Head Injury Treatment In Hyderabad | Brain Injury Treatment In India

Head Injury

Transcript of Head Injury Treatment In Hyderabad | Brain Injury Treatment In India

Head InjuryWe Can Help...



A head injury is an injury to your brain, skull, or scalp. All head injuries should be

treated seriously and assessed by a doctor.


Types of head injury

Skull Fracture Concussion Depressed skull fracture


Diastatic Skull



hematomaLinear skull fractures


Causes Of Head Injury

Motor vehicle accidents


Physical assaults

Sports-related accidents


Diagnosis and Treatments of head



Head injuries can be diagnosed with the help of CT scans, MRI, physical examination, X-rays, EEG and blood tests. The treatment is decided based on many factors such as the age and medical condition of the patient along with the severity of the injury.


D r . S a i S u d a r s a n i s a l e a d i n g a n d w e l l e x p e r i e n c e d E n d o v a s c u l a r a n d M i c r o

n e u r o s u r g e o n i n H y d e r a b a d p r o v i d e s t h e b e s t t r e a t m e n t i n c l u d i n g H e a d I n j u r y

t r e a t m e n t I n I n d i a .

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