Health coaching for people with long term condition

Health coaching or people with Long Term Conditions Thursday 15 October 2015 12pm – 1pm Penny Newman, Norfolk Community Health and Care and National Innovation Fellow Andrew McDowell, Director The Performance Coach & Beverley Matthews LTC Programme Lead, NHS Improving Quality #A4PCC #LTCimp #LTCyearofcare

Transcript of Health coaching for people with long term condition

 Health coaching or people with Long Term Conditions

 Thursday 15 October 201512pm – 1pm

Penny Newman, Norfolk Community Health and Care and National Innovation Fellow

Andrew McDowell, Director The Performance Coach&

Beverley MatthewsLTC Programme Lead, NHS Improving Quality

#A4PCC #LTCimp #LTCyearofcare

Action for Person Centred Care

o Taking action to make person-centred care for people with long-term conditions a reality

o Looking at what needs to change and why we need to change

o Co-produced with NHS England and Coalition for Collaborative Care and developed with health and care professionals, policy makers and people with long-term conditions

o What you can do:o Make a commitment embedding

patient-centred care in your work at

o Tell your teams about our worko Use the hashtag #A4PCC when you see

work that is relevant to person-centred care for people with LTCs

o Let us know of any events, activities or social media opportunities that we can join forces with you

#A4PCC – Action for Person-Centred Care

@NHSIQ @bev_j_matthews #LTCImp #LTCyearofcare

Case study: Health coaching skills for clinicians to support self-care and behaviour change

Read the full article here

Date Topic Guest Speaker(s)15 Oct 2015 Practical strategies for innovating in

health and housing

Tweetchat with @wecommissioners

Paul TaylorInnovation Coach - Bromford Lab

Will LilleyNew Ventures Manager, Bromford

4 Nov 2015 Writing letters directly to patients

Tweetchat with @wecommissioners

Bev MatthewsProgramme Delivery Lead


17 Dec 2015 Simulation Model Claire Cordeaux, Executive VP Healthcare - Simul8

Julie Renfrew, NHS Improving Quality

Coming soon Continuing the discussion about behavioural change and care planning

Angela CoulterKings Fund

LTC Lunch & Learn E-SeminarsEstablishing a Virtual Community for all to share and learn

#A4PCC #LTCimp #LTCyearofcare

Health coaching: empowering patients through conversation

Dr Penny NewmanClinical Director, Health Coaching Programme, Health Education East of England

Dr Andrew McDowell, Director, the Performance Coach

Empowering patients through conversation

Dr Penny NewmanClinical Director, Health Coaching Programme, Health Education East of England

Dr Andrew McDowell, Director, the Performance Coach

NHS aspires to enable people to take more


NHS Constitution National Voices Five Year

Forward View

To meet the growing LTC challenge

Lifestyle causation

Multiple comorbidity

Age and poverty related

Improve health and reduce health and

care costs

Detrimental health

behaviours 60% of deaths

LTCs 70% of costs

Need to tap into the renewable energy of patients

The majority of care is self care and support

• Only a third to a half of patients comply with prescribed medications and 10% with lifestyle advice

• Clinicians are not trained in behaviour change• Only half of patients feel they are sufficiently involved

in their care• Alignment between what patients want and what is

provided is poor - goals, treatment choices, shared decision making

• Poor communication leads to complaints• Paternalism breeds dependency

• Bennett H, Coleman E, Parry C, Bodenheimer, 2010 • KPMG Creating value with patients, carers and communities 2014• GMC Annual report 2013, • Rhoades DR, Fam Med 2001. • Wolever R, 2013• Coulter A, 2011

When patients see a clinician, their consultation may not be working

Health coaching is helping people gain the knowledge skills, tools and confidence to become active participants in their care so that they can reach their self determined goals.

Health coach training builds skills in communication and behaviour change into routine clinical practice

Health coaching transforms the clinician/patient relationship

Role of patient Role of clinicianA patient centred approach wherein patients at least partially determine their goals, use self-discovery and active learning processes together with content education to work towards their goals, and self-monitor behaviours to increase accountability all within the context of an interpersonal relationship with a coach.

The coach is a healthcare professional trained in behaviour change theory, motivational strategies, and communication techniques, which are used to assist patients to develop intrinsic motivation and obtain skills to create sustainable change for improved health and wellbeing.

