hath...Read carefully John 4, verses 1 to 15, and tell me what it says about “The Living Water.”...

A Monthly Paper for circulation among the colored people of Australasia Price 1d Posted to any address APRIL. I, 1933 Vol IV. So. 3 Oh! souls redeemed by Jesus Think what your Lord hath done! He came to earth and suffered, And died for everyone; He expects you now to tell it, As on your way you go- Don't keep the message from us, Be sure and let us know. I Digitised by AIATSIS Library 2010 - S 17/11 - www.aiatsis.gov.au

Transcript of hath...Read carefully John 4, verses 1 to 15, and tell me what it says about “The Living Water.”...

Page 1: hath...Read carefully John 4, verses 1 to 15, and tell me what it says about “The Living Water.” CLASS II. Read carefully Luke 19, verses 1 to 5, and tell me what Jesus said to

A Monthly Paper for circulation among the colored people of Australasia Price 1d Posted to any address

APRIL. I , 1933 Vol IV. So. 3

Oh! souls redeemed by Jesus

Think what your Lord hath done!

He came to earth and suffered,

And died for everyone;

He expects you now t o tell it,

As on your way you go-

Don't keep the message from us,

Be sure and let us know.


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Page 2: hath...Read carefully John 4, verses 1 to 15, and tell me what it says about “The Living Water.” CLASS II. Read carefully Luke 19, verses 1 to 5, and tell me what Jesus said to


Our Message


The world is full of names-men, women, children, cats, dogs, horses, land, cars, houses, all have names.

“What is the baby’s name?” is the question we ask, as soon as a baby is born.

In our text, Isaiah 9: 6, we have a “name” given to a baby before His birth.

His name shall be called “Wonderful.” Wonderful means marvellous, surprising. remarkable.

Years ago. on one of our mission stations, we had a very old man called “Marvellous.” He was a great corroboree dancer, and was much admired by his people.

Names are very helpful-but not all are wonderful.

The name of Jesus means much more than a dancer. Jesus means “Deliverer,” a marvellous Deliverer is Jesus. He brings

us deliverance from sin and satan. We were all lost in sin. Satan and his wicked spirits, like roaring

lions. were rushing after us to destroy us There was none to help, there was none to save-until Jesus came.

In the 22nd Psalm-which tells us about the sufferings of Jesus on the Cross, He speaks of Himself as being in the midst of savage beasts. Bulls, wolves. lions to toss and tear ; He alone with them. How terrible ! Friends left Him, angels left Him, His Father left Him-and He was willing to be left alone that we might be saved. His name shall be called “Wonderful.”

Many years ago a terrible storm was raging along the coast of Eng- land. As the day was dawning the people on land heard a gun fired. Some ship was in distress. The lifeboat was launched, but the sea was so rough and the wind so strong the sailors gave up. I t was no good, they said, no boat could live in such a sea, and all lives would be lost before they could reach the sinking ship.

The cries of distress could be heard from the perishing sailors. and a young girl, unable to bear the sound any longer, called on the men to follow. as, taking an oar. she sprang into the lifeboat. Soon the little boat was pushing its way through the stormy wares. the wreck was reached, and all on hoard were saved. That was a wonderful deliverance from death.

Sin had swept over the world and made a wreck of it. All the people in the world were like the sailors on the wreck, no one could help the other. Jesus alone could help ; He made a lifeboat out of a Cross-a lifeboat that can never be too full and can never upset or sink. All can he saved.

Hare we been delivered from sin and death? Are we washed in the “blood of the Lamb.”

“Thou shalt call His name ‘Jesus,’ for He shall save His people from their sin.”

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Page 3: hath...Read carefully John 4, verses 1 to 15, and tell me what it says about “The Living Water.” CLASS II. Read carefully Luke 19, verses 1 to 5, and tell me what Jesus said to


An Easter Story “DUCKIE”

I was early astir, for it was to he a busy day. Presently there was a knock at the Mission house door. and on opening it I found a dark woman standing at her side, a bright-faced little girl. “This is my little niece,” she said; “she came up in the steamer last night.”

