HBftALO. ToffUns*, Ballfarnti GONE WITH SCOUTING— The Best ... · hbftalo. toffuns*, ballfarnti...

HBftALO. ToffUns*, Ballfarnti READ OUR WANT AOS . . . AND SAVE MONET r GONE WITH THE WIND COMING TO . . . TORRANCE THEATRE MARCH 20, 21, 22 and 23 CARSON MART 1929 Carson Street : : Fr« Parking at Richfield St.tion aeroii th« >trMt W> Notut. nolMrit bul natlaflollr ad. ..rlli.4 brand Torrance Del Maiz NIBLETS 12-oz. can.. 10 Green Giant PEAS............. 12 Fame Cream Style CORN « AC No. 2 can.............. -_Ll.f FROZEN FISH 1-lb. Cape Cod Fillets .25c 1 Ocean Perch..............33c Willa Point OYSTERS 'Small cans.... earn... 12° ..18c Blue Sea TUNA 2 No. i/ a cans.. Tastewell Light M«at TUNA 2 No. »/a can............. Del Monte PEACHES « I* 21/2, Del IVIonte PEAS No- 2 can............ 12 Libb,/s TOMATO JUICE fife No. 2 can............ § Sunsweet Med. PRUNES tg. pkg... Cerber's Strained BABY FOODS 18 Old Dutch CLEANSER 3 can................ 20° POWOW Z cans................ » / Kitchen Charm WAX PAPER Large Rolfe.............. SCOT TOWELS 3 Rolls ............ 26' Waldorf TISSUE 3 Rolls.............. X 2 SCOT TISSUE 3lb.CAM tlb.CAN niPLC-OEAMIO c 16k STAYS SO FIESH UNO SWEET FOI 'B.O.' rtOTICTS HEMTH RINSO k 52c cionni srMwtitw WHITE SOAP 3for17c ACTIVE LATHE* FO* COMH.EXION ANO WTH. UTS DOWN HMS, 21c JIMMY'S PRODUCE POTATOES 10 Ibs. 13( FRESHLTENDER CHERRY RHVURBiy FRESH; SOLID LETTUCE 2 for* SWEET. JUICY TANGERINE RIVERSIDE, LARGE ea.1 c THIWSKIIM, SWEET 10 for* GltUBB'S IARKET It is natural to make meat the center at the meal, since meat, more than any other food, possesses the quality of mak- ing meals appetizing and interesting, for the rich flavor of meat makes the less flavorable foods taste better. Meat has & natural affinity for fruits and vege- tables-and cereals and so it is easy to Have variety by simply serving favorite meat dishes in different combinations. Come to ui for fine meats that are te'nder, nouriihing and sasy on your food budget! Mrs. Ohlfitti Wilt Give Sixth Book Talk Next Tuesday In the sixth of her currei series of book reviews and talk on world affairs, Mrs. Florence Lee Ohlsen will be presented i Parish Hall Tuesday morning. A 10.-30 by Mrs. Theodore Cheos man, president of St. Cecella Guild of St. Andrew's Kplwjepa church. Mrs. Bettina Miller W) serve as book review hostei while Mrs. Julia Cuccl wilf t hostess at the business sesslo fallowing the regular pot iuc luncheon. Mrs. Ohlsen has chosen th following list for this month program: "The Wounded Don Cry" by Quentln Reynolds, "Be hind God's Back" by Negley Far son, "Into China" by Eilceri Big land, "Delilah" by Marcus Good rich, "The Earth Is the Lord'i by Taylor Caldwell, "Not for th Meek"' by Elizabeth Dewing Kau] "Hold Autumn In Tour Hand by George Sessions Perry an "The Remarkable Andrew" b Dalton Trumbo. —Oollor Vol». Dori, Frl. < Sot.— MABEF. EVKKKTl IS FETEIH Mrs. Mabel Everett was Ron ored when members of ttve Pi Alpha Gammas feted her re cently on the occasion of he birthday. Luncheon at a Los- Art- gelcs cafe when a beautiful!; decorated birthday cake was cui and a tour of L. A. Times build ing were enjoyed. Those present were the honorec and Mmes Helen Johnson, Helen Smith, Ber- dina Sevan, Lucille Rogers Georgie Tappin and Martha Co- Dollar Valu. Doy», !il. I Sol.— DOBIS LEE HONOREE AT EWPBOMPTU PARTY ' Doris Lee Quaggin was sur irised when a group of friends arrived at her home last Thurs- day to help her celebrate her ilrthday. Following presentation of many lovely gifts, games urniahed diversion for the af ernopn and refreshments ware erved. Those present were the :onoree and Pat Rojo, Nancy Ann Whyte, Nadine Paour, Pa- tricia Lannlng, Jo Ann Chees- laii, Mary Olive Jones, Arlerie twood, Jane Scotton, Beverly Hopkins and Marlene Quaggin. Dollar Verlu. Dart. Frl. « So) LEWISES ENTERTAIN ,T raWBOMPTU PABTY Mr. and Mrs. H. Archer Lewis ntertaihed an intimate group at home Saturday evening. Those iresent were Messrs, and Mmea. j. C. Miller, John Fessr and Fred Bevef. Mrs. Fess was high scor"e holder. Refreshments were served. SCOUTING— The Best Invesfment You Can Make AN EDITORIAL——————————————————————————:——————• In the 27 years of Torrance's existence It hag wit- nessed