Helderberg Gazette 9 April 2013

Year 17 • Tuesday 9 April 2013 | Tel. 021 853 0211 Helderberg BUTCHERY ACTUAL PRODUCTS ON OFFER MAY DIFFER FROM VISUALS SHOWN, AS THESE ARE SERVING SUGGESTIONS ONLY • HAMILTONS ADVERTISING 080413 • NO HAWKERS • NO TRADERS • WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES • E&OE Somerset Value Mart • Tel: 021 851 2824/65 • T/Hours: Mon-Thurs: 8:30 - 6 • Fri: 8:30 - 7 • Sat: 8 - 5 • Sun: 9 - 2 Valid from: Tuesday 9 - Sunday 14 April 2013 • Available at this store ONLY! Pensioner’s Breakfast Plus Free Coffee for ONLY R20! 49.99per kg BIG DEAL Whole & Half Lamb Packs (consists of : loin & braai chops, roast, stew, riblets, mince & boerewors) SOMERSET WEST BIG DEAL WEDNESDAY Buy TWO Punnets of Sweetcorn for ONLY R20 · Valid Wednesday 10 April 2013 ONLY! R20 Valid Wednesday, Thursday & Friday ONLY! Gesinne verloor alles in brand NICOLE MCCAIN “Ek het nie geweet of ek moet huil en of ek moet gil nie, so ek het net gestaan en kyk hoe my huis afbrand.” Michael Smith (39) se huis is een van sewe infor- mele huise wat vernietig is toe ’n brand verlede Donderdagaand in Beverly Hills, Strand uitge- breek het. Michael, sy vrou en hul agt kinders het alles verloor. Volgens Wilfred Solomons-Johannes, woord- voerder vir die Stad Kaapstad se sentrum vir rampbestuur, het die brand om 22:22 begin in die Beverley Hills informele nedersetting in Onver- wachtstraat. Dit het in Smith se buurman se huis ontstaan. Die huis se eienaar was by die werk, maar van sy vriende was in die huis. Solomons-Johannes sê wat die brand veroor- saak het is nog onduidelik, maar die bure vermoed ’n brandende kers het dalk die tragedie begin. “Ons was almal aan die slaap toe ons hoor mense roep. Ons het gedink dis net ’n bakleiery, maar die bure het ons wakker gemaak,” het Smith gesê. Smith sê daar was eers net rook, maar toe die huis se dak inval, het die vlamme begin versprei. Hy het net genoeg tyd gehad om sy gesin uit die huis te kry. “Toe die dak ingee, het net een groot vlam ontplof.” Johanna Jansen (61) het ook haar huis in die brand verloor. “Ek en my kleinkind het gesit en TV kyk. Ons het begin rook ruik en my kleinkind het gesê ‘Ouma, dit brand!’ en uit die huis gehard- loop.” Hulle kon net ’n paar van hul besittings uit die huis kry, sê Jansen. “Ek was so geskok gewees. Ek kon nie praat nie. Ek het net gesit en huil.” Jansen sê haar kleinkinders, onderskeidelik 9 en 14 jaar oud, is erg deur die brand ontstel. “My kleinkinders huil so oor hul skoolklere wat in die huis gebrand het.” Ds. Jetro Cloete van die Verenigende Gerefor- meerde Kerk in Derdelaan sê 20 volwassenes en 22 kinders is nou sonder hul huise, en van die nege gesinne wat deur die brand geraak is, het sewe alles verloor. Volgens Solomons-Johannes het die brand ver- skeie gesinne dakloos gelaat, maar niemand is be- seer nie. Die Stad se sentrum vir rampbestuur het kospakkies, klere, komberse en boumateriaal aan die gesinne uitgedeel. Die VG Kerk samel sken- kings in om die gesinne te help. Om ’n skenking te maak, SMS Cloete by 079 300 9050 of bel die kerk- kantoor by 021 854 4633. Brandbestryders sukkel om die vlamme onder beheer te kry. FOTO’S: MUHAMMAD BRINKHUIS Die vlamme het sewe gesinne se huise vernietig.


Helderberg Gazette 9 April 2013

Transcript of Helderberg Gazette 9 April 2013

Year 17 • Tuesday 9 April 2013 | Tel. 021 853 0211




Somerset Value Mart • Tel: 021 851 2824/65 • T/Hours: Mon-Thurs: 8:30 - 6 • Fri: 8:30 - 7 • Sat: 8 - 5 • Sun: 9 - 2Valid from: Tuesday 9 - Sunday 14 April 2013 • Available at this store ONLY!