“What is your name, dear?’ I said. “They calls me ‘Duckie,”’ she replied. “Well, Duckie, you are going to be my little friend, aren’t you?” “Yes, she brightly answered. “And Jesus’ little friend too, Duckie?” “Who’s Jesus?” she asked. She hadn’t heard of Jesus, because, you see, there was only one mis- sionary and one Mission Station in the whole of big New South Wales, at that time. “Never mind, Duckie,” I said, “you will soon hear a b u t Jesus if you come to Sunday School, and Junior En- deavour and all the meetings.” She told me she would come to all the meetings, and she ran off home.

The night before had been a terrible one to me, as many of the people had come home drunk, and I had to get up and go and quieten them-but the sight of the bright face of Duckie and her aunt a t the door had cheered me up. This was only the first of many times God sent Duckie along to be His messen- ger to me.

Duckie never failed to keep her pro- mise, and always ran at the sound of the bell, at meeting time, to church. She did all she could to help me. She would light the fire and set the table and wash- up for me, so that I could have more time to tell her stories of Jesus.

Three months went by and Easter came with all its lovely stories, and oh! how Duckie loved those Easter stories ! On Easter Sunday I told them in Sunday School about the suffering and death of the Lord Jesus.

Duckie’s eyes filled with tears, and then the tears ran down her cheeks, and soon her head went down as she wept aloud: “What did they do it fo r? Weren’t they cruel? What did they do it for?” she sobbed. Long after the other children had gone Duckie sat and cried while I told her that the Lord Jesus had died to save her from her sins. I’ll never

spoke’ “I will love Him! I will love Him!” When the light broke into her heart she went home, and sat quietly crying in her hut till church time. Every- thing was changed for her from that day.

She had two little brothers and a father. For a long time she hadn’t had any mother, and had wandered from place to place with her father, who never worked but made what he could by gambling to buy, not food for his children, but drink for himself.

I heard of these little ones before in a strange way. The Mission children were starting to pray. One little girl, four years old, ventured to pray out loud. I have never forgotten that first prayer I heard from the lips of an aboriginal child. These were the words: “0 Lord, bless the mother of the dear little kittens, and bless the snakes. and keep them from biting me, for Jesus’ sake, amen.” Next time she had a chance she prayed again, but it was a shorter prayer this time. She prayed. “0 Lord, bless Sambo, amen.” I thought Sambo must be the black cat, or some other pet. I told the child’s mother afterwards. and asked her who Sambo was. Then I heard the sad story of little Duckie’s life, for Sambo was her little brother. Living near the city Duckie’s father could get the drink more easily. Day after day he went off thirsting for the fire-water that made him forget his little ones. and he would come home like a madman, and the children were frightened of him.

When Duckie came to love Jesus a new love came into her heart and a great hope. The Lord Jesus had died for her daddy too, and if her daddy would only come to church and hear the wonderful story it would make him a good man. But her father wouldn’t come to church, and he seemed to get more drunk and gamble more, and did not think of his little ones.

One day Duckie came to me. very sad, and said: “Oh. if only daddy would come to church, but he won’t.” Taking her hand I said: “Come. dear, we will tell Jesus.” We did so, and did it many times after that.

Duckie was just eight years old.

forgot the earnestness with which she (Continued on page 7)

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Page 4: hath...Read carefully John 4, verses 1 to 15, and tell me what it says about “The Living Water.” CLASS II. Read carefully Luke 19, verses 1 to 5, and tell me what Jesus said to


Young Folks

Dear Young Cousins,-

I ani very pleased with so many of you who have sent me in answers to February‘s Evangel Competition Look at the long list! And there were some early birds; with their names in last month. Some have come from very f a r away. We wel- come a new girl from a new place this month, Elizabeth Ross, from Ravenshoe.

I was so disappointed when I looked all over two papers not to find the sender’s names. They came from Bulgandramine. If those who sent in their answers from Bul- gandramine can’t find their names in the list then you’ll know you are the little people who forgot, and if you send your names I’ll put them in nest time.

Now this month you have a new kind of competition, and I want you all to have a good try at it.

I hope you will have a very happy Easter time. Easter Sunday will be lovely, when we remember the glad news that Jesus is Risen from the dead and Alive for ever- more. Be sure and sing on Easter Sunday-

Up from the grave He arose With a mighty triumph o’er His foes; H e arose a Victor from the dark domain, And H e lives forever with the saints to

reign. H e arose ! H e arose ! Hallelujah, Christ arose!

