Hdfc Recruitment Akshita

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  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita









      In the partial fulfillment of

    Master of Business Administration







  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita



    I take great pleasure to thank and akno!ledgement the permission

    and allo!ane "# M#. AJAY SHARMA, CHANNEL


    INSURANCE, JAIPUR RE"ION and his help and inspiration

     pro$ided% I e&tend a !hole hearted thanks to M#. SUMER SIN"H

    under !hom I !orked and learned a lot and for enlightening me !ith

    their kno!ledge and e&periene to gro! !ith the orporate !orking%

    Their guidane at e$er# stage of the 'ro(et ena"led me to

    suessfull# omplete this pro(et !hih other!ise !ould not ha$e

     "een possi"le !ithout their onstant enouragement and moti$ation)

    !ithout the support it !as not possi"le for me to omplete the report

    !ith fullest endea$our%

    I !ould also like to e&tend m# thanks to m# *ollege +ault#Mem"ers Mr% Satish Sharma all m# olleagues in the ompan# !ho

    supported me in arr# out m# operation suessfull# and generousl#

    and pro$ided me $ital information, training regarding the m# pro(et


      HARI SIN"H

    M$A % III


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita



    I had undergone a pratial training under HDFC STANDARD

    LIFE INSURANCE, JAIPUR RE"ION% It !as a good e&posure

    for me to undergo training in suh a ompan# to get the kno!ledge

    and e&periene regarding life insurane and reruitment of apa"le

    of life insurane ad$isors%

    Summer training is one of the ma(or e&periening omponent of the

    kno!ledge) gain of rele$ant of information !ith respet to marketing

    and dealing !ith situations in a professional ourse like M%B%A%

    !here a professional person faes a pro"lem in a field% I !as a"le to

    get familiari.ed !ith the ustomer relationship and got to kno! ho!

    a ompan# measures to resol$e their grie$anes and ser$ie them to

    the ma&imum for future prospet and suess% +ield omponent like

    sur$e#) generation of /uestionnaire !ith respet to marketing helped

    me a lot and !ould "e a great support in future%

    “I& ' )**+ &* / /&1' 31& '& ' //&'4 &* / '').

    T#'') 5 3/ ' 44 6 *8 4'8/.” Thus I !ould sa# that this

    training !as "enefiial eduati$e 0 good e&posure to me) !hih !ill

    ertainl# help in m# near future% This pro(et !as designed !ith

    respet to this ompan#% The pro(et made me to get the enhaned

    kno!ledge regarding life insurane onept and the proess of 

    reruiting of finanial onsultant%

  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


    T34/ *8 5*&/&

    S. N*. P#&'514# P)/

    9. I2T3ODU*TIO2 4516

    -% 7I+E I2SU3A2*E 145-8

    % 7I+E I2SU3A2*E I2DUST3Y -15-9

    6% ABOUT TE *OM'A2Y ; D+* STA2DA3D 7I+E --518>


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita



  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita



    The insurane setor !as opened up in the #ear 1>>> failitating the

    entr# of pri$ate pla#ers into the industr#% ith an annual gro!th rate

    of -6%1 perent and the largest num"er of life insurane poliies in

    fore) the potential of the Indian insurane industr# is huge% The #ear 

    1>>> sa! a re$olution in the Indian insurane setor) as ma(or 

    strutural hanges took plae !ith the ending of =o$ernment

    monopol# and the passage of the Insurane 3egulator# and

    De$elopment Authorit# I3DAF Bill) lifting entr# restritions for 

     pri$ate pla#ers and allo!ing foreign pla#ers to enter the market !ith

    some limits on diret foreign o!nership%

    Aording to the *SO) the insurane and "anking ser$iesG

    ontri"ution to the ountr#Gs =D' is >85>1% During the

    H>8s) it !as "et!een 1 and - perent and from -881 it !as o$er -

     perent% In -88586 it !as -%6 perent%


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


    The impetus for inrease is due to the ati$e role pla#ed "# I3DA in

    liensing pri$ate pla#ers and taking positi$e steps in inreasing the

    insurane a!areness among the people% Besides) the insurane

    ompanies in general and pri$ate insurane ompanies in partiular)

    are reahing out to untapped potential in rural areas !ith aggressi$e


    Inno$ati$e produts) smart marketing) and aggressi$e distri"ution

    ha$e ena"led fledgling pri$ate insurane ompanies to sign up Indian

    ustomers faster than an#one e&peted% 7ife insurane is $ie!ed as a

    ta& sa$ing de$ie% 'eople are no! turning to the pri$ate setor for 

     pro$iding them !ith ne! produts and greater $ariet# for their 

    hoie% The impro$ement in +DI flo!s refleted the impat of reent

    initiati$es aimed at reating an ena"ling en$ironment for +DI and for 

    enouraging infusion of ne! tehnologies and management

     praties% The =o$ernmentGs proposal to inrease the +DI ap in the

    insurane setor from the present -9 perent to 6> perent has raised

    e&petations among the international insurane ompanies%

  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


    I1#5/ % D/8'/+:

     Insurance is a contract in which sum of money is paid to the

    assured in consideration of insurer’s incurring risk of paying a large

     sum upon a given contingency% -- J1&'5/ T'+44

    “Insurance is a contract by which one party for a compensation

    called in the premium assumes particular risks of the other party

    and promises to pay to him or his nominee a certain sum of money

    on a specified contingency.” -- E.W.F'&&/#*

     Insurance may be described as social device whereby a large group

    of individuals, through a system of equitable contribution, may

    reduce certain measurable risk of economic loss common to all 

    members of the group.” 55E554*;/+' $#'&'5

    The a"o$e definitions learl# sho!s that insurane is a ooperati$e

    de$ie to spread the loss aused "# a partiular risk o$er a mem"er 

    of persons !ho are e&posed to it and !ho agree to insure themsel$es

    against risk% Insurane does not eliminate risk "ut onl# redues the

    finanial "urden) !hih ma# "e $er# hea$#%


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


    E*41&'* *8 '1#5/

    In the da#s of #ore insurane !as in its rude form and !as

    ooperati$e and $oluntar# in nature% hen) !here and ho! it

    originated is still a matter of researh in one !a# or the other !as

     pre$alent in olden da#s% e an trae its histor# from the e$olution

    soiet# from hunting stage to the modern industrial age% A !ord

    YA=*EMJ ours in the !orldGs most anient indu Sripture

    3ig eda%

    The !ord YA=*EMJ means insurane% It learl# indiated that

    a"out four thousand #ears ago insurane !as pre$alent in its rude

    form% It !as ooperati$e and $oluntar# in nature% 'eople formed

    different groups of organi.ations to share the loss among themsel$es

    inase of a partiular risk% Eah mem"er ontri"uted some amount to

    a ommon fund to meet the unforeseen losses% Sometimes the# also

    ontri"uted e/uall# to ompensate person as and !hen he suffered a

    loss% Traes of insurane in the anient !orld are also found in the

    form of marino trade loans or arriers ontrats !hih inluded an

    element of insurane%


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


    E$idene is on reords that arrangements em"od#ing the idea of 

    insurane !ere made in Ba"#lonia and India at /uite an earl# period%

    3eferenes !ere made to the onept of insurane in ManuGs ode

    Manu Smrit#J% It !as akin to YagakshemoJ of 3ig$eda in !hih

    the !ell "eing and seurit# of the ommunit# !as aimed at%

    o!e$er) there is no e$idene that insurane in its present farm !as

     pratied prior to t!elfth entur#%

    T/ N&1#/ O8 I1#5/

    The insurane has the follo!ing harateristis !hih are o"ser$ed

    in ases of life) marine) fire and general insurane%

    1% S#') *8 #'

  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


    -% I& '   5**;/#&'/ +/'5/: A large num"er of persons agree to

    share the loss arising sue to a partiular risk% Thus) insurane is a

    ooperati$e de$ie%

    % V41/ *8 #'

