Health! Soundness! Strength! And happiness! To the people! · 2015. 5. 12. · HEALTH! SOUNDNESS!...


Transcript of Health! Soundness! Strength! And happiness! To the people! · 2015. 5. 12. · HEALTH! SOUNDNESS!...

Page 1: Health! Soundness! Strength! And happiness! To the people! · 2015. 5. 12. · HEALTH! SOUNDNESS! STRENGTH! and HAPPINESS! to the PEOPLE! THEinhabitantsofManchejier, andofthe adjacenttowns


THE inhabitants of Manchejier, and of the adjacent towns and country, arerefpe&fully informed, that Do£lor GRAHAM (retiring from the great dif-

tradtion and fatigue of a public Life, and great pradlice, in' London, where hehas conftantly rdided for the laft five years) from a natural prediledHon for thecity ofEdinburgh, where he was born and moll regularly educated, and where hislather, his Mother, his Sifters, and other near and dear Relations are all nowliving, he has adlually taken a houfe in the New~Town, with the intention, ofpradlifing there as a Phyfician, and of givingLEG LURES on the prevention andcure of difeafes to the (indents who refort to that highly and juftly celebrated Uui-verfity from every quarter of the globe ; and, that for his amufemeut (havingbeen accnltomed to travel for twenty-two years into moll parts of the world, es-pecially all over America., and to every Court and Univerfity in Europe) for thebenefit of his own health by the change of air, feene, and climate, and that hemay have the fupteme happinefs of being of more extenfive ufc to his Brethrenof mankind, he has refolved on palling the four vacant fummer months, viz. June,

July, Augujl, and September, in one or other of the largeti and rnoft populous pro-vincial towns of thefe and the neighbouring kingdoms; he has thought propertobegin with Manchejier , where he propofes to remain till the beginning of nextmonth, when he inuft return to his refidence in Edinburgh, as his own, and all theother Ledlures of the Medical Profeflion in that Univerfity begin about the iftofNovember : -In the mean time, therefore, he gives this public notice, thathe may be confiftted at his apar intents at Mrs. Walton's, at the Golden*Head,in Deanfgate, the third door, from Si. Mar/s-Gate, Manchejier, in all thofe difeafesand complaints, internal and external, which refill what is called “■ regular Me-dlcal Prablice," by the Gentlemen who fettered, ftand ftill or creep in theregulartrammels of the craft; atid he particularly invites thofe unfortunate Ladies andGentlemen who have been difmifled and abandoned uncured by their Phyficiaus,Surgeons, or Apothecaries, and thofe poor and helplefs peifons who have beendifeharged as incurable from the Manchejier or any other Infirmary or Hofpital,in Goufumptive, Scorbutic, Leprous', Gouty, Rheumatic, Paralytic, Scorphu-lous, Venereai,, Bilious, Wormy, or Dropfical Difeafes *, in Fits of every kind ;

in Gravelly Complaints, Incontincncy of Urine, Ulcerations and WeaknefTes ofthe Neck of the Bladder ; and in all low, nervous, weak, low-fpirited, and ema-ciated cafes, where the conftitution has been relaxed, drained, and ruined by im-prudence, exceffes, negledt, violent mercurial and other medicines, or impropertreatment ofany kind. By methods, fimple, fafe, fpeedy, peculiar to himfelfalone, and happily confirmed by very long and very extenfive praclice, he gene-rally, fpeedily and effccluallv cures the above difeafes ; and all Foulneffes, Scurf,Blotches, and Eruptions of the Skin, even the moft complicated Scurvy, or con-firmed utnvcrfal Leprofy; Swellings too, white, fchirrous, watry, or windy ;

Contraclions, SuffheflTcs, Wenknefs, and Lamenefs of the Joints and Tendons orSinews; Cancers likewife, and Scrophulous and other Sores, without Cauftics orCutting; inBlindnefs and Deafnefs moreover, whether partial or total (if curable)and in all other lelfer infirmities, fuch as Soretrcfs, Relaxations, and Ulcerationsof thofe moft delicate, moll precious, and raoft important Organs the human Eyeand Ear ■

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[t is pretty univerfally known and allowed, that in Female obfirudfions,Weaknefles, and BARRENNESS ; and in (he too often fatal complaints whichhappen at certain critical periods of Female Life ; inall Venereal cafes 100, Re-laxtiens. and Imbecilities which arvfe from repeated injuries, ueglctfl, bad treat-ment with injedlions, violent purging, or loads of draftic mercury, or from high,full, and carelefs living, no matron earth ever perhaps Rudied the true nature,feat, and caufes of thefe maladies and misfortunes, or ever had fo much pra&ice, ex-perience, and fuccefs in curing them, asDr. GRAHAM ; and that in all immi-nently dangerous attacks of the Pally and Apoplexy, and of the Gout in theHead or Stomach ; in violent Swellings, Inflammations, and gangrenous Ulcer-ations of the Throat 5 in Inflammations of the Bowels-, and particularly in allardent inflammatory, and in low, nervous, putrid, fcarlet, {ported, and malig-nant Fevers, Dt. GRAHAM's methods are infinitely more efficacious and fuc-cefsfu! than thofe of any other Phyfician ; and that he generally and daily does,and really has in a very great number of cafes, prelervcd Life, and reftored to

perfedl health, where the patients have been totally given over by even the modfkillul and moft eminent Phyficians in the world, and when they have been ly-ing fenfelefs, cold, putrid, and convutfed in the very article of death. It is hop-ed, therefore, that the friends and relations of perfons apparently at the point ofdeath, and when given over by other Phyficians, will avail themfelves of thistine, important, and public notice. For he with truth and with confcious con-fidence repeats it, and gives daily proofs of it in his praiflice, that the means andmethods which he has adopted for the cure of the above-mentioned moft fatalDifeafts, are infinitely more rational, powerful, and fuccefsful, than thofe em-ployed by any other Medical Practitioner, as far as he knows in the world ; andthey are fuch as have been- fuggefted to him by the good all-illuminating Spiritof God ! operating on an humble, Ample, and benevolent mind, dwelling in atemperate, pure, and as it were, tranfparent body (from having totally renounc-ed all the gtoffer and more debafing gratifications of the animal ftnfesj and thatdifclaiming all felf-power and pedantic worldly learning, continually looks up toGod for light and diredlion, and takes Nature in her fweet, abvious, and all-blelf-ing fimplicity, for his foie, conftant and unerring Guide 1

it is well known to the world in general, particularly to the Nobility and greatPerfonages of Europe, and flill more efpeciaily to the inhabitants of London andWfjlmhijier, that Dr. Graham has laid out more than Twelve Thoujand Poundsfitrhng in erefling and embellifhing the largeft, the moft magnificent, and moftpovvci fully ufefulMedico-Eletflrical, Chymical, and Philofophical Apparatus, for

■ the cure of dlieafes, and for the preparation of his 12 Great Medicines, that with-out exception, ever was, or that now is in the world 1 And that for 15 years paft,he has had far more extenfive experience, and more fuccefsful pradlice in fpeedi-ly and efteftually curing the nioft confirmed and moft hopelefs difeafes, and inreftoring decayed and worn out conftitutions to their juvenile bloom and vigour,than-any other regular or even irregular Phyfician or Pratftitioner perhaps thatimjVy is, or that ever did live in the world, having had daily from 50 to 200 pa-tients, under his care, and as the various books and pamphlets he has publifhedon the praclice of Phyfic and Surgery, and the many hundred perfedf and well-audicd cures he has been inftrumcntal in performing in the moft defperate andhopelefs cafes, on perfons in almolt every rank and lunation in Life (efpeciailyamong the principal Nobility and Gentry in Gfeat-Britain)

, abundantly andun-contiovertibly prove and dempuftrate, to every perfou of ftnfe and candour.