I will be singing it, I hope, at the

With love, hoping you are all

Goolagong Convention.

praying for


OUR COMPETITION RESULTS CLASS I. (OVER 11 YEARS). Elizabeth Ross, Ravenshoe, N.Q.;

Harold Davis, Mary Moran, Thora Booth, Edna I Douglas Greenhills (Macleay River) ; Winnie Barra, Gertrude Cobbo, Cyril Logan, Gayndah. Q. ; Mary Brown- ing, Bonnie Fay. Rose Currie, George Browning, Fingal Pt . (Tweed Heads) ; Dorothy Nolan, Bulgandramine; John Coe, Annie Gray. Reggie Ross, Howard Ritchie, Leslie Nixon. Kathleen Moseley, Percy Ritchie, Burnt Bridge; Phillip Kyle, Palm Island.

CLASS II. (OVER 11 YEARS). Dulcie Gray, Arthur Read. Mary

Dargin, Agatha Dargin, Bulgandramine; Violet S‘ockee, Harry Currie, Fingal Pt. (Tweed Heads) ; Nita Couchey, Alfred Skinner, John Cobbo, Daphne Barra, Gayndah, Q.; Doris Johnson, Woora- binda, Q.; Kevin Kyle, Esrom Geia, Palm Island.

A NEW COMPETITION Write on one side of the paper. Be

Post sure and put your name and age. it before May 1 to-

COUSIN EVANGEL, 62 Johnson St.,

C hat s wood. N. S. W. All who send correct answers will re-

CLASS I. (OVER 11 YEARS) Read carefully John 4, verses 1 to 15,

and tell me what it says about “The Living Water.”

CLASS II. Read carefully Luke 19, verses 1 to 5,

and tell me what Jesus said to Zaccheus.

ceive a card.

BIBLES FOR SALE. New bibles for 1/- each, second.hand

bibles 6d. each. If you want a new bible send 1/- to

COUSIN EVANGEL, 62 Johnson St., Chatswood, N.S.W.

If you send 6d. YOU WilI get a second-hand bible. Be sure and have a bible of your


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Old Folks' Page

When our Lord Jesus Christ, God's only Son, was on this earth, there was a young man named John, who loved Jesus and fol- lowed Him. After Jesus went back t o heaven, John used to tell people about Jesus, teaching them to believe on Jesus, to leave their old sinful life and follow Jesus.

One Sunday, long years after, when John was an old man, living on a lonely island called Patmos, God spoke t o John and showed him many wonderful things.

While John was carefully listening and watching, everything changed. He saw a new heaven and a new earth, everything was new and beautiful.

There was a great new city, the walls were built on precious stones, the great gates were of beautiful pearl, and the streets were made of pure gold. There were no churches in this city, but God and H i s Son, Jesus were there. God tells us in H is Book that Jesus i s the "Light of the world," so in this heavenly country there is no need o f the burning sun, no candles, no lanterns, be- cause Jesus i s there, who is the great "Light," there will be no darkness, no night, but light all the time.

The next thing John saw was a pure river, clear as crystal, coming out of the throne of God. On either side of the river was the tree of life, bearing different fruits all the year round. I'm sure John felt like going straight away to this lovely home. All was so beautiful.

God said, "There will be no more curse there, no more death, no sickness, no more pain, no more crying, no more sorrow-all will be happy with Jesus for ever."

But God told John something very serious; He said, "NO one can go into this beautiful city with a dirty heart." Who can go into this heavenly home? Those who have a clean heart. God says, "Give me your heart." What does God want your heart for? To make it clean in the precious blood of Jesus, so that you can go into His home.

"A new heart . . . will I give you, and a new spirit will I put in you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh and I will give you a heart of flesh. I will put my spirit in you, and cause you t o waik in my ways . . . ; and you shall be my people, and I will be your God."

You can, if you believe that Jesus is God's Son, who died for your sins and is alive again. Jesus is in heaven wi th His Father, God, getting a home ready for all who love Him.

Do you want to be one of God's people?

