HE UNION STANDARD - digifind-it.com County Standard...HE UNION STANDARD Has._a larger ... Tltu...

. . ! \ . · ; ' HE UNION CJO.UNT"Y SNDA Ha s._a larger circulation than any other Weekly Newspap er Published in Union County. = = �=·=-�=-� . . .... . �--- = WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY, N: J., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER S, 1909, t .. r�ut P . . r · - ... - . , .ul•l••·l Third Pe, $10 in Gold. I American Home Drawing ntest WON BY LINDSAY W. DALLAS e Pearl Company WE HAVE HOUS ' TO T Iu eve r y section BI of nll si?.es nod flo· rlptions. If you uro lꝏldng for one wo cau sJLve you o lot of tramping arcuud if yon will col! nt the Dr. Pull Buildin1 Robert 8. Si ncl ai r Gives ·Instructive lnlerview to a Standard Represenlalive. LATEST METHOD CF TREATM ENT. a Re . �u1e. Inad of werilywalklugo p o e t ret . S�ICIIS C�batlng '�"t• .. ond dowu·uuotlu!• ; you stt here comfortn· Frish Air,. and , Sunlight and No Drugs; $1.50 Per Yenr. Single Copy 3c -----= WINS. BAN�UET BY CHURCHMEN. G. 0. P. SWEEPS TOWN. The Assemblg Nominees Received Bishop Scarborough and IJBan Nearlg the Full Parlg Vole Was An Average Pluralltg or 2,983. THOMPSON IS HIGH MAN Hobbins Guests or Honor Pol�d In This Offear at Epi s cop al mnner. or Politics. OTHER CHURCHES REPRESENTED. LLOYD THOMPSON'S BIG VOTl With Total Vote or 11, 715--Smlth end And Standing Commltlee Ap,oln t ed to Con· Only 30 Behind the Tall Vote or 1908- Calvt Carrq City or Elizabeth, slder Plan lor Forming a Men's Galld Other candldales Endorsad-Schml t l I Democratic S t rongh old, In the Church. Defeats Gould In Second. Results highly �ntl�faotory to tho Re . publican party matmgers were Hoourod In Uni on couo1ty •rneoduy. Tbu Assent· bly tckot rocoived an nvernge pluralt y of 2,083, which WH way beyomt tho expeotatiaJJS of tho p11rty len d e rs, au consider m!' most flattering to those 111 ohlirge of the campaign. Tho crcelleiJt runs nmdo h,v County Ofmirman Smith f Jr Registrar and County Olerk Calvert. hlll'o cnnsod unusual comment lu . llticnl circle; tod1ly. Both Smith nnd 01tlvurt cnrriod lllizalotll, pili11g up nlso big pluralities in the county, r. Onlvett carrie< ! Eli7 lbotb 'by 4BB vo tes, while Mr. Smith mnde au excel· lu11t run, cal'rying the cit y by 163 votes. Smith's plurality in the county wus U,IJOO nud Calvert's 4,245. Tltu RopnbliCIIll tloket mrule + cl c "u A bnnquot w11s given ut the Wosifiold swoop In Westfield. Lloyd 'l'ltompsou, Inn last Weuesday eveui uu by tho 111011 candhlnto fot• thu nssombly, received tho of St. Pul's Ohnl'oh, t"v. Slduey largest Yote, 7 88, which was but 80 less Ot · oss, rector. About eighty g . uests tlmn tlml. glvon to Preideut 'nft !nat were there, Anooug the dlstlnUIShed yeur. �'mule H. mith and James 0, olorgy neu present vero tho nt. Uev. Cal I'CI't a l so polled large vote, tlid John 'carborough, btshop of the diocese the other caudidut e s lor tho assembly, of . �ew Jersey and the Very R o v. Angustu• Schwartz aud Carleton B. . ' Y tl ! or1l . L. l ! ob ms Don n o f t h e G eu o ml Pi e r c e. T h e prn-election oppositiou to l � ologtcnl �omtnury. tile candidates to tho assembly did 11ot Iho moun wns us follo, s ' mnterially effect their vote lally or lit Oyster Cocktmls Ute couuty, 01, Ol ear N ' O i t l l a to So R U l >d' h 'fho· nominees for local offices were 1ves u s a ts es 1 1 h 1 · F i l r � I c ecte< , t ore be ng no opposlttoll to ' et 0 ,o 0 Iessrs. Floyd, Mid!lleditch . and Osey, Dncltesso Pottc s auce T artar the councihnauio 11spirants from t he Sorbet Oraugo leo first, t.hlrd Oll<l fourtlt wards . Roast 'l'ulcey Oranler r y Sauce J. J. Schmitt was opposed by William Sweet Potatoes Glace Orcnmed Onions Gould, iu the second wurd, but the for· Snla Westfield Inn mor won out by n comfortnlJle mnjorily, Neaiitnnlce Oream Calces the vote boiug' chmitt, 110 ; Gould, lleuts Cracker.• 76, Oream Cheese Alth o ugh it wns an o year, the l!'Roquefort Ohoese publicans polled u e nrly a fullpnrty vote, Ooifee Oignrs White Rock and tho Democrats who did bnllot, c+t After coffe e Il l l<i c i gnrs th e l i s h o p th e tick e t. Only twenty- l ive per cent lltn<lu n short cheery address fellcltntlug of the Dcmocrncy voted, nud of this St. Pnul's purisll ou its progress ns m·i- f raction lr. 'rhompson received O deuced iu such n lurgo uttemlunce. He I'Otes. 'ho tolltl vote in tho to w n, out was followed by Denn Robbins t-ho of n rogistrntiou of nearly 1500, was pt•iucip�tl speulccr of tho eveniug, who IOOB. spolco �:Y earnestl y n> to t�1 o grcnt Some prncticnl jolters hn<l their in ning rosponslbtlitr of men to thetr pnreut by electing Postmnster Wititnlcer, con· church nud to . the c l m rch It t l n r g e. s l ahle i n the first wm·!l, n�a<l fld ward Jhn r les N. Oodt hng spolt� for t he men K"e g a u o f tho first wnrci 8 cou l of St . Pnul's; A. H. Lack for tho Pro!· for tbe ;ecmtd wnrd. · \r hn r · Hr�:, : l>yte . rhm Clmrcft nurl W_ illinm Gonltl, ns wns r�lso the victim of �' practical jok:, C immunu of lim Cumnuttee o f A r mugo- he having lecu electetla constllblo fro m mmʦ. Impromptu SJ>ceobes WC nlso the tliird wnrd on the - Uopublicnn •nude by Hev. W. I. Sten11s, Rei'. ticket. : · S!utmel Lane Loomis, 0. M; Tr e main e , Dr. F r ai•lc Wa�;;cke, of·Eii ;�b1,�,: bly and choose from our liht tho•e bs within your purse limit in the •ecdo n y o n prefer. 'beu you bve to lꝏk houses only which stand a chance �f suiting you, Much easier, is n't it? Important faDiors In Cara of Patlen!s. LLOYD HOl!PSON. A repsentative of tho STAlWAlii> 'l'he '"'omge Democratic plnrnlty in interviewed Dr. R, R. Sinclnir o f West· t he c ou u t y w us 810. 'l'ho lll03t co nservfiehl last Monday night c oucorniu� t i ve D e mm•tic lendorR hut! confi dently tuberculis, its prevalence nnd tl u f orecaste r! th n t it woultl be n t lc t present methods of ssible cure. D r. 1,100, R. H. Mid<llcitch nod Willium E. aud a former We•tfield boy, received a \•ttl o , Jr. Sougs were beautifully goo complimentary vote from his local sung by Messrs. A. Wnlsh, bn••o, uud friends . He wn� high num 011 his R. N. Enrle, tenor of New York. ticl<ut, polling 347 votes . Mcetiug eude<l by cnrrying of motion The result of tlte Ioe111 el cctiou will Suburban Real Estate Bxchange telephone 301. l CHALMES··DETROIT AND Sole Agents HUDSON C RS Union County A. C. Thompson Auto Co. 13 Park Ave. Plalnſteld, N. J. For Attenon ore November 11 E Telephone Di rto, "the ]itde 1 b ok;• to p ress Novemr lith. You should attend to the follog matters at once while the date is in mind : I. lnaton of a telephone, if you hav't e. 2. Cotion of your Un1 the Dirto� additionalliatinp, dinnee of u. u liltinsa-if u have a telephone 3. An adement of b m e Telephone Dto, which l ap ouda of et ay for u who. e telephon d e next a montba. You have Telephone r at a ve rnab le rental; you buy extra Hs at $3.00 �r year; _you· adver the best . medium for 5c. פr y, and upwrds. Information on a ltph mattt ' , at our n1ar11t contract oHic• i \ NEW YO TEHONE CO that 11 committee cousistiug of the vestry f ouu d on)mgo a. · · of the church nn three others. to bu Sincl air is 1leeply iutere�ted in th• The cu tting o f Assemblyman P ierce advanced methods of mbating tuber· b y t he d o ct o rs of the Union County . cufosis, and he gave the re p o rter smut M ed le n ! A ss o cilttion, uu<l by the J r . 0 . intere sting and instructive informatimo , A . M., wn s n ot nen r so serious n s the 011 the subject. tmblic h11rl been led tt• supe it miht "Consumption," said the Do ct or, "h b o. Llo y d ' ho lll!Json, t he local caur li - a specific, infect.ions disease cnuscd b 11 la tt, received the higheot vote, which Kerm callu the 'uberclo Bacillu s , di,. IIS 1 1,7;5 . moso behind cnmo Assem- nppointe<l by tho Hector, be a slced to c onsider wlmt nrrnngetueuts wete · pos- s ible for estublishiugnn EpiscopulIcn's Guild, and to report. Committee of Armngcmonts: Wil· lium Gould, c h nirmun ; 0. C. Belll·<l, H. II. Downes, 0. Kyto, W. J. Lee, C. D. Losee, . A. Moser, 0. M, romaine, ,T. H. Pencou, Dr. H. R ShtelJtir; R. TOWN COUNCIL HOLDS BRIEF SESSION, ON EVE OF ELECTION. covered by Professor K o ch. 'ha orighIJ l v man e ch wurtz wi th 11,721; mu lflun of tho disease is quite uuku owu , bnl f y l r. P ierce wit h 11,349. Thompson records of it nrc found in the enrliesr fed Piorco, therefore, by ouly 420 votes, Jiteratura. Wny it is called t he Whit< which sho ws the extc11t of tho cutti1 1 g. Plagtle today, l don' t kuow au d il t C ranford Assemblyman C arlton B, dœsn't modo ouy di e re uc o what i t h P ie !' ce r n u nhe nd of the other A sse mbly enlled-oue-sevou th of all tho deat h s iu I c u did tes o f the Ropablicau party iu the world are duo to it. P rob �tbly his homo town. Mr. P ierce receiv e d JO,ꝃO deaths nnunlly iu the United 4-JO -v otes in tlto t wo district.• ng11iust O B States from consumption is not t h igh c ns t f or J ose p h 1'. Hague, the high m n an estltute . Owing to improved saui · o n t he D e m o e rntic Assentbly ticlc et. tary conditions tho doth rate is not in- M < .ss . SchW t t Z nnd Thompson each L, Smitley. ' A touch of grnco nnd benuty wns g i ven :the nnir, by a beYS of yonug teachers liviug nt tho Inn, who. volun. tarily nssiste1l mine host Morris in set·v· iug the guests. · Trolleg Line To 5prln�Held ? 'hero wns n short session of the tow11 conncil lttst Mou!lay owing to tho prox· imity of elcctiou . The minutes of pre• vious meeting were not renll. Heariug regarding sewer 011 Grove street and mncndnmizing Bushwood place will be continued at the next meeting; there were +0 object ions to this. All incom· plete ordinances wcro also continued. $2126.26 iu c urrent bills nu<l $12,145 for improvements were pair!; certlficnte of debt for improvemetrts for$12,000nud n cOJ ticuto of indebt edness for f1 ,200 wore authorized to cover this. creasing." receivc!l444 votes for Assembly agninst "In whnt countries is it most J>ra SO CIIS\ for Halliday and 81 cnst for lent Doctor? " nsketl the r epo rter. "In M o rris, the Democmtic nominees . It is reportml that _tho lorriH County Tractio+ Co., hns mnde sntisfnetory nrraugemeuts with property owuers nnd thnt a troll<•y Iitle to Springflol mny be looked for iu the nHtr ftttllt. The litw would stnrt nt Elm mi<l Brant! streets, thence to Mouut+in nveune and on to Springfield, At Spriugflold the iiuo would connec t wit It the l l ort'is Cot1u ty Requests of the Public Service Corpora· tion , for pole pri vlleges were referred the Committee on w. A petitioufrom L. I•'. Hohenstein to erect a builing, twenty by sixty feet, with fireprꝏf cov• erwg, W re1erre(l to buildiu; nud fire committees. A complni ut from J. . Willett about the m11ditiou of North nvetme in ft·ont of tire North Avenue Hotel wll s referred to freeholders Perry nud Smitlt, +Ir. Willett petitioned to be aiiOii'ed to lceep his hotel open until oue o'clock the uigltt of the Merchants' Association bnnqn�t, which takes plnce Novem b er 4th. 'bis was. referred to the polioe committee . Eugland und the United States, nnd, , more genelly found in the Middle awl and Atlantic Stutes of tho latter con�ry. 'l'he diseuse is more npt to prevnil in the temperate tbnn in tlte torirl zouo. Altitude, however, is n :uore iniportnut factor thnn lutitude: We believe, nnd I t hink with j usltca, thot the American system is the best in the world in the trentmeu t of tuberculosis." "Have we much of it in Now Jer- sey?" . · " It is quito common . in this state ; about JO deaths oat of every !0,000 in· habitants being the mmunl recot·d of mortality in New Jersey." " What Is tho best · general Jllau of treatment? " "Fresf1 air, forced feeding with the most nutritious foods, snulight, iso la· tion, care of _sputum to prevent r infection or ptlent nod Infection of healthy people and NO nuuos. Th e hope of the final extermination of the diH· el!e liei in the edutlol l of the . peopl o to a knowledge of the danger of carele ss expectorntio11, and tht dried sputum contains Tuberolo Bncilli, which mny infect if breathed into the lungs. "There should be several lso, snpported by the state, vunced as well ns itioipient cnses הattended , Thera is 110 pla the first llamed to go, although more dangerous. The marriage of tuberen· Ions men and women should be. prveuted, though I recognize the difficulty ;,\.,,. . : ; . . . . .. . . GARWOOD IN LINE. Tractiou o�,mpnuy's l'ails to Sum111it G arwd gave the Hopn blicn n ticket a mi Eliznbcth. 11 good tuajot·ity of the votes cast, The The matter came up + few yeat·s ngo, vote wus ns follows: but wns bloc feed by property owners on Calvert I'Jrl, Smith 148, Pi,lfce 1 2 0, B r o n street. Obnnges in OWilbrshiiJ S chwartz 135, Thom pso11 1 40, Hohues si uce then ha1·o mndo n way out of the 130. Councilmen, Bull, 104; Wyckotf,' di l c u l ty . l23; Beck, IJ7; Hilduer, 101. Demo· ·- cts, Keunh 28, Schlotterer 28, Hngne; , · HRilidny, Morris 29; wi r ue c e 2 o . Halloween Merriment allhe We slll el d Inn. A cmumuuirntiou wns received from W H. Anglomnn, nttoruoy for J, Rogers Mn�twell, eoucerning nn agremout that the lnm! company should be . free from as•e•uou ts on the R1pley fomn, due to certni n privil� g es rnnte.d by them to the town. All formalities hn not been fnlllcd, bn� · Mr. Ang l mnn stated that his · clients were ready to complete them. This wns referred firutuc.o and law committees . Oonuciluwu, Schilling, 79. A jolly impromtu receptiou was held - ·- at the Westfield Inn Hnlloweeu by . ··MOUNTAINSIDE :REPUBLICAN. M. Hatton @ud Mr. ol'l·is. Aut ' twenty-five guests were present l! wore masks aud impersonntetl sp?oks Th ompson Gets Fun Vote-local Tic kel Rlld grotesque figures. Tbero W IS Elected. · dancing, singing, story telling nnd general fnn aud morriment until tho party broke u p ' about twelve o'clock. Refreshments were served iu Dr. Bnr· g er '8 office, hy tho wien l: uml u . ucnuuy ligltt of Jnck-o'·lnntoru•. Lloycl Thompson polled the ful l pnt't y vote nt ouutniusie, whero tho He· publi c nn ticl<et was elected· by a good majority. Of tho seuty vbtos casj, wore Repnblic n n,· 9 Deiurntic, und 2 Socinlist-Lnb o r. �rbe vote WPS Republican: o .. tvert, �I; Smith, '40; Pierce, 40; Schwartz, 41 ; 'rhotnpsou, 43 ; Ilolules, 40; llu.yOI·, Bechtold, 43; Conncihuen, Schwu1·tz, 41, Gordon, 40; Assessor, Robbi it s, 44; Pouudkoopcr, Hamilton, 41. Domocmtrc: Keunau, 9; Sclllotterer, 10; Hogue, 10; Hallidny, 7; orris, 7; Warneke, 10 . . · Walter H. French, sewer contractor, aslcod for one moutb'sextensiouof time, from N O \', 15 to Doc. 16, to fulfill c· trnct to build sewer on North "avenue, Nort h Pole IcicleS. . The petition wns fuvored byCounoiltun . Afneult, "ho said Mr. Frertch had o Tloe Pear : · Cꝏle c utro ersv hug got· delayed In getting material · aud by ten protty '"\fl bot lL C�ll tho]" . CRIstrilteH. 'fhe petition ,wns · held . OVer !II? to . t f e wanuth of tlio rec eptoon . you until the nex� meetin for dellbertion, wtl l recetve nt the genernl Al n m m As· I J 1 . h 1 g d b + d. e•o . . . . o 111 ug, w o m eeu ne soclltttou meel t ug ou F�trlay e enmg for moving nil unto house ncross n · November, 26, l9!lat the. Wn lnugtou avenue without n permit ob'eoted. The. S ch ool. It mny be cold. ouh tde that : ' I 1 · . ' �. · ' : . i 1 t · b t ' I I t · · · .11 uu cou d not mterfe1e \Vtth + court n g . u we g u a ; n n e . '! o one w 1 . dccl s i ml . . · . . · · . · . . . . · · sn 1t wns even chtlly lU s l de, Oome - T he · u e x t re l ar m�etiug ,�ill·� hei4. ' ·: · ·. ont and see for vourself. Nal'. loth. , · : . :' �-: :- ;:.; . . t 't . . -� ':r:: - . . : · ::.; . �:)L� �· : ;� . \�f

Transcript of HE UNION STANDARD - digifind-it.com County Standard...HE UNION STANDARD Has._a larger ... Tltu...

