HEKSS School of Psychiatry Core Trainee Handbook 2015/16 · The School of Psychiatry is led by the...

September 14 SCHOOL OF PSYCHIATRY Telephone: 020 7089 7507 Email: [email protected] Website: http://kss.hee.nhs.uk/specialty/psych/ HEKSS School of Psychiatry Core Trainee Handbook 2015/16

Transcript of HEKSS School of Psychiatry Core Trainee Handbook 2015/16 · The School of Psychiatry is led by the...

Page 1: HEKSS School of Psychiatry Core Trainee Handbook 2015/16 · The School of Psychiatry is led by the Head of School, supported by Training Programme Directors (TPDs) two for Core, and

September 14


Telephone: 020 7089 7507

Email: [email protected]

Website: http://kss.hee.nhs.uk/specialty/psych/

HEKSS School of Psychiatry Core Trainee Handbook


Page 2: HEKSS School of Psychiatry Core Trainee Handbook 2015/16 · The School of Psychiatry is led by the Head of School, supported by Training Programme Directors (TPDs) two for Core, and



Introduction 3 HEKSS, The Royal College and GMC Responsibilities Important Contacts their Roles and Responsibilities 4-5 HEKSS and Trust contacts, Roles and Responsibilities, and your responsibilities Managing and Improving Training


Local training committees, Local Education Provider visits and the GMC Survey Confirming Progress in Training:


Interim Reviews, Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP) and Revalidation ePortfolio


The Curriculum and Psychotherapy




Examination Dates 2015 Study Leave


Library and Knowledge Services


The Support Network for Trainees


Mentoring, Career guidance, Trainee representatives, and the RCPsych Trainee Committee HEKSS Entitlements and Policies


Less than Full Time Training, Time out of Training, Out Of Programme, Maternity/Paternity Leave, Relocation, Inter Deanery Transfers, Blood Borne viruses and Consent

Website Links


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Introduction Dear Trainee, Welcome to the Core Psychiatry Training Programme (CPT) in Kent, Surrey and Sussex. This Handbook outlines our responsibilities in providing your training, and your responsibility to ensure it goes well. It provides links throughout to detailed information on your training. Listed below is an overview of the responsibilities of the three main bodies involved in Postgraduate Education.

Health Education Kent Surrey and Sussex (HEKSS)

HEKSS is responsible for recruitment of trainees, the allocation of National Training Numbers (NTN), the Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCPs), the management and quality assurance of the training programmes in HEKSS, managing trainees working Less Than Full Time (LTFT), the approval of various Out of Programmes (OOP), managing trainees requiring support, and the Specialty School itself. The School of Psychiatry is led by the Head of School, supported by Training Programme Directors (TPDs) two for Core, and two for Higher Training. The School is administered by the Medical Workforce Project Officer and Assistant and Administrator. Core trainees are given a Deanery reference number (DRN) issued once they have signed and returned the Registration of Core Training Form – Form R.

Royal College of Psychiatrists

The College is responsible for the curriculum and examinations, establishing training standards, the strategic development of the specialty, national manpower planning, registering trainees’ predicted Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT) dates, and other educational initiatives. Trainees should register with the College immediately on starting the Psychiatry programme. For further information: http://www.rcpsych.ac.uk/member.aspx

General Medical Council (GMC)

The General Medical Council (GMC) has a statutory responsibility for the standards of postgraduate medical education and approval of training posts, inspection of “Deaneries” and Foundation Schools, setting standards for trainers and supervisors, curriculum approval, approval of OOPs, the annual Trainee and Trainer Surveys, and the final award of the CCT to trainees. For further information: http://www.gmc-uk.org/ We look forward to taking your training forward with you. Please feel free to contact us through the links and the contact details in this guide. Best wishes The School of Psychiatry Team

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Important Contacts and their Roles and Responsibilities Below is a list of the contacts at HEKSS with a summary of their responsibilities to guide you to the correct person. Please do not hesitate to contact them when you need assistance.

HEKSS Contacts and Responsibilities

Name & Contact Details Role & Responsibilities Dr Alastair Forrest

[email protected]

Head of School (HoS) The Head of School is responsible for ensuring delivery of training within Psychiatry across Kent Surrey and Sussex for all training grades.

Dr Phil Hall

[email protected]

Dr Vijay Delaffon

[email protected]

Core Training Programme Directors (TPD) The Training Programme Director is appointed by the School of Clinical Psychiatry to take a proactive and strategic role in the educational management of specialty training programmes, posts and Trainees.

