
Business Plan of Herbal oil for wounds

Transcript of Healwound12

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Business Planof

Herbal oil for wounds

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Business Goal

To reach to every wound patient that has not responded to any other remedy

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BackgroundThe oil was discovered by a Mahant the formula of which was passed on to Mr Sunil* by word of mouth. Oil uses the curative properties of Neem, turmeric and ten other herbs. Mr Sunil have only supplied in a disorganized way selling the oil to individually to few doctors for last 10 years to supplement his side income. Mr Sunil now wants to explore the selling potential of the oil in the organized market through proper channel selling. The business plans aims to sell the product in an organized way. *Names Changed

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Mission StatementTo treat any kind of wound, including the most stubborn and obstinate wounds.

To prevent amputation of limbs due to incurable wounds

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Selecting the name of the product (Branding)There were many names suggested such as ‘Novell’. I decided against such names because of two reasons. Firstly, this product was not there in the market to have enabled people to remember its name (Novell). Secondly, there was nothing in the name that suggested that the product was a specialty product and to be used for a specific purpose i.e. ‘cure wounds’;. For a start up small company, not spending huge amount on advertisements, it is imperative that the brand name should suggest what the product is used for and what the target market of the product is. I came up with traditional, not so fanciful name ‘healwound’ .Some felt it was not fanciful enough to attract the imagination of customers. My reasoning was that this product is to be used by people who are in distress so it was more important to highlight the product quality. A diabetic person whose wound is not healing and has reached an imputable stage would be bothered about what the product should do rather than its name .For him, more than the name, the efficacy of the product matters.

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Selecting the name of the product (Branding)-contThe name ‘healwound ‘also helps in word of mouth publicity and has a better brand recall. With a name like ‘Novell', take the example of a person who listens the name (‘Novell’) for the first time from another person who has been successfully using the product. When the listener tries to recall it after 2 months, he might not be able to recall the name “Novell”, but he is most likely to remember the name ‘healwound’ because when he tries to remember the name, the first thing that comes to the mind is the context in which the name was uttered that is ‘wounds’ and what it does that is ‘heals’.

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The logo should be such that it complements the brand name. Color Blue is selected because it is the color of healing. The Red colour of leter ‘o’ suggests danger. The word ‘o’ has also been shown to break the symmetry just like a wound does to the body.

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Target Buyers

Doctors-Doctors treating such wound patients eg doctors treating diabetic wounds

Patients-Directly by patients through references

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Distribution ChannelsDirect Queries-Queries through emails and those

generated on the portals. The mechanism would be ‘Cash on delivery basis” rather than online payments. The margins per bottle would be enough to support slipup in such mechanism (a customer refusing to accept that he had ordered the product).

Doctors. Doctors treating the patients would be the prime target of such

Pharmacy-This would not be the channel for initial sales (for at least 1 year).It will be evaluated as a channel of sales only after 1 year.

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Promotional ActivityPamphletsWebsiteMaking presentation to the doctors

highlighting the curative value of the product based on past Experiences.

Sending emails.Distributing Free samples in hospitals

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Sales ActivityThis product is the specialty product. Initial 3 months have to be dedicated in creating the knowhow, making presentations, distributing pamphlets and free samples, sending emails to hospitals. Its a high margin specialty product, so the expenses incurred in the first three months can be recovered The greatest advantage with this product is that it has been there in the market for more than 12 years (through direct selling of non branded oil to both doctors and patients and have enough data to prove its efficacy. Such data has also been collected into a visual presentation of its curative effect in people. A presentation of 11 such case studies have been prepared.

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Curative Abilities (through Past Experience)

Next 4 slides presents 4 out of 11 case studies (have pictures of actual wounds ).Viewer discretion is advised.

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The photograph is of a worker’s wound. Her name was Omwati. Her back was badly crushed by a big stone that fell on her back. She was admitted in the hospital with severe back injuries. Her pelvic bone had broken and she was bedridden.. She applied the oil and within 24 hrs the whole complexion staring to change with the fifth consecutive day of the application of the oil. Nobody could believe what they were seeing. The wound was heavily infected (MRSA). Her parents were overwhelmed at this miracle. The wound was bandaged twice with the oil for the next three months. The patient came to the OPD walking which was a big surprise to the doctors as well as observers.

Traumatic Wound with Pelvic Fracture

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Necrotizing Gangrene

The photograph is of a patient named Mrs Shobha Sarkar. She nearly escaped a death trap. She gave birth to a child and after the delivery she developed necrotizing gangerene in her stomach. This was a rare situation to have arisen.It is a typical type of gangrene where dead tissue keeps on increasing at a very fast rate and the only way to stop it is through surgical debridement. There was no chance at all of saving her despite several efforts. She underwent many operations but the situation of her wound did not improve and she was almost fighting for her life when one of the doctors advised to apply oil to her wound. The doctors had lost all hopes of recovery. She was screaming as the pain was unbearable.. The oil was applied as the last resort. Then from the next day, there was marked improvement. The speed of recovery was extremely unusual. The doctors could not explain as to how the infection vanished and the wound was contracting from all sides. Finally the wound healed. The lady is in a deep shock till date. She feels as if it would happen again. It was indeed very frightening.

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Two Year Old Diabetic Ulcer with Osteomylitis &Neuropathy

The photograph is of a diabetic patient, his name was Mr. Amrit Roy He felt some swelling on his left foot. He ignored this and applied some ‘iodex’ for the treatment of swelling. After one week the swelling increased and he noticed some pus coming out of the fingers of his feet. He immediately consulted his family doctor who mercilessly performed surgery on his foot. This made the wound even worse. He had his x-ray done and found that he had developed osteomylitis(bone infection) with nuropathy(no sensation in feet). His infection could not be controlled despite heavy doses antibiotics. He was then advised to go in for amputation by all surgeons treating him as that was urgently required. He did not want that. So he consulted one doctor who advised him for the oil. He started applying the oil and found that his wound healed and sensation returned to normal in a few weeks time.

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Diabetic Arterial Ulcer

Day1 Day 20

The patient suffered from arterial disease. A very typical kind where he used to get ulcers anywhere in the body that would not heal at all for months. He had an ulcer in his left leg. He had tried many medicines orally and topically but of no use. The ulcers pained and burned awfully. He was directed to use the oil by the doctor. As the oil was applied the ulcer started healing. The pain and burning sensation reduced gradually. Finally the ulcer healed. After few years he again developed ulcer in the right leg. Absolutely the same as the first one in size and pain and burning sensation. He again applied on his leg with some some new medicines which included collagen powder, alginates, hydrocolloids but could not succeed when finally he resorted for the oil. It again healed in a few weeks time.