Health Risks and Your Behavior In this PowerPoint, you will Learn About… What risk behavior is....

Health Risks and Your Behavior In this PowerPoint, you will Learn About… What risk behavior is. What cumulative risk is. How to avoid health risk behaviors.


Risk Behaviors An important part of taking responsibility for your health is identifying and avoiding risk behaviors – actions or choices that may cause injury or harm to you or others. Risk behaviors can lead you into taking unnecessary risks.

Transcript of Health Risks and Your Behavior In this PowerPoint, you will Learn About… What risk behavior is....

Page 1: Health Risks and Your Behavior In this PowerPoint, you will Learn About… What risk behavior is. What cumulative risk is. How to avoid health risk behaviors.

Health Risks and Your Behavior

In this PowerPoint, you will Learn About… What risk behavior is.

What cumulative risk is.

How to avoid health risk behaviors.

Page 2: Health Risks and Your Behavior In this PowerPoint, you will Learn About… What risk behavior is. What cumulative risk is. How to avoid health risk behaviors.

Health Risks and Your Behavior

The Vocabulary terms in this lesson are: Risk behaviors.


Cumulative risks.





Page 3: Health Risks and Your Behavior In this PowerPoint, you will Learn About… What risk behavior is. What cumulative risk is. How to avoid health risk behaviors.

Risk Behaviors

An important part of taking responsibility for your health is identifying and avoiding risk behaviors – actions or choices that may cause injury or harm to you or others.

Risk behaviors can lead you into taking unnecessary risks.

Page 4: Health Risks and Your Behavior In this PowerPoint, you will Learn About… What risk behavior is. What cumulative risk is. How to avoid health risk behaviors.

Risk Behaviors

It is important to realize that your behavior can affect the health of others as well as your own health.

Page 5: Health Risks and Your Behavior In this PowerPoint, you will Learn About… What risk behavior is. What cumulative risk is. How to avoid health risk behaviors.

Consequences of Health Risk Behaviors

Risk behaviors may lead to a variety of consequences.



Mental/EmotionalAcademic Social

Page 6: Health Risks and Your Behavior In this PowerPoint, you will Learn About… What risk behavior is. What cumulative risk is. How to avoid health risk behaviors.

Cumulative Risk

Cumulative risks are related risks that increase in effect with each added risk.

Risk + Risk + Risk = Much Greater Risk

Page 7: Health Risks and Your Behavior In this PowerPoint, you will Learn About… What risk behavior is. What cumulative risk is. How to avoid health risk behaviors.

Riding a bicycle without a helmet, for example, is one risk factor.

Page 8: Health Risks and Your Behavior In this PowerPoint, you will Learn About… What risk behavior is. What cumulative risk is. How to avoid health risk behaviors.

Riding on a busy street and in the rain greatly increases your chances of injury.

Page 9: Health Risks and Your Behavior In this PowerPoint, you will Learn About… What risk behavior is. What cumulative risk is. How to avoid health risk behaviors.

Knowing the Risks

Teens have different reasons for taking risks. The reasons represent subjective thinking.

When considering risks, it is much better to use objective information.

Objective information helps you act responsibly so that you can prevent injuries and illnesses.

Page 10: Health Risks and Your Behavior In this PowerPoint, you will Learn About… What risk behavior is. What cumulative risk is. How to avoid health risk behaviors.

Reducing and Avoiding Risks

An effective strategy to reduce risks or even avoid them entirely is to practice prevention.

Being on the lookout for hazards, or potential sources of danger, is an important part of prevention.

Another key element of prevention is abstinence. Abstaining from risk behaviors can help you avoid the serious consequences associated with them.

Page 11: Health Risks and Your Behavior In this PowerPoint, you will Learn About… What risk behavior is. What cumulative risk is. How to avoid health risk behaviors.

Shield Yourself from Risk

Page 12: Health Risks and Your Behavior In this PowerPoint, you will Learn About… What risk behavior is. What cumulative risk is. How to avoid health risk behaviors.

Keeping Yourself Healthy

Most injuries are caused by poor decision making. By acting responsibly and avoiding risk, you can prevent most injuries.

By practicing good health habits, you can also prevent many illnesses.

Page 13: Health Risks and Your Behavior In this PowerPoint, you will Learn About… What risk behavior is. What cumulative risk is. How to avoid health risk behaviors.

Thinking Critically

Imagine that you are getting to know a group of new friends. Tell how you would decide whether these friends were going to be a positive or negative influence on your health.

Page 14: Health Risks and Your Behavior In this PowerPoint, you will Learn About… What risk behavior is. What cumulative risk is. How to avoid health risk behaviors.

Vocabulary Review

Risk behaviors are actions or choices that may cause injury or harm to you or to others.

Page 15: Health Risks and Your Behavior In this PowerPoint, you will Learn About… What risk behavior is. What cumulative risk is. How to avoid health risk behaviors.

Vocabulary Review

Consequences are the results of actions.

Consequences are what happens.

Page 16: Health Risks and Your Behavior In this PowerPoint, you will Learn About… What risk behavior is. What cumulative risk is. How to avoid health risk behaviors.

Vocabulary Review

Cumulative risks are related risks that increase in effect with each added risk.

Page 17: Health Risks and Your Behavior In this PowerPoint, you will Learn About… What risk behavior is. What cumulative risk is. How to avoid health risk behaviors.

Vocabulary Review

Subjective means that the idea comes from a person’s own views and beliefs, not necessarily from facts.

Sure you can make it!

Page 18: Health Risks and Your Behavior In this PowerPoint, you will Learn About… What risk behavior is. What cumulative risk is. How to avoid health risk behaviors.

Vocabulary Review

Objective information means the information is based on facts.

Page 19: Health Risks and Your Behavior In this PowerPoint, you will Learn About… What risk behavior is. What cumulative risk is. How to avoid health risk behaviors.

Vocabulary Review

Prevention means taking steps to make sure that something does not happen.

Page 20: Health Risks and Your Behavior In this PowerPoint, you will Learn About… What risk behavior is. What cumulative risk is. How to avoid health risk behaviors.

Vocabulary Review

Abstinence means not participating in unsafe behaviors or activities.