April 22, 2011 Volume 35, number 16 HAVE YOU READ YOUR KA TODAY?



April 22, 2011 Volume 35, number 16HAVE YOU READ YOUR KA TODAY?


Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 2 April 22, 2011

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by Nicole Karsch-MeibomContributing writer

Easter is a happy time. After a long winter, nature is fi nally in full bloom. During this time, children wait for the Easter bunny, people combine their free days to make a long weekend and school is out for at least a couple of days. In the Christian tradition, it is also the fi nale of Lent season. Needless to say, next to Christmas, Easter is Germany’s most popular holiday.

The multitudes of traditions following this day stem from Christian and heathen times but all evolve around the same idea: the rebirth of nature, the resur-rection of Christ and the celebration of life itself. At the same time, copying nature’s spring beauty, people decorate their homes and gardens with adorned, dyed or ornamented eggs whose preparation is a popular family event. Especially scenic and well worth a trip is a custom of villages in the Southeast of Germany. In the Frankonian Swiss, many communities set up Easter wells fi lled with hundreds of colored eggs. Though the original idea was to honor water for its gift of life, this has become a popular competition between the villages for the well with the highest number of eggs.

The connection of eggs and Easter dates back to Medieval Ages. During Lent season, the church did not allow the consumption of eggs. As a consequence, great numbers of eggs were amassed in the weeks prior to Easter. During the festive days they

were then used as means of payment or little presents. Later, exchanging these little gifts became a popular custom between sweethearts.

Apart from optical pleasure, Easter also meets the joy of eating, especially for anyone with a sweet tooth. Only Christmas time assortments can rival the wide range of sweets offered in the supermarkets during Easter time. From little chocolates to hand-made truffl es, not just children enjoy the contents of their Easter baskets. But there is even more food to it. “Easter lamb” is one speciality that no longer con-sists of meat nowadays, but refers to a cake formed like the very animal. Other bakery products look like rabbits, roosters or poults. Another typical seasonal delight is sweet plaited milk bread nicely braided into an Easter wreath. So, even without religious inten-tions, it is well wise to meet this season with some prior dieting.

What would this time of year be without its lead-ing character, the Easter bunny, which was fi rst men-tioned in the medical scripture “De ovis paschalibus — About Easter Eggs,” by physician Georg Franck von Frankenau in 1682. German children believe that, according to their behavior, the Easter bunny brings and hides the eggs throughout the house. So, Easter Sunday usually starts with the children’s trea-sure hunt. Often enough, by the way, it ends with parents secretly counting the sweets to avoid fi nding melted chocolate remains later in the summer.

Apart from culinary delights, there are a few play-

ful and competitive customs, too. In many rural areas, huge wood stacks are prepared and on the evening of Easter Saturday, the fi res are lit to cast out wintertime. Sometimes this is also represented by straw fi gures that get burned. Often, the village men contend for the tallest fi re. A speciality of the city of Lüdge in Westphalia is the “Easter Wheel” where a burning oak wheel fi lled with straw rolls down a hill at night. “Ostereiertitschen,” the egg tapping game, is a popular competition among young people. Two players take hard-boiled eggs and hit them against another. The egg whose shell remains intact wins. “Ostereierschieben,” egg rolling, has a tradition dating back 400 years in the East German city of Bautzen. On Easter Sunday, children of affl uent fami-lies used to let eggs roll down the Protschenberg hill to be picked up by poor kids. Nowadays, contestants use plastic balls and can win prizes. Finally, an almost mythical custom evolves around the “Easter water,” which dates back to to ancient times. Young girls are to go and drink water from a spring in silence before the fi rst rays of the sun meets them. The water alleg-edly has healing infl uences and the gift of fertility.

So, there are many things you can do with eggs: roll them, tap them, paint them or hide them, but no matter if you celebrate the resurrection of Christ or the rebirth of nature, Easter is a very popular time in Germany. Whether it is burning wheels or chocolate eggs, sacred water or Easter cakes, it is a time fi lled with joy and anticipation.

From burning wheels to sacred water - Easter traditions in Germany

Photo courtesy of the Tourismuszentrale Fränkische Schweiz

You can � nd the biggest Easter well in the world in Biberbach, which has some 11,000 orna-mental eggs.

Photo by Nicole Karsch-Melbom

Now is the time to look for the Easter bunny who hides chocolate eggs for children.

Opening hours for German stores on this Easter weekendFri, 22 April (Good Friday) ClosedSat, 23 April Normal WorkdaySun, 24 April (Easter Sunday) ClosedMon, 25 April (Easter Monday) Closed

Plan your activities! Don’t forget these times!es!es!es! www.advantipro.de

AdvantiPro is wishing you a Happy Easter and lots of fun with your loved ones.


Kaiserslautern American Page 3April 22, 2011

by Nicole Karsch-MeibomContributing writer

Some 10,000 people collaborated to make this a unique experience.

“Last year, 1.2 million visitors enjoyed them-selves here. Be one of them this time. It will be a really great festival with some of the world’s best attractions,” said festival spokeswoman Sabrina Kampe. “What makes it so special is the fact that we offer something for everybody, from action lovers to Bon Vivants, from kids to seniors.”

A must for all adrenalin junkies is the “Olympia Looping,” a roller-coaster with five looping tracks and a length of 1.25 kilometers and speed of up to 100 kph.

For the first time in Stuttgart, the “Rocket” will shoot passengers 180 feet skyward while furi-ously rotating around its axis. Another premier is “Intoxx,” a full looping swing that presses 3Gs of centrifugal force on its riders. It’s literally breathtaking!

“The Party Goes On” is the motto of the grand fest tents. To keep you rocking, top acts and bands will perform all night and “when the air gets too dry, there’s the Hofbräu beer for humidi-fication,” — as they say in Stuttgart. Lovers of Bavarian style can enjoy the “Almhüttendorf,” an alpine village serving food and music from Germany’s south.

All day Wednesdays, merry-go-rounds and carousels for every age group offer reduced prices for families as well as free face painting, clowns and balloon artists.

“We want to make sure this is a family attrac-

tion. So, apart from the special program on Family Day, many festival tents offer special children’s menus and several fun rides provide short term baby-sitting services allowing parents to enjoy their rides, too,” Ms. Kampe said.

Situated next to the “Krämermarkt,” visi-tors can discover a range of shops and arts and crafts stands. Visitors will find a Western store, Charly’s Magic Shop and the Pearl King Fine Jewelry, but they can also purchase anything from hats, socks, spices, pots, minerals and even pet food.

To enjoy the spring festival to its fullest, authorities recommend travelling by public trans-port. The local S-Bahn trains S1, S2, S3 as well as R1, R2 and R8 can be found at Bad Cannstatt, which is within walking distance of the fest. If you want to come by car, you can leave your car at parking lot Wilhelmsplatz (Wilhelmsplatz 11), Mühlgrün (Überkinger Straße 13/1), König-Karl-Passage (Badstrasse 17) or Wilhelma (Neckartalstrasse). However, keep in mind that a low emission zone has been implemented in Stuttgart. To enter the city, an “Emission Badge” (€5 to €10) is required for your vehicle. Not dis-playing a badge can result in a fine of €40. For more details, contact your car dealer.

The Stuttgart Spring Festival will be open from noon to 11 p.m. Monday through Fridays, and 11 a.m. to midnight on weekends and public holidays. The fest is located at the Cannstatter Wasen (Mercedesstraße 50).

For a detailed map, visit www.stuttgarter- fruehlingsfest.de/fileadmin/user_upload/pdf/anfahrt_wasen_detail.pdf.

Can’t wait till October? Enjoy Spring Fest now!

Photos courtesy of .Stuttgart (Niedermüller)

A vendor sells balloons during the Stuttgart Spring Festival. This year’s spring festival takes place from Saturday to May 15 in Stuttgart.

The Stuttgart Spring Festival offers its visitors many different rides to choose from, including the “Rocket,” which shoots its passengers 180 feet skyward, and the “Intoxx,” a looping swing that presses 3Gs of force on its riders.

Do you love Oktoberfest, but just can’t wait till autumn? Then this is for you: The Stuttgart Spring Festival at the Cannstatter Wasen. From Saturday to May 15, Stuttgart will host 3.5 kilometers of funfair with rides, beer tents, live bands and hot party nights. Fun is guaranteed.


Marktstraße 54 67655 KaiserslauternTelefon: 0631-36139600



Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 4 April 22, 2011

CAN YOU FIND THE EASTER EGGS?As a treat for our readers, the Kaiserslautern American is putting on an Easter Egg Hunt Contest.For today’s Special Holiday Edition, local businesses have donated great prizes to give to our readers for participating in the contest. Read on to fi nd out how you can win one of these prizes.

CONTEST RULESTo enter the contest, fl ip through the pages and count the number of eggs you fi nd hiding throughout the pages. This page (top) has an example of what the egg looks like, and it also counts as one of the eggs in the hunt! Look carefully. These eggs are sneaky and notorious for hiding in small spaces!When you think you’ve got the correct number of eggs, send that number in an e-mail to [email protected] with “Egg Hunt” written in the subject line. Don’t forget to include your fi rst and last name, your APO address and a phone number where you can be reached.

E-mails will be accepted until midnight April 26. Those contestants with the correct number of eggs will be entered into the drawing and have a chance at winning one of many great prizes!Winners will be notifi ed and have their names, along with their prizes, printed in the following KA.*

*ID card holders only.

AdvantiPro employees and associates are ineligible.

Easter Egg Hunt Contest!

Easter Egg Hunt Contest!


Kaiserslautern American Page 5April 22, 2011

Win great PrizesWin great PrizesDeutsche Bahn

Julia FremgenUltimate spa facial .........2 x €50 = €100

1st class tickets to Paris for two people only for May 21 .................................... € 550

True Love (bridal shop)Voucher ..........................................€100

Cantina Mexicana Voucher ............................................ €60

Restaurant Dino Voucher, dinner for two

Hotel Rosenhof Voucher, lunch buffet

Restaurant Kaisers Voucher, dinner for two

Juwelier Kraemer (Jewelry Shop) Voucher ..........................................€100

Saturn iPod Touch, 32G ..............................€299

Stadtverwaltung KLNato Musikfestival, fi ve tickets ........€125

Möbel MartinVoucher ..........................................€100

Designer Outlet Center ZW Voucher ..........................................€100

TKSNokia C5-03, Smartphone ...............€189


Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 6 April 22, 2011

Story and photos by A.L. ShaffContributing writer

Soon, spargel season will inun-date the area with Germans flooding to their favorite restaurants daily for their fill of the delicacy in almost ritualistic ecstasy!

No American will be harmed in the rush! Instead, Americans can join in the flurry and become con-verts to one of the most delicious eating opportunities of their lives. spargel season lasts from the first week in April until June 24, which coincides with the feast of John the Baptist.

However, the high point of the season comes around May 20 with most of the tender spargel sprouts gone by June 6. After that date, the sprouts become too large or they begin to turn purple, which indicates a bitter taste.

spargel is white asparagus, but must never be mistaken for the green stuff children hate. No one need force

a person to eat white asparagus. Instead, once a person tries spargel

in any of its many manifestations, they often become enthusiastic fans.

For Americans who make dis-paraging remarks such as “No way, man, I ain’t eatin’ that stuff!” or “I always hated asparagus as a kid!” the doubts disappear with one spargel dinner.

Not a side dish vegetable like its green cousin, spargel serves as the main entree. Typically, a pound of spargel covers the middle of a spe-cial plate with melted butter while boiled potatoes and sliced ham pro-vide side dishes. Hollandaise or bearnaise sauce lathered over the spargel fulfills a gourmet’s dreams.

However, restaurants offer spargel in many variations, with chefs constantly inventing delicious variations that entice Germans back day after day.

For example, Pfeffrmühle, one of the favorite eateries of medical pro-fessionals at the Landstuhl hospital,

offers its signature Flammkuchen specialty garnished with spargel and ham, or spargel spears with hollan-daise/bearnaise sauce, spargel soup, and spargel omelets. A particularly tasty dish is toast stacked with ham and spargel then cheese and the whole concoction heated into a per-fect lunch.

During spargel season, the aver-age German enjoys the delicious white asparagus in one form or another at least once every day.

They buy it from roadside ven-dors such as the small farmer with the strawberry booth across the road from Kaufland and Toom in Landstuhl.

Schwetzingen near Heidelberg calls itself the “spargel capital of the world” and holds an annual Spargelfest that attracts guests from around the globe.

“The main difference between green asparagus and spargel is the way it is grown, which makes for the different color,” said Johanna

Scherer, co-owner of Pfeffermühle. “The workers completely cover

the plant with dirt, which protects the shoot from sunlight so it never turns green, but it remains tender,” she said.

The sandy soil along autobahn A6 east of Kaiserslautern provides perfect conditions for growing spargel, which explains the white and aluminum blankets that cover the fields around Grunstadt and towns to the south during March, April and May. One restuarant that prepares spargel perfectly is zum Burg Graf von Leiningen in the wine village of Neu Leiningen.

On their patio overlooking the Romantic Wine Road on a sun-shiny day, a visiting American can see all the way to Mannheim or Speyer while enjoying an offering of spargel in melted butter accompa-nied by the local Ruttger winery’s fine Riesling.

Now, that’s life in Europe at its best!

Photos clockwise from left: A delicious salad results from combining Italian lettuce variations, cut spears of spargel and pine nuts. Then, hollandaise sauce is served over the salad and accompanied with pumpkin green pesto and small ham rolls. This salad combination highlights the menu at Graf von Leiningen restuarant in Neu Leiningen during spargel season.

The most popular serving for spargel is as the main entree with boiled ham or prosciutto ham and salted potatoes as the side dish. Then the spargel is lathered with hollandaise or bernaise sauces and accompanied with a dry white wine, such as Riesling or Mueller-Thurgau.

For a late breakfast or late  morning brunch, nothing beats a spargel omelette served with strong coffee and German farmer’s bread rolls. A champagne mimosa adds to the spirit of celebrating a perfect day.



Kaiserslautern American Page 7April 22, 2011

Story and photos by Nicole Karsch-MeibomContributing writer

Beer unites and at the same time divides the nation. The one question you will get a unanimous reply from most Germans is “Whose beer is best?” “Ours,” they will say. And funny enough, quite a few foreigners agree — apart from some Belgians and Australians perhaps. On the other hand, if you dig into the question “Which German beer is best?” there you are. The nation laps-es back into pre-federal times, it’s South against North, East against West.

In fact, some aficionados would even say: Tell me what you drink and I’ll tell you who you are!

Now, let’s find out why German beer has such a good

reputation. International brew master Guido Thomas took care of beer in Vail, Colo., and even brewed for His Royal Highness, the Prince of Bavaria.

“First of all,” Mr. Thomas said, “the brewing business started early here in Germany.”

In the year 766, an official document confirms the deliv-ery of beer to a monastery in Geisingen.

“We owe it to hungry monks that beer was invented,” Mr. Thomas said. “As alcohol was forbidden during Lent season, they developed what they called ‘liquid food’ — a term still used in Bavaria.

Therefore, monasteries were the earliest producers of beer, predominantly in the south of Germany.”

Some names of these brewer-ies have still remained until now,

like Paulaner or Franziskaner. Soon, the “juice of the barley” became so popular that produc-tion sites developed all over the country.

But to make sure that what’s called beer really is beer, the Bavarian duke Wilhelm IV signed a law in 1516 that is still more or less valid today in Germany. It’s the so-called “Reinheitsgebot,” or the law of purity, which states that only water, hops and barley may be used for brewing.

By the way, the “Gerstensaft,” or malt juice, was such an emo-tional topic that in 1888, after a small price increase, angry crowds literally took several Munich pubs apart, an event called the “Salvator-Battle.”

It is not surprising to find that Salvator happens to be a strong beer, because of its high per-centage of alcohol.

Coming back to the qual-ity question. Experts claim it is this law of purity that makes German beer so special.

“It really boils down to the fact that we use no additives, no other ingredients and no chemi-cal tricks,” said Mr. Thomas, who currently takes care of the quality of the Hochdorfer Kronen brewery.

So much for an answer that unites us Germans. But which beer should you drink?

Only to wine drinkers is beer just beer. Just talking about the different sorts of beer could fill a book.

There are more than 1,300 breweries in Germany, likewise innumerable types and varia-tions of beer. Berliner Weiße is a sour wheat beer from the German capital Berlin that’s usually flavoured with raspber-ry syrup that often comes with a straw.

The Pilsner on the contrary is found everywhere and comes straight from the bottle. Gose is

from the east of Germany and calls for caraway or red cur-rants juice.

Kölsch is exclusively brewed in Cologne and served in small slim 0.2-liter glasses — abso-lutely frowned upon by the lov-ers of South German wheat beer that needs to be drunk from a tall 0.5-liter glass.

Rauchbeer — a smoked beer — is a speciality of Bamberg in Frankonia and it goes on with the innumerable regional spe-cialties like Bockbeer, Eisbock or Roggenbier, to name a few.

It’s a science indeed but also a matter of local pride.

The Bavarians call them-selves the beer people, and there would be no Octoberfest without Munich breweries like Paulaner or Hacker-Pschorr. Having a wheat beer in a sum-mertime beer garden combines the love of tradition with the joy of living. Then again, even in Frankonia — a region that technically belongs to Bavaria though you should never call them Bavarians — people pride themselves in having more breweries per inhabitants than

any other region of Germany. Their strong Bockbier always makes a lasting impression on visitors.

To enjoy nothing but a Kölsch is a patriotic duty for those from Cologne, whereas up in the northern regions it’s the Flensburger Pils, for exam-ple, with its unique “plop” noise when opened that stands for a relaxed personality.

Having mentioned just a few, it becomes obvious that the local beer represents the local folks, which is why there’s no real winner.

It’s all up to your own taste. Find out for yourself and have a nice Saturday, which is the Day of German Beer. Prost!

For a guided tour of a brew-ery call 06302 912-144 or e-mail [email protected]. The tour takes approximate-ly 1 hour and is followed by another hour of beer tasting.

Tours take place at 10 a.m., 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. Monday through Thursdays at the Privatbrauerei Bischoff, An den Hopfengärten 6, 67722 Winnweiler.

Because of the law on purity, only these natural ingredients can go into mak-ing proper German beer.

Brew master Guido Thomas, from the Hochdorf Kronenbrauerei, tests the gravity of the liquid to make sure it becomes proper beer.

One nation, many beers – Prost!Beer has always been and will always be a major topic for us Germans. Last year, 98.3 million hectoliters of beer were consumed — an average of 109.6 liters per person.


Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 8 April 22, 2011

by Nicole Karsch-MeibomContributing writer

“A sweeter flower did Nature ne’er put forth, nor fairer garden yet was never known.” — “The Rose,” by William Browne.

