Healthy Vegetarian Eating Regime

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Transcript of Healthy Vegetarian Eating Regime

Healthy Vegetarian Eating RegimeName: Lola MtzelburgAge: 9 yearsCurrent Weight: 30 kgHeight:Type Regimen: Ovo LactoVegetarian from November 19, 2014Remarks and Observations: Excess sugar in your diet, poor absorption of omega 3 and good quality fats, due to consumption of trans fats hidden in bakery. Low levels of omega-3 acids are associated with hyperactivity in children and dandruff.Objective: Disciplining your feeding schedules meals. Provide nutritional requirements from a Ovo Lacto vegetarian dietProtein need it for her age: 30-35 grams daily

Recommended Supplements:1. Spirulina powder or capsules: Add a teaspoon in liquid or juices.2. Garden of Life Vitamin Code, Kids, Chewable Whole Food Multivitamin for Kids, Cherry Berry, 60 Chewable Bears. You take as directed. Or another Multivitamin similar natural brand. Solgar brand also good.3. Megafood Kid's B Complex, Tablets 30 ea.4. Omegas acids 3,6,9: essential fatty acids. Nordic naturals. For kids Consume as indicated. Even if comes from fish, take at least for one to two months and observe her body reactions (hair, skin, moods)

Foods rich in Omega 3,6,9 (essential fatty acids) and natural fats chia seeds. Eat regularly. In water, drinks or desserts (see recipe) *. Chia pudding dessert-coco * give 1-2 times a week the size of a flanera girl. Pumpkin seeds, sesame, sunflower, flaxseed and chia. These last two are main sources of Omega 3. ground or crushed eating. Use them in salads or soups or some cream or vegan pesto sauce * (see recipe) Avocado piece once or twice daily in sandwiches, salads, guacamole (in season time) Walnuts/almonds consume daily if possible times. We recommend soaking almonds overnight and morning peeling them. (Dont buy them already peeled). One-quarter cup of walnuts, for instance, provides more than 100 percent of the daily recommended value of plant-based omega-3 fats, along with high amounts of copper, manganese, molybdenum, and biotin.10-15 pieces daily (no more than this). cup of any nut daily. Dont eat them alone, mix with the food, in almond milk or ith salads or in a form of almond butter to spread on craquers, or eat then together with dry fruit. Salmon, herring, mackerel (mackerel), sardines. consuming one of these options sporadically. (the problem with seafood is that they can contain heavy metals such as mercury, arsenic, DDT, dioxins)

Note: It is important to include daily one or more of these options a day for essential fatty acids and sources of good fats and avoid the other harmful fats (These are:. Fried and highly refined oils, partially hydrogenated oils or hydrogenated oils, vegetable shortening, margarine).Always read the labels on the foods you buy, this Trans fats (hydrogenated fats) completely inhibit the absorption of essential fatty acids, among other things. Avoid them !!

Tree NutGoodFat (grams per ounce)Protein (grams per ounce)Carbohydrates (grams per ounce)



Pine nuts2044

Brazil nuts1943






Foods rich in vegetable protein: Legumes: Pinto beans, black, peas, lentils, beans, kidney beans, chickpeas, etc. cup cooked legumes equals 7-8 grams of protein Integral Whole grains: whole oats, whole brown rice, quinoa, millet (soaked and cooked), buckwheat, corn (tortillas, polenta), amaranth. 1 cup of cooked grains equals 5-7 grams of protein.Cereals and whole grains are always recommended to combine with other protein-rich food such as legumes to increase their amino acid content and make them a complete protein food source.

Foods containing animal protein (source of vitamin B12): Organic cheeses fresh and natural without hormones or antibiotics. Consume every third day and once daily if you find organic. Cow Milk. Avoid it altogether if possible. Preferably always consume organic eggs. 2 a 3 times a week and once at day. 2 eggs in any form, is good not to cook them so much (sunny side up is good option to get all nutrients). Eggs are important for the B12 Vitamin. Preferably organic plain yogurt. 1 or 2 times a week. Plain or Mix with one fruit. Strawberry, berries, papaya, banana, mango, apple, peache, guava. You can add muesli(1 or 2 tablespoons). Good option is the greek yogurt of royal proyect

Options:Breakfasts (she needs to eat a good breakfast so she will not have cravings of sugar along the day)

