HAWAIIAN GAZETTE - University of Hawaii · XI Cws aaJ ima f titfVcvat iiir. mad muMl ta pv...

Every "Wednesday Morning, AT $6JM FEX A5XOI. Xallcel to Fstrels. ST-O- Omcs Oa Meichsat street, "rest o te Post OSet, HocoWa. H. I- - prt:.! i rfc&iei sy J" 3Ztt Sxrr. t the Gmnaal Xratae 02c.. t whom S fcearaes BUSINESS NOTICES. : JBHX X. W.VTEKHBrSE. j ASD TrlT"r 15 KFSKHM. 3EEZCH&5EIS5, j 2 Qn arret. Ilcoorcls. H. L 1? j. a. bicksos, Isjcrter. aTacdtjala sal Stall Dealer j lalAaaadsten'sirsrXsieffeK. Feet Ear aod i S 3UnmStraa.HJoig.H.I, fly W. I CREEJ(. j OUa la. Tztrxf n Qua Street. -- si njA n. i. Tjf CHAS. SPESCER Jfc CO., itKsn.s.T. COHXESSIOS XE2CEASTS, Qocea Street, BanaUIa. H. L Cly j McCOLGAS Jt JeHSSO.X. MERCHANT TAILORS, 1 fart sz.. Ikmia. o?fo T. C EraA's. lyt j C. E. ATttLIAMS, XASTTFACnrSZH, rHPOSIZE & TTTAT.T?. IarcrsKxriff tttj AxcriftMn. Tsxn&are Ware- -, JamaF.n.Scroc,cffuBt .""h Taotcearo. .Kreit. near "fort. airs from Cst ether CI triaaJs praoptry attcoO'ea to. lyS nr. bestoexx. SOOT ASD SHOE VftKER. rp Bar Street, mi! to the Beth!. Hccufcra. lyS "H. X. DOSAEXL, CABLaTr ASD TZPH0LSTE2T2, , 52aj ?rrC, O9to LrT &xr SVp-- ; ; TnbaraplMttKLlrtTiiKtrMMtarT. Tj ' JOXS TTZUTS. TOS- - sosxssox. TIBBETS 3c SORESSOX. SHIP CAEPESTESS & C AUIKESS At S. rater k Co'i Old Saa. XHEO. II-- DA.11ES, Liti Jixax. Gtns a Cj. IX70SI & COJQOSSIOS" HZECEA5T, ' AxaiszTrrat LSvrfi ai tb Iiraxwt CaJcrwritcra. Scrthtta iiR-ia- a CMgar- - iiY3Lvrv hkotiu:k.s. rSCPOSIESS ASD TTEOLESALZ DEALEES la rIdsiU CJtrtilax. Hits-- Ci, Ejoo, Skt'i Ttrrf Xcrctut Strut, Iljnalala. J. S. VXtXES. . C IT.tTII. 1V.U.KEK Jc JLXX.EA, I SKlfPISG ft C0X3OS5I05 KE3CHA5TS, U CtattrBonolala.H.I. i. i TOKiiEirr. DEALER 15 LU3CEES ASD ETESY EE5D OF iraHEG yTTTAT. ; IS Orm Cnr Qra aod Tort ttrnta. Ijt I BOLLES .V CO., 8UT? CEA5DLEES ASD C0X3OSSI0S 3ESCHA5T3, Own Street, Hanoixla. Partkalar attratloa pail totaapBrsnajaaBdaalafif IlavaCaa Pralaca. i ixrxas it rcsxtvios tv CLB&bardiaCa, IHIIaca&MaOi. i CSrmraOo, IC L Klcharii a Co, C C Yatenaaa Ixf, Qut i Cuuka, IRA JiICII,VKISO. rttrOEXEE & DEALEE XS BOOTS, SHOES, Aad Gatlaia' Taraiiaiaf Gouii, coraer of Tart tat Jltccaaat ctrrra, Hoootalx. Hjt EDH O JO.-YK- GROCER ASD SHIP CHA5BLER, JaJlalna, 31 aah SCoorr aad Brcit faraiad ta Safra oa ti zrat I9j ftTOrabU Ima Iy4 CHC9G HOO'. Cciirisi iit via Gesenl Agtrt, Iopcrtxr of Tea aad otaer Cba aad Ferria Goodf. TTboia Diabr la HavaQaa Prodaee, aad Arsat jrta raaaaa aad Anaasla Sasar Pbata-tiin- Ftrvnof Stan ca 'aaaaa rtrecc. beiirr gag. g-l- jt S AI'OSG Sc ACIIt'CK. Izpertcn, 'Wheluila aii Ettifl Dealers la Geaeral Xerchaadlaa aad Qiaa Ooodf, in t ' Hatt. C-l- jl GEORGE G. HOWE, Dealer ii Sedvscd. aad Sert2tTest Iler, ' Eoiasbs, Pocn, rubea, Kiaja, XaSa, Faiaa. etc. MI asauouKaaai i the Iplaaade. ly( At r. A. SCHAEFER Jc CO., C0MMI9SI0S' KERCH ASTS, 38 Boooiain,- - Oabc. IL L lys ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO., j DCPOSXEBS ft C0X3tlSI05XE2CEA5TS I TT, (Mi- -. H, r. flyt THEODORE C HEECE, his TJCFS3XE2 & COVJOSfilOX 3CXEXHAST. 1- -1 TlVmotrfrr. Qata. g. Z 3y M. HACKFELD Sc CO., GESBKAI. COXXISSIOS AGESTS. rj teeen Street, ncoulxla, H. I, iy TKE TOM MOORE TAVEBX, itT J. O'.A IEUL, Comer cf Kiaraml Fort Streets. lyl the CHACTCET C-- BrTWETT, BiALEE DT 5EWS7AFE56, XAGAZTSES, " And Prrtniin;,, Fart Street, Hcootarx X. r. ESIXaS. A. JUCZX. J. F. ERXERS Sc. CO.. BSALZS6 IS DST GOODS ASD GEarKT, JfXECHASDISE, lire-cro- Store am Fort Street, abora Odd FeOows' cf uau. ty K. r. ADAWS. S. C.WTL3EK. A9AXS Sc. flLDEK, ATICTIOS MKStXSEIOS XEECHASTS STj Qjceea Street, llegcsala, H. r. fly C S. BARTOW, A II PTIfl N FF W Sslesrwea ca Cfaeea Street, door from Esaia- - JSRT ft. PATY, ' Saeajy. PaUae aai CsazUeiiser of Deeds For tie . of Clilirais. Oficesl taeBaak U jainnpaua, nasnr-na- a srrset, LUcciara. y H. A. WIE3CAX?r, M.OTAKY PUBLIC, ijwkeatttlaterfar lVparCneBt. Pit X- - JPr XI GHES, Of rat ktaaW sfwafiiy. Carr&u trinrfer dVw wMntniiail n I eViri h. AU cr4r aexopt- - ! to, Corser cf Fort aad sfatel IB" - Strsets, Hocotaaa. lyl S. GKEVKAtTC Ac i ASB "WWKSUIZ aeSALESs Ia F.ii4. CJcIiiej. Usa, Cifs, iioes. -.- .-7 3sysaeHTiieaea'SecTgrxraBiaf-;6Vsd- . m s Meat, taasea Street H.I. HAWAIIAN VOL. Y--N- O. 9 J BUSINESS NOTICES. nxxjux rstt-- s- - x. r. pin C liKEWKB A: CO.. SKIRTING ASP COMMISSION" MEE CHANTS, UOSOLCl.r, H. I. AGEVTS Of tno BwIm ud Uaaolala Fxktl Line. ACESTS-- K tne XkR, Walluku at Uauw PtantatScms-AGEXX- S For UK Purcnaecr txl Sale of Island Prod nor. E. S. FUGG, CIVIL ESGISXEE ASD SUKVEXOE. Jjnuo ft-O-a Box Xa. S; Hmotcta. (2-t- e ' F. A. SCIIAKFEK. far tar BKEXEX BOARD ACKXT Arrat fx tVntlM &nri ef CiV-rritt- Arm tir Ji Tfcoo &1 at raknriiav G. IV. AOIIXO.A , COOPEE AND GrAITGEE, At ti 5iv Stiid oz lis Eip'itig. wainpniDoaiuuKnau " at ti.5kopitttli Castcm lbaa. wter o na W trol at ill vwUa? boara. H bu oa luual aad fjr so. XI Cws aaJ ima f titfVcvat iiir. mad muMl ta pv catifiictkci. AU kia& of Cucptftaf MitfflaU a&l TtvU ix lair. i'. II. a. SEGEUIiE-A"- . ITS', ZTSC A2tB COPPEE S3HTHS, ASD bw vtrr IEOS "WOEEXSS, Ssas3 Street, betsrcz Xerehaat t Qseez. Kif cocstaatlr ca Kia t. StoriM. Pip. Gii- - mizvd Xroa Fit. Ptua aod 11 w Etbla. India Eattr K tt B(tairSaadMtKt.a-:thcocpItes- i Tf?!a rtrecvaclW. Eata-Ta- K alala Twy Iupi: of TIavane cf erery ttracrifticn. ranaccjar aimooa pTntotatp-woc- t wwn, CvataUtr Istsadj wQt be nr taltT attalAi to. Thintfal ta tip Cltimu of Coah aad tb IfUaif rtaeaSr &r their Xibcnl patrccat iatne pait,vaor by ftrkatUctkatotuJiefittoiserit ta tas Ir 'i fatare. ZT.ljS jr. if. xhojiiso:v, GENERAL BLACKSMITH, Ci?i Strwt, KfiTTB.Ttlat Uu tonscutly ca bad &ai .y Lt &t th. Lcwet VOLCANO HOUSE, CRATER OF E3LA0EA. HAWAII. cT3 THIS ESTABLUIUIXXT IS ti aoy coa .t th reccptioa ef Tbttrs to Jf tEoTolcaao Uocm, who atar ret, oo acdisr nta- - jrtabl roosut a nod txM. aad aromrt atteadur. Xxper&eacedpiidei ata Crater always oa baad. STEAK ASD SU1PHUB BATHS ! Hones Graized tsd StaiUd if DeiirtA. CIIAItGKS liEASOXAIiLE. Fartiet Tiiiar tb Yoicaoo Hi Hi caa prucmr saiaLils varrutied to raaa, the Joaraey. by D. II. Hrrcactxx. Zq. PIANOS TUNED. P1ASOS and other JInilcal IatrsraeaU Taaed aad enaired. br A Y( IIAKLI DBBV, at tie HaaaSan 1 1 Iietre. LctMBi piTn on the Piano & Guitar. Tte best .f rt&racea firra. 51-- lj II. RTCROPT, HOUSE ASD SHU FLTCfBEB, Thig St. tmO doors Test of Castle ft Cccli'i. IUs ca bacd. Bath-Tab-s, VTaterOwets. Wi!i-Ei-sin- Force aad lift ramps. Lead aad Uslsaatzed Iroa Pipes, sad Pioaber' i. Ceinr the coly Ptamber jx the dry, be wal execute all orders en- trusted to biai la a voraaiaauae Banner. JJO. SOTT. SXX'L 30TT. joua rroxx t co., COPPER AND TIN SMITHS, Eaaltasaza St, ezt door aiors Eli tier's. Ber leare ta talefll the pabZic that they are pre-- pared to fsrsiaa n bittds cf Cbcper Work, sach as mis. Stria Pass, Sorrhcai Pins, Warms. Pimps, etc Also nana, a rail assortment ef sin itare, valcawecCertirsaLs at toe Lceest jurist Prices. ail sacs c Bepaina? ooae wua 3atnes aaa iftfpstca. Orders crora the other Islands win meet with prompt attention. JAMES 1. LEWIS, COOPER AND GAHGER, ths Old Staad, ecraer Eiag ft Bethel Sts. A Larc S toch cf Oil Sbooas aad all bads cf Cucp-eri- Statenal, constaatiy on hand. He hopes by attention to bosiacss to merit a ccctinaaaca sf the patroaar abiea he has aeretcfiav enjoyed, aad ta waicabeBcvretarashisthaaks. UK. J. COSXA, JEWELER ASD ESGRAVER, Fort Street, trppestte Odd Fellows' Hall, Im prepanNs t execate with pruspuiesa. all work in line of bests., saca as Watch and Clock repair-r,- r. y..p"-T- - T""r-- y FrT GEORGE WILUAHS, UCE5SED SEIPPUG AGEST, OSes c- - eases Eohirsca ft Co'i 'Wharf. Contiaces the besiaes oa bis oil plla cf ffettliaz with oOcen aad seamen Imtieiiiitely ca their sbip- - ptnrathis XSes. Hsrinx no direct cr with any uutauinr estaUSshmcat, aad aOsw-- tarnoaecu too couectea la his ctace. be topes to ctre as pxd. satiifim'si ia the fetor as he has ia past. lra AT THE PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY On fort Street, TlfAT BE SEES THE VIEWS taken. AVAL Ue LSI Lara Flotr at Kahtilaix, S And the Eerti of the Lata Karthqnalie at Wa I on Inn, Ksa. Viewsef BHasea and other pUces. AboCarls the KUrrs, IMeeas, Chiefs, f tu a Cr sale U low prices, aim, Ural and frecare rraaes of an sizes, which wa be sold cheap, ILL. CHASE. BICESO.X Ac BOLSTER, House, Sign & Ship Painters, KJna; Street, near- IVnumnn, HAVISG F0E1TED A fer cairjicr ta the Paintisj Bansesl, respectfallj' solicit the pablie Tbey will ccdeiTer, by strict aad pcKttral Utcatica to basinets, to merit tic eeteer ari rnrliaVTifr' f tieir friends sad Use Grafmrg. Xarbling, GD4iif;, Csisomininr, by Paper-Hiijin- ti., Ac, cvfrated oa tic ihcrtest-netic- and em the soli reasonable trrraa. jl-r- a TJBST ESGUSB BoUeoI Paint. Oil. M-- xorsatsay- - routs ca PAJfllVr PORK, pnrlOLAXLraKaad JiUrreU. Foraale Vr ) solus t ca BOXES E1STEKS Forcatebr CODFISH, BOXXES k CO. RtrSESDALE C EXEAT, per KILAXI. For sale ty , a-a-a ' 01X13 CO. II KBBrCKTS I A TEST ZIXC I'AIST AJL ma ten of eao head ianated. rr sasaar (Me) A GO- - HONOLULU, FOREIGN NOTICES- - a. w. trrsxssex. SEVESANCE, CLASS & CO.. COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND SHIPPING AGENTS, 403 Frost St, corser cf Clay, Saa. Tnaeaeo. W win utn to the sal of Srarulill Hals tUal rrudace. aba ta to pairhaslnr ud ef llerchaaSse. Cash AJtucm ru--i. A unalrnsieats, 3$4ot rwtiuj. s. r. cwl WCRAKES, MERRILL & CO., rOEWABDESG ASD COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Fortlandt Ortgon. IbTls$ ba jnnl la per fracat bsriiua ftr ap nnU ef trT jTars aa4 teias Ixateil ia a EiVt BbIUIcc w a pnpwtd ta noin a&I o.m t Ii!u4 Sapirt. raeaa Sazar, Strape. Sic. ralaCVAte ti aitaatijA. CuarfjvMatj pecltlXr Kixiltd tor tbt On$sa ilvttt, t vkka pemeal attstiMi win fc pak!, ami span vhka eaa aiTaocn um man vaca rvvno. JCMerrfflaCu rrtd lira Eder a Xiadvabfrger. ' sJSut 1 1" " l AQfnlii. " FtxtUaJ T.t 4 TH?3 MM E. M. TA SEED. COMMISSION MEE CHANT, Kanasswa, Japan, llATia ta twdt Cdtiol thnmfa aa latiiaatt rca wita uepwM me ur tu pair iiat yr. bprvparva to traasaft any rasiaesi vatruted t uu care, jriza aupacca. B. a. maixs, K. r. aixamna, c unuu. WILLIAMS. BLAHCHABD & CO. SHTPPPfG & COXHISSIOX XEECEA5TS, 505 Erect Street, Sxa Innaxa. Jta LA5GLEY, CROWELL & CO, VU nnT.ro A T.T? TlDTTnPTOmc 31 Cor. BaKtry ft Clay Sts, Saa Fraaeiieo. fn INSURANCE NOTICES. SAA FRAACISCO BOARD OF USHER WRITERS. rrtlli: UXDKIISIGXEU IutIbc been i appoi&ted AeaU fjr tie Saa Fraodo'Board ot LaJerwrers,ccopnilnrta Californla Insurance Company, Irrxlian ti Mutual 2Iarln In. Ca Padrlc Insurance Company, California XJoyda, and Home Mutual Insurance Company. Bex leaie to laaina Msetert of Teaseb and tk Pab-li-c reaeraUr. tbat all Teuels aad Carraa. inearvd by either cf tbe above Compaaies afaiast perils of tae seas aoo ouier ru.J, ax or near tae faotlwlca Istxads, win have to be verified by them. lm H. IUCKKLD 1 CO. CAJLIFO ItrVI A INSURANCE COMPANY. THE rXDERSIGXED, AGEXTS or abore Cpsay. haTe beeo aatborixed to insar ruhs oo Cargo, Frclsrbt aad Tress, art. by Coasters, from UooUala to ail ivrts cf the Miwaiiaa Grcvp, and rice rersa. My H. HACKFEtD CO. JIERCnASTS' 3IITIMI. MARINE INSTJRAKCE COMPANY Of San Francisco. and Treasure. WALKER t ALLES. Areata, naoolala. iiAiiJijKc;ir-nKi:.i- ii FIRE ISSUE AS CE COMPANY, THE CXDERSIGXED haTlng been Areats of the abor Company, are prepared t iasoxe risks arsinst Fire, on Stone aad flnci jsuuainjrs, and en Merehsndlij. stored thereia, c the most tsTorabU terms. For particular, apply at the afie of F-- A. SCuAEFUt t CC. Insurance Notice. rriiiE xgv.st fob. tub biutisti JL Foreirn Mariae Insnrane Qnmir. fTJmH. ed). has reretred tnstrnctioas to redace the rate of lnsarance Detween ilocotoia and Pert in thePaciac, and is now prepared to issue Policies st tie ZoverX Jatu, with aspect! reaction oa Freight per Steam er,, xucu. it DAVirs, tS-t-f Jgtxt Brit. Tbr. Jtar. Jnt. Co. (ISmiUdy SUGAH & MOLASSES. 4 4? 1869 4IIEO, XT. I. Snsrar and Sfolassers. fB.QP COMEiG IX ASD FOR SALE IS KS quantities to stnt parcbaten, by TVALKEE t ALEES. ly ta Agents. OSOMEA PLABTATJ05". tsgar and Molasex Crop ISSS CoirrsG rs, for sale is rait parehascn , by WALKER k. ALLES. AgenU. PRISCEVir.T.F. PLASTATIQg. (inar and 3Ielasis Crop IH69 COHISG IS. FOE SALE IS Q DAS rait ptrrcbaseri. by WALEEB A ALLES, Aretitf. WAILUETJ PLANTATION. "vi ew fJEOP TTiitr rnvnrii tv ran Sal ia qaantirfes to rait pniriajers, C. UKliWtK A CO old Agentt. MAEEE PLANTATION. ed JfewCrop or Sasrar JcXeltuses OW COMTSG IS.ASD FOR SALE IS CTtigtiticg to rait poreaascrs by C KWK A CO., a Agent. CHOICE SUG-AE- , bey rTTROK EAALAEA ASD LAIEPLASTA-- J to TIOSS, cow coding ia and for sale br THEO. H. DATTEo, Sl-3- a Ageat. SPIRITS by OF TCEFEXTnE. X, BOiSc k 86V WEDNESDAY, MARC A Tojrajrr to the Fy ELSTZX. TTrittea tr tie Osiette, Leaving Livouia, we procetJed rrmnd the east end of Oraha, and aodiored off Mbaa the placa tfct then domioateU over aad stilt does rale tka triocipal part of the gronp. As I hare before stated ia tbtee sketches, the island oa which the town mil built was merely a sand excrescence of the reef, and scarcely anjthin; grew npoa it. Yet rich, eitettiire and fertile districts were tributary to it, and daily, whole fleets of canoes were Brririnj from the other isl ands with food, tapaa, mats, etc, for the consumption of the Mbaa people. In com- - pony with the captain, I spent another day and night on shore, vith Thalxmbaa. We were entertained, as may be snpposed, in a princely manner, and were feasted with all the Injuries of the satire cuisine. One dish, which I can never forget, and which makes myraocth water, even now, to think of it, was tnrtle soap, a la Fiiti. It was served np in the upper shell of the tnrtle, and consisted of the green fat, the liver, cnt np fine, mealy yams, well browned, and seasoned with a few red peppers. For spoons, we had the shells of a mollnsk, that abounds on the islands, and much re sembles a ckm in shape. The dish was brought in smoking hot, and the chief, tho captain and I, sitting cross-legge- d around it, enjoyed tho savory mess with great gusto. The nsoal dessert of choice fruits followed, chief among which, was a basket of unusually large and One "ndawas," a delicious fruit, which I hare heretofore mentioned. In walking about the town, early next morning after a refreshing sleep on soft, yielding mats, beneath a spacious "tau ca ma, or mosquito bar -- Tscama to the pub lic square. Here I saw an unusual sight in those islands : A fine looking bull, a cow, and two n heifers, tied to cocoanut trees, each confronted with a pile of freshly cnt grass and "ti" leaves. These animals, the first of the kind that had ever been brought to the islands, were looked upon with admiration and astonishment by the natives. Th? king had set apart a separate servant for each of these bollocks, whose duty it wa3 to see that they were daily fed and watered. I suppose that by I this time, twenty and more years hating elapsed since then, the bovine species must have largely increased in the islands. If th ey have not, it cannot have been the ti fault of the climate or want of pasture. That morning, after my stroll around llbaa, I returned to Thakombau's bouse for breakfast, and saw a singular sifrfat: The king's barber was getting his break a fast, consisting of yam and broiled fish. But what attracted my attention was the fact that the barber's hands were clasped across his knees, while the food was being pnt into his mouth by a young man sitting in front of him. On inquiring the mean I ing of this strange proceeding, I was in formed that the barber, or body servant of the chief was a tabued man, and could not of touch any food with his own hands. I was interested and amused in witnessing the process of feeding, and could not but ap preciate the skillful and discriminate man- ner all in which the feeder popped the morsels into the mouth of the hungry barber. The breakfast was wound np with a copious draught of water. But the barber's mouth must not touch the mcuth of the jug. The vessel was held high up, while the ed drinker, with his head laid back and his mouth wide open, swallowed the fluid, as it was poured out. Sailtng from Mbaa, an hour brought ss to Mbiwa. the residence of my friend France for, after several months of close As intimacy, I had learned to consider this up amiable young chief in the light of a friend. Here, however, we were to part, perhaps never to meet again. Before going on On shore, France asked of the captain leave of absence for me for a day or two, to ac company him to his horn e. This wa3 readi granted, and for two days and a night I bad enjoyed the hospitalities of this "gentle savage." I am sorry to say that J learned, about tea years ago, by a vessel from Syd ney, en route for California, which had touched at Iivouka, that France had been treacherously killed by the people of Rabo-- the rabe, because he had become so decidedly to "Iota" Christianized. He was this, un doubtedly the first, bat unfortunately act the only, Christian martyr of the Fijii3-- Tbe Burfat that I staid oa shore with France, we spent in the "vale mbure" the house of prayer situated, as is always the was case in their villages, on an eminence. his Here a fire is constantly kept burning, and saae awa drinking goes oa all night, while the them men and chiefs discuss the affairs of "the nation." No females are ever allow to enter this sacred place, and the awa the chewing was carried oa ia a "vale ca sle- ws" woman's house near by. lanes Oa the expiration of my leave of ahsesce, of retsraisg oa beard, I was detailed with years ethers, to proceed ep the river to Rewa to afUr tortoise-shel- l, of which there was said the. be a eoeeriderabJe qaantity at that place. The Bewa river the largest in the group hisd, is somewhat ia the shape of the letter bod spade dowst, baring- - two months, ose dotoaefcigg Beair JCbiwa, asd the ether oa GAZETTE H 17, 1869. . i . . . .i . . . i i . . i mo upjiusuo hub ui wa uiaou, wm.e mo source is forty or more miles mland. In order to escape from the heat of the sun, uanuxj uib tocg putt saicn was ueiurc us some sbrteen railes we did not start from the brig until late in tho day, and it was sundown as we entered the river. There was a pier of a moon, and the river, though not more than twenty yards wide, was deep "iMiwu, ukouiKuwo, uut wiuuiug. Alternately rowing aad sailing, as the breere favored us, at about ten o'clock, we got within a few miles of the town of Re- - wa. The town was a close collection of houses, of about half the siie of Honolulu, but there were many scattering hamlets for several miles on either bank of the river. In passing the first of these, we per ceived that something unusoal was goingon. The thick mangrove bushes that lined tho bank, prevented our seeing beyond them, but the light of great fires illuminated tho background and flashed on the calm bosom of-th- e river, while singing, shouts and laughter rang out from the vilbgo which was hidden from sight. Resting on our oars opposite the position of one of the brightest of the fires, and which seemed to be within a few yards only of the river's bank, the noise of yelling and singing was almost deafening, while the monotone of the war-dru- rose high above the din. While we lay thus, wondering what all this wa3 about, suddenly we saw, tossed high in air, just beyond the bushes, in the full blaze of tho light, first a human arm, then a leg, and then a head 1 It was a cannibal saturnalia they were having. They had got an t'mbacolo" a man to be eaten from the spoils of Jlbeoga, the town which they had sacked and destroyed, and were making merry over it. We had a Rowa man in the boat whom we were returning to his home, he having been with' U3 through- out the cruise, and had alwaS'ap'peared'to' be a quiet, fellow. As we pulled away towards the town, I expressed to him the horror with which such scenes were viewed by the foreigner. Ue laugh ed, good naturedly, and merely said, usa vinaka" it is good. We arrived at Rewa, opposite Phillips (Thaukananto's) house about eleven o'clock that night. He received us very kindly, and in a short time a smoking hot supper of pork, fish and yams, was put before us. confess that I looked with a good deal of suspicion on the viands, for I could not for-- P'ttInioDSCannibaU,and thought pusaium iiiai uiey mignt attempt no smuggle on us some of their horrible food. Bat it was veritable pork, and I managed to make a hearty supper, though Phillips came near turning my stomach, by remark ing, in good English, "I would rather have piece of baked man, than the best pig tbat ever squealed." After a refreshing sleep under a spacious mosquito bar about twenty feet long by fifteen is width, with aheight of ten feet got np about sunrise the next morning and proceeded down to the river side to tske a bath. Just outside of the enclosure Phillips' house, I observed four Fijii men, sitting on the sand in a row, in the usual native style, their knees drawn up, and their hands clasped over them. They faced towards the river, and seemed to me to be deeply absorbed in contempla tion, for as I passed by them they spoke never a word. At the same instant, I was sensible of a delicious odor of cooked meat, which I can compare to nothing but roast bear-mea- t, which I afterwards smelled and tasted in California. Proceeding to the river, I had my bath, visions meantime a passimr through my mind incited by the smell of cookery which had crossed my olfactories of a good breakfast in store. of I returned towards the house, I walked face to face with the four men, who were still sitting on the sand in the same a positions in which I bad first seen them. drawing near, what was my horror to perceive that they were dead, yet warm from the oven, and that the delicious odor that had excited my appetite for breakfast, proceeded from their smoking hot bodies 1 I almost fainted, got sick at the stomach, and running1 out of sight of the at horrid objects, vomited tu though I had taken an emetic. Phillips coming along. perceived my plight, and at once divining cause, ordered the "mbacoloa" men be eaten to be removed. At After a light breakfast of oranges aod a tbe couple of bewmnm, tho mate and myself a started for a walk to Charley Pickering's ot house. In iroing- there, we had to rasa pnblic -- square, on ose side of which et, the king's house. Ia the verandah of majesty's reeideaee, eqaaUed in the On poatiocs in which I had first seen la at Phillips; were the four baked Mbenga men, apparently looting at m with glazed aod leaden eyes. As we crotsed square, a cos-fase- asise of shoals aad aau laughter met par eats, aad fro ose of the leading is to the Equate igseed a erswd boys, of aH ages, rem three or fear that tees sp to thirteen or fow, dfsggisg earns the dead l et a ataa, to J,ef whieh was maaj,, a mpe. Emm, aeI with eUAa,vn iwaaiatr be-- aed every now and thM Xraek the abest the s&oaldwH mi thigha. I t FssnsiM, Wjkn tCilmfSOWa eat. Wiry WifecrW .oar "0," W pa twr fSb.lU 1 Jilt iJhAli. ... . imeu.iSsU IS 10 BMe turn tender. WheU j mure rraalalrn uaat tku in altu,, score of children datgir a dead bedy i UlroBgU lao Streets 01 a town, traroy banging it with dubs amidst the adrairiii , plaudits of their fathers and mothers 1 I When weajrirevl at Charley lackering' f house, we found him in treaty with Nanes- - .' .T5 rtungto, (Shark's Tooth) one of tho king's r i. e 1,. wviucn, iU cuupio ot young HDetSja girls, captives in tho lata raid. They were both apparently of the same ago about fourteen and very prettily featured, with long, and almost sandy colored locks of hair, which hung down on each side of their foreheads. While w sat in the house, aloorsido of Charier, the cirls the price of whom was two whale th apiece were brought and seated just before us, for his examination and approval. Tbey were simply clothed with the "Jiku a nar- row strip of the inner bark of the tapa tree, djod various colors and tastefully braided. The one who sat nearest to me, was quite light complexioned.and had reg- ular and acquiline features, but what struck me as most singular, was that her breast exhibited a growth of hair that many grown men cannot boost of. This merely shows tho hairy nature of tho Fijii race. I, naturally enough, pitied the poor young creatures, torn from their homes, their parents slain, and they themselves sold as slaves to the will and the last of a foreigner. There they sat, before their prospective purchaser and tho chief, to whom they belonged by right of capture their heads inclined and their eyes bent upon the mat before them. .They were beautiful young animals. The humanity that was originally implanted in them had never been cultivated, and so it was dwarf ed, and indeed crushed, to that extent that it would have required tho skill and the tact of an angel to bring again to life the heaven-bor- n spark which we designate as "mind. The bargain was soon concluded, Char ley giving the chief some gun-flin- ts in ad- dition to the whales-teet- and tho two girls were sent to the "harem," in the rear of the main house, and confided to the caro of tho "marama" matron of tho establish ment. Xangariungio, after taking a doso of awa, then entertained ns with an account of his expedition to Mbenga. As usual with the tho Fijii fights, it was a case of treachery and stratagem. Sending first a whale's-toot- h to the people of Mbenga, with an invitation to them to go on a fishing expe- dition for bicheJe-mer- , which it was pre- tended was about being planned from Re-w- a, the war party crept upon the town at night, when they knew that the chiefs were in consultation in tho "vale mbule," and the major part of tho men, women and children asleep. Token thus unawares, the populace fell an easy prey to their assail- ants, and the men, almost to a man, were slain. The woman and children mostly escaped death, and were taken to Rewa, to be apportioned out among the chiefs of the victorious party, as slaves. So the lately happy and flourishing town of Mben ga, like that of Muthuata, on the other extremity of the group, was wiped out. "Han's inhumanity to man. Make countless thoasands ITo It eonilnuaLi Mardcr Will Out. The following account of a mysterious murder, committed seventeen jean ago, and the recent discovery of the murderer, is given br the London DtUvXcK. It would furnish wonderful theme for elaboration as a sen- sational novel of the period: The lapse of seventeen years and a half has not erased from the recollection oftbe inhab itant of the city of Norwich the frightful sensation which they experienced in the year the Great Exhibition. On Saturday, the Slst of Jane. 1S51, a young man named John son was ont walking In a lane about a mile from Norwich, accompanied by his dog. The og was ranging a neighboring plantation nd found there a piece of carrion, which he brought out on the road, and with which he I Immediately ran home. On Johnson's arri- val at home, he was horrified to see that the agreeraeat mora-hum- an pouce, ana tne plantation .svas thoroughly searched, and several other piece of fleth were found. Next day a foot found In the plantation, and some of the vertebrae were discovered hidden In a tawnIL A hlack striped waistcoat, tome cotton waste, it used In cleaning machinery, but smeared blood, a roller, such at It used by Norwich weavers, were also found. On tucceeding days, other parts were dis- coverednow in a field on one side of the town, then in an entirely direction. length the wbolo district 'wa searched, river were and small piece of human fiesh, evidently carved In (lice from were found almot ftrerrwhere Eight days after the first discovery, portions me viscera wrre iouna in a sewer, cat Bp into pieces three Inches the mirk hod been previously discovered, a leg boBe op, ana disci, velvet Donnct, wnicu Had evidently been tbe property of a person ia respectable clrcn mat aces, found in the Tare. erne octagon parti of the bod were 1jb4 spets which bad prevk)Jy beta nrefaUy l tarched-a- ad it was evident that they baa been placed there since the ant dsscoverr. Some of I he pieces b been soaked trace of dcotiorlzlo; HqbH were o! aera, tnaay oi me tattered: i DnraratiwcuM tbowtsMsttaey OTgmsinaeKHt. I tbe rxxir TZTiZJZ'. to tweatT-tlx- . tost toe hod Taeea daot a jortBigBx, aaa last toe was tn geod hrKh whea death seised ber. It ' k. I tkepofloeaed tax poMic that a beMnmwHtted: naTdeMtaoaa phsee after tisc oSaeoVery bad beoa aVe, ass wlrtW tat tcswwk wot stift dffirenT ac am. I sa3aaUwfJtsrowa at Ma (fltsailtlia. tmo. M aaan i BOOK AflTD JOB I now nf t m mi .01 no in wa rem kt"kt ..cwmw; wn jfumM jura jw. tiam ud Waafrtai fisas mm. frtMxti vert atkaiasL beat In, aatlrea mSr? 0 uuut TtHr m wsra oan oeca sNtwa to rwj arrT aaTlS,1" '.iyffJj kept a MStikSt KLTtSS! miJil "mkoi, with the r"f, fonc tkp aw. Tho public were not lowr la tonjettlwH, The anthnrlttes, however rMHertat raaA I "ronnler wilt oat." krnt Ue cv)wvnpai crime In spirits of wtae, Mutt they mljtwt te forthcomlagwbrreverHetesArfct M wleal. It was brllereJ tat a mot dar had bee, d, and that a yoac wosMk m Ue victim. Bat only oaa tUng was held to bo tatitractartly proved, asd that was, that tho murdered female was not an tnhabUaat of Norwich at ths tires of her decease. Seventeen rears asd a half poteed br. aod not a ray of llsht had boea Urowa oa tte mystery until quite recently. A telegram wa received la Norwich from London, Inforariar the magistrates that a. rcapectaMalaliabMiaS of that city bad rotate a ceafceatoa toat ha bad murdered hU wlfc on tea 15th of Jsae, 1S31, by cutting ber throat; that the bodjr was cut up and some portions preaerrvd ia spirits, and that would know all abeac It atNorwIch. Thl, precisely taUtea wttit tho facta ot tho mystery. Tho date U six davs before the sjtt dtaceTerj ef the hand by Mr. Johstoa't 4of. asd accord Ingulirly with the jruct which Uw ncdical , men made during tha succeeding week a to the tlma which had elapsed alnca the body was allvo and well. It ! at once admitted by those who were concerned in the investigation that nobody suspected Sheward. A quiet, inorenslve and respectable citizen, ho was golne about amooir them, actuallr dlsnoslnir of the man. gicu piece ui ois wuc a noay, wniie uey were dUculmr what the frlthtrol mystery could mean. How It came about that tha disappearance of Mrs. Sheward was never marked, or beluir marked. It wa astlifii. torlly accounted for to her friends and neJeh- - bon, does not yet appear. At the time, ha teems to hare given It ont that aha was gone uuBjoumer, anaio nave Dcen believed at once. But how did he account for her Did he give it out that she had died on her Journey, or that site Sad made one otthose sensation! disappearance of which we often hear! He seems at any rate to have lived free from all tuspicton-an- d as he spoke of this victim as hit first wile. It it to.be presumed that be had marri- ed agiln, &ud carried his frightful secret all through the festivities of a bridal How it was that nobody ever put together the two tacit Of Mr. SheWSr.V rllsanne ince and the finding of a female body, aad how the authorities arrived at the mislead-in- g certainty that nofcody living In Norwich had been slain, remata to be seen. A respec- table woman certalaly dlsapmarod Inst at tnc time that the remains of were found; it was understood tbat ber husband M she was gone on a long journey, and he was believed. She never came back, and no Inquiry was made; but whatever tale her husband told was again taken on trust; and It now turns ont that the husband was the murderer for whom the police were search-lo- g, and tbat the hideous relics In their hands were all that remained of one who had been their neighbor and friend. How to riT Collars to Horses' Soocv rmti It la very Important to have a collar flt nicely and snugly to the shoulders of a horse. It enables him to work with a great deal more case, and to apply a great deal more strength. It prevents galling and wounding, a the friction Is avoided. Collars are made, or should be to made, as to throw the chief force on the lowerpsrt of the shoul- ders. The horse can apply bntlittle strength on the upper part, and for this reason breast collars are coming greatly lato vogue; as tha strength is exerted on the lower nartnrtho shoulders. But weatarted out to tell our readers bow to make a new collar St the shoulders of the horse. The collar tbould be purchased of the proper site They are usuallr too large. If obtained ot tho proper site, just before, putting It on. the firtt time, immerse it In water, letting it remain about a minute, and Immediately pnt it on the horse, beln carefal to hae the hamta to adjusted at the top and bottom as to fit the shoulders, and then pnt the horse to work. The collar, by being wet. will adapt llteirto the shoulders, and should dry on the horse. When taken off, It should be left la the same shape it occupied on the horse, and ever after yon will have a snng-fltUn- g collar and no wounds. JoScy farmer. Tnjs 8ibbath fob. ths Wobxuo Max. The Sabbath Is God's special present to the working-man- , and one of lta chief objects It to prolong life' and preserve efldeot bis working, tone. In the vital tjitesait acts like a compensation-pond- ; h replen- ishes the tnlriU. ths elasticity and Ttoor which the last six days have drained away, aim suppuc me lorce woicn it to nil tne six dtys tucceeding: and in the econotnr of existence, it answers tho tams norr-oa- as in the economy of Income, Is answered by a saving bank. The frugal man who putt aside a pound and another poand next month, and who, In a quiet way, it always patting oy nu statea pouna Irom lime to time, when he treta olef and frail, wet not the tame pounds back train, but a good many pounds bctldcc. And the conscleatl- - ous man, who hutbaatw one day of existence every week, who, instead of aUowhsg the Sabbath to be trampled asd tors la the harry and scramble of life, trrtwinrm It ilnrmii, nn the Lord of the Sabbath keep It for him, and In length of days a hale old age rivet it back with nrtury. The saying bank of human existence it the weekly Sabbath V BrUUMUftcv. Novel Vebdict. A Jary, In a recent civil trial at Montpeller, VersBont, hiitse ktest Waihlrvjton County Court, SnttmAcr Term, 1668. Tt . Ia this caw the jury say that their united ages are 96a years, averaging 40 2 years; that tbr weight It LflSB pounds, arersarW 182X; that, politically, there are deveafer Grand and one for 8ermonr, and that os this line tbey Intend to fight until after the No- vember election. Signed, , Foresaoa. It is needless to tar that the IwTiuai a. Joyed the Joke, aad the Court dlKl-atf- e Use Jnry- - HiltTKlxtr, ta lwtssttL.lwlw that east be said against ai ir)tmjt will-h- e aM br lawyer, as, saslrA'.eatwae convenatloa, saet a nia'a Ooaaowl, wka wa tctj new, m toe xewanwe. tbs taia: How to it that, with too Jatae which yea have stojlsta la Lomiom tu vSaCTr", 'MmimtSumiSlm asanTS 2LsTT ' - - - The n iaw( "Ton ' of mni'imi iSmtmi tBk MtrTtaS .... ..... - ... r . (to wM SssESW ' ; Ra Csaonn. Ia nstOac as ta stavswA4- - maot In isWaMarai,. A Asoa aea. rw - . piece oi flesh the animal bad found was a Dt "iuioBt frota Sttardar band. He at once gave notice to the I "ff to Monday rooming, tint In the following waa such witb and the opposite dragged, body, loBr: pick a l atrutao was saraVr sod tinning I they one hit only ''a-aT- o; "bod