Siobhan Gallagher

[email protected]

020 7089 7509

Medical Workforce Project Officer (MWPO) Appointed and based at HEKSS and works with the TPDs and all other members of the School as the non-clinical lead, this is the person to contact regarding any administrative matters or when you are not sure of whom to contact regarding any issues.

Karen Gomes

[email protected]

020 7089 7509

Medical Workforce Project Assistant (MWPA) Assisting the Medical Workforce Projects Officer and working with the Medical Workforce Project Administrator regarding any administrative matters and providing help and support for ePortfolio, Intrepid, and Regional Training Days (RTD) queries.

Adeola Teluwo

Adepero Akinlade

[email protected]

020 7089 7509

Medical Workforce Administrator (MWA) Works with the Medical Workforce Project Officer and Medical Workforce Project Assistant to provide help and support for ePortfolio, RTDs and the School of Psychiatry website.

Ana Roldan (Interim) (Surrey) [email protected]

Zoe Isaacson (Sussex) [email protected]

Tiago Inacio (Kent) [email protected]

Trainee Representatives: Core Represents the Core Psychiatry Trainees in HEKSS. Attends the HEKSS Committee meetings quarterly to feedback any issues raised regarding training programmes.

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Trust Contacts and Responsibilities Please ensure that you obtain contact information for the following roles at the Trust induction:

Name & Contact Details Role & Responsibilities

Director of Medical Education (DME) Each Trust has a Director of Medical Education. They are responsible for ensuring the quality of Psychiatry training within your Trust and will lead on your in-house teaching. They and the TPD are your first port of call for any concerns you have about your training or ARCP.

Medical Education Managers (MEM) Each of the Trusts has a postgraduate centre which is responsible for providing training and teaching for all trainees within the Trusts, working closely with the Directors of Medical Education (DME) and Locality Tutors they co-ordinate training programmes and specialty specific teaching as well as Trust training and generic teaching.

College/Locality Tutors The Tutors working at each main local site organise local teaching programmes, chair local educational meetings and provide a first point of contact for advice and support. There are local Leads for Simulation, Leadership and Humanities.

Medical Staffing As trainees are employees of the Trust, medical staffing is the point of contact for all employee related issues including pay, leave, contracts and removals etc. You can usually get hold of medical staffing via your switchboards.

Educational Supervisor (ES) Every doctor in training will be allocated an Educational Supervisor (ES).The ES is responsible for guiding the educational planning and career development of the trainee.

Clinical Supervisor (CS) These are responsible for overseeing the trainees who rotate through their departments Work Place Based Assessments (WPBA) and providing feedback. It Is common in Psychiatry placements for the ES and CS role to be allocated to one Consultant.

Your Responsibilities

To enjoy your time in training, and to make good use of the opportunities offered by your clinical experiences and the training programme.

To register as soon as possible with the Royal College of Psychiatrists, maintaining this throughout training, and to quickly access your ePortfolio.

To actively plan your training, with your educational and clinical supervisors and the others supporting you, and to complete assessments.

To improve the quality of training in the Programme, through feedback, surveys and trainee representation.

To cooperate with us in the annual reviews of your progress in training (Interim Reviews, Revalidation and ARCPs) to ensure they run smoothly and comfortably, providing documents and ensuring access to your ePortfolio

To keep good communication with the School using the websites and links provide, responding to emails and letters, and informing us of any change of circumstances or absences.

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Managing and Improving Training HEKSS manages and improves training in psychiatry through

Training committees at three levels: Local Faculty Groups, and Local Academic Boards in Trusts and the Specialty Training Committee.

The annual GMC Trainee Survey

Visits to Trusts: Specialty Visits by the School, and the annual Learning Development Agreement (covering training across all professions)

Local Faculty Groups (LFG) brings together the Postgraduate Centre team and all Educational Supervisors, to deal with the local delivery of training, and review the progress of all trainees. LFGs may be based in local “patches” (as in Sussex, and Kent and Medway) or be for a particular training group (as in the SASG LFG in Sussex) or cover the whole Trust where convenient (as in Surrey.) The Local Academic Board (LAB) in each Trust meets three times yearly to cover educational strategy and development, and to monitor the quality of training. They bring in Library and Information Services and LEP senior management (usually the Medical Director) with Finance and HR. The LAB receives reports on the quality of education and training (from visits and contract reviews, and the GMC Survey) and the LFG minutes, and items from the LABs come to the School of Psychiatry. Trainees requiring additional support are identified in the closed business part of the LAB.

