Hello and Good Morning to the Lecturers and My Fellow Friends of Ausmat

Good morning to my lecturers and my Ausmat peers. My name is Muhammad Raiyan Asyraf Bin Abu Hassan but you can call me Raiyan I’m very honored and it’s an absolute privilege to be standing on this stage today, making a bid to become your Ausmat president I hope that you can just hold on for a little bit longer to listen what I’ve got to say. Right to it then. AUSMAT, is to my eyes, one of the most well-rounded pre-u course around .It provides not only a prestigious and well-known academic syllabus but with it, the potential to shape students to become more then book worms or textbook junkies .It does this through the opportunities and chances we are given. But sometimes, that untapped potential and those chances just fly by and go unnoticed .Why? Well the answer is simple there isn’t anyone around that cares enough to grab it. That’s ladies and gentlemen is where I think the president comes in. The toll of the president is to grab this untapped potential and turn into something that ought to shape the student of AUSMAT into being more then what we really are! AND THTS WHAT I WANT TO DO, FOR ALL OF YOU! Give you the opportunities that lie beyond the manuals, the slides or the lecturers. Give you the holistic learning experience that this course was built on and do it through our side .How may I do this? By organizing more events so we can let loose some steam and get to know each other and you’ll never know you could build long lasting friendships. Just making this course a more fun and memorable experience for all of us . I also want to integrate more with other courses through events, competitions and sales at the energy hub. We can build our reputation amongst the other courses for being awesome people. I would also want to make ausmat a more caring and loving society by having charity drives and help under privileged people and animals, cause I’m



Transcript of Hello and Good Morning to the Lecturers and My Fellow Friends of Ausmat

Page 1: Hello and Good Morning to the Lecturers and My Fellow Friends of Ausmat

Good morning to my lecturers and my Ausmat peers. My name is Muhammad Raiyan Asyraf Bin Abu Hassan but you can call me Raiyan I’m very honored and it’s an absolute privilege to be standing on this stage today, making a bid to become your Ausmat president I hope that you can just hold on for a little bit longer to listen what I’ve got to say.

Right to it then.

AUSMAT, is to my eyes, one of the most well-rounded pre-u course around .It provides not only a prestigious and well-known academic syllabus but with it, the potential to shape students to become more then book worms or textbook junkies .It does this through the opportunities and chances we are given. But sometimes, that untapped potential and those chances just fly by and go unnoticed .Why? Well the answer is simple there isn’t anyone around that cares enough to grab it.

That’s ladies and gentlemen is where I think the president comes in. The toll of the president is to grab this untapped potential and turn into something that ought to shape the student of AUSMAT into being more then what we really are! AND THTS WHAT I WANT TO DO, FOR ALL OF YOU!

Give you the opportunities that lie beyond the manuals, the slides or the lecturers. Give you the holistic learning experience that this course was built on and do it through our side .How may I do this?By organizing more events so we can let loose some steam and get to know each other and you’ll never know you could build long lasting friendships. Just making this course a more fun and memorable experience for all of us . I also want to integrate more with other courses through events, competitions and sales at the energy hub. We can build our reputation amongst the other courses for being awesome people. I would also want to make ausmat a more caring and loving society by having charity drives and help under privileged people and animals, cause I’m an animal person and seeing all those animal cruelty videos and reading them online just breaks my heart.

To close this speech I’m going to be frank with you I’ve got 18 cats at home, yes 18 cats all of them which I love to death. If I do get this post, that’s more work on me and less time for my cats (wipe a tear of} but for you and for this cause, for the opportunities that I’ve spoken of I’m willing. I am determined to do this. Like a quote from Lance Secretan Leadership is not so much about technique and methods as it is about opening the heart. Leadership is about inspiration—of oneself and of others. Great leadership is about human experiences, not processes. Leadership is not a formula or a program, it is a human activity that comes from the heart and considers the hearts of others. It is an attitude, not a routine. So vote for me, because I’m determined VOTE FOR ME BECAUSE IF YOU DO, I’LL MAKE IT MY MISSION TO GIVE YOU THE BEST COLLEGE EXPERIENCE I CAN AND TO SHOW EVERYONE ELSE WHAT THIS COURSE AND ITS STUENTS ARE.Thank you for your time, have a good day

Page 2: Hello and Good Morning to the Lecturers and My Fellow Friends of Ausmat