Pensioner’s Breakfast Plus Free Coffee for ONLY R20!

49.99per kg


Whole & Half Lamb Packs (consistsof : loin & braai chops, roast, stew,riblets, mince & boerewors)



Buy TWO Punnets of Sweetcorn forONLY R20 · Valid Wednesday10 April 2013 ONLY!

R20Valid Wednesday, Thursday & Friday ONLY!

Gesinne verloor alles in brandNICOLE MCCAIN

“Ek het nie geweet of ek moet huil en of ekmoet gil nie, so ek het net gestaan en kyk hoemy huis afbrand.”

MichaelSmith (39) sehuis is eenvansewe infor-mele huise wat vernietig is toe ’n brand verledeDonderdagaand in Beverly Hills, Strand uitge-breek het.Michael, sy vrou en hul agt kinders hetalles verloor.Volgens Wilfred Solomons-Johannes, woord-

voerder vir die Stad Kaapstad se sentrum virrampbestuur, het die brand om 22:22 begin in dieBeverley Hills informele nedersetting in Onver-wachtstraat. Dit het in Smith se buurman se huisontstaan. Die huis se eienaar was by die werk,maar van sy vriende was in die huis.Solomons-Johannes sê wat die brand veroor-

saakhet isnogonduidelik,maardieburevermoed’n brandende kers het dalk die tragedie begin.“Onswasalmalaandieslaaptoeonshoormense

roep. Ons het gedink dis net ’n bakleiery, maardie bure het onswakker gemaak,” het Smith gesê.Smith sê daar was eers net rook, maar toe die

huis se dak inval, het die vlamme begin versprei.Hy het net genoeg tyd gehad om sy gesin uit die

huis te kry. “Toe die dak ingee, het net een grootvlam ontplof.”Johanna Jansen (61) het ook haar huis in die

brand verloor. “Ek en my kleinkind het gesit enTV kyk. Ons het begin rook ruik enmy kleinkindhet gesê ‘Ouma, dit brand!’ en uit die huis gehard-loop.”Hulle kon net ’n paar van hul besittings uit die

huis kry, sê Jansen. “Ek was so geskok gewees.Ek kon nie praat nie. Ek het net gesit en huil.”Jansen sê haar kleinkinders, onderskeidelik 9

en 14 jaar oud, is erg deur die brand ontstel. “Mykleinkinders huil so oor hul skoolklere wat in diehuis gebrand het.”Ds. Jetro Cloete van die Verenigende Gerefor-

meerde Kerk in Derdelaan sê 20 volwassenes en22kinders isnousonderhulhuise, envandienegegesinne wat deur die brand geraak is, het sewealles verloor.Volgens Solomons-Johannes het die brand ver-

skeie gesinne dakloos gelaat,maarniemand is be-seer nie. Die Stad se sentrumvir rampbestuurhetkospakkies, klere, komberseenboumateriaal aandie gesinne uitgedeel. Die VG Kerk samel sken-kings in om die gesinne te help. Om ’n skenkingtemaak,SMSCloeteby079 300 9050ofbeldiekerk-kantoor by 021 854 4633.

Brandbestryders sukkel om die vlamme onder beheer te kry. FOTO’S: MUHAMMAD BRINKHUIS Die vlamme het sewe gesinne se huise vernietig.

Helderberg Gazette People - Mense Tuesday 9 April 20132


When Bubbles Strangman took in her first foster childin 2000, no one could have predicted that it would turnintooveradecadeofkeeping vulnerableandneglectedchildren safe and loved at Immanuel’s Haven.

“After I took in my first foster child, I realised I wouldlike to have a home for children at risk. I realised therewere so many more children that needed a place of safety.”

Bubbles began building what is today a home for six fos-ter children with her husband George, as well as a crècheand primary school for children with learning difficulties,on their plot in Firlands outside Gordon’s Bay.

Despite raising two of her own children, Bubbles hasbeen a foster mother to almost 80 children since 2002. Thecouple is now applying to have a registered youth centreand intends building a home to house over 30 children,many of them under the age of three.

“It’s difficult when you know the children are leaving,but you just have to give them love,” says Bubbles. “I’venever wanted this to be an institution. I want it to be likea home, even if there are many children.”