  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


    F15&'* *8 I1#5/

    A! P#'# F15&'*

    1% I1#5/ ;#*'+/ 5/#&'&: Insurane pro$ide ertaint# of 

     pa#ments at the unertaint# of losses% The element of unertaint#

    is redued "# "etter planning and administration%

    -% I1#5/ ;#*'+/ ;#*&/5&'*. The risk !ill our or not) !hen

    !ill our and ho! muh loss !ill "e there% There are

    unertainties of happening of time and amount of losses% The

    main funtion of the insurane is to pro$ide protetion against the


    % R'< #'): 3isk is unertain and therefore) the loss arising

    from the risk is also unertain% All "usiness onern faes the

     pro"lem of the risk and if the onern is "ig enough the handling

    of risk "eomes a speiali.ed funtion% Insurane) as a de$ie is

    the outome of the e&istene of $arious risks in our da# to da#

    life% It spreads the !hole losses o$er a large num"er of persons

    !ho are e&posed "# a partiular risk%


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


    $% S/5*+# F15&'*

    1% P#//&'* *8 4*: 're$ention is al!a#s "etter than ure%

    're$ention is "# far the "est solution to the pro"lem of risk% It is

    more effeti$e and heapest method to a$oid the unfortunate

    onse/uene% But sometimes pre$ention is not al!a#s possi"le

    and Effeti$e%

    -% I& ;#*'+/ 5;'&4: It pro$ides the apital to the soiet#% +or plan

    de$elopment of ountr# there is a great need for huge amount of 

    apital% 2o! da#s) the insurane ompanies are rendering

     positi$e help in the de$elopment of trade) ommere and industr#

    of the ountr#%

    % I& ';#*/ /88'5'/5: Ahie$ement of goals) it impro$es not

    onl# his effiien# of the masses is also ad$aned% The insurane

    eliminates !orries and miseries of losses as death and destrution

    of propert# are free person an de$ote his energies for "etter%


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


    6% I& /1#/ &/ 6/48#/ *8 *5'/&: Insurane is a saga of ser$ie

    and seurit#J to thee soiet#% Seurit# of the life and propert#

    gi$en "# insurane "ring peae of mind to the insured% The

    in$estment in 7I* in !elfare shemes like eletriit#) housing)

    !ater suppl#) agro industr# estates are a"le to sol$e man#

     pro"lems in India%

    4% I& /4; ' /5**'5 ;#*)#/: Insurane pro$ides an initiati$e

    to !ork hard for the "etterment of the masses% 7ife insurane

    in$ol$es the element of sa$ing in$estment through small sa$ings%

    And !hih has "een gro!ing in reent #rs at an annual rate of 

    a"out 3s% 688 rs) life insurane is not a mere "usiness

    organi.ation) it has no"ler !elfare responsi"ilities in the

    de$elopment of the eonom#%


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita



  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita




    The life insurance contract embodies an agreement in which broadly

     stated, the insurer undertakes to pay a stipulated sum upon the death

    of the insurer to a designated beneficiary%J 55 J.H.MA"EE

     ife insurance contract may be defined whereby the insurer, in

    consideration of premium paid either in lumpsum installments,

    undertakes to pay an annuity on the death of the insured of a certain

    number of years.” 55 R.S.SHARMA

     ! contract of life assurance is that in which one party agrees to pay

    a given sum on the happening of a particular event contingent upon

    the duration of human life in consideration of immediate payment of 

    a smaller sum by another. $UNYON=S LAW OF LIFE INSURANCE

    S*/ *1&&+') +&)/ *8 4'8/ '1#5/

    1%F It is superior to an ordinar# sa$ing plan: this is so "eause unlike

    other sa$ing plans) it offers full protetion against risk of death%


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


    -%F Insurane enourages and enfores thrift : man# people ma# not

    ha$e the !ill po!er to ontinue a long term sa$ing plan !hih the#

    ma# formulate regular pa#ments in fae of mone# other uses to

    !hih their limited inome ould "e put%

    %F Eas# installments and protetions against reditors: the proeeds

    of a life insurane poli# an "e proteted against the laims of the

    reditors of life assured "# affetion a $alid assignment of the


    6%F Ta& relief: the inome ta& at e&empts from ta& that part of an

    indi$iduals inome !hih is de$oted to pa#ment of life insurane


    4%F Estate dut#: life insurane is the most pratia"le !a# to ensure

    definite pa#ment on oneGs death !ithout ha$ing resort to on$ersion

    of reali.a"le asset at a loss%


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


    W L'8/ I1#5/


    7ife Insurane has ome a long !a# from the earlier da#s !hen it

    !as originall# onei$ed as a risk o$ering medium for short periods

    of time) o$ering temporar# risk situations) suh as sea $o#ages% As

    life insurane "eame more esta"lished) it !as reali.ed !hat a useful

    tool it !as for a num"er of situations) inluding 5

    ! T/;*## //+ ? &#/&: The original purpose of life

    insurane remains an important element) namel# pro$iding for 

    replaement of inome on death et%

    3! R/)14# S'): 'ro$iding for oneKs famil# and oneself) as a

    medium to long term e&erise through a series of regular pa#ment

    of premiumsF% This has "eome more rele$ant in reent times as

     people seek finanial independene for their famil#%

    5! I/&/&: 'ut simpl#) the "uilding up of sa$ings !hile

    safeguarding it from the ra$ages of inflation% Unlike regular sa$ing


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


     produts) in$estment produts are traditionall# lump sum

    in$estments) !here the indi$idual makes a one off pa#ment%

    +! R/&'#//&: 'ro$ision for later #ears "eomes inreasingl#

    neessar#) espeiall# in a hanging ultural and soial en$ironment%

    One an "u# a suita"le insurane poli#) !hih !ill pro$ide

     periodial pa#ments in oneKs old age%

    7et us take an e&ample to understand the need for insurane:

    Mr% 'rana# is 64 #ears of age and self5emplo#ed% is !ife 2andini)

    !ho is a house!ife) looks after their t!o hildren aged and < #ears%

    The# sta# in a rented aommodation) !here the rent is 14)888

    rupees per month% Mr% Atul has taken up a loan of 3s% - lakh% is

    monthl# earnings on a$erage are 68)888 rupees% Mr% Atul passes

    a!a# in an unfortunate road aident% hat are some of the finanial

    impliations of his death on his famil#L There ma# "e se$eral

    finanial impliations on his famil#% Some of these are:

    aF The monthl# inome) pre$iousl# pro$ided "# Mr% Atul !ould stop%


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


     "F is !ife and hildren ma# ha$e to seek finanial assistane from

    other relati$es%

    F is !ife ma# not ha$e enough mone# to pa# "ak the loan of 3s%

    - lakhs%

    dF The famil# ma# ha$e to mo$e into a heaper aommodation%

    eF is !ido! ma# ha$e to take up !ork to earn mone#%

    fF The eduation of his hildren ma# suffer%

    This simple e&ample illustrates the impat premature death an ha$e

    on a famil#) !here the main earner has no life o$er% ad Mr% Atul

    taken life o$er) his famil# !ould not ha$e faed suh hardships in

    the e$ent of his unfortunate death% A simple life insurane poli#

    ould ha$e pro$ided Mr% AtulKs famil# !ith a lump sum that ould

    ha$e "een in$ested to pro$ide an inome e/ual to all or part of his


    In simple !ords) insurane protets against untimel# losses%

    Insurane has "een found useful in the li$es of persons "oth in the

    short term and long term% Short term needs like sudden medial osts


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


    and long term needs like marriage e&penses et an "e met !ith

    using life insurane%


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita



    I+' I1#5/ I+1: - N/6 A/1/ F*# "#*6&

    ith an annual gro!th rate of 145-8 and the largest num"er of life

    insurane poliies in fore) the potential of the Indian insurane

    industr# is huge% Total $alue of the Indian insurane market -8865

    84F is estimated at 3s%648 "illion USN18 "illionF% Aording to

    go$ernment soures) the insurane and "anking ser$iesG

    ontri"ution to the ountr#Ks gross domesti produt =D'F is

  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


    The #ear 1>>> sa! a re$olution in the Indian insurane setor) as

    ma(or strutural hanges took plae !ith the ending of go$ernment

    monopol# and the passage of the Insurane 3egulator# and

    De$elopment Authorit# I3DAF Bill) lifting all entr# restritions for 

     pri$ate pla#ers and allo!ing foreign pla#ers to enter the market !ith

    some limits on diret foreign o!nership%

    Though) the e&isting rule sa#s that a foreign partner an hold -9

    e/uit# in an insurane ompan#) a proposal to inrease this limit to

    6> is pending !ith the go$ernment% Sine opening up of the

    insurane setor in 1>>>) foreign in$estments of 3s% ?%< "illion ha$e

     poured into the Indian market and -1 pri$ate ompanies ha$e "een

    granted lienses%

    Inno$ati$e produts) smart marketing) and aggressi$e distri"ution

    ha$e ena"led fledgling pri$ate insurane ompanies to sign up Indian

    ustomers faster than an#one e&peted% Indians) !ho had al!a#s

    seen life insurane as a ta& sa$ing de$ie) are no! suddenl# turning

    to the pri$ate setor and snapping up the ne! inno$ati$e produts on



  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


    The life insurane industr# in India gre! "# an impressi$e 9) !ith

     premium inome from ne! "usiness at 3s% -4%6 "illion during the

    fisal #ear -8865-884) "ra$ing stiff ompetition from pri$ate

    insurers% 32*OSGs report) Indian Insurane Industr#: 2e! A$enues

    for =ro!th -81-J) finds that the market share of the state "ehemoth)

    7I*) has loked -1%?

     "illion in -88586%

    Though the total $olume of 7I*Ks "usiness inreased in the last fisal

    #ear -8865-884F ompared to the pre$ious one) its market share

    ame do!n from ?