many campaigns for one purpose or another. But in all this quarter century of development there has been no greater issue at stake than the 'one WhlcH will be the objective of a drive starting tomorrow iriorn- Ijag. it concerts the future* welfare of the youth of tfita city the citizens of tomorrow. It Is futile to decry the alarming Increase In Juven- ile delinquency (which during the past six months has brought one-out-of-every-elght boys In Torrance before the law) unless we do something about It. Alarmed at this condition, a number of serious minded men have decided to correct It by providing a program of wholesome, character building activities. Normal boytt are active young dynamos of energy. They must be doing something all the time. Unless their lei- sure time is occupied by the rights sort of things, they are apt to fall into ways of wrong doing. In seeking the right program for youth develop- ment. It was natural to turn to the Institution which for the past 25 years has been specializing in boys' work the Boy Scouts of America. For too many years Scouting has been badly neglect- ed In Torrance. We have never had the proper function- Ing bodies to guide and foster the Boy Scout movement here. And this Is no discredit to the few the all too few hard working Scout leaders who have labored un- selfishly and arduously to keep alive and together the few troops that have existed in recent years, But Scouting is about tf enter a new era if the interest shown during the past two weeks by respons- ible citizens is continued and; there is every indication that this enthusiasm will continue and grow as the en- larged Scouting program gets under 1 way. This week a district committee was, Installed, fol- lowing an outline of. each member's responsibilities as explained t)y O. B. Mathews and Donald Monroe, as- sistant executives of the Boy Scouts .or America in the Los Angeles metropolitan area. The soundness of the program ahead Is reflected by the committee asslgn- men.ts and 'the high type of men who will head these activities. They are J. W. Post, district chairman; Rev. Thos. R. Marshall, vice-chairman; P. L. Parks, organi- zation and extension; Ray Begue, camping; Dr. W. J. Harrlson, health and safety; J. R. Winters, advance- ment; Pete Zamperini, leadership and training; Chas. E. Conner, finance; Ray B. Burdlck, district commissioner; and Grover Whyte, publicity. Sam Levy, John T. Oursler, Peorge Peckham and C. T. Rlppy are community rep- resentatives. Troop representatives are Scott R. Ludlow, Dr. R. A. Bingham, Chas. E. Conner and Langdon E. Rose. These men, together with the capable and devoted leaders of the present troops' and those which are soon to be organized, are to keep the Boy Scout program moving. You too, can help by extending a sympathetic audi- ence to whichever of the 80 volunteer workers who is giving up valuable time from his business or profession during the coming week to tell you of the plan for re- vigoratlng the Boy Scout'movement In Torrance. You will be asked to invest what you can in the best paying proposition in America the boys of today, who will be the citizens of tomorrow. NORTHERN CITY Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kelton, who have been Torrance rest Icnts for the past 12 years, left his week to make their home n Redwood City wnere they will Mrs. Kelton has been active in le W.B.A. and W.R.C. and erved fdr a time aS volunteer ?cd Cross worker while Kelton, ho. has been an employee of oule Steel Company for the ast 17 years, retired last July. The Keltons are moving to the orfhern city to be nearer their illdron. —Collar Volu. Day!, Frl. I Sat.—~* rVINS AUDITION HISS Dorothy Woodruff, 15- ear-old pianist, won the audi- on at the San Pedro Woman's dub' Monday evening for soloist DINNER PABTY MARKS NATAL DATE A. H. Sllllgo was honored when Mrs. Silligo entertained at dinne Saturday evening on the occa sioiv of his birthday. Peach bios soms centered the table and cov ers were placed for the honoroi and Mr. and Mrs. Bader Doyli of Wilmington and Me. and Mrs Oscar Hoglund of Los Angeles. Hot Vain Dart, FT!. > Jot.— LOMITA SAN PEDRO COUNCIL NOTES ' Mrs. J. Hook, 10th district par- liamentarian, gave an interesting !