HB 008 Mystery of Cabin Island

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  • 8/13/2019 HB 008 Mystery of Cabin Island


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    C:\Sweta\ebooks\hardy boyz1\Hardy Boyz1\HB 008 Mystery of cabinisland.pdb

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    he )ardy Boys

    he Mystery *f Cabin +sland

    By ,ran-lin ixon

    Copyri0ht $&'(



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    $5 A1 +CE)A a reward?> @oe )ardy exclaimed. >6o mean we can stay at Cabin

    +sland over the winter vacation>

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    >Ri0ht. 2tartin0 the day after Christmas> said ,ran-. >he whole place

    is ors and Mr @efferson says he=ll throw another mystery or way.>

    >Abot what>

    >oldn=t say. )e=ll tell s at his home tomorrow when we 0et the -ey.>

    he )ardy boys were elated over their 0ood lc-. he yon0 detectives

    recently had bro-en a car theft rin0 and in 0ratitde for the retrn

    of his atomobile Elroy @efferson a wealthy resident of Bayport had

    made the offer of his private retreat near the entrance to Barmet Bay.

    +mplsive blond4et=s call Chet and

    Biff and ta-e or ice

    >*-ay. e can meet =em at or doc-.>

    ar-hat=s p> the stot yoth as-ed.

    >3et yor lon0 ohns on> @oe told him. >e=re 0oin0 to whip ot to

    Cabin +sland on the 2ea0ll. hat wind on the bay=ll really start yor

    blood circlatin0?>

    ,ran- and @oe had desi0ned and bilt the ice2onds 0reat bt + don=t -now.> Chet hesitated wistflly. >Mom=s st

    mixin0 a batch of maple fd0e.>

    >2ave it till we 0et bac- < thin- of the appetite yo=ll wor- p?> @oe

    added with a chc-le >hin- of yor waistline too. e=ll meet yo at

    the boathose in twenty mintes.>

    >ell < o-ay < as lon0 as yo don=t 0o po-in0 into any more mysteries.>

    >1o promises pal?> 3rinnin0 @oe slammed down the receiver before Chetcold obect.


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    convertible ot of the 0ara0e.

    he )ardys drove to the boathose on Barmet Bay. Chet and Biff were

    waitin0 for them. Biff a msclar yoth whose hobby was amater

    boxin0 was dancin0 abot attemptin0 to persade plmp Chet to spar

    with him.

    Chet held p his hands to fend off the blows. )e 0rinned as ,ran- and

    @oe wal-ed towards them. >3lad yo=re here?> he exclaimed. >his 0y is

    tryin0 to se me for a pnchin0 ba0?>

    >o yo 0ood> Biff reoined. >3et yo in shape?>

    ,ran- la0hed. >+f yo -eep this p Cabin +sland won=t be bi0 eno0h

    for both of yo < and s.> )e 0ave them hearty slaps on the bac-.

    >4et=s 0et 0oin0?>

    @oe opened the doors of the boathose and led the way inside. he

    2ea0ll was choc-ed on boards which lay over the ice between the cathat

    wind=s stron0 and the 3ll=s rarin= to 0o.

    )e released the bra-e and the slee- white craft 0lided swiftly ot into

    the bay now solidly froGen except for the channel which was -ept open

    by the shippin0 lines and the Coast 3ard.

    Cold clear air stn0 the boys= faces and they were showered with ice

    chips from the bow rnner. hey waved to friends who were s-atin0 near

    the shore.

    >here is Cabin +sland anyway> Biff called to the )ardys.

    >+n a cove off the bay> ,ran- shoted as he 0ided the 2ea0ll in a

    swoopin0 half circle arond a hole that had been ct in the ice by a


    >Ever been there before> Chet as-ed strainin0 to 0et his words ot

    a0ainst the cold air that whipped across his face.

    @oe shoo- his head. >e=ve never tried to ta-e or motorboat into that

    cove. +t=s shallow and yo=d rip the hll nless yo -new for sre

    where every roc- is. Bt we sholdn=t have any troble now.>

    Presently the icee=ll 0o arond for a

    loo- said ,ran-.

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    2-ilflly he circled the heavily wooded island. he shoreline facin0

    the bay dropped off in an icy cliff bt the side opposite the mainland

    road to Bayport sloped 0radally. At the ed0e of the shore ,ran-

    spotted a tall pine.

    >4et=s land there> he said.

    )e pt the speedin0 craft into a wide semicircle opposite the tree. he

    sails slac-ened the iceRi0ht on the nose> Bid said admirin0ly as they clambered ashore.

    he for started p the hill. 2oon they 0limpsed the cabin perched in

    a clearin0 on the hi0hest point of the island.

    @oe stopped abrptly and pointed to a set of lar0e bootprints in the

    li0ht snow. >)ow can anyone else be here> he as-ed. >here=s no other


    ,ran- shr00ed. >+ dobt that the person is still here. +t hasn=t

    snowed for a wee- so those prints cold have been made several days


    >Bt they only lead pward> @oe observed. >here are none 0oin0 bac-

    down the hill.>

    >Maybe whoever he was went down another way> ,ran- s00ested.

    he boys resmed their ascent. As they approached the cabin a broadho says> @oe retorted.

    >+ say so and +=ll show yo?> came the reply as the man thrst his

    ri0ht hand into the mac-inaw=s deep poc-et. )e strode closer 0larin0

    at the forsome.

    >on=t threaten s?> Biff said an0rily coc-in0 his ri0ht fist.

    >+f it=s a fi0ht yo want> ,ran- said coolly >the odds are one to

    for. 2o don=t be foolish. Besides we have permission to be on this


    he hostile man hesitated loo-in0 from face to face. >hat ma-es yo

    thin- + don=t have permission too> he as-ed. hen the stran0er made

    the mista-e of advancin0 a step farther. Biff feinted with a Dic- left

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    hand and sent his ri0ht fist into the man=s midriff. ith an >oof> the

    man sat heavily in the snow then scrambled to his feet mtterin0


    >Aw -noc- it off> said Chet.

    >e won=t 0et anywhere ar0in0 with him> ,ran- said Dietly. >Come

    on?> he boys trned and retraced their steps to the 2ea0ll. ,ran- and

    @oe -ept 0lancin0 bac- bt the hostile stran0er did not follow.

    Bac- in the ice+ wonder if Mr @efferson -nows that

    man and 0ave him permission to come to Cabin +sland.>

    >+ dobt it> said ,ran-. >2ay maybe this has somethin0 to do with the


    >2ome welcomin0 committee?> Chet 0rmbled.

    @oe scowled. >)e sre was ea0er to chase s away. + have a hnch he=s

    p to no 0ood.>

    2oon ,ran- 0ided the 2ea0ll ot of the cove and sent her s-immin0

    alon0 Barmet Bay.

    2ddenly Chet 0asped. >4oo- at that ice

    )eadin0 towards them was a lar0e craft which weaved across the ice in a

    diGGyin0 path. 2ddenly it dipped over and one rnner plan- lifted off

    the ice into the air.

    >ow? hat=s a sharp trn?> exclaimed ,ran-.

    >)e=ll capsiGe?> Biff cried ot. @st then the pilot dropped the sheet

    and the rnner came down hard spatterin0 ice.

    @oe 0roaned. >Anybody who 0ives a boat that slamban0 treatment doesn=t

    deserve to own one.>

    An instant later the other craft strea-ed strai0ht for the 2ea0ll.

    ,ran- loo-ed 0rim. >e=re in troble> he said. >hat=s the )aw-?>

    he )aw- was owned by two belli0erent yoths ad Carson and +-e 1ash

    who had been in the )ardys= classes at school ntil they had dropped

    ot early in the term. he two often retrned to loiter abot the

    school 0ronds bllyin0 yon0er boys. hey were -nown to be fast

    rec-less car drivers.

    >+-e is steerin0> @oe observed. >)e=s even more dan0eros on the ice

    than he is on the road.>

    >+f he doesn=t chan0e his corse he=ll hit s?> Chet said.

    ,ran- set his aw. >+f +-e won=t trn + will.> )e bore down on the

    tiller and swn0 ot of the )aw-=s path.

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    A second later the bi00er craft also chan0ed corse. +t was hrtlin0

    towards the 2ea0ll 0ainin0 momentm every second?

    >hey mean to rn s down?> Biff shoted.

    >*r else they st want to scare s> @oe said clenchin0 his fists.

    ,ran- swerved once more. A0ain the other steersman mimic-ed him and

    the )aw- still came at them. By now it was less than fifty yards away.

    he boys cold see moc-in0 0rins on +-e=s and ad=s faces. +n another

    few seconds the )aw- wold crash into the 2ea0ll.

    2ddenly +-e=s 0rin chan0ed to a loo- of terror. +n a flash ,ran-

    realiGed what had happened. he rec-less yoth had tried to swerve off

    the collision corse. Bt the manoevre had cased the )aw-=s tiller to

    am. +-e held p his hands to show that he had lost control of his


    +n a moment the boats wold collide?

    < 5 hey=ve

    piled p?>

    >2erves them ri0ht> Biff declared. >hey mi0ht have -illed s all.>

    >2till we=d better 0o over and see if they=re badly inred> ,ran-


    he for 0ot ot of the 2ea0ll and made their way across the ice to

    the troblema-ers who were srveyin0 the )aw-=s bro-en mast.

    +-e 1ash limped towards the 2ea0ll=s crew his eyes blaGin0. >6o

    er-s are 0oin0 to pay for this dama0e?> he shoted. >Besides +=ll

    have to see a doctor abot my an-le. +t=s probably bro-en. 6o=ll 0et

    all the bills that=s for sre?>

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    >+t was yor falt> @oe declared. >And if yor an-le were bro-en +-e

    yo coldn=t wal-.>

    >2ave that stff?> ad snapped bac-. >+f we wanted to hear a lectre

    we=d have stayed in school?>

    Biff trned away in dis0st. >e can=t tell these idiots a thin0> he

    mttered. >4et=s 0o?>

    >e may as well> @oe a0reed. >1obody=s seriosly hrt so they can

    ma-e their own way to shore.>

    he )ardys and their pals headed bac- for the 2ea0ll i0norin0 the

    threats and an0ry remar-s the bllies shoted after them.