William Browne must have been to the Rose Garden in Zweibrücken. What better place is there to visit after a long cold winter than a park full of blooming roses? On May 1, the gates open to this pic-turesque area with romantic pavilions and little ponds all dedicated to the queen of flowers.

Zweibrücken is a delightful little town some 55 kilometers away from Kaiserslautern that, despite its size, offers something unique and exquisite — the rose garden. The history of Zweibrücken’s famous landmark began in 1912 with the decision to create an open air rose display. Today, it is a 50,000-square-meter oasis of nature and beauty with 60,000 roses and more than 2,000 different varieties and species. Furthermore, a 2.5-kilometer path through the park leads to the romantic Wild Rose Garden, teaching about the history of rose growing and displaying ancient types of wild Rosaceae long forgotten else-where.

The rose garden, however, is not only a botanic space but hosts a multitude of cultural events in this beautiful environment.

On May 15, popular tunes from the golden ’20s and ’30s played by the Nostalgia Orchestra mark the beginning of this year’s concert season. The sounds

of country music mingle with the delightful scent of roses on May 29 when the “Picnic in the park” series begins.

More picnic dates: the French German chamber symphony orchestra Friedrichsthal performs on June 23, Suite 16 plays pop, swing and musical melodies and it’s jazz time on Aug. 28 with Jazz Avenue.

Garden lovers will be delighted June 4 and 5 when the Rose and Garden Fair takes place with more than 70 vendors. The year’s highlight will be from June 23 to June 26 during the peak time of blossoming. In a sea of ambrosial flowers you can embark on a jazz summer night, a festival of thousand lights and an oriental night.

The party culminates with the enthronement of the new queen of roses. To savor summertime, the Saarland State Orchestra performs on Sept. 4 and the autumn garden market on Oct. 1 and 2 highlights the end of the season.

The poet William Browne of Tavistock, Great Britain, lived from 1588 to 1643. It was not for him to experience the beauty of Zweibrücken’s Rose Garden. But for you, it’s the perfect time. Starting in May, opening hours are from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. General entry costs €4 for adults, and €1.20 for children 6 to 17 years old. Families and groups also pay less, and there are special ticket prices during events.

To find the rose garden, enter “Rosengartenstraße 50” into your navigation system. The park is located in the middle of the town.

For more information, call 06332/871-451 or 871-471 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. You can also check out the garden’s website at www.zweibruecken.de.


Photos courtesy of the Kulturamt Zweibrücken

The Zweibrücken Rose Garden is one of Europe’s biggest botanical parks with 60,000 roses.

Thursday, May 26, 2011, 6:00 pm, Kaiserslautern, City

„Running and celebrating together!”

Thursday, May 26, 2011, 6:00 pm, Kaiserslautern, City

„Running and celebrating together!”

Thursday, May 26, 2011, 6:00 pm, Kaiserslautern, City

„Running and celebrating together!”


Kaiserslautern American Page 9April 22, 2011

by Simone LeonardContributing writer

When asked by others what my favorite part of living in Germany is, my first response is always, “the great German bakeries!”

When I walk into my neighborhood Barbarossa, my senses come to life at the wonderful smell of freshly baked breads and pastries.

My taste buds immediately begin to tingle in anticipation of the first bite of the croissant I always order along with a latte macchiato.

Carol Lopez, who has lived in the Hochspeyer community for more than a decade, attests to this.

“American breads are great for toasting, but German bread comes with a taste, freshness and whole-some flavor like nowhere else,” she said. “I know when I enter the bakery in the morning that all of the breads are freshly made

that day.” There are a host of different varieties of German breads available at German bakeries.

If you want a loaf of bread, order a “ganzes Brot” or a “Brotlaib,” and if you would like to try black bread or German pumper-nickel bread, order a “Schwarzbrot.”

Many German bakeries have spe-cialty breads, such as: whole-grain baguettes, pumpkin seed bread and sunflower seed bread. If you would like your bread sliced, just say “Können Sie es bitte schneiden?” and

it will be sliced for you.

When buying German bread, you must remember that since the bread is baked fresh daily, it dries out very quick-

ly and will become hard by the next day if it’s not eaten right away.

“I love German breads better than (bread from the) bakeries at home,

simply because it’s fresher,” said Sgt. Joseph Cottrell, who is stationed on Panzer Kaserne. “German bakeries have such a large variety of breads and pastries that you sim-ply don’t get state-

side. You have breads for every meal to choose from. To a bread lover such as myself, it’s like a little piece of baked heaven.”

German bak-eries differ from American baker-ies in a few ways. Some American bak-eries use more sugar in their icings than German bakeries.

If you are accustomed to sweeter tasting cakes and pastries, you might

have to acquire a taste for German cakes and pastries, since they are less sweet. “German bakers tend toward using less sugar and you can, there-fore, taste the flavor of the cakes,” Ms. Lopez said. “They use fresh fruits more than the Americans and again with less sugar. Another factor is that they don’t use preservatives and addi-tives, so cakes are generally made and sold in the same day.”

Also, don’t confuse German choc-olate cake for being an authentic

German cake. This cake was cre-

ated by Sam German in 1852. Instead, have the German Black Forest cake, which is arguably one of Germany’s most famous cakes.

Having the plea-sure of eating at German bakeries is

one of the many positive experiences I’m sure many of us will take with us from living in Germany.

GERMAN BREADS & BAKERIESWhat makes them so special? How are they different from American bread/bakeries?

Why do Americans love German bread/bakeries more than the ones at home?

If you are accustomed to sweeter tasting

cakes and pastries, you might have to acquire a taste for German cakes and pastries, since they

are less sweet.

You have breads for every meal to choose from. To a bread lover

such as myself, it’s like a little piece of

baked heaven.

There are a host of different varieties of

German breads available at German




Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 10 April 22, 2011

Story and photos by A.L. ShaffContributing writer

Hauenstein, a small village about 50 minutes south of Kaiserslautern, is all about feet. Here, they make shoes, sell shoes, export shoes, and their museum tells the history of shoes.

Just as important, the Hauenstein area provides walking trails to enjoy the shoes while hiking the hills, enjoying the forests and breathing the fresh air.

More than 30 factories once produced foot-wear ranging from military boots to high fashion sandals. The German Shoe Museum, a renovat-ed factory, now displays the his-

tory of shoe making that parallels the history of Germany “from the ground up,” so to speak. Today, only a few shoe factories still exist in and around Hauenstein, so now the town mostly does business by selling shoes at the many warehouse outlets that line “The Shoe Mile.”

In the museum at the south end of town and away from the hustle of the outlets, one hears the rattle of running machines where workers once produced millions of shoes.

Spread across three floors in the Bauhaus build-ing, the museum divides into historic eras on the first three floors then presents a vast array of shoe styles on the top floor. The second floor, with expertly created displays of memorabilia, provides a fantastic walk through post World War II and Cold War history.

Though the displays appear only in German, the museum provides audio-guide devices that interact with the displays in English.

Shoe freaks can go wild on the top floor, which houses the Ernst Tillman Collection of more than 3,500 pairs of shoes from ancient Roman sandals

to contemporary spike heels. Shoes worn bycelebrities also appear on display,

including those of tennis players Boris Becker and Steffi

Graf and the

shoes of French leader Charles deGaulle, as well as work shoes of present German Chancellor Angela Merkl.

A long street of shoe outlets crowds the main entrance of Hauenstein with every kind of footwear imaginable from sports sneakers to high fashion pumps and heels.

Brand names include Converse, Ecco, Sanita, Keen, Naot, Bugatti, Josef Seibel, VANS, Mephisto and Romika. An array of fine Italian leather boots takes up a complete section of Shoe Marke, one of the larger stores. Some smaller firms around town attach their shops directly to the factories.

If a buyer catches the right time, it’s possible to grab a 50 percent discount at closing stores that fail in this highly competitive market. However, most discounts range from 10 to 35 percent off retail. Also, almost every store maintains a sell-off depart-ment to clear out last year’s models, off sizes and seasonal footwear at half price.

Shoe stores in Hauenstein, as well as the German Shoe Museum, are open Sundays. Not all of these outlets take VAT forms or credit cards, so ask before buying.

Two parallel routes from Kaiserslautern lead to Hauenstein, each easy to drive in about 50 minutes. Autobahn 62 west of Landstuhl leads to Pirmasens where it connects with A10 heading east. Head toward Landau for 13 miles and find Hauenstein on the right side of the road.

Or, take the B270 from Kaiserslautern toward Pirmasens and connect with

the A10. Turn left onto A10, drive east toward Landau for 13 miles, and you’ll

spot the shoe outlet stores on the right.

The GPS address is 76846 Hauenstein (Germany).

Satisfy your shoe fetish with a trip to the German Shoe Museum

 Designer shoes from famous makers take up the entire lower floor of one shoe outlet in Hauenstein. The main attraction this year seems to be the fashion boots from all over the world. The store also offers accessories of leather and silk or nylon/rayon.


A former shoe factory fittingly houses The German Shoe Museum in Hauenstein, located a short distance from Pirmasens. Three floors of exhibits show machinery once used in making footwear and develop a parallel history of world events. The top floor displays 35,000 pairs of shoes from every decade and every profession.


Kaiserslautern American Page 11April 22, 2011


Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 12 April 22, 2011

The German system of garbage removal and recycling seems so strange and strict to many Americans, so we wondered how troops and families on and off base were handling this very different system. We asked, “Do you think you’ve gained a pretty good understanding of the German system of recycling and garbage con-trol, or are you still a bit confused?”

Man on the Street

“I know what trash goes in what bin, but I

usually ask my wife what trash goes out on which day. I can always look down the block to

see what the other folks put out.”

Brian Augsburger, civilian, USAFE/FM


“I understand the German trash system pretty well. The trash

handlers make it pretty easy to follow, even

presenting a picture of what is allowed with a description alongside

the graphic.”

Spc. Joshua Brosius, A 5-7 ADA, Rhine

Ordnance Barracks

“I need to watch what my neighbors are putting out, otherwise I wouldn’t

know. Of course, I received a ‘garbage guide’ when I inpro-

cessed, and that handy guide answered almost

all of my questions about where certain types of

garbage must go.”

Capt. Anthony DelaRosa, 405th Army Sapper

Brigade, Panzer Kaserne

“I think we do well with getting the right trash in the right bins and bags.

I’m sure we could do some things better, but overall we get the gist.”

Tech. Sgt. Amy French, 86th MDOS,


Recycling made easyStory and photos by A.L. ShaffContributing writer

Recycling contributes to saving the environment, and Germany has succeeded grandly with its fight against growing mountains of garbage. But for many Americans living here, recycling can seem like a confusing task and just a big bother.

However, some easy guidelines exist that can quickly turn any newcomer into a recycling expert.

A major part of the success of this program involves the proper sorting of garbage. So, this is where the lesson starts.

OK, what do we do with glass? Any kind of bottle or glass jar that is non-returnable and on which you paid no deposit goes into the color-coded glass bins down the street. This includes wine bottles, jam/preserve jars, oil bottles and juice bottles. But, ceramics, china, mirrors and wine corks never go into these trash cans. First, sort the bottles by color. Different slots take green, brown or clear glass, so the glass must be deposited into the right slots. Almost every German neighborhood provides these giant containers just down the street or around the corner.

Your green, blue, yellow, brown and gray plastic household trash cans stand at your doorstep with the color of the lid indicating the can’s use. It’s important to note that not all municipalities use the same system. For example, you may not find a brown or yellow can at your door-step. In the absence of a yellow can, put plastic materials into the yellow plastic bag (Gelbe Sack) and place it outside for pick up on scheduled days. You can get the bags at various places in the community, most often from the town hall.

Paper that goes in the blue container includes all packaging made of paper and cardboard, newspapers, magazines, waste paper or paper bags. You need to flatten boxes before putting them in the container, and make sure you throw only the box into the can and not the plastic wrappers inside the box.

OK, let’s move on to the yellow sacks. Cans, plastic, polystyrene, aluminum, tinplate and “com-posite” materials like beverage cartons made of a mixture of materials should be put in the yellow bags. Empty spray cans also are allowed here. You are not supposed to stuff things together, like the yogurt cup inside the baked beans tin can. Since this junk gets sorted by hand, rinse the cans and cups before throwing them into the trash.

Now you are left with the “other stuff” and bio-logical waste, which is anything destined for the compost heap in a good gardener’s back yard. This includes kitchen scraps, peels, leftover food, coffee filters, tea bags and garden waste.

If you live in a house, you probably will have a separate brown can for this waste. The end result

of bio recycling is either energy through the natural fermenting gasses, which is captured and utilized, or garden compost. So this is good stuff to recycle though it may stink at times. Good news is that the brown cans get emptied more often during the sum-mer months.

If you own no separate brown can and you don’t feel like farming a personal compost heap, you can throw the bio stuff into your gray household waste bin, including ashes, cigarette butts, old household objects like frying pans, textiles and nylon stock-ings, diapers, tissues, and other hygiene items. Everything in the gray cans eventually gets burned.

Now that you know where everything goes, you need only to know when to put the right can or bag out for collection. On designated days for garbage collection, remember to find which gar-bage can to put out. Easy method: wait until your German neighbors roll out their bins then match their color(s)! Despite the extra effort and diligence required for successful recycling, it provides a sense

of pride that you actually mastered the German recycling system!

Even more solutions to recyclingThen, we have the problem of “hazardous” waste.

This kind of waste includes florescent bulbs, batter-ies and acids, cans of old paint, thinners, adhesives, corrosives, and insecticides – stuff that must be treated as dangerous. Such hazardous waste can’t end up in the other trash cans because it can release dangerous gasses when incinerated.

Be aware of bulletins from the local government about pick up times for such materials. Usually, a truck will show up for a special collection, so you’ll need to bring the stuff to that central point. However, you can deposit batteries safely at a local grocery store (Aldi or Penny) or a large shopping market such as Globus or Kaufland. Look for the

As shown, the three trash containers are marked with the kind of waste to deposit into the correct can. The yellow bags clearly show in pictures and words on the front what should and should not be deposited. Watching the German neighbors on trash day usually helps to determine which can to set on the curb.

See MORE about this story on the next page »»

Test your knowledge. Do you know what to put in each can?


Kaiserslautern American Page 13April 22, 2011


specially marked box or bin, or show the clerk the dead batteries and ask for the disposal box.

If you just don’t know where or when to dump something and you’re sure no one will want to buy it at a local “Flohmarkt,” or flea market, look for times to place it on the curb for

pick up. Such materials might include an old sofa, the ripped-out kitchen sink, chairs or extra lumber from your renewal project. Don’t worry that you’re dumping stuff on the street because, in reality, most of the stuff set out this way is scarfed up by collectors who drive around neighborhoods look-ing to fill their vans before the munici-

pal trucks arrive.Yeah, all of this sorting means extra

work. Think of it as your small contri-bution to saving the world as you pre-vent garbage rather than create it. Try shopping at the local German markets with a small basket in hand, take one of the commissary cloth bags and avoid buying food in heavy packaging.

Also, pack food in reusable contain-ers for the fridge; look for the Green Dot on products since the producers pay a recycling fee to help fund the program.

Before long, you’ll fit right in with the Germans as they treasure their countryside, their country and our planet.

«« Continued from last page

“As a new person living in Germany, I find it

challenging to deter-mine what needs to go

in the yellow plastic bag. Also, I need to

know about a process in which to request a

bigger gray trash can for normal trash.”

Cris Garcia, General Dynamics contractor,


“At least I think I under-stand it. We know that

when the trash needs to go out, we’d better

check what the German neighbors have set out.

It took a while but we got it down pretty well


Sgt. Richard Liggans, Landstuhl Regional

Medical Center

“My landlord tells me to look at what my neigh-

bors do. So, I put out the same bin, then come

home from work with it still full. I feel like an idiot

when I keep putting out what I think is the right

can. There doesn’t seem to be a regular schedule between paper, bio and

residual waste.”

Staff Sgt. Tony Mendoz, Ramstein

“Sure, I understand the separation of trash,

but I still need to watch the neighbors to see

when to put it out and which can goes out. The system is really not that


Staff Sgt. Brian Schramm, USAFE

Security Forces, Ramstein

So, what belongs where?

Most German stores provide a container of some kind for old batteries (pic-tured above) so Americans in Kaiserslautern can simply drop off such materi-als so they don’t seep into the ground and contaminate the water supply.

BROWN CAN (biological waste)»  Kitchen  waste: old bread,

eggs shells, coffee powder and filters, food leftovers, tea leaves, and tea filters

»  Fruit  and  vegetables: peels, apple cores, leaves, nutshells, fruit stones and pips, and lettuce leaves

»  Garden  waste: soil, hedge

trimmings, leaves, grass clip-pings, weeds, dead flowers and twigs

»  Other: feathers, hair, kitchen

towels, tissues, sawdust and straw

BLUE CAN (paper)» Envelopes, books, catalogues, illustrations, cartons, writing pads, brochures, writing

paper, school books, washing detergent cartons without plastic, newspapers and paper boxes

YELLOW CAN OR BAGS (plastic, etc.)» Aluminum foil, plastic wrap and inside packaging materials » Tins, cans, liquids refill sachets/bags, yogurt cups and body lotion bottles » Plastic bags, margarine tubs, milk sachets, plastic packaging trays for fruit and vegeta-

bles, screw-top bottle tops, detergent bottles, carry bags, vacuum packaging, and dish washing liquid bottles

GRAY CAN (household waste)» Ashes, wire, carbon paper, electrical appliances, bicycle tubes, photos, broken glass,

bulbs, chewing gum, personal hygiene articles, nails, porcelain, rubber, plastic ties, broken mirrors, vacuum cleaner bags, street sweeping dirt, carpeting pieces, diapers, cigarette butts and miscellaneous waste

(Courtesy of the American Women’s Club of Cologne)

»  Below is a breakdown of some of the most common house-hold items and which can or bag they belong in. Not all items have been mentioned. To see a full list of items, pick up a copy of  the  latest  city  garbage  guide,  which  can  be  found  at  the German-American Community Office on Lauterstrasse 2.«


Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 14 April 22, 2011

Story and photo by Nicole Karsch-MeibomContributing writer

If you take Parisian street cafe flair and mix it with the coziness of a small German timber-framed town, you get Wissenbourg. This petit French vil-lage situated at the foot of the Vogese National Park is located south toward Karlsruhe, and a little over an hour away from Kaiserslautern. It belongs to the border region of France and Germany, the Alsace, which has developed its unique mixture of both cultures.

Wissenbourg offers all that a holi-day destination needs. Especially in springtime, it is a fabulous getaway for a day or two. Visitors can stroll through little streets along medieval houses, flowery parks and the Lauter rivulet. Another way to relax is to enjoy a hot drink in one of the street cafes on Rue de Marché aux Poissons and Rue National, or to try the regional special-ties like Tarte Flambee, a dish made from a thin layer of pastry topped with sour cream, onions and bacon.

