with protection • Leave the room without protection

Page 14: Help me!!! Ugghh Nugghhgg. Introduction You just woke up in a hospital weeks after you were shot in an attack. There are many dead flowers lying around.

Leave the room without protection

• You have chosen to leave the room without protection which is a very risky move. Right when you step into the hallway you have been attacked by way to many zombies to even count. You are faced with no options and no way out of this problem but death. So you are eaten by many of these zombies.

• The End

Page 15: Help me!!! Ugghh Nugghhgg. Introduction You just woke up in a hospital weeks after you were shot in an attack. There are many dead flowers lying around.

Leave the Room With Protection

• You have chosen to leave the room with protection, which is a very smart thing to do just in case you are attacked again by anything and need to assure that you will be safe. As you enter the hallway you see many but not a lot of zombies roaming the hallway. You quickly figure out that they can sense you from you blood and can hear your every footstep. Although you just want to give up right now you know that you deserve better than to die like this.

• Get eaten by zombies • Make a run for it

Page 16: Help me!!! Ugghh Nugghhgg. Introduction You just woke up in a hospital weeks after you were shot in an attack. There are many dead flowers lying around.

Get Eaten By Zombies

• You chose to give up on life and let go of any hope of getting out of this endless horror. You decide to scream out and alert the zombies of your presence. Now that they have gotten you in their sight they run as fast as they can (which isn’t that fast) to catch you before it’s too late. They have gotten to you and you just let them pick you apart piece by piece without even showing any effort to fight back to these mindless creatures.

• The End

Page 17: Help me!!! Ugghh Nugghhgg. Introduction You just woke up in a hospital weeks after you were shot in an attack. There are many dead flowers lying around.

Make A Run For It• You decide to make a run for it with your weapon still in

hand. You run down the hallways looking for an exit. As you are doing so your body is trembling from the bullet hole that is in your chest. You have slowed down and came to the assumption that you have been running fast enough for the zombies not to be able to catch up to you. But in reality you never got the zombies off of your back, so they have caught up to you and are getti ng closer and closer by the second. When you look to see if there is another direction that you could go in, you are already boxed in by the blood craving heartless creatures. So they have eaten you and made you one of them.

• The End

Page 18: Help me!!! Ugghh Nugghhgg. Introduction You just woke up in a hospital weeks after you were shot in an attack. There are many dead flowers lying around.

Quietly Look Around For Anyone• You my friend have made a smart choice not calling out for people. Well from

you decision you decided to walk slowly out of the room will a scalpel in one hand and your other hand covering the painful side of your chest that has been making you scarcer than the thought of no one being at your bedside when you woke up. Well now that you are in the hallway look side to side in search of any other person roaming the halls. You pause. The sight that you have seen is the worse view that you have ever come to. The view is indescribable, it’s horrifying, disturbing, and you know what lets go back to indescribable, definitely indescribable. It’s, it’s, and it’s a massacre, a bloody massacre. Every direction that you look there are corpses, an endless count of dead bodies that reek the stench of death. Now you have a decision to make one that will determine the rest of your living time on planet earth.

• Die now• Go roam the building

Page 19: Help me!!! Ugghh Nugghhgg. Introduction You just woke up in a hospital weeks after you were shot in an attack. There are many dead flowers lying around.

Die Now

• Dying now could be a very smart choice, giving up and not having to live with the pain of seeing what has happened to the rest of the world. Since you wished to die your dream comes true when you take the scalpel in your hand and put it through your chest causing you to die like all of the others lying on the cold hard floor.

• The End

Page 20: Help me!!! Ugghh Nugghhgg. Introduction You just woke up in a hospital weeks after you were shot in an attack. There are many dead flowers lying around.

Go Roam The Building


• Just kill yourself now• Open the door

Page 21: Help me!!! Ugghh Nugghhgg. Introduction You just woke up in a hospital weeks after you were shot in an attack. There are many dead flowers lying around.

Just Kill Yourself Now

• You grab the scalpel that is still lying in your hand and you kill yourself. You do this knowing that you will leave this world like the rest of the patients and doctors that have died in this building.

• The End

Page 22: Help me!!! Ugghh Nugghhgg. Introduction You just woke up in a hospital weeks after you were shot in an attack. There are many dead flowers lying around.

Open the Door• When you open the door you find many creatures roaming the

streets not creatures but people. These creatures their zombies, yea that’s right they are zombies. So you need to figure out how to hide from them because they can smell, hear, and see you, and they will eat you if you let them get near you. So you need to go over your choices one more time.

• Run through the street in front of all of the zombies• Go hide behind all of the buildings and make a home

for yourself

Page 23: Help me!!! Ugghh Nugghhgg. Introduction You just woke up in a hospital weeks after you were shot in an attack. There are many dead flowers lying around.

Run Through the Street In Front of All of the Zombies

• Why? Why would you want to run right in front of these man eating monsters? Well since you chose to do this the zombies noticed you running and ran after you ready to eat you. So because you made this decision you had no choice but to let the zombie eat your brains and kill you slowly. This caused you a very slow death and no chance at ever being human again.

• The End

Page 24: Help me!!! Ugghh Nugghhgg. Introduction You just woke up in a hospital weeks after you were shot in an attack. There are many dead flowers lying around.

Go Hide Behind All of the Buildings and Make a Home for Yourself

• You chose smart, you just created a life for yourself away from all of these monsters. You can now life a quiet life by yourself with no interruptions and no contact with these deadly creatures. You are a lucky person and can live a long happy life without worries and harmful people. Good job making good decisions and good luck in this world I hope you can still make the right choices!

• The End

Page 25: Help me!!! Ugghh Nugghhgg. Introduction You just woke up in a hospital weeks after you were shot in an attack. There are many dead flowers lying around.

The End

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