. . ! \. ·; '

HE UNION CJO.UNT"Y STANDARD Has._a larger circulation than any other Weekly Newspaper Published in Union County.

�===== ===============================�=================·=-�=-� .. .... . �---=��==============


tc:;.._ .. r�ut P. ... •. r ·- ... - . , ..Sul•l•••·l

Third Prize, $10 in Gold. I

American Home Drawing Contest WON BY LINDSAY W. DALLAS

The Pearaall Company


TO LET Iu every section BIJ(I of nll si?.es nod flo· HCrlptions. If you uro looldng for one wo cau sJLve you o lot of tramping arcuud if yon will col! nt the


Punall Buildin1

Robert 8. Sinclair Gives ·Instructive lnlerview to a

Standard Represenlalive.

LATEST METHOD CF TREATM ENT. SUarltaa Real . Estate Ex�u1e.

Instead of wellrilywalklugop olie iitriiet ... S�IIICIIS C�batlngjb.l '�"t• ..

ond dowu·uuotlu!•; you stt here comfortn· Frish Air,. and , Sunlight and No Drugs;

$1.50 Per Yenr. Single Copy 3c -----·--==========

WINS. BAN�UET BY CHURCHMEN. G. 0. P. SWEEPS TOWN. The Assemblg Nominees Received Bishop Scarborough and IJBan Nearlg the Full Parlg Vole Was

An Average Pluralltg or 2,983.


Hobbins Guests or Honor Pol�d In This Off·fear at Episcopa l mnner. or Politics.


With Total Vote or 11, 715--Smlth end And Standing Commltlee Ap,oln ted to Con· Only 30 Behind the Tall Vote or 1908-Calvert Carrq City or Elizabeth, slder Plan lor Forming a Men's Galld Other candldales Endorsad-Schml t l

I Democratic S t rongh old, In the Church. Defeats Gould In Second.

Results highly �ntl�faotory to tho Re. publican party matmgers were Hoourod In Union couo1ty •rneoduy. Tbu Assent· bly t.ickot rocoived an nvernge pluralty of 2,083, which WllH way beyomt tho expeotatiaJJS of tho p11rty lenders, aucl consider m!' most flattering to those 111 ohlirge of the campaign. Tho crcelleiJt runs nmdo h,v County Ofmirman Smith f Jr Registrar and County Olerk Calvert. hlll'o cnnsod unusual comment lu po. llticnl circle; tod1ly. Both Smith nnd 01tlvurt cnrriod lllizal.Jotll, pili11g up nlso big pluralities in the county,

l\Jr. Onlvett carrie<! Eli7-llbotb 'by 4BB vo tes, while Mr. Smith mnde au excel· lu11t run, cal'rying the city by 163 votes. Smith's plurality in the county wus U,IJOO nud Calvert's 4,245.

Tltu RopnbliCIIll tloket mrule 11 clc"u A bnnquot w11s given ut the Wosifiold swoop In Westfield. Lloyd 'l'ltompsou, Inn last Werluesday eveuiuu by tho 111011 candhlnto fot• thu nssombly, received tho of St. Pulll's Ohnl'oh, �t"v. Slduey largest Yote, 788, which was but 80 less Ot·oss, rector. About eighty g.uests tlmn tlml. glvon to Pre•ideut 'l'nft !nat were there, Anooug the dlstlni!UIShed yeur. �'mule H. l!mith and James 0, olorgy�neu present �vero tho nt. Uev. Cal I'CI't also polled ll large vote, ItS tlid John 'carborough, btshop of the diocese the other caudidutes lor tho assembly, of

. �ew Jersey� and the Very Rov. Angustu• Schwartz aud Carleton B.

.'Ytl!or1l. L. l!ob�ms Donn of the Geuoml Pierce. The prn-election oppositiou to l ��ologtcnl �omtnury. tile candidates to tho assembly did 11ot Iho moun wns us follo,�s ' mnterially effect their vote locally or lit Oyster Cocktmls Ute couuty,

01, Olear N'l'Oit

llato SoRUl>d' h

'fho· nominees for local offices were 1ves u s a ts es 1 1 h 1 ·

Fil r � I c ecte< , t ore be ng no opposlttoll to ' et 0 ,o 0 1\Iessrs. Floyd, Mid!lleditch. and Ol!sey, Dncltesso Potittc.es !Sauce Tartar the councihnauio 11spirants from the Sorbet Oraugo leo first, t.hlrd Oll<l fourtlt wards. Roast 'l'ul'fcey Oranl.Jerry Sauce

J. J. Schmitt was opposed by William Sweet Potatoes Glace Orcnmed Onions Gould, iu the second wurd, but the for· Snlarl Westfield Inn mor won out by n comfortnlJle mnjorily, NeaPOiitnnlce Oream Calces the vote boiug' l:ichmitt, 110 ; Gould,

lleuts Cracker.• 76, Oream Cheese Although it wns an otr year, the l!e· 'Roquefort Ohoese publicans polled uenrly a fullpnrty vote, Ooifee Oignrs White Rock and tho Democrats who did bnllot, c11t After coffee Illl<i cignrs the l.Jishop the ticket. Only twenty-live per cent lltn<lu n short cheery address fellcltntlug of the Dcmocrncy voted, nud of this St. Pnul's purisll ou its progress ns m·i- fraction lllr. 'rhompson received liO deuced iu such n lurgo uttemlunce. He I'Otes. 'l'ho tolltl vote in tho town, out was followed by Denn Robbins t-ho of n rogistrntiou of nearly 1500, was pt•iucip�tl speulccr of tho eveniug, who IOOB. spolco ��:Y earnestly n> to t�1o grcnt Some prncticnl jolters hn<l their in ning rosponslbtlitr of men to thetr pnreut by electing Postmnster Wititnlcer, con· church nud to . the clmrch Itt lnrge. slahle in the first wm·!l, n�a<l fld ward Jhnrles N. Oodthng spolt� for the men K"egau of tho first wnrci 8 cou !Jl of St. Pnul's; A. H. Lack for tho Pro!· for tbe ;ecmtd wnrd. · \rt'hnr · Hr�:�, : l>yte.rhm Clmrcft nurl W_illinm Gonltl, ns wns r�lso the victim of �' practical jok:, Cimmunu of lim Cumnuttee of Armugo- he having l.Jecu electetla constllblo from mmts. Impromptu SJ>ceobes WCI'O nlso the tliird wnrd on the - Uopublicnn •nude by Hev. W. I. Sten11s, Rei'. ticket. :· S!utmel Lane Loomis, 0. M; Tremaine, Dr. Frai•lc Wa�;;cke, of·Eii;�b�tt1,�,:

bly and choose from our liht tho•e bODBes within your purse limit in the •ecdon yon prefer. 'l'beu you b��ove to look .. houses only which stand a chance �f suiting you, Much easier, isn't it?

Important faDiors In Cara of Patlen!s. LLOYD l'HOl!PSON. A representative of tho STAlWAlii> 'l'he '"'omge Democratic plnrnlty in

interviewed Dr. R, R. Sinclnir of West· the couuty wus 810. 'l'ho lll03t conservn· fiehl last Monday night coucorniu� tive Demm•rntic lendorR hut! confidently tuberculosis, its prevalence nnd tlu forecaster! thnt it woultl be nt lc!ISt present methods of possible cure. Dr. 1,100,

R. H. Mid<llcrlitch nod Willium E. aud a former We•tfield boy, received a 'i\•ttlo, Jr. Sougs were beautifully goorl complimentary vote from his local sung by Messrs. A. Wnlsh, bn••o, uud friends. He wn� high num 011 his R. N. Enrle, tenor of New York. ticl<ut, polling 347 votes . Mcetiug eude<l by cnrrying of motion The result of tl.te Ioe111 elcctiou will be

Suburban Real Estate Bxchange telephone 301. � l


A. C. Thompson Auto Co. 13 Park Ave. Plalnfteld, N. J.

For Attention Before November 11 �

'T'HE � Telephone Directory, "the ]itde 1 brown book;• � to press November lith.

You should attend to the folloWing matters at once while the date is in mind :

I. lnatallation of a telephone, if you haven't one.

2. Correction of your U.tin1 in the Directory� additionalliatinp, diacontiauanee of u ... leu liltinsa-if ;you have a telephone.

3. An advertiaement of your bulineo m the Telephone Directory, which will apeak thouaanda of timet per clay for you to thou who. uae the telephone, durint the next aix montba.

You can have Telephone Service at a very reasonable rental; you can buy extra Hsting! at $3.00 �r year; _you· can advertise in the best

. medium for 5c. per day, and upw:1rds. Information on all teltphi111e matttrl',

at our n1ar11t contract oHic• i \ NEW YORK TELEPHONE COMP,UW (i)

that 11 committee cousistiug of the vestry fouud on)mgo a. · ·

of the church nnrl three others. to bu Sinclair is 1leeply iutere�ted in th• The cutting of Assemblyman Pierce advanced methods of combating tuber· by the doctors of the Union County

. cufosis, and he gave the reporter smut Medlen! Associlttion, uu<l by the Jr. 0.

interesting and instructive informatimo (J, A. M., wns not nenr so serious ns the 011 the subject. tmblic h11rl been led tt• suppose it mi!lht

"Consumption," said the Doctor, "h bo. Lloyd 'l'holll!Json, the local caurli­a specific, infect.ions disease cnuscd b.Y 11 •latt, received the higheot vote, which Kerm callutl the 'l'uberclo Bacillus, di,. \VIIS 11,7;5. moso behind cnmo Assem­

nppointe<l by tho Hector, be aslced to consider wlmt nrrnngetueuts wete ·pos­sible for estublishiugnn Episcopull\Icn's Guild, and to report.

Committee of Armngcmonts: Wil· lium Gould, chnirmun ; 0. C. Belll·<l, H. II. Downes, 0. Kyto, W. J. Lee, C. D. Losee, .A. A. Moser, 0. M, '!'romaine, ,T. H. PenclJCou, Dr. H. R ShtelJtir; R.


covered by Professor Koch. 'l'ha origh• IJlvman echwurtz with 11,721; mulflunl· of tho disease is quite uukuowu, bnl fy lllr. Pierce with 11,349. Thompson records of it nrc found in the enrliesr fed Piorco, therefore, by ouly 420 votes, Jiteratura. Wny it is called the Whit< which shows the extc11t of tho cutti11g. Plagtle today, l don't kuow aud il .At Cranford Assemblyman Carlton B,

doesn't modo ouy ditfereuco what it h Pie!'ce rnu nhend of the other Assembly enlled-oue-sevouth of all tho deaths iu I cn:udidn1tes of the Ropablicau party iu the world are duo to it. Prob�tbly his homo town. Mr. Pierce received JliO,OOO deaths Itnnunlly iu the United 4-JO -votes in tlto two district.• ng11iust OB States from consumption is not too high cnst for Joseph 1'. Hague, the high mitn

an estltuitte. Owing to improved saui· on the Demoerntic Assentbly ticlcet.

tary conditions tho doe>th rate is not in- M<.ssl'l!. SchWtll'tZ nnd Thompson each

L, Smitley. '

A touch of grnco nnd benuty wns given :the ntfnir, by a beYS of yonug teachers liviug nt tho Inn, who. volun. tarily nssiste1l mine host Morris in set·v· iug the guests.


Trolleg Line To 5prln�Held ?

'!'hero wns n short session of the tow11 conncil lttst Mou!lay owing to tho prox· imity of elcctiou. The minutes of pre• vious meeting were not renll. Heariug regarding sewer 011 Grove street and mncndnmizing Bush wood place will be continued at the next meeting; there were 110 objections to this. All incom· plete ordinances wcro also continued. $2126.26 iu current bills nu<l $12,145 for improvements were pair!; It certlficnte of debt for improvemetrts for$12,000nud n cOJtificuto of indebtedness for f1 ,200 wore authorized to cover this.

creasing." receivc!l444 votes for Assembly agninst "In whnt countries is it most J>ram· SO CIIS\ for Halliday and 81 cnst for

lent Doctor? " nsketl the reporter. "In Morris, the Democmtic nominees.

It is reportml that _tho lllorriH County Tractio11 Co., hns mnde sntisfnetory nrraugemeuts with property owuers nnd thnt a troll<•y Iitle to Springfloltl mny be looked for iu the nHtr ftttllt'<l. The litw would stnrt nt Elm mi<l Brant! streets, thence to Mouut11in nveune and on to Springfield, At Spriugflold the iiuo would connect wit It the llort'is Cot1u ty

Requests of the Public Service Corpora· tion, for pole pri vlleges were referred to the Committee on Law. A petitioufrom L. I•'. Hohenstein to erect a builtling, twenty by sixty feet, with fireproof cov• erwg, Wl\!il re1erre(l to buildiu;.c nud fire committees. A complniut from J. Ii:. Willett about the m11ditiou of North nvetme in ft·ont of tire North Avenue Hotel wlls referred to freeholders Perry nud Smitlt, 11Ir. Willett petitioned to be aiiOii'ed to lceep his hotel open until oue o'clock the uigltt of the Merchants' Association bnnqn�t, which takes plnce November 4th. 'l'bis was. referred to the polioe committee.

Eugla.nd und the United States, nnd, ;,, more generally found in the Middle awl

and Atlantic Stutes of tho latter conn· �ry. 'l'he diseuse is more npt to prevnil in the temperate tbnn in tlte tol'rirl zouo. Altitude, however, is n :uore iniportnut factor thnn lutitude: We believe, nnd I think with jusltca, thot the American

system is the best in the world in the trentmeu t of tuberculosis."

"Have we much of it in Now Jer-sey?" . ·

" It is quito common. in this state; about JO deaths oat of every !0,000 in· habitants being the mmunl recot·d of mortality in New Jersey."

" What Is tho best· general Jllau of treatment? "

"Fresf1 air, forced feeding with the most nutritious foods, snulight, isola· tion, care of _sputum to prevent re·

infection or pittlent nod Infection of healthy people and NO nuuos. The hope of the final extermination of the diH· elll!e liei in the educutloll of the. peoplo to a knowledge of the danger of careless expectorntio11, and thitt dried sputum contains Tuberolo Bncilli, which mny infect if breathed into the lungs.

"There should be several Itlso, snpported by the state, vunced as well ns itioipient cnses he attended to, Thera is 110 place

the first llamed to go, although more dangerous. The marriage of tuberen· Ions men and women should be. pre· veuted, though I recognize the difficulty

;,\.,, . . : ; . . . . ... .

GARWOOD IN LINE. Tractiou o�,mpnuy's l'ails to Sum111it Garwood gave the Hopnblicnn ticket ami Eliznbcth.

11 good tuajot·ity of the votes cast, The The matter came up 11 few yeat·s ngo, vote wus ns follows: but wns bloc feed by property owners on Calvert I'Jrl, Smith 148, Pi,lfce 120, Bron<l street. Obnnges in OWilbrshiiJ Schwartz 135, Thompso11 140, Hohues siuce then ha1·o mndo n way out of the 130. Councilmen, Bull, 104; Wyckotf,' dilflculty.

l23; Beck, IJ7; Hilduer, 101. Demo· ----·-----crnts, Keunh 28, Schlotterer 28, Hngne; , ·

HRilidny, Morris 29; wi.ruecJce 2o. Halloween Merriment allhe Wesllleld Inn. A cmumuuirntiou wns received from W.' H. Anglomnn, nttoruoy for J, Rogers Mn�twell, eoucerning nn agree· mout that the lnm! company should be .

free from as•e•••uou ts on the R1pley fomn, due to certnin privil�ges !Jrnnte.d by them to the town. All formalities hnrl not been fnlllllcd, bn� · Mr. Angle· mnn stated that his · clients were ready to complete them. This wns referred to firutuc.o and law committees •.

Oonuciluwu, Schilling, 79. A jolly impromtu receptiou was held ----.. ·--- at the Westfield Inn Hnllowe•eu by

. ··MOUNTAINSIDE :REPUBLICAN. Mrs. Hatton atud Mr. 1\[ol'l·is. About ' twenty-five guests were present

Itl! wore masks aud impersonntetl sp?oks T hompson Gets Fun Vote-local Tic kel Rlld grotesque figures. Tbero WW!

IS Elected. · dancing, singing, story telling nnd general fnn aud morriment until tho party broke up' about twelve o'clock. Refreshments were served iu Dr. Bnr· ger'8 office, hy tho wienl:uml u


ligltt of Jnck-o'·lnntoru•.

Lloycl Thompson polled the full pnt'ty vote nt l\Iouutniusitle, whero tho He· publicnn ticl<et was elected· by a good majority. Of tho sei'Outy vbtos casj,

wore Repnblicnn,· 9 Deiuocrntic, und 2 Socinlist-Lnbor.

�rbe vote WPS Republican: o .. tvert, �I; Smith, '40; Pierce, 40; Schwartz, 41 ; 'rhotnpsou, 43 ; Ilolules, 40; llu.yOI·, Bechtold, 43; Conncihuen, Schwu1·tz, 41, Gordon, 40; Assessor, Robbiits, 44; Pouudkoopcr, Hamilton, 41.