Transcript of HAWAIIAN GAZETTE - University of Hawaii · XI Cws aaJ ima f titfVcvat iiir. mad muMl ta pv...

Page 1: HAWAIIAN GAZETTE - University of Hawaii · XI Cws aaJ ima f titfVcvat iiir. mad muMl ta pv catifiictkci. ... CvataUtrranaccjar aimooa pTntotatp-woc-t wwn, Istsadj wQt be nr taltT

Every "Wednesday Morning,AT $6JM FEX A5XOI.

Xallcel to Fstrels. ST-O-

Omcs Oa Meichsat street, "rest o

te Post OSet, HocoWa. H. I--

prt:.! i rfc&iei sy J" 3Ztt Sxrr. t theGmnaal Xratae 02c.. t whom S fcearaes





2 Qn arret. Ilcoorcls. H. L 1?

j. a. bicksos,Isjcrter. aTacdtjala sal Stall Dealer j

lalAaaadsten'sirsrXsieffeK. Feet Earaod i

S 3UnmStraa.HJoig.H.I, fly

W. I CREEJ(. j

OUa la. Tztrxf n Qua Street.--si njA n. i. Tjf


Qocea Street, BanaUIa. H. L Clyj

McCOLGAS Jt JeHSSO.X.MERCHANT TAILORS,1 fart sz.. Ikmia. o?fo T. C EraA's. lyt j


IarcrsKxriff tttj AxcriftMn. Tsxn&are Ware- -,

JamaF.n.Scroc,cffuBt .""h Taotcearo.

.Kreit. near "fort. airs from Cst etherCI triaaJs praoptry attcoO'ea to. lyS

nr. bestoexx.SOOT ASD SHOE VftKER.

rp Bar Street, mi! to the Beth!. Hccufcra. lyS


52aj ?rrC, O9to LrT &xr SVp-- ;

; TnbaraplMttKLlrtTiiKtrMMtarT. Tj'



XHEO. II-- DA.11ES,Liti Jixax. Gtns a Cj.


AxaiszTrratLSvrfi ai tb Iiraxwt CaJcrwritcra.

Scrthtta iiR-ia- a CMgar- -


la rIdsiU CJtrtilax. Hits-- Ci, Ejoo,

Skt'i Ttrrf Xcrctut Strut, Iljnalala.

J. S. VXtXES. . C IT.tTII.



U CtattrBonolala.H.I.



IS Orm Cnr Qra aod Tort ttrnta. IjtI


3ESCHA5T3,Own Street, Hanoixla. Partkalar attratloa pail

totaapBrsnajaaBdaalafif IlavaCaa Pralaca. i

ixrxas it rcsxtvios tvCLB&bardiaCa, IHIIaca&MaOi. i

CSrmraOo, IC L Klcharii a Co,C C Yatenaaa Ixf, Qut i Cuuka,


Aad Gatlaia' Taraiiaiaf Gouii, coraer of Tarttat Jltccaaat ctrrra, Hoootalx. Hjt



SCoorr aad Brcit faraiad ta Safra oa ti zratI9j ftTOrabU Ima Iy4

CHC9G HOO'.Cciirisi iit via Gesenl Agtrt,

Iopcrtxr of Tea aad otaer Cba aad FerriaGoodf. TTboia Diabr la HavaQaa Prodaee, aadArsat jrta raaaaa aad Anaasla Sasar Pbata-tiin-

Ftrvnof Stan ca 'aaaaa rtrecc. beiirrgag. g-l- jt

SAI'OSG Sc ACIIt'CK.Izpertcn, 'Wheluila aii Ettifl Dealers

la Geaeral Xerchaadlaa aad Qiaa Ooodf, in t'

Hatt. C-l- jl

GEORGE G. HOWE,Dealer ii Sedvscd. aad Sert2tTest Iler, '

Eoiasbs, Pocn, rubea, Kiaja, XaSa, Faiaa. etc.MI asauouKaaai i the Iplaaade. ly( At


38 Boooiain,-- Oabc. IL L lys



I TT, (Mi- -. H, r. flyt


TJCFS3XE2 & COVJOSfilOX 3CXEXHAST.1--1 TlVmotrfrr. Qata. g. Z 3y


rj teeen Street, ncoulxla, H. I, iy


itT J. O'.A IEUL,Comer cf Kiaraml Fort Streets. lyl the

CHACTCET C-- BrTWETT,BiALEE DT 5EWS7AFE56, XAGAZTSES," And Prrtniin;,, Fart Street, Hcootarx



JfXECHASDISE,lire-cro- Store am Fort Street, abora Odd FeOows' cf

uau. ty



STj Qjceea Street, llegcsala, H. r. fly


Sslesrwea ca Cfaeea Street, door from Esaia--

JSRT ft. PATY,' Saeajy. PaUae aai CsazUeiiser of Deeds

For tie . of Clilirais. Oficesl taeBaak Ujainnpaua, nasnr-na- a srrset, LUcciara. y


ijwkeatttlaterfar lVparCneBt. PitX-- JPr XI GHES,

Of rat ktaaW sfwafiiy. Carr&u trinrfer dVwwMntniiail n I eViri h. AU cr4r aexopt--

! to, Corser cf Fort aad sfatelIB" - Strsets, Hocotaaa. lyl


Ia F.ii4. CJcIiiej. Usa, Cifs, iioes.-.- .-7 3sysaeHTiieaea'SecTgrxraBiaf-;6Vsd- .

m s Meat, taasea StreetH.I.



nxxjux rstt-- s-- x. r. pinC liKEWKB A: CO..



AGEVTS Of tno BwIm ud UaaolalaFxktl Line.

ACESTS--K tne XkR, Walluku atUauw PtantatScms-AGEXX- S

For UK Purcnaecr txl Sale ofIsland Prod nor.


Jjnuo ft-O-a Box Xa. S; Hmotcta. (2-t- e


far tar BKEXEX BOARDACKXTArrat fx tVntlM &nri ef CiV-rritt-

Arm tir Ji Tfcoo &1 at raknriiav


COOPEE AND GrAITGEE,At ti 5iv Stiid oz lis Eip'itig.

wainpniDoaiuuKnau "at ti.5kopitttli Castcm lbaa. wter o naW trol at ill vwUa? boara. H bu oa luualaad fjr so. XI Cws aaJ ima f titfVcvat iiir.

mad muMl ta pv catifiictkci. AU kia& ofCucptftaf MitfflaU a&l TtvU ix lair.



Ssas3 Street, betsrcz Xerehaat t Qseez.

Kif cocstaatlr ca Kia t. StoriM. Pip. Gii- -mizvd Xroa Fit. Ptua aod 11 w Etbla.

India Eattr K ttB(tairSaadMtKt.a-:thcocpItes- iTf?!a rtrecvaclW. Eata-Ta- K alala

Twy Iupi: of TIavane cf erery ttracrifticn.ranaccjar aimooa pTntotatp-woc- t wwn,

CvataUtr Istsadj wQt be nr taltT attalAi to.Thintfal ta tip Cltimu of Coah aad tb

IfUaif rtaeaSr &r their Xibcnl patrccat iatnepait,vaor by ftrkatUctkatotuJiefittoiseritta tas Ir 'i fatare. ZT.ljS

jr. if. xhojiiso:v,GENERAL BLACKSMITH,

Ci?i Strwt, KfiTTB.Ttlat

Uu tonscutly ca bad &ai .y Lt &t th. Lcwet


cT3 THIS ESTABLUIUIXXT ISti aoy coa .t th reccptioa ef Tbttrs to JftEoTolcaao Uocm, who atar ret, oo acdisr nta--jrtabl roosut a nod txM. aad aromrt atteadur.

Xxper&eacedpiidei ata Crater always oa baad.STEAK ASD SU1PHUB BATHS !

Hones Graized tsd StaiUd if DeiirtA.CIIAItGKS liEASOXAIiLE.

Fartiet Tiiiar tb Yoicaoo Hi Hi caa prucmrsaiaLils varrutied to raaa, the Joaraey. by D. II.Hrrcactxx. Zq.

PIANOS TUNED.P1ASOS and other JInilcalIatrsraeaU Taaed aad enaired. br

A Y( IIAKLI DBBV, at tie HaaaSan1 1 Iietre.

LctMBi piTn on the Piano & Guitar.Tte best .f rt&racea firra. 51-- lj


Thig St. tmO doors Test of Castle ft Cccli'i.IUs ca bacd. Bath-Tab-s, VTaterOwets. Wi!i-Ei-sin-

Force aad lift ramps. Lead aad UslsaatzedIroa Pipes, sad Pioaber' i. Ceinr thecoly Ptamber jx the dry, be wal execute all orders en-

trusted to biai la a voraaiaauae Banner.


joua rroxx t co.,COPPER AND TIN SMITHS,

Eaaltasaza St, ezt door aiors Eli tier's.Ber leare ta talefll the pabZic that they are pre--

pared to fsrsiaa n bittds cf Cbcper Work, sach asmis. Stria Pass, Sorrhcai Pins, Warms. Pimps,

etc Also nana, a rail assortment ef sin itare,valcawecCertirsaLs at toe Lceest jurist Prices.

ail sacs c Bepaina? ooae wua 3atnes aaaiftfpstca. Orders crora the other Islands win meetwith prompt attention.

JAMES 1. LEWIS,COOPER AND GAHGER,ths Old Staad, ecraer Eiag ft Bethel Sts.

A Larc S toch cf Oil Sbooas aad all bads cf Cucp-eri-

Statenal, constaatiy on hand. He hopes byattention to bosiacss to merit a ccctinaaaca sf thepatroaar abiea he has aeretcfiav enjoyed, aad tawaicabeBcvretarashisthaaks.


Fort Street, trppestte Odd Fellows' Hall,Im prepanNs t execate with pruspuiesa. all work in

line of bests., saca as Watch and Clock repair-r,- r.

y..p"-T- - T""r-- y FrTGEORGE WILUAHS,

UCE5SED SEIPPUG AGEST,OSes c- - eases Eohirsca ft Co'i 'Wharf.Contiaces the besiaes oa bis oil plla cf ffettliaz

with oOcen aad seamen Imtieiiiitely ca their sbip- -ptnrathis XSes. Hsrinx no direct cr

with any uutauinr estaUSshmcat, aad aOsw--tarnoaecu too couectea la his ctace. be topes toctre as pxd. satiifim'si ia the fetor as he has ia


On fort Street,TlfAT BE SEES THE VIEWS taken.AVAL Ue LSI

Lara Flotr at Kahtilaix, SAnd the Eerti of the LataKarthqnalie at Wa Ion Inn, Ksa.

Viewsef BHasea and other pUces. AboCarlsthe KUrrs, IMeeas, Chiefs, ftu a Cr sale U low

prices, aim, Ural and frecare rraaes of an sizes,which wa be sold cheap,


BICESO.X Ac BOLSTER,House, Sign & Ship Painters,

KJna; Street, near- IVnumnn,

HAVISG F0E1TED Afer cairjicr ta the Paintisj

Bansesl, respectfallj' solicit the pablieTbey will ccdeiTer, by strict aad

pcKttral Utcatica to basinets, to merit ticeeteer ari rnrliaVTifr' f tieir friends sad Use

Grafmrg. Xarbling, GD4iif;, Csisomininr, byPaper-Hiijin- ti., Ac, cvfrated oa ticihcrtest-netic- and em the soli reasonabletrrraa. jl-r- a

TJBST ESGUSB BoUeoI Paint. Oil.M-- xorsatsay- -

routs caPAJfllVr PORK,

pnrlOLAXLraKaad JiUrreU. ForaaleVr ) solus t caBOXES E1STEKS



RtrSESDALE CEXEAT,per KILAXI. For salety , a-a-a ' 01X13 CO.

II KBBrCKTS I A TEST ZIXC I'AISTAJL ma ten of eao head ianated. rrsasaar (Me) A GO--



a. w. trrsxssex.



403 Frost St, corser cf Clay, Saa. Tnaeaeo.W win utn to the sal of Srarulill HalstUal rrudace. aba ta to pairhaslnr ud

ef llerchaaSse. Cash AJtucm ru--i. Aunalrnsieats, 3$4ot

rwtiuj. s. r. cwlWCRAKES, MERRILL & CO.,



IbTls$ ba jnnl la per fracat bsriiua ftrapnnU ef trT jTars aa4 teias Ixateil ia a

EiVt BbIUIcc w a pnpwtd ta noin a&Io.m t Ii!u4 Sapirt. raeaa Sazar, Strape.Sic.ralaCVAte ti aitaatijA. CuarfjvMatjpecltlXr Kixiltd tor tbt On$sa ilvttt, t vkkapemeal attstiMi win fc pak!, ami span vhka eaaaiTaocn um man vaca rvvno.

