Email : [email protected]; [email protected] Tel :+2347033204436 HEALTH SAFETY & ENVIRONMENT (HSE) PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTATION: A Practical Approach for Successful Construction in Africa” Gbolahan KAMIL. Abiodun, MSc., GradIOSH Principal HSE Engineer DeltaAfrik Engineering Ltd (A WorleyParsons Group) Lagos - Nigeria By

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“A Practical Approach for Successful Construction in Africa”

Gbolahan KAMIL. Abiodun, MSc., GradIOSHPrincipal HSE Engineer DeltaAfrik Engineering Ltd (A WorleyParsons Group)Lagos - Nigeria


� An Overview Of Africa And HSE Management Development

� Framework For Managing Health and Safety - Africa

� Health And Safety Regulations and Enforcement

� HSE Culture – Development and Engagement

� Safety Professional Responsibilities and Skill Set for Managing


� Approach In Influencing HSE Culture in Africa operations

� Importance Of Leadership Commitment, Effective

Communication and

� Relationship with Contractors for Successful HSE Performance




� Accidents rate experience a decline around the globe (ILO 2011) , an indication that business operations had focus attention on Health Safety and Environmental (HSE) management system.

� Nevertheless, workforce were observed to still experience unhealthy and unsafe working conditions that result in work related ill-health and accidents in the infrastructure construction sectors. This more prominent in Africa.

� A Study noted that:� Self-employment represent 70% of informal employment in sub-Sahara

Africa and 62% in North Africa,� 1/3 of total non-agriculture sector worldwide are self –employed. (ILO,


� Majority of workforces in this part of Africa are artisans providing services for infrastructure construction industry with no formal understanding of HSE requirements applicable to their area of competency.

� The construction industry was identified to pose highest risk of exposure and considered as the most hazardous industry costing billions of pounds annually in the UK economy.

OVERVIEW � An effective Health and Safety initiative is essential towards the long term

financial viability and reputation of the infrastructure construction Industry in Africa.

� Recent globalization and presence of top performing multinational organizations in Africa have given rise to the enactment and improvement on laws with regards to basic working conditions, occupational Health and safety standards among African states.

� However effective implementation of HSE is a major concern and driving small businesses or service providers to embrace HSE management system in their operations is always a difficult task in Africa and a challenge for multinational organizations that intend to harmonize HSE management processes across its locations worldwide.

� Organisational Leadership and Safety professionals have a major role to play in ensuring successful HSE Performance across their operation locations world wide.

Figure 1 is a systematic illustration of framework for HSE management and planning was identified as the key to successful implementation.

�HSE Planning is the control of risk and reaction to changing demands of both short and long impacts i.e. Health and environment includes:

� Country location or , � Socio-cultural workforce , � Regulations, � contract terms and conditions etc.

impacting on successful organization operations.

� Experience also shows that contracting strategy decision in construction HSE management is key during planning for successful HSE performance on project.

Framework for Managing Health and Safety

Figure 1: Adopted from Health and Safety Executive UK

Lack of Planning and it’s cost to organizations: A reflection of Incidents cost

Framework for Managing Health and Safety




� Low lost time and productivity workers at time of


� Economic loss to injurer's family

� Loss of efficiency due to break–up of personnel

� Low morale

� Retraining cost

� Delay in work / stop work orders / Compensations

� Cost of clean-up, repair, replaced material/ equip./

equipment standby cost

� Repair/replacement cost

� Time at which damaged equipment is out of


� Increase in insurance premium

� Civil fine and legal assistance .

� Medical � Compensation� Time lost from work by injured

Tip of an Iceberg

Lack of Planning and it’s cost to organizations: A reflection of Incidents cost

Framework for Managing Health and Safety

Why is HSE Management of Contractors Important?

Reference: “Notified Fatalities Statistical Report 2008-09” Safe Work Australia (Dec-09)

A number of issues impact on effective HSE planning and Implementation within Africa countries. This includes

� Health Safety Regulations and its enforcement

� Some African states have existing law regulations a good examples are: Occupational Health and Safety bill passed in Nigeria 2012 to update the Factories act No.16 of 1987, similar South Africa in OSH Act No. 85 as amended No. 1851of 1993, Egypt in 2004 , Cameroun in 2010 and also in Zambia, Benin, Mail, Tanzania and to mention a few.

� A study on multinational, national and local construction contractors in Nigeria. Shows that organization management effort in Nigeria towards health and safety management regulations compliance is low leading to increase rates of accident and injury. The findings was associated to Lack of enforcement of these laws has great impact on the working conditions an organization provides for workforce to operate.

HSE Planning and Implementation : Hindrances in Africa

� Health Safety Regulations and its enforcement

� In contrast the UK, health and safety legislation in place are enforced by a designated body referred to as Health and Safety Executive and Local councils and same applies in the US with Occupational Health and Safety Act being enforced by US Occupational Health and Safety Administration under the Department of Labor.

� The fact that a designated body is saddled with responsibility of enforcing Health and safety makes planning by an organization compulsory, effective and form part of business decision.

� Therefore organization operations located within these countries are aware that an attempt to default may result into a huge fine or cost (Cost of an incident to organization can be overwhelming) and may possibly drives an organization out of business.

HSE Planning and Implementation : Hindrances in Africa

� Health Safety Regulations and its enforcement

� Nevertheless some multinationals organizations management still takes health and safety to highest esteem wherever they operate regardless of the location and countries enforcement capability.

� Therefore the need to have a better understanding of countries socio-cultural in order to achieve successful implementation.