But even the moft ignorant and moft prejudiced of the people, and the moftjealous and envious of the Medical Faculty, cannot difbelieve, and dare not at-

tempt to- invalidate the great number of extraordinary cures which Dr. Grahamlias lately had the honour and the happinefs ofcompleting under the eyes and im-

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mediate infpe&lon of many of the foreign Arabafladors, and others of the greatreft Perfonages in Church and State In Europe among whom appear ahe Sealsand Hand-writing of his inoft Serene Highaefs Frederick, Prince .of Hffe-Cafkl IHer Grace Georgiana, Duchefs of Devonjhhe! The Right Hon. Counters Spencer IThe Right Honourable Lady Clermont! Earl Spencer I Bcc. Bcc. See. —who ior theencouragement of the difeafed and afflifltd, and general benefit ofmankind, werepieafed (befides paying moft liberally for the cures) cheerfully, unfoliclted, andaltogether voluntarily to propofe and to honour Dr. Graham with the abovevery flattering and highly honourable certificates !

Come , then, all ye poor and difeafed of this laudably indujirious , and therefors refpebl-able town And country, comef notwithflanding the evil reports and lying inliuua-tions of ignorant and malevolent perfons, and of the envious and intevelied Fa-culty and their friends, come to me, trull in God 1 and receive from me all ue-ceflary advice for your fpeedy and perfect cure, ——for benefitting andrejoicing your families and friends, and for gladdening your dcjtfled hearts IThe truth of your poverty, ofyour difeafednefs, and of your unhappinefs, aiieli-ed by the Clergy, the Church-wardens, or Overfcers ofyour refpeclive parifhes,is all the imroduflion—all the recommendation that is required to allure you ofmy kindeft attention, and of my utmoft help. BMs Cod ! and favour me withyour prayers and benediflions : I want none, and I will receive none of yourmoney, lam rich, becaule independent; for it is not he who polldies moft ofthis world’s wealth, but he who warns the ieaft, and is content, that is the ri-cheiiand the happieft man. Perfons of family and opulence, and thole who arc ineafy circumftances in the world, feldotn fail to pay me as their fortune and (hala-tion allow, and as the nature and importance ol their refpeclive cales make rea-sonable. By them I cxpefl to be genteelly and even liberally rewarded ; butfor curing, and leading into the way of health and happinefs the poor and help-lefs, the Great Sovereign of the Dnlyerfe ! the eternal and moft adorableSource of al 1 Life, of all Light, and of an Happinefs ! is my Pay-mafter. Inthe confcioufntfs of thus doing my duty, blcffes me with a fpecies and witha degree of happinefs which all the riches and honours of this world cannotgive i~ and which neither the caprices of met), the revolutions of king-doms,- nor the continual vienfitudes of all lubiunary things, can deprive rueof. For HE ! even the Great and Good GO Dof the Gnivcrfe! 1! villas, .com-forts, and delivers in the day of danger and of trouble, and in tire tremendousand moft important hour of death ! (an hourfddom or never properly -thought on, or

prepared for 1) all thofe who continually and from good motives prefer the healthand happinefs of their fellow-creatures, and his honourand glory ! to their ownprivate and tranfient emolument. Gf the free ajid unmerited mercy, and of therich and illuminating grace of the Great and Good GOD ! more than from myUnivcrlity education, my much travelling, my long, deep, and iutentc ftudy,and moft extcnlive practice, have (abundantly received the great and precious■gift ofhealrng I -thankfully and chearfuliy therefore do I (eel it to be at oncemy duty,, my delight, and my high privilege to difpenfc freely bodily health, andmental light, and comfort, to all the dileafed, ignorant, and unhappy of my Fel-low-creatures, who come within the fphere of my pradlce, or the reach of mypublications.

The public are defired to take notice, that as Dr. Graham devotes Ills wholetime to his profeffion, he maybe confulted daily, during his fhort ftay none only ■one month, from Six jn the morning till Ten at night, Sundays excepted (unld's incafes ofgreat and imminent danger) at his apartments, at Mrs. Walton s, the Gclien-Head, in Deanfgale, Alanchejler. The poor and beiplcfs, cfpecially thoiV whomu the gauntlet of the triffling and nonfenlical regular practice , and who have Ihr-vived the trials of younger and more whimfical J/JU in the county Experiment

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Houfcs ; ami who have been difcharged as incurable from Infirmaries, Holpitals,Difpe'nfaries, &c. are fupplicd with advice gratis, for their perftdl cures ; theymayapply recommended as above, every Monday, Wedyefday, and Friday morningsfrom Six till Ten o’clock. Thofe in tolerable circumftances, but who cannotafford to,give the ordinary fees, may apply at any time, and are cured on payingthe Dodlor’s Apothecary only for neceffary medicines ; while to enable the Doc-tor to do more extenlive and more complete charities to the difeafed andmifera-ble poor, he expe&s genteel fees, and adequate gratuities from the Noble andRich, according to the nature of their refpe&ive cafes.


Glory be to GOD in the Higheft !!! on Earth Peace and Health 1 ! andGood-will towards Men ! Amen, Hallelujah !

AS very few people chafe to have their names or complaints expofed to publicview ; as Dr. GRAHAM s character and highly fuperior abilities as a PhyCciahhave been many years pretty generally known and eftablifhed ; and as the vailnumber of cures that ate performed every week, would render the trouble andthe expence of printing them intolerable, the Doctor his for ftveral years paft to-tally declined printing cures in news-papers. He is, neverthelcfs, much obligedto thofe who have fent their names and cures for publication, to exprefs theitgratitude to him, and to encourage others afflicted in the fame way to apply,where perhaps alone they might meet with a cure ; but he hopes that the abovexeafons will be perfectly fatisfa£lory to them, and to the public at large.

As the time for the Doctor’s departure for Edinburgh draws nigh, he ex-horts all perfons, labouring under confirmed Gonfuraptive, Aflhmatic, Nervous,Scorbutic, Leprous, Cancerous, Dropfical, or VENEREAL complaints; or withthe Stone, Gravel, Ulcerated Bladder, or Pain and Inicontinency of Urine, to ap-ply immediately, that their cures may be as well compleated and confirmed aspofllble before his final departure from thjs induflrious and truly refpectablecountry, which will be about the firlt of October.

* Dr. GRAHAM begs leave to recommend the following carious and moltatfelul publications, which are juft arrived, to the attention of all learned, curi-ous, and fenlible perfons, who fet a proper value upon health and happinels,temporal and eternal! and efpecially as they can perufe them without one far-thing expence.

Some of thefe publications hai'e been efteemed fo very curious, eccentric, andimportant, that Ten Guineas have been offered for a tingle copy ; and as butvery, few are come down to Manchefter, Ladies and Gentlemen who are verycurious, fhould inftantly fend for them,

+4-f He takes the trouble of compoling and publifhing the following books,Bcc. and of fubmltting to the almoji injuppoi tablefatigue of attending to the cafes offrom 50 to 200 lick, lame, and difeafed people every day, Sundays excepted,all for the good of his fellow-creatures, for the high and exquilite fatisfa&ion hefeels in his own mind, in doing fo much real and important good to the bodiesand to the fouls of mankind *, and, if poffible, to promote the honour and gloryof that moll tremendous and moll incomprehenlible BEING. 1 whofe tendermercies are over all his works! whole favour is Life, and Light, and Joy uu-fpeakable ! and whofe Rewards are, like HIMSELF I eternal.

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BOOKS publifted by JAMES GRAHAM, M. D.■1 8 .

Prefidtnt of tlie Council of Health ! Sole Proprietor, and principal DireXot ofthe Temple of Health ! in Pall-Mall., near the King’s Palace, London.

