HAVURAT YISRAEL WEEKLY · PDF fileYusupov’s father), Basha Lea bat Sima Deena (mother of...

HAVURAT YISRAEL 68-60 AUSTIN STREET, FOREST HILLS, NEW YORK 11375 / TEL: 718-261-5500 / FAX: 718-261-7584 DAVID ALGAZE,RABBI / JACK GOLDHABER, PRESIDENT WEB: WWW.HAVURATYISRAEL.ORG / EMAIL: [email protected] / ERUV: 718-544-6898 2 Av 5775 Shabbat Matot-Masei July 17 — 18, 2015 HAVURAT YISRAEL WEEKLY NEWS DESIGN COMMITTEE (donors of $20,000 or more) Arlene Ross Maddy & Bernardo Drucker Ken Lewon Rachelle & David Alkalay Rabbi Joel & Chana Hochman Miriam & Bruce Jacobs Anne Biener BUILDING COMMITTEE (donors of $50,000 or more) David & Debbie Sosnowik Louis & Rachel Ordentlich Refael Katz Marc & Karen Rose Mark & Gail Silverman Edward Finfer Jane Stiefel Stu & Judy Rosen Fanny Seinuk Daniel and Carol Yaghoubian SUPPLIES COMMITTEE (donors of $5,000 or more) Jay Waitzman Eileen Alter Michael Blau FURNISHINGS COMMITTEE (donors of $10,000 or more) Gabriela Linder & Tamata Algaze Renee & David Hirsch Seymour Kaplan Helen & William Kober Gary & Yael Emmanuel SUNDAY July 19 / 3 Av 7:30 am Amud Yomi 8:00 am Shacharit MONDAY July 20 / 4 Av 6:20 am Amud Yomi 6:50 am Shacharit TUESDAY July 21 / 5 Av 6:20 am Amud Yomi 6:50 am Shacharit WEDNESDAY July 22 / 6 Av 6:20 am Amud Yomi 6:50 am Shacharit 8:30 pm Rabbi Krafts Class THURSDAY July 23 / 7 Av 6:20 am Amud Yomi 6:50 am Shacharit FRIDAY July 24 / 8 Av 6:20 am Amud Yomi 6:50 am Shacharit 8:01 pm Candle Lighting 7:00 pm Mincha, Kabbalat Shabbat Refuah Shlema to: Yoseph ben Chava (Fred Isaac), Shoshana bat Chana , Micha ben Devorah, Miriam bat Tziporah, Leya bat Mina, Eliyahu ben Chanena, Danit Esther bat Yaira Shoshana, Binyamin ben Ruth, Frida Chanah bat Sarah Leah, Ahava Emunah bat Chava Ehta, Yaakov David Halevi Ben Sarah , Leah Tirtza bat Serel, Yehuda Yehoshua ben Rivka Ita, Havah bat Lilian, Esther Reva bat Devorah Shifra (Eileen Alter), Mordechai ben Itta, Lifsha bat Shulamit (Elona Lazaroff), Roiza bat Yita Feiga (Rosalie Tenzer), Baruch Asher Ben Rachel Yehudis., Avrash Ben Brucha (Albert Yusupovs father), Basha Lea bat Sima Deena (mother of Cathy Kleiman) and Reuven ben Jean, David Alkalay. Shabbat Shalom! 8:06 pm Candle Lighting 7:00 pm Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat Parsha: p. 900, Haftorah: p. 1193 8:45 am Mishnayot 9:00 am Shacharit 9:21 am Latest time for Shema 11:00 am Drasha 11:45 am Kiddush 6:30 pm Perek in the Park 7:15 pm Gemara Shiur 8:05 pm Mincha 9:12 pm Maariv & Havdalah Kiddush & Seudah Shlisheet by HY members. 34th Journal Dinner Campaign! Gala Dinner to be held at our new building Date to be announced Ads needed (yours, family, friends, businesses, etc.) Space is limited — Make your reservations soon! Mazal Tov to Our Honorees: Major Building Donors Rebbetzen Tamara Algaze Special Awards to: Jack Goldhaber Ira Kleiman Stop Iran Now! Rally for Peace through Strength for America & Humanity Wed. July 22, 5:30 -7:30 pm — Times Square Sponsor This Lovely Bookcase at the new HY! Very limited availability for this honor. Act fast! Please contact the HY office for further info. Welcome to former president Yossi & Gita TockerWe are looking for Kiddush sponsors on Shabbat Nachamu — August 1st. THE BUILDING NEEDS SOME IMPORTANT ITEMS —AN OPPORTUNITY TO GIVE AND HONOR Although our building is almost complete, we still need a few important items to enhance our activities and comfort. These are special opportunities available for sponsorship and they will make our stay more pleasant and easy if we obtain them before or soon after we move in. If you are interested in helping us with the follow- ing items, please contact the office or our Rabbi. Every item may be dedicated in memory or in honor of a loved one and will be rec- ognized appropriately. 1. Bookcases for the Library (see picture below) 2. Furniture for the office. 3. Storage areas for the childrens activi- ties 4. Ovens for the kitchen (and assorted cooking, warming utensils) 5. Shelves for siddurim and chumashim for the sanctuary (Womens side and Mens side) 6. Racks for tallitot 7. Computer calendar for announcements 8. Memorial tablets 9. Ner tamid (for the sanctuary) 10. Tree of Life (Etz Chaim)