Built of the relics of a 7th century Benedictine monastery, Wissembourg — or Weißenburg as it reads on the German road sign — is a place of great architectural interest. Right in the middle of the town, you can see the abbey of Saint Pierre et Paul.

This edifice is the second largest gothic church in the Alsatian region with a Romanesque bell tower from the 11th century and amazing glass panes dating back to the 1400s.

In the adjacent parks, visitors can detect parts of the former fortifica-tion. Also noteworthy is the Maison du Sel with its unusual terrace-like roof. At Quai Amselmann visitors will find beautiful mansions like Maison Vogelsberger with Renaissance portals.

Despite its size, Wissembourg is always great for a shopping trip. Every Saturday morning, the market with regional food and arts and crafts takes place on Place de la Republique. Lovers of interior decoration will enjoy strolling through Le Jardin de Stanislas (Rue Stanislas), for example. Go for a sweet treat at La Boite a

Biscuit (40 Rue Nationale) or choco-late manufacturer Daniel Rebert (7, Place du Marché aux Choux).

A mini train takes visitors on a 45-minute ride through the town. It departs at the Place de la Republique and includes guided tours in French, German, Dutch and English.

Starting today and ending in May, the train runs from 2 to 5 p.m. Friday through Sundays. Beginning June 1, the tour is offered daily. Tickets are

available at the departure location and cost €3 for children 6 to 14 years old and €5.50 for adults.

For more information, e-mail [email protected].

Wissembourg is perfect for a relax-ing and enjoyable day out, but if you are planning on staying longer, include a visit to the Vogese National Park or even bring lots of time for Strasbourg. For details, visit www.tourisme-alsace.com/en/.

French flair, German coziness at the foot of the Vogese

You can stroll through little streets near medieval houses, flowery parks and the Lauter rivulet.



Kaiserslautern American Page 15April 22, 2011

Discover the hidden gems of Idar-ObersteinStory and photos by A.L. ShaffContributing writer

Long ago, the villages of Idar and Oberstein fused into one gem of a city that became famous around the

world for producing masterpieces from the raw ores.

As explorers found ever-more fascinating gemstones in Africa, the Americas, and even Asia, Idar-Oberstein turned itself from mining to importing then cutting and finishing the stones into high-quality jewelry and artifacts.

Two museums, the German Gem Museum in Idar and the Oberstein Museum in the partner town, give visitors fascinating looks at the past and the beautiful finished products of the master crafts-men who toiled in almost unbearable conditions. But the city provides far more than museums and jewelry.

Cut deep into a sheer cliff, the “Felsenkirche,” or Church in the Rock, requires a short walk up the steps from the town square that lead to a tiny chapel built upon a legend.

Folklore tells of two brothers who loved the same princess, one openly and the other in secrecy.

When the older lover went off the fight in battles, his brother declared his affections for the princess and they married.

When the warring brother came home and discovered the treachery, he slew his kin in a rage. Then, repentant for his sin, he vowed to build a church in the brother’s memory.

Once the church was finished, a small spring began to bubble up in the middle of the floor, and it still runs today. High over the city stands Burg Oberstein, reachable by many steps that pass the tiny church or by car along a circuitous road outside the town.

Though much of the castle was destroyed by fire in 1855, the greater part still stands with a weapons hall, a large culture hall, the Lion’s Cellar, a small gallery room and the entire inner courtyard.

Most of these rooms can be rented out for special affairs, and a Middle Ages Fortress Fest takes place each third weekend in May (May 22 to 23 this year.)

Burg Oberstein also hosts a thriv-ing summer theater program and a renowned romantic Christmas market. Entrance to the fortress is free but donations are welcome.

From 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. May 27 to 29, the town will hold “Mineral World Idar-Oberstein” for traders and collec-tors to display their treasures in the city center and walking passage.

The most famous food offering associated with the Idar-Oberstein area is Speisbraten, a dish made typically with marinated pork or beef roasted on spike over beefwood flames and served with grated white radish salad and potatoes.

The open secret of marinating Spiesbraten involves just the right amount of chopped onion and special herbs.

The old town square features sev-eral excellent restaurants that offer Spiesbraten or other German varieties at outdoor venues.

Idar-Oberstein once was a part of the Baumholder military community with a storage base about 10 miles away and an artillery unit kaserne that closed in 2008.

A perfect day trip, Idar-Oberstein offers good food, old Germany atmo-sphere, a fortress on a hill, and two museums full of history and beauty surrounding jewels and gems.

The GPS setting is Idar-Oberstein 55743, which is only 46 miles from Kaiserslautern up autobahn A62.


Housed in a former mansion of a gem company owner, The German Gem Museum in Idar offers three floors of brilliantly crafted gem artifacts, as well as history of the Idar-Oberstein mining industry.  From raw materials to finished mas-terpieces, the museum gives life to the labors of the miners who worked deep below the Earth hundreds of years ago.

Oberstein dominates the twin towns and the Idar-Oberstein Valley. To reach the ruins of the former fortress, a visitor must climb a long stretch of steps from Oberstein village then pass the Church in the Cliff. But the view allows a grand panorama of both towns and the sur-rounding area.

A mural  of German gem workers in the Idar-Oberstein Museum shows how workers lay on their stomachs while working the machinery that polished raw rock into gems.  Other dis-plays show how miners labored underground on their hands and knees or stooped in nar-row wet tunnels to extract tons of ore that could relinquish a few ounces of workable gem stones. 

Almost impossible to imagine today, men once sprawled stomach down on these wooden work stations and held stones out to the spin-ning grinders in front of them. Using authentic machinery of the time, Idar-Oberstein’s work-ing model of a gem polisher’s work place spins with pulleys and flows with water as it did when the gem trade was at its height over a century and a half ago.


Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 16 April 22, 2011

Do you need to get away?Being stationed in Germany has some of the great-

est perks, such as excellent food, beautiful countryside and long weekends to enjoy it all. To some, trying to

decide on a place to visit on these weekends can seem a bit daunting, but here is a list of a few destinations within no more than a few hours' drive from the KMC.

Luxembourg is a small country approximately 45 minutes away from Trier.

Luxembourg is a great place to visit as a day trip. Luxembourg has four must see museums: The National Museum of History and Art, the Luxembourg City History Museum, the Grand Duke Jean Museum of Modern Art and the National Museum of Military History.

After visiting these museums, end your day on a somber note at the Luxembourg American Cemetery and Memorial, where General S. Patton is buried. The cemetery is open daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Just 65 kilometers to the west of Kaiserslautern stands the giant CORA shopping center with great glimpses of the French and Belgian societies.

Oh, and really great prices on cheeses, fresh seafood, and French wines.

On Saturdays, local producers of Alsatian and other wines offer samples.

The immense cheese counter also offers to cut sample slices of almost any cheese.

A most enjoyable way to learn about a foreign society involves wandering the supermarkets to see what they eat, how they pre-pare that food and what they call everything, literally “from soup to nuts.”

To get there, take autobahn A6 across the border, then toward Metz on the E50/E320 and watch for CORA signs on the outskirts of Forbach about 10 minutes past Saarbrücken and right by the autobahn.

GPS address: Avenue de l’Europe, 57602 Forbach, France.

Imagine sitting outside the oldest Gasthaus in Germany surrounded by wood-timbered houses from the Middle Ages and saying to yourself, “Man, I always dreamed Germany would be like this!”

It’s not a dream, but a real-ity in Miltenberg am Main, just two hours by car across some of the most beautiful countryside in Germany.

Miltenberg is nestled in the northwest corner of Bavaria, just south of Frankfurt.

The town straddles the Main River, so visitors can enjoy a river cruise in a day’s activi-ties. The Main offers more picturesque villages than the Rhine and a less-industrial, slower fl ow free of commercial-ism.

Expect good food, good beer, and relaxing weekends fi lled with calm.

Set the GPS for Rathaus, Engelplatz 69, 63897 Miltenberg and enjoy.

Up a narrow valley reach-able only by a two lane road, the tiny village of Falkenstein hides in almost idyllic seclusion. Getting there provides as much of the adventure as enjoying the crumbling ruins that overlook the town.

Drive about 40 kilometers from Ramstein/Kaiserslautern up auto-bahn A6, then take the B48 until Winnweiller, then through the town and turn toward Imsbach on L392.

Drive 1.2 lilometers and turn on the narrow road (K37) that wanders into Falkenstein.

The village feels like a lost world of long ago as the road widens to a perfectly preserved farm “dorf” overshadowed by ancient ruins. In stark contrast to the aged buildings surround-ing it, the town’s modern church resembles a miniature cathedral reaching to touch the heavens. Good food at the restaurant just a few steps from the burg ruins caps a perfect day’s trip.

Set the GPS for 67808 Falkenstein.

Luxembourg CORA Market, Forbach, France

Miltenberg am Main

Falkenstein bei Winnweiler

ABOVE: Luxembourg is a great day trip because it is located only 45 min-utes from Trier. RIGHT: Luxembourg boasts some many museums and beautiful views. INSET: Miltenberg am Main is a great destination that boasts wood-timbered houses from the Middle Ages. Courtesy photo

Courtesy photo

Photo by A.L. Sha


Kaiserslautern American Page 17April 22, 2011

Take a day trip to a city nearby

Baden-Baden, Germany, is an exquisite town nestled between the Black Forest and the Oos River. Baden-Baden is home to the Caracalla Therme, which is a very nice spa for families. Caracalla Therme also has the Friedrichsbad, which is for adults only.

Where To StayFor luxurious accommodations at

a fi ve-start hotel, stay at Brenner’s Park-Hotel & Spa. Brenner’s is a wonderful hotel for those looking for a romantic stay with their sig-nifi cant other. Brenner’s has its own spa and for an additional rate, and guests can receive spa treatments.

For families visiting Baden-Baden, stay at the Heliopark Hotel, which is located in the shopping dis-trict of Baden-Baden, or the Holiday Inn Express, which is 10 minutes away from the shopping district.

What To DoBaden-Baden is home to the

Frieda Burda Museum, which is quaint museum that displays European Art. For those looking to enjoy the city, Baden-Baden has its own casino, Casino Baden-Baden. Gamble there with the city’s beau-tiful people and rub shoulders with the city’s elite.

Where To EatMedici Restaurant is one of the

best restaurants in Baden-Baden. Medici not only serves local and international fare, but boasts of having the best sushi maker and sushi in all of Germany. Medici also has its own enclosed cigar room and sells Davidoff cigars.

For more information about the places mentioned above, check out the following websites:

» www.carasana.de/home/en/caracalla.html

» www.brenners .com/eng/index.aspx

» www.casino-baden-baden.de/» www.hiexpress.com/hotels/

us / en /baden- - -baden / fkbge /hoteldetail

» www.museum-frieder-burda.de

Strasbourg, Francem, is located on the border of Germany and France on the west bank of the Rhine River. Many of the peo-ple who live in Strasbourg speak English, French and German. Strasbourg is a very historic and scenic town. Strasbourg also has a high end shopping district and many museums and cathedrals to visit.

Where To StayThe Sofi tel Strasbourg is a four-

star hotel that has a very lovely restaurant and bar for those who enjoy night caps. The Sofi tel is situated directly across the street from the shopping district.

For more information, visit www.sofitel.com/gb/hotel-0568-sofitel-strasbourg-grande-ile/index.shtml.

What To DoShop! Shop! Shop! The shop-

ping district in Strasbourg is known for its high end designer stores.

When you get tired of shopping, make sure to visit the Cathedrale Notre Dame de Strasbourg, Strasbourg’s most famous cathe-dral and landmark. You will fi nd many great photo opportunities at this cathedral, which was once the tallest building in the world.

After visiting the Cathedrale Norte Dame de Strasbourg, stop by the Musee de l’Oeuvre Notre-Dame where you can view phe-nomenal early century art. After taking in the art at the Musee de l’Oeuvre, end your day by tak-ing the Batorama boat tour, which takes you on a tour around the city on glass enclosed boats. This boat ride is extremely affordable with prices starting at €8 per ticket.

What To EatStrasbourg has fantastic French

cuisine restaurants. One to check out is Le Gavroche. This restaurant not only has wonderful food but outstanding service!

In the tiny village of Albersbach, north of Ramstein, Mischler and Raudonat distill fi ne brandy and schnapps from almost anything and everything. And, they’re terrifi c as they turn fruits, nuts and vegetables into heavenly nectars!

This spring, they’ve planned brunch and dinner menus accom-panied by their products. For example, on May 8, they’ll host a Mother’s Day brunch. Then, on June 11, they will celebrate the "Spargel," or asparagus, sea-son with a fi ve-course Asparagus Menu costing €30. The next day, they offer a Spargel Brunch for €15, including most of the drinks.

Of course, customers can then further sample products for pur-chase.

To get there, drive north from Ramstein to Reichenbach-Steegen and continue through the town to Albersbacher Strasse. Turn right, then continue to the distillery on the right.

For details, call 06385-5906. Set the GPS for 66879 Reich-Enbach-Steegen.

On the fi rst of June each year, Freinsheim on the Romantic Rhine Wine Road holds its Old Town Festival with intricate cul-tural performances occurring in the marketplace. A typical town that went back and forth between Bavarians, French, knights and bishops, Freinsheim has absorbed a little of each culture then mixed all to make its own fascinating personality.

Surrounded by an ancient city wall that remains almost totally intact, the village of 5,000 knows how to present lavish festivals to celebrate their most important product — wine! However, the town remains the seat of fruit growing while it slowly becomes an ever more famous wine grow-ing center.

So, of course, the burgers of the historic old town must hold seasonal festivals to celebrate both harvests with guests!

Set the GPS to 67251 Freinsheim.

Mischler and Raudonat Distillery, Albersbach

Freinsheim Strasbourg, France Baden-Baden

BELOW: Baden-Baden, Germany, is nestled between the Black Forest and the Oos River.

RIGHT: Strasbourg, France, is located on the border between France and Germany and is known as a very historic and scenic city. FAR RIGHT: Baden-Baden boasts a number of great places to stay and local and international cuisine.

Courtesy photo

Courtesy photo Courtesy photo


Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 18 April 22, 2011

Story and photos by A.L. ShaffContributing writer

Spring has sprung, Summer will come and the hordes of visitors will start to arrive.

Everyone will ask first for a castle visit then a cruise on the Rhine River. Here’s a primer on how to accom-plish both in three different success-ful way and fulfill all requests as the perfect host.

The simplest way involves your friendly United Service Organizations, which runs bus tours that include the bus, tour leader, the visit to Rheinstein Castle near Bingen am Rhein, and the cruise from St. Goar to Assmanshausen. After lunch, followed by wine tasting and a chance to buy sampled wines, the bus drops you in Rudesheim for walking and shopping (plus a chance to sample the famous Rudesheimer Kaffe.) The bus safely brings you home by 8 p.m. and the trip costs around $89.

Or, for those who want more memories with their families, you can plan a parallel trip by car. A two hour drive on the autobahn brings you to Bingen. Once there, drive through Bingen toward St. Goar for 3.5 kilometers and park on the left. Burg Rheinstein stands high above the river with majestic views of the entire valley. Frau Hecher, mistress of the castle, gives a short talk before inviting you to tour the refurbished and redecorated castle (€4.50).

Return down the steep hill, and drive north to

St. Goar to catch the car ferry that crosses to St. Goarshausen on the east shore. Drive to Assmanshausen for lunch at Restaurant zum Anker on the main drag. This place invites you to sit in a barrel and sip a glass of local wine.

From either Assmanshausen or Ruedesheim, take a two-hour KD cruise ship down the river in

the direction of Koblenz. This stretch of the Rhine takes you past the legendary Lorelei cliffs, the Mouse Tower and ruins of many fortresses over-looking the valley. Prices will vary by length of the trip, so restrict yourself two hours, then return to Rudesheim for shopping and dinner.

The Drosselgasse in Rudesheim presents one of the most famous tourist walks in Germany with wine shops and restaurants lining each side. Carved wooden facades on the shops depict scenes from the vineyards above the town. Rudesheim also offers a museum dedicated to musical toys and mechanical music boxes of all sizes.

The most famous drink on the Rhine (other than fine wines) is Rudesheimer Kaffee, which servers make at the table by dropping sugars cube in the bottom of specially made cups, pouring in Asbach-Uralt, the strong local brandy, and lighting it. The

server pours in hot coffee, which con-tinues to flame, then adds whipped cream and chocolate flakes over the whole concoction. Asbach Uralt dis-tillers mix 17 different wines then age it for three years to create their signal “Soul of Wine.”

High on the hills above the town, the mighty statue of Germania domi-nates the Rhine Valley. Built after the Franco-Prussian War, the massive statue once bore the name “Wach am Rhein” but now is called by the non-descript title Niederwald Denkmal (Lower Forest Memorial), denoting its location. Visitors can reach the

statue by 45 minute walk, by cable car from Rudesheim or by car.

From Rudesheim, drive back toward Mainz, then intersect the autobahn toward Kaiserslautern and zip home in two hours.

Important hint: Avoid weekends because the crowds get brutal. Instead, take off a day to build memories with family and friends.

A third way to fulfill your visitors’ Rhine River wishes (while you work) involves hiring a private guide for a one- or two-day trip that includes trans-portation, a German-speaking American guide with experience at Burg Rheinstein, the cruise ship, and the best sights. The guide can also arrange over-night accommodations and suggest walking tours and purchases.

For more information, call B. Mack at 06371-946-084.

“This spring I plan to take a motorcycle trip down to Garmisch with a small, multi-service group. There, we’re meeting up with a much larger group and we’ll ride together to several destinations.”

Tech. Sgt. Raymond Craig569th USFPS, Vogelweh

Ken GardnerLRMC

“My family is coming from the states in the spring so we plan to attend the tulip festival in Amsterdam.”

Staff Sgt. Jeremy McFallRamstein

“We’re looking forward to seeing Brussels again and we plan to go to Paris. We’re really looking forward to Camp Darby down in Italy with Pisa and a side trip to Cinque Terra.”

One of the great benefits of being stationed in Germany is its central location that allows easy auto, train and plane travel to almost every country in Europe (and some in Asia).

So, we wondered: Have you started planning any trips for the spring?

Crusing the Rhine River

RIGHT: The Rhein-stein Castle chapel holds the remains of family members who once ruled from this family castle.

FAR RIGHT: Typical of the Rhine River cruise ship fleet, the Vater Rhein (Father Rhine) plies its way from village to vil-lage with views of the Lorelei cliff and fortress ruins on the hills above the river.

The Neiderwald Denkmal (Lower Forest Memorial Statue).

The crowded Drosselgasse that runs through Rusesheim.

What's On Your Mind?