    >4et=s 0o home> Chet said. >+t=s almost sppertime and man +=m


    he for boarded the craft and sped on towards Bayport. ,ran-=s face

    wore a tho0htfl frown as they 0lided over the ice.

    >hat=s the matter> @oe shoted above the wind. >1ot worried abot

    those two blowhards bac- there are yo>

    ,ran- shoo- his head. >1o st thin-in0 abot that fellow in the

    mac-inaw. +=d sre li-e to -now who he is and what he=s doin0 on Cabin


    >2ame here.> @oe was abot to s00est that the Darrelsome stran0er

    mi0ht have somethin0 to do with the mystery promised by Elroy

    @efferson. Bt smotherin0 a 0rin @oe decided he had better not alarm

    Chet nnecessarily?

    he stot yoth almost seemed to read @oe=s mind. >+ st hope that

    to0h 0y isn=t arond to ma-e troble if we=re 0oin0 to be spendin0

    Christmas vacation on the island> Chet mttered 0loomily.

    >on=t worry. +f he tries anythin0 we can handle him> Biff said


    Reachin0 Bayport harbor they stowed the 2ea0ll in the boathose.

    ,ran- loc-ed p and the boys climbed into the )ardys= convertible.

    *n the way to the farm where Chet lived on the ots-irts of Bayport

    @oe s00ested >hy not pac- or spplies for the trip into the 2ea0ll

    the ni0ht before we leave hen we=ll be able to 0et a Dic- start.>

    >Bt that=s Christmas ay?> Biff obected. >e=ll want to be home.>

    >re. )ow abot tomorrow> ,ran- as-ed. >e cold pac- in the

    afternoon in plenty of time for Christmas Eve.> his s00estion was

    a0reed pon.

    >hat shall we brin0> Chet inDired.

    >*h sleepin0 ba0s extra blan-ets snowshoes < that sort of thin0>

    @oe replied.

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    >And flashli0hts?> ,ran- added. >Mr @efferson did tell me the cabin is

    primitive < no electricity no rnnin0 water. e=ll be ro0hin0 it.>

    >+ was thin-in0 of the meals> Chet persisted. >ho=s in char0e of


    ,ran- 0rinned. >6o? Bt we=ll all brin0 some.>

    >2onds fine to me> said Biff and the others nodded assent.

    As they plled p in front of the Mortons= farmhose Chet as-ed >hat

    time do we meet tomorrow to pac- the 2ea0ll>

    >Abot for o=cloc-> @oe s00ested. >,ran- and + o0ht to be bac- from

    or visit with Mr @efferson by then.>

    he )ardys next drove Biff to his hose. As they headed for their own

    home @oe said >+ can=t wait to -now the details of Mr @efferson=s

    mystery? )aven=t yo any idea what it=s abot>

    ,ran- shoo- his head. he brothers had become fascinated with detective

    wor- at an early a0e becase their father ,enton )ardy was a private

    investi0ator whose s-ill had won him fame all over the contry.

    Mr )ardy freDently praised ,ran- and @oe for their ability to

    reco0niGe si0nificant cles and to ma-e intelli0ent dedctions.

    he boys went into the hose and fond Mr and Mrs )ardy in the livin0+=m afraid @oe and +

    have a confession. e=ve made some vacation plans withot consltin0


    >+ 0ess we 0ot excited and for0ot> @oe admitted. >Bt it all happened

    this afternoon.>

    all msclar ,enton )ardy his eyes twin-lin0 win-ed at his slender

    attractive wife. >4ara do yo have the same hnch + do>

    Mrs )ardy smiled reflly. >Another mystery. Am + ri0ht boys>

    >6es. Bt we don=t -now what -ind yet> ,ran- replied.

    he brothers too- trns tellin0 of Mr @efferson=s offer. hen they had

    finished Mr )ardy said >+ thin- the trip is a reward yo deserve.>

    >hen it=s o-ay ad < Mother> @oe as-ed.

    >All ri0ht. Bt + do hope there won=t be any dan0er.>

    >e=ll be carefl> ,ran- assred her >on=t worry abot s.>

    >ell> Mrs )ardy said >+=ll have to ma-e a trip to the mar-et for

    yor food spplies.>

    >6o=ll have to ta-e a trc- to brin0 home all that food?> exclaimed a

    tart voice from the doorway. he boys= Ant 3ertrde entered the

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    livin0+ -now what it is to feed Chet Morton.> 2he

    sniffed. >+ only hope all yo boys won=t catch yor death of cold?>

    Ant 3ertrde was ,enton )ardy=s nmarried sister a tall an0lar

    woman who often made lon0 visits with the family. 2he li-ed to affect

    strictness and it provo-ed her that she often fond herself smilin0

    when alas had intended to be stern with her nephews.

    nderneath her peppery manner Miss )ardy held a deep affection for the

    boys. 2he also was interested in their slethin0 altho0h always

    predictin0 dire reslts.

    @oe cold not resist teasin0 her. >1ow Anty how abot yo comin0

    alon0 as or coo->

    >)mph> Miss )ardy mmbled and hastened to the -itchen.

    2oon after spper ,ran- and @oe excsed themselves and went pstairs to

    pac-. >e may as well stow everythin0 aboard the 2ea0ll tomorrow

    except the food> ,ran- said. >hat shold 0ive s an early start on


    he boys stffed their clothes and 0ear into dffle ba0s. 1ext mornin0

    everythin0 was placed in the boot of the convertible.

    2hortly after lnch ,ran- and @oe drove to the @efferson home a lar0e

    colonial dwellin0 on 2hore Road. A hose-eeper answered their -noc-

    too- their coats and as-ed the visitors to be seated in the spacios

    front hall.

    Mr @efferson is bsy> the woman said. >)e will with yo shortly.>

    After the hose-eeper had left @oe exclaimed in a low voice >Mother

    and Ant 3ertrde wold sre 0o for this place? 4oo- at that fancy

    carved table and 0ilded wor-. And those paintin0s on the walls? he

    whole hose mst be frnished in antiDes.>

    >+ thin- it is> ,ran- told him. >+=ve heard that Mr @efferson has a

    lar0e collection. +n fact he=s re0arded as an expert on antiDes.>

    2ddenly the boys stopped tal-in0. 4od voices came from the livin0onder what=s 0oin0 on> @oe mttered.

    >roble from the sond of it> ,ran- replied.

    he spea-ers seemed to be 0rowin0 an0rier with every sentence. 2oontheir words were clearly adible.

    >+ don=t nderstand Mr @efferson why yo won=t sell. 6o=ll re0ret


    >Cabin +sland is not for sale and that is final Mr )anlei0h. 1ow

    please leave my home?>

    he first voice snapped bac- >6o haven=t heard the last from me?>

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    2tartled the )ardys stood p. At the same instant a lar0e man stomped

    into the hall. ,ran- and @oe were nearly elbowed aside by the an0ry

    caller as he strode towards his coat which was lyin0 on a chair.

    he boys nd0ed each other in excitement. +t was the belli0erent yon0

    man who had chased them off Cabin +sland?

    As he shr00ed violently into his coat his eyes fell nn ,ran- and @oe.

    >6o two a0ain?> he shoted 0larin0 at the boys. >Heep ot of my way?>

    hen he fln0 open the door and was 0one.

    < ( 3** afternoon boys.> An elderly man tall and thin with shinin0

    white hair stepped into the hall.

    +=m sorry to -eep yo waitin0 and also to sbect yo to Mr )anlei0h=s

    bad manners.>

    >*h we don=t mind> ,rance said sha-in0 hands and added >+=d li-e

    to introdce my brother @oe.>

    >)ow do yo do @oe Boys + overheard what Mr )anlei0h said to yo a

    moment a0o. hatever did he mean>

    >After yo offered s yor cabin> ,ran- explained >@oe and + were

    ea0er to loo- at Cabin +sland so we went over. Mr )anlei0h was there

    and ordered s to leave.>

    Mr @efferson=s smile disappeared and deeper wrin-les formed in his

    face. )e said somberly >Come in and sit down in the livin0room. e=ll

    tal- more abot this.>

    ,ran- and @oe followed their host into a lar0e room richly frnished

    with antiDes. )eavy wine

    >hen yo didn=t -now Mr )anlei0h was on yor island> ,ran- as-ed.

    >1o indeed> Mr @efferson replied vehemently. >Mr )anlei0h lives some

    distance from Bayport. )e has come here repeatedly insistin0 that +

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    sell Cabin +sland to him bt + have refsed. nfortnately the man is


    >+ ima0ine the island is fairly valable> ,ran- commented.

    >+t is> the elderly man admitted. >Bt it is not worth as mch as the

    price )anlei0h offers. Besides the place means more to me than money.

    My wife and + spent many happy vacations in that cabin with or

    orphaned 0randson @ohnnyMrs

    @efferson has passed away.>

    >e=re very sorry> said @oe then added >+t=s really 0reat of yo to

    invite s to vacation on Cabin +sland.>

    >1ot at all> the old man assred him. >+ can=t than- yo sfficiently

    for savin0 my atomobile from those thieves. 6o boys have a 0reat deal

    of cora0e.>

    he )ardys loo-ed embarrassed and ,ran- replied >e enoyed the case.

    @oe and + seem to thrive on excitement.>

    Mr @efferson=s smile chan0ed to an expression of disapproval. >+=m

    srprised yor parents permit yo to prse criminals however mch yo

    appear to thrive on dan0er> he declared. >+=d never allow my 0randson

    to do sch a thin0 altho0h he too is fascinated by mysterios


    he elderly man=s sdden criticism made the )ardys a little

    ncomfortable. ,ran- chan0ed the sbect and said Dic-ly >+=d li-e to

    hear more abot Cabin +sland Mr @efferson. e weren=t there lon0

    eno0h to see mch.>

    heir host relaxed as he spo-e of his property. >he cabin itself is

    well bilt and coGy as lon0 as there are lo0s on the fire. 6o=ll find

    a 0ood spply of wood in the shed at the bac- of the cabin. se all yo


    >+ sppose we coo- with wood> @oe inDired.