>arllamentary procedure talk al Jie regular meeting of the Lo- mita-San Pedro Council held a1 Lomita Elementary school last Thursday. Council Mother- singers participated in the pro- gram. Annual reports were dls- me. Teala Bellini for the past our years. The judges were icat enthusiastic in their praiite : her fine musicianship and Mme. BeHin received much t' for her training. ports filed. Nominations for Council of fleers followed luncheon. Tor- rance Elementary was repre sented by the president, Mrs. _W. H. Tolson, and Mrs. ET. R. Lee. Don't let 'em kte you—there is one-and only one kind of drive that completely eliminates the conventional clutch as well as the clutch pedair-i-oam.auA only one kind of drive that auto matically select* emit automatically~ shifts into the right gear for best performance Under all conditions—one and only one kind of drive that gives you the safety of "two hands oil the wheel" at all tint**, plus the super-safety of the world's sim plest, easiest-controlled driving, and that is the original ... FESS-DYEB TBOTH IS ANNOUNCED Cpl. and Mrs. J. F. Dyer 629 Via Horquilla, Palos Verde Estates, announce 'the engage ment of their daughter, Marci Anne, to Kenneth Byron Fess son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Fes of 1729 Arlington avenue. News of the betrothal of Compton at a dancing part; at the family home Friday eve nlng to which 3* friends wcr biddorf. An early sumjner wed Preceding: the dancing party the Dyers' entertained at dinne honoring their daughter and he fiance. Guests were Mr.''am Mrs. J. H. Foss, Mr. and Mrs George Anderson and Miss Mar gar-ct Anderson of Hermosa Beach, and Mr. and Mrs. Michae Neushul of Van Nuys. —Oellof VolM D«n, Fil. H«S» CHASE IIEABP AT CLUB FBIDAY Mrs. Dale Rlley was hostess when she entertained members of the Art-Craft club at her lomc on Sonoma avenue Friday jvenlng. Miss Ada M. P. Chase ,n one of the most interesting talks In her series on Design gave the ladles highlights on 'Rhythm" as applied to dress de- signing, served. Refreshments were TORRANCE GROUP AT HAWTHORNE Mrs: Lola Hoover, worthy ma- ron of Torrance Chapter, No. 380, Order of thb Eastern Star, served: as courtesy worthy ma Wednesday evening. Mrs. Hoover was accompanied by more than 33 members Of her own chapter Oollot Volw Day,, Ffl. « Jot C. E. GUILD TO MEET MARCH 12 Evangelical Guild will be held at Guild Hail next Wednesday, March 12, aj. 2 p. m. Important matters of Glalld business will discussed. BRITISH RELIEF MEETING HELD John B. Snell, former mayor - --- =---- of Tunbrldge Wells, England, ___Those Jlnvlted was the guest speaker at the " Society held at St. Peter's Parish hall Wednesday afternoon, Feb: 26. Highlights of life In Britain i wartime were heard*. Mrs. E. G. Ncess reported re- ceipt of $95 from "The Mikado' which was recently staged ai Malaga Cove Auditorium In Palos Verdes. A knitting bag was do nated by Mrs. Bell Price to raise funds for the cause. Since Jan- uary the Harbofr District work- ers have sent In 88 pairs of sox 131 sweaters, 23 skirts, 13 slips 24 scarfs; 29 caps and bonnets 3i pajamas. 58 .quilts, 33 chil- dren's sox and 36 blouses. Mmcs. Smith and Garrison served as hostesses at the tea olio wing the meeting. The next meeting will be held on March 12 and each week thereafter, —Collar ValM Doyt, M. Sot.— NATAL DATE IS NOTED Clarence L. Wilson was hon ored' on the occasion of his birth day anniversary when Mrs. Lydia Neal entertained with, a dinner party at her home, 2276 Torrance >oulevard, last Friday evening Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Vilson, and Messrs, and Mmes. Roy E. Thompson of Wllming- on, Jack TCdland, Rex Clark and Miss Maxlne Clark, all of Tor- rance and Mrs. Klma N. Thomp- <ins of San Bernardino. Follow- ng dinner cards furnished diver- Ion. >olw Boyi, Frl. 1 Sal.