Has the SNP made it work?. The Maths The SNP, with 47 MSPs, is the majority party. But it is in the...

Has the SNP made it work?

Transcript of Has the SNP made it work?. The Maths The SNP, with 47 MSPs, is the majority party. But it is in the...

Has the SNP made it work?

The Maths

The SNP, with 47 MSPs, is the majority party.

But it is in the minority if all the other parties vote against it!

The Government has had to pass its legislation on an “issue by issue” basis or “by the strength of argument, rather than the strength of numbers”

First Minister in control of chamberAlex Salmond has, to date, commanded the Scottish Parliament at FMQ.

He has seen off two Scottish Labour leaders and one Liberal Democrat.

This has raised the morale of the minority Government and undermined the opposition.First Minister’s Questions

Salmond’s step by step approach

Alex Salmond’s approach to independence is to promote the Scottish identity within the Scottish public (e.g. via The Homecoming) and increase the powers of the Scottish Parliament “step by step”.

Quality not Quantity in Ministerial team

The SNP has opted for a smaller ministerial team than previous administrations;

Cabinet Secretary for Justice Kenny MacAskill

Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Sustainable Growth John Swinney

Cabinet Secretary for Health & Wellbeing Nicola Sturgeon

First Minister Alex Salmond

Cabinet Secretary for Education & Lifelong Learning Mike Russell

Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs & the Environment Richard Lochhead

Scottish Cabinet meetings around the country

Early defeat: 2007, Edinburgh Trams

The scheme was voted through by 81 votes to 47 after parties joined forces against the SNP.

The Government would have stopped the construction and spent the funds on improvements to dangerous roads e.g. A9 to Inverness.

And we still don’t have the trams!

Edinburgh Trams. Value for Money?

But legislation is not needed for everything

The SNP Government does not need legislation to pass all of its policies.

First Minister Alex Salmond can use his Executive powers to introduce new policies e.g. the phased abolition of prescription charges.

Phased abolition of prescription charges

Achievement : Abolition of Bridge Tolls

Tolls have been abolished on all of Scotland’s road bridges.

The SNP Government is trying to raise funds for a replacement Forth Road Bridge.

In the new era of budget cuts, would tolls funds have come in useful?

Achievement: Abolition of Graduate Tax

In 2008, the SNP Government abolished the Graduate Endowment, saving graduates paying the £2,289 tax.

The bill was supported by the SNP, the Liberal Democrats, the Greens, Margo MacDonald and one Labour MSP, Elaine Smith.

The Opposition argued that the £17 million cost could have been put to better use.

There is a speculation that a new Graduate Tax could be on the agenda……

Balanced by failure to cancel student debts

“We have to recognise that there are a number of restrictions, outside this Government’s control, which may prevent us fully delivering on all of our commitments.” (then) Cabinet Secretary for Education & Lifelong Learning Fiona Hyslop

The Concordat•The Concordat agreed between the SNP Scottish Government and COSLA in 2007 is based upon:

•Reducing “ring fencing” of projects by the Scottish Government

•Freezing Council Tax increases

•Establishing Single Outcome Agreements (SOAs)

•Some local authority leaders feel that they have been given insufficient funds to meet Concordat commitments on class sizes and free school meals for P1-P3

The Council Tax Stays!

In the light of budget cuts putting further pressure on local authorities, will COSLA continue to support the Concordat?

The SNP’s proposed Local Income Tax has been abandoned.

The opposition parties refused to support it.

It’s back to the drawing board.

Parliamentary Opposition

Scotland’s three main Opposition parties are opposed to independence and also to having a referendum on independence.

Labour has 46 MSPs, the Conservatives have 17 and the Liberal Democrats 16.

This means that the SNP’s Referendum Bill can be easily outvoted unless one of the parties can be won over.

Failure of Key Policies

The maximum class size of 18 in P1-P3 is now an “aim”, rather than a “pledge”.

The Scottish Futures Trust has been criticised as little different from PPP.

The Alcohol Bill, is in danger after Opposition parties defeated plans for minimum pricing.

Opinion PollsThe Scottish public’s mood towards independence is difficult to measure.

Opinion poll answers depend on the wording of the question!

There has been no clear majority for independence….yet