    >*h yes?> Mr @efferson declared with 0sto. >he -itchen is warm as

    toast when the old coo-in0

    >hat=s 0ood> ,ran- said. )e hesitated before addin0 >Mr @efferson

    may we invite two of or friends to oin s>

    >All the better> the old man said with enthsiasm. >he place is lar0e

    eno0h. +t has two bedrooms each with a pair of bn-s. By the way howdid yo fellows 0et to the island>

    >e have an ice @oe explained.

    Mr @efferson frowned. >+ce

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    ,ran- and @oe exchan0ed Dic- 0lances sensin0 that the mystery was

    abot to be revealed.

    he old man si0hed and passed his hands over his eyes. +n a low voice

    he added >My @ohnny has disappeared?>

    he )ardys were both shoc-ed and sympathetic. >hat=s terrible?> @oe

    exclaimed then as-ed >)ow old is @ohnny >

    >,ifteen bt he=s a bi0 boy. )e loo-s a bit older.>

    >)ow lon0 has yor 0randson been missin0> ,ran- Destioned.

    >hen + retrned from Erope recently> Mr @efferson replied >my

    hose-eeper reported that @ohnny had left school two wee-s before.>

    >as he livin0 away from home> @oe inDired.

    >6es. +=ve always sent him to boardin0 school thin-in0 he=d be safe

    and in 0ood company. At first + expected that @ohnny wold retrn to

    school bt the headmaster has not heard a word from him.>

    >)ave yo Mr @efferson> ,ran- as-ed.

    >6es recently + received a letter from @ohnny sayin0 that he was on a

    secret mission. he letter was postmar-ed allas exas bt the

    detectives + retain fond no cles to him there.>

    >)ave yo any idea what he meant by a secret mission> ,ran- Deried.

    >1ot the sli0htest.>

    >)ave yo reported @ohnny=s disappearance to the police> @oe as-ed.

    >*nly the harbor police. My detectives advised me to 0ive the matter

    as little pblicity as possible. And of corse + am positive there has

    been no criminal act. hat=s why + felt this mystery wold be feasible

    for yo boys to wor- on. here are no dan0eros individals involved.>

    >Mr @efferson yo srely don=t want s to delay the search for

    @ohnny> ,ran- said. >e=ll postpone or vacation on Cabin +sland.>

    >1o + s00est that yo 0o to Cabin +sland becase + have a stron0

    feelin0 it may ta-e a boy to find a boy. @ohnny loved the place and

    -nows every noo- and cranny of it well.>

    @oe nodded. >2onds li-e a 0ood spot to start.>

    ,ran- as-ed >he detectives yo mentioned < do they wor- for yo all

    the time>

    >6es + have en0a0ed these two private investi0ators for Dite a while

    bt for a different reason. hey are searchin0 for a priceless

    collection of antiDe medals which were stolen from my wall safe two

    years a0o.>

    >Athletic medals> @oe as-ed.

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    >*h no. hese were commemorative medals from many lands made by the

    world=s finest craftsmen. hey had been presented by -in0s and

    potentates to those who had served with 0reatness in war and peace.>

    >An odd hobby> ,ran- commented.

    >And expensive. hat=s why +=m still continin0 the search privately.

    he police have all bt 0iven p.>

    pon frther Destionin0 by ,ran- and @oe Mr @efferson revealed that

    his collection comprised twelve medals -ept in a handsome rosewood

    box. >And when yo open it what a daGGlin0 si0ht?> the man went on.

    >2ome are set with 0ems which spar-le in the brnished metal. And

    apart from their 0reat beaty what stories behind each of those

    medals?> )e si0hed deeply.

    @oe as-ed >Cold they have been fenced somewhere < or perhaps sold to

    a disreptable coin dealer>

    >+ thin- not> came the reply. >My collection was so famos any dealerwold reco0niGe the pieces.> )e added that all the important dealers

    -new abot the theft.

    he )ardys were more fascinated than ever. >id anythin0 else nsal

    happen at the time yor medals were ta-en Mr @efferson> ,ran- as-ed.

    >AmaGin0. )ow did yo 0ess As a matter of fact somethin0 odd did

    occr then. *ne of my servants the hoseman @ohn Pal 2parewell

    >Fite a coincidence> @oe said. >6o thin- 2parewell may be the thief>

    >+ don=t li-e to sspect anyone withot proof> Mr @efferson replied.

    >Bt at this point the detectives and + feel that he probably is.

    +ndeed it=s a most bafflin0 crime. )owever yo boys aren=t to concern

    yorselves with it.>

    >Bt there may be some connection between the missin0 medals and yor

    0randson=s disappearance> ,ran- s00ested.

    >he only connection is @ohnny=s silly notions> Mr @efferson asserted.

    >+ sppose it was becase he heard the detectives discssin0 the theft

    of the medals so often at the hose here. he boy be0an to thin- he

    cold solve the mystery and started seein0 cles everywhere.


    >hen @ohnny may be wor-in0 on the case ri0ht now?> @oe exclaimed.>Perhaps that=s his secret mission.>

    >6o cold be ri0ht.> Mr @efferson loo-ed very despondent. >And who

    -nows what harm may come to him? @ohnny can be stbborn. hen he sets

    his mind on somethin0 he doesn=t 0ive p easily.>

    he old man si0hed wearily and the )ardys felt that frther Destions

    mi0ht be nwise.

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    >e mst 0et bac- now> ,ran- annonced. >han-s a0ain for yor

    invitation Mr @efferson.>

    heir host smiled wanly crossed the room and opened the drawer of a

    small ornate table. ,rom it he too- a -ey which he handed to ,ran-.

    >)ave a fine vacation all of yo?>

    >e=ll do or best to find @ohnny> @oe added >and let yo -now of or


    hey all shoo- hands then the boys retrieved their coats and said


    As the brothers drove away from the @efferson home @oe trned to

    ,ran- his eyes 0leamin0 with excitement. >A bi0 assi0nment?> he


    >@st the -ind we li-e?> ,ran- 0rinned. >*ne thin0 + have a hnch abot

    @ohnny is not in exas? At least not now. +f he doesn=t want to be

    fond he=d never let on where he really is.>

    >6o=re probably ri0ht> @oe conceded. >ow? + wish it were the day

    after Christmas?>

    ,ran- drove silently for a few mintes seemin0ly intent on threadin0

    his way thro0h the pre3ive yo a penny for =em> @oe said with a 0rin.

    ,ran- smiled. >+=ve been thin-in0 abot Mr @efferson=s idea that there

    are no dan0eros individals involved in this case. + don=t a0ree.>

    >hy not> @oe loo-ed pGGled and frowned.

    >@oe two years a0o a man disappeared probably becase of those

    medals. 1ow a boy who was interested in them is 0one. hen )anlei0h

    trns p tryin0 to force Mr @efferson to sell the island.>

    >+ see what yo mean. 2onds li-e the old case is still plenty hot.>

    ,ran- nodded. >And with a priceless treasre at sta-e we=d better

    watch ot for dan0er.>

    < 7 Mr @efferson appears to be very strict with his 0randson> @oe

    observed. >+=m not srprised that @ohnny wanted to 0o off and prove

    he=s old eno0h to be on his own.>

    ,ran- frowned. >Cold be. Bt he=s also old eno0h to realiGe flly the

    0rief he=s casin0 his 0randfather.>

    pon reachin0 their boathose ,ran- par-ed behind a 0reen car which

    the )ardys reco0niGed as belon0in0 to the )oopers. Biff and Chet hopped

    ot to 0reet their pals.

    @oe and Biff nloc-ed both car boots and they all loo-ed over the 0ear

    each had bro0ht. >+t=ll ta-e some en0ineerin0 to stow all this on the

    2ea0ll> @oe said with a 0roan.

    >And don=t for0et we have to leave some space for food> Chet reminded


    Biff scratched his head. >+t=s all necessary incldin0 my snowshoes.

    Chet has his too.>

    >6o=re lc-y> ,ran- replied. >*rs 0ave ot last winter and we

    haven=t had the money to 0et new ones.>

    he for boys haled their 0ear into the boathose. he streamlined

    hll of the 2ea0ll had been desi0ned with plenty of space for car0o.

    1evertheless they repac-ed it three times before they fond places for

    everythin0. hen they had finished there remained only a few niches

    for boxes of food.

    >hat too- at least an hor?> Biff exclaimed. >e=d better 0et 0oin0.>

    @oe loc-ed the boathose. he friends wished one another a Merry

    Christmas and ,ran- called ot >2ee yo on 2atrday?>

    At dinner ,ran- and @oe told their family abot Mr @efferson=s

    mysteries. Mr and Mrs )ardy and Ant 3ertrde expressed concern abot

    @ohnny and hoped the missin0 boy wold be fond soon.

    ,ran- and @oe went pstairs early in the evenin0 to wrap their 0ifts

    before 0oin0 to bed. +n the mornin0 the brothers awa-ened soon after

    the sn was p.

    >Merry Christmas?> @oe called.

    >2ame to yo?> ,ran- shoted as he leaped ot of bed. he boys dressed

    and ran downstairs.

    >+ can smell the tr-ey roastin0 already?> @oe exclaimed as he reached

    the bottom step.

    Ant 3ertrde bstled ot of the -itchen and scolded cheerflly >+

    shold hope yo do? hat 0obbler wei0hs thirty ponds? 1ow +=ve made

    panca-es and sasa0e and + want yo both to eat properly before the

    confsion be0ins. *h Merry Christmas?>

    he boys ate the tasty brea-fast with Gest.

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    A Mrs )ardy loo-ed at her sons. >Mr @efferson was so -ind to ma-e yor

    otin0 possible> she msed >it=s sad to thin- of him bein0 alone on

    Christmas. hy don=t we invite him to oin s at dinner>

    @oe 0rinned and said >Mother that=s a 0reat idea?>

    >+=ll phone him?> ,ran- hrried off to ma-e the call.

    )e retrned shortly to annonce that Mr @efferson had accepted the

    invitation. >+ said @oe and + wold pic- him p on or way bac- from


    >1ow for or presents?> @oe r0ed impatiently.

    he )ardys went into the livin0 @oeas-ed holdin0 p an obect that resembled a 0nstoc-.

    )is father explained that the attachment was a 0nA nmber

    of private investi0ators have prchased them.>

    >han-s?> they chorsed and ,ran- added >e=ll ta-e it to Cabin


    ,rom her sons Mrs )ardy received a colorfl s-irt and blose set Mr

    )ardy was the happy recipient of handmade does-in slippers and Ant

    3ertrde beamed over a tan cardi0an presented by her nephews.

