Have A Safe and Secure OHSMP Template

Acquiring A Virtually Risk Free Construction Safety Plan Template


You may have spent a lot of time researching legislation and regulations which you didn't actually understand? Maybe you've been presented rates of $3,000 (or much more) from OHS consultants to produce an OHSMP to suit your needs? Perhaps you have purchased templates that have promised to help you create a safety plan, but were complex and hard to use?Are you currently worried your current safety plan isn't OHS compliant? If you answered YES, you're actually not the only one.Do you know, you are able to get your own custom made OHS Management Plan in a mere 2 hours (or even less) without looking at legal guidelines or spending thousands on OHS consultants and it's 100% compliant to OHSAS 18001:2007 standards.Find out how, visit this site http://www.sitespecificsafetyplan.com/?utm_source=sd15M2&utm_medium=PDF&utm_term=construction%2Bsafety%2Bplan%2Btemplate&utm_campaign=s29

Transcript of Have A Safe and Secure OHSMP Template

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Acquiring A Virtually Risk Free Construction Safety Plan Template

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Table of Contents

Title Page

Alternatives to Drafting a Construction Safety Plan 2

Provisions a Site Specific Safety Plan Must Include 4

The Ideal Construction Safety Plan Template 6

The Intricacies of Drafting a Construction Health and Safety Plan


Coming Up with a Good Construction Site Safety Plan 10

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Alternatives to

Drafting a

Construction Safety


As part of preparatory

arrangements and requisite

tasks for a building and

infrastructure project, the

construction firm commissioned

for the job must come up with a construction safety plan for all construction

and repair projects it takes on. For most third party contractors, this

particular task proves a tad tedious and cumbersome, since different

environments would almost always entail uniquely different risk factors and

potential workplace hazards to be considered.

Still the same, all contractors and third-party project coordinators would

have to draft a site specific safety plan for each of their projects, if only to

comply with legal stipulations and building codes involving the safety of

their construction staff.

Some suppliers make it a point to collect and collate all their previous drafts

to come up with a sort of a construction safety plan template that they can

use on subsequent projects. This, in fact, is what most builders and

construction firms do to make the task easier to accomplish.

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However, such a draft would often need to be revised and altered in order

for it to specifically suit the project at hand. Drafting a construction health

and safety plan requires the contractor to know each and every little detail

about the project, from the various building materials to be used in it down

to the specifics of project execution and workflow.

From these details, one can then come up with a clearer picture of which

safety precautions need to be enforced and implemented to make sure that

the health and well-being of everyone involved in the onsite construction

operation are taken care of.

Coming up with a construction site safety plan, tedious as the job may be,

will prove equally valuable in ensuring the success of a project, as it will

help the contractor avoid unnecessary expenses on medical attention and

hospitalisation bills they would have to shoulder. That alone should be

enough to make these builders want to take the matter seriously and to try

coming up with a solid, fool-proof site specific safety plan for their projects.

Another alternative is to check online resources and look for handy

programs they may be able to use to get the task done quickly. There are,

in fact, quite a few of these services and products that the conscientious

builder can take advantage of, like the one offered by

sitespecificsafetyplan.com – which can provide construction safety plan

solutions in a matter of hours with significantly lesser hassles and fees than

what working with consultants invariably lead to.

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Provisions a Site Specific

Safety Plan Must Include

When it comes to drafting a site

specific safety plan for construction work, various location-specific

concerns would have to be addressed and sufficiently covered. Although

majority of the construction safety provisions are standard across various

construction projects, there are specific issues and potential health and

safety threats that are only encountered in certain specific sites.

These special considerations relate mainly to the weather conditions and

other circumstances that make working in that particular location potentially

hazardous, covering issues involving devastating occurrences like

landslides, mudslides and other so-called force majeure scenarios.

In earthquake-prone locations, for example, the construction site safety

plan must consequently include provisions addressing earthquake

emergencies, discussing in detail any and all safety precautions necessary

to ensure that everyone working there is safe, should there be an


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Altogether different set of provisions would likewise be needed when

coming up with a construction health and safety plan for construction

projects done in areas that have loose or unstable grounds – giving special

attention to safety measures to be taken in case of landslides, mudslides

and the likes.

The Construction firms and project engineers who are familiar with these

types of locations would often have ready-clauses and specific measures

drafted in a construction safety plan template. More often, however, the

builders would have to enlist the services of an Occupational Health and

Safety (OHS) consultant to get everything right.

For the construction firms, getting these site specific safety plan provisions

plotted could entail extensive researches and long hours to complete -

something that they think is saddling and tedious. This is the reason why

many contractors and suppliers try everything they can just to get it out of

the way.

Still, these provisions are placed for a purpose – and a very valuable and

noble one, at that – to save lives. Of course, no decent construction firm

would deliberately forgo the workplace safety and health of its personnel

just to cut corners and avoid arduous tasks.

The best recourse, then, is to either hire a consultant and pay dearly for his

efforts, or check for other viable alternatives, including more research work,

modifying OHS provisions from previous projects, or using computer

programs to quickly come up with a sound construction safety plan.

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This last one can be easily done by visiting a website called

sitespecificsafetyplan.com, which has a vast resource for OHS concerns,

including its very own handy construction safety plan template. However

which way a builder goes about drafting it, though, the underlying principle

is the same – it is meant to avert mishaps, keep people safe, and ensure

their lives are not in any way needlessly threatened.