  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


    There are presentl# 1- general insurane ompanies !ith four pu"li

    setor ompanies and eight pri$ate insurers% Aording to estimates)

     pri$ate insurane ompanies olleti$el# ha$e a 18 share of the

    non5life insurane market%

    Though the fous of this market researh report is on the potential

    gro!th on the Indian Insurane Setor) it also talks a"out the market

    si.e) market segmentation) and ke# de$elopments in the market after 

    1>>>% The report gi$es an instant o$er$ie! of the Indian non5life

    insurane market) and o$ers fire) marine) and other non5life

    insurane% The data is supplied in "oth graphial and ta"ular format

    for ease of interpretation and anal#sis% This report also pro$ides

    ompan# profiles of the ma(or pri$ate insurane ompanies%

    R/;*#& H')4')&:

    • =ains of 7i"erali.ation in Indian Insurane Setor

    • Indian Insurane Market Segmentation B# 'roduts


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


    • Si.e of the Market and Market Share Of 7ife Insurers) In I23 


    • Market Share Of 2on57ife Insurers

    • +oreast of 7ife Insurane =ro!th Up to -81-

    • +oreast of 2on57ife Insurane =ro!th Up to -81-

    • Market 3e$enue of Both 'u"li and 'ri$ate Insurers

    • 'oliies and Measures Taken B# I3DA To De$elop The Insurane


    • 3esearh and De$elopment Ati$ities

    3egulation of insurane and reinsurane ompanies

    • Ma(or *hallenges That Indian Insurane Setor is +aing

    • 'rofiles of the Ma(or 'la#ers


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita



  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita



    T/ I*+15&'*

    Standard 7ife Insurane *ompan# 7td% is one of IndiaKs leading

     pri$ate insurane ompanies) !hih offers a range of indi$idual and

    group insurane solutions% It is a (oint $enture "et!een ousing

    De$elopment +inane *orporation 7imited D+* 7td%F) IndiaKs

    leading housing finane institution and a =roup *ompan# of the

    Standard 7ife) U@% D+* as on Marh 1) -88< holds ?1%> per ent

    of e/uit# in the (oint $enture%


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


    T#5< R/5*#+ * 8#: Our gross premium inome) for the #ear 

    ending Marh 1) -88< stood at 3s% -) ?49 rores and ne! "usiness

     premium inome at 3s% 1)9-6 rores% The ompan# has o$ered o$er 

    ?)>4 the

    ompanies signed a #ear (oint $enture agreement% Around this time

    Standard 7ife purhased a 4 stake in D+*) further strengthening

    the relationship%

    The ne&t three #ears !ere filled !ith unertaint#) due to hanges in

    go$ernment and ongoing dela#s in getting the I3DA Insurane

    3egulator# and De$elopment authorit#F At passed in parliament%

    Despite this "oth ompanies remained firml# ommitted to the

    $enture% In Oto"er 1>>?) the (oint $enture agreement !as rene!ed

    and additional resoure made a$aila"le%


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


    Around this time Standard 7ife purhased - of Infrastruture

    De$elopment +inane *ompan# 7td% ID+*F% Standard 7ife also

    started to use the ser$ies of the D+* Treasur# department to

    ad$ise them upon their in$estments in India% To!ards the end of 

    1>>>) the opening of the market looked $er# promising and "oth

    ompanies agreed the time !as right to mo$e the operation to the

    ne&t le$el% Therefore) in anuar# -888 an e&pert team from the U@ 

     (oined a hand piked team from D+* to form the ore pro(et team)

     "ased in Mum"ai%

    Around this time Standard 7ife purhased a further 4 stake in

    D+* and a 4 stake in D+* Bank% In a further de$elopment

    Standard 7ife agreed to partiipate in the Asset Management

    *ompan# promoted "# D+* to enter the mutual fund market%


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


    P#**&/# *8 HDFC S&+#+ L'8/ I1#5/:

    9. HDFC L''&/+

    D+* is IndiaGs leading housing finane institution and has helped

     "uild more than -)88)888 houses sine its inorporation in 1>

  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


    • 'resented the HDream omeG a!ard for the "est housing finane

     pro$ider in -886 at the third Annual Outlook Mone# A!ards%

    S&+#+ L'8/ "#*1; (S&+#+ L'8/ ;45 + '& 13'+'#'/!

    The Standard 7ife group has "een looking after the finanial needs

    of ustomers for o$er 1?8 #ears% It urrentl# has a ustomer "ase of 

    around < million people !ho rel# on the ompan# for their 

    insurane) pension) in$estment) "anking and health5are needs%

    Its in$estment manager urrentl# administers P1-4 "illion in assets%

    It is a leading pensions pro$ider in the U@) and is rated "# Standard

    0 'oorKs as KstrongK !ith a rating of AQ and as KgoodK !ith a rating

    of A1 "# Mood#Ks Standard 7ife !as a!arded the KBest 'ension

    'ro$iderK in -886) -884 and -889 at the Mone# Marketing A!ards)

    and it !as $oted a 4 star life and pensions pro$ider at the +inanial

    Ad$iser Ser$ie A!ards for the last 18 #ears running%

    The K4 StarK aolade has also "een a!arded to Standard 7ife

    In$estments for the last 18 #ears) and to Standard 7ife Bank sine its

    ineption in 1>>?% Standard 7ife Bank !as a!arded the KBest


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


    +le&i"le Mortgage 7enderK at the Mortgage Maga.ine A!ards in


    I5*#;*#&'*: H+85 S&+#+ L'8/ I1#5/ C*; L''&/+

    The ompan# !as inorporated on 16th August -888 under the name

    of D+* Standard 7ife Insurane *ompan# 7imited%

    Our am"ition from as far "ak as Oto"er 1>>4) !as to "e the first

     pri$ate ompan# to re5enter the life insurane market in India% On the

    -rd of Oto"er -888) this am"ition !as realised !hen D+*

    Standard 7ife !as the onl# life ompan# to "e granted a ertifiate

    of registration% D+* are the main shareholders in D+* Standard

    7ife) !ith ?1%6) !hile Standard 7ife o!ns 1?%9%

    =i$en Standard 7ifeKs e&isting in$estment in the D+* =roup) this

    is the ma&imum in$estment allo!ed under urrent regulations%

    D+* and Standard 7ife ha$e a long and lose relationship "uilt

    upon shared $alues and trust% The am"ition of D+* Standard 7ife

    is to mirror the suess of the parent ompanies and "e the #ardstik 

     "# !hih all other insurane ompan#Ks in India are measured%

  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


    O1# M''*

    e aim to "e the top ne! life insurane ompan# in the market% This

    does not (ust mean "eing the largest or the most produti$e ompan#

    in the market) rather it is a om"ination of se$eral things like5

    *ustomer ser$ie of the highest order

    alue for mone# for ustomers

    'rofessionalism in arr#ing out "usiness

    Inno$ati$e produts to ater to different needs of different


    Use of tehnolog# to impro$e ser$ie standards

    Inreasing market share

    O1# V41/

    1% SE*U3ITY: 'ro$iding long term finanial seurit# to our poli#

    holders !ill "e our onstant endea$our% e !ill "e do this "#

    offering life insurane and pension produts%


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


    -% T3UST: e appreiate the trust plaed "# our poli# holders in

    us% ene) !e !ill aim to manage their in$estments $er#

    arefull# and li$e up to this trust%

    % I22OATIO2: the different needs of our 

    ustomers) !e !ill "e offering a range of inno$ati$e produts to

    meet these needs% Our mission is to "e the "est ne! life insurane

    ompan# in India and these are the $alues that !ill guide us in


    $*#+ *8 D'#/5&*#:-

    1% Mr% Deepak S 'arekh is the *hairman of the *ompan#% e is also

    the E&euti$e *hairman of ousing De$elopment +inane

    *orporation 7imited D+* 7imitedF%

    -% Mr% @eki M Mistr# is urrentl# the Managing Diretor of D+*

    7imited% Mr% Ale&ander M *rom"ie is the =roup *hief E&euti$e

    of the Standard 7ife =roup in Marh -886%


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


    % Ms% Maria D *amp"ell is urrentl# the =roup Operations

    Diretor in the Standard 7ife group and is responsi"le for =roup

    Operations) Asia 'aifi De$elopment) Strateg# 0 'lanning)