In this she has been successful, if the many little voicescalling “Ma!” at all times of the day are anything to go by.And the children give her husband of nine years, “Papa”George, as much affection. “He’s a good husband, and thechildren love him. I’m the strict one. The children wraphim around their fingers,” laughs Bubbles.

However, there have been challenges in taking in somany children. “The funding is always difficult,” admitsBubbles. Although they have some overseas sponsors, thefoster parents can never be sure when they will get a localdonation or for what amount.

Bubbles says the biggest difficulty is seeing childrencome to them neglected or abused. “At first, we cried forthe children. But now we pray. We pray for every singlechild.”

This faith is what has held the couple steadfast in theirdedication, and if you ask Bubbles why she opens her doorsand her heart to so many children, the simple answer willbe: “God told me I must do it.”

Foster mother to 80 children

Bubbles Strangman supervises as some of the children at hercrèche play.

Strand Pioneers want to honourold­time heroes at banquetStrand Pioneers RFC will be hosting a banquet to honourrugby legends, many of whom did not receive Springbokcolours because they refused to play for the team duringthe apartheid era.

The Pioneers would like the players and administrativestaff who represented the Somerset Board and SomersetWest and Districts Unions in the 1950s and 1960s up to unifi-cation in 1992 to attend the function.

The following clubs are requested to send representa-tives to attend a meeting on 10 April, with any old photo-graphs that will be scanned and returned on the night: AllSaints, Auroras, Ex-Scholars, HotSpurs, Macassar, River-side, Salvo Park United, Ferns,Strand United, Marines, SirLowrians, Rangers, St Mathews, Thistles, Violets, Univer-sals, Wesleys, Vineyards and Strand. For more informa-tion, contact Faiz Davids on 083 380 5181.

VEILIGHEID BY SKOLE: Die Macassar-polisie se sosiale misdaadvoorko-mingskoördineerder, Anita Jooste, het in Maart ’n praatjie by ZandvlietSekondêr gelewer waarin sy leerlinge ingelig het oor hoe om voorkomendop te tree en nie ’n slagoffer van verkragting te word nie. Sy het hulleook tydens die sessie gemaan om nie met vreemdelinge saam te ry nieen alleen op donker plekke rond te dwaal nie. Hier is (agter van links)Milan Hendricks, Nicolene Davids, Llowelyn Geland, Shantall Hendricks,CadenManual, Clinton Steward, Ashwin Swartz en Suritha Kloppers; (mid-del) Mekayla Booysen, Donnita Johnson, Korima Smith, Nicole Petersen,Carin Henn, Lauren Africa, Franklin Isaacs, Tracy Lee Manuel, LeandréKoenrad en Lyndsay Linders; (voor) Geneveve Langenhoven, Nadia Love,André Julius, Anita Jooste, Tarryn Deane en Morché Beyers.


Helderberg GazetteNews - NuusTuesday 9 April 2013 3

Macassar: lack ofschools frustratesNICOLE MCCAIN

Macassar Village residents protested onSunday 31March to express what commu-nity leaders claim is frustration at not be-ing heard.

The frustration stems from the communi-ty’s request for a new school in the area, sayscommunity leader Christiaan Steward.He saysmanypupils living inMacassarVil-

lage walk almost 1,5 km to attend primaryschools in Macassar and Faure, and there isalso the need for a crèche.The Gazette reported last month that com-

munity members had begun a crèche for 85pupils, but was forced to take down an illegalstructure erected to provide shade for the pu-pils as theydidnot follow the correct planningprocess with the City of Cape Town.“Wearestill lookingforastructure,orsome-

onewho can help us,” says Stewart. “The chil-dren are having class under the sun. The com-munity is frustrated.”A Social Development spokesperson says

the correct procedure to follow inestablishinga crèche is to contact one of the department’ssocialworkers,whowillguidetheregistrationprocess.The community also protested in May last

year, which sparked discussions with theWestern Cape Education Department.Bronagh Casey, spokesperson for Western

Cape MEC of Education Donald Grant, saysthe department’s officials set up a meetingwith the community leadership last month todiscuss their request for a primary school.“Only four parents arrived at the meeting.

We listened to their concerns, but reiteratedthat theWestern Cape Education Departmentneeds to have a broader representation of thecommunity to discuss their concerns and re-quests. The leadership has yet to contact uswith regards to a follow-up meeting.”Casey says that in the interim, the depart-

ment is investigating theneed for and feasibil-ity of a school in the area.She also added that currently all pupils can

be accommodated at the schools in the greaterMacassar area.