JCMerrfflaCurrtd liraEder a Xiadvabfrger.

' sJSut 1 1" "l AQfnlii. "

FtxtUaJT.t 4 TH?3



Kanasswa, Japan,llATia ta twdt Cdtiol thnmfa aa latiiaatt rca

wita uepwM me ur tu pair iiatyr. bprvparva to traasaft any rasiaesi vatrutedt uu care, jriza aupacca.

B. a. maixs, K. r. aixamna, c unuu.WILLIAMS. BLAHCHABD & CO.

SHTPPPfG & COXHISSIOX XEECEA5TS,505 Erect Street, Sxa Innaxa. Jta


31 Cor. BaKtry ft Clay Sts, Saa Fraaeiieo. fn



rrtlli: UXDKIISIGXEU IutIbc beeni appoi&ted AeaU fjr tie Saa Fraodo'Boardot LaJerwrers,ccopnilnrta

Californla Insurance Company,Irrxlian ti Mutual 2Iarln In. Ca

Padrlc Insurance Company,California XJoyda, andHome Mutual Insurance Company.

Bex leaie to laaina Msetert of Teaseb and tk Pab-li-creaeraUr. tbat all Teuels aad Carraa. inearvd

by either cf tbe above Compaaies afaiast perils oftae seas aoo ouier ru.J, ax or near tae faotlwlcaIstxads, win have to be verified by them.lm H. IUCKKLD 1 CO.


THE rXDERSIGXED, AGEXTS orabore Cpsay. haTe beeo aatborixed to

insar ruhs oo Cargo, Frclsrbt aad Tress,art. by Coasters, from UooUala to ail ivrts cfthe Miwaiiaa Grcvp, and rice rersa.



Of San Francisco.

and Treasure.WALKER t ALLES.

Areata, naoolala.

iiAiiJijKc;ir-nKi:.i- iiFIRE ISSUEAS CE COMPANY,

THE CXDERSIGXED haTlng beenAreats of the abor Company, are

prepared t iasoxe risks arsinst Fire, on Stone aadflnci jsuuainjrs, and en Merehsndlij.stored thereia, c the most tsTorabU terms. Forparticular, apply at the afie of

F-- A. SCuAEFUt t CC.

Insurance Notice.rriiiE xgv.st fob. tub biutistiJL Foreirn Mariae Insnrane Qnmir. fTJmH.ed). has reretred tnstrnctioas to redace the rate oflnsarance Detween ilocotoia and Pert in thePaciac,and is now prepared to issue Policies st tie ZoverXJatu, with aspect! reaction oa Freight per Steamer,, xucu. it DAVirs,

tS-t-f Jgtxt Brit. Tbr. Jtar. Jnt. Co. (ISmiUdy



4? 1869

4IIEO, XT. I.Snsrar and Sfolassers.

fB.QP COMEiG IX ASD FOR SALE ISKS quantities to stnt parcbaten, by

TVALKEE t ALEES. lyta Agents.

OSOMEA PLABTATJ05".tsgar and Molasex Crop ISSS

CoirrsG rs, for sale israit parehascn , by



(inar and 3Ielasis Crop IH69

COHISG IS. FOE SALE IS Q DASrait ptrrcbaseri. by


WAILUETJ PLANTATION."vi ew fJEOP TTiitr rnvnrii tv ran

Sal ia qaantirfes to rait pniriajers,C. UKliWtK A CO oldAgentt.


JfewCrop or Sasrar JcXeltusesOW COMTSG IS.ASD FOR SALE IS

CTtigtiticg to rait poreaascrs byC KWK A CO.,

a Agent.


rTTROK EAALAEA ASD LAIEPLASTA-- J toTIOSS, cow coding ia and for sale brTHEO. H. DATTEo,

Sl-3- a Ageat.


BOiSc k 86V


A Tojrajrr to the Fy


TTrittea tr tie Osiette,

Leaving Livouia, we procetJed rrmnd

the east end of Oraha, and aodiored off

Mbaa the placa tfct then domioateU overaad stilt does rale tka triocipal part of thegronp. As I hare before stated ia tbteesketches, the island oa which the town milbuilt was merely a sand excrescence of thereef, and scarcely anjthin; grew npoa it.Yet rich, eitettiire and fertile districtswere tributary to it, and daily, whole fleetsof canoes were Brririnj from the other islands with food, tapaa, mats, etc, for theconsumption of the Mbaa people. In com- -

pony with the captain, I spent another dayand night on shore, vith Thalxmbaa. Wewere entertained, as may be snpposed, in

a princely manner, and were feasted withall the Injuries of the satire cuisine. One

dish, which I can never forget, and which

makes myraocth water, even now, to thinkof it, was tnrtle soap, a la Fiiti. It was

served np in the upper shell of the tnrtle,and consisted of the green fat, the liver,cnt np fine, mealy yams, well browned, andseasoned with a few red peppers. Forspoons, we had the shells of a mollnsk,

that abounds on the islands, and much resembles a ckm in shape. The dish was

brought in smoking hot, and the chief, thocaptain and I, sitting cross-legge- d aroundit, enjoyed tho savory mess with greatgusto. The nsoal dessert of choice fruitsfollowed, chief among which, was a basketof unusually large and One "ndawas," adelicious fruit, which I hare heretoforementioned.

In walking about the town, early nextmorning after a refreshing sleep on soft,

yielding mats, beneath a spacious "tau cama, or mosquito bar --Tscama to the pub

lic square. Here I saw an unusual sightin those islands : A fine looking bull, acow, and two n heifers, tied tococoanut trees, each confronted with a pile

of freshly cnt grass and "ti" leaves. Theseanimals, the first of the kind that had ever

been brought to the islands, were lookedupon with admiration and astonishment by

the natives. Th? king had set apart a

separate servant for each of these bollocks,whose duty it wa3 to see that they weredaily fed and watered. I suppose that by

Ithis time, twenty and more years hatingelapsed since then, the bovine species musthave largely increased in the islands. Ifth ey have not, it cannot have been the tifault of the climate or want of pasture.

That morning, after my stroll aroundllbaa, I returned to Thakombau's bouse

for breakfast, and saw a singular sifrfat:

The king's barber was getting his breaka

fast, consisting of yam and broiled fish.

But what attracted my attention was thefact that the barber's hands were claspedacross his knees, while the food was beingpnt into his mouth by a young man sittingin front of him. On inquiring the mean Iing of this strange proceeding, I was informed that the barber, or body servant ofthe chief was a tabued man, and could not of

touch any food with his own hands. I was

interested and amused in witnessing theprocess of feeding, and could not but ap

preciate the skillful and discriminate man-



in which the feeder popped the morsels

into the mouth of the hungry barber. Thebreakfast was wound np with a copiousdraught of water. But the barber's mouthmust not touch the mcuth of the jug.

The vessel was held high up, while the ed

drinker, with his head laid back and hismouth wide open, swallowed the fluid, as itwas poured out.

Sailtng from Mbaa, an hour brought ssto Mbiwa. the residence of my friendFrance for, after several months of close Asintimacy, I had learned to consider this upamiable young chief in the light of a friend.Here, however, we were to part, perhapsnever to meet again. Before going on On

shore, France asked of the captain leaveof absence for me for a day or two, to accompany him to his horn e. This wa3 readi

granted, and for two days and a night I badenjoyed the hospitalities of this "gentlesavage." I am sorry to say that J learned,about tea years ago, by a vessel from Sydney, en route for California, which hadtouched at Iivouka, that France had been

treacherously killed by the people of Rabo-- the

rabe, because he had become so decidedly to

"Iota" Christianized. He was this, undoubtedly the first, bat unfortunately actthe only, Christian martyr of the Fijii3--

Tbe Burfat that I staid oa shore withFrance, we spent in the "vale mbure" the

house of prayer situated, as is always the was

case in their villages, on an eminence. hisHere a fire is constantly kept burning, and saaeawa drinking goes oa all night, while the them

men and chiefs discuss the affairs of"the nation." No females are ever allow

to enter this sacred place, and the awa the

chewing was carried oa ia a "vale ca sle-

ws" woman's house near by. lanes

Oa the expiration of my leave ofahsesce, of

retsraisg oa beard, I was detailed with years

ethers, to proceed ep the river to Rewa to afUrtortoise-shel- l, of which there was said the.

be a eoeeriderabJe qaantity at that place.The Bewa river the largest in the group hisd,

is somewhat ia the shape of the letter bod

spade dowst, baring- - two months, osedotoaefcigg Beair JCbiwa, asd the ether oa

GAZETTEH 17, 1869.

. i . . . .i . . . i i . . imo upjiusuo hub ui wa uiaou, wm.e mosource is forty or more miles mland. Inorder to escape from the heat of the sun,uanuxj uib tocg putt saicn was ueiurc ussome sbrteen railes we did not start fromthe brig until late in tho day, and it wassundown as we entered the river. Therewas a pier of a moon, and the river, thoughnot more than twenty yards wide, was deep

"iMiwu, ukouiKuwo, uut wiuuiug.Alternately rowing aad sailing, as thebreere favored us, at about ten o'clock, wegot within a few miles of the town of Re- -

wa. The town was a close collection ofhouses, of about half the siie of Honolulu,but there were many scattering hamletsfor several miles on either bank of theriver. In passing the first of these, we perceived that something unusoal was goingon.The thick mangrove bushes that lined thobank, prevented our seeing beyond them,but the light of great fires illuminated thobackground and flashed on the calm bosomof-th- e river, while singing, shouts andlaughter rang out from the vilbgo whichwas hidden from sight. Resting on ouroars opposite the position of one of thebrightest of the fires, and which seemedto be within a few yards only of the river'sbank, the noise of yelling and singing wasalmost deafening, while the monotone ofthe war-dru- rose high above the din.While we lay thus, wondering what all thiswa3 about, suddenly we saw, tossed highin air, just beyond the bushes, in the fullblaze of tho light, first a human arm, thena leg, and then a head 1 It was a cannibalsaturnalia they were having. They hadgot an t'mbacolo" a man to be eatenfrom the spoils of Jlbeoga, the town whichthey had sacked and destroyed, and weremaking merry over it. We had a Rowaman in the boat whom we were returning tohis home, he having been with' U3 through-out the cruise, and had alwaS'ap'peared'to'be a quiet, fellow. As wepulled away towards the town, I expressedto him the horror with which such sceneswere viewed by the foreigner. Ue laughed, good naturedly, and merely said, usa

vinaka" it is good.

We arrived at Rewa, opposite Phillips(Thaukananto's) house about eleven o'clock

that night. He received us very kindly,and in a short time a smoking hot supperof pork, fish and yams, was put before us.

confess that I looked with a good deal ofsuspicion on the viands, for I could not for--

P'ttInioDSCannibaU,and thoughtpusaium iiiai uiey mignt attempt no

smuggle on us some of their horrible food.

Bat it was veritable pork, and I managedto make a hearty supper, though Phillipscame near turning my stomach, by remarking, in good English, "I would rather have

piece of baked man, than the best pigtbat ever squealed."

After a refreshing sleep under a spaciousmosquito bar about twenty feet long byfifteen is width, with aheight of ten feet

got np about sunrise the next morningand proceeded down to the river side totske a bath. Just outside of the enclosure

Phillips' house, I observed four Fijiimen, sitting on the sand in a row, in theusual native style, their knees drawn up,and their hands clasped over them. They

faced towards the river, and seemed tome to be deeply absorbed in contemplation, for as I passed by them they spokenever a word. At the same instant, I wassensible of a delicious odor of cooked meat,which I can compare to nothing but roast

bear-mea- t, which I afterwards smelledand tasted in California. Proceeding to theriver, I had my bath, visions meantime


passimr through my mind incited by thesmell of cookery which had crossed myolfactories of a good breakfast in store.

ofI returned towards the house, I walkedface to face with the four men, who

were still sitting on the sand in the same apositions in which I bad first seen them.

drawing near, what was my horror toperceive that they were dead, yet warmfrom the oven, and that the delicious odorthat had excited my appetite for breakfast,

proceeded from their smoking hotbodies 1 I almost fainted, got sick at thestomach, and running1 out of sight of the

athorrid objects, vomited tu though I hadtaken an emetic. Phillips coming along.perceived my plight, and at once divining

cause, ordered the "mbacoloa" menbe eaten to be removed. AtAfter a light breakfast of oranges aod a tbe

couple of bewmnm, tho mate and myself astarted for a walk to Charley Pickering's othouse. In iroing- there, we had to rasa

pnblic --square, on ose side of which et,the king's house. Ia the verandah ofmajesty's reeideaee, eqaaUed in the On

poatiocs in which I had first seen la

at Phillips; were the four bakedMbenga men, apparently looting at m withglazed aod leaden eyes. As we crotsed

square, a cos-fase- asise of shoals aad aaulaughter met par eats, aad fro ose of the

leading is to the Equate igseed a erswdboys, of aH ages, rem three or fear that

teessp to thirteen or fow, dfsggisgearns the dead l et a ataa, to

J,ef whieh was maaj,, a mpe.Emm, aeI with eUAa,vn iwaaiatr be--

aed every now and thM Xraek theabest the s&oaldwH mi thigha. It FssnsiM, Wjkn tCilmfSOWa eat.

Wiry WifecrW .oar "0," W pa twr

fSb.lU 1 Jilt iJhAli.... .

imeu.iSsU IS 10 BMe turn tender. WheUjmure rraalalrn uaat tku in altu,,score of children datgir a dead bedy

i UlroBgU lao Streets 01 a town, traroybanging it with dubs amidst the adrairiii

, plaudits of their fathers and mothers 1

I When weajrirevl at Charley lackering'f house, we found him in treaty with Nanes- -.' .T5

rtungto, (Shark's Tooth) one of tho king'sr i. e 1,.wviucn, iU cuupio ot young HDetSja

girls, captives in tho lata raid. Theywere both apparently of the same agoabout fourteen and very prettily featured,with long, and almost sandy colored locksof hair, which hung down on each side oftheir foreheads. While w sat in thehouse, aloorsido of Charier, the cirls theprice of whom was two whale th apiece

were brought and seated just before us,for his examination and approval. Tbeywere simply clothed with the "Jiku a nar-

row strip of the inner bark of the tapatree, djod various colors and tastefullybraided. The one who sat nearest to me,was quite light complexioned.and had reg-

ular and acquiline features, but what struckme as most singular, was that her breastexhibited a growth of hair that many grownmen cannot boost of. This merely showstho hairy nature of tho Fijii race.

I, naturally enough, pitied the pooryoung creatures, torn from their homes,

their parents slain, and they themselvessold as slaves to the will and the last of aforeigner. There they sat, before theirprospective purchaser and tho chief, towhom they belonged by right of capture

their heads inclined and their eyes bentupon the mat before them. .They werebeautiful young animals. The humanitythat was originally implanted in them had

never been cultivated, and so it was dwarfed, and indeed crushed, to that extentthat it would have required tho skill andthe tact of an angel to bring again to life

the heaven-bor- n spark which we designateas "mind.

The bargain was soon concluded, Charley giving the chief some gun-flin- ts in ad-

dition to the whales-teet- and tho twogirls were sent to the "harem," in the rearof the main house, and confided to the caroof tho "marama" matron of tho establishment.

Xangariungio, after taking a doso of awa,then entertained ns with an account of his

expedition to Mbenga. As usual with thetho Fijii fights, it was a case of treacheryand stratagem. Sending first a whale's-toot- h

to the people of Mbenga, with aninvitation to them to go on a fishing expe-

dition for bicheJe-mer- , which it was pre-

tended was about being planned from Re-w- a,

the war party crept upon the town atnight, when they knew that the chiefs

were in consultation in tho "vale mbule,"

and the major part of tho men, women andchildren asleep. Token thus unawares, thepopulace fell an easy prey to their assail-

ants, and the men, almost to a man, wereslain. The woman and children mostlyescaped death, and were taken to Rewa,to be apportioned out among the chiefs ofthe victorious party, as slaves. So thelately happy and flourishing town of Mbenga, like that of Muthuata, on the otherextremity of the group, was wiped out.

"Han's inhumanity to man.Make countless thoasands

ITo It eonilnuaLi

Mardcr Will Out.The following account of a mysterious

murder, committed seventeen jean ago, andthe recent discovery of the murderer, is givenbr the London DtUvXcK. It would furnish

wonderful theme for elaboration as a sen-sational novel of the period:

The lapse of seventeen years and a half hasnot erased from the recollection oftbe inhabitant of the city of Norwich the frightfulsensation which they experienced in the year

the Great Exhibition. On Saturday, theSlst ofJane. 1S51, a young man named Johnson was ont walking In a lane about a milefrom Norwich, accompanied by his dog. The

og was ranging a neighboring plantationnd found there a piece of carrion, which he

brought out on the road, and with which he I

Immediately ran home. On Johnson's arri-val at home, he was horrified to see that the

agreeraeat mora-hum- an

pouce, ana tne plantation .svas thoroughlysearched, and several other piece of flethwere found. Next day a foot found Inthe plantation, and some of the vertebrae werediscovered hidden In a tawnIL A hlackstriped waistcoat, tome cotton waste,

it used In cleaning machinery, butsmeared blood, a roller, such at Itused by Norwich weavers, were alsofound.

On tucceeding days, other parts were dis-coverednow in a field on one side of thetown, then in an entirely direction.

length the wbolo district 'wa searched,river were and small piece of

human fiesh, evidently carved In (lice fromwere found almot ftrerrwhere

Eight days after the first discovery, portionsme viscera wrre iouna in a sewer, cat Bp

into pieces three Inches the mirk hodbeen previously discovered, a leg boBe

op, ana disci, velvet Donnct, wnicu Hadevidently been tbe property of a person iarespectable clrcn mat aces, found in the Tare.

erne octagon parti of the bod were 1jb4spets which bad prevk)Jy beta nrefaUy l

tarched-a- ad it was evident that they baabeen placed there since the ant dsscoverr.Some of I he pieces b been soakedtrace of dcotiorlzlo; HqbH were o!

aera, tnaay oi me tattered: i

DnraratiwcuMtbowtsMsttaeyOTgmsinaeKHt. Itbe rxxir TZTiZJZ'.

to tweatT-tlx- . tost toe hod Taeea daot ajortBigBx, aaa last toe was tn geod hrKhwhea death seised ber. It ' k. I

tkepofloeaed tax poMic that abeMnmwHtted: naTdeMtaoaa

phsee after tisc oSaeoVery bad beoa aVe, asswlrtW tat tcswwk wot stift dffirenT ac am. I

sa3aaUwfJtsrowaat Ma (fltsailtlia. tmo. M aaan i


I now nf t m mi .01

no in wa remkt"kt ..cwmw;

wn jfumM jura jw.tiam ud Waafrtai fisas mm.frtMxti vert atkaiasL beat In, aatlrea

mSr? 0uuut TtHr m wsra oan oeca sNtwa torwj arrT aaTlS,1"'.iyffJj

kept aMStikSt KLTtSS! miJil"mkoi, with the r"f, fonc tkp aw.Tho public were not lowr la tonjettlwH,

The anthnrlttes, however rMHertat raaAI "ronnler wilt oat." krnt Ue cv)wvnpai

crime In spirits of wtae, Mutt they mljtwt teforthcomlagwbrreverHetesArfct M wleal.It was brllereJ tat a motdar had bee, d,

and that a yoac wosMk m Uevictim. Bat only oaa tUng was held to botatitractartly proved, asd that was, that thomurdered female was not an tnhabUaat ofNorwich at ths tires of her decease.

Seventeen rears asd a half poteed br. aodnot a ray of llsht had boea Urowa oa ttemystery until quite recently. A telegram wareceived la Norwich from London, Inforariarthe magistrates that a. rcapectaMalaliabMiaSof that city bad rotate a ceafceatoa toat habad murdered hU wlfc on tea 15th of Jsae,1S31, by cutting ber throat; that the bodjrwas cut up and some portions preaerrvd iaspirits, and that would know all abeacIt atNorwIch. Thl, precisely taUtea wttittho facta ot tho mystery. Thodate U six davs before the sjtt dtaceTerj efthe hand by Mr. Johstoa't 4of. asd accordIngulirly with the jruct which Uw ncdical ,

men made during tha succeeding week a tothe tlma which had elapsed alnca the bodywas allvo and well.

It ! at once admitted by those who wereconcerned in the investigation that nobodysuspected Sheward. A quiet, inorenslveand respectable citizen, ho was golne aboutamooir them, actuallr dlsnoslnir of the man.gicu piece ui ois wuc a noay, wniie ueywere dUculmr what the frlthtrol mysterycould mean. How It came about that thadisappearance of Mrs. Sheward was nevermarked, or beluir marked. It wa astlifii.torlly accounted for to her friends and neJeh- -bon, does not yet appear. At the time, hateems to hare given It ont that aha was goneuuBjoumer, anaio nave Dcen believed atonce. But how did he account for her

Did he give it out that shehad died on her Journey, or that site Sadmade one otthose sensation! disappearanceof which we often hear! He seems at anyrate to have lived free from all tuspicton-an- das he spoke of this victim as hit firstwile. It it to.be presumed that be had marri-ed agiln, &ud carried his frightful secret allthrough the festivities of a bridal

How it was that nobody ever put togetherthe two tacit Of Mr. SheWSr.V rllsanneince and the finding of a female body, aadhow the authorities arrived at the mislead-in- g

certainty that nofcody living In Norwichhad been slain, remata to be seen. A respec-table woman certalaly dlsapmarod Inst attnc time that the remains of were found;it was understood tbat ber husband Mshe was gone on a long journey, and he wasbelieved. She never came back, and noInquiry was made; but whatever tale herhusband told was again taken on trust; andIt now turns ont that the husband was themurderer for whom the police were search-lo- g,

and tbat the hideous relics In theirhands were all that remained of one who hadbeen their neighbor and friend.

How to riT Collars to Horses' Soocvrmti It la very Important to have a collarflt nicely and snugly to the shoulders of ahorse. It enables him to work with a greatdeal more case, and to apply a great dealmore strength. It prevents galling andwounding, a the friction Is avoided. Collarsare made, or should be to made, as to throwthe chief force on the lowerpsrt of the shoul-ders. The horse can apply bntlittle strengthon the upper part, and for this reason breastcollars are coming greatly lato vogue; as thastrength is exerted on the lower nartnrthoshoulders. But weatarted out to tell ourreaders bow to make a new collar St theshoulders of the horse. The collar tbould bepurchased of the proper site They areusuallr too large. If obtained ot tho propersite, just before, putting It on. the firtt time,immerse it In water, letting it remain abouta minute, and Immediately pnt it on thehorse, beln carefal to hae the hamta toadjusted at the top and bottom as to fit theshoulders, and then pnt the horse to work.The collar, by being wet. will adapt llteirtothe shoulders, and should dry on the horse.When taken off, It should be left la the sameshape it occupied on the horse, and everafter yon will have a snng-fltUn- g collar andno wounds. JoScy farmer.

Tnjs 8ibbath fob. ths Wobxuo Max.The Sabbath Is God's special present to theworking-man- , and one of lta chief objectsIt to prolong life' and preserve efldeotbis working, tone. In the vital tjitesaitacts like a compensation-pond- ; h replen-ishes the tnlriU. ths elasticity and Ttoorwhich the last six days have drained away,aim suppuc me lorce woicn it to nil tne sixdtys tucceeding: and in the econotnr ofexistence, it answers tho tams norr-oa- asin the economy of Income, Is answered by asaving bank. The frugal man who putt asidea pound and another poand nextmonth, and who, In a quiet way, it alwayspatting oy nu statea pouna Irom lime totime, when he treta olef and frail, wet not

the tame pounds back train, but a goodmany pounds bctldcc. And the conscleatl- -ous man, who hutbaatw one day of existenceevery week, who, instead of aUowhsg theSabbath to be trampled asd tors la the harryand scramble of life, trrtwinrm It ilnrmii, nn

the Lord of the Sabbath keep It for him,and In length of days a hale old age rivetit back with nrtury. The saying bank ofhuman existence it the weekly Sabbath VBrUUMUftcv.

Novel Vebdict. A Jary, In a recent civiltrial at Montpeller, VersBont, hiitse ktest

Waihlrvjton County Court, SnttmAcrTerm, 1668. Tt . Ia this cawthe jury say that their united ages are 96ayears, averaging 40 2 years; that tbrweight It LflSB pounds, arersarW182X; that, politically, there are deveaferGrand and one for 8ermonr, and that os thisline tbey Intend to fight until after the No-vember election.

Signed, , Foresaoa.It is needless to tar that the IwTiuai a.

Joyed the Joke, aad the Court dlKl-atf-e UseJnry- -

HiltTKlxtr, ta lwtssttL.lwlw that eastbe said against ai ir)tmjt will-h- e aMbr lawyer, as, saslrA'.eatwaeconvenatloa, saet a nia'a Ooaaowl, wkawa tctj new, m toe xewanwe. tbstaia:

How to it that, with too Jataewhich yea havestojlsta la Lomiom tu vSaCTr",

'MmimtSumiSlmasanTS 2LsTT '- - -The n iaw( "Ton '

of mni'imi iSmtmi tBk MtrTtaS

.... ..... - ...

r. (to wMSssESW

' ;Ra Csaonn. Ia nstOac as ta stavswA4- -

maot In isWaMarai,.A Asoa aea. rw - .

piece oi flesh the animal bad found was a Dt "iuioBt frota Sttardarband. He at once gave notice to the I "ff to Monday rooming, tint In the following



witb andthe








wassaraVr sod







''a-aT-o; "bod

Page 2: HAWAIIAN GAZETTE - University of Hawaii · XI Cws aaJ ima f titfVcvat iiir. mad muMl ta pv catifiictkci. ... CvataUtrranaccjar aimooa pTntotatp-woc-t wwn, Istsadj wQt be nr taltT




Dirtcicr cf tie QoremEest Prtss. '


Mi-G- . TasGKsxniiria?ukseare

otknaaretiretrrtictee to be Rat tohlo.




OSeal atice hat Iwve rrcRTnl at thistaat J. C Psgr. H- - hai rtsca--i

bil cial fcaetioct as C5al f H. 2Ltl Eiac f Sveicc aa4 Xmt.

5i3! S. B. Pauxrn.


