Health and Fitness



Health and Fitness in San Luis Obispo County.

Transcript of Health and Fitness

Page 1: Health and Fitness
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Paso Robles Press | Atascadero NewsHealth Fitness & Beauty • june 20122

Pass the salt, pleaseNew research shows health benefits of salt

In a recent New York Times article,award winning science journalist GaryTaubes describes the considerable ef-

forts and expenditures made by governmentpublic health agencies to support and pro-mote salt restriction, despite clinical evi-dence which does not supportpopulation-wide salt reduction strategies.

According to Taubes, a flood of newresearch published in the last two years hasnot only shown the health benefits of saltbut also revealed the risks of low-sodiumdiets.

"There was no disputing that salt is anatural, no-calorie and tasty nutrient essen-tial for life, but the biggest nutrition story inrecent years is the proof that following thegovernment's low salt advice could actuallyshorten your life," says Lori Roman, presi-dent of the Salt Institute.

Within the past year, peer-reviewedmedical studies have documented:

Type 1 diabetes risk:In one Australian study on patients

with type 1 diabetes, low sodium intake wasindependently associated with increased all-cause mortality and ESRD (end-stage renaldisease).

Type 2 diabetes risk:In another Australian study with type

2 diabetes patients, lower sodium con-sumption was associated with increased all-cause and cardiovascular mortality.

No cardiovascular benefit tosalt reduction:

A study published in the AmericanJournal of Hypertension showed that eatingless salt will not prevent heart attacks,strokes or early death. On the contrary, low-sodium diets increased the likelihood ofpremature death.

Increased risk of illness and death:The Journal of the American Medical

Association published a multi-year study ona very large cohort that concluded thatlower salt intakes resulted in higher mor-bidity and mortality.

Negative effects of low-salt intakes:An analysis of 167 studies showed that in-dividuals placed on the U.S. Dietary Guide-lines-recommended salt levels experiencedsignificant increases in plasma renin, aldos-

terone, adrenaline, noradrenalin, cholesteroland triglycerides - all risk factors for dia-betes and cardiovascular disease.

Health risk of currentU.S. Dietary Guidelines:In a Journal of theAmerican MedicalAsso-ciation publication, an analysis of the asso-ciation between sodium intakes andcardiovascular events in almost 29,000adults, showed that CV risk was increasedamong those with the lowest levels, equiv-alent to the current recommendations in theU.S. Dietary Guidelines.

Nutritional risk of currentU.S. Dietary Guidelines:TheAmerican Journal of Preventative Med-icine published an article demonstrating thatfollowing the U.S. Dietary Guidelines forsalt will result in unbalanced and unsus-tainable dietary choices.

It is well documented that the Japan-ese and the Swiss enjoy among the longestlife expectancy rates of any of the world'spopulation groups. Less known however, isthat they are also among the highest rates ofsalt consumption. Comparing the availabledata on salt consumption and longevityaround the world indicates that if we wereto actually consume the low levels of saltrecommended in the U.S. Dietary Guide-lines, our life expectancy figures woulddrop dramatically.

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Paso Robles Press | Atascadero News June 2012 • Health Fitness & Beauty3

Simple tips to stay safe from the sunIf you follow these simple tips, you can look forward to an active, fun and safe summer

Warmweather means more timespent enjoying the outdoors:picnics, bike rides, hikes and

sporting events. While the summermonths should be enjoyed to the fullest,outdoor enthusiasts must remember thatthe sun, with all of the benefits it brings,also has many dangerous effects.

The sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays are attheir strongest during the spring and sum-mer; unprotected skin and eyes can bedamaged in as little as 15 minutes.Whileapplying sunscreen and wearing sun-glasses with UVA/UVB protection is im-portant throughout the year, taking extrasun-safety precautions during the sum-mer is especially important.

Try these simple tips on your nexttrip to the park, pool, beach or casualstroll outside and learn to enjoy the sunsafely:

Wear sunscreen:While this may seem like a no-

brainer, many people still need to be re-minded. Keep some handy in your car,purse and around the house. Sunscreenwith a sun protection factor (SPF) of atleast 30 protects the skin from the sun.Apply one ounce of sunscreen (about thesize of a ping pong ball) to all sun-ex-posed areas of the body. Don't forget theears, feet and behind the neck. Becausesunscreen can take up to 30 minutes to gointo full effect, it's a good idea to apply itat home before going outside.