    *orporate 3esponsi"ilit# and Shared Ser$ies *entre%

    6% Mr% @eith 2 Skeoh is urrentl# the *hief E&euti$e in Standard

    7ife In$estments 7imited and is responsi"le for o$erseeing

    In$estment 'roess 0 *hief E&euti$e Offier +untion%

    4% Mr% =autam 3 Di$an is a pratising *hartered Aountant and is a

    +ello! of the Institute of *hartered Aountants of India%

    9% Mr% 3an(an 'ant is a glo"al Management *onsultant ad$ising

    *EO,Boards on Strateg# and *hange Management%

    % Ms% 3enu S% @arnad is the E&euti$e diretor of D+* 7imited%


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita



    At D+* Standard 7ife) !e offer a "ou/uet of insurane solutions to

    meet e$er# need% e ater to "oth) indi$iduals as !ell as to

    ompanies looking to pro$ide "enefits to their emplo#ees% This

    setion gi$es #ou details of all our produts% e ha$e inorporated

    $arious do!nloada"le forms and produt details so that #ou an

    make an informed hoie a"out "u#ing a poli#%

    +or indi$iduals) !e ha$e a range of protetion) in$estment) pension

    and sa$ings plans that assist and nurture dreams apart from

     pro$iding protetion% You an hoose from a range of produts to

    suit #our life5stage and needs%

    +or organisations !e ha$e a host of ustomised solutions that range

    from =roup Term Insurane) =ratuit#) 7ea$e Enashment and

    Superannuation 'roduts% These afforda"le plans apart from

     pro$iding long term $alue to the emplo#ees help in enhaning

    good!ill of the ompan#%


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


    I+''+14 P#*+15&

    e at D+* Standard 7ife realise that not e$er#one has the same

    kind of needs% @eeping this in mind) !e ha$e a $aried range of 

    'roduts that #ou an hoose from to suit all #our needs% These !ill

    help seure #our future as !ell as the future of #our famil#%

    P#*&/5&'* P4

    You an protet #our famil# against the loss of #our inome or the

     "urden of a loan in the e$ent of #our unfortunate demise) disa"ilit#

    or sikness% These plans offer $alua"le peae of mind at a small

     prie% Our 'rotetion range inludes our Term Assurane 'lan 0

    7oan *o$er Term Assurane 'lan%

    I/&/& P4

    Our Single 'remium hole Of 7ife plan is !ell suited to meet #our 

    long term in$estment needs% e pro$ide #ou !ith attrati$e long

    term returns through regular "onuses%


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


    P/'* P4

    Our 'ension 'lans help #ou seure #our finanial independene e$en

    after retirement% Our 'ension range inludes our 'ersonal 'ension

    'lan) Unit 7inked 'ension) Unit 7inked 'ension 'lus

    S') P4

    Our Sa$ings 'lans offer #ou fle&i"le options to "uild sa$ings for 

    #our future needs suh as "u#ing a dream home or fulfilling #our 

    hildrenGs immediate and future needs% Our Sa$ings range inludes

    Endo!ment Assurane 'lan) Unit 7inked Endo!ment) Unit 7inked

    Endo!ment 'lus) Mone# Bak 'lan) *hildrenGs 'lan) Unit 7inked

    Youngstar) Unit 7inked Youngstar 'lus %


    "#*1; P#*+15&

    One5stop shop for emplo#ee5"enefit solutions

    D+* Standard 7ife has the most omprehensi$e list of produts for 

     progressi$e emplo#ers !ho !ish to pro$ide the "est and most

    inno$ati$e emplo#ee "enefit solutions to their emplo#ees%


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


    S*5'4 P#*+15&

    D//4*;/& I1#5/ P4

    De$elopment Insurane plan is an insurane plan !hih pro$ides life

    o$er to mem"ers of a De$elopment Agen# for a term of one #ear%

    On the death of an# mem"er of the group insured during the #ear of 

    o$er) a lump sum is paid to that mem"erGs "enefiiaries to help

    meet some of the immediate finanial needs follo!ing their loss%


    Mem"ers of the de$elopment agen# and their spouses !ith:

    5 Minimum age at the start of the poli# 1? #ears last "irthda#

    5 Ma&imum age at the start of poli# 48 #ears last "irthda#

    Emplo#ees of the De$elopment Agen# are not eligi"le to (oin the

    group% The group to "e o$ered is onl# eligi"le if it ontains more

    than 488 mem"ers%


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


    P#/'1 P/&

    The premium to "e paid !ill "e /uoted per mem"er in the group and

    !ill "e the same for all mem"ers of the group% The premium an

    onl# "e paid "# the De$elopment Agen# as a single lump sum that

    inludes all premiums for the group to "e o$ered% *o$er !ill not

    start until the premium and all the mem"er information in our 

    speified format has "een reei$ed% The premium rate is 3s% -4 per 

    3s% 18)888 of lump sum) per mem"er%


    On the death of eah mem"er o$ered "# the poli# during the #ear 

    of o$er a lump sum e/ual to the sum assured !ill "e paid to their 

     "enefiiaries or legal heirs% here the death is as a result of an

    aident) an additional lump sum !ill "e paid e/ual to half the sum

    assured% There are no "enefits paid at the end of the #ear of o$er 

    and there is no surrender $alue a$aila"le at an# time%

    The role of the (evelopment !gency

    Due to the nature of the groups o$ered) D+* Standard 7ife !ill "e

     passing ertain administrati$e tasks onto the De$elopment Agen#%


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


    B# passing on these tasks the premium harged an "e lo!er% These

    tasks !ould inlude:

    • Su"mission of mem"er data in a speified omputer format

    • *olletion of premiums from group mem"ers

    • 3eording hanges in the details of group mem"ers

    • Dis"ursement of laim pa#ments and the mortalit# re"ate if 

    an#F to group mem"ers

    These tasks !ould "e in addition to the usual duties of a poli#holder 

    suh as:

    • 'a#ment of premiums

    • 3eporting of laims

    • @eeping poli# holder information up to date

    Training and support !ill "e a$aila"le to gi$e guidane on ho! to

    omplete the tasks appropriatel#% Sine these additional tasks !ill

    impose a "urden on the De$elopment Agen#) the De$elopment

    Agen# ma# harge a 3s% 18 administration fee to their mem"ers%


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


    Se% ?8 *** Aross all inome sla"s% Upto 3s% )>>8 sa$ed on

    In$estment of 3s%1)88)888% All the pension plans%

    Se% ?8 D Aross all inome sla"s% Upto 3s% )>> sa$ed on

    In$estment of 3s% 18)888% All the health insurane riders a$aila"le

    !ith the on$entional plans%

    TOTA7 SAI2=S 'OSSIB7E 3s%

    3s% )>>8 under Se% ?8* and under Se% ?8 *** ) 3s%)>> under 

    Se% ?8 D) alulated for a male !ith gross annual inome e&eeding

    3s% 18)88)888%

    Se% 18 18FD Under Se% 1818DF) the "enefits #ou reei$e are

    ompletel# ta&5free) su"(et to the onditions laid do!n therein%

    Applia"le to premiums paid for *ritial Illness Benefit)

    Aelerated Sum Assured and ai$er of 'remium Benefit%

    These alulations are illustrati$e and "ased on our understanding

    of urrent ta& legislations) !hih are su"(et to hange%

    'lease ontat #our ta& onsultant for e&at alulation of #our ta&



  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita



  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita



    ith suh a large population and the untapped market area of this

     population Insurane happens to "e a $er# "ig opportunit# in India%

    Toda# it stands as a "usiness gro!ing at the rate of 145-8 per ent

    annuall#% Together !ith "anking ser$ies) it adds a"out < perent to

    the ountr#Gs =D' %In spite of all this gro!th the statistis of the

     penetration of the insurane in the ountr# is $er# poor% 2earl# ?8

    of Indian populations are !ithout 7ife insurane o$er and the

    ealth insurane%

    This is an indiator that gro!th potential for the insurane setor is

    immense in India% It !as due to this immense gro!th that the

    regulations !ere introdued in the insurane setor and in

    ontinuation Malhotra *ommitteeJ !as onstituted "# the

    go$ernment in 1>> to e&amine the $arious aspets of the industr#%

    The ke# element of the reform proess !as 'artiipation of o$erseas

    insurane ompanies !ith -9 apital% *reating a more effiient and

    ompetiti$e finanial s#stem suita"le for the re/uirements of the

    eonom# !as the main idea "ehind this reform%


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


    Sine then the insurane industr# has gone through man# sea

    hanges %The ompetition 7I* started faing from these ompanies

    !ere threatening to the e&istene of 7I*% Sine the li"erali.ation of 

    the industr# the insurane industr# has ne$er looked "ak and toda#

    stand as the one of the most ompetiti$e and e&ploring industr# in

    India% The entr# of the pri$ate pla#ers and the inreased use of the

    ne! distri"ution are in the limelight toda#% The use of ne!

    distri"ution tehni/ues and the IT tools has inreased the sope of 

    the industr# in the longer run%


    A $#'/8 H'&*#

    The origin of insurane is $er# old %The time !hen !e !ere not e$en

     "orn man has sought some sort of protetion from the unpredita"le

    alamities of the nature% The "asi urge in man to seure himself 

    against an# form of risk and unertaint# led to the origin of 

    insurane% The insurane ame to India from U@ !ith the

    esta"lishment of the Oriental 7ife insurane *orporation in 1?1?%


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


    The Indian life insurane ompan# at 1>1- !as the first statutor#

     "od# that started to regulate the life insurane "usiness in India% B#

    1>49 a"out 146 Indian) 19 foreign and 4< =eneral Insurane *ounil) a !ing of the Insurane