HEKSS Visits to Local Educational Providers (LEP)

All Core and selected Higher specialties are visited in each LEP in a 3 year cycle (which may be brought forward in targeted visits.) Visits are usually led by the Head of School, and in addition to the HEKSS members, the panel has an external visitor, and may also include a Lay Representative, and a trainee representative from a different LEP. Visits to the three Mental Health Trusts in HEKSS usually combine the Schools of Psychiatry, Foundation and General Practice. The team meets all trainees (in groups, by grade or specialty) as well as the Medical Education team and Trust senior management. Areas of concern or good practice are reported back to HE KSS Quality Management to agree a report to the LEP including required actions, and recommendations.

The Annual GMC Trainee Survey

On-line completion of the Trainee Survey in spring is a training requirement. Statistical results are published through the reporting tool http://www.gmc-uk.org/education/surveys.asp and individual comments on patient safety and on training are forwarded in confidence to the relevant Deanery for investigation and action. HEKSS sends summaries of outliers (indicating significantly good and bad training performance) to Trusts to be discussed in the LFGs and LABs, to prepare a response back.

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Confirming Progress in Training

In HEKSS, our aim is for doctors and dentists in training to be safe, to develop the habits of ‘life-long’

learning and to achieve appropriate standards of practice. Regulating the progress of doctors in training

protects patients and directs the training process.

It is done through three linked steps:

The Interim Review: a face to face meeting reviewing and discussing evidence of progress, preparing for the ARCP.

The Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP) a review of evidence, to issue an outcome for the period of training. It may be face-to-face, or an electronic process.

Revalidation (the GMC requirement on all registered doctors) for trainee doctors is managed through the ARCP, with some additional documentation.

Interim Review The Interim Review is a formal face-to-face meeting where a panel including at least one of the Training Programme Directors will review all the evidence in your portfolio partway through the training year. This allows the panel to check the trainee is on track for a satisfactory ARCP outcome. It also allows the time to discuss training and experience with a Consultant who is not your assigned educational supervisor. It is expected that the ePortfolio will be up to date, and that a proportionate number of WPBAs will have been completed. (You should talk to your Educational Supervisor and TPD early if you are having difficulties with this). The panel may suggest steps still needed to achieve a satisfactory subsequent ARCP or conclude that a face-to-face ARCP interview will be needed. The Interim Reviews will be held locally. The date of the reviews will be advertised during the first term of the academic year; specific time slots will be allocated before the review date. The dates of the interim reviews will depend on your start date, but they are usually held in January and June. It is a mandatory requirement to attend the Interim Reviews.

Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP)

The ARCP is the mechanism for recording the review of your progression through your training programme. It will take place generally towards the end of the training year. The portfolios will be reviewed by the panel during the two weeks before the review. The ARCP is an electronic process; however a trainee can be called for interview. You will be assessed for the time that you have spent in programme at that level of training. – i.e. if you are in the programme for only 3 months your will be expected to achieve competences relevant for that period of time. The ARCP’s are centrally assessed by a panel consisting of Head of School and/or Training Programme Director, Lay Chair, External Representative and Military or Academic Representative where required. The ARCP Panel will review training to date (particularly since the previous ARCP) and ensure that the future training will be of maximum benefit; it will identify any deficits in knowledge and skills; to ensure that all requirements can be satisfied before the completion of the training programme. The process is two-way (for instance looking at whether career plans are realistic) and is also an opportunity for the Training Programme Director to establish whether your requirements are being met.

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Revalidation is the General Medical Council’s new way of regulating licensed doctors to give extra confidence to patients that their doctors are up to date and fit to practice. Licensed doctors including doctors in foundation year two and specialty training will have to revalidate, usually every five years. In addition, doctors in postgraduate training will also be revalidated upon receiving the Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT). HEKSS is committed to enabling its doctors in postgraduate training to revalidate by providing as much information and support as possible and will provide you with regular updates. As part of the revalidation process trainees will be sent an Enhanced Form R (with a revalidation section) which will need to completed and signed by the time of the ARCP. This paperwork will contribute to the ARCP final outcome. The Responsible Officer is Dr Graeme Dewhurst, Dean Director, HEKSS. (From September 2015) For further information on revalidation see http://kss.hee.nhs.uk/education-and-training/specialty-school-and-secondary-care2/policies-and-procedures/gold-guide/

Newly appointed trainees should receive an Enhanced Form R from HEKSS to register their details with the School. The Enhanced Form R has two purposes; to allow trainees to register with the Deanery and Specialty Training Programme and to allow trainees to self-declare for revalidation.