Wear the right shades:Find a pair of sunglasses that will

give you adequate UVA/UVB protection

so you can reduce the risk of burningyour retina, cornea or eyelids. Most of usdon't realize it when sunglasses do notprovide adequate UV protection. If youwear sunglasses that feature UV block-ing lenses, but the frame does not blocksunlight from reaching your eyes fromthe sides, you are still being exposed toharmful UV rays. For example, SolarShield Sunglasses feature Advanced UVProtection designs that help protect youreyes through the combination of 100 per-cent UV protection lenses and framesthat wrap around to block stray light.

Wear protective clothing:Warmer weather inevitably means

less clothing, especially when you're lay-

ing by the pool or on the beach. Whenbathing suit shopping this summer, pick

up a few lightweight wraps and covershirts; they offer much more protectionthan sunscreen.

Cover your head:Whether it is a baseball cap or

floppy, wide-brimmed hat, find one toprotect your head and face during thesummer months and wear it. Anythingthat keeps your sensitive scalp protectedis going to lower your chances of skincancer.

Avoid the danger times:The Food and Drug Administration

says that UVA/UVB rays are at theirmost dangerous from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.Do your best to stay in the shade and stayeven more on top of your sun protectionduring those hours. If you must be in thesun during peak hours, be sure to wearSPF 30 sunscreen and wraparound sun-glasses with advanced UV protection andpolarized lenses.


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Page 4: Health and Fitness

Paso Robles Press | Atascadero NewsHealth Fitness & Beauty • june 20124

AtJazzercise we believefitness is an importantaspect of well-being

and enhances the overall qual-ity of people’s lives. Therefore,for over 40 years Jazzercise hasbeen committed to helping peo-ple understand and value theimportance of health and fit-ness.

Choreographed to today'shottest music, Jazzercise, theworld’s leading dance fitnessprogram, is a fusion of jazzdance, resistance training, Pi-lates, yoga, and kickboxing.Every Jazzercise group fitnessclass combines dance-basedcardio with strength trainingand stretching to sculpt, toneand lengthen muscles for max-imum fat burn.

The Templeton JazzerciseFitness Center, owned by

Melanie Mulder, a 25 year vet-eran instructor, prides itself onoffering a fun, friendly workoutenvironment, quality instruc-tors, innovative choreographyand a variety of Jazzercise classformats. Mulder and her teamof nine franchisees offer fortyclasses weekly, including:Jazzercise, the original danceexercise phenomenon, Jazzer-cise Lite, Jazzercise Low Im-pact, Jazzercise Step, and BodySculpting - in addition to spe-cialty classes and formatsbrought in throughout the year.Jazzercise Personal Touch isoffered for those preferring oneon one or small group trainingoptions.

ABOUT JAZZERCISEJudi Sheppard Missett,

who turned her love of jazz

dance into a worldwide danceexercise phenomenon, foundedthe Jazzercise dance fitnessprogram in 1969. She has ad-vanced the business opportuni-ties of women and men in thefitness industry by growing herprogram into an internationalfranchise business that today,hosts a network of 7,800 in-structors teaching more than32,000 classes weekly in 32countries.

For more informationabout Jazzercise or the class of-ferings in Templeton,, email [email protected] or call805.801.9620

Start dancing yourself fitand change the shape of yourbody today!

Jazzercise FitnessFresh moves, new music, pure motivation

Page 5: Health and Fitness

Paso Robles Press | Atascadero News June 2012 • Health Fitness & Beauty5

Massage can give you an active, healthy summerLet your mind and body enjoy the benefits of massage

For many people, summer means funin the sun that includes outdoor ac-tivities like running, hiking, biking

and team sports. But an active lifestyle cantake a toll on the body and bring aboutaches and pains from muscles and jointsthat haven't been utilized during the fall andwinter.

"There are a number of ways to keepyour body healthy during the summer.However, one often overlooked but benefi-cial component for a healthy lifestyle ismassage therapy," saysAmyWiltgen, mas-sage therapy instructor at Everest College -Merrionette Park. "Even the simplest re-laxation massages will decrease stress andimprove circulation, reduce fatigue, andhelp keep your muscles, bones and con-nective tissue in good working condition."