Mung Dosas 2-4 medium size with tomate chutney or coconut chutney or both Buckwheat pancakes, 2-4 pieces. this is good option: add myself nuts in small pieces inside the dough and not need to put baking powder only put baking soda, I dont put butter milk you can put almond, rice or coconut water or milk instead. You find the buckwheat flower without gluten in rimping. For drink either fruit juice or nuts milk or herbal tea to accompany the pancakes. To put on the pancakes I suggest honey or agave honey or maple syrup only natural not artificial, and you can mixed strawberries fresh and dry in a blender and put on the top. Oatmeal with Fruit and Grape juice *. Soak the oats big flakes over the night and next day add natural grape juice made in the blender with grapes from royal project. Add raisins or other dry fruits and nuts. Serving Size: 1 cup- 1 cups Porridge, Oats cooked with water and cinnamon. Then add chopped apple, strawberry, banana, almonds, pumpkin seeds, chia, dried cranberries or raisins and coconut milk or almond or rice. Serving: cup cooked oatmeal with half portion of fresh fruit, 1 Tbsp dried fruit (raisins, cranberries or chopped dates), 4 nuts or seven peeled almonds, 2 tablespoons raw shelled pumpkin seeds (optional) A deep natural yogurt or organic flavor with seasonal fruit like papaya, apple, banana and mango dish. Do not combine more than three fruits together. Add muesli with almonds or walnuts, flaxseed or chia seeds, sunflower Note: Varies seeds every time, dont eat only one type, variety is necessary. As for fruit, melons and watermelon, should be eaten separately outside food. 2 pieces of scrambled eggs with green onions or some green vegetables like spinach. The amount of vegetables is not much limited, you can add more vegetables than the amount of egg but is roughly proportional.Protein shake with whey protein, half dose, with banana and rice milk or almond. Mix all in the blender. Give only the time you cannot have the time to cook, should be sporadically only. Or after sport if they are very tired and need to eat quick, you can give one half dose. It is specially very good after training, allows to recover very soon and not have cramps the next day.

Note: I recommend not repeat options during the day and during the week, try to alternate all this options.

Lunch or Supper:You can choose anything you want but having in mind to have good balance of protein and have in every meal 10 grams of protein in each meal which is easy if you know how much protein has every food on quantity, here it is the table food of protein. A source of omega 3 mention before, in every meal, 1 cups of veggies at day at least. 1 cups of fruits at day at least (note: Fruits should never be eaten right after eating, you should eat them as a snack or at least 30 minutes before meals

seafood average 6-9 grams of protein per ounce.

An ideal amount for most people would be a 3-ounce serving of meat or seafood (not 9- or 12-ounce steaks!), which will provide about 18-27 grams of proteinEggs contain about 6-8 grams of protein per egg. So an omelet made from two eggs would give you about 12-16 grams of protein

If you add cheese, you need to calculate that protein in as well (check the label of your cheese or yogurt) normally 8 onces of yogurt has 11 grams of protein

Seeds and nuts contain on average 4-8 grams of protein per quarter cupCooked beans average about 7-8 grams per half cup

Cooked grains average 5-7 grams per cupMost vegetables contain about 1-2 grams of protein per ounce, the most rich in protein are broccoli, kale,spinach

Snacks (mid-morning or mid-afternoon) if she is really hungryFresh fruitsDry fruits with some nutsAvoid candies with artificial colorants and white sugar instead choose always natural sweets like sesame bars, or cereal bars without trans fats 5mentioned before)Sweet potato (cook in the small oven for one hour average depending on oven)Chia Pudding (see recipe bellow)CHIA-COCONUT PUDDINGINGREDIENTS: cup of chia seeds 1 cup coconut milk cup or so of honey or agave honey 1 teaspoon vanilla liquid teaspoon ground cinnamon wild fruit for garnish mint leaves to decorate and give extra flavor A pinch of saltPREPARATION:1. In a blender add the coconut milk, honey, vanilla and pinch of salt and mixed2. Reduce speed of the blender and add the chia seeds, mix well and turn off.3. Serve in individual bowls and refrigerate for an hour or until chia has swollen completely4. Add some fruit to each and garnish with mint.5. Enjoy cold

Dinner Soup vegetables or legumes (beans or lentils) You can choose any other option of lunch without repeating the same day.Avoid eggs, dairy and fish in the night.

Note: I recommend you vary the ingredients of the options. That is, if you choose such an option in the morning with yogurt or cheese (dairy) comes to choosing another option that does not contain these ingredients in the following meals. So as to vary the foods and their groups.

Good Combinations to get good vegetable proteins in one meal Legumes + cereals or whole grains Cereals or whole grains & seeds Dairy + cereal or grain Legumes + cereals or whole grains & seeds

Legumes are:All different kind of beans and colors, different kind of lentils, green beans, chickpeas, peas dried or fresh, tempeh, tofu, mung beans (mung bean).

Cereals and Grains:Different species brown rice, quinoa, millet (millet), amaranth grain, teff, oats, whole wheat, rye (rye), buckwheat (buckwheat) (soba noodles), couscous, corn , polenta.

Oilseeds:Pumpkin, sunflower, almonds, walnuts, macadamias, brazil nuts, pecans,peanuts (which are considered more like legumes), chia, flax, pine nuts, cashews (cashews), etc.

Avoid foods and replace Desserts and cakes. Choose the alternative without artificial colors and contain natural sugars, brown pastry made with vegetable oils without trans fat. Avoid the maximum shortening, margarine and foods containing it to be highly processed fats. Are also called vegetable fats, hydrogenated oils, partially hydrogenated. Choose natural or homemade juices fruits. Natural Juices Market you can even dilute 50% with plain water. Avoid highly processed commercial containing sugars like high fructose sugar (highfructose corn syrup avoid) Completely avoid soft drinks and sodas and sports drinks. Prepare fruit drinks or sweetened with natural natural sugar Pan hamburger or hotdog, or any bread for containing trans fats. In some places you can ask with which kinf of fat they prepared the bread, never with shortening or margarine.