Transcript of HAVURAT YISRAEL WEEKLY · PDF fileYusupov’s father), Basha Lea bat Sima Deena (mother of...

Page 1: HAVURAT YISRAEL WEEKLY · PDF fileYusupov’s father), Basha Lea bat Sima Deena (mother of Cathy Kleiman) and Reuven ben Jean, David Alkalay. Shabbat Shalom! 8:06 pm Candle Lighting

H A V U R A T Y I S R A E L 6 8 - 6 0 A U S T I N S T R E E T , F O R E S T H I L L S , N E W Y O R K 1 1 3 7 5 / T E L : 7 1 8 - 2 6 1 - 5 5 0 0 / F A X : 7 1 8 - 2 6 1 - 7 5 8 4

D A V I D A L G A Z E , R A B B I / J A C K G O L D H A B E R , P R E S I D E N T W E B : W W W . H A V U R A T Y I S R A E L . O R G / E M A I L : H Y O F F I C E 1 8 @ Y A H O O . C O M / E R U V : 7 1 8 - 5 4 4 - 6 8 9 8

2 Av 5775 Shabbat Matot-Masei July 17 — 18, 2015


DESIGN COMMITTEE (donors of $20,000 or more)

Arlene Ross Maddy & Bernardo Drucker

Ken Lewon Rachelle & David Alkalay

Rabbi Joel & Chana Hochman Miriam & Bruce Jacobs

Anne Biener

BUILDING COMMITTEE (donors of $50,000 or more)

David & Debbie Sosnowik Louis & Rachel Ordentlich

Refael Katz Marc & Karen Rose

Mark & Gail Silverman Edward Finfer

Jane Stiefel Stu & Judy Rosen

Fanny Seinuk Daniel and Carol Yaghoubian

SUPPLIES COMMITTEE (donors of $5,000 or more)

Jay Waitzman Eileen Alter

Michael Blau

FURNISHINGS COMMITTEE (donors of $10,000 or more)