Macassar Village residents protested to express frustration with a lack of schools in the area.

Police shoot axe­wielding manA36-year-oldSirLowry’sPassman,whosuf-fers from a mental condition, is in hospitalafter police shot him during a domestic vio-lence call-out.OnSunday31MarchSomersetWestpolice

were called out to tend to a complaint abouta man who was allegedly chasing childrenwith an axe, says Somerset West policespokesperson Suzan Jantjies.“Uponarrivalpolice found themaninpos-

session of an axe and a knife. Theman camerunning towards the police. The police offic-ers realised that the man’s intention was tohit him with the axe.”Police officers fired a warning shot, says

Jantjies, and when the man did not desistthepolice firedathim.According towitness-es he was shot four times in the arms andlegs. Jantjies says the police were unawareof the suspect’s mental condition.Familymembers of the suspect, who is be-

ing investigated for attempted murder, saythey are unsure of what led to the incident.He is in Tygerberg Hospital. “He is in a

lot of pain, and may need an operation, butwe have been able to visit him with policepermission,” says his sister.The two police officers involved in the in-

cident are also being investigated by the In-dependent Police Investigative Directorate.

Moordverdagte inhof oor mes­aanvalDie 18-jarige verdagte in die mes-aanval opJon-MorganRosant (17)hetverledeWoensdagin die Strand-landdroshof verskyn op ’n aan-klag van moord.Rosant is Paasmaandag omstreeks 10:00

voor ’n huiswinkel in Eerstestraat, Strand,doodgesteek.Dit isnogonduidelikwatdiemo-tief vir die aanval was. Die verdagte sal weerop 29 Mei in die hof verskyn.

Helderberg Gazette News - Nuus Tuesday 9 April 20134

Rompslomp met Riemvasmaak se bouperseelNICOLE MCCAIN

Skoonmaakwerk en die aanlê vansiviele dienste by die terrein waar170 tydelike noodhuise by Riemvas-maak in Sir Lowry’s Pass opgeriggaan word, het begin – maar niesonder probleme nie.

Hoewel ’n kontrakteur reeds op 12Maart aangewys is en daar met dieskoonmaak begin is, was daar haak-plekke in die aanstelling van ’n ge-meenskapskakelbeampte (GSB).Volgens rdl. Tandeka Gqada, burge-

meesterskomiteelid vir menslike ne-

dersettings by die Stad Kaapstad, hetdieStadvereisdatdiekontrakteurmetdie plaaslike wykskomitee skakel omminstens vyf nominasies vir ’n GSB tekry. Dié kandidate moes deur inwo-ners self aan die kontrakteur voorgelêword. “Dié prosedure is nie gevolg nieen slegs een naam, wat deur ’n ad hoc-komiteeuit die gemeenskapverkies is,is aandiekontrakteurvoorgelê.Diedi-rektoraat menslike nedersettings hetversoek dat die aanstelling oor gedoenword ooreenkomstig die oorspronkli-ke prosedure.”’nGroepinwonershettoe ’nreëlings-

komitee gevorm wat vyf kandidate ge-

nomineerhet, aldus gemeenskapsleieren komiteelid Lionel Benjamin.Gqada sê die kontrakteur sal onder-

houde met die vyf benoemde gemeen-skapsledevoer. “Dienaamvandie suk-sesvollekandidaatsalnadievoorsittervan die subraad verwysword om te be-paal of hy of sy op die subraad sewerk-soekers-databasis geregistreer is, teneindemetdieaanstellingvoort tegaan.Diekontrakteursal intussenalleplaas-like werksaanstellings behartig.”Konstruksie gaan intussen tot Okto-

ber voort. Die rioolstelsel sal na ver-wagting teen Augustus voltooi weeswaarna met die huise begin sal word.

Die skoonmaak van die perseel in Riemvasmaak waar noodhuise opgerig gaanword, het afgeskop.

Macassar­moord: vier in hofVier verdagtes, tussen die ou-derdomme van 19 en 25, is inhegtenis geneem in verbandmet die moord van Macassar-inwoner Sydney Jantjies. Jan-tjies (48) is omstreeks 14:30 op31 Maart in sy huis in Moun-tain Rosestraat doodgesteek.