Tie Board f Eiaealioa having decided to..ai.v : tt.,- -, . rt.cv:? c, .


b Octaccompanied

l--uctt cT tit IrSii-sr-fiki- ir prtia f the i the J&tmaka the soathern Uhndi ofj'ltS-- St the pcrpose-a.theiastrn- c-and

Miss Alberta, hereby gir na&t. that tiaas to the eaptaia agent thei Mrlwol will U epeard. re Mtadiy. tie stowof - encocrasinff the im-S- ta

Mare, seat easmag. ia ta basesttatroosts f Fen Stmt Chercl. whcrt it will be j migration of carried laborers, accompan-carr- W

n, br jwtmissia f ti Caana Traj- - doilies, whs wiffiaj totm. aatl a ccrsasttt aal am mtaUc i

boftias-shi- b erwtcd or proTJ-- J bj the contract to labor a terns years, aadC j fter that raaie these Islands their home."

. Albn. Paawif Pajik-- . i Fron the quotation above, one wonW snp--aaa vi jie5M a 6 taaat. wicaertr taa4Taacraat f tie scrSs jhiH wamat ti ,

sa. Aai ia erdr that ti ajTaatas efthe Schoal car b btoazht within tic mchcf iH rUjjts. tht Trrr Ww rief FiveDU-lir- s

pr ttrs w3 1 cbarsI fu- fctitNcSehMl twtw.fhua e'dsci A. iL. aata 2ekcl P. iX.. f &ea 5(U Oar.

M". Jis. Smth. SeT.

Turitrrcru ESIJLTE r& sittThe vcitksewB frraujU at JIiiTti.hr stv-ex- al

Tcan Gcapjed br- - 2iia Qplta. fr a Voani-iasc-

are oerl ir sale t theJSwrl of Elscatxa, a rry t!lnt tm.Fr raiticsltr;. liplj to

VT. Ja5. Sana.giarTr rf tb Rmnt af rr-rti-

Ir has pleased His 3Tajstr. the Fx, taappoint Frederick S. Lvciaa. Esq., a CirceIt f

Judi;c for the Islaad of Hawan.Ioiaat FaLm. Feb. !. 1NS.

Ir has pfajed His Majtatr, the Ehr. toappolat Hra. w rman P. Kt Vit t h

cf the Beard of Education-- .tVui Film. rb. ?. iSti.

give y, cost of oar space tothe dedsloa of the Snpreme Cocrt onthe exceptions is the capital case ofKnar vs. Tin Ah Chin, Cheater Kaaford.Loaon and Acnee. convicted of atthe last Term of the Circnit Cocrt at x.

Knowing well, that oar readerswiH be more interested in this than inanything: we night have to say. In thecase of the King- vs. the Cxi chinamen,mentioned above, we find that the verdictagainst tT"- -' Feed and Lanoo is not sas--tained by the evidence. The Tenfict isconsequently set asUe, the jedgmeat va-

cated, and a new trial ia their cases.

The exceptions-take- in their Caver

overruled, and consequently, the judgmentazainst them stands.



borers themselves





left open, above throughwhich passout and again assailthe "'of

term3of the estate

K. those on everyestate the

left much at liberty, above

against labor this country,best " to dis-

credit sadas no ex-p- h

ration hadthat nine-tent- cf the

and criticism?, regarding

from these same

Bade? rnasner thatlooks saore Eke prompted by spirit

aedto any aad every measure toearned oat, a desire

of csaairy aed whera

is to fcesiewso much mmflrn f

xaeat. He cotcorafetiraf and nothing is

rage apparent thanto

Mrthcia gUada, recently fittedfor cfTK crBaBtiaa wg &ed oat

aaaetof taeheta liwnTii'rnn. cf 30000 tu

tie aspasas wkiek if

"Araonr the items is thesum of to procur forwhich, oiject a oHI has ba passed. This

was voted with, tie distinct uoxier--tanoins that was to encrarag tH tn- -

fter irhoae. IT this system caa carried



aad of Gov-- si


.vj. areWr



Pres-iit- at




tkeir rtr. and found to wurk weH, itj mar prove to be the point ia the

decrease of oarIt matters from where these immi

grants torn from Japan, Sweden, theAzores. Mknwesia. or aay otter Polyne-

sian Islands the ideai to iotrodneeiw-Oie- t,

that wiM insure aa tjtereasv of labor-

ers aad W Erm'y believethat, with proper effort, ten thocsand

can secnred the nextjSre years. AH that are meansand "eaerrr on the part of this

The means have been BberaSv-praride-

by ; the Gov-

ernment cow act in same spirit, andcarry oat with the win ofthe people."

Xow, ia to the will

reede." as expressed bv Legislature.r-- .t .r.ti--

t vu.. i

po$e that this step of the U

wonkl met with approval andnora! snpport cf the " press ;"

bet sach has not been the case. The oc-

casion has been taken of, not

only to the objects of thebet to assail whole Ubor

system of this giving, by itsto the

world that a system labor exists, thiswhich by all

evils forced labor systems,

most arbitrary and condi-

tions. Were we to look farther back incolamni " press."

we woold nd that althocsh as in every- -thing- else it has been opposed the

measnres for the introductionof labor from nhrcsrt. it is only recentlythat it has taken the hih moral standwhich it cow assnrnes to occapy.

a few years ago. the Government as in

present instance in accordance with

an set passed theagent to China to

Chinese laborers, to be introduced intocountry ender the aaspices and spe- -

rial the thas

seearing to them the guarantee thefath the that they shook!

be dealt with, and not atthe mercy companies or individu-

als, Commercial Adceriiser mostbitter in the neascre,alike "nargrrrn in its criticisms upon

Government and the who

acted as the agent of theThe high coral aspect the qaestioo,however, had not, at that time,itself to the minds of writers of that

journal. They simply that the cooa-tr- y

about to overror by the pirati-

cal o&corrrinzs of Asiatic civilization.

the "offcasts'' of Asia. Among thegreatest of the dangers, theyin the introduction cf Chinese laborers,

that, at the time when their terms oflabor should expire, they would letloos to overran the country, resorting torobbery and plunder for tirefihood,

rather than to honest labor. The change

these high-tone- d sentimental peo-

ple to say the least, somewhat ainusicg.

The Chinese laborers been intro-

duced, with few they nave

been found to tractable and valuable

laborers. them one-ha- lf of thecountry must

Vet, although half time for which

these people to labor has sot ex--

elves to reduce hfro to a condition of sla-Te-

They not only forget the forebod-

ings a few years post, bst to seehim. whom they called so freeto ream aboct the country at will, beforehis time expires. Trtfird of the robberand rcfSaa to be to prey upon

people, they cow him the op-pressed and deceived laborer, who oczstto be set tree from own contract,Government seton anfor the psrpose of fndncing toemigrate to these fjland?, only topry tne wat ec iaeer, sat to incorporatetiteai with this people, aad, if possible, bybriaging together the scattered

tribes, asd sewvor toaad taas perpetaate a free and vigorousaatiea at Tfce perremty of

" igjcBoorftgt srea " k wil knownH k to expect bitter froa ittowad tTmiif ?gy m i;aaw ii ndi rtaken toheeatriad Ia ttk amaiai . , horeTer,

leek Sar iu aKcrt aad; for U,

ZDtroe : The following; ap-- j and confusion sure to fol-pe-

the P. C Adcartiser of March J l0w, and they saw in their fervid- j tions, Seeing our devoted

--1 Ocr attention has been cafied to the j stores, and arricaltnre pining- under theeditorial r fcst use regard to the j f irteltabIe QE.assisnrnent bv tha Executors of the con--tracts for hUxt to the estate of j controHahle cooEe labor. They sighed for

the late E. C. TTe have seen the the innocent and tractableform of tiewntracs.ardby themt hh nar- -

bind to the service ofcoral reef; longing for the time whentheir employer for the term of fire years,

and his Erection, j his civilized kindred of Hawaii shoald

Assiaxs. Vte this in justice to ths ! come to relieve him, by taking him toExecutors, who supposed and believed, ( fcoces caticz him a part of that

thev had a right to assign the con-- , t ,tracts to porchlser thereof in accord-- ! PPfe vho were 10 PPtnateance with the express terms of the con-- j the Polynesian races, in the happy

j dom of Hawaii. They saw in their schemeThe above is probably the nearest to a j the of the of

retraction, or aa apology, that ever ap-- 1 e ajathern islands, the only means ofpoared in the Commercial Adcertiter, and. checking the decrease of their people, aadas it should be locked epen as aa in-- 1 c--jj the bEnd and stupid policy whichdication of reformation. It is attempted to corrupt and contaminate theserved, that a very wide door is innocent Hawaiian, by the introduction of

in the explanation,the '"independent pres3 " can

erect fianntirtdy, and'immigration schemes the gov-

ernment, and the of engagement,cot only the laborers on cf

C. Wvlie, bet of almost

plantation or in Kingdom. Itis as by the ex-

planation, to iu denurxiatiocjthe system of

"and to do " Stile bring-

upon the government people bymisrepresentations, though

ever been attempted. It issafe to say

nsjest thesewhxhwe receiving pared, these scribblers taxed phHahtrho-fro- m

induced piit3acdrnoraEst3of highestwrong imbibed by travel-- ifelaatUthewoEeiakerAtofabor

lers cisrepresentiriocs ofos kC2l" independent cress," which are

ia raos instances,being

of aa&gsaat Bascmpclocs oppositionattempted be

tkas by for the wel-

fare the peopZe uponapt tenti- -

caseation is invariablywith i&e& is its

lncawtescy in thecoaaetafrpn regafl the expeditionto the oat

tie iiyMi iaferrrg isaaoatios.ia psrss-aaae-af


are rijlmmtilaw FadJic Qmmuragl ila

pcroprfitiS30.000 immigrants,


tg jjHndi

of obtaining rabcrers







be duringis needed

Govern-Bren- t.

tha Legislainre letthe


conformity of thethe


overriden.have the


expedition, theKingdom,

raisrepreseatations, the impression

of inKingdom, is characterizedthe of underthe oppressive

the of the independent



theby Legislatnre, des-

patched aa procure

theprotection of Government,

ofof Government,

honorably placed

of anythe was

denouncing- and was

theupon gentleman



was be




in aadis.


and, exceptions,be

Withoutof the cease.


of longdangeroaj.

let loosethe see

ci3 leehas foot expedition

Polynesiansnot sap- -

andthe race,


sf? cp8iItico

jat.itwwawrto es--

JgatTtoerer lmke&

Gazette Art werein imagina-13t- h

commerce from

in in

belongirarWjiie. ilicronesian,



theKing-trscts- ."

introduction Polynesianshas

easily ob-- 1



Islaadi, are. constantlyabroad, are escccraged f the typevdark-b- y


in aa











looked ia vain; fur the moment the Gov-

ernment undertook to carrr oat theof the LesisMare.it u assailed Vr

it, and accused--

of danCctty and deceit,aad people abroad are given to understandthat tha Hawaiian Government is encagedia an enterprise similar to those which arecondemned by the enlightened cations ofthe earth, namely i that it has sent out aaexpedition to entice the people of thescnthera islands to come here, with the intention of redact- s- them, when they shallarrive, to a state of bandare. Oaa wocUthink that those people, who are now in-

nocently ond piocsly singing- psalms upontheir native reel, nncorciocs of theirdoom, are about to be kidnapped, chained,and brought here suffering all the horrorsof the - middle- - passage " on their way,and the few who survive are destined tolead a life of toil and suffering, aad finallyto die beneath the lash of the brutal over-

seer. And this too is to be effected bv asinful and deceitful Government, that pre-tends that its only object is to encourageimmisation. and to carry out aa act of theLegislature which was commended by the

independent press." It is no wonderthat the state of things here is misunder-stood abevad. and that it will continue tobe so ratsanderstood. so long- as the

of the press are permittedto go abroad undisputed. It is due. notonly to ocr good name before the world,but to thosfe who are engaged in developingthe resources of the country, to exposeand cuodemn the falsehoods of the inde-

pendent press in regard to tha labor sys-

tem. It is due the Government to say.that in so far as the coolies are concerned,their contracts with its agent have, so tar.been faithfully carried oat. They havebeee carefully protected in the rightswhich were guaranteed to them when theywere engaged, aud that, when the time ex-

pires for which they were engaged to laborthev wiH be discharged, aad a great por-tion of these wilL no doubt, become peace-abi- e

and independent prodacers. In sofar as the recent expedition is concerned,it ban open and praiseworthy effort to in-

duce immigration, in an unexceptionablemanner, and so one caa deny that, if it Bsuccessful, it will be fraught with greatgood, alike to this people and those whocome here to find a home. It is likely tobe so beneficial to alL that it is a wonderthat any one should oppose it, even amongthose who are most narrow-o.inde- d andbigotted. or the most unscrupulous andmalignant in their opposition to the Gov-

ernment. Yours truly.A Esiisij to this Peofix.

Streets and Boaib.31a. Editok. My attention was arrested

by aa article In your last issue on the sub-

ject ofopeaiaz- up new streets and roads, inand about Honolulu. It is a subject that in-

terests me, much more than subsidies to for-ei-

steamers, orreciprocities becaase,astheysay ia the ditiUiin, it promotes the nidiityfor the aaJtmio close to our own doors. Itis trite to say. that any country withoutroads, is scarcely asy country at alt. A nunmight as well have a firm in one of the plan-

ets, as to own a tract, however fine, in a lo-

cality that is inaccessible. On a small scale,such is mj case. I am the owner of a smalltract at Psltma, which might be made a verydesirable price of residence, but there is noway to get at It, cut even with a wheel-barro-

Ifjou attempt to go "afut," as Pad-

dy says, yoa have to walk on a ridge that re-

sembles very much a lean hog's back, and ifIt be at all wet or slippery, yoa have thepleasing alternative of a mud bath in taro-pat-

Xo. 1, on your left, or taro-patc- h So.2 on tout right To say the least of It, yourhead must be weQ balanced, without posses-

sing the advantage of the balance pole car-

ried bv the performer on the tight rope,which enables him to keep his equipoise.If it be dry weather, the chance is that yonwin have the dengbt of hopping throairh thefresh mud, aakie deep, recently thrown upfrom the adjoiaingtarop&teh, upon the aforesaid hog's back. Sow Jin Editor, I do notagree with yon that every one Is as persistent as possible in obaainicg road damages.I would give half of the tract which I own,if It were necessary, if I could only have aread for a hacd-car- to get at the place,which Is of about four acres in extent, andhave made the offer many times to His Excellency the Minister of the Interior. I hadhoped that when the Lunatic Asylum wasestablished ia the locality to which I refer,that a road would have been opened throughthat iarze belt of fine, but roadless land extending from Liliha street to EaliM valley,but I was jocniariy told by an official, thatalthough my offer was liberal, and thoughmasy others entertained the same spirit, vetit was cot desirable to make the Asylum andits grounds too easy of access, on account ofits Icdadeg too many visitors. I thereforehold that a man that haggles about pettingpay to make valuable his land, otherwisecomparatively worthless, is aj&Uiuof therarest type, aud reminds me very much ofthe man wbo, although very hungry, whenInvited to diae, Insists upon beicj; paid for

j fating the dinner of which his stomachstands so much ia need.

j Yoa ask, of what interest Is this to the manwho Uvea la Hsmakca or Kan? I say, every

I Interest In the world. Every Improvement,I ia the remotest corner cf the Kingdom, In- -,

(crests the man at Hamakca and Ean, asmuch so as a good road opened In Hamaknaor nan, wiS interest the man in Honolulu,especially when he has occasion to go thereand travel it it may be on a dark night.

Ton My, it is to be hoped that a littlebetter feeling wiH prevail la this respect. Itprevails cow aad has prevailed for manyyears past it has almost got Ired of pre-vailing because the government has donenothing on the subject


"RnrtEr. It is pleasing to find thatone at least is aroused on this points Ourcorrespondent maybe assured that if hewill continue to bestir himself and makeother people bestir themselves, he will getall proper assistance from those officers

baring authority to help him. The pointis how much is to be paid for the land infront of his lot, and who will pay for filling

it cp, and making the read passable; andwill the people in the rear and neighbor-hood of our correspondent join is the actanescessary to open the street? Go on andlet cs try it. Our theory ta that the coatof such improvements shoald be assessed

on the property benefitted. This ssay bewrong--, bet'it appears right; let as aakethe aileapts ia all cireciiofia, as rigit aadjosgee may point cot. It shoald havebeen done long ago.

TecdaS and dumb acre heUa'In Bedis. Frsuia. is wtLck aVae e6lMlity of a catotttate'ftr Hke

Usewsfe. "

Supreme Court, Mawallaa Is.lands.

srscxu, TRX, MJLSCH 11, 1SC3.

Aw. 7UAA Giut, Ckwiy Am FcrO, Xan-

ax, ami Ajan.TneBUlof EicepUwi set forth that at

the Jaae Term, 196S, cf the Circuit Court forthe Second Jsdidil Circuit, held at Lahalaa,Island of Mill, and oee of the Hawaiian

Ihnl, an Indictment, wherein the defend-ant- s

were jointly charged with the ranrderj of one Kaanealna, at Hunakaapoko, on said

Island of Mint, on the 13th day of January,! 1S6S, eoaaUtlns of three cooaU, respectively

describing the orTense as committed with an

, Iron bar, by burulcg and suffocation, and by

(acts, means and agencies to the AttomeT-- iGeneral cot known, was duly presented acdfound. At the December Term, 1SCS, ot

Isaid Circuit Court at Tjhilna, the defendants.at their arraignment, pleaded a special pleaIn bar, to the effect that the failure to prose-

cute upon said Indictment at the Term nextensuing after the commitment of the de-

fendants for trial, and the fiilare to proceedwith the trial at the Term at which ald

had been presented, operated as anacquittal of the defendants under the stat-

utes. The Court overruled this plea.Defendants counsel thereupon moved for

adjournment until the next day, to prepareaffidavits to sustain a motion for change ofvenue, alleging that they could present affi-

davits that nearly all uf thoee persons com-

petent to serve as jurors on said Island of3Iaal were Interested in plantations uponwhich persons of the race to which defend-a- ut

belonged, served as laborers, and that,in their opinion, tbooc who belonged to saidrace merited severe treatment and discipline,aad were unworthy of the same legal pro-tection with uthers; that the said murderbad greatly excited the public mind on saidIsland, and that Oahn, to which It was pro-posed to chasge the venue, was free from allthese objections. The Court denied thismotion. The defecdauU counsel then movedfor a separate trial for each defendant, which,motion was denied.

A plea of not guilty was then entered.Thereupon the Court proceeded to Impanela jury, compelling the defendants to h

juror a he appeared, the Govern-ment having first excercbed its riUt ofchallenge, to which course the defendantscounsel took exception. The Court over-ruled the challenge lor cause of S. E. Bishopand Raymond, after they had admitted on thevoir dire that they had formed and expressedopinions regardtar: the sullt or innocence ofthe defendants, which it would require evi-

dence to remove ; the said jurors, however,stated that they were cot conscious of anybias, from such "opinion which would operateagainst aa impartial verdict on the evidence.

When the panel wanted one ot being fall,and ten peremptory challenges bad beenmade In the defendants' behalf, without anyexpress statement whether the same weremade for them jointly or for cither of themseverally, their counsel sought to make aperemptory challenge In behalf of Ah Chin,and claimed that the defendants were en-

titled each to ten peremptory challenges; butthe Court ruled that all the prisoners hadexercised their full light of challenge.

Dr. Kittredge, the medical expert, testifiedas to the caue of the death as follows: "Ithink It certain teat the fire would havecaused his death. The injuries from the firewere sufficient to cause his death, sooner orlater. The Injuries from the blows rnav havebeen the chief cause of his death. The in-

fluence of the two combined was undoubt-edly the cause. I know of na other possiblecause. It was my impression that the actionof fire was the cause. I could not tell whetherhe died of blows or contused wounds. Ishould say he died of a combination of both.The blows mar have caused the death. Idon't know If the burns caused the death."The declarations of the deceased ouly men-tioned the defendant Aguee and three otherChinamen (as concerned in the assault onhim,) which three he could not came, or inany way describe.

Only the defendants Agnee and Ah Chinmade confessions, and the defendants EarnFord and Lanon were not present when theconfessions were made.

The only evidence against Cheong EarnFord and Lanon is that of the witness Gan-del- l,

who testified that on Monday morninghe "went to the Chinese house to order theCninamen to go to work; saw Lacon thereeating his breakfast ; going to the cook-hous- e

he saw me, and I saw defendant Lanon bad amark on his face, and that he pulled his batover his face to hide it I went along by himto the Chinese house, and there saw EarnFord standing at the door with a cup of ricela his hand. Cheong Earn Ford looked pale,and his trowscrs were wet from above hisknees down. I asked him why be did notget his breakfast when the rest did, and bereplied that be bad just cot in. Thev workedalong slowly in the field, and kept behind therest of the gang. It is wet between the twoestates there was a vegetable card en nearthe house :" and that of witnesses Goodaleand Eanihe, the former, manager of the plantation to which the defendants were attachedas laborers, and the latter not shown to havebeen well acquainted with the plantation orfamiliar with the quarters of the Chinesethere; that a silk kind was found in CheongEarn Ford s back, rolled nr in a shirt, and aChinese frock in Lacon's bank, with two orthree stains upon it on the epper part, and apair of trousers which had been washed, andwere about as wet as well-wru- clothes.

After a verdict of entity against all the de-fendants, a motion for a new trial was filedon the groncds alleged in the BUI, and on theanmuoaai gronnos inat tne verdict was con-trary to the taw and evidence, and the weightof evidence, against the Instructions of theCourt, and for alleged misconduct of D. G.Lee, one of the jurors, who was overheardto say, before the Court charred the jury,that "Stanley, (one of the counsel for de- -lense), mtget make those men's wills cow."

The icslrncioBj pnyrd for and given,upon the subjects of dvisiz declarations andconfessions, npon the necessity of provingioe corpus aeucii oy owcr elicence tnan medefendant's confessions, and of affirmativeproof to warrant averdict of guilty on eithercount in the indictment, also that the furymust find that the Attorney General bad noknowledge of the "acts, means anddes " wEich caused the death, or must acquit in the third count of the indictment, areset out ; also the further instruction, that thejury "must find that Kaaueaina came to hisdeath either by a blow from a bar of iron, orsome similar weapon, or by burning and suf--locauon, or Dy some mysterious aess, meansand agencies not to the Attorney Generalknows, and they can find that he came tohis death by the joint effects of a blow froma bar cf Iron or a similar instrument, andburning and suffocation, under the last countof the Indictment," to hleh the defendants'counsel excepted. The Cocrt also chargedthe jury, "that if any of the defendants werefound to have been present, neither trricz toprevent, nor afterwards giving prompt information oi me crimes, uiey woau ceetaefrom iH the evidence whether thev werepresent "aiding and abetting; Inciting orinstigate" or innocently; inai li all wentto the house of the deceased with a commonintent to commit a robbery or burglary, anddeath resulted from the act of one, nmuthor-ixe- d

by the others, the law make all equallyguilty; if they went Intending to do any un-lawful act, and to overcome all opposition,and death resulted without any previous in-

tention, they must be considered guilty, atleast, of manslaughter. But if the jury be-

lieved that any ot the defendants wentof or assent to any unlawful

adto be dose, bat for other purposes, saddid sot participate in such act, then ia sodoing they were not guflty."

AttorneyGeneni for the CroweHenry Thompson, (Leo Wolf aad E. H.

Stanley with hint,) for defendants.The opinion of the Court was delivered fey

Mr. Justice HartwelLThe first point U whether the Indictment

Is good la iu third coast, which avers, withcustomary form, that ' by some acta, meant,and amende to the Attorney General notknown, with force and anas the said Tin AhChin, Cheong nan Ford,Lcsba sad Agsee,cpon him tlte said Ksiseaina, did then andtcere inflict divers severe and mortil wounds,ef which etc-t-he said aaseaina, etc, at.

e."The Cosatitntlon, ark 7, provides that "no

person tfeH he hfcht to aesvrer far any crisseaaiHM csco indictment fBr sat

plstary imitiUBf aach crime or ofeee.'T

l Onrliwsarcsilent asto therequlH"ciolegal Indictment, except that 11 shall "tHyand plainly describe the aftpce,"

Tb Court " ia all civil saattar may afplynecessarr remedies to evils that are not tied- -

I steally coateatplited by law." It follow bytae itnucipia "express) ooitM exciniia aite-rl- nt

that la ctiBUnal Batter the Coart docot have the discretion gives them ta civilmatters, ot applying SMcntwryrmin&M!, butmust take the law aa His. with, such llchtaa can be rained from the common law of

l otter countries and the elvll law, our practice caa leanca in nvor oi me common iaw-o- f

England, where the same docs cot " con-flict with the laws and customs of this Elotr-doc- n.

The fcw of England and the CelledStates have furnished the basis for oar ownlaws the reported cases In which- - the Ens-Us- a

lsnyuaco Is not used are cot broiurut toour notice, aad the renins and spirit uf theEnglish common law conform more easily tooar customs than the more artificial code ofthe civilians.

Br the authorities this count la irood. InCommonwealth vs. Webster, & Cusb. S2I,Shaw, C J., held that this kind or a count Isgood whenever the evidence U satisfactorythat the homicide was committed, but leaves

I the mode of death somewhat doubtful. ThatI case attracted scncral attention, and has

never Deeo aouoteo, out nas been amrmeurepeatedly lu othercourtsof eminent author-ity. People vs. Crocln, S3, Cal. 210. In rea-son and justice, also, this count Is undoubted-ly good, especially a the jury were chargedthat before finding a verdict of guilty nponIt, they must find'tbat such uncertainty as tothe mode did exist.

The next Inquire is upon the sufficiency ofthe plea In bar. The statntes relied upon InIts rupporl are See. 1163, Civil Code, amend-ed by Act, 1SCS, and Sec. 11TS, which read aslouows:

, Sec U6S. In all cases or offenses againstlaws of this Elugdom, triable only by a

of record, the accused shall be!the and prosecuted by an Indictment by a

prosecutor of the Crown, as soon altercommitment of the offense of which he

is accused as may be expedient ; it bein,however, expressly enacted, that the preseu-- !tatloa ot an Indictment against an accused,shall cot be deferred beyoud the term of thacourt, caving jurisdiction over the allegedoffense, oext succeeding the commitmentof the accused for trial, by a magistrate hat-ing jurisdiction therefor. And the trial shallthen and there be proceeded with, unless thesame shall be postponed by the court toprocure evidence on behalf of the prosecu-tion or defence.'