Kaiserslautern American Page 19April 22, 2011

“My husband and I are going on a Mediterranean cruise over spring break. This will be our first cruise ever and I can’t wait!”

Erica MolinaEDIS office, Pulaski Barracks

Deb SampairRamstein

“We’re PCSing in August, but we want to travel before we leave, so we’re looking at our last five trips, including Holland for the tulips, Normandy, France, the Alsace just across the border, Pisa and Florence.”

Senior Airman Cody Watson86th CS, Kapaun Post Office

“I’m actually going to Berlin this spring to see the indoor rain forest. Other than that, my family and I will try to see as much as possible before we PCS in June.”

Staff Sgt. John WelterEinsiedlerhof

“I’d like to get back to Prague, only this time with my family. I spent some time in East Bohemia at Pardubice, so that would be a good place to show them as well. Prague is a really great city to visit.”

“Now that spring has arrived, have you made plans to travel and see more of Europe?”

Story and photos by A.L. ShaffContributing writer

Possibly the most recognized and unvisited castle ruins in Southern Germany stand just east of Kaiserslautern

high above the German Wine Road. As Americans drive to or from

Mannheim or Heidelberg on autobahn A6, they see the remains of Burg Leiningen, once one of the most pow-erful fortresses in the area, then they tuck the vision in their memories for a “someday” visit. For a few minutes, they wonder how to get there and what they’ll find when they arrive.

Most don’t know they’ll find Neu Leiningen (also written Neuleiningen), a tiny village hanging on a hillside with streets as narrow as alleys lined with half-timbered buildings dating back to 1312, and they’ll find fabu-lous restaurants serving regional spe-cialties with prices that range from ridiculously cheap to wildly expen-sive. And, they’ll encounter one of the oldest vintners in Germany with

a wine-tasting cellar offering fine wines for very reasonable prices. Mostly, they’ll find the heart of Germany.

Named the most pic-turesque small town on the German Wine Road, Neu Leningen once served as the center of Leiningenland with the Duke of Leiningen rul-ing from the burg (for-tress) at the top of the hill. The four towers of the town wall still stand, but the fortress exists only as a shell of its glo-rious past.

Festivals and theater productions now take place in the center court where knights and warriors in metal armor once ruled. The burg muse-um documents hundreds of years of history.

A curious optical illusion occurs in the middle of the burg’s courtyard. When visitors stand near the entrance,

they see a heart on the remains of one fortress wall, seemingly dug into the stones by can-non fire.

As the tourists move further toward the cen-ter, the heart seems to disappear as only ugly scars show the ripped away parts of the wall.

The Ruttger family has produced wine in this vil-lage since 1643, and they have built a rustic wine-tasting cellar under one of the oldest buildings.

For small groups, they also offer their

Wein Lädchen, a room lined with boxes of wine of every variety grown in Germany and Ruttger’s versions of wine from surrounding lands.

A gracious hostess will open nearly any bottle in their assortment for tast-ing. The dry (trocken) Riesling Classic is a particularly good buy, as is their halb-trocken Dornfelder (red wine).

Enjoying Neu Leiningen takes at least a day of wandering the streets, wine tasting and visiting the burg with its museum, all wrapped up with a wild game dinner at Restaurant zum Engle or fresh asparagus on the patio at BurgGraf von Leiningen in a pub room filled with antiques and a warm-ing hearth.

For anniversaries or special occa-sions, the 4-star Der Alte Pfarrerei (old priests residence) specializes in lavish, romantic four and five course menus.

A little hard to find on the narrow roads that wind through tiny farm vil-lages, Neu Leiningen is best found with a GPS set for Mittelgasse 56, 67271 Neuleiningen.

As spring warms the land and provides opportunities for members of the KMC to discover places that amaze and amuse on short trips, Neu Leiningem should top the list.

No longer will it remain that “someday” trip, but become a real-ity worth many return trips with family and friends looking for the per-fect German experience.

FAR LEFT: This reconstructed tower of the old Neu Leiningen fortress contains the town’s museum and history of the royal pottery and porcelain factory. In the rounded cellar of the tower, visitors can find a restaurant that serves regional selections for candlelit dinners. MIDDLE LEFT: Typical of almost every building in Neu Leingingen, this structure has served many purposes over the years with each inhabitant remodeling and adding new parts, new sections, but always with the old designs. MIDDLE RIGHT: Now a four-star upscale restaurant, the Alte Pfarrey (Old Priests Residence) once housed the monks and priests who worked in the vineyards and served the village church on the other end of town. FAR RIGHT: The main room of the zum BurgGraf von Leiningen restaurant fulfills every tourist’s dreams of the perfect German Gasthaus with a large tile stove and antiques all around.

The remnants of Burg Lein-ingen in Southern Germany.

Take the road less traveledNeu Leiningen, Burg Leiningen


Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 20 April 22, 2011

Your submission must include the name of the photographer, the date of the photo, rst and last names of those in the photo and location.

Please make sure all photos are high resolution. Write “Destinations” in the e-mail subject line. E-mail to: [email protected].

Photo by Steve Marenka

Bryan and Cheryl Sanchez pose for a photo together on the

famed cobblestone streets of Riquewihr, France, March 13

during a wine tour of the French Alsace wine region.

Courtesy photo

Douglas and D.J. Erdley pose for a photo with their catch

April 3 during a trout   shing trip with Army Outdoor

Recreation in Bor  nk, Germany. All together, they caught

11 trout.

Capt. Joseph Hall and his wife Trish pose together for a photo April 1 in Prague, Czech Republic.Courtesy photo

Photo by Rebecca Hamson

Trenton Hamson (left) and Haley Miracle check out the inside of Roskilde Cathedral April 4 while on vacation in Denmark. The cathedral is the burial place of most Danish royalty.

Master Sgt. Joseph E. Casey poses for a photo in front of the Arc de Triomphe April 10 while par-ticipating in the 35th Marathon de Paris.

Photo by Daisy De León-Casey


Kaiserslautern American Page 21April 22, 2011

• Physiotherapy/Sports physiotherapy • Manual lymphatic drainage• Extensions therapy • Therapeutic massage• Electrical therapy • Ultrasonic therapy• Heat therapy• Cryo therapy

Kindsbacher Str. 39d66877 RamsteinTel: 06371-5980770www.physio-balance-neubert.deinfo@physio-balance-neubert.deMon - Fri 08:00 - 20:00 Uhr, Sat 10:00 - 16:00 Uhr

• Wellness massages

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Slimming made easy - gentle waves against fat.

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COME IN AND ENJOY! What is your personal goal?We can help you with all kinds of physical therapy, fi tness and power training, nutrition consultation, weight reduction,

speed training and preparing for your PT! We are also a TRI CARE Provider!

Easter special: Come in and show us this ad to get 10% off

Located just outside the West Gate of RAB is a fi rst class physical therapy & exercise facility called Physio Balance Neubert on Kindsbacher Str. 39d, Ramstein. Although fi tness centers are in abun-dance, the owner of this facility is truly unique.He is Thomas Neubert and his qualifi cations and resume are extraordinary: 1. From 12/1992-12/1995 he was educated at the School for Physiotherapy in Kaisers- lautern.2. From 01/1996-10/2000 self-employed practice of physiotherapy3. From 11/2000-06/2006 tutor for physio- therapy in Kaiserslautern.4. From 07/2006-06/2009 physical therapist, athletic coach and rehab instructor for the professional soccer team 1 FC Kaiserslautern (1.Bundesliga)5. From 07/2009-10/2011 physical therapist, athletic coach and rehab instructor for pro fessional soccer players from ACF Gloria Bistria in Romania (1st league).6. 12/2010 self-employed medical center for physiotherapy, medical sports, fi tness & wellness in Ramstein.

That’s a brief chronological synopsis of the past 18 years. Additionally, he was the physical thera-pist from 2004 to 2006 for the “PIKES” American Football team in Kaiserslautern as well as:1. 2004 physical therapist for Pro-Ultra cyclist and advisor for RAAM (Race Across America)2. 2003-2006 personal trainer for Army and Air Force at Air Base Ramstein, Vogelweh and Heuberg in Sembach.3. 2002-2010 advisor for many professional and semi-professional players in soccer, handball, triathlon and decathlon.I know that you might be thinking, “This place must cost a lot!”, but it doesn’t. He has very reasonable rates and he is also a TRI-CARE PROVIDER. The facility has state of the art exercise equip-ment, showers and lockers and is very spacious and relaxing. You will notice the soothing atmos-phere as soon as you walk through the doors and Thomas and his staff are always present to aid you in whatever needs and wants you may have. From getting in shape or aiding a persistent back problem, to many of the physical problems one may have, Physio Balance Neubert are the

experts you’ve been looking for! Further qualifi cations and services include:1. Sports Physical Therapist education 2004-2006 in Frankfurt2. Core-Performance by Mark Versteegen (USA)3. Manual lymph drainage4. Manual therapy by Brian Mulligan (New Zealand)5. Instructor for taping6. Kinesio-Taping7. Tutor physical therapy8. Ultrasonic liposuction9. Sports & medical massage10. Zumba fi tness classes/Yoga classesBe sure to check this facility out if you want to get in shape in time for summer or have any physical problem.PHYSIO BALANCE NEUBERTKINDSBACHER STR. 39d66877 RAMSTEINTELEPHONE 06371-5 98 07 70FAX 06371-5 98 07 71www.physio-balance-neubert.deinfo@physio-balance-neubert.deTRI-CARE PROVIDER


Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 22 April 22, 2011


Kaiserslautern American Page 23April 22, 2011

Visit www.kaiserslauternamerican.com/movies.php for detailsAt The Movies

Gateway Cineplex (Ramstein)TODAY - Rio (PG) 11 a.m., 1:30 p.m., 4 p.m., 6:30 p.m., 9 p.m.

Just Go With It (PG-13) 11 a.m., 1:45 p.m., 4:30 p.m., 7:15 p.m., 10 p.m.

I Am Number 4 (PG-13) 11:15 a.m., 2 p.m., 4:45 p.m., 7:15 p.m., 9:45 p.m.

SATURDAY - Rio (PG) 11 a.m., 1:30 p.m., 4 p.m., 6:30 p.m., 9 p.m.

Just Go With It (PG-13) 11 a.m., 1:45 p.m., 4:30 p.m., 7:15 p.m., 10 p.m.

I Am Number 4 (PG-13) 11:15 a.m., 2 p.m., 4:45 p.m., 7:15 p.m., 9:45 p.m.

SUNDAY - Rio (PG) 11 a.m., 1:30 p.m., 4 p.m., 6:30 p.m.

Just Go With It (PG-13) 11 a.m., 1:45 p.m., 4:30 p.m., 7:15 p.m.

I Am Number 4 (PG-13) 11:15 a.m., 2 p.m., 4:45 p.m., 7:15 p.m.

MONDAY - Rio (PG) 11 a.m., 1:30 p.m., 4 p.m., 6:30 p.m.

Just Go With It (PG-13) 11 a.m., 1:45 p.m., 4:30 p.m., 7:15 p.m.

I Am Number 4 (PG-13) 11:15 a.m., 2 p.m., 4:45 p.m., 7:15 p.m.

Despicable Me (PG) 11:45 a.m., 2:30 p.m., 5:15 p.m., 7:30 p.m.

TUESDAY - Rio (PG) 11 a.m., 1:30 p.m., 4 p.m., 6:30 p.m.

Just Go With It (PG-13) 11 a.m., 1:45 p.m., 4:30 p.m., 7:15 p.m.

I Am Number 4 (PG-13) 11:15 a.m., 2 p.m., 4:45 p.m., 7:15 p.m.

Despicable Me (PG) 11:45 a.m., 2:30 p.m., 5:15 p.m., 7:30 p.m.

WEDNESDAY - Rio (PG) 11 a.m., 1:30 p.m., 4 p.m., 6:30 p.m.

Just Go With It (PG-13) 11 a.m., 1:45 p.m., 4:30 p.m., 7:15 p.m.

I Am Number 4 (PG-13) 11:15 a.m., 2 p.m., 4:45 p.m., 7:15 p.m.

Despicable Me (PG) 11:45 a.m., 2:30 p.m., 5:15 p.m., 7:30 p.m.

THURSDAY - Rio (PG) 11 a.m., 1:30 p.m., 4 p.m., 6:30 p.m.

Just Go With It (PG-13) 11 a.m., 1:45 p.m., 4:30 p.m., 7:15 p.m.

I Am Number 4 (PG-13) 11:15 a.m., 2 p.m., 4:45 p.m., 7:15 p.m.

Galaxy Theater (Vogelweh)TODAY - Arthur (PG-13) 7 p.m.

SATURDAY - Just Go With It (PG-13) 4 p.m.

I Am Number 4 (PG-13) 7 p.m.

SUNDAY - I Am Number 4 (PG-13) 4 p.m.

Galaxy Theater will be closed Monday through Thursday.

Now ShowiNg

Editor’s note: Schedules and synopses are provided by the Army and Air Force Exchange Service. Movie times and dates are subject to change by the individual theaters. Please check with the theater to ensure accuracy.

ACROSS1 “A Farewell to __”5 Bogus9 “Against All __”13 Interview wear14 Full metal jacket?16 Land of the Incas17 English county19 Bit of news20 Figures of speech21 Impetuosity23 Motown’s Marvin25 Domestic flights?26 G-sharp equivalent29 King David’s wayward son31 Bound32 Dead ___ dodo33 Bracers36 Chest muscle37 Joyce masterpiece39 “Apocalypse Now” setting40 Swipes42 Conclusion43 Desiccated44 Actor Montalban46 Dipper47 Awoke48 Oz creator50 Fabric52 Poor person56 Dry, as a desert57 Unskilled59 Ancient colonnade60 At no time61 Church part62 “Critique of PureReason” philosopher63 Tyne of “Cagney & Lacey”64 Comprehending phrase

DOWN1 Aide: Abbr.2 Essen basin3 “Catalan Landscape” painter4 Temporary solution5 Impudent

6 Letters for a prince7 Gulf VIP8 Quagmire9 Two cents worth10 Resolute11 Clothing12 Addition problems15 Paraphrased18 Organic fuel22 Circles overhead24 “No problem!”26 “The Sound of Music” setting27 Altimeter units28 Jagged wound30 Stationed32 German shepherd34 Cosmologist Sagan35 Hoskins role in “Hook”37 Gastric woe38 Hoity-toity type41 Targeted43 Japanese warrior caste45 Was a wanderer46 Hawaiian feast47 Magna ___49 Mimicking behavior50 Lone Ranger’s need51 Volcanic discharge53 Card spots54 “In ___” (actually)55 First president of South Korea58 Address book no.

Solutions to the April 15 puzzle

Puzzle courtesy of http://thinks.com/

Rio (PG) — From the mak-ers of the hit “Ice Age” series comes “Rio,” a comedy adven-ture about taking a walk on the wild side.

Blu is a domesticated Macaw who never learned to fly, liv-ing a comfortable life with his owner and best friend Linda in the small town of Moose Lake, Minn. Blu and Linda think he’s the last of his kind, but when they learn about another Macaw who lives in Rio de Janeiro, they head to the faraway and exotic land to find Jewel, Blu’s female counterpart.

Not long after they arrive, Blu and Jewel are kidnapped by a group of bungling animal smugglers.

With the help of street smart Jewel, and a group of wise-cracking and smooth-talking city birds, Blu escapes.

Now, with his new friends by his side, Blu will have to find the courage to learn to fly, thwart the kidnappers who are hot on their trail, and return to Linda, the best friend a bird ever had.

Starring Leslie Mann and Karen Disher.

Just Go With It (PG-13) — In “Just Go With It,” a plas-tic surgeon, romancing a much

younger schoolteacher, enlists his loyal assis-tant to pretend to be his soon to be ex-wife in order to cover up a careless lie.

When more lies backfire, the assistant’s kids become involved, and everyone heads off for a weekend in Hawaii that will change all their lives.

Starring Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston.

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Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 24 April 22, 2011

Other ways to place an ad: 1. Phone: 0631• 30 33 55 31 | 2. Fax: 0631• 30 33 55 35 | 3. In Person: AdvantiPro GmbH, Europaallee 3, 67657 Kaiserslautern AdvantiPro GmbH takes no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any of the products and services advertised in the Kaiserslautern American. Readers are responsible for checking the prices, qualifi cations, warranty and any other factor that might help you decide whether to do business with an individual or company advertising herein.




All ads & pics can be viewed @www.class-world.eu


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!!!!Ramstein!!!! Great duplex 3BR/2BA, large kitchen. Price € 1200.Sonja Gray, RE/MAX Dreamho-mes 4U. Kaiserstr. 4, Landstuhl.06371 / 612 92 62 or 0160/3807277, [email protected]

2BM apartmt, bik, balcony,E660, Immobilen T. 016096096498

!!!Miesau!!! Apartment 2BR verynice. Price €650 .Sonja Gray, RE/MAX Dreamhomes 4U. Kai-serstr.4, Landstuhl. 06371 / 61292 62 or 0160/ 3807277,[email protected]

105sqm remodeled APT Otter-bach 10min to RAB & SEB 3BRliv/dinrm BIK 1.5baths! balc niceview very quiet loc €660 +util avail15May11 Call Michael 0176-96475302

Apt Otterberg, 50sqm, furn, bath,livr w/kitch, 495 € +heat & electror short term 06301-5956 e-mail:[email protected]

Apt. in Mackenbach, 75sqm, 2bedrooms, living-diningroom,built-in-kitchen, masterbath, 1guest toilet, very modern, call:0177-4590403

Bruchmuehlbach, 1bedr, BIK, 1bath, terrace, fully furnitured,€290,- +util. Real Estate, GabrieleMetzler, 0175-9855251

Cozy Apartment for rent 15 minto Ramstein. Tel 06371-60351 or0176 234 04388

Kaiserslautern, nice apt. 100sqm, 2 BDR, bath, parking place,rent € 700, ZIAI Immobilien 0637157888

Kaiserslautern-Apt over 2 floors,2bedr, lrg liv/din w/kitchen area,bath, sep guest toil., garden. 565€+230€ util +elec., water, trashTWK/ASK. Call 0631-34100900 [email protected]

KL-Hochspeyer: Big apartmenton two levels with 3-4bedrooms,bik and new laminate. 130sqmrslivingspace for 766€+util. Call:0174 - 3185641 (Sascha K./Real-tor)

Nice 3 bedr. liv/dinrm, Bik, 1 ½baths basement, 2 balcony, gara-ge, 110 sqm. 690 € + util. Call:06371-912591 no finders fee

Queidersbach, 110sqmapartmt, 1bm, loft, bik, E750, Im-mobilienT.016096096498

Nice Exclusiv Apartment, 7Rooms, Big Built in Kitchen, Bathwith Wirlpool, Toilette, Fireplace,2Balcony, furn Bed/Din.rm, DSL,AFN, 200qm, Garage, betweenRam-Baumholder Call 063847067or 01638150865

Ramstein very nice Apt 1BR1bath plenty parking very quiet nosmoking, no pets €770 all util incl.except electr avail 1May 06371-614277

Several apts for Singles avail Fin-ders Fee 1 Mo rent. Doris Drew-low Immobilien, Tel: 06371-5940059

Siegelbach beautif. Apt 85qm,710.-€ avail 2 May 2011, Call Re-altor Erica 0160-96697945 [email protected]

Studio-Apartment in K'Lautern;5 km to Vogelweh; 80 m2; perfectfor single person; Avail.: 5/1/2011;Rent: 450.00 Eur + util.; For moreinfo please call: GI Bill Pay Ser-vice Real Estate; Tel: 06371-465407 or 0160-1065196

All ads & pics can be viewed @www.class-world.eu




Kaiserslautern American Page 25April 22, 2011

Faith BridgeA Faith Community Building Bridges to life with GodMeeting at Landstuhl Community Chapel on Sunday at 1100Modern Music, Media and Messages. Children’s programs during the service.Faith Bridge is a Protestant Community Serving Military Personnel in the KMCFor information call USAG-K DSN 493-4098 or 0631 3406 4098Landstuhl Community Chapel is located on the grounds of LRMC. The chapel is located next to the Dining Facility and Food Court.