Domocmtrc: Keunau, 9; Sclllotterer, 10; Hogue, 10; Hallidny, 7; 1\Iorris, 7; Warneke, 10 .. ·

Walter H. French, sewer contractor, aslcod for one moutb'sextensiouof time, from NO\', 15 to Doc. 16, to fulfill cOli· trnct to build sewer on North "avenue,

Nort h Pole IcicleS. . The petition wns fuvored byCounoiltu!tn . Afneult, "ho said Mr. Frertch had beoi& Tloe Pear:· Coole c�utro�ersv hug got· delayed In getting material · aud by ten protty '"\fill bot lL C�ll tho]� ".CRII· strilteH. 'fhe petition ,wns·• held . OVer !II? to . tf�e wanuth of tlio receptoon. you until the nex� meetin for dellberittion, wtll recetve nt the genernl Alnmm As· I J 1 Lo .h 1

gd b 11 d. e•o . . • • . . • o 111 ug, w o m eeu ne � soclltttou meeltug ou F�trlay e�enmg for moving nil unto house ncross Lenos ·

November, 26, l901lat the. Wn�lnugtou avenue without n permit ob'eoted. The. School. It mny be cold. ouhtde that : 'I 1 · . ' �. · ' :.

i 1 t · b t 'II t · · · .11 couuCJ cou d not mterfe1e \Vtth 11 court n g •. u we gua;nn �e .'!o one w1 . dcclsiml. . ·. . · ·. · . . . . • ·· sn1; 1t wns even chtlly lUslde, Oome - The ·uext re�lar m�etiug ,�ill·� hei4.'·: ·;· ·. ont and see for vourself. Nal'. loth. , ·:. :· :' �-:::- ;:.; .. t 't .. - � ':r:: -.. :·::.;.�:)L��·:J.:;:��.\�f


The Prudential Acts As Trustee for the holders of N�w Monthly in­come policies as it pays the policy to the beneficiary in regular monthly instalments. Thl.s .service is per­formed by one of the

· strongest

financial institutions in the world.

·The Prudential

l'n�J\m�gJJ!t.p��� I �yond the reach of medicine. No medicine can do more. or Daabetet

For sale at Oales Pharmacy.

Ordlnarr enamelecl ware givn

out because the enamel ebipo, breaka and leu moisture

NBI out the article. The enamel coat• ing of "Hearthstone" Enameled Ware

11 ao bard and touch that it doea not chip like ordJaary eaamel lfooda

or wear tbtougb in yeara of 10rvice, A aource or true aatiofaction to every

houaewife, Bo piecea to c;hooae from, Everytbinr for )'OUr


p£the 80 .

G o� W. Baker, B oad . treet, Westfield.

Athletic News .. al Sc�aals. · 1'ho l'ognlnr monthly meeting of

High School Advisory Donrd ou ball was he1c11nst Monday afternoon wbich Uobert Hnuforcl was electell

vice-president. Gordon Loseu .. wDB np­poiutorl ohairmnn of tho property cmu­mittco. 'l'he 1J01ml ortlerecl the lll!crc­tnry to soucl n petition to tho Board. of Ecluootiou n�kiug for tho u•e of tim chi\Jlel for ·bltSI<otbllll for tue -coming yrutr null for J>ermission to prowrly tit. tbs mupty romu ou tho fourth · lloor of tho building for a rlressiug room. 'l'bc chnlnnnn of tho cmuluct committee wus orclerecl.to have the rules, rogardi11g the conduct of plnyors unci spectator• iu the buHdilll! printed and vostecl in prominent pl11ces ou tho Hnirwnys. Tho. Boord ndjouruecl until next 1\Iond•tY . when prcparutious will be mnde. for the : iu" cf tile busketball season. 011 Novem-, ber 15.

Tuo re�'lllnr meeting of tho Boys. .. -===;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ___________ ;i;;;;_iiiiiiio Athletic Association WIUj hcltl last

WAN AMAKER'S Do Not Pull the Wool Over


Of Quality cmcl D.1hztincss . If a blanket io halfcottc:-1 c.��11:=.:f\-;ccl-wc Gay so. Many

people arc hoodwinked cvc�y d:::.-; bt::> belicvb.� C:at a blanket is all-wool when it is hn!f Ct" a c.:�c: cottc:J, Vl.c bc:ieve in letting our customers 1<:10\"J j·.::t w::::tt tl1cy c.;,-c buybg,

Sizes ,a;e frequently r:�::::cp;,-c:cnted. " J:leve;!-quarter blankets IS the s1ze-te:-m a;:Jphed by m::r:y r.tore:J. Eleven­quarter n blanket3 shout� ne::mmc !l:h: !)!)· bc�es: . But they only measure 72 x !l4 mches. Yolc .tell the 1:recise number of inches. . ·· ·

Weight is often skimped-" f:ve pound" bln:Jkets weigh 1 •· only 4M pounus. We buy our blunketa by t:m poulld and sell

· them by the p ound. ·

Prices range ail the .way from Domestic Blankets at $3.50 a pair, to $35 fo1· finest Austrian Bmnkets. .

Especially noteworthy :

Physicians' Favorite Blankets We call these blankets, " Physicians' . Favorite/' because

physicians have favored them for years. 70 per cent. wool and 30 per cent. cotton ; double bed size

. 72 x 82 i� •• 5 lbs., $5. Single bed size, GO x 80 b., 4 lbs., $4. ' · Down Comiortables

Com_fortables are one of the few things we manufacture.

We do at, so that we are absolutely sure that down, and only :down of the finest quality goes into their making. The down we

use is ·imported goose-down-and not eiderdown, which . '.although it is scarce . ($12 a pound) is quoted in many places

·as the filling of $5 comfortables. . We buy this,fine goose-down by the ton. Even though it

· Lhas been thoroughly cleaned, we clean it again in our factory. We are just as particular about the sheets of cotton · that go

' into are cotton-filled comfortables, . , 100,000 yards was .our last order for sateen to cover com. · fortablea. That tells you how many we sell a aeason.

1 Whether. a comfortable has a line satin or silk or sateen , 'cover, the down. that fills it is the same quality, $5 to $18.

Silk Quilts Many copied from dainty French quilts. $16 and $18,


Silk, utin or sateen·covered quilts will be made to· your .or�r,from the .smallest crib size to larger double bed size. ·Everything in Bedding of Comfort and Warmth


Wednesrl•ty nrtoruoou at which .

chllirmmt n<ldrcssecl the members cu coming basketball se�>sou. lllr, tall<o<i to tbe members ou the oue•mellce,l of the plnyors to tho conch anti ueocl of n tlnnuca committee. nnuce conuuittoe elected Wt,ro, Irving, Ainu Johnston and Rnlrmc>nd•l Brniuer�l.

Bl'illtb Mills. Tho nuuivoronry of tho cleclientlon

tho Brauch 1\Itlls Chnpel will be helcl Suucl�>y nftoruoou, Nov. 14th,ut o'clock. �'he scrmou will be by the Rov. Churl es E. Grallf!Cr Newtuk SJ>ecii�tl musio and uu tmctive !!llrvico. All are earnestly vited,

Mrs. C. L, Pierson uncl son movocl to Westfield for the mouths,

�lrR, Chus. Burkett lms returned her l10mo nt Flemington. On Nov. 2�, at the Brauch Cbupol, nt 8 o'clock iu the illnslratecl lecture, "lllakiug Goocl zeus on t of Bad Boys," will be Mr. Harry Hall of· Orange. Mr. tronsurer of the Berkshire furm. lie will clescribe the thut the farm is cloiug for beys, illustrating his address by . fullnutern slides, sbo.ving the methods and life of the boys at that institution An olferi11g for the work will be h•lteu: All ore cordially welcome to be lll'oreot.

The 0. E. meeting will be held after the Snudoy scbool each 'S!lnday .

0. D. Miller Is roceiviniJ several car loads of apiJles, .

Mrs. Smith of Connecticut is visiting her bt·otber, B. W. Boll.

How's This. We offer One Hundred Dollars Re·

Wlll'd ' for auy case of Catarrh that ca11• not be cored by. Hall's Catarrh F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, 0,

We, tho undersigned, bllve .known F. J. Cheney for the last 15yeaurt believe him perfectly honornble 1�1 business , transactions, and fiDimeliallld able to corry out any obligations by his th·m.

WALDING, KINNAN & MARVIN, Wb�lesale Druggists, Toledo, 0.

Hall's Catarrh .Cure 11 taken Intern­ally, nctiugdiroctly upon the.blood and mucoue •nrCRi:es of the system. Testl· mouials sent free .. Price l'lic. per bottle. Solei by all Druggists,

T11ko Hall's. Family. .Pills for canst!-' 1mtion,

.',·,c. _. , -, I.

.. ---.� ... ..._ '

-....... _� "''J

Smart Overcoats For Men and Young Men

These extremely smnrt Fall nncl Winter OvcrcontR1 cut In the new models with milltnry collars, nrc tnldngthc fancy ofmou nnd young men who want to he In fa�hlon

Ou1· provision of thcHc lmnclsomc orcrconts cmbmccs n hmt of vtmsuallv nttmrtlv� pnt\erns, 1111111)' of them exdustve. Every g;mncnt sl>ows tho handiwork 'or M & ll skilled craftsmen both in the moclclinl{ nnd finishing touches, And the shap�llnca� whtch you sec is there to stny-it's built in.

The fabrics nrc fnncy mi;-.cd English and Scotch effects-stripes, In tans, gmys and greens,

A look nt these Overcoats will impress youwi•h the lowness of the prices, Coats of equality and appearance w ould cost you nt least $5 more in a good many stores.

Overcoats for Men, 22.00 For Young Men, 16 to 20 7eara, 14.00

Sale of Young Men's Suits 15 to 19 Years

This Suit Sale is bringing in the Young !\len who want to save on unusu�lly smart Fall and Winter suits, The collection still affords excellent choosing among worsteds cheviots nnd ca&simercs, in the new stripe and plaid effects, nlso blues and blacks 1� worsted suitings.


Lot A $8, $97 25· Lot� $12,$14,9 85 $10 Values, $16 Value8, Special, • · Special, •

Four Strong Specials on Boy's Over.coats

Here arc four strong specials on Boy's Q,•crcoats that should interest every parent who values n saving on unusually worthy garments and who want to sec their young· sters well clad. Regular $5 11 95 . l.n this spl�ndid gathering. you will flnd a large

Overcoats Ue vn�JCty of Oxford and Cambndge _Grays and Brown

Fnezc, as well as a host of fancy mixtures. Reg $8 and $9 5 50 This collection consists of light and dark mix-

O�ercoat • tures, in invisible stripes, also a wide choice of S · other neat and dressy patterns.

Reg. $11 and $11.50 7 95 In this provision nrc fabrics and patterns

0 • to please almost any taste. All the new

vercoats advance shades arc represented.

Reg. $12 and $15 8 n Overcoats • -,., 5

In this extremely attractive group we are showing a widQ range of fabrics, in all the new Fall shades and patterns. Many of tho styles arc exclusive.

FRE£-A Boy 's $2 Open 11acc Gun Metal Watch given with every purchase of $5 or over in Our Boys' Clothmg Department. We've g1ven

away hundreds of them, Only a few left. (Second Floor)

·-·--------- --"!""""�---------� Sale of $10,850

Wortl\ of Men's Shoes Re,ular $4 and $5 2 85 footwear at •

Sale started tod ay a11d hosts of men are taking advaritnge of it. Don't delay.

They're are high-grade Footwear, made by a leading manufacturer to retail at $4 and f-5 · Russet calf, ''elour calf, gun­metal calf, patent colt, and black vici kid, in button, lace und blucher styles, About all toe widths .

One D&..y Sale of Men's l)erby Hats

Regular ·$3 Black De�biea 2 j5 S�day Oldy '

Here's a Hat Opportunity which most men will want to take advanlagc of, but you'd better come in ·early and avoid possible disappointment.

Regu lar $3 Black Derby Hats, special at $2.35. ..

Remember, this Special is for SATUR·. DAY ONLY.

Week-End Special! Women and Misses' Dresses<

Regular Values·} 4· .q�. $25 to $40 at • . J

This Unusual Special on T�ilorcd Dresses has created a talk among the people of Newark and vicinity. Women are eagerly grasping this great money.saving appor· . tnnity, but there is still a satisfy ing choice.

The provision includes a number of our rcguler exclusive. models, from one to.<

four of a kincl. They probably won't last longer than Saturday atthis unheard-of price. 1

All are absolutely the new�st models, in broadcloth, taffeta, voile, w:�e wale serges and Prunella cloth, same With lace yokes and sleeves some· hand embroidered. A variety o'r colorings'from which to choose. Regular sd 5· to $40. values, Special, at $14.95·

No Alterations. None Sent on Appro<Val. No Mail or Phone Orders.

(Second Floor)

Weeli-End, ·special!· $5.00.: Silk Petticoats .·$2.75-


, The , wav these petticoats are going it keeps· o�r buyer·busy to meet the•de�and. •: '

· He hud hts troubles to get these. •

They're e�t.ra goo.d quality Taffeta silk, . with deep' flounce nnd dust ruffle, .in '.1: black; also a w1d� clto1ce of the most wanted ci>lors. They are. 2 .. 75. " an extremly attractive $5 value. . ' i . · _· ;• • •,,,

· Special, at ... . .. , . . . . . . . . • . , . . . , , • • , , • , • • •.

. , . , • • • , • . , , , •

· e . No Mail .or Phone O,rders. Filled.

(Second Floo5) } J '

·,, , ' , . , '•' ' , ,¥ f ] ' ' ] '


I A Gre,t Upholstery Store

WOODBURY'S Hair Tonic saves the hair when baldness threatens. It is · the only Hair · Tonic made from the formula of a dermatolo­gist� During the p�st fort.Y.:

One of the Most Beautiful in A�erica . Ju•t a Brief Word of It• l'lfte Stock•

Ja aa alarm a!Aad uear arrival of IIPPBI'IItut.

Westfield Post Office L. M.. WtnTAKSII, Po.<ttmaater. A. K. GU.B, AAA't Poatm�ter.

'Y.:ears the Specialists at the Famous WOODBURY' INSTITUTE treated many thousands of cases of hair and scalp troubles, and when you usc WOODBURY'S prepa�ations you get aH the advantage of this vast exper1ence.


Hair Toni c saves the hair when all other prepara­tions fail. It brings new life . and vigor to the hair and makes it beautiful and abundant. It stops falling hair ; in .. stantly relieves itching scalp and remove� dandruff. A trial will convince you.

Two Sizea-25c. and $1.00 URn of Woodbury's Prepnrotions ore privilercd to wrilf! nt nny time to the Speciatfat• at Woodbury's lnstitut<: fQr iuforuuclfou reu-ardill8' lite cora ol•lhc llllir lliiii i:OIIIPI<aicn,

Geo. W. Frutchey, !tent for Wostlold, N. J. RESULT OF LOCAL ELECTION IN WESTFIELD.

1st 2nd 3d 4th OOUNl'Y OLERK. WARD WARD WARD WARD 'l'OTAt�

Calvert, R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258 126 188 177 740 Kenah, D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 "oO 50 39 217

1 1 a 6 21 7 ·o 4 4 15

Cosgrove, 8, . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1\ln�sett, P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . ... ; .. . . . Peturson, S •. L . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . , . :. . . . . ' : 2 :: 0. '""

COUNTY REGISTER. Smith, R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; ! ·; 264 126 189 m 71i8 Schlottcrer, D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 70 50 39 210 Rautonbach, S . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 3 21 Reeve, P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 0 3 H

Lace Curtain• No upholstery store could be

first·class without the most com·

plcte kind of a stock of Lace Cur·

tams, for around the Lace Curtain business revolves the whole uphol· stery business. This store prides itself on having n collection of Curtains positively unapproached

by any other store in the State.

. lrislt Points, Tambour Lace, BruH· sels, Polllt d' Arabc, Dctnenc, Arabc, RnHHi�n Point,. ltullall Filet, Lacet, Rennaismuce, Marie Antoinette, Egyptian, Jo'renclt Soutoohe, Nouvelle Elfect, Antique, Oluuy, Madras Crepe, Buowftnke, French 1\lusliu, Novelty Nets, Nottiugbam, · Scotch Lace, Ruffled Nets, Ruffle<\ Bwii!B, Tambour Mnshn.

. All of these are here in a variety of patterns of tho moot beautiful sort.

•Surely smoothing to please everyone at all sclllJons of the year.

Irish Point CurtaiJJs 200 designs to choose from. Snrolr

the largc•t collection of the•e btlautt· ful Curtains ever )Jresouted by nny bou•e hereabouts. M011t of the designs of our own importation direct from St. Gall.

Prices range from S:l.so to hs a pair.

Sash Curtain Special lluftled Bobbinet Sash Curtain•,

made of good bobbinet with Bnttell· her� insertion and todge, llDd deep full ruftle, headed ready to pot np, 2}!1 ynrds long, 50 Inches wide, regularly &1.00 a pair, special at 95e.

Cotta•e Curtains Madras or SnowDake Curtalno­

Suitable for windows .:�r door draper· ies, dainty uu<l effective coloriug•, beautiful tlornl stripe, scroll, lattice nnd nrt nouveau elf cots, also 111 plain wblte; "Ivory,· ecm,. red ·81Jd · green. PriceR range from $1 .00 to $37.so n pair.

Rope Portiere• Our Btool< hill! uuver boon HO com· )llOte 119 110\Vl lllllllY IIUW <loRii(IIH, UUW

cords uua new colorlnWI: nlso ml�siou portieres In lenther or lmriup nml ve· lour; sizes to llt nuy door up to II foot wltluaml 7foot by UiuuhcH lou I(. Pl'lcoH bogiu nt $:1 so und �;o up to $9 75•

NO 1' 1�. We mnlm ll HJ>cciulty of portieres !1> orller, flttiug nuy door und color scltcnw yon rlcslm. Heavy t'orll . re•-iu muny styleH, • frluge, Lordorud or cnrfl Nlgo, (]f \'(l· luut·, urnmro, tupo, tnpcHtl'Y, frinrH' cloth, Hlik und tlnmusl<, Pl'iccs ruuge from $1.:15 to $6o,uo n pnir.