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Stories from Other Lands THE RESTORED PEARL

There was great sorrow in the home of Wong, the richest Chinese merchant in all the countryside. His only child, a beautiful girl, about t o be married to a wealthy bridegroom, had been ill for many weeks, and lay on her handsome red bed with- out a move, as though already dead. In vain many Buddhist and Taoist priests had chanted prayers, and burned incense and candles ; great offerings and costly gifts had been made to send out the unwelcome “Guest of ill-feelings,” but he still remained to the distress of all. I t seemed only too certain that when h e did go he would carry with him the only hope of her parents’ lives. Her sorrowing mother, with hair unbound, and wearing a dirty old cotton dress (showing humility and a broken heart), fasted and prayed, wailed and wept, indeed her wild grief was terrible to see. But all was useless, as the gentle old gate- keeper, Mao, patiently tried to tell in his quiet, respectful way: “Honourable mother of the beauti- ful one, over whom I have watched these many years, I beseech thee hold thy weeping.” “Oh Mao.” sobbed the mother as i f a sudden thought struck her, “as you believe the Jesus teaching, arc you praying with all your might to your God for our precious child to remain with us?” “Indeed, I have done so day and night without ceasing, and I believe that He, the Lord of life and death, will hear my cry.” “Then, Mao, if indeed thy God will spare our one treasure so that bye and bye we may see he r happily married, I promise I will ever after worship thy God with all my wealth and strength.” “May it be truly so,” said the old man, who had al- ways done his best to lead his master and mistress to “walk in the true way,” that is, to become

Christians. always they had turned a deaf ear, and indeed would have dismissed him had he not been an old and trusted servant, faithful and loving above all others.

“Mao,” said his mistress, “if the perfect one of our love is but left with us here below I will give much money as a thank-offering to build a larger meeting hall, like one of our fine temples, not like the poor white-washed place it is now.” Mao bowed and thanked her, but he felt she did not understand. Later, perhaps, she would understand that God delights more in a saved soul than to be worshipped in temples made by man.

Oh that this sorrow would cause her to turn to the Lord Jesus!

Just at that moment there came a shrieking wail from the girl’s bed- room, and suddenly according to Chinese custom, a terrible noise burst out. The mother was only just in time to see her daughter pass away. Cold and still she lay, deaf to the loud wailing around her, and heedless of the wild cries of sorrow which filled the house and courtyard.

(To be continued.)


BIRTHS. KIRBY.-January 30, at Darlington

Pt., to Mr. and Mrs. P. Kirby, a son- Martin Alexander.

BLOOMFIELD. February 7, at Darlington Pt., to Mr. and Mrs. W. Bloomfield, a son-Amos Rueben.

DONAVAN.-February 18, at Green Hills (West Kempsey), to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Donavan, a daughter-Margaret Mary.

DEATH. HOLTON.-January 1, at the Macleay

District Hospital (West Kempsey), Fred Holton; aged about 60 years.

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”DUCKIE” (continued from page 3)

Months went by and Christmas came again, and then New Year’s Sunday. Duckie had learnt a lot in that year. She obtained the first prize for repeating most correctly the Gospel alphabet, and was trying to do all that she had learnt. She could now lead in prayer in the meetings, and God had often answered her prayers; but still her father drank, still her father gambled, and forgot all about his children.

On New Year’s Sunday night, as I was ringing the bell to call the people to church, little Duckie came running to me with a shining face, and gleefully clapping her hands she said: “Daddy’s coming to church! Daddy’s coming to church!” No little girl was so happy as Duckie when she sat beside her father that night in church. The beauti- ful message God had given me of His love and forgiveness caught the poor man’s attention, and he never moved his bloodshot eyes from my face until I said: “Let us pray,” and then he bowed his head low in his hands, and his body be-

gan to shake with sobs. When I opened my eyes again he was kneeling at the table in front of me, and by his side was faithful little Duckie, who said, “Daddy wants to be saved.” Before he left the church that night he was saved-no more drinking, no more gambling, no days and rights away in town, and the little ones shivering at home because they were frightened and cold. He came to church regularly, and found daily work, and pro- vided food and clothes for his children, and showed in every way that Duckie’s prayers for her daddy were answered.

Not long afterwards they went away to a new place, and to a new home and different people, hut Duckie never forgot how awful it all was before daddy was saved. Even though she was so young, if she knew of any of her people who were in the town drinking she would go after them and try and get them to go home to their wives and little ones. Her efforts were nearly all successful, and she had the joy of turning many to righteousness.


Woorabinda Church is finished and our friends there had a happy time a t the opening. Well done, Woorabinda !

