Headteacher: Mrs. J. Davies Teacher: Mrs. J. Deek...Children must feel happy and secure without...

Headteacher: Mrs. J. Davies Teacher: Mrs. J. Deek Danescourt Way, Llandaff, Cardiff CF5 2SN Tel 02920 552422 (choose option 2) E mail [email protected] Website www.danescourtprm.cardiff.sch.uk

Transcript of Headteacher: Mrs. J. Davies Teacher: Mrs. J. Deek...Children must feel happy and secure without...

Page 1: Headteacher: Mrs. J. Davies Teacher: Mrs. J. Deek...Children must feel happy and secure without their parents, before they can play and learn successfully. They need to be confident

Headteacher: Mrs. J. Davies

Teacher: Mrs. J. Deek

Danescourt Way, Llandaff, Cardiff CF5 2SN

Tel 02920 552422 (choose option 2)

E mail [email protected]

Website www.danescourtprm.cardiff.sch.uk

Page 2: Headteacher: Mrs. J. Davies Teacher: Mrs. J. Deek...Children must feel happy and secure without their parents, before they can play and learn successfully. They need to be confident
Page 3: Headteacher: Mrs. J. Davies Teacher: Mrs. J. Deek...Children must feel happy and secure without their parents, before they can play and learn successfully. They need to be confident

Mrs. Deek Teacher in Charge

Mrs. Hedges Teaching Assistant

Mrs. Ling Teaching Assistant

We would like to welcome you and your child to our Nursery. We believe that we provide a balanced

programme of play based learning that includes, child-centred activities, free-play and pre-planned activities.

We know that this will ensure that your child will feel happy and secure; this will enable them to learn and

develop at their own pace.

The staff at Danescourt Primary School work towards creating a happy, relaxed, learning atmosphere, where

your child will be encouraged to participate in the life of the school and develop a love of learning.

We aim to provide a welcoming and vibrant environment for our children that will assist them in settling into

the Nursery and develop meaningful relationships with the other children and staff.

We hope that this booklet will inform you all you need to know when your child first starts Nursery. If not,

then please ask, we are here to help. You might like to look at our website online guide to starting at Nursery

at www.danescourtprm.cardiff.sch.uk (follow the step-by-step tab).

Page 4: Headteacher: Mrs. J. Davies Teacher: Mrs. J. Deek...Children must feel happy and secure without their parents, before they can play and learn successfully. They need to be confident

If a child is upset when left, parents are welcome

to telephone the nursery at . If the child

continues to be unduly distressed and is unable

to settle, t

willnd asked to

Children must feel happy and secure without their parents, before they can play and learn successfully. They need to be confident that their parents or carers will return at the end of the


In order to achieve this we will:

Invite you to a play visit at the Nursery setting

with your son or daughter.

Admission to the Nursery is staggered to

allow for one to one time.

If a child is upset on arrival, parents are welcome

to telephone the Nursery at any time to enquire

about them.

Regular attendance of Nursery is essential to

ensure that your child settles well and learns the

Nursery routines.

Please make every effort to make sure that your

child is on time as it can disrupt our other pupils

and the Nursery routine.

Page 5: Headteacher: Mrs. J. Davies Teacher: Mrs. J. Deek...Children must feel happy and secure without their parents, before they can play and learn successfully. They need to be confident


Play based activities are provided in a happy, secure environment to combine maximum fun and

interest, whilst developing children's own personalities. Staff will spend time individually with your

child, initiating learning and educational skills in preparation for school. Our pre-school curriculum

is play based and aims to ensure that the children’s early learning is an enjoyable experience.

The activities provide opportunities for

experiencing key skills in the seven areas of

learning as outlined by the Welsh Assembly

Government. These areas of learning are:

- Personal and Social Development, Well-Being

and Cultural Diversity

- Language, Literacy and Communication Skills

- Mathematical Development

- Welsh Language Development

- Knowledge and Understanding of the World

- Physical Development

- Creative Development

Page 6: Headteacher: Mrs. J. Davies Teacher: Mrs. J. Deek...Children must feel happy and secure without their parents, before they can play and learn successfully. They need to be confident

Early learning is about developing

children’s aspirations, self-esteem

and motivation. Our role as

teachers is to enhance a child’s

positive attitude to learning. We

foster independence, but ensure

that each child also knows when

to ask for help.

By providing a caring and safe

environment children learn how to

interact with adults and other

children. They learn how to

co-operate and to share.

Developing a child’s personal and

social skills and well-being is at

the heart of our teaching.

Page 7: Headteacher: Mrs. J. Davies Teacher: Mrs. J. Deek...Children must feel happy and secure without their parents, before they can play and learn successfully. They need to be confident

In our Nursery, we aim to provide a rich

language experience allowing the children

to express themselves through role play,

circle time, story time, rhyme and song.

