Health hub –… · diabetes...

What is diabetes? DIABETES is when your body can’t use glucose, a sugar that your body uses for energy, correctly. When you eat food, your small intestine takes out the sugar, or glucose, and puts it in your blood to give your cells energy to do their jobs. To get into the cells, the glucose needs insulin, a hormone made by the pan- creas, which works like a key to open the cells and let in the glucose. Glucose is carried around the body in the blood and the glucose level is called glycae- mia. The glucose level can’t be too high or too low, it’s got to be just right. In people with diabetes, their pan- creas either cannot make insulin or the insulin it does make is not enough. Without insulin glucose builds up in the blood leading to high blood glucose levels which causes health problems. Below is a diagram that shows how insulin, glucose and our cells interact to keep our bodies healthy. Types of diabetes THERE are several forms of diabetes but the two main types are: Type 1, which can occur at any age but usually affects children and young adults. Ten to 15% of all people with diabetes have type 1. In type 1 dia- betes, the pancreas cannot produce enough insulin because the insulin making cells have been des- troyed by the body’s immune system. People with type 1 diabetes must have insulin every day to live. Type 2 diabetes affects 85-90% of people with diabetes. It usually affects adults but more younger people, even children, are getting type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is a lifestyle disease and is strongly associat- ed with high blood pressure and excess body fat. The pancreas makes insulin but it is not working as well as it should, so it must make more. Eventually it can’t make enough to keep the glucose balance right. Word wall Hypoglycemia, also called low blood glucose or low blood sugar, occurs when blood glucose drops below normal levels. Hyperglycemia, or high blood sugar (glucose), develops when there is too much sugar in the blood. Health hub – Diabetes SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS Being more thirsty than usual Passing more urine Feeling tired/lack of energy Always feeling hungry Having cuts that heal slowly Itching, skin infections Blurred vision Unexplained weight loss (Type 1) Gradually putting on weight (Type 2) Mood swings Headaches Feeling dizzy Koalas under threat THE Federal Government has listed koala populations in Queensland, New South Wales and the ACT as vulnerable and added them to the threatened species list, under national environment laws. Federal Environment Minister Tony Burke said he accepted koalas were under serious threat from habitat loss, urban expansion, vehicle strikes, dog attacks and disease. “The Queensland, NSW and ACT koala populations are clearly in trouble, so we must take action.’’ he said. The long-awaited decision will impact on those who want to clear koala habitat particularly developers, miners and graziers. *GO ONLINE and take the poll. Should koala habitats be protected against development? Croc spotted IT IS rare for crocs to be sighted south of Gladstone in central Queensland but wildlife rangers have set a trap in the Mary River near Maryborough to try to capture a large 3.5 metre salt water crocodile spotted by a commercial fisherman. Environment Minister Andrew Powell says it is the first confirmed sighting of a saltwater crocodile in the region. WHAT’S NEWS NEXT WEEK’S TOPIC: Living within the Law NEXT WEEK’S TOPIC: Living within the Law GO ONLINE by visiting your newspaper’s website. You’ll find the address on the front page. Look for the NiE logo at the top of the page and click. This will link you to APN’s NiE webpage. Living with diabetes WHILE there is currently no cure for diabetes, people who have it can still live an enjoyable life by learning about the disease and effectively managing it. Diabetics must monitor their blood glucose. Go online to play games to help you understand diabetes. TASK TIME ONLINE TASK TIME ONLINE WHAT type of animal has been spotted in the Mary River near Maryborough in Queensland? 1 QUIZ TIME Each week we will test your knowledge on what’s been happening in the news. For the answers visit NiE online. QUIZ TIME Each week we will test your knowledge on what’s been happening in the news. For the answers visit NiE online. WHY did PM Julia Gillard suspend Labor MP Craig Thomson? 3 WHICH US singer gave birth to a girl named Maxwell Drew Johnson on May 1? 2 This is sugar, glucose that comes from food. This is insulin which your body does not have. You need the insulin to allow the glucose to get into the cell. This is a human cell, like the ones inside you. The insulin acts like a key to the cell. It helps the glucose to get into the cell and feed it to keep it healthy. This helps to keep you healthy. Did you know that diabetes is Australia’s fastest growing chronic disease? It is a common and potentially serious condition that can contribute to heart and kidney disease, gangrene, blindness and even death. It is estimated that one million Australians have diabetes and about half of those are not aware that they have the condition. User: Paul.Stuart Time: 05-07-2012 13:48 Product: SSH PubDate: 12-05-2012 Zone: All Edition: Main Page: SHARED_14 Color: C M Y K

Transcript of Health hub –… · diabetes...