Door Panels Poiut Ambo, Ueunuiosauce, Irish

Point, mwie U[J pauels or sepnrato motif for 11oo1' p1uwls; bml P.JlrtH\dfi!, centre pieceR, piauo c..>over11. Sl\811 onr· tnins; nil siZOI:li whito, ecru, cluuu­pague or Ambiun. Prices runllu from Oo�. to $ro.

· Novelty Nets 'rheso hmmtiful Frcmch Novelty nets come 111 rml, blue nutl groeu, llH

well ne plnin white or ivory, iu lattice, •tripe or llornl <le•igno; 60 inch us wide; can be put ro wonderful variety of """" -sash or full curtnins, buro!Ln or trny cloths, bed sprcnds or CllllO!>ies, lnm· breqnins, piiLtto covers or door pau .. els. Prices rnnge from 12c to 92.:15.

Silkoline ThisSillmliue is so nently like Chi· ua Sillt thnt it is hurl\ to tell the dif· terence. H iw BU inches wi<\e nnd is pnrticuiurly nico for cottuge windows or doot• curtuius1 pillow cm•erinJ-1'8, ltwtbrequins uml screen filliugR; the best quulity of Silkoliueon the murket nnd i• positivuly the l11rgest woricty at the low price of 12c

Window Shades All grn<les m·e heo·e, but 1re guarnn·

tee only oue, un<l that the "Sunfnst" Holhmd. Theso · shndes aro gunran· teed not to fnrle, no mattor how tnnch exposed to tho suu. Estimates aud snmplcs cheerfully given on request.

We have n very large vnriety of rea<iy·mn<le shades, 36 iuches wide by 72 inches loug, ill !linin Hallum\ or opaque; some rtlso iu stripe; sc•·eral Htyles of trimming to choose from; prices 21e to S.c.

: W.11. M. ToWNLEY, General DelivftrT and �tamp Clerk. t1��v �i. ������.r.,�����.���rk. W. Roo au. DltoWN1 f.ipt..>c. DelivtJry Keuen1er. City Carriere

San berg, S. L.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. • . . . . . . . 2

ASSEMBLY: Pierce, R . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257


124 ISS

1 ' 4

171 7Bii


Jacob Serr, Jr .• No. 1. OttOrge A. Clark, No. I. PhiUp E. Winter, No. If, 'fbot. Jl, S. 'Vella, No.4. Percy G. De Lous, No, 5. Office Moure

Qpen from 7 a. m. to 7 o'clock, p. m. 8at.urday11 until 8 o'clock, p.m. llolldays frotu 7 to It! o'clock, 1\, m. � (Ja.rrJen' wJnLtow open· from 5:00 to 6:15 p. m.

Collection• from Boxee at 6:20 a. m., anli al10 wl1eu paulua

oD tbeh· ftrtt nnd aecond delh'Ol'lt!8,

New York, Ea1t, Soutb antl SouthweKt. delivery at 7:00, 6:� a. m., 2!:10, a:w p. m. .

mall from Eattou, S:tli a. m., e:so p, m. Malle Cloee

Schwartz, R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ . . . Thmnpson, & . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . , : . . . . . . . . ·• Hague, D . ; . . ... . . . . . . . . . : . . . , . . ... .. . : . . .

§;:::·:::::;;���;f,':n;;·. · ·

�J£1::i:i::: :::::::'::'?:<:i:: : ; : :': :� ··


Reese, S. L . . . . . . . . , . ;:; . . , ; ; ; . i . . : . . . Roehrich, S. L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . ; . . . . . . . .

CORONER. Holmes, R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . � : • . ': . , .

Waraeoke,D . .. . . . . . . :� . . ; . . ; . , . . . . . . . · Kautl'man, S . . . . . . . . . . . . . ". : . . . . . . . , :: . • Dalley, P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :· . . . . ·: . ,· • . . •

Bergholz, S. L� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . :·:'. : . . . COUNOILIIIANi

259 · 272'

61 55

. 48 . "1 1 1 1 11 8 7 4 2 2 2

218 97

11 0 2

129 186 143 200

72 50 08 li2 fill 42

8 3 3 0 8 0 3 0 2 I 0 1 0


IU4 144 92 95

8 I 0 H


172 173

liB 42 34

6 0 6 4 4 6

153 OS

6 4

78D 783 2ua 2111 115 21 21 21 16 14 1 1 4 4

'rbe I. 0. S. members hnd their annual good time at the hom� of Pro•iilent and Mrs. George T. Crnttenden, Highland

Snhmluy night, the occasion buing tlte reguhn· Hnllowe 'en celebm· tiou. It wns n JUcrry part.y, to be suro, imd nil of tho ol<l boys nnd young girls (we wouldn't. <lllre to refer to them as old, even if their memories rorry them back to tbe early begimtings of tltc

club) were present prepared for u lark. 1here were some IIO\V features, but

these were principally for the younglings in the club nud for these who look easy • .

Fred Ungeror, the newest 1uember, wns 610 " victim of tltc tlour roke triok, and 847 Freddie dived into' the ftour like a 21 veteran, and emerlled with the coin. IS Nearly every one duck�d for apples, 4 and Rome got v.ry wet.

ffllfuli:II:IP-,f'.R....A./V'l:>t.-<-Li�J .. �i)��i�;J: .. . ·�· 182 54


At eleven o'clock refreshments were 264 served, after which a dnuce wns en·

11 joyed witb Mrs. Hegeman at the piano. The President and Mrs. Oruttenden led in the grnnd march, nnd helped to dis· tribute the favors, All those wishing to !mow Bill Bogert's funnel trick will please consnlt Bill Bogcrt-hc knows.

Among those present were : Mr. Rod 26ii Mrs. George T. Oruttendeu, Mr. 11nd

262 �Irs. Harold 'fhompson, Mr and Mrs. . !{�:!��:::: : : : : : : : �::�:�:::�.::<;;:: : ·

.l.lraJ!L....D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . ; . ;· . ; ; '; l!.tl!l!.n�r. I!· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . ; . . . , . Koo.ster, D . . . . . . . : • . ; . . , , . . . . . . . . . · . . . . .

Fred P. Crutdit, Mr. and Mrs. R. W· �� Harden, 1\lr, nod 1\lra. A. B. Smith,

ISO �Ir. aud Mrs. A, H. H. Moody, Mr. and

54 Mrs. Frederick Uuf!erer, Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Hoft'mnn, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Kimball, Mrs. Tully, of Brooklyn :

· a. m., ' lllaaop' Newark. W. G. BBI!Llm, tllscopt llaturda'"·

VIae PreeJdent, GeneuJ !laZ!Bf&P. W. C. HOP.R, Genera\ PAIIIenaer AMent. ID-16-0V.


Pe;k.R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O�!e, D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

175 I

116 I -··-

HIDDEN DANGERS. · Natur1 &tru timely Warnings that ND Wast·

lleld Citizen £1n Allani iD 110111'1.

aad 'backaches troubled me for so long a time that I really thoug!tt thore was no hope for rue. The kidney secretion• also passed too frequently. I consulted pbysiciuns bat received no relief until finally l•arniug of Doan's Kidney Pills,

DANGER SIGNAL NO. l comes I procured a box at Frutchey'• Pharopa· from the kidney secretions. Tltey will cy. They gnve me prompt relief, my warn you when .the kldnevs are sick, back wns strengthed and it wns not I'R££ PUBLIC t.JUilARY. Well icidneys excrete a cleRr, amber long before I was free from tho bnck-

Oomer BrOIId and Elmerstreeta. Open llnld. Sick kldaeys Bend oat a tltiu, aches aud dizzv spells. Donn's Kidney

: .,.81'1 afternoon from 3 P. M. to ti p, M. pale aad fcamy, or ·a thick, red, . Ill· Pills prov•d Slltlsfactory in every respeot •:roept Wedneoday and holidays; ai!IO 00 smelling urine, fn� of lll!diment and aud I take pleasure in recommending Monday, WedaeadaT Friday and Satnr· Irregular of (Jil.!Balle them."

day eveniDJI!I from '7 :SO P. M. to 9:SO ' DANGER SIGN.o\L NO. 2

d. c


d.s For snle by all dt!Rlers. Price 50 cents

P. M., e:r:cept when tlteae eveniup full from tbo back. Bllok pains, 11 "" Foster-Milburn Co., Buft'nlo, Now York,

011 holidays,· heavy, or oharp and acute, tell von of sole ngents for the United States. sick kidneys und · warD you of the ap· Remember the name-·Doaa 's-nnd

proach of dropsy, diabetes aud Bright's take no other;

Miss Bessie Smith ; W • • T. Bogert;. Jr., A. D. Tuttle, Seymour Ferris, Frederi�k S, Taggart, .fohn McCormick,

No case on Record. . There is no <'liSe Oil record ot .. oongb

or cold resulting in pneumonia or con· oumption 11ftcr Foley's Honey au<! 'l'nr has been taken, us it will stop your cough ami break np your cold . quickly. Refuse any bu� the gennine Foley's Honey aud Tnr in !' yellow pnolmgc. Ooninius no opiates .ind is safe and sore. Gale'� Pharmacy,

Oows coming olfpastare will fall otl in 'milk production · noless they are fed Fnirfleld 's Milk Producer regularly. It suppliea them w:�th th� elements · they have · ben . getting from the juicy grass

Prostration "I suffered so with Nervous

Prostration that .J thought there was no use trying to get well. A friend recommended Dr. 1\Iilcs' Nervine, and although : skeptical at first, I soon fomid mysclf're� covering, ar)cl,:aJJl to;day; ivell." .

MRS .. D.: I:' JONES; ·. 58oo Broadway, CieyCiiind; O.

M uclt . sicknesS' i�· �f :;;�rvous ongm. It's . the·.'1 llCrVcS ' that make the heart force' the · blood tin ough the · ,.eiiis, · the < lungs take in oxygen, the ·stomach di­gest food, the :liver secrete bile and the kidneys filter. the blood. I£ any of these, organs. a.re .weak, it is the fault · of the nerves through which . 'they. get their strength. Dr. Miles' Nervine is a specific for the nerves. It soothes the irritation and· assists in the generation of ncrye force. Therefore you can hardly miss it if you take Dr. Miles' Ncrvine when sick. Get a bottle from your druggist. Take it a!L ac­cording to directions, and if it does not benefit he will return your money.

Foley's Kidney Remedy will cnre any · case d kiditey or bladder trouble that Is . not beyond the reach of medicine. . Oare1 · backaChe and irregularities tbnt if neg· , lected might result in Bright's disease

d. Doan'a Kiduey Pillscure oick ..;... __ ..., ____ . 18elll!e. 1 Foley's Honey 81ld Tar cures coughs kid eys aad care tbem permanent Y. nil summer, and pnts tbem iu trim for -------------­

, or diabetes. . G11le's Phar11111cy.

11 , quickly. Streogtbeus tho lungs and Here's Westfield proof.

ld G t tb 1 · I . I B d 91 Downer street, expels co s. e e genu ne 1D a ye • Mt�s Kat e 111 y, " b low package. Gale.'s PharD180J7. Weatlleld, . :N· J., SIIYII: Headac 01 • · · · .· . ·


for Fall ntul Winter milk production. Bold under w�itten guarantee by Patrick Traynor.

Madra• .1\[o•tarlistloofall nmterlala fordm· porica; made In dilfcrcut wi<lt!ts, ill

mora tbuu liO patterus aud rolorlngs, iucluclinll bcntlful floral and Rtri)lcdef· fools, fhw for country cottnge or city homo clrnpories for wludowa or doors. Price• mugu fro1n •sc,to tJ.25 �urd,

China and Jap. Silk Surely tho most oKtousivo Hues of

tbesu •illcun f!lllric• to be found ih tho Statu. All the uo\V Spring dlllligu• 11111\ colorl loR'H nrc ready, Oriental, llorul nnrl couveuliomtl dosignH,striJ>eS nurl border•. suit11ble for lnmbr"quiltH, pillow eo\'t!riugs, RaHh curtnin!i or for co\•oring fancy orullmeuts; used nlso for ftllii>M ill fire screens nurl for tho making of kiluouos nnddre•siug Sllci<S U2 Incites wide, fully one lwndred dift'ercnt pieces to choose from !'rices, per y11r<l, from 6oc to *•·Ill!

At lertst fifty plttin colorH 111 Chinn and Sh11iki Bilk. Pl'ices fr!lm 70C to $1·711·

Crepoline Thie is the sRtin floishod kiud, bar·

dered or figure,) nil ovor in very daint1· colors, uice for Jmnbrequius, bed sprendH, canopies, linmmer portieres, window rtmperies, pillow coverings nml ov�n for shopping bugs; B2 inches wide, price tho ynrd 25c.

Lambrequins Japanese Lambrequins or Piano

Scurfs, mu broidere<l with ftoss 01• tin· sci; 11lso plaiu Chiou• silk, velour, tupestry <huunsl< am\ sillmline ; eudH nnd sides finished wltb knotted tRSsel friugo. Price� range frOJu 69c to $10,0�

Couch Covers Particulrtrly nice ar" tho " Moss

RoSD" creations, which hnve nttuine� 11 grent reputation for beauty nnd durability.

In this line there are many reprqduc· lions of the finest Oriental patterns.

There nro so many !duds of couclt coYers hero to show you that 1l10st customers \'dll nsl.- tbe J3nlesnum to stau long before he has shown th11 full Ji ne. One cnn easily mRkA n selection from mnny dozens we show.


Prices be1,>iu at $2.75 and go to t21.

Albert ·

E. Snyder


Newsdealer . Elm Street, Westfield



BUILDER. Proepea Street,

WeeUleld, .New Jeney Estimates. Cheerfully Fur.+::'·�

nished. . ·' · · ""�

Everythme ust�al!y• toi HaH/wa,-e St/

ROYAL GRANITE STt::: iB absolutely �rdly

help FINE TOOLS au� The --;com· · larl• HardW:�1i��

. .ile time Park .Aye, �and Front �trouble _______ _. years,



ITANII41111 IIIJII.PINQ, Wutl'lold, N. J,

'Gntond nt t.hu l'tlJ4b Ull\1111 1\b WUHLIItlhl, Nuw , ul'ltl'>'• nH Ml�Unn&l·&JliUIII nuttLur, IIJIIIIOili i''I'JIIN .I .GU 111-lll ,, I�.Ut

l'.ol.\'.o\.ut.tC JN ADV.o\.NO!t. llranclo Ulllct

f', N, .5UnM�II, ' 794 llrood 81,, Noworko N, ,I,

A.dvllrthllnK Hntt•ll J('uruhthDil �on AN•IIontlon l1l\blhdlf•L H\'ttl')' Fl'llll\1 b;v

rhc Slundord l'uhllsblnK Cou,ern, I nc

IIOIIt; ll'l' \' , IIOt'I•',IU N, l·ltlllnr, b'mlla\'1 No.umtnm r., 11100.


IH•tm l'oolclt•��l.v tl��tl·nyuil , nllll nnr Wmult•l' If Llu• tlll'l!O tl lHtllll!lliKho t l ohll <h·un tu tho Li l h•d nul l fnul'til hn l'l'lstul'H of Nillv YUI•Ic wi lu l'ufusoLI K<Jl l l ' l'nl lun lllli.Y pny t.lw pnunlty, n HIIJll'tJIIIIJ Cum·t nomhmtlon on tho I n t l ll'�ll l1ll tm• oln,l'H O>lll!l't'HH Bupubllunn tlolwt li' <Hihln't qtmllfy

ht'l' l l ll l'OIIH!ld to tho \'li.nl l ll!Ct!H�Jty IlK 11 Wl!llt.lllll' jii'OIJho\H, " ot' ihu humt•tllntu cun�UI'I'Ill luu nntl . . . _ .. -....... ........ ___ _

(ll'l l)lll!(lltlun ur thu t•····l 1'1'(11 11 ll WS OF THE CHUHC ... ES lll'ndl�nl mul utll ltnrl•lll HlnnLIIIulnt, HE J1 , nnd tho " 'J'1•ou Commi�Miun 1 1 Ia ---Uw l'u�ult. Baptist Church.

But thu question lut� imtl 1 lUI Oomm1mlrm Hor1•luu nt 10 :110, 'l'ho nt•ailwllo nud Jll'lll!tleill Hllh•, t'H· 11nwtm· will lm In ohm·l!u. M1·, Porluu Jll'c ln l ly ns npplietl tu 0\11' will l111vu oh•u·uu of thu yunug puuplu'H 1111,] uities, llll<i tho !nimbi· HUI'\'lcu nt 7;·lu, Dr, i:iu mnol lJ. Loomis,

tnnts of \l't•atlloltl, both lllDII I»�Htul' of tho Cuuureunt.iounl olml'Oh will ill'm<Ch nl B: I 6,

Ill HI wum�n m•u mgcd to rend nml Sumlny lluluml nt 12, In uhill'JlO of Su-pondut• the Wtll'tl� of �Jr . • Tnmcs L. 11orintomlont \V, A. llomt>Huy, G!'l'Cillenf which nppcnrcd in our Pl·nyor muoiln11 Wotl uuHtlny night nt

COJ)IImnH lilBt week. 8 o 'uloulr, 'l'oJJ!u, "A Moro Glorious • l�lguro thnn Moses," llubrows II: 1 1· 1 . M 1'. G ruoulcnf is eminent 1,11 Ill'· Lntlios' Mfsslonnr·y Sooloty will moot boricultm·u and his lldvico nnd mfol'·

In tho ohurcll JIR<'lm'R 'l'hur�dny nftu•·· mntion 111'0 nuihorltntivc. In ibo noon nt 2:30 o'clock. planting nnd culture ol trees, hu Dr. s. L. Loom!• gn1•o n very hoiJlfnl Jn 'A •t•cntcst stl•uss on tho inltlnl nml iuRplring mltlruss to tho meu on

,\ g · , I ' I ' d t\ 'l'hursdny night. worl1 of Jll'Clllll'lllll' t 10 sot , nn 10 selection of tht1 proper Vlll'ioty. Congregational Churr.h. 1 '.l'imo nml the greatest cnt·u should Pnbllo wot·sblp ut 10:30. Holy com­bo tnken nml tho bcst .cxperienct! umnion. Hoceptiou of now montlmrs. nnd knowledge nvn.iled of, Civic Dr. Loomls w�ll pronch. His tl�omo, . I I b d d l f "Divino Snfforwg nml Hunum HJih'JI· pritlc shou l e n1·�nse an n avo 0

tiou. " Ohrlst.inu Eudon1•or nt 7:lli. tho bcttutiful cull! l'nlcd ; then Oonsoorntion mooting? Mid-wuok mou�­town stnmling in the forefront, lug Wcduustlny nt 8 o'uloolt. would be nn exnrnple null inspirn- �'ho music fot• Sundny momfng will

L' n nnd out· work bo "the joy nnd bo: "Ami Now, 0 . FnthoJ·, Mindful of 10 ' • · tho Love," C. Price ; "Brcnd of tho delight of fu,ttl l'O gcnerntlf)llS,

World," n. Frtui?., n ud the llt••t two

CONSUMPTION'S . CARNIVAL movemcnls of llhuiuboJ'gor's "Pnstor· nle" orJ,'Iln sountn.