These experiences will form a sound basis

for early speaking and listening, reading

and writing skills.

We aim to develop all aspects of

language so that the children

become good speakers and in time

good readers and writers. We

provide clear structured activities

to challenge the children. These

allow them to develop language

and literacy skills at their own pace

and with confidence.

Page 8: Headteacher: Mrs. J. Davies Teacher: Mrs. J. Deek...Children must feel happy and secure without their parents, before they can play and learn successfully. They need to be confident

Mathematics within the Foundation Phase is based

upon providing practical activities. These will allow

the children to learn through hands-on experiences.

These activities enable children to develop cognitive

thinking whilst manipulating all kinds of equipment.

Through such playful opportunities the children are

involved in their own learning experiences.

Children will develop mathematical language through

participation in number songs and rhymes. They learn how

to co-operate with others and begin to experience problem

solving and decision making. We are a Thinking School and

use Thinking Hats and Maps with our young pupils to

develop reasoning skills.

Page 9: Headteacher: Mrs. J. Davies Teacher: Mrs. J. Deek...Children must feel happy and secure without their parents, before they can play and learn successfully. They need to be confident

In our Nursery we aim to enhance a child’s social

development by helping them build a sense of identity in

a multicultural and bilingual society. We believe it is

important that children learn to understand and respect

the diversity of different traditions and cultures.

Welsh language is delivered through songs and

incidental Welsh. The children are provided with

opportunities to experience and enjoy using

welsh in their everyday activities.

Page 10: Headteacher: Mrs. J. Davies Teacher: Mrs. J. Deek...Children must feel happy and secure without their parents, before they can play and learn successfully. They need to be confident

Throughout the Foundation Phase an important emphasis is

placed upon creative development. Children need

opportunities to observe, and to develop their creative and

expressive skills. These make an important contribution to

their overall progress. Children of all ages are continually

improving their imagination and creativity. It is our role to

provide activities to develop these important skills.

Creativity provides children with opportunities to manipulate

different textures, colours and mediums, to respond to and enjoy

rhythm and music and create movement in dance, whilst engaging

in the pure enjoyment of exploration.

Page 11: Headteacher: Mrs. J. Davies Teacher: Mrs. J. Deek...Children must feel happy and secure without their parents, before they can play and learn successfully. They need to be confident

To promote a healthy lifestyle all children need regular exercise.

Through activity, children develop muscular strength, mobility and

physical control as well as an awareness of themselves and the space

in which they move. They learn to manipulate small and large

equipment safely and with increasing control. Essential skills such as

turn taking and working co-operatively with others are encouraged

through physical development.

During physical activity children need to think for themselves.

By developing self-confidence children will learn to use their own initiative to help solve problems.

They will be encouraged to express themselves with increasing control and co-ordination.

It is our aim to provide a range of activities which promote

all these skills of physical development.

“We like to ride our


Page 12: Headteacher: Mrs. J. Davies Teacher: Mrs. J. Deek...Children must feel happy and secure without their parents, before they can play and learn successfully. They need to be confident

“I like finding out about


Children are naturally inquisitive about the world in which they live. They enjoy exploring,

matching, sequencing and experimenting. Our role is to provide such opportunities for

children to discover and understand the world around them.

Well-structured activities allow the child to develop a basic understanding of the locality,

nature, ourselves and our health. Through discussion we learn about the importance of

our homes, families and people who help us. All this learning allows for the development of

multi-sensory skills in both the indoor and outdoor classroom.

Page 13: Headteacher: Mrs. J. Davies Teacher: Mrs. J. Deek...Children must feel happy and secure without their parents, before they can play and learn successfully. They need to be confident
Page 14: Headteacher: Mrs. J. Davies Teacher: Mrs. J. Deek...Children must feel happy and secure without their parents, before they can play and learn successfully. They need to be confident

A responsible adult, or a young person over the age of sixteen

years, must hand pupils over to a member of the Nursery

team at the beginning of the session and receive the child

back at the end of the session.

Members of this team are easily identified by their school


Whilst we all experience domestic crises from time to time,

we ask please to set a good example and ensure that your

child doesn’t arrive late.

The safety of your child is of paramount importance to

us. If you have concerns about your child’s wellbeing or

progress, please let us know so we can work together.

If you have concerns about the physical, emotional

wellbeing of a pupil please make your concerns known in

confidence to Mrs. Davies (Headteacher and Child

Protection Officer) or Miss Haynes (Deputy Head teacher

and Child Protection Officer).