This day are puhlifhed, I. A new Edition , being the fxih, price 3.;. Qd. of the pre/tnitrifling, abjurd, and inejfehlnal State ofMedical Ptatlice exhibited ; with a full Ac-count of Dr. Graham's Travels, Difcoveries ,

Improvements, Method of treating Dif-enfcs, Temple of f Jealth I and GrandEleUlrica! Apparatus, be. be. which eoji upwardsof twelve thoufand poundsfleeting.TO this edition is added a Treatife on Medical Mnfic, a DifftiHation on the

Ufes and Abides of the Sea Waters, and of the MedicalDifcipline or GauntletofBath, Aix-la-Chapelle, the German Spa, had of the great Watering Places inEngland ; a complete dekription too is given of Dr. Graham’s Medico-Ek£lricalApparatus ; and to the whole are added, above an hundred and ten recent andremarkable cures, in moll kinds of Difeafes and LamenefTes, wrought by Dr.frahtmuj methods, many of which he had the honour of performing

of by, the\and-u ilting of her Grace theDuchefs of Devonmire, .the Right cer, the Right Hon. LadyClermont! His mol Serene Highnefs Frederick Prince of Hclle-Gaffel ! tailSpencer! and many others of the full Nobility, both in Church and State, inEurope ; who, for the encouragement of the afflicted, and the general benefit ofmankind, were pleafed, voluntarily and unjhkciled, to honourDr. Graham with theabove-mentioned certificate.

The whole interfperfed with fuch obfervations, reflexions, and precepts, me-dical, philofophical, moral, and religious, as are neceffary for the prefetvationof Health and long Life in this world, and for the attainment of happinefs andglory in future hates of exiftence !

H. An AbftraX of the above book, with an abridgement of many additionalcures, to which arc fubjoiaed many curious and eutei tabling particulars. Pike 6d.

111. The Chriftian s Uuiverfal Prayer. Price 6d.IV. Hebe Veftlna s! celebrated LeXure, as delivered by her from the Electiical

Throne in the Temple of Health, inLondon. Prices 2s. 6d.V. Dr. Graham’s celebrated Lecture, on the generation, increaic, and im-

provement of the human fpecies. Price 2s. 6d.VI. Dr. Graham’s celebrated Sermon, preached at Edinburgh, on the refur-

reXiou 6f the body, and the immortality of the foul. Price 6d. The fourthedition.

VII. Dr. Graham's Private Medical Advice to Ladies and Gentlemen-^—-tothofe efpecially who are not blelfed with children fealed tip. Price oneGuinea.

In which, fuch plain, Ample, natural, and effe&ual meaty; for removing thecaufes of barrcnnefs in both (exes, as never before were recommended, or evenperhaps thought of, in any age or nation, are pointed out. Containing iike-wife, prefcriptiohs and diretdious foi a fpecdy and peifttfl recovery after feveremifearriages and lyings in for recruiting and renovating decayed and worn-out confiitutions ahd, in a word, for enjoying jnvenilc (Length, under thecontroul of wildom, and the divine influence of mental happinefs, kreniryamlpeace. The whole iuterfperfed with fuch precepts and directions as will, H dulyattended to, make man and wifefweeler, lovelier, and MORE DESIRABLEin the eyes of each other——the Lady becoming a healthy and happy mother !

~ and, if naturally healthy, well-formed and difpoied a fnowy rock of

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HeaiTh, fludded as it were with and ftreaked with celeflial blue ! Thewhole comprifed in eight large folio'*|biges.

VIII. The Guardian of Health, Long Life, and Happinefs! or Dr. Gra-ham s general Diredlons as to Regimen, Bcc. and lor the cure or relief of nervous,fcoibmic,fcrophuious, boilious, gouty, rheumatic, and wafting difeafes, addreffedto every reafonable and candid man and woman, who willies to be healthy, re-Iptdable, and truly happy. The whole in two very large folio pages, fealed up,only is. though if followed, is above all price.

I hole for the Female Sex muft be alked for particularly, being different infeveral refpecls from tliofe for Gentlemen.

All the above are to be had at Dr. Graham’s apartment; in Mancheftcr ;

and as but a few are now to be had, thofe who having read the firft fix of the ar-ticles, and who chide to return them, will have the whole of their money return-ed ; exc. pt only for the Private Advices, and the Guardian of Health, bothTcaled up.

Any or all of thefollowing Articles ofDr. Graham’s Domejiic Cabinet ef appropriatedand approved MEDICINES, are to be had at the Debtor's Apartments in AUgiche/lez,

iff. IMPERIAL PILLo ! Or uuivcrfa# Family Medicine : being a fpeedyand abfolutely infallible cure for all bilions, gouty, and rheumatic complaints,however complicated or blended in the blood, or however long and deeply root-ed in the couftitwtion* The title of Imperial was given to them to mark theirhigh and decided fuperiority over all the Analeptic, Scotch, or flomach Flits,Daffy’s Elixir, MagneGa Alba, and other alterative and opening medicines thatperhaps ever were invented, or which are now ufed in the world. In all weak-neffes, oppreffions, flatulencies, cholicky gripings, want of appetite, flitches inthe fide, and windy diftenlionsof the ftomach and bowels, efpeciaily when thofcuneafy and tormenting complaints proceed from venereal relics, fcorbuuc, gouty,rheumatic, or bilious humours, fretting, corroding, and irritating the nervouscoats of the ftomach and bowels, fouriug the food, and preventing eafy balfamicdigefiion *, or from heats, acidities, crudities, and indigeflions, occalioned byfull and foul feeding on fifh and other animal food, exceuive drinking of flrougand bad wines, fpirituous or malt liquors, foreign tea, Bcc. or Irom heats andcolds, or furfeits ; irregular and late hours as to fleep •, want offreffi air, due exer-cife and perfpiration, Bcc. See. in all faeh cafes, the Imperial Pills are conftantlyfound to give immediate relief, and by a regular and gentle perfeverance inthe ufe of them, a perfect and lafling cure will affurediy be obtained.

Dr. Graham, from long and very extenfive experience, from the daily encreaf-ing fale, and from the praifes and continual fending for more of thefe Pills, byevery one why has once ufed them, ventures to affure the Public, folemnly be-fore GOD ! and upon his honour, that they are, in his opinion, the fafeft, heft,and moll efficacious operating Family Medicine in the whole world, for effedual-ly curing nil the above difeafes and complaints; and he wall forfeit Ten Gui-neas' to any perfon who takes them properly, if they will fwear or declare thatjhey have found no benefit from them. No perfon who once ufes thefe moftprecious and mpft efficacious of all other Pills in the world, will ever be withoutthem. The Dodor is perfuaded, that even the pooreft perfon in England whois fubjecl to any of the above complaints or difeafes, and who has ever ufed thePills, will rather pawn or fell their deaths, or even go without their ufual foodor drink, than be without them in their houfe, or in their pockets, as theymav be taken in the colcleft and wetteft weather, and even when uling the cold

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bath, at all times, and under any circumftance whatever, withoutany danger fromcold, ordinary food, drink, Bcc. In reality thefe Pills are unique; they arepofleffed of virtues which no other Laxative Medicine in the world poff fifes ;

for they never leave the body in the leall cohive, which all other purgative me-dicines do. It is well known, that whatever medicine or food, caufes evacua-tion by ftool, it fupprefifes or leffens the quantity of Urine and perfpiratiou, atthe time of its operation ; and the fame of diuretic medicines, which alwayschecqne evacuations by ftool, during their operations ; but thefe Imperial and modprecious Pills, promote and increafe the difeharges of both ftool and urine, at thefame time, mod eafily, mod plentifully, and without the leaft difturbance, heat,{training, or inconveniency of any kind to nature, or to her other functions andoperations. It is very remarkable that thefe Pills give an additional doctor tothe excrements, and the fragrant odour of the fweeteft and frefheft rofes, liliies,violets, pinks, and wall-flowers, to the urine.