    As for ,ran- and @oe they were amsed to discover that each had 0iven

    the other a handsome leather watchband. >+ tho0ht yo=d li-e it

    becase it appealed to me> @oe explained with a wide 0rin.

    >2ame here> ,ran- replied.

    >ime for yo to open my presents> said Ant 3ertrde as she handed

    each nephew a bri0htly wrapped pac-a0e. >1ow yo won=t catch yor death

    of cold on this foolish winter vacation?>

    @oe opened his box first and drew ot a pair of fllellAnty + can=t wait to wear this?> he said

    0rinnin0. )e nbttoned the bri0ht crimson sit and plled it on over

    his clothes. @oe did the same and the boys clowned ntil even Ant

    3ertrde was la0hin0 hard.

    hen ,ran- and @oe drove p to the @efferson home later the elderly

    man 0reeted them with >Merry Christmas boys?> Bt there was an

    a0itated rin0 in his voice.

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    >)as anythin0 happened Mr @efferson> ,ran- as-ed Dic-ly.

    he reply was startlin0. >his mornin0 + fond a pac-a0e on the

    doorstep. +t=s a present from @ohnny.> he old man held p the 0ift

    card bearin0 his 0randson=s name. >his is @ohnny=s printin0.>

    he )ardys were astonded. >+s there any cle to where it came from>

    @oe as-ed.

    >here=s no postmar- so the pac-a0e wasn=t mailed> Mr @efferson

    answered >and none of my nei0hbors lives close eno0h to have seen

    the person who left it bt there is a cle in the 0ift itself.>

    ,rom the hall table he too- a rond box and opened it.

    >A can of plm pddin0?> exclaimed @oe.

    >My favorite dessert> said Mr @efferson. >Bt this is the si0nificant

    thin0> he added pointin0 to a clster of fir cones tied clmsily onto

    the can with red ribbon. >hese are ble sprce cones and Cabin +sland

    has many trees of that variety. More than ever + feel sre my boy is

    >Perhaps yor hose-eeper cold tell s when and haw the parcel was

    delivered> ,ran- s00ested.

    >1o> Mr @efferson replied. >Mrs Morley is away on a wee-=s vacation.>

    Mr @efferson donned his coat and loc-ed the hose. hen the three 0ot

    into the car and ,ran- started for home. *n the way he tried to

    reassre the distra0ht man. >Perhaps the 0ift is a si0n that @ohnny

    plans to come home soon. )e probably wanted to 0et bac- into yor 0ood

    0races before retrnin0.>

    Mr @efferson frowned. >hat boy won=t be bac- as lon0 as he has the

    detective b0.>

    Mr and Mrs )ardy and Ant 3ertrde welcomed their 0est warmly and he

    soon appeared to relax and enoy the holiday atmosphere.

    By the time ,ran- and @oe drove their visitor home that evenin0 he was

    smilin0. As ,ran- bro0ht the convertible to a stop in front of the

    @efferson hose @oe said >2ir + have a stron0 feelin0 that @ohnny is

    in this area. ill yo describe him in detail>

    >+=ll do better than that. Come into the hose and +=ll 0ive yo a

    recent snapshot.>

    he )ardy boys followed Mr @efferson p the path. )e nloc-ed the door

    stepped into the hall trned on the li0ht then cried ot in alarm.

    ,ran- and @oe 0asped. ,rnitre had been overtrned and drawers hn0

    open their contents scrambled and strewn abot the floor. he antiDe

    wall ornaments had been rthlessly torn down.

    he three hrried into the livin0

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    drawers or displayed on shelves. he rich red draperies hn0 at craGy

    an0les and one of the crystal chandeliers had been shattered.

    Mr @efferson=s face was white and his hands trembled. ,ran- s00ested

    anxiosly >6o=d better sit down sir. @oe and + will see if the

    person who did this is still on the premises.>

    >1o +=ll be all ri0ht. + have some valable antiDes + mst chec- on

    immediately. 6o boys loo- abot.>

    he )ardys soon discovered that entry had been made by emmyin0 the

    rear door. hey made a thoro0h tor of the hose and circled the

    0ronds. Altho0h the moon shone brilliantly the yon0 sleths cold

    find no cle to the marader.

    >here isn=t even a footprint.> @oe si0hed as he and ,ran- entered the

    hose a0ain. >hoever it was evidently went ri0ht arond the path to

    the bac-?>

    Mr @efferson reported that nothin0 . was missin0 altho0h many

    valable obects had been bro-en. )e handed ,ran- a snapshot of a tallwell)ere is the pictre of @ohnny.>

    ,ran- placed the photo0raph in his wallet. >6o had better report this

    dama0e to the police Mr @efferson> he advised.

    hen the elderly man left the room to telephone @oe mrmred >+ -now

    it sonds craGy bt < do yo thin- that possibly @ohnny is mixed p in


    >1o> ,ran- replied promptly >+ can=t believe he=s that -ind.>

    A short time later 4ietenant aley of the Bayport Police epartment

    arrived. )e inspected the dama0e too- fin0erprints and then

    Destioned the )ardys and Mr @efferson. he officer left sayin0

    headDarters wold notify them if any cles to the vandal trned p.

    he brothers went to bed as soon as they had told their father abot

    the incident. >e=d better 0et to sleep pronto if we=re 0oin0 to start

    early tomorrow> @oe said.

    he boys= alarm cloc- ran0 st as the sn was risin0. ,ran- and @oe

    dressed ate a Dic- brea-fast and 0athered their spplies amon0 which

    were the Christmas 0ifts they had received.

    Chet and Biff were waitin0 otside the )ardys= boathose when the

    brothers drove p. >)ey?> @oe exclaimed as he and ,ran- hopped ot to

    meet them. >hat=s all that> )e pointed to a pile of pac-a0es on the0rond.

    >*r Christmas presents?> Biff replied.

    >+ 0ot sper binoclars> Chet crowed. >And loo-? A portable

    ltraviolet li0ht for identifyin0 roc-s and minerals.>

    >)ow abot this> Biff bro-e in holdin0 p a lar0e box. >Barbells? +

    have the wei0hts too. And

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    >,ellows?> ,ran- interrpted. >e=ll never fit all this stff onto the


    >+ see yo and @oe bro0ht some of yor Christmas loot> Chet 0rmbled.

    >*nly what=s really needed> ,ran- insisted. >2now shoes and a camera.

    Chet yor binoclars will be 0reat? he rest will have to stay in


    Biff and Chet 0ave in 0rd0in0ly. >My father drove s here> said Biff.

    >Bt yo=ll have to drive s bac- to drop these thin0s off.>

    >2re. ,irst let=s pt the food in the 2ea0ll> ,ran- said. he boys

    did so then @oe loc-ed the boathose. he for went off in the

    convertible and the extra items were retrned to the Morton and )ooper


    As ,ran- once more reached the harbor par-in0 area a startled

    expression crossed his face. >idn=t yo loc- p before we left> he

    as-ed @oe.

    >2re + did?> @oe 0lped. All for boys stared in disbelief at the area

    between the par-ed cars and the )ardys= boathose.

    heir spplies which had been in the 2ea0ll were scattered in all

    directions over the 0rond?

    < 9 his reminds me of the dama0e at Mr @efferson=s place

    last ni0ht?>

    >+t=s too similar to be st coincidence> @oe a0reed. >And yet +

    can=t thin- of any lo0ical connection between the two brea-

    >hat are yo two tal-in0 abot> Chet as-ed impatiently.

    @oe Dic-ly told of the incident at Mr @efferson=s hose.

    >3oodness? hat sonds a lot worse than this mess> said Chet. >ho=d

    do sch a thin0>

    >2earch me.> @oe frowned tho0htflly. >Maybe someone who wants reven0e

    on Mr @efferson ransac-ed his hose < then fond ot ,ran- and + are

    0oin0 to wor- on his mystery so the same creep did this to spite s.>

    >Bt who> Chet persisted neasily.

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    >hat abot the wise 0y we met on Cabin +sland> Biff pt in. >he one

    who tried to 0et to0h.>

    @oe shr00ed and threw a 0lance at his brother. >Any hnches ,ran->=

    ,ran- nodded. >+=ve been wonderin0 abot that bi0 fellow myself. e

    fond ot his name by the way < its )anlei0h. )e=s been tryin0 to by

    the island from Mr @efferson.>

    2ddenly @oe 0ave a start. >2ay? e o0ht to chec- the boathose?

    Maybe )e stopped in mid Biff stormed


    @oe was frios. >2ome nerve < smashin0 his way in?>

    @st then a voice spo-e from the doorway. >)i fellows? hat=s 0oin0


    he for trned to see their friend ony Prito. ony a slender dar-)i ony> @oe said deectedly. >e were 0one for a short time and

    st 0ot bac- to find this mess?>

    ony shoo- his head. >o0h brea-? + heard abot yor trip and came

    down to see yo off.>

    >Any chance yo cold oin s> ,ran- as-ed. >e=d be 0lad to sail bac-

    for yo.>

    >1o bt than-s> ony replied. >+ promised ad +=d help him ot drin0

    Christmas vacation and drive one of the trc-s.> Mr Prito was a bsy

    bildin0 contractor in Bayport.

    espite the npleasant sitation Chet cold not resist a o-e. >hat=s

    0oin0 on in constrction this time of year 6o bildin0 an i0loo>

    he others chc-led and ony said >hen + plled p in ad=s trc- +

    noticed +-e 1ash and ad Carson rnnin0 down the road from here.>

    >+-e and ad a0ain?> @oe exclaimed.

    he )ardys= minds filled with Destions. ere +-e and ad the malicios

    visitors id they see- reven0e for the dama0e to the )aw- by disablin0

    the )ardys= icehey=re not 0oin0 to stop s> @oe said determinedly. >Come on? e=ll

    st have to stow all or 0ear onto the 3ll a0ain.>

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    >And we need to ma-e repairs> ,ran- added. >Chet and Biff will yo

    ta-e or car and pic- p the spare sail in or 0ara0e +n the meantime

    @oe and + will repac-.>

    >Ri0ht> Chet a0reed ta-in0 the i0nition -ey which ,ran- handed him.