Holy Trinity Church. :Mnss \VIIl be snid in Holy 'l'riuity

4 % Interest Paid onSpecial Department ·

Deposits. Assets over $900,000.00

Hot under the Collar! .Well, can you blame him ? Shirt torn and faded, collars broke, go�ds lust. . This is the con1plaint we

hear about other ]�undries. · Semi your soiled l inen where they guarantee ·against this kind of work.


'J'<unmany Hn.ll, · nnd those who a.ro nllicd wi�h it, wont down in defcni in tho election on 1\wsdn.y, Lender .Murphy mny find some amnii consolation in tho election of Willinm J. Gnynor ns 1\Inyor, but not enough to compensntc him for thn Joss of the control of thn finnn; cinl nffnirs of the city, Tnmmnny Hull is estopped from gmfting for ll timo nt lenst, ·nnd the l\Inyor�elcct is removed from . the · Supi'omc Comt Bench. two ;\'h.olusotne result.s

We present in nnothel' column to • .

day nn interview ll'ith .•L well known lqcnl physicnn, Dt•. Robert R. Sin­clair, on the morbidly interesting subject of Consumption. We say morbidly interesting, because few fnmiliQs in the civili1.ed wol'ltl b\1t

Ohuroh on Snudny nt S:HO uud 10:00 a.m. TEL. 135·W Sumluy School nt 3 Jl. m. 20 &. 22 PROSPECT ST.

Methodist . Episcopal Church.

, of the elccticm. . . . ·:" . . · · · Rev. J. 1'. 1\[nr<lock, who was He fa· hll\'e . felt the col d · nne( withered vornlJly received this summer bore, will hnnd of this fc!F dislinHc····�mr. ho� preach Suudny moruiug. Tho Uuv. Dr.

cnusc n.bout ·. slxtecn' · out ::o·f, every H1tyes, who tulws Bishop Neeley's place ten tho'usn.inl 'of tho populn�iol1 ; fn)) nt. the eightieth ·�univorsnry of T.rinity ' · ·;. f t ' ;t Iblffects · ' � aJl •;1(n:ts church, .Torsey 01ty, will prencll •n the ll VIC l in

, .? �. : · · . · · '. ,.., .. , ·'\:. evening in his own ciJUroh. Theme- I nnd . concht10ns c£. men · nnd .de: '.' ill<lking Elections Suro." I

•· • Ptiblic clcce'imy ; lms . been, . . there­f�r�, . vindic<lted to some cxtl'nt in

. . omi of tho 1�ost indccetit C!ltnpnigllS · in the llistor.v. of the metropolis.

, But the forwnrd .mo1•ement . .' for better goverit.mcnt · mny be disas-trous unless those pliJ.Ccd in authori- 1 . '· I ··· • ·· ' ·· ·d . . · . .

. · 1 nst\•e· 1ope 1111 ty pro\'e themselves fit to serve t le ,; tt . r · ,; .:.; . · t t f tl t t 't · 1 the a uc cu ny. · · · m eres s o te gren. es c1 Y u ·n1i .>'siiJChlir

world. 'l'hc tusk is tremcmluns and tl d • tl : "( ' far-reaching. A good ntlministni- le eu �:-rn °

tion, n.. curtailment of those evil.s which. have mnd<J Lci.l(ler l\Iurphy

·, Siii.iclny School nt noon. 1\fr. J. Jo', .Toh 115ton, Sn1Ierintoudcut, will couduct the ser1•ico. · Boys mcotiug nt 0:30 o'clock 011 Suu­

dny evonmg. •ro,,ic, " What Lack I Yet." : Lend�r !:ltnuloy Brouse. ., .�.�p.worth LoRg_na meeting nt 7 o'clock. 'l'heW.e, ·, '1 Iu Busmoss on Borrowed dl;iiitnJ;�'} Loader Edwin Bush .; -.�·"-'fi A

)jnuu,;o..uuJ Clnss on 'fuesdayovcuiug . .

THE FARM HOUSE Is 'becoming n. rnrity in our noighlmrhood, bnt in li'n.rm 1-Ion:;Cs us wall as in Suburbnn Dwellings wo nrc prepared to install tnul to nminlniu thoso comforts of mode1•u lifo-nrlcqunlc plumiJiug nud hcuting syHtoms. Whether just nround tho corner, or miles out of town, dou't hesitn.ro to

.c<lll ou us mul I • · '

Ar«Jbltecture In All It'• Broncllew, ·

-I lUl l fll'OJ'IIl'ml to furnish �I 111111 HI>uullluatlous, tllKn lll!r 1111 Mll\lurvlKluu I'm• 1111y hln•l 01 :� hill from lhn tlll?.)' llttlu uottuw� � tho llllll!llflluuut 1111111Nt�u· 1 billlllh<tf IJUil\'IOrH, Jilllolinbul lt]IA Ill utu,, utu, WoKl floltl rufoiQh�•� JJUt'UiiNHinu, "'

Wallar B. Pierson, "llcumet f� 'l'•·h•ny 1'1•••. Ni•'IV Yo 1 • Wl�H'l'J.'IICloll:-Al llooiYIIII .t'alll>ld kK, Ut!ll� lM1Hu Onloo, Him At, •'•


I N S U -· R A N c !tEAL ES'rA'rB r.OANS l)Jt BO!t!D Alt!D MOH1'GAGE

1f YCll wnut �o Hell or I'OUt your MtJO Uti, DORY ALL &. SCnn��··•

and his . nssocintcs n. ' ' hissing . ·•· . . . .. ,;. �. ' ".".' �u. u�'.'!��·:��:;;.��·; among tho lllltions, " will ·wai'li' 'fcir nntm·e .

·· . . · .· 1 vance the complete demornhznhon · c 1' . · .

· in the church pru·lOI's;r ·TclcJ>1lonc :JOti "\Vc�tllcl(l 1. · 1��'0P't>cct f!iltt•c ct M 1_;__ ;uoetiug ou Wodues' · Oney tO LU111 · nt "ight o'cloolt. =="'============·==-==-==-�-===·-;;;;-===·""-.:;;··.:;;-·.:;;·-;-;-;-;;.,-;;-;;-'"-==-=-

,. · Let 'the Modern Shop' Do It.

Tnmmany ; n. pcrpctuniion of thCJn I�lc . will certainly result

. in the rehn.b

. ilu

.- g


· · · . · · t liS tion of .Tmnmany ,aml :�fnm�nal_lY \ itt!�

mceting this nft.crnoon .N' · .. ·.·. EA. RLY 17· PER CENT on Bond_and

ou b.,riclay C\'euiug nt Leader J. s. A. Wittlrc.

North American .lile Insurance methods. Let ns hope ilmt· ]ustory will

. not repent it.self in the . fui�i·e

govcmmont by !usionin New York. i\Inyor-elcct Gaynor's cnntpaii?n

of yituperntioil-offcrs l iLtlc of c!i- . .... -" .. -.:·> .. . •

cotiml:�ment. to. uios� ;,�he •h�pe • ·for · manly nnd • ccim:igeou� . leadcrshi�; :lmt . he. may tlisnp1;oint th0sc .. wh6 judge him liy the qunlitics 1�hich he

. displa1;ed 01i the stump. But i� • ili ���j��;::�;;����t.�:�·:��ti.:�U!�"f��!.!�';';_;;:��\ to.the fusiim otllcers tlmt tile peO)Jic

Presbgterian Church. Of the premium, o r $4.51 per :·:Suudiiy. · 10:30 A. �[. Public Worship� Acldre�s lJyDJ'. W. s. 1\lnl'rny, of Hobm·t ,

College, Ooustnutiuople. u ilL " Bible school. An Adult Bible Olnss is con­<hictecl by Dr . . T . • r. S<Lvitz, 3 P. ·M; lt.tlinu Mis;iou Suntlny school. 7 l',"M. Ollristiau lGudctli'Ul' l\leotiug. ' SubjeCt; ;,Life lesson for me from the liook . of Hebrews, Hebrews 12:1-7.;. . Lender;· Mi•s Kathryn 'l'nylor. · 8 P. M. Rcguln� oveuing smvice ·

$1,000 of insurance, is the first · . dividendpaid by the New York

. Life. on an Ordinai·y Life Policy ' rece�tly issued at age · 34. · .This · materially rcduc'es }he : cost of . . the insurance .

OF NEWARK, N. J. 70 Park Place,

Tch:phone 347•\V, . N. S. ARCHBOLD CARPEI\TER and BUILDER


. of New York look far· good . tbi'ngs, · liLty tltey mcllt thei t· lihli!lntions sntisfnctotily; . •· . .·

. . ·;;�;� . .· · ltl'e Moudny, 8 P. M. Boys' Brignrle Drill.

""''"''uuu . ., · ' He also quuilit� Wcduesdn!. 8. P. · M. 1\Ii<l-weok )y . . ; and it is pr[)ballly ns l'rnyor SeJ'I'<ce ·

· · 1 · · tl . "C · Thursday 8. P . . M. l!oleoting of !.he THE. COU. NTY ELECTI.ON.

true tOl ILY a� It w�s len : . · on- Lndies' Sewing Societv. supper sorvetl

See us before your ·age . neares. t $· 7. ,o 0 birthday changes.

. sumpt.ives owe their PI'C.scnt mcrcnse at o:3o. · . Union C�uri.t)� is Repuhlicnn . by ll l)Ot n lit! Ill to the pmcti!lc of �i�tinll Friday 8, 1'. l\L Evnngolistic Sorl'ice large majority, �nd· the. Rcpl.lblican up !lttc, eatin!J hot suppers, �I)i\ np the Italian . lllissiou conducted by party i n tlie Coilnt.Y, stands for rep- $pending every t:wening over a bowl Uev .. Jos. Petrelli,

The Life Insurance Agency of Wm. Edgar Reeve MONEY . TO reselltlltive governillent-+thesc two of hot punch or o�her Rtrong factors dctcrmined .. tlie result . of the l iquors." St. Paul's Church. election .on ·'l:uesi:lay, concerning 'l'he world sighs, gl'Oans and lnbor� nJo"uing prnycr with sermon. cnch which no uo;tht: i\•as c!Jtertitined l>c- under the cm·sa of 'l'tlbCl'enlosis ; n& 1 1 a. m . . Ohm'nl g,.outiong fore . . the · vote :.,vas /counted . The thnt n Tuberculin mny he ·fnund to wit!; �d

hort a<ltlrcss "t /j P· 111, lJitanr · ·

· · · < ·: · ' . .. ··, ' · · · ' 1 1 , · . .. . ou L0 n nys nt 9:tl0 11. m. Sunday school whole , t1cl(�t· .�vus:;e�cctcd , lllll t 1e h�ht tins giant Despnir, uud ro�l. 11t church ·,1t oiao 11• m. (l'rimnry class local a�sembly·nommcc, l\rr. JJioytl hnu from the face of the e�trth, IS 1ueets nt the Rectory.) 'fhompson, wns given· ii .vote htrge " n conHummation devoutly to be · __ :._.,. __

enough to sho1v tlui.t , tl;c people of wished;" bv countless . hopeless the Coimty; n.I1djiarticulnrly of · his fnthcrs, mothers, sons �nd daugh· Heroy.:....Moore. . Iiome .. town ;)tlt\;e· every . confidence ters. A very pretty homo wecldh;g took

.. Jn .hia .nbility , •conrnge and hone8ty, place atthe resideuco of Mrs. Henry .1!', , ' · e STANDARD predicts thnt Mr. THE LOCAL ELECTION. Alpers 011 Olark street, Wednesday

nfteruoon at hnlf past five o'cloult. �·h� /'''.l\SOII will prove himself worthy 'l'he election of Messrs. Floyd, bridu was Miss Elnorn Moore, of Bay-,.tihai<nst during his term in the 1\liddleditch, Schmitt and Cnsey to· onno, daughter of Alvin 1\fooro and -����luture. . . the Westfield Common Council wns niece of lllrs. ��nry F. Al�ers null th• ·• . , 1001' nominees were returned n foregone conclusion, 1\Ir. Schmitt groom ��r� W�llunu, �redcrtok Hcroy of ..... fortablhuse of their qnalificn· wa� the only nominee nnd the de- Ob rln.


htlo,RE iorul\•�.ll

� heyK

wure nflar


Wh , d Y o ov. , , , tnm nox 0 o'lr

Tel. 61 Cortlandt. liS Broadway, New Ycirk.

ADVERTISE In The " Standard "

}F you ar� lookin� for a �ome and wish to board · · m W estfteld unttl you fmd one, go to .

;�cover i"�y Cle.rlt Culv.crt 1111 font of 1\Ir. Gould, his opponent, Bruu�wlck. The best mnu was Mr. · .

.. ' 'mth Wlll contmue to wns no surprise. The victory of the Harry Moore, brother of the britlo. 'rho Tel. 78 W. . ople. 1\Iessrs. Pierce. Rcpublienns Jocnlly 'is not· essen- rofrcslunonts were served by Ontoror ��������������������������� Many.;, ngn.inst whom there tinily n pnrty victory i i t is 11 vote of Dn.y Newark. There woro n unmber ·

The W esifield . Inn Rates Reasonable

Silk · ll&situ)n on nn issue not f . I I tl b 1 l ' t" of guests from ont of town. l\Jr, nnd .. · • . o .appt ovn .W JC 01 Y · P0 I IC to �lr•. WU!iam He roy nre to snil uu-.�: .or4!=r,from)101e clcctorn.te, Wlll,, citizens in nuthodtv who lmve given medin·ely for their future home in Or­, ·£peryth�pson, •vork for the of their time nnd talents to public lando, Floridn.

. Jn the Be.e state. enterprise nnd enuenYor . . We wish ---•·--. :--= for each and, nll n prospcroits year. ;R CARE OF TREES.


. the · unitecl S


.· "O.ttO '1'. Bannard l1<1S been tlis­

bly prodigal with covered. "-News Item. , '

; first gifts to mnn. . Yes. He was the only cnmliunte ':ld have been ten· I �or mayor of New York who quali-

Westlleld Take Nollce�

WESTFIELD CASINO. M�viug. Pictures · and Illustrated· Songs . . DAILY. .

· · : Amateur. Contest Every Wednesd�y Night. ·

IN SUMS TO $2500 at 5%



· .Going to . . ....,. ....... ,.

Get an Estimate From

HAROLD Local Ba��a�e, .

and Frei.hJ . · · . Telephone ' ;37-R W c&tficld; N, ··, .

· ··-----•. ,u' ncl mired fo�.hasl�ed .l\s a ge�tleman.

Spring is coming •ometimc, bnt what nrs her bnlmy dnys to tho wnrm recep­tiou yon will receive at tho WMhington 8ehool, Fridny. evening, November 20. At whut ? Why of course the ro-orgnni· �atiou of tho Westfield Alumni Assocl11· tlon . ·

Am�teurs from Westfield Subt1rbs lo Compete .for Cash Prizes.

· · · · �ano nnd Ortinn. ·r . . I,C,I_(IETS O N . �ALE N O.W. '· : . :' , ; '· . Stan�ard Bld'g, , · - ·

. 1 ·.

_�,:�>-.:�<����;;J;�·f . . : ; ii - · ,· · - . . . . . ·_ ... ,•. ·,_·.·.··.

•.· ... · . · .•. , .·.' · : · 1· . . . . ' .

'_ . ; . . , · 1. · ·_:: �':;-�: ':,_, -�-� -,�, ·.:·.;,�_._: :.'<

rent; eiJhl roo•• from the 1lation

Rene, 314 Mouatain or 115 Broa•wa,,

IUSI.EIS PGI.TUI . . Nonu llcttur-'!'hh KllltUIIIOut, IIIUI'UIY

Westfield Is Growing from ""''�ulf 111111 wiUumt llurruborntlnn, 111h1ht Ktllllll HOIIIUIYIIIIt KWIIUJIIIII! 111111 UKII'IIVIII(IIUt,, but Whun tho HllltUIIIUUI IH HllbKIIIIIIJiLtuol by niL!' UIINtUIII01N you Ullli Jlllt It oluwn "" tho 1•luln uu mrul•hvd trnth. 'l'horul• un huttur Oonfoctloncry

\'our ban k account ought to grow obtllhlllhlu llum you IIUI when you buy hut•u, M<JI'OO\'ur you nnw Jilt)' mvro for lufurior uuwliuM, b�t tl1o lliBillliC prlaos ctumot buy bettor, It will 11111 yo11 111 llollnrH mul stltiHfnotlou to <leal with us.-N. Y, Otutdy Kltohou,

with it-and will If you have one

tho.�e convenient POCKET SAFES. of

Still hnrJ•h•g on tho sn111o Mtt·lng-but Snucr Krnut Is •till !{lug. J.ong hvu tho J{hll(, '1'rulll)l0ro1N krn11t Is tho kr11ut, Jll11do by a muster. Othur tll<llflH tl111t

The Peoples National Bank of Westfield.