The Ideal Construction Safety Plan Template

Most construction firms and builders nowadays use some kind of

construction safety plan template to help them quickly draw up a good

construction site safety plan for every single one of their projects. By law,

the builders and contractors are required to produce one such safety plan

before they are given permission to start working on their projects.

A standard provision across practically all countries, the construction health

and safety plan serves as proof that the construction organization handling

the project has all the applicable Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)

compliant measures in place. The standards set are drawn from the basic

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principle of maintaining a safe workplace and avoiding workplace accidents

and injuries.

As these site specific safety plans are requisites that need to be addressed,

contract builders invariably end up having to borrow, copy, and revise

provisions from many other projects’ safety plans just to get them

accomplished. Coming up with a consolidated template for these drafts,

indeed, is a brilliant innovation, as it makes such tasks easier to handle.

Working on other ready-made drafts and site plans used on previous

projects help ease and speed up the process of drafting a good safety plan.

The templates come especially handy when location-specific safety

provisions are needed, as they would contain preset entries one can just

select from, giving an individual the option to tick only those that apply to

the project he is working on.

In fact, there are quite a few of these construction safety plan applications

one can readily download from the internet, although most of them would

still require a lot of changes, alterations and other inputs from the user.

The good ones, in this respect, are those that can come up with a decent

construction site safety plan in the shortest span of time, with minimal input

needed from whoever is using it. The ideal construction safety plan

template, then, must have a large repository of drafts and options the user

can select from.

It should also allow the user to add and modify or customize the draft

template form to accommodate other unique provisions he wants to put in.

Such template programs should provide options and guidelines for

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developing one’s own OHS

Management Plan, in case the

user decides to make one from


Whether made from scratch or

with the help of templates,

however, the resulting

construction site safety plan

cannot count for much unless it

is effectively implemented and


The Intricacies of Drafting a Construction Health and

Safety Plan

Construction companies and contract builders are asked to come up with

construction health and safety plan drafts for each individual construction

project they take on. These drafts are actual safety guidelines and

precautionary measures that the construction company must provide and

implement to make sure that all their workers and personnel are protected

against common construction site hazards and safety threats.

Because construction works invariably involve the use of heavy equipment

and a lot of other potential safety hazards, it is one of the few workplace

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environments where safety is of paramount concern. Indeed, with all the

construction site disasters and major accidents that have happened in the

past, people have become extremely vigilant when it comes to construction


Each state now has its own safety measures and standard requirements in

place to make sure that all building and construction activities within its

jurisdiction are not prone to accidents. Together with a lot of other

construction requisites, a construction health and safety plan is needed

before the construction firms are even allowed to start work on any project.

These plans will first have to comply with set workplace safety standards in

order for them to get approved. They should also address most – if not all –

of the safety concerns that the construction site may present. The

provisions can include almost everything – from common safety practices

like marking hard-hat areas and putting up caution signs; to more project-

specific workplace hazards like risks of chemical exposures and

electrocution; all the way up to various location-specific safety issues such

as the likelihood of earthquakes, mudslides and floods.

The Occupation Health and Safety (OHS) standards may vary from one

particular location to another, but the need for implementable construction

safety plan remains. To come up with a site specific safety plan, contract

builders and construction firms have to use corporate resources and do a

lot of research work.

Companies sometimes even opt to pay somebody else to draft it for them,

hiring a qualified OHSMP consultants and experts to make sure they get it

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done right. Others still would work on

or fill out a construction safety plan

template to come up with ones

suitable for their projects.

With a good safety plan template, one

can even get the job done in just a

couple of hours – allowing him to save

valuable time and corporate resources

that would otherwise have been spent

on fees and consultations. Howa firm

comes up with its construction health and safety plan, however, is less

important than its capacity to fully implement the said plan.

Coming Up with a Good Construction Site Safety Plan

Most provisions involving Occupational Health and Safety standards must

be complied with first in order for a construction site safety plan to be

considered good enough for implementation. This, among other things, is

what a contractor has to contend with and successfully handle, if he hopes

to even start working on a project.

Although the typical construction safety plan focuses mainly on maintaining

a safe workplace environment for everyone working in a specific site, a lot

of other things will likewise need to be considered to get the plan to satisfy

the OHS standards.

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A site specific safety plan, in fact, has to deal with other potential workplace

hazards that are extremely difficult to control or address. Location-specific

variables like ground or soil stability, earthquake-prone and fault line

locations and other such considerations would have to be addressed and

planned for, to make sure that the work environment is safe.

The contract builder will have to at least come up with an implementable

safety plan in the event that any of such location-specific potential safety

threats come about. To get this done, he might even need the help of an

OHS consultant or do research work to come up with an appropriate plan.

As early as these planning and drafting stages, coming up with a

construction health and safety plan could already prove too cumbersome

and taxing for a lot of contractors and construction firms. This is why some

of them would only gladly pay somebody else to draft the plan for them and

get it out of the way.

Others, on the other hand, would prefer dealing with it by reviewing plans

for other projects they have previously handled to check provisions that

may apply to their current projects. Although doing this could take a lot of

time and effort, it still is a sure way to come up with a good construction site

safety plan.

An even better option, however, is to use a construction safety plan

template, as it could significantly reduce the time it takes to finish drafting.

With the right template, a construction safety plan can be drafted within a

couple of hours. The task is made easy and simplified to something as

easy as filling out a form.

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Whether one comes up with a construction site safety plan manually or by

using a template, however, will make little difference in the end, as long as

such plans comply with the generally-accepted workplace safety standards,

and that they can be easily implemented.