    >*n the way> @oe pt in >why not by s for police whistles e may

    need them for si0nallin0 on the island.>

    >And we=d better replace that windowpane> ,ran- said.

    >on=t worry abot the 0lass> ony said. >+ have some spare in the

    trc-. +=ll fix the window.>

    ,ran- and @oe resmed pac-in0 the 2ea0ll while ony wor-ed on the

    boathose window.

    As ,ran- arran0ed the spplies he noticed that the seat belts had been


    >hat=s to0h> said @oe. >e have no spares.>

    he boys wor-ed in silence for a while. hen ,ran- said >@oe this

    case trobles me. + can=t help wonderin0 if there may be somethin0 more

    behind @ohnny @efferson=s disappearance than his 0randfather sspects.>

    @oe 0lanced at his brother -eenly. >hat do yo mean o yo have a


    >1o not yet. Bt if @ohnny is on Cabin +sland < or has been there

    >Cold be> @oe conceded. >Personally +=d li-e to 0et a line on +-e

    and ad. + have a feelin0 those 0ys are p to somethin0 besides

    0ettin0 even with s < bt don=t as- me what.>

    hen the )ardys had finished stowin0 everythin0 aboard the 2ea0ll

    ony was pic-in0 ot the last bits of a00ed 0lass from the window

    frame. @oe helped him install the new pane and the )ardys reimbrsed

    their friend for the 0lass.

    >+=d better 0o now> ony said. >+=m de to meet ad on a ob. )ave a

    swell time?>

    >6o bet. han-s for pitchin0 in> said ,ran-. Presently he trned to

    @oe. >+ have a hnch that we=ll find a lot of answers to the mystery atCabin +sland.>

    >6es if we ever 0et there?> @oe 0rmbled impatiently. >*ne more delay

    and this=ll be a sprin0 vacation?>

    ,ran- 0rinned. >+ thin- we=re in bsiness. )ere come Chet and Biff with

    the spare sail?>

    he boys too- the 2ea0ll otside where they be0an replacin0 the torn

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    sail. hey wor-ed dexterosly tho0h their hands 0rew red and nmb

    from the cold.

    >his is a ro0h ob> Biff said 0rimly.

    >+t woldn=t be so bad> ,ran- replied >bt some of the ri00in0=s been

    slashed too.> @oe bro0ht a coil of rope from the boathose and helped

    his brother repair the dama0e. hen they reinforced the rined seat

    belts with rope.

    >1ot only did those troblema-ers delay s they=ve made me wait

    overtime for my lnch?> Chet complained >)ey? as any of the food


    ,ran- la0hed. >As far as we can tell Chet every morsel is intact?

    Evidently +-e and ad aren=t thieves or 0lttons.>

    >hat=s the best yo can say for them> Biff said scornflly.

    >ell we=re set for some hard @oe annonced

    he )ardys replaced their tools in a -it. hey made sre that the

    convertible and the boathose doors were loc-ed. hen the for pt on

    0o00les and helmets. ,ran- too- his place at the tiller while Chet and

    Biff climbed aboard. @oe shoved the 2ea0ll before him with short

    rnnin0 steps ntil the sail ca0ht the wind.

    >ow? 2ome load?> he 0asped mpin0 in beside ,ran-.

    >,ll speed ahead for Cabin +sland?> Chet cried ot. >+=m starvin0?>

    he 2ea0ll swooped downwind near the shore of Barmet Bay. +t was a

    clear sharp day and the spar-lin0 sn made the ice 0leam li-e 0lass.

    As the boat passed thro0h the narrow inlet and 0lided towards Cabin

    +sland Chet chortled. >+=d li-e to see )anlei0h try to throw s ot

    this time? e have the -ey?>

    >Anyone who cases troble < let me at him?> Biff san0 ot 0aily.

    Bt ,ran- loo-ed 0rave. )e pointed to the pine tree where they had

    par-ed the 2ea0ll on their first visit.

    An icehe )aw-?>

    >+t=s been repaired> ,ran- observed.

    >And ready for more troble?> @oe 0roaned.

    < % )anlei0h and his two stoo0es> Biff replied. >)e=s climbin0 ot now

    bt +-e and ad are stayin0 in the boat.>

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    Biff handed the binoclars to ,ran-. Clampin0 them to his eyes he saw

    )anlei0h movin0 alone p the slope towards the cabin. A sdden

    inspiration strc- ,ran-.

    >4et=s 0et the 0oods on him @oe. )ow abot sin0 yor selfdevelopin0

    camera 6o can photo0raph )anlei0h from here with the telescopic lens.>

    >3reat idea?> @oe exclaimed. >)e=d probably deny he was on this island.

    +f we have proof he was there we may be able to blff him into tellin0

    s what he=s after.>

    @oe too too- a hasty loo- thro0h the binoclars before passin0 them

    on to Chet then removed the camera from its case focsed it and

    clic-ed the shtter. >+=ll leave the print in the camera ntil we 0et

    bac-. 4et=s 0o?>

    >ait a second?> exclaimed ,ran- who had ta-en over the 0lasses a0ain.

    >hat=s )anlei0h doin0 now> Biff as-ed as ,ran- shifted the binoclars


    >)e=s circlin0 the cabin < hey? )e=s stoppin0 at the chimney? 4oo-s as

    if he=s examinin0 it.>

    )anlei0h had a stic- with which he tapped and po-ed at the stonewor-.

    Presently he stopped and disappeared amon0 the trees.

    >Bet he=s leavin0> said ,ran-. >Come on fellows?>

    he boys hrried from the cabin donned their snowshoes a0ain and made

    their way down the slope. 2oon they reached the 2ea0ll. All climbed

    aboard except Biff who pshed the iceyacht to a rnnin0 start.

    As the 3ll swooped across the cove to Cabin +sland @oe pointed toward

    the entrance to the bay. >)anlei0h=s leavin0. here 0oes the )aw-?>

    Biff trned the binoclars on the speedin0 craft and shoo- his head.

    >)anlei0h isn=t aboard. +-e and ad are alone.>

    >)anlei0h mst still be on the island?> @oe cried ot. >)rry ,ran-?>

    >Ri0ht?> )is brother s-ilflly manoevred the 2ea0ll ta-in0 fll

    advanta0e of every 0st of wind. >1o dobt +-e and ad will come bac-

    for )anlei0h later> ,ran- added as he steered for the boathose.

    >4ater +t=s nearly evenin0 already?> Chet observed. >+=ll bet that 0y

    plans to stay all ni0ht?>

    Biff hooted. >here wold he sleep nder a roc->

    @oe loo-ed tho0htfl. >Maybe yo have somethin0 Chet. )anlei0h may

    -now of a secret shelter on the island < perhaps a cave somewhere alon0

    the shore.>

    ,ran- bro0ht the 2ea0ll to the boathose and as he pt it inside

    the boys discssed the stran0e action of +-e and ad.

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    >+ wonder why they too- off> @oe said. >e heard them a0reein0 to spy

    on )anlei0h bt now for some reason they seem to have chan0ed their


    >Maybe those two have deliberately stranded )anlei0h?> ,ran- exclaimed.

    >6o mean> said his brother >+-e and ad tried to cash in on

    )anlei0h=s deal and he told them to 0et lost.>

    >Ri0ht> said ,ran-. >2o now they=re 0ettin0 even by leavin0 him

    marooned here.>

    Carryin0 their snowshoes the for strode thro0h the deep snowdrifts

    towards the cabin. ar-ness was comin0 on rapidlyJ and they moved li-e

    stealthy +ndians -eepin0 a wary loo-ot for the intrder. )owever

    they saw no si0n of their enemy either on the way or near the cabin.

    Catiosly ,ran- opened the door entered and lit the lamp. he place

    loo-ed ntoched. Everyone crowded in.

    >Brr Chet shivered. >+t=s icy in here. 4et=s 0et a fire 0oin0.>

    2oon a cheerfl blaGe was crac-lin0 in the fireplace and a woodstove

    fire added its warmth.

    >Boy that heat sre feels 0ood> Chet said 0rateflly rbbin0 his

    hands to0ether over the potbellied stove. >1ow for some chow?>

    >)old it?> ,ran- said. >e still haven=t located )anlei0h. +f he=s not

    here in the cabin < >

    >e don=t -now that for certain> @oe ct in. >here=s one place we

    still haven=t loo-ed.>

    >here> Biff as-ed.

    >he attic.>

    ,ran- snapped his fin0ers. >6o=re ri0ht < + for0ot that. e=d better


    >3ive me a boost> @oe said >and +=ll soon find ot.>

    ,ran- and Biff each too- one of @oe=s le0s and hoisted him towards the

    ceilin0. Pshin0 open the trap door @oe clambered p into the attic

    and shone his flashli0ht all arond thro0h the chilly msty dar-ness.

    >)ow abot it> ,ran- called impatiently from below.

    >1o si0n of him.>

    he others were neasily silent as @oe lowered himself thro0h the

    ceilin0 openin0 a0ain and dropped to the floor lettin0 the trap door

    fall sht behind him.

    hen Biff voiced what each boy was thin-in0. >)anlei0h=s 0ot to be

    somewhere on this island < nless he hi-ed bac- to the mainland.>

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    >ell there=s only one way to ma-e sre> said @oe.

    Chet 0ave a 0roan. >3ood 0rief? on=t tell me we have to 0o ot and

    beat the bshes a0ain. +=m starved?>

    >3ess we all are> ,ran- said with a wry 0rin. >Bt + a0ree with @oe.

    +f )anlei0h=s s-l-in0 arond the island anywhere we=d better find him

    < and the sooner the better.>

    >Chec-? e sre don=t want that creep comin0 bac- in the middle of the

    ni0ht to play any dirty tric-s on s> Biff pointed ot.

    Chet=s plmp rddy chee-s trned a shade paler at the prospect of

    another ni0ht of 0hostly episodes. >*-ay o-ay> he said hastily.

    >4et=s 0et it over with.>

    Pllin0 on their heavy ac-ets a0ain the boys went otdoors to ma-e a

    thoro0h search. ,lashli0ht beams probed behind trees and into clmps

    of bshes. An hor later they met inside the cabin tired arid cold.

    hey had not fond their Darry nor any hidin0 place where he mi0htta-e shelter overni0ht.