The learned, opulent, and truly humane Governor H. who, for feveral yearspart, has bought vaft quantities of the Nervous Balfam, Imperial Pills, &c. fenta few days ago from Bath, for fix guineas worth of the Pills alone, and his Ex-cellency in his polite aud obliging Letter, declares, that they are the mildeft,fafeft, and mod efficacious medicines he ever in his life experienced.——Andthis flattering acknowledgement is corroborated by the teftimony of a high Dig-nitary of the Church, and of thoufands of perfons of worth, credit, and foundjudgment in London, and in vs*jjous parts of thefe three kingdoms, as well as inthe Eaft and Weft-Indies, and America, who have ufed them, and who willnever be without them in their families; in a word, no perfon who onceufes them, will ever, on any account, be without them, and their whole foulwill for ever blefs Dr. Graham lor thus carnelily recommending them, and thefollowing medicines.

2d. ANTISCORBUTIC ESSENCE! or the Univerfal Sweetenerand Purifierofthe Bloodand Humours: for the fafe, fpeedy, and infallible cure of a//fcorbmlc,leprous, fcrophulous, rheumatic, venereal, and even cancerous diforders, how-ever complicated, hereditary, or rooted in the conftitution. Scorbutic eruptions,pimples, fudden chills and flulhings, fore eyes, difeharges of matter from theear, Saint Anthony’s fire, tetiers, and wring-worms on the face and other parts,which appear redder and paler, better and worfe ; fcald heads too, the raoft in-veterate itch, feurfs, fcabs, blotches, itchings, and inflamed, hard, and bleedinglumps in the fleffi in coufequence of fcratching, fpongy and bleeding gums, andeven when the fliarpnefs, faltnefs, and foulnefs of the humour has eat down thegums from the teeth, loofening and rotting thofe most useful ornaments, andoccafioning little ulcers in the mouth, throatand tongue ; in the piles too, fiftula;,fwellcd and knotty legs, 8c old-callous ill conditioned fores •, in all fcrophulous fwel-lings and ulcerations of the neck, throat, and joints of the limbs, even when theevil has affeffed every gland and joint in the body, and where many bits of thebones have exfoliated, and the difordcr has wafted the patient to a fkcletoo, andaffefted the lungs themfelves, this moft powerful and moft excellent Effenct,aflifted externally by the Vegetable Balfam, has fpeedily aud radically cured all thefores and fwellings, and reftored the worn-out patient to perfect health andftrength ;—and thefe two medicines never have, and cannot fail, if judiciouflyand perfeveringly ufed, to cure moft radically and laftingly all fcorbutic, venereal,and leprous dtfordeis, even when the miferable fpeffacles have been covered withfeurf, fcabs, and rawneis all over, from the top of the head to the toes, andwhen every other human means have been tried in vain. This admirable andmolt precious Eflence may lately be taken at Sea, or on Land journies,- in thecoldell or wetteft weather, and require no confinement, and only a legimett ofdiet fimple, mild, and moderate.

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gd. VEGETABLE BALSAM ! an external application, for cooling, clcanf-hig, and healing eveiy outwatd malady 10 which the body and limbs of humanBeings aie liable. All red and painful jhelunatic fweflmgs, all itchings and in-flammations; allfcorbutic, upd kpious feurfs, fcabs, tetters, ring-worms,and the mod inveterate itch ; fealds, worms in the face or uofe,—-all diforders ofthe private parts and fundament, fuch as venereal ulcers, warts, cancers,raXvjaefs, fppnginefs, fweliings, foulnefs, fmaiting, erofions, ulcers, piles,and fifiujae, and all feurfy fwellnigs, difculouriugs, and old fores of thehgs and feet; and, in (horf, every toul. fulfome, or unfecmly appearanceson the external parts of the human body and. limbs, are initani!y relievedand altered for the better, both to the fight and feeling, and as (peedilyas the nature of the cafe will admit of, fafely and nip ft perfedly cured.No poultice whatever Ihpuld ever be applied to any part without more or lefsof this moll aftoniftiing and moil precious Vegetable Balfam in it, or on the top ofit. It will do wonders by ope fingie application, it makes the reddeft andfo»left part as cool and pale as the breaft of a chicken ; and although there is notone particle of that deadly mineral lead in the compofition, yet it is peculiailyfciviceable in all the cafes in which Goulard s Vegcto-Mineral Water, Pomade,Elder and White-Lead Ointment, and cerates arc ufed and recommended. Ifinftantly eafes, and very fpeedily cures all itchings, forenefs, lumps, warts, andpiles about the fundament: and wonderfully cools, heals, and fills up the partsthat have been ftemed, ravaged, and tat down jay the fmali-pox.

N. B. By thoroughly wafhiug the parts with'this Vegetable Balfam. both before.lire; immediately after connection with a difeafed or fufpe&ed per (on, all poflibl-lity pt receiving any, even the flighted infection, is with abfolute infallibilityprevented.

4th. /E FHEREAL AMBER ! a balmy aromatic penetrating outward applica-tion; which often inftantly eafes, and frequently perfectly cures old rheumatifms,fpafms, cramps, old palsies, gouty callous fweliings, strains, aches, pains,weakneffes, and vvafliugs, and all ftiffnefs, contractions, and fhrinkings of tirefmews, and feeblenefs of the joints; and all, fpafms, and pains of thehead, meek, back-bone, and loins, as well as the fciatic or hip gout, and limpingor leaning to one fide through too fall growing, and other weakneffes. But inpalfies, flrains, cramps, fpafms, and old gouty or rheumatic pains and weakneffes,the Mthereal Amber has not its equal perhaps in the whole circle ofnature !

sth. PEARL ESSENCE! tor clcanfing, evacuating, and healing all ulcers,cankers, cancers, and fpulneffes of the mouth, tongue, and throat,-—and for thecertain cure of all the pains and foulnefs of the teeth and gums. In a few timesufing, it efiedually cures the moft fevere tooth-acP, and reftores the gums thatbleed, and have been ale away from the roots of the teeth, making the gumsplump, firm, and of the fine coral colour ; it makes the teeth beautifully white,flops all decays and rottennefs, and fallens fuch as are loofe, and as are apt to fallopt without pain. The moll offenfive breath is foon made delicately frefh, bal-my a.ndfwcet, and the injuries that mercurial medicines, common timfiures, pow-ders, and other dentifarices, and hot applications to cafe the tooth-ach havecccafioned, are, as far as it is poffible, fpeedily and effe£lually remedied. For

„«U thefc defiiabk and molt valuable purpofes the Pearl Efjence (which is chieflya vegetable preparation) has not it equal in the world, as many of the principalpobddy and gentry of thefe kingdoms have long and moil happily experienced.

(ith. NERVOUS AL FHEREAL BALSAM! or the balmy Bracer of weakNerves,and relaxed Fibres : being a reftorative JElhereal Oil, or firengthening Bal~

Jam, for renovating and nourifhing decayed and worn-out confutations. If thereader can conceive of the richejt, purelt, and moll ftrengthing parts of all diecordial, bracing, and nourifhing things he is acquainted with in nature being ex-

