Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – October ...€¦ · movie, Simply Raw, Reversing...


Transcript of Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – October ...€¦ · movie, Simply Raw, Reversing...

Page 1: Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – October ...€¦ · movie, Simply Raw, Reversing Diabetes in Thirty Days. A lot of that happened before he was 30 years old, for
Page 2: Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – October ...€¦ · movie, Simply Raw, Reversing Diabetes in Thirty Days. A lot of that happened before he was 30 years old, for

Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – October 28, 2010: Nick Ortner

Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters, www.McLeanMasterWorks.com

Jennifer: So, welcome everyone to Healing with the Masters and we are here on Thursday, October the 28th with Nicholas Ortner. Nick Ortner is really a dear friend and he is an amazing entrepreneur. And he's focused a lot of his entrepreneurial attention on EFT—emotional freedom technique. But Nick is also an amazing practitioner of EFT so not even expert in understanding it; has worked with the experts in the industry on EFT and has become an expert himself.

Nick is a creator and producer of the documentary film The Tapping Solution formerly called Try It On Everything, which features 10 people using EFT—emotional freedom technique—to dramatically change their lives. It includes world-renowned experts such as Jack Canfield, Bruce Lipton, Cheryl Richardson, Bob Proctor, Joe Vitale, Dr. Norm Shealy and others. He's also produced the movie, Simply Raw, Reversing Diabetes in Thirty Days. A lot of that happened before he was 30 years old, for God’s sake.

When he found tapping, he was startled by the results and knew had to find a way to get this information to the mainstream. So, like me, when I discovered Cranio-sacral therapy and used it to help my own really challenging health issue, he had the same situation come up and he discovered EFT to help him. He produced the worldwide online event, The Tapping World Summit, which has been attended by over 100,000 people. He also manages the monthly membership program on tapping called The Tapping Insiders Club. Welcome, Nick Ortner to Healing with the Masters, it's wonderful to have you on this side of the phone.

Nick: Oh, thanks; it's great to be with you tonight.

Jennifer: Well, thanks for joining us. And I know that EFT is very quite important to you. But I'm curious about your journey to EFT and your journey in particular, to the Tapping Solution movie. It's been a really big hit, very, very popular within the EFT community. And very popular among people who are curious about this really interesting methodology in healing and clearing system. So, tell me a little bit about your journey to the movie and to EFT.

Nick: Yes absolutely. Well, I found EFT like we find most things these days. I found it online and it was probably seven or eight years ago. I kept reading in different places, browsing around about this weird tapping thing. You know, it's like you first read about it at play. You’re what? You’re tapping on your face and body and saying certain statements. And I remember being in a seminar and someone did a demonstration of it. And you know, it took a couple of times for me to actually look at it closely because it just seems so strange. But I did. And once I've tried it, I had my first experience and it was instant that I saw, felt something shift.

Page 3: Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – October ...€¦ · movie, Simply Raw, Reversing Diabetes in Thirty Days. A lot of that happened before he was 30 years old, for

Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – October 28, 2010: Nick Ortner

Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters, www.McLeanMasterWorks.com

And that's what they said something about EFT and tapping techniques that most people may experience it. It’s not like something you take up and 30 days later you see if it's changed your life. Or you know it's a practice and it's something you can experience instantly and say, "Wow! Something shifted.” And some people have what we call one minute cures where they get a result instantly with their back pain for 20 years and it's gone after five minutes of tapping. And other times and more often, it's a journey and it's a process that you can use throughout that journey.

So, I got excited about it and I started using it myself and with friends and family and you know anybody who had any sort of ache or pain, I'd be like, "Oh, let me try this on you.” Or if someone had an issue, oh, let's this. And again, kept one result after another. And it was probably, I think it's only about three years ago now, it feels like a long and sometimes it doesn’t feel like a long time where I had the inspiration to make the movie, The Tapping Solution which you mentioned was the reason I called it Try It On Everything.

And it simply came from the simple idea of “hey, EFT is awesome; I love it and I can bet the whole community out there that loves it.” Movies are a great medium to show this kind of things working so why don't I make a movie. And it was just simple and at that time—

Jennifer: Why don't I make a movie? Sure, why not?

Nick: Exactly, exactly. Well, I joke and sometimes I look back and I'm like, "What was I thinking, you know.” I've since heard that, for example, Joe Vitale told me once that he's probably been interviewed for a hundred movies and only five or ten of them had seen the light of day. So you know, I'm very grateful that we were able to pull it off and pull it off in a really profound and powerful way. But, it really was as simple as “why don't I make a movie?” And just following that vision and that inspiration forward.

Jennifer: Wow! You know it brings up some interesting things about—I would love to hear more about the actual journey for the movie because I know it was not straightforward. I mean, as any creative processes, there are twists and turns; as any entrepreneurial processes, there are twists and turns. So, can you tell us a little bit how you used that experience to actually heighten your interest in EFT?

Nick: Yes. You know, one of the things I'm so grateful for the processes that we had EFT is that to fall back on when the challenges were there and when we felt blocked or when there's something in the way. You go from the initial inspiration was there and I just ran with it. I mean, if I have one thing to share with anybody on a goal, a vision or dream, you've got to run with that initial energy and more often than not, you don't want to tell anybody about it, that's the other thing. I

Page 4: Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – October ...€¦ · movie, Simply Raw, Reversing Diabetes in Thirty Days. A lot of that happened before he was 30 years old, for

Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – October 28, 2010: Nick Ortner

Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters, www.McLeanMasterWorks.com

mean, I shared my idea with a couple of key people that I knew I was going to get positive feedback from but you know most people have made the mistake of talking to too many people about their vision and dream and goal.

And then, that one little put down—oh, that's a silly idea—or sometimes it doesn’t have to be a put down. You know, you tell someone an idea for a movie or a book and they just go, "Yes, I guess that might work.” That is enough to just crush it right there, you know. We’re so sensitive.

Jennifer: So, don't tell people your dreams. I mean, don't necessarily share your dreams unless they're really well established or unless it's a really trusted resource.

Nick: You got it. I mean, you know I know some people say, well, put it out there so you can make a commitment for it. And maybe that's a little different if you say, well, I'm going to fifty pounds and you want to put that out there as a commitment to the world or whatever. That's certainly one approach to it but I tell you, especially in that sort of infant stage, you can tell a few more people about it when you've committed to it so far that there's no going back, that's when you tell them; that when you go, "Well, it's just not going to make a difference.”

But, even then, be careful. Because, look, that great thing about EFT is that someone can give you that look that just crushes your dreams and you can tap on it and clear it out—that trauma or whatever that might be behind it. But the better move is just to not to traumatize yourself in the first place.

Jennifer: Oh that. Hey listen, Nick, we're getting some feedback on your—are you on a speakerphone?

Nick: No, I'm on a landline here.

Jennifer: You're on a landline there, okay. Cool. I'm not sure exactly what this feedback so sorry about that. If you maybe talk a little bit closer to the microphone.

Nick: Yes. And I don't even have a headset either.

Jennifer: Well, that's weird.

Nick: I'm right up to the phone. I don't hear anything from my end.

Jennifer: Okay, okay. We’re good then.