— John Fess Elected Head of Breakfast Club Here Sunday The Fess home on Arlington avenue was the setting for an enjoyable party Sunday afternoon'^ when members of the Torranco T Breakfast Club were entertained at dinner. The secretary's report was very amusing while the treasurer^ , reported a balance of three cents on hand as a result of the "wreck-the-trcasury" party at Earl Carroll's last month. Pres- ident Miller Immediately started new treasury by fining vari- ous members for omissions and commissions. New by-laws presented at the January meeting were ratified. Officers who will serve during, the ensuing year are John Fess,: president; Frank Brown, vice- president; Lillian Shriner, score-'- tary-trcasurcr; Archer Lewis,, publicity chairman, and Joyce Bever, mascot. The Severs will entertain the club In April when Mrs. Louise Brlney will be a guest. Following dinner cards furnished diversion. —Collar Volu. Ooyl, Ffl. I lol.— MATRON IS FETED AT EVENING SHOWER ; Mrs. Marguerite McLean was honored when Mmes. Mickey Twyman and Doris Watson en- tertained with a stork shower last Friday at 1225 Cota avenue. Pink and blue sweet peas ac- cented the color arrangement used and toy balloons suspended i Tom the celling contained scrolls* disclosing whereabouts of many ovcly gifts. ere Mmes. Georgie Tappan, Mable Evereti C. E. LADIES PLAN JIGG3" DINNER Members of Central Evangeli- al church will sponsor a corned eef and cabbage dinner at Guild Hall, corner of Marcelina and Arlington streets, Wednesday, Feb. 12. Dinner will be served rom 5 to 7 o'clock. Everyone is otdlally Invited. Tickets at 50 cehU for adults and 26 cents for lembers or at the door. —Oallar Volu. Days. Frl. * Sal.— Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Del.ilnger ere recent visitors at Palm, prlngs. Martha Coburn, Mildred Drury, , Lucille Rogers, Patricia August, Helen Smith, Helen Johnson, Georgcana Darling, Dorothy Price, Nyla Darling, Esther Flguercdo, Nellie Nor, Margaret Pullman. Marie Humpr, Irene Dumont, Laura M. Buchman. George Wat- son, Muriel Darling, Virginia Watson and Bettye Smith and Miss Florence Buchman. Games pertaining to the shower were enjoyed and refreshments were served. —Dollar Valu. Ooyl. 7,1. 1 lal.— OUTSTANDING SPEAKER AT T.H.S. P.T.A. Dr. John Leckner, active for many years In the American* Legion, will bo the featured speaker on the program of the .meeting of Torrance high school P.T.A. next Mopday afternoon at . 2 p. m. Dr. Leckner, an earnest worker against subversive ele- ments In America, will speak on "Better Americanism." Mrs. J. O. Blsnop, president, will preside. She extends a cor- dial welcome to members of the community to attend. At this meeting election will be held for nominating committee and dele- gates to the 42nd district con- vention to be held at Belmont high school April 3. ~ —Dollar Valu. Da- 1 In WOODMEN PLAN DANCE, PROGRAM Modern Woodmen and their friends will be entertained at a dancing party at American Le- gion clubhouse tomorrow eve- ning. An added attraction will be an' exhibition drill presented by^ y members of the L. A. drill team. ' Colonel W. H. Hoover will be a special guest. Visiting Neighbors (R.N.A..) are invited. Music for dancing will be furnished by the , McDanlels' orchestra, according * :o the committee including Messrs. C. A, Benzol, secretary and J. H. Frss, K. B. Fess and M. Cooper. Oollof Volu. Ooyl, Frl. t Sol.— Mrs. Ben Capistran has re- turned to her home at Crookston, Mlnn., following a visit at the Francis DeroUin home here. HYDRA-MATIC DRIVE DfeVBLOPBOv PBOVED AND IMTKOtoUCED BY OLD8MOBILB-OFFBHBD IN ALL OLDS MODELS WHAT OOtS HYDKA-H/mC DO THAT OTHER DRIVES OONfTT _____ __ _____ CHECK the chart at the right. You'll B*« that Hydra-Malic Dtjve doe« bigi no other drive etui dol T«k» »3 Old* Hydra-Mstio outonthe^hiarf. You'll find how much ttjew thlriM all m»»n to you in effort ftkftwtf, p'orfurmaucif )mprovtdf g«tfU|»|r avoU-not to mention IB* totijly dlfforoot ttarillynu g»t from dr«vi»*l Hydra-Matio Drive, romomta, Hjfe been proved In the handa of »pr» than 75,000 Old»mobilc owner* in over 335 million uillen of«drtyin(tl AOPTIONM, AT «XT«A tXI»T__ MULLIN'S SERVICE 2053 Torrance Blvd. Torrance Phone 32&-J ATTENTION PAINT BUYERS DUE TO THE RAWS THERE IS STILL QUITE A BIG STOCK LEFT UNSOLD WHICH MUST BE DISPOSED OF NOT LATER THAN SATURDAY, MARCH THE 8th THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE TO GET YOUR PAINT and WALL PAPER. AT OR BELOW FACTORY PRICES OPEN THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, UNTIL 9 P.M. TORRANCE PAINT STORE Corner Post and Sarlori