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traded, purified, exalted, and concentrated into a fmall compafs, by tbe irrefifl-ib!e powers of pure tether, vegetable juices, and the eleitrica! or celeftial fire, hemay alfo conceive -of the nature and properties of this mod precious Balfam,which inflantly cures all thofe lelTcr nervous complaints, occafioned by tea, coffee,bad wine, and pernicious fpirituous and grofs malt liquors. In paifies, falut-ings, Jowriefs ot fpirits too, in head-achs, tingling of the ears, dimuefs of fight,lof.snf memory, apoplexies, conventions, hyflenc fits, in inward finkings, empti-nels, and decavs of nature, and in all thofe tormenting lingering fevers, heats andchi Him fit s, and in thofe tremors and quiverings of body, and refilcfs anxieties,baitings, dread, horrois, gJoominels, diicontent, and unfettlednefs of mind, whenthere is no real or apparent i talon or caufe, but which proceed from an irregularcirculation of the blood and animal fpirits, or from fpafms, debility, or relaxa-tion ol ihe neivous (yftem, this Ballam will always be found of im-mediate lei vice, and by a gentle and perfevering courfe of it, and a few of theimperial Pills, a pcrlect and lading cure will in general be obtained ; becaufeby thcle two Medicines the blood and juices aie purified, jweetened, tempered,aud brought to a pure fluid fate •, while thefolids arc braced up and {Lengthen-ed ; tlie genial vital waimth promoted; the animal fpirits increafcd and invigo-rated; and the nerves Breathed, nourifhed, ffeadied, and firmly colled rip.Low, nervous, and putrid Fevers have been cured by it when the Patient hasbeen fenfelcfs and in the very article of Death. Indeed the nervous Siberia!baifarn has been for many years univerfaliy acknowledged to be by very far,and one ot the moil cxbiieratihg. *uti'fpafmodic, bracing, reftorative, (Lengthen-ing, and consequently analeptic u.cdicines in the world infinitely fupenortoTea, Coffee, the common tinctures of the bark, valerian, caftor, faffron, laven-der, Sec.—-rand infinitely more cordial and mild than the burning inflammatoryfairs, and fiery ietid fpirits of hartfhom, eau de luce, fa l volatile, aud all the li-queurs, diams, and cordials, foreign and domeftic, which biing on habits of dram-drinking and drunkennefs, only bewitching and giving a mere .temporaryrelief, which mull foon give way to additional horror, daiknefs, dejection anddt fpair ;—whereas this mod piecious zEthcrial Balfam aids like a frefh andjudicious fupply of fine oil to an exhaulfed, ticmulous. and expiring Lamp, orlike the genial - comfonings of a Summers Sun! but producing no com-motion or other fenfible operation, than a more genial and brilker flowof tlie blood and animal fpiilts,-—and that fpecies of peimanent contentment,thankfulnd's, and benevolent gladnefs of heart, which makes us happy in our-feives, and agreeable to ail about ns.

yih. PRCIORAL BALSAM! for Colds, Goughs, Afthmas, Confump-tions, and all the diforders of the Breaft and Lungs. It is chiefly, by God’sbleffmg on the ufe of this mild, rich, and refioiative medicine, and by attendingto.the advices given with it, that Dr. Graham is daily moie fnccefsftsl than anyothrtr Phyfician, peihaps without exception, in the world, in curing Afthmas,Confurnptions, Coughs, Sorencfs, Whcezings, lliaitnefs and tightnefs acrofs thebreaft, hoarlenefs and lofs of the natuial voice, and it is moll happily andnoli thankfully known to many hundred perlons in this Iftand, that Dr. Gra-ham, with the Divine bleffuig, has cured, radically cured many perfons, maleand female, in deep declines, when the lungs have been evidently ulcerated,and when they have been given up by their friends for Death, and by the mofteminent of the medical faculty. Every week, indeed, he has the exq«ifite—-the inexprelilble pitafure of.feeing or of hearing of amiable, worthy, and ufe-ful perfons being fnatched from the grave, and leftored to themfelves, to theirFiiends, and to all the blcffings of life and good health, by the judicious andperfevering ufe of this truly Pectoral, healing, and nouviftiing Balfam ! and by theufe of the pcdoial heibs, and other things recommended in the printed diredtionsgiven with each bottle, which directions alone are worth more than a Guinea.

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A common cold, cough, fpittiug, and forenefs of the throat, breaft, andlutigs. are cured in a few days by this fovereign Balfam; and the more con-firmed and dangerous difeafes of thole vital parts are iuflantly relieved and fre-quently foundiy cured, by perfevering for the neceffary length of time in itsjudicious ufe : Even when in the Afthma the patient, choaked with Phlegm,

and cor.V’uHed with fpafms, cannot lie down at all in Bed, and in pulmonarvConfumptions, when v'aft quantities of matter are fpit up, whew the ulcerated oradhering lobes of theKings will not fuffer tliem to lie down at all, efpecially on onefide, when coughing, and night, ov rather morning Iweats, laxity of body, fwellcdlegs, hectic (hive-rings, burningfevers. and univesfal weaknels, indicate a fpeedy dif-folution and releafe;-— even in thefe hopelefs andjin general remedilefs cafes, thePectoral Balfam always relieves and lengthens out comfortably the life) and oftenfailifted as above mentionedlcomplctely cures the alloniflied and delightedPatient,

Bth. SOLVENT AND EXPELLER OF THE STONE AND GRAVEL!This balfamic and rethcrial medicine affords the moft fpeedy and moft certaincafe and relief in the above moft excruciatingly painful and moft dangerousdifeafes. -Befides the great number of very extraordinary and well atteftedcures in the above cafes, that appear in my books of cures ; a refpeflable Gentle-woman a few days ago brought to me about two tea-cwpfuls ofredifh pink land,which three dofes of this medicine brought away from her after a large quan-tity of (kins and white matter, and Ihe is now perfetftly free from the violentagonies of pain, (braining, and frequent needing, which made her cries andmourning extremely dreadful to even diftant ne’.hbours, as well as to her ownfamily. In moft painful, and immediately dangerous fuppreffions and in-confinency of urine ; in excruciating pain of the back on the leaft motions; inforcings and dreadful (trainings to evacuate a fpoonful, or even a few drops ofurine, purulent, bloody, Ikinny, and mixed ; in fpafms, palfies, rawnefsand fore fpongynefs of the neck of the bladder; and in the •onfirmedlioue or (tones in the bladder; this inftantly and moft wonderfully penetratingfud fearching medicine, never fails in giving relief, and feldom fails, if longand judlcioufly continued, to promote a complete, or at lead a comfortablecure.

Qili, BRITISH DROPS! a fafe, fpeedy, radical, and infallible fpccihe An-tidote againftthe Venereal Difeafe, in all its liages and degrees, from a recentfimpie injury or clap, lo tlie mod complicated; molt confirmed, and mod frightfulPox : without fallvation, hindrance of bufinefs, reftralnts, orconfinement, as havebeen abundantly and decidedly proved by the happielt and moll extenfive ex-perience of many years; for it is well known that for feyeral years paft Dr.Gkauam has made this univerfal and all poifoning malady, and the weak-ness. B<c. of the parts of Generation of both fexes his very particular ftudy;imd that he has had far more extenfive, and more fuccefsful experience in thishnc than any other man without exception in the world: One fingle ss. vial ofthe BiitifhDrops, inwardly taken, amia 2s. 6d. one of theVegetable Balfam outward-ly applied, generally cures complcatiy a receutand flight injury. All other publicailtl private medicines in the world, are lor thefe purpofes either ti idlingand inade-quate, or harfli and deadly, when compared to the miidnefs, fpeedinefs,and radicalcertainty of thefe extraordinary and moll precious Drops! ■—which never gripe ortear the (lomach or bowels, nor afiect the mouth or gums as the deadly falrne prepa-rations of that dangeious mineral Mercury do, which are daily admiiuftered tothe ruin of the beft .and ftrongeft confutations, and lo the Jofs of thoufands ofvaluable lives daily, in one part of the world or another: for aliho’ a patientmay not die immediately under the operation of that wondetful, almighty,yet as it is commonly ufed, rnoft deadly medicine, it neverthelefs proves theprimary or remote caufe of the moil diftrefiing weaknelles, and of thofe lowncivoua complaints which wear out life with the moft tedious wretchednefs, or