Sec. 11TS. The failure to prosecute uponthe indictment. If found, at the ensulnc termof the court, ccleas tho venue be changed,or unless the cause be postponed by thecourt, or a failure to sustain thu indictmentnpon ths law involved, or a verdict of notguilty by the Jury, or the successive disagree-ment of two juries Impanelled to try thecause, shall operate as an acquittal of theaccused, aud the court shall order his dis-

charge from custody, subject, however, totha provisions of the next succeeding sec-tion, ' (in cases of InsaiulyV.

It is claimed that there was no postpone-ment by the court to procure evidence, andthat acquittal must therefore result.

It was strongly urged by the AttorneyGeneral that the statutes cited are merelydirectory and not Imperative. But casescited to sustain this view, which relate

matters, to irregularities due to rit ma-

jor, or the act of God, or coming under sta-tutes which do not prescribe the result uf

are not In point The de-

cisions that new trials are not opposed toconstitutional or legal provisions that nope:soc shall twice be put In jeopardy for thesame offence, proceed substantially on thejrround that onlv a InpH putsins in jeopardyis intended. S Gr. Ev. 5ST, and cases therecited. The rule in Sec 13, Civil Code, thatevery construction which leads to an absur-dity Is to be rejected, can only apply Indoubtful expressions, and besides, what ab-

surdity in going to trial at the tame termmore than at the subsequent term?

It was fnrtberargued that before the act of1S06, the law limited the circuit terms to twoweeks, in which time, unless causes couldgo over, the criminal docket might cot beclosed, and a failure of justice result Thereply to this Is, that when the law Is clearand explicit, the courts must leave the leg-

islature to "apply the necessary remedies"If the law Is detective, that the legislature ofIMS, took off this limit of the length ofthe terms, and, finally, that this case did notrequire postponement to prevent failure ofjustice.

Taking these sections together, we cannotavoid the conclusion that they are Impera-tive, so far to require the cause to be post-poned by the court They give a personalrigM, under the constitutional principle, thatspeedy trials shall be had.

The position that "acquittal" here meansmerely discharge from custody, not prevent-ing another trial for the same offence, is cottenable. It only remains to Inquire whetherthe law has been duly complied with.

The answer to the plea avers that aftertrial, conviction ana sentence ox aeiecaantscpon an indictment for another murder, sup-ported by the same evidence, and alleged tohave been committed at the same time audplace, and to be a part of the same tracsac-- ,tion alleged In this Indictment, the AttorneyGeneral stated that it was not expedientto proceed to trial on the present case,but that the same was cot abandoned, andthat this suggestion received the open ap-proval of the Court

This answer is so far traversed as todeny the averment of not abandoningthe case, and of open approval by theCourt of the suggestion made. Buteven admitting this, although the courseadopted is very objectionable, on the scoreof informality, and although we cancot ad-mit that a waiver of legal rights affects thiscase. We are convinced that virtually andsubstantially there was a postponement ofthe cause by the Court As there Is no pre-tence of time being asked to procure evi-dence, we must consider whether othergrounds suffice.

The rule that legal grounds must be pre-sumed, nslese the contrary appears, does notapply here, since the actual groosdj are setout in the pleadings.

By the rule of law, enacted in SectionIS, Civil Code, laws "in pari materia"are to be construed together. Applyingthis rule with tbe statute cpon implied re-peals- Sec. SI, Civil Code, ne observe thatSee. 1163 excepts only the ease of postpone-ment by the Court for evidence, and See. ll8exepts the eases ofpostponement by the Court,generally, change of venae, quashing indict-men- u,

verdict of not guilty, and successivedisagreement of juries. We ean cot for amoment admit that See. 11C3 repeals thepower of the Court to postpone for change ofvenae, or in case of the overruling of an ap-peal from a refusal of the Circuit-Cou-rt toqcash an indictment That is, the generalstatute power of ths Court to postpone caottaia cot affected by Sec 1163, which does notattempt ta ensraerate thera all, dotasj. Both sections may read at follows : "Thetrial shall thea and there be proceeded with,unless the Court postpone the cause to procureevidence, or for other reasons." So strong,however, are the statutes la favor of a prompttrial, that even the Court shoald exercise thispower only "ex ceeestitau ret," and where theaccused toffer no injury thereby. The sate ofceeeitity did not exist here, but lbs pottpece-me-at

worked only ia favor of the aeessed.They were ia jail, sot awaiting trial, bat exe-cution. Their tobseqaest trial wat at a timewhen public excitement had eooled, aad thachances ia their favor were tetter.

We decide, then, fl,) that tha statute gzreathe Court a general power of postponement ;(I,) that this power Wat exercised ia this ease,aad (3,) that tbe ease warranted its exercise.

We tee co objection to the rtfosa! to granttime to prepare aajdavita for a motion toehaagB tho venue. Ey See. 857, Civil Code,it it discretionary wills the Court to change,the Tease os tatitfactory proof that a fair andimpartial trial ess sot othtrwite be had.

Tke deuisi of the motion for teparat trialswe alto at the discretion of the Court. Xoslatatr givM the right of separate trial, uiso grounds for the motion were Mnvl to beshown. " ,"" Tit statute, a well i ths rulel of Cock,prescribe bo saode of iapttseliog she jry.Al&cuzfc the sso4e adopted did st eoafomta oar practice, ws tea as valid sbjte&n to it,and It tocssa to hare, hoes accordiaff to-- thecoarse ef the gUiQ eotsmos Itw.BticM'tCr.Ev., p. IK, 4 ism there efeod.

ItwaJaotftcwiaaiaat oaeh itrftaiaat aadfcy tUiate arlcW to toajorratptory rislliisit,and the only eswtiss it whether at) hadjoacd is each cMleeft. The Aasasssata'coaaeei auger euiiy ttn ttearwS atty per-emptory eaalleagM by, ttatias, aaW AmtlaNmyd, tor whit at the fin tahilailistars. Astaty oK set, m- -

inino that they apoV tor all, otherwise taaehallaca wm of no effect.-- Tha taitractleBt upon eoePmloBS, al!-jJc-

aad iykg deetftrotioss. teoattasmeteaoasAi aa lo fir at appears, ft vuawt watact oatrwry mwrtox;

As W lb ort&ltilr ttv lnnranp 1 limaof taejaror. w da et eonildor It rtstcitni:caate for wttier aoiJc tht verdict. Ta 'Irregularity la a jrora coodeet to warrant


this. " shoald te of inch a nutnro at' fa affecttbt impartiality, rarity and regularity of theTrdiet itself." Be.Vl t Kwl'i Ui. Cr.Cast, VoLJ.SSS.

The snal consideration la npon tht laskltoeyof tvtdcac ta sustain lh verdict acalcst thoprisoners Kam Ford and Laaoa. Ia elvil atwell at erlttiaid east, the Caart will dioterb averdict for insufficiency of tvldtaee only Is I

very clear and eases. Wbtrt, huwvr,there Is wasting any essential link In tht chain I

of tvidence. or where tb.tr Is after vast oftvideac ta establish tht trptt JtUtti, or tolay any foundation oa whkh to build aplegal proof, It It sna usurpation of tht provincof tht Jory, but it it a doty blading npon thCourt to ttt aside th Tinlict

" It t undoubtedly by th theory of ourforms of trial, the province of th Jury to de-

cide ultimately upon questions of fact i bat Itit equally tree, that It Is within the province, I

and often the duty of the Court, to tet asid a j

verdict, where it appears to them to he con-

trary to the wtirht of evidence. Oa firsttrial, there may b room to believe that thjury hav fallen into torn error in regard to t

th law, or ia regard to the value and fore oftha evidence, which they themselves wouldcorrect upon a cartful revision." Ptr Or.Coffin vt. Phoenix Ins. Co.. 15 l'!ck. 294.

Hera, wa have, in tha prisoner Laaou'aease, cvideoco that the morning after tho mur-der, ha had " t mark on hit face that hs" worked slewly, behind the others r that a jChines frock, with stains npon its upper part,of what nature does cot appear, wa found Inhis bunk, together with a pair of trowsers," almost at wet at clothes." Theevidence that he ' palled his hat over his facto bide" the mark from th overseer, was aat. l ,v. ; . . . i , ,

waij vi iuo witue, lu rrjccicu(laicrcocv Incompetentia us prisoner kin 1 ord t ease, the evi-

dence is that he " looked pale" on th morn-ing in question ; that " hi trowttrs were wetfrom his knees down ;" that be was lata atbreakfast, and accounted for this by tayinethat he had " justcome in ;" that be "workedslowly, behind tha others i" that a tilk klhel.tbe property of Stpua, (on of th murderedmen,) was foand in his bank, rolled ap in ashirt

There is colling to connect these circum-stances with any participation in tbe runnier,or with any presence at or knowledge or tbecrime. However significant they may seem,and however natural it might be that theyshould follow guilt, they in no manner or de-

gree prove that guilt. It is impossible to saywhether the jury connected these facta withthe confession of tbe other two prisoners,made in the absence of these men, andtherefore having co legal effect againstthtm, or whether hey assumed or infer-red callu In either ease, th verdict againstEarn Ford and Lauon it contrary to law, atcot sustained by tbe evidence, which was ofan entirely unsatisfactory character to convictthem of tie charges alleged.

The judgment of the Court, therefore. Is,exceptions crcrruled In case of Ah Chin andAgue; verdict set aside, sentence vacated,and new trial ordered. In case of Kam Fordand Lauon.

OCR old friend, the Rev. S. C Damon, D.D., sails for tha United States, per fdoAo. Itla Just 27 years since he embarked on a voy-

age, which after seven month landed him InHonolulu Oct. 19, 1342. Mr. Damon cameIn the ship Firtoria, John II. Spring, Master,stopping on his way out at Valparaiso andCallao, as was quite frequent at that time.Ills charge delivered to him, by the Iter. J.Spauldlng, Secretary of the Seamen's FriendSociety was as follows:

"The particular field of your tabors will bethe port of Honolulu, and the special objectof your solicitude, prayers and effort will bethe sons of thu ocean. In this com-mercial and central position between thecoasts of Asia and America, you are to standerect as a minister of Jesut Christ Withforeign residents you will be expected tomaintain a kind and courteous Intercourse;and if thev shall be disposed to attend uponyour ministry, you will watch for their soulsas one that mutt give account Tour work,though distinct from that of the missionarybrethren there, embraces tbe tame end tbeglory of God Inthe salvation of men. There-fore, yon will with them; availyourself of their counsels, and let tbe worldbehold bow pleasant It is for brethren todwell together in unity.

" In leavlog tho United States for a foreignland, yon will remember that yon leave notyour citizenship behind. At Honolulu youwill be a citizen still of the land that gaveyou blrtb, and entitled to Its civil protection.The honor of your owe country, therefore,as well as Chritlan and professional consid-erations will raase yon to abstain from ill In-

terference with the local and political inter-ests of that people. Never let tbe preacherof Christ become the partisan of tbe world."

And every one will concur with tbe state-

ment, that he has well and truly kept andperformed tbe charge thus given to him.Good health attend you and yours, old"Friend" whilst you are gone, aud afteryour return, all will desire to tee you goingcheerfully and Industriously about your pe-

culiar work for many a year to come


012c is II L. Ohm's BolMioe, fort street. Oficehours, front Eight to Tea s. tnd from Three tosir r. M. ittJMence oa luapMln street, DetweenAouiaa and son cireeu.


Will continue tbe Genera Merehtixlbe and Zuiepingposlaeta at ue toore port, wnere uey are prepar-ed to fursbh tbe Justly celebrated Ktwilhi PoU-toe-

aad such ther AeeralU aa are required bywasieemps, s to snortees notica ana; on loe mostreasonable tercv.

Dissolution of Copartnership.fTUIE COPARTNERSHIP hereto- -

L fore existing between W. F. ALLEN andW. F. CONWAY, doing business at Kawalhat,Hawaii, is hereby dissolved by mntnal content.

All the liabilities of ths said firm will bepaid by, and all debts due th late firm will becollected by JJeeirt. Alil-t-J UlllliliinuWORTH.

Kawaibae, March 1st, 1853.

Notice of Copartnership.Samuel F. ChilliBgworthMr. purchased tha interest of Mr. W. F.

CONWAY, ia tie business of ALLEN 4 CON- -WAT, at Eawaihae. has formed a partnershipwith Mr. W. F. ALLEN, under th nam aadtitle of ALLEN A CHILLINGWOBTTI.

Messrs. A. k C. will eon tinno th businessat Eawaihae, aad will Toe prepared to (applyall corners with th VERY BEST EAWAI-HAE POTATOES.

Eawaihae, March 3d, UM-S- At

EEVERE itj HOUSE,Kiag Mt, tl4wBw8c Near?rt

FAVORITE m4 wcli-kao-

THIS Is now open for Boardersaad Transient Visitors. Board, per week,99,60 ap stairs, $1,00 down stairs.

Tfce Btt ttt Market ftwrat,of every variety. wQl always he provided, witsgood atttsaoae.

m ass jua,xonci.

PERSONS srita have STOCKA1;of asy kit 4 raaalac oa ar aattsa, atteosctia to restore la tatw, oa tc sstewt safiretiUyof May, IS,

Aad I iiuitwyifctwld aay aetata wsatawtsfrost go ig a ay Load fori jmpmitaoatias; Hot, Cattle, Hoes, or a say tVer parpe, after tat tntatf ot asy, awor.whkftct a writtaa aatalf tstjt

9. sjXaaa, ,Hwasf,l

SiprttiM PimrV-l-ii, Protatt).la te laatHr of ib bWt f JU H. ttjikMrt.

ff STtwmatv, JnUh-- UJta, d. .uivi rJT a m to ta MaattaW J, W. Jtattia,

JoMttt ef tha iaiiisat Cwtt Vy Sniy.trij.llama. Sx tea tor safer ta Will, for priW ofth WiM cf JUcaard 8. of Kiatlatt.Othu, d9Mtd. Sot Vt hereby jet r tpersons waosa It aay coaot, that FRIDAX.th :6th day "f March last, at It o'rloek isth forenoon. It a ttay aad how appalst! frbearing proof el said WUI, aad alt ohjtcttoatthat, may U ofceea tai. at kW Court.Hous !a,tlt town cf Noaolul.

W.V. KUHrHRriJ,Deputy Clerk Soprta Coart.

Iloaolala. Xareh II. 1S.

THK W.EKMX7rU, AdaaiaU.of th Estat ef th lata C. T.

NEWMAN, of Koloa. Ksuat, request that allpersons owing said Estate, will roak usmedt-a- tt

payment to. aad all ptrtoat hiring ehUsuagainst said Estate an requested ta presentthtm to th undersigned, within six attathtftom th date of th first publieaiba cf thisnotice,- - or they will b forever barred.


Koloa, March 8th. IStg.

Administrator's X&tiee.rTVUK C.NDKKSICNED, Kavlag hemX appointed Administrator upon th Bstatof JAMES MrSIUXE .npersons indebted to said Estat to mak ina.dial payment, aad all persons having elalatgaiusi wu Asm to pretest ia itat, wtlu-o- nt


Administrator.Honolulu, March IS, 1st.

Executors' 3fotk.TUB UNDERSIGNED, Excceter of

irill or Andrew Fog. lata ef Hono-lulu, deceased, hereby giret notice ta all per-sons having claims against th Estate of .It-dre-w

Fogo, to present th same, and all thatindebted to th Estat ar requested to makImmediate payment,

MANUEL PAIKQ.Honolulu, March 6lh, 1S. 3--

NOTICI.TF MR. YOUNG, brother ef a zchJ tletnaa of that nam residing talltlo, willcall on Messrs. WALKER Jb ALLEN, h willhear of something to his adraatag. U

Pioneer Family Bakery.

THE UNDERSIGNED would mostinform the citisena of Hono-

lulu and th publl generally, that h bis leas-ed the above named establishment on KingStreet, where he will carry on th Bakiag bus-iness in all ttt branches, commencing Thurs-day, March lSlh.




San Francisco awl Mito Lint,

Th Company! Splendid A 1 Steamship


Honolulu, and San Trancisco.Depart are t. Arrival i.

sa taufco.) aoioicic. tax aaa'co. mavute.Hon. April tfrbr. arit ir sft Arm ittVed.Miyl3 ifriO. llsr SiTtiu. Jena loSnn. l).. --1

inr. jaa Hbiify Jolt Sjrrkl-Jn- le(Mon.Je.ea

IAbcral Advances Mud ok allShlpiaeatH per Steaaacr.

Cargo for San Francisco will b receivedat the Steamer's Warehouse, and receipts forthe same given by tho undersigned. Nscharge for storage or cartage. Fir risk iaWarehouse cot taken by the Company.

Insurance guaranteed at lower rates than bysailing vesself . Particular care taken of ship-ments of Fruit.

All orders for Goodt to Toe purchased la EanFrancisco, will be rewired aad filled by returnof Steamer.

SrShIpmeats from Europ and th UniteiiStates, intended for these Islands, will b re-ceived by the Company ia San Francisco, ifconsigned to them, and be forwarded by theirSteamers to Honolulu, raze or cbaici, ex-cept actual outlay.

35l,Passeagera are requested ta take theirtickets before 12 o'clock on th day of sailingand to procure their Passports.

All bills against the Eteamert must b pre-sented before two o'clock on tbe day ef sail-ing, or they will hav to lay over till lb re-turn of the Steamer for settlement.

H. UACKFELD Jt CO.,Agents.


For San Francisco.Tea mi ctrrrza Max

k CAMBRIDGE, kMILLER, . . . , . faster,

Having part of her cargo, asd a large num-ber of passengers engaged, WILL HAVEDISPATCH for the above port.

For freight and passage, having superioraccommodations for Cabin aod Etetrag Pas-sengers, apply to



The following First-Clas- s Vet-- JKtela will ran regularly to tie" JflHtJgilonelsla Lin:


CIVKA K. JHCXMUZor Freight er ratsage, having Superior

Accommodations for Cabin and Stteragapply to


Past Um latJaJ Ij(tasaau2101 Km am MMPKt, mmmm.

8chr. An rile. .WDI rea aa a regular packet to aha atWra

pons, ror irettai erpMtc. awiy to--

Mm walxe: .Aflteft,

wa larrJja; assywaral lrar'sarBsatsasswssl SrwH Vaawv

Jk ichr. Actfv,Will ma a a inrtW aatati ia aw abort

narta. LUa t S.AVAI XA. .sWtVUU'iieyattaj apply to ,


Ftr MwtilUmlilf Kmmrnl.

rati euttnas staesi

H Air Tit,sTsMtSwvay Imm1



Page 3: HAWAIIAN GAZETTE - University of Hawaii · XI Cws aaJ ima f titfVcvat iiir. mad muMl ta pv catifiictkci. ... CvataUtrranaccjar aimooa pTntotatp-woc-t wwn, Istsadj wQt be nr taltT




if J?

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Araht. s tb. iwaaof tradw-eob- ar retus- - f

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Sireioiee b raiWi. I

Trutzttiu: pjul had declined, aad eftpicairjsj tenders had: edrsae4tT.

We aesitw ItCrr teeing a w. Central.

Ameriia "joatai at IT ta Xc. wiaca ffarr j

aa Biibg Kena an 2ttc; bat we see ao aire. I

f, yd aaaacun if there reujrf arjHawaiSact eaee ia amdest until the ar-- ;

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ta &rraer tv usi &e iac mSn nil oiiiitia jtar' r? inSletiro-artir- tistaaaci

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--t tnftoI it i t&e jcjom f wffnmy

Bia&. 6sJtestI hu a soow way ifiifpos

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wkinii a is. (a?Htinia. t4a aat

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n5f MitmatZltaitir.aai'rreiiiaaisr &

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a Be V" s aaj 700s xad tills gta&fe&affgt

vfi Ainct in. taa r?pt. altamji m Iaira.Jjudl sa$f aoi aalosc siwofct w3. soon.

1 luer fom Sguu giSesffufc fee

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&r S3tcxad the ctappa of atxr biurI tc

W ha.7 i &v scrxrala of wfrars ta zate,

a3y fer t2 axS 5r- - wTf-- is-

Hcsed carries.Ej thf uzItsI of tin ac&aczttr Ansze, &mi

3 w tiat tile w&a3xx haA AetrrVf,

taa part, aal tsa Cajc. Spencer ioX

sesaat.a BoaaaiI&raiZ3aia aaat&ra

S i a.ct worsiT f aatae ut taese iajsof '

aeargrraf jcaiKicea aaii 'lin'tj of giumoor jroJaiM Sewari. MpecaBy fcam Humi.

tae Aaaaa vaicfl. oaA Liliv acttrnast&ar)iig& npaoa. leS tats sac: an. Sa&zrdaj F


rafii.3aisJtI.Triti.faa earyi &r HHo

71 tww jlnnitnrta tact. x & x2L 1 ta ... r t tHut Sks aaa t occa. Iime ae&ca fir jcars,eriiaMtaedaw of tin Setei 3Ieiaf na- -

Tie ifaS aai laxi Caaxarr,Iwti. Sic Sa Jizz2cixv-ta-mnmw- r taiia-

Saj fXUGbco JWbraarj 12. 1S. j

The rrTa turn. jjur,puiX- - anuar xl iUia j my t

Lit beer; hm.rm (oo. luncafuk. Joil ZOtiL, mZZ '

4cl, vo4 purtun if tf? cu of tW diukjiei' S. Cfiiilffjv ncoTwreit sC F'"" T.Jatnir tit idbjimtfJzanj,. Jao. SUtiiy fir 14 4u7 amI9 ftinnHyta aUffiwc;

gihI. from SjpInT: tS luirit Ccnut, htljlaj'wit&bamis Kujac; ZDU Cons twill;, twrl an

Tni awl te2tomae X.J.32aQMr&x.t!ia ttJim-in- .

13 Lfsv.U3 &aaLuL

jwtt i fHartnmf. aaongr ar !agy ta Lacuma nuir cl--

viiTsuun. bar On f imziucs Dettveot Tuoanit Japan, t fliikpikm aTfiufi will raa

'Trt' Tniaesflo. TFt gT"j-- r aZm rn

tteul faaiis'-iraani- tggnfar eric ltweeit An- -

aU fix c!li noiai sutln smt nariim ar EimcLiIc.'''

3nr Ziuwerer wolca. will flnt fnanyintaj:viH ffruiWily & tts ,4 yTr Hna gnftujtffzft &y

Xaftimaana, Hu bees woHwad titot St fffpft

w3Z na tfun&t ""t" & Sat bcea t&a citj

.TSut Psaamm ud yjw Trrf TTrf afwniftfj Catsufftavv 'bccmiu uctjx. Tie aZnrs of ft OwitaaTmMt.rrm fnrffr-- n.r... w,j

aait aac gegt pobcct. IfcA at cm'litfm. Th adaabcMum tut, sit at Sisur cf rsxauxa; me ftuaf Sjrfaay. T'A tr.wf.TfT.r ar aa fzascuca, ra

f trr v ac haxfiacx. atht mAatcralXaa. faeces scsxngj- Azor mix aew ractx.Tt jtaaoB fi.uia.Syfay at a"rL vaw y.Ttf is A

' ff.M tior Syfzrj a 2ut liaatdaca, rta.Tftmnlnfa. Si J3T isiLs; aauwta; a diaerana iatmtrjr furrtr-- uwzmat IS aula la if nnr,acd acrjaaccta: earv m ftnf4 Xtkcrr3ajz.Claa a pajlas: taaa: Bcrioa;vaoaCireeaauaporcaail riw aaaat AaamriMaa pura.tespvean offararaaess awt. ana? a ""'"f Caatiaal)aneaV-vaica- waTyrSama aaajr irirfirfn haae peaa sahfMiaT. aaowanrtaa aiCit aazoaac aTUBpsrta aaataBsaaaisciiui ofaoaactxts acuaa tf'i' cae jaac une. Taeaaataaaciea ptava mac taa aaxsazaal Tyrt TactarssaBaaaraafsramacaar7aana-asa- a

gSaStjAaSTIS(fsairaaipnanwaaiaeiavIwaBEaojitaifA1 taaM tna.f saiaamea.piSSslriSeSEwSlSSaeS '

aaapfiKadaiaanue-- t aaaa. JairaeBaiia.Saprirsaaf HawaiSaii nasni atw nSt aaictiact.awtattaaaraatpocaaiaoaiaetrmlor l4ics&Cf S aaisl. tSc airtrcf af cea KnUaffis, aad.

ltSSStttSiSSSSSwith iara? aVrTig. aam. ta aiart, aaj aw aaaetejifc Liua rtiadag andi ruaa. oacaaarhcCiaaJJ&aaAiaBaalaottlfi&iriaavta. pagaagaiarieitlg.aaitAhjctXaaairwaa.lteftaCccC Ca oftfiaz;waOaCl Baadntxchacir. TSamai,i3aeiMTiraotmuniit.(auui,ii.matiitiien.--Z!''hSbZZ!?aa2rJ Hi?.Ib ! ca3i I ViaKr XAa. it 7- - r ifca 5i Z. Sioaym-- s nig;gbpir af.nij.rntww-- h

IEX ?Aaa 51. bfaaEamsS. r5tttiom.ia'JLC.atertilaBilCaLWtaraaaarjaavlava(eaCBWcaaaaeirartBrrarfaaai. Aaacaaf Brw3feaJil.laMB;6te1! Cian in aam al a

ilairaJ-iiii.- ri fn'iii jaa TCTtaayprt. k

MrW-Tl- t nun rr Hitr t

tragaaajciaj aaa nai vaawxai ma- - puceea: t

fT I ll

3 rr&tery maw the pte, tnrjaitow C t tt.' aajta.en,itria.ae Waglii nwlt1; eAeeartae agieja at twroa raacCT. watAr C weiton-

-., ... kiMst

aeW..i.eslS-J- Jn kaseeetisj 5.X. ttewaaaa. ia

' eiat5an. brAnt kaaeu wocaa;:.2S.j Hateti.g81fc.

S8xt er xerxeLCx-x."- ..

AKSITES.ar laXxJl Paw, Aabl tr fern Sao,

rr at 2a btmcicol

l 5 movers from.

Sckr --fflK. ftwat KJwtiMx.

A31 w4 HjSwcthw XmSirw. JSI spa WO

Xlr IB 5Ar Xvfa. Sjt Ha L

H Sdtr tiaaik. flar Xtafir SIcrx SSkq. tr TLutL.

xmm- - Mat ourtft.Scfti KmauJLawu Sir XaaL

Wattair 3(u. Locmsift Crm. A. 61nn Wife.