Gabriela Linder & Tamata Algaze Renee & David Hirsch

Seymour Kaplan Helen & William Kober Gary & Yael Emmanuel

SUNDAY July 19 / 3 Av

7:30 am Amud Yomi 8:00 am Shacharit

MONDAY July 20 / 4 Av

6:20 am Amud Yomi 6:50 am Shacharit

TUESDAY July 21 / 5 Av

6:20 am Amud Yomi 6:50 am Shacharit

WEDNESDAY July 22 / 6 Av

6:20 am Amud Yomi 6:50 am Shacharit

8:30 pm Rabbi Kraft’s Class

THURSDAY July 23 / 7 Av

6:20 am Amud Yomi 6:50 am Shacharit

FRIDAY July 24 / 8 Av

6:20 am Amud Yomi 6:50 am Shacharit

8:01 pm Candle Lighting 7:00 pm Mincha, Kabbalat Shabbat

Refuah Shlema to: Yoseph ben Chava (Fred Isaac), Shoshana bat Chana , Micha ben Devorah, Miriam bat Tziporah, Leya bat Mina, Eliyahu ben Chanena, Danit Esther bat Yaira Shoshana, Binyamin ben Ruth, Frida Chanah bat Sarah Leah, Ahava Emunah bat Chava Ehta, Yaakov David Halevi Ben Sarah , Leah Tirtza bat Serel, Yehuda Yehoshua ben Rivka Ita, Havah bat Lilian, Esther Reva bat Devorah Shifra (Eileen Alter), Mordechai ben Itta, Lifsha bat Shulamit (Elona Lazaroff), Roiza bat Yita Feiga (Rosalie Tenzer), Baruch Asher Ben Rachel Yehudis., Avrash Ben Brucha (Albert Yusupov’s father), Basha Lea bat Sima Deena (mother of Cathy Kleiman) and Reuven ben Jean, David Alkalay.

Shabbat Shalom! 8:06 pm Candle Lighting 7:00 pm Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat Parsha: p. 900, Haftorah: p. 1193 8:45 am Mishnayot 9:00 am Shacharit 9:21 am Latest time for Shema 11:00 am Drasha 11:45 am Kiddush 6:30 pm Perek in the Park 7:15 pm Gemara Shiur 8:05 pm Mincha 9:12 pm Maariv & Havdalah

Kiddush & Seudah Shlisheet by HY members.

34th Journal Dinner Campaign!

Gala Dinner to be held at our new building

Date to be announced

Ads needed (yours, family, friends, businesses, etc.)

Space is limited — Make your reservations soon!

Mazal Tov to Our Honorees:

Major Building Donors

Rebbetzen Tamara Algaze

Special Awards to:

Jack Goldhaber

Ira Kleiman

Stop Iran Now!

Rally for Peace through Strength for America & Humanity

Wed. July 22, 5:30 -7:30 pm — Times Square

Sponsor This Lovely Bookcase at the new HY!

Very limited availability for this honor. Act fast! Please contact the HY office for further info.

Welcome to former president Yossi & Gita Tocker .

We are looking for Kiddush sponsors on Shabbat Nachamu — August 1st.


Although our building is almost complete, we still need a few important items to enhance our activities and comfort. These are special opportunities available for sponsorship and they will make our stay more pleasant and easy if we obtain them before or soon after we move in. If you are interested in helping us with the follow-ing items, please contact the office or our Rabbi.

Every item may be dedicated in memory or in honor of a loved one and will be rec-ognized appropriately.

1. Bookcases for the Library (see picture below)

2. Furniture for the office.

3. Storage areas for the children’s activi-ties

4. Ovens for the kitchen (and assorted cooking, warming utensils)

5. Shelves for siddurim and chumashim

for the sanctuary (Women’s side and Men’s side)

6. Racks for tallitot

7. Computer calendar for announcements

8. Memorial tablets

9. Ner tamid (for the sanctuary)

10. Tree of Life (Etz Chaim)

Page 2: HAVURAT YISRAEL WEEKLY · PDF fileYusupov’s father), Basha Lea bat Sima Deena (mother of Cathy Kleiman) and Reuven ben Jean, David Alkalay. Shabbat Shalom! 8:06 pm Candle Lighting


By Rabbi David Algaze

“But if you do not drive out the inhabitants of the Land before you, those of them whom you leave shall be pins in your eyes and thorns on your sides and they shall injure you upon the land in which you dwell. And it shall be that what I had meant to do to them, I shall do to you.” (Bamidbar, 33:55-56)

With this frightening peroration, the Torah concludes its series of commandments regarding the obligation of the people of Israel to inherit the Land which G-d gives them. The Torah commands us to settle the Land, which Ramban interprets as a positive command-ment for all Israel at all times. The reason for such sweeping order can only be found in G-d’s mind and cannot be grasped by human mind and logic. Although wars of conquest and displacement of peoples from their erstwhile lands is a common feature of history, in this case the Torah singles out this full expulsion of the current residents from the Land as a precondition for the settling of the land by the Jewish people.