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of t’nofc confumptions, nervous atrophies, dropfies, pi’lfi(js, &:c. which puta fpeedy, yet untimely period, to their mifctable exlfteuce. No: thele admi-rable Drops, which are at leaft a million times more valuable an-d more impor-tant to the health and happinefs of mankind (if properly and univerfa'ly ufed)than any difcovery or addition to the materia medica that ever dignified thehealing art; are fo gentle, benign, and friendly to the human frame, thatwhile they fubdue, eradicate,. and expel the miafrn, virus, or venom, whichtwills its roots fo ohfiinatcly about every nerve and fibre in the whole frame,contaminating the blood and juices, and Waiting health, vigour, beauty, andhappinefs, thefe moll powerful and mofl precious fpecific Drops, com-foit and brace the nerves, preferve the balmy texture of the blood from oeiwgdilfolvcd or broken down, removing eficClually ell obfit unions, and inducingthat free chculation of the blood and animal fpirits, and that harmonious andreciprocal action of the lolids and fluids upon each other, which at once con-ftitule good health of body, ferene, lively gaiety of difpofition. and perma-nent happinefs of mind ! and are lo innocent, that they are daily taken byinfants, and by the mod delicate Women, during the whole coinfe of theirpregnancy. No ptudent Gentleman who has reafon to be fufpictous and un-eafy in his mind, and who has an Eye to a happy marriage, and to an healthyoffspring, thould negltCl to go thro' a (hotter or longer coinfe of the firitifhDrops to eradicate every latent particle and tinge of ihis vile lurking ddorder,and of the following moll rich and precious Bracing Refforatlve Balia in to expeland repair the ravages of the mercury they have taken, to ftrengthen, buildup, and re-juvenate their virile powers, and to fortify, embalm, and animatetheir conftitution, and mental faculties.

loth, the bracing balsam,- or restorative orientalAND BRITISH BALM ! for the cffeClual cure of gleets, feminal weaknelfts,debility and impotency in men; and for the whites, bearings down, flooding**,weakuefies, mtfcarrlages. and barrennefs in women. This rich fovereignlv ve-florative medicine, being perfeClly fafe and friendly to the human body, maybe taken at all times, and under every oircumffance, in larger or fmalier quali-ties, and oftner or feldomer, as by experience the patient fjmis be If. In gene-ral, one tea-fpoonfal twice a day, in a cup of'cold water, milk, or any gene-rous white wine. fuch as Tent, Sack, Canary, Monmaiu, Madeira, or Raifiuwine, will be fufficient: But in cafes of great vveaknefs, wafting and finkingunder excefilve drains and difeharges in either fex, even double the above quan-tity may be taken. In flight cafes, ten or twenty drops twice a day, on a lumpof fugar, or in a glafs of capillaire and water, will be found to agree belt, andto produce ftrength, firmnefs, fpirits, braced nerves, and balmy permanentvigor in the genital parts of both fexes.

Although that all gleets and feminal weaknefTes in both fexes, proceedingfrom frequent, latent, ill-cured, or neglected venereal infections, or from loadsof the harfh preparations of mercury, faiivations, frequent and violent purg-ing, too early, too freement, or excefilve ftraining in venereal pieafures, orfrom mere weaknefs and fimple relaxations of the parts-; although, I fay,that all fuch cafes are completely cured, and firmly braced up, by a prudent, per-fevering ufe of tin's moll ftreugthening and mod reftorativc Balfam, yet its goodefleCls have been traufcendently manifelled in refloriug to bodily health amiftrength, and to mental fertility and compofure, thole unfortunate perfons ofeither fex, who. have ruined their conftitutions, and debilitated, zuy alirjoff.obliterated, their mental faculties, by that accurfed vice, felf-po'iution, orfecret-felfilh venery, which is the ctnfe of fchools, and the deadly bane ofthoughtlefs inexperienced youth ; linking them into that abyfs of vveaknefs,honor, defpair, and wmchednel's, from which a patient and perfevering uicof this precious Bracing balfam, affiffed with air, eyercife, fweet hard ilraw

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beds, very early rifing, cold-bathing, and a rich vegetable and milk diet,and eternal forbearance, fo cdedually and fo happily raifes them ; in fhort, itrall cafes of latent infedion, gleets, weaknt-ffes, debility, relaxation, anddoubling anxiety arid apprehenfions ofmind, THIS, one of the i defied of all me-dicines that ever was, or ever perhaps can he prepared by human ait, ingenuity,and experience, may be called the Fountain of Life ! the rock and Inundation ofbodily health and drengih I and a modgenial and ficady Sun chearing and illumi-nating the irudledual faculties !

I tth. CEPHALIC POWDER I a fafe, fpeedy, and in general certain curefor Fits, Spahns, lownefs, honors, moping roeianciioly, and all violent con-vulfive and other nervous affedions, whether of the fainting, Hyderical, Le-thargic, Apopledic, Epileptic, or Maniacal kind ; but efpecially for perio-dical Gonvulfion Fits ot long handing, and that have tefilled all other humanmeans. This rich, mild, dcadying. autifpafirjodic, and mind clearing andilluminating powder, gives immediate relief, and by the patient, prudent, andpeifevering nfe of it generally perfedly cures and prevents any return of theabove mod dreadful, molt Chocking, and mod dangerous ot ah the Difeafes,to which poor mortals are liable, eVsn when attended with extreme mazmeGor giddiuds of the head, fleepinefs. low nervous Atrophies, and torpid du-pidnefs of the mental poweis ; -when all tire animal faculties are impairedby a gradual decay or benumbing of the vital Stamina , when the nervous Syf-tera is become dry, drriveied, relaxed, and tremulous, when the mind isbecoqne a wild black chaos of fenfeleffnels, anguifh, horror, and defpair, andlife itfelf a burthen, —— a weary and painful load that the miferable patientWould gladly, nay fometimes, impioudy and fatally vtnimes to lay down

N, B. While the perfon is under a courfe of the above Powder, it fhouldbe omitted, and fome of the nervous flEtheical Balfarn diouid ’fic taken for threedays before the change and the full of the moon.

I2ih. ETHEREAL AMBROSIAL QUINT-ESSENCE OF GOLD ! HO-NEY ! ROSA SOLIS! or sun-dew ! for nouridiing and re-juvenatingthe Body, chearing and illuminating the mind, for preventing and remedyingthe decays and evils of old age, and mod happily lengthening out human lifeto the longed poffible period of our mortal Exigence !

The difeoyery, right preparation, and perfcGing tin’s mod noble, mod trulyDivme Medicine were Dr. Graham’s chief and Indeed favourite dudy and bufi--nefs for upwards of ten years. He purfned It with all the ardor of tnihufiafm,and with all the confidence of Sncctfs! and it was chiefly with the view ofbringing this favourite projetd to the highed excellency of per fedion and ule-fulnefs, that he hefitated not to expend upwards of Twelve Tholrl'and PoundsSterling in conftrudiug and embellifhing an Adepti Al-chymlcal, and Medico-eledrical and Philofophleal Apparatus infinitely luperior to any thing that nowis, or that ever was in the world.