ISaaJttSioiBX. Jrfnun A-- Traofc Jrwi Kd- -


BiBiiw3H2adte. -COlJbafcJiv sajdts 3

lJSenam SCaizabES o SiSUMUnxarbbla

Si - 9JS

6aSSing5 WI ruBrass 8 atgtocat iBmffs am

! - afi 19

5136 - bibJsutbmn IdiSi - na 1S5

CflBHU CS ezac 1


7not BasxES Fk SA Xu Sticdt 1&.

30P-nnn- aasla

i(Uremia jatStei 3nr2 Caprt SpuTt attaiofa &aaH

Gfatn paGmfa 1HI

Bnaks aw12.', SBtXicpSs,tfauonw pitf 3


I9l3ajiie ufj51a isIron. bo IPho

Fnnx 5ir Bzarata par ZaoiLk JtircalXBaaM-aa- IStSaaia aeg

3sititi Snt3 gait

SS atrnotcif 313 3

ETTS.Jiijes of ti Xucit. Sir L33.

3 xtea. Laic Cm-a- r T 12 xtai3T X.jun ttBnacta,, first vmr. . ZZlrxSaFaHJta ... nttir

B303OIXLC YTI TITgg.lc. Son Bi (Sax SaaSfO. .. ICliita,SntBSw.. U SaaSeW ICCJSta.5aa H2a... SnttSett ft 64Sit, San IE... ft 05. gcaSttt ft Qg3ta. Sua RUM S - SaaieO.. . in3Iitan;2iw... S ST Soa5f . . ft!2

"Wjt hare mrrfTed art iaterestiaa: eommsai-otffi- q

oa the Beard of ImraiitratSGa, whbcais tais week anaTauiahlr crowded cn.

Or t ti r t?trt. ara due t the proprietarcf the Tort street Sews Depot, fijr x sapplycfpapers, recsLrtd by tie last mail.

1 rant i rr Ti-- aanirersary cf thehlrta-dA-y if the Chief cf tie Jwrti GermanGmpsdmiSarL, HnJCtrzarrKiTC WrttnxL, C7 ParsdlA, ecmrs ca 3aoday aezt theSSdiasC We ondentisd that the GeimaaCoosaf w2ihe happy tr see his friends at Lisr&ddeaa: it coca oc that day.

IsTuar attott oir sazzy. Three tfae cf

tie fix ftmfif iazoa breed hareirrtred ta tie Et J&i, enniigaed to Messrs.E fTirkilrid. i Co. The rare animals hareheea loaded ia splendid order aad mast ex--erfmt eoniiffToii aad are adired fcrnle bythe erjesizxees cf the resseL

TszEoard cf Tutaritioa has secaredthelot, eoener cfTort and School streets, fcr thenewpatnc schooL Theprxegires&r it, Is

bfgh see ?I,5XJ; hat people da act seemdisposed t teHtheirprapertyi2 towafsrxseas. Xess thxa twe years aso, this XcC wxsjamhased by x gcntLemaa, who leems tohar an. eye to irNiini cf this Hi. teatie widow of the hue Eon. Ier Eaalelea, for1702.

7i j.t.i i. TV. frfTAw. ...7 . v..

iccaaiiirwaiaiBeceaiiiur eesat jus.earsn cf enol frenx

r, with a ea3 cf redwood lamher frcctthe Osast Am. Hiri CsnjricaCain, with, aotjt- of Scrth-TTe- st fcmher-- fisc PajjirScaai. These 1 resseia wiH 2s at this scrt-fcr Sshiar tojii to tie icrti Pxcilc.


a schci-iei-A.

wtica; arrrred ca Xccday here from Exa sad,,t eMHar ij-cEcon- amaad wi sent here as fcpert. it by no i

nr3Tetebere3TaaectBd wiri thedisease.-'waiur acme, as tseT aaased tarncst.

thefe way to- tSe EaJmt JfcspfeaL ft esoiabe teeB were Try bad xrai irrmfifiSTifirr

Eirac Sc32AX.-ie- 3r Saoday b called y?ajg. ScagarL jatagimij gftTthetsiuUBhaat

t. V .. . . . .keairy stJMCSiaufj eraaajimwiieTEe wisKcstaatty tSe asSaEriaypeiifle wltipatnatj

aaaaw, resses the drinKr Chnnh en

ta K jTsB!saat i hea, ifee passes ia that

I iafrn czrrylac "rifi 1 hoaeasK iiniiiiy oaK saq.u. aaje yewiraling is Cia

taMwjak y tfa fCak. ' " '

ii'IMeapaisH. fcCadcGcenoa- -l.atg;att.liaiaai.tC;W



la titarattny ts ntt frost t&eaftt&keat

Ia&:IuobsFia:eFnMat a icJT sjsft at

feSowiKT trksapliis dwpntci fives. TKtvritto tia JSu. CoSAno cuncttcsJcg, It- -

a ofa kts ot iorrfMe sarins st 2aai- -

suaaacu! tjnre tmnt!l!t ml a talf ago.Vtcxosu. Ttttroir 19t.il- - Tlx Iixiiaft

Ettry latiieted for tae wilfcl msnier of

laiHtn. ni tie Timfci. (wbo. wucuaiictniof tse srenler of ttlt vi& ami cidl) to bhaasinl us a Lr to be besceiorth dtsigsa&tdbr tie Eitctttite.

Ttt3 StMiaer iiiAa arriTHi o TTttlowdsj-las- t

&oi &ia 5i2cit wili abost JCQ toocf oioaaiils tVf:ctfrk. Sbelsin iH

o'clock wiriafaH carja asd a larpt

oair of peaseegsrs. Tie tiae table Car

fafcirr tiifs Xbf tucztl la oar ulirrtfciscrfrmrts. Tba Acscrkaa. Sbip jrm of C.

Ew er lai CaV Ee of pacSat arrived onSociiar &va Eoac after a Use rsa of 12Jdars. Ta EawaBaa Eiri X Jfoi, of H.Sicifeld tad Co' Us: also arriTcd ti 5indaj Hi aj9 possar &tjm Brazen.

It appears,, bj- toe report brosgbt bj- - tiejA, taal tie tsuS-pu- x wai riplilj oo tie

decrease ia &ut Fraaeisco. The oaaiber ofnew eases reported for ti week ending Teb.Slit, was oolj 33. aUant 4 a bythe preced-f- cj

report aales tSere sbirald be aa iasreasedby abHia.ect report, the decease mar beeomiiered ts btre ceased to be epideolc.acd tae rstrkruins placed oa ptusesms. brtie Board of Healtii, wiH be removed la tiecueef Ctatre irrfriii. aalesi taere tbuoldbe axkae&f, fpia. this caae, oa board dmias?tie paiKiie.

Oca. Befl.bor of tie AJrertijcr artiTedhome bj tie lluJbt, tooila exceedlsi j ireU.t besx-- . oa the ttreet. that he hu raade. arjaJ.OCO by mTestaieats la IVhite Pine.are br ce hwhtth ore tft.it tie adrice areeurreet, a we da. not oatc it fract bead-aa- r-

ters. nar da we hear that he has the sttteriahLipac&ex, bat as the itarrb teUtha: It Isreal or proapedtre, la white pise tedces. Ifit U proisgectiie, we hope that the brOSaairrof the prospect wiH Increase tK it shalluaooat. la reaHzatloo, ta S100tXO or more,if that be cot soiScient. aad that tzch pros-perity mSl hare a good e&ct apoa oar

diestioa aad jpeaeral temper,sotaahaewBZtee aB thLm br a cheerful

TB3 SiHowfer; resolatiuas were passed bfa Conrmirtfc of the 1st Hawafiaa Canlrr,wht were appoiateddr that purpose, at theregatir month t raeeticgroa tie ereclrr ofTtxesdaj the 5til iast.

Bsxiwrtl, That the ameers aad members ofthe 1st KawaSaa Caralrr. hare receired withisxo regret the sad tMlszs of the death ofS. F. Xaea il Lieotecaat of Co. A.

Houhcd, That this eonurraaitj has test aworthr member aad the 1st Hawasaa CxnX-r-r

a trae Sofciier. alwajs Qfthtal to his duty,wasse earaesc aesire was to maxs tose aa-d- er

tla corn on n if, good mea aad eiScientsold&rs.fiW, That the assansce of the heart-fe- it

STmpatfir of the 1st HAwaHaa, Caralrr betesdered ts the firefly of the deceased iatheir berearsmeat, aad o Co. A, of the jailCanln-a- f wfifeb; Compaar he was tirsomaay Tears a worthy member;

ianfei That a copy of these resoIaUansbe fesarded ta the waiuw of the deceased,aad that they he pohEshed ia each of the lo-cal papers.

Jamzs S. T.nraa-- ,

J. ileuAtxi,Fx. P. Wcmn,


Ax a nca!ar meetiaj cf the Board ofof the Honolulu Tire Depart-

ment, heldla the haS of XerftanicCo. X. 2, oa the erenis of Xsrclx 4th, aCommittee was appointed to draft suitableressfetlaai erpressire cf the feeiiags of theDepartment oa the death cfltr. S. P. VnimAsetstaat Toresua of EjwaS Eztdae Co.So. i.

Eacbndr That the Board hare receiredwith deep, regret the lad tidinrrs of the deathef oar teflow member, 3r. a. P. Xohei, 2ndAseistAnt foremaa of Hawaii Tjr-rf- Co.Sa. 4,

Bnohtd. That ia his sadden demise thiscofsmoaity hare Icwt a sserol aad worthymember, this Board of the Hbaolala FireDepartment a fiftfifof aad earnestwr the poccc good, and tiawail sgme Co.2a. t. hare lost x rateable and ecergeric

Sodbctd, That this Board tinder to thefamByuf tie deceased the asaanaee cf theirsua Berearement, sad that the some be extea- -iLsil ta the Uimpaay ot which, he was so e

a member and oCcer.Badnd, That a copy cf these resointiocs

be fiarsarded ta the ramEy of the deceased,aad ta Ha wag Krgjae Co. Sa. 4.. aad tittney oe pannsoec. m the local papers.

J. JL IlAiilSoia,C X. Sfswryu,Chas. T. Gcijce,

Hoooisla Virgh Ita, li3, Coiaarittee.

Opioc SrxAxrssj Kessrs. Aheaaek & Coare the holders afaUeense for tie feffinirofapiam, and their shop, where the dmjls re-

tired is orr Hotel street Oa Sandsiy raora- -bz, floe of the partners eame to tie StitloaHoose, aad stated that tcaetime daring tieprerioas n&rht. the opinm shop had been- ea--terad by cardan, and three tins cf opiom.tllft ia cash, sad two soits cf fHta rTnta

staierr therefrom. The Hirshal dapatehedPpOcemaa AHxcrth to iassect the crem&esiaieadeasorto 4ad some cine to the thief

sthierea. Arrried there, he was informedby one ofthe Chxaese clerks ecptojed ahoot

thrsogh: the open fly orer the top of thestreet door, and La proof of this thawed themaris of two naied feet ca the coaster nearthe deer, where the burglar was sopposed tohareaiTghtrd cc&is entrancr. The oCcer,to make iare, moaated on the shcaiders ofx aatre poUcemaa and examined the opea-ini-c

He finndthe ledrs xTicra tie door,tiiefely csrered with a coat cfdasr, whichevirlstly had bees cadiatarted fez years,while two tpfifrrt wets ram tie ij to tieledze wfrsoabrokea. Sa the thecryof theshop harlaj beea entered fa thewiymtfaa-te- d

by the cfrrk wis at osca dirnfiiTahrtf , and.EarAciaa toneiSitzlT tasteaed nsoa him asthereat thief. The matter I asietlT betna

by the police, and wfltrfssht.teste feretted ess.-

franac acz. hm t nr eitnisBartSlHas FzASCactJ, Yeh. 27, l&k.

1Tka 7cwbTlebari Caowtica aSei 1mm Feb.

gff'nrnj reach year pott tefcre tie JiaHn.

fai gre jctr. later iteseAvefsewittsstherprsigrkfy. I wanid, toweyer, aie a rs--

cayfrafatfoa ef the leading iteass cf paL3eJaterat whier tare ecm to ss by tetaajrajijdmcs tie toe cf r SMeT

CsieCahhrlSl3edal Jtaaiiai

it... - - -- l 1 K!MHHHrKOTMI flto the Seeate th trta.tr SKtUtrd by blrawih ti GotcrUKst cf CotodkbU fw tintrigut wcstracl a coral eros lie Ivlirassof Fxaima. Thl trr!y V ajrcod aadwill isw u lapottart besrUct cpoatbfxtar? comaKre of tk. world. It covceitto tie CcRrd State th esdaslrc rbt toeoastrcct aa mtere"ABr eaas! Krot theIsthme of Darku. It cede sir talk oflaad oa ecch jilc f ti oiaal. The Coloca-bU-a

Corcrznteat ts ta ttcetre 10 jvr ccat. itthe tssotse for th tint tea revs, asd afterti? caaal Is paid fcr, 2& per cent, of the Get

proatv The treaty a to b ratlacd by theCaltrd States wUhbz six moot as; thes&r-ret-s

to Se made withla two rears after rail- -ncattoB, aad the canal ta be withintre year?, and soiiied la Sfteea Jtars, afterthe ratizcalioa. The charter ts to rua 100

rears. Tie canal b to be seder the controlof the Colted Stages, and Coetcss is to fixthe rates ot toll It ts estimated that thecanal win cost $ tOaiWU

The Prescdeat has ordered the remains ofthe liaccla assassins, taeladtas those ofBooth, to be deHrereu; up to their triced,

It is stated that Geo. Grant intends to risitCalifjraht the comin$ rammer.

Geo. UcCook is mentioeed as likely totacceed Geo. Miller ta the Coltectorship ofSita TraactocOL.

The rcrolnttoa is Cuba costisnes cnabat--ed, wbQe Spain keeps undias oat moretroops. PUntatiOBS are laid waste, andbuildings destroyed by the rebels. Sosx badrxerfo; ia cocse(cence.

From Japan, we heir that Americans arebeta? promoted in that Zapire. The Mi-

kado retains an. American as Chief of Bares s,and has appointed Geo. Pan! Frank, formerlyCatted States Commercial Asent, Chief ofthe Japanese military forces, at atalaryofiCOCU per year. The Eagtbh and FrenchEepresentAtiTes protested (gainst the ap-

pointments, bat were met by the reFty thatJapan was an Independent nation, and didcot recc-roii- c their rijht to qoestioa or die-ti- te

its policy.From Europe-- , the news b not of great

latpotracee. Toad Pasha, the Torklsh. Mialiter of Foretrn Acslrs, fa dead.

President Serrano, of the Prorbionsl nt

of Spain, had made a speech iawhich, he orges tie consideration by theDeputies of the radical principles of liberal-ism, ia ret&rjoa, press and edacatiaa. Heclaims that the Spaniih reTolcdon b not

for the Cnbaa rialcg--: the latter bdoe to past errors.

The insurgent chiefs In Crete had allto the Turkish anthority. and the

Island was oaier.The formal opening: of the English: Parlia-

ment took place ia London, Feb. ISth. Thespeech of the Queea was defirered by RoyalCon miotics, aad read by the Lord Chancel- - i

Ioc Ecdesiajtical arrange menu for Irelandare to be considered by Parliament The j

Queen hopes "Parliament win secure aaendirided feeling among' the people of Ire"taad oa the side of loyalty acd law, andeiice. the memory ot past coBtsWos, andcherish the sympathy of as affectionatepeople."

Greece has yielded to the proposition ofthe Great Powers, and they accordingly re--serre the right to protect the Christian Inhabitants of Turkey.

The KepresentarlTes of the Powers, finallysigned the protocol of the Conference, anddbiolred.

A majarUy of the. Spanish Cortes are opposed to Mootpecsler, and there b littleprospect cf hb success.

The Prime Minister has announced theresignation of the ProTbieual Gorernrrent.

Gen. Prim assured the House that the latedynasty would nerer the throne.

The London Timet b reconciled to the rejection of the Aii&sna treaty. It says England has doce its best, and has gonetto thererge of CAtiocal iaoiiUtion. and must nowawait Grant's proposals.

The British hare gained another rictoryorer the natires of Sew 7mi'Xl who madea desperate defense, and lost orer SCO inkSIcd aad wounded.

San Francisco Police.Probably no city in the United States can

complain of a mare inemeieat police forcethan, that which now guards the tires andproperty of the people of thb city. Crimeof erery kind It fearfoBy oa the increase,especially among the joaag. Thefts bysaeak-thieYe- by midacrht burglars, and byhighway robbers, are erents of ahacst ererynight occurrence. With oar 100 poflcemea,besides captains aad a huge number of specialoficers, these things ought not to be. Thena maa has teen garroted on tie pnbHc street,which. Is a rery common occurence at thbtine, the eastern among ocr poBee b toarrest the man who has bees iffirirftf, whEe

assalTsnt ffr orX

Who mast be blamed far such a poEceforce? A local Democratic paper girts theanswer ia the fallowing language:

"Judge ProYines and Mayor McCopptnwere elected by targe majorities, with theez-pre- s

uadmuadtns thai they would "deanoat" the radial police poBtJcbas who hadbeea notorious partisans, and put honest j

Democrats in their stead. Ia thb they hare I

done right, and what wis einectrd of tteo." t

Erer since the election of Mayor McCop-

ptn, the work of turning out old aad faithfulpolicemen has bees going on. while raw recruits, most of them Irbamea, hare beesappointed in their places. FcBy twcthtrdof the police are foreignen by birth, aad

rtheyare appointed in the Interests of Mc

Ceppta. Oh, the beaaty of osx free Bepoc--TXeaaiastitotlocs! Ssei actions as the aboregire as the cArk Juie of the result cf the experiment cf

V lecf pwalea.Just now, our tows b sirTtVtrd with teT--

eratfeTen. There b tie WhKe Pine Ccrcr,

which b pgiag with increasing fnry; trrufir.gmen on to the snowy regtocs ot jrraa,or rating tr.rnfgj ccopan?rtty (hedozes; the Alaska Crrer, which, bus takeaespecial told cf the skippers, aad b ftliagoat erery sort cf craft fsr the e iaATaifri, or bartering' with the for

seals, or any other eomserdarestore ia those regtes; acd, lastly, theVelocipede fertr, which ha attrefced allilaiwi Two te&cob forTcIcefpede tralnisg

oseattheMertintrs'lhEt, and the ether at PbtTs BiO.

cm he had there for use ct tl shero. TJrree or few lessees aWiufiefeat toefre see s rery good eoctcvasd ef hb bs- -entse, xsa so cester puce eosia be aetatadue the large Fxrffioo, wKh its trnocth,brel &xrc la taa PirlBoo, cf as sfter-os- c,

os be teea yscaf derkt, grare rainis-t- n,

lesrsed lswytrs, fneipwst: meretants,beakert. benkers . ssd ethers; rxetns aboctow lir rrforipeiies xt speed. Thefereratsreta strike So, aad after the begmserha temae. esxert. ke xt owee crderi s

&ss PAlmer. Erarr Col, toe fcK.ThSeratfataratax thera cot as fist as po- -ii Lie. and txr; crter a lecr wjt xiei-i- - la

iortrJrT,an ocrstaiKtrprrs w31 profe--

Ai oae wSdic2v htevrum, :.


SEW YERIISIMOTS. I AUCTION SALES, lUCTlOK SAldBija CARTA. Tk ai-ttr- a HA, tab awlal2a. MswaahKeMiatoBBJaalawwaoMlbkKr SMTa to start Mas . tttCVasttaeeialsaMtaAaraal aastj laal tf tw n M itsSCAattaaMwrr.

A.WTOTC.BV4laj. Xank. U,

Ckiaa Hie?,TTTX CAMBK1DGK,JLi iaWaderdarrraU. Fars!W


H&w&iiaii Seef,



Salmon,TjKD AND WHITE,XV a JCsv I articl. Far sal ta quaatitststasait.br WALKER ALLEX.

Kona Coffee,

EITR--V QUALITY OLD.sale, ia qaaatities t salt, br



IDAHO,Will Leave Honolulu

OX WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1 7thAt Four O'clock P. M

For San Francisco.II. lUCUl tXD Ar Co.

It Artatj.

JUST RECEIVEDPer American Ship "Syren,"

Perkins Slant cr.

From Boston Direct,AXD FOR SALE BY


JCCK 'o. 1 to So. 10,

OARS from S to 12 feet ia length.

Cotton Salt Twiae,

Trasses cf Lastpwiex,

Boatas Sarar Cared Hams,

Ptmbrohe, Salt,

Ac, Ac, Ac.

HIXGH.VS BUCKETS,aad for sale by


"PAIXTED PAXLS,J Per "Sjrea," and for sals by


CHALK, and far sale byE0LLE3 A CO.

TIRCH BKOOMS,jj x or sals oyB0LLES A CO.

T McM UK RAY'S OYSTERS,I I-- ia 1 and - S cans. Thb celebrated

brand af Oysters, lost reeeired per Srren.'direct from the packers, and warranted fresh.

for sals by flOLLES A CO.

flHALK, in barrels,J For sab bj B0LLE3 A CO.

fTlABLE SALT,J el " Syren," and for sale by

1- aa B0LLES A CO.


Have Just ReceivedMa



Wines, Beers, and Spirits.












AD. of which, wiH ia icld at Very Eonsable Rates. ia




Eers of Craihed Eagsr,Swiu Cheese, Dateb Edam Cbees,Ealaraa Sansares a aapV article.Tins cf YaaillA Chocobts,Desijshas cf Sag, da. gjlii Peas,

i Zante Csrrants, in 12 3 tin.iCirna Peel, ia It Ev tins,Cases 0Gt OS, ia rjta ssd pts.Baay t PkUes,Batty A Co's Pis Fruits,Batty t Ce Tails-- Vinegar,Batty k CT ChUi Tiaer,Casas Sardines, i aad J boxes,

FrrHaJa Law, atH, E. XenrrTKE A BKO.,

Mt 5a.irIW, coT.Tirt kXmgSU.

IIe sad. SuiHe Leather,Taaaed Gout ami Siseep Kklas,gB3fTX3frh.T 81 HA3TB and SirrW rkic,rnesiaawc&a;aawa

WAIUXA TA3TXKK.T C SnUj,er a-- . Oawamr,

1 y Axat--

Patty's Isglisk PS Trmito,aTnr i w-- rnit bst.it rr.u.--':' ' -11

Pis.! Pk.jsr, of gu?zi9rALr- -



AUOTIOITtBy rW ef th AMitwrs af the Estete of

WiUUta ityaa. twaaKrapt. tar wul be x!4 atntiu Aaeua, u tss tteai or Adsat U1Wilder.


A Tract of Land,Half as Acre la extent,

Ca(fc4fls Tea Tars RiHIwe,Set planted, seer the wHmm ef M. R.

Ilarrty, la Mehanea, Kalihi. lUaetola, Oaha,beiac Ajvana I, ef Royal PattatSe. 1411.

TERMS CAS II. Title PecfeeU Deed atthe ttceate ef the parebaser. Far fartherpartbalan apply to



On Friday, March 16,AT IS O'CLOCK. SOOX.

At the eU Castvn llease Wharf, we wiU sell,

Hrrf Fiat ttipjwr SctrMaer Laka,With all her Sails. Srars, Rirrinr, Bat,

Aacbers, Chaias, ie. This fine setaoatr btaeeaplete rsaainp erder. aad bat presentmat. Lac a trip t Kauai. MeasBreiaeat 4Staas.aai wUleatrjr SO tons dead wtisbt.

Has S Anchors aad Chains, a complete setof Sails, Water Casks, Cabin Fareitare. Ac.


dMk Property for Sate

AUOTIOKT!The "Wailua Tails Estate,

OS THE ISLASD OF KAUAI,Will be seld at Pablin Aaetioa, at the Sales-Roe-

of the CnJenirned.

On Saturday, April 3d,AT 1 O'CLOCK, A. M.,

coarusus asoct

1,599 .Veres er dwi Pastttre Lai,Leased ea Long Tersat, aad about

45 Acres of Kale & Pasture Lawi,Held ia Fee Simple.

0a the Premises, is a Large Frame Dwell-ing Hease. containing six larrs reams, andalso, sercrat This place has beeaarranged for a Dairy Farm, and b welt adapt-ed far thb bctiatss. Thb Eligible Propertywill be seld, toctther with

l.eae Ileaa of Cattle,Most of wbkh are GOOD MILCH COWS, aad

780 Fine Merino Sheep.TERMS AT SALE. For further particu-

lars, apply ta E. KRCLL, Kauai, or toED. HOFFSCULAEGER A CO.,

Hooolohi. er toC. S. BARTOW, Auct'r.


HEMP RIGGING,S to 4J inch. For sale by


RUSSIA BOLT HOPE,sites, ex " Ka Mei."

ForsAle by B0LLE3 A CO.

CRUSHED SUGAR,and rr sale by


BEST rOKTLASD CEMEXT," Ka MoL" Also, best Rosendale

Cement. Par sale by B0LLES A CO.

CALIFORNIA LIME,packet, direct from the

agents ia Saa Franebco. .

For sale by "B0LLES A CO.

TAXILA ROPE,AlJL Boston laid. ' For sale br


JUST RECEIVEDFrom Boston, Bremen,


Smoked Hams,California Smoked Bacon,

California Smoked Beef,Paeilo Cod Fish.

Crashed Sagar, la hf-blil- s,

GERMAS FRCSE5. in bbls aad retail,SEW LATER BAISISS, J a , bxs,

SOFT SHELL ALM0XD3,Sew Currants, in tins.

Assarted Extracts,

P. fc M.'e Yea.t Porrder,Lewis' Tomato Catsup, ia qoarti,

Oswego Cars Starch,Bernard's Pepper, ia glass,

Bernard's MnitArd, in gbst ,Golden Gate Ex. Fara. 1'Ienr,

Goldea Gate Eaier's Extra Floor,Wheat Meet, fresh, yroajui lere,

Cora Meat, fresh, jmnd Xtrt,Wafer. Wine, Water Crackers,

Soda and Batter Crackers,Jenny Lind Cakes,

Ginger Snips,Milk Biscuits,

Very Superior Japan Tea,ia 3 found papers, and in small boxes.

AS ASSORTMENT OP TABLE FB17IT3,Fresh Peaches, ia tins.

Fresh Egg PJoms,Fresh Pears,

Bezel gabca Bread, Cases Saloon Bread,Colombia Eirer Sainton, ia I a Z & tins,

Eaira White Yerrxieilll,Bales Whits Maeearesl,

Boxes Apples, Cases Onions,Humboldt Potatoes,

Wheat for Chickens,CaHfamla Bran,

Oregon Oats.