    Assoiation of India) frames a ode of ondut for ensuring fair 

    ondut and sound "usiness praties% In 1>

  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


    It !as after this that 18< insurers amalgamated and grouped into four 

    ompanies $i.% the 2ational Insurane *ompan# 7td%) the 2e! India

    Assurane *ompan# 7td%) the Oriental Insurane *ompan# 7td% and

    the United India Insurane *ompan# 7td% =I* inorporated as a


    P#//& S5/#'*

    The go$ernment of India li"erali.ed the insurane setor in marh

    -888 !ith the passage of the Insurane 3egulator# and De$elopment

    Authorit# I3DAF "ill% 7ifting all entr# restritions for pri$ate

     pla#ers to enter the market !ith some limits on diret foreign

    o!nership% premium rate of most general insurane% 'oliies ome

    under the pur$ie! of the go$ernment appointed Tariff Agent#

    *ommittee% The opening up of the setor is likel# to lead to greater 

    spread and deepening of insurane in India and this ma# also

    restruturing and re$ of the pu"li setor ompanies% A host

    of pri$ate insurane ompanies operating in "oth life and non life

    segments ha$e started selling their insurane poliies sine -881%


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


     2on life insurane market) In Deem"er -888) the =I* su"sidiaries

    !ere restrutured as independent insurane ompanies% At the same

    time) =I* !as on$erted into national re5insurer% In ul#-88-)

    'arliament passed a "ill) delinking the four su"sidiaries from =I*%

    'resentl# there are 1- general insurane ompanies !ith 6 pu"li

    setor ompanies and ? pri$ate insures% Although the pu"li setor 

    ompanies still dominate the general insurane "usiness) the pri$ate

    insurane ompanies ha$e a 18 perent share of the market) up from

    6 perent in -881% In the first half of -88-) the pri$ate ompanies

     "ooked premium !orth 9%6 "illion% Most of the ne! entrants

    reported losses in first #r of their operation in -881%

    Insurane osts onstitute roughl# around 1%- ; - of the total

     pro(et osts% Under the e&isting norms) insurane premium

     pa#ments are treated as part of the fi&ed osts% *onse/uentl# the# are

    treated as pass through osts for tariff alulations%


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


    +or pro(ets osting up to 3s%1 "illion) the tariff Agent ommittee

    sets the premium rates) for pro(ets "et!een 1 "illion and 14 "illion)

    the rates are set in keeping !ith ommitteeGs guidelines and pro(ets

    a"o$e 14 "illion are su"(eted to reinsurane priing% It is the last

    segment that has a num"er of additional produts and ompetiti$e

     priing% Insurane) like pro(et finane) is e&tended "# a onsortium%

     2ormall# one insurer takes the lead) shouldering a"out 68548 of 

    the risk and reei$ing proportionate perentage of the premium%


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita



  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita



    E4')'3'4'& 8*# I1#5/ A)/&

    E$er# person !ho has leared higher seondar# e&amination an

     "eome an Agent other than a minor or the person !ho is on$ited

    in an# ourt for rime or an# legal proeedings% Men and !omen

     "oth an !ork as an Agent% A single person an "e assoiated !ith

    other life insurane ompanies%

    A training program is there to train a person !ho !ants to "eome an

    Agent% There is 188 rs% training program !hih an "e done either 

    !ith the ph#sial appearane in the lass room or the interest "asis%

    In the lassroom training the trainee has to "e ph#siall# present in

    the training session% There are differene sessions of training

     program% A trainee an attend an# session aording to his omfort%

    The training period is of -4 da#s appro&% If the trainee does not ha$e

    enough time to de$ote in the lassroom training) then there is another 

    option left that is training on Internet%


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


    On the "asis of Internet the trainee has pro$ided a login num"er 

    along !ith the pass!ord through !hih he operated his login and

    ompleted his training hrs% as on$enient% Eah and e$er# hour pass

    on the net under his login head !ill "e ount on his aount% The test

    for the training program is also on line% This is onl# proedure to "e

    an Insurane Agent%

    S5*;/ *8 I1#5/ A)/&

    In the present senario the li$ing standard is "eoming higher and

    higher e$er#da#% E$er# person !ho has a famil# to sur$i$e !ants to

     pro$ide his famil# eah and e$er# possi"le omforta"le thing% e

    !ants his hildren to "e a !ell dressed) to "e higher /ualified in a

    !ell reogni.ed shool) olleges) institutes and !ants his hildren to

    go a"road for higher eduation% e !ants to li$e a lu&ur# life full of 


    To fulfill all of his needs he has to earn more and more% An# person

    an "e on a (o" at a time or an "e on a "usiness anGt fulfill his


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


     pleasure re/uirement% There is a soure through !hih he an make

    mone# in a legal !a# that is insurane setor%

    Beoming an insurane Agent pro$ides him the legal soure "#

    !hih he an earn mone# !ith his urrent status% It is the "usiness in

    !hih #ou deal !ith #ou personal ontats and an gain e&tra

    inome% This "usiness needs lo! in$estment an not of muh effort%

    Its all depend on #our soial ontats and #our skills to on$ine

     people "# helping them to suggest the produt !hih suited them the


    As due to ritial diseases) gro!ing perentage of aident and fear 

    of finanial risis e$er# one !ants to seure his or her future%

    Insurane setor pla#s a $ital role in assuring people a"out their 

    future% As the sope of insurane enhaning) the need of an insurane

    Agent !ho an guide the potential ustomers is gro!ing%

    Being an Insurane Agent of D+*5STA2DA3D 7I+E

    I2SU3A2*E pro$ides a legal mean to earn mone# !hih protets a

     person from earning through a illegal soure !hih is harmful for 

    soiet# as !ell as himself% +or the #oungsters it pro$ides great


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


     platform to pro$e them% On the "asis of their performane the# an

     "e reruited as unit manager%

    Its reruitment proedure is $er# eas#% A person !ith high eduating

    and !ell e&periene an "e reruited after a personal inter$ie! and

    group disussion% After the training program is ompleted the

    Insurane Agent has to appear for the pre5e&amination onduted "#

    I3DA% As he lear the e&am he pro$ides a liense) !hih is the proof 

    of a legali.ed insurane Agent) !hih permits him to deal in his

    insurane "usiness%


    S&/; ' #/5#1'&/& *8 I1#5/ A)/&

    Approah to the likel# person

    Appointment as per ondition

    Disuss the topi

    =i$e the douments !hih inludes:5


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


    1% 'rospetus of the ompan#

    -% Brohure

    % *ompan#Gs plan

    6% Cuestionnaire

    *ollet the doument after itGs ompletion

    +or!ard it to pro(et manager 

    +eed it in the omputer as the data"ase

    +ollo! up as per onditions

    M*+/ *8 C*&5&

    'ersonal *ontats


    'hone *alls

    =uidane as per Unit Manager 


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita



  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita



    R//#5: 5 is a proess of olleting) interpreting and in a signifiant manner for the purpose of framing out

    neessar# onlusion and findings of data perei$ed and formulated

    for deri$ing out the meaningful information% To arr# our researh

    neessar# telephoni alls needed to "e done) suita"le appointments

    !ere to "e fi&ed and therefore market sur$e# is to "e follo!ed%

    O3/5&'/ *8 ''):  5 To understand life insurane and

    reruitment of apa"le life insurane ad$isors for gro!th prospets%

    P#*5/: Methodolog# or proess in$ol$ing in the 3esearh follo!ed

    during the ourse of summer training is as follo!s: 5

    aF *olletion of data: 5 This is an important aspet in formulating

    the o"(eti$e of researh proess !here the data is olleted $ia

    t!o proess: 5 iF 'rimar# Soures and iiF Seondar# soures

    iF  )rimary sources: 5 here the data is olleted primaril# "#

    inter$ie!ing and personal o"ser$ation and is original in nature

    and aurate to the onsidera"le e&tent%


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


    iiF 'econdary sources: 5here the data is o"tained from some

     pu"lished and printed soures suh as ne!spaper) maga.ines)

    !e"sites and so on%

     "F of olleted data: 5 The data olleted through market

    sur$e# and pu"lished soures is then proessed to o"tained

    neessar# inferenes and findings for the purpose of ahie$ing the

    o"(eti$e as !ell as to deri$e neessar# onlusion% A

    onsidera"le skill and kno!ledge is in$ol$ed in the

    data for the purpose of interpreting thereof%

    F Interpreting of data: 5 it is the signifiant step !here the data

    olleted and anal#.ed is interpreted in the forms of graphs and

    figures is depited in the report alled 'ro(et report%

    dF of data: 5 There"# neessar# summar# is prepared

    !hih is essential in the pro(et report of the summer training

     "eing done under an organi.ation%


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


    H/4;814 A# *8 R//#5 M/&*+*4*): -

    B1/&'*'#/: 5 Cuestionnaire is a set or group of /uestions "eing

    framed for the purpose of o"taining market perspeti$e a"out a

     partiular aspet or topi%

    There are t!o t#pes /uestionnaire "ing arried neessar# for the

    market sur$e# of the summer training "eing undertaken and put for 

    the "# the trainee to the sample people taken as a "ase for entire


    aF *pen ended +uestionnaire: 5 !here the people also alled

    respondentsF are re/uired freedom to present their $ie!s and

    suggestions for the "enefits and suess of the organi.ation%

     "F lose ended questionnaire: 5 !here the respondents is limited to

    the hoie of ans!er "eing deli$ered "# the inter$ie!er itself so

    that /uik and fast means of responses "e deri$ed out !ithout

    !asting muh time% ere lose ended /uestionnaire "eing

    follo!ed "# me during the ourse of the summer training market



  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


    S;4'): 5 Sampling is a proess of o"taining a num"er of 

    indi$iduals taken a "ase for the entire population sine entire

     population an not "e asked a"out the neessar# o"(eti$e upon

    !hih a /uestionnaire is put forth needed for the responses to "e

    deri$ed for the purpose of generation of fats and ustomer $ie!