Management of Interim Reviews, ARCPs and Revalidation.

The School of Psychiatry is required to manage Interim Reviews, ARCPs and Revalidation in accordance with

the protocols of the GMC, College and HEKSS. This ensures that the processes are equal, fair and

transparent for each trainee.

Accordingly, attendance is mandatory at the Interim Review and (when invited) the ARCP (so dates need to be entered into diaries and rotas as soon as known) If attendance is requested for the ARCP, please confirm your attendance as soon as possible The processes require both on-line access to the ePortfolio and paper records (Form R part A&B) as

revalidation paperwork requires this.

The following is a list of the ARCP outcomes:

ARCP Outcome


1 Achieving progress and competencies at the expected rate.

2 Development of specific competencies required - additional training time not required.

3 Inadequate progress by the trainee - additional training time required.

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ARCP Outcome


4 Released from training or academic programme with or without specified competencies

5 Incomplete evidence presented - additional training time may be required.

6 Gained all required competencies.

ARCP Requirements for Core Training

Please note the requirements for the Core Psychiatry ARCP below. The Specialty Workforce Team will contact trainees to request evidence to be made available before the reviews.

School of Psychiatry

ARCP Checklist

Core Training

Level 1 Supervisors report (Core form)

Educational supervisor to complete for each placement online before ARCP (A Level 2 form is not


A current curriculum vitae (dated)

Should be up to date and uploaded to your e-portfolio

Current GMC Certificate

Should be uploaded to your e-portfoli

Letter of thanks/commendation / Letter of complaints/grievance

These should be anonymised and appropriately named and saved to eportfolio

Evidence of engagement in MRCPsych Examinations (Written papers and CASC)

CT1: 1 of the 2 written papers

CT2: Both written papers

CT3: Both written papers and the CASC

WBA’s You must arrange WPBA’s at appropriate intervals throughout your training. It is strongly suggested that within the early stages

of each phase of training or clinical placement (i.e. within the first month) you have a mini-ACE or ACE and a CbD.

Assessment of Clinical Expertise (ACE)

CT1 x 2

CT2 x 3

CT3 x 3

Mini - ACE

4 required per year

Case Based Discussion (CbD)

2 required per year

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Mini-Peer Assessment Tool (Mini-PAT)

2 required per year (1 in each attachment)

Case Presentation (CP)

Recommended 1 per year

Journal Club Presentation (JCP)

Recommended 1 per year

Directly Observed Procedural Skills (DOPS) &

Assessment of Teaching (AoT)

As the opportunity arises

Participation in Clinical Leadership - LEADER Form

Should be uploaded to your e-portfolio

Research, Audit, Teaching etc.

Evidenced in your ePorfolio

Evidence of Psychotherapy case undertaken (Long & short case)

Evidenced in your ePorfolio by Case Based Discussion Group Assessment (CBDGA) or Structured

Assessment of Psychotherapy Expertise (SAPE)


Should be uploaded to your e-portfolio

Management development

Evidenced in your ePorfolio


Evidenced in your ePorfolio

Other – not a requirement at Core but will be for higher so useful to discuss with trainee

Medico legal

Special Interest activity

Engagement with ePorfolio

Assessments While completing the minimum number of assessment forms is one requirement for a successful outcome from the ARCP, it may be necessary to complete more assessments in order to show competence throughout the curriculum. (See the assessment table for the minimum numbers required) Follow the link for a Guide on WPBA for Core Psychiatry Training http://www.rcpsych.ac.uk/pdf/WPBA%20Guide%20for%20Core%20Psychiatry%20Training%20(June%202010).pdf

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Minimum WPBA required


ACE 2 3 3

Mini-ACE 4 4 4

CbD 4 4 4

DOPS * * *

Mini-PAT 2 2 2

CBDGA 2 - -

SAPE - 1 1

CP 1 1 1

JCP 1 1 1

AoT * * *

DONCS * * *

- Not required * There is no set number to be completed in Core Psychiatry training: they may be performed as the opportunity arises. We appreciate your efforts to work with us to prepare for your ARCP. Please see the list below which shows the elements that you are responsible for during the training programme, to ensure that you receive a satisfactory outcome at your ARCP.