Transcript of HBftALO. ToffUns*, Ballfarnti GONE WITH SCOUTING— The Best ... · hbftalo. toffuns*, ballfarnti...

Page 1: HBftALO. ToffUns*, Ballfarnti GONE WITH SCOUTING— The Best ... · hbftalo. toffuns*, ballfarnti read our want aos . . . and save monet r gone with the wind coming to . . . torrance

HBftALO. ToffUns*, Ballfarnti




MARCH 20, 21, 22 and 23


1929 Carson Street : :

Fr« Parking

at Richfield

St.tion aeroii

th« >trMt

W> Notut. nolMrit bul natlaflollr ad. ..rlli.4 brand


Del Maiz NIBLETS 12-oz. can.. 10Green Giant PEAS............. 12Fame Cream Style CORN « AC No. 2 can.............. -_Ll.f

FROZEN FISH 1-lb. Cape Cod Fillets .25c 1 Ocean Perch..............33c

Willa Point OYSTERS 'Small cans....



Blue Sea TUNA

2 No. i/acans..

Tastewell Light M«at TUNA

2 No. »/a can.............

Del Monte PEACHES « I* 21/2,

Del IVIonte PEAS No- 2 can............ 12Libb,/s TOMATO JUICE fife No. 2 can............ §

Sunsweet Med. PRUNEStg.pkg...

Cerber's Strained BABY FOODS

18Old Dutch CLEANSER

3 can................ 20°


Z cans................ » /

Kitchen Charm WAX PAPER



3 Rolls ............ 26'

Waldorf TISSUE

3 Rolls.............. X 2





RINSOk 52c

cionni srMwtitw WHITE










10 for*GltUBB'S IARKET

It is natural to make meat the center at the meal, since meat, more than any other food, possesses the quality of mak­ ing meals appetizing and interesting, for the rich flavor of meat makes the less flavorable foods taste better. Meat has & natural affinity for fruits and vege­ tables-and cereals and so it is easy to Have variety by simply serving favorite meat dishes in different combinations.

Come to ui for fine meats that are te'nder, nouriihing and sasy on your food budget!

Mrs. Ohlfitti Wilt Give Sixth Book Talk Next Tuesday

In the sixth of her currei series of book reviews and talk on world affairs, Mrs. Florence Lee Ohlsen will be presented i Parish Hall Tuesday morning. A 10.-30 by Mrs. Theodore Cheos man, president of St. Cecella Guild of St. Andrew's Kplwjepa church. Mrs. Bettina Miller W) serve as book review hostei while Mrs. Julia Cuccl wilf t hostess at the business sesslo fallowing the regular pot iuc luncheon.

Mrs. Ohlsen has chosen th following list for this month program: "The Wounded Don Cry" by Quentln Reynolds, "Be hind God's Back" by Negley Far son, "Into China" by Eilceri Big land, "Delilah" by Marcus Good rich, "The Earth Is the Lord'i by Taylor Caldwell, "Not for th Meek"' by Elizabeth Dewing Kau] "Hold Autumn In Tour Hand by George Sessions Perry an "The Remarkable Andrew" b Dalton Trumbo.