'!'rutuporo Is nblc to " tnlk ahcp 11 about, with nssumnoe, nre his flue blond• of colfoc anti hlgh-gratlc tORs. l�ggs, tho rrosh !dud, nlways In Htook. Ornnbcr· rica ft'Oill Onpo Ood, and good, too.

PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. -Dr. Newman opens his olllce totlny .

-nlrs. W." Jt. Tnbb� isa visitor to tho " Ohlllfonto " Atlnntio Oily,

-Court Provltlout, I. 0. 1!',, will hold a regulnr meeting l\Ionday night.

-Oburlos Steiubreclter is quite ill ut his lJOme on Central llVunno.

-Whuro wns \Ve•tfieltl when tho ligltta wont out lnst Wednesdny night.?

-E•lwnrtl Williams and family huve movud from Downer street to North IIV�IIUO,

-Mr. uud nlrs. R. 0. 'l.'homsou hnvu tlt Harmouy,

-�frs. 0, n. Pitcltol' and BOll havo returned from 11 visit 111 Now. Htwen, Conn.

-Etlwnrtl E. Townley of West Broad stroot is mn.lciug extemo�ive improvOmeuts to his houso 011 tll<1t stt·cot.

-Mr. uud nlu. W. lt. Starrett who havo just returned from tho west huvo

been visiting friends in town this week.

-ltuv. S. L. Loomis l'llstor of tho Cougreglltimml church nddrosoed tbe Men's club of tho B11ptist Church ut theil· meeting lust night.

-Tho new north main sewer. is fast uetll'lng·completiou 1111d it is expected thut the trench sewer will be fluishe<l nud tested in five days.

-Alfreol J, l'lntz, Linus Hetfiold nnd Beujamiu H. Woodrulf are the repro· sentati ves from this place ou the poti t Ju1•y which will bogiu , its tlutie• neltt llloudllf.

WilEN you llro golnM to 111ove or store your furniture cull on 11. Willoughby & Sons. '!'hoy cnu 't bo beat, '!'ole· phone 114-J. Olllco 814 North avenue . .

-Mr. 1\Iulcohu Marsh nucl fnmlly of MoAlAHON'S _When yon want good West B�ollfl street lmvo moved toDoWll· ton, cofl'oo nud other l(rocorles, AIIIO or Htrcc •

nsk him 11bout potntoos and flour for tho -Rov. 0, .T. Groenwoool who lms boon win tor.

011 the siclt li�t for sometime is ublo to AilE you going to move ? If RO, lot bo out nglllu. O'Donuoll llros. do tho work for you ,

-1\lr. Estelle nlttl fnru!ly of Penn•yl. Sntisfnction guaranteed. , Otnce, 66 Elm vnuiu !Jnvc movml il1to the Cox house street. Tel. 20S-on Dow11er strout.

-Dou 't forget the chickou pie tliuner nt tho Fir•t Methodist Church, next 'l'hursduy night,

-'l'ho llmtr<l of <fealth will hold its monthly meeting iu thu town roows ou Friday night,

-Dou 't fot·get tho <Jhickeu pie diuuer nt tlm First nlethmlist Church uoxt 'l'hursdny ni(!ht.

-:Mr. au<l lllrs . • John Van Syckel of Broad street are visiting relat.ives · ut

lllid<llotowu N . • J. -�Jr. and 1\lrs. Leonard Oollius gave

a Hallowe'en 1111rty at their home ou North Avenue last Snturclay night to celebrate tho twelfth bb·tboay of their sou Albert. About twenty guests were lltesont mul with games, refreshments, cto. , n. merry evening wns spent.

--Tho ntten<lnnco at tho 'Vestfleld Public l:!obooJ� llas been excoptimmlly good for the month of October. Dr J. J. Savitz is hOJiiug this will keep up ns tho state pays W c•tfiel<l nccortliug to the attoudamlauco. It pays nt tho rate of one dollar for ei�rht dnys nttcndauce of oue pupil. 'l'lms for October, West­field will receive $2,800.00 and h11s lost, (through absences) $178.00.

In Honor of lhe Older People.

Feu SAI.E-one thousand londs of stone, nil sizes, H. Willoughby.

DoN'T forget n. 111. Freuch & Sou l<eCJI R fall line of furniture and do the best upholstering, Phone 23-L. 14 Blm street.

Real Estate and Insurance Sel'vice, "�'lntirou Buildh"J"

Elm and Quimby Sts.

nlrs '1'. E. Browne, Hcpreseutntive,

Wasted t!duootlon. A clcrlt ln 11 Kew York Jaw omce

was discharged because he tried to haze a new office boy, What's the use of having a college education If ,.ou can't uae It In ,.our buollllll,_

Bulralo Express. -----

"Homing ewallowa." A Belslan plaeoD tralller baa bMil

,experimenting wltb swallows In the Lnst Sundn� mor�ling IIIRUY cnrriage• place or homing plgeona, and • .,..


Terrace Park WESTFIELD, N. J.

Yours truly,

The Westfield Real Estate Co. E. S. F. Randolph, Gen' l , Mgr.

:z : u -:a :a.J Broad · Street

New York Offtc:eo Room 407, .No. 30 Church St. HOTCHKISS JOBS REALTY CO., SALES AGENTS.

" The Men Who Know," and who have inade it possible for oth el's to follow

in the development of Westfield , N . J .


WESTFIELD, N. J. Telephone 168

w A H O M E S IT E w 6 7' X 160

Beautiful Trees. . � H ig h Ground.

Near Dudley &: Lawrence. � ·

/ $12. PER FOOT � Wm. S. Welch &: Son

37 Elm St. Tel. 168. 205 Broad St. w rw -R<1lpb E. 'fownloy of this place wus uuu·ried ou 'l'uosday n.rteruoon to f.Iiss Httrriet D. Curtis of Ncw<�rk. 'l'lw woolcling took I•lnee nt tho Presbyterian 11111nsc nut! wns pel'fermeol by Rev. W.

RU<l nutomobllos nnght hnve bCOII R£!011 they have tho advantaCB of life&' llylng nbout tho parish of the Fil·�t -speed. 1 -------·-------------------..:.--J Methodist EpiscOJlRI Church , of West- ;

I. Steans. -lllr. nml nml 1\bs. L. l\1, Pear•nll,

«lnu�llter all<l nurso, with lt cousin, lliiss Harriet Po11rsall, 11s guest, have gone to

Melrose, �'lu., for tho wiuter. !\It•, nml tlft·s, E. J. Whitehead snilc>d by tile saum Ktenmer.

-Oeutral Council, Jr. 0. U A. M. will bold a regular meeting tonight. 'I.'!Ju llrst of n series of euchre games between Ceutrai Oouucil nud tho Woodmen will begin at the close of tile bosiuess ses·

-The lndv touchers of tho public school b'IIVO n very choice eutertainmeut to tlleir friends at Westfield Inn last Snturday oveui ltg. Uccorder 'foucoy alld Dt·. Lloytl directed tho dnnco, nml Mrs. Morse acted "" cbnperoue.

-'rho tuarringe of l\Iiss Louise B. Emmell daughter of Mr. nut! Mrs. W. L. Bonnell of Wnsbiugtou street to Jt1mes l\1. b'rnzce, of this Jlluce bas ju•t been nnuouucod. Tho wedding toolr plnce at N�w Hn1•en Ot. on Jul� 4.

-'l'hc pl'ogrnm of the Wonmu's Olub of Westfield fol' next 1\lonolny, Nuv. 8th cousists of " .1\Iusiculc by Miss Carolyn Beebe anti lllous. Edonar<l Dethiet. 'fhrough the courtesy o! tile Woman 's Olub, this musicJtlo will be open to tbu public for nu admission fcc of tweui.Y· five contH. ·

-Mrs. J., 0. l\lorrison returned on Friday to her home ou Elm street, uftel' spending tho summer nut! full, iu tbu Ontskills. Sbe entertained over Snudny 1\Iiss N enfus,�[rs. Kennedy aml daugil tcr Virginia of Ooroun, L. I., uu<l 1\Il·. nnd 1>lrs. Normnu Fiuollay of Nuw. York,

-'l'ho November mooting of tho Westfield Medioni Society \VIIS IJelcl 'l'uosday uigllt nt tile home of Dr. R. G. Snvoyo on Oeutml avenue. Dr. J. B. Harrison rend n very intcreotiug paper; the society has recently elected the fot­lowiug officers: Presi<leut-Dr. R. R. Sinclair, Vice Presioleut -Dr. It, G. S111·oye, Secretnry uud treasurer Dr. F. ·A.

fluid. 'l'ho Epwsrth League, of the : He Won't Balleva Jt, church wns bringing tho older mmubors · Many a man who Is complalalas be­to the morniug sut·vico. Hero the presi- cause the world doe& not take him fllr dcut ,V. 0. Hurt made nu ntl<iress of 'what he le worth would be kicking welcome extending Autumn greetiugs. ' <nrder If It did. Rev. lllr. Davi<isou 82 mndu " most ap- -------

lt Happened In Boston. prot>rtnte prll\'Ol'. 11 Grnndpa " Ball · Wlllle-"Papa, there's a big black

bug on the ceiling." Pnpa (busy rend· ·lng)-"Well, ste1' on It and don't botb· er me."-Boston TranscritJt.

aged Bu suug " Rolo which was •o ex· proAAi vo nud tomlor us to tnoistou mn.t1y eyes. Old time hymns brought buclc memories of former singers uow trnus­fored to the choir celestit\1. 'l'be pus­tor's text- " Ask for tho old pntl1s wherein is the good wny nnd walk iu them aliCl yo shall find rest unto your souls,'' rh'OW' forth from tho ex:periouces of thmm ogetl pilgrimH mnuy coufirmn· t;ious nud nmeus. 'l,ho higher criticism hns not disturbed their faith nor brought auy clonds into their skies. 'l.'hcil' voicos mny lmve hat! tile tt·emolo Rtop ou, but tltc ltymn, " My Heavenly Home is brtght ami fnir " lifted their hem'ts nml Joopes up towanl tho felicities nncl fellowships of the church triumplumt. Tho church wns tnstefully trimmed with nntnmn IPaves. :b.,ouryonng Indios dressed iu white pnssed tbu collection plates.

British Fear or Spies. Sketching In public places Is pro·

hlblted. by the pollee regulations of London'.

Damaacus Electric Tramway. Damascus has an electric tramwny

tho dally receipts of which average '176.

Hana Breltmann Says: "Of you vouldt hit der ma.-k lu life,

�ou moost not only elevnde your sighdts, but set your vindgncbe."

' Birth of Biblical Art.

The first Biblical Illustrative art consisted In . the aymbollc frescoes of tbe Catacombs.

No adve�tisemeDts will be accept- . c It! 1 th 1 · . u va e En ua asm. ed after Thursday DODD of- the day mmerson: Nothing �:reat was ever

previous : to publication. Advert- _acbleved without enthusiasm.

YOUR CHILD AND EDUCATION Would yo u like to give your child a college

education witi10ut making the cost burdensome ? If so, the easy way is to put five dollars a month in

The Mutual Building and Loan Association and when the shares mature you will have twelve hundred dollars.

You won't m iss the money and the result will accomplish your o bject.

Further i nformation gladly furnished by F. s. TAGGART, SECRETARY.



STANDARD CONCRETE STONE CO;;:·.' isers should submit their changes ·

of ads. early ia the week. OFFICE : · SlO Eliznuoth 'Avenue, Elizabeth.

Simple Bualn111 Proposition. FACTORY: 120-t24 First .Avo,.ue, . Uosolle. There can be no profit II the out-

L. D. Phone 5Jfi:.\v., Elizabet.b. L. D. Phono 7-1-L., Uoselle.

laY exceeds lt.-Piantus.





Did You Neglect It ?

·-------------------------- (:.1 ·.� WARREN TOPPAN, Lynn, Mass. Cured of severe compound

cold and cough by -


Tuttle Bros., m ber & Mil l Work


· To subscribe for stock in the 25th lierics of the "old Building and Loan Association " we mean.

Well it's too late now but the 26th is open for subscription and will cost yot\ Jess-only 81.50 per share.

Don 't delay any longer. One opportunity 1tas gorte but il yotl begin now lyon will lind · that the start wns all that you needed. .

RoBF.RT W. HARDEN, the Secretary, will be glad to give you �ny flll'ther information that you may need rclati ve to the

.. · 'W\cettlell) 1\utll)tng ant) 1oan Besoctatton.

�'From Dee. lO, '08, to Marcil I, 10!1, I had three bad colds, oneonto.,oftlle otller. I got so weak I could hardly get �round. Nothing aeemed to help me until l llegan to take Vlnol. The cha11ge was magic. Three bottles com• pletely fixed that compound C<!ld and &topped the terrible cough..:..and what surprises me mo.st, at the anme time It cured meol a severe stomach trouble that has bothered me for 20 years.

Vlnol II certainly a wonderful medl�lne." Mr. Tappan is one of Lynn's most prominent and highly respected

merchants, whose word is ns good as his bond. : · · . The reasoJ\ Vinol is so successful in such cases is ·beciiu5e it ,

contains the two most world-famed tonics-the medicinal, ·strength' ' ewng, body·butldmg elements of Cod Liver Oil and Tonic Iro� .

Your Money B11ek u You Are Not Sat!llflel'l. Geo. W. Frutchey, D:n!ggist, 'Jtlestfie�d: , :� Office. Spring St / .. JaeorP,Pr�ted Dee • . 4 1888.



New Jersey's Greatest

Mail Order Or;aniza-


WE are justly proud of our MAIL ORDER SYsTEM. We feel that it is one of the

strongest links in the chain of this great

store's success. We want you to use

it-test it thoroughly and allow us to demon­

strate its many splendid advantages. The

Bamberge� Mail Order System is not the result

of a day, but the culmination of years of pain­

staking efforts. In fact, this branch of our

business is so perfectly organized that you may

shop as qmckly and conveniently by mail as

in perso�. There are no errors-no delays­

satisfaction IS snugly packed with each parcel

we send out. If you are not a patron (which

is highly improbable ) send in a trial order and

you'll quickly realize the truth of the foregoing. statements.

L. BAMBERGER & CO., N E.llll�RK, N. J.

EatabUHhed :lSUO.



Advertise in the " Standard"

J. S. I RVI NG CO., Coal and Lumber



Phone 19.

2 3 9 Central Ave., Westfield, N. J . !



Meellng ol Former Students Calld­Supporl Assured,

'l'hn nlnm11l uf lhu publlu MJIUJUI" of WeHiflohl uro to nmlw 1111 uunu"l· olfOl't th iH 1'1111 In Ul'j(lllliZU Ull II Hll l'll

fonrul11thm. Bu,uurlll(illll lottiii'H hnvu

boon r·ucuh·o•l hy lho�u ht ohlli'I(U uf tho IIIOVfllllOIII, IIIII] tho JII'UHOIIt iruJicllliOllH

ru·u Umt; ut.l 111 1 11 young nlumni will nullo i11 giving hnputnH to tho outer·

JlriRo, A mr•othtl( hnH hoou Cllllocl fur tho

Jllll'JlOHO for tho evening of November

21lth, tho l1rhlny ufter 'l'lmuhHI(ivln�. All lnturoRtml tirO lll'llCII to HJlllll<l 1!111 'l'lmni<sglvlng vncutlon 11t homo HO UH to

bo nblo to tnl<o Jllll't.

Exclu1ive Deelgn1 In

Gift Jewelry 'l'ltcl'u IH HC:trculy n )H'I'Hnn w ho

II'OtHH juwulry i l 111t clocHn't prlli'nr

"H<ltl lct l t l t tg' 1 1 1 fl'cren t . " 'l'ltutt why

not Nclcct 1111 unduslvu du�ign fnr· the hrido /

At the l l a rtdcgcn �ICJI'C there nw

rtlways to he fuuud 11 ltosl of l1tstu·

flll tlcslgns I n R l rtHR, llrnoch eR,

l lrarclcts, Locllci�, etc., many uf t hem exclusive because tltc prorluct

of uur own fnctory,

Aut! our range of prkcs Is sn wide that Oil)' purse may be satls·

lied, At the Ifni ofrn of eye.troublo have our

Optician Ollllllno ...... If JOU nod alaueo

they will be rlahliy priced.

At the Clock Cor11cr

HARTDEGEN " 'fhu Wostflohl High School Is ono uf tho best in tho coJIUty, mnldug in clll· cio11cy to t.lw suhools of \'Jnlutlo]d, Sammlt 111111 llli•.nbeth. '!'here is 11ll tho moro rc11son, thorot'oro, th11t t.bo nlntnnl, of wl10m thoro IH 11 lurl!o 1\lld ropreson· tutlvu nnmbor, Hhonltl t11kn 1111 nctlvo :;:;::;::;::;::;:::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;...; Interest lu tho wol'i< of tho lor.11l Hohool; nml wodt uuitmlly for their •nccos•. lL i• for tills purpose tlmt tho mooting for rcorgnuizntlon iR C11llcd , 1111<1 llll former atudcuts whotlwr grn<lnllto or not, uro

cllrnestly requested to loud 11 holpht!i !mud.

A Delence or Dr. Cook.

Mr. Perkins Has l�e Speed Habit. Mt•, E, Jt. PorldHH. of Htouolnlgh

Pnrk1 llll ttct i vu nwm!Jer of thu \VeNt· Ciuhl Uolf Club, nJHl ll l ifn long lo\'ur of horso flnsh, hns beau tnlwu do\\' II wit I t tho fo\•er nml iR I I OW the pr·outl ow nm· of n Jnrgo touring ILHtmnoLilo. 'l'Jtu mndti uo which l\lr. Pcrldn !-1 hns Uought is " Rix cylimlor, sixtl' hm·s•J power, ! l i t O

Pot Luck, October· 29, 1901). modo! Pi"rco-Arrow, 0110 of t h o bust Denr Editor :- American umchinus on tho mnt·lrct. lJmunuuuler l)t!tlry is n Navy lUau.