For sale at the Lewut Market Bates, byH&TKT MAY,

Pert Street.S. B. Ksasted and erataa

COFFEE always5 os hand, sad Ut tale byIt BE5KY MAY.


lameear Street, Is Tseaelisa,Ie1wa; frees twrsenfin tt. ts Hegwfc gswat,

CXATXX8 BMUX XKUT1T M.M-l sewty-- "aralufci t,iaif.nl aaa) fuaaS eta

t e JNrfAaas Jtae Sat4 (he Pea

TViTiali ae eoestsatly ,mHi 1 m i iftnmj&tmmmt r AaMcVae kaaaaaaa,Caaefc, w;ea gafjUaj,!,. aWssai sWWaeraasaa

On FrWay, Mlmrah I


A TariMy f Mir-AaaJ- ki,

Alii 1 ats asf '

AT IS O'CLOCK, SOOX,Two qaftrM wm ef Sherry, Sa bc4,0a Itva Teat.

Mii iiiM riHltm II Hiifa I

On TuMday, Mirott SSAt 10 A M. at MetfiM,

Will e soM, a sl Lot f .

Superior MHMfeeM uhwuCeaststtac Partly ef

Side Board. Dtaiag Table. Card TaUee.Centra Table. Caie Teefoyt.

Chairs. Toilet Slasi. BedeteaeV,Hair Xattnawts.

bVaaeSeHeee,Portrtala Ware.

Lirr and Hrrnt GH Frame Mirror, witkKea btaad, tte, et.

hce iwiLjiirtiex!ON WSD1TESDAY, Vaik 31,Oa the Premises, at 13. o'clock M, wul be sold.

A Rice ( M MscjC Paww,Also: Rice Hailing Mac Meas,1 Patent Rice Polisher,1 Fanning Mill,4 Stta of Traeet aad HarseH,i Horses, brakea far Mill Work,AndlBoiMinr. ISxlS.

On the Premises Is a Dwelliar Hease, whicheaa be leased, toretber with tae Lead, fir Syears, at a rsat of $19 per Bwath.


Ossea aad SMUraca,AUrkh llniaa," ton Street,UWMMiUIlav AJ-


WOTICI.WILL SOT BE ASSWEKA1K.EI for any debts contracted ia ray name with-e- nt

my written order,It MAX JIU.M) Vt, IiUS JUiVEa.Hoaolnls. March IS, 1S.


Mssa KetatrBfrtL Ajralse.

All Orders left at Dr. Staitk'lWTjDrag Store, er at Wta. Flsehcr's' 1 'Furniture Rooms, will meet withImmediate attention. 94a


$250. PIANOS. $250.AgBHtaB These are the Best aPTjWmost reliable Pianos

1 5. a led, noted for standing In taae andwearing well. They are made of the BestSeasoned Materials, a 1th all the modern

Rosewood ease, with serenW. FISCHER.

Deskairie Real Estate Fir Sad!T be SfiW at Pfclk AiKtiM!

THE whole of those rataJHab! premises, situated at CHU,VIKWAIMEA, Ialand ef Hawaii, fer-- W

" nierly the property of S. Kauhlnt,nd more recently, the property of

W. C lleektey, parchased at PoVlie Aaetioato satisfy a mortgage to Benjamin Pitman,with title from W. C. Parke, Marshal of theHawaiian Isbads. Thb desirable propertyconsists ef SS acres of raloable land, capableof, and well adapted for the coltlratioa ef Cof-

fee, Sarar. Taro. Potatoes, etc., situated abeatSee miles from the port ef Kawaihaa. with agood cart road the whole distaaee. The pro-perty b nearly all enclosed with a good stonewall, and has two large cattle pens, one Urgeand commodloas stone dwelling-bo- a te. 23i 19,with Tersadah and store-roo- in freat, fuer

s and Urge sitting-roam- , lined withkoa, open the basement floor, the upper storyremitting of one apartment, with shingle roof.The whole property can be pat in thorough, irs

for aboat $300. Also the ralaaUeland adjoining, known as WAAWAA, consist-ing of 13 acres, and, enclosed with a good stonewall. Title, fee simple.

The whole of the abore Estate b to be dis-posed of in conseontnee of the indispositionof the present proprietor.


IS 'JL' HI I SO?Sgaa Mm Ufa to be Qhlalnca at last I

Tbe way ta abteia SwwiSMltkt--i ST CLKAX8E Ike toaaackJL an oceasiTe accmneUTinfis. which aa mcsJIj predoce fanetsonal dcnareoient rlttatlec tae and.

3nd Portf the Biool from ail aerM aad eerraptbosaors. aad yog wtareraeee thecsaweof taapias99t svaaa ef the Ji i wblca aiSict ea aaaay ef laefceaian familr.

A REMEBTi prottd br thirty years esteti-eac-

csfALte of effeetlag saca a eaaumUe aa4psrpoea, ia sou tcftre the paXlie La

WHELPTON'tTEGETAILE Pt'MIFYI.V FtUJ.Tab faBoss Medkiaa has proves lis raise be


Su ITTutbilii pfrca ewajr by JgtmU.PrepareJ ssd sols, wbuieatta aad retaij; ia betes,

prfce 1jM. la. lWt, aad U. SA. tata. ay tj. ff HsOP-70-Si rOjr, dsae Coort, ricat etmtIawsioa.aad stay U had of Mr. i. X. WATCZaOCIE, Haee-lai- a,

aad ef ail Caemista aad Mwlclaa Teadors IsUreal Crltaia aad the OJcalea

Tae aaclanlraailWBraaTO.VhgArETKirrABIJ! riXU frcen pr-ti-es

who bare esed tbem, that ae caa racaiafaaadKceai wita perxaes eoaaoaaee.


KOntTE.T HEREBY FORBID ALL PE&S0XS IX lag any one is my Basse, without ley writ-te-n

order. 0. C. BtTySttTT.


MAMinr, FLowia, imvir,ASH FtK tMM,

CRAM & ftLOVM MCSfrf,Of seiaeUe rarlailes aw taas

aT3lw5 aTSaftaa'fiV fftaaaaeff44frla( PF J

TeU&aiadcatUaOaaaC 'A Sr an

ta Waeatusaa Kmt, lea Pfae efcjes

m 1 laataan f S S

Mpm ram w 1JWBL

k Schr. KamaitatfWt rwn ae' alefbj'l'litri

eibiilaJ reiaa,,. Sw i-a-afctaa.mii i

mT HayMa e wiw--eas. . Jt. rap

if. urn

Page 4: HAWAIIAN GAZETTE - University of Hawaii · XI Cws aaJ ima f titfVcvat iiir. mad muMl ta pv catifiictkci. ... CvataUtrranaccjar aimooa pTntotatp-woc-t wwn, Istsadj wQt be nr taltT


S antra.

XfecSmotfc-.il- waj-PJ-. 113 seswsi

a tajnt esoc jiac

H1 f saa

jgas .trine .aaaa ji nai s

2t am&s mmr-wa- 32aBaaar42

&ika: aa

YwrcfriMPflitt As scgtMm al


SrfOcx WOT&t wmv- aa omaywssa

Go. Stxrt-m- S3iw.Ijf3r-iaat- s irTincir;

&t om oamrlavwa.

XasaagSaaBlrif on

&iuiai& . sr van.Cm FtIo irS Kb Spm.

"STiiii3iinifeirtie.exSiaoi ct tinselJoijs. crXHisniea3. Saaef H.ia.fetf cf toiVxth-- erapeccs raiCai ca iistcrj,.sapy Tj-- g. Raw tiii icSax sn&--j cnriiTT wifici. tie idl was 5an3x cccntei.saaoisecicsefesin: tie 5itis at wiici '

1 3it. IS5a. Yifsa-ita-a cckai a cscsii-d-er

He. asii aSar Barear scCacei, sr , caiJe gra!&T cf Sua, aa jit ai tiesiai2HtieicSi enst. scap i tie sir--, ecsenaiurj cf tie rdcaao. aad as Xajfos,fscE22sTHitiii siase cf tiscccs ccnes tierwer? set aba? ta iseerafrr ti rfjicrarkcSiaieairaJiti. It Hi wi 5z&tz, rSatEc cf tie earti.

. ia tne, waiir jtrjs an. injera. "Kien. tie scI cf a Tciaic rsjpca ftf

part ci wiciar3C3. tie ecccscca Sok arfaiabj-ttrt5inaiesi- . aai tiereTjihSfS cf cujmii wiici slzxxt ecosasiJf caa acc be cbserred aT eacsodeat np-fa- ct

aarte crateci araeanpoaai iaaj- - f aaies cr Etct. tier it oacaarntaeprsccrasaef saiarj- - saffiewnt sciit3Sr raaca to ajfrm w&S.

rapici. aal tier E; a. tienr aicaciSrrrr ceraajtr tias. tiese ifiratacs ewe tieirtie iai to tie iaiia Sxns cf ccaaiiiiscaci

cf aesaadblccSscfsarca. Tlecsein.--, saccl2al tbar art pciizcal r a--ialaaahsea rfXsss&la-Cai.Ie-- pIfafewAtaetarrsstrjIT&f, aai Fcccoe iaxa. fcesie:. prnei 21 noeiccei Aftrtisri, wireii a. wmffiir

tie 2ict Tcsitestajcaife -t- tial a5 asiiraijn be ecccarj to al tie rdaa at

tie salts aol gaa ejeeai by relciaar scasccSr acsarniai, wiec appuai to

erxftiasirsHesixal witi ficse tnrf, arafeg fet.Vrnir-pinc- a &r fc:m xz? Trrf--c

tie oicimpcatani cf sai wcur isjciaa. It trie, tiasbyaaotierJastj ess-ties- ficracg: sxaatiias are Eisciriij

- diT m t S asaaise safeyaTTes, ani tiat a & '

t-- i lirraf fie at.fiai fie waiarcf fie-- taai&cafic oto rapecaess ctrecsly

ci fie To"fiTTw. cf fie ascanscn; aai!

cf litis. Eat if fits eaa. be

aecea&rfi. cscsiierwi a. Hies we5 estai- -

EsaoibsceccB. sot we oa acc iovfie raaacerfe wixci siSt water peaetrates

as tae sa; abysses, to aeFJra.

eartiipaies by

Erar aiSntfifitg. Sir tie sois-c- ari--.eaa. fie tanperitare ircrsass j

ecnstaatfTCOTTKaniiiafie waieis2j3-jj-3ig firsaai sabfcaaaaeaa: irnoTswiti tie sea. fiea. at a. depti cf 3 '

yarjtafiywataajea.lteiirfMiCenfe.:ieTg-- k ifri-Tt- f mt.Ti rarer. Sir

tie eccracas rr?snra hitz to sa-- j

atizs wa tsen tieia. ii tieir state,

Eis: wiec tie enarare fcrra cf tie warrs pcwwd. to eroaiiace!tie weini cf fie saperstca. cf Ecual

aaitoTarnr. war siecDi fitsW--. rrr..Tai-rS- g fenrgstrail rcrmiai--1

trrsnn. airtt Eft tiem: in m; miranic ecces,

tirerrfrnfccf ia Tiscrrcrer!tieaatsescf watar sicail be snnniytoicrscs. is eoitss tawards fie cottocr cf '

fie tea, fcxt wieccg ft precwiwt ?

Tiia St x rw'rrr act eaaly to fa ac--

r-- ..swrsz cx iie cii-- sucuuc,see-c-f tie eaaef raersacf fie jssoCcesa

Th9- - Jwww ca5T mniTi- rfysisist3tru eienicita. aai waasx ima-- as

uiuLjUS actrrisj cf fie racer cfwatarss: rslcasic instcra waT, eVjccc!ES

cse cay, tXmVuta- iov firs actrrity it 3--

crmSi aaatrarsS fie siiLlri.'inpnrr rxHrr.Hi3W4sr, rt atay ce

ESa Set fiat fie eases

cs act r-- '" '?, as was ieSeral iy Haax-hr-T- ,'-

aaj Eecccni as Borra.faniisciricf torrssrecce ef fie sdl. Oce cf tiegsi, .i niigrrrr fiey m; tie fccwari at j

tagorrt f tieir iyectiesis was fie as--cf fie Js&tHa Tcuaca? satdeaTy

rfr- - to x ieffls C yards : cat tiiaacrasc. tirfi; cf fie 3rrcrrr rcicana s

fart ct. tgffwaf wfit TlCt

tions nad. by cereal nCi.-We- H xTasit to "V,i?y-

If scieara? exx act yet csoerxasw-ta- s

x cf fie irnnrzsccei rapcra canbrasi tie aai eajeil fie atsnv aaifagftsMSt ias bees no ascrr asfe tsx-piaias-taSi-

poajPt ifoi5?r fietassaal ssst wfeff esi eaacnafe tx&gs

rfav By tfef Mimm cf Estrajiuintt

aci iwrni by efesErren.iS saum yuanie to iiiii'irr.iiVm-prfegc-a

jcT fie esEffirrtrar toSfittxcs

t its ersat rramasV toeafc--T SZ TSIgiT f'narriu.. nmiillll. fiscr

Hsa&oxaHtearcf' grzst iect wietikr 5r

a2 tfe itiaiag tfeasZcwecfiees,aBii. cx tie wrmta ef

if, rminT cf test at--trSnrtiw S sMEie chafes 3gsEFV


refers! to eacs evcic&tcry. c25friis: wa ?



tfisriw waists, rtj3X.fi censs. aftofcsaifeii,

issrairtsriraaay ssesziraate siwcai,--.

ear?5qT:ai2S3aJt5it'icirr encmeca.'

nwois aSicai k iat a Ssror cf fcsi

afci fcss ieretiCa teen BsriTasaSj-

Saw we. tiers ii a csctisr tttiSst cfuicaii. tie Tviirisnr cost cf

cf 32T Assttl Fee wSet ti

Vrm S. bcrsl cg?a t aSi- - passaseta.stracaef lnaS,a: ti saas tee,

tial tott ttrtiaai!f ii ciosfii tr ii- ercj-tk- c

f Sw. ticna ; asd tie sicei. eot-fee- H

ta tie is ferfict-aaaiipjc- s

S tias frwfcoai br tie esZio&ca cf &

axes, cr cf x jcor TTieitct anrwiVrhS feorti. '

tSe Srsinn enst cf tieTCSaajTCrrtaSci.tie iieoc ej riMCi. asii 2? csrdxii ecwari ,

b famr KcHotacs a. tis aSBiccwI. r f

esit23is; cctwiai tieisocfaaosirwrr usncen ami maseit ta L

tssar zixu. eaauj jiac iae psaaite i

hill vf.y tfyT. ccti tint I

if enfr ct ti nmeiSiSa EecracgrScoIof tie Sssars. At tie tre cf tie bst

ttt eartacc cf Etsi. tie trwabloasf fie soi wiaa. ecooiai wisa. tie fersa-- ;

tic f tie we jwBenSTTsnr'sJfcit. aai tie ssnoiKst percuptSIe it tie f

dtj- nf Ad-Saf- e, was eonaaeii ta tieitzarssxa. Tacrs are seraat tcsajces

asaaiec tsa: sae csoaaiaiis ef taesoiEaiizst be 5eii protsiwy asiir fisse para ;

wiert tiers is auepeciiar n.rmmrwcifie baraicar Em; Set law is it tfie azitsii.cns f tie sail are aac rj--F'rx- - a-- eccsoa: aanaer or ten.finse rvr-.-Tr TaEres attai&i aear tie

fci. uj cuu iaaeiii

girasr teat to fie iaipnscced njers aai7aa ?

TSasewio beSife fiai Tcfcaaces actas saity-alTB- s fiar fie aeniiicriair ecca--1

frseat. ir nct cf fiar tiecry, I

KneScawiici hm Eeoome fcasaiiiry,fat tie realty cf wiioi m 0r fan betas- -


as Otto Tcuja r ias ticraciralTfrsroi. Tins, xt fie fiae cf tie earti--:

cnaia is Iisfaar, Vesrras. wiari. wis i

ejecsae large aiasses cf Taper, -- inij&nly ,

aeeted tae elicit sc tail firsws aaicf irrx fiat was steiiaiias:

cik3 sate was an a. ecee stopped;tas tictee swaepinar aserfixs are Sjitnileii

5 1 scraewaas cfcscsre seetosce cfEaat,iktecarr3Tecf fie earassrcpEe.

3&raTer. tie piacscpaer cf Scrngsterr,taett rery ycasaaac rlararatseTerlefi iicatrrti places iad: ta&ea as ficts raatrrifiiles w&ii mcu-.nrsr- s xm'it mt start ta t

r- -i

rs tie enseal sate cf wurw.StatfecCfs, wicse araficrisy fir n-- raas-te-rs

was graatar tiaa fiat cf SaataSfie,tone wa ije--i ct, teHs as, fiat afiar iaT--l

air TTTftr-- Tii""'?rT- - firse rrrrtfi g tt?teatnrnt cf sncksr fie rrfcacrj cf

rts acfiirt at fie prseise atcraeatwisrr. as x cstaaee cf iScantrs, fie

fieceafi. cf 4Jf(f Tritr-- s. 3as cce- -'

wfistaar&ae fie gratt anficrity cf Barn--1

bcutV naste, vm rasst act Szrxet fiatccrrTrfmiirntBTT1 was Ttry ofitslt ca tiebaa. lands ef fie Amins. and fiat tieseniLarinrscs TxpTrTntxc; seastaed CTrfie sasi space cf Wt iixraeCres. dees netpresent ray jfrfrrfifnt gxiraatces izc ex--;irerixx cf iTT-lri J jte sal, fiersfcra, fiat fie ficsjs3errna:aj

toss to fie cost generally adeptod

act pcisesff fie mrpm jarrf fiat edecst! can net be ezrastai

act rfrriSract ctserTasiccs.One cf fie fist fptescccs cf gcerac&y

tote-sclredj- , is to inrasre wietier fierrbns cf fie earti'i rag&rr wiera- earti--,errnSyr arttacstfasnantargottiiaiaS

f;rat cf fiar'aidlher cr i tie aCB--cffierrrrrSr.

Arrrrzz arrz; wio had seen, ihrjpel cetcarief xsiaic;ebjisessi to

tasotsasai. EeSscSfedpaudec: by xccSsgrftsBC tfie Sew Tesca-atsa- c

thesssave Asc a ssse esst serre MsvaskSksssBit ss. tftisf BCwsaCtoSrs:

wS wsstsse kWaout Su. sarT"sat aat ta a fcistwes-tag- s

--Isse jnr4s; stsTtT --Wdf. wfcs tj

eaaarai tato rapcr aad trpeSi fegg"



ersgeacs cf Tggcrats aaitar prj-ni- tie- ca SdTy.


















Tarsresafer ccoatts w5riiTotik sacet. WewJs awca4 ta saav acil fieee

tacks tti search s pciotcaIciBS

rfseasocs. aaiiciwof Aea bx--

iicia E5 ecteii to tawt cdjfauws wiiiha 6aB.iJatiifartt -lircccmc I& jraa iad sat trucAS ti

csrHis saiKitfx teal ahxadr isZta ea itsc'wmAflrfor sscw. 2t a S.T

TTics. AsirtSiy csmet cf Jb siss ciwHas waS5i iiriEr two iwcJitssca amitina laaoiSeii Bsi adtroooisect tainiaiaaic estiit case f th cazsfif tiij

Jaat-- I iwoJaateirftt.tTOT

tioaS oiaaAaapi2es was caaj!tint,aisttteegmtat come? cca taa aeeit-fcccri--

cf ti ssi. Tbe cajoritx cftie-ec- u aw tv faywws-.fcrr- (Eiappsirwi

bfr ancccareii was eHeeteibr JIr-Bi- -sas KMl,Ft!crarr ,X& It eccttefceecofccai witi arasier ccmetaiSl BazMtt aer tata IStrccCCWr, COS

vhich. nrrcitttt raa ncci krwr twnaltan ca;cwit ar? cow oaiaar wttawas j

-rwi el rexuetsxa ctaooirt at aail a tsutwits. Bit tt was oats EiromaHy as- '

fiarwbserntojtt asto ecaife xjtrgcQ -Ewes to eaisthte is erbit wtti. aax Ksaipewsssmt 11 wa dec seea atstsrKcnr


pnadteBl)i, call thai reiaassmii fcrte isra? tis- jwaSir pan cf its jortfwj yjrfioi a tenferatsre rrahiitrpiti sear rnaeatjc HwTvr. itssal toss, la is, BrcrnJ.ar rwruc

rrim. LjiJi Brursea's eocxteaaasl west ss&UxI br astmucners.Biitiiarmrtig kst fev.irwisssTCTalcftie iiifwir Ceccaea,ta2 ecserrers weretie feci ant Sir tie waaiierer. AfctostszasfetaetHzT Efctias at Beidlz. Scisialt

ac A

a. atatar

cf ti hielrto

ca kjju



as Ataeos. as temselat Vii aa-- taere ts eotszsg arooses mr tsctynatjott,uaazsxd ass cescutstj. aai! besre ixiar catiirc ir fceTcoi tie pale of ferjtTe-ca-

bad iffpaai Eraica pui&ikiid aa cess, as i corruptJaiw. Stake tirndawcfienerii ef ics pith ca tie TieJajis- tiaii--r anil are kaowa to pfaa-3Ene- r.

Fraax tie epieaws; it apcears cec Tbsr rrile &osao aaI boil tieatiat tie cumet ias airsocr ectam tie up for sale. TiuT aactsoc aailoicA'ffiHiiig tras. at ttai ef3f-xr.i-t rnjw it as Oar Cocrti are beirtS cses fie Gnat Shir's forepawj. js canrfn;r aiare aad cere ccrrapt. aad ocrfie ef Jase it wi3 tranirs j jb3seT cert aad cscra ittauaoss. Socae

' tine I was wrtttiw tobrs crn

tie cccsciciuca etasier a stars wticil 'jjra:FFajrf Kgaaice. aailAciar Jsjraai

Atsast k w3 cass Satsir awar acr-t- y fieStet of fie Herisao. Dsrir aS fibfine k wS be fcracablT acateil :e ot-gerrCMfl.

Tie cenet ias alrsarr bees. tbbaito spectrsiicefw ectenatitjc. ticcsi iiti--erto. we aatwrstaaii Ets fcrit bas ace bedsstracjr to aaac! rerr saii-facta-rr

ftnf?iciJfHC al its jmictara. It seeina eJear.iiyjjiwer, tiat t iiiaes Byiis awaaailoit

Ktiicteil ffirit.Tiers is jce pecaaaritT about Bcqss

aaimiiiTm cmpi n utimj sue

caned totaas taeiruinr plane nt fracepiaaets Tins We

cf '


tie eeSpcie

fesnascfi. Wtcf bas

enccri. tiat tieta&raWy


crottaau. urgjaiser

timr fie ef tietieerStt of Bat fiaaj lapicerts

cadraral Teaas.andtas ram ex so tiata. eTer oexsat s scetoi pass

r.xac niter rear,etaai ftea Has ttere tea

I ' -u i '

Tiere some. mdeeiwioscosi Er3!ec." enaet ctierfiaa LeiHflTs, "7 sot !

cf tie sofiir fcr Japisar itt 177. ,. , . - ... . . . -

Lesffs ecniet fer smy-serg-o: years, i

tt isiei tie it is, in--1pegs-ar- e ; bet IfTCrser ias mjr.h-f- i

saifect. to earefirrfr fer to be per-- .

toiaarcttiesajrx fiat racsii 5 cctaet rc--

eafladeei a 1 Wn-- arsisstacz

fiat fiere are ether v.EHtW3

-- 1AMUlt

t t -swt s wn;rn aa..e cez castaierieaTs. Acajcast tiese are Faje s ami De

LeTgrrter siewe, icxeTer.fiasaocecf fientcaa: be idacfifeii

;riTTifrtseery to atentioaea; ffr

fie ecrnea efaimperiiai. Tierail trrr--fesvtnrelarcmiirjie jsa a

itllMiaesraai totaeeeiptus. .rgn. iwer--j

'then, the caif ia wtatri tieytnx-- jei presensx cicsare,!fie grTjr utti btfurr 3 eVgry '

case iLjcffieseeacteci peraaicf aicctgTeaaiixiaJf years,

cfJaptfer. lieewioexuafees x cnigranrcf tLitr,tobeiccaleaaL AM inaitrfytaere rs aataasniraay TO

Ttr3rsa.seScf esrseti I

wicse ?"i? xctttetins cf" ti Tber- -

aoi ia--r CTai rssea--tlmg cfier tix fist w4citytSfersct fan offissTy cf fiat est esgy to da-taa--

cce anofiisr'alcoe. esxtaatiyx srarsisr

:fia tiiafeaactwo ftfniiriT etecatt- - TxssestZsg x

c(a&mceyaai fie casieraaet

ticge cf fieftCier fsssgy timii--mgMiar-ffT7Tc-Hx- ateccsste

i Starrs

11?Fjjul TSsk. Sal Sewtowc

soieSaissr. Oreraui. Sacwrtr.e.71 tin i,Trrr-ina-y tsaC CT sw.

jsestxryr isy tss, swss'TSC and Oar

JL x ram?. St -

We at wi tkt ssbSane

aaatir v,a4tMsJfcater arxs etbflluM eaariaMeaati'am . tlaa aurthlsw; ';



csfcstia! p


Hicifei't.sirJaHe?Sasii?rtw3tr3tTS a" tooc- -








aW satafwgas. siawR iwarfrv taf afcewxr.wfeev the watesr&at?

attar aea& Ike cX

Mnk kskttis u Vxiwa. wig

tiU 3Cfr. sai a cxc to litrW-H- S - rati- - tie. sea bcrs!--

iiaa-t-i Sorf cT tiiir. iW

uaoccis BjaisiAt tie saa. slu?r a -

j kccs a bail of fcjAtss ui:;Iycere tiiaSttr cia arewtr

iuratluBiaausccsai nxasva wuirx-ajss watl tistr hssss assl

tie ccoatais ftiaW. aai tiefitij-iirias- s iJwrtKa

witi sttnsir castErftiawtoftwtat2iafoc- - sciatffiit-on- . for

tie S3i pcari JawQ ii? ;ry rTs ap--an. arai sett. ttc stJwr&i or a ww -

.m f...i . U k. . ...t.isiownt; t21 tiai ioatwcoa iWteitaa!., ,t . ti. r .t ,

fc.rnrtSn xdt!!S!i3

cj0iei soaai tie cusiscaw. acrf

r"-V-f f- e-r no o-oKerwaes,, bat a rail of uhfj .,, th tiea sacofedi. w --iT iirearr cSAt cf tire icalrl

tweatr-scr- at icars Jsratioo. aai a

potatof watec

Ax AitKiicu's Orodox or xx ElxcxitxJcoariTr. Beedier, tiecmicttat i&Tiae. a receat oa tiecamrtfett ef tie titaes ta Ancict, sail :

So eucrspt are tie cf law tiat tiej naate cf jocee itiabs. (kagitnf. I sir.

tie foe ct a waste, wa a c(tcjaserratiiaca laaii TmiTi Alas I so cuew3 bow. &r tiat woai! be as stjatiaccuaccknee was stiS left Tier

' caj rre. bat tieir acts wiH becoeaacf area. Tie Joipes wiH be re--becuse tirv tet ta rectitale,

' Tie cccnnaritr is so low ta its toaetiat rnferatHja caaaai rise is tianlcr

tied. Tie jestice of tie cocrtj,Irepeot, nai, aad fad Isar

! we nore ia ilaacer cow thanwas away : Cut

' aad iacestr bare (JepurtaL Qcr nestsacreutcerujra iiai a czr

. car oaora ei lastiee stiax wita 011:141 tioc

natrrs cc iJrro, ct tic eoucty cr ilir, Soot- -

tuni. wia Irriii oc uitf tiusii ta ectapleteTear, led ccntii.Sfwaif--rilS'StoSbrDKicrTiii!er, ca tie Etfi; Febfuarr. IOTl

rM? waHe for seme ece todatfciletrisostUstaraascCabtraKlf'rsa rataer m;nt tae joo ca tielJ't:?1-Ccct'- 1

itinn.f, j a - i' 'i ."iiir

earritres oa tbe iiatwiy to trtro tiernpn ct txe centre 1115a wit. itTtt

'JrJi? VZFScf tie centre ofparereataocsSttte wtole ef tie smoothcr- - traTcIed rart cc cc saii Iatbewlnvter, lawerec, when the road fa otstracttd4' eeatre is tbe middle cf tbe j

usucaraces to tarax ta the nsil doestheTmeetuirr a with:

tnnler ca harsenociL Atrarelercthehishway5sbottad bare bisaiearriS rettdwortiyesndSian, andaEabtetarasyif irifg to ethers ceeasiaaedby irartinrefy ia thapaitigalarawttaer.

lSIe rsstasare cf seiWestractam by a-- csctiy- trcr2e deg; which fcrpaajtaateea-ialteiairntrrn- a old as-a- nd

itricclwinrnjtoEaTe liart HBed On

triarttia2i;rTle .ifaw mSnn- -,

rMy aa taso tie speakerVⅇ thestilrg-- j

trtze areuad the stare, and at thesepasecitl2eatay wiXtoedcaSofthedoce;

theailwar. trtere be plaazed intoI

fr'wfStri?WHtTke Pr rf" ErKze.Cocs.