HSE Planning and Implementation : Hindrances in Africa

� Health and Safety Culture

� Organizational culture is defined as a pattern of shared basic assumption that the group learned as it solved its problems of external adaptation and internal integration which has worked well enough to be considered valid and therefore to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think and feel in relation to the problems”

� Health and Safety cultures development in Africa is a evolving way of doing things in Africa workplaces/ environment . We say: “ COMMON SENSE THAT IS NOT COMMON”

HSE Planning and Implementation : Hindrances in Africa

� Health and Safety Culture

� The low level of health and safety culture or awareness among the Africa populace impacts negatively on HSE planning and its implementation in Nigeria and Africa .

� It was approximated that 20% of the Nigeria population working in the oil and gas sector of the economy are knowledgeable in HSE which is probably similar in other African states with Oil and gas resources,

� Therefore changing the culture across industry sectors in Africa is a challenging task .

HSE Planning and Implementation : Hindrances in Africa

� Promoting HSE Culture

� Despite all the constrains towards the improvement of HSE culture, a seasoned HSE professional intervention could really make the change through a systematic behavioral approach.

� Equipped with required skill sets to :

� Gain Leadership commitment,

� Objectives/ targets and policies

� Drive safe behavior considering socio-cultural diversity (Africa),

� Engagement and Communication

� Relationship and

� Motivation

HSE Planning and Implementation : HSE Professionals Roles

A review of the systematic approach adopt on the Bay Atlantic

Building Construction project taken into consideration all challenges

associated with HSE management in Africa

HSE Planning and Implementation :

A Case duty of Bay Atlantic Construction Project

This will basically demonstrate that challenges impeding on HSE management in Africa can be overcome . Communication and Socio Cultural understanding

Complete? Understood? Level of complexity.

Concurrent activities? Nature of activity? Location of activity? Labour force socio-culture?

High-Risk activities? Non-routine situations? Emergency situations ? Controls needed?

BA project is an office complex is made up of 10 Storeycomprising ground-floor, Mezzanine and 9 Upper -floors with a gross floor area of approximately 11,000Sq. m.

The Contractors are required to complete the executionof works as follow:

• Piling phase

• Main Office building - Ground floor, Mezzanine level, 9 - Upper floors and other associated utility structures,

• Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing Installations (MEP)

• All works was planned to be completed in 27monthsin compliance with required or applicable safe workmethods and BA specific HSE managementrequirements should be met at all phases of theproject.

HSE Planning and Implementation :

A Case duty of Bay Atlantic Construction Project

HSE Planning and Implementation :

A Case duty of Bay Atlantic Construction Project

The Bay Atlantic Project HSE delivery was driven by the sponsor/ owner’s HSE management processes.

� An initial project risk review workshop to assess overall risks impacting on the planned project execution

� The project HSE objectives/targets was agreed with project management � A review of health and safety laws / Regulation both local and international that

apply to the planned project and compliance � Procedures were drawn to address serious and imminent danger/risk identified � Contractor Pre- qualification and pre tender HSE plan requirements was agreed

with management and project team.� Developed Construction HSE Management Plan � Community relation and engagement was initiated with residence � Project HSE Communication flow was agreed with the team.� It is worthy to note that top management (Project Sponsor) was visible all

through the planning process.

HSE Planning and Implementation :

A Case duty of Bay Atlantic Construction Project

The Bay Atlantic Project HSE delivery

� Implementation-

At this stage a Principal Contractor, Consultants and Subcontractors had been selected and a Pre-mobilization readiness checklist was initiated prior to contract award and kick off meeting. This was followed with:

� Letter of intent and invitation to construction HSE management workshop.

� The HSE session was lead by the top management (Project Sponsor) who communicated the as follow:

� Policies, Organization HSE goal, target and expectations

� Project Administration.

HSE Planning and Implementation :

A Case duty of Bay Atlantic Construction Project The Bay Atlantic Project HSE delivery

� Implementation- cont.

Project HSE Plan and Contract HSE requirements were reviewed with the contractors.

A key HSE clause in the contract states

“ Should CONTRACTOR fail to observe the requirements of this Article 13, or fail to abate a hazardous condition within a reasonable time after being so instructed by BA, BA shall have the right to stop WORK being performed by CONTRACTOR at WORK SITE and to take any other affirmative action necessary to correct the condition on behalf of and to the extent the hazardous condition was caused by CONTRACTOR or failure by CONTRACTOR to observe the requirements of this Article 13 all costs of such action will be from CONTRACTOR’s account. BA shall promptly authorize CONTRACTOR to resume the WORK upon correction or abatement of the hazardous condition”

HSE Planning and Implementation :

A Case duty of Bay Atlantic Construction Project

The Bay Atlantic Project HSE delivery

� Implementation- cont.

� Kick off meeting was held and HSE was 1st on the agenda to reinforce the HSE requirement prior to mobilization to site.

� Contractor HSE Plan was reviewed and signed off

� Equipment pre-mobilization and Contractor personnel competence review

� Induction

� Site establishment

� Training, daily and weekly toolbox talk

� Incentive program Hazard observation reporting

HSE Planning and Implementation :

A Case duty of Bay Atlantic Construction Project

The Bay Atlantic Project HSE delivery – HSE Performance outcome Figure 3a

Figure 3b

Successful Construction HSE Planning and Implementation: A

practical Approach for Africa


� The case study demonstrate the fact that an investment of 4 – 5% of thetotal estimated project work hours for training and awareness improves theworkforce knowledge on Health and safety driving culture change overthe life of the project.

� A clear demonstration that Africa workforce can deliver project withexcellent HSE performance despite the challenges noted.

� Therefore successful Health and safety implementation is an effect ofeffective planning with management commitment.

� HSE professionals need to be equipped with required proficiency tocommunicate and influence top management towards the demonstrationof their commitment to the organization Health and Safety vision.

� Project sponsors active engagement on project drives workforceperformance in Africa socio-cultural environment.

Project Pictures

Project HSE Activities

Task specific Toolbox meeting