This interconnection between our possession of the Land and the eviction of other people from it flies in the face of our current log-ic and mores, although it was the accepted form of all nations en-tering lands throughout history. A quick perusal of history will show that the Greeks, for instance, who gave us philosophy and architecture and the basis of Western culture, invaded Hellas (Greece) in the 12th century BCE and dispossessed the people who inhabited there, the Ionians. The Romans, as narrated in Virgil’s Aeneid, proudly traced their origins to the ruins of Troy and their occupation of Etruria (Ancient site of Rome). None of the Europe-an nations of today were born in their respective countries. All of them were part of the invasion of peoples from the East—sometimes referred to as “Indo-Europeans” who conquered and dislodged the former residents of those lands. The entire Ameri-can continent is the civilization of conquerors and the list can go on and on.

There is nothing strange about the Jewish people displacing an-other nation. What is unique about this is the fact that the Torah itself presents it as a spiritual commandment and the fact that it warns us so sternly about ignoring that threat. The deleterious influence of other peoples living side by side with the Jewish peo-ple is deemed so severe that the Torah warns us not to vacillate or delay in the observance of this commandment. The dilution of the mission of Israel through assimilation or imitation of the customs, views or ideas of other nations would be fatal to the accomplish-ment of Israel’s mission. For this reason Israel must dislodge the current resident of the Land without any remorse or compunction. This is not for any racist or hate-inspired motivation; a non-Jew was welcome in the land of Israel as long as he accepted some of the basic laws of the Torah and he receives in turn many of the rights incumbent upon all Jews. The institution of the ger toshav, the resident stranger, is an integral part of Torah law and it ap-pears frequently in the Torah and Rabbinical law. Of course, con-verts are accepted into our people with full rights and Israel is warned repeatedly to treat them with respect and a special con-sideration. However, the stranger who wishes to retain his culture

and thus become a source of impurity in the land of Israel is un-welcome and must be removed.

The sine qua non condition for a non-Jew to live in the land of Israel was the acceptance of the fact that G-d gave the Torah and the Land of Israel to the people of Israel and that they would re-main inseparable and unalienable.

The application of these laws to Ishmaelites of today is a matter of serious discussion among scholars and this issue cannot be dealt with in this essay fully. However, what is certain is that Israel faces an existential threat much more serious that it has since the crea-tion of the State. The endless threats coming from a newly em-boldened Iran to destroy Israel—a claim ignored by the European and now also the American governments—coupled with the con-stant barrage of rockets from Gaza against civilians, including chil-dren in kindergartens, demonstrate the peril facing Israel if these enemies of our people are allowed to remain and function freely in the Land of Israel. This is the challenge that the Torah presents in such stark terms: either you end the enemy’s threats or their threats will be against you. By Israel’s passive reaction towards tunnel building and rocket production, perhaps intended to as-suage world opinion or, alas, to dream of a peaceful coexistence with people aiming at their destruction, attests to the truth of this warning. Israel is confronted with the choice: either the tunnels of the foe are destroyed, with all its collateral damage absorbed as well, or the tunnels and the enemies will, G-d forbid, kill Israel. Tragically, either we have Arab children left homeless and orphans or, we will have Israeli children homeless and orphans.

Rashi interprets the verse, “they shall be unto you a surrounding wall of thorns,” as a cage not allowing you to go out or come in. How apt an image for today’s Israel population running into shel-ters every few minutes, shocking elders and frightening children! Israeli governments, pushed by foreign governments including the American, repeatedly ignored the threat and postponed the deci-sion to act. By G-d’s grace, the Arabs served us with the stark choice that the Torah warned us about: either you destroy our tunnels and eliminate our fighters or you will be destroyed. Ba-ruch Hashem for their unwitting service and by forcing heretofore indecisive and pusillanimous leaders finally to act with resolve and clarity!

There is no joy in any death but the safety of our people and their lives should come first. When a population supports, tolerates and harbors people plotting to kill our people, they are neither inno-cent nor civilians in the full sense; they are allies of those who would kill us and deserve no pity.

The verse, “And it shall be that what I had meant to do to them, I shall do to you” is troubling and therefore it must be understood in this fashion: you order is to conquer them; if you do not, then G-d will, G-d forbid, create the conditions by which the enemy will harm you.