KMC Assembly of God Church

Reverend Chuck KackleyPhone: 06371-468933Cell: 0171-6574322Fax: 06371-468933

WORSHIP HOURS: Sunday 10 a.m., Wednesday 7 p.m. Family NightServices are held at Kaiserstrasse 16 A, Einsiedlerhof A Christian fellowship that gathers to study God’s word verse by verse

so we can know, glorify and serve Christ. Teaching the village, reaching the world!

We meet Sundays at 11 a.m.

For more info call 06371-616793 or visit our website

www.CCK-Town.orgIndustriestr. 50

66862 Kindsbach

Sundays: Corporate Worship 9:30 AMSunday School 11:15 AM – Nursery Available

Weekdays: Men’s, Women’s and Small Group Bible Studies / Prayer Meetings


Kirchenstrasse 2a, 66849 Landstuhl (across the street from European Country Living)

Tel. 0 63 71 - 61 81 38 – Pastor: Brent Sadler



Air Force and Army Chapel ScheduleProtestant Services

Saturday Seventh-Day Adventist Sabbath School 9:30 a.m.Worship service 11 a.m. Sunday Protestant Worship and Kids’ Church10:00 a.m.POC USAG-K Chaplains O�ce 493-4098, Civ. 0631-3406-4098, BLDG 3150

Sunday Protestant Worship and Kids’ Church 11:00 a.m. POC USAG-K Chaplains O�ce 493-4098, Civ 0631-3406-4098

Wednesday WOW (Worship on Wednesday) 7:00 p.m. POC USAG-K Chaplains O�ce 493-4098, Civ 0631-3406-4098

(480-6148)Contemporary Service, 10:30 a.m. Sunday

(480-5753)Liturgical, 9 a.m. Sunday Traditional Service, 11:00 a.m. Sunday

(489-6859) Gospel Service, 11:00 a.m. Sunday Protestant Education Classes are available forall ages at Vogelweh, Ramstein, Landstuhl and Daenner, For more information, call 480-2499 or 489-6743.

Jewish Religious Services (480-5753),

Shabbat Evening Service, Nov-Mar, Fridays, 6 p.m. Apr-Oct, Fridays, 7 p.m. Shabbat Afternoon Service, 5 p.m., Saturdays

Catholic Services (480-6148)

Sunday Mass, 8:30 a.m., 12:30 and 5 p.m. Confessions, 4 to 4:45 p.m. Sunday Daily Mass, 11:30 a.m. Mon through Fri

(489-6859) Confessions, 4 to 4:45 p.m. Saturday mass, 5 p.m. Saturday

Sunday Confessions 10:45 a.m.Sunday Mass 11:30 a.m.Daily Mass 11:45 a.m. Tue – FriPOC USAG-K Chaplains O�ce 493-4098, Civ 0631-3406-4098

Sunday Mass 9 a.m. & 12:30 p.m. Daily Mass noon Mon – FriPOC USAG-K Chaplains O�ce 493-4098, Civ 0631-3406-4098Islamic Services

(480-5753), Jumu’ah Prayer, Apr – Oct, Fri: 1:30 p.m.Nov – Mar, Fri: 12:30 p.m.For Religious Education and Daily Prayers check Prayer ScheduleOrthodox ServicesPlease contact 0162-182-5396 for more information.Pulaski Youth Center Monday “Genesis” Dance Night (grades 6–12) Tuesday Musician’s Night (grades 6–12)Saturday “The Rock” (grades 9–12)Small Groups “Plugged-In” (grades 6–8)For more info call USAG K – Chaplain’s o�ce at 493-4098, Civ 0631-3406-4098

LandstuhlChristian BookstoreKaiserstr. 66 • 06371-62988

Mon – Fri 10 – 6, Sat 9 – 4

Eternal Hope is the message of Jesus' resurrection!

!!!Fockenberg!!! one family ho-me. 4BR 165qm living space. Pri-ce €1200. .Sonja Gray, RE/MAXDreamhomes 4U. Kaiserstr. 4,Landstuhl. 06371 / 612 92 62 or0160/3807277, [email protected]

!!!Freest. Home in Rodenbach!!!4bed + off / 2bath 163sqm €1240roof deck sep. aptmt. 2garagesCall KARE Realty 06374-802056

!!!Morlautern!!! one family homefully furnished 200qm 4BR, 2BA,sauna, Price €1500. Sonja Gray,RE/MAX Dreamhomes 4U. Kai-serstr.4, Landstuhl. 06371 / 61292 62 or 0160/ 3807277,[email protected]

!Attention: pretty house, perfectlocated, fantastic view. New re-nov., 01.07. avail. in Trippstadt,15min from Kaisersl., Vogelweh,160sqm, 4bedr., 1.75 bathes,floorh., small backyard, 2 balco-nys, basem., 1000,-€ rent, 650,-€reduced fee, call Hatice by La Ca-sa 0173/7006577.

1A House 140sqm in Rammels-bach Brunnenstr. 8, 4 BR liv rmdin rm kitchen bathrm cellar 2 bal-cony 2 carpk garage bbq placeapprox 100sqm lot €740+utl dep1month rent 06381-2782

Airbase 15 min.: Weselberg area:great freest. house 290 sqm, 6br,3 bath, 3gar , E2180,-; Haupt-stuhl: 5br dplx, gar, yard E2100,-;Katzweiler: freest home, 6br carp.yard 1650,-;. Neumuehle, nice4br, firepl. yard, 2 gar, E 1200,-;JR REALTY, reduced fee -, ph:01703159692 or [email protected]

Altenglan, cosy House, niceview, 2floors, 180 sqm, 4 BDR, 2baths, rent € 1300 ZIAI Immobili-en 06371 57888

Freest 1FH in Miesau, 200sqm2baths 4BR master BR w/ walk-incloset studio liv/dinrm BIK stor rmgarage terr €1370+utl no realtor0173-3191580

Höheinöd: 10min to hospital,new renovated house, 150sq, bigyard, E960, Immobilien T.016096096498

Avail 15May 2011! Duplex157sqm, 14km to Ramstein, built1996, new renovated, fully insula-ted center heat low energy costs,2.5baths, 3BR, Bar/kitch, lrg60sqm livrm w/2.9m high ceilings,3 parking spaces w/small garden,DSL, SAT-TV, 1100.-€ 66871Theisbergstegen, Kuseler Str. 22,E-Mail: [email protected] Mon-Thu 0700-1800Call: 0621-381-6637 or 0171-1600905

Glan-Münchweiler, Duplex, 193sqm, 3 bedr., BIK, 2,5 bathrooms,family room, outdoor pool, gar-den, rent 1350EUR p.m.+util.01743986743

Freest 1FH in Schmalenberg, Aufden Dungen 34, 225sqm livsp5BR 2baths open firepl big BIKgarage big garden w/terr 10min toVogelweh avail 1May €1700 Call:0160-98582410

Freest House 149sqm 67659 Kai-serslautern, Erlenbacherstrasse2a, 2BR, BIK, 2bath, livrm, dinrm,dbl garage, beautif courtyard,2balc, €1080 +250€ util +€50 ga-rage +1130€ dep avail 15 MayCall: 06301-794875 or 0176-28065053

Kaiserslautern 10 min, FSH, 4BDR, 2 baths, garage, rent € 1830ZIAI Immobilien 06371 57888

Freest House Otterberg, southside, ca. 270sqm, 4BR, BIK, liv/dinrm 3baths, basem, garage,balc, garden w/terr, +2xtra rms,avail 1May 2011, 2050€ +util+1.5month dep. Call: 06301-5956or e-mail: [email protected]ütschenhausen, 110sqm,10min to RAB, 3BR, BIK, 1.5bath,liv/din rm, balc, garage, storage,no pets, 1-2 persons. Avail 1 MayTel.: 06372-41-78 or 06371-47-9735

Freest. House, KL-Gersweiler-hof, between KL and Erlenbach, 3km to City, 200spm, 5 bedr., kit-chen full furnished, 2 baths, 1 WCsep., 80spm terrace, 1 Garage,SAT TV, fast Internet, child welco-me, pets allowed, schoolbusstop, Kiga 1,5 km, free at 2.May,€1040, call 0631/43911Fully furn & equ luxury 2 Bedrmhouse, rent incl all util 1400€ Do-ris Drewlow Immobilien, Lud-wigstr 22, 66849 Landstuhl, Tel:06371-5940059


Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 26 April 22, 2011

All ads & pics can be viewed @www.class-world.eu


All ads & pics can be viewed @www.class-world.eu


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Phone: 06374 - 91 55 35Hauptstr. 31 · 67686 Mackenbach(5 minutes from Ramstein AB)

FSH "Scandinavian style", 130m², 20 km to BHR, 25 km to RAB,3 BR, 1,5 bath, BIK, liv./din.Room w. fireplace, 1office room,carport; pets welcome; rent1050,00 € + 40,00 € carport + util.avail. April-1-2011, for more infoplease call GI Bill Pay Service Re-al Estate, 06371-465407 or 0160-1065196

GI Bill Pay Service, Real Estate &Consulting. We provide our custo-mers with a full Pay and RealEstate Service while in Germany.No more obstacles along yourway! GI Bill.. For more info pleasecall: 06371-465407 or 0160 -1065196.

House for rent with swimmingpool. Country at its best. Quiet se-cluded home in area with lots oftrees. House located in 66459 Kir-kel. 2BR, a large liv/din rm, nicenew bathrm & kitchen, 115sqmjust 20min to RAB & 2min to Auto-bahn. €870+util Call: 0171-776-4299

Ideal Commute for couples wor-king on different bases: Ramstein(45 min), Baumholder (30min),Spangdahlem (25min), Buchel (35)new house avl. June! House in ro-mantic town of Trittenheim on theMosel river. 1008 sqm lot, 170sqm +60sqm utility, 4 bdrs, 1.5baths, 2 garages, balc, terrace, fi-repl, modern kitchen w/granit, net-work, AFN Tv + much more€1800 [email protected]

Jettenbach, 145sqm freest hou-se, 15min to RAB, 4BR, BIK, liv/dinrm, 1,5 bath, bsmt/attic, lgyard/patio, carport, €970, Call01754806659, [email protected]

Kaiserslautern East, FSH160sqm, 3 BDR, 1 bath, nice yardrent € 1100, ZIAI Immobilien06371 57888

Kaiserslautern, FSH 240sqm, 5BDR, 2,5 baths, 2 garages, petsok rent € 1800, ZIAI Immobilien06371 57888Kindsbach, FSH, 100sqm, 3BDR, 2 garages rent € 750, ZIAIImmobilien 06371 57888KL-Otterberg: Exclusiv and ama-zing home, freestanding, with200sqmrs livingspace,4bedrooms, fireplace, bik, double-garage and big yard for1660,00€+util. Call: 0174 -3185641 (Sascha K./Realtor)Kusel 5min, new FSH, 5 BDR, 3.5baths, 2 carports, wonderful view,rent €1910, ZIAI Immobilien06371-57888Kusel/Koerborn 185m² home: 4-5 bdr, 3 bath, liv., din., BIK, firepl.,cellar, orchard, herbgarden, bigbarn. 1490,- EUR + util. Call after5 pm 001-319-752-0988. [email protected], 15min, FSH 250sqm,6 BDR, 2.5 baths, garage, rent€1600, ZIAI Immobilien 06371-57888Landstuhl, 5min., FSH 240sqm,6 BDR, 2.5 baths, garage, rent€1700, ZIAI Immobilien 06371-57888Landstuhl, nice duplex, 150sqm,3 BDR, garage, rent €1007, ZIAIImmobilien 06371-57888Looking for a nice and freest.House, bik, fire-place, garden,2car-garage near LMC or KL2000€ +util. Steil Real Estate06341-960060 or [email protected] for houses or apart-ments for rent? This is the rightplace to call, because we havewhat you are looking for: Free-standing houses, duplexes, line-houses or apartments in many dif-ferent locations. Please do not he-sitate to call us Tel. 06385-993870 or 0171-2038270 or [email protected] orvisit us at: www.petras-homecompany.de We are no realtor!!!Mehlbach, nice house, 140 sqm,4 BDR, 2 baths, 1 garage, rent €950 ZIAI Immobilien 06371 57888

Mehlbach, lux. FSH, nice view,220sqm, 5 BDR, partyrooom, 5baths, double garage, rent €1800, ZIAI Immobilien 0637157888

Near KL: Freestanding house238sm², 5 BR, 2,5 baths, open fi-re-place, 2 garages, bik, 1800,-€+ut. Steil Real Estate Call: 06341-960060 or [email protected]

Nice freest. house in Olsbrücken245sqm, 6bedrms, studio kitchen,balcony, garage, SAT, DSL,20min to RAB €1.650 +util. Avail.now, Call 0160-7237-646

Nice, newer Ramstein House, 4BR, 2 baths, good bik, liv/din rm,storage, patio, garage, €1,150.Great Vogelbach House, 4 BR, 2baths, nice bik, liv rm, dining rm,storage, garage, €950. LargeBruchmühlbach House, 5 BR, 2baths, bik, liv/din rm, garage, pa-tio, €1,550. Great Apartment inBruchmühlbach, like a House, 3BR, 2 baths, nice bik, liv/din rmwith beautiful patio and yard, ga-rage, €850. Reduced fees. Call0631-22328 or 0177-5522-328 or0162-4131-878.

Niedermohr (4 mi to Ramst. Air-Base): 4-5 bedroom house, living-diningroom, 2,5 bathrooms, smallyard, no pets 1200,- € + util, KD-Baubetreuung Tel: 06371-619033

Olsbrücken (near Weilerbach):freest. 4 bedroom house, 1,5 ba-throoms, garage and yard 1300,-€ + util, KD-Baubetreuung Tel:06371-619033

Queidersbach, 200sqm duplex,4BM, 2 baths, garage, pattio,E1400, avail.1.June, Immobilien T.016096096498

Ramstein, FSH, 260sqm, 7 BDR,3 baths, rent €1850, ZIAI Immobili-en 06371-57888

Schmalenberg, 15min to Vogel-weh: 4,5 BM, 230sqm free-standhouse, garage, open-fire-place,floor-heat, fenced yard, E 1700;immobilien T.016096096498

Siegelbach: 4BM house,200sqm, garage, yard, available1.June, E 1170, Immobilen T.016096096498

Siegelbach: nice 3bm free-standhouse, garage, 140sqm, yard, pat-tio, available 1.June, E990, Immo-bilien T.016096096498

Spesbach, nice duplex, 140sqm,4 BDR, carport, rent €1050, ZIAIImmobilien 06371-57888

Vogelweh, 15min, FSH, 260sqm,6 BDR, 2 baths, 4 garages, rent€1860, ZIAI Immobilien 06371-57888

Waldmohr, 15 min to RAB andLRMC, luxury house, 5 br, 2 ½bath, Sauna, Fireplace, Garage,225sqm, €1520+ut. av. 1st. MayKKA Immobilien, Tel 0172/6855976 Melinda or 0172/6642692 Karl

Wallhalben, 10min to Landstuhlhospital: brand new 190sq, 3BMhouse, garage, E1450, ImmobilienT. 016096096498

12km to RAB: large home inRothselberg, very quiet area, lasthouse on the street, with 2.500m²property and about 280m² livingspace including effic. Apptm, the-re are 6 Bedr., 3 bathr., 2 kitchenLivingr. Familyr., 3 Garages, fullbasement. Asking €228.000,-- RE/MAX Dreamhomes 4 U, Land-stuhl, Kaiserstr. 4, 06371/6129262 or 0170 685 0060 askfor Wolfgang, email [email protected] Or0160/380 7277 [email protected]

1FH w/sep Apt Winnweiler, built2004, 6rms kitch, 2bath, stor, ca160sqm + 3rms kitch, bath, ca80sqm, stor, Gas heat, floor heat.,dbl gar, rain water tank. 585sqmlot, compl liv-sp ca 240sqm.64sqm util space, 369.000 OBO.0176-63791556 or [email protected]

Baumholder 1FH built 2001,230sqm, 660sqm property, 3-4BR, 2baths, Open BIK w/liv/dinrm, balconies, garage, gallery,€ 270.000 RE/MAX Dreamhomes4 U, Landstuhl, Kaiserstr. 4,06371/6129262 or 0170 685 0060ask for Wolfgang, email [email protected]

Hauptstuhl Duplex 201sqm on680sqm lot. 259000€ Available im-med. Doris Drewlow Immobilien,Tel: 06371-5940059