Nick: Okay, I can call you back or this is just a bad line.

Jennifer: Okay.

Nick: Let me know in a minute if it keeps going, I'll just try calling back in and you can entertain everybody while I'm in this.

Page 5: Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – October ...€¦ · movie, Simply Raw, Reversing Diabetes in Thirty Days. A lot of that happened before he was 30 years old, for

Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – October 28, 2010: Nick Ortner

Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters, www.McLeanMasterWorks.com

Jennifer: I could do that.

Nick: Yes. I know you can. So yes, I mean, that time is so sensitive for that idea. And I actually read or watched a video of someone talking about how just sharing that idea with somebody is actually almost weakens the creative process because you think when you share it, it's almost as if you did already, you know. So, if you have a cool idea—oh, I'm going to do this. You get it out of your system and it sort of weakens the energy behind it. So anyway, that’s what I did in getting started with the film and one of the big commitments I made is I went out and bought $40,000 worth of camera equipment.

Jennifer: Holy crap!

Nick: Within two weeks of, you know. This is on credit cards and credit lines; I wasn't a multi millionaire or, you know. I just fortunately had the credit for it; thank God for that. And I enlisted my younger sister and my best friend and we set out to make a film. And the caveat I always put at this point in the story is the film ended up being really good. Because it's like, wait, what? You don't know what you're doing and with your younger sister and your best friend who did it? But, if the vision is strong enough and the commitment is there, these things can happen in a magical way.

Jennifer: Yes, we're not necessarily recommending that you go out and put everything on credit.

Nick: You got it.

Jennifer: But, nonetheless, when the passion is strong and the dream is clear, it can take you and guide you in some pretty amazing places. So, tell me some of the synchronicities that happened along the way.

Nick: Well, barely around the things that we knew. We knew we wanted to have these experts in the film who were already using EFT so people like Jack Canfield and Bruce Lipton and Dr. Mercola. What was exciting is, it wasn't convincing them about this technique, they were using it. So, when we called them up and said, "We're making a movie of EFT.” They were excited.

So, we had some attraction right off the bat with a couple of people and other people were harder to get to like Jack Canfield, for example, was harder to get to. But we interviewed Joe Vitale first; he loved us, our energy, and our enthusiasm—what we talked about the film, our idea for it. And he helped us get to Jack. So, it's certainly one door opened another along the way. And so, we had the experts part of it—that was pretty simple to put together. I mean, there was a lot of travelling and a lot of the budget went to fly all over the place. And we did a lot of filming. The challenge in what we found was—you know I just

Page 6: Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – October ...€¦ · movie, Simply Raw, Reversing Diabetes in Thirty Days. A lot of that happened before he was 30 years old, for

Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – October 28, 2010: Nick Ortner

Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters, www.McLeanMasterWorks.com

didn't want a movie of talking heads, you know, one after another saying EFT is great; EFT is great, I wanted to show it happening in some way. And so, we were filming everything. I mean, anybody wanted to do anything with tapping, we’d film it.

And then, we thought another hundred hours of footage of someone taking free for those and seeing how they do and then tapping and then doing it again and seeing the sports performance improvement, right, which is really cool. And EFT works for sports performance but how do you put that in the movie? And how do you tell a story with that? And we had a real slump and it's probably a two-month period, in July and August, when we had didn't know what to do. And we internal problems with the team and people were frustrated. It’s like nobody was making any money and like clearly everyone’s volunteering their time because there's no budget. I wasn't paying anybody. Everyone was just in it for the ride and for a percentage of the movie and what not. And so, people were certainly frustrated and we just didn't know what to do.

And it wasn't until Nick Polizzi, the editor, came up with the idea of having this event which basically that's what happened in the film. We brought ten people together from around the country for this four-day event. And that really helped us. I mean, it was such a great medium for telling the story and showing these people beforehand. We flew at all their houses and showed here’s where they are with serious problems like fibromyalgia and chronic back pain and devastating grief. And here’s how they learned the process so you can learn along with them and here are the results both at the end of the event and then six months later.

So, really once we filmed that event, we knew we had something special because those four days were so special. The results were so extraordinary and people sort of tease me before the event happened and I would tell them about it. This one I was sharing the idea because I felt good about it. And everything was on the way and I say, "Yes, well, we're doing this thing. We’re bringing ten people and one person has fibromyalgia. The other person fractured the L1 in their back; the other person has had chronic back pain for 30 years.” And they looked at me and said, "What if you don't get results? You know like you're filming this whole thing. You’re flying people in. It’s the basis of this whole movie.” Like these are serious issues.

Nick: There, it's a big deal. And I just was so confident in the power of EFT and the team that we had together and the commitment. And I think, if there's that commitment to healing, amazing things happen. And you see it happen in the movie and fortunately by day 4, it wasn't in day 4, it was the second day when John wakes up free of pain after 30 years of having back pain. And you go, "man, there's something really special that's happening here.”

Page 7: Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – October ...€¦ · movie, Simply Raw, Reversing Diabetes in Thirty Days. A lot of that happened before he was 30 years old, for

Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – October 28, 2010: Nick Ortner

Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters, www.McLeanMasterWorks.com

Jennifer: Yes. And I think you said something really important there which is commitment.

Nick: Yes, yes.

Jennifer: And I think that commitment to me also means intention that's part of commitment. And I think, most people who go into just about anything in their life that the level of commitment is really the piece of the energetic part that forges a lot of people to forge forward despite obstacles. Would you agree with that?

Nick: Oh, absolutely. I mean, it's a must. You know, I've seen that come into play probably even more after we released the movie. Because you know, when we first put the movie out, again, I'm sort of naïve at every step of the way which is a good thing. You know so, I just get excited and put it out.

Jennifer: You didn't know what you did know.

Nick: Exactly, exactly. So, I thought, well, this thing is so special, I mean, of course I was biased and everybody likes their baby but I said, this is so special. I mean, what's happening in the film is so transformative the reviews that we got were just unbelievable, one after the other—amazing, cried, laughed, you know. So, I said, this is going to spread like wildfire. If The Secret went like this and this can—I mean, I love The Secret. I'm all for it; I think it's amazing. But, pound for pound, not the movie, the technique. If I say to people, well, you have a choice to either learn EFT or learn general Law of Attraction principles. Learn EFT because it just going to—it incorporates a lot of that stuff too. But it's just going to give you better results in your life. It’s just going to clear out the negative stuff, the limiting beliefs, and the things that are holding you back. So, you can move forward and then, the attraction is easy at that point. So, I thought it would spread like wildfire and it did very well initially. But, it has taken a year and a half, two years of constant, you know, spreading it and speaking about it like this in radio interviews and all sorts of stuff to get it out there and build more momentum.

Jennifer: Yes. So, it's not—you know life isn't necessarily always an overnight success. I remember Bonnie Ray says, “It took me 30 years to become an overnight success.”