Page 1: Health hub –… · diabetes have type 1. In type 1 dia-betes, the pancreas cannot produce enough insulin because

What is diabetes?DIABETES is when your body can’t useglucose, a sugar that your body uses forenergy, correctly. When you eat food,your small intestine takes out the sugar,or glucose, and puts it in your blood togive your cells energy to do their jobs.To get into the cells, the glucose needsinsulin, a hormone made by the pan-creas, which works like a key to openthe cells and let in the glucose. Glucoseis carried around the body in the bloodand the glucose level is called glycae-mia. The glucose level can’t be too highor too low, it’s got to be just right.In people with diabetes, their pan-creas either cannot make insulin or theinsulin it does make is not enough.Without insulin glucose builds up in theblood leading to high blood glucoselevels which causes health problems.Below is a diagram that shows howinsulin, glucose and our cells interact tokeep our bodies healthy.

Types of diabetesTHERE are several forms of diabetesbut the two main types are:Type 1, which can occur at any age

but usually affectschildren and youngadults. Ten to 15%of all people withdiabetes have type1. In type 1 dia-

betes, thepancreas

cannot produce enough insulin becausethe insulin making cells have been des-troyed by the body’s immune system.People with type 1 diabetes must haveinsulin every day to live.Type 2 diabetes affects 85-90% of peoplewith diabetes. It usually affects adults butmore younger people, even children, aregetting type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes isa lifestyle disease and is strongly associat-ed with high blood pressure and excessbody fat. The pancreas makes insulin butit is not working as well as it should, so itmust make more. Eventually it can’t makeenough to keep the glucose balance right.

Word wall◗ Hypoglycemia, also called low bloodglucose or low blood sugar, occurs whenblood glucose drops below normal levels.◗ Hyperglycemia, or high blood sugar(glucose), develops when there is too muchsugar in the blood.

Health hub – Diabetes

SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS◗ Being more thirsty than usual◗ Passing more urine◗ Feeling tired/lack of energy◗ Always feeling hungry◗ Having cuts that heal slowly◗ Itching, skin infections◗ Blurred vision◗ Unexplained weight loss (Type 1)◗ Gradually putting on weight (Type 2)◗ Mood swings◗ Headaches◗ Feeling dizzy

Koalas under threatTHE Federal Government has listedkoala populations in Queensland,New South Wales and the ACT asvulnerable and added them to thethreatened species list, undernational environment laws.Federal Environment Minister

Tony Burke said he acceptedkoalas were under serious threatfrom habitat loss, urban expansion,vehicle strikes, dog attacks anddisease.“The Queensland, NSW and ACT

koala populations are clearly introuble, so we must take action.’’he said.The long-awaited decision will

impact on those who want to clearkoala habitat particularlydevelopers, miners and graziers.*GO ONLINE and take the poll.

Should koala habitats be protectedagainst development?

Croc spottedIT IS rare for crocs to be sightedsouth of Gladstone in centralQueensland but wildlife rangershave set a trap in the Mary Rivernear Maryborough to try to capturea large 3.5 metre salt watercrocodile spotted by a commercialfisherman.Environment Minister Andrew

Powell says it is the first confirmedsighting of a saltwater crocodile inthe region.



Living within the



Living within the


GO ONLINE by visiting yournewspaper’s website. You’ll find theaddress on the front page. Look for theNiE logo at the top of the page andclick. This will link you to APN’s NiEwebpage.

Living with diabetesWHILE there is currently no cure fordiabetes, people who have it can stilllive an enjoyable life by learning aboutthe disease and effectively managingit. Diabetics must monitor their bloodglucose. Go online to play games tohelp you understand diabetes.



WHAT type of animal hasbeen spotted in the Mary

River near Maryborough inQueensland?


QUIZ TIMEEach week we willtest your knowledgeon what’s beenhappening in thenews. For theanswers visit NiE


QUIZ TIMEEach week we willtest your knowledgeon what’s beenhappening in thenews. For theanswers visit NiE


WHY did PM JuliaGillard suspend Labor

MP Craig Thomson?


WHICH US singer gavebirth to a girl named

Maxwell Drew Johnson onMay 1?


◗ This is sugar, glucosethat comes from food.

◗ This is insulin which yourbody does not have. Youneed the insulin to allow theglucose to get into the cell.

◗ This is a human cell,like the ones inside you.

◗ The insulinacts like a key tothe cell. It helpsthe glucose toget into the celland feed it tokeep it healthy.This helps tokeep youhealthy.

Did you know that diabetes is Australia’s fastest growing chronicdisease? It is a common and potentially serious condition that cancontribute to heart and kidney disease, gangrene, blindness and evendeath. It is estimated that one million Australians have diabetes andabout half of those are not aware that they have the condition.

User: Paul.Stuart Time: 05-07-2012 13:48 Product: SSH PubDate: 12-05-2012 Zone: All Edition: Main Page: SHARED_14 Color: CMYK