Let Israel be strong and let peace reign in the land for when there

is peace for Israel there will be peace for all mankind.

Follow Rabbi Algaze on J-APP for the latest shiurim, divrei Torah, more. Available in the iTunes and Android app stores.

Page 3: HAVURAT YISRAEL WEEKLY · PDF fileYusupov’s father), Basha Lea bat Sima Deena (mother of Cathy Kleiman) and Reuven ben Jean, David Alkalay. Shabbat Shalom! 8:06 pm Candle Lighting

THE NINE DAYS The period commencing with Rosh Chodesh Av is called the "Nine Days." During this time, a stricter level of mourning is observed, in accordance with the Talmudic dictum (Ta'anit 26): "When the month of Av begins, we reduce our joy."

We avoid purchasing any items that bring great joy.

We suspend home improvements, or the planting of trees and flowers.

We avoid litigation with non-Jews, since fortune is inauspicious at this time.

We abstain from the consumption of meat (including poultry) and wine. These foods are symbolic of the Temple service, and are generally expressions of celebration and joy. On Shabbat, meat and wine are permitted. This applies also to any other Seudat mitz-vah -- for example, at a Brit Milah or at the comple-tion of a tractate of Talmud. In Ashkenazi custom, wine from Havdallah is given to a child to drink.

We refrain from wearing newly laundered garments, or laundering any clothes. Clothes may not be laun-dered even if done in preparation for after Tisha B'Av, or even if done by a non-Jew. If the "freshness" has been taken out of a garment prior to the Nine Days, it may be worn. Fresh clothes may be worn for Shabbat. The clothing of small children, which gets soiled frequently, may be laundered dur-ing the Nine Days.

We do not bathe for pleasure. It is permitted to bathe in order to remove dirt or perspiration, or for medical reasons. This may be done only in cool water. Fur-thermore, the body should be washed in parts, rather than all at one time. Bathing in warm water is permit-ted on Friday in honor of Shabbat.

Tisha Be’av



10:15 pm CHOFETZ CHAIM VIDEO A “The Power to Yield”

Sunday, July 26, 2015


10:30 am CHOFETZ CHAIM VIDEO A “The Power to Yield” 12:15 pm RABBI LEONARD LEVY (www.torahwithoutborders.org) “Eicha”

1:00 pm CHOFETZ CHAIM VIDEO B “The Power to Yield” 2:45 pm RABBI RICHARD WEISS (Young Israel of Hillcrest) “From Temple to Temple”

3:30 pm RABBI ELIYAHU HARTMAN (Vice Presi-dent International Affairs the Jaffa Institute) “The She-china: Craving for Intimicy With Hashem”

4:15 pm RABBI MORDECHAI KRAFT (Havurat Yis-rael) “Heroism of the Holocaust”

5:15 pm RABBI PERETZ STEINBERG (Young Israel of Queens Valley) TBA

6:00 pm RABBI YAAKOV JUNGREISS (Yeshiva Ateres Israel) “The End of the End of Days”

7:00 pm RABBI DAVID ALGAZE (Spiritual Leader – Havurat Yisrael) “Kindness in The Destruction: I”

7:15 pm MINCHA

8:15 pm RABBI DAVID ALGAZE (Spiritual Leader – Havurat Yisrael) “Kindness in The Destruction: II”

9:00 pm MA’ARIV

Refreshments after the Fast are sponsored by Miriam Levy in memory of her father, Elisha Yacob Sason, z”l, and by Jane Stiefel in memory of her father Siegfried Philip Stiefel (Shlomo Ben Asser, z”l)


Next Shabbat Mincha will be immediately after Kiddush (about 1:30) to allow us to rest during the afternoon and have a good meal for Se’udah Shlisheet at home in prepa-ration for the Fast. There will be no late Mincha or Perek in the Park that day. We will return to the syn-agogue at 9:00 pm for Maariv and Eicha. Since until say-ing Maariv we are still on the Shabbat mode, we may not carry sneakers or other footwear allowed for Tisha Be’Ab before Shabbat ends. Therefore, It is recommend-ed that you leave that footwear in the syna-gogue before Shabbat. Alternatively, one may take off one’s shoes during Eicha and return home wearing regu-lar shoes afterwards. Those who pray at home and come late, may change into sneakers after 9:05 pm. Please note that the meal before the Fast, taking place on Shabbat, does not have any of the usual restrictions of a se’udah mafseket (the last meal before the Fast starts). On Shab-bat one may have the usual fare, including meat, wine or any delicacies that are normally eaten on Shabbat (This meal can be a banquet as King Solomon would have had) One should however, end the meal and clean one’s mouth before 8:17 pm.