    ,rownin0 @oe fln0 off his otdoor clothes and sat down crossle00ed on

    the r0 in front of the hearth.

    >)anlei0h mst have snea-ed across the ice> he conclded po-in0 the


    ,ran- thrst his fists into his poc-ets. >+=m 0oin0 to find ot what

    that 0y was doin0 here?> he declared.

    >ell +=ve had eno0h mystery for a while> Chet spo-e p. >+=m

    startin0 dinner?> he plmp boy headed for the -itchen. A moment later

    he came rnnin0 bac- to the livin0+t=s 0one?> he wailed.

    >hat=s 0one> ,ran- as-ed.

    >he food? here=s not a bit left?>

    >)anlei0h +=ll bet?> Biff declared an0rily.

    >Chet> @oe Deried >are yo sre the food is not there >

    >6es? 4ast ni0ht + pt the boxes of 0rb we didn=t se in the

    cpboards. 6o fellows saw me?>

    ,or a moment the for hn0ry boys stared at one another in dismay. hen,ran- said >+ can=t believe )anlei0h came here to steal or food.

    Probably he hid the spplies st to inconvenience s so we=d leave.

    4et=s chec- to see if they=re stashed somewhere in the cabin.>

    he food cold not be fond. >e=ll have to 0o to town for more

    0roceries> Chet r0ed.

    >+t=s too dar- to ta-e the 2ea0ll ot> ,ran- reminded him.

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    >e cold always 0o home for spplies> said Chet.

    >1ot me?> exclaimed @oe. >1o sirree ?> )e 0rinned wryly. >+ can hear

    Ant 3ertrde sayin0 =+ told yo so.

    >e=d loo- li-e 0reat detectives> his brother a0reed >when somebody

    can steal the food ri0ht ot from nder or noses.>

    >hat=s ri0ht> said Biff. >Besides it=s a lon0 cold wal- to the car.>

    >*h no?> Chet moaned as he san- down on the sofa his hands on his

    ample stomach. >+=ll starve?>

    >1ot for a month or two.> Biff assred him.

    >)anlei0h=s mi0hty ea0er to have s 0ive p this vacation> @oe said

    tho0htflly. >+ wish we -new why.>

    >*f corse we don=t -now for sre he did steal the food> ,ran- stated.

    >Maybe somebody else was here and too- it.>

    >ell at least we have proof )anlei0h was on the island while we were

    away> @oe reminded the others. >+=ll 0et that photo?>

    )e opened the camera and removed the snaphat is it> ,ran- as-ed as he Chet and Biff hrried over.

    >)anlei0h=s not alone?> @oe exclaimed.

    he photo0raph showed him standin0 by the chimney holdin0 the stot

    stic- with which he had been tappin0 and po-in0. 2ome distance behind

    him partially hidden amon0 the trees was another fi0re. he stran0er

    was dar- and slim and was dressed in a lon0 flowin0 white robe. A

    trban covered his head?

    < $$ )E 0host that Chet saw?> ,ran- exclaimed as he stared at the snapshotof the white6 Chet as-ed incredlosly.

    >+t cold be?> @oe declared. >+ wonder who this person is how he 0ot

    here and where he is now.>

    >Perhaps he came with )anlei0h> Biff s00ested.

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    >+ dobt it> ,ran- replied. >4oo- at the way the fellow=s standin0

    bac- in the shadow of the trees almost as if he was spyin0 on


    ,ran- pased then added >,irst thin0 tomorrow @oe and + will 0o to

    the mainland and phone +-e and ad. +f they=re sore at )anlei0h maybe

    they=ll 0ive s a lead on what his 0ame is.>

    >6es and we=ll as- if they=re rnnin0 a taxi service for a 0host?> @oe


    >Maybe this trbaned Chet remar-ed. >2ay what

    are we 0oin0 to do abot that>

    ,ran- la0hed. >omorrow @oe and + will by spplies. Bt yo and Biff

    will have to stay and 0ard the island.>

    >+=ll admit +=m hn0ry as a bear too> @oe said.

    >4i-ewise?> Biff pt in.

    >ell fellows> Chet be0an sheepishly >+here are they> as-ed @oe. >e searched all over this place?>

    Chet went into the bedroom he and Biff shared and retrned with five

    thic- sandwiches in a lar0e plastic ba0.

    >Come on? here=d yo hide them> Biff as-ed.

    >+n the bottom of my sleepin0 ba0.>

    >6o weren=t thin-in0 of an emer0ency?> @oe scoffed. >his was to be

    yor midni0ht snac-?>

    >Aren=t yo 0lad?> Chet contered.

    >6o win> ,ran- said and they devored the sandwiches.

    Early the next mornin0 ,ran- and @oe felt insistent fin0ers tappin0

    them awa-e. >3et p?> Chet implored. >6o have to 0o after 0roceries.>

    he )ardys dressed hrriedly. ,ran- told Biff and Chet >hile we=reaway yo mi0ht search the island for or stolen 0rb. Chances are that

    )anlei0h hid it all in one place not far from the cabin.>

    ,ran- and @oe set off in the icePlace is really hoppin0

    isn=t it> ,ran- chc-led srveyin0 the tiny weatherworn hoses many

    of them boarded p.

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    >Anyway here=s a phone.> @oe pointed to an otside

    booth. )e stood by and listened while his brother dialled +-e 1ash=s


    >1o answer> ,ran- reported. >+=ll try ad.>

    he Carson boy was home bt his responses to ,ran-=s Deries were rde

    and nco+ don=t -now anythin0> ad insisted. >)anlei0h told s to scram and

    not to snoop arond. 2o we left.>

    >)ow abot a man wearin0 a white robe id yo taxi him to Cabin +sland


    >hite robe 6o=re nts?> ad 0fawed and hn0 p abrptly.

    >hat didn=t accomplish mch> ,ran- said wryly as he and @oe wal-ed

    away from the booth. >4et=s see if we can find a place to by food.>

    Presently the boys stopped at a small wooden bildin0. A si0n above thedoor proclaimed:

    3E1ERA4 2*RE AM*2 3R+CE PR*P.

    As the boys entered a short elderly man with a bald crown and s-inny

    wattled nec- eyed them intently from his chair beside a blac-

    potbellied stove.

    >And what mi0ht yo lads be after> he chirped.

    >)ello> said ,ran-. >e=re here for some 0roceries. Are yo Mr 3rice>

    >6ep. *dd to see stran0e faces arond these parts here this time o=

    year> the store-eeper remar-ed.

    >e=re ro0hin0 it near here> @oe told the man.

    Amos 3rice clc-ed. >Most fol-s prefer sittin= by a fire when winter

    comes on. ell yo=re ot early this mornin=?>

    >1ecessity> @oe replied. >2omebody stole or spplies.>

    >+ declare?> he old man loo-ed startled. >on=t tell me there=s more

    fol-s tre--in= abot in all this cold and snow?>

    >2eems that way.> @oe 0rinned as he and ,ran- be0an to pic- ot canned

    0oods and other food items.

    >here=d yo boys say yo=re stayin=> the store-eeper as-ed when the

    )ardys bro0ht their prchases to the conter.

    >*n Cabin +sland> @oe replied.

    >Cabin +sland?> Mr 3rice repeated in srprise. >)as Elroy @efferson

    sold the place>

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    >1o> ,ran- told him. >Mr @efferson is lettin0 s se his cabin drin0

    or Christmas vacation.>

    ,ran- paid the store-eeper who then commented >Elroy @efferson=s a

    fine sort. )aven=t seen him in a while. hat=s he doin=>

    >)e seems to -eep bsy travellin0 and collectin0 antiDes> @oe replied.

    Mr 3rice propped his elbows on the conter and said tho0htflly

    >Elroy @efferson sed to come in here every esday for spplies and

    the little fellow with him. )e loved @ohnny li-e his own son. And

    where=s the yon0ster nowadays>

    >e don=t -now Mr 3rice> ,ran- answered not wishin0 to reveal

    anythin0 abot their case to the friendly bt 0ossipy proprietor.

    >Mr @efferson was always craGy abot antiDes> the store-eeper went

    on. >+ recall how pset he was when his medal collection disappeared.>

    >)ave yo any idea what happened to it> @oe as-ed.

    >1ope. All + -now is the medals disappeared and so did @ohn 2parewell

    by some mi0hty bi0 coincidence.> >o people believe he stole the

    medals> ,ran- as-ed.

    >1ot that +=ve heard. Bt it was odd he vanished at the same time.>

    he )ardys exchan0ed 0lances bt did not comment and 3rice went on:

    >6o -now boys st abot a wee- a0o a fellow was in here as-in=

    abot @efferson=s medals. + hadn=t tho0ht of =em in years before this

    fellow came by. 2omehow + didn=t feel ri0ht to tell him a thin0 so +


    >ho was this man> ,ran- as-ed.

    >on=t -now. 1ever seen him before. )e was a scary sort < dressed p

    li-e )alloween. )e had somethin= wrapped arond his head.>

    he )ardys= tho0hts flew to the >0host.> @oe as-ed >o yo remember

    anythin0 else abot the person id he tell yo why he was interested

    in the medals>

    Amos 3rice wrin-led his brow. >+ 0ot rid of that spoo-y fellow soon=s +


    After a few more mintes of conversation the boys said 0oodbye and

    left. hey wal-ed Dic-ly towards the 2ea0ll.

    >hat do yo thin- of Mr 3rice=s =scary= visitor> @oe as-ed his


    ,ran- replied >+=m sre it was the man in the trban and the white

    robe. And he=s apparently interested in the medals too.>

    >2ay?> @oe exclaimed. >Maybe he is in lea0e with )anlei0h. +=ll bet

    they=re both after the collection and thin- there=s some cle to it on

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    the island.>

    he boys climbed into the 2ea0ll with their ba0s of 0roceries. >+=ll

    concentrate on yor hnch while yo ta-e a trn at the tiller> ,ran-

    told @oe.

    >2well with me?> @oe 0rinned.

    *t on the bay the 2ea0ll swerved and dipped li-e a live thin0. >he

    wind=s pic-ed p?> @oe called ot.