Beautiful duplex (1700sqft) loca-ted in the middle of the village clo-se to base. Four bedrooms, twobathrooms and a fully furnishedkitchen. Garage, small patio. Built2000 and sold by owner - no realestate offer! €210000 [email protected]: 200 sqm, greatdpx 4 br, 2 gar , yard E 298000,-;(no fee) Mackenbach: 5br, gar,yard, E 305000,-: Ramstein: 3 br,studio, dplx, 3 br, yard 240 000,-;JR REALTY ph: 01703159692 [email protected] - 300sqm House,7 bedrms plus more rms, doublegarage, 275000€ Doris DrewlowImmobilien Tel: 06371-5940059Kaiserslautern: Large Apptm. Ontwo floors in very quiet locationand only 3 fam. House. About180m² living, Garage, Gardenarea, available now only 185.000,--€ RE/MAX Dreamhomes 4 U,Landstuhl, Kaiserstr. 4, 06371/6129262 or 0170 685 0060 askfor Wolfgang, email [email protected] Or0160/380 7277 [email protected]: typicall freestandinggerman home. 3-5 bedrooms,3bathr, kitchens, Livingroom, Ter-race, balcony, Garage, outside en-tertainmentarea, about 900m² pro-perty. In quiet residential area €320.000,-- RE/MAX Dreamhomes4 U, Landstuhl, Kaiserstr. 4,06371/6129262 or 0170 685 0060ask for Wolfgang, email [email protected] Or0160/380 7277 [email protected]: freest. 216sqm, 6 be-droom house, property 882 sqm,living-diningroom, 2,5 bathrooms,carport, yard Price 295.000,- €,KD-Baubetreuung 06371-619033,e-mail: [email protected]/OHA can be used to rent orto buy, why make other peoplesmortgage payments? This is freemoney from the Government, useit wisely. Buying a home in Germa-ny is not complicated at all, wewill walk you through the entireprocess. Doris Drewlow Immobili-en, Tel: 06371-5940059 [email protected] townhouse 185sqmdowntown K`town 255000€ DorisDrewlow Immobilien Tel: 06371-5940059Must sale, pcsing in 4 weeks,2km to Weilerbach, freestandinghouse with dbl.-garage, built1999, 203sqm living space, base-ment, very energy efficient,800sqm garden, 270.000,--€0171/4783904, www.immobilien-helga-stenschke


Kaiserslautern American Page 27April 22, 2011

All ads & pics can be viewed @www.class-world.eu


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Near Kaiserslautern Great housein highstandard interior, (marblefloors - bathrooms) Large roomsabout 260m² livingsp., 2 garages(inhouse), large fenced in proper-ty. €420.000,-- RE/MAX Dreamho-mes 4 U, Landstuhl, Kaiserstr. 4,06371/6129262 or 0170 685 0060ask for Wolfgang, email [email protected] Or0160/380 7277 [email protected]

Oberstaufenbach: bungalowbuilt in 2003. 15 min. to AirBase.4 bedr., 2 bathr., 160sqm livingspace, 626sqm property. 2 pati-os, 1 double garage + 1 single ga-rage. Floor heating, fireplace,sauna. Please call after 4 p.m. Pic-tures: www.alex.reiter.de.vu€295000 015124244945 / [email protected]

Queidersbach Beautif Fst 1FH w/sep Apt new roof & windows, ba-sem, garage, lg terr, oil-heat, nicelot 650sqm, 190sqm livsp, 2kitch,3bath, 8Rms, stor, private 179T€0152-25607832

Queidersbach, nice 130sqm du-plex, carport, build 2000, E160000, Immobilien T.016096096498

Queidersbach: nice 4BM duplex,200sqm, garage, build 2000, E248000, Immobilien T.016096096498

Ramstein: 4 bedroom house, pro-perty 350sqm, living-diningroom,1,5 bathrooms, double garage,yard Price 280.000,-€ KD-Baube-treuung 06371-619033, e-mail: [email protected]

Weselberg, nice 200sqm doplexbuild 2000, E 208000, Immobili-enT. 016096096498

Rodenbach Fst House, 255sqm,6BR, 4bath, 638sqm lot, dbl gara-ge, next to forest, quiet area290.000€ 06373-505470 or 0163-2922355

Schmalenberg - Large single me-ditarranean - style house built in2002 on a 700sqm lot 285000€Doris Drewlow Immobilien, Tel:06371-5940059

Sembach Area 240sqm Housebuilt in 2000 on a 660sqm lot,329000€ Doris Drewlow Immobili-en, Tel: 06371-5940059

Spesbach: Duplex, year 2001/2002, 4 bedr, 3bathr., studio, li-ving/dining. BIK, Garage, niceyard more than 230m" livingspace in excellent condition €248.000,- RE/MAX Dreamhomes4 U, Landstuhl, Kaiserstr. 4,06371/6129262 or 0170 685 0060ask for Wolfgang, email [email protected] Or0160/380 7277 [email protected]

Use your Housing Allowance topurchase your home - buying inGermany is not complicated. Wewill inform you about all the de-tails and give you advice in finan-cing. We will help you step bystep to get your own home. RE/MAX Dreamhomes 4 U, Land-stuhl, Kaiserstr. 4, 06371/6129262 or 0170 685 0060 askfor Wolfgang, email [email protected] Or0160/380 7277 [email protected]

! ! ! ! 1 & 2 Bedroom Ramstein Lu-xury Temp Apts for incoming/out-going families & TDY. Air Base 2mins, walk to restaurants &shops. Beautifully furnished,100% equipped including AFNTV, DVD, free Internet, plus was-her/dryer. www.ramstein-tla.comTel 0171 6924536

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 2-3 Bdrs sui-tes in Ramstein village & 5 be-droom house nearby. Sky, AFN,PC, wireless internet, phone, was-her / dryer in unit, gas grill on pa-tio / balcony, king size Americanbeds, complete kitchens, yard,parking, We offer private and com-fortable living. Kids love ourplace. Write to [email protected] Call 0179-1456657 any-time

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !1 2 3 Bedroom * Ramstein LuxuryTemp Apts for incoming / out-going families & TDY. Air Base 2mins, walk to restaurants &shops. Beautifully furnished,100% equipped including AFNTV, DVD, free phone, Internet pluswasher/dryer pets welcome! Alsobeautifully furnished 4BR Housein Bruchmühlbach & 5BR Housein Mackenbach & 3BR House inKottweiler 0171-2679282 or [email protected]

!!! 1-3 br-apts, 5 Min from RAB,Schwedelbach, free DSL, call Oc-tavia: 06374 - 5611 www.birnbaumhof.de or [email protected]

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2/3/4 absolutely beautifullyfurnished apartments. All ameni-ties provided including fully-stocked kitchen (huge fridge anddishwasher), AFN and SAT TV,free unlimited wireless internetand calls to the states, Washer/dryer, off-street parking and priva-te garage. 7 minutes from Ram-stein and Vogelweh. Of coursepets are welcome. Get an idea ofyour ‘home’ on Youtube (searchtlc4tla) or cut-and-paste http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WjKBe9v6R-8 Call:01742133435 or [email protected].

100% equipped 1-2BR Apts,Free internet, AFN, Phone to USA,offRoad parking. 10min to RAM,LAND, LRMC, Contractors alsowelcome. Info: 0177 1955959 orwww.housinglandstuhl.com

1-3 BDR. Apts. fully furnished,AFN Decoder, DVD Player, FreeInternet, free phone calls to us.For more info please look at.www.trudys-apts.de, or give me aphone call 06374-3928

3BR TLA Steinwenden 100%equip fully furn all dishes incl utlshort-long term 0160-6555170

1-3Bed Beautiful, Furnished, 3miRAB. Free Fast Internet, Phone,AFN TV, DVD, Wash/Dry In Unit,Designer Kitchens, Pets OK. Ame-rican owned. NBM4RENT.com01742430124 / [email protected]

1-4BDR (14) American-ownedLuxury TLAs near Vogelweh,RAB, Kleber. Free DSL, AFN, Lo-cal +US Calls. Free HousehuntingASST/Airport PU Pets Okwww.tlakmc.com 0171 177 9681or [email protected]. VAT, VI-SA, MC

A wonderful TLA 2 Bedroms inSteinwenden only 5 KM fromRAB.Pets welcome. Free InternetPlease check out www.total-tla.net or call 017643019979

Apt elegant fully furn beaut100sqm ideal for sgl Kindsbach.Long/short term. Avail 15 May.Call: 06371-2209

Beautiful Large TLA for rent, fullyfurnished 1400 sq.ft. Great for fa-milies and small dogs welcomed.Nice housing area 12 mls fromRAB/Landstuhl. American owned,house 5yrs old, parking in front ofdoor. Call 06373-892727 or01752093920


We can help! TLAs in Ramstein New apt for 1 bed-room for 2 people & also for families.

Apts have: full furn Sat TV microw. phone comp w/DSL private parking pets

OK wash/dryer also avail. Call 06371-5432 or 0171-3256002



Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 28 April 22, 2011

All ads & pics can be viewed @www.class-world.eu


All ads & pics can be viewed @www.class-world.eu

AUTOSCompl. furnished 4-5 bedroomhouse in Bruchmühlbach, engl.TV, Internetflatrate, 3 bathroom,b.i.k., washer a. dryer and more.Tel: 06371-619033 or [email protected]

Fully furn 2BR Apt, perfect forTLA/TDY, Contractor, AFN TV,DVD, Hi Spd Int, Washer/Dryer, 5min to RAB, pkg space. 06371-51043 or 0160262-8509

Just renovated!! 1 bdr Apt.70qm, furnished, wash/dry, freetel USA-Eur, internet, AFN, DVD,Patio, pets welcome. 10 min toRAB. Walk to shopping, bakery,restaurants. VISA/MC accep-ted.call conny [email protected]

Landstuhl, downtown, 3BDR, bigBIK, 1,3 baths, balcony, parkingplace ZIAI Immobilien 0637157888

Caution: Some KA Classifiedads have become a targetfor scams. Please be cau-tious if potential buyers offeryou payment methods otherthan cash.

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! $300 deposit + 5 pay-ments on good reliable cars withinspection! BMW, Opel, Honda &more! 0631-98741 or 0171-7912679

05 BWW X5 Highland Green/Brown Leather 4.4 Ltr V8, Premi-um/Cold Wx Pkg w/Nav 78K mi-les Fantastic Cond Always BMWServiced, Winter Tires incl $21K0160-94800830

06 Mini Cooper S - Chili Red 48kmiles. Sports and winter pkg. Ex-cellent on gas. Harmon Kardonsound, MP3 player. Upgraded lea-ther seat. ABS wheels. [email protected] / 0631-560011141.1 VW Polo, 55horses, 65 mls/Gallon, new inspection, new bra-kes, TOPcondition, sunroof, CD,1995, 120Tmls, manual Kaisers-lautern, Ralf 0172-6201555 €15501990 Toyota Celica 1.6L, 4cyl,113,000mi. US Spec. 2 door.Dark red metallic, no dents orscratches. Red interior, veryclean! Located in Mehlingen.€1100 Call Horst 0163.915.72771991 Copper (brown) metallic190 E, with winter and summer ti-res. Manual Transmission. Last in-spection 12APR11. PCSing soonmust sell. $1500. Call063718022619 or 0176810716601991 VW Golf II, Automatic Trans-mission, 1.6 Liter engine, 116,000miles. Winter and Summer tires ingreat condition. Inspection goodtill March 2012. $1200 Marty-015224456565 or email: [email protected] Toyota Corolla - blue, 4door, manual transmission, pas-sed Inspections in September noproblems. Has winter tires. Availa-ble after April 23rd. $2000 Call:0631-3039910 / Email:[email protected] BMW 318i ; POV-inspectionguaranteed; 200 KM (125000 mi-les), 5 speed, 4 tires Alu rims(Summer), 4 tires Steel rims (Win-ter), AM/FM stereo CD Player,€1750, Call 063719528651994 Opel Astra, Red in color,winter tires, new rear brakes.Runs great. Will sell for $2,000.Cell: 015151038499.

1995 BMW 320I Combi StationWagon, Red, Automatic transmis-sion, 206 KM, New tires, new bra-kes, new TUV, good condition.Must Sell, USD $ 3000 OBO,0151-550670501995 BMW 320i Touring, 6 cylin-der, 5 speed, euro specs, 207,XXX KM, gets great gas mileage/Runs great. 2 sets of wheels/tires.Needs 2 summer tires. $2500.Call 017520937591998 A4 Audi coilover, exhaust,cold air fiter, and custom car au-dio $4000 016011463041998 US Spec 528I BMW [email protected] Ford Ranger XLT Pickup(Bronze), 4-Cyl, 2.5 Liter, 2WD,Automatic, Brand New Tires: SalePrice $6600 OBO Contact: 0151-12733737 [email protected] Ford Taurus SES- Automa-tic, V-6 engine, Front-wheel drive,power windows/locks, fair conditi-on, High mileage, As Is.$1,000.00. 06371-802-16912003 Opel Omega Stwagon,93TKm, excellent condition, Sum-mer alu rims, new winter moun-ted, air, stereo, tinted glass, 2yr in-spect. Pat @ 0177-7932305€6950 [email protected] PT Cruiser, 2.4L, 5Spd mnl,leather interior, pwr windows, AC,fully loaded, very dependable,OBO. $5000, Call 017639063245or [email protected] VW Polo 1.4 TDI, 5 doors.White. A/C, ABS, Central locking,Electric windows, Immobilizer,Power Assisted Steering. Extre-mely well taken care of. €5800Call: 0173-995-3546 / [email protected] '95 red 4dr radio 5spd$1200 Call: 0152-28222169

2005 Ford Focus SE, 4-DR, 5-SPD Manual, 57K Miles, Infra RedColor, Excellent Condition, No bo-dy damage and Runs Great,$7,500 OBO. Mike at 0151-2563-2155

2005 ford freestar sel loaded lea-ther, DVD system, rear a/c and he-at, good condition moving statesi-de new tires 105000 miles readyfor a new family. [email protected]

2007 GMC Acadia SLT-2 AWD,Loaded! Blue w/Grey Lthr, DualSunroof, DVD W/Bose, HUD, USNAV/XM, 2ND ROW CPT Seats,Tow Pkg, 19", 66K Mile, $27.4KOBO $27400 0175-1239454 /[email protected]

2007 Jeep Compass 67000 mi-les. inferno red, great condition4x4. New tires and brakes. 6 diskCd player, Boston Accousticsound, automatic $15500 obo01705270363 or [email protected]

2007 Jeep Liberty 4X4, 3.7L, V6engine, green, front wheel or 4-wheel drive, new brakes, tires 1-yrold. Automatic, American Spec.OBO Avail 1 May , $13000, Call0160 9751 8855, [email protected]

2007 Mazda 3 Sport AutomaticFOR Sale-German Spec/Dealermaintained Power steering / win-dows / locks summer / winterrims / tires FM/AM/CD and more.$11200 [email protected]/ 0160-91425056

2008 BMW X3, excellent vehicle,Dealership Maintained, Low Milea-ge, fully loaded, includes snow ti-res with custom rims, serious buy-er only. $28,000.00 OBO Let's Ma-ke A Deal. Call 015154739920 or06374-991250

Visit: www.class-world.eu


Kaiserslautern American Page 29April 22, 2011

All ads & pics can be viewed @www.class-world.eu


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TiresRimsOil Changes

Mon-Fri 08:00-12:00, 13:00-17:00, Sat 09:00-12:00


Turn an immediate RIGHTright after you leave the autobahn EXIT

2009 BMW 335i, Outstandingcond. everything but sunshades.Must see!!!!! $37995 Call: 0176-21940954 / [email protected]

2010 Ford Mustang, Black, V6Pony Package, Auto, 14,600 mi-les; Pirelli all-season tires, Miche-lin snow tires, alarm, wheel locks,$22500 Call: 016098522772. [email protected]

3 series BMW 4cycl. great gas mi-leage, model 96, one owner, orig,98K miles, airbag, ABS brakes, 4door, sunroof, alloyed rims, newall season tires, new shocks,Sony CD radio, calypso red met.,exc con, passed mil. insp €2750.-obo acc stateside check Call:0151-18397322

626 Mazda exclusive 200063Tkm dealer maint. alloy AC verygood cond german INSP untilApril 2012 €5200 obo Call: 06371-62154

91 BMW 318i 162K km runs gre-at, great shape, panasonic stereo,winter tires incl, [email protected] for in-fo or more pics [email protected]

94 Opel Astra Caravan Sportiva,5.Speed, Airbag, ABS, CD-Player,2.set Tires, Runs excellent, Goodbody. $1600. Phone:01726816794

94 Opel Vectra. Front wheeldrive, automatic, German Spec.Inspection good until Oct. Greatcommuter car. Asking $2,000OBO. Call 06374915912

97 BMW 316i M series. 5 spd.Heated seats. Black. Black/red in-terior. Runs great. GPS included.210k km. $3000 [email protected]

Audi 1994 A80 (German Specs),Miles 173292 km (107K miles),Winter/Summer Tires, extra 4 Ti-res with rims, New Battery, asking$2300 or obo, (W) 06151-397-5160 or (C) 0160-806-0553BMW 318i Automatic Mod. 1994,4dr, pwr steering, pwr sunroof,col. dark green, exc. cond. €220001578-6072009BMW 318i Automatic, Mod 94,pwr sunroof and windows, darkgreen, very good cond. clean insi-de and outside, euro spec until2012. Call:0163-3683159, €1950,[email protected] M5 E39 1999 MetallicBlack. 290k km. 13,000 Eur400hp, Black and blue leather etc.Good Condition. Located in theMannheim area. 13,000 [email protected] model 523i, 2000, 2.5ltr.,170HPS, 220Tkm, many extras,good cond, €4300 obo Call: 0176-96841664Chevrolet Alero, 1999,39.000km, 177hp, leather, 8wheels, green metallic, automatic,driven by old lady, Frankfurt.€3300 0151 56620251, [email protected] spec BMW 316 manual trans,4 New tires, New brakes, recentservice, passed inspection 18April. $2400. Call [email protected]

Ford Probe (Mazda engine 626)V6 5spd 24V black, 2.Hand al-ways dealer maintained summer& 4 new Hankook winter tires(400€) non-smoking newoilchange, new spark plug cables.€2300 Call: 0152-28222169

Front & rear sway bars stock eu-ro from civic type R. [email protected]/017622987498 pics onwww.class-world.eu

Heatshield gasket never used.http://www.hondata.com/heatshieldgasket.html Asking $40.picson www.class-world.eu017622987498 / [email protected]

Honda Civic 95 autom good run-ning cond ready for INSP $2500obo Call: 0160-92866150

LTB a Porsche. Please give me aemail thanks. Iam from [email protected] 1

Marathon Bass Car SpeakersHigh Thermal Capacity Voice Coil,400 Watt, Marathon Bass CarSpeakers. $25. Call 0162-270-8615. [email protected]

Mazda 6i Sport Val.Ed. 2007 USModel, 2.3L, 16V, Automatic, 6xAirb., A/C, grey metal., ABS,36Tmiles, 146hp, 17inch alloywheels, € 10900 Call 0174/9685115

Mini Cooper Convertible '06,$16,750, US Specs, 24K easy mi-les; Excellent Condition; manualtrans; English Racing Green,black power top; Harmon KardonCD-stereo; new front tires; Chro-me package & Climate package,heated seats; 06371-8020-103;0151-2130-9917; [email protected]

Nissan 350Z 37,000 miles year:2007 color: atomic orange pleasecall for more information. $185000151-25274389 / [email protected]

Opel Corsa 1994, white, 5spd,2door, 180Tkm, great daily driver,new brakes, good cond, € 1200obo Call: 0152-06729397

Opel Omega 1997 automatic 4drgood running cond INSP guaran-tee $3500 obo Call: 0160-92866150

Opel Omega Wagon, Automatic,Red, runs great, good shape, withPwr Steering, drs.locks, sunroof,CD-Player, lot a new parts, readyfor Inspection, $1900, Call01733454529, [email protected]

SRT8 Challenger 2009 low milesnever driven in the winter $3500001601146304

Porsche 911 Cabrio 90 Carrera2,250HP, 3,2 l, d.blue, Spoiler, Pwrstrg, pwr wind., AC, CD-radio,new tires, leather/heat. seats, cen-tral lock. €29500 01578-2512818

Programable ECU, Comes w/software and manual. brand newRSX Type S Honda PRB ECU, w/K-Pro modification. orig. price$1595, asking $950017622987498

Sard Oil Catch Can. Brand newstill in box. Bling for your engine!!$100 [email protected]/017622987498 pics onwww.class-world.eu

Tire. Cooper Lifeliner Classic II,Steel Belted Radial Tire. Size isP195/75R14 M+S Never Used.Have only one. $35. Call 0162-270-8615. [email protected]

Tires (2) Quatrac. Size is 195/60R15 88H M+S. All Weather. Ne-ver used. Price is for two. $160.Call [email protected]

TODA K20A Valve Spring Set.Original price $400.TODA racingparts. Never used Asking $275Ph.017622987498 / [email protected]


Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 30 April 22, 2011

All ads & pics can be viewed @www.class-world.eu


All ads & pics can be viewed @www.class-world.eu


All ads & pics can be viewed @www.class-world.eu


All ads & pics can be viewed @www.class-world.eu


All ads & pics can be viewed @www.class-world.eu


Harley Davidson Motorcycles for rent, different models. Need motorcycles for driving test? Ask for special offers!