This mod generous Medicine! the bails of which is an Amaigamaof the pured Virgin G01d,., piepared under the alternate, and fometimes com-bined influences of concentrated folar rays, light, or heat ! and condcnledeledrical fire I and which is neither a water, noi an oil, nor a fpirit but a balmyfflthereal fomewhat ! may with Phiiofqphical trutlr, and Hermetic cor-rednels, be called Potable Gold! Gondenied Light! a Macrocofmic Effence !the mild and harmonious fird matter or foul of the Elements; or Quint-effcutialSpirit of the Univerfed and is in reality a compendium or concentration ol allthe balmy Aroma’s that the four quarters of tire Globe produce ! an ab-dracl. and aggvegata fixation of the: Adral or Gcledial Influences ! and in aword, the mod precious Secret oTNature and of Art, agreeable to the true

principles of the Hermetic and Rofie-crufian Philofophers! all of whom ! byby the Divine bledlng on this peifedion of human Art, prolonged their ex-

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iilence on Earth many centuries,• —and the profound, the CuhUme Artephucs \

(well known to llie learned) extended his life to One Thoufirnd and Twenty-fiveyears !•—-——Every learned man knows that in all countries and in all ages of theAVorld, the higheft, richeft, and mofl wonderful Medicinal Virtues have beenaferibed to Gold ! and no one has ever attempted to deny, what every oneknows to be true, namely, that Gold is the only fixt, perfect, and incorruptiblefubflance in nature that mankind is acquainted with. It is malleableand duftilebe-yond all other things in nature; it never ruffs nor is in the Icafi altered in its appear-ance, when pure, if expofed to air, &c. for even the longed fpace of time; andwhen it is put into a Giafs-Houfc, or into any other furnace, and afted uponfor Twenty years together, day and night, by the mod intenfe fire that humanart can raife, it comes out pure, petfccf, and unaltered, without having lofl thejthoufandth part of a grain of its original weight. This mod precious andmod pci fed mil adc of nature 1 this vifiblc type or emblem of the incorrup-tibility and immutibllity of God kuvisexf ! could never have been produced orcreated, and fo tranfceudeully dignified by the Supreme, mhnitely wife, and in-finitely good God ! for no other life than as a medium of traffic, to pafs fromone vile, ignorant, avaricious andfanguinary hand to another, when all purpofesof Commerce, See. can be anfwered by paper or by the bafermetals, No. Thegreat and GoodSovereign Cicator and Preferver of the Univcrfe ! who creates no-thing in vain, and who hath kindly imprefled upon every animal, and plant, andmineral, and thing, a true fignature of iis defign and ufes I Signatures per-fectly legible and intelligible to thole humble, wife, pious, and patient Souls whotake nature and the Divine Light for their Guide, and who reverentially, andfrom goodmotives, dive into and explore, the great myflefies and defigns of Pro-vidence ! that are hid from vulgar, prefumptuous, impious, and carnal Eyes.Thus Gold ! the mofl perfect, and the mofl incorruptible, becaiife the moll equalin its parts, of all the vifiblc things that God hath created, gives forth its lra;iTfeendent and Divine qualities to a proper rnenflnuin, and confummate Art, asthe mofl deeply and mofl humbly learned Adepts in Alchymical Science in ailages have happily found, and molt thankfully and foberiy experienced; by itsinltamly killing all difeafe, harmonizing all dlfcoid. inducing equality and a dueremperament in and between the folids and fluids of the human body, in whichgood health coufifts; cheating and illuminating the mind, wardingoff the decaysand evils of old age, and mofl; happily lengthening out human life to the verylongeflpoflible period of exiflence, longer or fhortey, however, according to the fla-mina or conftilution they received from tne parents and progenitors from whomtheyfprung. But the the piefumption, and the vain and faife refine-mems of modern Medicine and PhllofppKy who have taken the darknefs of merehuman reafon for their Light, and the amufing jargon qf Sholaffic Syflems andHypothefes for their Guide, have wandered from the Divine Light ofpurity, fimplicity, and eternal Truth, and not Jefs fatally than loolilhly,have departed from the too obvious, and all-bleffing iimpllcity of nature, amihave impioufly and ablurdly dared to attempt to force Her to bend and to aft ac-cording to their whims and unnatural cufloms and habits of thinking and afting.

As to the herb'Xofa Solis! or Sun-dew, ail the wife aildvcneiable Ancietitshave with one voice agreed that it is dignified with char afters and virtues abovethe whole vegetable World, and peculiar to itfell alone ! In it feein unitedand comprehended the force ancf healing virtues of all medicinal things; aridthe greateff Alchymiiis, Philotophers, and PhyGciaus, and elpccirlly the fuh-lime Rolie-Crucian Fraternity, have bound tbemfelvesby the mqft fotemn, an 1mofl tremendous Oath, not to utter or divulge in ihctr Books or Writings, thetrue preparation of theirAurum Potabde, the Liquid Sou! of Gold! or the admi-rable Quinl-eflence of this Sovereign Herb! in order that Kings, Tyrants, andtheir Minifters might not live for ever, needlefsly and wjmlonly taxing, opprefl-iiig and maffacreing the idiot People, nor the more opulent and crafty Pricfls arid

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Churchmen to laught at, fleece, and keep in Egyptian ignorance, Cimmerian clark-nefs, their filly filly fheep. Upon Rcfa Solis, the gloiious Sun which is the life, thefoul, and the joy ofevery thing in this vaft inconceiveableSyftem,both animate andinanimate {to fpeak according to our blindnefs and naAow comprehenfionS, forevery thing without exception in nature is in reality endowed with both lifeand motion]—-—upon this herb, onplaces of the Earth remote from all human artand diflurbancc, the thrice GloriousSun (beds his moft genial beams, and poursout his moft vita! and falutary influences, as he doth upon the Diamond in hisfecrethed, and upon Gold in the veins of the Mine ; in fuch a meafure, and infuch fort, as he himfelf furmonnts and excels all other Planets in the Heavens.All curious and deep Botanifts and Naturaliftsknow, that this herb is decked withanother colour, other leaves, firauger fhapes, and more miraculous appearancesthan any other herb or plant that grows. Like the Sun ! its colour is a rich red,divided with yellow rays or lines ; its ftiape is like a ftar, its proportion like a hea-venly planet, confifting too of feven branches: and its peculiar nature is fuch,that the hotter and drier the counixy, and the fiercer and more vehemently thatthe Sun dothfcorch and burn all other things, this herb at noon day is the moif-ter and more filled with dew ; iafomuch, that upon one Angle leaf will hang dif-tin&ly above a thoufand drops, as if it had been fpanglcd with the fleam of themoft brilliant water: and if the herb be ftruck with a twig or rod, and a flat glafsor china veffel be put under it to receive the liquor or dew, the Sun being m-tenfely hot, in lels than halfan hour the hair like Jibrilhe of the herb will he fullerof dew than before ; a-nd if ilbe ftruck even twenty times, it will fill be fpeediiyladen with the precious drops, although it cannot be. feeii or imagined fromwhence theyarife. ’Twas thefe marvellous appearances that no doubt firftfug-gefted its hidden qualities and mltaculouj Virtues. Some of the wifeft of theAncients have thought its efledts more divine than human, and declared it im-poffible that a perfoh fhonld ever have any ficknefs or difeafe, ever fink into de-cay, or languifh in the vale of years, who takes daily of this rich and moft re-florative Medicine, but that they fiall recover and retain the youthful bloom andperfection ofbody and ofmind that they enjoyed at the age ol thirty years : andfeme have gone fo far as to fay, that none need to die who the it daily, whencombined with the Quint-Effence of Gold, and exalted by the perfection of art.It is moreover attefted, noton/rto fecure a perfon from low (pints', caufelefs anx-iety, vain fears, reftleflnefs, tremors, and unreafonable apprehcfifions, and withcertainty againft apoplexies, convulfions, falling ficknefs, farmings. btuftlng ofblood veffels, confumptions, nervous waitings, andpalfes \ but likewlfe to guardand defend thofc who take it, from the power of all evil and malign (pints, and fromthe malice and cruel defigns of their avowed or fecret enemies among their ownfpecies; andfympatielically to attradl the benign and fiiendly influences and re-gards of all creatures, of good angels, and of both the vifible and invifiblc worlds I

As to the balmy, nouriftiing, and reftorative virtues of that ne&areousand am-brofial Liquor Honey ! it will be quite ueedlefs to fpcak ; fince tliey are fo wellknown, and fo happily and univerlully experienced by almoft every individualof the human race. It is the richeft, mildeft, moft and moft high-ly exalted extra# or Quint-Effence of all the falutary herbs and flowers, thatgrow in the world, which are firft exhaled or fublitned by the gentle and all-poiocr-ful chymiftry of Nature’s grand operator the Sun! from every thing that isbalmy, rich, and fragrant, and then condenfed, and let down as it were from thebofom of Heavew on the moft apt leaves and flowers, in what are very properlycalled HONEY-DEWS,” well known to every one who is convcrfant withcountry matters : and that this moft admirable, and moft invaluable of all Medi-cines without exception in the world, the JElhereal (hdnt-Ejfience ofiGold! Honey!and Rofa Solis I is indeed a rich, balmy and rnoft fubtile aggregate of thole moltprecious of all known things, is moft clearly evinced, not only by the wonderfully