Notify the School of your MRCPsych Examination results as soon as you receive the outcome of any examination you take

Give the Head of School and Programme Director access to your ePortfolio at least 2 weeks before your ARCP via https://training.rcpsych.ac.uk so that they can review your work

Send a signed Form R part (A&B) to the Specialty Workforce Team.

Keep the School informed of any changes to your contact details.

Confirm your ability to attend the Reviews as soon as the dates are advertised.

Talk to your Educational Supervisor EARLY if you are having difficulties completing any part

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The online portfolio will be the main method of monitoring and recording your progression through training, and you should register and become familiar with the curriculum and competencies as soon as possible. You can download the ePortfolio user details registration form here: https://training.rcpsych.ac.uk/sign-up

Follow this link to access the Royal College of Psychiatrists Portfolio https://training.rcpsych.ac.uk/

Completion of the Psychiatry ePortfolio is mandatory for all Specialty Trainees, to record and store key documents for progression through training. Should you experience any problems with the ePortfolio you can contact the College directly, who will be able to assist you. Please send enquiries to: [email protected]. Educational Supervisors will also have access to your ePortfolio via their own log in The Portfolio Online Team have developed a How to Guide which contains step-by-step instructions on how to use the system and they keep the users of the system informed about news and updates on the eportfolio home page. Follow this link for the How to Guide - .https://training.rcpsych.ac.uk/how-guide

The Curriculum Achieving competency in core and generic skills is essential for all specialty and subspecialty training. Maintaining competency in these will be necessary for relicensing and recertification, linking closely to the details in Good Medical Practice and Good Psychiatric Practice. Therefore doctors in Higher training in psychiatry will need to continue to display the competencies that were acquired in Core Psychiatry Training throughout their training. The Psychiatry curriculum sets out framework for the educational progression that will support professional development throughout Core Training in Psychiatry. The revised competency based curricula for Core and Specialist Psychiatry Training approved by the General Medical Council took effect from 1st August 2010. Follow this link for the Competency Based Curriculum for Core Training in Psychiatry http://www.rcpsych.ac.uk/pdf/CORE_CURRICULUM_2010_Mar_2012_update.pdf

Psychotherapy Follow this link for an information pack for the Psychotherapy section of the Core and General Curriculum http://www.rcpsych.ac.uk/pdf/Information%20Pack%20for%20the%20Psychotherapy%20section%20of%20the%20C&G%20curriculum.pdf

Regional Lead Contact details

Sussex Dr Jane Blunden [email protected] Kent Dr Aamer Sarfraz [email protected]

Surrey Dr Sean Fernandez [email protected]

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The examinations play a key competent in ensuring trainees progress into higher training at ST4 and is an exit criteria at your final CT3 ARCP. Trainees should aim to sit every exam at the earliest available opportunity starting in their CT1 year. The best way to pass the examinations is to prepare in advance. Other trainees will be in the same position that you are in, so you might want to create study groups. Higher trainees or trainees who have passed the exams are well placed to advise on what they did successfully. Anyone can have a bad day and fail the exam by a few marks, but failure to prepare or leaving preparation until the last minute could give you less of an opportunity to pass. If you fail a few of the written papers within the first year you will still have time to make this up, but you do not want to put unnecessary pressure on yourself by delaying taking exams http://www.rcpsych.ac.uk/Docs/Passing_the_MRCPsych_Exams_120110a.doc

Written papers A &B CT1 trainees can sit the written exams immediately.


Trainees will now be eligible to sit the CASC exam after 24 months of training, although all applicants for the CASC must hold a valid pass in Papers A & B.

To Contact Examinations Unit Examinations Unit, Royal College of Psychiatrists, 17 Belgrave Square, London SW1X 8PG Telephone: 020 7235 2351 [email protected]

Examination dates

Below are the exam dates and when results are released, the full exam timetable and application window is available on the Royal College of Psychiatrists website http://www.rcpsych.ac.uk/examinations.aspx

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Study Leave

Please find below some information on study leave guidance:

Entitled to up to a maximum of 30 days in a year (which is calculated from the date of commencement of appointment or rotation)

Leave to sit necessary examinations is allowable but does not count against study leave

Trainees in locum specialty posts (LATs) exceeding three months are entitled to study leave pro rata but there is no entitlement for LAS appointments

Using study leave:

Approval rests with the DME.