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US Model Mazda 6i Sport, 2007,2.3L, 16V, 146hp, Automatic, Crui-se Control, Leather, 36tmiles, ex-cellent condition €9,500 Locatedin Dresden 0174/9685115

US, Japanese and EuropeanSpec. Automobiles www.theoscarcenter.com 0631-91527

VW Golf III 5drs 5spd great cond138Tkm center steer guaranteedto pass INSP 1450€. Call: 0160-2953805VW Golf IV 1.6 great condition,40 000 km, 101 PS, silver, aircond. automatic, radio, 09-99summer- a. winter tires, near Ram-stein, the price is firm €6500, Call01577-4603200VW Golf, Hatchback, 4Doors,1994, 100k Miles, 5.speed, newclutch, Wintertires, Runs Good,Guarantee to pass Inspec. $1900.Call:015207694182

We buy cars / all makes! Acci-dent, broken down, Honda, Toyo-ta - great prices! Open Mon-Suncall until 10pm 0173-4201553 or0631-3579286 or E-Mail:[email protected]

Caution: Some KA Classifiedads have become a targetfor scams. Please be cau-tious if potential buyers offeryou payment methods otherthan cash.

Harley Davidson Fatboy 2008 - li-ke new! - flat black - windshield -sissybar - 2500 miles -01709335830 - $13500 [email protected]

Vietnam Vets/Legacy Vets MC -Active duty, retired, veterans,www.redandblack-germany.de,call 0157-75984414

Announcing a new blog dedica-ted to military spouses. Shareyour comments or initiate topics.Say what's on your mind. Pleasevisit http://blog.spouseclubs.com/. We look forward to getting toknow you.

English speaking meetings of Al-coholics Anonymous available inthe Kaiserslautern/VogelwehArea. Our contact information is:AA Hotline-01803-224-357,www.aa-europe.net/countries/germany.htm

GerMINI Coopers is a drivingclub starting in the K-town area.We are looking to do some awe-some things this year. Friend usat GerMini Coopers on FB. [email protected]

hello the german Girl! soccerteam is looking for new membersif you / yourer loves to play soc-cer this is the right team €[email protected]

Quit Smoking Today! The ArmyPublic Health Nursing is offeringTobacco Cessation Classes for ci-vilian and military personnel in theKaiserslautern Military CommunityArea. Classes will begin the 2ndof March 2011 from 1130 -1230hours. The classes will be held atthe Kleber DFAC, Back DiningRoom Bldg. 3206. New classesbegin on the first Wednesday ofevery month and last for fourweeks. Advance registration is re-quired. To register or for more in-formation call Army Public HealthNursing at DSN: 486-7002 or CIV:06371-86-7002

Reiki: Interested in forming a Rei-ki Share Group? Please contactJerry or Lorraine @ [email protected]

KA advertisers living on base/post and offering child careservices are on the approvedlist of Family Child Care(FCC) providers. Those livingoff base/post offering theseservices in the KA are notscreened by FCC. Use goodjudgement when choosingoff base/post child care ser-vices. Qualifications shouldbe checked and referencesrequested before placing anychild in the custody of childcare providers who have notbeen screened.***Anyoneproviding more than 10hours of care per week, on aregular basis, MUST be licen-sed by the FCC office. If youdo not have a license andprovide care, you could pos-sibly lose your base housingprivileges.***

Certified german in-home day-care provider has openings full-or parttime, every age is welco-me. Call Dagmar 06385/993240

Child Care / Nanny (engl spk) w/experience has openings for ages2-10, very flex. 7min RAB. Pls call0163-2943479

Caution: Some KA Classifiedads have become a targetfor scams. Please be cau-tious if potential buyers offeryou payment methods otherthan cash.

"Antique look" dinning room ta-ble and chairs (4) In very goodcondition, must be picked up. mo-re info http://taylorsimpson.weeb-ly.com/index.html [email protected] watt transformer [email protected] Olympic Games Munich!Historic Beer Stein / Mug! Very ra-re! To include the -Hofbräuhaus-, -Olympia Tower-, and the historic -Frauenkirche- Has been passeddown in the family. Asking $80.See pictures at www.class-world.eu E-mail: [email protected]" Boys Magnum bike, like newcondition, hand brakes, 10 gears,asking $80. Please call 0151-41410231 if [email protected] Bugaboo Red Frog Strollerin EUC. Includes bassinet, toddlerseat, sun hood, bug net, rain co-ver and maintaining kit. Reasona-ble offers accepted. [email protected] Suspense Thriller Books 'T.Hoag', 'O. Shaughnessy', 'L.Jackson', J. Pattison', S. Brown','Reichs' etc. $50 Call: 0170-40196482x 220V Brother electric type wri-ters - only been used twice. Bestoffer accepted - Can deliver toRAB Call: 06332-415602x couches leather lite tan $750Call: 016011463043x Free Monitor 17 inch. 220 volt.Call 0631-303355305x embroidered tablecloth withducks. Gr. 26 cm was made from100% cotton, never opened. Forsale. [email protected] €126 Bookmarks photographed Pic-ture from Germany for [email protected] €6Coffee Mill Wood for [email protected] €10


Kaiserslautern American Page 31April 22, 2011

All ads & pics can be viewed @www.class-world.eu


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AFN / PowerVu Receiver - Ameri-can forces Network HI - I am loo-king for a PowerVu receiver withvalid subscription [email protected] or icq 430974952Agate Silver Pendant - ChineseLuck 925 silver pendant withblack agate. Length - 3.50 inchwidth - ca, 1.60 cm. [email protected] €18Antique Beer Mug - Gerzit- veryold - has been passed down inthe family from my great grandfa-ther. Asking $40 E-Mail: [email protected] cabinet soft wood bot-tom part 143 cm l, 56 cm d und84 cm h. Upper part 131 cm l, 45cm d und 99 cm h. €40001717745109 / [email protected] Tin Pot - very old - pas-sed down from my grandfather.$40. See pictures at www.class-world.eu E-mail [email protected] new size 38 woman blouseembroidered black never worn!embroidered blouse size 38 /77% polyester + 23% [email protected] €22Baby gates (fit 85cm gap), set of4. Nearly €200 to buy new whenwe moved here. Well-made (me-tal), easy for adult to open/closewithout removing. [email protected] table with 2 chairs. per-fect for outside use. 2 years old,excellent condition. [email protected] $50MAC monitor 17 inch 220 volt.€20 call 0631-30335530

Beam me up Scotty! Put a figureinside and watch him dissapear!Makes actual beaming noises. [email protected]

Bicycle Huffy 20 inch BMX bikewith Mongoose seat and pedals.Some rust. $20. Call 0162-270-8615. [email protected]

Bicycle Pacific Quick Silver 21inch Shimano equipped 21 speedall terrain. $50. Call 0162-270-8615. [email protected]

Bicycle Roadmaster 20 inch Ul-tra Terrain Extreme 6 speed. $35.Call [email protected]

Bike - Cannondale Mountain,M1000, 24 speed, $200. 06371-130854

Black 110 microwave, auto set-tings for popcorn and otherfoods. BIG. Rotating center plate.Great condition. In Bann [email protected]

Blue & Yellow curtains for be-droom/livingroom. Satin like mate-rial. $15 See www.class-world.eufor pics. 017622987498/[email protected]

Bosch ASM30 electric lawnmower 220v second hand, greatfor smaller lawns, lightweight &quiet, free delivery within KMCpossible! $65. [email protected]

Bought chair 4 my son but he istoo big for it. I purchased thischair from Bed Bath and Beyond.Asking $80 paid $99, Still in box.06374944804

Brand New Alienware Mx17 Lap-top. Dell Sold me 2 identical lap-tops and I am looking to recoupmy money for 1 purchased.$1519 Firm. Brand [email protected]

Budget electric sanding machi-ne, well-used, works OK, $25,[email protected]

Cabinet for TV, Bassett (Pine),65" Ht, 30" Wd, 20" Dp, ExcCond, TV also for sale (see SonyTrinitron 25"), $165 OBO, Call0163-330-5535, Lv Msg

Chest of Drawers. White woodchest of 5 drawers. Stands 3 ft 10in high, 2 ft 8.5 in wide and 1 ft 5in deep. $35. Call [email protected]

Coat rack with 6 stainless steelhangers. Attached to wall. 2 yearsold, mint condition. [email protected] $50

coffee table and computer tablemetal fames with glass tops $300Call: 01601146304

Coffee Table Butcher Block StyleWood. 3 ft 6 in square stands13.5 inches high. $50. Call 0162-270-8615. [email protected]

Coffee, Espresso, CappuccinoMachine by DeLonghi. Hardlyused. In box with manual. $50.Call [email protected] of leather bound, si-gned by the author, 1st editionbooks, mint cond. Over 100 diffe-rent books. Authors include: Nor-man Mailer, William F. Buckley,Joseph Heller, Elie Wiesel, DonaldMc Dunne, John Updicke, TomWolfe, etc. $ 15.000 - serious in-quiries only! Call: 0631-940213 or0151-270-19822Collectors Cup and Plant fromKunst Kronach Germany for [email protected] €12Color multisystem Tv. Works gre-at. From Hitachi. Call017622987498 $20Color TV Hitachi 20", multi-sys-tem (NTSC, PAL, SECAM), auto-voltage, stereo, rear panel A/V in-put jacks, no remote control, in-structions manual, $30, Call 0162-2708615. [email protected]. 3 Chairs. Blue wood withstraw seats. $10. Call 0162-270-8615. [email protected]

Color TV Hitachi 25", multi-sys-tem, auto-voltage, stereo, frontand rear panel A/V input jacks, re-mote control, instructions manual,$50, Call [email protected] TV LG 20", auto-voltage,NTSC, with remote control, nomanual, $15, Call [email protected] TV Samsung 28", multi-sys-tem, auto-voltage, stereo, rear pa-nel A/V input jacks, remote con-trol, $40, Call [email protected] TV Sanyo 19", 110V, ste-reo, front panel A/V input jacks,remote control, instructions manu-al, $20, Call [email protected] leather sofa, love seat,and chair. Belguim and solidwood frame. Solid wood coffee ta-ble included with pull out extenti-ons, call/email $2500017621940954/ [email protected]. Scooter/Roller. Have 3 (pri-ce is for one). Take your pick or ta-ke all three. $15 0162-270-8615/[email protected]


Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 32 April 22, 2011

All ads & pics can be viewed @www.class-world.eu


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Computer Roll Top Oak DeskWith Chair. Breaks down for easytransport. 4ft 10in high and longand 2ft 6in deep. 8 drawers + 8compartments. $500. Call 0162-2708615. [email protected]

Couch Opens to Double Bed.Black leather-like, 2 large pillows,base has storage. Perfect for over-night guests. Delivery for extra ne-gotiable fee. $100. Call 0162-270-8615. [email protected]

Desk and matching bookcaseset. Original Dania from Portland.Both mildly scratched in PCS butstructurally sound, good pieces.$100 [email protected]

Digital Satellite Receiver PACE(PAL), front pay-per-view smartcard slot, scart input/output jacks,remote control, instructions manu-al, $20, Call [email protected]

Dining rm table, bedrm floorlamps & ceiling lamps, Princesstype writer & Panasonic electric ty-pe writer, Super 8 movie camera& Projector 35mm slight projectoras well as transformer Call: 0160-920-22726Dragon Oil Burner. Blue in Color.Stands 5.5 inches tall and 7 in-ches long. Burns normal lamp oil.Never used. $15. Call 0162-270-8615. [email protected] Player AVoL, auto-volt, co-de free (plays NTSC, PAL, etc),plays most formats (DVD, CD-R,CD-RW, MP3-CD, Kodak PictureCD), remote control, maunual,$30, Call 0162-2708615,[email protected] Player SEG 220V, code free(plays NTSC, PAL, etc.), playsmost formats (DVD, CD-DA, CD-R, CD-RW, MP3-CD, PEG-picture-CD), remote control, manual $25,Call [email protected] K-Town Raiders AthleticsJacket with hood. Like brandnew, worn maybe once or twice.Sizes Med and XL. $45. Call 0162-2708615. [email protected]

Each. In-Line Skates Roller Der-by, Advanced Memory Liner, Neu-tron VII, 82 mm Wheel ABEC-5.Men's sizes 10 and 7. $65. Call0162-270-8615. [email protected]

Eagle Figure by Andrea. Handpainted, of bisque porcelain.Stands 13.5 in tall and 5 in at thebase. $55. Call [email protected]

Electric, 220v lawnmower. 3 le-vel adjustment. Only 1 year old.Bought at AAFES for $100+ [email protected]

End Tables Bamboo with Stora-ge Compartments and GlassTops. Lid opens like a trunk. Mea-sures 18.5 inches square. $50.Call [email protected]

Exerc. Equipment: Pro Form GT95X Recumbant Seat exerciser w/computer, $100. Nordic Track Skiexerc. w/paddles, $100. WesloEasy Stride walker, $50 06371-130854

Experienced players wanted!Tus Hochspeyer is looking forgirls ages 12-14 to play on theirsoccer team. Please [email protected].

Falcon Figure by Andrea. Handpainted, of bisque porcelain.Stands 11 in tall and 5 in at thebase. $60. Call [email protected]

Flamenco Shoes, black by Men-kes (Spain), size 9 (39.5), neverworn. $95. Call [email protected]

Flamenco Skirt, black, size 36(elastic waist). Made in Spain, ne-ver worn. $75. Call 0162-2708615. [email protected]

Flat iron by vidal sassoon. 110volt. Barely used. $40017622987498

Floyd Rose original "Les Paul"version, bolts on, no routing requi-red, super rare" [email protected] LG monitor Flatron. Modeltype L17ms-6. 17 inch. 220 volt.Call 0631-30335530Free Videoseven 17 inch. ModelType V7 P17sV7. Call 0631-30335530Gary Moore - Live in MontreuxDVD The legend at his peak GaryMoore with the Midnight BluesBand - especially for collectors.€75. [email protected] Gown and Cap.Black, size Med., worn once. $25.Call [email protected] Gown, Red (K-town),size 5'9" to 5'11", worn once.$15. Call [email protected] suade handbag. Withthree compartments. Zipper top.$20 0176-22987498 please leavea message if I do not answer.Hanging cabinet in chocolatebrown/cream. Enough room forlots of stuff or things to display inthe living room. [email protected] $100I am selling 2 sets of golf clubswith bag and Driver. 1 Set Calla-way X Tour Irons and 1 Set PingS59 Irons. See pictures for de-tails. 350$ ea OBO015152183110 / [email protected] Skates Chicago Men`s size 7.$25. Call [email protected] Doll Wood carvedstands 9 inches tall. $20. Call0162-270-8615. [email protected] adidas soccer shoes, US si-ze 1, EU 32, black & red, worn afew times. Non marking. $35.0176-22987498, pics on class-world

Kerosene Heater Sanyo with ma-nual. 360 degree surface. 22 inhigh, 18 in wide and 18 in deep.Continuous heating time is 12.5hours. $25. Call [email protected] Heater with manual. 17in high, 26 in wide and 12 in deep.Has a forced air fan (115 volt) soldseparately for $10.00. $25. Call0162-270-8615. [email protected] Curling Custard, na-tural styling gel, 8 ozs. [email protected] dinner table (high) + 2bar stools. Ideal for 2 people. Ta-bletop and leather cushions haveseen some wear. [email protected] $75K-Town Physical Education T-Shirt. Like brand new, never worn.Size Med. $10. Call 0162-2708615. [email protected] Raiders Fleece Pullover.Size Sm. Like brand new. $20.Call [email protected] Raiders Long SleeveRed T-Shirt. Size Sm. Like brandnew. $12. Call [email protected] dress, eggshell/offwhite, size 6, never worn. For wedding/prom/summer night out. $50;017622987498 or [email protected] Pic on www.class-world.eu does not do justice. Be-autful dress.Large Antique Dark solid wood. 3pull out draws, 3 cabinets aboveand below to store goods in. 7feet tall. Price: $2900017622987498. class-world.eupicsLearning Computer you hook upto your TV set. Comes with key-board, mouse and unit. Has lan-guage, science, math & 'Discoverthe World'. Takes batteries [email protected]


Kaiserslautern American Page 33April 22, 2011

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RAMSTEIN [email protected]


Results – Guaranteed. At H&R Block, we stand behind our work. If we make a mistake, we will pay any additional interest and penalties. Plus, if the IRS

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Can your tax services give the same Guarantee?In Einsiedlerhof, le� side going towards Landstuhl past Pizza Hut.