—Oollor Vol». Dori, Frl. < Sot.—


Mrs. Mabel Everett was Ron ored when members of ttve Pi Alpha Gammas feted her re cently on the occasion of he birthday. Luncheon at a Los- Art- gelcs cafe when a beautiful!; decorated birthday cake was cui and a tour of L. A. Times build ing were enjoyed. Those present were the honorec and Mmes Helen Johnson, Helen Smith, Ber- dina Sevan, Lucille Rogers Georgie Tappin and Martha Co-

Dollar Valu. Doy», !il. I Sol.—


Doris Lee Quaggin was surirised when a group of friends

arrived at her home last Thurs­day to help her celebrate herilrthday. Following presentation

of many lovely gifts, gamesurniahed diversion for the afernopn and refreshments wareerved. Those present were the:onoree and Pat Rojo, Nancy

Ann Whyte, Nadine Paour, Pa­tricia Lannlng, Jo Ann Chees-

laii, Mary Olive Jones, Arlerietwood, Jane Scotton, Beverly

Hopkins and Marlene Quaggin.Dollar Verlu. Dart. Frl. « So) —


ntertaihed an intimate groupat

home Saturday evening. Thoseiresent were Messrs, and Mmea.j. C. Miller, John Fessr and Fred

Bevef. Mrs. Fess was high scor"e holder. Refreshments were served.

SCOUTING— The Best Invesfment You Can MakeAN EDITORIAL——————————————————————————:——————•

In the 27 years of Torrance's existence It hag wit­ nessed many campaigns for one purpose or another. But in all this quarter century of development there has been no greater issue at stake than the 'one WhlcH will be the objective of a drive starting tomorrow iriorn- Ijag. it concerts the future* welfare of the youth of tfita city the citizens of tomorrow.

It Is futile to decry the alarming Increase In Juven­ ile delinquency (which during the past six months has brought one-out-of-every-elght boys In Torrance before the law) unless we do something about It.

Alarmed at this condition, a number of serious minded men have decided to correct It by providing a program of wholesome, character building activities. Normal boytt are active young dynamos of energy. They must be doing something all the time. Unless their lei­ sure time is occupied by the rights sort of things, they are apt to fall into ways of wrong doing.

In seeking the right program for youth develop­ ment. It was natural to turn to the Institution which for the past 25 years has been specializing in boys' work the Boy Scouts of America.

For too many years Scouting has been badly neglect­ ed In Torrance. We have never had the proper function- Ing bodies to guide and foster the Boy Scout movement here. And this Is no discredit to the few the all too few hard working Scout leaders who have labored un­ selfishly and arduously to keep alive and together the few troops that have existed in recent years,

But Scouting is about tf enter a new era if the interest shown during the past two weeks by respons­ ible citizens is continued and; there is every indication

that this enthusiasm will continue and grow as the en­ larged Scouting program gets under1 way.

This week a district committee was, Installed, fol­ lowing an outline of. each member's responsibilities as explained t)y O. B. Mathews and Donald Monroe, as­ sistant executives of the Boy Scouts .or America in the Los Angeles metropolitan area. The soundness of the program ahead Is reflected by the committee asslgn- men.ts and 'the high type of men who will head these activities. They are J. W. Post, district chairman; Rev. Thos. R. Marshall, vice-chairman; P. L. Parks, organi­ zation and extension; Ray Begue, camping; Dr. W. J. Harrlson, health and safety; J. R. Winters, advance­ ment; Pete Zamperini, leadership and training; Chas. E. Conner, finance; Ray B. Burdlck, district commissioner; and Grover Whyte, publicity. Sam Levy, John T. Oursler, Peorge Peckham and C. T. Rlppy are community rep­ resentatives. Troop representatives are Scott R. Ludlow, Dr. R. A. Bingham, Chas. E. Conner and Langdon E. Rose.

These men, together with the capable and devoted leaders of the present troops' and those which are soon to be organized, are to keep the Boy Scout program moving.

You too, can help by extending a sympathetic audi­ ence to whichever of the 80 volunteer workers who is giving up valuable time from his business or profession during the coming week to tell you of the plan for re- vigoratlng the Boy Scout'movement In Torrance. You will be asked to invest what you can in the best paying proposition in America the boys of today, who will be the citizens of tomorrow.


Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kelton, who have been Torrance rest Icnts for the past 12 years, left his week to make their home n Redwood City wnere they will

Mrs. Kelton has been active inle W.B.A. and W.R.C. and

erved fdr a time aS volunteer ?cd Cross worker while Kelton,ho. has been an employee of oule Steel Company for the ast 17 years, retired last July.The Keltons are moving to the

orfhern city to be nearer their illdron.

—Collar Volu. Day!, Frl. I Sat.—~*

rVINS AUDITIONHISS Dorothy Woodruff, 15-

ear-old pianist, won the audi-on at the San Pedro Woman's

dub' Monday evening for soloist


A. H. Sllllgo was honored when Mrs. Silligo entertained at dinne Saturday evening on the occa sioiv of his birthday. Peach bios soms centered the table and cov ers were placed for the honoroi and Mr. and Mrs. Bader Doyli of Wilmington and Me. and Mrs Oscar Hoglund of Los Angeles.

Hot Vain Dart, FT!. > Jot.—


Mrs. J. Hook, 10th district par­ liamentarian, gave an interesting !>arllamentary procedure talk al Jie regular meeting of the Lo- mita-San Pedro Council held a1 Lomita Elementary school last Thursday. Council Mother- singers participated in the pro­ gram. Annual reports were dls-

me. Teala Bellini for the past our years. The judges were icat enthusiastic in their praiite : her fine musicianship and

Mme. BeHin received much t' for her training.

ports filed.Nominations for Council of

fleers followed luncheon. Tor­ rance Elementary was repre sented by the president, Mrs. _W. H. Tolson, and Mrs. ET. R. Lee.

Don't let 'em kte you—there is one-and only one kind of drive that completely eliminates the conventional clutch as well as the clutch pedair-i-oam.auA only one kind of drive that auto­ matically select* emit automatically~ shifts into the right gear for best performance Under all conditions—one and only one kind of drive that gives you the safety of "two hands oil the wheel" at all tint**, plus the super-safety of the world's sim­ plest, easiest-controlled driving, and that is the original ...


Cpl. and Mrs. J. F. Dyer 629 Via Horquilla, Palos Verde Estates, announce 'the engage ment of their daughter, Marci Anne, to Kenneth Byron Fess son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Fes of 1729 Arlington avenue.

News of the betrothal

of Compton at a dancing part; at the family home Friday eve nlng to which 3* friends wcr biddorf. An early sumjner wed

Preceding: the dancing party the Dyers' entertained at dinne honoring their daughter and he fiance. Guests were Mr.''am Mrs. J. H. Foss, Mr. and Mrs George Anderson and Miss Mar gar-ct Anderson of Hermosa Beach, and Mr. and Mrs. Michae Neushul of Van Nuys.

—Oellof VolM D«n, Fil.


Mrs. Dale Rlley was hostess when she entertained members of the Art-Craft club at her lomc on Sonoma avenue Friday jvenlng. Miss Ada M. P. Chase ,n one of the most interesting talks In her series on Design gave the ladles highlights on 'Rhythm" as applied to dress de-signing, served.

Refreshments were


Mrs: Lola Hoover, worthy ma- ron of Torrance Chapter, No.

380, Order of thb Eastern Star, served: as courtesy worthy ma

Wednesday evening. Mrs. Hoover was accompanied by more than 33 members Of her own chapter

— Oollot Volw Day,, Ffl. « Jot —


Evangelical Guild will be held at Guild Hail next Wednesday, March 12, aj. 2 p. m. Important matters of Glalld business will



John B. Snell, former mayor - --- =---- of Tunbrldge Wells, England, ___Those Jlnvlted was the guest speaker at the "

Society held at St. Peter's Parish hall Wednesday afternoon, Feb: 26. Highlights of life In Britain i wartime were heard*.Mrs. E. G. Ncess reported re­

ceipt of $95 from "The Mikado' which was recently staged ai Malaga Cove Auditorium In Palos Verdes. A knitting bag was do nated by Mrs. Bell Price to raise funds for the cause. Since Jan­ uary the Harbofr District work­ ers have sent In 88 pairs of sox 131 sweaters, 23 skirts, 13 slips 24 scarfs; 29 caps and bonnets 3i pajamas. 58 .quilts, 33 chil­ dren's sox and 36 blouses.