Nick: Oh absolutely. I had an example, you see the other day. I was talking to someone who was a college roommate with Judd Apathow, the big comedy director, who’s a huge star now. He's had all these movies and it was interesting that in my head, I just thought this guy made it because I follow you here in this story, right. You don't hear of somebody and then, you hear it. And it was interesting to hear this guy, my friend Brian say, "Oh yes, well, Judd got started with this. And then, he wrote for this person and then he did comedy here. And then, he did a small part in this.” And he took me through the whole 20-year

Page 8: Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – October ...€¦ · movie, Simply Raw, Reversing Diabetes in Thirty Days. A lot of that happened before he was 30 years old, for

Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – October 28, 2010: Nick Ortner

Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters, www.McLeanMasterWorks.com

journey to making it overnight. But, you know again, in the media, when we see people, we don't hear that part of the story. They just appear and wow, look how easy it is.

Jennifer: I mean, there are those stories that people make it overnight but generally speaking it's a 20-year overnight success.

Nick: And you know what? Those 20 years are so awesome and just like the last couple of years for me have been so awesome. I mean, I'm so grateful the movie didn't explode. I truly am deal with it now, you're not really. No, I am because it's been such an amazing journey, it's grown. The movie has grown as I've grown. And that's going to happen too with your project, with your book, with whatever you have going on. You have to grow with it.

Jennifer: Yes, indeed. It's a really invaluable and important lesson and thank you for sharing your story. So, let's talk about EFT itself. Most people who are on my list are familiar with EFT but there might be a few folks that don't quite know about this. So, can you quickly walk us through what EFT is and how it works.

Nick: Yes, absolutely. I like to describe it as a combination of ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology. We talk about tapping, we've mentioned tapping because we are literally tapping on these meridian points in our body while saying certain statements. So, people know about acupuncture now and it's kind of funny how acupuncture has become so accepted which is amazing. People gotten results and people go, "Yes, acupuncture gets results in pain.” While this is sort of acupuncture without the needles so it's a lot less painful. You don't have to go somebody and it's so much more expansive.

And the thing with acupuncture is you have to go a therapist and they'll work on physical pain or a particular issue but it's not something you can do on your own. You know, you're not going to sit at home sticking needles into your body. But with EFT, you can. You can address whatever you have going on in your life on your own with just really astounding results.

Jennifer: Yes. And so, exactly what's going on when you're doing EFT? Kind of describe how it works so that when you take them through your process a little bit later, they can join in.

Nick: Yes, absolutely. So, should we go through the basic setup or we'll just do one quick round?

Jennifer: Yes, let's do that.

Nick: So, what we're looking at, you know sort of the statement of what we're doing here and this is Gary Craig’s statement. Gary Craig is the originator of EFT. He

Page 9: Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – October ...€¦ · movie, Simply Raw, Reversing Diabetes in Thirty Days. A lot of that happened before he was 30 years old, for

Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – October 28, 2010: Nick Ortner

Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters, www.McLeanMasterWorks.com

derived it from TFT which was developed by Roger Callahan almost 30 years ago. And these two amazing men have worked to—Roger made this discovery and then Gary basically simplified it, in a word. So, what Gary said is that anything we're dealing with is a disruption of the energy system. So, I talked about physical pain a couple of times. If we're dealing with back pain people go, "Whoa, what does related to these meridian points.” Well, just think of it as a disruption in the energy system.

If you have a limiting belies, if you say, well, I can't do that or I'm scared to speak in public or I have a phobia. In the movie, you see that there's somebody working with a snake phobia, deadly for the snakes. That's a disruption in the energy system. Something gets stuck; some trauma that is within the body and what we're doing is tapping for it to clear it out. So, the way we do it and it's really simple. What's so amazing about EFT is when you learn the basics, you just do the same algorithm every time, no matter what. You just change the language and the approach.

So, we start by tapping on the side of the hand. And this is on the pinky side of the hand, the meaty part. You take one hand; tap with the other. And we're going to say what's called the setup statement. And the setup statement is: Even though, and you fill in the blank on the problem—so even though I have this back pain; you know, I'm angry at my boss; you know I'm frustrated; I deeply and completely accept myself. Or you can say, even though I have this problem, I choose to let it go—that's Pat Carrington's choice of methods, if you don't like saying I deeply and completely accept myself especially on significant traumas so you can say, I chose to let it go.

Let's have an experience with it because I think it's great to have an experience with it. If you're already an expert, then this is a great time to tap and clear out some residual energy in your body. So, I like to get started with something in our body it's easy to tell the difference. Now, you can see while something changes right there.

Jennifer: Okay.

Nick: So, pick something in your body. And if you have physical pain, right now something hurts or if your neck is sore. You want to sort of turn it around. If you're for some tightness or tension like if I turn my neck right now, I feel all that little tension about doing that so I'm going to focus on that. And then, give it a number in a zero to ten scale. And we do that so we can check back in afterwards and see how they're doing.

Jennifer: Okay. So, what's the pain from—

Page 10: Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – October ...€¦ · movie, Simply Raw, Reversing Diabetes in Thirty Days. A lot of that happened before he was 30 years old, for

Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – October 28, 2010: Nick Ortner

Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters, www.McLeanMasterWorks.com

Nick: Exactly. So, if it really hurts, it could be an 8 or a 9 or a 10. If it's just very light, it's a 2. Probably go for something where you can quantify it at a level 5 or more.

Jennifer: Okay.

Nick: So, once you've picked that in your body, you can either repeat the same language that I speak and have the intention to work on your problem or just fill in the blank with your problem. So, I'm going to say, even though I have this tension in my neck. You can say, even though I have this pain in my back or you can just repeat whatever I said.

So, tap in the side of the hand. Even though I have this tension in my neck. I deeply and completely accept myself. I want to do that three times. Even though I have this tension in my neck, I deeply and completely accept myself. Even though I have this tension in my neck, I chose to release it now.

Now, we're going to go through the points and we've set up the problem so we sort of bringing the energy up on what we want to focus on. And I want to tap through the points. The first point or the eyebrow point is right on the inside of the eyebrow where the nose meets the end hair. Tap with two fingers and you can go on either side; you can go with both hands. And just repeat the reminder phrase which might be this tension in my neck or whatever you have going on.

Now, to the side of the eyes, it's not at the temple; it's not at the eyeball. It's right in between, right on the bone; tapping again with two fingers, either side, both sides, it doesn’t matter—this tension in my neck.

Under the eye, right where the bone starts underneath the eyeball—this tension in my neck. Under the nose, again with two fingers and you're tapping five to seven times. You don't have to get it perfect, just enough to move through the points—this tension in my neck. Under the mouth, we're going to go right above the chin but below the lips, that little crease right in there. And we're going to right on the bone with two fingers—this tension in my neck.

And we have three main points left. We're going to go to the collarbone. To find these points, if you feel for the little bones that stick out of the collarbone, you move down an inch and then to the outside of the body an inch. Actually, I like to tap with both hands on either side of the body—this tension in my neck.

Under the arm, about three inches below the armpit. You just use one hand to tap on the side of the body, under the arm—this tension in my neck. And the last point, right at the top of the head; you tap with the whole hand—this tension in my neck. So, you take a deep breath and you let it go. And then, you turn in and you go, "Okay, where did it go?” And I with in pain doesn’t do it but as it often happens, the tension in my neck released.