Die verdagtes het verledeDinsdag in die Somerset-Wes-landdroshof verskyn.Die saakis uitgestel tot 15 April vir ’nformele borgaansoek. Enigie-mandmet inligtingkandie on-dersoekbeampte, ao. HennieSwart, by 021 857 7100 bel.

Public meeting on liquor bylawHelderberg residents are invitedto attend a public meeting inwhich information on the newliquor bylaws of the City of CapeTown, which became effective asof April, will be provided.Councillor Taki Amira, who

was the head of the task team in-volved in drafting the liquor by-

law, will address the meeting.Also invited are the local Com-

munity Police Forum (CPF), thenewlyestablishedLiquorTradersForum, the Chamber of Com-merce and local neighbourhoodwatches. The meeting will takeplace at the Somerset West Li-brary on 14 May at 18:30.

Helderberg GazetteAdvertisement - AdvertensieTuesday 9 April 2013 5




Available at this store ONLY!Somerset Value Mart • Tel: 851 2824/65 • T/Hours: Mon-Thurs: 8:30 - 6 • Fri: 8:30 - 7 • Sat: 8 - 5 • Sun: 9 - 2 • Valid: Tuesday 9 - Sunday 14 April 2013

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Helderberg Gazette General - Algemeen Tuesday 9 April 20136

Lesers stuur SMS’eBiblioteke

) Die land se begroting klop nie, want flore-rende korrupsie neem toe. Die miljarde randewat gesteel word, kan juis gebruik word ombiblioteke te bou. Boeke is nie net daar vir leesnie, maar juis om kinders op te voed met ken-nis, wat juis nodig is om ’n land suksesvol te

maak. ANC, het julle al ooit daaraan gedink?P van Zyl, StrandKondoomverspreiding) Daarword teveelagteroordraagbaresiek-

tes geskuil terwyl die gebruik van kondome asaanvaarbaar beskou word. Die ANC-regeringis te blameer omdat hy gratis mediese sorg in-gestel het, terwyl dit druk plaas op die land segesondheidsdienste en oorbevolking floreer!Waardes word nie deur die ANC en DA-rege-ring in die Wes-Kaap verkondig om ’n skoonen ordentlike lewe te handhaaf nie. Dit het telekker geword om agter die era van die kon-doom te skuil! Morkel, GordonsbaaiSassa grants) A comment on the Sassa ad – if they could

makeevery till available, itwouldbemuchbet-ter.

Gazette now onFacebookThe Helderberg Gazette now has a Facebookpage, where readers can comment, like andlink to stories on our web page.

To keep up-to-datewith the latestHelderbergGazette news, like our page at www.face-book.com/Helderberg Gazette.


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JARE SE HARDE WERK: Die Care andShare-kleuterskool in die Strand het inMaart ’n lang diens- en waarderings-aand gehou. Hier (van links) is JennineTemmers (hoof), Iris Lange (gewesehoof) en Lorine Fortuin (gewese fasili-teerder), wat almal sertifikate vir waar-dering ontvang het, Glende Drude enfasiliteerder Letiticia Erasmus, wat ser-tifikate vir lang diens ontvang het.

Helderberg GazetteAdvertisement - AdvertensieDinsdag 9 April 2013 7



Pick n Pay endeavours to meet the demand for these promotional items, but stocks are limited. Somestoresmaynotstocksomeoftheseproducts. Please check availability: 0800 11 22 88 (toll free landline only. Cellphone rates apply). We strive to ensure all printed information is correct, but will not be liable for any print errors thatmay occur. Advertised prices are inclusive of VAT where applicable. We reserve the right to limit quantities. smartshoppertermsandconditionsapply. Certain products are excluded from the smart shopper programme, please see in store or go online for more details.





3499Nescafé CappuccinoAssorted 12s, 10s,8s or 6s

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Products have been styled for photography

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Year 17 • Dinsdag 9 April 2013 | Tel. 021 853 0211

Lwandle’s pool starLwandle residents may not know it, butthe suburb has yielded its very own poolstar – 16-year-old Lephallo Ramatsamai.

The Simanyene High School pupil hasachieved his SouthAfrican colours for pool,after taking up the game as a sport only twoyears ago. “Two years ago I came with afriend to the youth development centre, andthat’swhen Idecided toplaypool seriously,”says the young sportsman. “It’s all due tocoach Elias Nomakhakhaya, who’s alwayssupportive and encouraging.”The game has had a positive influence on

his life, says Lephallo. “Pool keeps mehealthy. It keeps me away from bad thingsand off the streets. There are many goodthings about it. You get to travel and makegood friends.”However, it has not been an easy journey.