"vXr5-- j

fecVtMito b tbe lea ca tin; cocaiaest.

iP1 'lie f!Witacca. arsre we.aU: tc cae cf tiem ts .

Tr.rtV SI netfflrtT jatteh Ee fare U.

TagPaye remxtiy feat a silTrr medilto iLemaKt, x lodrin-r-to&s- e

keeper cT TfcneiTW, asdno ue Tousieesx ter tse rznu

sasjtawr ic bad Dees

TBsstissatcel eostef eaaitjiagBsersrr&rsiceteetaatbirttaifsecstose:saixbslf cesU; ecthe bketweeassei; s tie rfrer two sn tireey&artiiies; or the esaaS two to ire ; za4ca the niTrrn ti fcesa tisrr eegiat a

gM. nfcs,trTwcjL, wtSrwi ktstaMtf;Far t li n'wrWi twfce, t tSrw twixs 4eQi

tUtbrwS,Til ''ini iTinfss'm n i in'm' I'n !

Tsec CIt lursetar rrewt that TiSfiC-- sl- -

laauCmKi aGy tae thesssss yM far iai&zz tin jastyear

near wiici. aZ fie are ta acre xngr aawtiaa by being-fier-

are aciy two pcists its crbit at orerwaelaeil by siirery. Jfeney" fa oarwiica. it rasa srsit risi tastarbnaee; j danger aaii tieeotispdsas wiicb fc&ow-.-

oceef fiese is fiepctst atwixi. it passesCrcnr sctti to csrtk af piace. faafcttttiWKatjyreeeiretl it Saa Frac-ti- e

utierir tieroiis wiicliitrasses cfjCTUTJ&thewetecastc'Soctlt Aaterfca,to swifi. Tie fctswr fieterncatlarCtororePBwen

lSiswtfini tie 9riii Teens, fir aretoicataeliii&icf JcaaFenaiSSSrra: eriit to rsoier eon-- a tablet to tbe ntetsaty Atenzdtr Set-- it

gJ fcso.tie planets iciiaeces. tit, wbese bistarj ts pogrRirfj beQend tolies ctrsaie tiepaticf tjfcci'd ' 'fits iSstasce &em tie ts eua- -' Ataander mh. jrirfcer. a

se cieir ueausarc ot a. M. a. HmntxiX,IX 122. and tT years. Tbis ubfet Is

QaSSrf 2 jTl"

SKeracie eawcra. uaawc,feuw. finaer point froct


sees tae tcany enaetj,esciei: tais

wfea-- il wiec. is it is


bare been barefiat is so

wiica. been liarteilsjstact

fctTesect witiiir eartis ereeaii

asatittat jrsteflseoriclii- -

is" i"iVnti-- 1wifi Leaaffi


see fr--

Ticoa.wifi. '

cnraei.IS rHsauss- be


aain,zsaraEi; sanaaariiy



tasaxamfxa cciitKSt rsaci- -;

teyecd'tias pr-.--

eaicai,!ct ccraens

rifurry?, zenaifxcratSf ail seTEXd

ciaaet Xeptana. a3

ail crita sieadz saape,

fie cciitaear.ets. ita

ertis &cta ttzsfriarre Itts

tiers jicciitstSs.

iaierfiebsoat Klae af9rrfargt,

jaas. Beyoast puss

Ccgesl ess

T6to''gaySwtCSrcTXa. Sofa.


Cnei, Tcww


twarwixa nlt



tissid bteii



toltiaatt tiaa

dews siadowstScf sljwtr as

Easter. tnstt


Cfowt-rt- . sfnlan



Uizrr "Waniis tftsa


co plained


kauwa;tzceat, are



are beforesfanerr wiped tati, iaatice






ire toct tee


.lisof earrsie

ccrwith ato harness





JT-S-j,, jaiefetagst

eciTyt rarrcaaa.

irbcse kr;tfas- -

aseaseetiaSeS tuit


eesato tbirfera






point nZ0.

aSsoteto nectary cf

AS-- J

1 Sm A a, twa! Vwr

' KiN .K.r!.with

the tiscixo. eitmxev Ti y C&i. mv, WncMt.iti9i!a muvm a two

tut vtiioct XroaSJcx Mia. "Hktoj-- . ulte(aaMetltMxot brerf; hstlt&QtVMUfcaVim

Mr. K.. If be cm k taf." "SoowoUctoUK,KMftM lit Km&t.

Sia-t- it bJV vawl wnktt&l

asstut Citartwd. toctst; bot tt &ksta to t aloa mrtJa" ti sttl

t tapte4 5i raJ t tUtkUftSOWTW.

til ilia. Hcrr ra&tiiTt lr. whb drrvUSil aax

Ws to m

TvtaatwUcbi be was ftaljW a4tixJtapsoceGrcek Nx--ii ivl Nryia ta ti--

tlsoa time. mj tatoa wMcitfeLLSJSf'V-i-" ?oa r

j ti 5twuif. tt itev! fitted fcr rcU--' se oj 512pr uapuxft e fi aomeat&TralT. are cot nre caciseati ti roU

A?1ltct, ferjwIVat as joo show Cu-.v,,r, Tnni- - Tkt. Kir mti l

ta3;aaiareat3nuaT,niBToiareT,. . . .i KtSr .sr. i,P,tri dunii titbta&atiKr WaiWnlsat arsw. "la ay p

t TaPtaaon ilwarj baati joa est la sullleasees like ta5c ta Tea are sot btTtbe sees iatojocr fcdrt. If be can. la Jatsocb sxpi. There b Hit hlctsrli; runs-tcri- U

jortiof Ekhkt Take care of rocrjpue noomti.

Usx or PsrsQiscx Otxs. rrc, ox Saip-bcuju- x

Tbe Sslrap: Ajswatiaa at Urpool tare Issatii taa icctxtj repcrt oa tbesse cf petrelecst oC anil spirits oa tbip-bcan- l:

"Acconliajtorottrtwioot.webarectade Icqsirto tuaoc a large comber ofsbipawoers, orttiooken aad niaitcn of

a Urge prcportiaacf tbe sbipptc; Istereat of lircrpocl, rtspeet-la- s

tbe use of petrcteora oQt acd fplriu onbeard tieir rtsseU. We sire been lofonsedby swreril iblp otrcers wbo Cutaerly. aadcjt to a com puntlrelj- - rtcect date, iaactloaedtie em of Mtroiata asd raragin oa boardtbetr re&iAt for tUe, blacade ud cabinIfcjtuj, tbat tbey bare sow discostissnl todo so. A&2r saraeroizs taqalrfet. we CadocJr a few cases wbere tbe pressst cseofspirttacas oQs bu been admitted, tbe alraostBnanlraoes oploloa of those persora with

oa board sbtp ts bsly darareroas. is tbeyrequire Tery great care to bi:r1Trra:ial

prereat aecidest bylire. TiTe ixe lafcrraed tbat tietariocs spiritssold under tse sarres of keroslse. kenoUse,pctrofiae, para2a, benaiae, .te are all of tbesuae satare. aad tbat iltbesh sorae ire notqolte to dingerocsly roIitUe is otberi. tbeyau reqsue so staea care u toeir cse u toreader It Iranradest to ersztar tbea oa boardsbla. We Bad petrolesra raore rraerallj. . . r. . . .stli, bj Teasels tinier tic Datta. BIniinaad Geraua cazi, tbas bj British-owne- drebels. Tbe dealers la tbese oils and storesalso Inform cs tbat wltbls tbelutrcarortwo tbe demand for tbesvfor ase oa sblp.beard Is races less freqeeot. aad tbat tbes$j of inlnalarsd rtaetable oQs for borcinr;ca lalpocanl uxs ceeccie mere recenil. plr--tts or cetrciecra, as a sscstttste tor iptrtuof tarpentlae as dryers lor rntilr-- witbpaint, bate, we are mfjrtaed by tbe dealers,beea ta sse to a considerable extent on boardsbl? wbEe taxreatine wis expenslre, partlc-ciarl- y

darinar tbe time of tbe Araerieao war.Tfcii artSele a cow ooly oeeasiocally ssed.and only sapptled wbea fpedaHy laqairedfar. is It is cotutdered dannro&s by tbosewba supply It. Tbe Inquiries wbkb we bareteen raakinx Into tbe cse of petrolesra cEsand sf trits oa shipboard bare, we beliere.bad tie effect of aimtnlsMnir tbefr r laIiTernooI silt. Tbere eaa be little, doabithat, rccs eiritlesineii cr accident In tbe csof tbese oils aad spirits. tbe trabtEtyto areon sblpbcard bas nraec rnereas ed. We biretae r.im-- or agost tarty smpiwci3g snrw,besides tbose of other persons connectedwith, stippinav of when we bar nude in--frnnrf rf oh tfcf snafrf.'

Fzcizctxo DiRtrt Cixu. The fallow- -

InaT letter bas been reeerredby ITessrs. Lucasand WBkissoa. tbe etalnent eczuseers, tromthe secretary cf State for Finance of theHalted States, of Colcraiia, In answer totheir appQeatioa far a eoncessloc fortbe coa-s- ti

ajtlca of ship rami throngs the Iithra&icfDixies:

"The Secretary cf the Interior and ofioreun. --iEiirs, in is ccctu note citedAirznst 11 13S. narked So. iO. cfSection LDepartntest cfFcntjn fStn, bas trawrait- -

teato tmsGcteetne cote teat joacirecteato the Cltires President cf the ColsmbiaaCnioa, solieiticz the prirSese of opeaicr inInteroeeanierarT, oral dated London, Jcne30 of tbe present year.'"

m repty, ice? tomsorrayou tnat ice

eanat aerosthe Iithracs ot Panamaor that of Dories, his astborixed tbe Micts- -terof thsLstted states ol UGtrnaBtiat taeQiarU of irztLad and France, to rerrire illthe proposals tbat say be made to hist torteas oojeet, ana transmit inert to uus otnee,the petitioners beinrtoiiired to girt powercfsttorsey la doe form to sooe person resid-ing in this citj, with wbea tbsEiecuUierowera ine cation may ireu. cirtcur."

ibtem, soreorer, loimu yoa icax inepettacotniiJoacaTe wirau w ikuoi--

ttardto this natter, the GoTeramest teitznow a to ics lazesorsasce wn meprortsfcc cf the Inrcf tree 27, 19K, tbe

vtJ?a??lF?a SSf?,"Terns fatedo, tbe Colnatian Xiait;ter in EczUnd

"Ifrez; farther, to sctrfy toyoatlut the

WJB&Vl bedes- -

ZgJgJggtioc to the soma snoject--- f remxin, Gentle--

WTJ5L c.w.'AxedKorwto ceaiptoiaroea in i betel

eif irota townoce trhrict. The boose teiDg

k ..., v.""""eatae titie tsouowrayrac.. . , , , : , .Ar4 tcir sxt m wtxx ttT tt

IiwtlMre'irGiareti'tcrts ttwvsrU,

Dial ttwujittlf 5j luaMi rjj,IoWMHnii.BEStlW8t,ulRaRf JaeLattaOcrxstsC,Ksw ewi7 eEtan Et

Uxot&'DmtmfBHi. grswMsts; co tii saa-tw- sat a reeest t.rxaer' szettlcz; la westsra

Sew Tort ib.Ijtcrrv Pwgtcafr4-enftnaa- lCiemaory ia tier jSeterTJer.

.:y, thesffet lie ab;est cf Gadcr-draiais- y amost sperttsfcsev'asd tiere" wte soasepofct anragat ferwwfw wMafcta? erJMeati taessSoa xbI wfcfcij bs. fc3y eowesmrdfcr, ssdtssevs tte cstcrstioa ef siria tbeera&s: He feaao assst taatatjjjiintofi!rib(llmtt wsaid fee efgRat fe.aaHto tse sew. Tit mmiu'ljtactUBatimtfticf ntstSsg at oatkt. wfeere wiarny,tirsun. M,wiwIIsr sejt&ors aaM; Ww

x2o tavOttA trsea.

Bz sac ac.s3 mssk cr&e wortd w aajprasa aaiiii,a "


Svp-tMtt- , OowIXa 7f-tw4--t.

ial aah aMMvt Oaf taw SsfkaW taf 3ta CsWahaMwc

jfeaSfcJ(" JiwSwfy Staiataf) VaT ttasMatCaNaai tarwar

fcJwaaawrW4 upifvttWVV, JpPssassv

CkSnt Jaa raW isrM CWt W Jn4OuUXea. ta AiamMttwtoti tM Stt.f.r a asiaiilii ef Ms atal( mk) ditkrsr treat rMfeatmtitjr M --W8Vili ntsr.sad fvr a Jrt t Ctatt swasalae HWItHklEstate 14 ttktivlf, ta dtssnH tf tbr Wwi fpMrtas t dim say yft. Aa4 ta vrtWise d Ut d HMitwti( tbltaraUcatia t J la tWHxwA.us UlitniP--r ti sm tf six sseats, tbifor b Ukaw ta all IArtie evraeJ. sots at eredl- -ion l4 aext er Ua, (Jul thU with auiieU4j tanto.wiU fc board brtbsraM

Cbxf Jstk U Mi Chutt ia tat CourtBiMse.lIwoIalw, oa tb Uth dxy t April.A. S.1HJ, M IB fcie, A. a.

W-4- n U JicCULLT. Otrk.

Execntar's Ifetic.Ia tb matttr ef tb Estate f SlUs P. Hartia,

dCUd.A LL 1'KKSO.NS kariac bht cli5JoL. srsiast tb ded. ar ktrky retmUt to tanisa to puuetusrs w tea mat to

the BcJersiesed. sad all feneat ladtvted te tbtKstste of tb dtetMd, an btreby rto,airdt raskt iouaediitt pajatat tbtmf to thtSSCMNLrtT.

W. L. ORKKX,Solt Aiainlitrstor.

HoaoJalik. Marcs 3d. 19. Mt

Lkeiiegs Eqwfwg w Marafc, 1189.

Osia. Harwiala. J Hiitr ttb.EETATXr lfta. J Tmj tUb. Granwald ASebattt Sth. I BkbardMa ltth, rsa Shaa1Mb. H rutber SJth. J Ftibirtr :tth, Bnw.tr i Ca Sth. A Uaaiel 31st. 0 W Kortta ssdCo 13th. 0 II Fesbrooke Kth ; Arslswa. LnsatM t Waialu. Ah Luajr ITAb. Kaasl Uus-1- L

Ah Mis Itth. Pae riaj; lth. Ah Laa AGbooka tilt; Kasdii. S Krall lt. IlawsuWakhiaa. Chase II oca Sjth, Josaia. A Co.Kiel. i H39. AhU A Co 5th, Aksa Sth. JKAklaslh: BaasAu,J Jmm 13th, Ahiasai;Keaaboa.JKlarisdColSth. JtsaiIltaassla, B Lsela 1st; WiHafca, W Enoslftb.

WUOLESALE llaoolola, Cbalia BrothersISth, Brtwtr 4 Co tOth.


PLANTATION tttae, Ksasl. Lihae FUa.tatiaa CoTth.

HORSE Huslara. A Kelly 4th, Kos C9,sod TO.

BO AT BsstsAas, UiwaU, J Hps ltth; a,

itial. S Loalas. ISth.


IIIERKBV NOTIFY all persons,Fewer of Attorney, doly

I slsae- - aai lathcriud to taeeattDeeds, Leases, sad Contracts. ssVeiiar, theBeal sad Personal Estate of Qaeea Bewsger1lAI.UIA, to collect her rests sac dnes, sadto trassset all sad eTtry ma tier af cosinesssaeetia: her interests.



T)E IT KNOWS, to all holders ofXJ iTrertT, (rest sad renoail. not alreadrdisposed ef.) eelonrias to tht Eststo of the1st Hon. L. Bixleles, that tht oajersEcnednqsests tssst ta suit an extunit cr toe saxatto raj arect, H . 1 . steressoa.

CHARLES KAN'AIKA.Honelala. Feb. IS. 1553. --3a



L. L. TORBERT,For Cash.

wS a

g: : : : : : : F : : : : ?rS- - ia : - C aS- - K

g: SS: : : g: : : : : g$ "ti fc- - oo - e 'g: gg: : : g; : : : : gg -- S

rc3 ra ia r.i.M- - o- - - ts- - - - - . m& --z

S: : g: : : g: : : : s gg "sra- - . c3 5. "g: : S: : : gt ; : t t gg --S

otfOodStSSOMaMolBs:S-- - e tg: : g: : : : g: : : I gg -- g3 S

g: : g: : r : g: : r : SS -- S


Heavy Folislied Plate Glass,

PtaiH, Ceteret. an. BprOw

Stalzied Glass.3m

Hemp Canvas,0. o TO . LIGHT BAVE5S DPCE.

Beary BsTess Back,ileal p e,

Cotton Sail-Tw-

EtaiTeedlcf,Bees Wax, etc

For Salt by a B0LLE3 i CO.

Pilot aad Jfavy Breai,in r? a w"rr- war 'jfJIk CAlili HI

.1 rursai pnT.T.pa rA

Kanila Cordage,FULL AES0BTX2ST 07 SIZES.A FerSsls&r Us E0LLE3 A CO.


Pearl E-k- y,



K. C. WYLIK. For Base srSOLLSS A CO.

SAW JtriXS TLOPE.GOLBRT lsafrrsss asoorr' Xstos, VosUw Sow Ctw f Wfcoat ef 1 .

ForEstsiy' ItUAts ItOLUjS A C.

fifUidoK Tar.mar. ir xakrh a4SwcEawtx forMttr .

YAJOIiT BKtm CPatl.1 iiSBBMMfliMbtsasajsTTam tat vaV

HAY MCKVaW fwAlATi ARfT--awasfi 4a. J(aw'WlBaBal af VtfB- MaraQ

rW.' lawasssMtttjb, tlaayt Ak.AjTlW "aVaKf laSrtrt' Aetae. iflaaawlNpafaJ

sMsaai ft taa La, aaaaaai at M.

cwptaa stawaat f JHmsm, two asrn,?0Tas sTatiaatf Cssaasawi's wrtJo.4pWaaOAt. faotsatf sHoAaswI aBsaistlaaffOBjw, HsaiVaTa; Joa, Liy 1faia,lpV io mo t tap aa TjaBBhlas fkasasl.abaaa4 vnaaalMMfvtK owarwIwVo, A saawassst

J. JL CwA's JBfflf, 3flff4 Slililal,Xtaa"faai wMkai Ifawa1! t. )aaa4afaaarwtfta

Toilet ArtMot, Uf Salt.ladtHalo I'moto, a Jtovr wmWw,

llslr (WtertH aad wiati,5jrinrs, LeccbM, te (.,'etL

Mrtic!s r ah arrtteVisConMt orTirlMia JcWl Jtnoti, ll-t- f

Pirt Bxtfk sMrs !


to bt forwarded ria Paaataa, or by th rdc-tt- stla. Cart Hon.



tie. In na.MT4. Tar Sala Kr

R R R.90oct or

100OF DEATHS, that annuallyoccur, are cauied by PrcveBt-abl- e

Diseases, and the greatecportion of those corapliuatBAvould, if Eadways Ready RtSlief or Pills, (as tlio case mayrequire,) were administeredwhen pain or uneasinesa ocslight sickness is experienced,be exterminated firoui the sys-

tem in a few hours. PAIN, nomatter from what cauec, isalmost instantly cured by tkeHeady Relief. In cases of Cho-

lera, Diarrhoea, Cramps, SpasmsBilious Cholic,in fact allPains,Aches and Innrmities either iathe Stomach, Rowels, Bladder,Kidneys, or the Joints, Muscles,Legs, Arms, Rheumatism, Neu-ralgia, Fever anil Ague, Head-ache, Toothache, jw, will in aFEW MINUTES yield to thetoothing influence of the ReadyRelief.

Sadden Colds, Co agio, Masai, Wpthen. Hoarseness, Sore Tircat, CUBs, Fereraad Agt, Mercurial Pains, Scarlet Ferrer,

&o, Ac, take from foar to six of Had way'sPais, arid also tabs a taaspoooM of titaBeady Relief in a glass of warm water, sweet-ened with sugar or honey ; bathe tis thrust,bead and chest with Beady Belief, (If A5U0or Intermittent Fercr, balio tbe spina slsojia the morning yoa will be cared.

How the Ssady Belief Acta I

In a few missies aVe patient wiH feel aslight Unsung irritation, and the skin be-

comes reddened; if there Is ranch distress iaika stomach, l&o Belief will assist natsrelxcf&orisg the o&sadisg cause, t generalvarmth is felt throsgaoat the entire body,tad Its diSisiie stiraaUtiBg propert!4rapidly courses throagh eVery rein aoatlsnaof the ijsiem, srocsinz the slotlfal aaslpirtiaCy paralyzed gUris and oraara to re-

newed and healthy action, penpGatioa fol-

lows, and the rarbce of tho body feelsheat. Tbe riexness at stomach, coMc,

cblDa, head-acb- e, oppressed breathing, tbesorecess of tke throat, aad all paiaa, eitherinternally or ezteroa8yt rapiifij- - sebsie, aadthe pabVsit sails Into a traaqoa sseesi, awakes)

refreshed, inrigorated, cored.It wiU be fpssd that ia aaiag the Sefiai

externally, either oa tbe seise or across thekidnejs, or orer tbe saosaacb aad Iwostlsi thatfor sereral days aAer a pkaaiag wamlli w3bo felt, showing the length of Ucae it coa-tinu-

its inSaeace orer tbe diseased parts.CF" Price of K. B.K. BELIEF, 60 ceaia

per bottle. Hold By I'ragjpowi sua innsyKerchants, Grocers, Ac

RADWAY CO..87 TfnlAm Tm, Jaw Yfc

TYPHOID FEVER.Tina disease ia sot emit csred hr

Dr. Badway'BEelicfaBiPfflijliatpe-TBBte- d.

If expeaed tok, pctoaospoonfal ef lasiief is imak&ec elwater. Drink th before sjessor oat iathe moisiair, and seyeral tae dsnaajthe day. Talco oae of Ba4way's P96one hour before diaa, aad oaa oagoing to bed.

If geizsd wtta ercr, Wsta 4 so o 01

tfeo PiDfl everr rfx kemm,discliarxes from tie feoweJi saka jitswe ;also drink the Belief dOatetl witi

ater, and htha tke entire sssrfcca olthe body with Beii 8oo apoww-fa- l

vemmr&m wifl tsake fkltaee, aaatl

joa wifl a poasMMt i8tU titrorii-ootthosyBieG- i.

Keef o asiriag Xeaajepisaieslly, ereey Soil bjoan, takw iialPills. A ewe will be mm to Mtaw.TSta KsstitBoiiag, 1 taai iilaaTlafsa.

soothing, ladtifiaff H it aw Uhteak as ttaB Yerer mil t MtsaTswaaftpoatoav lot Omirmhaeat helowed, Baal tisflaMaawb Watt W Hasjsi

Tdtw 7rrw tjp Bfitatf?mr. will asaW a aroKilwMWmimrltemimgmemm.mtmmtmrm'. a ' e at. Sal


IWW&Oais.; aaata

lyamPniata .

4Tawolwf , fc 1M

asaaaMWMsslaassv, aassatAaaBasaasB4 siaygijya a. jfasW sBaHksawaahritaSkJsfca JeaVs sajslaswawawVsssjJpwa a Wwai .sa9ayBwawsiasweDSBy

jssssawotwoWeJoVatesv ntwsaaaawsswa,

saaat'lar jafL'jaajasajaa 'aUk CatastaazwTyywrw V.--

aJ ttlsTaiiWea fa