Heights of Cb clouds over India during the southwest ...metnet.imd.gov.in/mausamdocs/51514.pdf ·...

: 55 1'5 1 5' 4 Heights of Cb clouds over India during the southwest monsoon season SQ'" L OR. D. V. DE HPAXDE .1hteoroIQ !J jm / Brunc h, I .IF ([(ecei .... 1 1 .'; May 196J) AB.'H'R.\ l!l' . Thundercloud- constitute OIlO IIf th e wont hal'.arU.8 of Over India, Cumutouimbus (Ct.) clouds develop tu H'ry great height.s the sout hwest monsoon H'IUI4J1l. Juno to s.,ph·mlll..,t. These are oft en embedded ill other cloud lllyt'nl and pose a eeeioue problem to Iwiat orH . . .\11 ll\'ai lllobio u<lta regarding Gil (·Il)lulll obtained bv the mcreorologlcal re couneleeuce Oig htl and IIdlMUINl civil ftight8 by jet aircraft tn; rtl M India the last. monsoon flf'8AOU.'1 have lM)('J\ analysed. The mean of top", (If Cb ('IOUtU and their diurnal have boon studied. Hclghte (Of blL>lCti of Ch clouds and weathe r pheuomoua 111 t heir VICInity uru hrit'!I\' ,lilOl' U,; ,.;('d, Thn.- 'C typic al ey uoptto illustrative uf thunder ll etivit ,Y in the InV IL.'KHJIl an.' described. 1. Introduction 1. 1. Iustubility we-ather phenomena pre- Rent. serious hazards to av iat ion in t he tro pics. Cb cloud -r , which are manif esta tio ns of great. instubilitv in the atmosphe re. deserve special uttontion fil'i t hey are often accompanied lJy severe turbul ence, squnl bs , blinding rain, ha ilsto nes uud li ghtn ing. Updrafts and rlown- Ilm fts (which lII ay exceed 5000 It per minute) and violent gll:-t!'l, scrnetimes enco unte red ill eli clouds, may lead to 10 51'3 of control and grent structural damage. Tho sever ity of turb ulence experienced und the airframe st rt... ·;S induced hy gusts arc propor- tional to tho uirspced. Studies in the U. S. A. h11 \'0 shown t h.a.t the operational lifo of a. DC·:i aircraft can he 10 times longer if the airspeed it; reduced in turb ulent areas by 30 miles per hOIU below normal. In addition to greater hnzurds due to increased tu rbu lence and structural damage on account of their higher speeds, modern jet-aircraft face the danger of flame-outs of engines in Cb clouds, The problem, which a lready constitutes one of the worst hazards of aviation , is likely to assume titill greater importance in the next [l- IO years when supersonic aircraft [speed Mach II or higher) arc put ill commercial operation. 1.2. Considerable data regarding Cb clouds and thunderstorms have been gathered in and America. III the Th u nderstorm I' roj cc; covering Florida. and Ohio in th e U . S. A., valuable and exhaustive dat a have been ohtn ined hv Bvers and Braham (1949). However, till reccnti y very litt le information in respect of Gil douds in the tropics Wll N nvnilable. Climatological Tab les and Cloud Atlas in use ill Indiu showed cumulonimbus buses ut won - GOOO ft a11l1 tops varying but- ween :lU,OlHl and 40,nOO Ir, With tile adve nt of jet aircraft ill commercia l operation across India, considerable post-flight datu regarding CU clouds became avni lab le. Ham amu rthi (1955) and Hllu (1955) analysed B.O.A.C. Comet tLchricfillg reports of Cb cloud s tluring 1952 und 195:l for routes across India nnr] sout h Asia respect ively. All uvai lahle debrief, ing reports from civil jet aircraft and logical reconna issance flights organi sed h)" tile Indian Air Force were ana lysed by the author in 19fil. Recentl y K ul shrestha studied thunderstorm-echo datu obt ained ltv a high-power storm detecting radar set locat- ed at New Delhi. 1.3. These studies indicate that cumulonim- bus clouds of gre<lt ve rtica l exte nt develop over India during the southwest IIIUn...;oOll season (.June -Se ptember). This is partly due to the pulsatory character of the monsoon awl as stated by Uno (1955), due to t he

Transcript of Heights of Cb clouds over India during the southwest ...metnet.imd.gov.in/mausamdocs/51514.pdf ·...

Page 1: Heights of Cb clouds over India during the southwest ...metnet.imd.gov.in/mausamdocs/51514.pdf · studied thunderstorm-echo datu obtained ltv a high-power stormdetectingradarsetlocat

551' 5jG'I~ : 551'515' 4

Heights of Cb clouds over India during thesouthwest monsoon season


.1hteoroIQ!J jm / Brunc h, I .IF

([(ecei....1 1.'; May 196J)

AB.'H'R.\ l!l'. Thundercloud- constitute OIlO IIf the wont hal'.arU.8 of tlyil1~. Over Ind ia,Cumutouimbus (Ct. ) clouds develop tu H'ry great height.s durin~ th e sout hwest monsoon H'IUI4J1l.