Lephallodoesn’thavemoney toattendmanycompetitions, which are often as far awayasMpumalanga or theNorthWest province.For Lephallo, the South African champi-

onships are only the beginning. “I hope thesport takesme overseas. I would like to visitAustralia. It’s always been a dream to visitthere.”For more information, contact Elias No-

makhakhaya on 072 048 7911 or 082 728 6829. Lephallo Ramatsamai takes a shot.

KENNISGEWING VAN SUBRAADVERGADERINGS:APRIL 2013Kennis geskied hiermee dat die vergaderings van die 24 (vier-en-twintig) subrade van dieStad Kaapstad op die volgende tye en plekke gehou sal word:

Subraad Plek Datum Tyd Bestuurder

1 Raadsaal, Royal Ascot, Milnerton 18 10:00Peter Deacon021 550 1001

2 Kraaifontein-raadsaal 17 10:00Fred Monk021 980 6053

3 Raadsaal, Voortrekkerweg, Goodwood 18 10:00Johannes Brand021 590 1676

4 Parow-raadsaal, Tallentweg, Parow 18 09:00Ardela van Niekerk021 444 0196

5The Hague-gemeenskapsaal, h.v. Delft-hoofweg en Silversandsweg, The Hague

17 10:00Martin Julie021 695 8161

6 Bellville-raadsaal, Bellville-burgersentrum 15 10:00Pat Jansen021 918 2024

7 Durbanville-raadsaal 15 10:00Carin Viljoen021 444 0689

8 Strand-raadsaal 18 10:00Izak du Toit021 850 4149

9 Solomon Tshuku-saal, Site C, Khayelitsha 17 10:00Johnson Fetu021 360 1351

10Lookout Hill-toerismefasiliteit,Khayelitsha

15 10:00Goodman Rorwana021 360 1267

11 Athlone- klein saal 17 10:00Kayise Nombakuse021 630 1737

12 Lentegeur-burgersentrum 18 10:00Alesia Bosman021 371 8199

13Fezeka-raadsaal 17 10:00

Lunga Bobo021 630 1619

14 Fezeka-raadsaal 15 10:00Christopher Jako021 630 1678

15Raven-kamer, Pinelands-opleidingsentrum, Pinelands

17 10:00Mariette Griessel021 531 3437

16 Raadsaal, Waalstraat 44, Kaapstad 15 10:00Marius Coetsee021 487 2055

17 Athlone- klein saal 18 10:00Edgar Carolissen021 637 9757

18 Rondevlei-subraad-raadsaal, Lotusrivier 18 10:00Okkie Manuels021 700 4020

19 Raadsaal, Vishoek 15 10:00Desiree Mentor021 784 2011

20 Raadsaal, Alphen-sentrum, Constantia 17 10:00Brian Ford021 794 2493

21 Oostenberg-raadsaal, Kuilsrivier 17 10:00Pieter Grobler021 900 1502

22 Strand-raadsaal 15 10:00Richard Moi021 900 1508

23 Colorado-gemeenskapsentrum 15 10:00Raphael Martin021 371 4551

24 Khayelitsha-opleidingsentrum 18 10:00Anthony Mathe021 956 8000

Die volle agenda en alle ondersteunende dokumentasie is 72 uur voor die vergaderingbeskikbaar by www.capetown.gov.za/subcouncils.

Gaan na die datum van die subraadsvergadering, kies die subraad wat u verlang en laai dieagenda af. Meld asseblief enige probleme by die betrokke subraadsbestuurder aan.

• Voorgestelde wysigings aan die Verordening op Afvalwater en Nywerheidsuitvloeisel• Beleid oor die implementering van die uitgebreide program vir openbare werke• Konsep-vyfjaarplan vir 2012–2017 (GOP): 2013/2014-hersiening vir openbare

kommentaar:• versoek om ‘n tydgleuf vir ‘n openbare voorlegging

Enigeen wat ‘n mondelinge voorlegging wil doen, moet ten minste twee dae voor dieApril 2013-rondte van subraadsvergaderings ‘n tydgleuf by sy/haar plaaslike subraadskantoorbespreek. Lede van die publiek wat nie kan skryf nie, kangedurende kantoorure na hierdie subraadskantoor gaan waar ‘nlid van die personeel hulle sal help om hulle kommentaar neerte skryf.