Page 11: Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – October ...€¦ · movie, Simply Raw, Reversing Diabetes in Thirty Days. A lot of that happened before he was 30 years old, for

Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – October 28, 2010: Nick Ortner

Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters, www.McLeanMasterWorks.com

Jennifer: Yes.

Nick: I'm still surprised. I hope I never get never surprised by it.

Jennifer: Isn't that cool?

Nick: I just go, "What? Oh, okay.” And then, I go, "Wait. Why did I have this for an hour and not tap on it.”

Jennifer: You know what? It’s so cool because it is a reminder, isn't it? I mean, there are so many things that I've learned about through the many speakers on this series. And they come back again and I'm like, "Oh, yes. That was a really good process to think of my neck because my neck had tension in it too. And I was at about a seven and you didn't really even notice it. And now, it's even better than before.

Nick: Yes. There you go. And that was one round. So, that's what we consider one round and if we’d spend another ten minutes on your neck, it would clear altogether. And what you're looking for—do you know the process of tapping whether you know, you're doing it by yourself or with a practitioner is looking out for clues. So, you tap on the tension in your neck and so it gets move and so it gets stronger or you start thinking about something that happened at work. Now, you have a choice. In the next round, you can go right back to the tension in my neck or you can say, ha, maybe this is connected to something that happened at work. So, even though I'm stressed out about what happened at work, I deeply and completely accept myself. You tap on that.

Jennifer: Right. You just move to the next phrase.

Nick: Yes. And you can just move through that process really organically trying to find what's next. And more often than not, I mean, the physical body issues we know and people who listen to this series often know is 99 percent of the time is emotionally-based, in some way, shape or form. So, releasing that stress sometimes will work it right out. I worked with somebody the other day and we must have spent 30 minutes working on her sciatica pain. And she’s had it for several years. And we're going around in circles. And she had an accident so I thought, great, we'll go right to the accident. We'll go to the trauma; well go to this.

We were going everywhere and I wasn't getting any results. And I was a little concerned because this is actually somebody who was looking to partner up with and they were excited with EFT and wanted to promote it. So, I said, I got to get results here. And I kept asking her questions and she brought up this stress she was feeling at work. So, we spent less than five minutes on the stress she felt at work and it was all gone just like that—all sciatica pain gone. She got up; she sat

Page 12: Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – October ...€¦ · movie, Simply Raw, Reversing Diabetes in Thirty Days. A lot of that happened before he was 30 years old, for

Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – October 28, 2010: Nick Ortner

Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters, www.McLeanMasterWorks.com

down; she stretched; she moved. She was shocked because she was able to do things that she hadn’t done in five years from releasing that stress at work. So, it's really powerful stuff.

Jennifer: And you can use this for anything? I mean, Susan from Montana is asking, “Can I use this to raise energy level so I'm not so tired all the time?”

Nick: Oh, absolutely. Yes, absolutely. What I would say on general fatigue—you mentioned Simply Raw, I'm obviously a big fan of the nutritional aspect of it and staying hydrated and eating good foods and exercising and all that. That all plays a role. I mean, we're such physical creatures that it's hard to ignore that. But with energy levels, what I would recommend is to do what's called the personal piece procedure. And basically that involves writing down everything that you can think of in your past that you have some sort of emotional attachment, anger, jealousy, whatever might have gone on, a charge—really an emotional charge to the issue. So, if you think back—you know, we can have a memory of something that happened 20 years ago that we have an emotional charge to. And the same memory cannot have an emotional charge. Someone can talk about a car accident and they can say, "Yes, I had a car accident 10 years ago. It was tough but I'm healed from it now.

Another person can talk about the same car accident and shiver when they talk about it and say, "Man, I can't even think about; I'm just terrified by it.” Well, that means there's an active emotional charge. And those events and they don't have to be serious like a car accident; it can just be something somebody said to you. I believe, drain your energy on a daily basis that if they're active, they're running through the body. So, going through the process of clearing out those events one after the other, I think will make a dramatic difference in energy levels.

Jennifer: And so, is this something that takes five minutes? Or 20 minutes? Or is it a one-time thing?

Nick: Well, the personal piece procedure, as I outlined it, the idea is generally to go after one event per day. So, you might make a list of 40 events, the most. I did when I started and just little things. You think back—okay, let me think about my college girlfriend. What do I think about her? Hmm, don't feel to good. So, it sounds like, well, there's something there. I mean, why am I upset about something that happened 10 years ago. There’s something there so let's clear it out so I can think about it in a rational way without there being a charge.

You know, Caroline Myss, I know you're having at the end of the series, she talks about our energetic bank account—the balance that we sort of turn into the world with and that we wake up with everyday. And she says that these traumatic

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Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – October 28, 2010: Nick Ortner

Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters, www.McLeanMasterWorks.com

events pull money out of that bank account. So, people end up bankrupt because they don't have any of that energy. It’s all invested in these different relationships, angers, issues, etc.

Jennifer: Wow! Yes. So, you know it's funny, I've heard about that with sleep too that you actually have a bank account for sleep, that you need 8 hours a day for the rest of your life. And it's interesting that you also—I think this is really relevant that there's a bank account.

Nick: Yes.

Jennifer: That you're indebted to with energy that is soaking for—it's like strong-arming you.

Nick: Absolutely.

Jennifer: With energy interest.

Nick: Yes. You got it; there it is. It’s the creditors are knocking and they're calling their bills due because you haven't—it's being pulled all over the place from you. I mean, that's been the difference. And if you think about it, if you talk to someone who is energetic, vibrant, happy, full of life and you go, "Man, you've so much energy, I don't believe it.” And they go, "Yes, life is great.” And you ask him, “tell me, you know you were in a car accident 20 years ago, how do you feel about that?” “Oh, it's fine, it happened, it's past.” “Well, you had a divorce, how do feel about that?” “Oh, it's fine; it happened; it passed.

As opposed to someone that's dragging and they're going to tell a different story. There going to go, "Yes, that divorce still hurts; it's still there; I carry it around with me everyday. I struggle; I'm afraid to move forward.” You can see the difference energetically, they're holding on to these things, does to our body.

Jennifer: Yes. So, what was your personal experience with EFT? I mean, what gave you that oomph to make a movie?

Nick: Well, you know it was probably, besides of sort of a little funny experience of “oh, neck pain going away,” it was doing the personal piece procedure. It was saying, I'm tired of being upset about anything in the past and living with limitations, whether it be worried about making money or this something or another. I mean, the amount of tapping that I've done on finances and abundance and just being open to it, I sort of laugh. I mean, I've always been, I think, a generous person growing up or whatever. But now, it's just money has taken whole different—it's like it's a whole different reality for me where the attachment is really gone and it's flowing beautifully into my life and it's flowing out beautifully, you know.

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Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – October 28, 2010: Nick Ortner

Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters, www.McLeanMasterWorks.com

Jennifer: Yes, yes. Well, let's talk about that because we get tons of email and tons of questions during these shows about people that are really in dire, dire straights financially. So, what do you tell people when they come to with—you know, EFT cannot help with financial . I mean, Jesus, it's financial; it's money. It’s my rent. How can EFT help me with that. So, what do you say to them? I mean, you've got personal experience here with this?