Juno to s.,ph·mlll..,t. These are oft en embedded ill ot her cloud lllyt'nl and pose a eeeioue problemto IwiatorH. ..\11 ll\'ailllobio u<lta regarding Gil (·Il)lulll obtained bv the mcreorologlcal recouneleeuceOightl and IIdlMUINl civil ftight8 by jet aircraft tn;rtlM India a.lIri~ the last. ~ix monsoon flf'8AOU.'1have lM)('J\ analysed. The mean hl)i~ht<fl of top", (If Cb ('IOUtU and their diurnal a.,~d rogi~n\KI. \:a~ at io ll.'.1have boon studied. Hclghte (Of blL>lCti of Ch clouds and weather pheuomoua 111 t heir VICInity uruhrit'!I\' ,l ilOl'U,;,.;('d, Thn.-'C typical eyuoptto 8ituatiull~ illustrative uf thunder lletivit ,Y in the InVIL.'KHJIlM'a~il an.' 8 J ~u described.

1. Introduction

1 . 1. Iustubility we-ather phenomena pre­Rent. serious hazards to av iation in t he tropics.Cb cloud -r, which are manifestations of great.instubilitv in the atmosphe re. deserve specialut t ont ion fil'i t hey are often acco mpanied lJysevere turbulence, squnlbs, blinding rain,ha ilstones uud lightning. Updrafts a nd rlown­Ilm fts (which lIIay exceed 5000 It per minute)and violent gll:-t!'l, sc rnetimes encounteredi ll eli clouds, may lead to 10 51'3 of cont rol andgrent st ruct ura l damage. Tho seve rity ofturbulence experienced und the airframestrt...·;S induced hy gusts arc ( lifl~ctly propor­tional to t ho uirspced. Studies in the U. S. A.h11 \'0 shown t h.a.t the operational lifo of a.DC·:i aircraft can he 10 times longer if t heairspeed it; reduced in turbulent areas by 30miles per hOIU below normal. In addition togreater hnzurds due to increased turbu lenceand structural damage on account of theirhigher speeds, modern jet-aircraft face t hedanger of flame-outs of engines in Cb clouds ,

The problem, which already constitutesone of the worst hazards of aviation, is likelyto assume titill greater importance in the next[l-IO years when supersonic aircraft [speedMach II or higher) arc put ill commercialoperation.

1.2. Considerable data regarding Cb cloudsand t hunderstorms have been gathered in

]~urope and America. III the Th understormI'roj cc; covering Florida. a nd Ohio in th eU. S. A., va luable and exha ustive data havebeen ohtn ined hv Bvers and Braham (1949).However , till reccntiy very litt le informationin respect of Gil douds in the tropics Wll N

nvnilable. Climatological Tab les and CloudAtlas in use ill Indiu showed cumulonimbusbuses ut won - GOOO ft a11l1 tops varying but­ween :lU,OlHl and 40,nOO Ir, With t ile adve ntof jet a ircra ft ill commercia l operat ion acrossInd ia , considera ble post -flight datu regardingCU clouds becam e avni lab le. Ham amurth i(1955) and Hllu (1955) analysed B.O.A.C.Comet tLchricfillg reports of Cb cloud s tluring1952 und 195:l for routes across Ind ia nnr]sout h Asia respect ively. All uvai lahle debrief,ing reports from civi l jet aircraft and ~rt:t eoro­

logical reconna issance flights organi sed h)"tile Ind ian Air Force were analysed by theauthor in 19fil. Recently Kulshrest ha ( 19G~)

st udied thunderstorm-echo da tu obt ained ltva high -power storm detecting radar set locat­ed at New Delhi.

1.3. These studies indicate that cumulonim­bus clouds of gre<lt vertical extent developover India during the southwest IIIUn...;oOll

season (.June-September). This is partly dueto the pulsato ry character of the monsoonawl as stated by Uno (1955), due to t he

Page 2: Heights of Cb clouds over India during the southwest ...metnet.imd.gov.in/mausamdocs/51514.pdf · studied thunderstorm-echo datu obtained ltv a high-power stormdetectingradarsetlocat
Page 3: Heights of Cb clouds over India during the southwest ...metnet.imd.gov.in/mausamdocs/51514.pdf · studied thunderstorm-echo datu obtained ltv a high-power stormdetectingradarsetlocat
Page 4: Heights of Cb clouds over India during the southwest ...metnet.imd.gov.in/mausamdocs/51514.pdf · studied thunderstorm-echo datu obtained ltv a high-power stormdetectingradarsetlocat
Page 5: Heights of Cb clouds over India during the southwest ...metnet.imd.gov.in/mausamdocs/51514.pdf · studied thunderstorm-echo datu obtained ltv a high-power stormdetectingradarsetlocat
Page 6: Heights of Cb clouds over India during the southwest ...metnet.imd.gov.in/mausamdocs/51514.pdf · studied thunderstorm-echo datu obtained ltv a high-power stormdetectingradarsetlocat
Page 7: Heights of Cb clouds over India during the southwest ...metnet.imd.gov.in/mausamdocs/51514.pdf · studied thunderstorm-echo datu obtained ltv a high-power stormdetectingradarsetlocat
Page 8: Heights of Cb clouds over India during the southwest ...metnet.imd.gov.in/mausamdocs/51514.pdf · studied thunderstorm-echo datu obtained ltv a high-power stormdetectingradarsetlocat