Wolever 2013

Skills taken from psychology and coaching expand the tool box


Principles and models from Health Psychology & Behavioural Medicine

Skills & techniques from Performance &

Development Coaching

Knowledge and skills of Health


Behaviour Change theory Social Cognition theory Patient Activation Stages of Change Motivational Interviewing Positive Psychology Mindful awareness Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

Goal setting Coaching models Coaching competencies Range of approaches Awareness & Responsibility Potential & emergence Using Challenge & Rapport Scaling

Health knowledge Health recommendations Diagnostic skills Consultation skills Questioning skills Listening skills Problem solving skills Patient – clinician relationship

McDowell, 2014

Key ingredients

Foundations of coaching

Self determined goals

Directive and non-directive approaches

Structuring health coaching conversations

Listening, trust, rapport and supportive challenge

Readiness to change

Managing interferences

Highly experiential using a coaching style

Fast paced and challenging

Time to allow mind-set shift

Application to real issues

Opportunities to practice skills and receive feedback

Source: McDowell, 2014

New mind-sets, skills, and techniques

TechniquesSpecific health coaching

techniques and frameworks for conversations

SkillsGeneral health coaching skills

and concepts

Mindset Developing a coaching mindset

Useful for specific behaviour change conversations

Useful in many interactions to increase awareness and


Useful in all interactions and as a leadership skill

E.g., TGROW, ABC model, Managing


E.g., Using supportive challenge, listening,


E.g., people are more resourceful than they

think they are

Source: McDowell, 2014

How do you see your patients?Bi-focal vision

What is the problem?(Person is a problem)

What is the potential? (Person is resourceful and holds the solution)

17Source: McDowell, The Performance Coach

ProgressHealth Education East of England • 2 day multidisciplinary programme • Nearly 800 clinicians trained - nurses (44%), allied health

professionals (28%) doctors (9%)• 43 participating organisations – acute, community, primary

care, mental health and social services • 20 local trainers accredited to deliver independently

London Deanery• TTT and co-delivery• Delivered to 300

Leeds system – Health and Social care• Has developed 15 accredited HC trainers• In process of co-delivery moving to independent delivery

Wessex system – Health & Social care• Has developed 6-8 accredited HC trainers• Delivered to 200 with TPC, Scheduled a further 200


Three evaluations growing the evidence base

• University College Suffolk. Pre and post coaching patient self-efficacy questionnaires with practice nurses

• HEEoE/TPC. Post programme clinician surveys immediately and at 6 months

• Institute of Employment Studies. Qualitative evaluation of 5 pilot sites – acute, community, mental health and primary care

Reported benefits

Patients• ↑ motivation to change• ↑ satisfaction • Improved health/outcome

Clinicians• ↑ effective consultations • ↑ resilience and job satisfaction• Use with colleagues and others

Organisation• ↑ quality of care • ↓ episodes of care, unnecessary tests

and appointments• Meet strategic priorities • Improve multidisciplinary working • Impact on utilisation, costs and outcomes

Widespread application, mostly with long term

conditions but also in decision

making and compliance

Single or multiple

long term


Self management

Mild anxiety/depression

RehabEnd of life


Evidence Centre Rapid Review275 studies, 109 RCTs

• Vulnerable groups benefit • Can support patients motivation to

self manage and adopt healthy behaviours

• Widespread application to patients and can be used by all professionals and peers

• Insufficient evidence about cost effectiveness and mixed evidence on outcomes

• Include as part of a wider LTC programme and UK research needed

Requires clinicians to be open to change

• Need to recognise need for change & value patient empowerment• Learned behaviour hard to change• Can require complex interpersonal skills

– Challenging patients is uncomfortable– When to apply and with whom

• Time - managing all responsibilities and maintaining skills• Using a coaching approach when colleagues are not• Contra cultural – very different from biomedical model • Clinician activation = Patient activation

Health coaching training one of 17 innovations chosen for the National Innovation Accelerator (NIA)


NIA aims to contribute to the NHS Five Year Forward View and: • create the conditions and cultural change

necessary for proven innovations to be adopted faster and more systematically by the NHS

• deliver demonstrable patient and population benefit.

Next steps Are you having the most effective


House of Care

Learn with other


Create a social movem


More trainin

g in East of Englan


Phase 3. Health coaching training



Improved outcomes for people with LTCS and reduce NHS costs

Phase 3. More learning, spread, alignment and participation

Our Vision

Clinician training encourages• A shift from fixer to

enabler• New skills in

behaviour change• Grows ability to listen

and build rapport

Raise patients’ awareness and responsibility for health • Taps into patients

internal motivation to change

• Patients achieve their own self-identified goals

Support patients change their relationship to the condition• To thrive in the

presence of disease and better manage their own health and care.

Health coaching is a method of patient education that guides and prompts a patient to be an active participant in their care and behavior change

ContactsDr Andrew McDowell• Director, The Performance Coach

[email protected]

Dr Penny Newman • Clinical Director Health Coaching, HEEoE

[email protected]

• For more information

Date Topic Guest Speaker(s)15 Oct 2015 Practical strategies for innovating in

health and housing

Tweetchat with @wecommissioners

Paul TaylorInnovation Coach - Bromford Lab

Will LilleyNew Ventures Manager, Bromford

4 Nov 2015 Writing letters directly to patients

Tweetchat with @wecommissioners

Bev MatthewsProgramme Delivery Lead


17 Dec 2015 Simulation Model Claire Cordeaux, Executive VP Healthcare - Simul8

Julie Renfrew, NHS Improving Quality

Coming soon Continuing the discussion about behavioural change and care planning

Angela CoulterKings Fund

LTC Lunch & Learn E-SeminarsEstablishing a Virtual Community for all to share and learn

#A4PCC #LTCimp #LTCyearofcare