Nick: Well, absolutely. I mean, and I've had plenty of financial ups and downs. I've been broke. You know, I lived in a tiny, little apartment when I made the film. It was in a tiny 300 square foot apartment and put everything into it. So, yes, I've been there. I haven't had that money available to me. It’s all emotional. And the reality of it is that there are so many jobs out there right now; there are so many opportunities. And we had something happen during the last tapping world summit which is really neat. Someone who—I think this will give people a good example of how things can change in their lives.

Someone listened in on Sunday night, the first night of the summit, and was actually a call with Carol Look, who you're going to have on shortly; who's fantastic. And make sure to tune in for her. And she was taking people through some tapping on finances and releasing all that negative emotions and really the stress around it. Everything we're doing here is stress-related—clearing out the stress.

And somebody out there, somewhere in the world who was listening while we're tapping and she had some big breakthroughs and it was feeling really good. And she had an interview that was lined up for the next morning. Now, before she did the tapping, when she thought about the interview, she thought, I'm never going to get it. There are a hundred other applicants and so many others, so, she was totally down about the thing. She did the tapping; cleared the stress; cleared her energy. So now, she was feeling positive about it.

So, what happened? She shows up to the interview the next morning that was already in place, all right. That was happening before the tapping happened. What was different was how she was going to show up. So, she showed up energetic, vibrant, and full of possibility. She probably had great ideas for the company. She was just in overall positive about the experience. And sure enough, she got the job. She e-mailed me later that day saying, "I had amazing interview. I think, I'll get the job but we'll wait to hear in the next day. Yes, I got the job.” So, it was like, to me, that’s really an example because I believe and the Law of Attraction that amazing things happen in the universe but even from a very concrete side of things, that interview was scheduled. It was up to her who was going to show up.

Jennifer: Yes.

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Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – October 28, 2010: Nick Ortner

Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters, www.McLeanMasterWorks.com

Nick: She could show up with her energy open, vibrant, excited. Or, she could show up worried and miserable. I mean, I'll tell you right now as an employer and we just hired a couple of people on our staff. You know, the way people show up makes a big difference. If they show up for that interview feeling great and positive, I mean, nobody wants a cloud of worry and negativity around them. And I know that's easier said than done when you're facing these bills and everything that's going on. But use this tool to tap on it. You know the clear way, the limiting beliefs, the stress about everything that's happening and you will see things change in your life.

You'll start getting ideas. And again from a practical basis, you can spend all you want worrying about the bills but tap on it instead of being stuck worrying and thinking and thinking of running that same pattern, right. People go, "I'm so stressed running the same patter over and over again.” Tap on it; clear it. And the next thing you know, your brain opens up and that energy opens to go, "You know, I haven't thought about this. I could do this for some extra money or maybe I’ll call this person up because they might have a job for me. So, the energy moves to a different place. The energy that was stuck into the worry is now free to approach other more positive possibilities.

Jennifer: And from a law of attraction perspective, what you’ve just done is you’ve removed the energy obstacle and opened up your energy to the new possibilities.

Nick: Absolutely.

Jennifer: So you’ve cleared yourself of that old stuff. Would you be open to walking us through maybe a quick financial freedom kind of a tapping process?

Nick: Yes, absolutely. Let’s try to get a little more specific on the language. Now, generally, we can tap “Even though I’m stressed out about all these bills,” or everything like that and that’s good. That’s definitely a way to clear the energy. But if you’re out there and you do some work later, the more specific you can get, the better it’s going to be. So “Even though I’m worried about X because X is going to happen,” or “Even though I’m specifically stressed out about paying the mortgage,” whatever the specific issue is, clearing that out would be better.

Jennifer: So we’re going to focus on stress, the stress of the finances. Each individual on the call will focus on their specific financial stress right now.

Nick: Yes, exactly. And everyone, even if things are going great for you financially, there’s probably a level of stress about that as well. What do I do with all this money? I mean, some people will say that's a good stress to have, but there are always new levels to clear. So let’s start tapping this out of the hand.

Jennifer: Okay.

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Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – October 28, 2010: Nick Ortner

Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters, www.McLeanMasterWorks.com

Nick: I’m going to say, even though I’m really stressed about my finances and everything that’s going on in my financial life, I deeply and completely accept myself. I’m really stressed because they say the economy is bad and I’ve got all these stressors in my financial life—too many bills and not enough money. I choose to relax now. Even though I’m running these patterns of stress thinking about the same thing over and over again, I choose to establish a new pattern now. Now to the eyebrow point, all this financial stress. [Side of the eye] all of this financial stress. [Under the eye] I’ve got too many bills, [under the nose] too much going on, [Under the mouth] and the economy is bad. [Collarbone] They tell me the economy is bad, [under the arm] and my reality is showing up, [top of the head] all this financial stress. [Eyebrow point] Releasing all this financial stress. [Side of the eye] I just can’t stop thinking about it. [Under the eye] I can’t stop these patterns of thought. [Under the nose] All this financial stress. [Under the mouth] Letting it all go. [Collarbone] Letting this financial stress go. [Under the arm] I choose to believe in a new possibility. [Top of the head] I’m open to new possibilities. [Eyebrow] I’m open to a new reality [side of the eye] about my financial situation. [Under the eye] What if I had a new idea? [Under the nose] What if I got a new job? [Under the mouth] What if I change my attitude just a little bit? [Collarbone] and my situation changed. [Under the arm] Letting it all go. [Top of the head] Letting it all go.

Take a deep breath and let it go. So what most people out there hopefully had some release and then some relaxation going on in the body. And then pay attention to what came up during that process. I mean that’s really the key to any EFT tapping around. Paying attention and then you want to be in the process and in the energy but you want to be aware of things come up.

Jennifer: And if things come up, it’s like what you were saying before that they can then focus on that. I maybe see that it’s not just my bills but there’s something else going on, my husband or my mother-in-law. And then you can start feeling into what’s coming up there and then tap on that.

Nick: Yes. I think it’s great to tap with a pen and paper. So if something comes up you can make a quick note because you may also find five things come up. You tap on financial stress and it’s like, my parents never had any money, I hate rich people and I hate my job. It’s like, okay!

Jennifer: You think there might be an obstacle or two there.

Nick: Yes, we’ve got some stuff there. I mean I’ve seen that a lot and I think it’s changing, but I found it right when I got actually into the EFT world which is kind of sad to find it in the world but there was certainly a poverty consciousness especially around healers and the idea that any sort of healing should not involve money in any way. And I still get it. I’m sure you see it too. If we ever sell

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Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – October 28, 2010: Nick Ortner

Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters, www.McLeanMasterWorks.com

anything, we try to make as many things free as possible and give away as much free information as possible. But these need to be sustainable businesses. That’s how we grow, that’s how the information gets out there and that’s how we reach new people. And until a system comes in where the government subsidizes this work or we come into some sort of utopian barter system, something else, this is where we live and really rewarding healers and really being willing to pay for healings and being grateful for that is so positive and can do such a positive change in the world. I think a lot of people might want to tap on that issue if they’re out there healing. The massage therapist that don’t want to charge enough for their work or she’d barter a lot. It’s like barter central. It’s like I’ll trade a massage for everything that I don’t need.