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Enlist our tax expertise.H&R Block knows the speci� c tax bene� ts for personnel serving in the military and civilians working overseas.We can help you get all the deductions you’re entitled to.AAFES KMCC Mall2nd � oor, Ramstein Airbase

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Learning computer you hook upto your TV. Comes with CPU, Key-board & mousepad. + 4 learninggames $45 [email protected] for high level soccer foryour child/youth born 1999 -1994? Email [email protected] for freehelp and information.Lots of women's clothes mediumsize. Blouses, trousers etc. Call:0160-920-22726MAC monitor. 17inch 220 volt.We have two monitors available.€20 Call 0631-30335530Marble Table, Black w/white tra-ces, 47" diameter, really nice, oc-tagonal, comes w/ext leaf and 6chairs, $600 OBO (paid €1,500),Call 0163-330-5535, Lv MsgMeindl Gore Tex Hiking BootsMen's Size 8.5 (runs slightly big).Worn once...too small. $75. Call0162-270-8615. [email protected] Hiking Boots Men's Size8 (runs slightly big). Never worn.$75. Call [email protected] jackets, leatherblack, M & L. Call: 0152-29505388 or 06371-613354

Mountain Lion Figure by Andrea.Hand painted, of bisque porce-lain. Stands 7.5 in tall and 5 in atthe base. $50. Call [email protected]. T Flavorwave halogen heat /infrared wave oven - as seen onTV! Model 3835 paid new $120 ayear ago - hardly been used, incl.original invoice and remainingwarranty! Will sell for $75 obo E-Mail: [email protected] 220V Elta combination AM/FM radio w/record player used on-ce $10 Call: 06332-41560. Candeliver to RAB!Noble tablecloth with eyelet em-broidery in white, 130x170 in size,was never hung up! Oval. For Sa-le. [email protected] €30Oak china cabinet 1,60 wide x1,95 high, in very good cond€250. Call for appt. Must see!06371-62179 you must pick up!Oculti Cultus Secreti 2nd MilitaryIntelligence Battalion Unit InsigniaWood Picture Inlay. Pair 37x25cm. 250 Euro negotiation /[email protected] Desk Chair on wheels,$15, Call 0162-270-8615,[email protected] desk. 3 feet 26 1/2 inchlong, 2 feet 17 1/2 wide, 2 feet 9inch high. €40. Call 0631-30335530Old German Ashtray from Tho-mas for sale. [email protected] €5

Office Desk. Approx. 2 feet & 9inch high and approx 2 feet 17 1/2 wide and 6 feet wide. €60 Call0631-30335530Old Plate from Villeroy & BochGermany, 21cm, for [email protected] €10Older Grundig TV w/SAT receiver(no flat screen) works great €80for both obo Call: 06386-6711Painting Black and White OilPainting of Sailing Ships. Purcha-sed in Hong Kong. 39 in wide by27 in high. $30. Call 0162-270-8615. [email protected] Phillipine Scene of far-mer on water buffalo, uniquelypainted on leaves. 20.5 in wide by8.75 in high. $25. Call 0162-270-8615. [email protected] Set. Table has texturedglass & measures 6 x 3.5 ft.Chairs have beige colored meshseat & back. Some rust. Deliveryfor extra negotiable fee. $100.Call [email protected] Clear crystal of CrystalWorld. Has black eyes and wearsa black bow tie. 1.75 inches inheight. $15. Call [email protected] 7570 w/ embroidery unit110V, quilting fabric books & sup-plies e-mail: [email protected] rings and speaks to you.You can take the whole thingapart and put it back togetheragain as Handy Manny would. [email protected]

Pine Chest of Drawers. Stands 3ft 5 in tall, 2 ft 5 in wide and 1 ft 7in deep. Delivery for extra negotia-ble fee. $50. Call [email protected] Student Desk w/ Hutch is 4x 2 ft and 5 ft 3 in high. 1 shelf,drawer, 2 storage cubicles, pullout keyboard. Delivery for extranegotiable fee $100, Call 0162-270-8615, [email protected] and white snake skin purse,not real. pics on www.class-world.eu [email protected] chair. Blue Canvas materi-al removes for washing. Strongand durable chair. $15. Call 0162-270-8615. [email protected] Korean Country Scene onparchment. 14.5 in wide by 19.5in high. $35. Call [email protected] Size Bed in good conditi-on with a 7-Zone mattress. Inte-rested? [email protected]$200Radio & Record Player. 3 sizes oftransformers. 30 oilpaintings fra-med, different sizes & sceneries.Transformers all sizes, WeberKettle grill, dining room table,chairs & bar, Super 8 movie came-ra, rocking chair, expentisive laservideo movies like Frank Sinatra;Diana Ross, Marilyn Monroe, TinaTurner & Gone with the wind, Airforce one and many others. Sellfor best offer. Call: 0160-920-22726Rectangular table with glass ta-ble top (movable, sliding). ItalianDesign. 2 years old. [email protected] $500Reel mower, preferably JohnDeere, Jacobsen, Toro or Atco,golf greens quality, in pre-lovedcondition, pls email if u have oneto [email protected] Blades K2 Men`s Size 8.5$15. Call [email protected] Blades Men`s Size 7. $15.Call [email protected] Blades Men`s Size 8.5.$15. Call [email protected] CF 9000 Brush Activerotating hot air brush/ Like New!Large volume attachment 50 mm+ 30 mm. [email protected]€45Rustical Oak table, solid & heavy,w/tile top handcrafted. Price isneg. Call for appt. Must see!06371-62179 you must pick up!Sponge bob memory game. Tincan in shape of sponge bob. [email protected]

Selling entire household furniture(bedroom, children's & livingroom) and kitchen utensils. Will al-so sell individually. $1500 Call0173 3429285 or [email protected] German dryer AEG forUSD 100. Pick up in Miesen-bach.Call 0173 3429285 or [email protected] R-305KS Stainless SteelMicrowave * 1.0 cu.ft. 1100W.Used only a few months. [email protected] karate gi, size 5 (fitsmost/wraps and ties). Authentic,bought in Okinawa Japan, Hardlyworn. All heavy cotton, decorativestitching. $50. Call 0162-2708615. [email protected] Pine Wood Bed Framewith mattress. Disassembles foreasier transport or Delivery for ex-tra negotiable fee. $50. Call 0162-270-8615. [email protected] leather jacket size 36/38 brown suede with leather trim-mings, Franzen/wooden buttons/from U.S.A.. Immaculate [email protected] €55Sony 32" Wega TV (KV-32FS,2001, not flat). One owner-treatedwell-works fine, just don't have110V so must sell. Includes remo-te and manual. [email protected] Trinitron 25" TV, traditional(not flat screen), 7 yrs old, kept inspare office, barely used, $325OBO, Call 0163-330-5535, Lv MsgStuffed Elephant. Royal blue incolor. 3.5 feet tall. Irresistible!$20. Call [email protected] Table Top BBQ Grillused once $10. Can deliver toRAB Call: 06332-41560Surround Sound System, Tevion,barely used, $60 OBO, Call 0163-330-5535, Lv MsgSwarovski Crystal, all pricesgreatly reduced! Great gift or forany special occasion! Private col-lection! Retired pieces. Penguinmother & baby, koala bear motherand baby, Panda mother & baby,turtle. Call for info: 06332-41560between 2pm to 9pm. Can deliverto RAB!Swarovski Pegasus-From the1998 "Fabulous Creatures" Se-ries. Retired in 1998, Asking$500.Ph. 06374/944828Table, white wood. Extends to 5ft 9 in long with extensions or 3 ft6 in long without. Is 2 ft 3 in wideand 2 ft 7 in high. $25. Call 0162-270-8615. [email protected] Swarovski Pierrot mesasu-res 8". This is the first edition of"Masquerade" series. Retired in1999. Pics on www.class-world.eu [email protected] Chairs and Stool whichcan also serve as a side table.$35. Call [email protected]


Kaiserslautern American Page 35April 22, 2011

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All ads & pics can be viewed @www.class-world.eu


All ads & pics can be viewed @www.class-world.eu


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TV stand in chocolate brown/whi-te. Plenty of room for TV, receiver& DVD player. 2 compartments 1drawer. Interested? [email protected] $100TV, 21inch, 220; AVOL TV. Greatfor a second tv or a kids room.Only used for about 6 months. Li-ke new. $20 [email protected] 110 volt Hoover Uprightw Atchs, Manual, Bags, Belts.Guaranteed to work first day ofpurchase or money back. $35.Call [email protected] system + 2 remotes, ACplug (also takes batteries), Car ad-apter, Travel system + 14 games($15's each when bought) forBoys or Girls. $65 [email protected] are moving and sell every-thing that we own. Furniture forthe whole appartment is available.Mail for info or [email protected] Dehumidifier 110 volta-ge. Guaranteed to work on thefirst day of purchase or your mo-ney back. $25. Call 0162-270-8615. [email protected] Wicker Stand is 5 feet 11inches high, 2 feet 5 inches wide.It has 4 open shelves. Some wearand tear. $15. Call 0162-270-8615. [email protected] Stand (Natural) 5 ft 11 inhigh, 2 ft 7 in wide. 5 shelves (2behind doors). Some wear and te-ar. $15. Call [email protected] Alba Moda cardigan knit-ted pink jacket 38/40 Wool, Ango-ra, Poli, Gr. 38/40 Alba modeswith beadwork. Back length 58cm. [email protected] €22Woman Embroider blouse asnew. Size 38, light blue, 77% Po-lyester + 23 % Cotton. For [email protected] €20Woman Prom dress eveningdress ball gown size 38-40. VeraMont. green, silver, gold, black or-naments. It´s more [email protected] €25Wood frame picture. From Ash-field Arts. Made in the UK. Paid$500. see class-world.eu for [email protected]

There have been reports ofpets being sold from bree-ding facilities that are not ma-naged at the highest profes-sional standards. Pleasechoose your pet carefully.Make sure you check the cre-dentials of the people sellingthe pet, and get proper pa-perwork showing shots and/or other proof of healthy con-dition. For further advice,consult your Veterinarian.

5 month old male English bull-dog. Neutered, microchipped, upto date on all shots. Great withkids and other animals. Pleasecontact for more info. $2200. Call015116525900

Attention Dog Owners The startto a happy human-dog relation-ship. Training for all dogs, no mat-ter which problem, we can help.Info Day: Tag des Hundes inKindsbach 15 May 2011 startingat 1200 – 15 year anniversaryHundeschule Heieck www.Hundezentrum-Westpfalz.de 06371-40460

Chinchilla Cage stands 2 ft 8.5 inhigh, 2 ft 10.5 in wide, 1 ft 8 in de-ep. Comes with some accesso-ries. $65. Call [email protected]

Female Yorkie 1yr, name is bebe,has passport and microchip,needs only one shot, not fixed, fri-endly and trained/housebroken.$600 [email protected]

AFN / PowerVu Receiver - Ameri-can forces Network HI - I am loo-king for a PowerVu receiver withvalid subscription [email protected] or icq 430974952

American/German playgroup forparents with children ages 1month - 4 years meet in Hochs-peyer every Tuesday. Please con-tact: [email protected]

Basketball Hoop - I'll buy yourfull-size portable basketball sys-tem (freestanding) for our drive-way. Please call 06374-4323

Bassist wanted for newly formingcover band, lead vocals desiredbut not required. Age not import-ant, but must have solid playingskills. Call 01727098850 eves

Busco una amiga con la cual pue-do practicar mi español. Pode-mos tomar un café o ir de com-pras "downtown". Soy americanay hablo aleman tambien. Si tu tie-nes 20-30 años y tienes ganas deencontrarme, escribeme un e-maila [email protected]. Mealegraría!

Cleaning lady needed, to comeon Saturdays for 2hours, englishspeaking 0162-2766420

Collector is seeking tin itemssuch as plates, cups, & figurines.Call Mr. Grünholz: 0163-6695124

Hochspeyer American SocialClub. Meet your fellow neighborsfrom Hochspeyer & neighboringtowns. Info on FB or email:[email protected]

House Wanted Moving to Ram-stein area in June. Looking topurchase 3 or more bedroom ho-me from private owner. Availableto view homes now.015151251440 [email protected]

New Challenge for Baseball /Softball Coaches!! The River Ban-dits Baseball and Softball Team,located in Saarbrücken (A6,30min from KL) is looking for coa-ches for both teams and alsoplayers. Please contact: [email protected] or call0171-8634083

Summer nanny (part-time) towatch our children, ages 5 & 7.Needed 3-4 wkdays/week June-August. Hours 8-4. Non-smokerplease. Base access a plus. 0174-4425675/[email protected]

We are an American couple andneed an inexpensive car with autotransmission we arrive June 1please e-mail [email protected] if you have one

We're searching for a Child Se-cond Handshop American Clo-thes and all for Babys and Kids inCommission. We speak English.Richard Wagner Street 33 KL.0631-89290395 / [email protected]

Professional Services are of-fered by registered busines-ses as well as private peo-ple. To ensure a satisfactoryservice experience, please al-ways ask for credentials anddeny payments up front. Forcleaning services, arrangefor payments after a finalwalk-through and inspectionof the clean house.

!!!Loans & Cake Call: 0631-51601

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! * 2 Aacceecheapest Perfect house cleaningReg. Pcsing Carpet Painting Yard-work Trash hauling 0151-25169382! ! ! ! ! Bridge cleaners - cross thebridge into a cleaner world! We of-fer all services around your home!www.bridge-cleaners.vpweb.de0173-3683830!!!!!!!!!!!!AB FM Home CleanersPCS carpet regular trash haulyard work painting &all other du-ties as required. Guarantee topass Landlord &Housing authori-ties insp 0174-5971347B&Z - PCS / House cleaning,cheap, fast & clean! 0176-63097462 (engl spkn) or 0176-60014074

To find out more about your advertising opportunities please visit: www.advantipro.de



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Certified translations. Reasona-ble rates. Call 06374-4113 or0179-531-0274.

Clock repair & antique clock sa-les. Hermann Lieser, Ludwigstr.32, Landstuhl 06371-2637

Computer Service - support, con-sulting & education at your house!All Windows systems, ISDN, DSL,network, security, and more! MHComputer Service 0171-6561773German, all levels, Mr. Vollmer,Landstuhl, phone: 06371-2470,www.germanvollmer.deH & I Service: You need helparound your house, we do allwork personally and perfect. PCS-cleaning, house-cleaning, yard-work, painting and repairs, trashhauling, carpet cleaning Call 0179-7418078

Home & Maintenace Service.PCS, regular & carpet cleaning w/ref., painting, repair, trash remo-val, bulk & yard waste 06383-927372 or 0172-6693714

Law Office of J. Alan Goodwin,LLC. American attorney located inEurope. Over 12 years of militaryand civilian experience litigatingcriminal trials and administrativeboards, handling employment is-sues, and mediating disputes.Website: www.goodwinmilitarylaw.com Email: [email protected] Phone: 0152-26587630

Pressure Washing Service - Youneed help with Oil Spot removalfrom your driveways to pass hou-sing inspections. Reasonable ra-tes. Call 0151-40524524 or [email protected]

Professional lessons in guitar &piano. No contracts. 1st try-outlesson is free. Tel 0175-4754238

Translations-certified. Divorces,medical, school certificates, etc.KL., near Vogelweh. Reasonablerates. Call: 0631-54440

Apprenticeship /Advanced-Trai-ning w/certificate as Nails-Profes-sional. Info 06371-8384926

Bi-lingual(26 years USA/23 Ger-many)US citizen, but non ID cardholder, looking for full time em-ployment, if interested, pls con-tact me, 0176-9618-4117 [email protected]

Faith Baptist Church employ-ment opportunity: Hausmeister(Maintenance Manager) OverseesChurch Building and Grounds.Opens: Immediately. To apply vi-sit: http://www.faithbaptistchurch.de/employment-opportunities.html

I am seeking a Registered Nurseposition in a Medical Clinic. I havemany years of nursing experi-ence. Resume is available uponrequest. [email protected]

Licensed Practical Nurse Nee-ded In Landstuhl, Germany AnyState License - 2 Yrs. Exp. - Mon-day-Friday - Great Compensation.Call Nichol at 800-852-5678ext.152, fax resume to 513-984-4909, or email [email protected]

Translation German-English. In-ternet start up is looking for a nati-ve to translate or create text forthe 3D Chat Community www.clubcooee.com +49 (0) 177 419 62 50,[email protected]

OPEN HOUSE DAY“Our little house in the garden”Saturday, May 28, 2011 from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.

at 7 rue Saint Jean F-57600 Gaubiving

There is no admission fee, however there will be the chance to donate to following non-profi t organizations:• Association “Children’s Hope Brazil” from Kerbach• “Conference of St. Vincent de Paul” from Forbach

Coffee, cake and refreshments will be sold and the profi t donated to the organizations named above.

The Adress for your Navigation System Street: Rue Saint Jean 7 Town: 57600 Gaubiving Country: France

Visit: www.advantipro.de

Check out the new features at:

www.class-world.euChat feature, e-mail feature, even games! Don’t forget that up to 3 photos are FREE!


Kaiserslautern American Page 37April 22, 2011

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• in U.S. Army Human Resources concepts, practices and procedures • in military award processing and promotions • in Offi cer and enlisted evaluations • in processing fi nance matters

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Applicants mandatorily must have an U.S. Security Clearance. The position is under German labor law and German regulations in reference taxes and social insurance apply. Start of the employment is around 01 May 2011. The position is time-limited until September 2011, an extension is possible. Applicants send their detailed resume to [email protected]

RAYTHEON on Miesau now HIRING for a

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To apply, please go to www.rayjobs.com, click on “Search Jobs” under the Professional Recruiting section and enter 15948BR in the Requisition ID fi eld.  Should you run into issues, please send your questions to [email protected]

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Missing! We are missing our catsince Feb. 19.11 He is Black witha white spot on his cheest and awhite tiped Tale. If you have anyinfo plz contact: [email protected] or 017689042867

Open up your favorite web brow-ser and aim it at www.singleoverseas.com We are free for all milita-ry and now civilians. Hurry up. Of-fer expires soon

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wishes everyone a Happy Easter!

Always take care of your family and

friends. Please don’t drink and drive.

Take Time this Easter to enjoy some of the fun Activities in your KA with your family.


This is a family newspaper. Ads that advertise products or services related to illicit activities will be removed by AdvantiPro Quality Control personnel, and they will not be put in print.


Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 38 April 22, 2011


Kaiserslautern American Page 39April 22, 2011

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Fun and games for the whole family!Join us on Easter Saturday!

With so much bad news in the world right now we thought it would be great to give you a break. So, why not join us on Easter Saturday when we have lots of fun things planned for the whole family. Our Scenic Cannon Ball Run through Rheinland Pfalz will provide an opportunity to win some great prizes and the kids will love the all fun stuff that we have waiting, just for them. Naturally, all guests will be invited to enjoy our usual hospitality including complimentary refreshments and a delicious BBQ prepared by our new chef!

+ Scenic Cannon Ball Run (13:00 - 17:00)+ Kids Face Painting+ Kids Easter Egg Painting+ Kids Bouncy Castle+ Free BBQ & Refreshments+ Lots of prizes to be won