Tips: Begin to always read the food label. Not only nutritional information (the box nutrition), the most important is to know the ingredients that are prepared and well known product quality in terms of nutrition is concerned. We recommend that you take every opportunity you have vegetarian cooking courses to help you learn more and have more options dishes of vegetables and vegetarian dishes ;)

cooking oils are recommended: Olive oil Extra virgin cold pressed, unrefined grapeseed oil or extra virgin coconut oil. (avoid sunflower for deep frying, use always coconut oil) Use only rock salt or Himalayan salt for cooking salt and ground grain that you can grind at home. Avoid refined salt. Limit the use of microwaves. I only use it occasionally to heat some food. Never cooking or heating water. Use pots and pans materials such as stainless steel (may be surgical), wrought iron (cast iron), ceramics and glass. Do not recommend aluminum, pewter apostille, glazed earthenware and Teflon. Avoid drinking large amounts of water during meals, specially cold and sweet drinks. You can take up to 4oz. (half a cup or one cup if very dry food) room temperature or even warm or herbal tea. It is best to take liquids 30 min to one hour before and one hour after eating a meal. Chewing food thoroughly (especially rich in carbohydrates) is an excellent practice for digestion. It also promotes patience and helps reduce the desire to eat more. The combination of foods is important for proper digestion. When you work out your dishes, prepare them simple and easy manner and well combined. Most plants combine well together. When you consume animal foods, only select one at a time for food and pair them with salads and / or many vegetables. For exemple eggs and yogurt together not good, or milk and eggs not recommended Fruit and semi-acid acidic combine well, sweet and semi-sweet fruits combine well. No more than three simultaneously. Melons and watermelons should be eaten alone not combined with other fruit or food. Fruits generally recommend eating in the morning, before meals or out of food as a snack. Recommended not to consume immediately after meals because they tend to ferment and cause inflammation and gases.


First, it's imperative to limit the amount of time your child spends watching TV, or playing computer and video games, and to replace some of these sedentary activities with exercise. children need at least 30 minutes of exercise each day, and may benefit from closer to 60 minutes. Discipline is very important for children, encourage them to practice if they dont want it is important to be strict on this, every morning or evening around 4 or 5 they should either swim 10 rounds, try to get some swimming table to swim as well with it. Yo can alternate with running sprints. Remember that the trick to getting kids interested in exercise at a young age is to keep it fun. Also keep in mind that spontaneous bouts of exercise throughout the day is actually the ideal way of doing it.

Your child does not need to log 30-60 minutes in the gym or in a specific exercise class, unless that's really what they want to do. A game of tag here, a bike ride there... Short bursts of activity with periods of rest in betweenthis is actually the way your body was designed to move! And kids will typically fall into this behavior quite spontaneously, as long as they're outdoors, and not cooped up in front of a TV or computer screen... Like adults, kids also need variety in their exercise routines to reap the greatest rewards, so be sure your child is getting:Sprint 8 InstructionsDuring Sprint 8 exercises you raise your heart rate up to your anaerobic threshold (220 minus your age) for 20 to 30 seconds, followed by a 90-second recovery period. Depending on your child's current level of fitness, he may need to work his way up to 8 cycles. I recommend starting with 2-4 cycles, and gradually increasing to 8.Warm up for three minutes1. Then, go all out, as hard as you can for 30 seconds2. Recover for 90 seconds3. Repeat 7 more times, for a total of 8 repetitions4. Cool down for a few minutes afterwards by cutting down your intensity by 50-80 percent.You can note their performance everyday, competing with themselves not with one another cause easily can drop the exercise, but they need to compete with their own performance everyday and encourage them, and make it fun.Know that Sprint exercises have a number of health benefits that you simply cannot achieve with any other type of exercise. For adults over 30, the most important of these is the natural production of human growth hormone (HGH), which is essential for strength, overall fitness, and longevity. Naturally, children and teens don't need to worry too much about producing HGH, but high-intensity interval training can still provide magnificent benefits for this age group, as it can dramatically improve fat loss and helps build muscle. It also dramatically improves athletic speed and performance, which can greatly benefit aspiring youth athletes.A new study published in Neuroscience also revealed that regular exercise not only improved blood flow to the brain, but also helped monkeys learn new tasks twice as quickly as non-exercising monkeys, a benefit the researchers believe would hold true for people too.Further, exercise provides protective effects to your brain through: The production of nerve-protecting compounds Greater blood flow to your brain Improved development and survival of neurons Decreased risk of heart and blood vessel diseasesPhysical activity is not only a boon for brain power, it also helps kids who may be restless or hyperactive, or who have been diagnosed with ADHD. Even emotional disturbances can be improved with exercise, as the activity provides an outlet for their energy and reduces the natural inclination of children to "act out."

The best heritage you can leave to your children is good habits of life

KarlaAlvarezLic. [email protected]