Jennifer: Exactly.

Nick: And my personal experience is—well, I don’t know how it’s been for you but I’ve had some times when barter has worked out okay. But more often than not it felt incomplete. It felt like I owe the person more or they owe me more. It’s just like <inaudible 38:40> for the monetary exchange of this is the price of it and—

Jennifer: And my feeling has always been that—I’ve actually done whole seminars on this, on the value exchange of energy and how you actually do a disservice to your client when you don’t charge them enough because they do not emotionally and psychologically receive the benefits. But that’s whole another call.

Nick: Absolutely.

Jennifer: But that is definitely something worth tapping on. I agree and in fact, I sometimes have to tap on it because I get—well, Adonya gets them most of the time, but these horrible, horrible emails from people accusing me of things and I get to tap on that. If I’m plugged in, if there’s an emotion that comes up, that’s where we tap is the idea.

Nick: You got it. I mean that’s what we‘re dealing with here. And there’s an emotion that we see as a negative emotion. And we’re not trying to become zombies here. If we were like, “Oh, do you just clear? So never feel anything?” No, you absolutely feel things. But, hey, how about we feel joy, happiness, abundance than feeling all these lower emotions. Yes, so anything where we see a charge or we see a block, I mean that’s the key. One of the key things with EFT is identifying what I’d fit it into my life. You can really truly fit it anywhere, anywhere where you just feel stuck, where the energy is not flowing. And most people can tell the difference. You go through a day where you’re flowing. Everything is working. You go move from one thing to the other. Everything is great. You go through another day where nothing’s happening and it’s just like, oh, I’m frustrated or I’m procrastinating. I mean my go-to like use for EFT is

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Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – October 28, 2010: Nick Ortner

Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters, www.McLeanMasterWorks.com

procrastination. Even though I don’t want to get started on this project, I don’t want to go anywhere, I don’t want to do this, I deeply and completely accept myself. Moving that energy. Or going to the gym, that’s my other one too. I’ll sit on the couch just like staring at the door and be like, I don’t want to go to the gym. And I’ll slowly force myself to start tapping, even though I don’t want to go to the gym, I just want to stay here and read my book, I want to be lazy and then sure enough, I get through the rounds and I go, oh, okay, I actually want to go to the gym. I mean that’s the cool thing too. Like why not change the energy? So you go, oh, I absolutely want to go to the gym. Man, I don’t know what’s in my way but I’m ready to go.

Jennifer: Yes, that’s really cool. This is really interesting that you went down this path because Olivia had a question: “Is tapping only for removal of things that hold me back or can I use it to enhance certain things in my life?” That’s kind of what you just described. So walk us through how we can use it to enhance those things in our life, not just the blocks.

Nick: I mean, certainly, for performance, that’s being used a lot in sports so any golfers out there. If golfers are passionate to improve their score there is nothing better you could do. Forget the new club, forget this, forget that. It’s like clearing out the mental blocks and just believing and putting in place a new reality for what’s possible. And you can also do positive tapping. We did the negative round and then some positive which is the usual format. But if you want to get started in the morning and you’re feeling good and you just want to tap in a great day, you can do that. You can say, I absolutely believe that I’m going to have an amazing day. I clear everything that might be in my way and now I feel fantastic about the day. The tapping itself is so good for your body. I mean just doing it tones your body. It gets the energy moving. So, yes, certainly you can do it for improving things. I’ve done so much tapping on issues in the past, that personal piece procedure that it’s very rare that I’ll tap on I’m really angry or whatever is going on. It’s more tapping on procrastination or frustration or maybe even though I’m scared of speaking in front of a thousand people as opposed to 500. You can certainly do it for great and then greater things. And that’s the idea. Let’s clear away those blocks. Let’s clear away the blocks of making more money and not just making any money.

Jennifer: Right. And it just occurred to me that you could use this for things like, “Even though I really, really want to eat some sugar right now.”

Nick: Yes. Well, I just mentioned talking in front of a thousand people. That was at the Longevity Now event, the David Wolfe event. I came up on stage with some peanut butter, Reese’s peanut butter cups and all sorts of candies and this was the health of that. So I tease everyone out there supposedly with all these healthy people. But of course they had master cravings that are active as they

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Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – October 28, 2010: Nick Ortner

Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters, www.McLeanMasterWorks.com

were cleansing and detoxing and what not. So I had people up on stage and absolutely, we tapped the cravings down. People would smell the peanut butter cup and you could just see it and at random some of us will be salivating right now. There’s a thing about food that’s so crazy. I can say Reese’s peanut butter cup and there’s like a thousand people listening right now that are going, oh my god, that would be good. And that’s fine. You can have—

Jennifer: Can we do it right now, Nick? Because you got us going now. I’m going to leave right now and you’re going to have to take over the call so I can get myself some Reese’s.

Nick: So, again, what we’re doing here is we’re looking to bring down the energetic charge and take out the—it’s great to go, I’d love a healthy piece of something. I’d never recommend anybody the Reese’s peanut butter cup but that’s my nutritional advice but there are some amazing healthy chocolates out there and all sorts of stuff. So it’s fine to want that. The issue is when the craving is so strong that it overpowers you where you just go, I’m just going to be upset if I don’t have this.

All right. So let’s do it. And for most people it’s going to be chocolate or it’s right after dinner, some sort of sweet craving something. Think about it, if you have it around you, smell it. That makes it really easy. If you want to run and get a cookie. If that’s your usual issue, run and get it. And then rate your craving on a zero to ten scale. So, again, if you're desperate for it. I know all of people are going hurry up and get tapping because I’m going to eat it before we get there.

So let’s start tapping this out of the hand again. And I’ll just use the word sweet or chocolate. In this particular case you can change the language or use whatever you want. Even though I’m craving this chocolate, I deeply and completely accept myself. Even though I really want this sugar, I deeply and completely accept myself. Even though I’m desperate for this chocolate, I choose to relax now. I got to have it. I choose to feel safe and make a choice now. [The eyebrow point] I’m craving this chocolate. [Side of the eye] I really want it. [Under the eye] I got to have it. [Under the nose] Give me the chocolate. [Under the mouth] I deserve this chocolate. [Collarbone] Why can’t I have it? [Under the arm] Don’t tell me I can’t have it. [Top of the head] I want this chocolate. [Eyebrow] It’s my reward. [Side of the eye] It’s my moment of peace. [Under the eye] It feels so good to eat it. [Under the nose] It relaxes me to eat it. [Under the mouth] I need to eat it. [Collarbone] I can’t live without it. [Under the arm] Got to have it. [Top of the head] I’m desperate for this chocolate. [Eyebrow] I choose to relax, [side of the eye] and let go of this craving. [Under the arm] I allow myself to have it [under the nose] or not have it. [Under the mouth] I’m in control. [Collarbone] I’m in control of this craving. [Under the arm] I’m in control of

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Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – October 28, 2010: Nick Ortner

Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters, www.McLeanMasterWorks.com

this craving. [Top of the head] I can make a wise choice. Take a deep breath and let it go.

Now, were you craving chocolate, Jennifer?