There are very few technical differences in halakha re-garding observance of the Fast this year (when it is post-poned into Sunday , which is actually the 10th of Av), but some of them are : one may eat meat immediately after the Fast, bathe, shave and launder clothing—something that would be normally delayed until the next day.

Page 4: HAVURAT YISRAEL WEEKLY · PDF fileYusupov’s father), Basha Lea bat Sima Deena (mother of Cathy Kleiman) and Reuven ben Jean, David Alkalay. Shabbat Shalom! 8:06 pm Candle Lighting

THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY—DO NOT MISS IT “They shall make a sanctuary that I may dwell among them.” (Shemot 25:8) At this time and in this place we have the special privilege to participate in the building of our “small sanctuary”(miqdash me’at)—the new building of Havurat Yisrael. Some have opened their hearts already with great generosity to enable us to reach this day and we thank them. Many have wanted to memorialize special people in their lives with a dedication that will last long in our new building. Below is a list of items and areas that are still open for dedication, some as low as $3,000 and higher so that everyone can be a part of the building of the new Havurat. Please note that although the main building is near completion, there are still many things that are needed, such a appliances for the kitchen, furniture for the classrooms and synagogue, ner tamid, bookcases and so on. Please peruse through this list and select something we still need and do not have. The names of all contributors will be inscribed in the walls of the synagogue so that those names that you wish to memorialize will always be there with us. The Rabbis tell us, “When a mitzvah comes your way, do not let it pass by.” Don’t say the building is done and they don’t need my help. We do. The time is now.


Dedication Opportunities BUIIDING COMMITTEE…(Builders) …………………………For donors of $50,000+

INTERIOR DESIGN COMMITTEE…(Patrons) ………...…..For donors of $20,000+

FURNISHING COMMITTEE (Supporters) …………………..For donors of $10,000+

SUPPLIES COMMITTEE (Contributors) …………………… For donor of $5,000 +

Names will be listed on a special plaque at the entrance of the synagogue

Wall of Honor will be designed for the main lobby listing all gifts

Main Components Center for Jewish Life Name Dedication 1,000,000 The Sanctuary Dedicated by Stuart & Judy Rosen Social Hall 150,000 Library 100,000 Beit Midrash 150,000 The Center for Jewish Life Building Main Entrance Lobby 100,000 Main Mezuzah 36,000 Shoah Memorial 50,000 Tree of Life 50,000 Administrative Office 50,000 Rabbi’s Study 50,000 Outdoor Garden/ Sukkah area Dedicated by Marc & Karen Rose Inner Mezuzot (each) 3,000 (1) mezuzah dedicated by Naomi Rodriguez

The Sanctuary Aron Kodesh Dedicated by David & Debbie Sosnowik Bimah Dedicated by Rachel & Louis Ordentlich Women's Section 100,000 Ner Tamid 50,000 Ner Tamid Bet Midrash 18,000 Mechitza 75,000 Torah Reading Table Dedicated by Fanny Seinuk Parochet 50,000 Memorial Plaque (2) each 36,000 Rabbi's Chair Reserved Netilat Yadaim Station 20,000 Skylight 36,000 Speaker’s Podium 18,000 Main Chandelier 25,000 Pillars (3) each18,000 Window 1 Dedicated by Helen Kober Window 2 Dedicated by Feit family Window (4 remaining) each 18,000 Sconces (6 available) 5,000 ********************************** Kitchen 50,000 ********************************** Beit Midrash Bet Hamidrash Aron Kodesh 100,000 Ner Tamid 18,000 Learning Tables--each 5,000 Bookshelves-each 18,000 Shulchan (Bet Midrash) 26,000 Computer Center (Bar Ilan Installed) 18,000 ********************************* Children’s area 100,000