Dr. Cook is not u Nuvy uum. ' 1\-[r. Pol'ldns who Jms been uittging,

'fho At·my mtd Nn\'Y wioltl all their " G icllli np, gultli up, gillcli up, whou," inHneuco itt scitmtiflc circles aml with iH uow humming, 11 Sweet ,Jcuulo Y, tho A""ociutccl Pre•• to �ulittlo tho nc· you'ro now too slow for me. " lu his complishnumt� of uuy mau oottddo of Auunpolis or \VnHt Puiut. clrccuus, Mr. Pcrldus lms hue] hcdr rnis-

Extuuplt•s :-BrtLVu Goucral l\lilcR, n iug ct-Jcn.pcs iu his uuw em·, ho Juts givun uoted lighter in tho Civil Wllr nud iu mnny others the dust, 111111 he hns �veu our luclinn Cnmpni�11s wn• mndo to tnlw thoul!ht thnt he wns stoppccl for speutl­u buck Hcn.t to give room for tho iuferior �hnftet· in the l>ptlllish W11r 1111<! ho wn• in11. uftel'Wtltds insuJtctl 111111 belittled by llll 'l'hor·c is no tloubb lhnt Jllr. PcrJtins Jess 11 porsoun�o thnn the l11to Prosiclout will 800n know 11s much ubout tho ltossevclt until tho ''oiuu of tho people tovors nud brnkos "" •Ito docs n!Jout tltu co1npclled his t·eco,..plitiou,

We Buy and Sell Public Service Corpo1;atlon of N J ' stock and Perpetual lnter�t Beat·ln• certlricates Consolidated Traction Company � N. J, stock and bonds, �· Newark Consolidated Gas CompaQ• stock and bonds, · ' Hudson County Gas Company stock . and honda, South Jersey Gas, Electric 1c Trac. tion Co. stock and bonds, Newark Passenger Railway 5'al930 New Jersey Street Railway 4'st948' Jersey City, Hoboken and Paterao� . St •. Railway 4's 1949, United Electric Co. of N. J 4's 1949 Essex and Hudson Gas Co. atock

and All other underlying securities ofthe Public Service Corporation of

, N. J.

Fidel ity Trust Company BOND DEPARTMENT

N E WARK, N. J. Capital, Surplua and · UndiJided Profit• oJer $9,000,111 Telephone, 193:1 Market

IF A OAS RANOE Is Something that every Householder should

N O DIRT. HEJtT O'R RSHES, $ 1 4.0 0 to $28.00 · ..

The Cranford Oas Light Co.: 1 96 RROAD STR EET, Arlmirnl Smnpsnn, griHhlRto of .Aml· roir1s n.ml whip,

npolis, cutiroly lacldug in meritorion:- ��:::::::::::::��::�iiiiliiiiiliiiiili_,iiiili ... ����::::::::;;:l recur(} excepting nt ten. fuuotiouH wn:- -........

........ ill!!:!:..J.o..-' ..

jumpo1l in ,milk over :Schley, "· pnJlil ul • .. . � --

l''nrrngnt tustmul of Auuopohs-but u sea dog ttml fighter 1 u.� he well <lemou. stmtml nt :Suutingo,

'l1hese examples uro only in coutinnn· tion of n pructico of lifly ye111s unci more-a teuclorwy to follow ill thci wHI<� of the fomigtt untions thnt fill J'esponsi· ble po�itions with social and partiznu rnvorito• in tilltoR of pc11co only to fllll Uaolc in need of uct.i ve service n!' Mhowu O\'cr aml o\·cr agu.iu iu our CiviJ nncl Spanish \VurA -· upon the bmin ntHl brnwu of tho common Jleople.

Even in Great Britllhl l;ho Into Lon! U.oberts wns · a " mougml. " be(ore•. be wus mnde n. Lord for meriturions nml valorous deeds in nctivo ser\•ico, Aiul he wus · nof sent to �ont.h Africn until th ree ' 1 Nntiounl J.JOrds " hnrl heou used np in trying to wh1 ont in the Door Wnr.

Wo soo·thc sumo thin� in. Corporation lifo· where tho pnJliL'S l>oyR nrc pushecl nhentl en the snlnry list nml iif(nre·heacl positions, while the nctnnl work is done by the har<l-hended sons of poor men who hnvo !nul the inherent nerve to push their wny to recognition on the grouml of rel\1 worth.

'l'o got bnolt to Cook nml Penry : The Iutter's !lisclniuwr seems to bo base<! on the 11bility of two ignorant oxqtliumux boys to trnce theirjmlrrJeyiugs on n lllll(l of tho worltl when they were entirely onder tl11J guidnuco of n suporior mi11d liS everybody must aclmowlellgo Dr. Cook to he. ·

If tho fog tlmt tho N11vy ont-fit hn• tho power to emitl WllS clitn itmtetl , thi" coutro\·ersy woultl uever hn.,·c arisen.

lt is highly problll>le thnt no two ! high school boys of Westfield, nccus. tomed to mllps llntl ev�n to tl10 dtmving of them, coul<l do · what M1·. Pearj· says Cook's two iguoramt esquiUJRUX ln<ls have been nble to do.

A, E. P.

-The locnl High School football te11m will piny tho Short Hills High School eleven tomorrow afternoon nt Uecrea­tion P"rk. '!'he game will be good be­cl\use when W. H. S. pluyocl thom in Short Hills the score wns 11 tie 6-U. See whnt it is tomorrow.

Aliorllve �llempt.


This Ru1 Free

Elegant $ 1 5.00 -=----�

a Purchase o·f �i50 or Over ,-

On Hallowe'en the sign " No Th<r oughfnre " wns removed from the g.\tos

�;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;:;:;;:;;:;;;;�;;;;;:�_ of Stoneleigh Park and plnco<l 111 tho

1• to Urwoln School. Rug Is oL r Fine Quality

comes in choice oriental, floral and �neclall ion patterns ; rich colorings-its actual

R.. F. H ohen.stein Deals in Flour, Feed, Grain, Hay and Straw, Shavings and Peat Moss, Harness, Blanke'ts and General Horse Equipmen111 and a full line of all Poultry Supplies.

Prospect Street• Westfield Telephone oonneotton;

ChH�ren's Outing Flannel , Night Gowns

and Night ·Dra\Vers. _i '

Blankets and Comfortables. .. .L. A. P I K E R'S,


that some smniJ boys; by the Evil One, perpett·nted this

in 1111 earnest l>nt fntilo en­<leavor to curtail or altogether stop the attendance at Lincoln l>phool.

Your horses have worl<ec\ hard tltls pll!lt summer. Their blood is fillml with worn.ont cells and wastA umterlal Build them up; perfect their digestio� and purify the1r blood by tlie regular. use of Fairfield's Dlw<l 'l'onio and Rel!ulator for Horses Only.' f:lol<l written guarantee by Pntriclt Traynor,

A Rallglnus lulhor's Statement Rev. Joseph H. FospQrllll\u, Salisbury,

N •. c .. \;hois thenuthor of sever11t books,

\Vfltes: •For several years I WI\S aftlicted with kidnoy trouble and lost winter I wns suddenly strickou with a severe P.,iu 10 my kidneys an<l wns confined to bed eil!bt clays unable· to got up without

l ""'us<�lUC•e • . My_ urine contained n thick 1\ediment aml I · passed same fre·

que,ntly dny nn<l night. I commenced ta�mg Foley's· Kiduey Remedy; and the pam gradually ab11totl and· fir.nlly ceR•ed and my urine became normnl. · I eheer­�nlly J'ecommend Foley's Jliclney Rem­ody." · - Gale's Pharmacy.

is $I S-WILL BE GI VEN A ·w A'{ ABSOLUTELY FREE, with purchases ing- to $5o OR OVER IN FURNITURE, CARPETS and RUGS, and in ..

. this, we guarantee to SAVE you 25 PER CENT. ON YOUR PURCr�ASE; on count of our location-"OU1' OF THE HIGH RENT . DISTRICT" wluch means saving of thousands of dollars annttally in rents, which we turn over to you in prices and premiums-that can't ·be matched any\vhere else. And that's not all; . .

we place at your disposal om credit system, which is unrivaled for liberality. . .


Oak Dresser $1 1 ,50 VALUE

B u i l l of s o l i d oalc, highly pol­

,islted, fitted with bev­eled• e d'g e F r e n c h �=��¥���plate mirror

,.,, -r e g u l a r price $11 .50


Dining Cbairs $1.511 VALUE

This subs!alltially -solid oak dill clllllt', rolis . . �d, fit­

� ll w i t h com f o rtablc c a n c sent; regular $1 .5l' -spec., ca.

Not more tlmn six to a cus­tomer.


Credit Te1111 ArnqH oa llt Euitet •• Moat C..YIIittt Pa,_t Plq

It is to your advantage to buy where stocks are the . largest and most varied, and where prices are lowest, We carry the moat complete line of Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Beds, and General Housefurnishing Goods In Newark.

Great Sale of Brass . Bed s

We offer for your selection the 6nest line of Solid Brass Beds that may be seen in any store in the State.

The greatest number of .designs, at positively the lowest prices.

TWO OF THE MANY REMARUBI.E BARGAINS . Our own exclusive design, handsome, $ 0 satin or polish finiah, beavy lillers, worth 15. 0 every cent of $24.00, special at . • . . • .

Braaa Beda, Like Theae

H a n d s o m e polish liinish, . lk;::!::::!!;;::!;?-';;;F:t.::� h e a v y fillers. "':��'"""'-lj�����=T1J Regular value 111 f 1 6.

Special at


New Jewelry Our New fa,ll Stock of Jewelry which we are now ahowing, discloses many beautiful a nd arllatlc novelties. ·

Some of the designs are strikingly effective, In the new and delicate shades of enamel, and the gold mountlnl{s of the richest coloring and workman�hip of the uoldsmith's art-a distinctive quality whlcb readily appeals to the di!>l:riminatin�r person. More goods and lare-er assortments at ·lower price1 than at any time in the history of the "Wiss" store·, Selection is a simple matter from such an assortment of fine Jewelry• Neckl�ee1, Pendant• and Lanlllerl ·in the very newest ·· de.�igns, ns low as . . . . . . . • . • • • . , , , , , . • . . , . . , • , , f&.OO Solid Gold Braachn, as low as . . . . :. . . . . . . . . . . . . , • . . fLOO Solid Gold Br�eeleta, as low as . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , • . , f4.50 Solid Gold Rlnp, as low ns . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . fLOO Solid Gold Scarf Pial, a� low as . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fLOO

M .. tUa a tiMetaM ... &.. wWcla.tt ciJi.e. Solid Gold Cufl Buttoaa, ns low as • • .- . . . • . . . • • , , , . • . • f2.00 Our Dmruoucl l!tocl' Is tho most COIIIJ>leteaucl lowesl priced ever mown in Newark, considering tha higb qoo11ity. Our llfteon years of optical experience enables oa toexRmine yonr eyea with sorb certainty that yonr defects or vision are fullyco1'1'80ted with the glasses we fprnisb. .


NEWS Of TH.E THEATRES. Praetor's Strong Bill.

A great vaudeville. bill, in combina· tiou with splendid motion pictures, Is oft'ered at Proctor's Theatre, Plainfield, this coming week,

ln thi• first part of tbe week, Little Albright & Oompnuy, appear iu a clever oomedy sketch : ltogers & Ev•n•, two lively and amusing comedians keep yon htnghiug nil the time they arc on ; Sullivan & Oolby, in a sketch called " The Jockey " : &lld Mrurimus, the strong man, who does nll sorts of tuur· velons and strengtil liftinG feats.

Tile films d'art nse<l aro the latest and best that can be secured iu tbe motion plotore world.


Dlfeit ; flftWIOf . 11·1, II. Clllll,. "II'. , ....

The local High School football team are changing tables now and are •how. lug up much better on the score book. LRBt Saturday "fternoon at Recreation Park, they defeated the Fanwood ath­letic Olub by the 1core of 89·0, The two tenms were well n1atohed iu weight bot the looal b<>ys wanted to keep warm.

The first half was well played and after u luud struggle tho local team sue· ceeded iu making a toucb down aud kicking the I!CBl,

The first five minutes of play of the second half, saw Keyes lu·left !.alf rust.

w. GREENE & Co • r1 1 1 Hall 11 rt and then Reese bring the bsll over tile · · · 11mt Cln IIH � IWI • _ line. Buckley, phlylng end, kinked the

1 1. _

·· · . · . · . · 1 'rhe American Music Hall formerly goal. Again after the kick oil a rush of


Open 8.301 Clo1e 6 o'clock. Sat11rdays, ro o'clock. 11111 1 m• 'J'tz:h·a�Hiz ctllll O l'dllr.a rro111pl l)' Filled


Comfortables, Blankets, Etc. For Your Comfort's Sake

Special Pric�s for the Sake of Your Purse

Comfortables, Worth 2.00 to 2.50 � 1.59 EACH

These comforta�les were all made ta sell at 2.00 nod 2.1i0e!ICh. 'feu ca•es refn•cd by n. laz·go jobbing house on ucconnt of late shipment, Tho · ociDfortablo tnanufucturer nsl<c<l us for un otl'er on them. We macle it, and secured tho good� nt u very low Jlrico, nnd will sell them to you tho same wuy-all full double bed sizes, selected pattern�. coveo·ings of the best materials nmde up with those extm linishes, such us being cordecl nil around-stitching of tho best-only Jlllre white one sheet sunitary Sea Island cotton, used for filiiz1g. Rotnii vnlno, 2.00 to ta 2.50 each ; for this sule, while the ten cases last, ut 1 .69 ench.

· .

We claim to sell you in this sale tho best wool blanket yon bn.ve ever bought nt G.OO pair ; nll )mre wool, with tine spool cotton 5 00 . warp lnrge double �d siv.e, J?illk or blue borders ; worth in the ' reanlnr way o.r.o pzur, for tlns sale, nt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •

Tho trouble wit·h most blankets around this price is the size, These are lnr11e enough for uny double bed, well lleccccl nnd good J 29 weight, white with pretty pink or bluo bordeo·s. Regular sell· ·

ing price 1 .00 pair, for this Kille . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . •

Y QD will> buy freely of them when yon see lJO\V h�avy nod well Heeced ancl t.he pretty pnttorns they come in, light o; dnrl< 8 grounds, the cotton market mnl<es them worth 1 2o a yd. , for this C sale at, yd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Pure white, yanl wi<le <loublo flecce<l Domet flannel, hezwv 8' winter weil(ht flrst-olns• for sinmber garments ami underwenr. C Regular 123 grade ; for this sale at, yd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

TH E D A V I D S T R A U S C O. + NE lALJtRI<. N . _J. + - I N C. , the Lyric Theatre in Newark oilers a S!oael'IKlll· aud Keyes took . the pigskin

"l' N bill for the week comweucing belJiud the goal posts and Bnckleyagnin .....

....................... . T0�7 MARK ET ST., E WA RK.,. Novembtlr 1 st, beaded by tho nationally l<icked the goal. The Hil!h School tbeu �=========================�.l fnwous Empire Oily Quartet which has kicked ott 11nd forced tbeir opponents to

; the reputlltion of being the greatest or·. pmot. Knight, playing left end tben ganization of its kind in vau<loville made n touch down by n right end rnu. today. "A Nigbt nt )laxlns " pre- llucklcy failed to kick the goal. • • • • THE • • • •


COMPANY. OA8R CAPITAL PAID Ill • • • o . o o o

tt�rora�atic)D cheerfully flll'Dilhed by

Paul Q. Oliver,

T8l:..cgH�-'f!Y .. :r::��� =··��::: on bond and mortaaae, and baa mort·

1aa-for sale, principal and lnterettt par· ante9d1 netting the ln1'@8tor 6 pel' cent wlthont oare u to taxl!ll, inaurance, etc


sauted by the ScvP.u Perozoff'B is a After tho uext kick olf the Fanwood scream of laugbt.er frow start to finiah eleven got tho ball but were unable to ancl all of tltem are nccomplishecl jug- break the local line and were again glcrs. Oharle• L. Curtauell nml La urn. forced to pout. A. few " back " rushes

�:g::: J:'�I:S�"- Vl�o p..;,, �nK�'!:.�t Harris will bo. seen iu a · remarlmbly nud n. trick play brought Reese over the Btca.t.ao J. ScoLBI • • • • Trouurer clever dancing sldt entitled " Nonrly an lino, Buckley 118Bin failed to kick the f:;:g: �: :f:':�� : : : Ttra:'����� Actress." J. W. Winton " tbo much goal. B. H. lll.t.TT81i0• • • Anlotcmt Treuurer travelled ventriloquist with McGinty " Tbere was a lot of scrimmaging after

The Guarantee Mortgage •nd Title lnlnrance Company is one of tbe mo•l gifted exponents of the next kick off but finally by nn end BAN K B U I L.QINQ ventrlloquilal nrt. Madge aiaitlnnd mn of Knight ami a rush o f Roose Rll·

No. lll·L W E S:rFIE LD, N. J. tnleute<l comedienne whose impor· other touch down was made, Bush

��;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;� of " tough types " stamp her as failed to )lick the gcal.

5 beiug in the front rank of comediennes. In tho next few 1nlnntes play the WESTFIELD, N J.

bert E. De.cker. FIRST-CI.ASS RIGS.

Special Accommodations for Boarding . Horses.

Pascatel will present a series of seem- High School tried to kick a field goal ingly impossible feats on the slack but failed and. after kicking from the wire. twenty-five vard line, made a few

rustles and brought tbe ball over the


;i.e �::��c!:�.t�e goal.