Applications should be received on the appropriate form at least 6 weeks prior to the leave

Leave should not be taken within the first two weeks of a new appointment

Trainees must have an agreed personal development plan and have completed Trust mandatory training before applying for Study Leave

Deanery guidance is available online: http://kss.hee.nhs.uk/policies-and-procedures/study-leave-guidance/

Study Leave Guidance for Psychiatry Trainees The following is further guidance specific to Core Psychiatry Trainees. It is recognised that the cost of even the essential courses mentioned below exceed study leave budgets available. This is unfortunate but inevitable. Training Days represent exceedingly good value for money and so have high priority. Study leave is divided into three broad categories: Essential Strongly Advised Also Supported Mock CASC and HEKSS Training days

Leadership Royal College of Psychiatrists International Conference

Academic Research MSc

This list is not exhaustive, and each course should be discussed with and agreed by the TPD, DME or Educational Supervisor as being appropriate for a Core Psychiatry trainee.

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Library and Knowledge Services

Library and Knowledge Services (LKSDT) in HEKSS, manage a collaborative network of NHS libraries, offering a variety of services that support evidence-based practice, and the skills to use them. LKSDT offers access to a wide range of regional and national resources including:


Journals Local Education Provider libraries can also be contacted to find out more about their range of services including literature searches. LKSDT can assist in obtaining an Athens account which provides all Doctors in Training with an access to a wealth of local and nationally procured information resources including:



Specialty Libraries

Current Awareness Services Follow this link to sign up for an Athens account https://register.athensams.net/nhs/nhseng/?county=nhskss

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The Support Network for Trainees

HEKSS is committed to supporting doctors in training who are in difficulty or need some extra support. Aside from this ALL trainees are monitored for satisfactory progress, not just those experiencing difficulties. Please see full guidance available online: http://kss.hee.nhs.uk/education-and-training/specialty-school-and-secondary-care2/specialty-support-welcome-page/trainee-support/ If you have concerns about your own progress get in touch early, don’t wait! Talk to:

Educational Supervisor (in the first instance), or

Training Programme Director

HEKSS School Team

Each doctor’s progress overall is reviewed in Educational supervision, and in confidence in the Local Faculty Group. Doctors who may need additional help are discussed by the local LAB, and if necessary at the central Training Support Group to ensure all routes of support are explored. If your ability to progress is at risk, you’re Head of School and the Training Support Group will be kept informed of your progress. They are able to offer additional support if required. Should you need support due to an exam failure, HEKSS will endeavour to provide you with additional training time. You do however need to demonstrate that you have attempted the exam and have been proactive in your training throughout the year. Trainees will always be fully informed and involved at all stages of support. The aim of additional support is to get you ‘back on track’ and for training to continue successfully.

Mentoring We believe the huge potential of HEKSS Specialty Schools’ network lies in its trainees and the benefits they could get from interacting with each other during the mentoring programme. The purpose of the Peer to Peer Mentoring Programme is to unleash this positive energy by linking up Mentors and Mentees who share similar professional interests and could help each other get the best out of themselves. This will not happen in a set way, and each mentoring relationship will be unique. We believe that each Mentor and Mentee pairing should, with support from HE KSS Specialty Schools, set their objectives and agree what they want to get out of the relationship. Mentors should facilitate a process of self-reflection and help Mentees understand their professional ambition and the steps they need to take to achieve their aspirations. The Mentoring Programme is designed to become an integral part of the culture in HEKSS Specialty Schools to help Junior and Senior Trainees to realise their potential. It is intended to enhance the personal and professional development of Specialty Trainees, their well-being and their working relationships. It will also be valuable in helping mentees with relationships in the workplace, reflection on criticism in the workplace, discussing any feelings about undermining and bullying. Further details can be found at http://kss.hee.nhs.uk/education-and-training/specialty-school-and-secondary-care2/specialty-support-welcome-page/mentoring/

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Careers Support at HEKSS Who to contact:

Lisa Stone – Senior Careers Adviser

Margaret Holbrough – Careers Adviser

Kathleen Sullivan – Teaching Fellow What the Careers team do:

Careers – 3 tiers of support

Referrals – trainee in difficulty guide

4 stage model – career planning

Faculty development – career support workshops and PG cert Managing Medical Careers

Information evenings and support career fairs

ROADS – career planning book

KSS careers website

Medical careers website – www.medicalcareers.nhs.uk

Other guides e.g. to accompany Peninsula/AGCAS DVD


Trainee Representative Role

The Trainee Representatives are elected or chosen to work with the LFG, LAB and Specialty School. They are there to ensure views, opinions and experiences of trainee doctors are taken into account at every level of decision-making. They may also work with Medical Education Managers, Academic Registrar, Doctors’ Liaison Officer or Trust Education Advisor. The trainee representative:

Attends the open section of the Specialty Training Committee (STC) meeting.

