Heaven Dictates

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Transcript of Heaven Dictates

  • 8/13/2019 Heaven Dictates


    Heaven dictates

    A low keening voice pierced the air, followed seconds later by a chorus of

    moans and wails: a harmonious resonance of our grief to the universe. I cradled

    my sisters broken body in my arms, tears streaking a path down my cheeks. I

    threw my head up and howled my anguish to the night sky. . . . .

    My blade cut through skin, blood staining the sword until metal finally hit

    bone. The warrior blanched as he looked at me, his body convulsing horribly as

    he collapsed in a heap at my feet. I ignored the bitter bile in my mouth and

    moved on: another and another . . . . . I was a killing machine. My muscles were

    screaming with pain and my head, like a broken record, was playing the

    desperate cries of the soldiers as they drew in their last breath. But still, I

    continued; slashing my way through the throng of failing bodies, killing left and

    right. I didnt think, I didnt stop, my body just moved of its own accord.

    Victorie!The Romanian commanders cry echoed throughout the

    battlefield. My legs gave out and I sunk down to the blood-stained ground. Black

    spots danced in front of my eyes, excruciating pain flaring in my hip. The tent.

    The tent. I could barely summon enough energy to even stand up,

    The mirror mustbe spoiled. A young girl stared back at me from the

    depths of the mirror. Her golden hair fell in limp strands around her shoulders,

    her eyes blood-shot and her hands stained with red. I looked down at my hands:

    the hands of the murderer. How many innocent people had fallen at these

    hands? How many hopes, dreams and lives had I destroyed with these hands?Ten years ago, they had been bloodied in the same fashion . . . . . with my

    sisters blood. Immediately, my mind rejected the white-hot blinding pain that

    shot through me, leaving me breathless. I started panting. Not again. I tried to

    drown out the haunting images, the torturous sounds. Anything to stop this . . .


    Esther had sent me to the forest to collect the herbs, our livelihood. We

    processed them and sold them as medicine, a skill Mother had taught both of us

  • 8/13/2019 Heaven Dictates


    before she died. It was the day of the picking, one of the days when the goddess

    blessed the earth and all life bloomed. I was ecstatic with my overflowing basket,

    anticipating one of the hard-earned praises from my sister. As I neared the

    crest of the hill which overlooked the army of tents in which my people lived, a

    sudden wisp of smoke drew my attention. Trouble!I started running. . . .

    Nearing home, the dreaded sound of metal clashing against metal struck

    a cold blow to my heart. I sprinted the last few meters, and my worst fears

    were founded: The Kincaids! Grotesque bodies and monstrous features, they

    were the stuff of nightmares, Frankenstein come true. It was said that the

    science minds of the ancients had created them, intending for them to protecttheir planet. It was supposed to be the invention of the century; the greatest

    minds working together to create a better place for everyone. And yet, fate had

    failed them and the experiment turned out a failure, a liability.

    And worse, the man-turned-monsters had turned on humans, attacking

    them and looting whenever a chance arose. And everywhere, despair permeated

    the world. Our last chance lay with the Salvatores. But this time, they were too

    late. The Kincaids had taken what they desired most: human life. If only the

    scientists didnt attempt to create a better world. If only the experiment had

    been a success. If only my sister had been the one to go out. If only science had

    not interfered. If only. . . .

    A new life. Hope for the innocent. I promise you, Esther. I will avenge you.

    Fate has spun its tale and we, as mere mortals have no say. But I promise you: I

    will write a happily ever after. For you, and the world. A new dawn. A new day.

    A new hope.