     point regarding their pereption of partiular produt or ser$ies%

    There are t!o t#pe of sampling ; iF 3andom Sampling and iiF

    S#stemati sampling%

    iF  &andom sampling : 5 3andom sampling is a proess of 

    seleting the sample si.e randoml# and no hoie or 

     preferene to "e made a"out the seletion of respondents for 

    the market sur$e# and /uestionnaire to "e put forth against

    him% ere) 3andom sampling "eing adopted "# me%

    iiF 'ystematic sampling : 5 it is a sampling !here the limited

    num"er of seleted respondents is figured out "ased on some

    riteria so that onl# those respondents an "e asked for the

     purpose of filing /uestionnaire%

    S;4/ S'/: 5 184 respondents%


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita



  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita



    +rom the sur$e# it !as dra!n that life insurane is more a protetion

    of human asset $alue against unertaint# onferred "# 41

    respondentsF !here it is a ta& sa$ing option "eing aepted "# ?

    respondentsF% 7ife insurane is a ser$ie in$ol$ing "oth these

     prere/uisites as depited "# remaining 19 respondents% The

    follo!ing depited this:

    'rotetion of human asset $alue against unertaint# 41

    Ta& "enefit de$ie ?

    Both 19


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


    It has "een o"ser$ed and applied as a 7ife insurane is an essential

    ser$ie and should "e applia"le to e$er# one) as fa$ored "#


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


    hen further en/uired a"out the /ualifiation of respondents) it !as

    found that 4

  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


    +urther) the age /ualifiation for agen# reruitment) it !as found

    that > respondents !ere "elonging to 1? ; -4 age group) 4

    !ere "elonging to -4 ; 4 age group !here as -8 to 4 564 age

    group and remaining 9 to a"o$e 64 age group% Also depited in the

    follo!ing tale mentioned "elo!: 5

    1?5-4 age group 61

    -4 ; 4 age group <

    4 ; 64 age group -1

    A"o$e 64 age group 9


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


    3espondents had different $ie!s a"out the dissatisfation from the

     present status of !orking or oupation% Dissatisfation has "een

    depited in a ta"le "elo! and graphiall# a"o$e:

    7o! emplo#ment -6 7o! earning 9 uge apital in$estment 1<

    7o! status 1? All of the a"o$e 18

  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


    hen asked a"out !hether the# !ould like to kno! a"out a glorified

    areer in life insurane agen# !here the# an fulfill an# and e$er#

    desire of their life) 4> respondents agreed !hile 69 respondents said

     2o and !ill see later sometime in future% It has "een depited that

    life insurane setor should "e promoted at the !ide e&tent as it

    ontri"ute to the eonom# as a useful soure "enefiial for "oth

    nation as !ell as is iti.ens%

  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


    Indeed 7ife insurane is a no"le "usiness as it pro$ides a needful

    finanial support in the situation of fatal alamit# !here the famil# is

    depri$ed "# the fat to li$e in future and sustains their li$ing% hen

    sur$e#ed a"out life insurane as a no"le ser$ie% ?> respodents

    agreed and "elie$e that insurane is a "ettering ser$ie to human life

    and soiet# as a !hole !here as 1> respondents sho! disagreement%

  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


    +rom the 4> respondents !ho agreed to kno! a"out the life

    insurane as a areer) 1? of them agreed to (oin D+* Standard life

    insurane for agen# and ome to the ompan# fore more

    information !hereas 61 still took time to think and postponed to

    some future date% 'eople are highl# dissatisfied from the earning)

    status and li$ing standard the# are sustaining at present and !ould

    definitel# like to make some additional soure of earning and for this

    agen# for life insurane !ould pro$e a "oon%

  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


    +rom all 184 respondents) >- agreed that life insurane setor is a

    gro!ing onern and !ill gro! at a rapid pae in future !here as 1

    took as a mere stagnant industr#% +inanial ser$ies are gro!ing at a

    tremendous pae as people are urging to make their in$estment in

    lurati$e opportunities and therefore life insurane setor is pla#ing a

    $ital role in eduating the people to make their in$estment !hih

    ould seure their future) needs and li$ing despite some fatal

    alamit# that might or might not our%

  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita



  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita




    1% D+* Standard life insurane offers a range of indi$idual and

    group insurane solutions%

    -% D+* Standard 7ife has the finanial e&pertise re/uired to

    manage #our long5term in$estments safel# and effiientl#%

    % The ompan# has o$ered o$er ?)

  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


    -% Belief to!ards 7I* as it is a go$ernment orporation pho"ia is

    ontinue to surmount the people of India despite lots of fla!s

    and de$elopment and li"erali.ation of life insurane%

    % Alternati$e finanial ser$ies suh as mutual fund) "anking

    ser$ies) share and seurities also pose pro"lems and threats to

    the !orking of the life insurane setor%

    6% Illitera# and unemplo#ment also pose threat%

    4% 3ising real estate industr# also pose threat as people are

    in$esting a "ulk of their mone# o$er to that industr#%

  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita



  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita



    Summer training is a "est e&ample for a trainee to learn a"out the

    ompan# !orking) orporate ulture under !hih is operating the

    funtions% D+* standard life insurane is a life insurane ompan#

    under !hih I gained a signifiant kno!ledge !ith respet to life

    insurane) its importane and applia"ilit# as !ell as undertook the task 

    to reruit apa"le life insurane ad$isors !hih is ondui$e for the

    ompan# to gro! !ith more prosperit#% hat I taught in the

    management institute utili.ed them fruitfull# leading to the "est

    ad$antage to the ompan# and to the "est e&periene for mine%

    At far I an onlude that life insurane is a no"le ser$ie !hih is

    $er# important for e$er# iti.en to learn and reali.e its importane

     "eause this is the onl# soure !hih an remain the status !here

    one is !ith the famil# "read earner and e$er !hen he is not%

    ith the gro!ing finanial setor I !ould like to opt this industr# for 

    m# future areer ad$anement and as an opportunit# to ser$ie this



  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita



  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita



    +ollo!ing are suggestions made for the "enefits and augmentation of

    the sound !orking of the ompan# ; D+* Standard life insurane:

    1% 2eed to train and de$elop life insurane agents !ith more

    omprehensi$e kno!ledge and skills to ounter e$er# /ueries

    of the ustomer%

    -% It is suggested that ompan# should not left an# stone unturned

    to!ards sound ad$ertisement and promotional measures on

    e$er# setion !hether it is printed) media or or air $ia radio%

    % It is also suggested that skilled management graduates need to

     "e plaes on sales and marketing of finanial ser$ies !ho an

    render their "est ideas for the aomplishment of the ompan#

    goals and o"(eti$es to the "est e&tent%

    6% Also) are need to "e taken that e$er# ustomerGs grie$ane

    should "e met !ith delight !hether "efore purhase or after 



  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


    4% There should "e an e&pansion measure for more offies and

    9% loation of more entres for offies of the ompan# "e

    esta"lished sop that ompan# ma# gro! its net!ork%

  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita



    +ollo!ing are soures !hih helped me during m# summer training:


    @OTA3I *%3%: &esearch -ethodology -anagement ) #+ E+'&'*

    @OT7E3 'I7I': -arketing -anagement J 11th R/'/+ /+'&'* )-88-

    "UPTA S.P%: 'tatistical -ethods Thirteen re$ised edition) -881


    India Toda#

    Business orld


    W/3'&/: 5






  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita



  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita



    N/: - 


    L*5&'*: -

    O551;&'*: -

    B.9. W& +* *1 / 3 4'8/ '1#5/>

    aF 'rotetion of human asset $alue against unertaint#

     "F A sum reei$ed after death  

    F Both  

    B.2. D* *1 &'< 4'8/ '1#5/ ' //&'4 8*# //# */>

    aF Yes  

     "F 2o  


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


    B.. W& ' *1# 14'8'5&'*>

    aF 'ost graduate

     "F =raduate  

    F Senior seondar#  

    B.G. D* *1 5*/ 1+/#:

    aF 1?5-4 age group  

     "F -4 ; 4 age group  

    F 4 ; 64 age group  

    dF A"o$e 64 age group  

    B.. W& +'&'8'/+ *1 *& ' *1# *551;&'*

    aF 7o! emplo#ment  

     "F 7o! earning , inome  

    F 7o! status

    dF uge apital in$estment  


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


    eF All of the a"o$e  

    B.. W*14+ *1 4'

    aF Yes  

     "F 2o  

    B.7 D* *1 ;/#5/'/ && 4'8/ '1#5/ 31'/ ' *34/

    /#'5/ *#'/&/+ 31'/>

    aF Yes  

     "F 2o  

    B.. W*14+ *1 4'

    aF Yes  

     "F 2o  


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


    B.. D* *1 )#// && &/ 4'8/ '1#5/ 31'/ ' )#*6')