Represents the views and interests of all trainees including those who may not be specialty specific i.e. Foundation or GP trainees training in specialty posts.

Provides feedback to the trainees on developments in varying processes.

Canvasses colleagues for opinions on issues relating to specialty training within a unit or across the region

Disseminates good aspects of training.

Attends training committees

Attends Local Faculty Group Meetings within the Trust Trainee representative’s skills:

Time management

Presentation and communication


Self-confidence and assertiveness

Leadership and diplomacy

Organisational and administrative

Initiative, motivation, responsibility

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Commitment to activity outside your programme of study

Potential managerial skills All new trainees who are representatives at STC level will be invited to participate in a training session and will become a member of the HEKSS Trainee Forum, which has been set up to bring trainees together to raise issues and share good practice from across region and different specialties. This forum is chaired by our lead trainee representatives who pull together all the issues raised by the trainee representatives and ensure that they are raised at the highest level within HEKSS. HEKSS actively promotes the trainee voice at every opportunity. Ana Roldan (Interim) (Surrey) [email protected]

Zoe Isaacson (Sussex) [email protected]

Tiago Inacio (Kent) [email protected]

Royal College of Psychiatrists' Trainee Committee (PTC)

The PTC representatives were elected by fellow trainees they are responsible for maintaining the Royal College of Psychiatrists trainee webpages http://www.rcpsych.ac.uk/traininpsychiatry/trainees.aspx

The Role of the PTC

The Committee structure of the College is split into two broad arms. The first is responsible for the overall management and control of College affairs, and is headed by the Council. The second structure formulates and ratifies all aspects of educational policy and reports to the Education, Training and Standards Committee. The PTC sends a representative to almost every committee in the College and the trainee representatives do far more than observe the workings of these committees, and take an active role in influencing College policy. PTC representatives on other committees are elected annually from within the PTC membership. The PTC is represented at the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges via the Academy Trainee Doctors’ Group, and at the BMA Junior Doctors’ Committee meetings. Representatives of the PTC attend meetings of the European Federation of Psychiatric Trainees and are involved in various working groups looking at training issues across Europe. For further information or if you would like to get involved send an email to [email protected]

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HEKSS Entitlements and Policies Less than Full Time (LTFT) Training

Where full-time training is not practicable for well-founded individual reasons, HEKSS supports trainees to work less than full-time in posts that are fully recognised for training, keeping as close as possible to the arrangements for full-time trainees. The preferred arrangement is through slot-sharing (noted below) and, if this is not feasible, through working reduced sessions in a full time placement. (HE KSS is no longer able to fund supernumerary LTFT training.) Further information on eligibility, applications, placement options, and the Trainee Forum can be found at: http://kss.hee.nhs.uk/education-and-training/specialty-school-and-secondary-care2/policies-and-procedures/study-leave-guidance/

Time out of Training The GMC states that any absence of 14 days or over in any 12 month period must trigger a CCT date review. The CCT date will automatically be extended, however it does mean that a conversation about the effect that your time out of training will likely take place during the ARCP. The statement covers all absence from programme other than annual leave, study leave, or prospectively approved OOP (T). All forms of statutory leave are covered including sick leave, carers leave, jury service and maternity/paternity/adoption leave. Doctors in training will be asked to declare the number of day’s absence they have had in the previous year at their ARCP, countersigned by the educational supervisor to be reviewed by the panel. Out of Programme Policy and Overview Below follows the HEKSS Deanery preferred methodology for implementing the Gold Guide ‘Out of Programme (OOP)’ guidance. The Guidance can be found online at http://kss.hee.nhs.uk/education-and-training/specialty-school-and-secondary-care2/policies-and-procedures/out-of-programme-oop/ A trainee may take time out of their programme to undertake a period of research, gain clinical experience or other appropriate categories that is or is not available within HEKSS. Out of Programme placements are designed to accommodate this and can take place either in the UK or abroad. All OOP requests need to be agreed by the Postgraduate Dean, so trainees are advised to discuss their proposals as early as possible. It is normally expected that a trainee would have completed one year of training before submitting an application given the short period and nature of the training. All applications for OOP that trainees wish to have contribute towards the award of their CCT/CESR (CP) must be prospectively approved by the GMC before they start in order for it to be approved for contribution.