Jennifer: Yes.

Nick: I forgot to ask you how high it was on a zero to ten scale.

Jennifer: Yes, it was pretty high. It’s that time of the day, right? It’s four o’clock and that’s when it happens. It was interesting because it was a very marked shift. When we went to that last tapping round, right around under the eye, I started to feel, oh maybe it was okay. And when you said wise choice, I had this vision of all the other things that my body really wants to eat.

Nick: There you go.

Jennifer: It’s celery and nuts and this wheat-free crackers. Yes, it was really cool.

Nick: And that’s what happens. People go, like don’t take it away from me. And that is if something it’s always wrapped up in cravings and the ability to have it, the freedom, like this is something I get to have, don’t take it way. I mean people don't even want to get started with tapping. But we’re not saying that. We’re saying you could tap for 20 minutes and then go, boy, I’m really going to enjoy this chocolate now. But you’re going to enjoy it from a place where you release the guilt around it, where you’re making conscious choice and that makes a huge difference.

Jennifer: And I even heard that when that choice is—that guilt and other extremes and the lower vibrating energy is removed, that the body doesn’t feel the deficit from it then.

n./ Yes. I absolutely believe that 100%. Think about the times when you stuffed your face and had a stomachache from it because you felt guilty and other times you’re at a party and stuffed your face and you felt great. And you know what, the way I look at it is even if it doesn’t make a physical difference on the body, why feel guilt? So if you’re going to eat it, you might as well eat it without the guilt and just be cool with it. Now people go, well, I need the guilt because it keeps me in check. No, it doesn’t. It doesn’t keep you in check. It takes you right in the same patterns over and over again.

Jennifer: Right. It’s a vicious cycle. You and I talked a little bit earlier about this really interesting process you have for entrepreneurs. We kind of addressed a few of the personal issues that people might have on the call. But I love this process

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Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – October 28, 2010: Nick Ortner

Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters, www.McLeanMasterWorks.com

you have which is what’s behind your goals. So can you maybe walk us through your theory on this and a little bit of tapping around that?

Nick: Absolutely. I sort of call this deconstructing your goal, vision or dream for maximum results. And this can be entrepreneurs or you can have a goal within your general work life or whatever—everyone’s got goals out there obviously or visions or a dream. Usually people take them as far as I want to make a million dollars and that’s it. That’s as far as they sort deconstruct that goal. Or I want a healthier, happier marriage. And that’s as far as it goes when it gets put down on the list. You people say, oh, write down your goals and there’s this big list.

So what we’re doing with this process is saying there’s a lot more to the goal than that. There’s a lot more happening behind it. And if we deconstruct it, we sort of pull it apart and see what’s behind it and then tap away the limiting beliefs and the blocks around it that are active, then we can manifest it that much faster. So what I want you to do is—hopefully you have a pen and paper handy and take a moment and write down your goal, dream or aspiration. So you might want to say, “I want to earn a million dollars,” or “I want to bring peace to my relationship with my mom.” Or if it’s a vision like I’d like to create dramatic social change. Whatever it is you want to focus on. And don’t worry about getting it right, just get it down on paper.

So that’s step one of the process. You can note the steps in case you want to go back and sort of listen to this later because the reality is that you can do this with all your goals and it will make a dramatic difference in your life,

Jennifer: Okay. So step one is write down your goals.

Nick: Exactly, nice and easy. Just do one for now so you could focus on one. Step two is to write down your immediate gut response when you’re reading that goal. For some people you might want to read it out loud because that brings more of the center. You might want to say I want to earn a million dollars or I want a healthy and happy relationship. Or just read it silently, it’s up to you. And then note your immediate gut response when you read that goal. So how do you feel? Are you 100% in alignment with it? How does your body respond? I was working with someone, they wrote down that they wanted to be a multi-millionaire and as soon as they said it, it was like their stomach was in knots.

Jennifer: Or it doesn’t feel real or it’s like, well, I’m not.

Nick: That’s it. Exactly. Write down your immediate gut response and if there’s more than one thing, if you say I feel nauseous and my body is constricted and I think this is BS, wrote all those things down. I’ll give you 10 seconds to just come up with as many things as you can.

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Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – October 28, 2010: Nick Ortner

Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters, www.McLeanMasterWorks.com

Jennifer: So these are the gut responses that they’re coming up with.

Nick: Gut responses. Reading your goal, what’s the gut response? And try to focus on an emotion or feeling and be as specific as possible. So if you have tension in your stomach, write that down specifically: “My stomach feels like it’s in knots.” And then also give it a number. Remember the zero to ten scale? Give it a number on that scale so you can quantify exactly where it is my stomach is in knots and it’s like an eight. And, again, we’re going through this quickly but you can go back to it later and expand it. I mean the reality is that you kind of want to spend a few minutes with each step.

So the next step is to write down what other people would say about your goal if you shared it with them. And we’re talking about friends, family members, society, co-workers. And this is a big step that people miss. So you write down “I want to be a multimillionaire,” and then if I say to you, “Okay, say that out loud to mom and dad.” And it’s like, “Oh my god. Mom would think I’m crazy. She’d think I’m greedy.” So write down what you would expect to happen and more importantly, your specific reaction to it. Because what we’re doing here is let’s say in this case again, “I want to be a millionaire,” mom would say that it’s stupid and you’ll never do it. We’re not going to change—I mean we can obviously if we do different changes in energy but we’re not looking to change how mom responds or looking to change how we feel about how mom responds.

Jennifer: Okay, that’s a nice distinction.

Nick: So when I hear her say that, I feel like a loser, or I feel that she’s right. She’s always been right and never been able to do it. So write down your specific emotion about what everybody would say.

Jennifer: Is that still step three?

Nick: Yes, that’s still step three. Yes, absolutely. Yes, step three is all around what other people would say. And now step four is to write down your beliefs about the goal. So you might say a part of me thinks it’s impossible. I’ve never been able to do it before. Who am I to achieve this? Your inner dialog on that. So three steps are basically saying, well, four steps, write down gut response, body response, immediate reaction, what other people would say about it and then what you would say about it.

Jennifer: Okay.

Nick: Okay, everybody, just a couple more seconds to get a couple of those down. And, again, make sure to be specific on the emotion on how you feel about it. It’s all about the emotion, the energy that you're feeling and then give it a number. And then the process as we look through that list is to systematically—and this is

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Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – October 28, 2010: Nick Ortner

Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters, www.McLeanMasterWorks.com

why it’s so important to write it down—systematically tap out in a way all these feelings and all these limiting beliefs and all these blocks. So if mom says you're a loser and it makes your feel like a loser and you feel that emotion in your body and it’s an eight, then we’re going to go specifically to that. If you think I’ve never been able to do this before because I’ve always failed and that’s strong, we’re going to go specifically to that. And some people might be able to sit down for an hour and clear this out. More often than not, there’s going to be especially around you sort of big life vision goal, there’s going to be so much stuff around it and you spend time that this is the kind of thing you don’t want to spend a week working on. Or work with a practitioner and specifically say, okay, I got a lot of stuff that when I share with the world I want to be a millionaire, man, there are 30 things that come up, let’s work on them.