Fnnwood A. 0. W. H. B, Acllve Organization Which Is Going lo Do ��;�:�ts

F .. B, W. Silsenou

R. H B. B. Reese Things This Year. Dovarest L. H. B. R. Keyes

Bettmau Q. B. s. Bush Plainfield Nov, 2. The suffr�gettcs Moyer R E H. Buoldey

DING AND LIVERY this town have pln.uneol n wmter's B k

' ' STABLES campaign of weekly debates and lee· s:=n:�rs i. �- �� �:�=��u . . tnres to be hold nt the homes of wealthy 1.1 ttl ld L T N 8 · 1 lr�������������������������= entbusiosts. Mn, Obamplaiu Riley 0 e • • • m1t 1•

succeeds Mrs. Florez1co Howe Hull VanHoesen R. G. · Dav; Swain· (since tbn.t lady removed to Rhode

· forth


IJIJ:vm:n"li'TIIIIIro roa TUB i'JI:BT, WJ:ITli'IEJ,D

N. J.

t I . tl "' Hall J,, G. R. Savitz Islam!) as bead o tho P am eld-., orth �leggy a. G. Loaee Plalntleltl Equal Suffrage Lbngue, the Tlte local High School tonm d•fented largest and most representative organi·. the Crauford Hlgb School footbafl team zation in this part of tile state. in au exciting battle on tile gridiron, • An interesting ctebnte will be held at last Tuesday afternoon ·. at Recreation tbe first meot.iug Moodn.y evening, November 2211 at the home of Mrs.

Park, the score beiug 15-0. Samuel Hnutiugton. 'rbe topic will bo: " Resolved, '!'bat suffrage ahould be W;utina Good Time. IP'Jlnled to woman on tho same terms ou which it is now gmutod to man. " Af· firmatlve-Miss Crystal · Eastman of New York, and Negative-Mm. Hugh IE!!�������������§��!�!!!�5.i i F. �·ox of Plllintleld.

lf the egg Sac of the lieu is not· sop· plied willt pore rlch blood, tl1o Ewbry·

eggs it contains cannot develop prop,

"Talkin' 'bout oquanderin' de pre­. eious moments," said Uncle' Eben, "It's ·eumpln' ter'ble to dee de number of people dat's wastlD!!delr own ... valu· able tline klcklu' 'bout de valuable time other folks Is wastln'."-Watb• loaton Star.

- -·----Our W•reroorn•: � re- fu l l of Well

M•d• . •nd N e•tl)' Ce•Jsned

F U R N 1 ·T. · u: R E C•ll and · See Our Stock.

We have conftdence In our ablllly to please.

PowUson Jo.nes, 149·131 E •



Fair1leld's Blood Tanio nud Egg You have been experimenting with Producer purifies tbebloodand furnishes the old·fa.�h!oned "Onre;All" Condition it with the materials from whiLlh eggs powder long enoDIJb, ll'• llmeyon ·wem nre made. Sold nuder written gu11rautee using the Modern; sensible and · Boieuti-

by Patrick Traynor. flo kind, the Fairfield Blood Tonics, A · separate and Different Oondlticner for

A card for eaoh kinrl of animal. (Ask for Fairfield '1 Free Book.) Bold under written guarantee by Patrick Traynor,

____ ... ,_ lf you· desire a • clear oomplexioo take

Foley's Orino LattatiYe :tor constipation and liver trouble BB It will stimulate thee or11alls and · thoronlfbly oleanse your system, whiob is :what everyone needs In order to feel well. Gale's Phar. mnny, .

'.'·· ,. ::_ .;_:

ernest Wilcox • Theo. A. Pope Alexander Hunt, Wilcox & Pope, .

URPENTERS & BUILDER&, Pamtar and Decoralar. Latest design in Wall paper al· 412 4 44 Cumberland St. Tel. 139•.1. ways on hand,

We1Jtfield, N. J. Estimates Cheerfully Furnished.

Elm and Quimby Streets� Jobbing Promptly Attend�d to. · \Veatlleld, N. J. ' · Tel. 9'7•W

fte Kind Yon Have Always Bought, and which has beea Ia use for over 30 :rears, has bome. the &lgnatnre of

· �· and has been made under his per-. aonal supervision since its infancy.

• � · Allownoonetodecelveyoufn thJJJ. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-gOOd" are but Experiments tllllt trille with and endanger tho health of ln&nta � ChUdren-Ex:pedenee against Experiment. .

What Is CASTORIA (laatorJa II a llarmless I!Ubstltute for CBIItor on, Pareo f10rlc, Drops and Soothing 8yrnp11o It is Pleasant, lti eontalwl neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotle ltlbltance, Its age Is 1tl guarantee. It destroys Wol'lllll and allays Feverishneu. If; cures Dfarrhma and Wind CoUc. It relieves Teething Troubles, eures Constipation and. FlatUlency, It asslmllates the Food, relfll]atea the 8�maeh ond Bowel8, giving healthy oud natural lleeP.· fte CIIJidren'• P8DBCea-The Mother's Friend.


. TH� :��j�; .COUNTY STAf4DARD,' �JUDAY, . NOVEMBER S, 1909. i '

Special At

• THE CASE OF CONSUMPTIVES. DemonstratiOn Of iiiiiT,Yllll{ lllll l h iH hlllll . l l'lclly. • " 'l'nhnl'ull hlHlH IN '"''' IIXIIIII ly uon•

llllflOIIHo hnl· l u foutluiiH 'J'hn f!l'nlll tl�lll• S h � '

lfiii' Uf lll l'olllftll l iH (I'tllll hl'tlll l lt l l ll{ lillml C ae er S HfJIII.unt whl11h I I I II)' lion! ht l l tn u l l·,

By one of Vanti ne's experts, during the week of IIHllll( OllfiHo HfllltliiHo foi'IIHo {111\'t'l�, 11 1 1 1111•

l!l'l'uhlufo, t•lo whluh hnvo lwuu ••on· tu11tlunlutl, ntul ldHHIIIIJ,

"H lH uut uh•olntuly luil'ul l l lnry : II llhlltl t1nrn of turn'l'<tUlnnH fll\l'nllt Ol' )JIII'IIIIIH lH llfll to hlll'tl 1L lul\'111' Vl iui iLy 111111 flll\1'111' of I'I!HIMIILI Itl", IIII<I IH huiiUU 1110ro Jluhlo to htfnolloll. N O VEM B E R 8 t o 15

of their Toilet Preparations, Japa nese

Condiments, Novelties,

Perfumes, and , h unn ho lt'IIIIHIItlll u1l nhm hy mnniiM

of hllf iOl'fuully coolw1l huuf 111 111 huuf

julcu, 11111t milk ft'tllll l u fwll01l ooii'H i though &outo tllttlloi'ILI<!H 111 1ru1' nH to t.ho

1<1ttOI' OIUUHO, '!'flo OI'OII'<il l ll( ill ltlllll·

IUOIIIH lllll1 HiCO)Iilll( ill nJOIIIIl wll hunt.

lli'Olll'l' l'unt llnt.lou IH hnol.

C'op,-rl,;ht 1000, Co. Kai!O StYli! 7CN-A bias cut, oorod, lono corset with low bust and eraceh,11 crlect tllrOUJlb·

out 12·inch cla5p, 2 pair sunportcrsh lace trim· :'� .,.4111ow 1\llllil. 51or lua ·�.����

BUY a Kabo Corset; fit your dress over it. You'll present

a stylish appearance.

Kabo Corsets are recog­nized as the lenders in three points-style, co mfo rt, durability. ·The reason that Kabo Corsets lead all others i n u p - to - date styles i s because the d esigns and suggestions for Kabo models issue from the same source in Paris as the edicts on fashions in gowns. This is expensive to the manufac­turers but i t p l eases the buyers of stylish corsets, �o we do it.

I£ you arc stout, a Kabo Form Reducing Corset will give you graceful. lines and comfort.

Kabo Maternity Supporters give health and comfort to women who await the Stork,

All goods absolutely guaranteed.

Kabo Corset Co. Chica�.:o.

" OltHivm· l\fu IH tho ]ll'lncl]ll\l thinl(

-dny and night Htlltllnor 111111 wlntor­rnlu or �blue, wllh tn·otuctha or l101ly

For November · ngnfn�t chil li ng, no li<Juor u1· l nhncco, . ton 01' cotfuo, hut goool umulshlllg ruorl-

K E I S ER C R AVATS , oggs, mnk, v"�"'""'""· r•u"• 111111 curunls, omulslons of fut, ulthou!(h mcul Varied toaea of l• not osscntlnl nml vlunty of sunll!(hf. A purple Ia aaYI!IIJ high 11ltltmlo la nut os.<ui!Liul, thmt!lh

WIIIIYIIII- tho nlr is usunlly l11oro d1y ntul tl ao •tripe• or 111111'11• ollumte moro · cqnnulo uu lnhlo lnllllH

Sil�s apede�l/sJ woven. Slip eGIIIg unJer

/oiJ r:ol1G11 Keioor-llorllhea, qbt oiJ.oillc,

iD over oiaty ploia col..,, llrzee quaiDoa

Gran• Prlao St. Loal• World'• Fair farQ••IItr, WorliaauWJt ... lilrl•

Prices, SOc. and $1.00 Full Dress Cravats, 25c.

ntul mountnlns, l'iues tiro uo01l 11ntl suudy soil bette�' l.luut cln.r UCCilllsu tho tlrninugc is 1Jetlt•r nml thcl'O !.� con�o­IJUOiltly Jess •lnmJlllCH<. As IIJ!IIinst tho mountniu nir trontrmmt •,vhich hns Uucn tbougJ1t hiO lll!CU&.Sttry, 8UI'}ll'fSillf::r re�otn ltH hnvu boon obtained nt scn lo\'ol, 011 tho ocm\ll slloro.

• • Y os, tho Her! Oross Soclot.y hns tlnno much goool, About Koch's 'l'uuurcnli.u

l ll'cutmcut it is too soon to puss jmlg· mout i though l:ilJO most rccci11:i roprll'b; [ nrd mthor fnvornblo. 'l'ho '£ul>urcullu

t;1t ns usotl iu the uyo or by vnoclnntlou

!"1" bceu of grout mluo iu tlinguo�lng onrly cnses.

• • '£ho X my cures ncitrly nil cuscs of Skin '!'ubcronlosls cQllcd I,npns, '£Ius IV••• formm·ly oon•ulcrcd iucumhlo,

" :lome bright 1\llt\ glorious <lily "'" will ]Jrobnbly perfect " 'l'uborcullu wilioh will he ns positil·o in itM bcuotlornl effect 11s DltJthet•in Autitoxiu is to<luy,

---·-o I o . FORMER WESTFIELDER DEAD ; Hosiery for Men, . 1n Black and Novelty Co onngs WIFE SERIOUSLY BURNED.

Interwoven heel and toe, require no darning . . . . .

.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25r. pair

Holeproof Socks, six pair for 1.50. Their value is established . Buster Brown Socks, four pair for 1 .00. Black, Tan ; G ray. Cashmere Socks, in Black, G ray and Natural Colors· . . . . . . .


. . . . . 25c and 50c

Men's Underwear, for Now or Zero Weather

Mr. and Mrs. Callerlll VIctims of Hallowe'en

Celebration. Ernest Oottcrill, or Flumlers, u Conner

resident of this piece, died ut his home, Tuesdny night, ns tha result of iuterunl



On ly Six Feef of Earth Makes Us All of One


there is no uniformity in

kind that insures

perfect fit when

every man · a he buys a

·ready-to-wear suit of clothes.

The only sure way to be prop. erly d ressed is to come to us.

vVe don ' t allow a misfit. or an

unsightly piece of goods to

out of our establish ment.


• • There's class 111 our clothes

that makes class."

137 NORTH AVENUE, In separate garments or Union suits. Have you ever tried a Union suit ? We sold more so fa r this year, than in any two previous seasons. Their greatest attraction is in the added comfort to the wearer and cost no more than the separate garments.

· .i ' trouble nggm vuteol by tho shock of see· in" his wife neruly burueol to denth nt n �lll!l!i:llD·········IIII•••••il,l!l� .. ���� Il�tlowo'�n llUI'ty. She wns bumcd �������������������!!!!���71 from henll to t'eot nut! is i n chnrgu or ":

. We have about one hundred more of the reduced waists. They won1t last over Monday. The price is half the regular figure. Westfield k nows how we cut our merchandise when we get ready to move it quickly.


They are Standard Brands. All of them. We can fit you or a ny member of the family. Every known grade of Cape, Mocha, Suede or Kid Gloves. With Gauntlet for Automobiling, fl eece lined or silk lined1 these great values from: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . ., 1,00 to 3.98

Royal Society Embroidery Packa.es Containing everything necessary for the making of Christmas gifts o r fancy articles for the home. G et our Catalogue with illustrations and descrip­tions.

Columbia Yams Need No Introduction We shall simply state th e fact that we u ndersell any New York Department

. Store in this l ine and will make a gift of equal quantity to any person pro· ducing a check from a New York Department Store showing a price as low or lower than our price for Columbia, Imported Germantown, Saxony, German Knitting Y a r'n or Shetland Floss.

two trninerJ · nut'ses. It is ftJnred llmt sbe mmuot recover. She hns uot been informed of hor husband's death.

The tragedy occul'l'ml ut the Cotterill home, lnst Saturday evoning, wl)e� 1\tr, Qotterill WI\S stJd<lmtlv str·lol<ell with severo pnius after outillg. His wife rushed to li1s nirl, mal tho flumes of n cnudlo wlitch sho wns holdiug iguited her dress.

Both �Ir. uud l\Irs. Oottorill woro wotl known in 'Vostfletcl 'l'hey lived in tho N eafio house, ou East Broad st•·cet for · some time. 'fhoy hnv" beau living nt · Flnndors t'or OI'OL' n yo<u·, where be is the o\vner of " large stool< farm,


As Furnished bq lhe Ufln Persuasion �lhlle at

Play. Her1· Eckel is busy tryillg to explnlu,

"the trouble is uotbiug to moldt, nlwnys the same."

Herr Ecl<el llnd cohorts were sntisfletl with little, nut! once iu " while they got .their birl. "Der wind dmyt sich," I'O·

· · miuks Herr Eckel, hut der wlud t1i1l11 't '.: chnuge all night, not ll. bit, just tho

snme. · .. . : Herr Doerer rcm11rlts thnt ·•it is just

· � like taking ooudy from " baby, just tho ' same, n little bit. "

. . \ " .

, ,_ :,

One Reason For Out• Low Pl.·icas :'.


·, ·



is that it is not our policy to carry a. br;;a· st�;{ . �lc keep in stock only "�peciuls.'' y cu can readily .

li,ZUre for yourself .that if we carried, sny; $1 00,000 . worth of jewelry · on band. we would !:ave to enrn ·

$5,000 Ia $ 7,000 l\bove our regular rnar�in si::t,ly to · pay the intcresl on the investment. without co::• Elderin!! dopre�jation.. · .

As it is, we save this-a�d so do yQ\1., We am lo�ated in the heart of the jewelry dis.tricl, nnd rir.Lt in the center of the most convenient downtown sccti�n. \Vllhm a stone's throw of our offices nnl' l!.e fir:m

. fro.m which jewelers buy-millions of · dollars' . o( jewelry-and just as . . convenient 'as though on o:1r, ' own shelves.

. .

Send for information "re.garding our Anniversary Record and Reminder Cards.

Brlcg ln your rmRs. brooches, 1•h1ti or othc1 pieces of Jewelry : we will clean tncm unct ICC tllnt stOues nrC! Hecute, Wllh· out charge.

Hoddcs & NorthroP Jcwelcr.!l

Cornu l\lntden Lnno 1:1'0 llor<:tii<IW"Y Now Yo�k

Stocking Stretchers . and Shirt Stretchers · "Stuck ngnln," snys President Schnefer, "ever so much, jnst n little 'bit.''

Herr Eckol says, "I don't bin me them .: for winning, sou gluck. "

Genuine Fresl\ Jersey Will make babies' Cashmere stockings and little shirts wear twice as long.



" Herr Dursl1 r�llectH tlmt "either we can't piny just " little bit, or wo llon't get the cards much.'' .

BROAD STREET . . Herr Eol<el l'eplies, "we'll got 'em yet, Telephone 199 � WESTFIEhD, QI�'::·�bue, just a little_

bit"-but he

iiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiil,iii' 'i' ·�·.: •. iiiilii<il'. 'ii.·;i!i!·�;� ;:�;�re, Herr Schaeffer's 7, He�·r Ecl<el's

- It · · '"'('!5 ;:·:Not so mncb, just a . little hit, which · . -� · Jielp8 to mnko a little more thnr1 so

.· ,., much. -----

Try the cent-a-word column for ciiJic:k results..

THE FINEST IN THE MARKET. Genuine Home Made Sausage, Our awn··

Remember that we sel l f(Jr Cash only,. and that t ''

a re lower than other markets. We ann. to supp Y lielclers with the best Meats in the m!lrkct ;.t tb� . possible price. . . . ·.· Why not hel p a local enterprise to ltelp you ? Th.t · · · yon help us, tl1e better are we able to give you a firs .. · article, at a greatly reduced price. ·

Klee's Cash Meat Market is for the benefit of those . who want to pay cash and want to receive in TI:OK��· ,;., ,.','i!

cash value, . ' . . 'l'ake yo11r first opportnnity to patronize us.

,,.,h .


. · . .


. .• , . .

.. th··· " C' . . � .:.J : CASTQR IA convince you.


/ �;)�·· . ·e.n ;ln · .

. · e· �tanuaruOi , i'or lllfanta anu�dreu. KLEE'S CASH MEAl ; 1 . . .


. . ,c

. ; ;1 ��� i Choice Meab, Vegefahj� ud Fa!'11 ;� , · ;.· , . , . . . . , .\ . ·: . ;,<r( :::· . · ·

· . . . · ·· .�ROSPECT �T��I;.T� . :"•'