Healthcare Delivery Systems

Healthcare Delivery Systems Medical Services in Sudan The Good, the bad & the ugly


Healthcare Delivery Systems. Medical Services in Sudan The Good, the bad & the ugly. Healthcare in Sudan. Human right Reactivation and implementation of the health policies that existed up till 20 yrs ago “Primary care and decentralisation” Needs and demands for manpower Vs unemployment - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Healthcare Delivery Systems

Page 1: Healthcare Delivery Systems

Healthcare Delivery Systems

Medical Services in Sudan

The Good, the bad & the ugly

Page 2: Healthcare Delivery Systems

Healthcare in Sudan

Human right Reactivation and implementation of the

health policies that existed up till 20 yrs ago “Primary care and decentralisation”

Needs and demands for manpower Vs unemployment

Training and motivation of workforce Sudan Doctors Union

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Healthcare in Sudan

Government commitment to the public health agenda and care provision

Democracy, accountability and transparency Activation and reforms of the health governing laws

to reflect the recent political and socio-economic developments in Sudan

Expenditure in relation to Gross National Income Health is not a commodity

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Primary care

Government finance of primary, community and emergency services

Accredited primary care facilities to meet the essential needs of the communities

Equity and accessibility to all Information and Statistics Systems Care pathways and Referral Systems

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Emergency services

Challenging the 24hrs only provision To develop it as a speciality

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Secondary and tertiary care

State funded Children's and maternity care Care pathways Evidence-based practice Chronic disease management in Primary

Care settings Control of financing and prioritisation of


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Private care

Not to substitute the State’s responsibility towards health

Regulation and governance Appropriate utilisation of public-private


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No restrictions on media coverage of health issues

Promotion of health education through schools

Constitution Amendment Committee Unions and Associations