Mmcs. Smith and Garrison served as hostesses at the tea olio wing the meeting. The next

meeting will be held on March 12 and each week thereafter,

—Collar ValM Doyt, M. • Sot.—


Clarence L. Wilson was hon ored' on the occasion of his birth day anniversary when Mrs. Lydia Neal entertained with, a dinner party at her home, 2276 Torrance >oulevard, last Friday evening

Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Vilson, and Messrs, and Mmes.

Roy E. Thompson of Wllming- on, Jack TCdland, Rex Clark and

Miss Maxlne Clark, all of Tor­ rance and Mrs. Klma N. Thomp- <ins of San Bernardino. Follow- ng dinner cards furnished diver- Ion.

>olw Boyi, Frl. 1 Sal.—

John Fess Elected Head of Breakfast Club Here Sunday

The Fess home on Arlington avenue was the setting for an enjoyable party Sunday afternoon'^ when members of the Torranco T Breakfast Club were entertained at dinner.

The secretary's report was very amusing while the treasurer^ , reported a balance of three cents on hand as a result of the "wreck-the-trcasury" party at Earl Carroll's last month. Pres­ ident Miller Immediately started

new treasury by fining vari­ ous members for omissions and commissions.

New by-laws presented at the January meeting were ratified. Officers who will serve during, the ensuing year are John Fess,: president; Frank Brown, vice- president; Lillian Shriner, score-'- tary-trcasurcr; Archer Lewis,, publicity chairman, and Joyce Bever, mascot.

The Severs will entertain the club In April when Mrs. Louise Brlney will be a guest. Following dinner cards furnished diversion.

—Collar Volu. Ooyl, Ffl. I lol.—


Mrs. Marguerite McLean was honored when Mmes. Mickey Twyman and Doris Watson en­ tertained with a stork shower last Friday at 1225 Cota avenue. Pink and blue sweet peas ac­ cented the color arrangement used and toy balloons suspended i Tom the celling contained scrolls* disclosing whereabouts of many ovcly gifts.

ere Mmes. Georgie Tappan, Mable Evereti

C. E. LADIES PLAN JIGG3" DINNERMembers of Central Evangeli-

al church will sponsor a corned eef and cabbage dinner at Guild

Hall, corner of Marcelina and Arlington streets, Wednesday, Feb. 12. Dinner will be served rom 5 to 7 o'clock. Everyone is otdlally Invited. Tickets at 50

cehU for adults and 26 cents for

lembers or at the door.—Oallar Volu. Days. Frl. * Sal.—

Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Del.ilnger ere recent visitors at Palm, prlngs.

Martha Coburn, Mildred Drury, , Lucille Rogers, Patricia August, Helen Smith, Helen Johnson, Georgcana Darling, Dorothy Price, Nyla Darling, Esther Flguercdo, Nellie Nor, Margaret Pullman. Marie Humpr, Irene Dumont, Laura M. Buchman. George Wat- son, Muriel Darling, Virginia Watson and Bettye Smith and Miss Florence Buchman. Games pertaining to the shower were enjoyed and refreshments were served.

—Dollar Valu. Ooyl. 7,1. 1 lal.—


Dr. John Leckner, active for many years In the American* Legion, will bo the featured speaker on the program of the .meeting of Torrance high school P.T.A. next Mopday afternoon at . 2 p. m. Dr. Leckner, an earnest worker against subversive ele­ ments In America, will speak on "Better Americanism."

Mrs. J. O. Blsnop, president, will preside. She extends a cor­ dial welcome to members of the community to attend. At this meeting election will be held for nominating committee and dele­ gates to the 42nd district con­ vention to be held at Belmont high school April 3.~—Dollar Valu. Da- 1 In —


Modern Woodmen and their friends will be entertained at a dancing party at American Le­ gion clubhouse tomorrow eve­ ning. An added attraction will be an' exhibition drill presented by^ y members of the L. A. drill team. ' Colonel W. H. Hoover will be a special guest. Visiting Neighbors (R.N.A..) are invited. Music for dancing will be furnished by the , McDanlels' orchestra, according * :o the committee including Messrs. C. A, Benzol, secretary and J. H. Frss, K. B. Fess and

M. Cooper.— Oollof Volu. Ooyl, Frl. t Sol.—

Mrs. Ben Capistran has re­ turned to her home at Crookston, Mlnn., following a visit at the Francis DeroUin home here.



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