Dear Old King Jimmy, of Ravenshoe, died on March 8. He had believed on the Lord Jesus and trusted Him as his Saviour, so he has gone home to heaven to live forever with the Lord.

Eva. one of the Christian girls of Ravenshoe, went on a missionary journey with one of her missionaries to the next place where her people live, about 18 miles away.

Mr. Lindsay Grant, Native Worker, has gone from his home at Cowra to Bre- warrina Mission Station to work for the Lord in that part. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Governor and the people there gave him a very warm welcome.

Our “Evangel” agent, Miss Violet Briggs, at Cummeragunja, has written a nice letter telling what a wonderful time

all our people had while the Memorial Van was on their station.

Mr. Gordon Aulton. who has been working faithfully for the Lord Jesus on Cummeragunja was set apart as a Native Helper on March.

In a beautiful letter of trust in her Saviour, Mary Duncan, of Barambah, whose strength is failing fast, says: “I think it will be wonderful to see my Jesus, for He has saved me from my sins (Matt. 1: 21) and from all my own ways and showed me that it was ‘The Way of the Cross’ which ‘leads home.”’

Mr. Henry Solomon made two nice gates for the Bulgandramine Mission House, and the men at Karuah have assisted in making the Mission House comfortable and in repairing one of the tanks.

Robert and Andy Kyle, and Claudie Willaboy have been cutting posts for the fence of the new church being built on Palm Island.

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Page 8: hath...Read carefully John 4, verses 1 to 15, and tell me what it says about “The Living Water.” CLASS II. Read carefully Luke 19, verses 1 to 5, and tell me what Jesus said to





i l.-Sat.-Who is a ROCK, save our God? (2 Sam. 22:32).

(Deut. 32 3, 4 ) . 2.--Sun.-Our God, He is the ROCK. 3.-Mon.-Their ROCK is not as our R CK. (Deut. 32 :31). 4.-Tues.--Neither is there any ROCKS like our God. ( 1 Sam. 2:2). 5.-Wed.-As the shadow of a great ROCK. (Isa. 32:2). 6.-Thurs.-Lead me to the ROCK that is higher than I. (Ps. 61 .Z). 7.-Fri.-Unto Thee will I cry, O Lord, my ROCK. (Ps. 28: l ) . 8 . -Sat . - -Be Thou my strong ROCK. (Ps. 31 :2).

9.--Sun.-The Lord is my ROCK. (2 Sam 22:2). i 10.-Mon.-The God of my ROCK. (2 Sam. 22:3). 11.-Tues.-My God, and the ROCK of my salvation. (Ps. 89:26). 12.-Wed.-My God is the ROCK of my refuge. (Ps. 94:22). 13.-Thurs.-Thou art my ROCK and my fortress. (Ps. 31:3). I

14.-Fri.-Blessed be my ROCK. (Ps. 18:46). 15.-Sat.-Exalted be . . . the ROCK of my salvation.

i 16.--Sun.-Make a joyful noise to the ROCK. (Ps. 95:1).

17.-Mon.-He shall set me up upon a ROCK. (Ps. 27:5). 18.-Tues.-He . . . set my feet upon a ROCK. (Ps. 40:2). 19.-Wed.-The ROCK of Israel spake to me. (2 Sam. 23:3). 20.-Thurs.-They drank of that spiritual ROCK. (1 Cor. 10:4). 21.--Fri.---That ROCK was Christ. ( 1 Cor. 10:4). 22.-Sat.-Upon this ROCK will I build My Church.

23.-Sun.-Unto . . . disobedient . . . a ROCK of offence. I

24.-Mon.-A stumbling stone and a ROCK of offence. (Rom. 9:33). 25.-Tues.--Some (seed) fell upon a ROCK. (Luke 8 : 6 ) . 26.-Wed.-Of the ROCK . . . Thou art unmindful. (Deut. 32:18). 27.-Thurs.-Not been mindful of the ROCK of Thy strength. (Isa. 17:10). 28.-Fri.-Lightly esteemed the ROCK of his salvation. (Deut. 32:15). 29.-Sat.-Wise . . . built his house upon a ROCK. (Matt. 7:24).

I 30.-Sun.-It was founded upon a ROCK. (Matt. 7:25).


I i I


(2 Sam. 22: 47).


(Matt. 16.18).

(1 Pet. 2:7, 8).

I i

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