    >+=ll say?>

    @oe deftly 0ided the ice4ean?> @oe shoted. he boys shifted their wei0ht and @oe threw all

    his stren0th a0ainst the tiller while ,ran- trimmed the sail. he boat

    be0an to trn bt the a00ed roc-s loomed close.

    >e=re 0oin0 to hit?> yelled @oe bracin0 himself for the splinterin0


    Bt the vessel s-immed pasthew?> ,ran- said with a bi0 si0h of relief.

    @oe loo-ed 0rim. >e=re not ot of troble yet. his wind is tric-y?>

    2tron0 0sts contined to bffet the craft bt the boys were able to

    control it. At last the wind moderated and @oe steered their craft

    thro0h the narrow inlet to the island.

    hen the 2ea0ll was safe inside the boathose Chet and Biff came

    bondin0 thro0h the snow to meet the )ardys.

    >hat was 0reat sailin0?> Biff exclaimed. >e were watchin0 yo.>

    >+t was ro0h> @oe admitted handin0 the 0roceries to Chet who

    reached ot ea0erly for the ba0s. >+=m afraid the e00s are scrambled?>

    >+f they aren=t now they will be?> the coo- replied and headed

    strai0ht for the -itchen. A short time later the for sat down to a

    delicios brea-fast.

    After the )ardys had reported on the trip to 2rfside Biff and Chettold of their failre to locate the stolen spplies.

    >4et=s loo- once more> ,ran- s00ested and explained that ad and his

    pal -new nothin0 of )anlei0h=s departre from the island.

    >And he certainly didn=t carry those heavy boxes across the ice?> @oe

    stated. All footprints had been obliterated by the wind

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    >Chances are they=re hidden nearby> ,ran- said. >e=ll 0o withot

    snowshoes this time so we can -ic- p the drifts.>

    As soon as brea-fast was over they set ot. ,irst they searched in the

    snow which had piled a0ainst the cabin bt fond nothin0.

    >)anlei0h probably carried the boxes ot the bac-> said ,ran- leadin0

    the way to the -itchen door. >here is the nearest bi0 drift>

    he boys loo-ed arond. @oe pointed to a mond of snow ban-ed hi0h

    a0ainst a lar0e sprce at the ed0e of the clearin0.

    he for hrried over and be0an -ic-in0 into the drift. 2ddenly Biff

    cried >*ch?>

    >hat=s wron0> as-ed @oe.

    >2tbbed my toe on the tree?> Biff answered.

    >)ey < no? +t=s a can of frit?> )e loo-ed startled.

    Chet d0 ea0erly into the snow and 0ave a whoop of oy. >)ere=s the


    he boys carried the containers of food to the -itchen. >his time we

    npac- everythin0> Chet declared. >hen it won=t be so easy for

    someone to cart off?>

    As ,ran- helped to remove the contents his hand came pon a small

    brown noteboo- lyin0 as-ew between two cans of beans. )e plc-ed it ot.

    >4oo- at this?>

    >hose is it>

    ,ran- thmbed thro0h the damp pa0es most of which were torn loose.

    >Cold this be the noteboo- we saw )anlei0h sin0> as-ed @oe.

    ,ran- examined a few more pa0es and 0ave a low whistle of srprise. >+

    dobt it. 2ee here. he name on the inside cover is @ohn Pal


    >2parewell?> @oe exclaimed.

    Biff shoo- his head bewildered. >hat was 2parewell doin0 here id he

    ta-e or stff )ow many people are wanderin0 arond this island


    ,ran- placed the noteboo- on the table where they all cold examine it

    and be0an trnin0 more pa0es.

    >ow? 2ee this?> Biff exclaimed.

    *ne of the loose pa0es contained a crdely drawn map. >hat=s Cabin

    +sland?> the boys cried ot in nison.

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    Another entry concerned rental of a boat.

    >hether or not 2parewell has been here recently it loo-s as tho0h he

    was comin0 to Cabin +sland re0larly at one time> @oe remar-ed. >@st

    li-e )anlei0h is now?>

    *n a pa0e near the bac- of the noteboo- the boys fond a list of

    receipts for small sms. >2parewell evidently had very little money>

    ,ran- commented.

    >)e had problems tho0h> @oe observed. >Read the next item.>

    he scrawled script said >Appointment with r Bordan on 2at. My

    condition worse. old appeal to @ bt am afraid.>

    >+ wonder if @ is for @efferson> ,ran- msed. >+t sonds as tho0h

    2parewell was very ill. Perhaps he didn=t live lon0 after ma-in0 these


    >+ don=t believe 2parewell was the one who dropped this noteboo-> @oe

    reasoned. >)e=d have froGen to death over here.> he boy frowned inperplexity as he trned to the last pa0e. All for stared at it in


    >hat -ind of lin0o is that> Biff 0lped.

    he letters at the bottom of the pa0e were

    )@*2 2)R@1 )42EPA RPA* A E* 2P APP* 424

    >A coded messa0e?> ,ran- exclaimed.

    < $5 @oe declared as the for boys

    contined to stare at the mysterios letters in the tattered noteboo-.

    >)ow will we ever fi0re it ot> Chet as-ed.

    >here are several methods of decipherin0> ,ran- replied. >ad hastold @oe and me somethin0 abot it and we=ve read a few of his boo-s

    on crypto0raphy.>

    >Can yo ma-e anythin0 ot of this messa0e> Biff as-ed.

    >1ot ri0ht off> ,ran- replied. >+t=s some -ind of sbstittion system

    at any rate.>

    >he first thin0 to loo- for is transposition> @oe explained. >All the

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    letters of the actal text < what=s really meant < may be present bt

    reversed or scambled.>

    >here mst be contless possibilities> remar-ed Biff >once yo start

    pttin0 one letter in place of another.>

    >6es which ma-es decipherin0 very difficlt> ,ran- a0reed. >Bt +

    remember several of the standard patterns. +=ll se some of the blan-

    pa0es in the noteboo- and try them.>

    ,ran- wor-ed for more than half an hor while the others loo-ed on and

    made varios combinations of the letters he otted down.

    >+=m stymied> ,ran- admitted finally.

    Biff frowned. >)ow did )anlei0h 0et hold of this noteboo- oes he -now


    >)anlei0h mi0ht have swiped it> @oe said.

    he )ardys pondered their next move. @oe s00ested they ta-e the iceAnd on the way show Amos 3rice the pictre too> ,ran- added.

    A stop at the )ardy home also was inclded in the day=s plans in case

    the boys= father had any more information on the >alley> cat.

    Chet heaved a h0e si0h. >hich means Biff and + stand 0ard here.>

    @oe 0rinned. >)ow=d yo 0ess>

    After a Dic- lnch the )ardys pt on their par-as and boots. >+=m

    ta-in0 the camera alon0> @oe said. >+t may come in handy a0ain.>

    he )ardys climbed into the 2ea0ll and headed for 2rfside. At the

    doc- @oe tied p while ,ran- bra-ed and slac-ened sail. hen they

    strode off to the 0eneral store.

    Amos 3rice seated by the stove slapped his -nee when ,ran- and @oe

    wal-ed in. >3lad to see yo two. hief steal yor food a0ain>

    >1o sir> ,ran- said. >e came to show yo this.> )e handed the

    snapshot to Mr 3rice. he store-eeper stared at it then handed the

    pictre bac- withot comment.

    >Mr 3rice> @oe inDired >is this the man who as-ed yo abot Mr@efferson=s medals>

    Amos 3rice drew his lips into a thin firm line.

    >6ep. +t=s him. Bt there=s some spoo-y bsiness 0oin= on and + don=t

    want any part of it.>

    >id this man say somethin0 to fri0hten yo> @oe persisted. >id he

    threaten yo>

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    Mr 3rice loo-ed 0rim. >1o. Bt +=m not mixin= in with any scary


    he )ardys cold see that the store-eeper wold say no more on the

    sbect. hey than-ed him and retrned to the 2ea0ll. A bris- wind

    sped them towards Bayport. hey tied p otside their boathose and

    drove home.

    Mrs )ardy 0reeted her red)as somethin0 terrible happened to Chet or Biff>

    >1o. hy Anty> @oe as-ed.

    >hat sdden snowstorm. + was scared stiff for yo boys. 2ome trees

    blew down over here.>

    ,ran- 0rinned. >e weathered it < howlin0 banshee and all.>

    >A what> Mrs )ardy as-ed and her sons told of the whistlin0 bottle.

    >ell +=m relieved to -now that=s all the troble yo ran into> Mrs

    )ardy said.

    >*h there was more> @oe said. >By the way where=s ad>

    >*t of town. Bt he left a messa0e. +t=s in a sealed envelope on his


    ,ran- and @oe hastened to their father=s stdy fond the envelope

    addressed to them and tore it open. +nside was a terse note tellin0

    them that fin0erprints fond by the police in Mr @efferson=s ransac-ed

    hose were those of )anlei0h. hey had been identified by the ,B+ in

    ashin0ton where the federal a0ency had a record of interstate frads

    involvin0 )anlei0h several years before. he local police were loo-in0

    for him.

    >Aha? A con man. e mi0ht have -nown> mmbled @oe.

    he messa0e went on to warn the boys a0ain to be catios and ended

    >@st as in fishin0 thro0h the ice yo have to be patient. +=m

    confident that yo=ll land this bi0 one.>

    ,ran- and @oe were more excited abot the case than ever. ith a Dic->0oodbye> to their mother and Ant 3ertrde they hastened into their

    car and drove directly to Mr @efferson=s place.

    >,ran- and @oe?> the elderly 0entleman exclaimed when he answered the

    doorbell. >1ice to see yo? 4et me ta-e yor ac-ets < my hose-eeper

    is still away. Come ri0ht in. + hope yo are enoyin0 yor trip.>

    >e=re havin0 a fine vacation> said ,ran- as they too- seats. >e

    wanted to as- yo abot a few thin0s.> ,ran- handed over the snapshot.

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    >)ave yo ever seen this fellow>

    Mr @efferson stared at it in perplexity. >hat in the world?> he

    exclaimed. >+=ve never seen any sch individal? id yo ta-e this

    photo0raph on Cabin +sland>

    >6es sir> @oe replied and explained abot the camera with the

    telescopic lens. he )ardys also told how they had observed )anlei0h

    examinin0 the fireplace and of overhearin0 +-e and ad=s conversation

    in the boathose.