Jennifer: Right. Wow, this is really cool. So then we just tap through the obvious obstacles that are now available here to our goals.

Nick: You got it. And this can be done at every level. I mean I was talking to someone last week whose goal is to create a 100-million-dollar company. And sell it and have a vision for that and the other. And they have a whole team. There are three main sort of owners in the business and we went through this process. What we’re planning to do in the future is actually spending two days together where we take the big vision, I want to make $100 million, I want to sell my company for $100 million and break it down as it relates to each one of the partners, ideas about it. What are the main beliefs? How do they interact with each other? Again, deconstructing it to such an extreme level so they can really move forward on the positive side of it.

Jennifer: Wow, this is really pretty cool stuff. I‘d like that a lot. And you can deconstruct just about anything too using this same model. I mean you can take a health issue and go through similar steps and then go through the minute aspects of the issues behind the health issue.

Nick: Absolutely. So you think, well, if I shared with my mother that I’m going to get over my fibromyalgia, she would say, “It’s not possible. I’ve had it my whole life and you will too.” Okay? Well, there’s something rare. These are all stressors that are contributing to the issue in some way, shape or form. And if they’re out there and existing in your field, in your consciousness, they’re stopping you from getting what you want.

Jennifer: Wow, this is really cool stuff. We’re coming to the top of the hour and I want to make sure I talk about your—this has never happened before on these calls where I’ve had three or four questions from people halfway through the show asking about your special offer. This is kind of exciting that people actually really want to know about it. I know you’ve put something together really, really special

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Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – October 28, 2010: Nick Ortner

Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters, www.McLeanMasterWorks.com

for us tonight that if you folks want session upon session upon session of EFT, Nick set it up so that you’ve got everything you could possibly need to not only understand and do EFT for yourself but also to experience it through other people who have been walking through issues kind of like Nick did with us tonight in an even more expanded level. So tell us a little bit about your special offer.

Nick: Well, my caveat with the offer is that there’s—I mean, truly, there’s so much material in there. It’s like don’t get overwhelmed. Don’t have to listen to all, probably 50 hours of material that is there. You can get this as sort of a lifetime library almost of sessions to work through where you can get focused on specifically what you want first. This package basically includes the Tapping Solution DVD that we spoke about which we normally sell for $30 on our website. That’s the price for it. It includes The Companion book that’s $25 on our website and then the 2009-2010 Tapping World Summit Digital Archives. And it’s basically 25 hours or 25 sessions for each of those year summits. Those are fantastic because they’re like this conversation that’s focused on a specific topic. So if you insist on a financial aspect, there’ll be an hour where there’s nothing but discussion and tapping and more tapping. There’s actually a lot of tapping in there. Because people say, well, I get stuck, I don’t know what to say and that’s why we put these sessions together so they can just tap along and get results just from following that. There’s stuff on physical pain, relationships and we try to cover as many topics as possible within those summit calls. And yes, we’ve discounted that to $97 from what it would be normally which is a lot more than that, I don’t know what it is but—

Jennifer: Like $2,446. I know that you offered some of these things at a lesser price too. But the value is huge.

Nick: Yes. The summit starts out as a tremendous value because if you look at each session—I like to compare each session to paying $100 for a therapy session because there’s that plus more. And you get the transcripts and the workbook and everything. But the reality of it is that none of this sells for less than $300 ever combined.

Jennifer: Right. Okay, this is awesome. So if you're interested, folks, go to healingwiththemasters.com/nickspecial. Adonya will correct me if that’s incorrect through her Skype here. And you’ll be able to access this remarkable movie. It’s a beautiful movie. I mean, if nothing else, the movie is fabulous. And then there’s over 50 hours of very specific tapping exercises which is about anything that you want. And so if you’re an extreme novice and really don’t know how to do set-up phrase, you’ll get tons and tons of examples of how to do it. And I believe that by the end of this, if you listen to a majority of the stuff by the end of it, you’ll be able to do it yourself daily. I do a lot of different things as you all know. I do H'oponopono. I do my own body dialog system of healing. I do a lot

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Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – October 28, 2010: Nick Ortner

Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters, www.McLeanMasterWorks.com

of EFT too. And in the moment when an emotion comes up, EFT is great. And by the time you’re finished with this special you’ll definitely know how to do tapping for yourself and how to do a set-up phrase and how to do just about anything with it I would imagine.

Nick: No. Just tapping along with all the different phrases and all the different topics. Get through as many of them as you can because people always comment, you know, I wasn’t going to listen to this one presentation and I did and it blew me away because I was getting annoyed with the Healing the Inner Child presentation because I thought it was silly and they said a couple of things that just changed my life forever.

Jennifer: And there are just some miraculous stuff happening through these programs that you shared with me personally that are really, really cool stuff. That can be your experience. Again, healingwiththemasters.com/nickspecial.

Nick, any final thoughts before we finish up today?

Nick: Well, I’m obviously so passionate about this tool and so passionate about the possibility for people to be healthy, happy and financially fulfilled and have that abundance in their life. I think one of the things that we have to start thinking about is sort of raising the bar for that possibility. I mean society and our culture and if we put on the TV and everything it doesn’t give us that possibility. There’s not shining examples on TV of people who are healthy, happy and fulfilled. So more often than not, the things that we have in our life and the repeating patterns that we have and the challenges and our limiting beliefs and the self sabotage, we take those as just part of the course because everybody else out there is like that. The people listening I’m sure are at the cutting edge of feeling good. They have to be if they’re listening to this series. And what I put out there for them is the possibility of taking that cutting edge even further. Really going for it, really saying, you know what, it’s enough of these patterns. If you’re out there and you think about the patterns, if you run patterns of self sabotage or you have limiting beliefs that you know have been holding you back, this tool is so fantastic to just clear it out of the way, deconstruct the goal or go through the whole tapping process and just move it to the next level. That can feel so good and that’s what’s exciting. I‘m so optimistic about the future, about our world, about everything that’s happening but it all starts with us doing our own work. And I just encourage people out there to use this tool to do so.

Jennifer: Yes. Nick did this to take him through his immense success and through his passion of doing this work. EFT was his guiding tool to allow him to achieve what he’s got. So if you guys are looking for more success, more anything in your life, it’s a beautiful tool.

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Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – October 28, 2010: Nick Ortner

Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters, www.McLeanMasterWorks.com

Thank you so much for bringing your wonderful passion to Healing with the Masters. It really was a pleasure and an honor having you on the show, Nick. I enjoyed it immensely and I know my audience did as well. So thanks for hanging out with us today.

Nick: It was fantastic. Thanks so much. We’ll talk soon.

Jennifer: Okay, it sounds good. Thank you, bye now. We’ve got a pretty big week next week. We’ve got Dan Millman, the Way of the Peaceful Warrior. I’m so excited. He’s been a really important person guiding me in my life. And Michael Beckwith, the reverend from Agape. He was also one of the featured teachers in The Secret. He is an amazing, amazing soul. I love him and I love his message and his passion as well. So you guys are in for a treat next week. I love you all so very much. Thanks for joining us for another show of Healing with the Masters and we will see you next time. Bye now.