Types of OOP There are four types of OOP which may be considered:

OOPT – Out of Programme for Approved Clinical Training Undertaking GMC prospectively approved clinical training which is not part of the trainee’s specialty training programme.

OOPE – Out of Programme for Clinical Experience

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Clinical experience which is not approved by GMC but which may benefit the doctor or help support the health needs of other countries.

OOPR – Out of Programme for Research Undertaking a period of research.

OOPC – Out of Programme for Career Break A planned career break from the specialty training programme.

Notifying HEKSS Trainees should give their Postgraduate Dean as well as current and next employers a minimum of six months’ notice, but preferably as much as possible. This is to ensure that service issues and the needs of patients can be properly addressed. In exceptional circumstances notice of three months may be acceptable. Slot Sharing Two trainees are allocated to one full-time salary from the Trust and each trainee can work between 0.5 - 0.8 WTE. If they are working more than 0.5 WTE, the Deanery will provide funding to the Trust (via the LTFT Budget) to make up the remainder of each of the two salaries. The Trust then pays each trainee for actual contracted hours. There is an additional LTFT budget payment to the Trust to manage the arrangement. The Trust benefits from the additional staffing, and unlike a job-share, the slot-share does not need to be tied to a particular post, but can be a shared arrangement within a department or specialty in the Trust. Reduced Sessions in a Full-time Post No additional funding is required from HEKSS as the full-time post is already funded and the employer is able to retain the surplus funds to support the LTFT arrangement at local level. The trainee still needs to complete the LTFT application and approval forms to confirm the LEP is happy to support the arrangement (and because there is a national requirement to report on LTFT Training arrangements to the Department of Health.) LTFT Trainee Forum The Forum is run by the Trainee representatives to create a network for all LTFT Trainees to communicate through and share their experiences. More information about trainee reps, the forum and how to become a member can be found via; https://kss.hee.nhs.uk/education-and-training/specialty-school-and-secondary-care2/specialty-support-welcome-page/ltft-aboutus/ Trainee representatives also input to the regular HEKSS LTFT Working Group which monitors and reviews

the procedures in place for LTFT Trainees

Maternity / Parent Leave Each Trust will have a Maternity Policy which must be referred to and read in conjunction with the HEKSS Deanery document. Please email the school if you wish to have a copy of this document

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Relocation expenses Shared Services (previously known as the London Deanery) is responsible for processing all Relocation Expense claims (covering removal and excess travel expenses) for all London and HEKSS based trainees on a recognised training programme. The objective will be the timely reimbursement of a trainee's verified entitlement to expenses. However, before incurring any expenses for which you anticipate submitting a claim to Shared Services, please complete a relocation eligibility form and return it by post for authorisation, without which a claim will not be processed. You can find this form on the Shared Services website: http://www.lpmde.ac.uk/training-programme/training-matters/relocation-and-excess-travel-claims/relocation Completed forms should be returned by post (emails will not be accepted) to: The Relocation Department Shared Services Stewart House, 32 Russell Square, London WC1B 5DN

Inter - Deanery Transfers If you are a trainee within the HEKSS area and wish to be considered for an inter-deanery transfer to another Deanery then apply through the national inter-deanery transfer central application system that is managed by Shared Services. The purpose of the inter-deanery process is to support medical trainees who have had a significant unforeseen change in circumstances since their appointment to training, enabling consideration to be given to a possible transfer to another deanery. Further information can be found at: http://www.londondeanery.ac.uk/var/idt

Blood Borne Virus There is a requirement for a Trainee to report via Occupational Health-(OH) at the outset of employment, matters relating to certain BBVs. This is a Potential Patient Safety issue and the Trainee may also require specific adjustments to be made to their working practices. For further details contact the Trusts OH Department

Taking Consent Patient Safety and Informed Choice.

Follow best guidance in consent summarised by DH and GMC.

Familiarise yourself with local guidance and consent paperwork at the outset of your post.

Consult with your Educational and Clinical Supervisor for queries relating to consent.

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Website Links

http://kss.hee.nhs.uk/education-and-training/specialty-school-and-secondary-care2/ Additional generic information can also be found on the HEKSS website. http://www.rcpsych.ac.uk/ Royal College of Psychiatrists https://training.rcpsych.ac.uk e-Portfolio http://www.rcpsych.ac.uk/pdf/Gold%20Guide%202010.pdf The Gold Guide www.nice.org.uk NICE http://www.gmc-uk.org/ GMC http://www.medicalcareers.nhs.uk Medical Careers