    '+1 + 6'44 )#*6 + #;'+ ;5/ ' 81&1#/>

    aF Yes  

     "F 2o  

    B.90. D* *1 8*# &/ ;#'&'&'* *8 4'8/ '1#5/ 3 &/

    "*/#/& 6/#/ ')'8'5& 13/# *8 5*;'/ *6 '

    &/ #

    aF Yes  

     "F 2o  

    Suggestions: 5








  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita




    Appliation for insurane: This is the form on !here #ou state

    information and ans!er /uestions from the insurane ompan# a"out

    #ourself and #our histor#% This appliation along !ith information

    from a medial e&amination) if taken) from #our ph#siians) an#

    hospitals #ou ma# ha$e $isited and in$estigation are !hatKs used "#

    the insurane ompan# to deide !hether or not to offer #ou life

    insurane and at !hat rate%

    Aident Benefit: A rider or An add5on !ith a life poli#% It

    ompensates a poli#holder in the e$ent of death or in(ur# "#


    Annuit#: An in$estment option that makes a series of regular 

     pa#ments to an indi$idual in e&hange for a premium or a series of 


    Appreiate: To gro! in $alue

    Asset: E$er#thing o!ned or due to a person


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


    Asset alloation: o! #our in$estments are spread aross $arious

    asset lasses

    Benefiiar#: The personsF named in the poli# to reei$e the life

    insurane proeeds upon the death of the insured%

    Bond: It is like an IOU% B# "u#ing a "ond #ou loan mone# to a

    ompan#) a muniipalit#) state or the *entral =o$ernment

    Bonus: The amount paid as return in a H!ith5profitG poli#% The

     "onus) e&pressed as a perentage of the sum assured) is generall#

    delared e$er# #ear% The amount is linked to the profits earned "# the

    insurer% Depending on the time of !ithdra!al) there are t!o kinds of 

     "onuses ; re$ersionar# and ash% A re$ersionar# "onus an "e

    enashed onl# on maturit# of the poli# a ash "onus an "e

    !ithdra!n !hen delared

    Budget: It is a tool used to monitor and ontrol e&penditures and


    *ash SurrenderF alue: The amount that is a$aila"le in ash for 

    loans and that ma# "e a$aila"le for !ithdra!als in a !hole life

    insurane) uni$ersal life insurane or sur$i$orship life insurane


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


     poli#% Aessing *ash Surrender alue ma# redue the death

     "enefit and ma# inrease the risk of lapse%

    *ontesta"ilit#) *ontesta"le *lause: In insurane there is a lause)

    !hih e&plains the onditions under !hih the insurer ma# ontest

    or $oid the life insurane poli#% This ontesta"ilit# is for a limited

     period of time) !hih in most states is t!o #ears% After that period

    of time the insurane ompan# annot ontest the poli#%

    *on$erti"le Term Insurane: Term insurane !hih an "e

    e&hanged on$ertedF) at the option of the poli#o!ner and !ithout

    e$idene of insura"ilit#) for a !hole life insurane poli# or 

    uni$ersal life insurane poli#%

    *apital gains: 'rofit earned from the sale of stoks) mutual fund

    units and real estate% 7ong5term apital gains arise from assets

    o!ned for more than a #ear !hile short5term apital gains are made

    from assets o!ned for less than a #ear%

    *ompound Interest: Interest omputed on prinipal plus interest

    arued during the pre$ious periods of the in$estment

    *ritial illness rider: A rider that pro$ides a poli#holder finanial

     protetion in the e$ent of a ritial illness


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


    Endo!ment plans: An insurane plan that pro$ides a poli#holder 

    risk o$er and some return on in$estment%

    Effeti$e rate of interest: The true rate as against the nominal rate)

    !hih ma# "e inorret%

    E/uit#: The atual o!nership interest in a speifi asset or group of 


    +inanial planning: It o$ers the essential elements of a personGs

    finanial affairs and is aimed at ahie$ing a personGs finanial goals%

    +i&ed deposit: +unds plaed on deposit in a "ank) ompan# or post

    offie at a fi&ed rate of interest%

    +ae Amount: The amount stated on the fae of the poli# that !ill

     "e paid in ase of death% It does not inlude additional amounts

     pa#a"le under aidental death or other speial pro$isions) or 

    a/uired through the appliation of poli# di$idends%

    +i&ed5inome in$estment: An# in$estment that pro$ides a stated

     perentage of $alue) sa# 9 per ent) on the in$ested amount%

    =roup Insurane: An insurane poli# taken out "# emplo#ers to

     pro$ide life o$er to their emplo#ees% *heapest form of insurane


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


    =uaranteed additions: The amount paid as returns in assured5return

    insurane plans% =uaranteed additions are e&pressed as a perentage

    of the sum assured) !ith the amount pa#a"le "eing stated "# the

    insurer at the outset%

    =rae 'eriod: 7ife insurane premiums are due on a ertain date) if 

    #ou are late in pa#ing) poliies allo! a period of time !here #ou an

    still pa# #our premium and not lose #our pol#% This is the grae

     period% Most poliies allo! a grae period of 8 da#s from the due

    date% After the grae period) if the premium is not paid) the poli#

    an lapse i%e% "e terminated "# the insurane ompan#%

    Insura"ilit#: Aepta"ilit# to the ompan# of an appliant for 

    insurane% here Insured or Insured 7ife: The person on !hose life

    the poli# is issued%

    Immediate annuit#: An annuit# that starts pa#ments immediatel#

    after) or soon after) the first premium is paid

    Inde& fund: A sheme !hose portfolio mirrors the progress of a

     partiular inde&) "oth in terms of omposition and indi$idual stok 

    !eight ages% ItGs a passi$e in$estment option) as a fundGs


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


     performane !ill mimi the inde& onerned) "arring a minor 

    traking error%

    Insured: The poli#holder

    Insurer: The insurane ompan#

    In$estments: Assets like fi&ed deposits) post offie sa$ings) "onds

    and stoks that are a/uired for the purpose of earning a return

    In$estment risks: The risks that #our in$estments fae% These inlude

    the risk of interest rate flutuations impating #our de"t in$estments

    or the pries of e/uities going do!n%

    @e# person life insurane: hen one has a ke# person in a "usiness

    !ithout !hom the "usiness !ould suffer finaniall#) ke# person life

    insurane is often purhased !hih helps to reim"urse the ompan#

    for the "usiness loss inurred "# the death of this person%

    7e$el 'remium 7ife InsuraneF:  7ife insurane for !hih the

     premium remains the same from #ear to #ear% The premium is

    normall# more than the atual ost of protetion during the earlier 

    #ears of the poli# and less than the atual ost in the later #ears% The

     "uilding of a reser$e is a natural result of le$el premiums% The


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


    7ife E&petan#: The a$erage num"er of #ears remaining for an

    indi$idual to li$e sho!n at eah age "ased on long term studies "#

    insurane ompanies% These statistis as sho!n on harts alled

    mortalit# ta"les%%

    7ife Insurane: A ontrat "et!een an o!ner often the insured

     personF and a life insurane ompan# that guarantees the pa#ment of 

    a stated amount of mone# on the death of the insured%

    7oan 'oli# 7oanF: A loan made "# a life insurane ompan# from

    its general funds to a poli# o!ner on the seurit# of the ash $alue

    of a poli#%

    Market $alue: The monetar# $alue an asset !ill feth if sold in the

    market toda#%

    Maturit# date: The date on !hih a poli# term or fi&ed5inome

    in$estment like fi&ed deposit or "ond omes to an end%

    Mone#5"ak plans: A $ariant of endo!ment plans !here sur$i$al

     "enefits are dis"ursed through the poli# term) than paid lump sum%


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


     2et asset $alue 2AF: A shemeGs 2A is its net assets the market

    $alue of the finanial seurities it o!ns minus !hate$er it o!esF

    di$ided "# the num"er of units it has issued%

     2ominee: The personsF nominated "# the poli#holder to reei$e

    the poli# "enefits in the e$ent of his death%

    'artiipati$e plans: H!ith5profitG poli#

    'ension 'lan: In$estment produts offered "# insurane ompanies

    and mutual funds that re/uired the in$estor to make defined

    ontri"utions o$er regular periods) mostl# e$er# #ear% The

    ontri"utions are in$ested aording to a pre5deided in$estment

     plan% At retirement) the aumulation is paid out through regular 

     pa#5out options%

    'eriodi pa#ment in$estments: In$estment options that ha$e pa#outs

    in fi&ed inter$als% +or e&ample) mone#5"ak life insurane poliies%

    'ermanent partial disa"ilit#: 'ermanent loss of an# "od# part) one

    e#e) one lim" or one finger or a toe) or in(uries that render the

    insured in apa"le of earning an inome from the date of the aident

    on!ards from an# !ork) oupation or profession%


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


    'ermanent total disa"ilit#: 'ermanent loss of use of an# t!o lim"s)