Wiltgen offers some tips for choosinga massage therapist this summer and max-imizing the experience:

Find a professional. The first step is tofind professional therapists who are li-censed and insured, and have a certificateof professional training in their specialty orprocedure. "Perhaps most helpful is to get a

personal recommendation from a friend orlook for testimonials or reviews on web-sites," says Wiltgen. "Also look for aca-demic credentials, such as a diploma froman accredited program."

Ask questions and describe health is-

sues. When you call for an appointment,have questions ready to get a good sense ofyour compatibility with and the profes-sionalism and personality of the therapist.

Communicate. Upon arriving at theappointment, make sure to let the therapist

know your health history and any prefer-ences for depth of pressure, room tempera-ture, choices in music and allergies to oilsor lotions. Don't be afraid to speak up to askthe therapist to make any adjustments dur-ing the massage.

Relax. It's important to relax. Let yourmind and body go to enjoy all the benefitsof the massage. "Breathing normally helpsfacilitate relaxation," saysWiltgen. "Peopleoften stop or limit their breathing whenthey feel anxious or a sensitive area is mas-saged."

Avoid pain.A common misconceptionis that the massage has to hurt to feel good."Whether it's a professional giving a mas-sage, or a friend or family member, com-municate any discomfort immediately,"says Wiltgen.

Stay hydrated. Be sure to drink extrawater before and after the massage to helpflush toxins from the body and make suremuscles are properly hydrated.

"Having a massage on a regular basiscan be a powerful ally in your health careregimen, and will help keep you at your op-timal best all summer long," adds Wiltgen.

Simple tips and tools to help smokers quitFive suggestions to aide your success

Every year, people across the countrymake resolutions to quit smoking,but research shows that less than 5

percent of those who quit without assis-tance are successful in their quit attempt.Quitting smoking is one of the hardestthings to do. On average, it takes a smokerup to nine attempts to quit before they'reable to do so successfully. Every relapsebegins with smaller lapses - so quittersshouldn't stop trying after a lapse.

Smokers need a variety of tools tohelp them quit. "Even if you lapse whenquitting smoking and have a cigarette,there are still opportunities for you toachieve your goal of quitting smoking suc-cessfully," says Saul Shiffman, PhD, an ad-diction and dependence expert at theUniversity of Pittsburgh and a world-renowned researcher in behavior changeand relapse, and paid consultant to Glaxo-SmithKline Consumer Healthcare. Towork toward a resolution to quit smoking,

Shiffman recommends these tips:

Determine the best tools tohelp you quit smoking.

Make a plan to help you quit success-fully. Personalized quit plans can help asmoker make it though their quit attempt.There are a variety of resources availableonline to create a plan after inputting in-formation about your personal habits andbehaviors associated with quitting.

Quit with a support network in place.Many studies have shown that com-

bining NRT with behavioral support canincrease a smoker's chances of quittingsuccessfully. You can get behavioral sup-port through your own personal network offamily and friends, a counseling programor hotline, or an online smoking cessationresource like Blueprint to Quit, which pro-vides smokers access to trained experts andquitting materials. In addition, behavioral

support can provide you with tips on howto get back on track if you lapse.

Change up your daily routine.Quitting smoking is a two-part problem -both a physical addiction and learned as-sociations with cues that produce cravingsfor nicotine. To avoid those behavioralcravings, change your daily routine duringtimes when you would normally have acigarette, like driving to work or after ameal. "If you're used to staying at the tableand having a cigarette after a meal, get upand move on to something else, so youdon't feel the craving," Shiffman says.

Use nicotine replacement therapy (NRT).NRT doubles a smoker's chances of

quitting smoking successfully versusplacebo and numerous studies have shownit significantly increases a smoker'schances of quitting long-term. NRT, likenicotine gum or nicotine patch, helps re-

lieve cravings and withdrawal symptomsassociated with quitting smoking, withoutexposing the quitter to the carcinogens andtoxins from cigarette smoking. One recentstudy even showed that continuing to usethe nicotine patch helps smokers recoverfrom lapses in their quit attempt - it is es-sential to continue your quit attempt, evenafter lapses. For best results, you shouldfollow the label and use the amount rec-ommended for the duration recommended.