Page 15: Headteacher: Mrs. J. Davies Teacher: Mrs. J. Deek...Children must feel happy and secure without their parents, before they can play and learn successfully. They need to be confident

We recommend that children come to school wearing appropriate, washable clothes as they are

often involved in practical, sometimes messy, activities. As children are encouraged to develop

independent, self-help skills, we suggest that clothes that can be easily managed are worn. We do

have a school uniform which children are encouraged to wear. Uniforms can be purchased from

Joyell’s 3, Penlline Road, Whitchurch, Cardiff 20693653 at YC Sports, Cowbridge Road East,

Canton. An order form is also available on our website.

Outside provision is offered every day, so please make sure your child has outer clothing

appropriate for the weather. Outdoor clothing and jumpers should be named and coats need a

loop so they can be hung on a peg.

Accidents with toileting do happen sometimes, it is our policy to help your child to change. We

will only phone you in extreme cases.

We encourage all our nursery pupils, regardless of whether they wear other items of school uniform

to purchase a school fleece which can be embroidered with your son/daughter’s name. We also

recommend that you purchase a school hat with a neck guard for outside play and a book bag to

carry books borrowed back and forth.

Bags containing changes of clothes are not required; if you child has an accident the Nursery will

provide spares but this needs to be washed and returned.

During warm weather socks must be worn when wearing open toe shoes to protect toes when on

trikes and bikes.


We discourage the wearing of jewellery and only stud earrings should be worn, any other type of

earring can be very dangerous.


We would prefer children to be toilet trained before starting Nursery but we will work with you on

the process if need be. Please mention toilet training to our staff when you have your meeting.

Page 16: Headteacher: Mrs. J. Davies Teacher: Mrs. J. Deek...Children must feel happy and secure without their parents, before they can play and learn successfully. They need to be confident

Good behaviour is important so that our young pupils learn respect for others and

learn to the best of their ability.

Pupils are expected to behave in a responsible way both to themselves and others and

show respect for books, equipment, the building and other people’s belongings.

We use language with our young pupils that they will understand and from the

beginning we have clear expectations of our pupils that;

We show respect and good manners at all times

We follow instructions with thought and care

We care for everyone and everything

As part of our wellbeing programme your child will be in a small nurture group where

we enforce these values and encourage respect.

We also use a whole school emotional literacy programme using puppets such as Connie

Confidence and Peter Persistence to reinforce important learning values from the very



All our pupils are provided with milk every day. This is funded by the Welsh Government and there is no cost for parents. Nursery staff provide a healthy varied snack each day. We ask parents to contribute £1.50 a week to help cover the cost of these snacks. This can be paid via Parentpay which we will help you to sign up to when your child starts with us .

Snack money can be paid weekly, half termly or termly. Water is available for pupils throughout the session.

Page 17: Headteacher: Mrs. J. Davies Teacher: Mrs. J. Deek...Children must feel happy and secure without their parents, before they can play and learn successfully. They need to be confident

Making sure your child can go to the toilet by him/herself.

Showing your child how to wash and dry his/her hands.

Putting your child’s name on their coat and jumper.

Teaching your child how to dress and undress him/herself and put on shoes and


Telling us about any allergies or problems your child may have. Things that

happen at home may affect your child in nursery. Please tell us if there is a

reason why your child is upset or excited so that we can understand a possible

change in behaviour.

Keeping your child at home if he/she seems unwell. Infections spread very

quickly in nursery e.g. tummy upsets

Dogs are not allowed on school premises, even if they are on a lead. Please do

not bring dogs when you bring your child to nursery or when collecting.

Developing a partnership between home and school;

For example helping when we take the children out on trips.

We firmly believe education is a partnership between home and school. As you are your

child’s first teacher, you have a very important role in the continuing education of your child.

We therefore encourage links between home and school in the following ways:-

· by sending home regular news letters with information about the school and our activities.

· by half termly tasks linked to our topic, for you to complete at home with your child.

· by inviting you into the school for special events such as concerts and parties, as well as

individually to discuss your child’s progress.

· by asking you to help when we take the children out on trips.

· by encouraging you to discuss learning when your child brings home a “talk card.”

Page 18: Headteacher: Mrs. J. Davies Teacher: Mrs. J. Deek...Children must feel happy and secure without their parents, before they can play and learn successfully. They need to be confident

We ask you to complete all other relevant forms given to you prior to

your child starting at the Nursery.

Should you have any questions or worries, please ask. We will do our

utmost to deal with any issues quickly.

We thank you for choosing our Nursery and hope that you and your child

will enjoy your time here.

Page 19: Headteacher: Mrs. J. Davies Teacher: Mrs. J. Deek...Children must feel happy and secure without their parents, before they can play and learn successfully. They need to be confident