    or permanent and omplete loss of sight in "oth e#es or an# other 

    in(ur# that renders the insured inapa"le of earning an inome%

    'oli#: The legal doument issued "# an insurane ompan# to a

     poli#holder that states the terms and onditions of an insurane


    'oli#holder: The person !ho "u#s an insurane poli# as insured%

    'oli# term: period for !hih an insurane poli# pro$ides o$er

    'ost offie shemes: Also kno!n as Small Sa$ings shemes) the# are

    offered at post offies and arr# the highest returns among fi&ed

    inome instruments% =o$ernment "aking makes these instruments

    like 'u"li 'ro$ident +und ''+F) 2ational Sa$ings *ertifiate

    2S*F) @isan ikas 'atra @'F and 'ost Offie Monthl# Inome

    Sheme 'OMISF risk5free

    'remium: The amount paid "# the insured to the insurer to "u# o$er 

    3eurring deposit: This is offered "oth in post offie and "anks

    !here #ou are re/uired to ontri"ute a fi&ed amount e$er month% It is

    a great tool for making small and regular sa$ings%


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


    3e$ol$ing redit: A pre5esta"lished redit line) t#piall# in a redit

    ard) against !hih a person ma# "orro! to make purhases%

    3iders: Additional o$ers that an "e added to a life poli#) for a ost

    Sum assured: The amount of o$er taken under a life insurane

     poli#) it is the minimum amount that !ill "e paid on death of the

     poli#holder during the poli# term%

    Surrender $alue: The amount pa#a"le "# the insurer to the o!ner of 

    an in$estment5"ased plan in ase he opts to terminate the poli# after 

    three #ears the mandator# lok5in periodF "ut "efore its maturit#


    Sur$i$al "enefits: The amount pa#a"le to a poli#holder under an

    in$estment5"ased plan if he sur$i$es the poli# term%

    Temporar# total disa"ilit#: An in(ur# that results from an aident

    and renders a person immo"ile or affets his earning apait#


    Term plans: A plan that pro$ides life o$er for a speified period of 

    time) "ut no return on the premia paid

    Terminal "onus: one5time "onus paid on maturit# $ia!ith5profit plan


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


    esting date: It is a date signif#ing a milestone in a poli#% In

     pension plans) it is the date from !hih the poli#holder starts

    reei$ing pension% In hildrenGs plans) it is the date from !hih a

    hild "eomes the o!ner of a poli# taken out in his name

    generall#) around his 1?th "irthda#F%

    ai$er of premium rider: A rider that !ai$es the premia pa#a"le on

    the "ase poli# and other riders in ertain irumstanes mostl#

    related to death) disa"ilit# or in(ur#% An important feature espeiall#

    for in$estment produts suh as hildrenGs poliies%

    ealth: The differene "et!een the $alue of !hat #ou o!n assetsF

    and !hat #ou o!e lia"ilitiesF%

    ith5profit poli#: An insurane plan in !hih the poli#holder gets

    a share of the insurerGs profits in the form of guaranteed additions ,

     "onusF% Along !ith the sum assured%

    ithout5profit poli#: An insurane plan in !hih the poli#holder 

    does not get an# share of the insurerGs profits

    hole5life plans: *lass of life insurane poliies that pro$ide o$er 

    through #our lifetime%


  • 8/18/2019 Hdfc Recruitment Akshita


    Mutual life insurane ompan#: A life insurane ompan# o!ned "#

    the poli#holders% 'oli#holders of a mutual life insurane ompan#

    ma# partiipate in the di$isi"le surplus of the life insurane

    ompan# as o!ners% The# an reei$e di$idends) most ommonl#

    on !hole life poliies) !hih an enhane the ash $alue) inrease

    the insurane amount or lo!er premiums%

    O!ner of a life insurane poli#: A life insurane poli# an "e

    o!ned "# the insured person or an indi$idual) a ompan# or a trust

    !ith an insura"le interest in the insured person% Insura"le interest

    means there !ould "e a finanial loss "# the o!ner in the e$ent of 

    the death of the insured person%

    'aid5up Insurane: Insurane that !ill remain in fore !ith no need

    to pa# additional premiums%

    'artiipating 'oli#: A life insurane poli# that is eligi"le for the

     pa#ment of di$idends "# the insurer see also Di$idend%F

    'ermanent 7ife Insurane: An# form of life insurane e&ept term

    generall# insurane that "uilds up a ash $alue) suh as !hole life%

    Uni$ersal life and !hole life are t#pes of permanent life insurane%


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    'oli# O!ner: The person !ho o!ns a life insurane poli#% This is

    usuall# the insured person) "ut it ma# also "e a relati$e of the

    insured) a partnership or a orporation%

    'remiums: 'a#ments to the insurane ompan# to "u# a poli# and

    to keep it in fore%

    3ene!a"le Term Insurane: Term insurane !hih an "e rene!ed at

    the end of the term) at the option of the poli# o!ner and !ithout

    e$idene of insura"ilit#) for a limited num"er of suessi$e terms%

    The rates generall# inrease at eah rene!al as the age of the insured


    3eturn of premium life insurane: Also kno!n as return of premium

    term life insurane) this is term life insurane for a period of time

    !here one reei$es a guaranteed return of premiums paid if #ou keep

    the poli# for the term period% +or e&ample) -8 #ear return of 

     premium term !ould guarantee a return of premium paid after #ou

     paid -8 #ears of premium% Most of these poliies also gi$e a partial

    return of premium if #ou keep the poli# for a great part of the #ears%


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    Seond to die life insurane: 7ife insurane that pa#s the "enefit

    after t!o people die% See sur$i$orship life insurane in this glossar#%

    Stok life insurane ompan#: A stok life insurane ompan# is

    o!ned "# stokholders% *ontrast this !ith mutual life insurane


    Sur$i$orship life insurane: 7ife insurane purhased on t!o

    indi$iduals) usuall# man and !ife) !here the life insurane "enefit is

     paid after "oth indi$iduals ha$e died% This t#pe of life insurane

     "eame popular as a solution to pa#ing estate ta&es% The estate ta&

    la! allo!ed a ouple to dela# pa#ing estate ta&es until "oth had died%

    Thus) sur$i$orship life insurane "eame popular as a less e&pensi$e

    !a# for heirs to pa# estate ta&es% The premiums are less than "u#ing

    life insurane on one life% B# pa#ing premiums no! the theor# is

    that one an pre5pa# the estate ta&es "eause of the lump sum that

    omes in after the seond death% %

    Term life Insurane: Term insurane is life insurane o$erage for a

    speified period of time% This an "e at a guaranteed rate or in some

    ases a guaranteed rate for a period of time and then a pro(eted rate%


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    Term periods an "e for 1 #ear) 4 #ears) 18 #ears) 14) -8 and e$en 8

    #ears% +or e&ample: 8 #ear le$el term !ould guarantee a le$el

     premium for 8 #ears "ased on a speified death "enefit% Term life

    insurane is usuall# the least e&pensi$e form of life o$erage) at least

    initiall#% After the initial term period of #ears) 4)18)14) -8) 8 et% the

     poli# ould terminate or it an rene! at a higher premium%

    If #ou are allo!ed to rene! it at a higher premium "ased on #our 

    then attained ageF) it is alled rene!a"le term life insurane%

    Uni$ersal life insurane: Uni$ersal life insurane is permanent life

    insurane !ith premiums that are not guaranteed% To a ertain

    degree one an design a premium on this t#pe of poli#%

    Uni$ersal life insurane often an "e set up !ith a lo!er premium

    initiall# than !hole life insurane%

    'remiums and $alues are "ased on pro(etions of assumed interest

    rates) the ost of insurane also kno!n as mortalit# ostF and the

    insurane ompan#Ks e&penses% The atual premium paid ma#

    inrease "eause interest rates ma# go lo!er or the pro(eted ost of 

    insurane ma# inrease%


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    ai$er of premium: This is an e&tra or add5in alled a rider in

    insurane lingoF that an "e added to most indi$idual life insurane

     poliies !hih !ai$es allo!s #ou to stop pa#ingF the pa#ment after 

    the insured person has "een disa"led as desri"ed and defined in the

    insurane poli#F for a speified period of time) usuall# si& months%

    At that time) the si& months premium paid along !ith future

     premium pa#ments are !ai$ed%


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