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genial, exhileiating, rejuvenating, and luminous efidfls they conftantly produceon the bodies and minds of thole who take it judicioufly and pcrfeveringlyin the decline of Life ,

especially if their body and mind have been tornand exhaufled in their younger years, but is likewife vifibly and fenfi-b!y demonftrated toall the fenfks, by inftantly communicating joy and gladnefs tothe heart 1 brilliancy to the eyes! and to the breath and urine the bright yellowcolour and the fplendour of gold ! the rofy hue certain lights) of the RofaSolis , and the moll delightful odour and fragvancy of all the flowers, bloflbms,and leaves, from which the Virgin honey and its_ wonderful cells or combs, aregathered or extra&ed. No perfume, that is fold in the fhops, is halffo delicateand divine, as the breath and the, water of thofe who have the felicity of takingthis molt precious Ouint-Eflencc !

N. B. As the above Twelve Medicines were not endowed with their mod An-gularly excellent virtues, and revealed to Dr. Graham, through God's hleffingon his humble, long, and intenfe ftudy, with the defign of enriching or ag-grandizing himfelf, or any individual, but for the benefit of the human fpeciesat large, and to manifefl the goodnefs, and if poflible to exalt the glory of the all-wife, omnipotent, and fupremely good AUTHOR of them! Dr. Grahamfeels ittobe at once his duty, hispleafure, and his trueft and mod lafting inrereft, to fendthem forth into the world

, at prices fo low, as to be within the reach of even thelower ranks of the peopfe, and to difpenfe them gratis to worthy objeds, in cafesof great danger, and of real ijgabiiity to purchafe them.

The firft Eleven Medicines are fold in vials of ss. 3d. 2s. Bd. and One Shillingand Three-pence each ; and the Twelfth and laft, the highly celebrated Quint-Elfence, in vials of One Guinea, and Half a Guinea each ; each of the Medicinesbeing wrapt round with mod ample punted Directions for uiing them to the ut-moft advantage. Indeed the fimple, natural, and moft efficacious advices that arcgiven with each of the Medicines, are independently worth more than a Guinea.

All the above Twelve Medicines , and all Dr. Graham’s Books, Pamphlets, Bc c.are fold at Mr. PETER. BERRY’s and Go. in the Market-Place, Manchejler: batas Dr. Graham is a regularly bred PhyOcian, none of the Medicines that are foldby him, or at his Houfe or Apartments pay any duty, they therefore come cheap-er to the public, namely at is. 2s. 6d. and ss. but when they are bought ofatny other perfon the duty rnufl he paid as above.

THE fame and emolumentswhichDr. Graham has been, and daily is honouredwith, in confequence ofhis Angular fuccefs in curing difeafes, have placed him ma-ny years ago in a fphere which is an object of envy to the felfifh and narrow-minded part of the Faculty ; but which neither their envy, jealoufy, or meanartifices *, nor the falfe and wicked iufmuations of their friends and adherents,have been able to remove him from. As for the more learned, liberal, and dif-cerning part of the public ! they can readily diffinguilh true merit from pretendedknowledge. Cures recent, numerous, and important, are incontrovertible. Hisformer enemies aie now filent or applaud. His fuperiority is univerfally acknow-ledged. He rejoices in the friendfttip of the truly candid and learned world. Hefeafts on the approbation of his confidence ! which is the approbation of Goo Iand he bafks in the funthine ofhis intellectual and ineffable Light !

Perfcns labouring under Nervous, Confuraptive, Scorbutic, Venereal, Gou-ty, Rheumatic, Bilious, Dropfical, or any other confirmed and dangerous dif-order. or under the Stone and Gravel, or difeafed Eyes and Ears, are requeued toapply immediately, as Dr. Graham’sflay at Manchefler will be now only two weeks :

and fell any lick or ailing perfon fhould be fo thoughtlefs, and fo totally regardlefsof their own truefl and mod important intereft, as to negied this favourableand precious opportunity which they may never more be hlefled with. Dr. Gra-ham will take the liberty of exclaiming with thePoet,

yEque pauperibus prodeft, Locupletibus a?que vdiqne negledum pueris, fenibul’que uocebal

Page 16: Health! Soundness! Strength! And happiness! To the people! · 2015. 5. 12. · HEALTH! SOUNDNESS! STRENGTH! and HAPPINESS! to the PEOPLE! THEinhabitantsofManchejier, andofthe adjacenttowns

Sut to gixc ths fnlhft efficacy to ihele Medicines; and to be poflifled of alick treafu-ic !—of;a friendly guide and monitor tliro’ time, and ihro’ eternity, younaift 'put-chafe price only is. at ike places where this Medicine-is (old. The Guar-dian of Health ! Long Lift md Happiuds! -with a wffull account otattDr. Gra-ham's other Medicines; to which are added, the Chriftian's Umverfol Prayer, atketch of Dr- Gs. religious principles, and uvoral fculimcnts; and a Lilf of all hisBooks, Pamphlets, See. the whole compriled in 30 very laige oclavo pages.

An ACROSTIC, by. a LADY, lately cured ofNervous Wajiing\ fend Fatfy anD EiGN to accept, tlie tribute'which I owe,O nr grateful. joyful tear permit to flow ;

C an 1 be filem when good health is given PT fiat bill --that beft— that riche 11 gift of Heaven I

. O Mule I defeend, in raofi. exalted lays,R e.plete witJifoftqft notes, attune his praif’e,G en’iousby nature, matchlefs in thy fkiil !Rich in (he Gud-likc ait to eafe to heal !

Att blefs thy gifts ! the lick the lame- the blind.H ail thee 'with rapture for the cure they find 1A rrn’d by the DEITY with power divine,

Sept. 4. M ortals revere MIS attributes in thine ! J. B“ Lx fanis pulmonibus fpirant phthilici.”

A Tribute of a Clergyman cured of a Confimptinn.On hearing that Dr. GRA H A M intends retir ing to Edinburgh.

WILL GRAHAM go P who, born to blefs mankind,Gives health of body, firmnefs to the mind ;

Whole public merit to the world is knownWhofe private worth would dignify a throne !

Wnb ierife, politeHefx, elegance endu'd,Avcrfe to evil eager to do goodEffufive virtues from his hresff atilV,And loft companion Tparkles in his eyes !

Ye who have Teen——have prov’d bis fkiiful art,Will feel his abfence in a gi;ateful'heart;The echoing figh. the filent (peaking tear.Shall grace Ins memory to hundreds dear ;

Honour d——-efteem’d— he gains a deathlefs fam?.While Envy fickens at a GRAHAM’s name ! E. P.

By a Gentlemancured of a Complication of Diforders, Nervous , Venereal, and Scorbuticafter he had been deemed incurable by fame of theprincipal Phyjicians in London , ire. ire,

Sir, WHILE partial foes inccffantly declaim.And point their malice at difilnguith’d fame,Porgive an humble Bard, his wifh to praife,And with your excellence exalt his lays.

Lis yoursalone to point out nature’s laws,And from effeffs produce the real caufe.The force ofekflricky difplay.What will efh.6f, and what will difobey;The pow is of Phyfic you alone define.And Health’s fair Temple glows witli fire divine I

Proceed, great Sir, in (pile of pedant fools,Who judge from what they call eftablifh’d rules ;

Hold up the mirrour of thy matchlefs (kill.And prove that NATURE is your ohjetl Hill •,

Aug. 21, Fame join’d with lot tune fhall ihc truth advance,1784. And prove your do&rines not the works of chance. A. 7..