Reward yourself along the way.To help with quitting smoking and

managing difficult cravings, it helps to re-ward yourself throughout the quit process- even if you lapse and slip back into smok-ing. One cigarette should not ruin a quit at-tempt. Reward yourself for the progressyou've made, even if it hasn't been perfect.For example, use the money you save fromno longer buying cigarettes to buy yourselfa treat at the end of the week.

Page 6: Health and Fitness

Paso Robles Press | Atascadero NewsHealth Fitness & Beauty • june 20126

Radiology AssociatesWhere compassion meets technology


RadiologyAssociates has been serv-ing the Central Coast for over fiftyyears. We are committed to offer-

ing our patients the best technology, con-venient appointments, excellent customerservice. We offer $95 cash-rate ScreeningMammograms all year around to makethis very important exam possible for allwomen.We are proud to announce that weare now offering full-service breast imag-

ing so that our patients can get a continu-ation of care all at one location. We justadded the latest stereotactic breast biopsyequipment at our locations in Templetonand Santa Maria. Also available is MRIBreast Biopsy in our Pismo Beach loca-tion. With three convenient centers alongthe central coast, you can rest assured thatwe are here to take care of your imagingneeds. Please visit our or call us anytimewith questions.

Radiology Diagnostic Center (RDC)Templeton

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Page 7: Health and Fitness

Paso Robles Press | Atascadero News June 2012 • Health Fitness & Beauty7

Kennedy Club FitnessFour club locations for your dollar!

“Oprah has said that San LuisObispo is the happiest cityin the world,” says, Kevin

Kennedy, owner of Kennedy Club Fit-ness. “Our goal is to help make San LuisObispo County the healthiest place in theworld. Our message is to engage, ener-gize and inspire our community to getmoving, to get fit. Of course, we’d likeeveryone to use our facilities to do it, butwhat’s most important is that they just doit!”

Kevin and Barb Kennedy, NorthCounty residents, opened their first club,then called Kennedy Nautilus, in Atas-cadero in 1981. They started out with justone lifecycle, twelve pieces of Nautilusequipment and a stereo for music.

Today Kennedy Club Fitness servesthe health and fitness needs of over 16,

000 San Luis Obispo County residents.Kennedy Club Fitness is the only healthclub in the County with multiple loca-tions: Paso Robles, Atascadero, San LuisObispo and Arroyo Grande.

The North County is home to boththe first (Atascadero) and the latest (PasoRobles) Kennedy Club Fitness locations.Both facilities include an outdoorOlympic pool complex, basketball, rac-quetball, climbing walls, comprehensivecardio and strength training equipment,specialty training courts and combined,over 100 group exercise classes eachweek. Kevin Kennedy believes “varietyand entertainment is what working outshould be about.”

KCF-Paso Robles General Manager,Matt McClish reiterates that the successof Kennedy Club Fitness is completely

dependent on the success of their mem-bers. “ It is my great privilege to be ableto work with our members and be a posi-tive force in their lives,” says McClish.“My dream has always been for our mem-bers to feel that this is so much more thana health club but, instead, is a way of life.We work very hard to provide exceptionalservice in all aspects and create "ravingfans" among our members”.

Josh Donovan, General Manager forKCF-Atascadero agrees. " We have asmany as four generations of KCF mem-bers. Our members are family. Their suc-cess is our success.”

‘If you have not yet had a chance tovisit our Clubs, I invite you to do so as myguest” offers Kevin Kennedy. Contact theClub nearest you to ask about a compli-mentary visit today.

Paso Robles Adventure805-239-8488

500 South River RoadPaso Robles, CA 93446


3534 El Camino RealAtascadero, CA 93422

San Luis Obispo MultiPlex805-781-3488

188 Tank Farm RoadSan Luis Obispo, CA 93401

Arroyo Grande805-481-2888

1299 James WayArroyo Grande, CA 93420

Page 8: Health and Fitness

Paso Robles-Adventure500 S. River Rd.


Atascadero3534 El Camino Real


San Luis Obispo MultiPlexOne 88 Tank Farm Rd.


Arroyo Grande1299 James Way


*Free dues to August 31st when joining on the membership plan of your choice! Some restrictions may apply*Contact the Club nearest you for details!

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Paso Robles Press | Atascadero NewsHealth Fitness & Beauty • june 20128