    >he police informed me it was he who bro-e into my hose> Mr

    @efferson said indi0nantly. >he rascal? )e shold be pnished.>

    he boys promised to do their tmost to apprehend him and ,ran- told

    Mr @efferson of findin0 the carved ice@ohnny sed to ma-e ice he exclaimed.

    >*h oh?> @oe said sheepishly. >,ran- + for0ot to brin0 the model.+t=s still on the mantel.>

    >+ mst see it> Mr @efferson said.

    >Can yo come to the island with s> ,ran- as-ed.

    >By all means?>

    he three set off in the convertible for the boathose. hen he saw the

    2ea0ll Mr @efferson loo-ed apprehensive. >+=ve never been in one of

    these contraptions. + nderstand they move rather swiftly.>

    >e=ll pt a rope seat belt on yo and we=ll be carefl> @oe assred

    him. )e 0ave the elderly 0entleman a spare helmet and 0o00les from the

    boathose then helped him aboard.

    After a few moments of neasiness at the speed of the 2ea0ll and the

    nearness of the ice which flew beneath them Mr @efferson appeared to

    relax and enoy his ride. By the time they swept p to Cabin +sland he

    was almost enthsiastic. >+ never made better time in a motorboat?> )e


    hen the three entered the cabin ,ran- introdced Chet and Biff. Mr

    @efferson too- a lon0 slow loo- arond the room then spotted the

    carved vessel on the mantel. At once he hrried over to see it.

    >@ohnny made this?> he said with certainty liftin0 the boat andrnnin0 his fin0ers over its polished srface. >+=m convinced he did

    this carvin0 recently. +t=s by far his finest.>

    >id @ohnny teach himself woodwor-in0> Chet as-ed in admiration.

    >6es> Mr @efferson replied prodly. >he boy became intri0ed with


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    1ext the )ardys showed Mr @efferson the noteboo- containin0 the

    mysterios code and explained how they had fond it. he man stdied

    the boo- sha-in0 his head in amaGement. >his is the first +=ve heard

    of 2parewell in two years?> he declared. >he cipher is a complete

    pGGle to me bt the boo- is exactly li-e him < methodical to the last


    >hy wold 2parewell ma-e a map of Cabin +sland> ,ran- Deried.

    >+ can=t ima0ine what interest he mi0ht have had in the island.> ith a

    si0h the old man pshed the boo- away. >+=m weary> he said. >+=d

    better retrn.>

    *nce more the )ardys and Mr @efferson set off in the 2ea0ll towards


    2ddenly @oe shoted >4oo- ot?> ,ran- 0lanced abot and saw another

    craft s-immin0 strai0ht for

    them. +ts two occpants wore woollen face mas-s 0ivin0 them a

    0rotesDe appearance.

    ith swift teamwor- the )ardys swn0 the 2ea0ll ot of the collision


    >+t=s the )aw-?> @oe 0asped.

    Mr @efferson 0ave a hoarse cry. >)ere they come a0ain?>

    As the other vessel swooped alon0side one of the men lifted a short

    stot lo0 from his lap and hrled it at the speedin0 2ea0ll.

    hd? +t was a sDare hit on the how. ith a sic-enin0 swerve the

    2ea0ll capsiGed. he temporary seat belts 0ave way. he )ardys and

    their passen0er were fln0 across the ice?

    < $( )e=s nconscios?> ,ran- said and pointed to a swellin0 lmp on Mr

    @efferson=s temple.

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    @oe ran to the 2ea0ll and retrned with a blan-et in which they

    Dic-ly wrapped the man. ,ran- chafed his wrists ntil Mr @efferson

    be0an to stir and moan. >e=re 0oin0 to crash?> he whispered.

    >1o Mr @efferson> ,ran- said in a reassrin0 tone. >he ice

    heir passen0er raised his head and loo-ed arond. >ill yo help me

    p boys> he as-ed. >+=m sre + haven=t bro-en anythin0.>

    Careflly the brothers assisted him to stand. >a-e it easy> @oe

    cationed. >6o had a bad spill.>

    >+=m all ri0ht. @st a bit sha-y.>

    >e=ll 0et yo bac- to the cabin where it=s warm st as fast as we

    can> ,ran- promised. >6o=re in no shape for a rn to Bayport.> )e and

    @oe ri0hted the 2ea0ll and saw with relief that the mast was not


    >he rnner plan-=s a little ot of ali0nment> ,ran- noted.

    >hat won=t delay s> @oe said. >he bow=s scraped too bt there=s

    nothin0 we can=t fix.>

    ,ran- eyed the improvised seat belts which had torn loose. >hey

    coldn=t ta-e the strain> he remar-ed. he boys retied the ropes.

    >hat=ll have to do for now> @oe said. >e were lc-y this accident

    wasn=t worse> he added as the boys helped Mr @efferson into the


    >+=d li-e to report those rffians> the elderly man fmed >bt we

    coldn=t see their faces.>

    ,ran- said 0rimly >e -now the owners of the boat. hey covered p the

    name bt +=d reco0niGe the )aw- anywhere.>

    >hat=s no help tho0h> @oe added 0lmly. >e still can=t prove +-e

    and ad were the ones who attac-ed s.>

    +n a few moments the 2ea0ll was s-immin0 towards Cabin +sland. As they

    approached the boathose @oe sddenly pointed. >,ran-?> he cried ot.

    >o yo see what + see>

    >6es? he 0host?>

    he mysterios white+=m 0oin0 to sa-e another shot of that fellow.>

    )is brother restrained him. >ait? 6o=ll only 0et his bac-. 4et=s

    snea- p close to him and see if we can 0et a face view.>

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    >3ood idea> Mr @efferson said approvin0ly. >6o boys 0o ahead. +=ll

    wait in the boat.>

    A moment later the )ardys bra-ed the craft and tied it to a tree

    alon0side the boathose. 2ilently they hrried p the wooded slope

    ntil they were a snort distance behind the 0hostli-e fi0re.

    A sdden idea strc- ,ran-. )e too- ot his police whistle and showed

    it to his brother. >Maybe this=ll help s nab him> he whispered.

    @oe nodded. >3ot yo.> Catiosly the two advanced towards the prowler

    who had now stopped and was peerin0 ot at the cabin from behind a

    tree. hen the boys were a cople of yards away they pased also. ,ran-

    0ave a si0nal and as @oe raised the camera blew a shrill blast on the


    he >0host> whirled abot and @oe snapped the pictre. ,ran- blew

    several more blasts in rapid sccession and the robed fi0re bolted

    across the slope. At the same instant Chet and Biff brst from the

    cabin and loo-ed arond wildly.

    >Catch him?> ,ran- cried as he and @oe bro-e into a rn.

    All for boys bonded after the 0hostly form who darted nimbly in and

    ot of the trees li-e a fri0htened deer. s- was be0innin0 to fall and

    it was not lon0 before the boys lost si0ht of the white robe a0ainst

    the snow.

    hey pased for breath strainin0 their eyes to pierce the 0atherin0

    0loom. hen ,ran- barely made ot the fleein0 fi0re at the bottom of

    the hill. he prsers pln0ed downwards bt by the time they reached

    the spot the >0host> had vanished. here was not a si0n of him on the


    o00edly the boys contined to search alon0 the shoreline bt had no

    lc-. At last @oe said 0lmly >1o se 0oin0 any farther. +t=s too dar-

    to see.>

    ,ran- a0reed. >e=d better 0et bac- and pic- p Mr @efferson.>

    *n the way to the boathose the )ardys told Biff and Chet of the

    accident to the 2ea0ll deliberately cased by the )aw-.

    Biff -notted his fists an0rily. >+=d sre li-e to 0ive those two 0ys a

    0ood stiff wallop.>

    >*f corse we don=t -now for sre that they were +-e and ad> @oe

    pointed ot.

    >ho else> Chet 0roaned. >2ome relaxin0 vacation this is?>

    he yon0 sleths reached the 2ea0ll and fond Mr @efferson waitin0

    anxiosly for news. >Afraid the =0host= escaped a0ain sir> ,ran- said

    re0retflly helpin0 the old 0entleman from the boat.

    As the 0rop wal-ed slowly p the hill Mr @efferson shoo- his head

    plainly distrbed. >2omethin0 very sinister is happenin0 here. +

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    certainly want to find ot who is responsible and what his motive is

    bt + do not want yo boys 0ettin0 into dan0er on my accont.>

    >e=ll -eep on or 0ard> @oe assred him. >Bt we=re all determined

    to see this mystery thro0h.>

    >6o can bet on that?> Biff declared stotly.

    +nside the cabin Chet added lo0s to the fire as @oe ea0erly too- the

    pictre from the self1ow we=ll 0et a loo- at or

    0host> he said.

    he others crowded arond and @oe held p the photo0raph of a yon0

    dar-2eems to be the same as the one in the first pictre + too-> @oe


    >At least we=ll reco0niGe his featres if we spot him a0ain> ,ran-


    Mr @efferson san- down on the sofa and si0hed wearily. >+ 0ive p. his

    mystery is too mch for me.>

    ,ran- r0ed him to rest for a while. he elderly man smilin0 wanly

    stretched ot.

    >6o=d better plan to stay overni0ht Mr @efferson> @oe advised.

    >+=d li-e to. + haven=t spent a ni0ht on Cabin +sland in years.>

    Meanwhile Chet had 0one into the -itchen and in a short time annonced

    that spper was ready. Everyone did fll stice to the hearty meal of

    fried chic-en and hot biscits. Afterward ,ran- offered their host the

    se of his sleepin0 ba0.

    >han-s a lot bt + don=t li-e to pt yo ot.>

    >+ insist Mr @efferson> ,ran- said. >e fellows will ta-e trns

    standin0 0ard toni0ht anyhow so only three of s will be sleepin0 at

    a time.>

    A nervos loo- crossed Chet=s face. >And + can 0ess why? 6o=re

    expectin0 another visit from that 0host?>

    Biff cold not resist needlin0 his chn-y pal. >@st thin- Chet. 6o

    mi0ht even have the honor of nabbin0 him.>

    >*h swell? + can hardly wait?> Chet rolled his eyes dramatically and